> Night Time Shorts > by The Cowardly Writer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Swap Meet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Spoon slept. Eyes closed her mind settled and her body sank into her bed; the vicuna wool stuffed mattress carried her tension away and cradled her as the enchantments controlled the temperatures around of her filly form keeping her comfortable. A voice echoed in Silver Spoon’s ears, it was easy enough to ignore but each time the voice spoke it was louder, calling her name over and over before the voice suddenly spoke directly into her ear. “Silver Spoon,” Lifting her head, Silver Spoon looked around meeting the stares of her classmates googly eyes. “Are you feeling well? Where are your eyes?” Cheerilee spoke. Silver Spoon looked up at her teacher, the mare standing much higher than she usually did, replying did nothing her voice only coming out as a whisper. Looking back at her classmates SIlver Spoon noticed they were gone, having left behind their googly eyes. Silver Spoon felt a knot of panic which worsened with the sound fillies and foals screaming in the playground, looking back up to her teacher Silver Spoon’s ears fell as panic bloomed into fear that she had done something terribly wrong. “Oh Spoony, you are alright. Here, go outside and play, I’ll go get the Zecora and buy you some new eyes,” Cheerilee said, her unusually affectionate tone calming the filly. Silver Spoon calmed down but still felt bad, stepping away from her desk, she trotted to the classroom door, looking back to see her giant teacher mere cardboard as she fell over. Opening the door and stepping through, Silver Spoon entered the playground and stood stock still as she realized just how small she was. The others, her classmates, were just as tall as miss Cheerilee had been. Silver Spoon scanned the playground, looking for her friend Diamond Tiara but couldn’t find her amongst the the blur of motion from her the rambunctious foals and fillies. Alone and feeling smaller than a grain of sand Silver Spoon made her way to the first group of fillies she recognized, the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo tossed a ball back and forth, their fun going uninterrupted for several minutes despite the arrival of their miniature observer. Scootaloo delivered a smack to the ball with her wing, the ball flying wayward from it’s intended mark and bowling over Silver Spoon. “Oh gosh, Silver Spoon! We didn’t see you there. Are you okay?” Sweetie Belle cried, running up to the dazed filly. “Why ya’ll just sittin there? You sick or somethin?” Applebloom asked. Silver Spoon was lifted up by Sweetie Belle’s magic and set on the underside of Applebloom’s outstretched hoof. “I was just hoping Diamond was here,” Silver Spoon whispered, “Naw, she was gobbled up by Cheerilee remember?” Scootaloo said “I remember...I got to find her though, she was gonna eat me today but I guess that won’t happen does it?” Silver Spoon said. “Well, if it’s all the same to you, why not hang out with us?” Sweetie Belle asked. Silver Spoon balked, she didn’t want to hang out with these three but she also didn’t want to be alone “I guess…” she answered. Appleblooms tongue slithered from her mouth, angling down as if forming a set of soft wet stairs for Silver Spoon to climb up. Staring into her mouth, watching the entrance to that warm throat flex, the line of drool hanging in the back of her mouth and the warm breath that rolled over her made Silver Spoon shiver with excitement Putting one hoof on the base step of the tongue, Silver Spoon pulled back, fully expecting the crusader to fake her out and pull back her invitation. Feeling the familiar grip of magic on her rear, Silver Spoon felt herself get launched into the air by a snap of green magic. Applebloom acted quickly and snatched the little filly mid air and began tasting the little filly like a hunk of candy. Silver Spoon was soaked in spit in a matter of seconds, as soon as darkness swallowed her, she was certain Applebloom would too; though truth be told, she wanted nothing more than to be Miss Cheerilee’s meal, or Diamond Tiara’s but she finally getting what she always wanted. That soft filly tongue slipped and undulated softly under Silver Spoon, occasionally pressing her against the roof of Applebloom’s mouth to hold her while Applebloom swallowed the Silver Spoon flavored drool built up in her mouth. SIlver Spoon moaned, her little body handling the situation as best it could, burying her face into that soft, squishy tongue and wrapping her hooves around it she timed her little little hip thrusts to the movement of Applebloom’s loving tongue. “How does she taste?” Scootaloo asked. “Probably not all that good, she more than likely uses a ton of product in her hair,” Sweetie Belle muttered “Ah no way! She’s DEEE-licious!” Applebloom said, pumping her hoof up with her specific annunciation. “What does she taste like?” Scootaloo asked. Applebloom didn’t say anything instead motioning for Scootaloo to come closer while trying to the keep her drool from dribbling down her lip. As soon as Scootaloo was close Applebloom hooked her forehoof around her friends head and kissed her deeply, sliding her tongue and Silver Spoon into Scootaloo’s mouth. Silver Spoon moaned, the combined feeling of two tongues encapsulating her and licking her from belly to rump and from chest to ear, no part of her was forgotten and unexplored by the roaming tongues of the two crusaders locking lips. Swirling and licking, Silver Spoon didn’t even realize she had been passed to Scootaloo’s mouth. Scootaloo was a bit rougher, tossing the candy sized filly around her mouth and depositing her into her cheek while she suckled and smacked her lips. “Oh gosh! She is delicious! I can’t believe how great she is,” Scootaloo proclaimed Silver Spoon’s muscles were tight, burning, her body shivered with need curled up against the smooth, inside of Scootaloo’s cheek. Scootaloo ran her tongue across her cheek and scooped the filly out, and pressed her underneath her tongue sucking a few more times before positioning her between her front teeth and holding Silver Spoon there as if she were being set up for the guillotine. Silver Spoon’s little muzzle poked out from between Scootaloo’s lips, her nostrils greedily sucking down lungfuls of fresh air while Scootaloo’s tongue smack playfully against her plump buttcheek before stroking her rear up and down with tongue. “Please…” Silver Spoon cried, “Please, please please don’t stop. I will be a good little meal for you if you don’t leave me high and dry like this,” The need in Silver Spoon’s voice made Scootaloo blush, looking at her two friends unsure if she wanted the nasty little morsel in her mouth any longer. “Me next?” Sweetie Belle said licking her lips. Scootaloo pursed her lips and met Sweetie Belle’s and kissed her just as deeply as Applebloom had done to her. An eager tongue met the bubblegum pink tongue of Sweetie Belle’s and Silver Spoon mercifully found herself smothered between the two soft muscles as they roamed over each other and Silver Spoon; her hips thrusting and hind legs spread to give those love tongues unfettered access to everything they wanted to taste. Scootaloo was surprised to find that Sweetie Belle was a great kisser, the little unicorn quickly taking the lead in their kiss and deepening it and doing the same to her blush. Silver Spoon’s couldn’t hold out anymore, her muscles tightened, her hips bucked and pleasure rushed through her. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle paused their kiss, feeling the little filly between their tongues shake and shudder, the muffled squeals of her orgasm barely audible from outside their mouths. Sweetie Belle smiled, separating her lips from a crimson Scootaloo with a soft pop, a few strands of spit and filly juice keeping their tongues connected for a brief moment. Sweetie Belle’s horn lit up and the limp figure of Silver Spoon was pulled from Scootaloo’s open mouth. Her eyes half-lidded in bliss and a goofy smile on her face, Silver Spoon watched as Sweetie Belle opened her maw, tongue out, and throat open ready to take her as the meal she was. Tossing Silver Spoon into her mouth Sweetie Belle closed her mouth and sent the limp, willing filly to her stomach, a little bump in her throat outlining her descent until she was gone. Silver Spoon’s eyes popped open, beams of morning light trickling into her room through the hoof woven, enchanted window curtains. Tangled and wrapped up in her luxurious blankets, Silver Spoon shifted before pausing, feeling the cling of wet fabric on her lower half. “Great...this again,” Silver Spoon groaned “Not like I’m constantly getting clam jammed in this one pony town, nooo my own dreams make the problem worse…” Silently complaining to no one in particular, Silver Spoon made her way to the wash room, she was sticky and needed a shower. > Cake! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The party guests cried out in joy, balloons filled the air with laughter as colt and fillies ran around Sugarcube corner with drinks and cupcakes in hand. Silver Spoon sat at one of the round tables, a small cache of candies and cookies in front of her to snack on. Popping two chewy pieces of candy into her mouth she smiled content with the party. Silver Spoon looked around, finding her best friend, Diamond Tiara, right next to her nursing her cache of treats but instead of enjoying the atmosphere she sneered at the others having fun. “Can you believe these ponies, Silver Spoon?” Diamond Tiara said “It may be a Pinkie Pie party but that doesn’t stop it from being lame,” Silver Spoon rolled her eyes at her friend’s remarks. Sure Silver Spoon loved parties with bouncy castles, a mini rollercoaster and a Circ De Soleil performance but Ponyville was a small town and the event didn’t call for anything more than what Pinkie Pie had apparently planned for. Popping another chocolate chip cookie into her mouth Silver Spoon suddenly felt a jab into her side. “Ooooh, looks like somepony is making a snack into a meal,” Diamond Tiara teased poking Silver Spoon’s expanded waistline. Silver Spoon looked down, seeing a little potbelly and a little muffin top on her hips that disappeared as her cute little sugar lump rump filled her seat. Silver Spoon gasped in shock, she was not this fat a few moments ago! Reaching down and squeezing her newfound tummy paunch Silver Spoon felt another set of hooves start caressing her hips. “Silver Spoon, you know if you’re goal was to put on weight, there are faster ways to do it,” Diamond Tiara said. Silver Spoon tried to swallow the cookie in her mouth, but found her throat too dry to accept the confection unable to protest as Diamond Tiara suddenly sat her own sugar lump rump on the table in front of Silver Spoon and putting her perfectly manicured hind hoof right up to SIlver Spoon’s lips. “You could always pack me away Spoony. I’m sure I’d be quite the filling and…” Diamond Tiara picked up a stray cookie and placed it on the hoof in front of SIlver Spoon “Sweet, treat,” Silver Spoon’s face flushed red, looking up into her friends commanding blue eyes Silver Spoon felt no will to resist her prey’s dictation. Her still filled with chewed cookie, Silver Spoon opened her wet, sloppy maw and began engulfing Diamond Tiara’s hoof. “Thats a good girl Silver Spoon. I think you’ll find I'm the tastiest treat on the table,” Diamond Tiara said, putting her other hoof into Silver Spoons maw “Go on you cute little pred, taste me. It’s okay” Silver Spoon couldn’t believe what she was hearing, but did as told and ran her tongue across along the hooves stuffing her maw. Across the top of the hoof and back across the underside the sweet tang stinging her taste buds, Silver Spoon leaned in pushing those delicate little hooves to the back of her throat and swallowing with a greedy, wet gulp. “Hey! I didn’t say you could swallow Silver Spoon!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed, picking up a piece of taffy and chucking it at Silver Spoons head “You swallow when I say swallow, until then you taste and enjoy got it?” Silver Spoon’s face couldn’t be any more red with blush, but did as told, her saliva soaking Diamond Tiara’s soft coat and soft flesh. Gnawing gently and genuinely enjoying her friends mouth watering taste Silver Spoon looked around at the other party goers still enjoying their revelry and oblivious to the scene unfolding in front of them. “Swallow,” Silver Spoon wanted more, looking up at her prey's eyes she gave a mighty swallowed up to Diamond TIara’s thighs. The squishy puppy fat of the young filly was a delight to not only taste but squish with her flat teeth, Silver Spoon put her tongue to work, running over and over those supple thighs before the order came again and another wet glurk spread Silver Spoon’s jaws over Diamond Tiara’s round filly rump and just as their chant called those soft cheeks were sweet and tasty even when Silver Spoon dived her tongue in between Diamond Tiara’s ass cheeks to tongue her ponut and slide it backwards over the sugary mound of her friends pussy. For the next few minutes Silver Spoon’s whole world was taken up by tasting Diamond Tiara’s most intimate parts. “Swallow,” Silver Spoon balked, her throat rippling with a weak swallow that barely dragged her friend down into her hungry gullet; she wanted nothing more than to continue tongue fucking her friend. Silver Spoon ran her tongue back and forth between Diamond Tiara’s ass and pussy. “Silver Spoon, stop playing with your food and swallow,” Diamond Tiara said, a faint blush on her own cheeks from Silver Spoons hungry tongue. Another soft gulp rippled down Silver Spoon’s throat pulling a little more, not wanting to pass up on getting every little taste out of her meal. Diamond Tiara had other plans though, putting her fore hooves on the table she pushed herself off and up so she was vertical with Silver Spoon’s throat and began twisting her hips back and forth, force feeding herself into Silver Spoons hungry gullet. “When. I. Say. Swallow. I. Mean. Swallow. You. Dummy!” Diamond said, each word punctuated with a wet slorp as little bit by little bit her hips swelled Silver Spoon’s throat and her soft belly disappeared into her friends mouth. Silver Spoon’s ears swept back, Diamond Tiara was so nice to be a meal and all she was doing was teasing her instead of eating her like a good little filly. When Diamond Tiara stopped wriggling her way into Silver Spoon’s throat Silver Spoon secured her lips around Diamond’s flat but soft midriff and sucked and worked her flesh with her teeth until Diamond gave the order. “Swallow,” A resounding gulp and the bulge of Diamond Tiara’s body was pulled deeper from her throat and into her stomach. Inch after inch was sent down Silver Spoon’s throat at the behest of Diamond Tiara until only her head rested comfortably on Silver Spoon’s tongue. “Swallow” Diamond said, her voice just as full of steel as when she first started. Closing her mouth and giving another strong glrk, Diamond Tiara was nothing more than a filling meal as the little pot belly of Silver Spoon distended with it’s latest meal. Silver Spoon let out a soft urp before looking around worried that anypony saw her. The party was still roaring with joy, the guests didn’t even care that Silver Spoon had just devoured one of the most prestigious ponies and made her a meal squirming in her gut. With no reason in her head, she needed to find Pinkie Pie. Silver Spoon got off her chair made ran to the door where the party planner could be found, each step a thundering stomp from the added weight. The sounds of joy faded as her stomach tingled and began digesting her meal. Silver Spoon looked down at her stomach, the organ having already dealt with DIamond Tiara, her willing friend little more than a fat on Silver Spoons now ample ass. Stopping and poking the soften bulge in her belly Silver Spoon had an idea. Walking backwards Silver Spoon watched with surprise as her jiggly thighs depleted and replenished Diamond Tiara’s form the sounds of her stomach digesting it’s meal lessening as she backtracked to her seat. Silver Spoon formed a plan, digest her friend, run and get Pinkie Pie, replace Diamond Tiara in her stomach with a Diamond Tiara made entirely out of cake and then switch the two so Silver Spoon gets to keep her friend but her friend gets to be ass fat. “Fool proof,” Silver Spoon muttered sluggishly. Bursting into the kitchen, SIlver Spoon’s full figure immediately located the pink blur of the party pony and the Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle standing in front of a silver platter on a counter. Twilight Sparkle looked at Silver Spoon and smiled warmly while Pinkie Pie tore through the kitchen and up over the walls. Silver Spoon saw Twilight’s horn lit up and before Silver Spoon could speak she was enveloped by the alicorn’s magic and lifted high into the air. “Pinkie Pie, your filling has arrived!” Twilight Sparkle announced. Pinkie Pie stopped right under the floating Silver Spoon and looked up at her. Snout to snout Silver Spoon could see hunger in the mare’s eyes that sent a shiver through the filly that made her chub jiggle. Pinkie Pie opened her mouth wide and the pink fleshy tunnel made Silver Spoon gasp. It was only a moment before the she was lowered and her head deposited directly into Pinkie Pie’s maw. “Ding dong! We got a winner!” Twilight announced as Pinkie wolfed down the chubby filly bite after bite. Silver felt those teeth graze over her soft rolls of fat, that long, sloppy tongue soaking her tasty coat and here she was, lodged in Pinkie Pies throat; the plan of getting Diamond Tiara back long gone as she realized that the best meal was plump and juicy, like her. Pinkie Pie’s cheeks bulged as she ravenously filled her cheeks with Silver Spoon’s hips and thighs, Twilight’s magic pushing her down Pinkie’s chomping jaws. Closing her lips behind Silver Spoon’s hooves leaving only a stylish tail hanging between her lips which she gathered up with her tongue into a little ball and sent down to her stomach. Pinkie sighed content and happy with her meal, her bulging middle sagging slightly in front of her as Silver Spoon settled into her role as a meal. “Alright, on the platter Pinkie Pie, you know what to do!” Twilight Sparkle exclaimed. Pinkie Pie barked like a dog in reply and jumped onto the silver platter and began straining. Silver Spoon could hear the grunting and groaning from inside the warm hug of Pinkie Pie’s belly. The juices gathered, basting her and filling the stomach Silver Spoon shifted, rubbing her coat and chub watching as the straining and grunting sped up her digestion. Her hooves softened, wrinkled before melting like an ice cream cone in the summer heat. Burbling into a pool of fatty nutrition Silver Spoon could feel the mare’s body padding herself with everything that Silver Spoon was, feeling as if she was giving Pinkie Pie a full body embrace. Pinkie smiled at Twilight and opened her mouth, belching confetti and streamers; Twilight giggled at her friend and slapped her on the flank in response. The strike sent Silver Spoon’s mind ablaze with sensation, she wanted to moan but as mere fat on the tasty ass cheeks of the pink party pony all she could do was shudder with the impact of Twilight’s hoof. Pinkie sucked in a lungful of breath and after a noise that sounded like a balloon popping she fell to pieces on the silver platter; her body separating at the joints. Twilight tossed some sprinkles all over her friend and lifting up the platter with magic she went out to the party guests. “Attention everypony! The mane dish has arrived!” Twilight gleefully announced putting the silver platter on the table and grabbing a knife. Guest lined up, one right after another as Twilight cut into Pinkie Pie, pulling up on the sectioned off piece to reveal a three colored cake stacked on itself; the pink colored cake on the outside, gray on the middle layer and pink in the last one. Silver Spoon could feel the hot breath of every colt, filly, stallion and mare and though she couldn’t breath, hear or see, when that first bite came she knew only bliss. The tongue that rolled her and her confectioned cohorts around in each pony’s mouth made her shiver with ecstasy unable to imagine a greater pleasure until she was swallowed. The tight embrace of the throat tossed her over the edge of pleasure and into bliss, the ripple forcefully sliding her along the slick throat only ending when the mouthful of confectioned consciousness was reminded of what the sweltering and slimy embrace of a hungry pony tummy felt like. The pleasure didn’t stop with just one bite, there was still more cake left to eat and the next bite was just as good as the first. Silver Spoon poked her little snout out of the cocoon of blankets she had spun herself in the night, breathing heavy and grunting, her muscles spasmed as she rode out her orgasm. Her thighs felt drenched, her body sweaty and filthy Silver Spoon breathed heavily as her tired muscles relaxed from the intense dream. Silver Spoon laid their gathering herself in the early morning light, still tired but not from a lack of sleep. Wiggling out of her bindings she grunted with annoyance deciding to leave the soiled sheets to the help she got herself a bath. > Twilight's Silver Spoon and the Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “SIlver Spoon! Silver Spoon! Quickly come down her honey!” A shrill voice called through out the house. “Coming mother!” Silver Spoon responded, Silver Spoon dashed down the halls, paintings and rooms flying by at breakneck speed before she reached the landing platform at the top of the staircase. Pausing for a moment, Silver Spoon took a breath and descended the stairs in as regal a manner as possible, acting as if she was wearing the grandest dress at the Grand Galloping Galla. Reaching the last step she stopped her little play and ran into the main foyer, meeting the faces of her parents beaming with pride. “Spoony! Honey I am so proud of you!” Silver Spoons father said “Aww, dad. You know I don’t like sentimental stuff,” Silver Spoon said, waving her hoof. “The Princess of Friendship has summoned you to her crystal castle! She says it’s very urgent,” Silver Spoons mom said, re-reading a scroll, watermarked with the princesses royal seal. “Does it say what exactly she wants? I wanted to hang out with D.T. today,” Silver Spoon asked. “Oh I’m sorry honey, but it doesn’t but if the Princess says it’s urgent then I am sure Diamond Tiara can understand,” Silver Spoons dad said, lifting his little girl up and hugging her. “Dad, stop!” Silver Spoon squealed, but made no move to resist her father’s affection. Silver Spoon waited patiently while her mother got a quick lunch around for her to take on her trip to the castle while her father prepared a return scroll. In no time Silver Spoon was standing on a giant piece of parchment, her father then, rolled her up in it and bucked the scroll into the fireplace where it burned to ashes, filly and all. It was dark for only a moment before what sounded like a blurp echoed in Silver Spoon’s ears and the next thing she knew Spike was burping her up, tossing the filly from his jaws where she landed on the floor of her destination. “Hello Spike,” Silver Spoon said, rising to her hooves. “Hi Silver Spoon! I’m glad you came, Twilight has been pacing back and forth in her study all day!” Spike said, his mouth still hanging open. Silver Spoon grimaced at the odd behavior “...Spike...why is your mouth hanging open?” “Twilight can explain, follow me,” Spike replied. Spike led Silver Spoon through the halls of the crystal castle, the walls and ceiling’s were so much higher than she remembered. Room after room passed but they were all the same room making Silver Spoon wonder if Spike was just leading them around in circles and he was in fact a mouth breathing reptile like she thought. The thought was pushed to aside when the end of the halls came into view, a set of double doors that opened at Spike’s touch. Inside the room were stacks of books and around each one a circular groove was etched. Twilight muttered to herself, her wings articulating and drawing imaginary shapes and numbers in the air, until she noticed Spike and Silver Spoon. A bright smile and and a cheer of celebration greeted the  two and Twilight hugged both dragon and filly. “I am so happy you could come Silver Spoon. Your help will make this so much easier,” Twilight said. “I’m still confused, what’s the fuss?” Silver Spoon asked “Well you see...Spike swallowed a book,” Twilight said. “A book?” Silver Spoon clarified. Twilight nodded. “Give him something that will make him throw it up then?” Silver Spoon suggested. “Great idea if you know nothing about dragon biology! See when a dragon closes their mouth, everything in their belly is digested at once, and I don’t want to risk losing that book just to feed him ipecac that I am unsure will work,” Twilight said walking over to Spike and levitating a long rope over. “So what do you need from me?” Silver Spoon “I am going to have Spike eat me and while I am inside I will retrieve the book,” Twilight said “I will tie this rope around both of us so when I find it, I will pull twice and you will pull me out,” “...kay” Silver spoon answered as one end was tied around her waist. “As for you, you need to make sure that Spike does not succumb to his instincts and sloe his mouth, and since we come from a fairly wealthy family I need you, Silver Spoon, to be in Spike’s mouth to keep him from closing it,” Twilight said. “This is a bad idea, Princess,” Silver Spoon said. Twilight tied the other end of the rope around her waist and approached Spike’s open jaws. With a nod from Twilight the mission began. Spike’s long, forked tongue stretched out to meet Twilight and licked her chest experimentally before the long serpentine appendage gradually began to coil itself around her; leaving a line of drool every where it touched. Around hooves, over her barrel, between her thighs Twilight was wrapped up in Spike’s tongue and there was a pause before Twilight was pulled into Spike’s open maw head first. Twilight’s horn bent as the confines of Spike’s mouth wrapped around her head, his cheeks bulging and his tongue acting as a cinch to pull his prey towards his gullet. Silver Spoon heard the first thick gulp that brought Twilight’s head into Spike’s throat, and felt a familiar fire light in her cheeks. Walking up behind the Princess she hoisted herself up on her hind hooves, planting her fore hooves firmly on Twilight’s rear and pushed her along, forcing Spike to swallow at a quicker pace. Spike growled softly at the quicker pace but the flavor of Twilight was more than enough to make up for the inconvenience as wet gulp after wet gulp packed the alicorn into the baby dragon. Wet slurps and the sound of thick gulps filled the room, when Spike had reached Twilight’s fore-hooves a quick tap on them from Spike prompted her to lift them so they could be stuffed inside his hungry craw. Silver Spoon marveled at how much the little dragon could back away and at how quickly, his lips already wrapping around Twilight’s barrel and her hooves already making firm indentations in Spike’s throat and her head already swelling his little dragon belly out some. Twilight’s wings fluttered involuntarily as they were consumed, and Spikes tongue flexed along her soft belly causing the mare to fidget and issue a noise from inside Spike engorged middle. Spike felt his jaws stretch wider as he came to Twilight’s hips and thighs, his eyes rolling back into his head from the strain on his jaw as his lips slid over inch after inch and his throat’s rippling swallows claimed everything that Silver Spoon pushed down it until finally with a loud, wet “Schlorp” Twilight’s plump rump slipped over the edge and was framed for a moment by the back of Spike’s hungry throat before the disappeared out of sight and became a rather strenous bulge in Spikes throat. Twilight’s hind hooves went down a little easier, her legs simply hanging in air while Silver Spoon pushed them down after the rest of her, following them into the cavernous maw of Spike. The dragon’s belly was obscenely swollen with the amount of packed away mare in it, lifting the little dragon off the ground and leaving him immobile while Twilight’s form shifted and wiggled under his taut scales while Silver Spoon held his jaws open. The jaws was wide, no doubt thanks to Twilight’s big fat ass, but Silver Spoon didn’t mind, she liked a soft warm maw she could practically lie down in. “Well aren’t you just a stuffed little dragon,” Silver Spoon said, playfully rubbing the roof of Spike’s mouth. Spike grunted in confirmation, giving a soft pat to his huge belly. Silver Spoon noticed movement at the back of his throat and leaned in to get a closer look only to see her rope and his tongue receding back from his stomach, obviously unwinding Twilight in the process. “Aww, your tongue is still wrapped around Princess Twilight, I was looking forward to laying down on such a soft and wet tongue to,” Silver Spoon said “Was she tasty? I bet she was?” Spike grunted in approval again. “That's good. You know I don’t know why Twilight is so made about you eating a silly ol’ book. You are a baby dragon after all,” Silver Spoon said, rubbing her hoof along Spike’s teeth “Don’t you need your...nourishment?” Spike’s throat made a choking sound and his tongue stopped it’s ascension for a moment. “Your right. A book is hardly a meal at all...a princess though,” Silver Spoon said, noticing the pool of drool gathering in the bottom of Spike’s mouth and whistling impressed “Not only a Princess, but a side of little filly too...if you’re feeling up to it big guy,” Silver Spoon felt a warm breath roll of her body and she laid herself down in the jaws of the hungry dragon, soaking herself in the drool and making Spike moan in hunger, his tongue still retreating from his gut. “I really shouldn’t let you though, I don’t think I can betray the Princess like that. Dooming us both to a sweet little dragon belly like that,” Silver Spoon said, standing on her hind legs and touching the roof of Spike’s mouth, “I might need some convincing,” Right on cue the forked appendage had finished its journey up Spike’s throat and no sooner had it returned it slithered towards Silver Spoon, seemingly with a mind of it’s own, swaying to and fro as if imitating a serpent. Silver Spoon couldn’t help but giggle in excitement as the long, wet appendage slide under her and scooped her up. Lifted by the tongue, Silver Spoon let herself fall limp as it toyed with her, letting the tongue, hold her, wrap her up and squeeze around her most sensitive areas. Silver Spoon couldn’t stop her giggling as Spike did with her as he pleased, her little hips grinding and driving her excitement higher. Silver Spoon felt the motion and play stop suddenly, her body all wrapped up in Spike’s long, sinuous tongue. Suddenly she felt it start pulling back, the soft tongue brushing against every inch of her little filly body before she realized that it was dragging against her most private of spots. Trembling from the constant stimulation, Silver Spoon’s could only let out a wordless series of small grunts, her legs tried to pull in on reflex but spike held them fast and refused to let up as he let her ride his tongue. Silver Spoon saw fireworks in her vision when her orgasm hit, her body shaking and jerking and her muscles throbbing, each moment made better as Spike’s tongue continued to drag over her slit and rub her clit. When finally it was done, SIlver Spoon was hopelessly spent, her orgasm draining her completely leaving her lying on the dragonling tongue as if she were lying in a hammock, the warm breath of a hungry throat washing over her soaked coat. Spike ask, he didn’t need to, tilting his tongue back Silver Spoon slide hind legs first into Spike’s Gullet where his wet and stretchy throat made quick work of the filly, her form a bulge in his throat that quickly slide down to join the mare in his stomach. Spike shut his mouth, his jaw popping back into position and he heard the muffled voice of Twilight confused in his taught belly. “Silver Spoon? What are you doing down here?! You are supposed to be up in Spike’s mouth making sure he doesn’t-” Twilight began but was cut short by an ominous gurgle . Spike burped. Rubbing his belly, Spike could already feel digestion begin, his belly making al sorts of happy noises with being stuffed so full. Inside twilight felt the stomach walls closing in and could feel the digestive juices covering her fur, making the spots it touched itchy and burn, Silver Spoon was resting, happily, watching her hoof melt as the stomach walls made quicker work of her than they could of Twilight. The dragon’s belly churned and gurgled, each minute the defined contours of his large meal were softened and rounded out, both mare and filly reduced to unrecognizable hunks of meat in only an hour. Spike’s body filled out with the massive amount of nutrition in his meal, dragon chub gathering on his belly, his chin, his thighs and plumping out his tail, his figure softening and leaving him thick and plump, though no longer because of baby fat. Silver Spoon jerked awake. Lifting her head up from her book and looking around she wiped her chin of drool when she noticed she was laying in something wet on her bed. It was only a moment to piece two and two together and she was complaining softly to herself and pulling her sheets of her bed, tossing them in a basket and carting it all to the wash.