> The Scarlet Speedster of Manehattan > by The 72nd Huntress > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue - The Queen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queen Chrysalis wasn't happy. She was rarely happy, but right now Chrysalis is very unhappy. After a rather humiliating defeat at the hooves of two lovey-dovey morons, she wasn't about to just make the same mistake again. Though Chrysalis knew she had defeated Celestia and her Elements of Harmony, she was still puzzled as to why the very thing that fed her changelings became the weapon of their defeat. It had something to do with that pink princess she had replaced, but it didn't matter how she defeated her, just that there wasn't a way to cut around it. Finally acknowledging that her advisors actually had some good points as to why her invasion had failed, the queen decided to go for a slower and calculated approach. The royal twins would surely have put rules and procedures in place in order to snuff out any remaining changeling cells that may be in hiding. In order to avoid this, she sent a command to all her spies in the country to meet in certain places at certain times. Also at the behest of her advisors, Queen Chrysalis ordered her scientists and mages to figure out what spells the inspections were using to reveal changelings, and to find a spell counter this. Once an appropriate countermeasure was found, she would update her cells so they could continue their roles for any future takeover plans. Unfortunately, the anti-changeling spell couldn't be countered. It used a condensed dose of love in the form of mana, and spread it over a pony's body. If it wasn't a changeling, they would just feel all tingly and warm inside. If it was a changeling, then they would convulse and change back to their original form, followed by a horn suppressor, wing binds, and iron chains. "I don't understand, there isn't ANY way we can counter this spell?!" Chrysalis shouted. Right now she was yelling at her most skilled Thaumologist, though skilled was a loose term as he didn't give any good news. "I'm sorry, my queen. We've been looking at this spell from every possible angle, and there isn't a way to go around it without revealing the ling somehow!" He explained. "If we block the spell, then nothing will happen when the inspectors cast the spell, clearly showing that something is up! We've been testing the spell on our test subjects and changelings, and there just isn't a way around it." "Ugh, this is what I get for trusting a drone to do a queen's job. Just get out! If you're just going to keep being incompetent, then I'll just have to get creative myself." After the changeling scientist left, her chambers, Chrysalis massaged her temples in disgust. "I swear, if those lings don't start being competent, I don't know how I'll take over Equestria." Suddenly, something very odd happened. Something... wrong. A bolt of red lightning shot past her, a note dangling from the wall in front of her. Chrysalis' mouth gaped. What had just happened? It seemed as if lightning had struck inside her royal chambers, despite being the deepest part of the hive. Perplexed, she finally noticed the note left by this strange occurrence. Reading the note, she smirked happily, as it seems that some good news finally arrived for Queen Chrysalis. Eager to enact this new plan, she summoned her top general, followed by a quick entry by the general herself. Kneeling, the general asked, "My queen, how may I serve you?' "Rise, 51-W-01," Chrysalis commanded. "Order your infiltration squads to enter and set up in Manehatten, I think we've found a way to finally take over this love-infested nation." > Chapter 1 - Late > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "'Scuse me, sir! Sorry, I'm running late. Pardon me miss!" I'm running late as usual. Allow me to introduce myself as I sprint through this crowd of ponies. My name is Lightspeed. I'm a mare, yellow coat with a red and yellow mane. I'm an earth pony, and right now, I'm desperately running to catch my train. You see, I had just received a letter from the Manehattan Police Department, stating that I've been hired to be their resident forensic scientist, and I start today. Unfortunately, the letter wasn't expected to arrive so late. I'm not sure what happened, but thankfully Derpy rushed it straight to my doorstep. After I read the letter, I only had time to pack a saddlebag with the letter, and enough bits for a train ticket. Pushing through countless ponies, I hurried to the train station. I ran straight to the ticket booth, but not before hearing that the train to Manehattan would be leaving soon. The ticket stallion looked at me with concern. "You in a hurry young miss?" "One ticket to Manehattan, please!" I shouted, trying to speed things up. "Right away, young missy. That'll be 10 bits plea-" I slammed what I hoped to be enough bits onto the counter, and snatched the ticket out of his hoof. I think he shouted something about my change, but I didn't have enough time to respond. Pushing my way towards the slowly closing door, I started to fear that the train would leave without me. Luckily, I managed to slip in just before it left the station. Sighing with relief, I looked around for the nearest bench and trudged toward it. It wasn't too bad, trudged my way to the nearest seat and slumped into it. "Thank Celestia I made it." Just to make sure I had what I needed to prove who I am, I checked my saddlebag for the letter, relieved to see that I still had it. After I began to relax, I looked out the window, gazing at the moving scenery as it whooshed past me. It was nice to see the rolling countryside, definitely a part of Ponyville that I'm going to miss. I know that it would be nice to live my life in this quaint little town, but I just can't sit still with the normal life of Ponyville. Though as of late, normal has changed from wondering what I'll have for dinner, to deities, spirits of chaos, and centaurs. I grew up in Ponyville, and the crime rate is about one case of petty theft every decade, unless you count all the disasters. My cutie mark doesn't exactly fit my area of expertise, which is a rather unusual case. My cutie mark is actually just the formula for speed: S=D/T or Speed equals distance over time. It symbolizes my love and skill for science, but I was always drawn towards forensics. Hay, it was even how I got my cutie mark. Since the ride to Manehattan would take a little while, I rested my head on the bench and closed my eyes, letting myself take a short nap. Lightning. Lighting everywhere, like I was in the middle of a storm, the middle of some almighty force... "Manehattan! Now arriving at Manehattan!" Hearing the conductor announcing our destination woke me up, much to my displeasure. As I yawned, I checked my saddlebag again, just to make sure everything was in place. Satisfied that everything was in order, I got up, stretching my aching muscles. I headed off the train, squeezing my way past the crowd to check what time it is. Though before I even saw the clock, I knew I would be late. You see, despite what my cutie mark may say, I'm often late. I was always a few minutes late to school, to buying the recent edition of Scientific Equestrian, even to my final exams for my degree in forensic science. Despite this lifelong trend, I still tried my very best to be on time, though I am usually still late. As I looked at the clock, it read 11:45, fifteen minutes until I had to be at the station. This would usually be good news, except that I knew Manehattan was one of Equestria's bigger cities, and that I had absolutely no idea where the police station was. Fortunately, since I was often late, I've learned that my best friend is a map. Yet again squeezing myself toward my destination, I didn't see any mention of the MPD station on the map. Heading outside, I decided I would ask around, though I was in for something of a surprise. I knew Manehattan was huge, but Manehattan was HUGE! The buildings seemed to tower the clouds, and there was a sea of ponies on the sidewalks, some were even on the streets! I looked around, hoping to find anypony who might be able to help me out. Fortunately, I saw the exact pony that I would need. I had spotted a grey stallion with a mustache, wearing the one thing that I needed in this situation: a badge engraved with the initials M.P.D. I headed towards the officer, hoping that he would be able to help me. "Excuse me, officer?" I shouted, hoping that he heard me over this storm of ponies. He looked around, seeing me trotting towards him. "Is there a problem, Ma'am?" "Yes, I was wondering where the police station was. You see, I'm the new forensic scientist. I was just assigned to Manehattan." He raised an eyebrow at me and looked me up, almost as if he was unsure if I was pulling his leg. To help clear things up, I showed him my letter. He nodded in confirmation at the MPD seal at the bottom. He pointed down a street and told me to head down that way, putting in turns here or there. I thanked him and asked him his name. "Dusty Cuffs, Ma'am. I'm looking forward to working with you." "You too, Officer Cuffs. Thanks again!" Happy that I might actually be on time for once, I headed to the station, ready to start my new life.