> At the Feet of a Goddess > by MassDriver > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Justin," said Dean Cadance, looking up from her computer screen, "It's very concerning that I see you in my office so frequently. As the head of discipline at Crystal Prep, there are several students I'm forced to meet with often... But you've spent more time in my office than all of them put together." She steepled her fingers and released a long sigh. "Why do you think that is?" Justin cast his eyes down at the hard stone floor beneath him. Dean Cadance's office wasn't quite as intimidating as Principal Cinch's, but it was built to a similar purpose. Cadance was by no means an ogre, but when she was staring steely-eyed at you from behind her dark mahogany desk, sitting in front of her tightly drawn curtains, she had enough presence to to make most students shake in their shoes. "I guess..." started Justin, "I guess I'm just bad." Cadance put her hand thoughtfully to her mouth, saying nothing. "I never had a chance," he said, still staring at the floor. "It's... too late for anyone to turn my life around." He sniffed, taking a moment to compose himself. "Unless..." Cadance raised an eyebrow. "Unless?" "Unless... someone cared enough to really get to know me, and understand what I've really been lacking..." "...Which is?" "Dinner," said Justin, raising his head to look Cadance in the eyes. "With an older woman. Tonight?" Cadance couldn't hide her smile anymore, or suppress her laughter. "Tonight's not great for me, actually," she said. "Why not?" "Well, my wedding is tomorrow," said Cadance. "It doesn't seem like the ideal time for a first date with a new man. Especially one who's a student." "Come on," said Justin, a smirk tugging at the edge of his mouth, "Are you afraid I'll steal you away from your fiancé? If that were even possible... what would that say about the bond between you two?" Cadance's smile grew a little thinner at Justin's words. "If you're really in love with Shining Armor, then one night out with a student wouldn't pose a threat, would it?" Cadance stood, doing her best to put her stern face back on, and Justin’s eyes followed her body as it rose to its full height. Cadance was a naturally tall woman, and she wasn’t shy about augmenting her height with heels. Justin, by contrast, was a short guy, on the wrong side of 5’6”. Some guys would have a complex about that, but Justin usually didn’t let it bother him. He’d come to appreciate the way Cadance’s breasts looked from underneath - a view he got to see when she was standing up in heels. "Justin,” said Cadance, “I... I think we may have let ourselves get a little too close. I don't regret getting to know you, but when faculty and students meet this often, and talk like this... It's just not appropriate. It's not your fault, I should have been more professional, less..." She sighed, throwing her head back in exasperation at herself. "Well, less flirty. Justin, I'm sure a date with you would be a lot of fun, but as the dean of Crystal Prep Academy, my answer has to be no." Justin rose from his seat. "That's too bad," he said. Then, like a gambler flipping over a winning card: "I already made reservations at Bruno's." "Oh my god," groaned Cadance, "I haven't been to Bruno's in forever." --- “Justin,” said Cadance, stifling a laugh as Justin pulled her chair out from the table, “This is not a date. This can not be a date.” “All right,” said Justin, lifting his arms in a conciliatory gesture. “Sorry. What can I say, I’m inexperienced with women.” Cadance smiled. “I… Justin, I’ve always told you that there are plenty of girls at school who’d love to date a boy like you. I would ask you why I’ve never seen you with a girl, but… I’m worried I already know the reason.” Justin shrugged casually. “When I find the right girl, I think I’ll know.” He raised a hand to summon their waiter. “Wine?” “Justin, we are not having wine,” said Cadance. “Well, I'm not,” said Justin. “Obviously. But I hear that wine and food sometimes pair well. That’s a thing, right?” “That is a thing,” said Cadance. "And it would be a shame if I didn’t have a glass of red. One glass.” One glass,” said Justin. --- In defiance of the rules of comedy, Cadance did indeed stick to one glass of wine. But given how she and Justin shared laughter across the dinner table, you could have been forgiven for assuming they were both three sheets to the wind by the time their plates were taken away. You could likewise be forgiven for assuming that they were a couple, as many of the restaurant’s other patrons did. “And Principal Cinch is, is…” Cadance looked over her shoulder. Principal Cinch had a reputation for appearing right behind people who were talking about her - but that uncanny tendency only seemed to apply to the halls of Crystal Prep, not to restaurants downtown. “She has ideas about what’s best for her students, and I keep seeing her push students into things that are more about building the school’s reputation and not…” she sighed. “I just don’t think Crystal Prep is the best place for some students. You seem to be doing all right but… You know Twilight, Shining’s little sister? I’m really happy that she got out from under Cinch’s thumb. I was really worried she’d end up like…” Justin’s face slowly fell into a look of concern. Cadance’s casual shit-talking about her fellow faculty members had grown heavy and dour, and he kept silent, unsure of what to say. “...I don’t think Shining Armor ended up where he was supposed to,” said Cadance. “I think he knows it too. And I try to talk to him about it, and… I mean, I don’t think I’m nagging, but he just doesn’t want to hear it…” Justin bit his lip. A selfish part of him wanted to jump in on this conversational opening - to tease out more complaints about Shining Armor, drive a wedge between Cadance and her husband -to-be… but it hurt to hear Cadance talking like this. It wasn’t fair that she was about to marry someone who didn’t make her happy, but… how do you fix that? How do you convince a woman to free herself from a situation like that? Justin desperately wanted a chance to do for her what Shining Armor couldn’t… But with only a couple days left before the wedding, when would that chance happen? “Urgh,” grumbled Cadance. “I’m just remembering that Shining and I went over this whole conversation this morning. I am really glad I still have my own place. For now.” She took a moment to let a brief debate take place inside her head. “Hey, I got Webflix at my place,” she said. “We can make it a movie night.” “Uh…” said Justin. “Yeah, that sounds great.” --- “I’m surprised you don’t already have a Webflix subscription,” said Cadance, reclining on her couch. “You seem pretty well-versed in classic media.” She grasped the heels of her shoes and pulled them off, sighing with satisfaction as she curled and uncurled her liberated toes. The formal shoes she wore to work here flattering to her legs and her butt (although the latter was generally hidden by a modest skirt), but they weren’t the most comfortable fit. Her feet were a few sizes above average, and finding shoes that actually fit - especially when she needed them to match an ensemble - was difficult. Removing them at the end of the day was always a pleasure. “Well, if I’m being honest,” said Justin, “I get most of that stuff online through… less than legal channels.” “Hm, a confession. You’re lucky I’m not here as the head disciplinarian of Crystal Prep,” smirked Cadance, “Dean Cadance, head disciplinarian, is the best part of Crystal Prep,” said Justin, falling onto the couch beside her, “But I’m glad I’ve gotten to know Cadance the woman. Or should I call you Mi Amore Cadenza?” Cadance laughed. “Nobody really calls me that anymore. Principal Cinch strong-armed me into going by Cadance. Said my full name was ‘too ethnic.’” She groaned, leaning back into the couch and kicking her feet up onto the coffee table. “That was a fun job interview.” She turned her head towards Justin, pointing at her bare feet. “I’m sorry, do you… you don’t mind, right? I’m just so used to doing when I’m at home.” “Uh, no,” said Justin, “No problem.” In fact, he was grateful for an excuse to let his eyes linger on Cadance’s feet. He had a thing for feet, and had vivid recollections of every time Cadance had kicked off her shoes over the course of their after-school-hours chats. He’d always wanted to stare, but he limited himself to stolen glances - and even that left him hot and bothered. Now her feet were right in front of him, between Justin’s eyes and the television, and he could watch her wiggling pink toes all night. He’d be lucky to catch even a tenth of what was actually happening on the screen. “Mmmmh, thanks,” said Cadance, her voice rich and cozy as her reclining body slowly released the stress of the day. “Shining Armor hates it when I do this. He’s just… weird about certain stuff.” “But you love him, right?” said Justin. He winced, worried that he’d gone too far. Cadance didn’t say anything, and he risked a glance at her face. She didn’t seem upset by the question, just… thoughtful. ---- Justin had to credit Cadance’s choice of film; it was engaging enough that it actually distracted him from the beautiful woman on the couch next to him, and the flawless pink feet in front of his eyes. Throughout the course of his friendship with Cadance, he’d watched dozens of movies on her recommendation, gaining an appreciation for cinema from before his time. Actually, this movie might have been a little before Cadance’s time too; it was a pretty famous picture, but Justin couldn’t pin down the production date from what he was seeing. Early in the film’s runtime, a couple of well-dressed men were having a somewhat meandering discussion in a car. Justin couldn’t predict how their conversation would figure into the film’s narrative, but his ears perked up when they began to discuss foot massages. One of the men argued that a foot massage was an intimate act, constituting a sort of low-level infidelity when it crossed the bounds of a committed relationship. The other man disagreed. Justin’s face flushed, and he panicked internally, fearful that Cadance, somehow, would guess at his secret thoughts and how the movie’s dialog made his imagination race. And it almost seemed like she did guess, because Cadance chose that moment to turn her body sideways, reclining lazily on the couch and, in the process, laying her ankles across Justin’s legs. He breathed in sharply, staring down at her feet. Even closer to him now. Right in his crotch, practically. He realized now how big her feet were, how heavily they sat on his thigh and how much space they took up on his lap. Some men would have been put off by it, but bigger was better, as far as Justin was concerned. “Oh, sorry,” said Cadance, mistaking Justin’s squirming arousal for discomfort. “I don’t know what I’m thinking, I was just getting comfortable…” “No, no, it’s fine,” said Justin. “You deserve to relax. You work so hard for the school.” “Believe it or not, you’re the first person who’s noticed that,” said Cadance. She flexed her ankles, kneading the flesh of Justin’s thighs with her heels. “Principal Cinch doesn’t notice. The other students don’t notice. Shining Armor -” she groaned. “I need to stop complaining about Shining Armor. The wedding’s got me all wound up. I just want to forget about it.” Justin lifted a trembling hand toward the soles of Cadance’s feet. He was terrified, but he needed to make a move. For both of their sakes. And this was the move his fingers were telling him to make. He wrapped his hand around her right foot, rolling his thumb against the sole. When Cadance didn’t recoil, or jerk her feet away, Justin pressed harder, putting all the strength of his thumb into the massage. The sole of her foot was luxuriously soft, certainly the product of attentive moisturizing and dedicated care, and her nails were meticulously trimmed. She couldn’t have created a better package for a young man who appreciated the look and feel of a woman’s foot. Cadance moaned, writhing on the couch as Justin worked over her feet. “Oh, wow,” she said. “You really know what you’re doing down there. Mmmph, harder… I really need this…” Justin felt his forehead start to sweat. He had Cadance demanding a deep, powerful foot massage from him. He felt like he’d been born for this. His cock was stiff, straining desperately against the inside of his pants, and he almost reached a hand down to stroke himself. But he resisted the urge; Cadance deserved all his attention right now. He took both her feet in his hands and massaged them with identical movements of his thumbs, moving from muscle to muscle and pressing deeply. Justin had never actually given a foot massage before, but he’d studied the theory of it, and it was clear now that his study was paying off. Nearly orgasmic moans rose from Cadance’s throat as Justin worked over her soles, and she writhed on the couch, her whole body moving in the same slow rhythm as Justin’s fingers. “Oh, Justin,” she groaned, “You just have no idea how much I needed this. Those shoes, and work, and the wedding… Shining Armor would never touch my feet…” She sighed, and her body fell still, a frown slowly curdling on her face. She wasn’t enjoying the massage anymore - she’d talked herself out of it, apparently, by mentioning Shining Armor - and so Justin stopped, slowly lifting his fingers away from her soles. “It’s just… all these little things,” said Cadance. “The things he won’t talk about. The parts of my body he doesn’t want to touch. I know he’s never going to make me happy.” “Then why are you marrying him?” asked Justin. It came out louder than he wanted it to, almost accusatory. But it had been so painful, for so long, to hear Cadance’s dissatisfaction with her fiancé. All that frustration had to come out sometime. “Be-” started Cadance, and then she grimaced, going silent. “Because I have to,” she said, finally. She sat up, throwing her legs off of Justin’s lap, and settling beside him on the couch. “I can’t be with someone who makes me happy.” Justin looked at Cadance’s downcast face, trying to make sense of what she’d said, hoping that she’d say something that would make the pieces fit together. All this time, Cadance had seemed to know how unhappy she was, how Shining Armor was wrong for her - and now Justin was learning that she did know. But that only raised more questions. “Cadance,” said Justin. “You’re… intelligent, and independent, and strong… I know you wouldn’t be doing this if there wasn’t a reason, but… I don’t understand. Can you tell me why?” Cadance slumped to the side, letting her shoulder rest on Justin’s. Her head loomed over him, another reminder of just how much taller than him she was. But just as with her feet - bigger was better. “I might as well tell you,” she said. “You’ve listened to me all this time, you deserve that much. Justin… After everything that went on between Crystal Prep and Canterlot High, you know that magic is real, right?” “Uh, yeah,” said Justin. “I mean, I think we’re all struggling to fit those events into our understanding of the universe. Like, we were all referring to it as ‘magic’ during that musical number, but just because we don’t understand something doesn’t mean it’s outside the laws of-” “Well, that’s neither here nor there,” said Cadance. “My point is, I already knew there was such a thing as magic. There’s a curse on me, Justin. Something passed down to me. If I’m ever with a man who really makes me happy, I’ll… grow.” “Grow?” Justin pictured Cadance bursting out of her clothes, her curves expanding outward and upward as her body climbed toward the ceiling. It didn’t seem like such a bad idea to him. “Like… taller?” “‘Taller’ doesn’t begin to describe it,” sighed Cadance. “The curse would make me grow to unimaginable stature, Justin. It would make me a force of destruction, isolated by my towering size from the rest of humanity. Taller than a mountain, so big that I could crush this city with a single footstep. I know the curse is real, Justin. I’ve felt it tugging at me in the moments I’ve been… most happy with a man. I feel it now, Justin, with you. And if anything happened between us, there would be no going back.” “Cadance,” said Justin, “No matter what, I think you deserve to be happy. Maybe this spell you’re under isn’t a curse. Maybe you’re meant to find love and grow into a goddess. And… you wouldn’t be isolated. No matter how distant the rest of the world became, I would stay with you.” Cadance leaned her body into Justin as he spoke, every word drawing her closer to him. “Justin…” she whispered, as her face inched closer to him. Even without the aid of magic, Cadance loomed over Justin, and he tilted his head back to meet his mouth with hers. Their lips touched in a chaste kiss, and Justin thought, for a moment, that this was all he might ever get. That Cadance would pat him on the cheek, tell him he was a great kid, and go back to Shining Armor. He closed his eyes, savoring the moment, trying to make it last forever. Even if this was all he got, it would have been worth it. But he was getting far more. Cadance threw her arms around him, almost tackling him as her weight bore the two of them down onto the couch. Cadance was by no means a heavy woman, but she was far taller than Justin and had no trouble pinning him against the cushions as her tongue lapped at his lips, seeking entry. He met her tongue with his, tasting and savoring her with all the passion of young, reckless love. Cadance had always kept up a professional distance between herself and her students, even with Justin. But now that wall had crumbled, and all at once her body was no longer off-limits. To the contrary, it was yearning, every forbidden inch of skin now burning with heat and crying out to be touched. Her breasts were smushed against his collarbone, her thigh was rubbing up against his cock, and her fingers, reaching into the space between their bodies, were fumbling with the buttons of his pants. Justin didn’t want to be presumptuous, but now that Cadance was stripping him, there were no doubts left in his mind. There was little space to work in, between their interlocked bodies, but Justin plunged his fingers between them and began to work at the buttons of her blazer, then her shirt. He spared a moment to grope one breast with his fumbling fingers, and the feeling of her soft flesh in his hand made his arousal surge - so much so that, in a moment of panic, he feared that he might climax before Cadance even got his pants off. But he held himself back for the moment, and reached inside Cadance’s open shirt to search for the back of Cadance’s bra. He managed to unhook it on the second try, which, given his inexperience, he decided was a small victory. Cadance broke off the kiss and sat up, her hips still on Justin’s, pinning him to the couch. Justin watched her bra fall away, and through her open shirt he stared at her tits, firm and round, with nipples that were pinker than pink. “Let’s take this to the bed,” she gasped, and she hopped down from the couch, pulling Justin up by his hand. Justin followed Cadance down the hall, and when Cadance pulled off her skirt and her panties, exposing a round, swaying pink bottom, Justin took it as a cue to strip himself all the way down. He threw off his blazer and his shirt, and did his best to remove his slacks before they got to the bedroom. But they were a slim fit - too tight to simply drop to the floor - and Justin was pulling them down, hopping on one foot, as he passed through the threshold of the bedroom. “Ooh, cute,” said Cadance, beholding Justin in nothing but his boxers, wearing a wry smile on her face. Justin blushed, feeling very exposed and very young. “Get on the bed, little guy.” Justin sat on the bed, watching Cadance slip her shirt and blazer down her arms. Then she leaned against the wall behind her and lifted one leg, bringing her bare foot up to the level of Justin’s crotch. “It sure didn’t take you long to start massaging my feet,” said Cadance. She hovered her foot over the crotch of his boxer shorts, wiggling her little pink toes. “Do you have a thing for feet, Justin?” “I… uh,” mumbled Justin. He was paralyzed, tantalizingly close to the consummation of his fantasy - but he was terrified that the slightest thing could blow it. “Don’t worry about it,” said Cadance. “We share a connection, you and me. We’re meant to be together. And with a bond like that…” She gently pressed the ball of her foot against his cock and rolled it against him in small, slow circles. “...I can tell exactly what you need.” She leaned into him, putting slightly more pressure onto his dick. She moved her foot up and down his shaft, massaging it with the soft skin of her sole, her smile growing wider as she watched his reaction. “...Just like you knew what I needed, Justin. I can feel the spell tingling on my skin. I’m going to be huge. I’m going to be a goddess.” “Cadance,” gasped Justin, “You have to… I’m gonna cum…” Cadance lifted her foot and planted it back on the ground, then leaned down and dug her fingers into the waistband of his boxers. She peeled his undies off and worked them down his legs, bringing her face down to the head of his dick. She extended her tongue and took a taste of his precum, making his body shiver. “Mmm,” she moaned, “What a fresh flavor you have, Justin.” She raised herself up and looked down at him, licking her lips. “Justin,” she said in breathy tones, “Make love to me. Make me grow. Awaken the beautiful, powerful goddess within me.” Cadance crawled onto the bed, throwing the shadow of her statuesque body over Justin. She pressed the lips of her pussy against his quivering cock, wetting his shaft with the nectar that flowed from her womanhood. She brought her face down for another kiss, and while their lips were locked she navigated his cock into her folds. Justin whimpered pitifully as she embraced his shaft, and Cadance devoured each little whimper, plunging her tongue farther into his mouth as she took him inside herself. Once he was all the way inside her, she lifted her head and rose up to cowgirl position, moving her hips in a slow rhythm. Justin stared up at her, watching her tits bob up and down. Her mouth hung open, moaning as her hips rolled against Justin’s. He gripped the bedsheets, trying to keep himself under control, and lifted himself up, trying to push himself deeper inside her. Cadance purred as she felt him go deeper, and Justin angled his hips, searching for sensitive spots deep within her. A broken gasp signaled his success, and Cadance moved faster, her ass slapping against him as she rose and fell onto his cock. Justin felt his balls tighten, and he could tell that his long-delayed climax was almost upon him. He’d felt like he could have blown his load when he was just touching Cadance’s feet. Making out with her had brought him even closer, and having his cock stepped on by her beautiful feet had taken him right to the edge. He knew she wasn’t going to slow down now - he was going to cum. He groaned, his body quaking, and moaned Cadance’s name as he lost himself inside her. “Mmm, stay strong, Justin,” she said. “Stay hard. I’m going to cum, and then… I’ll become your goddess, Justin. I’ll grow so big, so enormous… Oh, I’ve dreamed about this, Justin… I never thought I’d meet a man who made it possible…” “I want to see you grow,” groaned Justin as he shook with the last aftershocks of orgasm. “I want to see cities crushed underneath your gorgeous feet. I want to stand on your fingertip and watch your shadow spread over mountains. Let me see you grow into a goddess, Cadance.” “Justin,” she cried, “I can feel it! No one’s ever made me… feel like this… the magic is inside me, it’s all over me, I’m… I’m gonna grow…” Her body seized, and her pussy clenched around Justin’s shaft, the muscles throbbing and pulsing and milking his cock. But it was more than just a climax; each contraction of her muscles was stronger than the last, and the impact of her hips on Justin’s body grew heavier and heavier with each movement. Justin looked up at Cadance and saw her rising, her body growing taller and curvier and thicker all over. Her tits grew bigger and rounder until Justin couldn’t see Cadance’s face from his vantage point underneath her. Her hips became wider, her ass swelling outward, jiggling with every motion of her body. Each time she brought her body down onto Justin, her ass slapped onto his thighs… then it came down to his knees… then to his ankles. She was growing. It was all true. He would have his goddess, towering beautifully above him… above everyone. “Cadance,” he said, “It’s really happening.” Cadance was still coming, her enormous body still quaking, her steady growth surging with each quiver that shot through her body. “Justin,” she moaned, again and again, too far gone to speak anything but the name of her love. The bed creaked underneath her, and its legs gave out, snapping beneath them as the bedframe collapsed. Her pussy gushed with fluid, drenching the mattress and flowing over Justin’s thighs, but her climax, finally, seemed to be tapering off, just as the crown of her head brushed against the ceiling. Her upper body slumped, her mutli-hued hair falling all around her shoulders and breasts, and she looked down at Justin, who now seemed to be so far below her. “Justin,” she whispered, “We did it. Thank you so much…” “You’ve never looked more beautiful,” said Justin. “And… you’re going to get bigger?” “I will,” said Cadance. “There’s no turning back now. I can feel the magic still building up inside me. It’s going to overflow again, like it just did, and I’ll grow bigger.” “I want to help you,” said Justin. “I’ll do whatever it takes to help you become a goddess.” Cadance smiled warmly and lifted her body off of Justin. "If I’m going to be a goddess,” said Cadance, “then nourish me. Feed me your praise and your love. Worship my body.” There was little space left in her bedroom, now that her naked, cramped body took up most of it, but she managed to push herself off the bed without leaving too many cracks in the ceiling. As Cadance’s body slid off of him, Justin looked down at his dick, still hard, and the thick layer of pussy juice that coated his crotch. He was too small to have sex with Cadance now, but there were still ways he could enjoy her body - and hopefully she would enjoy it just as much. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Justin put his hands on Cadance’s left ankle and lifted it towards his face. At first, lifting her foot - and the leg it was attached to - was harder than Justin had anticipated. Cadance’s body was still slender and feminine, but now it was huge. Cadance watched Justin struggle for a while, then mercifully lifted her foot to the level of his head - once again sensing his desires. Justin leaned into Cadance’s foot, resting his face against the bottom of her big toe. The scent of her skin was clean and floral, and the sole of her foot was wonderfully smooth, even at its enlarged scale. Justin opened his mouth to run his tongue along her skin, and then he wrapped his lips around the tip of her toe, getting his mouth around as much of it as he could. As much as he wanted to get it all in his mouth, he couldn't - and that fact, by itself, drove him wild. Cadance was big, every part of her, and he’d made her that way. Because of the love they shared, he was sucking on a toe almost as big as his head. His cock, resting from his lovemaking session, sprang back to life - and as it rose, its tip brushed the sole of Cadance’s ther foot, the one that still rested on the ground. And that gave Justin the best idea of his life. Shifting his hips, Justin maneuvered his cock into the hollow between Cadance’s big toe and the one beside it. That little space, at Cadance’s scale, was just about the perfect size to fuck, and he slid his pussy-slicked dick in and out, moaning into the toe-flesh he was still suckling. The space between a giantess’ toes didn’t have all the advantages of a pussy, but Justin was finding it even better than the time he’d spent inside Cadance’s cunt. After all, anyone could fuck a pussy - but who could stick their dick between the thick, massive toes of their giant girlfriend and get themselves off that way? Only the lover of a goddess. Sucking on one foot and fucking another, Justin felt another climax building quickly. He was surprised by his stamina, but he didn’t feel like questioning it - now was the time he needed to be at his best, ready to perform and cum for the pleasure of his beloved Cadance. His body jerked as Cadance’s toes constricted around his cock - Cadance was flexing them, making them tighter, squeezing her little man’s cock like the muscles of a firm pussy. Justin’s body shuddered, the unbelievable thought I'm fucking Cadance's foot filling his mind like air in a balloon. And when the pressure became too much to bear, he burst, firing long ropes of cum that fell over Cadance’s ankles and dripped down the upper surface of her feet. Cadance, idly stroking her womanhood with one hand, moved her fingers to her clit in an effort to bring herself to climax. “Mmm, there’s power in our bond, Justin, in our love… I can use that power… Justin, darling, I’m going to extend your orgasm. You don’t stop cumming until I hit climax.” Justin opened his eyes, still sucking on Cadance’s big toe but turning his eye upward to look at her body. She was working at her clit with quick fingertips, her breaths short and her body quivering as she touched herself. And Justin realized that she was right - his orgasm just wasn’t ending. Each shudder of his body, shooting through his cock, made another jet of cum rocket from his tip, as if Cadance had given him bottomless balls. He pulled his shaft out from between Cadance’s toes and aimed the quaking, unsteady tip at the sole of her foot - which, luckily, was a very big target. “Mmm, yes,” gasped Cadance, feeling the first rope of spunk his her soft skin, “Cum on my feet, Justin! Paint my pink sole white with your jizz, my love!” Justin braced himself on her foot, gripping two of her toes and letting his cock shoot over and over onto the silky underside of her foot. As Cadance brought herself closer and closer to orgasm, her legs began to quiver, the soft flesh of her toes quivering in Justin’s mouth and in his hands. Then her legs went rigid as climax hit her. The toe Justin was sucking on popped out of his mouth as the leg kicked upward - and the foot he was cumming onto slammed into him, pushing him back onto the bed, its cum-splattered surface thudding against his chest. He wrapped his arms around it, feeling it grow in his embrace. Cadance’s climax had released the power of their love once again, and it was flowing through her body, making her curves thicker and her limbs longer. Justin was still coming uncontrollably, still releasing thick jets of cum onto the sole of Cadance’s foot, and Cadance was coming right along with him, her pussy pouring with fluid as her fingers went in and out of her folds. Justin hugged the growing pink foot as Cadance’s quivering, lengthening leg pushed him farther from her body, shoving him across the unmade, pussy juice-soaked bed. It backed him up to the wall, still growing as it pinned him against the headboard. Her foot was wider than his body now, and her heel pressed into his crotch - even though the skin was soft and smooth, its growth threatened to crush him. But just as it seemed inevitable that he would be crushed, groaning and cumming, between Cadance’s foot and the wall of her bedroom… her growth came to a stop. Her body, released from the throes of orgasm, relaxed - and Justin’s seemingly-endless orgasm finally ceased. Justin, his body slumped over Cadance’s foot, turned his head upward to see how Cadance had grown. And she truly had grown - her head was halfway through the ceiling, so that Justin could see nothing of her face but her satisfied smile. Her body took up most of the room; the floor buckled underneath her massive ass, her knees were bent up so far that they touched her tits, and her feet were taller than Justin. “Cadance,” said Justin, still woozy from his interminable orgasm, “you’re a goddess, you’re a real goddess now…” “I am,” said Cadance. “And a goddess has no need for a tiny little house like this. How about I smash my way out of here and we share my beauty and power with the world?” “Yes,” said Justin. “Everyone needs to see.” Cadance plucked Justin from between her foot and the headboard, cupping his naked body in her hand. Then she flexed her body, and the house started to come down around her, crumbling into splinters as her limbs punched through the walls. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance stood to her full height, fragments of her ruined house bouncing off the curvature of her naked body. It all fell in a heap, brick and plaster piled around her feet as she revealed herself to the world as a fifty-foot giantess. She lifted the hand that was shielding Justin from debris, and he stood unsteadily on her palm, looking out over the neighborhood. A panic was starting to descend over the quiet suburbs, as Cadance’s neighbors stepped out into the mild spring evening to investigate the sounds of destruction. Most fled, on foot or by car, and some ducked back into their homes - all fearful of the giantess who stood before them. “This is what I was afraid of,” said Cadance, bringing Justin to her face. As she lifted him, he fell back onto his bare ass, bouncing on the soft skin of Cadance’s palm. “The people of the world would run from me, fearful to stand in my shadow, cowed by my size and power.” She smiled. “But… I’ll never be alone, Justin. Because I have you, I have nothing to be afraid of.” She brought Justin closer, filling his vision with the sight of her beautiful face, and kissed him. Her lips practically engulfed his head, but he did his best to return the kiss, meeting Cadance’s enormous tongue with his own as it poked through her lips. But Cadance’s tongue overpowered him easily, knocking him flat as she extended it and swept it across his body. She swirled the tip of her tongue around his cock, easily working it back up into an erection. “I… I just came,” said Justin, as Cadance’s mouth receded. “Twice. And the last time lasted forever. Is this… magic making me hard again?” “Of course,” said Cadance. “I didn’t expect to have this much control of the curse’s magic, but there’s so much I can do with it. Since our love is so intimately interwoven with the enchantment, it’s easy to grant you some sexual stamina… Naturally, I want my little man to be able to perform whenever I need him to.” “Perform?” said Justin, laughing nervously. “I’m like a doll compared to you. I don’t know if my 'performance' even matters anymore.” Cadance tilted her head and smiled in sympathy. “You’re young, Justin,” she said, “but here’s a lesson from an older woman. Intimacy is about so much more than penetration. We love each other, and we care about each others’ fulfillment… and pleasure. You and I may not be able to make love the way other couples do, but we will seek pleasure together, and we will find it together.” She gently blew on Justin, surrounding him with a sweetly fragrant breath, like a breeze coming off spring flowers. “And so it means a great deal to me that your cute little cock can cum and cum and cum.” “Thanks,” said Justin, not quite sure what else to say. A tiny part of him wanted to object to his cock being called “little” - it was actually above average, and all the more impressive for being attached to a man of short stature. But he let it slide, in the name of love. And also because, compared to Cadance, everything about him was small. “And I’m learning that my little man loves my big, powerful feet,” said Cadance. “So… how’d you like to get stepped on?” Justin gulped, and looked over the side of the hand he was seated on. Cadance’s feet were taller than him, big enough to cover his entire body… and being stepped on by a beautiful giantess’ foot was a fantasy he never dreamed he’d be able to realize. But… “I think that would crush me,” said Justin. Cadance smirked. “Hmm, I think you might be right about that,” she said. “But love can conquer any obstacle, Justin. Well, our love can, anyway - if only because I’m a goddess.” Justin felt warmth rising from the palm of Cadance’s hand, flowing through his body. “There,” said Cadance. “I’ve shared the strength of my body with you. From now on, your body will be just as durable as mine. We can play as rough as we like without the risk of you getting hurt.” “So if you step on me…” “Oh, you’ll feel it,” teased Cadance, “But you won’t suffer so much as a bruise. I can’t risk the life of my one true love, after all. I want you with me, forever and ever.” Justin still couldn’t believe what had happened tonight. Not the magic stuff - although that was obviously incredible too. He couldn’t believe that Cadance, the beautiful, professional older woman, had chosen him. He was nothing special - just a young man who cared about her happiness. But she had chosen him, and she still wanted him, even as she was blossoming into a world-striding goddess. “Yeah,” he said. “Please step on me, Cadance.” “Anything for you, my love,” said Cadance. She extended her hand and upturned it, dropping him onto the lawn. Justin yelped as he fell - a nearly fifty-foot drop, even onto grass, was a frightening prospect. But when Justin tumbled onto the soil, the ground hit him like a gentle shove. He stood up, testing his limbs, and found that he wasn’t even sore. Cadance’s magic really had made him tougher. And that power was about to face another test, as Cadance’s foot loomed over him, casting a shadow that blotted out the pale white moonlight. He stared up at the sole of her foot, watching the smooth pink surface come closer and closer… When it was just over his head, Cadance swung her knee back, bringing her curled toes right to Justin’s chin… then she uncurled them, bumping Justin in the face with the tip of her big toe and knocking him to the ground. Then her foot came all the way down. Her heel pressed down on his ankles, and they sunk into the soil as Cadance’s tremendous weight settled on them - but it didn’t hurt. There was just the feeling of her warm, soft skin on top of him, caressing more and more of his body as her foot came down. The inner part of her heel rubbed against his crotch, the smooth sole stimulating his balls and his stiff cock. And he almost blew his load when the ball of her foot settled onto his face, filling his senses with the body of his beloved. Her skin was velvet-smooth, smelling faintly of flowers, and even though she wasn’t crushing him, he could feel every ounce of her massive body bearing down on him. “Justin,” she said, her voice resounding through the suburbs, “Let me feel your love. Make love to my huge, beautiful foot. When you kiss the sole of my foot, when you massage me with gentle hands, when you find release on my soft skin… that will be an act of lovemaking as intimate as any you can imagine.” Her heel began to press rhythmically against his crotch, rolling back and forth on his shaft. He joined the rhythm, moving his hips, moaning as he humped the sole of Cadance’s foot. He reached his hands up to stroke the skin with his fingers, feeling his cock twitch as he sampled the silken smoothness. Even now, at this massive scale, her skin was perfect, unmarked by the slightest imperfection. She truly had the body of a goddess, and it was Justin’s privilege to explore and pleasure that body. He kissed her heel, softly and reverently at first, then passionately. She was a goddess, but she was also his lover, and she deserved every expression of his love, from solemn worship to unrestrained lust. Gasping, he licked and kissed at her skin, not holding anything back as he made love to her foot. Cadance squirmed, groping at her body as Justin worshipped her foot. She was almost laughing, tickled by the gentle touch of her lover, but her lust overcame that impulse. Becoming a goddess was awakening new senses inside her, and she felt his touch more deeply and profoundly than she ever could before. His tongue, his hands, his cock communicated so many new feelings to her enormous body. His love was an intoxicating wave, his lust a heady spice. In too many ways to count, this was better than having her pussy fucked. She reached her fingers down to her dripping pussy, moaning as she touched the sensitive, glistening folds. Climax was already close, and with it, another release of power. Another surge of growth. A new step on the path to becoming a true goddess, and sharing her love and power with her beloved Justin. “Touch me, Justin,” she moaned, leaning more weight onto the foot that pressed down on him. “Taste me. Fuck me. Ravish my giant foot, my love. Pleasure yourself against the soft caress of my sole and cum until your balls are empty.” Justin moved his hips faster, desperate to please his goddess. Cadance’s weight bore down harder, pushing him into the ground, but there was still no discomfort - just the intimate knowledge of Cadance’s size and power. He felt his balls tighten, and he moaned into the soft skin that was engulfing him, holding him to the ground, awaiting his release - and then he came, his cock rubbing against Cadance’s sole with each twitch, endless jets of cum smearing against her heel. With her awakened senses, Cadance felt Justin’s cum against her skin like a tidal wave of intoxicating love. She cried out, yelling his name over the rooftops, and her pussy clenched as she came, juices flowing over her fingertips as her womanhood throbbed again and again, electrifying her body with a climax beyond anything she’d ever experienced. She hadn’t anticipated that she could be so overwhelmed, now that she had grown in size and power. But feeling Justin make love to her foot was absolutely overpowering. He may have been small, but Justin was more than just a man now; he was the lover of a goddess, and he was more than deserving of that mantle. Justin groaned helplessly beneath her foot, cumming again and again. It was clear to him that his climax was still linked with hers. He rode her orgasm like a storming sea, each throb of her pussy making his cock erupt, painting her pink sole white, dripping over his body and pooling thickly on the ground below him. He completely lost himself in his orgasm, wanting nothing but to feel Cadance’s massive foot pressing down on him as he came and came forever… But the raging sea of Cadance’s climax calmed, in time, and as it wound down Justin felt her body shifting above him. She was growing again. Woozily, he stroked her skin as it expanded, growing wider and longer. Her heel stayed planted on Justin’s crotch, but her toes crept forward, leaving Justin staring up at her ever-expanding arch. Then Cadance’s increasing weight was too much for the grassy ground, and she sank downwards, creating a huge -and growing - footprint on her lawn. Justin, embedded in Cadance’s footprint, was now face-to-skin with Cadance’s arch, and he resumed his affections, kissing and licking the perfect, silky pink skin. In time, the growth came to a stop - although Justin, pinned beneath her foot, had no idea just how big Cadance had gotten. But when she lifted her foot, he saw, and he sighed in awe as he stared up, and up, and up at her body. She was as tall as a skyscraper now, more than 500 feet - and speaking of feet, hers were now so big that their growth had shoved aside the houses of nearby neighbors as they expanded. Her big toe was larger than any house in the neighborhood, and her body stretched so far upwards that Justin had trouble seeing her face. And he yelped - still not accustomed to being nearly invincible - as Cadance dropped to one knee and set her hand on the ground for him to climb onto. It was actually a struggle; first, he had to climb out of her footprint, a 10-foot depression in the earth. Luckily, a section of crumbled road gave him a solid surface to climb - but climbing onto her finger was even harder. After clambering up her fingernail, he had to find handholds in the ridges of her fingerprints to climb onto the tip of a finger. He hadn’t even found his balance before Cadance raised her hand back up, sending him tumbling down into her palm. He took in the sight of Cadance’s body bit by bit - her ankles, her smooth, hairless legs… when he saw the widening of her thighs, he held his breath in anticipation for the sight of her pussy. And then it was in front of him, big enough to engulf all of Crystal Prep in its glistening folds. And when that sight had passed by, he gazed up, admiring the underside of her tits. He’d seen her breasts from below before, when she’d worn her high heels around him, but he’d never seen them like this. Round and firm, with unblemished skin, weighty enough to crush anything built by mere mortals. And when he finally rose above her breasts, he saw her face, calm and beautiful and loving. “Justin,” she said, “I… I just can’t thank you enough for making this happen. You stayed with me, you cared enough to see how unhappy I was, and you… you loved me when I needed it most. There were actually tears welling in her eyes, tears that threatened to smash rooftops and crack pavement if they landed on the suburbs below. “And now I’m a goddess. Because of you, Justin.” She sniffed and wiped at her eyes with her other hand. “I knew it would be worth it,” said Justin. “I didn’t know it would be this good,” he said, spreading his arms to indicate the enormous scale of Cadance’s body, “But as soon as I saw you, I knew that making you happy would be worth the effort.” “Will you accompany me downtown?” asked Cadance. “I think the city lights will give up a properly romantic venue.” Justin nodded, and Cadance set off towards downtown, each footfall sending a powerful shockwave through the earth around her, triggering car alarms and causing the spontaneous collapse of nearby houses. Justin crawled over to the edge of her cupped hand and peered down at her feet, watching Cadance effortlessly crush houses beneath her soles, leaving behind deep impressions in the shape of her perfect feet. As she entered the city, her feet casually crushed buildings by the dozens, her heels crashing down like a meteor again and again. The silky skin of her was soles utterly unscratched by the steel and concrete she crushed beneath her with each step; her divine body was far too strong to receive injury. And she didn’t spare a thought for the people of the city; they were beneath the notice of a goddess. Justin was the only one who mattered to her now. Justin, who shined like a beacon of love to her blossoming, godly senses. Cadance stopped in the center of the city, surrounded by spotlights and sirens, but she paid them no notice. Her eyes scanned the rooftops, and when she found the building she was looking for, she lowered her hand and titled it, letting Justin tumble down onto the roof of a six-story apartment building. This time, Justin remembered that he was nearly invincible, and he landed gracefully on his feet instead of cringing before impact. Cadance knelt by the building and looked down at Justin, her face looming a hundred feet above him. “Justin,” she said, “I still have some growing to do. I can feel it.” “Seriously?” Justin whispered, his mind straining to imagine a Cadance bigger and more beautiful than the one who stood before him now. Cadance chuckled. “Yes, seriously,” she said. “There’s going to be a lot of me once it’s done. And these feet you love so much… Well, just wait and see.” “That’s incredible,” said Justin. “I’m surprised you can hear me, though…” Cadance’s ears were high above him, and his voice wasn’t nearly as powerful as hers. “Oh, Justin,” said Cadance, “We will always be connected. There is no distance through which your voice will not reach me. Although… I don’t intend for there to ever be much distance between us, my love.” From her kneeling position, she fell back onto her butt, making the ground shake all throughout the city as her twin pink moons cratered the concrete. Then she scooted herself backwards, keeping her feet close to the building she set Justin on. She leaned back onto the tallest building in the city, a sturdy edifice of glass and steel, and it remained mostly upright as she settled her weight into it. Her feet were upright, their heels resting on the ground and their toes looming just above the surface of the rooftop Justin was standing on. She bent her ankle forward ever so slightly, and the ball of her right foot plowed into the roof, pushing aside bricks and mortar like freshly fallen snow. She let her foot get halfway through the roof, then stopped, leaving her massive foot half-embedded in the building. “I need to feel your love again, Justin,” she said, already putting her fingers to the folds of her womanhood. “Make love to my foot again, and make me ascend.” Justin didn’t need to be told twice. He He clambered up the crumbled surface of the rooftop and took a running jump that landed him right between Cadance’s big toe and the one beside it. He rested there for a moment, his body draped over the expansive pink webbing between the two toes. No matter how big Cadance was, no matter how invincible her body became, her skin was always velvety smooth and perfectly soft. He gazed up at the enormous toes on either side of him, standing like towers, wiggling as Cadance touched herself. This space between her toes, now large enough that he could practically lose himself in it, was the same space he had fucked after Cadance’s first growth spurt. He’d thrust his dick between her toes - fucking what was, at the time, the biggest foot he’d seen in his life - and cum over her ankles. And now she was even bigger, bigger than he ever imagined she’d become. Her foot was practically a landscape, her body on its way to becoming a world of its own. And it was his privilege to make love to that body. Unsteadily, he walked along her skin, and he threw himself against the side of her big toe. It was some thirty feet high, far too wide to wrap his arms around, but he gripped it for all he was worth and began to move his hips in a slow rhythm, rubbing his cock up against the silky skin of her big toe. Cadance felt his love instantly; when Justin touched her, the feeling echoed through her body, multiplying thousands of times over. His tiny size didn’t diminish the pleasure of their lovemaking - she felt every ounce of his love, his passion for her body, and his dizzy, delirious lust for her gorgeous feet. Her pussy poured with fluid, and she worked at her clit with rapid movements of her fingers while her other hand groped at the city, knocking buildings to the ground and tearing up the pavement. Eventually, her hand found a building large enough to wrap her fingers around. It was tall, and rounded, with windows of green glass lining the exterior. With a twist of her wrist, she pulled it from the ground, sending glass and office furniture raining onto the pavement below. She held the rounded tip against her pussy lips, gently teasing herself, matching the rhythm of Justin’s hips. She felt Justin working himself into a frenzy, kissing and licking the side of her massive toe, and she eased the building’s tip into her pussy. She felt him humping her big toe faster and faster, and she twiddled her clit with greater speed. Justin was desperate to cum, desperate to see and feel Cadance’s body growing again, and he humped her big toe with a feverish energy, gasping and groaning in between passionate kisses. The taste of her skin was intoxicating, making his body drunk with lust, and he felt his balls tightening and cum rising in his shaft. He’d hoped to last longer, but by this point he had faith in the bond between him and Cadance. They’d shared orgasms before, and he trusted that they would share this one too. And his faith was rewarded. With the tall tower deep in her pussy and her fingers flicking at her cunt, Cadance was seized by a powerful throb in her pussy, uplifted and magnified by the climax of her one true love. Her pussy overflowed with nectar as he spilled himself onto her skin, and they came together, screaming each others’ names. Cadance began to grow again, her squirming body wrecking more and more of the city with each passing moment. “Justin,” she groaned, struggling to speak normally as climax wracked her body, “There is so much magic, so much love and power unfolding within me… I won’t be done growing until morning. I won’t be done cumming until morning. Join me, my love. Cum with me until the rising of the sun.” Justin was slumped against Cadance’s big toe, helpless to move, helpless to speak, his cock pouring with cum. Joining Cadance in her climax meant that he would cum for hours, and he wasn’t certain that his mind or his body would hold out. But he would do anything for Cadance. Breathlessly, he gave her his agreement, and clung to the expanding landscape of her foot as their bodies rejoiced in harmony. --- Shining Armor huffed and gave a helpless, embarrassed look to the priest. He’d sensed some hesitance from Cadance, but he never imagined that he’d be left standing at the altar. What was Cadance’s problem? It was more than just pre-wedding jitters, that much was perfectly clear. Part of him still expected to see Cadance throw the church doors open, looking gorgeous in her white wedding dress, rattling off an explanation for her lateness. But it was starting to seem less and less likely. Annoyance started to give way to concern, as Shining Armor considered that something might have actually happened to Cadance. There had been scattered, conflicting reports on the radio that morning. Something about seismic activity. Despite the fact that Canterlot City was close by - on the other side of a mountain range - no one seemed to know what was actually happening over there. The drive from Canterlot City shouldn’t have taken Cadance more than a couple hours, but the situation over there could have delayed her… or worse… Shining Armor’s train of thought was derailed by a sudden darkening of the church’s stained-glass windows. All the natural light inside the church disappeared, as if a thick, dark cloud cover had moved in all at once. It was unusual enough that everyone gasped in surprise, and Shining Armor considered stepping outside to see what was up… But before he got the chance, he was flattened. Him, and everything around him. Not just the church, not just the city block - the entire city was crushed in an instant, pancaked into absolute nothingness by a single step of Cadance’s godly foot. All that remained was a deep, perfect footprint, a permanent mark of Goddess Cadance’s power. With one step, Cadance had severed the last tie to her old life, her mortal life, the life where she had chosen to be unhappy. The prison that Justin had freed her from, with tender, patient love. She felt truly free, and that feeling unleashed the final surge of growth in her huge, beautiful body. Her head rose through the atmosphere, far past the clouds, until she became the woman she was always meant to be: a continent-striding goddess. A woman whose footsteps shook the whole earth. She raised one finger to her face, knowing that Justin stood upon its tip. To a normal set of eyes, he would have been too small to see - but Cadance was a goddess, and she could see him perfectly. She could see the awed, reverent smile on his face, she could feel his love in every beat of his heart, and she could see his stiff cock, ready for another session of lovemaking. But first - why not make it official? “Justin,” she said, “I promise to cherish you forever, to share my eternal life and love with you, and to bring you pleasure in every way I know how.” She paused. “Do you promise me the same?” “I do,” said Justin. Cadance smiled. “Then by the power vested in me, as the most powerful being to ever exist, I now declare us man and wife.”