> Dirty Rarity > by The Dark Wolf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rarity - Dirtier than she seems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity was hanging out with her friends on one hot summer day. They were going for a walk in the park, admiring the scenery and having fun. Rarity was wearing a light blue tank top and short, skintight, purple shorts. Rainbow Dash was wearing her usual outfit, and the other girls wore their Legend of Everfree outfits. Rainbow Dash lifted her leg and farted loudly. Pinkie Pie giggled and also farted. "Really, you two are so uncouth," said Rarity. "Lighten up," said Rainbow Dash, while Sunset and Twilight giggled a bit. Rarity didn't hold it against them for long, and they kept having fun, until it was time to go home. As soon as she was home, Rarity locked the door, and walked outside to her backyard which had a section of dirt. Rarity turned on the hose and set it to soak the dirt and turn it into mud, and then returned inside. Rarity loved to act ladylike when she was around other people, to keep up her feminine image. She always pretended to be disgusted by farts and other such things, and to hate getting dirty. But, Rarity secretly loved it all. Rarity started cooking two heaping bowls of baked beans with brown sauce, and two big plates of chili. She also put laxatives in one of them. She of course was disguised when she bought them. While waiting for them to cook, Rarity drank a can of soda as fast as she could, and then she drank six more sodas. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP! Rarity giggled at how unladylike that was, and proceeded to drink water until she couldn't drink any more. When her beans and chili were done, she set them down on the table, and ate them as noisily and messily as she could, getting it all over herself, but making sure to eat most of it. Once she was done eating, Rarity drank three more glasses of water, and then waited for nature to take its course. Before long, her stomach started gurgling, and she felt like she was about to explode. Rarity lifted her leg. PPPPPPFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRT! Rarity sighed in relief as she let out a loud, wet fart. She'd hate for any of her friends to find out how much she absolutely loved to fart! She wished she could laugh at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie farting, but she had to keep up her ladylike image. Even if Twilight and Sunset thought it was funny. BBBBBRRRRRRRTTT! This fart wasn't as long, but was louder, and deeper-pitched. Rarity loved it, and slapped her butt. She couldn't help it, it was so arousing to fart this loud. PPPPFFFFFT! BRRRAAAAP! FFFFRRRRRT! Rarity giggled with each fart. As time went by, her farts became wetter and smellier, and her underwear started to get dirty - but she didn't mind. She liked it when her farts made her underwear dirty! After about a half hour of farting, Rarity felt the urge to pee. She stepped outside into her backyard so as to not make a mess on the floor, and took off her socks and shoes so she was barefoot. She held it for as long as she could, accidentally farting a few times. She wanted to enjoy this to its fullest extent, and she loved being desperate. She had secretly enjoyed that time she had been desperate around her friends, even though at the time she was afraid of wetting herself in front of them. Fortunately she had made it then, although she had leaked in her underwear before finding a bathroom. Once Rarity reached the level of desperation she was hoping for, she spread her legs apart, causing her to leak a little into her shorts. At that leak, Rarity voluntarily let go and began to pee like a race horse. She positioned her legs so that the pee ran down them as it soaked her shorts and panties. The grass around her feet began to get wet, soaking her feet as well. Rarity loved it all - the warmth, the wetness, the relief, and the feeling of doing something dirty and naughty that she wouldn't dare do in front of anyone else. She sat down on the grass, still peeing, so that the wetness started to soak her butt. She sighed in immense satisfaction as she continued to wet herself. After about a minute and forty seconds, Rarity finished peeing, and sat there in her wet shorts. She stood up, examined her wet shorts in the reflection of the screen door, and slapped her soaking wet tush. As if this had been a signal, a boisterous wet fart erupted out of her rear for exactly ten seconds. She sighed of relief then giggled a bit to herself, patting her butt lightly, and farting again for about one second. That fart must have been longer because of how much she had held back when holding in her pee, and she liked farting louder and longer. Of course, she was still professional at farting silently when she was in public or with her friends, and only if they could never smell it. She continued to fart for another ten minutes before the laxatives began to take effect. As Rarity let out another wet fart, she could feel her panties become a lot dirtier, and knew she was close to soiling herself. Before long, she could feel the pressure in her bowels. Beans and chili could get quite messy - but the messier, the better! Rarity farted a few more times, but after the last fart she could feel that the next time, it would be more than just a fart. The time was now. Rarity closed her eyes tight and pushed as hard as she could. PPPPPPPPBBBBBBBBBBBLLLLLLLLLLLLRRRRRRRRRT! With a very loud and very sloppy fart, Rarity released a wet brown mess into her shorts. She sighed of relief and satisfaction. She loved the feeling of messing herself. It was one of the dirtiest things she could do. The smell quickly entered her nostrils, and she inhaled deeply. Rarity paced around a bit in her messy, smelly shorts, before she could feel the second wave coming. Rarity let it all out again, quieter this time and it was thicker than before, causing the brown bulge in her shorts to get bigger. She sat down, enjoying the sensation of her warm mess squishing beneath her rear. She squirmed a bit where she sat to experience the squishy sensation as much as she could. By now, the next wave of pee had entered her bladder, so she just peed herself again. Rarity smelled really bad now, but she wasn't done yet. She turned the hose off and walked into the mud puddle, which went up to her ankles. She could feel the mud squish between her toes. Rarity sat down, and began playing around in the mud. Within five minutes she was completely covered in mud, so that she'd be hard to recognize if someone saw her. Oh how she loved getting dirty, and the mess in her shorts was surely mixing with the mud as well. She eventually sat still for about a minute. She let out a loud fart, and was sure she had further soiled her shorts, but it was hard to tell at this point. Then she lay facedown in the mud, with her feet in the air. She peed again in this position, followed by another wet fart. She slapped her very dirty butt at this, giggling to herself. Eventually, Rarity was done having fun, so she hosed herself down so she was at least relatively clean and wouldn't track mud around the house, and then took a bubblebath. She farted in the tub more than once, much to her amusement and arousal. After peeing in the water with a sigh of relief, Rarity drained the bathtub and took a shower, stripping off her tank top, shorts, bra, and panties halfway through to get completely clean. Once Rarity was sparkly clean, she changed into a new pair of shorts - the same she had worn in Legend of Everfree - and an identical tank top, and put her wet, still slightly smelly outfit in the laundry, which was close to full, making today the perfect day to do this. Rarity put all her laundry in the washing machine with her strongest detergent and turned it on. She wasn't worried that her shorts were stained - this detergent always got the stains out every time! Her friends had no idea how many times she had soiled these shorts, even with Applejack staring at her butt, which Rarity liked but she pretended not to notice. > Rarity Gets Even Dirtier > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity walked into her backyard again after a fun day with her friends. She was once again wearing her light blue tank top and skintight purple shorts, which were now spotlessly clean - but that would change! Around her neck was a thin chain necklace with a crystal on it. Rarity had found it exploring a cave. It had glowed bright when she got near it, as if it could sense something about her. She knew the crystal must contain Equestrian magic, and took it. As soon as she touched it, she knew what kind of power it had, and why it reacted to her. Rarity held the crystal and used its magic on herself. Immediately, she could feel an urgent need to take a dump. She quickly got her shorts and light blue panties down and released the contents of her bowels in the center of the yard. She had used the crystal to make herself poop for an unrealistically long amount of time, and when she was done, there was a pile of shit in her yard bigger than the section of mud. Satisfied, Rarity pulled up her shorts, and rubbed her butt a little, feeling her underwear get a little dirty. She held the crystal again and cast another spell. Almost immediately, Rarity released a series of loud, wet farts. She giggled with each one, slapping her butt occasionally. These farts were louder, wetter, and smellier than when she wasn't using magic to satisfy her fetishes. After about a minute, her farts had turned the back of her shorts brown. Rarity held the crystal again and cast another spell while still farting. She could feel her bladder become more full than ever before. She had never been this desperate. She let out another boisterous fart, and suddenly lost control. She was surprised when her shorts started to grow warm and wet, but she liked it. She peed harder, letting it flow down her legs in torrents, farting every once and a while, and letting out a moan of pleasure. Rarity peed herself for about three and a half minutes, and felt relieved but a little disappointed when it was over. No matter - she could use the crystal's magic to pee again if she wanted. Maybe for five minutes this time. She rubbed the crystal again. Make me fart for a bit and then soil myself. Rarity let out louder, wetter farts than before, and after about another minute, her next fart released a brown mess into her already-dirty shorts. She quickly touched the crystal, and a few seconds later, she messed herself again for about ten seconds. Her shorts were now full of a wet, smelly mess, and she loved it. After rubbing her butt for a few seconds, Rarity dove into her pile of shit, playing around in it and loving it. Soon she was covered in her scat from head to toe, and sat still for a while, taking in every second. This was even dirtier than mud, and she never thought she'd get the chance to do this. BBBBBBBLLLLLLLLRRRRRRRRRT! Rarity made another noisy mess in her shorts, and giggled. She peed again, and let out several more farts, some of which were more than just a fart. Once she had enough - and had taken the time to pee for five minutes - Rarity stood up and walked back onto the grass. She was dirtier and smellier than she had ever been in her life, and she felt so aroused by it. She was so excited she accidentally peed again, much to her pleasant surprise. Rarity lifted up her crystal, which, along with her necklace, magically repelled all dirt so it never got dirty. Using its power, she made her mess in the yard disappear, and then picked up the hose. She could have easily cleaned herself up with the crystal - she told her friends she kept it with her for this reason in case she ever got dirty - but she liked doing this the old-fashioned way better. Of course, that didn't stop her from peeing and farting in the tub! > Sweetie Belle's Dirty Secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several years had passed since Rarity had found the crystal that had made her messy activities easier and more fun. Rarity was in her twenties, and still had her good looks. She was in her backyard, wearing her light blue tank top and skintight purple shorts which were absolutely filthy, for she had already peed in them and soiled them, and was now playing around in the mud. She had just let out a boisterous wet fart that she was sure had made her shorts and underwear even dirtier, when she suddenly heard a voice. "Rarity?" Rarity turned in the direction of the voice and blushed beet red, though no one could tell because of all the mud on her face. Sweetie Belle stood there. She was as tall as Rarity - and just as beautiful - for she was now 18, a year younger than Rarity had been when she found the crystal. She was wearing a light blue T-shirt and skintight pink pants. Rarity froze, accidentally farting loudly. How could she have forgotten her sister was coming over today? She could not believe she was seeing her in this state. Hopefully she didn't notice the smell. "Sweetie Belle, this... this isn't what it looks like!" said Rarity. "I'm under the sirens' spell! I..." She paused as a hissing noise could be heard. Rarity was peeing, since she had cast a timed pee spell with the crystal, and she couldn't help but sigh in relief. "So, you like to do that too?" said Sweetie Belle. "What?" "I think it's really fun to play in the mud, and I always pee myself before I start." She blushed a little. "You do?" Rarity couldn't believe what she was hearing. "And I also think it's fun to fart." "So do I." She felt immense relief that Sweetie Belle didn't react with disgust or make fun of her. And that her bladder was about 3/4 empty, for she was still peeing. "It must run in the family." "Can I play in the mud with you?" "If you want. But... I may have soiled myself a bit... no, a lot, so this mud isn't just mud." "That's all right, I don't mind. Too bad I don't have to pee." "I can fix that. If you want." "Really? How?" "This magic crystal I found can make anyone have to use the bathroom in either way, or fart, as much as you want. It can also make any mud, dirt, or anything else like that disappear. The crystal also repels any form of dirt, so I never have to worry about it getting dirty." Sweetie Belle's eyes were wide with excitement. "Do it right now!" Rarity had never thought she would ever use the crystal on anyone other than herself, least of all her sister. But Sweetie Belle shared her interest and wanted this. So, Rarity held up the crystal and cast its spell on Sweetie Belle. Immediately Sweetie Belle could feel a powerful pressure. Not in her bladder, but she enjoyed this. She let out a loud fart for about seven seconds. "That wasn't too much, was it?" said Rarity. "No, I love it!" said Sweetie Belle, farting again and slapping her butt playfully. "Except... why don't I have to pee?" "It'll come a bit later." Rarity held up the crystal and farted again. "We should have a farting contest!" "You're on!" Rarity stood up, and both she and Sweetie Belle released a series of loud, wet farts. Each felt aroused by her own farts (but not her sister's). They farted so much at the time time that they couldn't tell whose farts were the loudest or longest, but they didn't care, it was so much fun! PPPPRRRRRRT! Sweetie Belle put a hand on her butt. The back of her skintight pants felt a little wet. She turned around to see a brown stain on her rear. She was a little surprised, but giggled, as she enjoyed it. Then she could feel an urge to pee like nothing she had ever known. As far as she could remember she had never involuntarily wet herself, so there were levels of desperation she hadn't experienced. "Wow, Rarity, this is... I haven't had to pee this badly since... well, ever!" She squealed as a bit of pee leaked out of her, forming a damp spot on her crotch. Watching Sweetie Belle's motions made Rarity want more of it herself. She cast the spell on herself, and began peeing, washing the mud off her legs as the pee soaked her shorts and poured down on the mud below her. The sight and sound of this was too much for Sweetie Belle, causing her to lose control. Or, maybe part of her voluntarily let go. She couldn't tell. She sighed in relief as she felt the warm wetness soak the crotch, legs, and butt of her skintight pants. In the middle of wetting herself she let out a loud fart, and both she and Rarity giggled, Rarity farting even louder. After about three minutes, both Rarity and Sweetie Belle finished peeing themselves. "I've never peed for so long," said Sweetie Belle, breathing heavily and satisfied beyond what she'd imagined. Her pants were absolutely drenched, and she could only imagine the state her light blue panties were in. "Well, when you're ready, come in," said Rarity, and she sat down, farting as soon as her rear splashed into the mud, and she giggled. After feeling how wet her pants were and taking in the moment, Sweetie Belle dove into the mud, splashing Rarity, who of course didn't mind. She sat up. Her skintight pants were now brown and smelled bad, but she liked it that way. The two girls played in the mud for about an hour, farting the entire time and occasionally peeing. They both took great pleasure in this, maybe more so in front of someone else, though none of their arousal came from the other doing it. Rarity let out a deep-pitched, loud fart that lasted 16 seconds and turned very wet near the end. Sweetie Belle could feel another fart coming, and tried to fart as loud and long as Rarity could. PPPPPPPPBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRT! "I think I just soiled myself," said Sweetie Belle, blushing a little, as her pants and underwear felt warmer and dirtier, and the mud around her started to smell more. "I certainly did," said Rarity. "At LEAST for the last six seconds of my last fart. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I think it's really fun." She giggled, squirming around a bit, and Sweetie Belle did the same. PPPPPPPBBBBBBBBLLLLLLLLTTTTTTTTTHHH! Rarity squealed as she released a very wet brown mess into her already heavily soiled shorts for 12 seconds. Sweetie Belle giggled and got onto all fours, farting again and then slapping her butt. This time her tush felt a little more squishy against her hand, but she didn't mind. They continued having fun for about an hour, before they got tired. "Shall I use the crystal to clean you up?" said Rarity. "No, just hose me down and we'll take a bath and shower," said Sweetie Belle. "I always do it that way too." After they sprayed each other with the hose, they took a bubblebath, often farting in the tub, and peeing at once point each. Then they showered. "I just realized, I don't have anything to change into," said Sweetie Belle once she was out of the shower, soaking wet and with a brown stain on the butt of her pants. "There's no shortage of outfits here," said Rarity, who had a bigger brown stain on the butt of her shorts, which still smelled bad. "You can borrow one of mine while yours in the wash. And don't worry about the stain on your pants. My outfit has cleaned up from far worse." > The Cutie Mark Crusaders Fight Dirty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Rarity and Sweetie Belle had begun engaging in their messy activities with each other, Rarity had gotten a powerless crystal from the cave, empowered it using her crystal, and give it to Sweetie Belle so she could have as much fun as she wanted. Sweetie Belle wore it around her neck like a necklace most of the time. Often she would have a little fun with it; when she needed to go to the bathroom really badly, she would make it to the bathroom, go in her panties, and then magically clean herself up, then flush the toilet to avert suspicion. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had no idea. She had told Rarity, of course, who said she usually did the same thing. One day, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were walking through the park. It had just rained earlier in the morning, so there were puddles and mud puddles everywhere. Sweetie Belle was wearing a light blue tank top and a pink skirt halfway to her knees. Apple Bloom was wearing a green T-shirt and short jean shorts. Scootaloo was wearing a dark purple midriff tank top and matching short, skintight shorts. Her hair was now in the same style as Rainbow Dash. All three were truly a sight to behold, each in their own way. Sweetie Belle splashed around in the puddles. Even at 18 she loved this. Until she accidentally lost her balance and fell on her butt, which splashed into the puddle she was standing in. Her legs were spread wide and Apple Bloom and Scootaloo could see her purple panties. They blushed lightly, but Sweetie Belle didn't seem to mind too much. After Sweetie Belle got back to her feet, Apple Bloom farted loudly. She looked over at Scootaloo, silently challenging her to fart louder. Scootaloo lifted her leg and let out a louder, longer fart. It seemed their lunch together had made them gassy. Sweetie Belle giggled. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had farting contests all the time, which Sweetie Belle didn't mind but she'd never partake in them herself, as she tried to act more ladylike and usually wouldn't fart in front of anyone. But, she felt more confident after her dirty sessions with Rarity, so she let out a wet fart that wasn't very loud. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom didn't notice, as they were too busy trying to outfart each other. "I gotta go to the bathroom," said Apple Bloom after the latest fart. Scootaloo immediately started tickling Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom laughed hard as she was forced into a sitting position. "SCOOTALOO STOP! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'M GONNA PEE! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" In a matter of seconds, Apple Bloom's jean shorts darkened, and a puddle grew under her. "Scootaloo!" said Apple Bloom. "I told you, not in front of Sweetie Belle!" "I'm sure she doesn't mind," said Scootaloo. "She doesn't get offended at our farting contests." She farted again to make the point. Not in front of Sweetie Belle? Sweetie Belle tilted her head. Did this mean Apple Bloom and Scootaloo liked making each other wet themselves when they were alone together? It must, for Apple Bloom was barely even blushing, and looked as though she didn't mind peeing herself. To test this, she raised her crystal and mentally told it to make Scootaloo have to pee badly. "Oh, I gotta go... BAD!" said Scootaloo, putting both hands on her crotch. "I'll be right back!" "Oh no you don't!" Apple Bloom grabbed Scootaloo's feet, causing her to fall facedown. Apple Bloom sat on Scootaloo's butt, took off her shoes, and tickled her feet. Scootaloo laughed so hard, and within seconds a puddle was appearing under her, growing by the second. Apple Bloom stopped and sat up, slapping Scootaloo's butt lightly. Scootaloo sat up, still peeing, and farting at one point in the middle of it. "Wow, you really needed to go," said Apple Bloom as Scootaloo kept peeing for two and a half minutes. Scootaloo only sighed in relief. Then Apple Bloom let out another wet fart, and slapped her soaking wet butt. Sweetie Belle quickly cast a spell, then lifted her leg and farted loudly for about 10 seconds. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo turned to look at Sweetie Belle, who blushed lightly. "I think it's kinda fun to fart, and I was wondering if I could enter the next farting contest." She felt the urge to pee hit. "But first... I have to go to the bathroom REALLY badly!" "Then go," said Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle realized they weren't going to force her to wet herself. They didn't know she enjoyed it, and she suddenly wanted to know what it was like to wet herself from being tickled too hard. "Um... my panties are already wet, so you can tickle me if you want." Apple Bloom and Scootaloo wasted no time. They started tickling Sweetie Belle's sides, and she started to laugh hard. She fell on her back, still laughing but only dribbling a bit, and involuntarily farting a few times. Apple Bloom held Sweetie Belle's legs up while Scootaloo took her shoes off and tickled her feet with a feather she had found on the ground. They could see her purple panties growing wetter by the second. Sweetie Belle did not stop laughing as she peed herself all the way, soaking her underwear and much of her skirt. She peed for 2 minutes and 40 seconds after Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were done. "Well," said Scootaloo once Sweetie Belle was done peeing, "time for our farting contest!" Apple Bloom farted loudly for 13 seconds, looking very proud of herself. Scootaloo stuck out her butt in Apple Bloom's direction and farted even louder for 17 seconds. BBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP! The force of the fart made Apple Bloom fall butt-first into a big puddle of mud nearby. Sweetie Belle farted in Scootaloo's face for 14 seconds, sending her falling into the mud as well, and then she jumped into the mud, landing in a sitting position. "Mud fight!" They splashed around in the mud for a while, farting in each others' faces and slapping each others' butts. Every time her hands were free Sweetie Belle would make them have to pee, and they wasted no time in peeing themselves while sitting on each other. Then Sweetie Belle turned it up a notch. PPPPPPPPPBBBBBBBLLLLLLLLTTTTTTTH! "Ah think ah just soiled mahself," said Apple Bloom as she felt the mess in her shorts squish beneath her rear as she sat down. PPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSSH! "I think I did too," said Scootaloo. Both she and Apple Bloom seemed to enjoy it, and Sweetie Belle unabashedly and noisily released the contents of her own bowels into her underwear. Scootaloo sat on Sweetie Belle's butt, feeling the messes they had made squish against each other. She had just started peeing when Apple Bloom farted in Scootaloo's face. They had fun playing VERY dirty for a while, until they eventually got tired and stopped. "We've got a lotta cleanin' up to do," said Apple Bloom. "I wonder why we had to fart and pee so much," said Scootaloo. "I wish we could do it again!" "We can," said Sweetie Belle, "because I have a crystal containing Equestrian magic that can make us pee, poop, or fart as much as we want!" "REALLY?!" said Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Apple Bloom was so excited she peed again. "It'll also clean us up." Sweetie Belle held it up, and in an instant, all three girls were dry and completely clean. "That's so awesome!" said Scootaloo. "I can't wait till next time!" said Apple Bloom. "Where'd you get it?" "A cave full of magic crystals," said Sweetie Belle, for she knew Rarity wouldn't appreciate if she told anyone else about her dirty little secret. They walked home, farting and giggling the entire way, and Sweetie Belle had to use the crystal again when Apple Bloom messed herself. > Rarity's Secret Dirty Spot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a mild summer day, and Rarity was walking to one of her new favorite spots. She had discovered this place accidentally while going for a walk, and wet herself with excitement when she had found it. Having had her magic gem with her she had dried her purple skirt, but left her underwear wet. This spot she had discovered was a large field made entirely of mud, and there were horses there. Horses that seemed to like walking around in the mud. They appeared to be living here naturally, for there was no barn nearby, but there was plenty of food for the horses at the side of the mud field. And Rarity was feeling a little more daring. It was fun to have her sessions in her backyard, but there was some sort of a thrill do doing it more out in the open. And she wouldn't have to worry about being seen on the way back, because she always brought her magic gem which not only enabled her to fill her bladder and bowels as much as she wanted, but could also clean her completely. She'd usually stay in her messy state for as long as she could, but on the rare occasion she saw anyone, she'd use her gem to clean herself before they could see or smell her. In which case, as soon as she was out of sight she'd mess herself, cleaning up only if she was seen again. She loved the things she could do without anyone knowing now that she had this gem. She rarely even used a toilet anymore, unless she knew she'd be unable to wet or soil herself without anyone knowing in the moment, or else knew she didn't have her gem handy. Today, Rarity was wearing her light blue tank top and skintight purple shorts, with pink panties underneath. She would alternate between the shorts and her usual skirt. She walked into the mud field. She used the crystal's magic, then released a series of wet farts, ending with her making a noisy mess in her shorts. The hyperscat oozed through her shorts and down her legs. She giggled at the sensation. Rarity sat down and rolled around in the mud. After about five minutes, she sat up, used the crystal's magic again, and let out another loud fart, filling her shorts with more hyperscat. Then she crawled on all fours over to a horse that was standing still. She positioned herself next to the horse's butt. The horse sat on her, forcing her facedown into the mud. Rarity liked this. She had discovered this accidentally trying to get the horse to do something else. She didn't know why but whenever she got near a horse's rear end, unless she was standing up, it would sit on her. Rarity was able to touch her gem, but using its magic on the horse instead of herself. The horse farted loudly. Rarity giggled. She liked the sensation, and she liked the rancid smell that came with it. It smelled worse than any of her own farts. She usually smelled like farts when this was done, in addition to pee and poop. Of course, the gem's cleanup made the fart smell go away as well so she could get as stinky as she wanted! She touched her gem again, and let out a boisterous fart of her own. Rarity farted a few more times before the horse farted on her again. Rarity used her gem again, and let out a 45-second fart that turned very wet at the end, and it made her underwear feel even dirtier. She giggled again. Then Rarity let out a sloppy wet fart that she knew had soiled her shorts further. Not that they could really get any dirtier in their current state. Well, maybe they could. She touched her gem again and peed herself, sighing of relief as she had overflowed her bladder with the gem's magic. She peed for four minutes; The horse farted on her twice more before she was done. She sighed in satisfaction, very aroused by the state she was in now. Then the horse stood up, and a few seconds later, Rarity felt a wet pile of manure fall on her. The first time she had gotten dirty at this field, she knew the horses probably did their business in the mud and therefore she'd be getting messy with their poop in addition to her own. Then, when she saw one of the horses lift its tail, she wasted no time in getting behind it. It was just as fun and arousing for her as soiling herself, but in a different way. The horses would usually do this to her after farting on her, or else without even sitting on her. It was almost as though they could sense how much she liked it. If they didn't poop, Rarity would make them with her gem, and sometimes enhance how much the horses needed to go. Then another horse walked by, lifted its leg, and sprayed her with a powerful stream of pee. Rarity sighed, loving the warmth and the naughtiness of allowing herself to be peed on by a horse. She quickly touched her gem and released a stream of her own into her heavily-soiled shorts, while filling the horse's bladder as well. Occasionally refilling when she was sure both their bladders were almost empty. It was like taking a shower, but much more arousing. After fifteen minutes straight, both Rarity and the horse finished peeing, Rarity having decided she was done her golden shower. She was drenched in pee from head to foot, most of the mud and manure having washed off her. Only one thing to do about that! Rarity saw two more horses standing back to back (or rather butt to butt) and worked her gem's magic on them, then got between them as soon as possible, sliding on her back through the mud. With a whinny of surprise, the horses lifted their tails and buried Rarity under a mountain of manure. Rarity raised her gem to her mouth, repelling the dung around it so she could breathe. Then she used its magic and released a smelly mess of her own into her shorts. She lay there for longer than she could count, peeing at one point. When she was finally satisfied, she climbed out of the pile of horse poop - and could not believe what she saw. Fluttershy was laying facedown in the mud. She looked as though she was wearing her usual green skirt, but it was hard to tell because she was covered in mud and a horse was sitting on her butt and farting on her. Fluttershy giggled, then let out the same sort of sigh as Rarity had when she was peeing herself. Rarity was so shocked she accidentally let out a loud fart. Which may have been more of a shart. Fluttershy looked up. "Rarity?" "Fluttershy!" Rarity felt herself blush beet red. "This isn't what it looks like!" they both said at once. "Well... maybe it is," said Fluttershy. "I hope you're not really disgusted with me..." "Darling, why would I be?" said Rarity. "I'm doing the same thing. It looks like we both have the same dirty secret." Then the horse stood up and released a shower of manure all over Fluttershy. "I wish you didn't have to see that..." "I get them to do that to me all the time. That wasn't mud I just climbed out of." "How do you do that?" "I may have found a gem that allows me to make anyone have to go to the bathroom in either way or fart as long as I want." She didn't have to ask how Fluttershy did it. She used her geode to talk to the horses. Now she understood why they always sat on her when she got behind them. It was because Fluttershy had asked them to do this to her, as though it were a signal. "Um... if you don't mind... are there any more of them?" "I could make another one for you." "Please don't tell anyone about this." "What would I say? 'Guess what girls? Fluttershy likes to have horses sit on her, fart on her, and do their business on her. How did I find out? Because I like to do the same thing.' I can assure you I'd be just as embarrassed as you if anyone else ever found out. Besides, I'd never do that to you." Fluttershy gave Rarity a hug. "I had no idea you liked getting this dirty so much," said Fluttershy. "You don't... pee yourself too, do you?" "I do." "And do you... um... mess yourself when you get the chance?" "I use this gem's magic to make it happen quite often." "Can you... if that's all right... use it on me?" "Why, of course, darling. Which..." She refrained from saying "rather unladylike activity", for she thought Fluttershy might take it the wrong way. "...would you like to do?" "All of them." Rarity couldn't tell because of the mud and manure on her face, but she was sure Fluttershy was blushing. "I'll do it with you!" said Rarity. "Oh Rarity, you don't have to." "No, but I want to. I told you I really enjoy it." Rarity and Fluttershy sat beside each other in the mud, and then Rarity used the gem's magic on herself and Fluttershy. She never in a million years thought she'd be using it on her. Even less so than Sweetie Belle. For the next half hour, Rarity and Fluttershy were farting, peeing themselves, and soiling themselves, enjoying every second of it and feeling no shame about doing it in front of each other. Rarity whispered something to Fluttershy, who called two horses over and asked them to pee on her and Rarity when they needed to. Rarity worked her magic on the horses, who immediately showered the two wet, dirty, smelly girls with pee. As she had done last time, Rarity set her gem to overflow her bladder, as well as Fluttershy's. Both girls sighed as they let it flow. After the muck had been washed off them by the golden showers, Rarity could see Fluttershy was indeed wearing her green skirt and white tank top. "Wow, how long is this going for?" said Fluttershy, for she, Rarity, and the horses were still peeing after twenty minutes. She didn't comment before then because she was enjoying it too much. "I lost count," said Rarity. "I'm refilling us when I feel we're about to get empty." "How are you doing?" Fluttershy said to the horse peeing on her. The horse whinnied. "The horses are having fun too." "Between your ability to communicate with them and my ability to make them and us need to go, or fart, I think we're both going to have a lot more fun with this than we used to." Fluttershy giggled. "I never knew it would be so fun doing it with someone else. Or that anyone else would want to." "Of course, we'll keep this between ourselves and the horses," said Rarity. "Right," said Fluttershy. "I'd die of embarrassment if anyone besides you found out." "You and me both. How do you keep your geode so clean?" "It seems to repel any kind of dirt." "That reminds me, my gem can also clean us completely." "That's nice. Now I won't have to worry about being seen on the way home. But I rarely ever see anyone on the path, and if I do, I keep a distance so they can't smell me. They'll just think I like to play in the mud as much as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. And, once I have my own, if I really need to go, I can just pee in my panties and no one will notice! Um... if that's not too weird." "After everything we just did, and what we're doing now, do you honestly think I can be grossed out by anything you do? Besides, I've been doing the same thing for years. But when it's not just us, I'll still act disgusted by any of it." "Right. And next time we come here I'll wear my gym shorts." They looked just like Rarity's but green. "I like to alternate between my gym shorts and my dress." "So do I. They're both really fun to pee in." Rarity let out a sloppy wet fart. Fluttershy giggled, and let out a wetter fart. "Are you ready to stop peeing yet?" said Rarity. "Not yet," said Fluttershy. "Me neither!" > Rainbow and Pinkie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity and Fluttershy met at the mud field. This time Rarity was wearing her purple skirt, and Fluttershy was wearing a pair of short, green, skintight shorts, along with tank tops, light blue and white, respectively. They began rolling in the mud, farting, soiling themselves, and wetting themselves repeatedly. They lay facedown besides the horses, and Fluttershy didn't even have to tell them to sit on them. They both used their magic gems on the horses to make them fart on them for about half an hour. Rarity and Fluttershy peed three times before Fluttershy told them to get up, and then they made them take a dump on them. After about two hours, Rarity and Fluttershy sat side by side in a pile of manure. They were very dirty and smelled of pee, poop, and farts. "Do you think Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie would like this?" said Fluttershy. "We are NOT letting them see us like this," said Rarity. "No, I mean... do you think they'd like the power to do all this? They don't have to do it WITH us. You could leave some crystals for them without them knowing it's you." She let out a sloppy wet fart, soiling her shorts further, and giggled. "That does sound like a good idea. Of course, they might only have fun with the farting part of it." She lifted her leg and let out a boisterous wet fart. "Oh my, that sounded wet." Fluttershy was unable to keep the amusement out of her voice. "Are you all right?" "Quite all right, though the same can't be said for my underwear." Rarity giggled. "But remember. I must keep up my ladylike facade around the others. If they fart in front of me, I will act disgusted and offended. Now, it's time for the golden showers!" ... Rainbow Dash heard a knock on her front door. She opened it. No one was there. She looked down and saw a crystal attached to a necklace. It was glowing in her presence, as if calling to her. She picked it up and immediately knew what it could do. She grinned mischievously, and ran to Pinkie's house as fast as she could. Fluttershy watched from behind a tree. ... Rarity was about to walk out of the bushes near Pinkie's house when Rainbow Dash came into view, and she ducked back inside. Rainbow knocked on Pinkie's front door. Pinkie answered the door. She was wearing short, tight jean shorts, and Rainbow was wearing her usual black compression shorts under a miniskirt. "Ooh, hi Rainbow Dash!" said Pinkie. "You won't believe what happened today!" "I challenge you to a farting contest!" "I accept!" "What is it you wanted to tell me?" "Nothing yet." As soon as they were inside, Rarity got up and walked away. "So, better get out the fart powder," said Rainbow Dash. "I don't need any," said Pinkie. "I'm gassy enough right now!" "If you say so." They both touched their gems and let out a series of loud farts. After a few minutes, once they decided to stop playing around, they touched their gems again and farted for several minutes straight. "Seriously," said Rainbow Dash after fifteen minutes, speaking loudly to be heard over the continuous sound of flatulence, "there is NO way you could fart this long unless..." She saw the gem around Pinkie's neck. "You got one too didn't you!" "Got one what?" "A magic gem that can make us fart as long as we want! I have NEVER heard you fart longer than a minute before!" Pinkie thought she had been sneaky with her new magic trick. She forgot to recharge her fart, and stopped. "Ha! I win!" Rainbow continued to fart for another minute before she was done. Pinkie used the gem's magic again. "Oh, I need to go... BAD!" said Rainbow Dash, for her bladder and bowels were now full. "You did this didn't you?" Pinkie's giggling fit gave her away. Rainbow used the same spell on Pinkie. Pinkie immediately stopped laughing as soon as she felt the intense pressure. They ran to the bathroom, but kept fighting in front of the door, pushing and shoving each other, each trying to get into the bathroom first. "Come on!" said Rainbow. "I really need to go!" "So do I!" said Pinkie. Rainbow was really regretting casting that spell on Pinkie. "I'm serious, I'm about to burst!" "Me too!" And then... *pssssssssssssss* PPPPPPPBBBBBLLLLLLRRRRRRRT! "Ahhhhhhhh," both girls sighed as they filled their shorts with pee and poop. They blushed lightly, but felt immensely relieved all the same. Once they finished their accidents, they sat still, shocked and a little embarrassed at what they had done. Then they remembered what else their gems could do, and used them to clean themselves up, while making their puddle disappear. It was like it never happened. "You know," said Rainbow Dash, "with these, no matter how dirty we get we can always clean up right away. And anything else. And it WAS kind of fun wetting and soiling myself." "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" said Pinkie. ... Rainbow and Pinkie pulled their shorts up after releasing enough wet hyperscat to create a big pile of it in the middle of Pinkie's party room. They giggled at how dirty their underwear felt. They jumped into the shit and started rolling around in it. Occasionally farting, wetting themselves, and messing themselves. "Want me to wash that off you?" said Rainbow Dash. As Pinkie sat still, Rainbow stood above her so Pinkie was between her legs, and peed herself for four minutes, giving Pinkie a golden shower. "Wow, that was really fun!" said Pinkie once Rainbow had finished. She was dripping with pee but still smelled of dung. "Want me to do it to you?" They swapped positions, and Pinkie peed through her jean shorts all over Rainbow Dash for another four minutes. "It's a shame Rarity finds this kind of thing disgusting," said Rainbow Dash once her golden shower was done. "I think she'd like a golden shower if she gave it a chance." "Well, she's missing out!" said Pinkie. She let out a sloppy wet fart, and giggled. "Oops... I think I made another mess in my shorts!" Rainbow's shorts were still full of poop from earlier. She noisily released another wet mess into her shorts, and chuckled. "So did I!" Once they were done, they used their gems to clean up everything. Both they and the room were completely dry and clean. "We're gonna have a lot of fun with this," said Rainbow Dash. "But let's not use it on anyone else," said Pinkie. "Unless they REALLY annoy us!" "It would be really funny to make Rarity fart like that. But, if she found out how we did it she'd probably smash these gems, and who knows if we'll ever get another one?" "Not if we do it right after giving her something to drink, making her think we spiked it with fart powder or something!" "I like the way you think. Let's do it tomorrow! But, ONLY the farts, and ONLY on her." > Pranking Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The girls were going for a walk in the park. They were all wearing their usual outfits, except Sunset Shimmer, who was wearing her jeans. Rarity had her gem around her neck, in case she got dirty or wet her panties, and so did Rainbow and Pinkie. But they kept theirs tucked under their shirts so Rarity wouldn't suspect. "Hey Rarity," said Rainbow Dash, "I brought more cider than I could drink. Would you mind finishing this one for me?" "Why thank you Rainbow Dash," said Rarity, and she drank the cider. Rainbow immediately worked her gem's magic on Rarity. "Ah, that was refreshing," said Rarity. She suddenly felt a pressure in her bowels. It couldn't be coincidence. Had Rainbow put fart powder in her cider? Or did she use the magic she had given her? Well, two could play at that game. Rarity touched her own gem. Rainbow Dash felt like she was about to explode. She immediately let loose with a series of loud farts. Pinkie Pie laughed really loud, and Fluttershy, Sunset, and Twilight giggled a bit. "Ugh, how revolting!" Rarity said, while releasing a long, silent fart of her own. "I can't help it," said Rainbow Dash as she continued to fart loudly. "I don't know what it is, but I'm REALLY gassy today!" BBBBRRRRAAAAAAAP! PPPFFFFFFT! BBBRRRRRT! FFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRT! Pinkie fell on her back kicking her legs in the air laughing, not caring who saw her panties under her skirt, while Rarity continued to fart silently. She could always keep it silent when she wanted to, but with how gassy she was, she knew they'd be able to smell it, so she needed someone else to fart as much as her. She knew Rainbow could fart without shame, besides, she had been the one to prank her, so it was only fair that she be the distraction. "Fine, but don't go near me until it's over. I can't stand to be near anyone who's breaking this much wind!" She walked away from the rest of the girls, winking at Fluttershy, who was pretty sure she understood what was going on. Rarity stood a few meters away. While Rainbow Dash farted loudly, Rarity farted silently. Soon, their gas was gone. Deciding it was safe to do so, Rarity rejoined the others. "Are you... quite finished?" said Rarity. "I think so," said Rainbow Dash. "You have to admit, that was pretty funny!" "I think it's uncouth and disgusting, but let's put that behind us and enjoy the rest of the day." They found a vending machine. Pinkie got two sodas from it and drank one. "Want a coke?" said Pinkie, holding it out to Rarity. "No thank you," said Rarity, sure that Pinkie was going to try to prank her. "All right." Pinkie drank the coke in one gulp. Once they returned home, Rainbow walked with Pinkie. "Pinkie, why did you make me fart so much?" said Rainbow once they were out of earshot of the others. "I didn't!" said Pinkie. "I wanted to hear Rarity fart. You did work your magic on her, didn't you?" "I did. But, you honestly didn't use it on me?" "Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye!" "Huh. I assumed that we couldn't hear her farting over me. Or that she was farting silently but we couldn't tell even by smell because of my farts. I guess maybe some of her barrier magic made it backfire on me." "I didn't see any barrier. Maybe she has one of those gems too." "That's crazy! Why would she want one?" "They don't just make you fart, pee, or poop. They can also clean you up. And she WAS wearing a very similar gem around her neck, and has been for a while. Maybe she keeps it handy in case she gets dirty, and whoever gave us ours gave one to her for that reason. But she also knows what else it can do, and made you fart so that no one could smell her farts." "You're saying Rarity made me fart? If she did, she's a really good actress. She was really offended by it." "Well she always reacted that way whenever we farted in front of her, so she's had practice. And I think she'd much rather have you shamelessly fart in front of her than humiliate herself by farting in front of us!" "You might be right. Either way, it's unlikely we'll ever get to hear her fart. If it backfires, that's that, and if it doesn't, she'll just make us fart as a distraction. Plus, if you're right, then she was farting silently, so she probably doesn't even know HOW to fart loud any more than Fluttershy does." "Oh well! We can still fart in front of each other!" She raised her hand to her gem... ... While Pinkie and Rainbow were farting repeatedly at Pinkie's house, Rarity and Fluttershy were having another session with the horses at the mud field. For the first time Rarity wore her dress to it twice in a row. "Do you think Rainbow Dash suspects?" said Fluttershy as they sat beside each other, peeing non-stop in their heavily-soiled dresses. "If she does, she probably thinks I kept this gem only to clean up whenever I get dirty," said Rarity. "And that I'd only use its fart power in situations like that." "I didn't hear you fart there." "I can fart silently. It's part of my ladylike act." She let out a boisterous wet fart. "When I want to, of course." "So can I. Some of the times Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie farted, I also farted, so anyone else would think it was all them. But the only times my farts haven't been silent are when I'm alone, and when I'm with you." There was a certain irony that Rarity was the only one she could fart in front of. "I guess it comes from being really shy." "And really graceful." Fluttershy noisily released a mess into her panties. "When you want to be, of course." Fluttershy giggled. > Rainbow's Suspicions are Confirmed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow lay on her bed. She kept thinking about what Pinkie had said, and, unlike a lot of the stuff she said, this made sense. That would be pretty hilarious if Rarity made her fart after all her previous disgust at it, whatever the reason. She decided to find out. ... The next day, Rainbow Dash called Rarity. She was wearing her usual outfit, again. "Hey Rares, how would you like to go to the park with me?" "That would be lovely." ... They met at the side of a path. Rarity was wearing her usual purple skirt. No one else was around. "So Rarity..." Rainbow began. "That's a nice necklace you got there." "Why thank you, darling. It is quite dazzling, isn't it?" "I was wondering... does it have any powers?" Rarity hesitated. "Well... as a matter of fact, it does. It can make any dirt or muck disappear. So, as long as I wear this, I won't have to worry about getting dirty because I just use its magic, and poof, I'm clean again." "Is that all it can do?" Rarity started to blush. "Of course. What else would it be able to do?" "Well, yesterday, I've never farted so much even on a buttload of fart powder!" "Are you implying that I made you break wind? You saw how appalled I was at that!" Rarity's face was redder now. "Well, it WOULD be a pretty handy way of covering up your own farts." "Really, I don't..." "Fart? News flash! Everyone does! I imagine your farts are silent, but that doesn't stop the smell, so what better way to hide it than by making me fart? You know I think it's really fun, and that I take great pride in how loud I can fart! I'm not sure I can even fart silently." "Fine! Yes, it's true! I made you fart! But only because you did the same thing to me because you have one just like it!" "Easy, Rarity! I'm not mad. It was pretty funny, it just would have been funnier to hear you fart. Which I guess I never will. But... how did you know I didn't put fart powder in your cider?" "Because I'm the one who gave you your magic gem!" Technically, it was Fluttershy, but she wanted to leave her out of it in case her bigger secret was discovered. Rainbow's eyes went wide with shock. "What? But you always get so offended when Pinkie and I fart. Why would you..." "Element of Generosity, remember? As much as I detest it, I knew you two would have fun with it. I didn't know you'd try to prank me with it." "Sorry about that, Rarity. If I'd known... I had no idea." "Well now you do." "I promise I'll never prank you with it again, and I'll tell Pinkie not to either. And thanks, by the way." "You're very welcome." Rarity gave Rainbow Dash a hug, showing that she had forgiven her. "Just... try to keep that to a minimum around me." "So... do you even know how to fart loud?" Rarity blushed again. "I... always keep it silent. It's the least unladylike way I can do that." "One of these days you should try farting louder. Oh, but I won't be the one who makes you." "I understand that's really fun for you, but it's quite different for me." Rarity's face was beet red now. "That's fair." Rainbow didn't want to make Rarity too uncomfortable. But she noticed how much she was blushing. She suspected Rarity was already having fun with the gem's fart power. "Have you ever used this magic on Fluttershy?" Rarity already knew the answer, for Fluttershy had never mentioned anything about the magic being used on her against her will. But, if she asked this question, then even if Rainbow Dash found out about her dirty secret, she'd never suspect Fluttershy. "You're the only one I've ever used it on besides myself and Pinkie Pie. And even if I'd use it on Twilight, Sunset, or Applejack, I'd NEVER use it on Fluttershy. I know how sensitive she is." "That's so sweet of you." "And I gotta say, this thing is really cool! Aside from the fun me and Pinkie have together, from now on whenever I have to go to the bathroom, if I'm out of sight I can just go in my shorts and then use this magic to dry off." "I have found that... I mean... Ew." Rarity feigned disgust. "Hey, once I work the magic, it's like it never happened." "Well... I guess it's all right. As long as you don't walk around in soiled shorts too long." "I'll clean up as soon as I finish peeing. Or pooping." "Ugh..." Did Rainbow suspect? Or did she just find it as fun as she did? "Well... at least you clean up right away." This was a little similar to her last comment. She didn't want to say any more, for fear she might either sound too harsh, or reveal how much fun she had wetting and soiling herself. Rainbow chuckled a bit, deciding not to mention what she did with Pinkie Pie two days ago. It might disgust her further, and Rarity was taking this surprisingly well. "That wasn't too much, was it?" "Not at all. I'd probably do the same thing if I wasn't too ladylike, and I wouldn't be surprised if Pinkie does it as well." "But you gotta admit... the relief of the farts from extreme gassiness does feel really good." "Well... I HATE to admit it, but it does. But only when I'm the only one there." "Then... you might use the magic gem that way?" Farting was seeming tame compared to wetting or messing, and she had just reminded her how much she loved the feeling. "To tell you the truth, I... I already have." Rainbow's heart leapt. "I knew it!" "Of course I have to be as ladylike as possible with it. So, don't expect me to do that in front of you. Or anyone else. Even if I do, it will be silent. And if you tell a soul, I'll smash your magic gem to pieces and make you soil yourself in front of everyone!" "Wow, that wouldn't be very ladylike of you. But my lips are sealed! Although, if you ever feel like farting when everyone else is around... you could always use that magic on both of us. I wouldn't mind." Rarity actually giggled a bit. "Well..." She always farted silently when she was around anyone other than Sweetie Belle or Fluttershy, and if Rainbow Dash was farting, like before, if anyone noticed a smell they'd think it was all her. "I suppose that would be fun. But remember, I will act offended and call you 'uncouth', 'revolting', 'unladylike', things like that." "Gotchya! And if Pinkie asks, I'll tell her I used the magic gem to fart because I felt like it." "That would be very much appreciated." Suddenly it started pouring rain, soaking Rainbow Dash and Rarity in seconds. > Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Rainbow Dash was talking with Rarity, Pinkie Pie was over at Fluttershy's house. Fluttershy was wearing her usual green skirt, and Pinkie was wearing her jean shorts. "So, you'll never guess what happened the other day!" said Pinkie. "What?" said Fluttershy. "Someone gave me and Rainbow Dash this really cool magic gem! See what it can do!" Pinkie touched the gem, then lifted her leg and farted loudly for about seven seconds. PPPPPFFFFFFRRRRRRT! Fluttershy giggled a little. Of course Pinkie would be less secretive about her new power than she and Rarity were. "But that's not all it can do!" She touched the gem again, and then started peeing, giggling as her shorts became soaked and pee flowed down her legs and formed a puddle at her feet. "Oh my..." Fluttershy blushed lightly, hoping she wouldn't give away how much she liked to do this. Then Pinkie turned around and released a mudslide into her shorts. "You know you're cleaning this up," said Fluttershy. "Of course I am!" Pinkie touched the gem, and the mess vanished. Pinkie's shorts were now dry, and she turned around to show Fluttershy the brown stain on her butt was gone. "Wow, that's... amazing." "Would you like one?" "Well... actually, I already got one. In case I find a pig in a pigpen and want to play with it. Then I can get as dirty as I want and clean up easily." "Is that all?" Fluttershy blushed a little more. "Well... I hope I won't ever have to do this, but if I ever... um... have an accident in my panties... I could hide it until I clean it up." "Don't feel ashamed, I'll do that all the time now! And me and Rainbow Dash have had so much fun farting, and peeing ourselves, and messing ourselves, and no matter how dirty we get, or how big of a mess we make in the room, one use of the gem's cleanup magic and POOF! It's like it never happened! Except we remember it!" "Sounds like fun," said Fluttershy. "For you, I mean. I'm not sure I could do that." "That's all right. And I won't use anything other than the cleanup magic on you." "I appreciate that. Now, I need to use the bathroom. And I really don't want to do it the way you did." If it was Sunset, Twilight, or Applejack, Pinkie might have pushed her to try it, but she didn't want Fluttershy to feel uncomfortable so she let her walk into the bathroom. Once the door was shut, Fluttershy sat on the toilet and peed through her panties, sighing in relief. Pinkie would never know! Once she was finished, she touched her magic gem and dried herself off, then flushed the toilet and walked out the door. ... The next morning, Rarity and Fluttershy sat in the mud field, wearing their skintight shorts, which were wet, dirty, and very smelly from their usual activities. As was the rest of them. "So, yesterday, I told Rainbow Dash that I gave her the magic gem," said Rarity. "And that I secretly love to fart. But I didn't say anything about you, or what else I like to do." "And Pinkie told me she loves peeing herself and soiling herself with the gem's magic," said Fluttershy. She paused to fart loudly. "So does Rainbow Dash. They have as much fun with it as we do." "Do they?" Rarity lifted her legs slightly. "Hrrrrggggghhh..." She released a wet mess into her shorts, sighed, and continued. "At least there won't be too much to fear if they find out. They'd probably want to come here with us." "Maybe not yet." Fluttershy started peeing. "I don't know if I'm ready for them to find out yet." "I don't think I am either," said Rarity as she also started to pee. "But maybe one day. Rainbow Dash is willing to keep the secret about me farting. We even have an arrangement going where if I feel like farting when everyone else is around, I can use the magic on myself and on her, so everyone thinks she's the only one farting." She paused to let out a loud fart, still peeing. "And she'd tell Pinkie that she used the magic on herself." "That's wonderful. If you do that... is it all right if I fart too?" "I don't see why not." "As for me... Pinkie didn't try to push me to use any power other than the cleanup magic. She wet her shorts and soiled them right in front of me as a demonstration." "Of course she has no shame there. But Rainbow Dash has her pride, and I don't think she'd wet herself in front of anyone but Pinkie." "Unless she knew they liked to wet themselves as well." "Maybe some day we'll let them into this mud field." "Um, Rarity, there is something new I'd like to try." "What is it?" "Would you like to sit on me and fart on me?" "That sounds fun!" Rarity let out a squeal. "Would you do the same to me?" "I'll do it first if you want. Just let me finish peeing." "Whatever for?" "Good point." Rarity lay facedown in the mud, and Fluttershy stood up. Both of them were still peeing. Fluttershy sat on Rarity's butt, feeling her mess squish beneath her rear. Rarity giggled as she could feel Fluttershy peeing on her. Fluttershy touched her gem, and let loose with a flurry of boisterous farts. Some of which she was sure were sharts, but Rarity didn't mind. If anything she liked them more! She stopped peeing about a minute into the farting. After about fifteen minutes of farting, Fluttershy stood up and lay facedown in the mud. Rarity got up, smelling more like farts than she had fifteen minutes ago, and sat on Fluttershy's butt. She touched her gem, and immediately, a series of loud, wet farts erupted out of her rear. Fluttershy giggled at how wet Rarity's farts were. "Be careful you don't have an accident!" "It's a little late for that," said Rarity. "Wait... you don't mind if I soil myself now, do you?" "Not at all!" Rarity continued to fart - and shart - for fifteen minutes. After which, they lay on their backs, having greatly enjoyed the last half hour. Every minute of it, whichever position they were in. Rarity and Fluttershy's shorts were dirtier and smellier than when they had started, if that was even possible. They touched their gems lightly and started peeing again. "I wonder if Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie do that," said Fluttershy. "Without a doubt," said Rarity. "Now, in a few minutes I'll have to get back home and make some dresses." "Is it that time already?" said Fluttershy, who also had things to do today, which is why they planned for this morning. "We'll set up another time soon." Knowing their fun was almost over for the day, Rarity and Fluttershy each let out a boisterous fart, releasing another brown mess into their shorts, while still peeing. > The Finale (or is it?) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a week since Rarity and Fluttershy had considered telling Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie about their secret activities, and over the course of the week, whenever they were together, they were trying to pluck up the courage to tell them. Trying to remember that if Rainbow and Pinkie really loved this as much as they did, then farting, wetting, and messing in front of them wouldn't be any different than doing it in front of each other, which they could easily do without any shame. "Today's the day I tell Rainbow Dash," said Rarity as she and Fluttershy met up at the park, wearing their usual skirts. "But you can hold off as long as you want to." "Actually, I think I'm ready," said Fluttershy. "I'll tell Pinkie Pie." "We'll meet back here and tell each other how successful we were. Ooh, I'm so nervous." Fluttershy playfully used her gem's magic on Rarity, who felt a sudden intense urge to pee. Rarity giggled, and cast the same spell on Fluttershy. "Should we race to the nearest bathroom?" said Rarity. Fluttershy was already peeing in her dress, sighing in relief. "Or not." Rarity started to pee as well. "Oh, I didn't realize you wanted to turn it into a race." "It's quite all right. Besides, if we're successful, it can be a four-way race." Once they finished wetting themselves, they quickly dried themselves off with their magic and each walked to their destination. ... Rarity knocked on Rainbow Dash's door. Rainbow opened it. "Hi Rarity." "Good morning, Rainbow Dash. If you don't mind... there's something I'd like to ask you." They walked into the living room. "So, about a week ago, you said you liked to... wet yourself, and soil yourself, and then clean it up with the magic gem I gave you." "Yeah. All the time. It's really fun. You should try it." "Could you... maybe demonstrate for me?" She wanted to be sure Rainbow actually did this before she told her anything. "Sure!" Rainbow didn't stop to wonder why Rarity would make such a request of her. She touched her gem and peed in her black compression shorts. Rarity could tell she was really enjoying it. "Want me to mess myself too?" said Rainbow once she finished peeing. "Please do." Rainbow turned around and released a ton of hyperscat into her wet shorts, to the point it stained the back of her skirt. Rarity could easily tell Rainbow had just soiled herself. "Ahhhh," sighed Rainbow Dash. She then touched her gem, and in an instant, she was completely clean and dry. "Feel my butt, so you know there's no mess in there. Don't worry, I won't fart on you!" Rarity felt Rainbow's butt, though she didn't need to, for she knew exactly how the gem's magic worked. Her butt felt so firm, and she liked it. "You... really think that's fun, don't you?" "Hell yeah! Of course, I still won't do it in front of a crowd that will laugh at me. Or anyone besides Pinkie Pie, really. And you, because you asked for it. Hmm. Why did you want to see that anyway?" "So... if you'd do that in front of Pinkie Pie, does that mean she finds it fun as well?" "She once wet herself and messed herself in front of Fluttershy! She has no shame about it. But you've noticed she doesn't do it when we're all together." "Do you two... do that... together all the time, and get REALLY messy with it?" "I didn't want to mention it to you, but... yeah, we do. Why are you suddenly so interested in this?" "Because..." Rarity took a deep breath. "Because I do the same thing. I act refined and ladylike when I'm in public, or with any of you, but deep down... I not only love farting, but I love getting dirty. Especially by wetting myself and messing myself. Once I found out you like to do that, I thought we could have fun together." She was blushing lightly as she finished. "Wow, I never would have guessed!" "Don't tell anyone except Pinkie Pie about this." "I owe you that much for giving me that magic gem." "And... When I'm alone, or with my partner in these... activities, I can fart very loud." "Who's your partner?" "I'll tell you if she's able to tell Pinkie Pie about this." "Fair enough. Can I hear a loud fart?" It would be a good start. She quickly used the gem's magic on Rainbow Dash. "Oh, why'd you make me have to pee?" "This is still going to be difficult, so it might be easier if you wet yourself first. Or hold it, and then wet yourself from laughing at my farts." "All right," said Rainbow. She held it, curious as to what Rarity's second option would be like. Rarity touched her gem, then lifted her leg and let out a silent fart. "I didn't hear anything," said Rainbow, with both hands on her crotch. Rarity tried to remember Rainbow loved this as much as she did. She turned away from her, imagined that no one else was there, and farted again. FFFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRT! Rarity blushed lightly at how loud this fart was, and it blew her skirt back enough so Rainbow could see her purple panties. Rainbow started to chuckle, but held in her laughter. Rarity suddenly felt less embarrassed and a little more mischievous. She wanted Rainbow to laugh and pee herself. She touched her gem again, and let out a series of loud, wet farts, during which her blush started to fade and she started to giggle. The sight of the seemingly prim, ladylike Rarity farting so loud, as well as the occasional sight of her underwear when her skirt was blown back by some of the more powerful farts, was too much for Rainbow. She removed both hands from her crotch and laughed her butt off. In seconds she was peeing uncontrollably, flooding her shorts and forming a puddle on the floor. By the time she finished wetting herself, she was still laughing, and Rarity was still farting. With a mischievous smirk, Rarity touched her gem again, not only recharging her farts, but refilling Rainbow's bladder. Rarity continued to fart as loud as she could, and Rainbow continued her hysterical fit of laughter, peeing again the instant Rarity cast the spell on her. Finally, Rarity stopped farting. Rainbow was laying on her back in a massive puddle of pee, her shorts drenched. "I never knew you had it in you!" she said when she caught her breath. "Looks like someone laughed a little too hard," said Rarity. Rainbow felt how wet her shorts were. "That was really fun. I didn't even do that with Pinkie. We should totally make that part of our sessions!" "Yes, it was rather entertaining." Feeling much more confident now, Rarity sat in Rainbow's puddle, touched her gem, and started to pee in her dress. *psssssssssss* "Ahhhhhh..." Rainbow chuckled. "Nothing like making me pee myself to boost your confidence!" After Rarity finished peeing, she used her gem to make Rainbow need to poop really badly - and the instant after, Rainbow did the same to her. PPPPPPLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSH! The air was full of two sets of giggles, and a horrid smell. ... "So... um... Pinkie Pie... remember how you said you and Rainbow Dash like to... um... pee in your panties, and... um... mess them? And... fart a lot?" Fluttershy stood in the living room of Pinkie's house. Pinkie Pie was wearing short skintight spandex teal shorts and a yellow T-shirt today. "Yeah, it's REALLY fun." "How would you react if I wanted to try it?" "I would wet myself with excitement!" She giggled. "You and me and Rainbow Dash could have TRIPLE the fun!" "Well..." Fluttershy took a deep breath. "I've been doing this for longer than you have. I know exactly how fun it is." "Hold on a second!" Pinkie touched her gemstone, then let out an excited squeal and started peeing her shorts. "Oh my gosh this is so exciting! Now we have someone else to do all this fun stuff with!" "You don't think I'm weird or anything, right?" "Of course not silly! I already told you I find it really fun! Ooh, let's start now!" Pinkie touched her gem again. Fluttershy felt an intense pressure in her bowels. Much like Rarity, she let out a silent fart first. "Don't be shy! You can fart as loud as you want around me! Here!" Pinkie touched her gem again and let out a high-pitched, eight-second fart. "Besides, I'm still peeing!" Fluttershy let out a quiet but audible fart. Then a slightly louder fart. Then, feeling more confident, she turned around, bent over so her butt was facing Fluttershy, and released a flurry of boisterous farts, some as long as six seconds, and, like Rarity, some blew her skirt back so Pinkie could see her green panties. Fluttershy blushed lightly but giggled. She was enjoying this. Pinkie soon joined in farting with Fluttershy. They did a rump bump and farted into each others' butts. They both really liked how this felt. Then Pinkie cast another spell with the gem. Fluttershy needed to pee badly. She instinctively started to walk toward the bathroom, but stopped. Still farting repeatedly, Fluttershy let out a sigh as she peed, soaking her panties and the crotch of her dress as rivers of pee trickled down her legs. Pinkie giggled, and, with another touch of her magic gem, released another stream into her already-wet shorts. Fluttershy no longer felt shy about any of this around Pinkie. Before she even finished peeing, she touched her gem again, and noisily soiled her panties, giggling rather than blushing. Pinkie also giggled, and filled her shorts with hyperscat. ... They arrived at their spot in the park at the same time, both dry, clean, and smelling very nice. "I am dreadfully sorry I'm late," said Rarity. "Once I told Rainbow Dash we had a little... fun with each other, and we got carried away. You'd never guess the state I was in ten minutes ago." "The same thing happened with me and Pinkie," said Fluttershy. "So it was a success then?" Fluttershy nodded. "Same here. Unless they have plans for the rest of the day, let's lead them to our secret spot." They did a rump bump. Both farting loudly. They giggled, playfully swatting each others' rears, and walked back the way they had come. ... "Fluttershy?" "Rarity?" Rainbow and Pinkie were surprised to see Fluttershy and Rarity, respectively, as the "fourth" member of their team, but it didn't come as too much of a shock after earlier this morning. They stood at the edge of the mud field with the horses. "Do any of the others..." said Rainbow Dash. "Not as far as we know," said Rarity. "Now, let's have all the messy fun we want here!" "And if you want the horses to do anything, I can tell them to," said Fluttershy. "They're trained to sit on anyone who lays down behind them, and fart on them if they get the chance." "Oh I'm going to give them plenty of chances to do that!" said Rainbow Dash. "They can give a really nice golden shower too," said Rarity. Pinkie was so excited she peed, having drank several sodas after Fluttershy had left the first time. "Looks like someone's already having fun," Fluttershy giggled. "Well what are we waiting for?" said Rainbow Dash. The four girls splashed in the mud, farting, wetting themselves, soiling themselves, having the horses sit and fart on them, and sitting and farting on each other. As they sat side by side, receiving a golden shower from three horses in a sort of triangle formation, while peeing non-stop at the same time, and each occasionally letting out sloppy wet farts that made their underwear dirtier, they knew they were going to have more fun than ever before. Of course, they'd still have just as much normal, less messy fun with Sunset, Twilight, and Applejack. And not tell them unless they found that they had the same interest too. "Don't those horses ever get tired of holding their legs up?" said Pinkie Pie. "I already asked them, and they're fine as long as they stretch them every minute or so," said Fluttershy. "Now remember," said Rarity. "Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, if either of you fart while anyone other than the four of us are around-" "Yeah yeah, you'll act all offended," said Rainbow Dash. "It's worth it to have you be a part of this!" Rarity giggled, and then let out a boisterous fart, soiling her panties more. > Sunset Shimmer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Five days after Rarity and Fluttershy introduced Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie to their secret mud field, all seven of the girls were hanging out. All were wearing their regular outfits. At one point, Rarity tripped and fell in a mud puddle. She used her magic gem to clean up and laughed it off with the other girls. Sunset Shimmer was wearing her geode. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were easily able to avoid thinking about their dirty activities around her, especially when they were having this much fun. Pinkie Pie, however, was not. Or maybe she didn't try hard enough because she felt no shame in it. When they were about to go home, Pinkie gave Sunset a hug, Sunset could tell what she was thinking. This is really really fun, but I can't wait to have more fun playing in the mud, farting, peeing myself, and pooping myself, and having horses sit on me, fart on me, and pee on me! I love days when I can do that AND hang out with all my friends in the same day! Sunset couldn't believe what she had heard. She acted like she hadn't heard anything, and made her way home. She was not disgusted, but curious. She knew Pinkie loved to fart - she secretly didn't mind it so much herself - but she had no idea she loved wetting or soiling herself. Well, it shouldn't have been surprising. Pinkie was weird in many ways. Yet... Sunset was quite intrigued by this. ... Sunset returned home with two cans of beans, along with soda, prune juice, and food that would make her poop. She changed into her purple pajamas, cooked her food, and ate it as fast as she could, downing the soda and prune juice at the end. She waited until everything she had eaten took effect. At first, she was just gassy. She lifted her leg and farted loudly. Then she let out a loud fart for five seconds. She giggled and slapped her butt, which always looked sexier in her pajama pants. Then she got down on all fours like a pony and farted loud for six seconds. The room was starting to smell now, but she didn't mind. Then she raised her rear end in the air. BBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAP! Sunset giggled at the deep-pitched, eight-second fart that had come out of her. She knew Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie found it funny, but she wouldn't dare fart in front of them. Or would she? Definitely not Rarity. She always got offended when Rainbow and Pinkie farted in front of her. After half an hour of farting, Sunset needed to pee. She started to run to the bathroom, but stopped, remembering what she wanted to do. She hesitated. She was about to wet her pants, to do something Rarity would find absolutely revolting. But it was something that Pinkie Pie thought was fun, so it couldn't be that bad. She paused to fart again, and then closed her eyes and started peeing. She felt the warm wetness soak her crotch and flow down her legs, and she couldn't deny that she liked it. She could only imagine how this must feel after holding it for a long time. She'd be sure to try this next time. She let out a moan of pleasure as she finished soaking her pajama pants, farting loudly at the same time. The pee was only half of her experiment. But, the other half couldn't be far behind. Sunset slapped her behind for how naughty she was and continued to fart loudly. As the minutes went by, her farts became wetter and smellier, and she'd always slap her tush after a particularly loud or long fart. Finally, while she was on all fours in her puddle of pee, she let out a boisterous wet fart, and was a little surprised as she filled her pajama pants with a wet, brown, smelly mess. Though this was what she had intended, her eyes went wide and she froze in place. She stood up and waddled around the room, feeling her mess in her panties and pajama pants. It felt strange, but she liked it. A lot. It was so arousing to her to do something so naughty. Sunset farted three more times before she felt the second wave. Without a moment's hesitation, Sunset emptied her bowels into her pajamas again, sighing of relief, and then giggling at what she had done. She smelled really bad now, but this only made her like it more. She didn't know she could be so... dirty, and she could see why Pinkie liked it. Suddenly, the third wave hit, and Sunset pushed it out. The poop was oozing down the legs of her pajama pants and onto the floor. She had overflowed her pink panties. As she watched her mess ooze onto the floor, it suddenly hit her that she was going to have to clean all this up. She had taken so much pleasure in wetting and messing herself that she hadn't thought about what would happen after. Well, she knew she'd be able to clean up, but it would be a very messy job. She mopped up her puddle and all the poop on the floor, in the process soiling herself again, giving her more of a mess to clean up. Once the floor was relatively clean, she walked into the bathroom. She'd have to mop the floor once she'd washed and changed. She farted loudly, feeling the final wave coming. She couldn't resist sitting on the toilet, her soiled pants still up, and pooping herself one more time. Then she dumped the massive brown mess out of her pants and underwear into the toilet. She had to pause to flush a few times to avoid clogging the toilet. Then she walked into the shower, still in her pajamas, and turned it on, washing as thoroughly as she could. She spent extra time rubbing her butt with soap, either because her butt was definitely the dirtiest part of her or because she really liked her butt being rubbed. After a few minutes, the water on the floor of the shower turned from brown to clear. Sunset stripped out of her wet pajamas and continued to wash herself. Once Sunset was sure she was perfectly clean and smelled of nothing but soap, she stepped out of the shower, changing into a white tank top and a gray pair of shorts. She threw her pajamas and her soiled panties into the washing machine, and then mopped the floor. She sighed as her work was mostly done. She sat on the couch thinking of how much she had enjoyed tonight, and how much fun she would have in the future. If cleaning up didn't take so long. She let out a few farts, but she didn't have to poop anymore. After her pajamas finished in the dryer, Sunset took them out. She didn't use as strong a detergent as Rarity did, so her panties still had a brown stain, as did her pajama pants. Sunset initially got some naughty pleasure out of the fact that her pajama pants would be stained at the butt, until she realized the other girls would likely notice. Well, she could use a stronger detergent. But if only there was a way to magically clean up after soiling herself, to remove any stains... Then she remembered. Rarity had fallen into the mud earlier today and used a new magic gem to clean herself, making it look as though she had never even touched mud today. If anyone could help her enjoy her newfound fetish, it was Rarity. ... The next day, Sunset knocked on Rarity's door. She was wearing a tight pair of jeans and a pink and white T-shirt. Rarity answered the door. She was wearing a light blue tank top and her short, tight purple shorts. "Good morning, Sunset," said Rarity. "Good morning," said Sunset. "Rarity... can I ask you something?" "Why, of course." "You know that gem you used to clean up after you fell into the mud yesterday?" "Yes?" "Do you have any more of them? You know, in case I fall into the mud or something?" "I can use it to turn an ordinary gem into another one of these. It may have some... other powers, but there's only one I care about." Sunset gave Rarity a hug, and she immediately sensed her thoughts. Oh, I do hope Sunset doesn't suspect that I like to use the gem's power to fart, wet myself, and soil myself. If she finds out how much I like that... Pinkie Pie was one thing, but Rarity? She seemed so proper and ladylike. Was it all just an act? She also noticed that Pinkie was recently wearing a similar necklace to Rarity. And so were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Did they all do this? Did they do it together? Probably not Fluttershy, but she could see Rainbow Dash doing something like this. "Actually..." Sunset felt a little more at ease saying this now that she knew Rarity liked to do it too. "I have a confession to make." "What is it, darling?" said Rarity. "Promise you won't get disgusted at this." She knew Rarity wouldn't, of course. "I promise." Rarity was sure she knew what was coming, and she was actually a little excited about it. "I want to use it to clean up after getting a little dirtier than mud." "Whatever do you mean?" "Well... Pinkie Pie let slip that she likes to wet herself and soil herself. I got a little curious, and tried it out. And I really enjoyed it, but I didn't like the cleanup much." She blushed lightly. "Don't feel ashamed, darling," said Rarity. "I'm not disgusted. As a matter of fact, I... well, you probably already sensed this cause I couldn't keep my thoughts clear, but... I also take pleasure in... wait, you're not just pretending, are you?" "No, I'm being completely honest." "Prove it." Rarity touched her gem, and Sunset felt an intense urge to pee. "Your gem can do that too, can't it?" "Well, you know where the bathroom is. But, if you like it that much, wet your pants. You already know I won't mind, and I'll dry you off." Sunset hesitated, reluctant to pee in front of Rarity. But she didn't run to the bathroom. After about a minute, during which the pressure became more intense, Sunset let it all out in her jeans, sighing of relief and pleasure. Once she finished wetting herself she blushed a little. "That is just marvelous," said Rarity. She touched her gem and started to pee in her shorts, farting loudly as well. "Would you like to join me and the others at our secret spot?" "The other girls do this too?" said Sunset. "Not all of them, but some of them. Pinkie Pie included. I'll ask them, and they'll probably say yes." ... That afternoon, Sunset walked with Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie to the mud field. Sunset and Rarity were wearing their same outfits from earlier today, which they had already dried. Fluttershy was wearing a white tank top and short skintight green shorts. Rainbow Dash was wearing her usual black compression shorts under a pink skirt. Pinkie Pie was wearing her short, tight jean shorts. It was a hot summer day, after all. Sunset was also wearing one of the magic gems around her neck, which Rarity had made for her. "Do you think Twilight and Applejack would get into this?" said Sunset. "I don't know," said Rainbow Dash. "Maybe." "But let's not let them in on it unless we find they have the same interest as us," said Rarity. "This is gonna be so much more fun with five of us!" said Pinkie Pie. Sunset was very nervous about doing all this in front of four of her friends, despite what had happened with Rarity this morning. She was so nervous she accidentally farted, and wet her pants. "Aw, she's so excited she peed!" said Pinkie. Sunset blushed lightly but giggled. "Same thing happened to me the first time I came here," Pinkie continued. "And we're only gonna get wetter and dirtier!" She slapped Sunset's butt lightly, causing Sunset to giggle more. "I can slap harder!" Rainbow Dash swatted Sunset's rear harder. "I like this game," said Sunset. "Rarity, Fluttershy?" Rarity slapped Sunset's tush a little less hard than Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy spanked Sunset very gently, but Sunset didn't enjoy it any less. "Can we get to the REAL fun now?" said Rainbow, though she sneaked another swat in, causing Pinkie to spank Sunset three more times. "We'll remember this game for later," said Sunset, "but Rainbow Dash is right. Let's get dirty now." She touched her gem, as did Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. Over an hour later, they were sitting in the mud, covered from head to foot in muck and smelling really bad, in part due to horses farting non-stop while sitting on them. Their shorts - in Sunset's case, jeans - were filled with poop and saturated with pee, and every few seconds one of them would fart loudly and soil herself further. "This has been really fun," said Sunset, enjoying the squishy feeling under her butt. "It's so hard to believe we can just clean ourselves up with this once we're done." "Trust me, it works," said Rarity. "This isn't the first time the outfit I'm wearing now has been this dirty." Sunset sniffed herself. "And it'll get rid of the smell, too?" "Most certainly." "I can't wait to experiment around with this!" Sunset paused to let out a sloppy wet fart, giggling as her underwear got dirtier and stinkier. "With my pajamas, my gray shorts, my jean shorts, my exercise shorts, my skintight jumpsuit..." "Really, you'll soil the jumpsuit I designed for you?" said Rarity. "Well... I..." "I'm just messing with you. I've soiled several of my best outfits for fun, and they're spotlessly clean now!" Rarity noisily released a big mess into her shorts. "And if I have to go to the bathroom, and I can get about a minute of privacy, or if it's dark..." "We've all done that quite often." "And if I don't want to get out of bed right away, I can just pee my pajamas, and dry myself and the bed off so it won't even leave a stain!" "It is rather convenient," said Fluttershy, farting loudly and peeing a little. "Want us all to give you a golden shower?" said Rainbow Dash. "That would be nice," said Sunset. Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie stood up, stood over Sunset, touched their gems, and peed through their shorts all over Sunset. Sunset loved every second of it. About half a minute in she started to pee as well. Three minutes in she let out a boisterous nine-second fart that turned very wet at the end. She wouldn't let them stop until ten minutes had gone by. Nor did they really want to. "Ahhh, that was wonderful," said Sunset, drenched in pee with most of the mud washed off her, and still peeing her jeans. Then she farted loudly, releasing more foul-smelling hyperscat into her already-soiled pants. All five of them laughed. > Another Dirty Session > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a few days since Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset Shimmer had gone to the mud field together for the first time. Over those few days they had either been busy with work or hanging out with Twilight and Applejack. But today all five of them had the entire morning to themselves, and it was a nice day. It had just rained last night so the mud would be very wet today. They met at the mud field. Rarity was wearing her light blue tank top and short, purple, skintight shorts. Fluttershy was wearing her outfit that was identical, except her tank top was white and her shorts were green. Rainbow Dash was wearing one of her favorite exercise outfits, short skintight shorts and a matching midriff tank top that were the same shade of blue as her hair. Pinkie Pie was wearing her white and pink T-shirt and short, tight jean shorts. Sunset was so excited to do this again that she had forgotten to change out of her purple pajamas. Or take her morning pee, but where she was going, she could just do it there. "There are a lot more horses here than when Rarity and I first found this place," said Fluttershy. She brought her geode with her in addition to her magic gem. "Now, horsies, we'd love it very much if you'd sit on us whenever we lay down behind you, and fart on us. Get back up if you go for a minute without farting. And if you have to poop when we lay behind you, do it on us." The horses nodded, looking as though they would enjoy this very much. A few of the new horses that weren't there last time whinnied with excitement. Pinkie Pie was holding herself and doing the pee dance. She really needed to go, for she had drank a lot of soda last night. Usually she'd just pee in the bed when she woke up, and then magically dry herself and the bed (whenever she felt like it), but she was saving it for here. "I need to pee SO BAD!" Rainbow smirked, touched her gem, and let out a boisterous fart that lasted nine seconds. Pinkie burst into a fit of laughter, and her shorts quickly grew warm and wet. "Rainbow Dash!" said Rarity, but with amusement in her voice, while Fluttershy giggled quietly. "I love making her wet herself from laughing too hard," said Rainbow. "I know she likes it, and she can dry off whenever." Pinkie stopped laughing, but was still peeing. "I can't think of any other way I'd have rather peed this morning!" She slapped Rainbow's butt lightly. "I haven't taken my morning pee yet," said Sunset. She sighed as she wet her pajama pants, enjoying the feeling of the wetness soaking her legs. "Looks like someone forgot to get dressed this morning," said Rainbow, slapping Sunset's butt playfully. "Yeah, I realized on the way here. I was just too excited to do this again." Rarity and Fluttershy touched their magic gems. Both let out an airy fart, then a louder fart. And, as they started to pee, they noisily released a big mess into their shorts, which didn't stop, because whenever they felt like they were about to run out, they'd use their magic gems to refill their bowels and bladders. Rainbow Dash started to laugh at the gassy sounds Rarity and Fluttershy were making as they soiled themselves. She quickly touched her gem to overflow her bladder, and continued to laugh her butt off, wetting her shorts as planned. Before long, Rarity and Fluttershy's shorts started to overflow, with hyperscat oozing out of the leg holes, down their legs, and onto the mud below, while the pee continued to flow down their beautiful legs. Both girls were really enjoying themselves. As soon as it became silent (aside from Rainbow's laughter), Pinkie quickly touched her gem and began farting loudly, but not soiling herself... yet. The next time Rarity refilled her bowels, instead of hyperscat, she pushed out a continuous log that continued to overflow her very dirty and smelly shorts, while Fluttershy continued to fill her shorts with hyperscat. After over a minute, they finally stopped, though Pinkie Pie was still farting. "Did we overdo it?" said Fluttershy, who was not blushing and had really enjoyed this. "There's no such thing as overdoing it here, darling," said Rarity. She let out a wet fart and giggled. Then they rolled around in the mud for a few minutes, until they were completely covered in it. Fluttershy and Rarity sat for another minute, wiggling their butts against the mud a bit to squish the mess in their shorts. Rarity walked over to Rainbow Dash and lay facedown in the mud. Rainbow knew what this meant, so she sat on Rarity's butt. She touched her gem and began farting non-stop. These farts were loud, boisterous, and occasionally Rainbow would touch her gem slightly and let out more than just a fart. Rarity touched her gem, and said "Dashie, can you please get off? I have to go to the bathroom!" Rainbow knew Rarity didn't really want her to get up. They were here to go to the bathroom on themselves and each other and enjoy it, as she had already done. She was just putting on a show and acting like her ladylike self to get a little more dirty pleasure out of it. Rainbow let out another loud fart, and Rarity peed. Loving every second of it. "Can someone do that to me now?" said Fluttershy, who couldn't hide her excitement and sounded very enthusiastic. Sunset walked over to her. Fluttershy lay facedown and Sunset sat on her butt. "Ooh, it feels squishier than last time," said Sunset. Fluttershy giggled. Sunset touched her gem and farted repeatedly, while simultaneously peeing herself. Fluttershy liked the feeling of Sunset farting while sitting on her, just like Rarity did. And peeing on her. Fluttershy farted a few times, which Sunset liked, and then touched her gem for something else. "Um... Sunset... can you get up now? I really need to pee." Sunset almost got up, but remembered, Fluttershy couldn't really want her to get up. Not after how much she had wet and soiled herself earlier. "You'll just have to go in your shorts," said Sunset, winking. Fluttershy giggled, unable to put up the act for too long. She sighed in relief as she peed her shorts again. "Can I get up now?" said Sunset after touching her gem. "I need to do more than just pee." "No, just sit still," said Fluttershy. "If you have to go, go in your pajamas." "Uhhh... I can't hold it any longer..." Well, maybe she could, but like Rarity and Fluttershy, she was just pretending. She released the contents of her bowels and bladder into her pajamas. Fluttershy could feel Sunset wetting and messing herself on her and giggled. Sunset let out a moan of pleasure. Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, was just having fun farting as loud as she could. Occasionally she got on all fours, lifted her leg, and peed like a dog, but through her shorts. Then she laid facedown next to the nearest horse, which quickly sat on her butt. Pinkie used her gem to make both herself and the horse fart repeatedly. Occasionally peeing, while Rainbow Dash farted on Rarity and Sunset farted on Fluttershy. With Rarity and Fluttershy occasionally farting as well. Eventually, they stopped what they were doing and did something else. "Who wants to ride on my back?" said Rarity, getting down on all fours. Fluttershy climbed on Rarity's back, with one leg on either side of her, and she started to walk through the mud like a pony. Occasionally Rarity would let out a loud fart, or pee herself in the middle of walking, and just as often Fluttershy would do the same. Rarity liked the feeling of Fluttershy peeing on her. At one point Rarity messed herself rather noisily. At the same time, Rainbow Dash said to Pinkie Pie "Let's fart non-stop for at least a minute!" Pinkie squealed in excitement. "Wait a minute..." She touched her gem, then squealed again, peeing herself this time. They touched their gems and farted. Pinkie's fart was higher-pitched than Rainbow's. Both were very loud and very wet. Both their farts kept going past a minute without stopping, and if Rainbow and Pinkie thought they were going to run out of gas, they quickly recharged with the gems. Both were laughing very hard at these ridiculously long farts. A minute in, Pinkie touched her gem, and Rainbow suddenly peed herself as she laughed. Rainbow smirked and touched her gem. Instantly Pinkie's fart got wetter and sloppier as it stopped. Her eyes went wide with surprise as she filled her shorts with hyperscat, and she giggled. "Good one Dashie!" Rainbow was still farting, until suddenly the fart turned into a mudslide that soiled her shorts even further. She chuckled. "Of course you couldn't resist doing it back to me, could you?" said Rainbow, having enjoyed her unexpected accident. "I didn't do it," said Pinkie, who hadn't touched her gem since soiling herself. "I did," said Sunset, who was currently laying facedown, peeing, and being farted on by a horse, which was sitting on her butt as usual. Once Fluttershy got off Rarity, Rarity made the nearest horse have to poop, and positioned her head directly under it while laying on her back. Immediately her face was buried in a wet, stinky pile of manure. Rarity lay there for a while, enjoying how dirty she was. She touched her gem, and simultaneously wet and soiled her shorts yet again. Rainbow noticed this. One of the horses had just taken a dump of its own accord, so Rainbow quickly ran over to the pile of dung and planted her face in it. Then the horse sat on her head. Muffled screams came from under the horse's butt, but Rainbow liked it. She used her gem to create a little air pocket around her mouth so she could breathe, and then made the horse fart on her head several times, while making herself fart, pee, and poop for the entire length of it. "Pinkie Pie..." said Fluttershy. "Can you sit on my face?" "I just soiled myself a lot," said Pinkie. "I'd have asked you to soil yourself if you hadn't." Pinkie paused to mess herself again, and then sat on Fluttershy's face while Fluttershy was laying on her back. Pinkie's shorts were filled with poop and it was very messy and smelly. Fluttershy liked it. Then Pinkie farted, and giggled. Fluttershy didn't mind, besides, it didn't smell as bad as they both did now. Fluttershy touched her gem and started to pee, her legs raised slightly. Rarity, meanwhile, had finally sat up and wiped the horse shit off her face. "Smell my butt," said Sunset. Rarity sniffed Sunset's very dirty rear end. "It smells absolutely foul. And I love it!" Sunset let out a boisterous fart, releasing another mess into her panties and pajamas. Both she and Rarity giggled. Rainbow stopped making the horse fart, and after a minute, the horse stood up, as Fluttershy had instructed. Rainbow positioned herself so that her butt was aligned with the horse, and made the horse gassy again. The horse sat on Rainbow's butt, and both it and Rainbow continued to fart repeatedly. After this round, Rarity sat on Rainbow Dash's butt, peeing and farting on her, while Fluttershy did the same to Sunset. Of course, Rainbow and Sunset were peeing and farting as well. Rainbow even used her gem to make Rarity mess herself. Or at least need to poop, Rarity did the rest on her own. Pinkie had a horse sit and fart on her again, peeing herself less than a minute in, and then had it dump a major pile of manure on her. Only ten second after this, Pinkie pooped her shorts again. Once they'd had their fun, they just sat in the mud side by side, wet, dirty, and very smelly, having greatly enjoyed today. "Girls?" Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset turned in the direction the familiar voice had come from. Twilight Sparkle and Applejack were standing at the edge of the mud field. Twilight was wearing her purple Legend of Everfree shorts, and Applejack was wearing jeans. The five girls had been having so much fun that they hadn't realized their other two friends were standing there the whole time and had seen everything. None of them spoke. Rarity accidentally farted, and Fluttershy peed. Pinkie deliberately, unabashedly, and noisily messed herself again. Then Twilight spoke again. "Do you mind if we join in?" > Twilight Sparkle and Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, and Applejack met up at the mud field. Rarity had given Twilight and Applejack magic gems since they had first joined them at the mud pit. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset Shimmer were busy at this time, but at least the four of them could have fun together. Rarity was wearing her light blue tank top and skintight purple shorts. Fluttershy was wearing her usual white tank top and green skirt. Twilight was wearing her Legend of Everfree outfit, consisting of a blue T-shirt and short, fairly tight purple shorts, and Applejack was wearing a white and green T-shirt and short, tight jean shorts that looked a little dirty already. Twilight was looking a little fidgety. "Are you all right, Twilight?" said Rarity. "I'm fine. I just didn't take my morning pee, and held it all the way here. Ooh! I'm so excited to be doing this again!" Twilight squealed and started to pee in her shorts. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack giggled. Twilight blushed lightly, but remembered they were all here to do this kind of thing and she didn't have to feel any more ashamed of it than all the times she had wet and messed herself last time. She touched her magic gem and let out a loud fart before she was done peeing. "Well, let's not keep the horses waiting," said Rarity, and they walked forward into the mud field. The horses looked happy to see them again. "So Fluttershy," said Twilight, "remember how last time you had me sit on you while farting, wetting myself, and messing myself?" "Yes," said Fluttershy. "Well, can you do that to me this time?" "Okay. All of it?" "Of course." Twilight laid facedown in the mud, and Fluttershy sat on Twilight's butt. She touched her gem and let loose with some explosive wet farts. Twilight touched her gem and began to fart just as loud. Both she and Fluttershy enjoyed this. Meanwhile, Rarity said "I would very much like to do what we did last time, Applejack." She got down on all fours, getting her hands and lower legs dirty. Applejack climbed on Rarity's back. "Yeehaw! Ride 'em cowgirl!" Applejack slapped Rarity's butt, and she started running forward like a horse as fast as she could. Mud splattered her outfit a bit, but of course she didn't mind. Rarity touched her magic gem. "Applejack, I need to use the bathroom." "Just go in your shorts," said Applejack, knowing what Rarity's intentions were. "That's what I do." She touched her gem, filling her bladder instantly, and she started to pee. First her stream soaked her jean shorts, then it soaked Rarity's shirt. She sighed in relief. Rarity loved the feeling of the warm wetness, and it just made her overflowing bladder give out without even having to release it herself. Rarity also sighed as her shorts grew warm and wet, and pee flowed down her legs, as well as trickling through the crotch of her shorts and onto the mud below. "Who said you could stop movin'?" Applejack slapped Rarity's butt again. Rarity giggled and continued to move, both her and Applejack still peeing. Meanwhile Twilight had also filled her bladder with her gem and was seeing how long she could hold it. Fluttershy touched her gem and started to pee in her dress. "Ahhhhhh..." Twilight could feel Fluttershy peeing all over her already-wet shorts, and giggled as she started to pee right where she was. Not long after Rarity finished peeing, she stopped for a second to touch her gem, and as she continued giving Applejack her ride, she let out a boisterous wet fart. "Nice one, Rarity," said Applejack. She touched her gem and let out a deeper-pitched but equally wet fart. Rarity giggled, loving the feeling of Applejack's fart vibrating against her back. She let out several more farts, and when she touched her gem, each fart became wetter than the last. "Phew, that last one sounded wet," said Applejack. She looked behind her to see a small brown stain on Rarity's butt. "Heh, you might've soiled yourself a bit." Rarity giggled. Applejack touched her gem and let loose with equally wet farts. Soon a brown stain appeared on the back of her shorts as well. "Oh, almost," said Rarity. She touched her gem. "Though that one did seem to make your rear end a little-" PPPPPPPBBBBBBBBLLLLLLLLRRRRRRT! Rarity noisily released a ton of hyperscat into her shorts. She sighed, loving the feeling. "Phew, that smells awful." Applejack touched her gem, instantly filling her bowels with hyperscat. She grunted and quickly made an equally big mess in her jean shorts. PPPPBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRLLLLPPPPP! "Ahhhhhh..." Rarity could feel Applejack's mess squishing against her back and she squealed in excitement. "Hold on..." She touched her gem, then squealed again as she started to pee. Twilight and Fluttershy finally finished peeing, having peed straight through Rarity and Applejack's farting and messing. "Hold on," said Fluttershy. She touched her gem again, and then silently soiled her panties. Twilight giggled at the feeling of Fluttershy's mess against her rear. She touched her gem and filled her shorts with diarrhea. Fluttershy giggled at this. Applejack patted Rarity's butt lightly three times with her hand. Rarity could feel it through the mess in her shorts and knew what the signal meant from last time. Rarity stood up, knocking Applejack off her. Applejack fell on her back in the mud. Rarity lay down facedown next to her and touched her gem to cast a spell on the nearest horse. It walked over to her, sat on her butt, and farted repeatedly. Applejack immediately rolled around so she was facedown beside Rarity, cast a spell on another horse, and it sat on her messy rear and started to fart. "Ya know," said Applejack, pausing to touch her gem and then start peeing, "some of your farts were as loud as the horses." "Why thank you," said Rarity. Twilight and Fluttershy, meanwhile, were laying on their backs, with two horses peeing on them. Once they were done, the two pee-soaked girls cast another spell, and the horses buried them in a pile of manure. Twilight had cast a spell on her glasses so that they'd repel all mud, pee, and poop, so she'd be able to enjoy the experience without any visibility problems. Both she and Fluttershy wet and messed themselves again before climbing out of the manure. Many fun and messy moments later, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight sat side by side, covered in mud and poop and smelling very bad. They had all enjoyed this experience and couldn't wait to do it again. "I'm so glad you're all into this too," said Twilight. She paused to make another mess in her shorts, this time hyperscat. "I thought I was really weird for liking this." "So did I," said Rarity. "I don't think any of you could be more relieved than I am." "Oh, I might be," said Fluttershy as she started peeing again. "I know I'd always play in manure before Twilight and I discovered this place," said Applejack. She touched her gem and released a load of diarrhea into her shorts. "This is even more fun." "And now we can clean ourselves instantly!" said Twilight. "Ooh, think of all the possibilities!" "It does make things rather convenient for me." Rarity let out a sloppy wet fart, and giggled, as her shorts felt even dirtier than before. When they finished their conversation, they stood up, stepped out of the mud field, used their gems so they were completely clean and dry, and headed to a restaurant to get some lunch. > Messing Her New Outfit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity had just finished a new line of outfits for her boutique. They were skintight sleeveless spandex unitards. She especially liked pairing these with the high heels that she was making recently. She would start selling them tomorrow. It was winter, so Rarity and her friends couldn't engage in their fetish activities outside, aside from peeing themselves and immediately magically cleaning up. But their magic gems allowed them to make as big a mess inside as they wanted, and Rarity thought, why shouldn't she have a little fun with her new outfit? She put a black version of her outfit on, with high heels to go with them. She didn't really need them, but they made her look prettier, and she loved the contrast of someone so ladylike doing something so dirty. She walked into the middle of her living room. It was time for the fun to begin! She touched her magic gem, and then lifted her leg and let out a loud fart. She sighed in relief, and then laid on her back with both legs in the air. She touched her magic gem again to make her twice as gassy as her little warmup seconds ago. FFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRT! Rarity giggled at the unladylike sound that had come out of her. It was twice as loud and long as her last fart. She let out a few more wet farts before she ran out of gas. She touched her gem again and positioned herself with her behind in the air. PPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT! After this incredibly long fart, she slapped her butt, made herself gassy again, lay on her stomach, and released a series of loud, wet farts, taking great pleasure in how unladylike she was being. The room was full of the stench of her farts, but of course she didn't mind. She loved the smell of her farts. And soon the room would be even stinker, as would her outfit. She used the fart spell one more time. BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRT! This deep-pitched fart was slightly shorter than her previous long fart, but equal in volume. Once Rarity was done with this, she slapped her butt again and touched her gem for a different spell. Instantly, her bladder was overflowing to bursting point. Rarity loved this, and got to enjoy it more now that she could always clean herself up with her magic gem. In her current position, Rarity accidentally leaked a little, much to her surprise. A few seconds later, she let go and started to pee, sighing of relief. She could hear the sound of her pee soaking the crotch of her outfit, she could smell her pee along with the fart smell, and she could see the puddle forming around her. And of course she could feel the warm wetness, and the immense relief that came with peeing when her bladder was full. After four minutes, she finished peeing. Her puddle was massive and the entire front half of her outfit was soaked. She made a metal note to try wetting her outfit in different positions, but for now she was too excited to try her dirtiest kink. Rarity touched her gem again, while staying in her facedown position. She let out a wet fart, and felt something plop into her outfit. She giggled, then pushed all the way, noisily releasing a large mass of hyperscat into her outfit. The smell mostly drowned out that of her pee and her farts. She paused for a few moments, taking in what it felt like to soil this outfit. She felt her mess for a few seconds, then touched her gem again. She grunted and pushed out a few logs of more solid waste into her outfit. She sighed in relief once she was done. Then, feeling particularly dirty, she touched her gem again, and unleashed a torrent of diarrhea into her outfit. She giggled at the state she was in, and stood up. She could feel much of her mess running down the back of her legs. She touched her gem to make her puddle disappear, and then sat on the floor, feeling her huge mess squish under her rear. She wiggled her butt against the ground to further saturate her outfit with scat. Once she'd had her fun, she used her gem's magic to clean herself up. Her outfit looked good as new, and didn't smell. No one could ever tell what she had done in it over the past few minutes. Next, Rarity tried peeing herself in sitting position. It was much like wetting her shorts, so it wasn't really new, but she loved the sensation of her warm, yellow puddle expanding around her butt. She even refilled her bladder when she knew she was about to run out, so she peed for eight minutes straight. She let out a few wet farts during the last four minutes. After she finished and dried herself off, along with her puddle, she then tried peeing standing up. She let out a moan of pleasure as the wetness flowed down her legs, soaking the lower half of her outfit. She honestly couldn't tell which wetting position she liked better! Four minutes later she was very wet. After a couple minutes of feeling how wet she was, playing in her puddle and spanking herself for being so naughty, she was dry, as was her floor. It was now time to indulge in the other part of her scat fetish. She stripped out of her unitard and, using her gem's power, made a huge pile of shit in the middle of her room. About half of it was hyperscat and the other half was logs. Once Rarity was sure it was big enough, she put her outfit back on. She didn't clean herself up, so the butt of her outfit was dirty. She scratched her butt, and sat down and wiggled her tush against the ground in order to get her outfit dirtier. She stood up, touched her butt with her fingers, and sniffed. It smelled bad, and she liked it. But she was about to get much dirtier. Squealing with excitement (and wetting herself slightly), Rarity dove into the big mess she had made in the room, and played around in it. It wasn't quite the same as with the horses, but it was still incredibly fun. More fun than playing in the mud. Occasionally she would touch her gem and let out a sloppy wet fart. Most of these, she was sure was a shart. When she'd almost had her fill of playing in her stinky mess, she lay next to it with her legs up and resting on it. She farted again and soiled her dirty, stinky outfit even further. Then she peed, forming another puddle around her. Once she was satisfied, she touched her gem, and all traces of what had come out of her nether regions had disappeared from both the room and her outfit. She was about to make dinner when she couldn't resist an urge to do one last thing. Touching her gem again, she filled her outfit with explosive diarrhea, giggling as she felt some of it run down her legs. And she couldn't resist peeing herself and farting some more. After cleaning herself up, she continued on with the rest of her day. She couldn't wait to wear this outfit with the other girls at the horses in spring.