Binding Sunset: Whips and Chains part 1

by PlagueDoctorPwny

First published

Sunset Shimmer has a hidden desire. A desire that she fears others learning about. But can Fluttershy help?

Sunset Shimmer really wants to try something to spice up her life, but fears telling the other girls. Through fate or misfortune, Fluttershy discovers Sunset's secret and sets about finding a way to help her friend.

Contains: Discussion of sexual themes and topics. Sexual acts. BDSM. Exhibitionism.

Please do enjoy.

Of Books and Desires

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The late afternoon shadows grew long across White Tail Park. Despite it being the middle of summer, it really wasn’t all that hot. Pleasantly warm would be how Sunset Shimmer would describe it. She sat under an old oak tree by the pond off the walking path, a cold drink beside her and a book in her lap. She squirmed a little bit as she thought about the topic of the book. ‘Oh sweet Celestia, if the girls knew I was reading this… I’d never be able to live it down. Dashie for sure wouldn’t let me forget it,’ she thought to herself.

As embarrassing as it was, she couldn’t help but be captivated by this particular topic. She first discovered it when she borrowed one of Rarity’s more risqué romance novels last month, and since then she was hooked. She decided to learn all about it in a nonfictional sense. That meant research. Lots and lot of research. She thought maybe she should include Twilight since she was a master at researching things, but due to the topic… Well Sunset knew the bespectacled girl would probably get so wound up that she’d pass out. The thought alone made her chuckle to herself.

Sunset had spent many hours on the internet and at ‘specialty’ book stores to do her research. It was… well… eye opening to say the least once she cut through all the scariness and misinformation. She knew she absolutely wanted to try it. She just needed someone willing to help. That was the rub. Who would she ask? How would she ask? She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she never noticed she had company. Or that said company had sat down next to her.

“Sunset?” Fluttershy asked tapping the spaced out redhead on the arm. She was officially worried now. She had been trying to get the other girl’s attention for a few minutes.

“AHHHH!” Sunset screamed, jumping out of her skin causing Fluttershy to jump and scream as well. “Sweet Celestia on a pogo stick! Fluttershy! Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

Fluttershy took several breaths to calm down “I… I didn’t exactly sneak up on you. I’ve been here for a few minutes, you were just spaced out. I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to bother you,” she whimpered and started to stand. “I’ll… I’ll just let you be.”

Reaching out to the timid girl, Sunset grabbed her wrist to stop her. “I’m sorry Shy. I just didn’t realize how deep in thought I was. I really didn’t mean to yell.”

Fluttershy sat back down next to her and pulled her knees to her chest. “It’s ok. I should’ve just sat her quietly until you came back to reality.”

Sunset just chuckled and pulled the adorable girl into a one armed hug. “It’s fine Shy,” She said, completely forgetting the book that was open in her lap.

Fluttershy took this opportunity to sneak in a snuggle with the girl she was crushing on. She kept her blush and her cute smile hidden behind her pink locks as Angel bunny just rolled his eyes at the silly girl that was his pet. Fluttershy took a deep breath, wanting to smell the vanilla that was the normal scent that was Sunset’s shampoo. Unconsciously, she reached over and touched Sunset’s bare hand.

She was suddenly flashed with all Fluttershy’s emotions and thoughts about Sunset.

All the small conversations, hanging out at slumber parties, sneaking looks when she thought Sunset didn’t see her. All these sweet emotions that Fluttershy called ‘Warm fuzzies’ flashed through Sunset’s mind. ‘Oh jumping Celestia… She really does have a serious crush on me,’ She thought. ‘I… I don’t know what to think of this.’

Sunset came back to herself and felt mildly panicked. She shook her head and decided she’d just dwell on it later. Her logical side said she didn’t have to examine this right now.

Fluttershy looked down at the book. “So what are you reading Sunset?” she asked in her normal small and adorable voice.
Sunset blinked for a moment and looked down, eyes widening. ‘CRAP!’ “Oh umm… It’s nothing really,” She said with a nervous chuckle, closing the book quickly and stuffing it into her bag before Fluttershy could get a look at the title. “Hey Shy, I’ve uh… I’ve got to go get ready for tonight. I’ll see you at Pinkie’s ok?”

“Huh?” Fluttershy asked, coming back to her senses form snuggling her crush. “Oh ummm… ok,” She said with her adorable smile that caused Sunset to blush.

Sunset grabbed her bag before standing up to jog off with a wave. She didn’t realize in her haste that her book had fallen out.
“Sunset!” Fluttershy called to her while picking up the book. “You dropped your… Oh, well I’ll just give it back to her tonight,” She said then looked at the title with a loud “Eeep!” She blushed deeply and her eyes went wide. “BDSM: A how to guide?”

Fluttershy was in her room a couple of weeks later laying in her bed. A lamp on her bedside table cast the room in an indirect light as she thought about Sunset. It was true she was crushing hard on the red and yellow haired beauty. Her confidence and sincerity moved mountains in Fluttershy. She had read the book that Sunset had dropped cover to cover twice. The first time was out of wanting to understand her crush better, while the second was out of a genuine interest in the subject.

Never in her wildest fantasies, were which still pretty timid by most standards, had she even thought of doing such a thing, but now… Now she couldn’t stop thinking about it no matter how hard she tried. She laid back on her pillow and sighed. “Oh Sunny… Is that kind of relationship what you really want?” Fluttershy asked no one. She began to let her mind wander as her fingers did some wandering of their own.

Fluttershy laid on a chaise lounge in a dark room lit by candles. She traced a finger along her curves and purred at the sensations across her soft skin. Before her knelt Suset clad in only a leather collar, fishnet stockings, and nipple clamps attached to her decent sized breasts which had a thin gold chain running between them. While her tits weren’t as large as Fluttershy’s, they were still certainly larger than average and extremely pleasing to behold. Fluttershy herself wore an under-bust corset, which served only to draw attention to her ample breasts, as well as thigh length black leather boots which had 6 inch heels.

“How may this unworthy whore serve you tonight, Miss Fluttershy?” Sunset asked in a husky voice with a gleam of pure, unadulterated lust shining in her eyes.

That look alone made Fluttershy’s womanhood soak and drip. She looked down and saw the wetness between her legs and smirked, coming up with a wonderful and sinister plan. She stood and walked towards Sunset with her hips swaying in a sexy exaggeration of their normal movement. “It seems that my Sunny-bunny has caused me to make a mess,” She purred out, stopping right in front of her pet with her legs slightly apart. Fluttershy reached down and slowly ran her small and dainty hand through Sunset’s flame colored hair before grabbing a bunch of it in her fist. She slowly guided Sunset’s face to her aching and wet crotch. “Clean it up,” She spoke with a hint of malice.

“Yes… Miss… Fluttershy,” Sunset sinfully whispered, barely audible as she extended her tongue to lap at Fluttershy’s folds.

Three sharp knocks brought Fluttershy harshly back to reality. “Fluttershy? Dinner is ready dear,” her mother said through the door.

“Oh- Okay, mom! Thank you!” She said in a tone she hoped sounded calm. She looked down at her own situation. At some point she had opened her blouse and set her large breasts free from their lacy confines and somehow her panties now hung from one ankle with her skirt lifted and her legs spread almost in a perfect split. Her two middle fingers of her left hand were plunged into her slick quim.

She turned a deep red when she finally finished taking stock of herself. ‘Wow,’ she thought. ‘I got really carried away.’

She shook her head to clear it and tried to dismiss the wanton feeling that still ached in her core. She righted her clothes and got ready to go down stairs to dinner. Her last thought before leaving her room was ‘Could I ever be brave enough to do that? Maybe…’ Fluttershy’s normally sweet smile took on the sinister look that she had in her fantasy as a thought occurred to her.

The last two weeks was one panic after another for Sunset. First it started when she realized she’d lost her book somewhere. ‘Oh Sweet Celestia… I wonder what happened to it. Thank goodness I didn’t write my name in it like I do all my other books,’ she thought as she paced her apartment. Her place was normally very organized, but right now had a turned over look to it as she had tried in vain to find that book. ‘Where in Tartarus could it have gone?’

Her phone began ringing and buzzing from her coffee table under a stack of overturned magazines. Sunset ran over and scattered the offending literature and picked up her phone seeing that it was Twilight. “Hey Twi, What’s up?”

The high innocent voice that could only belong to Twilight Sparkle spoke through the receiver, “Hey Sunset. Rarity is inviting all the girls over tomorrow night for a pool party. I was wondering if I could get your help with something,”

“Sure Twi,” Sunset said sitting down and curling her legs beside her on the couch. “What is it?”
Twilight paused for a moment as if she was unsure. “Umm… I don’t really have a good swimsuit. I mean I have the one from crystal prep I used for doing our swimming unit during P.E., but I don’t really have one that is… How would Pinkie put it? Party ready?”

“Ah,” Sunset intoned. “Yeah Sure I can help you out getting one. Meet at the mall in an hour? I need to get some new boots anyways so let’s make an evening of it.”

Twilight’s voice sounded much brighter at this. “Oh that sounds fun! Meet you and Tony Pepperoni’s in the food court?”
“Sounds good,” Sunset said with a genuine smile. “See you soon.”

Twilight gave the affirmative and Sunset heard the call end. “Well this will at least make my evening a little more bearable.”
Sunset strode up to the food court entrance about an hour later. Over her walk she had time to think about her friend Twilight. Normally her friend wouldn’t really care about personal style. It wasn’t that the girl didn’t have style, but it was more that she had a style all her own. One could call it Nerd Chic. And Twilight pulled it off in a way few others could. So it stuck out as odd that she wanted to get a new swim suit. Sunset had seen the one Twilight currently had and, while a bit conservative, it wasn’t actually all that bad.

She spotted the long purple hair of her friend across the way in front of the mall’s branch of Tony Pepperoni’s Pizza Parlor. “Hey Twilight,” She said smiling as she approached.

“Hey Sunset,” Twilight waved and adjusted her glasses while giving the girl a once over. “Sunset, it’s the middle of summer. Why do you still wear that jacket? It’s got to be ninety degrees outside.”

Sunset looked at her leather jacket with the orange chevrons on the sleeves. “This is my favorite accessory. What would I be without my signature look?” She joked. The warm air never really bothered her, and ultimately when they went inside somewhere, she always got cold.
Twilight smirked and rolled her eyes at her friend as she stepped up to the counter. “One slice of your chicken feta please, and also one slice of your vegetarian for my friend here.”

“You didn’t have to get mine Twilight,” Sunset said putting her hands on her hips.

Twilight turned and stuck her tongue out at her friend. “I know, but I asked you to come help me with something so it’s only polite that I treat you.”

Sunset eyed her friend. She and the other girls had finally gotten Twilight to forgo the severe bun that she normally wore her hair in, except when she was in the lab. That was only place she really insisted on it. Beyond that she had her normal style of clothes.
They collected their pizza and sat down to eat. “So are you looking forward to tomorrow?” Sunset asked between bites. Damn this pizza was good.

Twilight nodded and swallowed. “As much as usual. Rarity did say something about Sweetie Belle and her parents being out of town for this one, but they figured we’re all good girls.”

Sunset chuckled at that thought. “Oh if they only knew…”

“Right?” Twilight said. “I mean I suppose we put up a good front, but they really don’t know what we get up to. I can’t imagine they’d approve of us not having a chaperone if they did. I mean Dash and AJ alone get up to so much hijinks that I’m amazed we haven’t gotten caught yet.”

“Oh man,” Sunset laughed. “AJ and her hard cider. Dash got so smashed last week that she ended up giving Pinkie a lap dance. I know Rarity recorded it. I hope it didn’t end up online.”
Twilight chuckled and finished up her pizza. “I doubt it did. More likely that Rarity is just going to use it for blackmail. Anyways, I’m finished. Ready to hit the shops?”

“Yep,” Sunset said after swallowing the last bit of her crust. They got up and disposed of their plates and walked into the mall proper. “What cut were you thinking of getting?”

Twilight blushed and stuttered a bit before screwing up her courage. “I was honestly thinking something daring. I-I mean it’s going to be just us girls right?”

Sunset quirked and eyebrow and gave her sideways smirk. “Oh… and just how daring are you thinking here Miss Sparkle?”
Twilight murmured and mumbled something under her breath and blushed much much harder while picking up her pace a bit.

“Sorry,” Sunset said. “Didn’t catch that. Want to try again?” She asked with a full on grin.

Twilight sighed, going redder still. “I said ‘Sling shot’.”

Sunset’s eyes went wide and her jaw slacked slightly. That was not the answer she expected. She figured twilight may have just wanted to be a little showier with a conservative two piece. Sunset didn’t even realize she had come to a dead stop. “Wow… I did not expect that.”

“What?” Twilight asked in a tone that Sunset recognized. It was a tone she took when her confidence was getting close to shattering. “D-do you think it’s too much too quickly? Do you think I can’t pull it off? Do you think…”

Sunset cut her off before she got going on a question binge. “No! No No… You totally can. You just caught me by surprise is all. I mean, hey, you want to go for it, then go for it,” She said with a friendly and comforting smile. “I fully encourage it. Let’s get you all set up. I may even get something a little more risqué myself.”

Twilight blushed and nodded as they walked into the shop together and headed towards the ladies’ department.

Fluttershy was back up in her room after dinner that evening. She sat naked in front of her vanity mirror and looked at herself. She was considered by most to be attractive in an adorable sort of way. And she had no shortage of guys looking to get her attention. Her large breasts saw to that. It wasn’t that she disliked guys. By all accounts she figured that she was Bisexual. She was just more attracted to a person for who they are and not what they looked like. A lot of the guys at her school were very superficial.

Sunset on the other hand had become kind, caring, considerate, and even loving. She was so much different than she used to be before she had been redeemed. Fluttershy thought back to the time before the fall formal last year and even then she had found Sunset physically attractive, even if she had been a bit of a… well she didn’t particularly like to use this word but… Bitch.

Fluttershy came back to the surface and looked back at her reflection. She stood to get a better view of herself. She had a small patch of pink hair that rested just above her slit, good wide hips, and what Rainbow Dash had described as “An ass to die for.” She tried to imagine herself as a Domme like in her fantasy. She knew she could do it. She just had to screw up her courage. If she can stand up to two demons, three sirens, and a vengeful nature spirit, she should have no issue dominating Sunset Shimmer.

Then a terrifying thought occurred to her. ‘What if… What if Sunset wants to be the Domme?’ she asked herself as her eyes went wide. ‘I know I’m normally a timid person, but I don’t know if I would enjoy being the sub. I-I don’t actually think I would enjoy it actually. I spend so much of my time being a door mat for everyone else; really I don’t think I could enjoy it sexually.’

Fluttershy reached over and opened the book. “Rule number 1. Communication is most important,” She read aloud. “I suppose that means before I make any assumptions, I should talk to Sunset to see what role she wants to take on, or even if she wants to do this with me.”
Fluttershy sighed and walked over to the bed. “I supposed I could pull her to the side at the party tomorrow… Hopefully. Well maybe I can meet up with her before the party,” She said and bounced down on the bed, her breasts jiggling. She reached over and grabbed her phone and sent a text to Sunset.

Fluttershy: Hey Sunset… Do you think you could maybe meet me for lunch at Sugar Cube Corner?

It took a few minutes for a response to come. Fluttershy waited with anticipation and started to worry that she’d be told no. Fluttershy jumped when her text tone went off.

SunnyBunny: Sure! 12:30 good?

Fluttershy: Oh yes! That’s perfect! Thank you!”

She smiled happily and drifted off to sleep.

Sunset set her phone down after texting Fluttershy and looked at herself in her mirror with her new swim suit on. She thought back to earlier in the evening when she was with Twilight.

Twilight filled out her white sling shot amazingly well, though that wasn’t a surprise. She did have a pretty good body hidden under all that conservative clothing. Sunset had made the Faux Pas was assuming that Twilight was getting it to ultimately impress Timber, and immediately regretted it when she brought it up.

“I uh… Well see… We sort of broke up,” Twilight said nervously, flooring Sunset in the process.

“What?! Why? I thought you really liked him,” She said with more surprise than she should have. It made Twilight blush.

Twilight looked back into the mirror in her dressing room and adjusted the two straps that covered her breasts. “Let’s say I’ve just had some rather startling realizations about myself in the last week…”

Sunset didn’t know if she should press, but she could see the hurt and confusion on her friend’s face. “What kind of realizations?”

Twilight took a deep breath, and surprisingly deadpanned. “I’m gay.”

Sunset blinked and shook her head. “Really? I mean. That’s great! I’m glad you’re open with it,” She finished smiling.

Twilight let go of a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. “You’re… You’re ok with it?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Sunset asked and put her hands on her hips. “I mean I’m bi. Pretty sure Fluttershy is too… I’m pretty sure the only one of us that is completely straight is AJ.

Twilight nodded and went to change back into her clothes. When she came out, Sunset was in the adjacent changing room trying on the one she picked out. “Wow… this is way more revealing than I thought.”

Twilight chuckled. “What is it?”

Sunset opened the curtain and showed off the thong micro bikini she had picked out. She was blushing but managed to keep a confidant front.

Twilight’s eyes got big and she blushed hard. “Wow. That… That’s something. Who are you trying to impress?” She asked jokingly.

Sunset blushed harder at that. “Fluttershy…” She said in a low tone.

Twlight chuckled. “You may give the poor girl a nose bleed with that suit. Or lack thereof… Can that really be called a swim suit?”

“Oh look at you Miss Slingshot. Who are you trying to impress huh?” Sunset shot back good naturedly causing Twilight to blush and shift her feet.

“Umm… Well… Rarity,” She said with a squeak. The fashionista had captivated her for a long time she realized.

Sunset just smirked and shut the curtain to get changed. “Well if she can’t appreciate the swim suit, you can always just take it off,” She said, and smiled satisfactorily when she heard the noise twilight made.

Sunset came back to the present while staring the mirror. “Oh I hope this plan works.”

Of Talks and Intimidation

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The smell of gourmet coffee and fresh baked goods washed over Sunset as she entered the friendly and jubilant atmosphere that was the group’s favorite afterschool hang out, Sugar Cube Corner. Surprisingly, it was Mrs. Cake behind the counter today and not Pinkie Pie. ‘Huh…I guess she took the morning off. That’s strange though. The party isn’t until this evening,’ Sunset thought to herself. Sure enough, the second she stepped inside the coffee shop, the air conditioner hit her and a chill went down her spine, prompting her to put her signature leather jacket back on as she spied around the room, looking for telltale light pink hair.

She spotted Fluttershy at the table they usually all occupied then marched down the row to it, her stomach tightening as she got closer. She figured that her pink haired, extremely adorable friend may want to talk about her feelings, but Sunset didn’t know how truly prepared she was now that she was faced with the fact. Sure, she found Fluttershy to be extremely attractive, both mentally and physically. She bordered on absolutely beautiful, but did she really reciprocate the girl’s crush? ‘I mean I suppose if I could crush on any of them, it would be Fluttershy. Even when I was…well…an evil bitch, I thought she was gorgeous,’ she sighed. ‘Let’s just see how this talk goes before I make any decisions.’

Fluttershy smiled her adorable smile and gave her usual soft voiced greeting as Sunset plopped down in the booth bench across from her. Sunset noticed a strawberry shake in front of her. “Hi, Sunset. Thank you for joining me. I ordered your favorite for you. How are you doing today?”

Sunset blushed. ‘Damn! Could she get any cuter?’ she thought while her cheeks heated up. “I’m doing just fine, Shy. How are you?”

There was a slurping noise as Fluttershy’s straw bottomed out in her chocolate shake. She herself blushed. “I-I’m ok I suppose,” she said not noticing the bell chime over the door. “I wanted to talk to you about something. I, um…I found your…” she said as she reached for her bag for the book.

“Sunset! Fluttershy! How’s it going!?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she jumped in the seat beside Fluttersy, inadvertently interrupting the poor timid girl.

Fluttershy let out a strangled “Eeep!” and put her bag down, blushing behind her hair and glaring sideways at the rainbow haired interloper. ‘So close…’

Sunset jumped slightly in surprise at Rainbow’s exuberance. “It’s going well enough Rainbow. How are you?”

“Umm… Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked, trying to get her oldest friend’s attention. She grew frustrated as she was ignored.

“Awesome as usual,” Rainbow answered while looked at the back of her hand smugly like she had just achieved some major
accomplishment. “My rec soccer team just smashed our opponents. As if they’d be any real competition,” she said then changed her facial expression to one of excitement. “You girls ready for the party tonight?! It’s gonna be so awesome! House all to ourselves! No parental supervision! It’s gonna get crazy!”

“Not to crazy, I hope,” Sunset chuckled, remembering what happened last time while thinking ‘I hope everyone manages to keep their clothes mostly on this time.’

“Rainbow Dash. I really just wanted…” Fluttershy said, a little more forcefully this time only to yield the same result of being ignored.

Fluttershy just sat there and stewed, her frustration and anger building as Rainbow Dash prattled on. This was not how this was supposed to go, and Rainbow Dash was doing nothing but ignoring her. She was supposed to have a nice, quiet talk with Sunset about some very personal things and now Rainbow Dash was here to ruin it. She sat and listened as Rainbow joked with Sunset and it only made her blood boil more. She just wanted to be alone with Sunset so she could talk about her feelings… and the book.

‘The Book!’ she thought. ‘What did the book say about how to assert your dominance?’ she asked herself mentally. She recalled the section saying about how confidence was key to being assertive and believable when dominating someone. Could she do that to Rainbow Dash of all people? ‘Isn’t this supposed to be about what I want?’ she asked herself.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and summoned up her courage. She suddenly reached out with her left hand and grabbed Rainbow by the collar of her jersey and pulled around to face her, twisting her hand in the process and doing her best not to shudder in disgust about the sweat that it was now soaked in. She slowly turned her head and affixed the technicolored menace with her patented “Stare”. “Rainbow Dash,” she said slowly with an air of displeasure. “I was trying to have a nice PRIVATE conversation with Sunset,” she said getting closer to make her point perfectly clear. “Go. Away.”

Rainbow didn’t know what came over her at that moment, but suddenly she was very cold and Fluttershy was now the scariest thing in the world to her. She couldn’t figure out why she was doing what she was doing, but as she stood, she was overtaken with some feeling that said it would be in her best interest to do whatever Fluttershy asked of her. “Y-Yeh! No problem, Fl-FLusttershy. I’ll ummm…I’ll see you both tonight! Yeh tonight! Ummm…Later!” Rainbow Dash said and took off at a dead sprint out of the coffee shop, running as fast as her feeling of self-preservation allowed her.

Sunset just watched the scene play out before here with rapt attention and wide eyed wonder. ‘I didn’t just see that, did I? Did Fluttershy really just intimidate the figurative shit out of Rainbow Dash?’ she thought to herself, her breath coming in short spurts. Her face flushed and her legs trembled as her hands gripped the bottom of her skirt tightly. ‘Oh, Tartarus. Why am I so turned on by this?’

“Fluttershy, I…” Sunset started but Fluttershy just held up one finger suddenly and Sunset felt herself go completely silent, bowing completely to the command of the other girl.

“I came here today,” Flusttershy spoke, turning to face Sunset while still riding the high of what she just did. She never felt more in control of her life than she did right now and it was exhilarating. “to talk with you about certain feelings I have for you Sunset.”

Sunset just felt her mouth go dry as she nodded. She didn’t…couldn’t, say anything. She hadn’t been given that permission.

Fluttershy pushed her cup that formally contained her chocolate shake to the side and pulled out Sunset’s BDSM book, placing it on the table with a deep thump. “You dropped this in the park two weeks ago. I found you there reading this. Is that correct?” She asked.

Sunset grabbed the book, and nodded to which Fluttershy began to tut. “Now now. When I ask a question, you WILL answer verbally. The correct answer is ‘Yes Miss Fluttershy,’” she spoke. Futtershy’s insides were warming up. This wasn’t how she really wanted to go about it, but it was working. It was really working and she wasn’t going to complain.

Sunset, now wide eyed, responded immediately with “Yes, Miss Fluttershy,” in a stuttered and breathy tone that gave everything about how she was feeling away.

Fluttershy smirked. She was really enjoying this. “See, Sunny,” she said and pulled the other girl’s shake to her. She was going to try a different approach and hope it turned out well. “I’ve had…well let’s say, a crush on you for some time,” she spoke and then took what she prayed looked like a seductive sip of the strawberry shake before passing the cup back. “Drink,” she ordered.

Sunset immediately went about drinking her shake while Fluttershy continued. “Then I found you reading this naughty book and…I suppose I got curious. I’ve spent the last two weeks studying it and I have to say that I found it quite enlightening.”

Sunset began to feel herself sweating. ‘When did it get so hot in here?’ she asked mentally as she followed Fluttershy’s orders and drank her milkshake. ‘Though I suppose this answers the question about where my book went. Seriously though, when the hell did it get so hot?’

Fluttershy smirked to herself as she noticed Sunset’s perspiration. “Getting hot are we, Sunny?” She asked while basking in this feeling of control. “Why don’t you take your jacket off.” she said, the phrasing more of a command than a question.

With her breath hitching, Sunset replied, “Y-Yes Miss Fluttershy,” and removed the offending garment while Fluttershy watched appreciatively. Sunset got the distinct impression that her pink haired friend was imagining her taking off much more than just her jacket right now.

“You see Sunny, there are several things I like about you. Your caring and empathic attitude that you have now. You are always encouraging to your friends, and everyone else around you for that matter. You’re always there with a listening ear and a helping hand,” she said before smiling sweetly once again. “You add that up with how beautiful you are, inside and out, and how could I not develop feelings for you? Everything about you is wonderful to me. Now please tell me what you think of me and… be honest.”

Sunset was surprised. Half way through that spiel, the dominant Fluttershy vanished and her sweet, kind, and adorable friend returned. She opened herself up to Sunset and now she wanted to know if her feeling were mutual. This wasn’t Miss Fluttershy anymore.

“Shy, I-,” Sunset started, and then paused for a moment after her voice broke with an audible squeak. Clearing her throat, she started again. “Thank you for saying those sweet things about me. I accidentally got you with my powers two weeks ago and…I sorta already knew how you felt about me because of it,” she stated and saw Fluttershy looking down with a sweet blush. ‘Why does she have to be so freaking adorable?’

Sunset pushed her own empty cup to the side and touched the other girl’s hand that was sitting on the table. “You’re kind, sweet, caring, loving, and even encouraging in your own way. And while I can’t say for certain if I feel for you in a more romantic sense…” she paused to take a deep breath, steeling herself to do this. “I am more than willing to try to if you’d like,” Sunset finished with a smile, which only grew larger when she saw Fluttershy’s face light up. Sunset chuckled as Fluttershy got so happy that she made a squeak similar to the sound Pinkie normally makes.

“You…You really mean it? You’ll be my girlfriend?” Fluttershy asked, almost floating.

“Yes Shy, It would make me extremely happy to be your girlfriend,” Sunset said before looking down at the book. “Now about this though,” she continued.

Rainbow Dash finally slowed down when she got about a block away from Sugar Cube Corner and looked back. ‘What the hell was that?!’ she thought to herself. She still felt cold and shakey, like an unnatural panic had gripped her. She felt like she had just had a stare down with a wild animal that hadn’t had a meal in a few days. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she finally felt herself calm down. Well that was until Pinkie came up behind her.

“Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie yelled right into Rainbow’s ear, causing the slim, athletic girl to jump and scream.

“By all that’s sacred Pinkie! Why?!” Dash cried, placing her hand on her chest, feeling her erratic heartbeat.

Pinkie just grinned wide. “Because you looked really concerned about something and you needed a distraction!”

“I didn’t need a- Ya know what? Nevermind. What are you up to Pinkie?” Dash asked now that she was certain she wasn’t going to have a stroke.

“Oh,” Pinkie started. “Well it being such a beautiful day and all, I just thought I’d walk down to work and get my paycheck before going shopping for tonight. Wanna go with?”

Rainbow Dash looked around. It was a rather nice day out. “Why not,” she said a followed Pinkie until they got to Sugar Cube Corner. She had been so distracted that she forgot that’s where Pinkie worked. “Hey Pinks, I’m just uh…” she said as that cold, unnatural panic returned. “I’m gonna wait out here.”

Pinkie stared at her with a suspicious look that quickly turned into her normal, overly happy expression. “Okey Dokey Lokey!” she exclaimed and walked through the door. Pinkie bounced to the counter to get her pay check when her Pinkie Sense went off big time. Something earth shattering, nay, paradigm shifting was about to happen.

Pinkie looked around and spotted Sunset and Fluttershy over in their regular booth and her smile widened. It was finally happening. She had to talk to Mrs. Cake!

About five minutes later, Pinkie finally came out of the shop to find Rainbow kicking a rock around nervously. “Wow Dashie. You are really nervous. Do you wanna talk about?” she said rather than her normal jumping to various conclusion of which none really fit.

“No,” Rainbow Dash said in a slightly panicked voice. “Did you get your check? Good! Let’s go!” she said before waiting for Pinkie to even respond. She just wanted to put as much distance between herself and the monster that was Fluttershy.

“Wow… That’s a lot to take in,” Sunset shimmer said, looked across the table at her brand new girlfriend. “You really learned a lot these last two weeks didn’t you?”

Fluttershy nodded and beamed. She hadn’t stopped beaming. The girl was practically glowing. “I did. So now that you know that I know…umm…I was hoping we could get on the same page about it.”

Sunset blushed. “Well I know we both are very interested in the lifestyle for sure, but don’t you think jumping to that point would be moving a bit fast? I mean we did only just start dating like ten minutes ago.”

“That is true…” Fluttershy nodded with a concerned look. She supposed Sunset was right. There wasn’t really a reason to jump that far ahead in their relationship yet. “Umm… I do have one question though if you don’t mind.”

Getting an affirmative nod from Sunset, Fluttershy continued. “Did you… umm… Did you like it earlier when I was being dominant?” she asked sheepishly.

Now it was Sunset’s turn to be sheepish. She got a nervous smirk and bit her bottom lip, giving the slightest of nods and saying in barely above a whisper, “Yes Miss Fluttershy,” while squirming in her seat slightly.

Fluttershy just smiled sweetly. “Well, if you’re comfortable with it, I suppose we should talk about roles.”

Sunset was about to respond when Mrs. Cake walked over with a small cake that said “Congratulations!!!” on it with three telltale balloons under it and put it front of them. Sunset looked at it and then back to Mrs. Cake. “Let me guess… Pinkie Pie?”

Mrs. Cake just smiled and nodded before walking off chuckling. “Well,” Fluttershy started with a smile. “Let’s table this part of the conversation until later and just enjoy this. Her Pinkie sense must’ve gone off.”

“Rarity!” Applejack exclaimed while looking at the fashionista as she pranced around in what was supposed to pass for a bathing suit. “Really? A sheer bikini? Dare Ah ask why?”

“Really darling…I thought that would be obvious,” she said as she struck a pose in front of the mirror. Her breasts poked out as she squeezed them together with her arms. Her pierced nipples and shaved womanhood could be seen plain as day. “Because I can.”

Applejack just pulled her Stetson down over her face and counted to ten. She put her hat back in its place and looked at her own swim suit. It was a forest green bikini with three apples on the right breast. It was downright respectable by comparison, and as risqué as she planned on getting. “Ah shudder to think what Pinkie is going to wear. Ah mean heck, last time she was completely naked.”

“Yes…” Rarity started. “That was both disconcerting and entertaining.” she paused for a moment as if she was considering something. “You did bring the hard cider didn’t you?”

AJ just made a noncommittal noise and dismissed it with her hand. “Don’t Ah always? It’s not that hard to just switch some labels ‘round. But can we PLEASE,” she exclaimed exaggeratedly, “keep Rainbow Dash from getting hammered this time?!”

Rarity looked back at her, while putting on a robe. “Agreed,” she said. “As entertaining as last time was, she does get rather loud and I don’t want the police called. Could you imagine if Twlight’s brother showed up while we were all drunk and mostly naked?”

“Yeh that wouldn’t end well Ah’d imagine,” AJ drawled as she put on a t-shirt and some shorts over her bikini. “Still though…Shinin’ Armor is a mighty good looking man. I’d try for him if only he wasn’t engaged to Cadence.”

Rarity sighed and nodded. “I will agree that he is a very handsome catch, but…” she stalled, her look growing concerned. “Applejack, if I tell you something, will you keep it in confidence?”

Applejack cocked her head slightly and regarded her friend for a moment before sitting down on the girl’s bed. “You know Ah will Rarity. Tell me what’s bothering you, Sugarcube.”

Rarity sighed and sat down beside AJ. “You know I’m not exactly a maiden of virtue. I can be a cock tease, diva, and a drama queen.”

AJ just nodded and listened quietly. Rarity was only completely honest like this was something was truly bothering her. She’d normally try to downplay her more risqué attributes.

“It’s just that recently, what with all that’s happened this year: The Fall Formal, The Battle of the Bands, The Friendship Games, and the Camp Everfree incident only being a month ago. It’s given me the opportunity to be somewhat retrospective with my behavior,” she said looking down with something akin to shame.

“Aw Rares, You’re not that bad,” Applejack said. “Ah mean you’re a relentless flirt and you bat your eyes to get your way, but it’s not like…well…you’re not a total slut or nothin’.” she reached her arm around Rarity and hugged her. “You’re probably the most giving person Ah know, and you’re certainly a true friend. You don’t need to be so hard on yourself.”

Rarity nodded, smiling all too briefly. “Well…You see…The thing is.” she kept pausing with false starts before taking a deep breath and composing herself. “I’ve developed actually actual feelings for someone beyond my normal flirtatiousness. It felt very sudden at first, but during my retrospection, I realized it wasn’t very sudden at all.”

If AJ was surprised, she didn’t show it. She merely nodded and waited for Rarity to continue. “It’s made me think that, if I should choose to pursue this, that I should at very least cut back on my flirtatious nature.”

“That’s a very mature way of looking at the situation Rarity. Ah’m right proud that you came to this conclusion on your own,” Applejack said, then smirked and continued. “So when you gon’ tell Twilight that you like’er?”

“I was thinking of doing it toni-” Rarity paused with a shocked look and turned quickly to her friend. Her eyes took on a look that was both embarrassed and accusatory. “How did you know?”

Applejack guffawed for a full minute before calming herself. “It’s been pretty obvious for a while now Rarity. You got all the signs: stealing looks, offering to make her things more than usual, taking her to the spa with you without the rest of us…don’t worry sugarcube. We all think it’s adorable,” she said and leaned back, propping herself on her hands. “How are you going to tell her?”

Rarity just shrugged. “I thought about just relentlessly flirting with her and various other methods, but I feel very serious about this. I will probably pull her off to the side and tell her privately, then hope for the best.”

Applejack just whistled. “Sweetie, you got it bad.”

Of Touches and Temptations

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The sun had set, the air was warm, and the water was cool. Rarity and Applejack sat at the edge of the pool dipping their feet in, listening to the ambient music as it flowed from the various speakers around the back yard. Neither had changed back into their chosen swim wear for the evening as the other guests hadn’t arrived yet. “Uh…Rares? How we gon’ know if they show up? What with us being out back,” Applejack questioned.

“Oh I sent them all message earlier saying the side gate was unlocked and to come through when they get here,” she said with a dismissive wave of her pale hand. “I do want to thank you for earlier dear. That talk helped a great deal.”

“It was nuthin’,” Applejack said while she lightly kicked her feet in the water. She set her Stetson on the ground beside her and looked up as the last rays of sunlight faded over the west. “Ah’m here for all you girls. You’re all my best friends. Hell, sisters really.”

Rarity raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at that. Applejack wasn’t as prone to emotions and affections as the rest of them were, but she supposed her farm girl friend was correct. The rest of their group often leaned on AJ as the pillar of strength. She was the responsible one, for the most part. She was also willing to put anyone who stepped out of line back in place, whether it be with a gentle talking too or, in Rainbow Dash’s case, a smack on the back of the head.

“So you decided what yer gon’ say to Twilight yet?” AppleJack asked, while pulling her feet out of the water and standing up. “I’m gonna get a cider, you want one?”

“No, thank you,” Rarity said to the offer. “And no, I haven’t yet. She’s a very…excitable. I want to keep her calm while we talk.”

“Excitable huh,” Applejack said sitting back down with an open bottle of hard cider. She wiped the condensation off on her daisy dukes before continuing, “That girl’s wound tighter than a cat in a room full of rockin’ chairs.”

Rarity chuckled at the colloquialism. “I know! I’m not sure if talking to her alone with help her relax because its private, or it will make her more nervous since she doesn’t have you all for support.”

Applejack shrugged and took a long sip. “If you want, Ah can pull her to the side and try to soften the shock of it for ya.”

“While I appreciate the offer darling,” Rarity sighed and looked over the water as the automated lights kicked on. “I feel this is something I really should do on my own.”

“Careful Rares,” Applejack said as she nudged Rarity’s elbow. “Ah’ll start to think yer a responsible person.”

Rarity chuckled and stood up as she heard voices from the side of the house. “We can’t have that, can we?”

Pinkie and Rainbow Dashed pulled up outside Rarity’s house in a bright pink minivan. If Pinkie was exceedingly proud of one thing, it was her minivan. It was the one thing in the Pie household what was completely hers. She and Rainbow Dash stepped out on the street and opened the side doors.

“Geez, Pinkie. I mean I know you’re the only one of us that actually owns a car, but this thing is blinding,” Rainbow said as she picked up a few bags of things they got for the party.

Pinkie had already picked up everything else and was carrying it around to the other side. “Yep!” she grinned. “Isn’t it great?!”

“Ehhh…” Rainbow intoned. She was about to comment further when Twilight came walking up.

“Hey girls,” Twilight started with a wave. “Need any help?”

“Hey Twilight,” Rainbow dash said while Pinkie somehow waved at her around two arms full of snacks. “Can you grab that small cooler for us?”

Twlight opened the back hatch while marveling at the pink color. It never stopped amazing her just how loud her friend could be in many different ways. “This one?” she asked while holding up the small blue cooler.

Rainbow nodded to her and turned to walk to the gate on the side of the house. “I know AJ and Rarity are already here. I wonder if Sunset and Fluttershy have shown up yet. They were both at Sugar Cube Corner today and…Fluttershy… just wow… She was acting weird. She bit my head off for nothing.”

Rarity stood, holding the gate open for them. “Evening, girls. Did you say that Fluttershy was aggressive with you?”

“Psh, Yeah!” Rainbow answered. “It was the weirdest thing. I’m sitting there talking to Sunset and then suddenly Fluttershy has me by the collar and tells me that she wanted to be alone with Sunset. Even told me to go away.”

“Freaky Deaky!” Pinkie exclaimed while dropping a tablecloth over a table that perfectly folded out with snack and a cup cake tree perfectly in place. “She seemed fine when I saw both of them today. Fluttershy even looked like she was about to pony up.”

Twilight set down the cooler and then took a seat on it. “Maybe she’s having issues and just wanted to bounce some ideas off Sunset privately.”

Rainbow looked back at Twilight over her shoulder. “I’m her oldest friend in the group. She knows she can talk to me about anything.”

Twilight raised her hands defensively. “I’m not saying she can’t, Rainbow. I’m just saying that it may be something Sunset is uniquely qualified to handle. I mean, I come to each of you depending on the problem I’m having. You all have different specialties after all.”

Rainbow just growled. “I hate your logic, Twilight,” she said, causing Twilight to chuckle. “Still, she’s never done that to me before. It freaked me out.”

“I’m sure she’s not mad at you, Darling,” Rarity said, trying to comfort her friend. “I’m sure all it was was her being…umm…a little desperate for privacy as it were. I’m sure she won’t mind you talking to her about it later.”

Applejack took stock of the situation. “Are you sure you didn’t do something Rainbow? Not to be mean or anythin’, but sometimes ya can be a might oblivious.”

Rainbow Dash sighed and thought back to it. “I dunno… I suppose you’re right. I’ll ask her about it later and apologize if I need to.”

Everyone just stared at her as if she’d grown a third head. “What?!” She asked incredulously.

“Darling, that’s just very…mature for you,” Rarity said, still slightly in shock from it.

Applejack shoulder shook with her silent mirth. “Between you bein’ all introspective, Fluttershy growin’ a backbone, and Rarity wantin’ to put her drama aside to deal with her issues, Ah’d say we got some real personal growth goin’ on all ‘round.”

Pinkie and Rainbow turned to look at Rarity with identical questioning eyes. “Oh its nothing dears. Just something I want try handling differently than I normally would.”

Pinkie got a knowing look on her face. “You finally gonna say something huh?”

“Pinkamina Diana Pie!” Rarity exclaimed. “I do not know what you’re currently thinking, but you stop right now.”

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight began laughing as Pinkie jumped at the sudden shock of having her full named used.

“Wow,” Sunset said seemingly out of nowhere, with Fluttershy standing next to her. “Full name too. Someone’s in trouble.”

Excited greetings were exchanged all around. “When did you two get here?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh just now. Shy forgot her bikini at the house so we ran to go get it. Her mom just dropped us off,” Sunset explained before looked at Fluttershy questioningly, who just briefly nodded to her.

Sunset took a deep breath before continuing. “And, since Pinkie already knows, Fluttershy and I wanted to tell you all that she and I have decided to try seeing each other.”

Rainbow Dash looked the most gobsmacked. “Is…is that was this afternoon was about?” she asked looked at Fluttershy, who just blushed and nodded at her.

“I’m sorry I got that way with you Rainbow,” She said quietly. She really wasn’t considering what it had led to, but her oldest friend didn’t need to know that little detail.

Rainbow just walked up and hugged her. “I’m the one who should be apologizing to you Fluttershy. I mean I think it’s great you two are together and I’m sorry I interrupted that,” she said then turned to look at Sunset. “Now Sunset. I know we all have magic powers and you have that crazy Daydream Shimmer thing that can probably kick my ass, but well...”

Sunset just laughed at her friend. “Right right. Obligatory threat about hurting her received.”

“Well girls, if you’re ready to start swimming go inside and get changed. Mine and Applejacks suits are already on under our clothes,” Rarity said and turned to the table to grab a cupcake. She took a bite and her eyes rolled back. “Pinkie these are divine! What did you put in them?”

“Chocolate liqueur!” She called over her shoulder as she walked inside.

Five of the assembled seven girls walked into Rarity’s house via the back patio sliding glass door. Sunset looked around the kitchen and dining room area and whistled. It always amazed her how clean Rarity’s house was. Her family was very well to do and while they didn’t show it with opulence, it certainly showed in other ways.

“I call bedroom!” Pinkie exclaimed and bounced of upstairs to go change.

“Umm…Guest bedroom for me then,” Twilight said with a smile then left to change.

Rainbow made to follow her. “I guess I’ll take the upstairs bathroom. I hope she brought an actual bathing suit this time.”

Sunset looked at Fluttershy with a smile. “I guess that leaves us with the downstairs bathroom,” She said and they walked to the door of it. “You go ahead, I’ll wait out here.”

Fluttershy walked into the bathroom and turned on the switch, casting the room into a mellow light. It was obvious from the décor that it was the room was mainly intended for guests. It was smallish, with a little potpourri basket on the counter next to a hand soup dispenser perched next to a sink. The whole room was decorated in a seafoam color with sea shell motif. Fluttershy set her overnight bag on the floor and set to remove her bikini. Her suit was two piece, green, and cut on the smaller side without being too revealing. She looked at it in the mirror, and then her eyes scanned to her own reflection, staring intently. She stood for a moment, coming to a decision.

Fluttershy took a deep breath to both calm herself and work up her nerve. “Sunset! Can you come in here!” She called through the door.

Sunset opened the door and poked her head in. “Do you need some help tying it off Shy?” she asked.

Fluttershy shook her head. “No. But…please come in and shut the door.”

Sunset entered the room, shutting the door behind her with an audible click. The noise sounded ten times as loud in Fluttershy’s ears as the blood rushed through them. A strong blush had worked its way to her cheeks, but she was determined to not back out now. She looked Sunset in the eyes before speaking. “I want you to watch.”

Sunset swallowed hard, almost audibly, as Fluttershy said that. She knew something was up when her girlfriend asked her to come in the room, seeing her completely clothed. “A-are you sure, Fluttershy?” she asked, her own blush rising.

Part of Fluttershy wanted to say no. It was the shy part of her; the embarrassed part of her. The part of her she wanted no part of around Sunset. She forced herself to nod, not trusting her voice at the moment. She wished she could have the same confidence right now that she had earlier at the coffee shop. But this was different. She was about to disrobe in front of Sunset. What if Sunset didn’t like it? What if Sunset didn’t find her attractive? What if… ‘NO!’ Fluttershy said mentally. ‘You cannot...will not think that way anymore around her.’

Sunset slid past her and sat down on the toilet not saying a word. Fluttershy looked at her for a moment before lifting her shirt, slowly at first. This was the most skin she’d ever shown a romantic interest. Sure, she knew that Sunset had seen her in her swim suit before, but…THIS was different. She was going to be completely naked before putting it on and she was doing it deliberately to entice.

For the second time that day Sunset felt her mouth go dry. She swallowed hard again in anticipation of the show her girlfriend was putting on. She felt something else too. It started small, but the ache of her desire was rapidly growing.

Fluttershy saw the wanton look in Sunset’s eyes and grew emboldened. She lifted her shirt and bra in one fell swoop, allowing her breasts to bounce down. She heard a noise coming from Sunset. It was small and sounded like the combination of a growl and a whimper. It was absolutely adorable. That’s when all the embarrassment faded from Fluttershy. She immediately hooked her thumbs into the waist band of her skirt and panties, and with one quick motion she was completely bared before the object of her affection.

Sunset choked back a moan at the sight she was seeing. Here before her was her girlfriend, completely nude. ‘Sweet Celestia… Her beauty puts an Equestrian sun rise to shame,’ she thought to herself. She unconsciously reached out a hand to touch Fluttershy before she stopped herself.

Fluttershy gasped at what was about to happen, then saw Sunset’s hand stop. “Touch them,” Fluttershy said before she could stop herself. Sunset didn’t need to be told twice. She reached out with both hands and softly grabbed Fluttershy’s large breasts and began to lightly knead them.

Fluttershy let out a small moan of pleasure, feeling her womanhood begin to heat up. “They are all yours now, Sunnybunny,” she said. The sensations had long sense seized control and were forcing her to say things wouldn’t normally say. “You can play with them as much as you want.”

Sunset opened her mouth moving towards one of Fluttershy’s nipples when Rainbow dash yelled from outside the door, “Hey, you two almost done in there?”

Both girls jumped, but it was Sunset who answered first. “Yes! I’m just helping her tie her top off. We’ll be out in a minute!”

Not receiving any more comments, they both changed quickly. As they went to leave the room, Fluttershy grabbed Sunset’s wrist and stopped her. “I-I meant what I said,” she told Sunset and then kissed her, pressing her tits against the taller girl. “You can play with them as much as you want.”

Sunset just moaned and nodded.

Twilight posed in her bathing suit in front a mirror in the guest bedroom. She gave the mirror what she hoped was a sexy pout and then chuckled at herself. “I look ridiculous,” she said sighing.

“Ridiculously hot!” Pinkie yelled, suddenly appearing behind her, causing Twilight to jump with a scream.

“Pinkie Pie! Why would you do that?!” Twilight said, then broke out into a blush when she saw what the girl was wearing. “And what are you wearing?!”

Pinkie spun around, showing off her suit. “Do you like it?” She asked. “I borrowed it from Maud.” The suit itself was nothing more than a series of thick cords sewn together in the shape of a bikini’s boarder. Nothing was actually covered by it.

Twilight just shook her head. “Pinkie, this isn’t what Rarity meant when she said suits were mandatory this time.”

Pinkie just laughed at her. “You don’t really have much more room to talk, Twilight,” she said while motioning to the extremely thin purple straps of fabric that covered the girl’s breasts, looped over her shoulders, then met again to go between her ass cheeks.

Twilight just blushed at Pinkie’s teasing. Pinkie leaned over to Twilight’s ear and whispered, “Don’t worry. Rarity will love it,” before bouncing out of the room.

Twilight just had a shocked look. ‘How does that girl know things?’

Sunset and Fluttershy met Twilight on the walk back outside to the pool. Twilight could see both girls were blushing profusely and gave Sunset a knowing look. Sunset returned a look which practically screamed ‘I’ll tell you later!’ which caused Twilight to chuckle.

Exiting on to the back patio, the three girls were met with a scene depicting Applejack and Rainbow Dash having a light hearted conversation, while Pinkie Pie was getting a firm talking to from Rarity off to the side. “Apparently Pinkie needs to learn how to follow the spirit as well as the letter of things,” she chuckled to the girls as they walked up.

“Yeah, that’ll never happen,” Sunset said and looked at the quarreling two. “Why is Rarity wearing her spa robe?”

Rainbow Dash, clad in a tight, athletic looking, two piece responded, “She just wanted to be comfortable until it was time to get in the water. At least that’s what she claimed.”

“I’m just saying, darling,” Rarity said as her and Pinkie walked over to join the rest of the group. “That while, yes, that is technically a swim suit, I really was requesting you not wear something so revealing.”

“Well, why didn’t you say that then, silly?” was Pinkie’s response causing most of the group to collectively face palm. Her response was merely to shrug and then jump into the cool water, making a larger splash than anyone one of her size should be able to.

Applejack threw her Stetson on a nearby lounger, and then pushed Rainbow dash in, following the girl shortly after. Sunset looked at Fluttershy. “Do you feel like swimming right now or would you like to find a lounger somewhere and snuggle?” she asked which a coy little smile. Fluttershy’s response was to take the taller girl’s hand and walk her around to the other side of the pool.

This left Rarity and Twilight in relative privacy. “That’s a rather fetching swimsuit on you, darling,” Rarity said with a mix of sincerity and lust.

Twilight felt her face heat up. “O-oh! You think so? Thank you. I…ummm…wanted to try something a bit more daring.”

“Well, I must say it certainly works. It draws the eyes to certain…aspects of your form while conveying a sense of sexual confidence you don’t often see in swim wear,” Rarity, ever the fashionista, said, accidentally slipping into critical talk of the outfit before she could catch herself.

“Oh…” was all Twilight could respond while looking slightly dejected. She had hoped that it would be her that Rarity was impressed with, not the suit itself.

Rarity, for her part, was currently mentally slapping the bitch off of herself. “I’m sorry, Twilight,” she said apologetically. “That came out far more critically than I meant it. You really are quite beautiful. The suit only serves to enhance the beauty that already exists.”

That got Twilight smiling and blushing again. “Thank you Rarity,” she said, almost floating on air from the beautiful girl’s complements.

“Tell me, darling,” Rarity said, slowly opening her robe and showing off her on see through bikini and striking a seductive pose. “What do you think of mine?”

Twilight’s mouth went dry and she began stammering and blushing even harder, causing the others to laugh. “Ah think ya broke her Rarity,” Applejack joked, causing Twilight to regain her senses.

“Oh yeah?” She asked, suddenly daring. “How this for broken?!” she asked Applejack accusingly. She turned, removing her glasses, and grabbed the lapels of Rarity’s spa robe and pulled her into a searing kiss.

Everyone watched on in stunned silence. After the kiss finished, it was Rarity’s turn to stammer incoherently, causing everyone to laugh while Twilight stood there with a smug and victorious look.

Much later that night found a sleepless Fluttershy laying out on one of the loungers alone, looking up at the full moon. She thought about the events earlier that evening. Changing in front of Sunset and consequential events thereafter set off something primal in her. It was just so thrilling to be watched as she was naked. The book referred to this as exhibitionism and said it came in many forms. Normally, she’d be very self-conscious about her body, but the look of lust in her girlfriend’s eyes had been absolutely empowering. It was like she could command Sunset to do anything with the only reward being her own nudity and the girl’s presence.

‘Could I find other forms of exhibitionism empowering as well?’ she asked mentally. It was certainly something to consider. She looked down at herself. She was wearing her bikini from earlier in the night. Reflexively, she looked around and verified what she already knew. She was completely alone. ‘Well it couldn’t hurt, could it?’

She leaned up and untied her top, freeing herself from it. She relished in the sensation of the warm evening air against skin that usually kept covered. Almost immediately, her nipples hardened. It felt good to her to be exposed like this; almost natural even.

She unconsciously ground her thighs together as she felt her wetness begin to grow. ‘O-oh my! I’m really starting to enjoy this,’ she thought to herself. She started to slide a hand unconsciously down to her wetness when she heard the sliding glass patio door open.

She managed to keep herself silent and she peered around to see who was coming out. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding when she saw it was Sunset, and laid back on the lounger.

Sunset approached her girlfriend and started to speak, only to lose what she was saying to the shock of seeing the bare chested goddess that was her girlfriend.

Fluttershy tittered out a light chuckle, “Yes Sunny? You were saying.”

Sunset cleared her throat. “I was saying that I was just wondering where you had snuck off to. Everyone has been asleep for a while. I was just a little surprised to wake up and see you were gone.”

“Oh,” she said with a smirk. Sunset had not been able to look away from her chest the entire time she’d spoken. “I wasn’t able to sleep, so I changed back into my bikini and came down here for some peace and quiet. You’re welcome to join me though. We do have some things we need to discuss.”

Sunset nodded and sat down next to her on the lounger, still unable to make her eyes go anywhere else for longer than a few seconds. Fluttershy thought she was being adorable and the attention was causing her to get wetter.

Fluttershy decided she had absolutely no reason what so ever to feel uncomfortable with this situation and that she wanted to have a little fun with her girlfriend. “Let me ask you something Sunny,” She started and noticed the other girl glance up to her eyes. “Do you like my big tits?” She asked a made them jiggle a little bit.

Sunset swallowed hard and nodded, only earning another tutting from the pink haired tease. “Uh uh! What did I say earlier about how to answer me?”

Quickly, Sunset responded with, “Yes Miss Fluttershy. I like your big tits very much.”

Fluttershy smiled and laid back, raising her hands above her head. This action made her chest rise more. “Tell me then, my Sunnybunny. What do you want to do to my tits?”

“Touch them, Miss Fluttershy,” She responded quickly, unable to look away from the bounty of pale flesh that was Fluttershy’s bosom.

“Go on,” Fluttershy commanded. “Certainly that can’t be all to wish to do with them. You used to have so much ambition.”

Sunset as so turned on right now it hurt. Her pussy had certainly soaked through her panties by now and her aching quim screamed for release. “I want to suck them, Miss Fluttershy.”

“Oh? And what else?” She continued to tease. “I know you have a much better imagination than this, my Sunnybunny.”

“I-I want to worship them, Miss Fluttershy. I want to rub my pussy while I worship your beautiful tits. I want to lay my face between them until I have to come up for air. I want to rub my body with them. I want to massage them with oils. I want to…to”

Fluttershy put a finger to the girl’s lips to quiet her. “Then why aren’t you touching them or sucking them?” She asked, then, thinking quickly picked one up and gave the nipple a quick suck herself, causing a wanton whimper to come from Sunset.

“You haven’t given me permission to, Miss Fluttershy,” She responded weakly.

Fluttershy smirked. “But didn’t I tell you earlier tonight that you could play with them whenever you wanted?”

It was like an explosion went off in Sunset’s mind. How could she forget that detail? She immediately launched at her girlfriend’s tits and began to suck and play with them vigorously while Fluttershy moaned. “Oh yes! My Sunnybunny is such a good girl. Suck my tits good and you’ll get a nice reward.”

Sunset stopped sucking long enough to say, “You’re tits are my reward, Miss Fluttershy,”

Fluttershy laughed quietly and reached down to pet the girl as her vigor slowed a little. “You know, we really haven’t discussed roles yet. Would you like to go ahead and discuss that now?”

Sunset nodded but her mouth didn’t leave her girlfriend’s tit. This action caused Fluttershy to moan a bit and grind her thighs together again. “I think it’s obvious you like being my sub just as much as I like being your dom, what kind of sub would you like to be to me Sunset?”

Now Sunset did stop sucking, though now she just used them like pillows and laid there to talk. “I honestly think it has more to do with it being you than me actually being submissive. I don’t think I could be as submissive as I am right now with anyone else. You’re amazing at this Fluttershy. I almost can’t believe you’re normally so timid,” she said while nuzzling Fluttershy’s left breast. “And I think, since it’s you I’m subbing to, I’d very much like to be your pet. I mean…since you call me your Sunnybunny and all,” She finished with a blush.

Fluttershy smiled happily at Sunset. “We should talk about what kind of play we’d like to engage in when we’re ready too.”

Sunset looked up at Fluttershy with a longing look. “I know we’re not ready to go all the way with each other yet, but damn if I’m not rutting horny right now just from how you’ve acted today. If I could make a suggestion though?” She asked, to which Fluttershy nodded in response. “How about, since this is new to both of us in a practical sense, we engage in various types of play and see what we both like and dislike?”

Fluttershy nodded to her. “Like trial and error?” she asked.

Sunset nodded back. “Exactly. I know it sounds analytical, but it should work out rather well.” She said then another question occurred to her. “What should our safe word be?”

“Ham sandwhich,” Fluttershy said simply, causing sunset to laugh extremely hard. “What? It’s something neither of us would say during the act and it has an obvious effect that would stop the scene.”

Sunset could certainly agree to that.

Fluttershy laid back and looked up at the sky. She didn’t know what time it was right now. It had been a quarter to three when she decided to get up. She looked down at Sunset who was contently laying there, playing with her nipple. This felt really good, but she wanted more.

“Sunnybunny, I want you to sit at the end of the lounge and face me. You can take your clothes off if you want. You can touch yourself if you want. But I want you to sit there and watch me,” She said with authority.

Sunset instantly did as she was told, removing her clothes at sitting down at the other end of the lounger.

Fluttershy gave her an appraising and appreciative look. Sunset looked much like she had in her fantasy save her breasts being slightly larger than she thought and her nipples weren’t pierced. She was surprised to see Sunset was neatly trimmed, not shaven.

“Do not look away from me,” Fluttershy said and spread her legs, hooking her knees over the arms of the chair. She untied the side knots of her bikini bottom and let it fall away, revealing her slick, soaking pussy to her pet. She smiled a wicked smile as Sunset looked like she wanted nothing more than to dive into her and lick her clean. “Remember what I said. You can touch yourself, but you must sit right there.”

Sunset nodded and spread her own legs as Fluttershy began to lewdly finger her soaked quim. “Oh yes… mmmm… Do you like to watch me, Sunnybunny?”

“Yes, Miss Fluttershy!” She said while rubbing her own glazed cunt. She couldn’t believe her dom was putting on such a raunchy show right now. She was loving every second of it.

Fluttershy pulled on her nipple and buried two fingers two knuckles deep. She moaned loudly as she began to thrust hard, watching her pet play with herself. Oh she was going to cum so hard.

Sunset frigged her clit fast and hard as she watched Fluttershy’s lewd behavior. She hadn’t felt this good in a long time, if it ever had felt this good. She couldn’t take her eyes off the succubus before her. She never wanted to look away again. “Oh sweet bouncing Celestia… I’m so close,” she moaned.

Fluttershy was close to cumming herself. She scooted forward and lifted her legs, rolling her hips back then did an almost perfect split while never missing a beat. She used one hand to thrust her fingers into her while lightly slapping her clit with two fingers on the other. “A-are you ready to cum, Sunnybunny? Do you want to give me a big-hngggg-orgasm?”

Sunset nodded rapidly “Y-yes Miss Fluttershy. Please command me to cum for you!” She exclaimed then moaned.

Fluttershy’s orgasm was upon her. The wave was about to crash down and crash hard. This felt like nothing she had ever felt before. “Cum for me, my pet! You cum for me right fucking now!” She almost yelled as it hit, causing her to spray her girl cum all over Sunset, covering her from face to twat.

Sunset had to stifle her own yell as her pussy clamped down. She didn’t squirt like Fluttershy had, but her whole body locked up as she was covered in the gift her mistress had given her. She even managed to catch some of the sweet, sweet nectar in her mouth, relishing in its flavor.

Flutter rocked forward and sat up, her head still swimming, and leaned to kiss Sunset. “Did you enjoy your reward, my Sunnybunny?” She asked luridly.

“Yes…Miss…Fluttershy,” Sunset answered, still light headed herself.

They sat and cuddled a few minutes before heading inside. Pinkie Pie watched from the upstairs window, concealed in the shadows. She still was biting down on her thumb to keep herself from crying out as her fingers worked her cunt as she came from the show her friends had put on.

Of Exposure and Realizations

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A steaming hot shower is good for a great many things: Cleansing the body, organizing your thoughts, indulging your fantasies, and especially cleaning your girlfriend’s cum from hard to reach places.

The next day found Sunset in her shower at home doing all these things. The steam rose around her as she took stock of her situation. That she had a girlfriend brought a smile to her lips. It was true that they had decided to take it slow, but that decision had only lasted a few hours before they found the joys of mutual masturbation…in Rarity’s back yard of all places. ‘Still, it was only just that,’ she thought to herself, before adding ‘and maybe some light oral. It wasn’t like we went all the way.’

Sunset lathered up her loofa with her favorite body wash and set to scrubbing herself. ‘She’s just so damn hard to resist. Even when she isn’t dominating me, I find her captivating. And that look she gives me, oh ponyfeathers…I can’t help but give her total control.’

She shook her head trying to clear the thought and set about washing her legs. She thought about the whole aspect of being dominated. She was now Fluttershy’s pet, but what did that truly mean? Was she expected to be collared? Would she have to get a fake tail and ears? How far was Fluttershy going to take this? Sunset’s mind started to wander, running with those thoughts.

She came crawling up to Fluttershy on all fours, a look of longing on her face. She nuzzled at Fluttershy’s leg and made a pitiful animalistic noise. Fluttershy reached down and ran her fingers through Sunset’s red and yellow locks before looking her in the eyes. “Awww… What’s the matter my Sunnybunny? Is someone being an attention whore?”

Sunset took a deep breath and soaked in the attention her mistress gave her. “Yes, Miss Fluttershy. I am an attention whore. Please let me service you,” she said, desperation extremely evident in her tone.

“And how would you service me, my little pet whore?” Fluttershy asked as she turned to face Sunset entirely.

Sunset licked her lips and looked up at her mistress to beg again. “Please Miss Fluttershy. I’m so very thirsty. Even though I’m not worthy of it, please will you let me drink your cum? Please let me lick your pussy.”

Fluttershy seemed to pause in contemplation for a brief moment before her eyes lit up as if an idea had dawned on her. “If you want nourishment, whore, you need to work for it.”

“What would you have me do, Miss Fluttershy?” Sunset asked with a fearful look. Hopefully her mistress wouldn’t make her do something too embarrassing.

Futtershy gave a wicked smile before crossing her legs, barring Sunset’s access to her pussy. “If you want your thirst slaked, I demand you enterain…us.” Fluttershy said with a flourish, gesturing to her left.

Sunset turned to look, suddenly horror struck. There on a long sofa sat all their friends, including Princess Twilight. She felt a hot wash of shame and extreme excitement overcome her. “H-how shall I entertain you all?” she asked with a stutter.

Princess Twilight looked at the others and gave the slightest of nods. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow dash, and Applejack stood and went about setting up a pole in the middle of the room. The Princess of Friendship turned her attention back towards Sunset. “We want you to dance for us, Sunset.”

She nodded then walked to the pole as thumping dubstep began to play. She stopped suddenly, looking around the room for Vinyl, who was seemingly nowhere to be found. Taking a deep breath, Sunset grabbed the pole and hoisted herself vertically and then turned upside down. She then rotated on the pole and faced her friends before blushing and spreading her legs wide, showing her wet aching cunt for their entertainment.

Sunset moaned loudly, startling herself out of her fantasy. She opened her eyes and looked down, seeing her fingers inside herself. “What the hell? When did I start masturbating?”

Fluttershy laid back in the grass near the pond in White Tail Park. She’d come to feed the ducks, and that being done, decided to lay down and enjoy the warmth the sun provided. The sun felt magnificent on her skin. Fluttershy stretched and moaned with a small smile on her face. Her shirt rode up, bearing her pale midriff to the warm early afternoon light. The sensation of the light across her stomach caused her to purr and consider what it would feel like on the rest of her body.

The thought of her exposing herself made her moan again in a different fashion. Fluttershy peeked around herself, noting she was completely alone. Her hand drifted to the hem of her skirt and slowly began to tug it up, exposing her creamy pale thighs, before stopping herself. ‘A-am I really about to do this?’ she asked herself, suddenly extremely self-conscious.

A hundred reasons flashed through her mind as to why she shouldn’t. What if she got caught? What if someone called the police? Her internal debate when on this way for a good five minutes before the same voice that she used to squash her insecurities with Sunset spoke again. ‘No!’ the voice said. It was the same voice she used when she was dominating Sunset. It was her Miss Fluttershy voice. ‘You will not second guess yourself anymore. Embrace this side of yourself.’

Her eyes hardened and looked around again. She was still alone. She strained her hearing for the telltale sounds of people talking or walking nearby. She heard nothing. Shrugging, she laid back again and stretched, letting her shirt ride up again. She laid there for a few minutes, letting herself get lost in the warm feeling across her midsection. She fantasized about the idea laying there, fully naked, letting the sun fall over her. She started to feel a different kind of warmth building up, this time coming from inside her.

Fluttershy lightly moaned and focused on the feeling, trying to intensify it. ‘Maybe…maybe being horny will make me more daring,’ she thought while biting her lower lip. She unconsciously spread her legs slightly, regretting that she wore panties under her skirt. She would love to feel the warm air and sunlight on her aching pussy.

Her eyes snapped open and she looked around again, just for the sake of making sure she was still alone. Taking a deep breath to build up her daring side, she reached under her skirt. In a single motion, swift as she could, she hooked her thumbs in the waist band of her panties and removed them, quickly stuffing them into her bag.

Flutteshy laid back once again and tried to find and focus on the feeling. It didn’t take her long to find the heat again. She spread her legs a little wider this time, but kept her skirt pulled down. The open air against her sex felt wonderful and she began pant lightly. Fluttershy, her daring growing as cunt grew wetter, pulled her skirt up until she was full exposed.

The warmth of the sun caressed her exposed maidenhood, causing her to buck hard. It was almost as if she had actually been physically touched. She felt extremely horny now. ‘I-I need… I need to cum,’ she thought while reaching a shakey hand down to wetness. She had to stifle a cry when two fingers touched her budding clit.

“Oh…fuck me,” she moaned quietly. She let her mind wander a bit and imagined it was Sunset’s tongue working her. It didn’t take much longer than a few minutes. She had to bite her lip to keep from crying out as the orgasm washed over her. It wasn’t as intense as it was last night, but it was none the less, strong and very satisfying.

She laid there a while longer, completely exposed. At this point she no longer cared if someone saw. She was happy and content. ‘I feel…like I can finally accept this part of me. I feel free for the first time ever. I never want to hide this part of me ever again,’ she sighed and sat up. She looked out over the pond and just enjoyed the sights.

Her phone buzzed, getting her attention. She reached for her bag to extract said device, seeing that it was Sunset.

SunnyBunny: Hey Shy! What are you up to?

Fluttershy started to type out a response before stopping and getting a devious grin. One more peek to make sure she was alone, and she opened the messenger’s camera app. She quickly lifted her skirt, spread her legs, and took a picture. She loaded the pic up into the chat with the caption “Just enjoying the view in the park. You?”

It took a few minutes to get a response back. She unlocked her phone to see the message. It was a top down picture of Sunset, still wet from the shower, wearing nothing but a towel draped over shoulders. Fluttershy moaned quietly at the sight.

Fluttershy: Do you want to meet up for some lunch?

Sunnybunny: I could eat. Do you have something in mind?

Fluttershy took a few moments to consider the options. Sugar Cube Corner was serving salads now, but that came at the cost of Pinkie possibly getting into their business. Fast food was out as both of them being vegetarian. Her eyes lit up as an idea came to her.

Fluttershy: There’s a new vegan bistro that opened up down town. Want to try there?

Sunnybunny: Sounds great! Let me finish getting ready.

Fluttershy: Ok… I’ll come by and pick you up in a few minutes.

Pinkamena Diane Pie was far, far more observant than anyone ever gave her credit for…even herself. This was how, even unbeknownst to her, her Pinkie sense worked. She subconsciously picked up on everything around her and then, when said subconscious finally put things together in a logical conclusion; it resulted in a physical reaction. These reactions were sometimes pleasant, other times…not so much.

This was one of the times it was giving her a very pleasant reaction. She laid in her bed and panted from the hands free orgasm she just had. Whatever caused this was a supremely good thing; the issue was she couldn’t quite put her finger on said cause.

The sleep over last night was absolutely amazing. ‘Especially the after show,’ she thought with a smirk. Rarity was with Twilight, Fluttershy was dominating Sunset, and Pinkie herself was…well she wanted to be along for the ride. Her fetish…her vice, even, was voyeurism. She loved watching, laying back, and jilling her twat. It explained her extensive porn collection.

Looking at her clock, Pinkie jumped at the realization that it was time for her to get ready for work. She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. Pinkie, while not out of the shape, was certainly the thickest of her friends. It was all the sweets she ate. She just couldn’t help herself. Fortunately all the weight went to right places. She was all tits and ass, and Pinkie loved the way her parts jiggled.

She reached for her underwear, selecting a thong and a matching bra. “Ooo…lacy,” she said to herself with a smile. If there was one thing Pinkie enjoyed aside from watching other’s fuck, it was feeling exposed. There were many times she’d gone to school, completely commando under her skirt, and would sit with her legs intentionally spread, hoping someone would catch a peek of her pink.

She hurried and finished dressing, then headed down stairs. She needed to get going.

Rainbow Dash sat in the booth at Sugar Cube Corner. She wore a troubled and dejected look on her face as she picked at a pastry, the events of yesterday afternoon still weighing heavily on her mind. Yes, she had begged forgiveness and had been forgiven by Fluttershy, but her out of character aggressiveness stuck in Rainbow’s craw. Ok so it wasn’t so much as the act of aggression, it was more of how easily that Rainbow had given in to it.

Rainbow liked to think of herself as a tough bitch. She was certainly the most outspoken and show boating of her friends. She had even been known to even get into a fight from time to time. But Fluttershy scared the hell out of her…and more worrisome was that she kind of liked it now that she thought about it. Why did she like it so much? She felt so small when Fluttershy did that. Sighing, she checked the time on her phone. “Where the hell is Pinkie?”

Pinkie was the whole reason that Rainbow Dash was even here. She needed a friend to talk too. A friend that she knew, no matter what, wouldn’t judge her. “What the hell is wrong with me?” Rainbow asked herself quietly as she slunk down further into her booth.

“Nothing, Silly!” Pinkie exclaimed, suddenly in front of her with a slice of rainbow cake and two forks.

Rainbow Dash jumped in fright. “Pinkie! Please stop doing that!”

“Doing what?” Pinkie asked innocently before her taking on a look of startled realization. “Oh you mean coming out of now where and scaring you?”

Rainbow just nodded.

“Nope!” Pinkie said with a grin while bouncing. “It’s way too much fun.”

Rainbow Dash just moaned and let her forehead hit the table. Without moving, she began to speak. “Pinkie…I-I need your advice on something.”

“You have my full attention,” the pink haired party girl said while balancing one of the forks on her nose.

Looking up and seeing this sight caused Rainbow Dash to chuckle. “You are so random.”

Pinkie just smiled. “I try. So what’s bothering you Dashie?”

Rainbow Dash went through quite a few false starts before she finally managed a coherent thought. “It’s got to do with what happened between me and Fluttershy yesterday. She…scared me. And not just a normal scare either. I…felt insignificant,” she said and reached over for a fork full of cake. “I’ve…No one has ever made me feel that way before, ya know?”

Pinkie nodded before interjecting. “I take it you didn’t like it and are trying to examine the feelings in order to make your behavior more empathic in the future?”

“No.” Rainbow Dash stated. “The more I think about it, the more I realized I liked that feeling. I liked being insignificant. I like feeling low and embarrassed. I actually liked being afraid of her. I-is that weird?” she asked with a quirked eyebrow.

Pinkie took a moment to consider what she was going to say next. It was a very out of character moment for her, but she could practically feel how uncomfortable her friend was with this and, for once in her life, realized it wasn’t a joking matter. “Rainbow, I think I know what to do to help you. But you’re going to have to completely trust me ok?”

Rainbow Dash’s only response was just to nod at her friend.

“Ok,” Pinkie said. “My shift starts in a few minutes, but it’s a short one today. I only work four hours. My parents and sisters are out of town and a geologist convention in Manehatten. Why don’t you come over tonight and we’ll discuss this further; just me and you. The rest of the girls don’t need to know about this yet, ok.”

“Ok, Pinkie,” Rainbow said, getting up. “I’ll see you in a little while. I’ve got to go pick up Scoots for soccer day camp.”

Pinkie just watched her technicolored friend leave and gave a smirk. She knew exactly how to help, but she also knew how fragile the situation was for Rainbow Dash right now. As Maud always said, “The smallest tremor could bring the mountain down.”

Fluttershy and Sunset pulled up outside the bistro a short time later. Sunset chuckled as she saw her girlfriend’s car for the first time. It was a canary yellow Volkswagen Beetle that was, in all honestly, perfect for Fluttershy. Fluttershy chuckled as Sunset held the restaurant’s door open for her.

Fluttershy scanned the room for a moment before settling on a quiet corner booth large enough for two people. It was out of the way, private, and had a low hanging tablecloth. They both sat for not even a minute before the server came to their table with menus. “Hi there! Welcome to Cherry Tomato. I’m… Oh hey Fluttershy, Sunset. How’s it going?”

“Oh! Hey Lyra,” Fluttershy said while Sunset merely smiled and waved.

“What can I get for you? And where is everyone else?” Lyra asked, readying her tablet and pen to take their order.

Sunset looked over the menu for a second, trying to find something that sounded good. That was the problem though. Everything on the menu looked good. “Umm… Fried tofu with a side salad sounds really good. Sweet tea to drink please,” she said finally.

Fluttershy agreed and ordered that as well. “The rest of the girls are…umm…off somewhere. It’s just us today,” she said with a blush and then hid behind her hair.

Lyra just raised an eyebrow. Looking at Sunset, she asked, “Are you two on a date?”

Sunset nodded. “Yep. We just started seeing each other yesterday,” she said with a proud smile while Fluttershy nodded from behind her hair.

Lyra beamed. “That’s great you two! Is this your first time with a same sex partner?” she asked excitedly, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet.

“Yes,” Fluttershy said quietly. She didn’t quite understand why Lyra was making such a big deal out of it, but was happy that she was so accepting.

“Awesome!” Lyra exclaimed. “If you two need any help with anything, Bon Bon and I have kind of a support group that meets on Saturdays. It’s all same sex couples from school.”

Fluttershy smiled at the girl. “That sounds nice. Who all is in it?”

Lyra looked up as she was thinking. “Aside from Bon Bon and I, we have Vinyl and Octavia…Daisy, Lily, and Roseluck are in a relationship with each other. It’s not open though. They refer to themselves as a thruple. There’s also Sandalwood and Microchips. I think that’s pretty much it.”

“Wow,” Sunset said. “I didn’t know we had that many same sex couples at CHS.” she looked somewhat surprised as she locked eyes with Fluttershy.

Lyra nodded. “Yeah, not all of us are comfortable coming out yet. A few of us are worried about what our parents will say.”

“I-I suppose I could see that,” Fluttershy said quietly as it occurred to her. What would her parents think? This sort of thing wasn’t really talked about in her house.

Lyra closed her note pad. “Well I hope you two will come. It’s at my house. Let me go run and put your order in,” she finished before running off.

Sunset looked across the table at her girlfriend. Fluttershy wore an extremely introspective look, and that worried her. “Shy? Baby, you ok?” Sunset asked with a concerned voice.

Fluttershy shook her head and looked up, blushing. “D-did you call me baby?” she asked sweetly.

Sunset faltered. “Yes? That’s ok right? Do you not like that?” she felt slightly panicked. She was just trying to find a term of endearment.

“Oh! I-It’s fine,” Fluttershy said smiling. “It just surprised me a bit I guess. I really like the sound of it tho. I mean, we can’t be in play all the time can we? We do need things to talk each other out side of play.”

Sunset smiled at her girlfriend. “Are you sure nothing is bothering you?”

Fluttershy sighed and looked down at the table and played with a bit of her hair. “I’m just wondering how my parents will react when I tell them about us,” she looked up shocked suddenly. “N-not everything we do of course; just that we’re dating.”

Sunset nodded. That could be a legitimate concern. She, herself, had no parents on this side to worry about, not that she would worry anyways. Her parents were extremely understanding ponies.

Fluttershy sighed. “This…isn’t something we often talk about in my house. My parents tend to be very uncomfortable about sex and sexuality,” she said then chuckled morosely while making a dismissive gesture with her hand. “I had to get ‘The Talk’ from Rainbow’s mom. She actually made it less awkward than I thought it would be.”

Sunset reached across the table and took Fluttershy’s hand. “Don’t worry, baby,” she said with an understanding smile. “I’ll be by your side no matter what.”

Fluttershy squeezed her hand and smiled. Lyra came up a few moments later, carrying their orders. For the most part, the pair remained quiet as they ate. They were both in contemplation on how to talk to Fluttershy’s parents. It could go well, or it could go bad. The question weighing on both their minds was how bad would it go?

Near the end of the meal, Fluttershy herself had decided that, while the matter was worth worrying about, it wasn’t worth ruining a perfectly good date over. ‘I think I’ll have a little fun with Sunnybunny,’ she thought to herself and got a wicked smirk. She fumbled with her fork and dropped it beneath the table. “Ooops… Sunnybunny,” she started still wearing that smirk. “Would you be a sweet heart and get that for me?”

Sunset recognized her tone and fell immediately into subspace. “Y-yes, Miss Fluttershy,” she said as she ducked under the table to retrieve the fallen utensil.

Fluttershy, taking advantage of the almost floor length table cloth and the fact that she still wasn’t wearing panties, reached down and lifted her skirt, then spread her legs as wide as the booth seat would allow. She had to hide her laugh when a large thump hit the underside of the table, followed by a muffled curse.

Sunset came back up from under the table with her hand holding a small lump on top of her head and passed Fluttershy her fork. She half glared at her mistress.

Fluttershy smirked and cleaned her fork with a napkin, and set it down on the table. “See something surprising down there, Sunnybunny?”

“Yes, Miss Fluttershy,” she said with a scowl.

Fluttershy softened instantly. “I’m sorry, Sunset. I didn’t realize you’d actually get hurt,” she said, shrinking into herself.

Sunset rubbed the top of her head. “It’s ok. It was just an accident. I suppose I should’ve expected something like that,” she chuckled.

Fluttershy looked up at Sunset. “You’re not mad?” she asked meekly.

Sunset shook her head. “No, baby. It would take a lot more than just bumping my head during a prank to get me mad,” she said. “I will say that I did rather enjoy the view though,” she added saucily while quirking an eyebrow.

Fluttershy smiled genuinely. She stood up and grabbed Sunset’s hand and went to go pay for the food.

That evening found Rainbow Dash nervously walking up to the front door of the Pie house. She stood with her hand raised to knock for a good 30 seconds while she debated. She could still run for the hills, but a darker side of herself really wanted to understand why she felt like she did. She knew Pinkie would, in her own way, help her come to grips with this. That’s honestly what was scaring her. She didn’t know what Pinkie’s method would be. The girl was as hard to predict as any other force of nature.

Pinkie suddenly opened the door and looked at Rainbow still standing there with her arm raised. “You going to stand there all evening or are you going to come in and help me eat this pizza I ordered for us?” the pink haired wonder asked with a grin.

Rainbow’s attention had changed from her own nervousness to what her friend was wearing. Rainbow noticed Pinkie was barefoot, but her eyes traveled up her friend’s long bare legs to possibly the shortest pair of cut off shorts she’d ever seen. Applejack’s own shorts that she was prone to wearing during the summer weren’t even this short. The top Pinkie wore was a pink plaid shirt that she had tied off just under her large tits, giving them even more heft than usual with some massively enticing cleavage.

The whole outfit had Rainbow swallowing hard, but did what Pinkie intended. It had her distracted from her own discomfort. She turned and beckoned Rainbow to follow her inside, which Rainbow did, staring at Pinkie’s thick ass as it hung out from her shorts.

The pair moved to Pinkie’s kitchen, where pizza and soda were on the table. Pinkie took a seat and motioned for Rainbow to take the seat across from her. “Relax Rainbow. I won’t bite. Unless you want me too, then I’ll more than happily taste the Rainbow,” she said with a naughty smirk.

Rainbow sat down across from her and finally found her words as she took a slice of pizza. “Ok, Pinkie. What gives?”

“Well you were obviously nervous about something today, which I probably know what it is. And if I’m not mistaken, which I’m usually not about such things, you were still nervous about it all day, even while you were at the park with Scootaloo. You were still nervous about it while you were walking up to my house and were getting more and more nervous by the step. That’s why you stood at the door for a full thirty seconds without knocking. So I just decided to open the door and invite you in before the nervousness got to be so much that you ran away screaming. And as for why I’m dressed like this. Welllllllll, I could’ve opened the door naked I guess, but it’s a distraction, silly,” the girl said as if it were the most obvious thing.

Rainbow just stared, slack jawed. She didn’t know which she was more impressed by; the explanation, or that she said it all in one breath. “Ok Pinkie,” Rainbow started, growing uncomfortable again. “What do you think the problem is?”

“Nuh uh!” Pinkie said, jubilantly, around a mouth full of supreme pizza. “Food, drink, and friendship first; problems after!”

Rainbow Dash had to admit that after the meal, she was feeling a little better. A full stomach could be a comforting thing. The two had retired up to Pinkie’s room and were reclining next to each other on the bed. The room was perfectly representative of the girl who lived there. Everything in it was bright, bubbly, and seemed to be made of joy and happiness. It was all the complete opposite of how Rainbow Dash was feeling inside.

“Ok Rainbow Dash,” Pinkie said starting. “Feel free to stop me at any time if you have questions, but I want to try to explain my theory to you.”

Rainbow gave the faintest nod and shifted to give the other girl her full attention.

Pinkie stood up off the bed and adopted her best contemplative stance, as if she was channeling her inner Twilight. “My theory, my dear Dashie, is that you are not only secretly and subconsciously submissive, but your particular brand of submissiveness is that you like being belittled.”

Rainbow Dash’s reaction was as immediate as it was severe. “What?! How is that even possible?!” she exclaimed. “I mean, I’m awesome! I’m tough! What makes you think I’d be submissive to anyone?”

Pinkie stood there and weathered Rainbow’s rant stoically. ‘Best to let her get it out of her system now so it’s not too much of a shock. Maybe she’ll fight it less,” Pinkie thought to herself.

Finally Rainbow Dash calmed down and stared at Pinkie. In her rush to defend her ego, she had begun to think about the events. Part of her definitely enjoyed what Fluttershy had done. And had it been anyone but Fluttershy, who she trusted far more than any of the other girls, she may have reacted violently.

While she continued to rant, Pinkie just stood there with her arms crossed and a nonplussed look on her face, her left eye brow quirked.

Finally Rainbow Dash ended her ego defensive rant. “Ya done?” Pinkie asked with a heavy sarcasm in her voice. “Good… Now how about you allow me to prove my point.” she said and approached the bed. She decided the direct route would be best.

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “If you think you can.”

Pinkie Pie hugged her friend. “Before we start,” she said softly before continuing. “I want you to understand I don’t mean any of this. I love you Dashie. All of us do, ok? Don’t take anything I say to heart. This is only to make you realize something about yourself, so it won’t trouble you subconsciously.”

Rainbow Dash looked surprised, but nodded.

“Do you think,” she started, acid dripping from her words and a hard look in her eyes. “That if someone was really awesome, they’d have to say it as often as you do?”

Rainbow Dash shrank back at her words. “Really what you are, Rainbow Dash, is nothing more than an egotistical little cunt,” Pinkie continued with a cruel look.

The words cut hard, but Rainbow felt something under it. She couldn’t identify the feeling as of yet, but it was certainly something strong.

“I’m awesome,” Pinkie said mockingly, repeating it several times. “More like fucking pathetic. You go around feeding your fucking ego because no one else will. It’s like your very existence depends on you convincing yourself of your own shitty superiority.”

Rainbow Dash started breathing hard at the abuse Pinkie was doling out. She started grinding her legs together and the feeling finally was identified. It was elation mixed with sexual arousal. She was happy being berated and belittled. And more to the point, it was turning her on having her friend destroy her like this.

Pinkie grabbed Rainbow by her collar roughly and pulled her close, she whispered menacingly in her ear, “You’re fucking pathetic…”

Rainbow Dash grabbed Pinkie into a bone crushing hug, finally accepting this part of herself as real. She buried her face into Pinkie’s shoulder and let out a soft sigh. “I…am…submissive,” she whispered with a strangled sob. “Thank you Pinkie. I don’t know why, but this honestly makes me feel so much better. It really feels like I’ve been denying this part of me for…damn near my whole life.”

Pinkie hugged her friend back. “All of us have our kinks, Dashie. There’s no harm in accepting and even giving in to yours. You just have to remember to practice safe and sane play. I want to reiterate that none of what I said earlier was actually meant. We all do really love you for who you are and you are actually awesome.”

Rainbow looked at Pinkie with tears of relief in her eyes. “Safe and sane?” she asked. “C-can you explain this to me?”

Pinkie laid back on her bed, pulled Rainbow Dash down and cradled the girl’s head against her bosom. “Safe and sane means this…”

Of Admissions and Dominance

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Several computer monitors lit Twilight’s room with a dim glow, the indirect light casting deep shadows off every object. Twilight walked around, going over her list and packing up things for her first night alone with Rarity. Spike watched her running around like a neurotic mess while chuckling to himself. She had just finished packing her bag and muttering about it being a week since she saw her girlfriend, when her door suddenly opened, flooding the room in light from the hall. Twilight hissed and covered her eyes at the sudden intrusion.

Shining Armor shook his head as he switched on the light, making Twilight cover her eyes and squint at him. “Twily…” he said, laughing at her reaction. “This is how your eyes got so bad, little sister.”

“Did you need something, Shiney?” she asked in a faux sweet voice while glaring at her brother.

He raised his hands in defense and smiled. “I just wanted to see if you needed a ride over to Rarity’s place?”

“No, I’m good,” she said while zipping up her bag and looking at her list over for only the fifth time. She walked around the room shutting down various electronics and putting a hold to various experiments.

Shining Armor walked into the room and sat down on the bed, watching his sister. She had been acting nervous, well more nervous than usual, over the last few days. He wanted to make sure she was ok. He was glad when he heard she transferred to CHS from Crystal Prep. While the school suited him just fine, it practically destroyed his little sister and that bitch of a principal didn’t help.

He smirked when he thought about Abacus Cinch getting her comeuppance. Turns out she wasn’t as well connected as she thought she was. She couldn’t hold a candle to the combined connections of Twilight Velvet and Night Light when they found out she not only allowed, but practically encouraged the tormenting of their daughter by other students and even some of the faculty. She was out on her ass faster than you could say “Let’s go, Shadowbolts.” The family was happy when Cadence was fast tracked as into being the school’s new principal. Things changed around there really quickly.

He watched Twilight go through her rituals as she prepared to leave the house. “Hey Twily, is there something wrong?”

“No,” Twilight said, suddenly stiffening. “W-why would anything be wrong?” she kept her eyes away from him. She knew he could always tell when she wasn’t being completely truthful. She hadn’t come out to her family yet. She didn’t know how to. She wasn’t worried about Shining and Cadence. She wasn’t really even worried about what her parents would think. It didn’t change the fact that, due to her being a tightly wound ball of neuroses, she was still extremely worried none the less.

Shining Armor was suddenly behind her. He placed his large, yet comforting hand on her shoulder. ‘Damn, it,’ she thought. ‘I’m only a few years younger than him, yet he still can make me feel so tiny.’

He gently turned her to face him. “Talk to me, Twily,” he said with a gentle voice. She saw the concern deep in his eyes.

She sighed and sat down in her computer chair. “This was going to come out sooner or later,” she started without looking up at him. “I was just hoping to have a few days to work up the courage to tell everyone.”

He sat down on the bed across from her and watched Spike walk over next to her to offer his support. “You don’t really have to say anything you aren’t comfortable, Twily. It’s just…well both Cadence and I have both noticed that you have been more nervous around the family than usual lately and it has us concerned is all.”

She nodded and leaned forward. She knew her family noticed and that most likely it would be Shining they’d send to talk to her. “I-I guess…it’s just hard to talk about it. It’s not that I’m worried about what you will all think, but what about people outside the family. I mean, Mom and Dad have a reputation and not everyone will understand and…”

Shining knew he had to stop her before she got a head of steam. Once she got worked up, there was almost no getting her to slow down. “Twily! Twily, calm down… Don’t get ahead of yourself and tell me exactly what the problem is.”

She had gotten herself worked up to the point of crying now. “Shining, I’m gay!” she exclaimed suddenly, louder than she meant to. “I’m a lesbian! How do you think others will take that?! What about Mom and Dad’s colleagues? They would have a field day with it. My sexuality would be used against them. They may be both involved in science, but you know it’s still all politics when it comes to who gets grant money.”

Shining stared at his sister in shock before lunging for her and wrapping her in a tight hug. “Shh…shh…Twily. It’ll be ok. I know it seems scary right now, but everything will work out,” he told her while trying to sound reassuring. “Let’s finish getting you ready and I’ll drive you over to Rarity’s house, then, in a couple of days…if you’re ready, we’ll sit down with the rest of the family and tell everyone ok?”

She nodded into his chest, her sobs quieting and her shoulders shaking less. “I’m so scared, Shiny. I want them to be proud of me for what I accomplish in the name of science, not ashamed of me because of who I’m attracted to. What…what if I drag our family name through the mud?”

Shining Armor looked his sister in the eye. “You, baby sister, have nothing to be ashamed of. Never hide who you are. Everything you’ve accomplished has been on your own talents. No one can take that away from you. And if they try,” he said chuckling. “They’ll deal with your big brother.”

She smiled looking up at him. “Thank you, Shiney. I needed this.”

“It’s fine, Twily. Now let’s get you to Rarity’s, yeah?” he said, reaching to pick up her bag for her.

She made to follow him out of the room when her phone went off. She looked down and read the text message from Fluttershy and blushed hard. “H-hang on Shiney. Fluttershy wants to borrow something from me. I’m gonna grab it really quick,” she said and vanished back into her room.

Fluttershy put her phone down and flounced back on her bed. She’d been working on this plan for a few days now. She smiled and squirmed at the thought and ran and hand over her skin. She’d taken to being naked whenever she was alone. She learned to relish the feeling of her own bare skin. If only she could find a place outside where she could be naked, she would be extremely happy.

She sighed and sat up; stretching her arms above her head, giving her tits the illusion of being even larger. She needed to get dressed and go see Twilight at Rarity’s boutique before much longer. She was due over at Sunset’s in about two hours and she wanted to have everything ready. It was finally happening. She planned on going the distance tonight. That thought alone made Fluttershy blush super hard. ‘I thought I was past all this being embarrassed stuff,’ she thought.

Slipping into a slinky skirt and pulling on a tank top, she grabbed her overnight bag and her keys and headed for the door. She smirked as she felt the skirt move across her bare ass and her nipples hardened under her top. She didn’t even bother with underwear anymore.

Before she got to the door, she heard a greasy voice that caused her to shudder. “Hey, Flutters…where are you headed?”

It was a miracle that she shook off the disgusting feeling before turning to face her brother. She could deal with him better than she dealt with most people, but that only came with years of practice. “Where I go is none of your business, Zephyr,” she responded with barely masked contempt. Her brother, Zephyr Breeze, was probably the only person on the planet she truly hated. She didn’t even dislike Sunset when she was evil as much as she utterly loathed her brother.

He slunk around into her vision. “What if,” he started. “What if I make it my business?” he asked, his voice and movements dripping with utter sleeze.

Suddenly, as if by pressing some switch, Miss Fluttershy took over. A pale and dainty hand shot out and gabbed Zephyr by his collar. Fluttershy twisted it and, using all her weight, slammed her brother against the wall. She stared down at him, her thoughts bubbling to the surface. ‘This pathetic piece of shit that my parents had mistakenly gave birth to needs to be taught a lesson.’ “Now listen to me, you disgusting little ass fuck. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, I do is ever any of your business.”

Zephyr stared at his sister in shock. She was normally sarcastic and even mean to him, but to be fair, he himself was just as bad to her. But this was the first time she’d ever gotten violent. Maybe he’d pushed her to far this time, but he just couldn’t help himself. “You can’t hide anything from me, big sister,” he growled.

Fluttershy’s eyes grew sharper. “Apparently, dear brother,” she purred in his ear, then delivered a sudden and firm knee to the newest generation of the Shy family jewels. “You don’t get it. I will not be fucked with by you anymore,” she continued in a cold voice. “Remember this pain, baby brother. It will be worse next time.”

Zephyr was still crouched down on the floor holding his crotch five minutes after the door slammed. “Bitch,” he moaned. “You’re gonna get yours…I…promise.”

The drive to Rarity’s boutique did little to calm Fluttershy’s rage. It was a miracle she didn’t get pulled over. Her breaks screeched as she came to a sudden stop and she slammed her door as she got out. It was all she could to keep from slamming into the door to Rarity’s shop. She took a deep breath when she entered and looked around for Twilight. She really just wanted to get what she came for and get to Sunset’s.

Rarity came out of the back, “Hello, Darling,” she started, but then noticed the look on her face. “Is everything alright, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy shook her head and sighed. “Zephyr got me worked up before I left the house. I’m…just having a hard time calming down.”

Rarity nodded in understanding, taking off her red rimmed glasses and placing a hand on her hip. “That brother of your's knows how to get under everyone’s skin. I can’t understand how your parents don’t ever see it. I know some of the parents of the girls he’s harassed have called them.”

Fluttershy sat down in one of the waiting chairs, letting her bag flop on the floor beside her. “My parents just dismiss them and call their daughters ‘Godless jezebels’ for accusing him of things that their son would ‘never do’. Never mind some of them having photographic proof,” she said with a dismissive hand gesture. “I swear, Zephyr is a serial rapist waiting to happen.”

“Most of the girls at school agree,” Rarity said with a huff. “I’d…why I’d pay money just to see the disgusting little pervert put in his place just once.”

“I kneed him in the balls, if that makes things any better,” Fluttershy said with a smirk that her pink hair barely hid.

Rarity stared at her normally meek friend with wide eyes. Her mouth slowly upturned into an almost joyous smile. “Th-that’s…that’s just fantastic darling. Justice was truly served on this day,” she said with an overly dramatic flair.

The bell over the door went off again as Twilight entered. “Hey girls. Sorry I’m so late. Had a…bit of a talk with my brother.”

“Bet your's went better than mine,” Fluttershy muttered derisively.

Twilight looked at the girl questioningly before Fluttershy dismissed it. “Ooooookay…” she said slowly. “I brought what you asked, but umm…can I ask why you need it?”

This was the first real smile Fluttershy had in the last hour or so. “It’s part of my plan for tonight. Don’t worry. I’ll clean it before I bring it back.”

Twilight smiled and nodded, then pulled out a small sack, containing all the requested items. Rarity took a look before getting a wicked grin herself. “Oh darling, if that’s your plan, then we need to take it the full nine yards! Come with me.”

Rarity and Twilight grinned triumphantly as Fluttershy left with a happy smile and a light blush. “Sunset is going to be in for a bit of a wild night,” Rarity commented as she locked the door and turned the sign to its closed side.

Twilight, who herself was blushing at the thought, smiled back. “I can’t believe how daring Fluttershy has become since they started dating. I suppose Sunset does have that effect on people though.”

“That she does,” Rarity responded before turning and planting a kiss on her girlfriend’s lip. “And you, my dear have your own pronounced effect on people,” she said, taking Twilight’s hand and moved it to her own wetness.

Twilights eyes went wide as she felt how soaked Rarity already was. “I-I haven’t even done anything yet.”

“You don’t have to,” Rarity purred in her ear. “Like I said my beautiful little dress up doll; you also have a very pronounced effect.”

Twilight moaned and immediately fell into her own subspace. “What would you have me wear tonight, seamstress?”

Rarity smirked and pulled the girl to the fitting area. “Anything I desire, my little doll.”

Fluttershy took the stairs up to Sunset’s apartment. To say it was an apartment was a bit of a stretch really. Her girlfriend actually lived in a mezzanine in her building. It was about three hundred dollars cheaper on the whole, but the girl certainly made the most of her small amount of space. It honestly felt very homely.

Fluttershy knocked and waiting a few seconds before Sunset opened the door wearing not a stitch. It made Fluttershy extremely happy that her girlfriend had the same pension for nudity that she herself did. Sunset’s explanation for this was that ponies don’t normally wear clothes, and because of this she only wore them when decency called for it, which was only outside her apartment or when anyone other than Fluttershy was over.

Fluttershy kissed Sunset and hugged her tightly and kissed her for a bit longer than normal, which told Sunset volumes about her girlfriend’s mood. “What’s wrong, Shy?” she asked, pulling her inside and shutting the door. They walked over to the area rug that defined Sunset’s living area and sat down at the table, where vegetable stir fry had already been divided on two plates.

“I-I had a fight with Zephyr before I came over. You don’t mind if I go ahead and undress, do you?” she asked with a sigh.

Sunset nodded, knowing her girlfriend had become more comfortable when nude. “Whatever you’d like to do, sweetness.”

Fluttershy smiled at her pet name and removed her clothes. She heard Sunset make a light moan when she saw the lack of underwear and noted that it had the desired effect.

They settled into their meal and Fluttershy recounted the earlier encounter with Zephyr Breeze. Sunset had all the appropriate reactions in all the right places, even cackling madly when Fluttershy mentioned kneeing him in the balls. “That’s fucking perfect, sweetness!” Sunset cheered. “I’ll make a tough bitch out of you yet.”

Fluttershy smiled adorably and moved to Sunset’s side of the table. “I-I brought us something to try tonight,” she said while running a slim finger down Sunset’s chest, between her boobs, and all the way down, stopping just above her sex. “Up for a little bit of experimentation, my little Sunnybunny?”

Sunset’s eyes fluttered as she shuddered pleasantly at the attention. ‘Damn she is so good at turning me on,” she thought. “Yes, Miss Fluttershy. Anything you wish.”

“Mmmmm… that’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” Fluttershy purred into Sunset’s ear. “There is a small bag over there by my things. Go get it and then get changed in the bathroom, but don’t come out until I say so.”

Sunset nodded and got up, walking over to the bag with an exaggerated sway of her hips. She bent over at the waist, giving Fluttershy an amazing view of her glistening sex before marching off to the bathroom to get changed.

Fluttershy stood, gathered the dishes and took them to the kitchen area. After placing them in the sink, she moved to her bag to get herself ready for their bit of play time. She pulled out the outfit that Rarity had arranged for her. She put on a black garter belt with stockings, and black lace bra that made her tits look more gigantic than usual, a short business skirt, tight low cut blouse, and a tight cut jacket. Add to that a set of severe looking glasses and an equally severe bun that Twilight taught her how to her hair up in and she looked the part of the quintessential “no nonsense teacher”. It was perfect.

Sunset looked at herself in her floor length mirror. It was obviously Twilight’s old Crystal Prep uniform, but extremely modified in a sexual manner. The skirt was now obscenely short and the top was designed to be tied across the boobs. Sunset had even done her hair up into pig tails. “Oh hopping Celestia… I look like a popstar from the 90’s,” she muttered. She shook her head and pulled on her boots over her distressed fish net stockings.

She heard Fluttershy call for her to come out. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and walked out. She stalled at seeing Fluttershy leaned against the kitchen table giving her a withering gaze.

“Miss Shimmer,”Flusttershy said in an angry tone. “Detention began five minutes ago. Care to explain to me why you’re late?”

Sunset made a quick decision and adopted her old bad girl attitude. “Fuck do you care?” she asked with a huff and crossing her arms, making her tits more pronounced.

“Stow your bitchy attitude, Miss Shimmer. It will not be tolerated,” Fluttershy said then pointed to the chair at the table. “Sit.”

Sunset made a dismissive noise and started to speak again, but Flutter say pointed harder and yelled. “I fucking said sit!”

Sunset was slightly taken aback with the yelling, but fell back into character quickly. She rolled her eyes and stomped back over to the chair and sat down.

“That’s better,” Fluttershy purred. “Though that’s two more detention for your pissy attitude and being out of uniform,” she continued matter of factly while walking around the table. She leaned over, providing Sunset and enticing view of her massive cleavage. “That is,” she continued in a seductive tone. “Unless you can convince me otherwise.”

Sunset swallowed hard and tried not to stare at her girlfriend’s tits. ‘Damn, those are fucking distracting,’ she thought as she tried to form a coherent response. “What…do you want?” she stuttered.

Fluttershy smiled demurely and ran a finger along her chest. “Satisfaction.”

Sunset winced and looked the part of the nervous student. “S-satisfaction? How?”

Fluttershy walked around the table while giving her a lustful yet appreciative eye. “Oh…I’m sure we can think of something Miss Shimmer,” she said in a suggesting manner and ran a finger along Sunset’s neck, causing the other girl to gulp audibly.

Sunset shuddered at the touch. “I-I’m not sure I’m comfortable with what your suggesting, Miss Fluttershy. I…uh…I know I’ve been less than stellar in my behavior, but umm…”

Fluttershy put a finger on the girls lips to silence her. “You think I don’t see the looks you give me in class? You think I don’t know how you watch my ass sway as I walk? That I don’t see you staring at my tits instead of listening to my lecture?” she asked then leaned in to whisper in her ear. “You think I don’t know you dress like a slut to get me to look at you?”

Sunset blushed hard but didn’t disagree. Inwardly, she was absolutely loving this game. The mental aspect as well as the physical had her practically soaking her seat. ‘I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been this wet before,” she thought. Sunset started panting and grinding against her seat. “I-I still don’t know about this, Miss Fluttershy.”

“Oh, I think you do, Miss Shimmer. I think you do indeed,” she purred while playing with Sunset’s hair. “I mean, you do want to get out of these detentions don’t you? I think giving me your body is a small price to pay for that.”

Sunset audibly moaned at that. “What…what do you want me to do, Miss Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy stepped in front of her and sat on the table and made to look like she was thinking. After a few moments, her eyes lit up as if she had just formed a plan. “I have an idea,” she said then grabbed the front of her jacket and blouse. It didn’t take nearly as much force as she thought it would to rip them open, exposing her black lacy bra. She then spread her legs, allowing the skirt to ride up and show that she wasn’t wearing panties. “Eat my pussy, Miss Shimmer.”

Sunset looked at Fluttershy with half lidded eyes as she leaned forward. The scent that Fluttershy’s sex was giving off was heady and strong, and Sunset absolutely loved it. She placed her hands on Fluttershy’s inner thighs to steady herself. Sunset inhaled one last time before sticking out her tongue for the first taste of her mistress’s pussy. The taste hit her tongue like the most heavenly ambrosia. At first, it was pleasantly tangy but soon gave away to a sweetness that Sunset knew she was now addicted to.

Fluttershy threw her head back with a loud moan and laid back on the table. This was better than her fingers by leaps and bounds. She felt Sunset dig in and was tonguing her twat with reckless abandon. Her hands worked to free her tits from the confines of her bra. While the article was certainly sexy and had the desired effect on Sunset, she wanted her tits free and to feel the air on her hardened nipples.

Sunset was in heaven. Face first in Fluttershy’s slit is where she truly belonged. The pleasurable noises were like a chorus of angels to her and that she was the cause of those noises made her happy beyond words. She renewed her vigor once more, letting her tongue dance over Fluttershy’s clit, begging her to cum and cum hard.

Fluttershy shuddered out a long and loud moan. Pleasure was crashing against her in wave after wave. She wanted to ride this feeling as long as she could. Nothing she had ever done to herself could compare to the feelings rushing up her entire body. Suddenly, she felt a spark, and then the hardest orgasm she’d ever had flooded all of her senses. Everything went white. When her senses finally returned and her sensations died down she looked down at Sunset, who was completely soaked in cum.

Sunset stared at Fluttershy in wide eyed wonder. She laid there, completely drained, yet somehow still seemed to be made entire out of lust, and Sunset wanted more. She would never stop wanting more.

Flusttershy, after getting her breath back, sat up and kissed Sunset gently on the lips. “I believe it’s your turn now, Miss Shimmer.”

Sunset quickly stood up as Fluttershy got off the table. She looked down at the wetness that covered the chair Sunset sat in and chuckled. “My my…someone’s eager.”

Sunset blushed hard and looked down. “Yes, Miss Fluttershy. Very eager,” she said in a quiet voice. She shifted from foot to foot to try to grind her thighs together.

Fluttershy reached over and untied the knot that held her top closed, allowing Sunset’s tits to fall free. “Now Miss Shimmer, I want you to crawl onto the table on your hands and knees and face the wall.”

Sunset did as she was told, her legs shaking in anticipation as she awaited further instructions from her mistress. She had no idea what Fluttershy had planned at this point, but she was determined to enjoy it.

Fluttershy watched appreciatively as Sunset carried out her command. “Good. Very good. Now lower your face onto the table and reach out and grab the edge. You are not to remove your hands from the edge of the table until I say so. Is that clear, Miss Shimmer?” Fluttershy spoke in a soft, yet commanding tone.

It was almost as if there was an unspoken promise of pleasure for compliance. Sunset laid her face down, her eyes half lidded as she complied. “Y-yes, Miss Fluttershy. Anything you say.”

“That’s a good girl,” Fluttershy said as she moved behind Sunset and lifted her skirt. “Face down, ass up…this is exactly how a naughty bitch like you should spend all her time. Isn’t that right?”

“Y-yes, Miss Fluttershy,” Sunset stuttered. The anticipation alone was almost driving her to orgasm. She had never in all her years, pony or human, been this horny. She let out a sudden yelp of surprise as she felt the sting of a hand impact her left ass cheek. Her hips bucked hard and she arched her back even lower.

“Such a gorgeous ass,” Fluttershy said with a smirk. “As far as punishments go, I may actually enjoy spanking it too much.” Fluttershy delivered another forceful smack, but to the right cheeks this time, eliciting a similar response.

Fluttershy raised and eyerbrow as Sunset let out an incoherent moan. “I’m sorry? Can you repeat that?” she asked. “It almost sounded like you were asking for more. You simply must speak up, Miss Shimmer. Mumbling is quite rude.”

“More!” Sunset yelled. “Please, sweet fucking Celestia. Punish my ass more, Miss Fluttershy! I can take it. Make my ass red!”

Fluttershy chuckled as Sunset started wiggling her ass in a tantalizing manner. She delivered a hard slap against the left cheek again. “Is this why you act like this, Miss Shimmer? You want someone to spank you?”

“Yes, Miss Fluttershy! I want to be punished hard! I’m such a wicked bitch! Please!” Sunset begged and wailed as her ass began to heat up. This was so much better than she could imagine.

Fluttershy obliged her pet by spanking her until her own hands couldn’t take it anymore. She ended her spanking session by delivering a double handed slap to both cheeks at the same time. “If you’re not the sorriest piece of ass in Canterlot right now,” Fluttershy growled, “Then, at least, you’re certainly the sorest.”

Sunset could only mutter incoherently. Her ass stung, but it only served to enhance the heat coming from her pussy. Her fingers also ached from keeping a white knuckled grip on the table. She perked up a little bit when she heard the sound of a chair sliding behind her.

“Now, Miss Shimmer, I believe it’s time to finish your punishment. You’ve been such a good little whore tonight, but there is one thing left to do. Do you know what that is?” Fluttershy asked sweetly while light brushing her fingers along Sunset’s thighs.

Sunset shuddered at the sensations the touch delivered. “W-what’s that, Miss Fluttershy?”

“Make you scream my name,” Fluttershy said in a low voice as she leaned in. She gave Sunset’s pussy and experimental probe with her tongue, finding that she did actually enjoy the girl’s taste. This prompted her to move forward vigorously. She lapped, sucked, and licked at the other girl’s sex before focusing solely on the clit.

Sunset moaned loudly and bucked her hips hard, pressing her cunt into Fluttershy’s face. It didn’t matter how much she moved though, she kept her hands firmly gripped to the edge of the table. ‘I’m a good pet. I follow her orders. I’m a good pet,’ Sunset repeated mentally as waves of pleasure washed over her. She was getting so close, she just needed a little bit more.

Fluttershy licked faster and harder, spurred on by the panting that Sunset was making. There was no point in actually asking the girl anything right now. No point in talking. She doubted Sunset could verbally communicate in any way. Still the girl managed to let Fluttershy know exactly what she wanted; the way she moved her hips and ground herself against Fluttershy’s tongue told her everything she needed to know.

Sunset’s hips practically started to vibrate as the hardest orgasm she’d ever had washed over her. She sang the praises of the girl whose face she was currently grinding into at the top of her lungs to all that would listen. The ultimate feeling of pleasure rocked Sunset to her very soul. She finally lost herself in the feeling and everything around her faded out.

When Sunet came too, she looked up into Fluttershy’s concerned eyes. She reached up with a gentle hand and pulled the girl into a deep kiss. “That was the most amazing thing I have ever felt in all my life,” she said after letting go.

Fluttershy smiled down at her. “Glad you liked it, baby. But we’re not done yet. Can you stand?” she asked.

Sunset made to get up but she felt her knees were shaky still. “I may need your help. Where are we going?” she asked

“I’m going to take you over to the bed,” Fluttershy said, helping the taller girl to walk. “I may have gone a little far with that spanking and we need to treat it so it doesn’t bruise to bad.”

Sunset could still feel the sting of it. “For what it’s worth, I loved every minute of it, sweetness,” she said as they crawled into the bed together after stripping down. Sunset lay face down while Fluttershy applied an aloe based lotion to her violently red ass cheeks.

“This is probably going to be sore for the next couple of days,” Fluttershy said. She had a horrified look on her face when she saw exactly how much damaged she had done.

Sunset chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, Shy. I loved it. The pain made the pleasure that much more…I don’t know… pleasurable,” she said getting comfortable. “Now come here. You have cuddling duties to attend to.”

Fluttershy giggled and snuggled up against her girlfriend.

Zephyr Breeze laid in his bed that night with a mad grin on his face and an ice pack on his groin. Yes his sister had practically ground his balls into a thin red paste this afternoon, but he would have his pay back, and said payback will be sweet.

He reached down and grabbed his phone, opening the picture app. He stared at the newest picture of his sister in a passionate kiss with a naked Sunset Shimmer. He knew his very conservative, very Christian parents would love to see this little gem.

He sat his phone down with one last chuckle. “I got you now, bitch!”

Of Plots and Alone Time

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The rooster crowed early at Sweet Apple Acres. The sun was rising currently but Applejack had been up and at’em well before that point. The early morning chores were closed to finished, in fact all that was left was Applebloom’s bit but the girl was lagging as usual. Applejack, back pack slung over her shoulder, made for the far end of the back forty to indulge in her weekly Sunday morning ritual. It was the only place, and time really, that she could get some peace and quiet.

She hummed one of the Rainboom’s songs quietly to herself as she walked between the rows of apple trees. It was cool for a summer’s early morning and that suited her just fine. She wore her usual farming attire today. A pair of daisy dukes that she knew there’d be no way she could get away with anywhere else and maintain decency, a plaid button up that she wore tied in the front across her chest, her signature Stetson, and her western style boots.

The walk, all in all, took about half an hour one way to get to her favorite spot; a big rock that was too large and buried too deep to efficiently move without rutting up the whole damn area. It was large and flat topped that provided the perfect spot for sunning yourself if one was so inclined. Applejack had such inclinations this morning.

She spent her time walking trying to wrap her mind around the change in her group’s dynamic that had happened over the last few weeks. Fluttershy and Sunset, Twilight and Rarity, and, apparently now Pinkie and Rainbow had SOMETHING going on. No one had a clue as to what, as they were being extremely tight lipped about it, but one who was adept at reading people as Applejack was, could certainly pick up on it.

The only one who didn’t have someone to have something; anything with was Applejack. ‘Primarily ‘cause none of ‘em have what Ah wanna suck on,’ she thought wryly to herself. It was great that all her friends had found someone within their group to scratch that particular itch, but Applejack was straight as an arrow. Of course she’d experimented to just be perfectly certain, but that had ended rather abruptly and awkwardly. She and Pinkie knew that was the one subject they never would speak of to anyone.

As always by this time on her walk, Applejack wanted just one thing. ‘Damn it all, Ah wish Ah had a stud with a big ole’ cock Ah could mount right now,’ she thought with a moan. She knew by the time she reached her rock, that’d she want nothing more to strip down and get two knuckles deep. ‘May aughta go get me one of them sex toys.’

She’d thought about it before. They had a shop in town on a street not too far from Rarity’s boutique, but she was honestly afraid of being recognized going into the place. ‘Plus if Granny found it, Ah’d be in the shit for a good long time. She don’t understand a young woman’s got needs now a days.’ That thought alone almost sobered her up…almost.

She finally reached her rock and climbed on top of it. She took a deep, cleansing breath of the fresh cool morning air. The rising sunlight had beaten down on the rock for just the right amount of time to make it comfortably warm. Applejack set about preparing her area; A blanket to lay on to keep herself clean plus a pillow to rest her head against were the first things to go down, followed shortly by her clothes, save for her hat.

Finally Applejack laid back and ran a hand over herself and let her mind wonder. Applejack, regardless what others might thing, had a strong and very active imagination. In an instant she had a large muscled and equally large dicked man on that rock with her. She snaked slowly down his body, planting small kisses along the way till she got to her prize. She looked up while running her tongue teasingly along his shaft, pausing at the tip just long enough to meet his eyes before sucking down his entire length. Her blonde head bobbed as she pressed her tongue hard against the underside of his cock.

After a few minutes of this, Applejack twisted her body to place her pussy within reach of his tongue. Her partner took the hint and immediately got to work pleasuring her soaked snatch with his tongue. She moaned hard around the stiff cock currently deep in her throat, making it throb harder. ‘Oh yeah, that’s the stuff right there,’ she thought and moaned louder around the cock.

She dislodged it from her mouth not too much longer afterward and arranged herself over it. “Time to take this bronco for a ride!” she exclaimed and impaled herself on the massive piece of man meat. “Yee-fucking-haw!” she screamed and rode it for all it was worth.

She placed her hands on his chest to balance herself as she bounced as fast and hard as she could. Her tits shook and jiggled to the rhythm of the slapping of their skin. They panted and grunted together with their rutting. This was not gentle loving. What this was, was good, hard, and downright lewd fucking. There was no reason to gussy it up with fancy words and this is what Applejack wanted more than anything.

Applejack herd her partner start to grunt and his face tightened up. She got off him and sat on her knees as he hurried and stood up. “Come on, partner! Gimme that big load!” she yelled as she grabbed his cock and started working it with her hand as fast as she could. With a loud groan, he let loose five huge spurts of cum, covering Applejack from head to tits. AJ felt her legs tighten up as she rode out her own orgasm and slowly came out of her fantasy. “Damn,” she moaned happily. “Ah gotta get me a man.”

She pulled her Stetson down over her eyes and settled in for a brief nap, naked in the warm sunlight.

Sunset and Twlight sat together in a corner booth at Sugar Cube Corner. They’d been meeting once a week like this for a while just to have breakfast together and talk about events. Whereas both loved the rest of their friends dearly, there was something about changing into raging she-demons that could make two people bond. They both felt closer to each other, in a platonic sense, than they did to the other girls. It started out as just bonding between the two, but soon turned into a kind of therapy.

“So how are things going with Rarity?” Sunset asked between bites of her eggwhite and veggy croissant.

Twilight finished sipping her cappuccino before answering. “Oh, it’s been amazing; certainly a unique experience. We have a…umm…different relationship dynamic.”

Sunset quirked her eyebrow at Twilight’s blush. ‘Are…are they into the same stuff as me and Fluttershy?’ she wondered to herself. “H-how so?” she pressed.

“Oh! Umm…Well see…” Twlight floundered for a moment. She knew Sunset wouldn’t bring it up to the others. It’s why she was ok talking to the girl about virtually anything. Intellectually, they were on a similar level, the only real difference being that Sunset wasn’t nearly as neurotic. “Our sexual relationship is…different than others.”

Sunset smiled in a friendly manner to calm the other girl. “Oh, I get that. Fluttershy and I are different as well,” she said and shifted slightly. She felt the bruises on her ass from the night before and it brought a smile to her face.

“Oh I figured that,” Twilight said with a smirk and sipped her coffee. “It was my old school uniform she borrowed. I assume it was for some kind of roleplay experience.”

It was Sunset’s turn to blush. “Uh-huh. It was amazing too.”

Twilight smiled and leaned forward a bit so they could talk a little quieter. “Tell me about it, please,” she requested.

Sunset leaned in too. “She put me in detention,” she said with a smirk and watched Twilight’s jaw drop. “She offered me the ultimatum of serving more detentions or pleasuring her. I swear to Celestia, Twi, I’ve never been that horny in my life. My ass is still sore from the spanking she gave me while I was on my knees, doggy style, on my own table,” Sunset said, slightly glassy eyed. “Fluttershy is such a good mistress, and I try to be the perfect pet for her.”

Twilight’s jaw clicked shut audibly and, with an equally audible gulp, she nodded and squirmed a bit. “T-that sounds like quite the experience.”

Sunset nodded, taking another bite of her breakfast. “Tell me about what you and Rarity do?” she requested.

Twilight nodded. “It’s only fair I give you some details as well, I suppose,” she said meekly. “We have a similar dynamic, with a few exceptions. The first is that instead of mistress, I call her Seamstress. My role is that of a dressing doll. She dresses me in all sorts of outfits, touching my body in all sorts of pleasurable ways while she puts the clothes on or takes them off of me. It starts out innocent enough, but that then end of things I’m always in some sort of lingerie,” she spoke, barely above a whisper before continuing. “She always has me do some lewd poses, like holding the skirt I’m wearing up in either the front or the back, or holding a button up blouse open, exposing my chest. A lot of the time she uses me for figure drawing, but ultimately we always end up pleasing each other by the end of it,” she finished, sighing with a smile.

Sunset smiled at her friend. “That honestly sounds amazing, Twlight.”

Twlight smiled and then looked down slightly embarrassed. She just had a thought and wondered if Sunset, Fluttershy, and Rarity would be up for it. “Umm…Sunset. I want to ask you something, but I want you to keep an open mind before you answer.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow in intrigue. “Ooook…What’s on your mind, Twi?”

“Now…umm…I haven’t run this by Rarity yet, but I just had this thought so I supposed that would make sense, but I would want to check with you first anyways because, well, I honestly trust you more than most people and that, in turn, makes me value your opinion…” Twilight rambled before Sunset interrupted.

“Twilight!” she exclaimed soft, making her friend stop suddenly. “You’re rambling again.”

Twilight nodded and took a breath to steady herself. ‘Approach this scientifically,’ she thought to herself before continuing. “I want to study different kinds of play.”

Sunset nodded and chuckled. “Trust you to want to study something when it’s piqued your curiosity. What do you have in mind?”

Twilight smiled. “Do you think that Fluttershy would be ok with me observing you during your play?”

Sunset was honestly impressed that the girl didn’t stutter over than sentence. “I can ask, but I honestly don’t know. This is all still pretty new to us and we’re just experimenting to find what kinds of play we mutually enjoy right now,” she said, while trying to sound open to the idea. Sunset was still a mostly private person, even as open as she was with Twilight. Plus there was the fact that Fluttershy, even as daring as she had gotten by embracing this lifestyle, was still just as timid as ever in all other walks of life.

Twilight seemed uncertain for a moment. “I-I didn’t ask for too much did I?” she asked and then held her breath in anticipation.

Sunset shook her head. “Not at all,” she spoke with a light voice. “Trust me; I’m definitely open to the idea. You would probably be the first person I’d be ok with observing us. I just want to make sure Shy is ok with it as well.”

“I suppose I understand that,” she said with a nod and sipped her coffee. “Rarity would probably want to be ok with this plan also. She may even want to observe you with me.”

Sunset let out a small laugh. “Knowing Rarity, she’d want to use us as inspiration for a new clothing line or some such.”

“That probably wouldn’t be too far from the truth.” Twilight said, also releasing her mirth at the thought. “But would that be such a bad thing? She draws inspiration from all of us. It’s part of the reason her shop does so well. We’re a pretty diverse group, and it’s that obvious diversity that inspires her lines, which in turn, inspires her diversity in clientele.”

Sunset nodded in agreement. “I don’t think there is a girl in school who doesn’t shop at Rarity’s for some article or another. If she can’t make it herself, she can definitely order it for you.”

“Actually,” Twilight began. “Where she makes her most money is in alterations. It’s almost pure time and has the least impact on her resources. That definitely has the highest profit margin.”

Sunset eyed her friend in amazement. “Wow. Didn’t expect you to know so much about how her business in run.”

Twilight ducked her head and blushed. “She…may have asked me to look at her business model to see if there was a way to increase her profits. I only made a few mild suggestions,” she said dismissively.

“You really shouldn’t sell yourself so short Twi,” Sunset said, good naturedly. “You’re a very talented girl and Rarity is lucky to have your help.”

“Thanks, Sunset. I know I don’t show it much, but I really do appreciate everything you girls have done for me since I transferred,” Twilight said, showing her gratitude.

Sunset was about to reply, when they were both pelted with confetti and slightly deafened by the sound of noise makers. “Hi girls!” Pinkie exclaimed. “We need to have a get together tonight!”

Fluttershy noted that her parent’s cars were gone as she pulled her beetle into the drive way. This didn’t surprise her much as it was Sunday morning. They were probably at church. ‘Hopefully they took Zephyr with them,’ she thought to herself as she approached the front door while fiddling with her keys.

She checked the time on her phone after getting to her room and divesting herself of her clothes. “Two hours…” she breathed. She had to be at the shelter in a couple of hours. She volunteered to go in today to feed the animals. It was supposed to be her day off. ‘But those poor baby animals have to have their meal. Besides I don’t mind getting to spend more time with them,’ she thought with a smile.

Deciding to take advantage of her time with a long hot bubble bath, she soaked happily amongst the warm suds and let her mind wander to things that were in need of quiet contemplation. She had been putting off a lot of decisions that needed to be made, but didn’t want to make them due to lack of consideration. One of those decisions was how to admit to her parents that she was currently in a same sex relationship.

‘T-they probably won’t take it well,’ she thought and sunk a little farther into the water as if it would protect her. She had rarely stood up to her parents, even if sometimes she greatly disagreed with them. She respected their beliefs and respected that they were her parents, but they could be rather intolerant of certain things they dubbed “lifestyle choices”. One of those was alternate sexual preferences.

‘Then there’s the issue with Zephyr,’ she thought with a disgusted look. They had originally had a good relationship in the early years and she had loved her little brother dearly. It all started when he was about ten. He started lying, stealing, and manipulating people. The only person he could never fool was Fluttershy. Not that he ever tried to. ‘It’s…like he enjoys that I know, but no one will believe me.’

She sighed and began rinsing the soap from her body. She had had several of the girls at school tell her of the things her brother either said or did. Most disturbing of which was putting a hidden camera in the girl’s locker room. No one could pin it on him, but the fact that he did it was one of those things that everyone just knew…

Fluttershy climbed out of the tub and toweled herself off, then took a blow dryer to her hair. She walked back to her room with a somber expression. She had reached no conclusions about anything, and that, in and of itself, was extremely frustrating to her. She decided to put it out of her mind before her mood spoiled any more that it was already.

She dressed in her clothes she normally wore for when she went to work at the shelter; a simple t-shirt and some jeans. Clothes she didn’t mind the animals crawling all over or messing up. She checked her reflection and pulled her hair back into a pony tail and smiled at her reflection. ‘It’s been such a strange couple of weeks. I feel as though I’ve changed somehow. I’ve gotten…more confident. I really should thank Sunset for that. She was the one who helped me come out of my shell.’

On her way out the door, her phone pinged with a message from Pinkie. “Oh, she wants to have a sleep over tonight?”

The strong, almost sickeningly strong, smell of incense wafted through the air of the old church and offended the nose of Zephyr Breeze. He attended church with his parents every Sunday. He never listened to the old priest. Such things as religious piousness were beneath him. No…he was only here, sitting in this uncomfortable old pew, because it looked good.

Appearance was everything to Zephyr. From the perfect way he groomed himself to the way, despite his antics, he managed to manipulate things to keep his reputation spotless. Oh sure, a few people knew the truth, but at the end of the day they would be discredited as a liar and he’d come up smelling like roses. ‘Heh…and that Sunset bitch thought she was good at manipulation…”

That brought another issue to the front of his mind. He felt his phone in his pocket and thought of the picture he had. About fifteen minutes after Fluttershy kneed him in the nuts, he had finally managed to stand without wincing. He then set about planning how to get back at his sister for this slight. He knew she was going over to Sunset’s and figured he’d follow her. Maybe she’d do something embarrassing that he could catch on video and hold it over her head.

He got way more than he ever expected. He had hidden himself around the corner of the hall and waited for his sister for about an hour before she finally showed, this time with more bags in tow than when she left. To his extreme surprise, Sunset opened the door completely naked. He hurried and pulled out his phone with the photo app already open. Then he got his double whammy. Fluttershy clung to her and kissed her hard. ‘I almost forgot to take the god damned picture…’ he thought with an inner laugh.

Zephyr had everything he needed for his revenge against his sister, but how to use it? He could just blackmail her sure, but that wouldn’t be good enough. He suffered real pain; pain to the point of unconsciously crossing his legs when he thought about it. ‘She needs to suffer just as much…no. She needs to suffer more than that…A lot more.’

He then looked at his parents sitting next to him. His eyes opened widely before the wicked smile he’d ever had took form over his face. ‘Oh yeah…That’ll do. That’ll do nicely.’

Rainbow Dash’s current mood could be described as cautiously optimistic. It was nice day; sunny without being terribly hot. She was up her favorite shade tree, sitting on her favorite branch. This was her favorite branch simply because it had two other branches that came out slightly above it that made perfect armrests. It was also wide enough that her ass didn’t get uncomfortable. It also afforded her a good bit of privacy since the tree always grew its leaves extremely densely.

She took a sip from her bottle of water and thought back over the last couple of weeks. More specifically she focused on a few evenings she’d spent with Pinkie. She had been extremely helpful in aiding Rainbow to the realization that she was, in fact, submissive. The issue she was currently having was coming to terms with all that entails.

Her specific kink was that she liked to be berated. She wasn’t sure about much else, but was willing to experiment in a controlled setting. Pinkie had explained was safe, sane, and consensual meant and all of that honestly came as a huge relief. It meant that any experimenting she wanted to try would be done in a way she’d be comfortable with.

Still, that her kink clashed so hard with her ego was something that was going to take a little while to get used to. She had grown up being told how awesome and great she was her whole life. She was good at every sport she put her mind to. She was even a decent student. You had to be if you wanted to be on the sports teams at CHS. But that she found it sexually arousing to be talked down to and made to feel worthless…it was a massive gear change for her.

Even so, Pinkie had been amazing and surprisingly patient with her. She was extremely thankful for that. Things had been very intense the last few times they had been alone. She and Pinkie explored this side of her every chance they got and Pinkie even explained a little of her own personal kinks. How she liked to watch people have sex. She called it Voyeurism and she showed Rainbow her extensive porn collection; something Rainbow actually found fascinating.

They had even taken turns watching each other masturbate. The thought of that made Rainbow squirm a little. Looking around to make sure she was alone, Rainbow adjusted herself on the branch so she could raise her skirt. She hooked her feet on the two branches she normally used as arm rests and reached down to slowly rub herself through her panties.

Rainbow had used to relative privacy of her tree to engage personal relief before so she knew she’d be safe. She leaned her head back and let out a content sigh as the pleasure began to build more. ‘I wish Pinks was here now,’ she thought, which surprised her a bit. If she was being honest with herself, she had begun to think of Pinkie more and more in her alone times. Not just as she sexually pleased herself either. She had actually begun to desire the bubbly girl’s companionship more.

‘I kinda wish she was here watching me,’ Rainbow thought as she started rubbing harder. She slid her hand down her panties to touch her wetness directly and moaned softly. She thought about Pinkie’s large, pillowy breasts being pressed to her face as she rubbed off.

Rainbow Dash began to pant harder as she slid two fingers inside her quim. She spread her legs even wider and pulled them back as far as she safely could. She moaned lewdly as she imagined her friend’s large breasts smothering her. ‘Ooohh…fuck me this feels so fucking good,’ she thought.

“Hi there, Dashie!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, suddenly sitting on the branch also.

Rainbow Dash jumped so hard that she almost fell off the branch with her finger still inside herself. “Pinkie! You scared me!”

Pinkie just grinned like usual. “You looked like you’re really enjoying yourself, so I thought I’d join you if you didn’t mind.”

Rainbow stared blankly for a moment before grinning. “I’d like that actually. Would you mind…um…opening your top?” she asked.

Pinkie just smiled and unbuttoned her top seductively, exposing her large breasts and showing off her lack of a bra. “Is this what you want, Dashie? You want my big love pillows?”

Rainbow’s breath hitched as she nodded. She felt herself get even wetter as she starting jilling her twat again.

Pinkie scooted closer to her. “You want them in your face, you pathetic little cunt?” she asked with faux sweetness.

Rainbow moaned and nodded. “Y-yes please. Please smother me with them.”

“I don’t know. Not sure a useless, begging little twat like you is worth it,” Pinkie said with a smug look. She leveled Rainbow with a sideways look as she tugged her nipples.

Rainbow’s mouth went slack and her tongue hung out slightly as her pleasure started to heighten. She panted and moaned as she fingered her wetness. “Please Pinkie. Please please please!”

Pinkie was starting to get turned on by watching Rainbow act like this. Slowly and carefully, she stood on the wide branch, using the other two to help her balance. She moved agonizingly slow in leaning over Rainbow, keeping her tits just out of the reach of her face. “This is all pathetic little beggars like you get,” she said snidely. “Now you better hurry the fuck up. We’ve got places to be.”

It didn’t take too much longer before Rainbow was riding the high of her orgasm. She came down slowly and spent a half of a minute to collect herself. “Thanks, Pinkie. I needed that.”

Pinkie smiled happily at her friend and moved back to let her right herself. “Any time Dashie, but really really really do need to go. I’m hosting the sleep over tonight and I need help to get the house ready.”

“Ok,” Rainbow replied and sat up and got ready to get out of the tree.

“Wait a second,” Pinkie said, stopping Rainbow from getting down. “We forgot something very important.”

Rainbow looked at Pinkie curiously. “What’s that?” she asked.

“This,” Pinkie said then grabbed Rainbow’s head and buried her face in her tits. “You need a reward.”

Rainbow sat back with a goofy look on her face. “Smells like cupcakes.”


Rarity laid breathless on her bed; naked, body glistening with sweat, and a content look on her face. The cool air, that smelled light of sex, being moved by her ceiling fan made her skin tingled in a most delightful way. She reached down and touched her slickness and moaned at the sensitivity. Sighing happily, she sat up and put her vibrator away.

As much as she loved playing with Twilight, and she really…REALLY loved playing with Twilight, Rarity had an addiction. That addiction was masturbation. Her record was fourteen times in a row before her pussy finally just couldn’t take it anymore. Not a day went by that Rarity didn’t indulge herself. ‘After all, the point of sex is to make the other person feel good… If you’re doing it for yourself, may as well just do it yourself.’

She looked over at a new piece of lingerie she was designing to dress Twilight in. Now that the beast that was her libido was somewhat satisfied…somewhat being the operative word there… she could be critical of it without the image of Twilight wearing it making her pussy ache.

It was white, slim, yet loosely cut, lacy, and see through in all the right places, but something about it seemed just so…’Ordinary, much much too plain and ordinary. Nothing unique about it at all,’ she thought to herself. That was fine for other designers, but the Rules of Rarity called for better quality than just ordinary.

She walked over to the dressing doll that it was on and stared at it. She stood there, hip cocked to one side, one arm curled under her tits, and her other hand resting under her chin as she thought. She grabbed a needle and some thread, then adjusted it to where it the spaghetti straps set so that the top boarder hung off the shoulders with a vine and leaf like brocade across the it. From there it hung loosely to just past the navel with another boarder on the bottom. The see through fabric would leave little to the imagination, but that was sort of the direction she was going with this. Daring, with a touch of elegance and class.

The bottom she had made for this was a white lace thong with an open crotch for ease of access. She adjusted them to sit lower on the hips, accenting the wideness. She paced slowly around it, checking the cut and the length of things. The top sat low in the back, cutting beneath the shoulder blades in a rather fetching way. Everything about this was made to accent the curves of the shoulders and draw the eyes downward to the hips.

She closed her eyes and imagined Twilight’s slim waist that flared out into her lovely, well defined hips. She knew this outfit would make her doll even more gorgeous. ‘Isn’t that the point of lingerie after all; to accent the beauty that is already there?’ she asked herself while taking a step back to eye the whole outfit again with the alterations to it.

Imagining Twilight wearing this was starting to get to Rarity again. She felt warm all over, radiating from her core. Her pale skin started to blush up. “Oh my…I can’t wait to see her in this,” She said quietly and went to sit down on her bed. She crossed her legs in an attempt to maintain her lady like composure, but she knew it wouldn’t be long before she’d indulge herself again.

This part was a game to her. She’d try to go as long as possible before she finally had to break down and touch herself. One day, during school, she started building herself up during first period. She’d made it all the way to lunch before she broke down and had to practically run to the bathroom. She was surprised she didn’t turn the hallway into a slip and slide with how wet she had gotten. ‘Thank goodness I had that bullet vibe in my purse,’ she thought with a small smile.

She reached up to her breasts and pulled at her nipples in an effort to tease herself further. She spread her legs apart so she wouldn’t get the sensation of grinding her thighs together. Her eyes flittered closed and she let out a high pitched moan when the coolness of the air hit her hot shaved slit. She thought about all the different things she dressed Twilight in and how the girl had been an amazing sport for indulging in her fetish. She wasn’t sure if Twilight really enjoyed the dressing up as much as she was enjoying being dominated.

She laid back on her bed and sighed happily. Her skin was so sensitive and warm that it started feeling like it was on fire. A cooing noise escaped from her throat as she lifted one of her tits to her mouth to suck on the nipple. Her pale breasts weren’t as large as Pinkie Pie’s and certainly not nearly the voluptuous size of Fluttershy’s voluminous rack, but she was happy with her D cups.

She sucked happily on a pierced nipple, pinching the other between her forefinger and thumb as she felt her ladyhood getting wetter. She lifted her legs and spread them as wide as possible. The lewdness of the pose served to turn her on more. The wanton ache from her pussy told her it was almost time.

She climbed over and reached into the drawer by her bed and pulled out a thick, red, anatomically accurate dildo. She moved to the middle of her bed, put her face down and hoisted her ass up into the air by the support of her knees. Reaching under her, she lined up the dildo with her snatch. With a sudden hard push, she was filled full, causing her eyes to roll back and a stifled moan to escape from the back of her throat.

Her thick, pale, gorgeous ass being so whorishly high in the air was hardly lady like, but Rarity didn’t care as this point. The only thing that concerned her was having her pussy filled with her thick toy. After she adjusted to the sudden insertion, she began to slowly moved to the toy in and out. She moaned happily and grabbed a fist full of blanket.

The testicles of the toy rested in her palm as she pumped the toy into her faster and harder. Her hips bucked causing the cheeks of her ass to jiggle as she moved. Her breaths came harder and faster, almost ragged as the waves of pleasure washed over her whorish body. Her eyes rolled back as she bit her bottom lip in ecstasy. She felt her pussy begin to tighten around the toy. She buried her face in a pillow to muffle the noises she was making as she pounded her own cunt with reckless abandon. ‘Oh…my twat is going to be so deliciously sore after this,’ she thought happily as the twitching began in her thighs that signaled the oncoming orgasm.

With one final hard twitch, it crashed down around her and threw her world into a wondrous glow. She let out a high pitch squeal into her pillow and collapsed on to her bed, breathless and covered in sweat. Her mind floated somewhere else at the moment. Her pure consciousness returned when she heard the pinging of her cellphone.

She reached over and grabbed it, fully aware of the thick toy still lodged in her. She could tell by the bubble-gum k-pop music that it was Pinkie Pie that was calling. “Mmmm…Hello?” Rarity said breathlessly.

“Oooo…” Pinkie intoned. “Someone sounds well fucked. But I just saw Twilight with Sunset a little while ago so I guess I’ll assume you’ve been riding that thick dong you keep in your drawer. Anyways the reason I’m calling you is to tell you that you need to be here at my house this evening for a very important meeting that will be about extremely important subjects.”

Rarity’s eyes barely fluttered as she just let Pinkie do her normal fast talking. “M’Kay, darling. I’ll be there this evening. Do I need to bring anything?”

“Nuh-uh!” Pinkie intoned. “I’ve already got everything well in hand.”

Rarity flipped over on to her back and dislodged the toy and put it back into her drawer and sat up. “Will everyone else be there?”

She heard Pinkie pause for a moment. “Oh! I need to call Applejack and let her know! Bye!”

Rarity heard the line go dead. She stared at the screen on her phone and chuckled to herself. She threw it to the side and stood, looking at her naked form in the full body mirror before her. Her normally pale pussy was now extremely pink and her whole sex was covered in a slim coating of her natural liquid. “Oh dear…I suppose a shower is in order.” she padded off to the shower, while humming “Shake your Tail”.

Of Truth and Dare

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“Pizza’s here!” Pinkie yelled as she kicked in the door to her room, startling everyone present in the process. She toddled into the room balancing six large pies on her head and toting four two liter bottles of assorted sodas under her arms. “So that’s two supremes, two meat lovers, one pineapple and olive for me, and a veggie delight for Sunset and Fluttershy to split!” she said, while spinning. In one fluid motion, everyone’s pizza accurately landed in front of them.

The group began to dig in as idle chatter filled the room like a happy crescendo. It was times like this when the Rainbooms felt their best. Good food, great company, and a happy atmosphere is what often brought their group together and was one of their favorite past times. Sadly these times were getting fewer and farther between as life and relationships began to take precedence over their formally weekly gatherings.

They all felt it. Soon the crunch time of senior year would be upon them; one final scramble to finish high school and to top it all off, going out with a bang. Pinkie had already promised the part to end all parties at the end of the school year. This turned chat to what everyone planned to do for their senior year. Everyone had different ideas of what they’d like to accomplish or what colleges they’d like to attend.

“I’m hoping I do well enough to get into a good sports program,” Rainbow said between bites of her meat lovers. “Several good schools are supposed to be sending recruiters this year. Both me and Lightning Dust are up for top spots on several teams.”

“Ah just wanna get into a good agriculture school, and follow that up with a business degree,” Applejack added. “Ah know Ah’m gonna be running the farm. Big Mac’s already said all he wants to do is manual labor. T’aint to interested in the running o’ things.”

Rarity sat up from where she was leaned against Twilight to reach for a piece of supreme. “I’m hoping to find a good design program somewhere near enough that I can still run the boutique. Fashion design may be my dream, but my boutique is still my love,” she said, to which Twilight gave her a pointed look. Rarity smiled sheepishly. “Next to you, of course. You know what I meant Darling,” she added.

Twilight smiled and blushed slightly. “I want to get a science fellowship at Canterlot University,” she said. “Maybe something in either theoretical or applied physics.”

“Looking at the next Bill Neigh?” Rainbow dash asked jokingly.

Twilight made a dismissive noise. “Please…That quack is hardly a real scientist. He just got lucky with his kids show and managed to polish up is celebrity a bit. He’s duped the uneducated masses into thinking he’s a real scientist.”

Rarity hugged her sideways while looking at Rainbow Dash. “That man is a bit of a sore spot to her,” she said admonishingly.

“So what about you Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“Business management,” she said simply with eating her pizza from the outside in. She looked up and noticed that everyone was giving her a blank stare. “Whaaaaaat?”

“T-That’s…just surprising. I don’t think we were expecting you go to for something so…serious?” Sunset questioned while looking around at the other girls.

“Oooooh…” Pinkie said. “Well see as much as I like parties and planning them; there really isn’t that much of a future in it unless you get into big massive event planning. That’s just way to much trouble so I’m just going to run a catering business or maybe my own bakery.”

Again, everyone was giving her a blank stare. “Whaaaaaaat?” she asked.

It was Fluttershy’s turn to give an answer. “That’s…just surprisingly well thought out.”

“I’ll have you know that I take my future beyond the next five minutes very seriously,” Pinkie said turning her nose up at the group, cheese still hanging from her chin. This caused a loud round of laughter from the rest of the group.

“So what about you Fluttershy,” Twilight asked between giggles.

Fluttershy smiled and said “Veterinary School,” quietly. “I figured if I can do that, maybe I can take over the shelter one day, or even maybe open my own practice.”

Sunset hugged her and kissed her cheek. “I know you can do it.”

“What about you Sunny,” she asked, hugging her back.

Sunset shrugged. “I really don’t know. I haven’t thought about it; maybe something in science or computers.”

Rainbow Dash barked a laugh. “I guess I’d have a hard time deciding too if I was good at every damn thing!”

The rainbow haired menace’s laughing was cut off by a pillow to the face thrown by Fluttershy. “Do not make fun of my Sunny,” she said with a hint of playful malice.

Sunset laughed hard as she kissed Fluttershy. “Thank you for defending my honor, Sweetness.”

Fluttershy smiled and snuggled into Sunset’s arms. “By the way, everyone; Lyra and Bonbon put together a group of students from school who are…well…they have alternative sexualties. Anyways she invited Sunset and I to attend one of their meetings. I thought I’d bring it up here in case any of you’d like to go as well.”

“I-is it like a support group?” Twilight asked tentatively. “Alternative sexuality is a bit vague. I don’t want to go in thinking it’s meant for us to discuss how this affects our lives, and it turns out to be some fort of pseudo political function.”

Sunset blinked at her friend’s reaction. “You really hate politics don’t you, Twi?” she asked seriously.

Twilight gave something that almost passed for a sneer and responded, “Politics are the bane of free thinkers and true intellectuals.”

“Ok, steering clear of this topic now,” Sunset said. “It seemed like it was a support group. I doubt it’ll be political at all; just a place for us to safely discuss our relationships and maybe how to make them better.”

Rarity seemed to consider it. “It may be helpful to have ideas from outside our own circle,” she said then looked towards Twilight. “What do you think, love? Try it out once to see if we like it?”

“I…don’t suppose it could hurt to go just once,” she said, still sounding slightly uncertain. “Lyra and Bonbon are nice people. Who else is in it?”

“Octavia and Vinyl, and a few others from school,” Sunset answered while swiping the last piece of veggie delight. “CHS has a surprising number of people in same sex relationships it seems.”

“Heck, Ah’d be down to go if they don’t mind havin’ me,” Applejack responded, somewhat surprising everyone. “What? Ah may not be a lesbian, but Ah can be supportive.”

Pinkie just grinned. “And that is why we love you AJ.”

Applejack just tipped her hat.

“So should I tell Lyra to expect all of us?” Fluttershy asked as she pulled her cellphone out to send a text.

Rainbow Dash looked pensive as she sent a sideways and wanton look towards Pinkie Pie. If she was being honest with herself, and she was being just that more and more often lately; much to her chagrin, she was developing a crush on the pink party girl. It wasn’t just because Pinkie had helped her open the gateway of understanding to her own sexual nature. She had been kind, comforting, always willing to lend an ear, and always cheerful.

She had seen the true nature of Pinkie Pie; the girl beneath the surface of randomness, frosting, and confetti. That was the girl she desired a relationship with now. Rainbow was not as shallow as she used to be and it was this girl who opened her eyes to it. Now if she only had a way to put her thoughts and feelings into words.

“So uhh…” she false started. “Hey Pinks. You wanna go to Lyra’s thing?”

Pinkie looked at her. “Oh absolutletootly! Of course I’m going to be there for all my friends.” she said excitedly then going back to type on her phone. She missed the slightly dejected look on Rainbow’s face.

Applejack, however, did not. She stood and stretched. “Ah’m gon’ ta walk around for a bit to get my blood flowin’ back ta mah legs. Ya wanna come with me Rainbow?”

“Huh?” Rainbow asked, suddenly coming back from the boarders of distraction. “Oh…Yeah sure,” she said while getting up to follow Applejack out.

They got as far as the kitchen before Applejack put a hand on Rainbow’s should. “What’s bothering you, Sugarcube?”

Rainbow’s eyes went slightly wide. “N-nothing!” she said before she regained her composure. “I’m great; perfectly fine.”

Applejack titled her head sideways and gave her the panted ‘Y’all can’t hide nuthin’ from me.’ Look. “Come on, Sugarcube. Tell me what’s going on in that head o’ yers.”

Rainbow Dash let out the sigh of the long suffering and sat down at the kitchen table. She waited for Applejack to join her before she started. “I think…” she false started before correcting herself. “I KNOW I have a crush on Pinkie. She’s…helped me figure some things out about myself lately. Because of that help, she’s let me see the Pinkie that’s beneath the surface. She…I don’t know. I’m no good at feelings and stuff. She…I guess captivates me?” she asked as if looking for the right words.

Applejack just nodded while she listened. “Sounds like ya understand ya feelings better than ya can articulate. Ah’m no Princess Twilight or anythin’, but Ah think she’d tell ya to be honest with both yerself and Pinkie.”

“I know,” Rainbow said in a dramatic way that could rival Rarity and then let her forehead bang against the table. “Trust me…I know. I just don’t know how to tell her. How would you do it?”

“Ah’d just tell her.” Applejack said. “Element of honesty an’ all that.” she continued, waving a hand dismissively.

That was the answer Rainbow Dash expected. “I’ll…I’ll talk to her about it at some point.”

“Hey girls!” Sunset called from upstairs. “We’re about to start truth or dare!”

“Coming!” They both called back and headed up.

They entered the room to see everyone had changed into their pajamas, sitting in a circle on the floor. They set about changing their own clothes and joined them.

“So as host, I call right to go first!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Fluttershy! Truth or dare!”

Fluttershy looked nervously around the room before hiding behind her own hair. Sunset was about to speak up with the slightest sound came from her mistress. “Dare.”

Everyone looked surprised. “D-did you just pick dare?” Pinkie asked. “I had a question all lined up, but now…umm…” she paused for a few moments before she got a wicked grin. “I dare you to take your top off and let Sunset suck on them until it’s her turn.”

Fluttershy blushed for half a second before the realization that she was getting to indulge in her exhibitionist side set in. She smiled sexily at Sunset, who's mouth went suddenly dry. Slowly, Fluttershy lifted her top and let her large tits fall free with a bounce. “Come here, Sunnybunny,” she said with a beckoning finger. “Lay your head in my lap.”

“Yes, Miss Fluttershy,” Sunset said and did as she was told and Fluttershy lowered a nipple to her mouth. Sunset began to suck happily and in earnest, making Fluttershy trill.

The rest of the girls watched the display with various reactions ranging from humor to arousal.

“MMmmm…” Fluttershy moaned from Sunset’s attention. “Twilight, truth or dare.”

“D-dare,” she said nervously while adjusting her glasses and preparing herself for the worst. Granted this was Fluttershy asking. How bad could it be?

“I know Rarity has some sexy lingerie with her. Why don’t you dress up for us?” Fluttershy asked with a wicked smirk.

That bad. Twilight blushed hard. “I-I…umm…I don’t know. Heh.” She sputtered nervously before Rarity stepped in.

Rarity ran a finger along Twilight’s collar bone. “I think that’s a great idea, my little doll. Why don’t you play dress up for us? I have the perfect outfit,” she said seductively while leaning towards her, giving Twilight and enticing view of pale cleavage.

Twilight’s eyes glazed over like they usually did when she entered her subspace. “Yes, Seamstress,” she said quietly and stood in the middle of the circle.

Rarity stood up next to her and slowly began to undress her. “Doesn’t my doll have such perfect skin, girls?” she asked. She knew Twilight would be a little nervous with this, but chose to have some fun with it anyway.

Twilight felt goosebumps rise up on her skin as Rarity undressed her. Normally the fact that everyone was watching would cause her some mild panic, but right now she was just too horny to care. She wanted them all to look at her. She wanted to bare all to them.

Finally she was completely naked before all her friends. She could feel how wet she was. She was so close already. It would only take the slightest touch, but she couldn’t do it. Rarity wasn’t done dressing her yet.

Rarity came back with some articles and got to work. She dressed Twilight excruciatingly slow. She carefully slid the stockings into their proper places and hooked them to the garter belt. She decided to forgo the panties. Next came a sheer bra that hid practically nothing. Her work done, Rarity stood back to admire the fruits of her labor. She saw how wound up Twilight was and smiled. “You can cum now,” she whispered in Twilight’s ear.

Twilight’s whole body shuddered in a spontaneous orgasm as she sunk to her knees. “oooooohhh…fuck me sideways.”

Everyone laughed at Twilight’s choice in profanities. She looked up and blushed while giving her trademark sideway smile. “Sunset!” she said loudly. “Truth or dare!”

“Mmmph!” Sunset said without taking her mouth away from Fluttershy’s tit.

Fluttershy lifted the tit from her mouth. “Would you care to try that again, Sunnybunny?” she asked with a smile.

Sunset looked put out that she had her treat taken away. “Truth! Now hurry up and ask. I was enjoying myself.”

Twilight laughed at her friend and asked, “What’s the most erotic fantasy you’ve had?”

Sunset blinked for a moment before sighing. “All of you were there, including Princess Twilight. I had to pole dance for all of you.”

Fluttershy lowered her tit back to Sunset’s mouth. “Mmm…I wouldn’t mind seeing that,” she said happily.

“Me neither,” Twilight joined in with the rest of the girls giving their agreed affirmations. Sunset just shook her head and kept sucking happily.

Twilight got an idea and whispered it to Rarity. Rarity got a wide grin and ran over to the stereo and queued up a song. Twilight took off her glasses and shook her hair loose from his pony tail. She looked the very spitting image of the Princess of Friendship. “Sunset,” she said to get her friend’s attention.

Sunset looked over and suddenly went wide eyed. Twilight smirked. She knew her ploy was working. “Would you please dance for us, Sunset?”

Sunset sighed and sat up. “You know it’s scary how well you do that, right?” she asked as she got to her feet and moved to center of the room. She looked at Rarity who was standing next to the stereo and motioned for the girls to give her some space. “Ok Rarity. Hit my music.”

A deep bass began to thump and Sunset felt it. ‘Oh yeah, that’s the shit right there,’ she thought to herself as she began to move her body. True enough that she lacked a poll, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t shake her ass with the best of them. She spun, hands above her head and rolling her hips like a belly dancer before lowering her hands and hooking them into the waist band of her pants. She swayed her hips side to side as she lowered her pants, underwear along with them, to the floor.

She bent at the waist, giving all the girls a view of her slick quim. On her way back up, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head in one fluid motion. Now completely bereft of clothing, she proceeded to dance to her hearts content. After a bit, she moved towards Fluttershy with an exaggerated hip sway that would’ve made Adagio Dazzle envious.

She stepped in front of Fluttershy with her legs spread and knees bent. She began to make grinding motions to Fluttershy’s face. Fluttershy surprised Sunset by grabbing the girl’s hips and forcing her tongue into the wet folds she was presented with. Sunset moaned as Fluttershy began to eat her out with gusto.

The other girls watched with marvel and wonder in their eyes at the erotic sight before them. Even Applejack would later admit she was turned on by this. Pinkie bit her bottom lip as she dribbled off her shorts to rub herself. Rainbow Dash saw and opportunity and climbed between Pinkie’s legs and started licking her slit.

The others, for their part, just watched and enjoyed the show that was being put on for them. Between Fluttershy and Rainbow’s oral efforts, there was a wave of lust that permeated the room that soon had all of them engaging in a bit of autoeroticism. Soon enough, one and all had achieved their orgasms and were sitting back enjoying a collective afterglow.

The party tapered off soon after that and everyone settled down to sleep…everyone except for Rainbow Dash. She was laid on the floor next to Pinkie’s bed, wide eyed, and counting the dots on the ceiling. She growled under her breath in frustration. ‘This isn’t solving anything,’ she thought to herself and sat up. She ran a hand through her rainbow locks and pulled her knees to her chest.

She peaked up over the edge of Pinkie’s bed to watch the sleeping girl. How Pinkie slept was just as chaotic as how she lived her life. Her limbs were splayed in every direction. Her hair was a mess of pink curls that seemed to argue with itself on what direction it wanted to lay. ‘She is chaos. She is a force of nature. She lives by her own rules. She…she practically bends reality to her will,’ Rainbow thought as she watched on with rapt attention. ‘I-I want that chaos. I want to live that to.’

She stood, clad only in her panties and a tank top, and walked from the room while completely unaware of the blue eyes watching her. She walked down to the kitchen and retrieved a bottle of water from the refrigerator at sat at the kitchen island, her thoughts still lying with the girl upstairs. Rainbow was so lost in her thoughts that she never realized she wasn’t alone anymore until the light from the fridge door being opened jerked her back to reality.

In front of her stood Maud Pie, along with her pet rock Boulder. “Boulder was hungry,” she said in her monotone voice while taking a seat across from Rainbow Dash. “So you have a crush on my sister.” Maud said, more stating a fact than asking a question.

Rainbow winced at what the elder Pie sister said. She just brought it out as easily as discussing the weather. “I-I…I do,” Rainbow said, wondering where Maud was going with this discussion.

Maud gave Rainbow a blank look, which was about as much emotion as she ever showed. “I like you Rainbow. I think you’d be good for my sister. That is…” Maud said, pausing.

“That is what?” Rainbow asked, suddenly nervous. I mean she had the approval of the normally unflappable Maud. Surely that much count for something.

“Pinkie has…trouble with relationships,” she said. “I’m sure you noticed that she’s never had a real romantic interest. Sure she’s had friends with benefits, but the occasional fuck buddy a true lover does not make.”

Rainbow thought back and realized that Maud was right. She had never known Pinkie to ever have a true significant other. “D-do you think…that means she won’t return my feelings?”

“Most likely not,” Maud deadpanned. “But you have a better chance than anyone. Pinkie has a skewed idea of what love is. I blame our parents for that. I don’t know if you noticed, but Pinkie is kind of the odd duck of this family.”

“I wouldn’t say she’s odd,” Rainbow said. “Eccentric sure, but that just adds to her charm to me. It’s hard to explain I suppose.”

Maud nodded and stood, walking to the door before she turned a fixed Rainbow dash with a hard glare and a furrowed brow. “Take your shot Rainbow Dash, but you better not hurt her,” she said and left the room.

Rainbow Dash felt, in that instant, that her life was truly in danger.

Pinkie sat up in her bed shortly after Rainbow had left the room. She had been getting and odd vibe from her lately, but was hard pressed to put her finger on it. It wasn’t anything bad, just odd. She stood up and made her way to the door and out into the hall. She saw Maud coming up stairs as she reached the landing.

“Your friend is in the kitchen,” Maud said as she passed, carrying Boulder on her shoulder and entered her bedroom.

Pinkie padded down stairs quietly and peaked into the kitchen to see Rainbow Dash with a slightly scared look on her face. “Everything ok, Dashie?” she asked.

Rainbow looked at her as her inner terror at Maud died down. “Y-yeh. I was just talking with your sister.

Pinkie sat down across from her and propped her head on her hand. “No, that’s not what I meant. You’ve been different the last few days. Do you want to talk about it?”

Rainbow’s nervousness increased greatly. “I-I…umm…well...” she false started. “It’s nothing really.”

Pinkie gave her a critical eye and leaned closer, presenting an enticing view of her cleavage. “Are you sure?” she asked in a quiet sing song voice.

Rainbow just sighed. How could she be so god damn cute? “Pinkie…I…oh fuck it. I have a crush on you and I want us to be a real couple, not just friends with benefits,” she said, feeling relief then a stomach tightening terror as Pinkie just blinked and sat back, her hair going slightly limp.

Pinkie just shook her head and slightly frowned. “I was worried about this,” she said quietly. She looked up at Rainbow with sad eyes. “I’m sorry Rainbow. I just don’t have those types of feelings.”

Rainbow felt her stomach sank. She felt herself go slightly limp in her chair as heavy emotions crashed down on her. Her eyes started to sting as she searched for words to say.

“It’s not just you,” Pinkie continued. “I really have no desire to have a romantic relationship with anyone. Don’t get me wrong Dashie. I love you, just like I love all you girls.”

Rainbow fought back her tears. At least she knew where she stood now. She got up and walked around the table and pulled Pinkie into a hug. “This…changes nothing.”

Pinkie hugged her back and kissed her cheek. “I’m glad to hear you say that. I don’t want to lose you as a friend,” she said, pushing back her own tears. “Thank you for being honest with me, Rainbow.”

Rainbow just pulled back and gave her a sad smile. “That’s my line.”

Sunset woke up when she felt Fluttershy shift next to her. They had decided to zip there sleeping bags together to make one large bag. She rolled over to watch her girlfriend sleep for a bit. She was surprised to see Fluttershy awake herself. “Shy, baby. Everything ok?” she asked.

“Hmm? Oh yes. I was just watching you sleep. That’s not weird is it?” she asked nervously, giving Sunset a meek look.

Sunset chuckled and kissed her forehead. “If it were anyone else, yes. From you, it’s just sweet.”

Fluttershy blushed sweetly and nestled her face against Sunset’s shoulder. “I love you, Sunset,” she whispered.

Sunset gasped when she heard those words and looked down at Fluttershy. She smiled widely and felt her heart beat quicken. “I love you too, my Fluttershy.”

Of Meetings and Revelations

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It was a dreary and humid Saturday a week after the sleepover. A rainstorm had descended on Canterlot City sometime during the night, and the clouds decided to hang around, if only to threaten more rain. Fluttershy woke up in a foul mood. Normally the rain didn’t bother her. She actually loved it. The sounds of storms relaxed her and could lull her into an almost cat like nap.

Today, though, something had her on edge. She padded around her room lost in thought about what it could be. She had agreed to meet the girls later for lunch before they went over to Lyra’s place for the meeting. She didn’t feel like she was forgetting anything. She went over to her bay window and sat, naked as ever, on the small bench she had there watching the light rain that had started. She had been thinking lately of what the rain would feel like on her naked body.

Her parents had taken Zephyr off that morning to go shopping and wouldn’t be back for a few more hours. Taking this into account, she mustered up her courage by tapping into Miss Fluttershy and opened her window facing the back yard. She loved her back yard for the privacy it afforded her. She didn’t have neighbors who could see into it, even this high up, and it faced the woods, which made it even better.

Carefully she climbed out onto her roof and laid down, bare-skinned under the sky. She felt the warm rain drops wash over her pale skin, washing away her cares. She wished Sunset could be here with her, sharing in her elation at this moment. She heard thunder crack in the distance as the rain began to beat down harder. The sound caused her breath to hitch, but it wasn’t out of being startled. No, this was pure animalistic arousal. “O-oh…yes,” she moaned out, letting the feeling wash over her.

Being here, naked, under nature’s wrath was turning Fluttershy on in a way she’d never been turned on before. She brought a hand up to groped one of large breasts, tugging on her hard nipple making her breath hitch again. She saw the lightning flash and lifted her leg, exposing her wet sex to the sky. “Take me!” she cried to the storm. “You will please me!” she cried out further as if she were the mistress of nature itself.

The thunder rolled over her, causing an even more arousing sensation. “Yes!” she almost screamed out and plunged her hand between her legs, rubbing her clit slightly before sliding two fingers into her depths. The storm raged at her again with another crack of thunder, causing her to buck her hips. “Yes! Fuck me harder you bitch!” she called to the darkened sky, daring to do its worst to her. “Give me all you’ve got or I’ll take it from you!”

With one last crash from the storm Fluttershy’s orgasm overcame her. She sprayed her cum far and wide on that roof as her hips bucked and thighs shook. When her pleasure finally tapered off, she laid there under the warm rain, basking in the afterglow she had taken from Mother Nature herself. Fluttershy had never felt so at peace than she did this moment; completely naked, breasts heaving with exertion, under the primal fury of a summer storm. She wanted more.

As she came down, her lips curled into a mischievous smile. She had an idea.

Sunset sat, soaking wet, at Sugar Cube Corner watching as the rain pour down the glass. She hated the rain. It always reminded her of Equestria. The storms that the pegasi would arrange always seemed to happen at the worst time for her. Much like now. She had left her apartment, and of course, had forgotten her umbrella.

Mrs. Cake had been kind enough to give her a towel to dry off with somewhat, but her clothes were still soaked through. She shivered a bit when the AC kicked on, and pulled her jacket tighter around her. Pinkie strolled up and sat down next to her, passing her a cup of hot cocoa.

Sunset looked at her pink haired friend as if she were the second coming of Celestia, and took a sip of the drink. She started at the flavor, and looked up. “Pinkie, how in Tartarus did you get hot cocoa to taste like cupcakes?”

“How does one get to Carnegie Hall?” she retorted, with a huge grin on her face.

“Ummm…” was all Sunset could say as she wasn’t familiar with the reference.

This didn’t stop Pinkie from exclaiming “Practice!” followed by sipping her own drink.

Applejack walked into the door and took off her duster, stowing it on a hook by the door. She was in her normal summer clothes of a midriff button up shirt and daisy dukes.

“Whooo-weee! It’s really comin’ down at there,” she said and took off her Stetson to shake it dry. She sat down next to Pinkie after grabbing herself a muffin and a sweet tea. “Ah don’t know if’n this was the best day for all this.”

“It’ll be fine!” Pinkie said, with a spoon hanging from the tip of her nose. “I’m expecting us to have a lot of fun today.”

Rainbow Dash made her presence known by plopping down in the next to Sunset. “Anyone been able to figure out how she does that yet?” she asked, motioning to Pinkie.

Applejack just shrugged while Sunset shook her head.

“Add that to the list then,” Rainbow said, turning to get more comfortable. “Where’s everyone else? I expected to be the last one here.”

Sunset pulled out her phone and checked her phone for messages. “Fluttershy says she’s on the way. She needed to stop and get some things. And Rarity has to go pick up Twilight, then we’ll all go over to Lyra’s as a group.”

Applejack nodded. “So what are we exactly expectin’ with this? Ah mean, what’s our ultimate goal?” Applejack was concerned for her friends as always. She knew they all supported each other, but it wasn’t often they went to an outside source for things. It wasn’t that she was distrustful so much that she was more the den mother for her girls.

Sunset was concerned too. On the surface, it sounded great, but such things often proved too good to be true. “My vote is to, at least, check it out. If it’s not what we expected, or turns out to be like Twilight fears…well we can always bail.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash agreed. “I like Lyra and Bon Bon well enough, but if we decide to opt out, it won’t be any skin off my nose,” she said, thumbing her nose for effect.

Pinkie nodded also. “We should go into it with an open mind though. Sometimes going into something hoping for the best but expecting the worst will color your perception of something.”

“Alright,” Applejack said suddenly. “Who are you and what have ya done with Pinkie? You’ve been way way too mature about things here lately and it’s startin’ to scare me.”

Pinkie just leaned forward almost nose to nose with Applejack with a serious look before suddenly kissing the tip of her nose with a giggle before sitting back. “You’ve all been acting like I’m some space alien or something. I can take the serious things seriously. I just prefer to do it with a smile on my face and a mouth full of cake.”

Applejack just face-palmed causing everyone at the table to laugh. Fluttershy came walking up during this. “What’s so funny?” she asked in her normal sweet voice.

Everyone one went wide eyed when they turned their attention to her. Gone was her normal attire of a tank top and knee length skirt. This morning they were replaced by a black and red bustier, presenting an enticing view of her ample cleavage, with a red short skirt to match. Thigh length fishnet stockings leading down to a new pair of black high heeled boots completed the look.

Pinkie was the first to recover and went about like nothing had even happened. “They were laughing at me for taking the serious things seriously when they should be taken seriously in a maybe not quite so serious manner even though I still take them seriously in my own way of seriousness. Seriously though, what’s with the get up?” she asked at the end of her short tirade, motioning to her clothes.

“Oh, this?” she asked and did a little spin. “I just had an epiphany this morning is all.” she said before looking at Rainbow Dash. “Ummm…You’re in my spot. Scoot.”

Rainbow did a mad dash to get up, not wanting to incur the wrath of Fluttershy’s dominant side again. She moved around and sat next to Applejack, practically hiding in the girl’s lap.

“Ah know Ah’m really not one ta judge, givin’ what shorts Ah’m wearin’ and all,” Applejack started, trying to keep her tone as light as possible, “But ain’t that a bit much, maybe?”

“Maybe,” she said, sitting down next to Sunset, sliding up against the girl, her eyes not leaving her pet the entire time. “But today is a special day that called for special dress.” Her voice was still soft and gentle, but lacked the insecurity that was normally present when Fluttershy had to say something.

Sunset, who had been speechless and staring at her Mistress the whole time, finally found her voice. “W-why’s that, Miss Fluttershy?” she asked. Everything around her suddenly felt very warm.

“Because,” she said, drawing it out as she reached into her bag, pulling out a studded black leather collar. “I got you this on the way here today.”

Sunset made a noise somewhere between a gulp and a moan. The other girls just watched with rapt attention. The rest of the world outside their table didn’t exist right now. They didn’t even acknowledge Rarity and Twilight, who had shown up shortly after Fluttershy. They were instantly pulled into the spectacle before them.

Sunset’s breath was rapid as she lifted her hair so Fluttershy could buckle the collar around her neck. Sunset was so turned on by this act that she was on the very edge. All it would take is a touch, or a command and she’d cum right here in front of everyone.

Fluttershy sensed it too. She buckled the collar almost painfully slowly around Sunset’s neck, tracing a finger along the girl’s jaw when she was done. She leaned forward and gave her a soft, almost chaste kiss on the cheek and whispered, “Cum for me, Sunnybunny.”

Sunset shuddered violently and leaned forward, trapping the loud moan that almost escaped her throat. Her face looked like it was caught in the realm between exquisite rapture and twisted pain as the pleasure leapt up from her core. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of beautiful agony, the feeling passed and she began to compose herself.

She looked at Fluttershy with a beautifully submissive look. “Did you enjoy that?” Fluttershy asked as she slid her hand along Sunset’s leg under the table.

“Y-yes, Miss Fluttershy,” she purred and leaned back in the chair. She caught her breath finally and noticed all the attention she had on her. She blushed hard. “W-what?” she asked with a stutter.

“That, darling,” Rarity started, fanning herself demurely. “Was one of the hottest sights I’ve ever seen,” she said with the rest agreeing.

“That being said,” Twilight spoke up, shaking her head to clear it. “We should probably be heading to the meeting.”

“Gimme a minute,” Pinkie said, breathing hard. Applejack looked at her, noticing her arm was moving under the table in a very telltale fashion.

“Pinkie Pie!” she yelled before quieting herself. “Stop jilling your nethers in public, especially next to me.”

Pinkie let out a shuddering breath before relaxing. “Houston, we have NO problems,” she moaned with a goofy grin.

The group arrived, en mass, at Lyra’s place about half an hour later. They followed Lyra, entering the spacious living area, finding the flower trio sitting together on a small sofa with Daisy’s and Lily’s heads leaned on Roseluck’s shoulders. Microchips and Sandalwood were seated together on the floor holding hands. Bon Bon was off to the side chatting with Octavia while Vinyl bobbed her head to her dubstep with her characteristic easy going grin.

The group mingled with the others until it was time for the official meeting to start. It was nice for everyone to be able to socialize in such a relaxed setting without worrying about judgement. This went on for about half an hour until Bon Bon stood up. “Okay everyone! It’s time to officially start the meeting. And there’s no need for a notebook, Twilight.” she said causing everyone to chuckle.

Twilight just blushed and tucked the notebook away.

“So the topic we’re going to discuss today is what to do when we return to school,” she said. “While CHS is a great school who is very open to things, we still may face some…issues if we decided to come out into the open with our relationships.”

“Do you think the problems will come from mostly the students, teachers, or administration?” Octavia asked sending a sideways glance at Vinyl. She worried about their relationship more than Vinyl did. Not that Vinyl didn’t worry, it was just the girl’s way to let things slide.

“Likely,” Bon Bon started. “It will be a mix of the three. Lyra and I are pretty obvious in our relationship. While we aren’t the flamboyant type with how we act, we still got a few…disapproving looks last year.”

Rainbow Dash made a dismissive noise. “You don’t have to sugar coat it Bon Bon. We know what happened with old man Cranky. He almost had an aneurysm over you two dating.”

Sunset scowled. “We also know the Celestia dismissed the event out of hand, saying he was just set in his ways.” More than a few people noticed Sunset’s drop of the honorific that usually preceded their beloved principal’s name.

Lyra nodded somberly. “If it hadn’t been for Vice Principal Luna transferring us to another class, we’d have had to put up with a year of that hell. She’s the one person in the administration I feel will stand with us.”

Vinyl, who rarely spoke, took this chance to actually say something. “I just hope it doesn’t cost her her position in the long run. I have a lot of respect for the lady. A lot more than her sister for sure,” she said. The rest of the group stared at her. Her words hinted at something darker.

Vinyl just shook her head and leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees. “Look, I know I don’t say much, but that mainly because I prefer to sit back and observe. I put things together pretty quick. Combine that with stories my Dad’s told me about the sisters and well, it doesn’t paint a flattering picture of Principal Celestia.”

“W-what do you mean, Darling?” Rarity asked, almost stumbling over her words as if she were afraid of the answer.

Vinyl took her shades off and ran a hand down her face, sighing as if getting ready to do something stressful. “Look, I know a lot of you have a lot of respect for the woman. Don’t get me wrong, she’s done a lot of good for our school, but I have to wonder how much of it has actually been her sister working from behind the scenes and just letting the light shine on Celestia.”

She paused to take a drink from her can of lemon tea. “A lot of you know my Dad, Shock Jock, from his radio show. You know he can be… edgy. Well he’s never been one to gloss things over for people and he’s even more vulgar in real life due the FCC not letting him swear on air, since its public radio. But, for all his vulgarity, my Dad’s one brutally honest dude. You could probably take lessons from him in honesty AJ,” she said, looking at the country girl.

Octavia put a comforting hand on Vinyl’s shoulder, to which she nodded and smiled. “He went to school with Celestia and Luna all his life, even through college. Where he gets along famously with Luna whenever they see each other, he has absolutely no love for Celestia,” she said with a faraway gaze. “I asked about it…a lot…and one day he finally relented.”

She took another drink from her tea, this time draining the can. “Not to put too fine a point on it, but growing up, she was a bully, and an awful one at that.”

The group made sounds of disbelief, all as various as they were distinctive. Vinyl just arched an eyebrow at the noise. “I’m serious.” she deadpanned. “The way it sounded, I’m sorry Sunset, but you at your worst didn’t hold a candle to how she was on her best behavior.”

Sunset flinched and looked ashamed. “I-I’m sorry,’ she whispered. Fluttershy leaned against her, shooting Vinyl a scathing look.

“I’m not trying to be mean to you, Sunset. You know the whole school’s forgiven you. Hell, you’ve become a rallying point for us. All you girls have,” she relented, hand raised in a defensive manner to appease Fluttershy. “But it needed to have a scale and that’s the best one I could apply to it. At least you have an idea of how severe it was. My dad literally said that you could throw Celestia Sonen into a huge pile of shit and somehow she’d still come up smelling like god damned roses.”

A lot of the people there were surprised by her vulgarity. “Told you. My dad can be harsh,” she said before continuing with her story. “She did a lot of terrible things, but no one could ever make anything stick to her.”

“D-do you think…” Sunset started, looking increasingly uncomfortable. “Do you think that’s why she let me get away with a lot of what I did? I mean, I really should’ve been punished more. Luna certainly thought so.”

“I can’t say one way or the other,” Vinyl said, shrugging. “I’d say it’s as likely as any other reason though. Anyways, since she’s lenient on punitive measures against problem students and teachers alike, I, personally, won’t expect much help from her.”

“What about Vice Principal Luna?” Microchips asked, speaking up for the first time since the meeting started.

“Luna’s a bit of a different story,” she said, shifting and popping her neck. “Sorry,” she said with a chuckle. “Sat too long in that position.”

This gained a small laugh from those around her. It didn’t break the tension entirely, but it did lessen it some. “Ok, like I said, my dad is pretty good friends with Luna. I think he may have had a crush on her at one point given how he talks about her. He even has a picture of her from junior high of her all gothed up. But he also said that she was a bit of a problem child too, just in a different way.”

The other’s nodded along with her story. “She was… violent, for all the right reasons is what he said, I believe. She’d defend others, tooth and nail, if they were legitimately being wronged. She even ended up in Juvie for a bit. Broke a girl’s arm for picking on a smaller girl, apparently,” she said with a shrug. “Either way, she goes to the mat for students as long as they aren’t in the wrong, even against her own sister. So, if anyone on the administration will be our ally, it’ll be her.”

“Well… not that this topic hasn’t been...something,” Lyra said, slightly at a loss for words. “Let’s move on!” she exclaimed getting a laugh from everyone, more than happy to leave the seriousness behind them.

The meeting broke down into idle chatter again. Octavia leaned over to speak with Fluttershy, eyeing how she was dressed. “So you and Sunset, huh? Do tell!”

“Oh! Ummm…” Fluttershy flustered, turning a deep red. “Well I…found a b-book she was reading. And I had a crush on her already; the book just p-prompted me to move forward.”

Octavia chuckled at the shy girl. She was ready to tear Vinyl’s head off earlier for making Sunset uncomfortable, but now she was as shy as ever. “I take it from your style of dress and her collar, that you don’t have a typical relationship?”

Fluttershy let out a strangled “eeep!” causing Octavia to laugh. “Come with me” she said, pulling the smaller girl to another room so they could talk with a bit more privacy. “Now, I know this meeting was explained to you as a, and I hate to use this term since it carries such a stigma with it now, but… a safe space, right?”

Fluttershy nodded, still hiding behind her hair. She knew she could, in theory, talk about everything here without a fear of judgement. It was putting that theory into practice that was the real problem.

“Ok, how about I start.” she suggested. “Would that make things better?” to which Fluttershy responded with a nod.

“Vinyl and I started out as…well…just acquaintances with a mutual love for making music, albeit two different kinds of course,” she said, sitting down at the kitchen table, inviting Fluttershy to do the same.

Fluttershy sat to listen to the other girl. “Most people know she and I are dating. What we don’t tell people is the kind of relationship we have. I’m Vinyl’s Domme.” she said with a wide smile.

“Really?” Fluttershy asked in her characteristic soft voice, to which Octavia nodded in response. “I-I’m Sunset’s Domme. It started out as me finding her reading a book about BDSM in the park. She dropped as she hurried off to get her stuff for one of our sleepovers. I spent the next two weeks reading the book… before I-I approached her about it.”

“How’d that go?” Octavia asked. “I love talking with other Dommes by the way about their methods and things. It helps inspire other forms of play.”

“W-well I basically dove right in. It was really scary at first, but when I started it, I found it really fun and, arousing,” she said with a blush.

“So is it a purely mental game with you two, or have you done more?” Octavia asked unabashedly. “I only ask because, well… Vinyl loves her ropes.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Oh no… we haven’t done anything like b-bondage. It’s been mostly mental and some costumed roleplay. I wouldn’t know where to begin with ropes. The book I read said it can be dangerous if not done properly.”

Octavia nodded. “It can be,” she began offhandedly. “But that’s why you practice. And you can use different materials. It doesn’t have to be rope. It can be scarves or cuffs even.”

“I don’t know where to get any of that,” Fluttershy said softly and looked down.

Octavia just tutted at her. “You don’t have to do it. There is no unwritten law that says you have to engage in bondage if you are in an alternative relationship. Though I will say that it is great fun. If you’d like, you can go with me and Vinyl after the meeting. We had plans to go to this little adult boutique downtown that has a really understanding owner.”

“T-That would be nice, thank you,” she said half hiding behind her head.

Applejack walked over to Microchips and Sandalwood. “Hey, you two,” she said and sat with them. “Ah didn’t know you two were dating.”

“Oh we kind of are and aren’t,” Microchips said, Sandalwood nodding in agreement and eating a brownie.

Applejack just blinked, looking a little confused. “Umm…for the sake of relievin’ my ignorance, y’all wanna run me through this?” she asked, in what she hoped was a polite manner.

They just chuckled together. “We’re in an open relationship,” Sandalwood said. “We aren’t exclusive with each other. In fact we both actually like guys and girls equally,” he pointed out.

“Really?” Applejack asked, thoroughly interested. “That’s interestin’. So how d’y’all work it all out?”

“The short answer is communication,” Microchips answered her. “We’re completely open and honest with each other, and as long as we follow the rules we agreed to, everything works out fine with us.”

“And the sex is pretty amazing,” Sandalwood said with a grin, sitting back.

Applejack blushed hard and went wide eyed. “Wow, y’all are open about things aren’t y’all.” she said as more of a statement.

“Sandal,” Microchips said. “Don’t be so open with the details, especially when we’re not certain someone is interested in them.”

“Sorry,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head and blushed a little “I just like talking about it. I didn’t mean to offend,” he said before Applejack interrupted.

“No! No, please. Do elaborate. Ah mean Ah’m surrounded by bisexual and or lesbian friends who are very open about how they do things,” she said laughing. “Hearing about you guys would be a breath of fresh air.”

Sandalwood leaned in closer to here so they wouldn’t be overheard. “What makes it great is that Chips here has a huge dick,” he said with a smirk. Microchips for his part just blushed and looked away.

“How big we talkin’ here?” Applejack asked conspiratorially. Her eyes glanced over to Microchip’s crotch to eye his bulge, but he was wearing loose pants that didn’t really give anything away.

Sandalwood grabbed Microchips and pulled him into the conversation. “Tell AJ how big you are Chips,” he said, inconspicuously reaching down and grabbing to other guy’s crotch.

Chips stiffened and let out a soft sigh. “I-I don’t have any official numbers or anything. It’s not like I measured it,” he started before adding in a defeated manner. “Probably about as long and thick as your forearm, Applejack.”

Applejack’s eyes widened as she went slack jawed and looked at her own forearm. “Land’s sakes,” she said before looking back at Sandalwood. “And you take it…” she left the question hanging.”

“Yep!” he said proudly. “It wasn’t easy at first either. Lots of lube and determination, but I got that big boy up there.” The look on his face was of proud accomplishment. “You really should give it a shot,” he added suggestively.

Microchips hardened at the thought, finally giving Applejack a look at his impressive bulge. She swallowed due to her mouth actually beginning to salivate. “Ah…ummm…wouldn’t be opposed to the idea,” she relented.

Sandalwood and Microchips looked at each other and grinned.

Fluttershy pulled Sunset to the side after the meeting had drawn to a close. “Sunnybunny, I want you to go back to your place, strip down, and wait for me there. I’m going with Vinyl and Octavia to take care of something…and I’m going to need some relief when I come back to your place.”

Sunset looked over to Octavia and Vinyl, who just smiled and gave her a thumbs up, and nodded. “Yes, Miss Fluttershy. I will eagerly await your arrival,” she said with a bow and turned to leave.

Octavia walked over and looked at the pink haired dominatrix. “Miss Fluttershy? I like that a lot. It suits you,” she said with a grin.

Fluttershy smiled at her. “W-would you two like to join us one night to talk about our play styles?” she asked Octavia as they went to their cars.

“Oh definitely,” she responded before being tapped on the shoulder by Vinyl.

Vinyl held up her watch. “We need to hurry Tavi. I have a set that starts at eight and it’s six thirty now.”

“Oh wow, I hadn’t realized it was so late. Come on then girls, we’ll have to hurry,” she said and jumped into her car.

Sunset walked into her front door and sighed. That meeting was far more stressful than she thought it would. She had to confront some uncomfortable things about herself and her past. While none of it was meant to be malicious, she was still glad to have Fluttershy there for support.

She walked to her bedroom and proceeded to remove her clothes. She looked at her body in her full length mirror. She was completely nude save for the collar that Fluttershy had given her. It was a symbol of her submission. Something that she never thought she’d do for anyone, but now she had absolutely no regrets about it. She loved Fluttershy, and she loved submitting herself to Fluttershy.

Even the thought of serving and servicing her girlfriend and mistress aroused her. She felt her nipples harden and she reached down to touch herself, stopping herself before she started. ‘No,’ she thought to herself. ‘She didn’t give me permission to touch myself. She said to strip down and wait, not please myself.’

She moaned as her pussy began to ache. She moved to the living room and sat on the sofa and tried to take her mind off of it, but it really wasn’t helping. The heat moved up from her pussy into the pit of her stomach. She needed to scratch this itch, but didn’t want to spoil Fluttershy’s fun for whatever she had planned.

She pulled her feet up to the edge of the couch and spread her legs out, letting the open air touch her now soaking sex. It was cold against the radiating heat of her quim, causing her to shudder. She wanted nothing more than to violently masturbate right now and relieve this feeling. It was growing maddening. She knew though that if she did without permission from Miss Fluttershy, that the punishment would be severe.

Finally, after and agonizingly long time of her sitting there and growing hornier by the minute, the door opened revealing her Mistress. She immediately stood and knelt down, prostrating herself. “W-welcome home, Miss Fluttershy,” she said somewhere between a mutter and a moan.

Fluttershy entered carrying a bag, and after shutting the door, relieved herself of the bustier, allowing her large pale tits to fall free. “Go lay on the bed,” she commanded. “I have preparations to see to, and then I will join you.”

Sunset immediately jumped to her feet. “Yes, Miss Fluttershy,” she responded and bound over to the bed, then watched as Fluttershy headed to the bathroom.

It was a few more erotically painful minutes before Fluttershy emerged again. She had a flogger looped over her shoulders and carried with her a set of leather cuffs linked together with a long chain. “I have a bit of a different idea for play tonight,” she said as she sauntered over to the bed. “Face down, ass up, bitch,” she ordered.

Sunset looked slightly terrified, but what scared her more than the flogger was that she suddenly felt exponentially hornier. She complied with her order and felt herself restrained to the posts of her bed with the cuffs. Her hands were dragged out from here by Fluttershy tightening the chains.

Fluttershy watched as Sunset’s back rose and fell in a ragged fashion as she breathed. She took a linen scarf she had tucked away and used it to gag her pet. “No point in disturbing the neighbors is there?” she asked.

“Noph, Miph Phrudderphy,” Sunset attempted to answer through the gag. Normally this would be met with laughter, but she was just far too horny for such a thing right now. The anticipation was driving her crazy.

Fluttershy smiled and reached down, rubbing Sunset’s ass. “Good girl,” she said. “Now let me get to work.” Fluttershy went back to the bag she brought in and began to go through it, pulling out other objects that Sunset couldn’t see from her perspective by the bed.

Sunset had no idea what was happening until she felt some kind of wetness hit her asshole. Her eyes shot wide open, and then she winced as she felt a plug slowly slide into place. It wasn’t a very large one, thank goodness, but she could no longer claim to be an anal virgin after this night.

“I own all of you,” Fluttershy said, tapping the base of the plug. She knew by how Sunset twitched that she felt it. “Does it hurt, my Sunnybunny?”

Sunset wanted desperately to say yes, but only shook her head and wiggled her ass for her mistress’s pleasure. At this point she was so fucking horny that she’d let Fluttershy violate her however she wanted too as long as she got her fulfillment.

Fluttershy watched Sunset wiggle her ass. “My my…so enticing…let’s see what else I can do with such a beautiful ass,” she said, moving to stand behind her flame haired pet. She gave the flogger an experimental crack, and saw Sunset flinch at the noise. Ocatavia had given her a rundown on how to use the implement, even using Vinyl’s ass in the demo of it. She’d even let Fluttershy take a few strikes so she knew how to do things right. Vinyl herself had given her approval of Fluttershy’s form during the demo.

Sunset gulped hard at the sound of the flogger. She knew she shouldn’t clench up during the strike or it would make the pain worse. What happened next was totally unexpected though. Fluttershy started by dragging the soft suede falls against Sunset’s sex, causing the girl to have a spontaneous orgasm, crying out against the gag.

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide at the sight. ‘Oh my goodness. I didn’t expect her to be that worked up already,’ she thought. Nevertheless, she didn’t break character. “Did I give you permission to cum, whore?” Fluttershy asked with mock outrage.

Sunset realized her error and was suddenly terrified. “Nu, Miph Phrudderphy,” she said through the gag. She couldn’t help herself though, she was so horny and it took so little to give her release.

“Well now I have to punish you,” Fluttershy said, and raised the flogger up. “I hope you’re prepared for this,” she growled and brought the first stroke down. The strike sounded throughout the apartment as Sunset bucked hard against it, screaming through the gag.

Sunset came again from the sensation of the pain. She quickly raised her ass and shook it, silently begging her mistress for more. Fluttershy happily reciprocated, delivering more strikes of the falls to the girl’s ever reddening ass.

After a total of ten strikes, Fluttershy decided that that was enough of flogging for now. She didn’t want to do any actual damage or draw blood. She walked to the head of the bed and grabbed Sunset by the hair, lifted her head, and pulled the gag down. “Are you sorry for cumming without permission whore?” she asked.

“Y-yes, Miss F-fluttershy,” Sunset moaned. Truth be told, she felt amazing. The pain, while sharp, was not wholly unpleasant in a sexual way. She wondered, not for the first time, if she may be a bit of a masochist. This was way better than the spanking she’d received. She began to feel the heat rising from her ass, finding it almost comforting.

“Good,” Fluttershy said with a faux sweet voice, while lifting her skirt. “But we’re notanywhere near done yet. I still have to punish that filthy cunt of yours.”

Sunset’s eyes slowly widened as she locked eyes with the massive strap on that Fluttershy was wearing. “P-please, fuck my cunt, Miss Fluttershy,” she moaned in anticipation.

Fluttershy moved the gag back into place before moving behind her. “That’s the plan, whore.” she said with the same faux sweetness before pushing the thick fake dong in roughly. She took great satisfaction in the shuddering breath Sunset took as she was invaded by the toy before grabbing her hips. She began to thrust hard.

To say there was some level of catharsis in this for Fluttershy was an understatement. She thought about all the anger and lustful thoughts she had towards Sunset while she was a bully. Thoughts she had buried deep beneath her meek and shy exterior began to surface as she ravaged her pet’s pussy, causing her to thrust harder and faster. The repressed pain and anger demanded an outlet, and that outlet was now under her, screaming in blissful agony. That outlet sang her praises for torturing her sexually. ‘Irony is a beautiful fucking thing,’ the voice of Miss Fluttershy spoke in her mind.

Fluttershy agreed as she redoubled her efforts, doing her best to fuck Sunset into absolute submission. She tuned out all other things as she squeezed Sunset’s hips and thrust more. She had no idea how long it went on or how many orgasms they both had. Fluttershy went until she collapsed to the side from sheer exhaustion. She literally could no longer keep it up.

Sunset, for her part, was little more than a pile of goo herself. It was a longer while still before either of them could move to free Sunset and remove the strap on from Fluttershy. Finally when those two things were accomplished, Sunset found her voice again. “D-did I satisfy you, Miss Fluttershy?” she asked between deep breaths.

Fluttershy laid back and spread her legs. “You did, but I want you to lick me clean,” she said, arrange a pillow behind her head.

“Yes, Miss Fluttershy,” Sunset said with a happy smile and got between her mistress’s pale legs, licking gently at her sex.

Fluttershy stared at the ceiling and enjoyed the sensation of her pet and girlfriend slowly and gently lick her pussy. “Sunset? D-do you…” she started before going silent and hiding behind her hair slightly. “Nevermind, it’s not important.”

Sunset looked up from her task and eyed her girlfriend. Sensing the scene was played out, she decided to answer directly. “It sounded important to you, baby. What is it?” she asked before going back to licking her gently.

Fluttershy looked down. “It’s o-okay to say no if you think this is too soon, but maybe…do you want to live together after high school?” she asked. “I only ask because well…I love you. It’s not just the sex, or the domination, or even this, where we casually pleasure each other. It’s the little things: the looks, the small talk, the cuddles, the conversations.”

Sunset thought back to earlier in the night where Fluttershy rose to comfort and defend her from Vinyl, even though the other girl had done nothing really wrong. “It’s not too soon,” she said raising her head up. “I would’ve suggested it eventually anyways. Besides, I look forward to spending more nights doing exactly this,” she said with a smile and went back to gently licking at her girlfriend’s sex.

Fluttershy smiled warmly at her girlfriend and parted her legs a little further. “I’m sure I can oblige,” she joked. “Oh, by the way, Octavia and Vinyl want to set up some time for us to meet up. They have a relationship like ours and want to discuss it.”

“Sounds great,” Sunset said, crawling up next to Fluttershy. “Ummm…can I take this thing out yet?” she asked, looking over her shoulders towards her butt.

Fluttershy let out her signature squeak. “I’m sorry Sunny, I forgot it was back there!” she exclaimed and leaned up and over her to gently pull out the plug.

It was much later in the evening when Fluttershy, in borrowed clothes from Sunset pulled up to her house. She saw her parents’ car, indicating that they were home. She walked up the front walk, slid her key into the lock and opened the door. She walked into the entryway and something immediately made her hackles stand on end, much like a cat when it sensed danger. Something was off and it was entirely too quiet.

The only light she saw on was coming from the family room, but something deep and instinctual was telling her not to enter; to just take her keys and run back to Sunset’s. She swallowed hard and entered the room. She saw her family standing there. Her mother was in tears. Her father looked furious. And her brother, Zephyr, stood off to the side, leaning against the wall, with an extremely smug look on his face.

Her father stormed up to her, holding out Zephyr’s phone to her. “Do you want to explain this to me, young lady?!” he yelled.

She looked down at the screen and saw a picture of her kissing a very naked Sunset, taken from outside her apartment.

Of Storms and Reflections

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Fluttershy’s world seemed to stop. She stared at the picture as if it were all that existed. She heard the muted sound of her father’s yelling, but it seemed so far away, and it was fading farther still. A loud ringing came to the forefront of her extremely enclosed reality. Her breath shortened to brief spurts, bordering on hyperventilation. The edges of her vision became fuzzy at first, and then changed to blurry as the color began to fade all together, moving to black and white.

Reality forced its intrusion all at once as full clarity restored itself, almost painfully, back to Fluttershy’s world. “Never thought one of my children would betray me by acting like this!” her father ranted as he stomped around the living room. “We raised you to have better morals than this! Parading around and kissing some whore!” he yelled.

Fluttershy kept staring at the picture as she heard him without really listening. “I can’t believe my own daughter, my little girl, would grow up to become a fucking dyke! Well, let me tell you something! You want to keep living here; you’re never going to see that little bitch again! I knew it was a mistake letting you be friends with any of them. You’re not allowed to see any of them again!”

Everyone in the room was startled by a loud impact and smashing sound. Zephyr sunk slowly to the floor with a look of fear. The remains of his cell phone lay on the floor next him, beneath the impact mark on the wall that was next to his head. Everyone turned and looked at Fluttershy, who wore the darkest look that had ever graced her visage. “Shut…the…fuck…up.” she growled slowly, punctuating every word.

She started to shake, first with rage, which shifted to a chuckle, then bloomed into full throated, mad laughter. “Y-you think…that…that was a threat to me?!” she laughed at her father. “You think I would choose you…you…hypocritical zealots, over the love of my life?!”

Fluttershy’s mother spoke up with a shaky voice. “S-sweetie, we’re…only concerned about you…umm…making a bad life choice,” she said, trying to placate her daughter.

“Shut up! You’d know about bad decisions wouldn’t you?! You didn’t abort him!” she exclaimed cruelly, pointing at Zephyr.

They all stared at her in slack jawed shock. They couldn’t believe she said something like that. Fluttershy began to laugh at them. “The looks on all your faces are hilarious. It’s pathetic that you’d think you could threaten to take away everyone I hold near and dear, that I’d fold to your demands.”

She walked to the door and paused, looking back at them. “You can keep everything,” she said. “And I hope you’re happy with one child; because you’re all dead to me.”

Without another word, Fluttershy stormed from the room, and right out the front door. The storm had started again and beat down against her hard. The thunder crashed against her ears. None of this compared to the maelstrom that was Fluttershy’s emotions. She’d been walking about an hour before she realized where she was.

She was about an hour into the walk to Sunset’s. She was also soaked to the bone. Fluttershy looked around and found a small amount of shelter under a bus stop awning. She pulled out her phone, but it had been locked. She couldn’t access anything on it or make any calls. Her father must’ve locked it using the parental controls. With a cry of rage and frustration, she flung the phone to sidewalk, smashing to pieces it in the process.

She looked to her left to see the bus schedule. She growled again when she saw the busses had already stopped running for the evening. With a snarl, she turned and walked back into the rain heading towards Sunset’s. It would be at least another three hours on foot in this weather. She was in for a long night.

Sunset snapped awake, bleary eyed, and confused. She wasn’t sure what woke her up until she heard soft banging at her door. Sunset shook her head to clear it, and then looked at the clock. “Who the hell is at my door at…” she said dozily until she eyed the red numbers more clearly. “Two eighteen am?!”

The light banging had become more insistent, showing that whoever it was did not plan on leaving. Sunset scooted towards the edge of the bed, dislodging herself from her warm blankets and began to pad towards the door. She thought up quite a few choice words in her mind for whoever it was disturbing her sleep as she wrapped a robe around her naked form.

She reached the door, and stopped long enough to take a deep breath before pulling it open violently. “Look you son of a…” was as far as she got into her tirade before her eyes met the soaked form of her girlfriend. Sunset was instantly awake.

“Fluttershy? What’s wrong? What are you doing here?” she asked pulling the girl inside. She was freezing cold and soaked so thoroughly that the only way Sunset could tell she’d been crying was by the fact that her eyes were puffy and red.

Fluttershy didn’t say anything immediately; she just shook and shivered against the cool air of Sunset’s apartment. Sunset pulled her in and started pulling the wet clothes off the poor girl, to which Fluttershy put up no protest.

Sunset sat her in a chair while she ran to the bathroom to get a towel and a hair brush. She returned to find Fluttershy had pulled her knees to her chest and was doing her best to look small. Sunset used the towel to slowly and methodically dry her girlfriend off, humming a comforting tune the whole time. After she was dry, she wrapped her in a blanket and started brushing her hair out so it wouldn’t get tangled.

After she was done, Sunset lifted the smaller girl and carried her to the bed. She laid with her back against the head board and held Fluttershy against her, with both of them wrapped in a large comforter. “Tell me what happened, baby?” Sunset asked her when she finally stopped shaking.

“I-I got home,” she started in a small voice. She hadn’t used that voice in a long time. “I got home and Zephyr and my parents were waiting. He…had a picture of us kissing outside your door. You were naked. They…reacted poorly, and to be honest I did too,” she said meekly, and confessed everything that was said, by both her and her family.

Sunset hugged her close and kissed her head. “It’ll be ok baby. You can stay with me until we can get it sorted out. And if it doesn’t, well…we can just accelerate our plans to move in together.”

Fluttershy sniffled a bit and snuggled into closer to Sunset. “I…said such horrible things to them.”

“But they also said such horrible things to you, baby,” Sunset told her. “I’m not saying it’s a good excuse to be cruel to them, but cruelty often begets cruelty. Trust me, I know.”

Fluttershy nodded, knowing that Sunset knew that fact better than anyone she knew. “I wasn’t thinking clearly. It was like…when I saw that picture that Zephyr took of us; there was this revolting feeling of violation. Everything just shut down. I-I think I may have went a little crazy,” she said.

“Trauma happens,” Sunset said sagely, remembering her own past. “It’s a sad fact, and it will deeply affect you. It can even make you do crazy things. However, you have the sense of self to realize what happened. It’s how you move on from here that matters most, love.”

Fluttershy swallowed hard and hid behind her hair; a habit she had trying to get out of. “So…I should forgive them?” she asked fearfully, clinging to the blanket around them. She honestly couldn’t think of anything she’d rather do less, and that thought alone frightened her more than anything else ever.

Sunset shook her head. “Oh hell no. They fucked up good this time and cast you out. It’s them who need to apologize for this shit.”

Fluttershy nodded, realizing how riled up Sunset was getting. It was really the only time the girl swore like that outside of sex. When Sunset was mad, she could go on a tear that would impress and embarrass a sailor.

Sunset continued before Fluttershy could speak again. “And don’t get me fucking started on that shit-heel of a brother of yours. One of these days, someone needs to take that motherfucker out of the genepool, preferably by pulling his balls out of his asshole.”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide. She reached up and pulled Sunset into a kiss to stop her tirade before it built up to much steam. As she ended the kiss, Sunset looked starry eyed. “R-right… g-got it…down girl,” Sunset said then took a deep breath to calm herself. “Anyways, baby, you can live here all you want. We’ll go see Rarity tomorrow to get you some new clothes and then hit the store to get you some toiletries.”

“D-do you want to try to go back to sleep?” Fluttershy asked her, moving out of her lap so she could readjust to lay down.

Sunset just shook her head. “No; at least not yet. I’m to wound up,” she said but moved to lay on her side, facing Fluttershy. “Are you tired?”

“A bit,” she said. “I-it’s mostly from the stress, I think,” she confessed. She took a deep breath and sighed and rolled over to face Sunset as well, her large tits jiggling lightly as she wiggled into place. “Sunset,” she whispered. “Make love to me. Not the kinky games we usually play. I mean honest and good love.”

“Yes, Mi…” Sunset started before stopping herself. “Ok baby,” she whispered gently and moved in to kiss Fluttershy gently.

Fluttershy wrapped her arms and legs around her lover, pulling the other girl into a close embrace and deepening the kiss. This was all she needed in life; her Sunset in her arms and a roof over her head.

Sunset traced her fingers down Fluttershy’s hips as she broke the kiss. She placed soft kisses along Fluttershy’s jaw line and down to her neck, causing the smaller girl to moan quietly.

Fluttershy leaned her head back to give the girl better access to her desired location, while running a hand up and entwining her fingers with her lover’s red and gold locks. “Please Sunny,” she said, barely above a sweet whisper. “Give me all your love.”

Sunset kissed her again, and responded equally as quietly. “All that you desire, and more, my beloved Fluttershy.” Sunset placed kisses down her lover’s body until she got to her tits. She gently took a nipple into her mouth and then let her fingers continue the trek south, reaching Fluttershy’s increasingly dampening sex. She began to stroke the pink haired beauty’s clit gently, eliciting several wondrous noises.

Fluttershy moaned and spread her legs a bit wider, grinding herself into her girlfriend’s hand. She clung tightly to Sunset as if the girl was going to vanish any moment. She would never allow anyone to take her away.

Sunset scooted away for a moment. “I’ll be right back, baby,” she whispered and stood up, smirking slightly at Fluttershy’s whimper at being left alone. Sunset padded over to the drawer she’d designated for their toys and pulled out the strap on. She made sure the dildo’s back side was comfortably inserted into her before tightening the harness into place and crawling back into bed. “You wanted love making right?”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded enthusiastically in response, while spreading and lifting her legs. Sunset got into place and gently pushed into her girlfriend, causing both girls to let out a moan of supreme satisfaction. Sunset never broke eye contact with Fluttershy as she began to move her hips. Fluttershy wrapped her legs around Sunset’s hips and hooked her feet together, aiding the girl to thrust into her.

The two lovers bucked and grinded against each other with increasingly strong desperation. Every down thrust Sunset made was met with an up thrust by Fluttershy. Their breasts pressed together as they did their best to be as close as possible. They clung and held on to each other tightly. This moment was their whole world.

Finally, after what seemed to both like and blissful eternity, they cried out their mutual pleasure to world and Sunset collapsed atop Fluttershy, who held the girl and ran her fingers through her fiery locks. “I love you so much, Sunset Shimmer,” she whispered. “You make me so happy.”

“I love you too, Fluttershy. I want to give you the world,” Sunset responded and kissed her girlfriend with gentle passion.

Fluttershy smiled sweetly and looked into Sunset’s eyes. “Why would I want the world, when your heart is so much more precious?”

Sunset stood naked at her window, watching the storm as it raged outside. Fluttershy slept peacefully behind her, wrapped up in her thick blankets and snoring lightly. ‘Celestia, that girl is so fucking adorable,’ Sunset thought to herself, eying her lover before turning back to the storm and crossing her arms.

She stared hard out at the rain. She felt the cool air of the apartment move across her naked body, chilling her skin to match her mood. She scowled as her thoughts went to a dark place. ‘How fucking DARE they,’ she monologued as she boiled internally. ‘How could they do that to Fluttershy of all people? She’s the sweetest, kindest, most unassuming girl in all of Celestia-damned history. She’s the element of kindness for fuck sake!’

She thought back over the last few weeks since they’d started dating, and while it was absolutely amazing and she wouldn’t change a thing, she couldn’t deny that Fluttershy had gone to a darker place. At some points, it almost seemed like she was a two different people. Like her Miss Fluttershy persona was a separate entity entirely. That thought was disturbing in and of itself.

‘I’ll be damned if I let Fluttershy fall to the darkness like I did,’ she thought and pressed her hand against the glass. ‘I love her far too much to let that evil into her heart.’

Her eyes lit up as the beginnings of an idea struck her. She’d never let that darkness devour Fluttershy, but the darkness had never completely left Sunset. Yes, she had friends now…people she loved with all her heart and do anything to defend. She had a girl she’d die for; a girl she’d be willing to kill for if that’s what it took.

Lightning crashed across the sky, lighting up the room. It showed Sunset’s reflection on the glass. A reflection that bore a look she hadn’t had in over a year; a wicked and malicious look of scheming that promised vengeance and pain. ‘You’re going to suffer a great deal for hurting her, Zephyr Breeze,’ she thought. Oh yes…The Bitch was back.