> Foaling Around > by Zelatrix > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Foaling Around > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance lay on her bed in the Crystal Castle, staring at the ceiling. Her gravid belly protruded outwards and squirmed with life. Her husband, Shining Armour, lay next to her with his hoof on her stomach, caressing her soft skin. "Who would have thought we'd be having twins," he said in wonder. "I was surprised when you said you were pregnant, but I almost fainted when you said it was twins." Cadance laughed and hissed in pain as she felt a sharp kick slam into her ribs. "Ouch," she muttered, poking her belly gently with her hoof. "What's the matter honey?" asked the guard captain, looking over at his wife. "Is anything wrong with the foals?" The princess of love shook her head. "No, it's fine. One of the foals just kicked me in the ribs, and it kinda hurt." Shining laughed and Cadance looked at him. "Is something funny about that?" she asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "No, it's nothing. I just think it's amazing that we're having twin foals." He smiled and rubbed Cadance's belly with his hoof, resulting in another kick from inside Cadance's womb. "Stop that, Shining. You're making them kick, and it hurts." "I'm sorry honey. Would you like anything? A massage? Sex?" He looked at her and stroked her mane. "Shining Armour, you know I can't have sex this late in pregnancy. I really can't bend that way anymore. But a massage sounds good." Shining nodded and took his wife's hooves in his. "Just relax honey. I'll get you all nice and relaxed." Cadance kissed her husband and lay back on the bed, resting her hooves on her writhing belly. "Thank you darling. I love you so much." She let out a gentle moan, as her husband worked his hooves into her aching muscles. "Oh, Shiny. That feels so good!" Shining Armour laughed and continued to massage his wife's legs and belly. "I'm glad you like it honey. All I want is for you to be comfortable during these last few months." Cadance kissed her husband and smiled. "Thank you Shiny. I'm so lucky to have a stallion like you." Her muscles relaxed as Shining worked them with his powerful hooves, and a small moan escaped her lips. "Oh, Shiny." That's so good! It's almost like being at the spa, only I love you more." Shining Armour laughed and kissed her. "I love you too Cady," he purred. "Even more now that you're this pregnant." Cadance laughed. "You like me this big?" "It's incredibly sexy. Wouldn't you agree Cady?" Shining laughed and stroked her mane. "Well, I'm not exactly the most mobile pony in Equestria while I'm like this. But if you find this sexy, then I'll agree with you." "I know you're uncomfortable, Cady, but I really think you look sexy while you're carrying my foals. It's kinda making me horny." Cadance sighed. "Oh, Shining... You really can be a pain sometimes." "I know." Shining laughed and rubbed Cadance's belly again, causing the foals inside her to shift and kick. "Shining, what did I tell you about making the foals kick? They have a tendency to kick me where it hurts." "Sorry Cady," he apologised. Cadance smiled and kissed her husband on his nose. "It's OK. I know you like rubbing my belly, so I'll give you an excuse." The pink alicorn handed her husband a bottle of lotion and said, "Here. Rub that on my belly. It's massage lotion. It'll make it hurt less from carrying these two." Shining nodded and took the bottle from his wife. "What if the foals kick?" Cadance shook her head. "It's OK. Let them kick. I'll feel good from the massage." Shining Armour nodded and took the bottle from his wife, squeezing the lotion into his hoof and rubbing it gently onto his wife's protruding belly. "How's that Cady?" Cadance moaned and relaxed into the bed, her muscles going weak. "It's so good, Shining. I swear, you have magic hooves." "Am I that good, Cady?" Shining asked, grinning. "Maybe I should replace Aloe at the Ponyville Spa." Cadance laughed. "You may be good, but you're not that good. Sorry, Shining." "Doesn't matter. All I want is to please and provide for my beautiful wife, and any future foals that she may bear me." Cadance laughed. "You're sweet, Shining Armour. I knew there was a reason why I married you." She kissed his muzzle and smiled gently. "I'm sure these foals will enjoy having you as their mother. You're so kind and caring." Shining Armour smiled and kissed his wife tenderly, rubbing her belly with his lotion-covered hooves. "I'm just not looking forwards to what I have to do to get them out of me." Cadance laughed and patted her belly. Shining Armour kissed her and smiled. "It'll be OK. I'll be with you honey. All the way." He patted her belly and kissed her muzzle, stroking her mane with his free hoof. Cadance smiled and laid a hoof on top of her husband's. "I know you will. If you're not there, I'll have nobody to resent for doing this to me." Shining paled, and when Cadance saw his face, she giggled and covered her mouth with a hoof. "Oh, Shiny. I could never hate you. I love you too much." She smiled and kissed his muzzle. Shining Armour sighed and kissed his wife. "That's good. I'd hate for you to hate me as well." He rested his head on her large pink belly and smiled. "Oh, Cady. I love you so much..." Cadance petted her husband's head as he lay on her belly and smiled. "Shiny?" The guard captain looked at his wife and smiled. "Yes Cady?" Cadance smiled softly. "Can you get up please? The foals are pressing on my bladder, and I have to pee." Shining nodded, and lifted his head off of his wife's distended stomach. "Of course, babe. I'll be waiting for you." As his wife left the bedroom and headed for the bathroom, Shining Armour watched her go, his eyes burning with tears. He loved spending this time with her, and he intended to make the most of it until his children were born. "Oh, Cadance," he sighed happily. "I love you..."