> Fall Of Equestria: Fear the SMITE of the Gods > by HydraLightning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Prayer. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long ago, when the world of equis was at peace, when fillies and colts could play in the streets without fear of rape, peace ruled. The ponies, the previously dominant species sought friendship with the other races. With their much larger and much more deadly neighbors the dragons, they forged a strong alliance that helped the dragons when the eggs wouldn't hatch. With their taller neighbors the minotaurs they helped prevent a civil war between the two royal brothers saving the country of Minos. With their more abrasive neighbors the gryphons they helped to stabilize the more shaky areas of the country, as well improve the overall living conditions within the country of Griffon Stone. With the race known as the changelings, a race who once used the ponies as nothing more then food, friendship was made and bridges were built. Bridges that led to prosperity for the once starving race of insectoid ponies. Life was good for the ponies. But then it happened. Equestria once a shining beacon of peace, friendship, and love was attacked by invaders from the north. The Caribou led by their king, Damian, invaded Equestria starting at the Crystal Empire. The Caribou wielded strange and perverse magic that allowed them to corrupt the stallions warping their minds until they could only think of sex. The mares faced the most danger though as their fate was one of slavery. Any pegasi captured had their wings locked away and was grounded. Any unicorn captured had their magic suppressed either by a cage locked upon their horn or by their horns being cut off. The earth ponies had nothing to seal or lock away so not much was done to them. The alicorns though faced the worst. The alicorns were seen as goddesses. As such they were publicly made examples of. For the once powerful Solar princess she was made into the king's personal toy, and her connection to the sun was ripped away leaving the sun to move on its own extending the day cycles. For the princess of the moon she was given to the generals of the Caribou army, and her connection to the moon was severed leaving the moon to move on its own extending the night cycle. For the princess of love and former ruler of the Crystal Empire she was made into a public sex toy within her former city, and the Crystal Heart, a once powerful relic of love was corrupted and warped into the Crystal Cock, a relic of lust and sin. The princess of magic and her friends, the once great and powerful Elements of Harmony were made into slaves to their own friends and family within the town of Ponyville, or as it was renamed Pussyville. The ponies only hope lie with their allies of other countries. But upon the Crystal Cocks creation the entire planet fell to the Caribous magic. That was two months ago. The former Element of Kindness, Fluttershy, was the only one who had yet to be corrupted. The Caribou had tried everything to break her, including putting the petrified spirit of chaos at her home. But she did not break. She wept and prayed to awake from this nightmare. When she did not awaken she prayed for the deities of the other countries to aid Equis. When nothing happened she prayed to, and tried to free, Discord offering herself as a vessel for him to use. But he did not answer. And so she prayed to anypony who could hear her. To anything that would help her people and free the world from the Caribou's tyranny. Her prayers would go unheard no longer. Far away across dimensions, where Deities would fight to show which pantheon was superior her prayers reached. Most deities cared not about her plight. They cared not what happened to her or her world, only that they prove they are better. All but three deities. These deities were very different and held nothing in common. Yet this mare's words spoke to them. They felt her raw emotion. They felt her pain, her conviction, her fear, and her kindness. And so they would answer her prayer. For three weeks Fluttershy would receive visions of her soon to be saviors. The first week she would see a hooded figure, one who caused fear and terror and brought death where ever he went. She would watch and listen as souls would scream out in pain and fear from his command over them, as he would warp around the battle field silencing his foes. When he spoke her own soul would cry out in fear and attempt to hide. "I am the one who rules over the afterlife. I command the spirit of death and I take the souls of those who dare oppose me. I am Hades King of the Underworld and a god of death!" Upon the second week she would watch a large beetle push a glowing orb much bigger then it through a place of dead. He would protect the orb and ensure it leaves the place before pushing it through when it would return. She would come to realize that the orb was the sun and that this beetle was its guardian through this place of the dead. "When the sun falls into the underworld I am there to push it through and back out. When anyone attempts to steal the sun and prevent the dawn I am there to protect it. I am Khepri The Dawn Bringer!" Upon the third and final week she would see three shadows all coming from a female with black hair. And yet this female never looked the same. Her appearance would change to one of four forms repeatedly. The first a Lurid Seductress, the second a Wrinkled Hag, the third a Screaming Crow, and the final form a Washer in the River. When the fourth form would be visible Fluttershy could feel a deep sense of fear and dread. "They say Fate is a fickle thing. That you control your own fate. That is just laughable. Fate is controlled by only me. I am The Morrigan and I will decide your fate." Fluttershy would awaken at the end of the third week with a feeling of calm. She had thought her visions were just dreams of one finally succumbing to the torture she was put through daily. She did not know that her dreams were not just dreams, but messages sent by the gods. The Gates of Tartarus. The Caribou knew of them. But they did not care about them. The only creature to escape the prison was recaptured and sealed even further away. To them these were useless doors. To their king though they were a threat. As such he placed a small fort in front of them to watch the doors for any movement. For months there was no activity. Until today. It was the dead of night at the fort. The soldiers and guards were not on any level of alert as they were to busy drinking and raping the mares sent out to them. One mare being the Element of Kindness, Fluttershy. Fluttershy was sobbing heavily, a gag lodged firmly in her mouth, while the commander of the fort pounded his large girthy cock deep into her once pure hole. "Keep crying slut! I love seeing a pathetic bitch like you where you belong, on my cock." The caribou commander would laugh loudly as Fluttershy screams gagged protests. "You disgusting mortals." A voice would echo out all activity and noise ceasing at the fort as its soldiers look around. "You who dare to harm the innocent, taint the pure, and defile the young." As the voice spoke out a feeling of dread would settle upon the caribou. One soldier, the only one who had yet to get his dick wet with the slaves, would cry out in alarm as the gates of Tartarus glowed a dark black/purple color. "I have heard the prayers from what once was a pure maiden, one who now suffers at your hands. One who will suffer no longer. I am enraged by the torment the souls of the dead go through as we speak, unable to pass on do to your perverse and vile magic. Unable to find peace do to what you now do to their loved ones. I hear them begging for your blood. And I am more then happy to give them what they wish!" The gates slowly begin to open the soldiers and guards pulling out of their meat cunts and grabbing their weapons and armor. Fluttershy is left chained in the commander's office unable to see what is happening. As the gates to Tartarus open fully a black miasma begins to spill out. The once lush grass begins to wither and die, the wood on the fort begins to rot and decay, and the Caribou all feel as something pulls upon their souls. They feel as the cold hands of death grips their throats. They feel an emotion they never felt while attacking and conquering what once was Equestria. They feel fear. From the now open gates a figure begins to float out. The figure was dawned in armor made seemingly of bones with purple robes connected to the armor. They held a large staff with a sickly yellow orb upon the top the orb suspend in the crook of the staff. What bare flesh was visible upon their arms appeared to be the mussels normally hidden under the skin. Yet this figure did not appear to have any skin. Their face was hidden under a deep purple hood their glowing sickly yellow eyes the only visible feature from their face. "Hello fools. Tell me, who wishes to die first?" The figure asks this before he is sucked into the ground. In a explosion of magic the figure reappears in the center of the Caribou those caught in the center of the blast killed immediately. Those unfortunate enough to survive scream in agony some missing limbs, others heavily bleeding. The figure sends a miasma out the miasma screaming loudly as it blinds a large number of the Caribou while also assaulting their souls. The Caribou still standing and unharmed strike with swords and spears not having any magic wielders at the fort. Those that strike the figure find their weapons do little causing minor cuts at the most. The figure raises his staff above his head as every Caribou is grabbed by shadow screaming faces that tear at their flesh and souls pulling them closer and closer to the figure. To say what occurred was a slaughter was putting it mildly. The only Caribou left was the forts commander. He was not spared injury though. His left leg was a bleeding and mangled limb his antlers broken off and his body scarred by the shadows that attacked him. "T-this can't be happening! We are the Caribou! The mightiest race on all of Equis! Just who are you to defy us!?" He screams in a terrified fury as he felt the icy grip of death grab his soul. "Who am I? I am Hades, king of the Underworld, ruler of the dead, and God of Greece. To you though, I am your reckoning!" Hades slams his staff down upon the commander's chest as the shadows return, now though the commander knew what those shadows were. They were the souls of the damned, come to take him and his people. As the commander's souls is taken away to be tortured with his fellow Caribou, Hades turns towards the large church like building. He could feel that this was not a place of worship or religion though. He floats towards the doors placing his hands upon them before slamming them open. The sun began to rise behind him as every bound Mare within the 'church' gazed upon this terrifying figure, the rising sun making him look like an angel of death. Hades goes towards the nearest mare. The mare had a light cream colored coat and light brown hair. A black collar was secured around her neck as she was chained down and covered in Caribou semen. She looked upon Hades with terror, as he reaches towards her she slams her eyes shut out waiting and accepting her death, her only regret being unable to see her son Button Mash again. Her eyes open as she feels the chains that once bound fall off the terrifying figure holding now broken links of the chain. "Be afraid no longer. I have come to free you and your people. Free the others and get some cleaned. After you have freed them all I wish to address you and them." Hades goes to the back of the 'church' looking upon the statue of the Caribou king Dainn. In a sudden motion he blasts the statue to pieces enraged at this false god. Hades looks at the mare again making her gulp in fear. "Mare what is your name?" The mare shivers from his voice before she works up the courage to respond. Her very soul afraid of the figure floating in front of her. It really didn't help that the figure was possibly as big as Celestia. "M-my name? M-my name i-is Creamy Heart." She answers him shaking slightly in fear and do to her lack of clothing. the cold morning wind blowing in the open doors of the church. She is quick to grab a cloak that had belonged to one of her rapists using it to hide her body from her savior. "Creamy Heart? What strange names you mortals have. I am Hades and you are now under my protection." As he says this he slams his staff onto the ground the church shaking as Hades power flows into it. The previously gray stone and oak wood begins to change become a smooth obsidian for the floors and walls while the wood pales to a white birch. The stain glass murals crack as the previous images of Caribou raping females of many races change. They change to the Caribou being ripped apart by the undead, being tortured for all eternity, and of Hades sitting upon this throne which now sported new Caribou antlers and skulls. > Meeting a King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 hours after the forts liberation To say Fluttershy was shocked was a very big understatement. She had heard her rapist, the fort's commander, leave after gathering his weapons and armor. She vaguely heard that spooky and terrifying voice but not what it said. Then she heard the screaming. Oh sweet Celestia the screaming! She shudders at the memory alone now wondering what happened as it had been a while since she was left alone. Currently she was still chained up in the commander's office, her wings still locked firmly away, with a collar wrapped firmly around her neck. The collar was a black color, not that she ever could see that, and it was keeping her leashed down to the ground so her ass was stuck in the air. Then Fluttershy felt the building shake. As it shook she felt the chain keeping her head and and chest against the ground break. She slowly rises before she watches as the dull grey stone she had been held against changes to a deep black and smooth obsidian. She slowly stands before immediately falling upon her very sore flank her legs too weak from both lack of use, and vertigo as she moved to quickly standing up. Slowly Fluttershy heard voices, while muffled by the thick wooden door, getting louder. Her eyes would widen out of fear, afraid that it was the commander and his guards. Quickly she looks around for anywhere to hide before just rushing underneath the desk the commander had. Slowly she heard the office door open as well as hoof steps on the obsidian. Fluttershy was shaking in fear waiting for one of the Caribou to find her. To punish her. She didn't want to be punished but she also didn't want them to find her. She slams her eyes shut shivering in fear her hands covering her mouth to muffle any noises she might make. "Is anypony in here?" Fluttershy blinks a few times before she peaks out. That wasn't a caribou's voice. That wasn't even a male's voice. As she looks out she sees another mare, one whos collar was actually removed! Fluttershy gasps in surprise before she covers her mouth again. But the other mare heard her and turns towards her. "Oh my Celestia Fluttershy!" The mare runs over to the Element of Kindness pulling her to her hooves. "So they really did send you here. Thank Celestia your safe." Fluttershy looked confused before the mare starts to pull her out of the office. "W-wait what are you doing? T-the Caribou a-are still out there!" Fluttershy tries to resist but this was a earth pony so she was no where near as strong. The mare's next words though shocked Fluttershy. "They're all dead." She says this with a smile on her face a joy in her voice no mare has had in so long. Fluttershy was confused not believing the mare. Until she looks out the window they pass. The corpses of the Caribou still lied in the courtyard their bloody bodies piled upon each other. "W-what h-happened t-to them?" Fluttershy had never been good with blood. And seeing those bloody corpses was overwhelming for her. Instead of getting answer though she was simply tugged along quicker her confusion now growing. Her confusion reached its peak when they entered the church and she saw not only a new statue, but who the statue was of. When she saw this person though, unlike all the other mares who she saw, she felt a sense of calm, relief, and deja vu. Like she knew things would be better now that he was here but also that he was familiar. "You are the one known as Fluttershy are you not?" Upon hearing that voice all the pieces clicked in place. With a gasp of shock Fluttershy would quickly bow to this imposing figure. The other mares who saw this would gain a confused look, more so when Fluttershy speaks. "L-lord Hades! t-those weren't just dreams then? Y-you really have come to free my people?" A simple nod is her response as she looks back up at him. Seeing him nod she begins to weep before she begins to praise him. "Thank you Lord Hades." She looks at the other mares. "T-this is one of the gods who spoke to me in my dreams!" The other mares were skeptical, all except for Creamy Heart. "She must be telling the truth, I witnessed him destroy the old statue and my collar!" The mares all gasp and watch as Hades leans down grabbing Fluttershy's collar, as his hand closes around it the enchanted collar turns to ash its magic destroyed. The mares all begin to bow to him or beg him to remove their collars. Hades though was getting annoyed. With them all speaking at once, all of them suddenly groveling, and the fact he was attempting to hide his power from this realms deities. Well he was very annoyed. "ENOUGH!" Hades slams his staff upon the ground letting out a blast of his divine power all of the mares going silent. He knew he just set off a beacon to the other deities. But he no longer cared. Seeing the state of the mares, how they were so quick to put their faith into a what is a new god to them. He was angered at the other deities. He could hear the mares prayers. Not just the ones in the fort he liberated. But the mares all across Equestria! Those who still had their minds in tact that is. Hearing so many voices pray for rescue, then safety for their loved ones, and then death. He was ready to drag this realms deities to the battle ground and leave them at his brother's mercy. And he knows his brothers, neither Zeus or Poseidon will show them mercy. "I want those who are stronger to gather clothes for you all. Those who can walk without aid are to find food and clean water. Those of who cannot walk, will come to me. I will remove your shackles. Then you will help the others where you can. You all will eat and drink a proper meal, you will cover your bodies with clean clothes, and I will destroy all shackles you wear. For now though begin work at healing yourselves. For tonight I wish to hear what has happened. What occurred that miss Shy did not tell me. And then you all will pray. I care not to who. But you will pray. And I will make sure your prayers are heard." The mares, shaken by his voice and his outburst stand still for a few moments before they all begin to move and do as told. All except Fluttershy. Hades motions her over to him so they may speak more privately. And while she nods, she was at that moment not in a clear state of mind. For the first time in so long she began to think about her friends. Both her pony friends and her animal friends. 'Angel Bunny!' Fluttershy remembers her beloved pet had tried to defend her when the Caribou came. But she didn't know what happened to him after they took her away. Before she could dwell on those thoughts anymore Hades once again motions her over. As she walks over she stops and helps bring the injured over to him so he could remove their collars. "Thank you miss Shy. Now I want you to tell me everything you know about these vermin." Fluttershy nods before she stops as she remembers what happened to her, to her friends, to the princesses, to her animals. She starts to cry before Hades bonks her on the head with his staff. "Focus." "R-right sorry. Months ago we received word that the Crystal Empire was being attacked. We didn't know how badly they were being attacked or by who. We had assumed it was the old King Sombra. But we were so wrong. At that time the snow around the empire had piled up greatly and the ever raging blizzard seemed to be much stronger. We were unable to reach it by train. And when we tried to teleport in something sent magical feed back and harmed the caster. By the time anypony got there it would have been to late. So they tried to evacuate." She looks down. "That's what the Caribou wanted. The moment the barrier lifted only slightly the Caribou rushed the guards and soldiers, and used their magic to corrupt them. All the male guards and soldiers starting attacking and raping the females. Regardless of who they were. We lost the Empire shortly after. The Caribou had already conquered a kingdom in a matter of weeks." She was unable to continue as she broke down sobbing. Hades watches her before he reaches out and grabs her collar and the cages around her wings. Both fall off turned to ash as her wings, finally free after so long, shoot out. Her wings were in terrible condition feathers either non existent or ingrown. Hades knew what a pegasi's wings should look like. And her wings looked so wrong. He finishes freeing the last of the wounded before the uninjured begin to return. Clothing and medical supplies are brought back first every mare their given something to cover themselves with. Not long after fresh water is brought back the mares finally able to wash the taste of Caribou out of their mouths. Finally food is brought forth. When the food is brought Hades has the mares put the meat, knowing they don't eat meat, at the base of his statue. Upon placing the food it is engulfed by the screaming miasma scaring the mares. "Now feast. Eat and drink until you are full. And pray. Pray to who ever you wish." Hades gains a hard look, not that it could be seen. 'For when you pray I can make a connection with the deity and speak to them.' The mares all lower their heads and begin praying. Hades feels their prayers and uses them to find the deity they are being sent to. A good majority are sent to a solar goddess, one who has been severed from her powers. Some are sent to a lunar goddess who also is severed from her powers. A small number of prayers go to a goddess that he can feel is no longer among the living. And yet to his surprise one mares prays to two deities. Fluttershy prays to a deity he can sense is close by but locked away. The other prayer is sent to him. He gains a unseen smirk as he knows the other deities will sense him now that he has received a prayer. And he could not wait for them to come. The rest of the night was spent letting the mares relax and talk. They told their personal stories to Hades the god listening and connecting dots when connections where possible. There were around thirteen mares in total. And while he did not ask he was given all of their names. He already knew Fluttershy and Creamy Heart but they repeated their names. The other eleven mares included Gear Grinder, a brown earth pony who said she was good with clocks. Grave Walker, a grey and white unicorn who said she helped keep the dead at peace, which gave him a laugh. Peachy Pear, a pegasus who said she owned a small pear and peach orchard. Liar Liar, a pink and blue earth pony, who not to any ponies surprise, began lying heavily. Cave In, a black and red unicorn who specialized mining. Eagle Eye, a pink and white pegasus who used to be a royal guard. Stitch Weaver, a green and brown earth pony who is a seamstress. Blast Cap, a red and white earth pony who said she was good with explosives. And Smoke Weaver, a grey and blue unicorn who says she was a entertainer. When they looked to Hades for his story he sighed. "Very well, I am Hades one of six siblings. I am king of the underworld. I am married to my wife Persephone and have a large amount of nieces and nephews. I will not be naming them as we will be here far to long then. I am here do to the prayers of miss Fluttershy. And I am not the only one who heard your prayers. Many other gods and goddesses heard your please but ignored them. I know of two others who are on their way. And will know when they arrive. For they will make a grand entrance. Much like I did." All of the mares would begin to whisper amongst themselves mostly asking each other, "What other deities do you think are coming?" Or "I hope they aren't as scary as this one." Even a few, "How could they ignore her prayers and pleas!?" This would continue on until the moon rose high above. The mares were surprised not realizing they spent the entire day resting and recovering. They quickly felt the fatigue though as most of them began to yawn or struggle to remain awake. Of course Hades did not stop them letting them all get comfortable before they drifted off. Once the last mare drifted off Hades went outside of his new church. "Be ready Caribou, for you now face the divine wrath of the gods. And we do not show mercy. We do not give favor or peace to the likes of you." He looks up towards the moon before he turns towards the gates of Tartarus a large scarab beetle beginning his job with in this new world. Hades laughs as the moon moves faster across the sky. Its movement returning to the speed it had been at when the Lunar goddess had her powers. No caribou noticed this. None except their king who gained a worried and confused glare. This was trouble. And he did not like what it meant. For to him, it meant that a force of immense power had arrived. A power to stop his rule over the useless cunts of Equestria. "Lets see what fate holds. Or rather, how I can manipulate it." He begins to laugh loudly and darkly never seeing the crow watching him from above. > The Dawn arrives > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 hours after forts liberation High above Ecuntria, what once was known as Equestria, the moon went across the sky the lunar body moving faster then it should be. At least to the Caribou, to one Princess Luna though it was finally moving at its proper speed again. Luna is a alicorn who once had a majestic mane that looked like the night sky, but upon her powers being sealed away her mane became a dull sea of dark blue much like her body. She currently resides in the former capital of Equestria chained in front of the throne. And the one on the throne was the king's son, Dajerin. The prince was a cruel stag who took great pleasure in humiliating Luna, parading her around the streets while she was forced to ride his cock. Sometimes even leaving her in a pair of stocks for all to use. As of now he slept, his day of fucking and raping Luna and the other mares having warn him out. Luna had all but given up hope. Until she saw the moon's movement. She knew that her sister had been stripped of her magic, and that Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony, had been sealed in stone once again. So she had no idea who could possible be moving the lunar body. Far far below all, deep within Tartarus, the sun was being rolled through the prisoners shouting in pain from the light. Those who attempted to touch the celestial body were attacked by the creature pushing the sun through the underworld. As the moon passes over Cunterlot, Luna has a brief glimpse of something. For a brief moment she witnessed as some sort of beetle rolled a large glowing orb through the prison of Tartarus. She saw as this beetle protected the orb, attacking any who tried to touch it. She witnessed as Tirek, one of Equestria's former invaders attempted to suck the energy from the orb and the beetle. She heard him begin screaming as his body began to spasm, smoke leaving his mouth as his hair ignites, skin bubbling and boiling melting off the bone. He falls back dead the other prisoners now crying out in fear and outrage. Luna returns to her body on the verge of loosing what little contents her stomach has she could still hear Tirek's screams, see Tirek's lifeless and immolated body, she could smell the burnt hair, smell the seared flesh. And just like that the little food in her is expelled as she begins violently retching. The beetle keeps rolling the sun along until he gets to the large three headed dog. The dog stops him growling fiercely before it smells him. Then it backs away. it moves out of the beetle's way bowing its heads in submission. He rolls the orb up to the gate. As the moon continues its path across the sky every magically attuned creature feels as a large pulse of energy surges out. As the moon falls and the dawn arrives Luna is blinded as a glowing orb appears before her waking the prince. "What in the- GAH! MY EYES!" The prince shields his eyes as he attempts to alert the guards. He attempts to run out of his throne room. But before he is able to a large pincer emerges from the light and grabs him by the waist. He cries out in shock before he and Luna hear a wet squelch followed by a meaty thumb. The prince looks down as he for some reason can't feel his royal cock or his legs. His screams echo throughout Cunterlot, his lower half separated and laying on the floor his intestines falling out into the growing pool of blood. As the sun rises creatures all over Equis are greeted to a dawn brighter then ever before. The warmth of the sun washing over them and bringing a sense of peace not felt in a long time. Except for the caribou. For them they feel the suns rays as a burning pain that attempts to scorch their souls. Celestia feels reinvigorated a surge of power flowing through her. Only to be ripped away as the caribou king Damien smacks her face using his magic to steal the power she just gained back. "What did you do!?" He grabs her by her once prismatic hair, now strained with sexual fluids, before he lifts her by it making her cry out in pain. "I-I did not do anything! B-but it would appear your time as a ruler will soon end." She gives a smug smirk before a look of fear and dread wash over her. Damien throws her to the floor before he plants his hoof on her back his antlers glowing. Celestia begins screaming as ethereal hands begin to reach into her mind furthering the king's goal of breaking her. Now though he would be speeding up the process. "Guards! Bring in the special brew." He begins to laugh as a syringes and bottles are brought into the room. Celestia's screams would echo through out the Crystal Empire every female gaining looks of absolute terror. As the light fades and Luna is blinded still from the brightness. She feels as her restraints are broken, her caged wings freed, and the magic suppressing ring on her horn is removed. "I thank you for saving me my subject. I know not how-" She is interrupted as she is grabbed by a large insect claw and placed on something her naked body against cold, hard, chitin. "I am not a subject of yours young one. But you are welcome for freeing you. Now to finish the rescue!" A deep booming voice echo's out. yet the voice sent a warmth through Luna. Much like when her sister would speak. As her vision begins to return the first thing she sees is a large horn as big as her. Then she hears the scuttling of insectoid legs on the stone floors. As her vision clears more and she looks down she pales and shakes. Something only her sister knew to this day was that Luna- "GIANT BEETLE!" -Is terrified of beetles. The now terrified Luna screams in the royal Canterlot voice waking up every caribou in Cunterlot. As the guards begin to rouse the still magically drained Luna freaks out. "AHAHAHAHA! Be careful young goddess. While this is quite humorous you don't want to be trampled by me." The large beetle, which was the voice from before laughs his whole body shaking from the deep rumble. Luna latches onto the giant horn in front of her realizing she was on the beetle's head as she starts now screams internally. "GET BACK HERE WITH THAT BITCH!" A magic blast shoots past Luna hitting the wall as the caribou guards begin chasing the lunar goddess and the giant beetle. As a few guards with spears attempt to stop the beetle by blocking its path. The beetle summons a small orb of light before he shoves it forward the orb growing to his size as it runs over and passes through the caribou. They all begin to smoke and scream in agony their fur igniting as their skin melts their antlers getting charred black. Luna upon seeing and smelling the charred hair and flesh begins wretch again her empty stomach being the only reason she didn't let anything out. "I know not where the exit is! Young goddess which way?" The giant beetle turns a corner before he jumps over a small squad of guards causing them to fall over. As the beetle runs he quickly turns around before he slams a leg down. With a thrum of power a blast of solar power appears over the caribou before blasting and disintegrating them. The still traumatized Luna shakily points towards a very large squad of caribou. This squad of caribou had armored soldiers prepared to stop and kill this intruder. "HAULT IN THE NAME OF LORD DAMIEN!" The beetle doesn't even slow down though. His body glows with solar light before in a sudden burst of speed he plows through the caribou breaking bones, armor, and the giant double doors the guards had been blocking. As they exit the castle and the light of the Dawn shines down upon them the beetle continues running. Darjon the caribou with the best looking and feeling whores money could buy. He was not a noble, nor did he fight in the war with the ponies. He simply bided his time and looted as much gold as possible. Thanks to his smart investments he was able to buy all the whores, sluts, and bimbos he wanted. And then sell them to make even more money. To him nothing mattered more then money. Which is also why he never hired guards, instead just making the brain dead bitches into fighters. Truly he was the smartest caribou to ever- SPLAT! Khepri crushed another caribou as he ran down the cramped streets of Cunterlot a large number of cheers being heard from the building the caribou left. Luna had stopped screaming but was now clinging to his front horn extremely tightly. "Do not worry young one. We are almost to your liberation." Arrows fly by the two as well as caribou spells launched to stun or paralyze them. One such spell launched is a spell the Caribou made to corrupt the stallions as it would influence their thoughts and actions. That spell hits Khepri causing him to stumble. The caribou cheer thinking that was it. But to their shock the giant male beetle gets back up and keeps running away. As the caribou begin their chase again they are stopped and assaulted by the, now free, mares of Darjon. To say Khepri was immune would be incorrect. He simply had more control over his mind and body. That and a mortal's magic is nothing compared to the power of his fellow deities. As such he was able to easily brush off this influencing spell. Thoth was more influential and all he had to do was start a lecture. As Khepri manages to get to a relatively empty square he stops looking around before he attempts to dislodge Luna. Her grip was like solid steel though as Khepri was unable to shake her off. He reaches up and tries pry her off but is surprised to find that he was unable to. "Young goddess please let go of my horn." He kept pulling on her trying not to hurt her with his pincer. He is forced to stop as caribou begin to rush in and surround them the caribou armed with swords, spears, crossbows, and chain link nets. The caribou surrounding them spread out to block all exits. "Creature, surrender now and return the prisoner. She belongs to the caribou empire and is our property." The caribou take a step towards to them Luna finally snapping out of it as she pales and looks around at their dire situation. "Large beetle creature please tell me thou have a way out." Luna was slowly loosening her grip slowly slipping back onto Khepri's head as she gulped very nervous. The caribou all their gave her such lecherous looks. One of the caribou was already jerking himself off as he stared intently at her still naked body. "I do have a plan, it involves your freedom and perhaps no more death." The carapace upon his back slowly opens as a steady buzzing grows in volume. Slowly Luna looks back as she grabs his horn again the caribou looking around in confusion before they realize just where the noise is coming from. "OPEN FIRE!" The caribou all attack the chain nets thrown, the crossbows shot off, and the mages shooting spells at Khepri. Khepri in response glows brightly before he shoves something forward a very large glowing orb rolling into the attacks. As the attacks hit the orb they are turned to ash or in the metals case, melted into slag. The caribou upon seeing this begin to run away screaming. Luna though had a face of complete and total shock. "T-that was....Who are you?" Luna slowly looks down at the large beetle as he begins to glow once again, the sun shining down upon them as his wings pick up speed allowing him to slowly gain flight. The ponies with in Cunterlot would watch in awe as former princess Luna was carried away to safety by the dawn. "HEAR ME MORTALS! I AM KHEPRI THE DAWNBRINGER! GOD OF THE DAWN! AND THE CARIBOU HAVE EARNED THE WRATH OF THE GODS!" Khepri begins to pull in the long since unclaimed magic from the sun before he creates a solar flare which he uses to destroy the large statue of the caribou king, turning the once grand marble into molten rock. He continues his flight away using the solar magic to keep him within the air. As he goes towards his fellow god Hades. Luna would look back at Cunterlot feeling guilt for leaving her subjects behind. Before she would stare in awe as the mares began visibly fighting the caribou within the streets all of them praising Khepri. "....Thank you." She would look down at Khepri before looking away quickly as her awe and adrenaline wore off making her immediately stiffen up at the sight of, well a beetle. Damien smirks at the broken form of Celestia as his guards raped each of her holes the drugs flowing through her body making the pleasure mind numbing. He would laugh as she orgasmed all of their cocks before they all pulled out and quickly begin coating her in their superior seed. "Enjoy yourself you worthless cunt?" He and the guards laughed as she moaned out in response. Damien had forgotten all about his previous fear and worry. After all what could possibly oppose his rule? The crow watching them would suddenly caw loudly making all heads turn towards it before it flies down attacking Damien cutting his face and attempting to peck out his eyes. He grabs hold of it before throwing it through a window, the only window that had been left untouched by the caribou. The window depicting the love of Princess Cadence and former prince Shining armor. Now the window was broken only Cadence left in it. "Guards get me some bandages and put this worthless whore in my chambers. I plan on showing her just what her new fate is tonight." The guards scramble to do as told. The crow watching them with not a injury on it. > Fate's true wielder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 Hours after forts liberation Damian was in a better mood after having played with and broken the slut Celestia. After having his fun with her he ordered his wisest shaman to investigate the sun and moon returning to the speed it was at, before the slut sisters were stripped of their magic. Currently he sat upon his throne the room empty besides himself. He closes his eyes and begins channeling the magic his people wielded to look upon his cuntry. His magical gaze goes to A Loose Whore, originally Appaloosa, first, the buffalo tribes near the city had all quickly fallen under his magic allowing the town to prosper in slavery. The pony mares were most useful for sex. While the buffalo sluts were excellent for labor. Currently he watched as a buffalo and earth pony were sold to a rather heavy set caribou. He chuckled as he watched them brake down sobbing and be dragged away. Before he sees an odd sight. A old wrinkled hag not bound in chains or even noticed by any of the males around her. He would look away for a moment but when he looks back she would be gone. He would emerge from the trance that allowed him to see such a far distance do to a strange tapping noise he heard. He would look around the room but fail to find anything that could be making the noise. "Strange. It is the fate of all whores to be in chains. Yet one remains free, ignored by my citizens. I will have to investigate this further. But not now. Now let me look at another prosperous city." He begins to enter the trance again only to stop as he hears the tapping again. Once again he would look around yet once again he would fail to find the cause. With a now annoyed huff he sits upon his thrown again and begins his magical journey, This time his gaze settles upon Stallion Grand, originally Stalliongrad, the very pro male city. When the Caribou conquered Ecuntria the city had been attacked by the Yaks and the Gryphons but upon them entering the city they fell to the corrupting magic. Now the city was a conversion camp for males of all species. Any male who saw a female as a real person was sent to the camp. And upon their release from the camp they would see females for what they really are, a inferior gender fit only to produce offspring and give pleasure. Perhaps the greatest success of the camp was the brother of the former element of Honesty. When he had been sent to the camp he had been so resilient and strong willed always yelling and asking about his families well being. But after he was sent back home the first thing he did was fuck the hope right out of his sister, Applejack, breaking her mind and will. Now he had converted the barn on Sweet Apple Acres into a milking barn. But it wasn't for cows. He also renamed the farm into Milky Apple Acres. As Damian watches the latest batch of arrivals get sorted he sees a odd sight. A female, one who still had her mind, attempting to seduce a recent dragon youngling they captured. From the looks of the female she would best be described as a Lurid Seductress. When he'd look at the guards near the two he would be very confused as no one around the two seemed to notice the female. When he looks back both the female and the dragon were gone! Damian once gain would emerge from the trance this time hearing a cracking sound in the middle of the tapping. He snarls storming to the throne room doors and slamming them open. The guards would salute him upon seeing him. "My king what can-" The guard is cut off by his king's annoyed glare quickly going silent and stiffening up. "I have been hearing an tapping noise non stop since I entered my throne room. Which of you has been making that damned noise!" He would bellow this at them a look of annoyance plastered upon his face. The guards would gain a confused look both glancing to each other. "My liege we have not heard anything. And we can assure you we have not heard any sort of noise." The other guard would nod in agreement with his fellow guard. Damian glares at them. "Then find what is making that noise and silence it!" The guards, not wanting to feel his anger rush off quickly leaving Damian alone and the throne room unguarded. The king shuts the throne room doors behind him taking a few calming breathes. He returns to his throne taking his place upon it once again. He was about to use his magic sight once more but stops as he sees something off. A feather was drifting down onto his lap. As it lands he picks it up confusion written upon his face. "This is to small to be a ponies feather. And the winter wasteland around the empire prevents any flight. So where did this come from?" He glares at the feather his annoyance growing more at the now longer list of questions. With a snarl he disintegrates the feather and the questions it raised before closing his eyes and turning his magical sight to the greatest punishment any female could suffer. The spell activated once again he finds himself looking upon the biggest reason for his successful conquest. The war beast breeding camp. Unlike the other cities of Ecuntria this was the only place his people built. At the camp females were brought and injected with magic, drugs, and sometimes magically made drugs. The purpose of these drugs and magic, to alter the females reproductive system. The end result was a female who was always in heat, capable of bearing war beast offspring, and was highly fertile. Once a female was sent there she never left her body ruined by the magic/drugs used upon her. As his vision moves closer to the camp he sees the numerous pens for all the different species and sub species of war beasts. Originally there were no sub species, but after sending a griffon by the name of Gilda to the camp it was discovered that different species produced different offspring. With a griffon as the child bearer the war beast produced had mighty wings allowing them flight while also changing their thick heavy fur into light thin feathers. With a dragon, as hard as they where to capture, a lava resistant war beast was produced coated in thick and hard scales. With a changeling, also hard to capture, war beasts capable of camouflage with a chitin armor and insectoid wings. Minotaurs produced much stronger and sturdier war beasts but they were also prone to random bouts of anger and aggression as well having much larger but also sharper horns. The hardest race to capture were the sea ponies but after numerous attempts they managed to capture one and artificially inseminate her, her offspring had scales, fins instead of legs, and gills which allowed for aquatic conquest. Speaking of the griffon Gilda, he came upon her and her pen mate the former element of Loyalty, Rainbow Dash. Both females were strapped down to a breeding stand the large ten foot tall hairy beasts forcing the females now ruined and gaping pussies wide once more. Both were placed across from each other with no blindfolds so they could watch as the other one broke mentally. He grew a large smile he watch the whores orgasm as the filthy war beasts begin to fill them with their potent seed. The griffon began to cry calling out to her former friend and saying useless things like, "Hang in their Dash!" and "Don't you break on me!" Of course this would just make him laugh more as the slut was long since broken in mind and body. She had been easiest to break, like deep down she wanted it. As the king went to each pen he would gain a sense of empowerment. Seeing more and more of the resilient females being broken and forced to produce more beasts for armies gave him such a feeling of pride. Truly nothing could destroy his kingdom! But then he sees her. Down at the river, where all the water the camp needs is provided was a strange looking creature. She was bipedal like a minotaur but smaller and less muscular. She had hair only upon her head and no snout or horns. She sat at the river a washboard being used to clean out bloody caribou clothing. "What is this trickery!?" "Tis no trickery Damian. Tis merely fate's true wielder come to deliver a message." Damian would watch in surprise as the female stands, a large staff forming in her grip, before turning and looking right at him. He could see the raw power within her eyes. Eyes that glared a promise of death. "The gods of this realm have grown fat and lazy in all their eons of peace. They refused to help those in need simply cause it did not amuse them. Well we are not happy. We have come to do what they should have. We have come to show ye that fate bows only to me. And you have lied about controlling it for far too long." "You dare speak that way to me whore!? I am king Damian ruler of Ecuntria! God king of the Caribou! And breaker of bitches such as your self! What power do you claim to speak, no, to threaten me!?" Damian roars in fury spittle flying from his mouth as he prepared to launch a mental attack upon this whore. "We are The Morrigan and we control fate. And yours does bode well." Damian charges her only for her to stab the staff into his chest a magically formed spear tip forming on it and disrupting his focus as pain and agony shoots throughout his mind. Damian would scream in pain rising from his throne as the magical backlash tore through his mind and body a large bloody wound forming upon his chest where he was stabbed. He would fall to his hands and knee his own blood spilling upon the crystal floor as he attempted to heal himself using his magic which ran wild from the backlash. Guards would rush in upon hearing his scream and quickly try to aid him only to be vaporized by Damian in his blind fury. "That whore will suffer for this! I know not how she holds such power but I will enjoy taking it away and making it my own!" As he finishes saying that a crow would fly down from the rafters and begin to caw loudly before it changes shape becoming the woman who attacked and wounded him. "You claim to be a god but I know no god who bleeds so easily from a simple poke." Before he could react she would fire a ball of magic from her staff the ball impacting his chest and sending him flying into his throne breaking the crystal chair which had been since Sombra ruled. "You claim you will steal my powers, but just as a centaur with the same idea tried upon all of this nation it will fail. Unlike the centaur you will not be imprisoned. You will end up as he." Her open hand would glow with magical power before she tosses the severed and charred head of Tirek upon the ground a look of shock, horror, and dread stuck upon his face. "Y- COUGH COUGH -You killed him!?" Damian was well aware of Tirek the conqueror and his once unique ability to steal the magic from other living beings. He was aware of his previous escape from the once inescapable Tartarus. He was aware of him stealing the powers from Discord the spirit of chaos and disharmony. And he was aware of his reimprisonment. But to see his severed head was a chilling sight. "Not I but another god. The one who moved the sun and moon back to their proper speed. One who did not lift a claw to kill him. The fool attempted to take that which would aid the god in his strength. But as he found out it was far to much for his pathetic mortal body to hold. She smirks as she would slowly walked up to the head before in swift motion she crushes it under her shoe splattering the cooked and rancid smelling innards onto the floor. "Your time has come false god. Soon all that you have built will fall. And the gods shall see you suffer for all eternity. With that she turns back into a crow before flying out the window which had a hole big enough for her to fit through. "So that's what that noise was." Damian would form a shaking fist before with a roar of anger and power and fires a magical blast into the window shatter it and causing his subjects to look towards his castle in confusion and worry. Damian with a snarl would storm off towards his greatest mages. War had come, and if that whores claims where to be believed then it was a war with the gods.