> To Be Everfree > by Dusk Melody > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Principal Celestia opened her eyes. Instantly she regretted this course of action as pain coursed through her body making her gasp out a loud, “Aaaaah!” Blinking once, then twice, she propped herself up on her elbows and attempted to take stock of her situation. She didn’t know much. She remembered even less, but through short, haggard breaths she tried to piece together what she could. She was laid at the bottom of a twenty foot gully. Looking up the steep rocky embankment she could see where she had fallen from. Her path down was marked by the earth and loose stones that her body had disturbed along the way. It was night now. It had been daylight, roughly three in the afternoon if her broken watch was anything to go by, when she had fallen. ‘That means I’ve been passed out anywhere from six to twelve hours…’ she thought, not comforted by that in the slightest. Foolishly she tried – without thinking – to get up from the grassy floor of the gully where she lay. “AAaaAARGH!” the loud scream followed the sharp, lancing pain that shot up her left leg from her trapped foot. “D-Damn! Damnit oooow!” thankfully it was a full moon and she had enough light to see that her foot was securely wedged between two very large, very sharp boulders, while a third was fitted in the gap on top, preventing her from removing it. Sobbing, she laid back down, instantly feeling some relief. She felt the grass under her as well as the breeze on some exposed skin. She didn’t have to look to know her brownish-yellow khaki shirt and shorts were torn from the fall and, besides her left foot which was twisted in a way that feet aren’t supposed to twist, she had picked up numerous little cuts and scrapes thanks to her fall. ‘Shit…it’s probably broken knowing my luck!’ this thought was followed by another loud scream of pain. All she’d done was try and flex her toes. ‘O-Okay…me-mental note, don’t try that again…’ Celestia sighed and, slumped on the grassy surface, tried to think what to do. As she thought of her limited options she realised her pack was missing. ‘Rucksack must’ve come off when I fell,’ as she thought that, she looked behind her, upside down from her vantage point and saw her brand new rucksack laying a few feet away from her head, just on the edge of a fast moving stream. ‘Damn it!’ she cursed as she stretched out her right arm – for some reason her left refused to move at all – and tried to reach her pack. Tantalisingly it was just a few inches out of reach. ‘Maybe if I just stretch…’ she tried to do just that, inching her body just a teeny bit but… “AAaaaAARGH! Damn! Damn! Ooow!” pain, intense agony from her trapped left foot dissuaded her from trying such a manoeuvre again. Her pack, her new pack, as well as all her supplies, were so close but, trapped as she was, they may as well have been a mile away. Everything she needed was in that rucksack. She’d packed it herself the day before, bought everything new just for this excursion. Her first aid kit, several packs of matches, a few lengths of rope, tarpaulins, her tent, a large jar of peanut butter, her flashlight and her headlamp, her map and compass were all in that damned rucksack. Even her satellite phone. Especially her satellite phone. Luna had taken great joy in gleefully mocking her purchases when she’d laid them out in their living room. “Really Celly,” she’d laughed as she surveyed the laid out items on the floor, “it's like you’ve gone and bought a ‘My Little Explorer’s Starter Pack’!” Celestia sighed a defeated sigh. Her sister’s laughter rung in her ears even now. She hated to imagine how bad Luna’s mocking would be when she got out of this. ‘If I get out of this…’ she thought sadly. She couldn't deny it looked bleak. Then, with a loud “Aha!” Celestia remembered her cell phone in her khaki shirt pocket. ‘Maybe…just maybe…’ she fumbled with her right hand – her offhand, as it happened – for some reason her left still refused to move, to retrieve her cell phone. “Ah shit!” she couldn't see much in the moonlight but what she could see was her cell phone touch screen cracked and shattered. Hopefully she thumbed the power button in the hopes of coaxing some useful life from her phone. All she needed was a moment of power to ring for help. Several times she pressed the button. Several times she was rewarded with a whole load of nothing. “Damn it!” in a fit of temper, she threw her useless phone away, which hit a particularly large rock and shattered into many pieces beside the stream. ‘Maybe Lulu was right…’ she thought miserably as she slumped back onto the grass by the stream. ‘Maybe I am too old for this. Maybe I should’ve listened to her…’ ever pragmatic and sensible, her thirty eight year old sister - younger than her by seven years - had warned against this hiking / camping holiday in the Everfree Forest. But, oh no, she had been adamant, hadn't she? With all the essentials purchased, she had gone over her plan with Luna several times. Drive up to Camp Everfree where they used to spend their childhood vacations, do a little hiking, do some camping, get away from it all for a few days. Maybe a week at the most, during the summer holidays. Celestia just wanted to get away from all the otherworldly events of the past year, that’s all. A nice relaxing camping trip. What could possibly go wrong? ‘Sunset Shimmer bullying the whole school, Sunset Shimmer turning into a raging she-demon and brainwashing said school. Having to acknowledge and accept the existence of a parallel world full of magic ponies…’ Celestia sighed internally on the grass for what felt like the millionth time as she carried on her mental checklist. ‘Then there was the Musical Showcase, the Sirens, being brainwashed…again, more magical nonsense…’ Celestia knew this was why she felt so tired and worn out. After all that there was the Friendship Games with Crystal Prep Academy and the fiasco that had become. She had hoped with the start of the games that all the magic malarkey was over. ‘Ha! Fat chance…’ she thought miserably. If anything there had been more, what with Midnight Sparkle and the magic and the portals and the magic. And now here she was, trapped in an isolated gully far away from the beaten track deep in the Everfree Forest with a smashed cell phone and her satellite phone a hair’s touch out of reach. Nobody knew exactly where she was. ‘Nobody knows where I am…’ she thought, and with that thought came panic. Sure, her car was parked up at the camp parking lot run by Timber Spruce and Gloriosa Daisy, but jeez the Everfree was huge! At a hundred and twenty square miles, most of it out of the ability of all but the most determined off-road vehicle or helicopter, Celestia knew full well that unless any rescuers knew where to look, the chances of her being found were slim. ‘That’s if they even know I’m missing!’ she thought despondently, ‘I told Lulu I’d be gone for a week!’ A week. It would be at least a week before anyone would start to miss her. ‘Damn!’ Again, she looked over at her rucksack. Tauntingly out of reach. All her brought along bottles of fresh water were in there. Out of reach. Frantically she searched her khaki shirt and her shorts with her right hand. She couldn’t understand why her left arm wouldn’t move. Her search resulted in a candy bar, a pack of trail mix and a pocket knife. At least she had some food. Water however was an issue. Flipping open the pocket knife she again tried to reach overhead for her pack. This just succeeded in pushing it an inch further away. “Damn, damn!” she cursed aloud. Without water, she’d last maybe four or five days at the most. Again, she heard Luna’s taunting voice running through her head. “Celly, you drive a beige 1969, 122s station wagon! It hardly screams 'adventure-cation'!” ‘To hell with you, Luna.’ Oddly she laughed out loud at that. At least she wouldn’t have to listen to her sister’s ‘I told you so’ speech. She’d be dead long before that could happen. Just then though, as she was about to make another attempt at reaching for her pack, she saw a large black shape move on the ridge twenty feet above her where she herself had been standing hours before. At first she thought her eyes were deceiving her, but there was definitely someone or something stood up there. This was confirmed to her when she saw he or her or it move towards the edge where she had fallen. Celestia didn’t pause to think. “Help!” she called out as calmly as she could. She was saved! The large dark shadow moved away from the edge of the ridge. “Wait! Help! Help me!” Celestia called out again, but still, the shadow moved back. “Please! I’m trapped down here!” Celestia screamed this time. She couldn’t believe her salvation had seemed so close at hand, only to be snatched away. “PLEASE HELP ME! HEEEEEEELP!” Just when she had resigned herself that her hope, slim as it was, had gone, the large shadowy shape reappeared. It was moving fast, very fast towards the ridge as if it was going to jump down but, at the last moment it stopped and skidded to a halt. Celestia wasn’t given much chance to process this however as, in the process of stopping so abruptly, the large whatever-it-was dislodged several medium sized rocks. In a matter of seconds, these rocks were sent rolling down the steep embankment towards the trapped principal. In the bright light of the full moon she saw them coming but she was powerless to get out of the way. Two rocks hit a large boulder and sent that bouncing her way. Bracing herself, it just missed her by scant inches. It did however roll on the grass and hit her rucksack, sending her pack into the fast moving stream. “Well thank yo…AaaaaAAAARGH!” Celestia’s snarky comment to the thin air was rudely cut short as a second boulder was sent rolling. Unlike the first, this one did not miss her. This one bounced once then twice on its way down the rocky embankment and landed squarely and heavily on her lower left leg with a loud sickening crunch of splintering bone. “GAAaaAAAGH FUuuUUUUUCK AAAAARGH!” Celestia knew her left leg was broken. It wasn’t just broken. A quick glance at it revealed the jagged edge of her tibia sticking out and blood was seeping from the awful wound. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the part furthest away from the pain, she knew at least she wouldn’t have to worry about starving to death. Now she’d bleed out or die of infection instead. This wasn’t as comforting a thought as her brain had intended it to be. With a violent shudder, due to the blood she had lost from her leg her she fainted and went into shock. ~ ~ ~ “Ugh…” Celestia’s closed eyelids fluttered. She didn’t want to open them but she felt insistent sunlight beating upon her face. The next thing she felt was a truly astronomical amount of pain from her left leg. That more than anything ruined the possible dream/hope that she might have died and was in heaven. “Aaah…damn it that hurts…” she breathed deeply and forced herself not to panic. She remembered the cascading boulders, she knew her situation was dire, but she was alive at least. She had somehow survived the night. She still didn’t want to open her eyes. Something however happened then that forced her eyes wide open whether she wanted to or not. She felt something move next to her on the grass. Something large. As she threw open her eyes and squinted due to the sun in her face the large ‘thing’ moved to position itself between her and the sun. “Καλή μέρα.” the large thing had said. “What…what the…what?” her vision returning to her, Celestia looked up at the large ‘person’. Her eyes were still adjusting, but she assumed it was a person, and from the voice she assumed male. It didn’t matter to her that she didn’t understand what he had said, it was a person, and person meant rescuer, and rescuer meant she was going to be rescued. She was saved! “Καλή μέρα.” he said again. His voice was deep, strong, and confident. “Είμαι στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας δούμε ζωντανά.” “Huh? What…I’m afraid I don’t understand…oh…” Celestia’s eyes had finally adjusted. She had expected a male to be sat beside her, and it was. What she wasn’t expecting was a male with the lower body of a horse and the strong muscular body of an adult human to be sat by her side. “Oh…” was all she could say as she looked him over again and again. His fur was pale grey with white spots, as was his skin. His mane and long tail were pure white. His eyes a sparkling green. “Oh…” Celestia seemed stuck on that word. It was all she could process. ‘A…A centaur? A centaur!?’ At least her brain had progressed from ‘oh’. Without thinking, she tried to get up, only to be met with a sharp stab of severe pain that made her scream. “Δεν μείνει κάτω.” with a shake of his head, he placed a strong broad hand on her chest and gently pressed her back down. He pointed a finger at her broken leg and foot, which, she had just noticed, were no longer trapped by the boulders. “Άκρων σας.” he placed both hands together in fists and made a snapping apart motion. “Σπασμένος.” Celestia got the message. He wanted her to stay down, her leg was broken. She wondered why her brain seemed to be bypassing the fact that this was a centaur. Then again, for all she knew she could be hallucinating from pain, shock, hunger, dehydration, exposure, anything. She tried to place the language. It seemed awfully familiar, but strange at the same time. “το χέρι σου.” he said next, his strong voice bringing her back to the here and now, pointing to her left arm. “Θα φτιάξω.” Only when he lifted it up did she realise it was dislocated. “Λυπάμαι.” “N-No! No please!” in a moment of horrible realisation she knew what was going to happen next. “Λυπάμαι.” the apologetic look on his rather equine face spoke volumes as he quickly and firmly popped Celestia’s shoulder back in its socket. “GAaaAAH!” Celestia screamed. Pain from her shoulder joined the pain from her broken leg and foot and it proved too much for her system. For the second time, she fainted into unconsciousness, the centaur’s worried face was the last thing she saw before her vision went black and she stopped feeling anything. > Chapter 1 - What's On Her Mind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia was tired. Laying naked on her soft comfortable bed, the tall white skinned woman felt the duvet beneath her and she sighed. It was a very long, very drawn out sigh. Without really seeing, she looked up at the ceiling of her bedroom. She paid no heed to the lengthening shadows that crept over the walls signifying the oncoming evening with the lowering of the sun. Just like she paid no heed to the state of her room. Clothes, both washed and unwashed, were left in growing piles where they lay on her dresser and on her floor. She saw no need to move them. It wasn’t as if anyone but her ever came in here anyway. Several cold cups of jasmine tea stood forgotten on her nightstand beside the bed. The oldest of which had mold on its surface. She cared about this as much as she cared about the dirty clothes spilling over her floor. There were paths tracked where she could get out to the bathroom, so she wasn’t much bothered. What did it matter, if she was the only one to see it? She was so very tired. Having just bathed, her skin was ever so slightly damp, making the fifty year old principal shiver. She didn’t really care about that. Just like she didn’t care about her long pastel coloured hair as it lay hastily brushed around her like an unruly pink, blue and green mane. Celestia yawned, but otherwise she lay unmoving on her bed. ‘I should get up,’ she thought lazily to herself. Still, she didn’t move. ‘What’s the point? I’ll just lay here.’ She supposed she should get dressed, but she couldn’t be bothered to do that either. It was only the two of them, her sister and herself, in the house they shared and they’d seen each other naked enough times. ‘Cheerilee isn’t due over tonight, though Lulu might invite her anyway,’ Celestia thought, still not urged to move. Even if her sister did get her girlfriend over she doubted she’d do more than don a bathrobe, if she left her bedroom at all. Celestia was so tired. She wasn’t just tired. She was worn out, exhausted. She was at the end of a very long, much frayed rope. This past year had been…well, it had been…she didn’t have words to adequately describe what this year had been. Fiasco sprung to her mind. ‘Although; disaster, catastrophe, shambles, debacle or mess would suffice too,’ she thought without a trace of outward emotion on her face other than a twitch of her left eye. She found she was doing that a lot recently, twitching her left eye, whenever she thought about the past year. Quickly she ran through them in her tired mind. ‘Sunset Shimmer bullying the whole school, Sunset Shimmer turning into a raging she-demon and brainwashing said school. Having to acknowledge and accept the existence of a parallel world full of magic ponies…’ Celestia sighed internally for what felt like the millionth time as she carried on her mental checklist. ‘Then there was the Musical Showcase, the Sirens, being brainwashed…again, more magical nonsense…’ Celestia knew this was why she felt so tired and worn out. After all that there was the Friendship Games with Crystal Prep Academy. She had hoped with the start of the games that all the magic malarkey was over. ‘Ha! Fat chance…’ she thought miserably. If anything there had been more. As well as another she-demon, portals opening everywhere and worst of all, her. Celestia shuddered at the thought of Abacus Cinch. A shudder that had nothing whatever to do with how cold she felt. The other magical instances had at least happened at her school, with just her students. Now, a whole other school had witnessed it all as well. Again, Celestia sighed. Cadance may have taken over as temporary principal of Crystal Prep – a definite improvement in her opinion, but that didn’t stop Cinch reporting Canterlot High and its students to every single government body she could think of. Between trying to keep a lid on all the otherworldly magical…nonsense and placating the school board, the police, national guard, the welfare committee and heaven knows what other agency would come knocking next, it was no wonder Celestia felt as wrung out as she did. Not that anyone cared about her feelings on that one. ‘No,’ she thought somewhat bitterly, ‘the Rainbooms get all the thanks and the adoration from the students, I get to fend off the school board.’ Idly she wondered that she’d rather face the she-demons. ‘Less bloodthirsty, anyway,’ she thought, which did succeed in raising a small smile. Luna hadn’t helped either. Not in the slightest. Her sister’s solution to her stress was to book her into a course of deep tissue massages at the day spa. That hadn’t helped, despite Lotus and Aloe’s very best efforts she was still knotted up six ways to Sunday. Her next idea had been to prank her in an effort to make her smile and relieve tension that way. That had gone well. Luna, possessing exactly zero skill in the kitchen, had gotten Cheerilee to bake her a cake. A triple layered chocolate fudge cake with chocolate sauce and frosting. It had been the best, and it had certainly lifted Celestia’s spirits just a little, until it had exploded all over her in what was surely a hilarious ‘joke’ the two lovebirds had cooked up. Literally. ‘That’s why I had to use Luna’s bathroom,’ Celestia thought glumly on her bed, still staring intently at her now darkened ceiling. Celestia didn’t like her sister’s bathroom. ‘Who the hell has a mirrored ceiling in their bathroom anyway?’ she thought miserably. The answer was Luna, obviously. ‘Why? Why of all things, a mirrored ceiling in the bathroom?’ she knew exactly why, and that just made her blush horribly. ‘Yeah…that’s why.’ At least, Cheerilee didn’t seem to mind the mirrored ceiling. ‘At least they have the bodies for mirrored ceilings…’ Celestia thought despondently, resenting the fact that at thirty eight and thirty five respectively, Luna and Cheerilee had very nice, slim, perky and disgustingly slim toned bodies whereas she, at fifty, did not. Looking back at her from the mirrored ceiling – why, again? – was a lived in body with the beginnings of a pot belly that refused to go away no matter how hard she exercised, things drooping and expanding in places where they shouldn’t and the worst thing, the absolute worst thing, wrinkles on her face and grey streaks in her hair. Celestia sighed. Between the Fall Formal, the Musical Showcase / Battle of the Bands, the Friendship Games, Equestria, the school board, the government, her sister, her girlfriend and the fact that she hadn’t gotten laid properly in over ten years while Luna was at it like the proverbial rabbit, she was feeling very tired indeed. So very, very tired and worn out. ‘Old.’ She thought morosely as she yawned, on the way to a restless sleep. ‘I feel old, worn out, fol-de-rol…’ it wasn’t long afterwards, with that thought playing around in her head, along with taunting thoughts of she-demons and Sirens, Celestia drifted into sleep. ~ ~ ~ Luna sat perched on her chair in her playroom, taking a moment to enjoy the sight before her. Cheerilee, her Cheerilee, kneeling before her on the six foot by four foot blue rubber mat. It was always a sight she enjoyed and she doubted she’d ever get tired of it. Especially not tonight. No, tonight was the first night of the summer holidays and she meant to enjoy them. Cheerilee, for her part, couldn't see the excited look on her Mistress’s face due to the thick blindfold covering her eyes. She hadn't been expecting Luna to call tonight. She had hoped to get her marking out of the way and then enjoy the school holidays. As such, unprepared, she had been late showing up at Luna’s place. That was naughty of her. Cheerilee liked being naughty, for the most part. It meant her Mistress would play with her. The thought made her smile in spite of her nervousness. As if her Luna needed an excuse to play with her. Luna knew just how to play with her pet, too. She knew just what Cheerilee liked. Making her wait just a little longer – she knew the anticipation was unbearable – Luna cleared her throat loudly, louder than was necessary to get her pet’s attention. Cheerilee lifted up her head from her chest at the sound but she remained silent. She knew better than to speak without permission once the game had begun. The minute she had crossed the threshold of her Mistress’s house and she had buckled the midnight blue collar around her fuchsia neck the game had begun. After so long together there was no time wasted on build up. Luna slipped off her heeled shoe and ran her bare right foot slowly, teasingly up and down Cheerilee’s thigh. She of course knew about her pet’s propensity for feet, she could understand and see the appeal though she didn’t share the kink to the same level. Still, there was something unspeakably satisfying about having her lover under the soles of her feet, and Cheerilee did make an excellent foot stool. Luna especially enjoyed the silent wordless moan her pet was making at the slightest touch of her toes on her upper thigh. She had dressed as ordered too, tight white tee shirt, yellow mini skirt and no shoes. Her per deserved a reward, even if she had kept her waiting. Then again, Luna had called her at the last minute for a reason… Deciding she’d teased her pet enough, Luna tip-toed her right foot up Cheerilee’s body and tapped her nose with her toes. “Leelee, open your legs.” She commanded simply, affecting her best authoritative ‘vice-principal’ voice. Nodding silently, Cheerilee blushed a little at the use of her pet name as she obediently spread her thighs apart. She felt her short skirt ride up and expose her white cotton panties. “That’s a good pet.” Luna smiled approvingly at how fast she had been obeyed. She liked that about Cheerilee. Always quick to do as she was told. Unless she was being naughty on purpose. She tapped her pet’s nose once more with her toes and she smiled as she started to lay delicate little kisses all up the sole of her foot. While Cheerilee did that, Luna kicked off her other shoe and gently stroked the bridge of it between the kneeling woman’s legs. ‘I couldn’t do this without my feet,’ Luna thought as her blindfolded pet attempted to hump her left foot. ‘She's obsessed with feet, she always has been. She's so…reserved, otherwise.’ Still, she couldn’t just allow her to hump her foot like that, not with how wet and see through her underwear had become in just a few moments. “Leelee, panties!” As she was commanded, Cheerilee lowered her left hand and pulled aside her sodden panties. Luna then swapped her feet, choosing to offer up the one coated in her pet’s own juices to her mouth while she used the big toe of her other foot to flick and rub her exposed clitoris. “Mmmm!” Cheerilee moaned. Unbidden though it was she couldn’t stop herself. She was tongue washing her Mistress’s foot while the other now brushed along the length of her slit. As she had three toes in her mouth sucking and tasting Luna’s heavenly sweaty taste, she had her labia spread apart by the foot she’d just kissed. Cheerilee let out another loud squeak as the big toe and the one next to it entered her sopping wet pussy. She did however manage to control herself when she felt the foot pull out and plunge back, going deeper inside her this time. She knew what her Mistress expected, and she started to buck her hips. She knew Luna liked to watch her hump herself silly on her foot. "Pet! Harder!" At Luna’s command, Cheerilee bucked her hips downwards and she humped herself harder, even managing to get all the toes of her Mistress’s foot deep in her dripping pussy. "Breasts!” Luna commanded sharply. “Now, pet." Obligingly the fuchsia submissive used her free right hand to yank up the hem of her tight white tee, exposing her pert breasts which, Luna was pleased to see, where not constrained in a bra. “Mistress...” Cheerilee moaned, her toes curling underneath her a sure fire sign that she was close, as her owner teased her breasts with her foot, tweaking the hard nipples between her skilful toes. “AAaaAAAAH...aaaaaah please, please can I cum?” Luna smirked. She loved her pet’s obedient silence, but she loved to hear her beg as well. “Not yet my pet, take my foot deeper first!” Immediately Cheerilee did as she was told, she spread her knees as far apart on the rubber mat as she could physically manage, sinking right down on Luna's foot just as her nipples were squeezed hard between her toes. “AAAaaaAAH!” she pulled off of the toes in her mouth to let loose the throaty scream. “I love your feet, Mistress!” “What do you love, pet?” Luna asked with a teasing smile in her voice. She was grateful, not for the first time that her sister’s bedroom was at the opposite end of their house. Still, she fancied Celestia could hear them playing. “Nggh…MMmmMMM I love kissing them, I love licking them!” Cheerilee panted breathlessly, hovering on the verge of her climax. “MMMM! I love licking the sweat and cum from your perfect feet, Mistress!” So very proud of her lover, her soulmate and her pet, Luna nodded even though she was blindfolded. “You may cum, my lovely pet.” “AAaaaAAAAA YEEEEEEES!” Cheerilee screamed as she came, squirting all over her Mistress’s foot and the rubber mat while Luna lightly smacked her breasts with the sole of her other foot. Luna enjoyed the view as her pet slowly came down from her climax. When she opened her eyes, the vice-principal tutted. “Tsk, tsk Leelee, you went and made an awful mess.” To accentuate her point, Luna swirled her toes in the pool of cum spreading out on the mat around her pet’s knees. “Please clean it up. Now.” Luna felt such a wave of pride and love for her submissive girlfriend as without question she got her face down onto the rubber mat and started to lick it clean. She was in no doubt she’d do it even from the floor, but there was no need to test that theory. She knew her Leelee worshipped her. “MMmmm that’s good, pet,” Luna breathed when the mat was clean, “But you were a naughty pet weren’t you? Making me wait like that. Now, panties off, turn around and bend over.” Obediently, Cheerilee stood up just long enough to shimmy her wet panties down to the mat and as she stepped out of them she turned her back to her lover and knelt blindly back down, her knees spread wide and – with the yellow mini skirt doing nothing to cover her – she held her now naked ass high in the air facing towards her Mistress. Slowly, torturously slowly, Luna ran the bridge of her foot along Cheerilee's crotch, keeping her subdued and bent over with her other foot on the small of her back. “Were you naughty, Leelee?” “Yes Mistress!” Luna stroked her foot harder now, grinding the bridge into Cheerilee’s pussy. “What did you do?” “I was late Mistress. I kept you waiting.” Cheerilee’s face burned with a fierce blush. She knew there was nothing she could’ve done about getting here sooner, but she wasn’t about to argue. A good pet is ready for her Mistress at all times. That was the rule and this was the game. And she liked how they played. “You are a very naughty pet!” Luna barked, fully immersed in her role. She knew how her lover liked to be punished, with the very feet that gave her pleasure. Lifting up her left foot, Luna brought it down as hard as she could to spank her perfect round ass cheeks. “I want you to count, Leelee.” “One,” Cheerilee gasped as pain flourished across her raised butt. “One, Mistress!” “Very good. Keep count now, pet.” Luna’s voice was even as she raised her other foot and landed a firm slap on her pet’s other cheek. “Two, Mistress!” Cheerilee squeaked into the mat. She could feel her ass already start to sting. “Hmm...” Luna pretended to think aloud. “Let’s see if we can go all the way to ten today, Leelee.” As Cheerilee quivered silently into the rubber mat, Luna deftly landed two swift glancing spanks on both of her reddening ass cheeks. “Three...f-four...AAaaaAAAAH!” Cheerilee squealed in pain, her reddened ass getting a much darker shade, welts and bruises starting to appear. “F-FiiiIIIiiIIIIVE! S-SIX!” As soon as she said ‘six’, Luna raised up both of her feet together and she placed a very hard spank on both of her pet’s bruised cheeks. “SEEEEEVEN!” Cheerilee screamed a very real scream as her girlfriend hit two spots already hurting. “AaaaAAAA FUUUUUCK! EEEEEEIGHT!” “Mmmm…” Luna murmured, using the sound to mask the fact she was looking over her pet’s tenderised behind. She knew how far to push her, and she knew she wouldn’t take much more of this. She also knew her pet liked to push herself to please her. ‘Just a couple more, then we can snuggle.’ “We're nearly there now, pet.” Changing it up, Luna unexpectedly dropped her left foot to rest on the mat between her pet’s spread open legs and, bringing it up sharply, unexpectedly, earning herself a satisfyingly wet smacking sound as she kicked Cheerilee’s pussy hard. “GaaaaAAAAH!” Blindfolded, Cheerilee never saw the kick coming. Her dark world erupted in pain from her abused groin. She kicked her legs on the mat and pounded it with her balled up hands. OOoooOW OOOOW! OOooOOOW!” she wailed, clutching her hands to her sopping wet crotch. Luna watched her lover’s reaction carefully, gauging how far to go next. She noted, with a wry smile, her pet hadn’t counted the last number. “Number, pet!” she demanded firmly when she was sure she was in a fit state to continue. “AAAAH...OOW!” Cheerilee moaned, still not letting go of her crotch. She could feel her labia swelling with blood from the force of the kick she had received. “Pleeeeeeease Mistress!” while she had discussed with Luna about going this far before, it had still been a damn shock when she couldn’t see it coming. Luna ignored her whimpering pleas. “I said number, pet!” “AAH...I...I d-don't kn-know!” this much was definitely true. With all the pain she was currently experiencing, Cheerilee had completely lost count. She wouldn’t even know what number to guess. “Then we start over from one.” Luna said simply as she rested her foot back at Cheerilee's crotch, readying another kick. “N-No M-Mistress pleeease no!” “Ready pet, from one.” Luna smiled. She knew her lover would use her safeword if things got too much. She had a hunch though she wouldn’t be long, if her body language was anything to go by. Teasingly she rubbed her foot along her pet’s puffy labia and menacingly she dropped her foot. Cheerilee didn’t hesitate. As soon as Luna lowered her foot she knew she’d had enough. The pain wasn’t fun anymore. She knew what to do, what she had to do. “Daffodils!” she called out clearly, making sure she was heard. Luna was ready for the safeword. As soon as the first part of the word left her pet's lips she was off her chair and on her knees beside her on the mat. A second later and she had the tear stained blindfold removed and she was cuddling her girlfriend’s head in her lap. Cheerilee was crying, that was to be expected. Their sessions were always intense. Luna lovingly stroked her hair in that way she knew calmed her. “Shh my love…Lulu’s here, it’s alright, you did well tonight,” she kissed her ear, “I’m proud of you.” Unfortunately, there was no chance to say what she wanted to say next, as right at that moment they both heard anguished terrified screams coming from the other end of the house. Cheerilee jerked her head up from Luna’s lap and the two women shared a very knowing, very alarmed look. They both recognised those screams. “Lulu…” Cheerilee breathed as she was hefted up to her bare feet, “she’s having the dream again!” “I know,” Luna replied tersely as she led the way at a brisk jog out of her playroom and down the hall to her sister’s bedroom, “it’s been the same every night this week!” Luna’s face was set and grim. This was the fifth night in a row now that her sister had been tormented by this same dream, and on and off she’d been having it ever since the Friendship Games. Something had to be done. She only hoped as they ran to her aid that Celestia was alright. ~ ~ ~ Celestia was running. She was running harder and faster than she had done in a very long time. Panting hard, her breath came in short ragged gasps, her exhalations appearing visibly before her eyes. “Gah!” She gasped out as a deep striking pain hit her in the side of her belly. She didn’t want to, but she stopped running and, bending almost double she rested her right forearm against the nearest twisted tree trunk for support. ‘A tree…’ she thought, fighting down a wave of nausea. ‘I’m in a forest…why am I in a forest? Wait, why am I naked?’ she realised she was in fact stark naked as she looked down at her slightly pudgy belly and her long legs. Definitely naked. ‘Okay, I’m in a forest, naked, running, and naked. What, why am I running?’ as she looked around, which was somewhat hard to do in the half-light gloom she found herself in, she tried to get her bearings. The forest, deep dark and foreboding, was scary but somehow strangely familiar, like she’d been here before but not for a long time. Suddenly, the question of why she was running was rather abruptly answered when a glowing green fireball shot past her naked shoulder and ignited the tree she was using for support. “Aaaah!” With a scream, she backed off and began to run again as the very tall, very red demonic form of Sunset Shimmer flew after her between the trees. “Celestia! Come out and play!” Celestia however did not stop. Fighting down a very sick feeling growing in the pit of her gut she ran faster, her large sagging breasts slapping against her chest as she ran between the trees, trying to put as much distance between herself and her pursuer as she could. “Celeeeeeeestia! Where aaaaaare you?” Sunset Shimmer lazily flapped her wide leathery wings as she hovered through the twisting gnarled trees. With an evil glint in her eyes she caught sight of her fleeing prey. Summoning her dark magic she readied two fireballs in the palms of her clawed hands and sent them both flying at once towards their target. Celestia however did not stop running, nor did she leave the cover of the trees. Pushing herself ever harder she crashed into the undergrowth, ignoring the pain she felt as her bare feet were cut many times over by sharp rocks and bracken. Instinctively she ducked and one fireball went over where her head had just been to explode a tree in front of her. Panicked, she turned to the left only for the second magical missile to burn the ground where she wanted to go. ‘I'm being herded!’ Celestia thought, quickly turning to the right now and running as fast as she could through the gloomy twisted trees. She had no doubt the she-demon chasing her could finish her off at any time should she choose to. Unfortunately the knowledge that she was being herded didn’t help much. “Uh-uh!” Sunset Shimmer cried out the taunting warning as she sent more fireballs towards her quarry, now directing her to the left and straight ahead of her. “Not that way, Celly, c’mon, the game’s not over yet!” Desperately panting now, Celestia faked one way then quickly turned the other, ducking behind a particularly large oak tree. Gasping for breath that just wouldn’t come, the naked woman glanced up at the tree and a shock of recognition coursed through her when she saw the ‘Celly & Lulu best sisters 4 eva!’ carved into the rough bark. She knew that tree. That meant she knew where she was. “The Everfree Forest…” the moment she realised where she was, the dark forest seemed to brighten up. All of a sudden, as if the knowledge of the forest’s name bought everything into sharper brighter detail, Celestia found she could see further where she was being directed. Unfortunately her respite didn’t last very long. In a shower of effervescent green magic the oak tree that was her brief sanctuary erupted, hurling the white-skinned woman forward into the brush. “Found you!” Sunset Shimmer crowed triumphantly as Celestia pulled herself to her feet. The breath she had managed to recover had been driven from her by the force of the impact, thorns, brambles and sharp stones resulting in numerous little cuts all over her thighs, belly and chest. Another explosion of green magic behind her spurred her onwards, though she knew by now to where she was being herded. ‘Lookout Point’, she thought miserably as she ran on, heat burning her ankles and her back never allowing her to slow more than her pursuer wanted her to. She hated this part of the forest, she always had done, even as a kid back when she had been young. “Ngggh…aaaaah!” she cried out as she tripped, her foot caught in a tree root. It didn’t help she was being chased uphill now. Lookout Point was a four hundred feet cliff overlooking Camp Everfree below it. You could see for hundreds of miles in every direction. If you liked heights, which Celestia did not. Not at all. Not in the slightest. Still, she had no choice. The she-demon’s fireballs kept her running. Only…only they weren’t. It took Celestia five minutes of hard running before she realised she wasn’t being fired upon. Hesitantly she cast a glance over her shoulder back the way she had come and sure enough, she was alone. It was only now, after countless minutes of breathless running, as she started to breathe normally, did she try and take stock. It was Sunset. Sunset Shimmer, back in her demon form. Try as she might she couldn’t figure it out. Not here, not now. A more pressing concern was why was she naked? Turning around, her chest still heaving, she made her mind up to get down to the camp below. Timber or Gloriosa would help. She knew them, and they wouldn’t pry too deep as to her current state of undress. She didn’t get very far. Celestia hadn’t taken more than two steps back down the slope when she found she couldn’t move her left foot. Looking down, she saw why. A thick black vine with vicious looking sharp thorns sprouting out of it had erupted from the ground and wrapped itself around her ankle. “Wh-What the…oooow!” she squealed with pain as the vine tightened around her leg when she tried to move, digging the points of the thorns into her skin. “Gaaaah!” the more she struggled, the deeper they dug in, holding her fast. She hadn’t noticed a second vine wrapping itself around her right ankle as well. By the time she did notice, she realised she was trapped. Wincing as blood trickled from the multiple punctures, she looked around to find the source of the vines. She didn’t have to look far. “Going somewhere, Celly?” A very dangerous, silky, voice rife with power and malice made her look up. “Tw-Twilight?” Celestia gaped, her mouth hanging open and her eyes the size of dinner plates. “You wish.” Hovering into view, floating a few inches above the rough broken ground, Midnight Sparkle smiled the smile of a snake teasing a cornered rodent. Celestia didn’t want to accept this. First Sunset Shimmer back in her demon form and now this, her newest student had apparently, if her senses were to be believed, given in to her personal demon as well. “M-Mi-Midnight!” “Bingo!” As Midnight Sparkle hovered closer and closer, Celestia renewed her efforts to escape, blood flowing freely from the thorns piercing her white flesh. “N-No!” she was on the verge of a very big freak out. All her demons from the past year were haunting her here and now, in a place she had long considered safe. “Please! Let me go! Leave me alone!” “Shh…” Midnight Sparkle lit her twisted horn and two more vines exploded from the earth to wrap themselves like steel cables around her wrists. The thorns there, while shorter were no less sharp and they immediately dug into her wrists, crimson liquid trickling down her hands. “Twilight please! Let me go! Pleeeeease!” Celestia, in a panic, writhed in a futile attempt to get away. This of course just made the vines tighten their grip. “It’s. Midnight. Sparkle.” the she-demon didn’t raise her voice. She did however keep her horn lit. She punctuated each word with a new vine. The first wove its way down from an overhead tree branch and wrapped around the struggling captive’s slender neck. The second came down with the first and wrapped itself around Celestia’s head like a spiked thorny gag, the thorns silencing her as they bit into her tongue. “There. That’s better. Now we can talk, hmm?” Midnight Sparkle seemed very pleased with her efforts. She looked on approvingly as blood now seeped from her prisoner’s neck and the corners of her mouth. “Hmm, much better.” she hovered to within a few inches of Celestia’s face, her fingers stroking seductively down the principal’s face and to her shoulder. “MmmMMPH! MMMM! UuuuUUUNAAAAAAA!” Celestia, in spite of her bonds, struggled until the vines grew so tight around her they threatened to choke her and cut her tongue in half. Blood mixed with drool to coat her chest. “Hush.” Midnight Sparkle commanded and, just like that, silence fell on them both. “I’d hate to have to put out your eyes. I can do. Would you like that?” Very carefully and slowly, Celestia shook her head. “Good.” Midnight smiled as again she almost tenderly caressed her captive’s face. “After all, the others aren’t here yet. They’d hate to miss the show.” ‘Others?’ Celestia thought, her chest heaving as she tasted her own blood in her mouth. ‘What others? What’s going on here?’ Again, Celestia’s unspoken question was answered. Again, she didn’t like the answer. Not in the slightest. Flying through the air towards her were three Equestrian mer-creatures that made Celestia weep in sheer terror. She wanted to scream as the Sirens flew closer but thanks to Midnight Sparkle’s vines, no sound escaped her but for a guttural groan. Coming up on the other side was a maniacally grinning Sunset Shimmer. In the circumstances, Celestia thought her body’s reaction to piss itself was entirely justified. Midnight and Sunset just laughed at this humiliating display, while the Sirens landed and Adagio Dazzle began to sing. ‘How?’ Celestia thought as her own hot pee turned the ground muddy around her feet. ‘How can they sing? They were beaten! They were all beaten!’ “Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh You didn't know that you fell. Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh Now that you're under our spell.” Adagio Dazzle sang as she swayed ever closer to the bound Celestia who had at this point given up any and all attempts at getting free. Already, little tendrils of ethereal green energy were snaking their way from the lead Siren’s pendant over the floor to Celestia’s bleeding feet. “Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh Captured in the web of my song. Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh Soon you'll be singing along.” Try as she might, Celestia just couldn’t not listen. She was as powerless to resist the deadly sweet soothing song now as she had been back at the Musical Showcase. Her eyes, which had been wide with fear and terror, glowed a dull green and went unfocussed. Her limbs went slack at her sides. Completely unnoticed by Celestia, the six vines that had been holding her captive released their hold, retreating to the ground and the tree from whence they came. Celestia didn’t move. She didn’t make any attempt to get away. She was completely enthralled by the hypnotic song that Adagio Dazzle was singing. The exact same song she had sung all those months ago. "Aw...poor little principal…” Adagio purred as Aria and Sonata behind her both picked up the song and continued to sing. Adagio ran her hoof along Celestia’s still-bleeding jaw. “You use clothing like armour against the world yet here you are, naked, exposed, vulnerable and ashamed…” “Y-Yes Adagio.” Celestia’s voice was thick and slurred, as if drugged. She swayed on the spot in time with the Siren’s sinuous movements. Smirking at just how easily her prey had been captured and ensnared, Adagio continued, “Running away from all your problems, hiding in your house, hiding behind your sister, hiding from the world…you’re weak, Celestia, a weak and tired old woman…” “Yes, Adagio.” Celestia wanted to protest this, but she found she couldn’t. The thought died on its journey from her brain to her mouth. Instead she just agreed, because she knew it was true. “You fear the loss of control so much,” Adagio purred in Celestia’s ear, licking her lobe. “You have such a fear of failure that you can barely keep hold of your sanity let alone your school.” Aria and Sonata changed the tempo of the song they were singing and, under its insidious influence, the principal turned around to face the cliff top of Lookout Point. “If you want to run that badly, go ahead and run.” Celestia blinked as she saw the cliff, her fear of heights cutting through the hypnotism of the Siren’s song. Seeing her prey’s hesitation, Adagio once more joined the song. “Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh Listen to the sound of my voice. Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh Soon you'll find you don't have a choice.” With Adagio’s voice in her mind washing over her like a soothing balm, Celestia’s body lost all its tension and she obeyed the Siren’s song. Moving one foot in front of the other she started to walk towards the cliff edge. In a few steps her stride had lengthened and just before the edge she was running. Adagio smirked a nasty smirk and just as Celestia was one step away from the edge of the four hundred foot cliff face, she motioned for her sisters to stop singing. Coming back to her senses just as her left foot was a step away from the edge, Celestia blinked, horrible realisation dawning upon her as her befuddled brain processed what was happening. By then it was of course too late. Despite trying to stop, her momentum carried her inexorably onwards. One stride later and Celestia’s right foot hit nothing but air. Her left foot followed suit. The next thing her brain processed was that she was falling. As she rotated in her fall, she saw on the crest of the cliff edge the laughing faces of Sunset Shimmer, the Sirens and Midnight Sparkle, her tormentors relishing in her impending doom. Downwards she fell, head first towards the very sharp, very pointy boulders below. Celestia closed her eyes as she fell, she didn’t want to see the ground rushing towards her. She did however scream, and scream long and hard. She knew she had to go at some point, but not like this. “Celestia!” A voice she vaguely recognised called out her name in the darkness as the wind rushed past her on the way down. “Celestia!” That voice again. Still she didn’t open her eyes. “Celestia!” Strange. She didn’t feel like she was falling anymore. Had she already hit the boulders? Was she dead? “Celestia! Celestia wake up!” Celestia suddenly felt a rough jerk on her shoulders that definitely was not boulders and with another scream she sat bolt upright in her bed, covered in a sheen of sweat all over her naked body, her eyes wide open to see a very worried and scared Luna and Cheerilee looking back at her, each with a hand holding her own. ~ ~ ~ "What?" Celestia, now showered, dried and wearing her favourite fluffy white bathrobe and golden yellow slippers, asked her sister for what was the fifth time. Annoyingly, Luna had remained silent throughout the whole time since she had awoken from her nightmare. Her younger sister hadn’t said anything thus far. She hadn’t needed to. She’d quietly ordered her into the shower while with a few nods of her head she had ordered Cheerilee to tidy her bedroom. Luna, for her part, merely studied her older sister intently as she had done for the past few moments since she had emerged from the shower wrapped in her bathrobe. She knew what was eating away at her, she could see the lines etched into her face and the grey in her hair that hadn’t been there before the incident with Sunset Shimmer. She knew full well about the nightmares that plagued her almost every day for the past two months since the Friendship Games. What she didn’t know was what to do about it. Celestia was distracted and that bothered her greatly. As Luna looked at her, her sister instead looked at the bookcases, the TV, the stereo, the windows, anywhere except where Luna was sat in her leather arm chair. “What?” Celestia asked again from her chair – a match for her sister’s own, her voice had a barely masked air of irritation now. “Lulu, what, already?” Before Luna could reply, Cheerilee came bustling back into the living room from the kitchen. Naked but for the ever-present midnight blue collar around her neck, she stepped smartly despite the dull ache in her crotch, the after effects of her play time earlier. She carried a silver tray with a mug bearing a black coffee for her Mistress and a cup of jasmine tea for Celestia. “Mistress,” she said with a smile as she set the tray down on the coffee table between them, “the third load of laundry is in the washing machine, the first two are in the dryers and the dirty cups are all cleaned as you ordered.” she finished her report with a respectful bow. “Very good, Leelee.” Luna nodded to her pet while Celestia rolled her eyes at having filled the washing machine three times over with the dirty clothes piling on her bedroom floor. “You’ve earned a rest.” Luna patted the side of the leather chair. “You may use your cushion.” Again, Celestia rolled her eyes as Cheerilee scampered over to her sister’s chair and knelt down on the midnight blue cushion on the floor beside it. She tried her best to ignore the fact that her school librarian was naked. She admitted she didn’t ‘get’ the relationship she and Luna had, but, they were both happy and they kept it strictly private, so who was she to criticise? Not that she was jealous, not at all. ‘Oh no,’ she thought, ‘not at all…’ Luna reached for her mug and took a deep draught of her black coffee. Sitting back in her chair she tilted Cheerilee’s head up and, kissing her deeply she transferred some coffee to her fuchsia skinned lover. Looking up, she just caught sight of her sister’s third eye roll. ‘Right…I’m not having this!’ she thought as she gave Celestia a very serious look. “Celly. I sympathise with your nightmares, but that’s the third time you’ve rolled your eyes at my Leelee. I’ll ask you nicely once to stop it.” ‘Busted.’ Celestia fidgeted and perched herself on the edge of her chair. “Lulu, Cheerilee, I’m sorry.” “Accepted.” Luna took another drink of her coffee and once again shared it with her pet before sitting back in her chair. She steepled her fingers together as she stared holes straight through her sister. “I’ve spoken with you already about these dreams and what they mean, what I believe their significance is and…” “Lulu,” Celestia interrupted her younger sister before taking a sip of her jasmine tea, “I know you’ve been studying dream therapy and interpretation. Don’t lecture me, I’m not here for you to practise on.” the very moment the sentence left her lips, Celestia regretted it. She regretted it the very moment she saw the twitch in her sister’s right eye. “Luna, I’m sorry.” “Accepted, again,” Luna replied tersely, before reaching for her coffee. This mouthful she didn’t share, it was more a move to allow her to compose her thoughts and not throw something at her sister. “Now, these nightmares. I’ve said before now what I think they mean, what they represent. I won’t repeat myself, but if I were to advise you, I’d say that as the summer holidays have just started…” “A vacation!” without thinking, Cheerilee cut across her Mistress. She’d been listening quietly this whole time and she came to the logical conclusion the same time Luna had. “Hmm…” Luna frowned and fetched her pet a sharp tap on her nose that made her eyes water. “When spoken to, Leelee.” she turned back to her sister with a tiny smile as her lover made a teeny little whimper at the tap she had received. “Leelee’s right, however. I was going to suggest a vacation to you. You need to get this out of your system, Celly, before it makes you seriously ill.” Celestia took a moment to digest that as she drank the rest of her jasmine tea. Whatever she thought about Luna’s and Cheerilee’s relationship, odd though it was, she had to admit she made a good cup of tea. When her cup was emptied she sat back and for the first time looked at her sister. “I agree.” “You do?” Luna couldn’t believe it had been that easy to talk her sister into a vacation. She’d been trying for years to do just that. “Yes I do.” Celestia smiled as she watched her sister lovingly stroke her girlfriend’s ear. “I’ve been thinking, I’m going to take a week, and hike through the Everfree Forest.” “I beg your pardon?” Cheerilee asked, well aware she might get another tap on her nose for speaking out but unable to stop herself. She knew as well as Luna the content of the nightmares that Celestia had been having. “I just wanted to know,” she continued quietly as she suddenly became the centre of attention, “of all the places, why there?” “Leelee has a point, Celly,” Luna said gently. This time she didn’t reprimand her pet as she thought she did indeed have a good point. Instead she saved it up for a punishment later. She had just the one in mind for a talkative pet. “Why the Everfree Forest?” “Well,” Celestia paused for a moment before she continued, “the nightmares have had different antagonists; Sunset Shimmer, the Sirens, Midnight Sparkle, but they’ve all shared the same location. Namely, the Everfree Forest. So, it stands to reason that whatever the cause is, it’s got something to do with the forest in some way.” Luna snickered at that. “Are you sure it’s not to do with the rumours of monsters appearing in the forest that are going around CHS?” Celestia actually smiled a genuine smile at her sister’s joke. “No, Lu, I don’t. Besides, we went camping up there in the forest every year with mother and father when we were little girls.” “Yes, sister of mine,” Luna started, “but you aren’t a little girl anymore, are you?” the moment she said that she saw the twitch in her sibling’s eye and knew she’d said the wrong thing. Even Cheerilee had gently slapped her leg in admonishment for her slip of the tongue. “Forgive me, Celly, I just meant, I mean, I want…ugh…I’m concerned, I just want to know you’re up for it, physically…” “I’m fine.” “Celly…” “I said, I’m fine.” Luna sighed a deep sigh. She recognised she’d overstepped her boundaries and she especially knew when her sister had closed her borders, and she knew it was useless to pursue it. Instead she changed tack. “Besides which, don’t all your nightmares end with you jumping off of Lookout Point?” Celestia bit back the response she wanted to throw back at her sister. Instead she took a deep breath and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Eventually she opened her eyes. “Then, I’ll stay away from Lookout Point. Perhaps I’ll go polish up our sundial in the camp instead?” Luna frowned deeply at both at her sister and at her lover, who was laughing at her side. When Cheerilee saw Luna’s frown she stopped laughing. Celestia smiled, safe in the knowledge she’d got one over on her younger sister. “Tomorrow, or rather later today,” she amended when she remembered it was still only three a.m., “I’ll go to Guide Rope’s outdoors shop and get what I need then, this afternoon, I’ll set off for the Everfree Forest.” “Oh, you’re going to Guide’s shop?” Luna asked sweetly. “In that case, would you be a dear and get me some rope too?” This time when Celestia rolled her eyes it wasn’t challenged. “Lu, you have more than enough rope,” she replied, smirking a little when she saw the slightly worried look on Cheerilee’s face. “As well as enough other toys to set up your own shop,” she added quietly with a blush. Not that she was jealous. ‘No, not at all.’ “Hmm, that’s true.” Luna smirked with not the slightest trace of irony or shame in her voice. However when Cheerilee yawned beside her she was reminded of the lateness of the hour. “But, for now I suggest we all go to bed.” she shot her pet a devious smile. “After all, some pet has a long day ahead of her tomorrow…” “Ugh…” at that, Celestia got up and, to the accompanying giggles from her sister and her girlfriend, she slouched her way to her now very clean bedroom. ‘I’m not jealous…not at all…’ she thought determinedly as she flopped onto her bed after kicking her door shut. ‘Yeah right,’ her brain thought rebelliously, ‘you’d love to be treated like that and you know it.’ “Shut up,” Celestia said out loud to her empty bedroom, before sighing at how useless that gesture was. ‘Damn it, I really need to get away from it all,’ she thought sadly as she closed her eyes. Then, she started to imagine everything that Cheerilee and her sister would be getting up to while she’d be away. That just made her feel hot and bothered in a very uncomfortable way. ‘Ugh…I so need a man!’ ‘No,’ she thought to herself as she drifted on the edge of consciousness, ‘you need a man to treat you like Luna treats Cheerilee…to love you like she loves her…’ “Shut up,” she mumbled, half asleep. Still, she couldn’t deny herself. And, for the next seven hours, her dreams were very pleasant indeed. > Chapter 2 - What More Is Out There? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Glmmmph!” Principal Celestia gagged on the cock invading her mouth and throat. Drool and slobber leaked profusely from her mouth, soaking the large, flat moss-covered rock that she was bent over. After a couple more hard thrusts that threatened to make her retch, the mottled grey shaft was pulled harshly from her wet mouth. “Hmmm!” she whimpered, as the medial ring and then the flared tip was pulled from her stretched throat. Through watering eyes she looked up at the owner of the cock in question. She couldn’t really do much else. Stripped naked, her clothed piled up beside the rock she was bent over, there was a makeshift bridle made from lengths of rope taken from her rucksack secured around her head. Her hands, tied flat behind her back so that her forearms rested upon each other, were tied to the bridle with more rope. The pale grey centaur just looked down at the white skinned woman and smiled a wide satisfied smile. He hadn’t said a word the whole time that he had spent thrusting his eighteen-inch shaft down the bound fifty year old woman’s throat. He just gave her a nod as he walked around the large flat rock to admire her exposed upturned ass. Celestia’s cheeks burned bright red with shame and embarrassment. She was well aware that the years had not been kind to her body and if you were being kind, you’d say it was ‘lived in’. Her captor however didn’t seem to mind her pudgy belly, her large sagging breasts or her thighs. Behind her now, satisfied that his cock was well lubricated from its time spent in his prisoner’s throat, he reared up onto his hind legs with a loud neigh and, with his forehooves firmly planted either side of her shoulders, he moved to mount. His front legs stretched forward, almost as if he was reaching out, before coming down and wrapping around Celestia’s shoulders either side of her neck. Instantly, she noticed the immense weight being put upon her back. Under the large centaur’s muscular body, Celestia couldn't help but feel aroused, even in spite of her bindings. As principal of Canterlot High School, she had to be in charge, in control, the ruler of her empire at all times. Now though, she was here, in the depths of the Everfree Forest, in broad daylight, naked as the day she was born, utterly helpless to do anything and exposed for anyone to see; not to mention that she was about to endure the rutting of her life. She was utterly powerless to stop it and she’d never been more wet and aroused in her life. She didn’t have the words to describe how much she wanted this. How much she needed this. Like a garden hose filled with rushing water, the centaur’s eighteen-inch cock went from standing semi-hard to iron-hard in an instant. Letting out a roaring neigh, he thrust his powerful hips forward. On the first try, his huge spit-covered cock missed its mark and slid up along her back, effectively dry humping her as his heavy swinging balls slapped her ass and his length rubbed along her tightly bound up arms and smearing copious amounts of hot pre along the way. "Ah!" Celestia moaned around the rope bridle that was tied in such a way as to hold her head up. It wasn’t a moan of pain, but from surprise at the amount of heat radiating off of the pale grey centaur’s meat. It was hot, hot and thick and the pre felt like warm soup spattered on her back. It was as if someone lit a log on fire and laid it along her back. And it was long, too, long enough for the flat tip to reach at least part way up her back. ‘Oh...wow.’ In what could only be a snort of frustration, the centaur stamped his hind hooves on the grass beside the rock and, after finding his balance, he moved backwards, dragging the length of his impressive rod down Celestia’s back and leaving a trail of pre-cum in its wake that thoroughly glazed her flabby ass crack. It instantly cooled on contact with the outside air and the bound woman couldn't help but get the shivers. A drop of nervous sweat rolled down her forehead at that moment. While not a virgin by any means, it had nonetheless been a good long while since she’d had a cock in her, and certainly not ever one of this size. She’d been amazed it had fitted in her throat as well as it had. At the last second, she changed her mind and she tried, with no success whatever, to wriggle from under the centaur’s girth. “AAaaaAAH!" the pale grey centaur, seeing his prize ready and waiting, roughly smashed the flat head of his cock hard onto her wet labia. “GAAaaAAH!” she screamed out loud for a second time. She was given absolutely no more time whatsoever to prepare as the cock was pressed harder and harder, pushing aside her slick puffy labia. Surely it wasn't going to fit, as his flat flared tip was bigger around than her whole pussy. Celestia did the only thing she could. She gritted her teeth and tried to take deep breathes through her nose as more and more force was applied. Her pussy may have been desperate and needy and, while it had been serviced in the past, she knew it was nowhere near large enough to accommodate her current suitor, as the head of the massive cock painfully stretched her hole. Suddenly, after a few moments, the centaur stopped moving and for what felt like hours, there was almost a complete and utter stillness from the pale grey centaur positioned above and behind her. This quiet stillness lasted for what literally seemed an eternity even though it was in reality just a few seconds. Celestia wondered what he was waiting for when, with an almighty thrust, he rushed forward to deliver his hardest thrust yet. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Celestia screamed a very loud scream indeed as the massive hard cock finally popped inside. Panting in agonised pain, Celestia’s vulnerable hole had no time to adjust and stretch to accommodate the plunging intruder, as the large thick veiny shaft widened her sopping wet entrance almost to the point of tearing it apart. Her labia, once puffy and full of needy want, was now pulled partway inside, given absolutely no choice at all but to follow along with the massive forced insertion. The copious amounts of pre released did little to alleviate her penetration; it was just too big to take. The centaur fucking her couldn't care less in the slightest. Grinning, he hooked his forehooves over his captive’s shoulders and pulled her back as he retreated from her, his cock dragging her lips back out as well, before savagely plunging back in with all the force he could muster. "OOOH SWEEEEEEEET LOOOOORD!" Celestia wailed. The second time he entered her was somewhat easier than the first, as his huge cock had by now been thoroughly wetted by the combination of both of their lubrication, and he slipped in quickly. Just as Celestia’s stretched walls went back to normal, they were again pushed apart and rounded out, almost forming a perfect circle. The centaur's mottled grey cock was a huge cylinder of flesh and her body couldn't stop from molding to its frame. Finally, at the tail end of his thrust, he plunged deep as he could go and conquered the last remaining inches of her tunnel, battering the entrance to her womb and causing an obscene bulge to appear on Celestia's already pudgy belly. She panted, desperately huffing air in and out of her lungs as fast as she could. It was the only thing she could do to stop herself from screaming again in utter agony. She was full, filled with far more than any woman was meant to be filled with and had been completely and utterly used, without any care for her pain. She was being bred- no, fucked like a mere animal. And Celestia loved it; she loved every single second of it. When the large muscular centaur pulled his hips back again, ready to deliver another thrust, Celestia came. And she came hard, harder than any orgasm she'd ever experienced. None of her other lovers – of which there had been a few, prior to her getting the job at Canterlot High – had ever made her climax like this. The pain she had been forced to deal with only moments prior was suddenly accompanied by unquantifiable amounts of pleasure. She couldn’t understand or explain it; the more painful it was, the better it felt. And right now, bound up the way she was with her own rope from her backpack, bent over the moss covered rock and with the centaur once again slamming his dick back inside, It hurt. It hurt so much. She cried out when his third stiff thrust bottomed out and smacked against her cervix. Wet, hot, salty tears rolled down her cheeks and another pained grunt flew from her lips. It was like night and day. One couldn’t exist without the other and, in that split second of clarity she understood Luna’s relationship with Cheerilee; she got it, right there just as she was getting the centaur’s dominating cock driven back inside her, well past his medial ring to once again batter her cervical wall. As his cock plunged in and out, her eyes rolled into her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Her body, that she had been so conscious of before now, was on fire and acutely aware of every single inch of raging stallionhood that repeatedly impaled her. Suddenly, out of nowhere, there was an unexpected pause. The pale grey centaur stopped moving. Underneath him, bound and helpless, breathless and panting, just starting to come down from her first orgasm, Celestia greedily swallowed down great, gulping lungfuls of air while she still could. Then, the fifty year old principal screamed as he delivered a particularly vicious thrust. Her eyes rolled in her head and another hateful thrust came, hard and strong. Suddenly, the centaur's thrusting cock was in overdrive. Plunging in and out, sawing in deep, splitting her body in half, faster than she ever thought possible. With her eyes still rolled inside her head, Celestia could do nothing but howl in the most intense mixture of pleasure and pain she had ever felt as her captor fucked her in earnest. There was no time for Celestia to breathe anymore. The sheer mass of the dick spearing her rapaciously would slide out, only to mercilessly slam home once more, bludgeoning her insides again and again and again like an untiring jackhammer. With each thrust her gut bulged comically, or it would were it not squashed onto the rock beneath her. A particularly forceful thrust managed to cram even more centaur cock into her battered ravaged body. She could only imagine what a sight this all was. Her long pink, green and blue – with streaks of grey – coloured hair was plastered to her scalp and her back. She was covered in a sheen of sweat, she had spit and drool leaking from her mouth, tears leaving salty tracks on her cheeks and cum leaked from her stuffed pussy. Though she was desperately ashamed and embarrassed by her body, right then, she really wanted to be seen being mounted by a fifty stone creature that by all accounts shouldn’t exist and taking his huge cock like a mare in heat. She badly wanted to be seen, by her sister, by the school, by her staff, her students, anyone. She didn’t care. She had been reduced to a drooling, moaning mess of a woman who… It was all too much. Way too much. "Oh god, oh god, oh god!" her climax building up inside her once again, Celestia could feel the hot heavy breathing of the creature above her and she could tell that he was just as close as she was. "Please…please cum! Please Master please!” she begged. There was nothing else for her to do. She was her Master’s slut. She was his property and he had claimed her mind, body and soul. She belonged to him as completely as any submissive had been claimed by her dominant. “Master please! I need your cum please!” she begged again, lost to her world of pained pleasure. She was right on the edge when the centaur above her could hold it in no longer and, with and ear shatteringly loud neigh, thrust his mighty cock deep and let go of all his pent up seed. "Yes,” Celestia moaned, “give me all of it, please Master!” The pale grey centaur was only too willing to oblige. One last thrust pierced her cervix sending boiling hot semen deep into her womb as the huge cock grazed her tunnel. It was like white lava. Slow and heavy, hot and thick. Rich with his essence. When the flood of white coated her walls and erupted into her womb, any resistance she had left crumbled. Her senses short circuited for a precious few seconds. She couldn't remember clenching her eyes. From the core of her body, she SHOOK. She shook from her pudgy belly all the way to the tips of her toes; her entire body taken over by a tidal wave of sensations. Celestia couldn’t even muster the energy to moan her delight. So enormous was her climax, that her lungs even refused to allow her to breathe. Given how much prime centaur seed had invaded her orifices, she wondered how long it had been since her Master had cum at all. With his thick cock and even thicker flared head thoroughly plugging the way out, the thick semen had no choice but to pool inside her abused womb. Finally, the torrent of white ceased. A snort from above was all the warning Celestia was given before her Master slowly backed up. With a pull as savage as the thrusts he had utilised just mere moments before, the centaur pulled his member from her tightly plugged hole. Suddenly, Celestia was pulled backwards, for she had no grip on the moss covered rock due to her arms being tightly bound behind her back to her rope bridle, she slid onto the grass and the contents of her now very pregnant-looking belly sloshed around inside her. Her Master tugged his flare against the well battered ring of muscle and, painfully, with a very loud splatting noise, it popped free, an act that sent much of the cum she had been given gushing out of her onto the grassy floor of the gully, like a torrential white waterfall. With her body absolutely wrecked, her legs shaky, and no eighteen inches of her Master's thick cock to support her, Celestia collapsed face first onto the grassy gully floor. Ignoring the sharp pain in her arms from being tightly bound behind her, she rolled onto her back and stared up at the clear blue sky. Her eyes unfocused, she was too tired and exhausted to care that she was drenching herself in the very puddle of fluids that she had helped to create. Stepping to the side, the pale grey centaur bent his legs and sat in the clean grass next to his shuddering pet. With a smile on his handsome equine face he leant in and kissed Celestia’s forehead. He then reached for the shining opal stone that was held on the part of the rope bridle that went across her head. “Time to wake up, my lovely pet,” he said quietly, calmly, as he removed the dream stone from its mounting. ~ ~ ~ The mid-morning sun beat down on Moonsilver’s back, dappled somewhat by the overhanging trees that lined the edge of the rocky gully twenty feet above him. The pale grey centaur had a very concerned look plastered all over his equine muzzle as he looked down at the sleeping human beneath him. He knew full well this contact was forbidden by the rules of his kind and yet, there was something about her that stirred him. Once he had taken the opal dream stone from her forehead, he pulled back from her and gave her a cursory look over. He saw where her leg was trapped by the wedge of rocks that kept it bent in a way he surmised her foot was not meant to go. It was a simple matter however to heave away the heavy key stone that kept her foot lodged in tight. “I hope your sleep deadens the pain I'm about to give you.” Moonsilver didn’t want to risk harm to this creature, in fact, he gave silent thanks to Helios and Asclepius that she was still alive at all. With that in mind though, he quickly pulled her lower left leg so that the bit of fractured tibia that was poking through the skin was back where it belonged and, remembering his basic healing techniques taught to him by Sagittarius, his hunting mentor, he applied a bandage wrap and a healing aconite stone to the area in order to slow the bleeding and reduce the pain she would no doubt be in. “This is beyond my skill to heal,” he said aloud to Rehanos his faithful eagle, the only other creature there, “but you interest me, human.” With a smile, he made up his mind. Rules be damned. Perhaps the old rules needed updating anyway. Reaching into the shoulder pack he always carried with him on a hunt, he took out an apatite translation stone and some more bandage and, when he had placed the blue stone on her bruised forehead, wrapped it to keep it in place. “Uuuuugh...” Principal Celestia moaned as she fluttered her eyelids open ever so slowly. Instinctively she squinted against the glare of the sun. All she was aware of was that large shape was still there beside her and the pain in her leg was greatly diminished. ‘Why?’ she wondered, a thought that died on her lips when the shape resolved itself into sharper focus. “Whu...wha...who?” she tried to ask three questions at once as she propped herself up on her elbows and blinked herself more awake. Looking up at the large muscular pale grey shape, her mouth hung open comically wide and her brain processed just one word, impossible as it seemed. “Centaur...” Moonsilver smiled down at the prone human. ‘So,’ he thought, ‘not quite the savage we've been lead to believe.’ His smile only widened when he saw her try to get up. Very gently he placed a spade like hand on her chest to keep her down. The healing stone had its limits, after all. “Human, you should not overuse your left arm, and please do not try to stand.” “Oh, okay then,” Celestia replied without thinking, then she looked up at the powerfully built centaur and blinked once more. Only on the second blink did it dawn on her that she could understand him, whereas she was sure she could not before. “I can understand you.” she stated the fact as she reached out with a shaking right hand and prodded his side. Thankfully she got a firm and real feeling from her fingertips. Very lightly, Moonsilver tapped the centre of the human’s white forehead where the bandage held the gem against her skin. “I have placed a gem of languages on you,” he said by way of explanation. “It must touch flesh to work. It seems our native language is not known to you.” Celestia processed this for just a moment. Centaurs. Gems. Magic. One word instinctively flashed through her mind: Equestria. It had to be. She sighed, she had come here to escape that magical nonsense. “I thought it was...familiar…” she blinked against the glare of the sun. Dappled though it was by the trees, the harsh glare was still in her face. Mistakenly, she tried to move. “Aaaaah!” straightaway the pain overcame the aconite and shot through her leg. “Wait, wait,” she hissed as she prodded his lower body again. “You’re real. Really real. A centaur.” ‘Damned Equestrian malarkey,’ she thought to herself, though she was struck by just how handsome this creature was. Perhaps not all Equestrian interlopers were bad. Reaching towards her forehead, Moonsilver gently brushed aside the human’s pastel green, pink and blue hair and he carefully removed the language stone from its temporary mounting. “κένταυρος.” he grinned, seeing her eyes widen as he proved his point on the gems. Still grinning, he placed it back in the bandage. “Centaur, yes that is the name we were given as a race.” Celestia still couldn’t quite believe it. “But...you're real!” she shook her head as if to clear the cobwebs. “I’m sorry, it's just...I thought you were a myth.” She laid herself back down on the grass. “Damn my leg hurts.” Moonsilver nodded at that. Thanks to the magic of their protective air stones, his people had managed to remain hidden in their home. Yet, this human could see him. “It may be better if we stay a myth. Did you come out here to die?” “What? No!” Celestia exclaimed as indignantly as she could, given the fact that the centaur was easily three times her size and she was effectively immobile in the rocky gully. “Why would you say that?” Moonsilver let out a loud snorting laugh. “If I wanted to stay a myth, that is what would have happened to you.” He smiled as her eyes went wide with understanding of what he was implying. He sincerely hoped it wouldn’t come to that extreme though. She interested him, and she seemed intelligent, as well as pretty. For a human. “I ask, should I finish what you started.” “Oh, I see.” Celestia looked away from her saviour, shifting uncomfortably on the grass by the fast moving stream. “Well don't worry, I'm not going to say anything to anyone.” With a faint blush on her white cheeks, she had her left hand on his side. She couldn’t help it. The part of him that was equine rippled with muscle under his fur. It was hot and toned, and she was reminded of her dream from a few moments ago. “I just wanted to camp out, until I fell.” She didn’t know why, but she felt the need to explain herself, “I...I saw, or I thought I saw, something move in the corner of my eye. I turned to see and the next thing I know I'm falling down there.” she pointed to the rocky embankment which still bore evidence of her fall. “Good that you have a thick skull.” Moonsilver laughed as he lightly tapped her head. “Most humans stay near the cabins or tents, but you have wandered deep into the woods.” Celestia couldn’t help but giggle like a little girl. She still hadn’t removed her left hand from his body. “My sister and I used to camp in this wood every year when we were kids. Everyone says the woods are haunted but it never bothered us.” Moonsilver, noticing she was still squinting against the sun, leant in and reclined beside her right side so that his whole upper body was casting a shadow over her. “Most myths and legends are rooted in reality. Plus, who would you tell about me? They will simply think you hit your head hard.” “Hmhmm…” Celestia murmured, her blush deepening noticeably with the very close proximity of the pale grey centaur’s sculpted upper body. “A-Aaaa-actually...y-yeah they would...oh my…” she bit her lip as her thoughts wandered very close to the dream she had just had. Very close indeed. Sniffing this human’s obvious arousal on the air, aided by the fact he was closer to her now, he grinned slyly and decided to test the waters, to see how much of her dream she wanted to become reality. Running a finger slowly down her left cheek, he stopped when he came to a tear in her khaki shirt that exposed her functional bra. “This doesn't seem to offer much protection, human.” “Aaahn...” Celestia moaned, her faint blush now an intense bright red. The heat and moisture in her loins getting hotter and wetter just from the merest touch of his fingertips on her bare skin at the tear in her shirt. “N-No...no, it d-doesn't.” her right hand that had been caressing his flank was now flat on his bare chest. “You're ah, you're so very real.” Smiling, Moonsilver took her slender little hand in his callused one and held her palm over his beating heart. “As real as real can be.” he said as he lowered his head so that his mouth was less than an inch from hers. “More real than your fantasies.” At the very mention of her fantasy dream, Celestia’s eyes, which had been focussed solely on his chiselled muscular body went wide like dinner plates and her pupils were very small. “Wh-What?” Suddenly, her mouth was dry as sandpaper. “How ah, how do you know about that?” For a moment, he was tempted to tell her about the opal dream stone. “I think that should be part of the mystery,” he said instead, changing his mind but smiling broadly as he remained close. “Since you wish to live, do you wish for your fantasy to become a reality?” ‘This can't be happening!’ Celestia thought, her mind suddenly racing a hundred miles an hour, ‘He wants me? Anyone wants me? Oh jeez!’ still blushing profusely, she hesitantly nodded her head. “Y-You mean...” Moonsilver moved back a bit from her, though they were still intimately close to each other. “You should return when you are able,” without warning, he quickly moved forward and very passionately he placed a kiss squarely on her lips, “but, for now you need medical help that I can't give you or there will be no later.” Celestia’s brain short circuited for a moment. ‘He kissed me!’ was all she could process. That, and the fact that her panties had gotten considerably wetter in recent seconds. “I...I want that, I want that so much…” she gasped through an extremely dry mouth as she caressed his cheek. “I can't call for help. My pack was washed away when the boulders fell.” Almost immediately the words left her lips a magnificent black chested snake eagle that had, until now, been behind her out of her vision screeched loudly. Watching her reaction, Moonsilver snickered out a laugh. “What? What's so funny?” Celestia asked, though when she tried to spin her head around, her leg moved a bit too far. Just enough to hurt like the dickens. “Aaaaaah d-damn it!” her exclamation was cut short however when she saw the handsome eagle perched on her backpack. “M-My pack! You bought it back?” Moonsilver was thankful the human was looking the other way at his good friend. She missed his blush. He had asked the eagle to retrieve the lost backpack as it had been his fault it had gone into the stream in the first place. “Rehanos doesn't like things polluting the water.” Celestia was frankly in awe. “You have a pet eagle?” The eagle, Rehanos, screeched at Celestia’s comment, giving the impression it could understand her. Moonsilver chuckled. “I like to say companion, but 'he' likes to say he has a pet centaur.” “Oh um, I didn't mean to cause offence.” Celestia apologised, feeling a tiny bit silly as she did so. “Aaah...Rehanos, um, thank you…” she turned back to the centaur and whispered, “Can he understand me?” “Yes,” Moonsilver nodded and later, Celestia would later swear that the snake eagle was laughing at her, “I think he can.” He pointed out the blue apatite stone the eagle wore in a necklace around his neck. “The stone needs to be fine-tuned to understand such speech, and even then it is limited to one being.” When he stopped speaking, the pale grey centaur had his hand casually resting on the human’s right breast. “I have no way to contact your people.” “I ah...” Celestia blushed hard and, for some reason, she found she quite lost track of what she was saying. She was well aware of her body, notably her sagging breasts and her pudgy belly, but this centaur didn’t seem to mind as he cupped her breast through her shirt. She certainly didn’t mind. “There's ah, a device, in my pack, I can use it to call for help.” With his free hand, Moonsilver gestured towards his companion and Rehanos flapped his impressive wings, dropping the backpack on Celestia’s open left side before flying up to the top of the gully. Genuinely concerned, the centaur looked at the pack. “I hope it is still working.” “Thank you both,” gratefully, Celestia delved into her pack and, after a few moment’s rooting around, she withdrew the brand new satellite phone. She thanked the gods above that she’d let Guide Rope talk her into buying one now. As she dialled 999, the number for the emergency services, Celestia’s thoughts were distracted from the new phone by Moonsilver’s thumb moving in very slow circles over and around her nipple. “Oo-ooh!” her breath hitched as she got the dial tone and her nipple hardened under his touch. “Ooh th-that's nice!” “That it works?” Moonsilver asked innocently as he pinched the hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “Hmmmm it wooOOORKS!” Celestia squeaked in spite of her best efforts not to, “Th-that's ni-nice too...pl-please don't stop...please!” Grinning, safe in the knowledge he was on safe ground, Moonsilver’s light fondling of her breast quickly turned into groping which, he noted with satisfaction, she didn’t attempt to stop. “I'm sure your device will last.” “Y-Yes...I'm sure it will,” Celestia began panting, “wh-what's your name?” “Moonsilver,” he replied, the centaur’s voice calm, confident and commanding as his hand slipped under her bra to grope her naked breast. Just then, as her breast was being mauled and squeezed, the phone connected. “Rescue services,” came a male’s voice down the line, “how may I help you?” “I-I’m Celestia...eeek!” Celestia’s left hand, the one that wasn’t holding the satellite phone, landed on Moonsilver’s and held it, her face pure scarlet that her middle aged sagging bust was felt up, owned, almost. As embarrassed as she was, she liked it. She wanted him to own her. “Aaaah...y-yes,” she spoke to the phone, remembering she was connected, “I ah, I need help, please, I'm stuck in the Everfree Forest.” “Can you walk?” “N- aaah, no,” Celestia answered as best she could, which wasn’t easy as she was getting more and more aroused by the second. It never even occurred to her to ask him to stop. “I've got a broken left foot and leg.” “Please turn on your phone's transponder and I'll dispatch rescue services to your location,” the emergency services operator responded quickly and surely, his voice as calm as Moonsilver’s was. “It will be a helicopter, so it may or may not land near you. They should be there within ten minutes.” “Thank you sir-” Celestia sighed gratefully, though that sigh was mostly directed at the centaur’s educated hands playing her chest like a maestro. “-I appreciate it.” Hanging up the call, she pressed the buttons on the back that turned on the transponder signal. “I must not be seen,” Moonsilver said simply as he moved his equine head down to take Celestia’s hard nipple in his mouth and sucking on it hard enough to earn himself a whimper. He still had no idea how this human had been able to see him, let alone anyone else. “Do you know where you are right now, in the woods?” “MMmmmm y-yeeeees...th-there's an old stone bridge a quarter mile from here!” Moonsilver gave her nipple another hard sucking, then he withdrew and began to replace her bra. As he did, he stated in his calm, commanding voice, “I'm going to trap your foot again. When they see the break they will wonder how you set it. Smile and say, ‘With my foot caught all I had to do is pull away, easy.’” He laughed at that. “That will impress them.” Celestia grabbed his arm with all the strength she could muster as he made to stand up. “I...I want to see you again, Moonsilver, please.” Moonsilver nodded. “Then return to this spot at any time. I, or Rehanos, will see you. I will come as soon as I can. I'm going to remove this healing stone on your leg, it has dulled the pain, but you will need that back when they come.” With that, the pale grey centaur pulled back the bandage and removed the aconite stone. Almost instantly Celestia grunted with the pain that coursed up her leg. “Ow! Will, aaah, will you um…” she blushed again, squeaking this time. “Will you d-dominate me, like I dreamed?” “Maybe.” Moonsilver smiled and slid the healing stone into the front pocket of her ripped khaki shorts, reaching much, much deeper in the process than was necessary. “To work, they must touch your flesh. This stone will let me into your dreamscape.” He held up the white opal and slid that into her pocket as well, groping her mound as he did so. “And this one lets you understand my tongue, but for now you must put it away.” Moonsilver carefully removed the head bandage and he placed the blue apatite in her pocket as well. “Θα κρατήσω τη ζωή σου στο χέρι μου αν μου δώσεις όλη την εμπιστοσύνη σου.” Though she didn’t understand the language now, Celestia nodded her head. ‘Damn…that does sound familiar!’ she thought as she reached up to tenderly kiss his lips. “I'll be here when I'm better, I promise.” She pulled her cutie mark badge off of her shirt, tearing it all the more and passed it to him. “Είσαι ο ήλιος γιατί είμαι το φεγγάρι. Θα δούμε ποιος εκλείπει ποιος.” Moonsilver smiled as he took the offered patch and, when they heard the ‘whup, whup, whup’ of the helicopter approaching he chanced a last kiss before disappearing back into the forest leaving Rehanos who was now perched on a branch watching her. Celestia didn’t stop looking at the spot in the trees where he had vanished. She fancied she could still see his eyes, but she was sure that wasn’t him. “I love you…” she breathed, though immediately she felt a little silly as there was just her and the snake eagle in the gully. “You're keeping me company, huh?” she muttered ruefully. Mere seconds later and the bright yellow rescue helicopter hovered overhead and lowered a man on a rope down to her who spoke into a microphone. “I have the victim and she is conscious.” To Celestia he smiled a practised reassuring smile. “You said your leg and foot were broken. Any other injuries?” “Dislocated left arm, but I ah, popped it back in, like I ah, set my leg there.” Celestia blushed as she spoke. She was sure the rescue guy could smell the garbage coming from her mouth. Carefully, he inspected the bandage wrapped around his patient’s lower left leg. “Okay, how long have you been here?” he asked as he heaved the rock aside in order to free her trapped foot before addressing his radio. “Send down the stretcher.” “I'm not sure, um, overnight at least,” Celestia replied, more honestly this time. “I kinda passed out.” “I'm Tracker,” the rescue operative shook her hand in greeting. “You're one tough cookie. I'm going to put an air splint on your leg and then move you to a bac board. After that it’s into the stretcher and up to the chopper. You good with that?” “Sure thing, Mr. Tracker.” Celestia shook his hand graciously before a thought occurred to her. “Can I quickly call my sister while you work?” “Your dime, Miss.” With that, he got busy setting up the air splint around his patient’s leg which he began to inflate to immobilise her leg and foot. “Hmm,” Celestia almost purred. If she had to pick a feeling, she’d have said nice and snuggly. Well, compared to the hard rocky forest floor. Smiling, she dialled her sister’s cell phone. Luna answered her phone on the third ring. “Hello?” Celestia breathed a sigh of relief that her sister had answered, though if she was honest she wasn’t looking forward to the call. “Lulu, it's me. I've had a bit of an accident,” ‘here it comes’, she thought, ‘I told you so…’ “What?” Luna took a second to look at her cell phone’s screen to check the caller ID. “Celly, this isn't your number. Where are you calling from?” “The satellite phone I bought from Guide Rope's store,” Celestia answered quickly. She wanted to add, ‘the one you laughed at back at our house’, but she abstained. “My cell was smashed when I fell.” “Oh, I see, accident, did a bear shit on...” Luna began a well-rehearsed tease at her sister’s epic failing at being outdoorsy in any way, until she heard the word ‘fell’. Straightaway her attitude changed. “Wait, fell? Are you hurt? Do I need to come out and get you?” Celestia rolled her eyes in frustration. “Ha de ha. I fell twenty feet. I broke my foot and my leg, dislocated my arm. I'm being rescued as we speak.” “Idiot!” Luna exclaimed before sighing deeply. “They’re taking you to Canterlot General?” Celestia looked at Tracker and when he nodded she said, “Yes, they are, thank you, sister.” “Okay, I'll see you there.” Luna’s voice was terse. “You need me to bring anything?” Celestia knew just what she needed. “If you could arrange to have my car collected, I'd very much appreciate it.” Luna couldn’t help but snort out a laugh. “I'll get the keys from you at the hospital, and then Leelee and I can fetch your 'adventure wagon' later tonight when she comes over.” She giggled, she did so love insulting her sister’s ancient car. “Did you park in the main lot?” “Yes, Lulu, thank you!” Celestia snapped down the phone. She’d had just enough of her sister ridiculing her car. “Of course I parked in the lot.” “Just wanted to be sure you weren't pretending to be Daring Do and hide it under some branches.” Some of the humour had gone from Luna’s voice though following what was a rare outburst from her sister. “Since your jaw is working fine, I'll bring you something sweet at the hospital. Non-exploding this time.” Celestia immediately regretted what she’d done. “Lulu, I'm sorry for snapping. My leg hurts, as does what pride I had left.” Luna managed a giggle, happy her sister had apologised to her. Not that she didn’t sympathise or anything. “I’ll save my ‘told you so’s’ for later dear sister. I'm just glad you're safe.” “As am I.” Celestia breathed a relieved sigh. The last thing she wanted to do was fight with her sister. “I need to go, I'll see you later at the hospital.” When Luna disconnected, the noise of the hovering helicopter grew louder as it lowered down the stretcher. “Okay,” Tracker announced, “I have to move you, so fair warning.” Despite having to be moved, the pain in her leg was considerably lessened with the addition of the air cast around it. In short order Tracker had slid her onto the backboard and then, onto the waiting stretcher. “Mr. Tracker,” Celestia whimpered as she looked up at the helicopter overhead, “I hate heights.” Tracker tried very hard not to smile at that. Tracker failed miserably. “I recommend you close your eyes and think of it as a hammock, then, Ma’am.” He sniggered as Celestia was hoisted up and secured on the rescue helicopter’s floor. Next, when Tracker was hoisted up and back on board, he noticed the black-chested snake eagle in the air beside the chopper. At first he thought it odd as the noise usually scared wildlife away. However, thoughts of the eagle, and why it was following their flight path exactly, were pretty far from his mind as he attended his patient on the way to the hospital. ~ ~ ~ “Tw-Twilight?” Celestia gaped, her mouth hanging open and her eyes the size of dinner plates. “You wish.” Hovering into view, floating a few inches above the rough broken ground, Midnight Sparkle smiled the smile of a snake teasing a cornered rodent. Celestia didn’t want to accept this. First Sunset Shimmer back in her demon form and now this, her newest student had apparently, if her senses were to be believed, given in to her personal demon as well. “M-Mi-Midnight!” “Bingo!” As Midnight Sparkle hovered closer and closer, Celestia renewed her efforts to escape, blood flowing freely from the thorns piercing her white flesh. “N-No!” She was on the verge of a very big freak out. All her demons from the past year were haunting her here and now, in a place she had long considered safe. “Please! Let me go! Leave me alone!” “Shh…” Midnight Sparkle lit her twisted horn and two more vines exploded from the earth to wrap themselves like steel cables around her wrists. The thorns there, while shorter were no less sharp and they immediately dug into her wrists, crimson liquid trickling down her hands. “Twilight, please! Let me go! Pleeeeease!” Celestia, in a panic, writhed in a futile attempt to get away. This of course just made the vines tighten their grip. “It’s. Midnight. Sparkle.” the she-demon didn’t raise her voice. She did however keep her horn lit. She punctuated each word with a new vine. The first wove its way down from an overhead tree branch and wrapped around the struggling captive’s slender neck. The second came down with the first and wrapped itself around Celestia’s head like a spiked thorny gag, the thorns silencing her as they bit into her tongue. “There. That’s better. Now we can talk, hmm?” Midnight Sparkle seemed very pleased with her efforts. She looked on approvingly as blood now seeped from her prisoner’s neck and the corners of her mouth. “Hmm, much better.” she hovered to within a few inches of Celestia’s face, her fingers stroking seductively down the principal’s face and to her shoulder. “MmmMMPH! MMMM! UuuuUUUNAAAAAAA!” Celestia, in spite of her bonds, struggled until the vines grew so tight around her they threatened to choke her and cut her tongue in half. Blood mixed with drool to coat her chest. “Hush.” Midnight Sparkle commanded and, just like that, silence fell on them both. “I’d hate to have to put out your eyes. I can do that. Would you like that?” Very carefully and slowly, Celestia shook her head. “Good.” Midnight smiled as again she almost tenderly caressed her captive’s face. “After all, the others aren’t here yet. They’d hate to miss the show.” ‘Others?’ Celestia thought, her chest heaving as she tasted her own blood in her mouth. ‘What others? What’s going on here?’ Again, Celestia’s unspoken question was answered. Again, she didn’t like the answer. Not in the slightest. Flying through the air towards her were three Equestrian mer-creatures that made Celestia weep in sheer terror. She wanted to scream as the Sirens flew closer but thanks to Midnight Sparkle’s vines, no sound escaped her but for a guttural groan. Coming up on the other side was a maniacally grinning Sunset Shimmer. In the circumstances, Celestia thought her body’s reaction to piss itself was entirely justified. Midnight and Sunset just laughed at this humiliating display, while the Sirens landed and Adagio Dazzle began to sing. ‘How?’ Celestia thought as her own hot pee turned the ground muddy around her feet. ‘How can they sing? They were beaten! They were all beaten!’ “Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh You didn't know that you fell. Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh Now that you're under our spell.” Adagio Dazzle sang as she swayed ever closer to the bound Celestia who had at this point given up any and all attempts at getting free. Already, little tendrils of ethereal green energy were snaking their way from the lead Siren’s pendant over the floor to Celestia’s bleeding feet. “Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh Captured in the web of my song. Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh Soon you'll be singing along.” Try as she might, Celestia just couldn’t not listen. She was as powerless to resist the deadly-sweet, soothing song, now, as she had been back at the Musical Showcase. Her eyes, which had been wide with fear and terror, glowed a dull green and became unfocused. Her limbs went slack at her sides. Completely unnoticed by Celestia, the six vines that had been holding her captive released their hold, retreating to the ground and the tree from whence they came. Celestia didn’t move. She didn’t make any attempt to get away. She was completely enthralled by the hypnotic song that Adagio Dazzle was singing. The exact same song she had sung all those months ago. "Aw...poor little principal…” Adagio purred as Aria and Sonata behind her both picked up the song and continued to sing. Adagio ran her hoof along Celestia’s still-bleeding jaw. “You use clothing like armour against the world yet here you are, naked, exposed, vulnerable and ashamed…” “Y-Yes Adagio.” Celestia’s voice was thick and slurred, as if drugged. She swayed on the spot in time with the Siren’s sinuous movements. Smirking at just how easily her prey had been captured and ensnared, Adagio continued, “Running away from all your problems, hiding in your house, hiding behind your sister, hiding from the world…you’re weak, Celestia, a weak and tired old woman…” “Yes, Adagio.” Celestia wanted to protest this, but she found she couldn’t. The thought died on its journey from her brain to her mouth. Instead she just agreed, because she knew it was true. “You fear the loss of control so much,” Adagio purred in Celestia’s ear, licking her lobe. “You have such a fear of failure that you can barely keep hold of your sanity, let alone your school.” Aria and Sonata changed the tempo of the song they were singing and, under its insidious influence, the principal turned around to face the cliff top of Lookout Point. With Adagio Dazzle’s hypnotic influence in her head, Celestia was about to perform the by now very familiar running jump off of Lookout Point to meet the pointy boulders below when an unexpected sight stopped her dead in her tracks. Naked and bleeding, she swayed on her feet. “What...M-Moonsilver?” she asked uncertainly as she took slow hesitant steps towards the centaur in her way. “Do you wish to die?” Moonsilver asked her plainly, his voice as calm as ever like he was discussing the weather. “If you do, I will let you pass.” When the quintet of demons and sirens saw their prey hesitate, the siren song intensified in an attempt to fulfil the outcome of the dream. It worked momentarily as Celestia took a slow step forward towards the edge. “Please…” she begged when the singing got louder, more insistent, and the naked woman shook with the effort of trying not to move. “I want...I want to live! I want you! I need you but...I can't...these demons are too strong!” she let out a pitiful whimper as she reached for the pale grey centaur’s arms. “Please, help me…” Looking past the human that interested him so, Moonsilver saw five caricatures of Celestia, though each had different hair and two had wings. Nodding, he understood their meaning at once thanks to Hypnos’s training with the opal stone. “Yes, that is the most difficult type of demon to overcome.” Gently, lovingly almost, he placed a strong hand on the woman’s shoulder and turned her around. “Face your inner demon.” Celestia looked, but she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She didn't know it, but it was the contact of the centaur and his dream stone that was cutting through her illusion, allowing her to see the truth of the demons that had been hounding her for so long. “B-But...th-they're...they're m-me! They weren't me before! Sunset, the Sirens, Midnight, wh-where did they go?” Moonsilver looked at the array of creatures before him, all slightly different and twisted versions of the sobbing human he held in his firm grasp. “Which one was Sunset?” he asked kindly but firmly. “Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia pointed a shaking finger to the version of her that was the deep red skinned demon with the leathery wings and the green fireballs dancing at her hands. “A student at my school. She's from another world. She wanted to use the school as a brainwashed army. I failed her. I didn't see how bitter and alone she was. It ate at her. I should be there for all my students.” “So, you do see the demon that is you.” Moonsilver said, his voice as a balm to the troubled woman. “Your actions has caused this one to seek revenge. Would the real one truly want revenge for what you did?” “No, not now. She's changed. Reformed.” Celestia stated as assuredly as she could before moving onto the trio of sirens that looked like twisted parodies of her. “Sirens, also from Equestria. They wanted to steal the magic at the school, corrupt it and use it to make the world adore them.” Celestia sighed a very deep sigh as Moonsilver gently massaged her shoulders with his spade like hands. “They brainwashed us again. I should have been able to stop them, do something, instead I was their puppet.” Moonsilver understood what was truly troubling this woman. She was being forced to give up her control completely. He understood she felt useless, surplus to requirements. No longer needed. Not only did these events happen in her school, but others had been responsible for putting it right. He resolved to help her see her worth and value and give her that control back she needed. She just needed to see it. “You berate yourself for your inaction. Yet, if they did brainwash you, what action could you have taken? Do they to wish to destroy you now for being their pawn then?” “They can't,” Celestia said as she shook her head, “they can't hurt anyone now. They were stopped.” She couldn't keep the bitter resentment from her voice when she remembered how yet again the school was saved by the Rainbooms. She pointed out Midnight last of all. “Midnight Sparkle. Her name's actually Twilight. A scared, bullied, little girl with more power than she could handle. It turned her into that.” “I failed her.” It hurt Celestia so very much to admit that, like the floor had fallen from her pudgy pot belly. “She wasn't my student but I should've seen the signs.” Celestia sniffed back a tear, “she was stopped, she was saved, just like the others. Not by me though. I was powerless.” ‘And, there we have the crux of the problem. You were powerless,’ Moonsilver thought to himself with a wry grin now that he knew the true, beautiful soul of this human called Celestia. “Are you master of the universe?” “No. I'm just a tired old woman…” “Looking at them,” Moonsilver said calmly without any accusation in his voice, “I'd say you're not even the master of yourself. Do you want a master?” As soon as the question had left his lips, Celestia turned to face the taller centaur. She spun so fast she almost gave herself whiplash. “Yes, yes I do!” Overwhelmed that he'd asked her what she really wanted to hear, she hugged as far up his upper body she could reach. “I need you, Moonsilver!” ‘Just as I think I need you, Celestia,’ Moonsilver thought, though his grim smile gave away none of these thoughts. “Why would I want a tired old woman?” he asked instead, determined to make her see herself better. “Because I interest you, remember?” There was a pleading desperation to her voice as she hugged him all the tighter. “I don't want to be like this anymore! I don't want these dreams. I want to be free, I want to be with you.” “Good!” Moonsilver laughed out loud, “you might do, but a tired old woman would not.” Without warning, he placed his strong calloused hands at Celestia’s sides and, with them under her arms he easily lifted her bodily off of the ground. As if she weighed nothing at all, he turned around, holding her tightly just at the edge of Lookout Point. “Oh!” Celestia squealed, absolutely terrified of how close they were to the edge of the drop that was hundreds of feet below her. “W-Whoa!” Desperately she clutched at his broad muscular shoulders for dear life, her bare feet dangling in mid-air. This was not where she wanted to be. Not at all. Pulling her close to him, Moonsilver stole a very passionate kiss of his future soon-to-be submissive’s lips. “There is one more thing you can do for me,” he said with a smile as he broke the lingering kiss, leaving a strand of saliva between them. “A-Anything!” Celestia panted, her breast heaving with such a longing desire as she had never known before. “Wake up!” he commanded as he tossed her over the edge of the sheer cliff as easily as one would throw a bean bag. ~ ~ ~ Principal Celestia opened her eyes. After two blinks she realised she wasn’t falling. Three blinks and she noted she wasn’t headed at terminal velocity towards some very, very pointy boulders. Four blinks and she saw the room was sterile white all over, walls, ceiling, everything was white. ‘Bed,’ she thought after five blinks. ‘I’m in a bed. Not the grassy floor of a rocky gully.’ A cursory glance around and she reasoned it was a hospital bed. “At last!” Vice Principal Luna clapped her hands when she saw her sister finally awake from the after effects of the anaesthetic and the surgery on her badly broken left leg and foot. “It’s nice, for once, to have you wake up and not have to hear screaming.” “Oh ha, ha!” Celestia heaved herself to a half sitting, half lying down position and, as she tried to grouse at her sister little bit, that was when she saw Cheerilee – thankfully clothed – sitting on the floor by her sister’s chair. “It's nice to see you two too.” “We managed to get your antique from the park back to the garage.” Luna supplied as she lovingly stroked Cheerilee’s hair. She knew full well sooner or later her sister would fret about her olds-mobile. Celestia frowned at that. “Can't you be nice for once about my Rosie?” Luna giggled, her hand caressing her girlfriend’s tight ponytail in that way she knew she liked that made her nipples harden and show through her flowery white shirt. “I thought that was nice,” she replied offhandedly, “I have called it worse in the past, you know. Gloriosa feels terrible about your accident, but I let her know she wasn't at fault.” At that the midnight blue skinned woman looked directly at her older sister’s eyes. “She wasn't, right?” Pouting playfully, for Luna had indeed called her beige station wagon far worse in the past. “No Lulu, of course she wasn't. I told you, I was hiking far off the trail, you know, up along the ridge that runs under the Old Stone Bridge? Well, I thought I saw 'something' in the corner of my eye, I turned to see what, misplaced my step and fell.” “Okay,” Luna said after Cheerilee leaned up and whispered something in her ear. “Unmarked trails are on you. Still, I'm glad you're safe.” She smiled. “Leelee does have a good point. Any vehicle over twenty years old is by definition an antique.” Giggling, she stuck her tongue out at her bed-bound sister – she could see the cast on her leg bulging under the bedsheets – before looking down at her girlfriend and pet. She nodded her approval. Standing from her place on the floor, Cheerilee produced, on a disposable plate covered in cling wrap, a wonderful looking slice of triple chocolate fudge cake along with a get well soon card. “I made this for you,” she said with a proud smile as she carefully walked over and placed it on the nightstand by the bed. “Nurse approved.” “C'mon sister,” Celestia said with a roll of her eyes. “We've hiked that path enough times to know it by now...” she trailed off to awed silence when she saw the slice of patented heaven in Cheerilee’s hands. Her mouth began watering almost the instant she removed it from the nightstand and peeled back the cling wrap for a tentative sniff. Recent events were still prevalent in her mind. “Promise it won't explode?” Taking her spot back on the floor by her Mistress’s chair, Cheerilee giggled, however it was Luna who answered. “Promise.” Celestia took the opportunity to savour several long, deep sniffs of the chocolate cake. At this point it was almost like foreplay to her. Only one thing could make this better – well, besides not being in hospital at all – and that was tea. “Lulu,” she started in that tentative manner that just screamed she wanted something. “Would you be a dear and get me a cup of tea from the cafeteria?” Her sister’s request was met with an immediate eye roll. “Leelee, get a tea ple…” “Please, Lulu,” Celestia interrupted her sister before she could give Cheerilee the order, “you know just how I like it.” Luna harrumphed. “Leelee is perfectly capable of getting it.” “But it tastes better when you make it with love!” Celestia practically begged. Again, Luna rolled her eyes. “Just how hard did you hit your head?” Finally, Celestia utilised and deployed her most devastating puppy dog eye attack. “Pleeeeeeease?” “Fine!” Luna shoved herself to her feet, smoothing out her mauve shirt down over her stonewashed blue jeans. “Leelee, you have my permission to pester Celly while I’m gone.” With that, and another shake of her head, the thirty-eight year old woman left the room. Celestia watched her sister depart her hospital room with a relieved smile. As it happened, she wanted more than a cup of tea. In light of her recent experiences with Moonsilver, both in dreams and in reality, she knew she needed a more experienced point of view on the subject; one that wouldn’t judge her. Once the door had been closed for a good thirty seconds, she asked, “Now Luna’s gone, I have something serious to discuss with you, Cheerilee.” “Serious?” Cheerilee’s ears all but perked up. “I can do serious. May I sit in the chair?” Celestia nodded, wondering why she was asking her. She wasn’t her Dom. “Of course you can dear,” she replied as she slowly took a bite of her cake. Another time and she’d have devoted at least five minutes of brain time to the sheer enjoyment of eating the chocolate. As she sat in the chair, smoothing out her midnight blue skirt – that barely reached her knees – Cheerilee whispered; “Boom…” Instinctively, Celestia flinched, though she relaxed into a fit of giggles when Cheerilee did the same. Presently she let out a sigh. “Cheerilee,” she opened cautiously, “we've been colleagues a long time, before you got with my sister...” she went quiet for a moment and looked down at the cake as though the answers would be hidden inside. After all, chocolate did solve many problems. “I’m sorry, I don't quite know how to phrase this.” She felt silly but, if she was going to be a good and proper pet for her centaur, she needed advice. Cheerilee couldn’t contain the sly grin that spread over her face. “I can share.” Caught unawares, Celestia blushed intently. “Cheerilee!” she spluttered, “it's nothing like that! I um...I ah...well I ah...” she flustered, quite put off her stroke. “I just um, wanted to know that's all...why?” “Why?” Cheerilee cocked her head deep in thought. “I think that is a child’s question. Why are you in that bed?” she asked, putting a finger to her chin, “Whys like that are easy to answer. Do you want to know why I like girls? Why I like being a pet? Why I put up with elementary children all day? Or maybe, why I'm even here beside you bed?” Celestia studied her cake very hard indeed. It was easier than meeting the younger woman’s gaze, at least. “The p-pet one. I see you crawling around our house, obeying Lulu's every whim…” her blush deepened at that. “I've h-heard what you get up to in that 'play room' of yours, it sounds like she's beating you.” “Beating isn't the right word,” Cheerilee corrected her gently. Many, many people had this misconception, and Cheerilee was accustomed by now with dealing with it. “Spanking is, and some other forms of punishment when I'm a bad pet, and I can be very bad.” She grinned proudly. “I'm in charge of a classroom and I have to be the adult for so many. To be able to let go of responsibility and let another take control is very freeing. Celly, do you feel confined by your job? Is that why you’re having the nightmares?” For a moment, Celestia hesitated, before finally nodding. Cheerilee had it pretty much spot on. “I feel it's all my fault. Principals are supposed to look after the students. If I had noticed Sunset sooner, reached out to her...” she shook her head. She had to stay on topic before Luna came back. “You say it's freeing, how? How exactly? What does it feel like?” Cheerilee laughed. She held up her hand to stay Celestia’s outraged look. “Welcome to the discovery that you're not God.” She giggled, and thankfully so did the patient. “Free of having to be the one that resolves the issue. Free of being the example others look to. I give up control to Lulu so that I can bend to her will. A will I want to bend to, but in truth I'm the one in charge. I say a word and it is over. I'm Cheerilee and she is Luna. I try not to say that word. It helps that I find endorphins to be a natural high. I really have no shame so I can play this in front of you. I have limits. I don't want my students to see me like you see me some of the time.” “Well, ah, no, I can see why you wouldn't want that.” Celestia agreed, then she thought on that for a moment longer. “Cheerilee...suppose, just, suppose, I... I mean, someone I know, had the opportunity to be in a similar relationship to yourself and Luna, what would you say?” she asked, though she quietly ate a bit more of her cake, wondering if she'd done the right thing in saying anything at all. “I'm just an elementary teacher.” Cheerilee said with a smile, her hands toying with her ponytail. “You and your sister are high up in the administration. Still I'm observant when we have those staff functions. You've always had your eyes on men, and Lulu on women. One day I was brave enough to talk to Luna, and well here we are. As to our relationship; If you want that, it’s fine, if he wants that then you need to walk away.” When she saw the look of confusion cross Celestia’s face, Cheerilee quickly elaborated. “Luna didn't ask me to be her pet, I asked her to be my Mistress. I'm in control because I have a safe word. Um, you do know what that is, right?” Celestia nodded her head. While admittedly she didn’t know much, that she did know. “I'm familiar with the term, yours is Daffodils. It's...there's a male,” she corrected herself, “a g-gentleman, I've met…” Cheerilee wasn’t ready for that. First of all she wondered exactly when Celestia had the time to find anyone when she spent a good majority of it at the school or in her room. Second, she wondered if Luna knew about this. “I'm happy you've found enough self-confidence to do that.” she said at last. “So, this relationship, like mine and Lulu's, is your own idea?” Again, Celestia nodded. “I've ah, I’ve had a dream, about it, and ah, he has offered to make the dream happen.” Now however, when she said it out loud like that, it sounded awfully childish. “I believe I'd like that.” “Okay,” Cheerilee said slowly. She did think this was a little sudden, out of nowhere, but Celestia had trusted her with this, so she wasn’t about to judge and criticise her. “You need to know that I'm not always Luna's pet. I will always be subservient to her, but that is how I want our relationship to work. I'm only her pet in private.” She waved a hand at Celestia. “Present company being part of our private life. I will tell her everything you tell me, so don't think you are speaking in confidence.” “Oh I know that,” Celestia replied quickly, “I just wanted to talk to you, pet to ah, future pet, as it were. Without Lulu judging. Yet. I know you'll tell her and that's fine.” “Good, first thing, never be afraid to use your safe word. Never.” Cheerilee couldn’t express that enough. Celestia nodded in rapt attention, her cake, for the moment, forgotten. “I need to think of one.” “It has to be something not in everyday conversation, but easy to remember and say,” Cheerilee explained carefully. She couldn’t possibly over emphasise enough the import of this most vital of steps. “I understand.” Celestia already had one in mind. “Um, I suppose it must sound foolish, but what does a pet do? What's expected of me, I mean?” Again, she had that rising feeling in her gut that said she was being silly. “I'm sorry, I'm not articulating this very well, am I?” Cheerilee saw the obvious signs of self-doubt begin to cloud Celestia’s face. She’d seen this so many times recently and, to counter it, she gently squeezed her hand. “No, it is a reasonable question, but not one I can really answer for you. It is a partnership between two, and therefore different for any couple. It is something you work out together to form boundaries. You saw me sitting on the floor when you woke up. Lulu doesn't like me on the furniture when I'm a pet.” “And, similarly wearing or not, of clothes and sitting on the cushion at home?” Celestia asked, very grateful of the fuchsia hand squeezing her white one. Cheerilee giggled, “I'm just glad neither of you are ‘AC-on-full people’. You comfortable enough to run around in just your skin?” as soon as she asked that, Celestia almost dropped the plate and she studied the bedsheets, Cheerilee thought she heard her mumble something but she couldn’t make it out. Instead, she touched a spot on her neck just below the midnight blue collar she wore. “Then there is this. A mark of ownership, but not something you'd buy at the pet store. It doesn't look like a collar at all, but a fashion accessory. I can always wear this and no one says a thing. I don't, of course, I do have other jewellery, but this has real value to me.” Celestia looked up from the bedsheets, actual fear in her eyes. “Should I get one?” Cheerilee smiled in an attempt to dispel the fear she saw. She didn’t like that, not one bit. “Again, that’s something you need to talk about with your gentleman friend. Luna got me this from one of the students at your school. I rather like it as it matches her, but it’s in a style I'd wear anyway.” Celestia mumbled something about Rarity and her designs before a look of pure horror came over her. “What if he...he'll see me...oh lord I hadn't thought of that!” “Thought of what?” Cheerilee asked, misunderstanding her boss’s reaction. “You do use protection, right?” Shifting uncomfortably on the bed, for she was reminded very much of her dream where her Master’s cum literally splashed out of her and formed a large puddle, Celestia answered; “We haven't 'done' anything really, yet, beyond a kiss and a...a...g-grope, he hasn't 'seen' me, properly.” Cheerilee shook her head. She was well aware from Luna of Celestia’s personal demons regarding her body and how it looked. Sure, things had sagged a little here and there, but the older woman was still, in her opinion, a bit of a hottie. “I've seen you out of that bathrobe, and you do tend to sleep naked. Put those boobies to use I say!” she giggled. “Or is he a butt guy? I think butt guys are weird, no offense.” Celestia was put in mind of how Moonsilver had wasted no time whatsoever in groping her breasts as she lay immobile on her back. “I ah, believe he's a breast ce-person. It's just...ugh, you and Lulu, you have the bodies for such carry on, like mirrored ceilings and things.” Cheerilee’s giggle became a full on belly laugh. “Mirrors aren't about our bodies, but to see what we are doing with each other from every angle.” She leaned forward conspiratorially, like she was divulging a well-kept secret. “You may know this by now but my fetish is feet. I love the shape, to touch them, to play with the toes. To feel them on me. Lulu does indulge me on that. So Celly, what is your kink?” she asked, though before she could answer, she gave her guess. “I always pictured you in a short skirt schoolgirl outfit with no underwear. Always worried about who might get a peek, but always putting yourself in a spot where you'd have to give them that peek chance.” Celestia, about to answer, erupted in a blush as red as can be. “When I was younger I was into exhibitionism.” It felt strange to be admitting that as brazenly as she was, “I liked doing anything in public where I might be seen. I wanted to be seen. Sometimes I wear toys to school and pretend I've been commanded to act naturally throughout the day while they do what they do inside me.” “Risky.” Cheerilee smiled. She had to admit, she liked it. She now made a mental note to tease her about it when they were back at school after the summer vacation. “Pet time is giving up control while still being in charge. How kinky is your boyfriend? Make sure you talk about any off limit things before you start to play.” At that, Celestia thought about Moonsilver and the strong and aggressively confident way he had tested her in the forest. She couldn’t help but get all hot and bothered. “I think he's just what I need, thank you, for talking with me on this, Cheerilee. I appreciate it.” “If you get in too deep use your word!” Cheerilee stated once more. There wasn’t a way she could overstate the importance of the safe word. If nothing else, she hoped she had covered that enough here. “You can always call me and not wait ‘till it’s when I'm over with Lulu.” Celestia was very grateful for that offer. “I know, I have your numbers, Cheerilee.” She smiled warmly. “Thank you…” She was about to say something further when the white door to her clean white hospital room opened and, before Luna could enter with the doctor beside her, Cheerilee quickly hopped off of the chair back to her position on the floor. “Celly has a boyfriend!” she called out as Luna set the hot tea on the nightstand and the doctor checked Celestia’s notes. Celestia rolled her eyes, though secretly she was impressed with how fast Cheerilee had got back on the floor. “Thank you, for that, Leelee.” She smiled pleasantly at her sister. “At last, my tea. I thought you went to Manehatten for it.” “No, Crystal Empire.” Luna snapped off her reply, though she gave her pet a questioning look. One Cheerilee looked away guiltily. As she suspected, she had used the chair. “Their tea is better than Manehatten.” “Then I'll let you off.” Celestia said quickly, perhaps a little too quickly. She wanted to avoid any awkward questions. “Good evening, doctor.” Luna paused. She was half way through formulating Cheerilee’s punishment for using the chair when her words sunk in. ‘Boyfriend? Celly? What the what, now?’ this was too perfect to ignore. “Wait, who is this boyfriend?” “He's...a gentleman, sister.” Celestia blushed as she took her tea. It wasn’t jasmine, but one couldn’t have everything. “I only have so many ‘told you so’ statements.” Luna smiled sweetly, so there was a boyfriend? She looked forward to wheedling the details from her pet later. “Anything I need to know Doctor?” The doctor, a tall willowy specimen with a beard as long as his arm, who looked like he’d blow over in a stiff breeze, spoke up. “That’s up to Celestia.” “It's alright Lulu, you don't have to hold my hand, though I thank you for holding the ‘I told you so's’.” “Love you too sis.” Luna inclined her head to her older sister. She recognised the dismissal in her tone when she heard it. “If the doctor gives you some special instructions for when you get home, I do hope you'll share them.” She patted her thigh when she stood up. “Come Leelee, My sister is trying to adult.” Obediently, Cheerilee stood up and, with her hands behind her back, moved out alongside Luna towards the door. When they had both taken their leave, and the door had closed, the doctor adjusted his long white coat and sat in the chair beside the bed. “Okay, I’m Doctor Bonemeal,” he greeted his patient with a humourless smile. “Celestia, you're in pretty good shape for what has happened to you. It is a remarkable thing you did setting it. The cast will be on your leg for two months, and then a soft cast for another month. After that, two months of physical therapy.” “That long, doctor?” Celestia couldn’t help but look wistfully towards the second floor window and onto the smudge that was the distant forest. Moonsilver was in that forest. She belonged with him. “Time is all the healing you need now.” Bonemeal said, “I have a prescription for some pain meds, but try to avoid them if you can. They are non-addictive, but you can still grow dependent on them.” Celestia thought of the gems stowed safely in the top of her cast – specifically the painkilling aconite that Moonsilver had given her - and she smiled. “Thank you, doctor. How soon will I be able to get about, go home, do shopping and ah, other things?” “We are keeping you over night to make sure there is no infection, then you can leave in the morning.” Celestia’s smile widened. “Thank you, I appreciate everything you've done for me, doctor Bonemeal.” “You've done remarkably well for what has happened to you.” Bonemeal replied, and in truth, she had. Had the break been more severe than it was, she could easily have lost it altogether. “Sleep well. We'll do some blood work in the morning and if that is good you'll be free to go.” “Just lucky I guess,” Celestia replied as she quickly swallowed the rest of her tea. ‘Yes…very lucky indeed…’ she thought. She hated to think the state she’d have been in by now were it not for Moonsilver’s timely arrival “So, is there anything special I'll need when I get home?” “Balance your resting of your leg time and your active time.” The doctor advised. “You do want to move around for blood flow.” “I understand Doctor.” She smiled, grateful for well, everything, really. “Again, thank you.” She paused to let out a let out a rather large yawn which wasn’t all that surprising as the sun was setting. “Oh, I am sorry.” “Rest well, Celestia, and you'll find the soft cast easy to move in when school starts back up.” Celestia pouted playfully at that. “Huh, no getting out of that, then?” she asked rhetorically before she had a thought. “And, ah, how long before I can go back to the forest?” Bonemeal laughed at the hopeful look on his patient’s face. “Want to go back and kick the rock? I wouldn't recommend that. You will find it hard to get around off any real path with the hard cast and crutches. With the soft cast on it will be a lot easier.” “No,” Celestia laughed, “I don't hold a grudge against the rock, I'm just really keen to get back on the horse, if you will.” “Actually if you go horseback riding that would be good for you.” Celestia’s eyes lit up, especially when she thought of riding Moonsilver. “Really, how so?” “It is good way to get out in the sun,” Bonemeal explained, “And also to keep weight off the leg. It is a bit tricky to ride with a cast, but not that difficult.” “So...” Celestia weighed her options in her head. “I can go in the woods with my crutches, but best to wait ‘till I have the soft cast?” “Yes ma'am.” When Celestia thanked him, for what must’ve been the fifth time, she let out another, larger yawn and he stood up to leave her to her rest. ‘Just another Tuesday,’ he thought to himself as his patient’s eyes drooped and she succumbed to sleep. Very carefully he flipped off the lights and closed the room’s door. “Rest well, principal.” > Chapter 3 - Right There in Front of Me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moonsilver had many conflicting thoughts running through his head as he picked his way effortlessly through the trees of the Everfree Forest. His hoof-steps made no sound and he didn’t disturb any of the brackens and ferns he passed through thanks to his air stone. All of his people carried them, but hunters especially prized the magical stones. He shifted his short bow and his quiver to get past a narrow gap in the trees that lead to the main camp. The pale grey centaur paused and leant against a large oak tree that marked the camp’s outer boundary. So many things were running through his mind; why could the human see him? What was wrong with his stone? Why hadn’t she freaked out at the sight of him? What did a failing air stone mean for his tribe? Why did he care so much about her? Why did she interest him so? Moonsilver sighed. ‘So many questions,’ he thought to himself, ‘so few answers…’ so lost in his thoughts was he that he almost missed his little sister creeping up on him. He smiled, picking up her scent while she was still a good few feet away. Apprentice hunter she may be, but Dawnglow still had a lot to learn about stealth. “Good day, little sister,” he said with a wry grin. “Aw!” Dawnglow, a twenty year old burnt orange centaur with a bright yellow mane and tail, pouted playfully behind her brother, her hand mere inches from goosing his white tail. ‘So close! I was so close! He didn’t even turn around!’ Next time, she’d have him. Instead, she walked around to face him. “Father’s in a bad mood.” This didn’t surprise Moonsilver much. Since their mother’s passing to the Great Forest, their father was almost always in a mood of some sort. “Really, and what has father in such a mood?” he asked, though he had a very good hunch as to what it might be. A human shaped hunch. Dawnglow didn’t answer right away. She walked with him on his right as they made their way back towards their dwelling tree. “C'mon, Silvy, you well know what.” She got straight to the point. He knows about the human. “Really?” he said again as he paused by a much smaller tree, a marker of sorts that let people know they were close to the dwelling trees. “Let's pretend I'm as stupid as you think I am. How would he know about a human?" Dawnglow looked very guilty indeed. She had that look on her face that she had when she’d been caught in wrongdoing. “You didn't come back from your hunt. You've been gone all night…” she trailed off to silence. She hadn’t even been looking for her brother, she’d been looking for a good place to be ‘ill’. “I sent my kestrel to find you. Sorry. I was worried.” Moonsilver gave his sister a surprised look. All hunters were paired with animals. He had Rehanos, Dawnglow had her kestrel. “Wait, your kestrel told dad?" “Well...no, not exactly.” Dawnglow blushed, her burnt orange cheeks turning bright red as she looked down at the ground. Nervously, her forehooves pawed at the grass underneath her. “Father heard me talking with Celath, and you were missed, and he asked, and I tried covering, but he saw straight through me!” “Of course he did,” Moonsilver sighed, his fingers massaging the bridge of his nose. “And you just had to relay this to Celath because?” Dawnglow’s blush quickly became a look of indignance. “He was only doing what I asked of him, and I didn't know dad was in the house, I thought he was out with the council members at the Watering Hole." "Fine,” Moonsilver couldn’t help but laugh. ‘Watering Hole’ was the name of the much frequented drinking tree located rather conveniently by the council tree. ‘Heh…there’s no water consumed in the Watering Hole,’ he thought with a smile. “I understand, little sister. And, your thoughts?" "I dunno, I mean, what's it like?” Dawnglow shifted uncomfortably under her big brother’s scrutiny. Thankfully as they walked towards their dwelling, nobody else overheard them or bothered them. They did pass a couple of mothers from the earth school with foals on their backs heading off to the growing glades to tend the crops. “Didn't it try and shoot you with its magic firebox?” Moonsilver’s laugh grew louder, startling one of the foals and that earned them a glare from the mother, “Not all of them carry a firebox. Those that do are just after the same deer we are after.” "Well,” Dawnglow wasn’t at all convinced, “my friend Applewood says they're dangerous savages, but you obviously don't think so. Why did you stay with it anyway?” Moonsilver sighed. “Dawnie, if you came across an injured wolf, would you kill it, leave it or help it?” "You know I'd help it, but still, you know the rules, big brother.” Again, Moonsilver sighed. “Ah, yes, the rules.” He grinned though when he saw Nightingale sauntering her way down the main thoroughfare of the camp. He had no idea where she was going, but as an air school member responsible for security, she didn’t have to answer to him or anyone else except Ariel. “Maybe it is time to review the rules to see if they still hold value,” he said finally, nudging his sister and pointing out the willowy centaur. "Silvy, you know you'll get away with it, it's just...you know how dad is since momma joined the Great Forest…” Dawnglow however wasn’t looking at her big brother. Her attention had been taken by Nightingale sauntering her way along like she owned everything she looked at. ‘Damn you, you perfect looking…perfect!’ she seethed quietly as she watched Nightingale saunter on her perfect legs, swaying her perfect ass and showing off her perfect breasts. She hated her so damn much. Even Applewood said Nightingale was beautiful, and pretty, and perfect! The very thought of it made bile rise in Dawnglow’s belly. Applewood was her girlfriend, her Mistress! Just like that, as she was feeling almost good about herself, she felt inadequate, fat and ugly. 'D-Damn…’ she thought, thankfully though, her brother had left her on the thoroughfare corner and trotted off towards their dwelling tree. She knew what she had to do. Even as the large breakfast that her father had made for her settled in her belly, she turned and snuck off behind a larger cedar tree. As the burnt orange centaur jammed her fingers down her throat, she couldn’t help but cry. She cried that she wasn’t centaur enough to admit she was gay. She cried that she wasn’t pretty enough. As the vomit left her, she cried for the animals she was dishonouring. She looked at the puddle of spew on the forest floor and just cried. Moonsilver, who had moved ahead of his little sister, was completely oblivious to her inner self torture. He trotted confidently through the door of the oversized oak tree that was his and his family’s home. “Greetings father.” He inclined his head politely to his sire who, he noted, was reclining in his favourite chair by the cooling crystals. Set to be hot in winter, they were currently sending out wafts of cold air, seeing as it was the height of summer. “My day has been eventful, how was yours?” "I should say so.” Equinox, a sixty year old centaur just on the verge of middle age, shifted his dark grey body to better get a waft from the cooling crystals. He fixed his son with a piercing gaze that his wife would’ve been proud of. “You're late, Moonsilver. Your hunt should have been over hours ago.” Moonsilver shuddered internally. He recognised ‘that’ look. Damn mother for teaching it to him. “The game I found took far longer to deal with then I expected,” he replied somewhat vaguely. "I see.” With those two words, the older centaur reluctantly got up from his recliner and poured two glasses of ice cold water, one for him and one for his son. Offering him one of the glasses, Equinox sat back down to point his golden yellow mane back into the flow of the cooling crystals. “Going to tell me about it?” Quietly, Moonsilver accepted the glass and took a long, welcome drink, though he chose not to sit. “Of course, I'd be happy to.” Although, before he carried on, he took another sip and readied his explanation. “A human was hiking when she fell from Eagle's Point. I didn't think she would have survived the fall, but she did, although she was very badly injured.” "And?” Equinox asked simply as he sipped his own water. Moonsilver shifted uncomfortably under his father’s scrutiny. He knew honesty here was key. “I assessed the damage and set her broken leg. After that, I relieved the pressure on her trapped foot. The healing stone worked well. I had Rehanos retrieve her bag that fell into the stream.” He glossed over the fact that her pack falling into the stream as well as the severe break had been his fault. Equinox however caught the nuance in his son’s voice. “You gave her your stones?” he asked with a slight sigh. “Son, you know what I'm going to say to you, don’t you?” "That you wish me well in this contact, that we might strengthen the stones that protect us?” Moonsilver asked, finishing his water. His bad mood dissipated as he dissolved into laughter at his son’s sheer nerve. He was so much his mother’s son, alright. “You are your mother's colt alright, Moonsilver.” He sipped his own water slowly. “If Solstice were here, she'd say that.” Deep down he knew that to be true; Solstice had been a very…forward thinking centaur. When Moonsilver shifted for a third time, it had nothing to do with being uncomfortable, at least not with admitting to his dad what he had done. There was a greater issue on his mind. “I had my air stone with me and she still saw me. Either she is stronger than the stone, or the stone has grown weak.” Equinox was surprised at that. Very surprised indeed. The air stones provided by the air school had never failed them before now. “You think she has magic?” he asked cautiously before nodding, apparently in thought. The council would have to be informed of this development. “So, you're curious about her. How curious are you, son? She could bring more of her kind upon us.” "I have the curiosity of a foal,” Moonsilver chuckled. “I’m curious enough that I didn't give her one stone, but three. Healing, Language, and Dreams. I know she will return, but I told her before I left, ‘Who would believe her crazy story after she had endured such a fall?’” Equinox shifted to get the cold air from the cooling crystals on his belly. “You know I can't stop you, Moonsilver, and your mother would've encouraged you. Please, be careful.” “I will not bring her here without warning first,” Moonsilver stated, somewhat obviously. “Some would react badly if I did so unannounced. And father,” his face darkened a little at what he was about to say next, “I’m a hunter, I'm capable of killing if I must to save our people. Though I'd rather go into exile than do that to her.” “And I'd rather join the Great Forest than see you exiled,” Equinox replied as he got up from his recliner and placed his hand on his son’s chest. “Follow this. Your mother did, and she would be disappointed if I told you different. Perhaps I might meet the human who has interested you so?” Moonsilver nodded. “I will call to you when that time comes. For now, I'd rather she knew only me. Humans are far more curious than a foal, and I don't want to tempt her too soon to call in 'experts'.” Equinox sighed. “I'll trust your judgement in this, son, and I do wish you well in this contact.” Another concern raised its head just then. “Will you be telling the council of my actions? I think it best you did, lest they find out in a less pleasant way.” "I will,” Equinox nodded solemnly. “I cannot guarantee their reaction, nor their ruling. But, I'd rather they heard it from me.” "Better from you than Dawnie,” Moonsilver laughed. “She still trips over her own tongue at the worst of times.” Equinox joined his son in his good-natured laughter. “Her heart's in the right place." “I know father, and I love her for that,” Moonsilver chuckled. “I will even make a prediction. Sooner or later she will try her stealth to follow me. "She's as much her mother as you are.” Equinox smiled as he sat back on his recliner. “You are both past the age to leave camp alone. I fear you are right on this, however.” "Time will tell if I've done the right thing or brought evil upon us,” Moonsilver stated confidently. “I will say to you I'm confident this will be for our good.” Equinox nodded, for the moment concerned with adjusting the cooling crystals. “You are young. The world is bigger than this forest. It's natural you want to see it. I will trust your judgement, and then it is in the hands of the council. Do you see yourself with this human?” Moonsilver couldn’t help but smile when he thought of Celestia. The human had stolen his heart. He knew it, and he knew it was pointless to resist. “I will say she sees herself with me. I think I can return that, but it really depends on her will.” Equinox had a sly grin plastered all over his muzzle, “You mean I might finally see grandfoals before I pass onto the Great Forest?” Moonsilver snorted through his nose. “Save your hope for Dawn, as I'm sure I'll not be breading with a human.” Still, the idea did have merit. Far more merit, the more the pale grey centaur thought about it. But, it was too soon for that. “Have you considered a kitten?” “Son,” Equinox had a very serious look on his face, “you know as well as I do where Dawnie's path leads, and it's not towards stallions.” "True,” Moonsilver considered that for just a moment. It was after all common knowledge that Dawnglow and Applewood were more than just ‘friends’, or even ‘best friends’. Well, common knowledge to all but his little sister. For some reason she refused to admit their relationship to anyone else. “Time will tell, with me and the human. Who knows, maybe she will steal away my human and I'll have to turn to our own kind.” "Great Forest, Protect Us!” Equinox made the traditional oath to the ancient forest before he chuckled, which quickly turned into a laugh when he saw the opal dream stone glow bright white in his son’s shoulder pack. “Well, it seems someone is being dreamed about, hmm?” With a broad smile spreading over his muzzle, Moonsilver touched the stone through his pack. “You'll have to excuse me, father, if I'm walking funny tomorrow. I think tonight I'll sleep under the stars.” Equinox patted his son’s shoulder. “Go to her, Moonsilver. Be the best of us, for all of us.” "At least in her dreams I can't physically hurt her, although I did toss her from a cliff the last time.” He laughed out loud, “I wonder if she expects the same again.” With that, he turned back towards the door of the dwelling tree. “I'll keep you informed, father.” “I'm sure you will,” Equinox smiled and saw his son out. “I will expect all the dirty details when I see you next.” Still smiling, Moonsilver offered his father a small bow, which the older centaur returned, before he left their tree. ~ ~ ~ It didn’t take Moonsilver very long to find his favourite glade. Setting down his short bow and quiver on the shore beside the crystal clear lake, the skilled hunter used his water stone to create a makeshift shelter from an overhanging tree. While not as skilled as one from the water school, it would do for what he needed. Next, he set up his four element stones; iolite representing fire, peridot for water, jade from the earth school and finally, perhaps the most important, his agate air stone in a ward around himself before he pulled out his glowing opal dream stone. Under his temporary shelter, on the shores of his favourite lake, surrounded by his warding stones, Moonsilver cleared his mind and, concentrating on his dream stone, he was soon asleep. As he began to enter the dreamscape, he found himself drawn like a moth to the flame to the twin of the stone he held. Principal Celestia, asleep in her hospital bed following doctor Bonemeal’s visit, was dreaming. She hadn’t intended to enter the centaur dreamscape at all but, unbeknownst to her, the opal that Moonsilver had given her was against her skin and, without the proper tutelage, it activated the moment she had fallen asleep. Getting out of her black trans am sports car, she soon arrived at the edge of the forest. Breathing deeply of the fresh clean air, she began to hike her way up to Eagle’s Point. She loved this forest, she always had. Celestia paid no mind to the fact that her body appeared whole and as fresh as she was in her mid-twenties. Her khaki outdoors outfit was intact and her pack on her back, she made her way quickly up to the rocky gully where she had fallen. Following the pull of his opal, it didn’t take Moonsilver long to find Celestia in the dreamscape. Utilising his limited training from the dream school, he concealed himself as he would in the waking world with the air stone in order to trail her. He was curious to see if she was having a peaceful dream or if it would turn into another night terror. In relatively short order, the young Celestia made her way easily to Eagle’s Point and, after a quick and easy descent down the sides of the gully, she sat on the large boulder by the fast moving stream that had broken her leg. “I wonder if he'll come,” she said to herself, “he said he'd come...” nervously, she looked around and tapped her knees. For now, she was alone in the Everfree Forest. Stalking her through the dense brackish undergrowth, Moonsilver smiled a very broad smile. He was pleased to see that this appeared to be a good dream. He was also pleased that she was waiting for him. Just as he had instructed her before the helicopter had arrived. “Human,” he intoned calmly and confidently as he emerged from the trees, “what brings you to this forest?” "Moonsilver!” Celestia jumped in surprise, “You said to come, you said you'd know if I were here.” Approaching her, stepping into the shallow fast moving stream, the pale grey centaur laughed. “You didn't answer the question.” "I wanted to see you again, to touch you,” Celestia replied quickly, a blush beginning to colour her white cheeks. “I want to be touched by you, like you did yesterday, to have my fantasy be real.” Crossing the stream, Moonsilver moved up alongside her and laid down on his lower belly with his legs tucked underneath him so that he was down to about her height on the rock. “I'm not human, though.” “I don't care.” Celestia breathed, reaching out to gently caress his cheek and up and down his equine muzzle. Just touching him made her heart beat all the faster. “Believe it or not you aren't the strangest creature I've ever seen and…I want to be with you more than I've wanted anything for a long time." Moonsilver smiled and nuzzled into her hand. “You didn't sound so calm when you first opened your eyes.” “Yes, well,” Celestia flustered, “you were something of an unexpected sight, and I had just had a near-death experience.” At that, Moonsilver turned his head and looked up the twenty feet to the top of the gully where she had fallen from. “Very near death. So, the characters in your night terror are stranger than me?” Cautiously, Celestia nodded. She hadn’t thought her nightmare since it had happened. She supposed he deserved an explanation, if they were to be together. “Banished creatures from another world called Equestria, a pony who exiled herself from Equestria consumed by hateful magic and a girl from this world overwhelmed by Equestrian magic.” She pulled her hand away from his cheek and shrugged. “It sounds crazy, I know, but...” "Equestria? Ponies?” Moonsilver interrupted her gently, his calm confident voice cutting through her rising panic like a knife through butter. Leaning into her, he put his strong muscular arm around her waist and pulled her in close. What she was saying did seem crazy, but, there was the ring of truth about her words. “Tell me more.” “Ooooh…” Celestia scooted in closer and she snuggled into his embrace. “Well, there's a portal there situated outside my school. It used to open once every thirty moons for three days but now it's active all the time.” She took a deep breath before continuing. She didn’t know if he would believe her, hell, half of the time she didn’t believe it. “There were three sirens banished to here from there, and most recently, the girl overwhelmed by the magic she couldn't control, she opened something like ten portals to Equestria in a bid to understand it.” Celestia hung her head. His emerald green eyes were inscrutable. “My whole school and I were exposed to the magic.” Moonsilver was quiet for a good few minutes. He wanted to discount her story out of hand, but there was an undeniable truth to her words and in her eyes. Besides which, Equestria rang a bell from his teachings of the old texts of his tribe. “So, you dislike magic?” he asked with a smile. “I wouldn't say dislike,” Celestia replied, snuggling a little deeper into his broad chest, breathing deeply of his musky scent. “I’d say more mistrustful. The three experiences thus far haven't exactly been stellar, what with being brainwashed twice and such…” “What about the experience you are having right now?” Moonsilver interrupted her once more, “I take it the dream stone is against your flesh?” “Well,” Celestia’s cheeks flushed intensely, so much so she was sure he could feel the heat against his bare chest, “I’d say this experience is the best thus far,” she said, affectionately nuzzling the crook of his neck. “Hmm,” Moonsilver smiled as a devious little thought crossed his mind. “Now…I'm curious as to where the stone is.” Boldly, without asking, he slid his hand up her khaki shirt and over her bra. “Is it here?” “Nope!” Celestia smiled and giggled as her right breast was fondled under her shirt. “You'll just have to guess.” Moonsilver smiled, more than ready to play this game with this interesting human. “Maybe I just wasn't close enough.” With that, he moved his hand down over her firm perky breast and pushed back upwards, this time under her bra. “Here?” Celestia’s breath hitched up a couple of notches. “N-No...oooh,” she moaned as his fingers brushed over her stiffening nipple, “no, but please keep looking, just in case.” “Oh, so you have hidden it well, then.” Moonsilver grinned and the hand that was hugging her close to him slid down her front and unfastened the front fastener of her khaki shorts. Looking her in the eyes he slid his hand past the waistband to lift her up as he groped her ass. “Here?” “Y-You're close, very close…” Celestia groaned as she started unbuttoning her khaki shirt. Straightaway, Moonsilver batted her hands away from her shirt. “You will not take my job away from me.” ‘Oh…oh I love this!’ Celestia thought to herself, immediately she stopped unbuttoning her shirt and her blush returned with a bite of her lip. He was so…commanding, so self-assured, so in control. She loved the way he moved his hands over her body like he owned it, not asking, just taking. “I’m sorry, Moonsilver.” “You are a naughty...” he paused for a moment while he thought of the right word to use, “girl.” Curious to see what she wore underneath these functional outer clothes, the pale grey centaur moved his hands around the waistband of her shorts and pulled them down. “Y-Yes I am...very naughty indeed!” Celestia squeaked as she stood with her shorts around her booted feet, displaying the sort of tiny red frilly panties she used to wear when she had been the age she presented herself as. Wordlessly, passing no judgement whatsoever, Moonsilver set her down between his forelegs and began to remove her boots and socks, one after the other, and finally he slipped off her shorts. Reflexively, Celestia flexed her bare feet against the blades of grass as her hands caressed up his forelegs, feeling the strong powerful muscles. “Oh my...” Once Moonsilver had the boots and shorts off and discarded on the grassy shore by the stream, his right hand traced up the side of her right leg, but at the same time the left hand left her leg, both come back together to trace the lace of her red panties. “Hmmm…” Celestia moaned, spreading her legs wide apart, showing her dominant partner she was glistening wet and swollen with need. Ignoring her obvious display, Moonsilver chuckled and instead moved his hands up to her shirt, slowly undoing the buttons for he was curious to see if her bra matched her panties. When Celestia let out a very aroused ‘Oooh...’ he was pleased to see it did match and that both her nipples were hard and swollen with arousal. Moonsilver’s hand moved around the back of her bra in search of the release but found none. “Mmmm!” Celestia groaned, while she could feel his hot breath on her shoulder as he looked, she ran her arms up to his waist, shivering in anticipation as his breath touched her bare white skin. Finding no clasp, and being unfamiliar with the bra as a whole, Moonsilver had no idea how to get it off. He covered this with an assured, commanding smile. “You may remove this garment. Our fillies don't wear such things.” To punctuate his order, he pulled on the bra strap and released it so that it snapped across the flesh of her back. “Aaaaah!” Celestia gasped, more in surprise than pain at the sudden twang of her bra strap. “Y-You don't?” somehow, the knowledge that the female centaurs didn’t concern themselves with underwear only had her more aroused and, obediently – as Moonsilver watched – she unhooked the front clasp between her rather perky breasts and let the garment fall away. Watching closely, Moonsilver’s long tongue licked at her erect nipples. “You sure the stone isn’t here?” “Aaahn!” she hissed in pleasure. “I-It's n-not where you're licking!” Smiling, Moonsilver moved his head back and then licked at the circumference of her neck with extra nibbles at the back. “Here then?” “N-No, M-Moonsilver, it's aaaaah it's lower…” Grinning, the centaur licked all over her other breast and especially the valley between them. “Have I found it?” Celestia shook her head with a very loud whimper, her spread open legs trembling as she got very wet indeed. “N-No, Sir…” ‘Sir?’ he thought with a wry satisfied smile, ‘I prefer Master, but Sir will do for now. I’ll have to train you, Celestia.’ He laid her back on the large flat rock so that he could move his lips down to her navel. “Looks like jewellery here.” “Oh...ooooh y-you're so very close, Sir!” Celestia panted, a blush on her face when she realised she could smell how aroused she was. If she could smell it, then he definitely could. “Am I?” Moonsilver smiled. He didn’t need to smell her to know how much she wanted him. He could see her red panties were soaking wet with her need. “Maybe a bit lower then…” he placed his left hand on her left thigh. “Here?” Celestia nodded. “You're there, I have them safely in my cast.” “Well that was a fun game.” Moonsilver said, his fingers caressing little circles at the top of her thighs, “Care to explore the woods now?” “Oh yes,” Celestia replied, her breathing all shallow, “I'm ready!” Moonsilver laughed, “Are you? And I thought you'd rather I explored you.” “Well...y-yes, that too…” “You seem very indecisive, human,” Moonsilver said, his calm voice as commanding as ever as his left hand trailed its way up her leg to rest on her mound, “and wet too.” Celestia took a deep breath and, as she moaned lustily she recalled the chat with Cheerilee in the hospital. Decisive. She was in control. Say what she wanted. Right. “Aaah I, I want you. I want you to be my Master. I want to give myself to you!” She didn’t care they were out in the open where anyone could see them. She was his, and she wanted him to claim her as his pet. 'You’ll give yourself to me, will you?’ Moonsilver smiled as he nuzzled her ear and whispered gently as his fingers pushed the gusset of her panties deep in between her sopping wet folds. “You don't know me. Why would you risk all? What do you hope to gain?” Celestia didn’t have to think. “You saved my life,” she said as she trembled and moaned under his firm touch. “You didn't have to do that. Mmmmm…I-I hope to gain a lover, a soul mate and a Master all in one.” ‘That’s a good answer,’ Moonsilver nibbled and licked her ear before giving her throat the same treatment. “When can you come to me in the waking world, human?” Celestia just loved the way he called her human, rather than her name. Like the very term was a form of ownership in and of itself. “Th-The ooooh th-the doctor said I should wait until the soft cast, in two months.” Moonsilver's hand moved up and then down inside the panties so his fingers had access to her slick pussy. “A long time.” Celestia made a very loud, very cute whimper. “I-I know.” She shuffled her hips towards his questing hand, intent on getting them deeper in her dripping snatch. “I truly wish it were sooner,” she said as he lifted his wet fingers up to her mouth. Catching on, she straightaway started to lick his fingers clean. Moonsilver smiled at her willing display. “Good girl.” “Thank you, Sir," Celestia said, though her voice was muffled around the fingers she was intent on sucking clean. “Taste good?” After taking two of his finger as far as they would go into her warm willing mouth, Celestia pulled off, leaving a tiny strand of saliva joining his fingertips to her tongue. “Yes, Sir.” "I'll be the judge of that.” Moonsilver stated dominantly as his fingers slipped under her panties and, after a short few moments sawing them in and out of her snatch he lifted them up to his own mouth. Celestia couldn’t help but buck her hips to meet his fingers, then she whined at the loss of contact she craved so much. “Do ah, do you like?” Slowly, he licked his fingers, his eyes never leaving hers. “I'm not sure.” “Please, Sir, you should have another taste.” “You may be right, human,” he called her that in full knowledge of how aroused it made her while out of her vision he pulled a short bone handled flint hunting knife from his waist pouch and with it he sliced the sharp blade through her panties. “I shall do so now,” He stated, telling her, rather than asking as the flimsy garment fell from her body. Grinning at her sharp intake of breath, he effortlessly lifted her up in his arms buried his muzzle deep in her crotch. “AaaAAAAAH yeeeeees!” Celestia cried out, part of her thrilling at how easily she was lifted, part of her loving the fact she was being eaten out in the middle of the forest and the rest of her moaned at Moonsilver’s very long, very skilled tongue buried in her. While he licked and sucked at her labia, she had her hands at his ears, rubbing up and down their length. As this was Celestia’s dream, she soon realised his tongue was as good as she imagined it to be and his technique was as good as she wished. She could take it as long as she wanted until she came, and, seeing as it was her dream, he could and would continue for as long as that took. After several ecstasy filled minutes spent writhing in Moonsilver’s strong powerful arms with her toned legs wrapped around his head, Celestia screamed a very long, very loud scream as she came and squirted her juice all over his face. The centaur wasted no time at all in lapping her clean, an act that made her cum a second time. Once her intense orgasm finally ebbed, he moved up her body and kissed her fully on the lips. “Oooooh MMMM!” Celestia squeaked as she wrapped her arms around his strong neck and kissed him hard, tasting herself in the process. "Now that I have a second opinion,” Moonsilver said as he pulled away from the kiss, “I'll say you do taste nice.” “Th-That was amazing!” Moonsilver nodded, still holding his panting human in his arms. “The dream realm is addictive. I can meet you here every second week while we wait for you to come here to me in person.” “I'd like that.” Celestia smiled in his arms, a faint blush colouring her cheeks. “Sooooo...” she started, somewhat nervously, “Moonsilver, will you please be my Master?” “In this realm it is difficult to be so, as it is your dream.” Moonsilver nodded with a smile, though he held up a finger to her lips to quiet her burgeoning objections. “Here, I'm the Master you desire or imagine. In the waking realm, I think I'll enjoy being your true Master.” “I understand Moonsilver.” She kissed his lips again. She’d much rather have a real Master than an imaginary one, even if the imaginary one was as great as this. “I-I want to get a collar, to wear for you. I can have the gems placed in it?” “You have my permission to do so.” Celestia beamed a very wide smile and kissed him again. “Thank you,” another kiss to his lips, “Master. A nice grey one, I think?” Moonsilver ran his fingers through her pastel coloured hair and said with a smile, “It isn't that grey yet.” "No...I meant your skin colour not my hair,” Celestia paused, her eyes going wide as she made the admission. She knew, of course, that this representation of her wasn’t the real ‘her’, and she also knew that he had seen her real body, that didn’t stop her worrying though. Moonsilver laughed, his mirth making her body jiggle in quite the most pleasing manner. “I shall have great fun teasing you, Celestia.” Realising she had been ‘had’, she blushed an intense red. He was as bad as Luna, it seemed. “Ha, ha. Jasmine.” “Jasmine?” “My safe word.” Celestia explained, kissing his nose affectionately, “My sister's girlfriend said I required one. I chose Jasmine.” “Your sister has a girlfriend?” Celestia nodded. “Yes, she does. Is ah, is that a problem, Moonsilver?” “Yes, yes it is.” Moonsilver replied with a very serious look all over his face. Again, he held up a finger to keep her quiet. “My sister is looking for a girlfriend and your sister is not available!” he finished, quickly sliding his tongue up and into her ear. Celestia giggled like a little girl and tried - without much conviction - to get away from his tongue in her ear. “Ooooh you!” “Yes, me.” Moonsilver chuckled as he gently set her down on the grass by the stream and sat down next to her. “I have enjoyed our night, now, should I let you sleep or toss you into the river?” “Please don't toss me anywhere,” she said as she knelt up and kissed him. “Tomorrow, when the hospital releases me, I'll get the collar made for us.” “I look forward to seeing it on you in our next dream meeting.” “I'll even wear it at home…” she said, looking down a little, “it'll be like having you with me.” she smiled at that, picturing him with her in her house and how marvellous having her Master with her all the time would be. “Is there anything I can do for you in the meantime?” “Yes,” Moonsilver answered, his hands stroking her bare ass cheeks, “I would like to know more about this Equestrian magic and this portal that you speak of.” “Well, I um, what would you like to know?” “A timeline would be best.” Moonsilver said after a moment’s thought. Especially if the air stones were affected somehow, then the tribe would need to know. “When was the portal last used? How many are here from this Equestria place? Yes, that would be useful to know.” The pale grey centaur playfully licked at her pert breasts, “Maybe you can get some of that for when we meet again in two weeks.” “Aaah, I-I'm not at all s-sure on an exact timeline,” Celestia panted, she’d never get tired of his tongue on her nipples, and other places, “But from what I understand, there have been four from Equestria that live here.” She held her arms around his neck and leant into hug him tight. “Sunset Shimmer came on her own accord just a few years ago, while the three Sirens were banished by a pony named Starswirl a thousand years ago. I'll do my best to get more accurate details for you; I know who to talk to.” Moonsilver, admittedly not the most attentive student in mythology class, didn’t remember the name of Starswirl, but he was sure there were others – especially on the council – who would. He made a mental note to bring it up the next time he met them, though that was more his father’s area of expertise. “Now...apart from the collar,” Celestia started, “what else can I do for you while we're apart? I mean...touching myself would be naughty, right?” “It is a start, and yes it would be. Very naughty, human,” he said with a smile as he lovingly kissed her lips. “You should rest now and heal, Celestia. ‘till our next session and maybe I can be more the master you seek.” “I'd like that,” Celestia smiled as she returned the kiss. “I'll think of you.” “I know I'll think of you.” With that, and with the ramifications the course he had chosen would have on his family and tribe, he faded from her view. ~ ~ ~ After Principal Celestia awoke from what had been the most restful sleep in months, and having her promised visit from the doctor to check her blood, she had been given the all clear to go home. Grinning, she picked up the phone next to her bed and dialled Luna’s cell phone number. Thankfully, her sister was as punctual as ever and answered her phone on the third ring of the dial tone. “Hello,” her curt voice came over the line, “this is Luna, how may I help you?” In her best 'Principal voice', Celestia answered her sister, “Miss Luna, you may report to the Principal’s office and collect your sister at your earliest convenience.” Luna sighed an audible sigh down the phone line. Play time with Leelee would have to wait. Besides, she had a present to get her pet anyway. “So, she got out of detention again. Very well, Principal, I will come and fetch her. Would twenty minutes be okay? “Thank you Lulu, that's fine, thank you…” she was about to hang up when a thought occurred to her, a thought centred on the promise she had made to get a collar made for herself to give to Moonsilver so he could properly claim her. “Oh, and could you bring my purse, please?” “Can do,” Luna replied quickly, resisting the urge to have another dig at her sister’s ancient station wagon. She thought better of it though, especially as she seemed to be in a good mood, which meant a decent night’s sleep for once. “I just have to fetch it. Still in your car. See you in a bit.” "Thank you. I'll be out front, Lu.” Celestia hung up and got her things together. Thankfully there wasn't much. She was already wearing her favourite summer yellow dress and her clothes from the day before were in a little bag. She resolved to toss those, after all they were ripped to hell. After ten minutes, she called the nurse and, once she was safely placed in the wheelchair, she was soon waiting at the front foyer for her sister to arrive. Another ten minutes passed and, on time, Luna pulled up outside the hospital in her jet black Audi R8 sports car. The nurse, who had graciously kept Celestia company during her brief wait, handed her the crutches she would need to help her get around. “Now is a good time to try the crutches to the car,” she said with a smile as Luna got out of the driver’s side and opened the passenger side door, ready for her. "Thank you, Nurse.” Celestia smiled and heaved herself up from the wheelchair with a grimace. She missed her twenty year old body she had enjoyed letting Moonsilver enjoy in the dreamscape. “Good morning sister,” she said once she was within earshot of her younger sibling. "It is a fine summer morning to hobble about.” Luna replied with a giggle and a tight hug and, once she had released said hug, she walked around her car at her sister’s slower pace. Giving her just enough time to get in and get comfortable, she played chauffeur and closed the door for her after she placed her crutches in the back. "It is a lovely morning alright.” Celestia said once Luna was back in the driver’s seat and her car was in gear. She couldn't help but shudder involuntarily, this car was way too powerful for her liking. Hell, she couldn't believe she used to drive a trans am back in the day. These days she much preferred her comfy old station wagon. “If you don't mind on the way back, I'd like to stop off at the Carousel Boutique, please.” Luna sniggered as she pulled out of the hospital drive and entered the traffic flow proper, “Sudden need to chastise one of your students? I don't think Rarity is responsible for your leg being in a cast.” Celestia giggled brightly, “Oh it’s nothing like that, Lulu, I want Miss Rarity to make something for me, that’s all.” "Really,” Luna giggled as she overtook a slower moving van, “don't you have enough hats all ready? Then again, a little Leelee told me you thought your neck to be rather cold.” Celestia, who had been busy holding on for dear life at her sister’s driving – she was tight at the speed limit, not five miles per hour under it like her - blushed very noticeably at that, but she maintained her smile. “As you have no doubt guessed,” she started by way of explanation, “I'm going to have Miss Rarity make me a collar.” “Choker, darling,” Luna responded quickly in a very poor imitation of the fashionista’s voice, “collars are for pets.” Celestia laughed out loud, “Oh that's good. My gentleman has given me permission to get one, and I figure Rarity is the best girl to go to.” "She is most certainly discreet,” Luna agreed as she drove along to the boutique, she reflected on the fact that she and Cheerilee had no reason to complain about Rarity’s discretion. “Will you tell me who will hold the leash?” Celestia froze. She had been expecting the question and, while she was hesitant at first, she answered; “I ah...I cannot tell you as much as I'd like to…” quickly, seeing her sister’s expression change in the seat next to her, she added, “I know we don't keep secrets Lu, but...his name is Moonsilver. I met him on my hike and he saved my life.” Luna, instantly suspicious as, like her sister had said, they didn’t keep secrets, was at least placated by the provision of a name. “Ahhh, so you did have help.” She had suspected as much when she had seen her sister’s leg had been set. “The name is not one I recognise, but I don't know everyone. I'll let it slide for now.” "I promise I'm in no danger, I swear it on our parent's grave. He would just prefer I didn't reveal too much at this stage.” Celestia blushed a little as she paused in her guarded explanation, “He is younger than me though, I think…” Luna interrupted her sister then, she just couldn't help it. It came to her and she just had to let it out. “You are suggesting there is possibly something older than you, dear sister of mine?” She let out a delighted little giggle at the look of outrage on her older sibling’s face, but before she could respond she pulled up outside the boutique. “We’re here,” and, with that, Luna got out of her car and after getting Celestia her crutches, she let her out. "Oh ha de ha, my sister the comedienne.” Celestia groused playfully as, with a little help, she got out of her sister’s car. “Would my taxi mind waiting? I'll pay the meter.” "I have no trouble waiting inside.” Luna shot back, holding up her hand to quieten any objections she could tell would be coming her way. “You'll have your private time with the fashionista, I just think my pet could use some new lingerie that I will surprise her with.” Seeing as Luna was holding her arm anyway, Celestia took a moment to hug her little sister as hard as she could. “Thank you, Lu,” she couldn't quite put into words how grateful she was that Luna wasn't pressing or grilling her for details that she was unable to give right now. Disengaging herself from her sister’s hug, Luna obligingly held open the door to the boutique and, as the bell rang yo announce their presence, the midnight blue skinned woman stood aside to allow Celestia to enter first. Rarity, who was in the middle of dressing her mannequins in her latest designs, looked up when she heard the bell ring. “Welcome to Cara...” her usual greeting dude on her lips when she saw just whom had entered her shop. “Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna, how can I assist you today?” Luna nonchalantly smoothed her long white shirt over her dark blue jeans. “It is a Cheerilee day,” she said with a smile as Rarity covered her mouth and giggled. "I see, so what would you like for her, Luna?” she asked, all professional and business-like now that the initial shock of her customer’s entry had worn off. They weren’t at school, after all, so here, she was in charge. "White underbust corset please, complete with panties, garter, and stockings to match.” Luna confidently placed her order with Rarity who, for her part, didn’t bat an eyelid. “You have her size still?” "I do.” Rarity nodded, sliding her red rimmed glasses up her nose as she jotted down what her Vice-Principal had requested. This wasn’t the first time she had come with a request for her girlfriend and pet. If she was honest, Rarity loved it; the whole scene, and supplying it. Luna gave Celestia a sideways long look and smirked, “My sister actually has a similar sort of business for you today.” with that, she stepped back in order to put her older sister firmly in the forefront. She could swear she could see her squirm even from the back. Curiously, Rarity looked on, but stayed silent. Celestia had a very hot furious blush spreading all over her cheeks at being thrust out like this. ‘Damn you, Lulu!’ she thought, and she struggled to gather herself. “Yes, I ah, I was wondering if perhaps you'd be so kind as to ah…” she trailed off and looked at the floor, before her nerve failed her, she continued, “make a choker, for me, please?” Out of Celestia’s vision, Luna made a quick ‘shooing’ motion with her hands which Rarity, who had been somewhat taken aback by her Principal’s request, quickly understood. After all, she expected orders like that from Luna, but not from her far more reserved sister. “Please follow me into my office and we can discuss the specifics,” she said with a professional smile and pointing to a closed white door off to the side. "I'd be happy to, Miss Rarity,” smiling a thankful smile, Celestia nodded and hobbled her way after the young fashion designer as she sashayed over to her private office. Rarity held open the office door and, once they were both inside and the door was securely closed, Rarity got straight to the business at hand. “Is this order for you or for another, Celestia?" Celestia studied the top of the desk, strewn with half-drawn dress designs and other detritus of Rarity’s trade, unable for the moment to meet the girl’s scrutinising gaze. “It's for me, Mi-...Rarity.” "I see,” with that, Rarity’s focus shifted a little and she was looking hard at the older woman’s neck as she walked around her. “Something like what Luna got for Cheerilee, you mean?” "A choker, yes, please.” “Colour?” Celestia could at least answer that with some certainty. “Light grey, please. Oh, and could you please make it so it can hold these?” as she said that, and with Rarity’s eyes alive with curiosity, she reached just inside the top of her cast and retrieved the three gems that Moonsilver had given her. “They must touch my skin.” "Oh!” Rarity exclaimed happily, holding out her hand. Obediently, Celestia passed the three gems – the opal, the aconite and the apatite – to the young girl. As soon as she let them go from her hand, the pain numbing effects of the green apatite left her as well. Rarity, focussed on the fine cut gems, didn’t notice Celestia wince and grunt with pain. “These are lovely. Hmm, yes I could make a ring setting on them so they would touch your skin. While Cheerilee's choker is...” she trailed off, having at last noticed her customer’s discomfort. “Are you quite all right?” 'Sweet sun above my leg freaking hurts!’ Celestia thought, though she just vocalised a grunt. “I'm fi-fine, Rarity. I just need my meds from my purse.” She reached for her purse on the table and retrieved said pain medication that the doctor had left her with. “Sorry, it kinda snuck up on me there.” "Yes,” Rarity shifted uncomfortably, “I was trying to avoid bringing up the cast. Let me get you some water.” Taking the gems with her, she walked over to the water cooler in the corner of her office by the other side of the desk and wasted no time in coming back with a beaker of water. "No need to avoid it,” Celestia waved her off, concentrating for the moment on the pain in her leg. She had got accustomed to the gem dulling the pain from the break, “it's there, after all.” Smiling sympathetically, Rarity handed her the beaker of ice cold water. “It is rather plain though,” she couldn’t help but critique it. “You should have your friends decorate it for you.” With that, she studied the white, green and blue gems she held in her ivory hand. They really were a remarkable cut, such exquisite craftsmanship had gone into their production, that much was obvious. “Do you want these visible along the front, or hidden by your hair at the back?” "Visible from the front please, I want to show them off for my gentleman.” She paused for a moment and swallowed her tablets and the water, before sighing with relief. “Thank you, for that.” "Cheerilee's was very lacy,” Rarity said, more thinking out loud, “But if you like I have a white on white brocade I could dye a lovely shade of grey on grey. Hmmm, perhaps with the white gem centred, green on your left and blue on your right I think. Opinion?” Celestia didn’t really know about that aspect of it. Rarity was the know how in this regard. “Oh yes, I'll ah, bow to your expertise, Rarity.” She looked at the table again and, on there was a design for red underwear that jogged her memory of the previous night’s dream. Summoning a little nerve, for she was sure Moonsilver would like it, she asked, “I wonder if, while I'm here, I might get some lingerie, red and frilly.” "Yes, you might while you are here.” Rarity answered with a smile, “Any metal allergies? I would suggest platinum or white gold for the settings, although I have sterling silver too if cost is an issue.” "White gold is perfect.” Celestia replied quickly, “Cost isn't an issue for this piece.” "I'll have it ready in two days.” Rarity stated as she set the gems down, ironically, on the paper on her desk that had the red underwear design on it. “Yes, I may have your size,” she said, looking her Principal over more completely, “But if not I can have something ready for you in four or five days. Shall we rejoin your sister to have a look?” "Before we rejoin Lulu, Rarity, could you do me a favour and let me have Sunset's cell?” she asked, coming onto the second reason why she had wanted to talk to Rarity in private. Given what she and Moonsilver had discussed in the dreamscape, she thought it best to talk with Sunset Shimmer as quickly as possible, given that she was this world’s resident expert on all things Equestrian. "Of course,” Rarity answered, turning back to her desk of many papers – an organised mess would be polite – and fished amongst them to find the number. “I was wondering something too,” she said as she searched, “did your sister say why she wanted to dress Cheerilee in white?” "Thank you for the number,” Celestia smiled before offering the best idea she had on why her sister wanted her girlfriend in white. “Marriage, perhaps?” admittedly, she wasn’t really thinking of Luna and Cheerilee right now. Had she been, she would’ve seen the obvious answer. The moment Celestia mentioned the ‘M’ word, Rarity let out a loud squee and she had to cover her mouth again lest she squeal very loudly. “I think I'll hold onto that gossip ‘till something develops. Here is Sunny's cell number. Grinning ear to ear, she held out a scrap of paper with the number on it and the door open for her. "How much do you want to cover, Celestia?” Rarity asked as they both made their way out of her office back into the main shop floor of the boutique to where Luna was patiently waiting. "Cover?” Luna’s ears immediately shot up, sensing an opportunity for teasing her sister. Celestia shot her younger sister a dirty look. “I ah, I was thinking of getting some lingerie actually, something red, and frilly, I ah, I want to leave very little to the imagination.” Wordlessly, Luna and Rarity shared a knowing ‘look’ with each other. “You're a size ten?” Rarity asked as she moved over to investigate a nearby rack full of lacy things. "I am, yes,” Celestia nodded. ‘Oh...oh this is foolish!’ she thought to herself as she watched Rarity flit from hanger to hanger, inspecting one underwear set after the other until by lucky providence she happened upon the one she had designed the day before, the red one from the drawings in her office. ‘What am I doing buying something like that anyway?’ "Aha!” with a joyous exclamation, Rarity pulled off the rack what was a red sheer lace teddy with panties, garter, stockings, and a quite sheer wrap. Excitedly, she passed her find over to her somewhat reluctant customer. “This would be what you're looking for?” "Try it on!” Luna chanted the very instant she saw the scanty garment, “Try it on!” Celestia however took one look at what she was offered and if it was possible, she went even paler, her doubts magnifying by the second. “O-Okay…” Rarity saw her discomfort and, helpfully, she pointed over to the far wall, that was lined with several hanging curtains. “Changing room is over here.” Luna scoffed at that. “She doesn't need a changing room!” she crowed, Rarity on the other hand said nothing, she simply held the curtain to the nearest changing room open for her. Celestia, with the hanger and what was barely on it, draped over her arm, hobbled over. “I'll take the changing room, if you please.” While Celestia was busy in the changing room removing the summer yellow dress she had on, she heard the front door bell ring as it opened. Briefly she wondered whom had entered, she was however too occupied with the full length mirror in front of her. As she dressed herself in each part of the tiny frilly lacy red lingerie her doubts increased exponentially. By the time she was ‘dressed’, Celestia found that she hated the mirror. Looking back at her was her fifty year old self, saggy breasts, paunchy belly et al. ‘Damn you…’ she thought miserably. She was about to take it all off and just leave the boutique when she realised the bell still hadn’t rung again. Whomever had entered was still here. She decided for now to stay where she was. The fewer people who saw her the better. Near the changing room curtain that served as its door, Celestia heard Luna’s voice. “Berry that is beautiful. Hey, you have a moment, you can comment on something my sister is getting. She doesn't always believe me.” Celestia’s eyes went wide. Very wide. ‘No!’ she thought in utter horror, ‘go away Berry!’ Unfortunately, for her, Berryshine didn’t go away. “Sure,” she heard her reply to her sister, “I'll have a look.” Looking in the mirror, Celestia just wanted to curl up and cry. She felt about as un-sexy as it was possible to feel, especially with well, everything, the way it was. “L-Lulu...” she stammered nervously, “ah, a-are you sure?” Celestia,” Berryshine teased her old school friend with a smile on her face, leaning casually against the side of the changing room, “it wasn't that long ago we went skinny dipping in Whitetail Pond.” Luna almost fell onto the floor in shock. “You what?” There was no way in the universe that her sister had ever done that. “Oh,” Berryshine’s eyes were alive with glee. “She never told you that story?” This would be fun! There was a lot that most people didn’t know about the reserved, impeccable Principal Celestia; namely, she wasn’t always so reserved. “That was thirty years ago!” Celestia squeaked indignantly from inside the changing room. ‘Ugh...she isn't going away...’ with that horrible realisation, she knew the only way to keep her old friend from spilling her guts was to leave the changing room. ‘H-Here goes nothing…’ with that she slowly, very slowly emerged into their scrutiny, wishing she was somewhere very far away. "Wowee!” Berryshine gave her old friend an appreciative whistle after a very hard, very long look over. “You still got it, girl. So, who you displaying your wears too?” "She’s trying to keep it low key, least the school rumour mill start up,” Luna interjected as she joined Berryshine in ogling her sister. “Right, Rarity?” "Yes Darling.” Celestia however didn’t look or feel convinced with her current get up. Without her Moonsilver by her side her self-confidence was next to zero. Thinking of him, however gave her a teeny boost. “There's a, well I met a handsome man, the other day…” Berryshine held up her hand to quiet her friend. “Say no more, I wish you the best of luck, Celly.” Smiling, she took her purchases and left the boutique, though not before she took the time to sign and doodle a wine bottle on her cast. Assessing her customer with a somewhat critical eye, Rarity walked around Celestia’s blushing body, letting out little ‘hmms’ and ‘aaahs’ as she made a few minor adjustments here and there. “Yes,” the fashionista said finally as she stepped back to admire her fully, “it does show you off rather nicely.” Luna, like an overgrown three year old, skipped around her older sister, pausing just long enough to playfully poke her breasts which were supported by the brassiere. “My sister has boobies!” she called out in sheer glee, while Rarity snorted and had to cover her mouth again. "Yes.” Celestia deadpanned, having very serious second and third thoughts. “Look, maybe this wasn't that great an idea, I mean, what if this,” she gestured to herself, “puts him off?" Luna couldn’t resist. “I think you mean, gets him off!” she giggled as both she and Rarity lost in in fits of giggles. "I ah, I-I assure you any stains will wash out!” Rarity giggled while Luna made conspicuous jerk off motions with her hand. "Yes, Luna, thank you.” Celestia said with the tone of one admonishing an errant child, rolling her eyes as she glanced back at the sanctuary of the changing room. “I'll go get changed now, I think." As soon as Celestia had her back to them, Luna leant in close to Rarity as she walked behind her counter. “She's taking it,” a little louder, she called out, “I'll just grab your purse and pay for it and whatever secret thing you did in the back room!” giggling, she lowered her voice once more, “and what I got too.” Shooting her sister a look over her shoulder she nodded before disappearing into the changing room and drawing the curtain across the ‘door’. Again, she was forced to look at herself as she changed back into her summer yellow dress. ‘Oh...this is such a mistake!’ she couldn’t stop the unbidden thought running through her head. Eventually she turned away from the mirror that was taunting her. "She must really be Twitterpated to pay for my purchase,” Luna sniggered as she passed her sister’s card to Rarity at the register. Rarity laughed at that as she swiped the card and ran up the sale. “I loved that film. So, do you think she is falling for a Flower, a Thumper, or Bambi?” "Our walls are thin enough, so I hope it’s a Flower type.” "Here is your receipt.” Rarity passed the card and the receipt back to the older woman. “Your order will be ready for you on Monday." "Thanks Rarity.” Luna took both the card and the receipt, stowing both safely back in her sister’s purse. “I have Leelee promoting your 'specialty line' of clothing, you know.” Both Rarity and Luna shared a giggle at that, especially seeing as Cheerilee was the model for her more ‘adult’ catalogue range. Presently, after a few minutes longer spent collecting herself, Celestia emerged from the changing room dressed once more in her altogether more presentable long yellow dress she had on before she went in. “Well, it looks like you two are all happy bunnies.” "We are,” Luna giggled though at the mention of ‘bunnies’, given what she’d just spoken about with Rarity. "Do you need that gift wrapped or just bagged?” "Gift wrapped, please.” "Of course, Darling!” Rarity said as she took the underwear from Celestia and in a matter of moments, with practised ease, she had them wrapped up with white paper and red ribbon with a cute little bow. “Here you are, I hope the one that unwraps this has a chance to wrap the one who gifted it.” "Thank you, I'm uh, I'm sure he will,” Celestia said with a very forced smile as she took her bag under her arm. “Thank you, Rarity, for your time.” "It was my pleasure, Celestia,” Rarity beamed a genuine smile at being able to help her customer, nay Principal, out as she had done. “Do stop in again if you need some other items of 'interest'.” "I will.” Celestia paused as she turned to face the door. “Lu, are you ready to go?” Luna nodded and followed her sister to the door. “Yes, oh Rarity, I'll be back to pick up my item on Monday.” She held open the door for her sister. “In case you want to model for me again.” She smiled as they both left the Carousel Boutique and made their way back to her waiting Audi, where they once again stowed the crutches in the back along with Celestia’s new lingerie set. Outside, back in the sports car’s passenger seat, Celestia waited until her sister was sat beside her until she gave voice to a teeny thing that had occurred to her while she had been thinking of Sunset Shimmer, her cell number and Rarity giving it to her. “Lulu,” she asked as the powerful car was put in gear and it pulled away from the boutique, “may I ask why you wanted Cheerilee to dress in white?” “You may,” Luna giggled, “did Rarity give you a guess?” “Well,” Celestia thought about it, “she asked me and I had a guess, yes.” “Oh, did she give you any reasons?” Luna asked, steering around a couple of cars that weren’t moving quite as fast as she’d like them to be. “So what was your guess?” Celestia shook her head. “No, she just asked. I suggested you might be getting married.” Quietly, she had her fingers crossed on that one. It had always been their parent’s wish to see one of them married, though in truth they had thought of either of them, she was the one more likely than Luna. “But we're sisters,” Luna retorted, completely straight-faced, “what would the others say?” Now, Celestia actually looked across at her younger sister, disbelief rife all over her face. “What?” Luna burst out laughing. She couldn’t help it, though a teeny part of her felt sorry for her sister. “That face! I'll never get tired of that face!” When her sniggered giggles eventually subsided, she continued, “Celly, what colour clothing do you usually see Leelee wear?” Again, she giggled. “When she wears clothes at our house?” “Well…” Celestia blushed a little, pouting out of the car window at being the butt of the joke yet again, “the few things I've seen her wear are mostly similar to your skin colour. Not that there's anything wrong with dark blue, of course.” Luna grinned as she drove her car back to their shared home. “You get an A in observation, dearest sister of mine. Now, if she was wearing white, who could that possibly be?” “M-Me?” Luna nodded. “Very observant. So, I'm going to have Leelee pretend to be you so you can learn how to be a good and proper pet for your gentleman friend.” “Wow...” Celestia didn’t know what else to say to that. She was taken aback by her sister’s very generous and considerate act. “You ah, you'd both do that, for me?” Again, Luna nodded, this time solemnly. “I love you sis, even if you are the poster child for nerdism.” “Yes well, thank you…” Celestia took the backhanded compliment and looked out of the window of the car for a moment as the scenery whizzed past them, deep in thought then, she looked down at her bag. All of a sudden, the doubts from the boutique came flooding back. “Luna...what am I doing?” Luna, for her part, knew exactly what her sister was doing. She was just surprised she hadn’t done it sooner. “I think that fall let you know just how important living is. Live, sister. If it works, that’s all well and good. If it doesn't, well, I'm not going anywhere.” Celestia nodded, taking in what her younger sister had said to her, mulling it over. “Yes, I was so close to dying, and all I've got to show for myself, besides you, is CHS.” She smiled as she thought of her school. She loved the place, and the students – they were like an extended family of sorts – but, at times she did feel trapped there. She couldn’t help but wonder what more was out there, and with Moonsilver, she had an idea. “I just…I think I've found something more important than the school.” ‘It’s about time,’ Luna smiled. “Both me and Leelee believe the very same thing. You really see us getting married?” “Absolutely, I do.” Luna sighed as she turned onto a street near their house. “Whatever would the PTA say?” Celestia actually laughed out loud at that, picturing as she did so the shocked and outraged faces looking at her and Moonsilver if they ever were to ‘go public’, as it were. “As if you've ever cared what anyone else says or thinks, Lu.” "Then, I've fooled you too,” Luna said in all seriousness, “as I do care. I care about our school and the students. I care about their futures. I care about you and Leelee, and I wouldn't want to hurt either of you. I'll still tease you to the end of time, of course.” "I know sis, I know.” Now it was Celestia’s turn to sigh. “I love you too. I feel the same. I also think you'll make a fine Principal.” "I will, when the time comes,” Luna replied as she steered them onto their street and pulled up outside their house. “Just like you'd make a fine mayor for the city.” "You think so?” Celestia laughed, “Oh, I don't know. I thought I had my future mapped until I went hiking. Your fault by the way. You and your crazy dream theories telling me to go to the Everfree Forest.” "Yes, I see it now.” Luna grinned as she pulled up and put her car in park. “Vice-Principal Luna reluctantly takes over at Canterlot High School after Principal Celestia marries and sees her talents can better serve all the people of Canterlot.” She smiled, having made her own newspaper headline, “Her husband is in full support of this decision!” "Hmmm…” Celestia didn’t really notice the Audi R8 had parked. She was busy enjoying a private little daydream that consisted of her marrying Moonsilver and settling down with him as his 24/7 subservient pet in his house, a fantasy she enjoyed a great deal. “Celestia joins her husband in the forest and lives happily ever after...” she muttered, barely audible in the car. Luna burst out laughing, misreading what her older sister had said as she opened her car door. “Sister, I think you'd make a terrible hermit.” "Hmm…” Celestia giggled, still somewhat lost in the fantasy, “perhaps you're right.” > Chapter 4 - Celestia, Sunset and the Portal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While her sister had already opened her passenger side door, Luna paused for a moment on her driveway. A question had occurred to her, one she hadn’t asked yet. “Celly, did the Doc say you could drive?” “He did,” Celestia replied, taking a moment to enjoy the cool summer breeze that blew through the open car door. “I made sure to ask him and he said I'd be fine in an automatic.” “Okay,” Luna snickered, unable to stop herself from teasing her sister, “I'm going to treat you like a cripple up ‘till you're in the house. Then, I'm going over to Leelee's for some quality ‘us’ time, and to give you some quiet time.” A playful grin appeared on her face then, and she nudged her older sister, “You know, in case your boyfriend comes over to tuck you in.” she giggled, “If you do drive somewhere, please text me. I may not reply, but I won't have to worry about looking for you.” Celestia, recognising her younger sister’s attempt at a wind up, didn’t respond. “Thanks Lulu. I don't mind being your cripple, it’s abought time you looked after me!” she snickered, sticking out her tongue. “And...and I truly wish he would show up and surprise me, I really do.” Sadly though, she knew it wouldn’t happen. “Remember, if you use the house phone the number is on the bill so use your cell so as to not tempt me!” Luna erupted into a fit of giggles when Celestia took a playful swipe at her, which she easily dodged. “Well, as you can see,” she pointed to the beige station wagon parked in the other drive, “Your ‘Back to the Past’ car is safe and sound.” With that, she got out of the driver’s seat and retrieved the crutches from the back seat before passing them to her waiting sister. “Don't be mean about my Rosie…” Celestia groused good-naturedly, “She can hear you and she has feelings.” Using the crutches she heaved herself out of the passenger’s side seat and hobbled her way towards their front door. “Who knows, Lu? If things keep going well between us, hopefully I'll be able to introduce you. Then detective Lulu can rest easy.” Luna giggled at that as she helped her sister open the front door, “Just leads to other lines of investigation, that’s all.” Casually, she inspected her fingernails and smoothed her shirt down over her jeans. “Not like you didn't follow up on Cheerilee or anything.” Though she said it quietly, Celestia of course heard her sister’s comment. “That's entirely absolutely different!” sniffing as though she was offended by the remark, Celestia made her way inside the entrance hall. “I'm the big sister, I'm supposed to follow up, investigate and interrogate your suitors.” Luna snickered, “Will you be my bridesmaid?” Taken somewhat by surprise by her sister’s sudden question, Celestia almost slipped on the hardwood flooring in the hall. Luckily, she caught herself on the hat and coat stand that resided by the full length mirror that she hated so much. “Lulu,” she answered, straightening herself, cast and all, “I'd be honoured to, you know that. I'd do anything for you.” “Have fun, whatever you do.” Luna giggled once she was sure Celestia wasn’t going to fall. “There is left over lasagne in the fridge. I may stay the night at Leelee's,” she paused long enough to give her a hug and a kiss on her cheek. “Remember, do what the doc told you!” Celestia rolled her eyes in response to that. “I will, and go have your fun. I do hope she says yes.” Luna shook her head, “marriage is a long ways off, but hold onto your dream. I learned to never say never. Ta ta for now, sis!” giving her one last cheeky peck on the nose, Luna turned and skipped down the driveway to her waiting Audi before driving off and leaving Celestia standing in the entrance hall. Being left alone, Celestia decided to leave the lasagne for later and instead fixed herself just a salad. She was after all determined move the pudginess on her belly. Or at least, not add to it. After she had consumed what was little more than rabbit food that somehow left her hungrier after she was done than she had been before she started, Celestia decided she needed a bath. At least her bathroom didn’t have stupid mirrors on the ceiling. Alas, as Celestia was soon to discover, the much needed and much looked forward to home bath had to, by necessity, become an all over sponge wash, thanks in no small part to the cast on her left leg. ‘Stupid cast…stupid leg…’ she muttered as she rubbed herself with the sponge. Already she hated this, and she’d have it for another two months. Once she was dried, she hobbled her way slowly into her bedroom and, pulling open her closet door – for Cheerilee had thoughtfully cleared away and cleaned all her dirty clothes she had left strewn all over her bedroom floor – only to be confronted with the image of her naked body in the mirror on the other side of the closet door. ‘Ugh…stupid body…’ she thought miserably as she gazed at herself. ‘Sagging this, pudgy that, wide whatever, wrinkles and greying hair…what does Moonsilver possibly see in me?’ Finally, after the frankly depressing talking-to she had given herself, Celestia decided to dress. Usually, she wouldn’t have bothered, but she really didn’t want to see herself in the many mirrors in the house. Besides, Luna always yelled at her when she broke one of them. So, she selected the baggiest shorts and the longest tee she had and pulled those on instead. Going back into the kitchen, shuffling carefully, Celestia decided to indulge in the one thing she knew for sure would make her feel a little better. Jasmine tea. While it was brewing she deposited the big white bag with three blue diamonds on it that held her purchases from the Carousel Boutique on the sofa in the living room. ‘Stupid lingerie…’ However, once she was sat in her favourite comfortable comfy chair, with her jasmine tea by the radio with her feet up on her favourite pouffe, Celestia wasn’t thinking about her worn out body and the lingerie unopened on her sofa. Taking up her new cell phone she had purchased after her visit to Rarity’s shop, she thought about calling Sunset Shimmer. Staring at the scrap of paper she held in her hand that Rarity had written Sunset’s number down on, Celestia took a moment to gather her thoughts together and work out what she was going to say. ‘Oh...oh I hope Sunset can help, or know someone – or some…somepony - who can!’ she thought as she dialled the number. Several rings later and the dial tone switched to Sunset’s voice mail. “You have reached Sunset Shimmer. Please leave a message and I'll be back in touch with you after three p.m.” Once the beep had sounded, Celestia left her message. “Miss Shimmer, Sunset, this is Principal Celestia. I ah, I have a matter I need to discuss with you, of an…” she paused for a second and sighed, “of an…’Equestrian’ nature. Could you please call me back as soon as you can?” when she hung up, after leaving her new number just in case the caller ID wasn’t working, Celestia noticed it was already a quarter to three. At five minutes past three, twenty minutes later, Celestia had just started watching her favourite afternoon TV programme, Homes Under the Hammer, with a second cup of jasmine tea, her cell phone rang. Putting her tea on the little side table beside her comfy chair, Celestia muted the TV and answered her phone. “Hello?” she started, though she knew from the number who was calling, “Celestia speaking.” “Hello, Principal Celestia,” Sunset Shimmer’s somewhat breathless voice came down the phone line. She’d just gotten off from her retail job in town and she was walking over to her dirt bike in the parking lot. A present from CHS after the Friendship Games, she loved that bike. “I was very much surprised by your call. I um, I thought we put all that Equestria stuff behind us.” “As did I, Sunset.” Celestia replied, taking a little sip of her tea. “However, something has come up, something regarding the portal that I’m hoping you may be able to help me with.” “Okay,” Sunset Shimmer was curious about that, and her interest was immediately piqued. “I’m not sure what I can do, but I'll be happy to try. You want to meet up at the school?” Celestia shook her head, feeling silly as nobody could see her doing it. “No, would you mind awfully coming over to my house? I'd like to keep this as private as I can for now.” “Your house?” now Sunset’s curiosity was very much raised, “I would, but um, I don't know where that is.” Straight away on the other end of the line, Celestia gave Sunset her full address. Sunset Shimmer grinned, picturing the well-to-do suburbs of Canterville. “Oh, I know that neighbourhood. I've gone shopping in the area. What time do you want to meet up?” “As soon as you can, please Sunset.” Sunset Shimmer was about to say she’d be right there, when she caught a whiff of herself and almost gagged. “I ah, I just got off work and I really need to clean up. Would four thirty be okay?” “That would be fine, Sunset, thank you.” Hanging up, Sunset had a multitude of thoughts running through her head. Why did Principal Celestia want her? What was up with the portal? If it was an Equestrian thing, why hadn’t Princess Twilight write to her? The only contact she’d had with the Princess was her weekly catch-up session via the diary they shared every Sunday afternoon. Four days ago Princess Twilight hadn’t mentioned anything wrong. All these thoughts and more ran through her head as she walked over to her beloved bike. Whatever she thought though, she was certain of one thing. She had to call Applejack. “Hey, Jackie,” she said, her voice entirely submissive when her girlfriend answered, “You won't believe what just happened…” “What’s happened sugarcube,” Applejack interrupted, her southern country drawl as unique as ever, “Is Ah haven’t said Ah love you fer at least two hours.” Sunset beamed as she stood beside her bike, “Yeah, I love you too, Jackie. Anyway, Celestia just called me to help her on some research project.” “Research huh?” Applejack even sounded amused at the sheer amount of excitement in her girlfriend’s voice. The farmer knew perfectly well how much her Sunny loved getting stuck into a project. “What kind o’ research?” “Duh,” Sunset rolled her eyes as she got her helmet on, “it’s about what happened at the Friendship Games, I was sort of in the middle of it all...” Applejack snickered, waving to Apple Bloom to come get the basket of apples she had set down beside the cart when her phone rang, “Oooh, y’all mean portal stuff.” “Yeah, portal stuff, okay?” Sunset replied quickly. She knew Applejack didn’t really ‘get’ all that stuff, no matter how many times she had tried to explain it. After the seventh attempt, it was just easy to refer to it as ‘portal stuff’. “I just wanted to let you know I may be a bit late coming over today.” “Late?” Applejack shot back almost straight away, an idea for some fun times running through her head. “Y’all know Ah don’t like mah pony being late now, don’cha? Ah’ll have ta take ya out to mah barn, give ya some punctuality training.” That sentence alone made Sunset Shimmer very hot between her legs. She just loved it when her Dom called her her pony. “You ah, you promise?” “Ah promise, Sunny.” A delicious little thought occurred to her then. “Where are you?” “In the parking lot by my bike, I just got off work.” “Take your panties off.” “What, here?” “Right there.” Applejack ordered, knowing full well Sunset would obey her, “Take me a picture when you have, and keep ‘em off, understand, pony?” Oh, Sunset understood alright. “I understand, Miss Jackie.” “Y’all know Ah love you, right Sunny?” “Bye, I love you more!” the very moment Sunset Shimmer hung up the phone and cancelled the call to her girlfriend, she looked about the parking lot. She was, thankfully, alone. Reaching up under her white dress that was her nail bar uniform, she quickly hooked her fingers over the top of her orange panties and slid them down her legs. When they were around her feet on the tarmac she snapped off a quick photo for Applejack, making sure to include the date and time on it before sending the picture to her girlfriend. Once that was done, she picked up her panties and put them in her bag. “Oh…” she said to herself as she carefully mounted her bike, “I better let someone else know too…” with that, Sunset fired up her dirt bike and set off home to her apartment. ~ ~ ~ Sat in her living room, her feet up, Celestia was dozing pleasantly in her favourite comfy chair like she had been for the past half hour. She was enjoying her now favourite dream, one in which Moonsilver had stripped her naked and was making her walk alongside him down the street, her Master parading her for all to see. The wall clock had just ticked over to four twenty nine p.m. and Celestia, in her dream, was rudely awakened before her Master could lead her to the public fountain in the town square by the loud ringing of the doorbell. Grumbling a little bit, as she was just denied the good bit of her daydream, Celestia heaved herself to her feet and hobbled through the hallway to answer the door. Her grumblings turned to a smile however when she saw just whom was at the door. “Hello Sunset, thank you so much for coming!” Standing at her Principal’s door in her usual boots, orange skirt, purple tee and leather jacket – she had discarded her nail bar work dress the very instant she had walked inside her apartment – Sunset Shimmer stowed her helmet under her arm and pulled a fist pump with the other. “Score,” she cheered gleefully, “I beat the tardy bell. Greetings, Principal Celestia.” She felt a little off, being so formal when her Principal was dressed in ratty baggy shorts and an oversized tee, but she thought it best to be safe. “Just…Celestia, please.” The fifty year old woman smiled an easy smile, “we aren't in school now.” “Okay,” Sunset nodded, slipping her bag from her shoulder, “I can do that.” “Thank you.” Celestia hopped a little, standing aside in the open doorway. “Won't you come on in? Oh, and do make yourself at home.” “Thank you,” Sunset took a step forward across the threshold into the hallway and at last she noticed the cast. In her defence though, she hadn’t been looking at her Principal’s feet. “So, ah, a cast. How bad was it?” “I was hiking in the Everfree Forest,” Celestia said by way of explanation, though she was wary of revealing too much. A thought which made her smile as she knew she’d have to confide in Sunset Shimmer if she was to get any answers. “I slipped and fell down a twenty foot gully. Broke my ankle and my leg,” she blushed, “I forgot I'm not twenty anymore.” Sunset flinched, “Oh, ouch, so is this a state secret?” “Not my leg, no.” Celestia chuckled, leading the young woman into her house to the living room. “What I need to discuss however, is. Would you like a drink of anything before we begin?” If Sunset’s curiosity was piqued before, it was downright screaming at her now after hearing that. She had assumed of course on the way over from her apartment that anything to do with the portal would be hush hush. “Sure, a diet soda would be nice, water if you don't have that.” Sitting down on the offered leather couch, she couldn’t help but blush a little, due to the fact that Applejack hadn’t allowed her to put her underwear back on. She opened her backpack and pulled out a loose leaf binder, though she left the pack open. Celestia giggled, “I think I can stretch to a diet soda,” saying that, she made her way through to the kitchen and proceeded to get a soda from the refrigerator as well as making a jasmine tea for herself. A few minutes later, once the respective drinks were on the coffee table in the living room between them both she sat in her comfy chair. “Again, I thank you for coming so quickly, I didn't know who else to contact.” “I'm a bit surprised at how it was all played down after the Friendship Games,” Sunset Shimmer started, consciously keeping her knees close together, “but Twilight, the Crystal Prep one I mean, and I have been exchanging notes.” As proof, she held up the full looking binder. “I've also exchanged notes with Twilight, the Equestrian one, and that Twilight has a theory on that.” Sunset Shimmer giggled then, as the bubbles from the soda went straight up her nose. “I think she has a theory on everything so I told her the answer was forty two, and she is still trying to figure that one out.” Giggling some more, she subconsciously opened her legs a little as she rubbed her nose, very briefly flashing herself. “As long as you have your towel. You do, I assume, miss Deep Thought?” Celestia giggled, though she had thought, for the briefest of moments, that she had seen between Sunset’s legs. She quickly shook her head. There was no way she had seen what she thought she had seen. “I'll admit,” she said, forcing herself to focus, “I have intercepted Cinch as best I can, as well as fend off the School Board here and there.” Sunset nodded at that. She had suspected as much, that the authorities were being headed off. “Princess Twilight says the portal's magic is suppressing the ability of others to recall what happened. Only those closest to the portal can remember, but then none of us have a desire to talk. I mean, you could get rich on a story like that, but it isn't happening.” Taking another sip of her soda, she continues with a giggle, “SciTwi, that is the name we gave Prep's Twilight, thinks it is more like a time distortion. She is way above even me in that science stuff.” Celestia couldn’t help but feel a little affronted at that. Try as she might, she couldn’t keep it from her voice. “Getting rich off the back of my students doesn't really appeal, Sunset.” Her tone did soften however, when she continued, “I do alright here with Luna. As for the magic, I had hoped all that malarkey was behind us after the Sirens, but it wasn't to be.” “Yeah,” Sunset agreed quickly, mentally kicking herself upside the head for her bluntness. “That came as a surprise to P.Twi. So, me and SciTwi have been digging around at this location and P.Twi at her end.” “And?” Celestia asked cautiously as she took a welcome sip of her jasmine tea to calm her nerves. She still wasn’t sure how to broach the subject of centaurs. “What have you found out about the portal? I am presuming after what Midnight did, there have been consequences?” “Midnight?” Sunset almost choked on her soda, again without meaning to she opened her knees. “Oh, you mean SciTwi. Yeah, she doesn't really like that name, by the way.” She quickly got her breathing under control and sat properly once more. “SciTwi thinks the magical flow has increased, at least from what that gadget she made is telling her.” Very quickly, when she saw the shock on Celestia’s face, she followed up, “She stopped trying to store the energy!” ‘She is definitely wearing no panties!’ Celestia thought, shock on her face as this time she got a clear view of Sunset’s shaven crotch. She held up a hand, thankfully Sunset had misread the look on her face. “I believe you. She's been nothing but a model student since the Games ended.” “So,” Sunset quickly changed the subject away from Midnight Sparkle, “the portal is old, I mean really, really old.” “I assumed as much, given how long the Sirens have been here.” Celestia had a thought then, when she realised it was safe to look at her student once more without blushing. Part of her remembered the time when she would’ve done the same, part of her wondered whom she was going commando for. “Sunset, is there any records of any other creatures being sent through? Besides yourself, I mean.” “I...” whatever Sunset was going to say, she was interrupted by a faint purple glow from her backpack which was visible because she left it open. “I think P.Twi is looking into that right now.” “Oh!” Celestia startled backwards a little, surprised by the glowing from the backpack. “What was that?” With a little snicker, Sunset reached into her pack and pulled out the still-glowing journal from the bag’s depths. “After our little chat earlier, I let P.Twi know you were asking about the portal. When she writes in her book, mine glows to let me know she answered.” Celestia reached for her tea, eyeing up the magical journal like it was going to explode at any moment. She so distrusted magic. “Like ah, text messaging?” Sunset let out a little giggle, rolling her eyes at her Principal’s poor analogy. Still, it was kind of right. “Yeah, but over very long distances, or time, or dimensions or whatever it is…” she opened up the journal at the glowing page and quickly perused the script. “She says 'Hi' by the way. She thinks Starswirl the Bearded created the portal with Princess, ah, Celestia's blessing. He meant for it to be a cultural exchange, but conditions at this end were pretty bad at the time. Records are sketchy but it has been used many times from what P.Twi can figure out.” “Princess Celestia...that...that would be the ah, the other me.” Celestia did the only thing she could think of under the circumstances and sipped what was left of her tea. ‘Magical nonsense…’ she sniffed, but tried to concentrate. “Right. The pony me. Specifically, if the portal has been used many times, is there anything mentioned in the records about the Everfree Forest here?” Shrugging, Sunset duly wrote the question into the journal and very soon there came an answer. “Hum, she said she’ll look into it. The castle of the two sisters was in the Everfree Forest in Equestria, but the forest was once much larger than it is now. She can't say if it was inside, outside, or at the edge right now.” Sunset looked up at Celestia then, to find her hanging on every word. “Of course, now it is a good ways from the forest here, and there it is a portable mirror.” Celestia nodded at that, though if she was honest she didn’t really understand it. It was filed firmly in her mental filing cabinet under ‘magical nonsense’. Still she hoped it would make sense to Moonsilver. “Sunset, before you came here, you were the other Celestia's student, weren't you? A gifted one too, from what I understand.” Sunset shifted uncomfortably, her eyes looking anywhere but at Celestia right at that moment. “More like an arrogant one. I sort of pulled a fast one like her sister did, but at least I wasn't stuck on the moon for a thousand years, I was just sent here.” She sighed, “I made my bed and now I lay in it.” Playfully though, she cocked her head. “I'm sure you never suspected I might be arrogant.” “Oh no, not arrogant at all…” Celestia smiled sweetly then, remembering what she had heard in the halls at CHS. “Well, perhaps a little, no offense. I just wondered, in all your studies back in Equestria, did you ever come across ah...centaurs, at all?” Again, Sunset rolled her eyes. “None taken. But yes, in history class. Tirek was a centaur. He tried to conquer Equestria by stealing magic from ponies. He was defeated and sent to Tartarus for his crimes, that is pony hell, by the way. I think that was before the Dazzlings.” “Hell?” Celestia wasn’t prepared for that. “Wow...like, literal hell?” she shook her head in an attempt to stay on topic. “Doesn't matter.” “I remember P.Twi told me he escaped and tried again,” Sunset offered, recalling the tale that she had been told via the Sunday catch up sessions in the journal. “She and her friends sent him back to Tartarus. It seems that Discord, that is a...um...well, a dragon like creature, knew him.” “I see.” Now it was Celestia’s turn to shift uncomfortably, “It sounds like there was quite the war back in your world.” “Equestrian history is full of war,” Sunset shot back, “but I think you can say the same of this world too.” Celestia laughed, “Oh can you ever. I suppose on that front we aren't so different.” She had a little thought though, as she reached for her teacup and found it empty, “Sunset, just suppose, if there was this war with this Tirek character, all that time ago, could it be possible some centaurs came here to escape it?” Sunset thought about that for a moment, wondering briefly why Celestia was concerned with centaurs. “I don't see how they could unless there was help. It is possible, though. I could ask P.Twi to make sure.” “Please, if you could ask her, I'd appreciate it.” Obligingly, Sunset took up her journal and wrote out the question to Princess Twilight who, she imagined with a wry grin, was waiting on tenterhooks. Just a moment later she got a reply. “She said she will have to investigate that further. She says Tirek had a brother, a centaur called Scorpan.” Celestia nodded, and as she was about to reply her belly rumbled. “While you're here, and while we await her reply, I wonder would you like to join me for dinner?” she asked, thinking of the lasagne in the fridge. “I doubt you've eaten much, coming here straight from work.” “Thank you,” Sunset smiled, and it was only after the Principal had made the offer that she realised she was in fact hungry. “I'd like that.” “Luna said there's lasagne in the fridge,” Celestia offered, “which means Cheerilee didn't want to see Luna starve and she cooked.” Sunset giggled, ready to give help should it be requested. She didn’t however, want to impose. “How’s your sister doing?” she asked, now that Luna had been mentioned. “Oh, she’s fine,” Celestia replied over her shoulder as she led the way through from the living room to the adjoining kitchen, “as is her girlfriend. I just don't know how Cheerilee does it.” “What,” Sunset started, “being a sub you mean?” Celestia nodded, “Yes, that’s right.” Sunset Shimmer took a breath before she answered that. At once she thought of her relationship with Applejack. “It is both easy and difficult, at the same time.” “Oh?” Celestia vocalised her surprise as she carefully retrieved the lasagne from the fridge and placed it in the oven. She was aware, vaguely, that Sunset Shimmer and Applejack were an item, but she didn’t know anything much beyond that. What her students got up to was their business, after all, as long as it didn’t interfere with CHS. “You'd know about that, would you? Plates are in that cupboard there, if you wouldn't mind.” Quickly, Sunset made herself useful and got the plates from the indicated cupboard. “Yes, I would know, actually. I'm Jackie's sub. It is easy because you give control to another, but it is difficult because you're still in charge.” “Yes, I ah, I had a chat with Cheerilee about that…” she paused at the stove, the temperature knob in her hand as what Sunset had said sunk in. “Wait, you and Applejack, you two do that?” Now…that was indeed a surprise and a half and no mistake. Sunset giggled, suddenly she realised that she’d revealed that something about herself and Applejack. Still, given that everyone knew about Luna and Cheerilee’s antics, she figured it was okay. “Yeah, what is funny is she went and got me some pony gear. Me! The irony of it all.” “Pony gear?” for the second time in as many moments, Celestia was surprised. “What on earth do you two get up to?” she blushed very hard then, “I do beg your pardon, Sunset. That was a little personal of me.” “To each their own kinks,” Sunset said with a casual shrug, “So you talked to Cheerilee and now to me, why the interest, may I ask?” Making a mental note to google a lot of things later when she was alone and had the chance, Celestia decided to trust Sunset Shimmer. “Well, I ah, you see, I met someone the other day and, I've asked him to be…” she squeaked it out then, before she lost her nerve, bracing herself for what her student may have to say about it. “My Master.” “Oh,” Sunset blinked. “Oh I see, well good for you. Have you been watching Luna?” Celestia slowly let out a breath that she hadn’t realised she was holding in. For a long few moments there was silence in the kitchen as the lasagne was reheated. “You um, well you can't really not, when Cheerilee comes over.” Celestia, blushing furiously, busied herself with getting out the cutlery and the napkins before placing them on the breakfast bar beside the plates. “Though sometimes I do tend to just stay in my room out of the way.” Sunset performed a picture perfect eye roll, an eye roll that Luna would have been proud of. “It makes exhibitionists sad when they don't have an audience,” she said with a knowing smile. “I know for a fact that Big Mac watches, as Jackie always leaves the bedroom door open.” Celestia sighed as she opened the oven door and removed the now ready lasagne. “Sunset, I recognise the eye roll. It's...it's not...easy, for me.” Getting up from the stool she had been sat on by the breakfast bar, Sunset helped her Principal and now, friend, with the heavy steaming baking tray. “Before you dive in too deep, think about what your Master might have you do, and always remember that you're the one in charge.” Celestia was grateful of Sunset’s help as she served up the lasagne on the plates for them. “Cheerilee said that too. I have...ideas, but ooooh, I just don't know, Sunset.” “Mmmm,” for a few minutes, all Sunset could go was ‘mmm’ at the wondrous taste of the delicious lasagne. Swallowing a bite, she looked up at Celestia’s amused face. She figured she should say something. “Cheerilee is a good cook.” Then, she figured she should say something related to their present topic. “So, you take it easy. Don't be afraid to call a halt and talk it over. I think I did that a dozen times the first day. Jackie can be a very demanding dom, and I can be a little bit…stubborn, at times.” “She is,” Celestia agreed when she was seated and she had swallowed her first mouthful. “And you're stubborn, I did notice. It's just...well,” she sighed and set the fork down, suddenly not very hungry, “I'm kidding myself Sunset. I was at Rarity's earlier and I bought something like what I used to wear. I looked utterly ridiculous.” As she ate her dinner, Sunset had a sly smile on her face. “Used to wear? I'm sure you'd still look great in an Elizabethan gown.” Celestia spluttered and for a split second she had a look of outrage on her face before she saw the giggles all over Sunset’s face. “Oh ha, ha.” She giggled along with the young woman, “Now you sound like Lulu. Believe it or not I wasn't always fifty. I used to be quite adventurous in my time.” “As long as you can laugh about it, you'll be fine.” Sunset continued, still shovelling in the lasagne. No way was she wasting Cheerilee’s cooking. “So, you get a playboy bunny suit?” she asked, picking up on the fact that Celestia had been to Rarity’s shop. Celestia fidgeted uncomfortably on the stool. “If you must know, it was a red lacy underwear set. It's in that bag over there on the couch.” Another sly thought occurred to Sunset. “Are you offering to model?” Celestia erupted in a huge blush at that. ‘Not like I haven’t seen what you have to offer’, she thought, though that had very probably been accidental. “Well um, only if you promise not to laugh.” “If you're going to put it on backwards, I won't be able to promise that.” “Ha, ha, ha.” Celestia deadpanned as she heaved herself up to her feet and turned to walk through to the living room, leaving her half-eaten lasagne and Sunset sat where she was. “I swear you're Luna's clone.” She paused at the door, “Oh, alright. Would you mind doing the dishes for me while I change?” Sunset shrugged with a good natured smile, “Dishes are a small price to pay for dinner and entertainment.” Giggling, while Celestia hobbled to the couch and picked up her bag, Sunset finished off her plate and not only did she wash the dishes she also put away the leftovers too. To be helpful. Consumed as she was by her very great doubt, and changing her mind literally every five seconds, Celestia took the bag from Carousel Boutique with Rarity’s three diamond logo on it through to her room and, just a short time later, once she had changed, she re-emerged wearing the red lacy underwear set well hidden beneath her white bathrobe. “Thank you, Sunset,” she said, standing in the doorway of the living room, “for doing the dishes.” “Not a problem,” Sunset replied, then she looked at her Principal. Seeing the huge and very fluffy white bathrobe, she couldn’t help but frown. “Hmm, it’s nice, but that robe just doesn't seem to be Rarity's style.” She didn’t, however, continue her teasing when she saw that Celestia had her eyes closed. Sunset could tell she was summoning up her nerve, and then she shrugged off the robe. At first, Sunset couldn’t see what she was so worried about. “Red is a good choice, it contrasts nicely with your white skin.” She got up from the stool by the breakfast bar and, seeing as Celestia wasn’t spinning, she slowly walked around the much older woman. “Thank you,” Celestia said, allowing Sunset to complete one then two laps around her. All the while she had to fight the urge to cover herself up. “You um, you don't think it looks...” she trailed off before finishing quietly, “silly?” “Silly?” Sunset asked in all seriousness, feeling a huge amount of affection and empathy for her friend at that point, “Well, I don't think you should go out to the mall dressed like this.” She giggled at her own joke, but quickly stopped. “Accentuate what you have and minimize what you don't. You don't have much of a butt, but you got boobs, just, there is this tie her, if I may?” Celestia hung her head in utter shame when Sunset commented on her breasts. “They're horrible. All of me looks horrible…” still, she nodded, “you may.” Sunset tutted to herself, “And I thought Dashie had body issues…” she muttered quietly as she worked the same tie that Rarity adjusted to lift Celestia’s sagging breasts. She really did look okay for her age. “There, that's better,” she passed her judgement, walking around her again. “Yeah, if your guy is a butt man, you may be in trouble,” for emphasis she crossed several lines of personal space and placed a hand on Celestia’s ass cheek. “But, you're toned. You must walk a lot.” Unable to stop herself, Celestia let out a little squeak at the unexpected contact. “I ah, I do actually. On the treadmill.” She patted her pudgy pot belly, “trying to get rid of this.” “Jackie says I'm too skinny,” Sunset said as she stepped back. “She is always making me eat her sweet apple pies. Not that I complain. So, does your man say you needed to tone up the rest of your body?” “No,” Celestia shook her head, “actually, he seems to like me as I am, for now.” Sunset nodded. “Oh for now, well don't let him see your sister's girlfriend then.” She broke into delighted little giggles, “Of course Cheerilee would kick him in the balls for you.” Though she smile at that, Sunset could see that her friend wasn’t convinced. She decided a more ‘direct’ approach was needed. “I mean really,” without warning, she lifted up her purple top to reveal her perky little bare breasts standing all firm and young, “I got these perky girls, but they're tiny! Jackie has some hooters and they are all sorts of soft and squishy!” Completely caught by surprise, Celestia, presented now by her student’s perfect little breasts after also being shown her pussy, felt even more inadequate than she had before. For a good few minutes all she could do was blink. “Well...ah, they're very nice…” what else could she say? “Beyond a casual grope, we haven't actually done anything yet, he hasn't seen 'this',” she paused and gestured to herself, “yet.” Smiling, Sunset lowered her shirt. “Lingerie can be tricky. The main point is to give the illusion of hidden so their imagination takes over. It usually ends up on the floor pretty quick. Jackie always wants the lights on so she can watch me dress and undress. Others feel better in the dark as it leads to that imagination.” Celestia nodded, secretly quite happy that Sunset was putting herself away. She’d already seen more of the young woman than she cared to admit. “I understand that, Sunset. Perhaps I'm worrying over nothing. It has been a while for me though.” A thought occurred to her then, as they were stood in her kitchen. “Would you like another soda, before we go back to the living room?” “Sure, unless you have dessert?” “Well...” Celestia wasn’t going to admit to it, but, seeing as Sunset was something of a friend now…was she a friend? Well, she was certainly more than a student, that was for sure, “I do always have chocolate cake in the fridge…” she paused when Sunset nodded enthusiastically, and duly, Celestia served them both up a generous slice of ‘Cheerilee's Heaven’ chocolate cake complete with squirty cream. “Sunset, may I ask you a rather personal question?” again, Sunset nodded. “Why did you stay here? After the Fall Formal, I mean. I'm sure you could've gone home, but you chose to stay. You helped fix the front entrance, even up to code, and you faced all the other students, even through that whole 'Anon-A-Miss' incident, you never thought of leaving?” Sunset, with a spoonful of the chocolate cake midway to her lips, quickly swallowed it as she gathered her thoughts on that. “Of course I thought of returning, but that would bring my parents back into my life.” When she saw Celestia’s questioning look she sighed and continued, “You know about this parallel thing with your opposite number in the other world? It isn't always a fact. After all Celestia in Equestria has been around for about three thousand years and you don't look a day over one thousand.” Celestia, in the process of swallowing her piece of cake, spluttered, “I can have you in detention for cheek, young lady!” they both shared a giggle at that. “And yes, I'm aware of my Equestrian opposite, what's that to do with your parents?” Another mouthful of the wonderful cake, and Sunset decided to spill. “I decided to look up my opposite in this world. Her parents are as bad, really bad. Maybe worse than mine. She suicided at the age of thirteen. I had Celestia to shelter me from my parents, and I tossed that away. I fear I'm more like my parents than I want to admit. Here I don't have to deal with them or their counterparts.” Celestia placed her hand on Sunset’s and squeezed it gently. “I'm so sorry to hear that, Sunset, although strangely I'm more sorry I never got the chance to protect this world's...well, you.” “Not much you could have done.” Sunset said with a shrug of her shoulders. “Even in the other world the state can't just take a foal away because the parents are assholes. The other thing you should consider is the pony Applejack may not want a Sunset pony for her special somepony. While Jackie in this world is definitely happy with her Sunny, regardless of what world she is from.” “Aaaah,” Celestia grinned, now seeing the whole picture. “I can see that being a very large factor in you staying,” she giggled, “Sunny.” Just as they finished their respective bowls of chocolate cake, a bright purple glow came from the vibrating journal that Sunset Shimmer had left on the coffee table over in the living room. “Well,” Sunset said with a grin, dumping the bowls in the sink, “Let's see if P.Twi has any added information for us, or if she just spilled her ink again.” “Oh…” Celestia giggled as she heaved herself up, the bathrobe around herself once more, for a thought had struck her and she giggled like a big girl. “Oh...Sunny Jack...hehe, you could market that as fruit juice!” As she sat on the couch and opened the magical book, Sunset rolled her eyes in full knowledge that Applejack would do just that. “Okay,” Sunset read down the page, “she says she found a court document in the Royal Archives of Scorpan pleading for his people to be saved from the wrath of his brother Tirek. She is going to go to Celestia to get more info on this document, but it will be a couple of days.” Listening attentively, Celestia put two and two together. “So...the centaurs did come here from Equestria then. I suspected as much.” Unfortunately, her musings weren’t as quiet or as under her breath as she thought they were. “Okay,” Sunset looked up as she closed the book, “you read a lot more into that than I did. Although, it would explain a lot of that Greek mythos if it were true, though.” “Greek!” Celestia exclaimed, earning herself a surprised look from the young woman sat next to her on her couch. “That's the language! I knew it was familiar!” of course it was! Her eyes went wide then for a number of reasons. Chief amongst them was that now she knew where to start, she could learn Greek. The other reason was the questioning look that Sunset was giving her. “I ah, I believe I owe you an explanation, now.” When Sunset nodded, Celestia sighed a teeny little sigh. “I have your absolute word this won't go any further, to any of your friends?” Just like Celestia had squeezed her hand in the kitchen, Sunset squeezed hers. “Just so you know, the best kept secret is the one you don't tell. That said, if you got something weighing you down, or if you need some 'Equestrian' help, then I'm your girl...mare...you know.” “I know.” Celestia had never been more grateful to have her hand squeezed at that moment. “And I did ask you here for a reason.” She took a deep breath, “well. There are centaurs living in the Everfree Forest. I met one, a rather handsome one the other day when I fell. We've been ah, meeting. I'm convinced they're from Equestria, and he seemed interested in the portal, which is why I called you.” “Oh…oh, Okay,” Sunset blinked and then she blinked again. “I didn't see that coming. Like half horse half man centaurs?” “That's right.” “The Everfree Forest?” Sunset asked, and Celestia nodded again. Now it all started to make sense to Sunset at least, why Celestia was asking about it and such. Still, it was a lot to take in. “The Everfree, like, just down the road from here, Everfree, and there are centaurs, and they’ve been hidden for like, ever?” Celestia just nodded. “In the Everfree Forest. I believe I know now why the rumours of it being haunted by spirits started.” Sunset Shimmer laughed. She couldn’t help it. “You know just how unbelievable this sounds, right? So, your boyfriend is male, but not a human or a pony, but both. I think another Celestia will be very jealous of you.” Sunset held up a hand, “Not that I'm telling anyone or anypony.” “You...” Celestia looked down at the floor, all her giddy enthusiasm seemed to leech from her in that moment. She had been so very sure that Sunset would’ve believed her. “You don't believe me…” Unable to stop herself, Sunset snorted out a loud laugh, “Oh that face!” she snickered, again holding her friend’s hand. “Yeah, I'm a magic pony from another land full of magic ponies, do you believe that?” Celestia blushed, but nonetheless she smiled. “It's kind of hard not to believe it, given all the evidence, and the recent events. Had you asked me that before the Fall Formal, I'd have said you were crazy.” Sunset nodded, not letting go of Celestia’s hand, though a little part of her wanted the older woman to let go of the bathrobe, “And if you told me about centaurs in the woods before all this craziness, I would have said you're off your rocker and then I’d have looked into it behind the scenes. So, yeah I believe you, but you don't want me to talk about it, so what do I tell P.Twi when she finds more answers?” “Well, she's the exception, obviously you have to tell her.” Celestia reasoned, “I figured as you're both Equestrian, I could talk freely about it to you.” “Something else you need to know,” Sunset said seriously, “If Jackie gets wind of this by some other means and asks me about it, I'll not lie to her for you.” Only because she knew full well that there was no chance in this or any other world of beating the human lie detector otherwise known as Applejack. “I'll never bring this up, but what about you?” “Likewise,” Celestia stated definitely. “I'll not bring this up with anyone. Perhaps in time he'll let me, I just don't know at this stage.” “Not even with your sister?” Now, Celestia looked very guilty indeed, not in the least because she and Luna never, ever, kept anything from each other. Ever. “Not without permission first, no.” Sunset giggled and at last she released her hold on Celestia’s hand, but only so she could hold her cheek. “You have the naughty pet look down pretty well. I'll stay in touch though, as P.Twi discovers things. SciTwi will continue our research on portal as this info doesn't really change what we are studying.” “Thank you, Sunset.” Celestia didn’t want her to let go of her cheek, but she knew she had to, sooner or later. “You'll keep me informed of what you find out?” “Of course, and you can let me know when to let the cat out of the bag.” Sunset smiled, finally letting go as she stood up. While it had been fun seeing Celestia’s house, she had kept Applejack waiting long enough. She wanted to be able to sit at work tomorrow. Painting nails was hard enough without your ass cheeks on fire. “Maybe an introduction, with your master's permission, would be nice?” Celestia grinned at the very big smile she was being given. “I'd love to introduce you to my Master, Sunset, I really would.” “I'll hold you to that. I can even bring an apple pie to challenge Cheerilee's cake.” “I hope once we're better acquainted, and I haven't scared him off, he'll agree to meeting.” “Thank you for the meal, but I think it is best we don't tell anyone we met.” Sunset said as she stood up and picked up her backpack, “it may lead to questions we don't want to deal with.” At the door, she paused and hugged her fellow sub, giving her one last piece of advice. “Go with the flow, stop if you're uncomfortable about anything. Talk it over. Then go back to play with a new understanding on what is expected by all sides.” Celestia giggled and returned the hug, “Yes ma'am.” ~ ~ ~ After Sunset Shimmer had taken her leave, her student and friend disappearing down the street in a roar of her dirt bike’s engine, Celestia closed her front door and tried, unsuccessfully, to content herself with a cup of jasmine tea. However, try as she might, no matter what she did, she just couldn’t settle in her favourite comfy chair. Thoughts and images ran with abandon through her head. Thoughts that weren’t helped in the slightest when she googled ‘Ponygirl Pet Play’ and found out about what Sunset Shimmer and Applejack got up to. Images of Sunset’s young and supple body trussed up like that mixed with a new fantasy, namely, Moonsilver turning her into his white ponygirl and parading her down the street for all to see. No matter how hard Celestia tried, there was no getting ‘that’ image out of her head now it was firmly lodged in there. There was nothing else for it, she’d have to get off. Still dressed in her lacy red lingerie, she slid her hand down her panties only to realise that her pubic hair had grown back. “Ugh…” she grunted to herself as she heaved herself to her feet and made her way to the bathroom to shave. Sitting herself down on her toilet, Celestia gathered her supplies over by the sink and, taking some shaving cream in her hands, she spread it all over her pussy region. Spreading her legs as wide as she could, she very carefully moved the sharp razor over the hair. Trying her best to take it all off, she liked her pussy smooth and bare. A short time later, when she was finished, Celestia used a wash cloth to wipe away the residue of the shaving cream. Although, in her opinion, her pussy looked amazing, she was still very horny from Sunset’s visit. In a rare moment of ‘un-Celestia-ness’, she left her shaving supplies where they were on her sink and, getting up to her feet, hobbled her way through to her bedroom. However, on the way, she paused at her bedroom door as a very, very naughty thought occurred to her. Luna would never know. Purely on impulse, she walked to her sister’s room and, giggling like a naughty schoolgirl, Celestia ‘borrowed’ her younger sister’s favourite fuchsia coloured magic wand and vibrator from her nightstand drawer. Luna would never know! Giggling in anticipation, Celestia very carefully made her way back to her room. She drew the line at masturbating on her sister’s bed. Sitting down on the edge of her own bed, the horny fifty year old plugged in the ‘borrowed’ magic wand and she spread open her long legs in front of the mirror on the wall. Breathing heavily, she was ready. Turning on the magic wand, Celestia moved it all over her freshly shaved pussy. The vibrations felt simply amazing on her bare lips. She played it on low speed which felt so good on her skin. Opening her mouth, she sucked on the fuchsia vibrator until it was as wet as she was and, turning that on as well, she slid it into her aching horny pussy. Pushing the vibrator all the way inside her tunnel, she sawed it in and out of her snatch three times. She couldn't believe the way her pussy exploded into orgasm. Her juices dripped out of her, her pussy cream was a drippy egg-like consistency. Her sister’s vibrator was covered in her juices. “Uuugh! Damnit!” Celestia grunted in frustration, more than a bit annoyed that she had already climaxed in such a short period of time. She was still horny and not at all satisfied by the quick orgasm. Refusing to stop pleasuring herself and determined to have a much more satisfying experience, Celestia worked her sister’s wand simultaneously with the vibrator fucking herself senseless. As she screwed herself, her clitoris was now swollen and hard while she rubbed the magic wand all around it. In pure orgasmic bliss, her pussy fluid dripped onto her carpet. She supposed she should have sat on a towel, but she forgot and now she was too far into pleasuring herself to care. Coming non-stop for several minutes, her pussy was bubbling while her juices spurted out of her hot and very wet cunt. Her sister’s vibrator was now covered in her cum while she continues to fuck herself stupid. Losing her grip on the toys because her pussy juices were dripping down her snatch, she couldn’t help but feel utterly amazing. Still, she wasn’t satisfied. Her nipples were standing proud at attention while she continued coming multiple times. Her cum was white and just hung dripping from her slick wet swollen pussy lips. She fantasised about Moonsilver. She fantasised about making love to her Master. Not like the bound rutting she dreamed of before, she imagined making love with him, her centaur, her hot lover and his hot big dick. Closing her eyes she flopped back on her bed as her orgasm built again, this time more intense than before while she fucked herself deeper and deeper with her sister’s vibrator. As she pleasured herself, Celestia’s fantasies were vivid in her mind. As she worked the wand and the vibrator together, Moonsilver in her mind was fucking her very deep and very hard. Their bodies were like two pistons running together on high speed. She was climaxing repeatedly. Her fantasy flooded her mind. The passion created with Moonsilver in her fantasy was so real that her orgasms were happening almost non-stop for several minutes. By the time she was finished she was utterly exhausted. Moonsilver in her fantasy was now sucking hard on her breasts while he pounded away at her sopping wet pussy. His massive throbbing length of flesh plunging deep inside of her snatch. They both moaned together while his body thrust into hers hard over and over again. Kissing deeply and passionately, they screamed while they climaxed together. Spent at last, he collapsed on her panting sweaty body while they held each other tight in a lover’s embrace. “Wow…” Celestia panted and breathed through her last and most powerful orgasm of the evening. “Wow…” she repeated, finally opening her eyes and staring up at her bedroom ceiling. She couldn’t vocalise it any other way. ‘Wow’ seemed to cover it just fine. For ten long minutes, while she calmed herself down, Celestia didn’t move at all. Only when her breathing had, at last, returned to somewhere near its normal rate, did she attempt to get up. Now the deed – or deeds, she thought with a blush – was done, she was fantastically embarrassed at having used her sister’s favourite toys. As she sat herself up on the edge of her bed, her bed sheets and carpet wet from her squirted cum, there came a sudden and insistent pecking at her window. “Huh?” she gasped, her first terrified thought was that she had been spied upon. Then she banished that as she was on the first floor. Calming down, as the pecking continued, she noticed there was a large bird outside her window. “Rehanos?” she asked out loud as she heaved herself up to her feet. Hobbling closer to the window she recognised the black-chested snake eagle tapping on her window. Thoughts of cleaning and replacing her younger sister’s magic wand and vibrator were shelved for the moment. “Oh! It's you!” she smiled, opening up her window. “Hello.” When she had opened the window a little way, Rehanos pushed it fully open and dropped a tube from his claw to the bedroom floor. Puzzled, Celestia looked down at the tube the eagle had dropped and, after a little effort, she bent and picked it up. Quickly, as she was still in the underwear set, minus the panties, which were currently on the floor, she stepped away from the window. “Is this for me?” Launching his way from the windowsill to her bed, Rehanos made use of this opportunity to check on his feather alignment as Celestia investigated the tube, seeing what it was. “You're a handsome bird, you know?” she smiled, turning the object over in her hands, she saw it was a message tube with a simple cap at one end. Celestia found her hands were trembling as she opened up the tube. She was naturally very curious, but she was also excited, especially as she knew it had to be from Moonsilver. “Celestia, Rehanos has graciously agreed to carry notes between us. Finding your home was an adventure in itself. First, you must remove the dream stone from contact with your skin. If you want to wear it put tape on the side touching your skin. You may use the dream stone on each Friday till we meet in person. It can be addictive however and you don’t have the skills yet to resist its call. Second, I like the scent of honeysuckle. Consider it for your bath or shampoo. Third, if you truly want me to be your Master then I will accept the challenge. Do not fail my expectations that you have a strong spirit, or neither of us will enjoy the play. Till we meet in the flesh, I will see you in your dreams. Should you wish to reply, put your words on paper and inside the message tube. Leave it on your windowsill with a bit of tape to keep it in place. When Rehanos passes by he will collect the tube and bring it to me. Moonsilver.” Celestia read and re-read the missive several times, her very recent orgasms forgotten as she drank in actual tangible contact from her lover. Unfortunately, while she was distracted by the note, Rehanos grabbed at one of the pretty fuchsia objects – the vibrator - on her bed and, holding it in his claw, he flew away out of the open window. “Hey!” Celestia called out ineffectually, “that's...Luna's...oh my...” Making a mental note to get honeysuckle shampoo and perfume, she quickly scrabbled around on her dresser for some paper so she could writes out a note in reply. “Moonsilver, I believe I will address you as Master, from here on. Thank you for your note, it was a balm indeed to see your words. I have found out many things about the thing we discussed in my dream. In two days, Friday, I will collect my new choker. I should like to meet you in the forest, on a trail that I can reach, for you to place it upon my neck. Yours, Celestia, or Celly, if you'd prefer. Ps, please can I have the object back that Rehanos took?” Putting her signature on her reply letter, Celestia rolled it up and placed it in the message tube. Making sure the cap was on tight at the end, she taped it onto the outside of her window. For a long few moments she stayed by the window in the hope that Rehanos would come back. As five minutes became ten and ten became twenty however, she realised the snake eagle wasn’t coming back any time soon. With a sigh she turned back to her stained bed and saw the fuchsia coloured magic wand laid there all alone. One thought ran through her mind. “How in the hell am I going to explain this to Luna?” > Chapter 5 - The Sun Rises and Sets for Shimmer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘I’m late!’ was the thought, one of many, that ran through Sunset Shimmer’s head as she turned her red and yellow dirt bike onto the rough dirt road that lead from the main street down to her destination. Sweet Apple Acres apple farm was just in view at the end of the mile long mud track, the main gate to the farmhouse standing between two huge apple trees. The thought that she was late for supper with her girlfriend’s family was warring with thoughts of centaurs and Equestria and the portal, all thanks to her meeting with Principal Celestia that had wrapped up not half an hour ago. Her first instinct had been to not believe it, but, upon reflection, she decided to give her principal the benefit of the doubt. Celestia wasn’t given to flights of fancy and, after all, she was an alien from another dimension. Who was she to say what was impossible? Just as she pulled up outside the wooden farmhouse, its once bright red paint now faded by decades of exposure to the elements, Applejack stepped out of the house to greet her girlfriend. Thankfully, as it was the height of summer, it was still light out, even though it was pushing eight in the evening. The teenage farmer was wearing her outfit that Rarity had made for the fashion show at Camp Everfree. She did so like the red off the shoulder top and pale blue skirt. It was nice, while not too fru-fru. “Run'n a bit slow, Sugarcube?” she asked, leaning against the porch post and tilting up her stetson. “I’m sorry Jackie, the meeting with Celly took a little longer than I thought,” Sunset replied, a blush on her cheeks as she removed her red helmet with its yellow flames and killed the engine. “I mean, Celestia!” she corrected herself with a smile. Applejack didn’t budge from her position by the porch post. It was almost like she was propping it up. Which, given the ancient nature of the farmhouse, she just might be. “What was it she really wanted?” she asked skeptically. Sunset had been a mite vague on the phone earlier, just saying it was ‘portal stuff’. Getting off her bike, she propped it up and fluffed up her red and yellow hair before she walked towards her girlfriend and dominant. “I was right earlier. It was a portal thing. Celly...Celestia was asking about it. Apparently,” she took a deep breath for she didn’t know how Applejack would take what she was about to say. She did know however there was no point or sense in lying. “There are centaurs living in the Everfree Forest.” “Say what now?” “Centaurs, Everfree Forest.” Sunset responded to the not entirely unexpected deadpan look from the farmer. “Next to Camp Everfree. Equestrian portal. Celestia said there's a big tribe of them, concealed by old magic. Namely, gemstones. You remember the standing stones?” “Yeah, Ah 'member those.” Applejack commented, casting her mind back to the recent stay at the camp, and the evenly spaced ten foot high standing stones placed around the edges of the forest. Neither Timber Spruce nor Gloriosa Daisy could explain their origin, only that they were ancient and pre-dated the settling of what was now Canterville City. Her green eyes wandered down Sunset’s body, past her waistline, as she pondered this, and she saw something she didn’t like. “With all that happened at the camp, it’s odd we didn't see something.” “About that.” Sunset had a theory, just like the Principal and the Princess seemed to have a theory. “Celestia was saying those stones are a line of defense. Somehow they conceal them. The magic in the stones make them invisible…” she saw where Applejack was looking and she shifted a little from booted foot to booted foot. “Something wrong?” Solemnly, Applejack nodded. She knew just what her naughty pet had done. “Them lines in your skirt really don't compliment your butt none.” ‘Buuuuuusted!’ Sunset Shimmer thought, singing the thought to herself. “What lines?” she asked, the innocent look on her face belying the fact that she knew perfectly well what she had done wrong. “Only, the magic of the stones is failing, see?” she tried to forge ahead in the hopes that her Mistress would be distracted. “So the centaurs are becoming visible. Celestia wanted me to ask P.Twi what the deal was.” Applejack stood immobile, just nodding her head a second time, the cool evening breeze blowing strands of her blonde hair across her freckled face. “First, do ya believe her? Second, did ya put them on before or after ya visited with her?” That was a question Sunset had been asking herself over and over again on the way over to the farm from Celestia’s house. Ultimately she had made her mind up. “I believe her. I remember my Equestrian history enough that there was a centaur uprising a thousand years ago. P.Twi's looking into it.” That said, she looked down at her boots, she saw the line of her panties just visible through her form fitting white work dress. “A-After, Miss Jackie.” “Eeyup,” Applejack caught the submissive tone in her girlfriend’s usually confident voice. It alone sent a thrill up her spine. “So, she get an eyeful from ya?” “I showed her my girls,” Sunset answered truthfully as she looked up to meet her dominant’s stern gaze. Not that she’d ever lie to her. Not again, anyway. She hadn’t been able to sit right for three days after that one time. “She was all depressed about how she looks, like, seriously 'do something about it' down, and she had this negligée thing that screamed Rarity on, so I thought I'd cheer her up...I...may have flashed her though, without meaning to.” “Uh huh,” that deadpan look was back on the farmer’s face. “‘Not mean' to. Right. So you're a good filly ‘till you come to see me then?” “It was cold, on the bike!” Sunset protested, though the words were out of her mouth before she could think them through and realise that it was the middle of summer and not cold at all, even now at eight p.m. “I-I’m sorry, Miss Jackie.” At last, Applejack shifted from her position leaning against the porch post. “Naw, you ain't. Not yet at least.” She smirked as a few fireflies began dancing around the trees. In an hour or two when it was finally dark, they’d look quite spectacular. “Maybe Ah’ll get ya a furry seat cover. Wouldn't want mah Shimmer's ass to get cold now, would Ah?” Sunset Shimmer shivered and blushed at the usage of her pet name. Even though there was nobody but the Apples here to hear them – and they all knew all about the kinky things Applejack and Sunset got up to – it still sent a thrill through her when her Mistress did that. The orange choker around her neck with the word ‘Shimmer’ on it was her sign that she was owned. “Mmmm n-no Miss Jackie, I wouldn't want that at all.” “We been hold'n supper for ya, but you can leave that bit of cloth in yer helmet for now.” Applejack stated simply. She held the front door open for her pony and she noticed that her little sister was watching them from the kitchen window. “Yes Miss Jackie.” Sunset knew what was expected of her. The fact that Apple Bloom was watching with rapt attention from the kitchen window didn’t deter her in the slightest. She lifted up her white dress and, lowering her orange panties down her legs, she took the thin piece of material and deposited them in her helmet, leaving both on her bike seat before walking inside. When Sunset entered the house, the first thing she saw was Apple Bloom laughing over what she had just witnessed. The second thing was the eldest sibling, Big Macintosh, serving up a hearty summer stew. She noted, thankfully, he was setting out just vegetables on her plate at her usual place setting. Applejack followed her inside and Granny Smith was already seated at the rustic kitchen table. Sunset took her usual place at the table, closely followed by Apple Bloom. The youngest Apple prompted to sit by a stern glare from Granny. A faint blush coloured her cheeks because she knew what the young teen had been laughing about. Instinctively she squeezed her legs together. “Thanks for holding supper, guys, I appreciate it.” “Never hurt anyone to wait on guests.” Granny Smith waved away Sunset’s comment with a gesture of her hand just as Apple Bloom’s tummy rumbled its objection almost on cue. “As long as you're not afraid to get a leg gnawed off.” Applejack laughed, playfully punching her little sister’s shoulder and taking her seat next to Sunset. Once everyone had been served, Big Macintosh sat at the head of the kitchen table and said grace. “What kept you?” Apple Bloom asked when everyone had started digging into the vegetable stew with a relish that screamed they were all hungry. Sunset Shimmer considered that for a moment. She didn’t want to lie, but she felt the whole truth might be a bit much, for now anyway. “Well Squirt, I had to go see Principal Celestia. She had a little problem, nothing to worry about.” The moment she heard ‘Principal’, Apple Bloom sang, “Sunset is in trouble! Sunset is in trouble!” She was just glad for once it wasn’t her and her friends. The fact it was the summer holidays escaped her for the moment. “She sure is, lil’ sis!” Applejack laughed. Sunset couldn’t help but giggle as she ate her meal. “The good kind of trouble.” “I don't get it!” Apple Bloom exclaimed just like she had done many times in the past, ever since she had first watched her big sister take a cane to Sunset’s bare behind. “I do what I can so Granny don't use that switch on me, and you do what you can so AJ will!” “It's the difference between punishment and 'punishment', Squirt.” Sunset sympathised with the young girl. There were a lot of people who didn’t get it. Those few seemed to judge her the loudest. “Discipline with love isn't the same as love with discipline. You'll get it when you're older. Say, Mac, how's Sugar Belle? Bet she don't mind the switch, huh big guy?” Big Macintosh’s knowing smile was all the answer Sunset needed. “Nope.” He replied in his simple way. “Sooner or later you'll have to make that choice Mac.” Applejack said in between mouthfuls of her stew. “You know we can do fine if you move to Our Town.” “Still think'n about it.” “Moving's gotta be better than you keep driving out there with bushels of apples.” Sunset commented reasonably, getting a nod of approval from Granny. She swallowed a mouthful of stew and giggled, throwing her hand dramatically to her forehead, Rarity style. “Think of Rustbucket! Your poor truck deserves a break!” Big Macintosh chuckled softly and raised an eyebrow at that, a simple gesture perhaps, but for him it was like rolling around on the floor in fits of laughter. “He likes to call it 'seasoned', Shimmer.” Applejack put in, the use of her girlfriend’s pet name setting Apple Bloom to giggling. “Yes Miss Jackie.” All at once, the usually confident and self-assured Sunset Shimmer was as contrite and reserved as a certain pink haired yellow skinned friend of theirs at the use of her other name, her whole aspect flipping like a switch. “Sorry Mac.” Saying nothing to the sudden change, Macintosh just went back to eating his stew. What his sister and her girlfriend did was of no concern to him, after all. Apple Bloom though, hearing the name ‘Shimmer’, was suddenly curious. “How hard is it to walk in those shoes?” she asked, “AJ won't let me try them on.” Applejack rested her spoon down and sighed. “They're too big for ya sis, and you'd hurt an ankle.” She resumed her eating, her sister’s cute pout and big eye attack combo having no effect on her whatsoever. After so long she had become immune to the deadly attack. “Shimmer's shoes?” Sunset asked with a smile, her attention for the moment drawn away from her supper. “Well, they took some getting used to at first, Squirt. They're modelled on this world's horse's hooves. Different to back home.” “Ah still think it's funny you pretend'n to be a horse.” Applejack shot her sister a half-hearted glare, “Ah think it’s really cute, especially when Ah have the reigns.” “And the crop.” Macintosh put in, the gentle giant chuckling. Granny Smith rolled her eyes. “Young'ns these days…” Sunset levelled an even look at the young teen. “You didn't think it was funny when we let you watch last time, Squirt.” Happy at the heavy blush that spread over Apple Bloom’s face, Sunset went back to her stew. “It just scratches an itch, that's all. Reminds me how great life is here in my new home.” “Scoots thought it was funny,” Apple Bloom studied her half empty bowl, “but Sweetie just wanted to know...” she didn’t finish her sentence. She was blushing so hard there was a chance she was going to set the house on fire. “She wanted to know if you'd wash her down as gently as you do Shimmer?” Sunset asked with a giggle, thoroughly enjoying Apple Bloom’s blush. “I think you make a great stable hand, Squirt.” When Apple Bloom shrugged, her older sister laughed lightly, coming to her rescue. “She's not too sure if she wants to go that way yet.” “Those three are thick as thieves!” “They are that, Granny.” Sunset agreed, managing to speak and make herself understood around the mouthfuls of stew she was eating. “I've heard the many and varied tales of what the Canterlot Movie Club gets up to.” “Not everything Ah approve of, either.” “What,” Apple Bloom seemed to shrink under Applejack’s scrutiny. “We haven't jumped theaters in a long time.” Big Macintosh let out a very heavy sigh. A sigh that told everyone at the table that he and his sister had spoken about this for many a time. And they had, too. “Save your discipline for your pony girl, AJ. Bloom knows the right of it now.” Sunset coughed and determined to change the subject a little. “What I don't get though, is if you're a Movie Club, how does Scootaloo end up covered in tree sap all the time?” Apple Bloom stared intently at the tabletop, mumbling something that sounded like, “Sweetie...” Laughing hard, Applejack enjoyed her sister’s discomfort. “Ah reckon that girl will grow up to make Rarity look tame.” Sunset Shimmer quietly fingered her Rarity-made orange choker that was locked around her neck by a little padlock to which only her girlfriend, soulmate and Mistress had the key and laughed. “Say no more, Squirt.” No sooner had everyone at the table finished their respective meal, than Applejack clapped her hands, getting the family’s attention. “Bloom, desert please!” “Ah’m on it!” As the young teen shot up from the table and scooted over to the refrigerator, a thing which was as old, battered and ancient as the rest of the house and its utensils, Applejack handed her girlfriend a black bandana she had pulled from her pocket. “Cover your eyes, this is an Apple family secret desert. You can taste, but not see.” Big Macintosh rolled his eyes, but Granny Smith approved as she carried the supper dishes to the sink. “Good to see the tradition continues.” While Sunset rolled her eyes, she did take the bandana anyway, wrapping it around her eyes. She knew full well how much her girlfriend’s family respected traditions and rituals. She also knew the best way to get ‘in’ with the family was to do the same. You only had to watch Applejack do her chicken dance with the pigs to know that. “You know I respect traditions, Jackie.” When the dessert was placed in front of the blindfolded girl, the first thing Sunset picked up on was that it smelled good, really good. Of course there were apples in it, she smelled those straightaway. There was ‘something’ else, too. Something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. She felt familiar callused fingers place a fork in her hand. Gingerly she held the fork and toyed with the dessert. “Hmmm feels like apple crumble...” she inhaled, “It smells like apple, but there's more...” she popped a forkful of it in her mouth and it hit her. “I got it! Apple and rhubarb, right?” Straightaway there was a round of applause from all around the table. “See, we do eat something other than apples!” Apple Bloom squeaked happily while Applejack removed the makeshift blindfold. Sunset giggled, well aware of the city-wide rumour that the Apple family never ate anything other than apples. “It's delicious, Squirt!” “Darn toot'n!” Granny Smith looked overjoyed at Sunset’s reaction. “Eeyup!” Big Macintosh beamed from across the table, while at Sunset’s side, Applejack casually slid her left hand up her girlfriend’s leg, up her thigh and under her white skirt. His sister’s action was concealed by the table. “Glad you like it.” “Aaaah...” Applejack’s hand may have been obscured, but Sunset’s reaction certainly was not. The red head had a blush on her face as red as her hair, though she made no attempt to stop the fingers that were gently stroking her moist hairless labia. “Um...uh, yeah! I love it!” to cover herself, she quickly took another spoonful. Granny Smith and Big Macintosh were unaware of what was going on, however, Apple Bloom’s sharp eyes had seen her sister leaning towards Sunset with her hand under the table. Immediately she had a sense that ‘something’ was happening. She ducked down under the table to have a look. She was not disappointed. Unashamedly, Applejack lifted up Sunset’s skirt to give her sister a clear view. Seconds later, having watched Applejack slide two of her fingers in and out of Sunset’s wet snatch, Apple Bloom was back up and at her dessert with a strong blush on her face. “We'll be going out to the barn after we do the dishes, so y’all don't need to wait up for us.” She stated boldly, not hiding her intentions in the slightest. Sunset, with two of her Mistress’s fingers buried knuckle deep in her sopping wet tunnel, tried very hard to act normally and eat her dessert without spitting it everywhere. It was a feat she managed, just. She knew full well what Apple Bloom had just seen, the lewd display under the table. Damn if that wasn’t hot! “AAh...th-the barn. Yes Miss Jackie...” she had her legs apart, just like her Mistress liked them. Granny Smith stood up from the table once she had finished her dessert and in one breath dispelled any illusion that the rest of them were unaware of what was happening at her table. “Just be sure to clean the chair along with the dishes when y’all are done, young’n.” Applejack, a picture of calm serenity, kept her delving fingers where they were. In her girlfriend’s pussy. “Not a problem, Granny.” Sunset still had her blush well in place as she ground herself against her Mistress’s hand and her wonderful, magical fingers. If there was one thing she loved about humans it was their fingers. Fantastic, dextrous fingers. Sunset loved what Applejack could do with hers. The first time, this had been embarrassing, now it was just hot. “Y-Yes Graaaaanny!” Big Macintosh stood up as Sunset bit her lip and moaned. “Ah'm for an early day tomorrow, so good night.” Not that he had anything against his sister’s girlfriend, he just preferred the way his Sugar Belle moaned when he had her gagged over a hay bale. Wisely, Apple Bloom took that as her cue to leave too. “Ah still have some homework to finish, good night, Ah guess.” Granny Smith nodded. “Ah'll be going up too.” “Good night, y’all.” Applejack called out as each member of her family ascended the creaking wooden stairs to the floor above. When they were alone, she looked at Sunset and pointed to the dishes in the sink with the hand that was free. “G-G-Good night!” Sunset called out loudly, making sure she was heard on the floor above. Creaking floorboards were her only reply. Moments later, once she was done with her dessert, Sunset skillfully extricated herself from her Mistress’s fingers and she scooted over to the sink. “I got the dishes, Miss Jackie.” As Sunset stood up, Applejack made it a point to make a show of licking her fingers clean. A slow, sexy show. “You wash, Ah'll dry.” By the sink, Sunset squeezed her damp thighs together and bit her lip at the lewd display. “Yes Miss Jackie.” She quickly started to wash the dishes, not wanting to keep her Mistress waiting. True to her word, Applejack assisted her girlfriend by drying and putting away. “Ah sure am glad you liked the desert. Not something we have often.” “Took me a moment to get the rhubarb. The blindfold threw me for a loop there. Nice touch, by the way.” “Really is a tradition.” Applejack replied, a little glum tone colouring her beautiful country accent as she spoke, “It’s s’posed to show we are more than apple farmers.” Sunset immediately picked up on the rather saddened tone and in order to cheer her girlfriend up she kissed each freckle on her cheeks. It worked. “And here I thought you were allergic to anything other than apples!” she giggled and kissed her on the nose. “I really did love it.” Once dishes were done and put away, something that didn’t take them very long – by now there were a well-oiled machine as far as the dishes were concerned – the farmer passed Sunset a towel. “Now for that chair, missy.” Taking the towel, Sunset bowed politely. It was a familiar way for them to slip into their respective roles for the play that was to follow. “Yes Miss Jackie.” She took the towel and she made a very good show of cleaning the chair, even though there wasn’t much there, thanks to the fact that her white skirt had taken the brunt of her leaking juices. Just to make sure, she gave the seat a slow lick. Applejack was the one that had to bite her lip now. Sweet lord if that show wasn’t hot! “Good job Shimmer, now strip, and fold it all nice on that chair. Ponies don't wear clothes, do they?” “Mmmm…” Sunset couldn’t stop the moan, or the shudder as she stood up and stripped off first her boots and then her dress to stand naked in the kitchen. She made sure to do it slow, just like her girlfriend liked it. “No Mistress,” she said quietly and submissively, “ponies don't wear clothes.” She took a moment to make sure her work clothes were folded nice and her boots were placed under the chair. Watching, Applejack admired her naked pet, stood just like she had taught her with her legs just apart and her arms behind her back. She allowed herself a few moments to walk around her and look Sunset up and down, like a cattle merchant inspecting a purchase. Checking the folded clothes she was pleased to see they had been left just so. Everything had its place, after all. “Follow.” She ordered simply and turned her back, she walked out the front door to the barn. She held open the smaller door in the larger barn door. Inside, on a hay bale, the pony gear was already placed out and had been shined up nicely. Sunset Shimmer followed the pale blue skirt that covered her Mistress’s swaying ass and walked into the barn. She wasn’t concerned in the slightest that she had walked outside in the nude. One, ponies didn’t wear clothes. Two, who was going to see them, here? Three, her friends already had. Her eyes immediately fell upon her red and yellow tail, her favourite part of the transformation. She came to a stop beside the hay bale that held her tack, legs shoulder width apart as always. Inside the faded red wooden barn, a structure that Rainbow Dash had affectionately dubbed the ‘Fetish Barn’, Applejack casually brushes some straw away to reveal what looked like some sort of cast iron plate about four foot square on the floor. “Is mah little Shimmer ready to prance?” Sunset, now properly in her role as ‘Shimmer the pony’ – seriously when Fluttershy gave her sugar cubes as a treat it was the cutest thing in the world - gave it a quizzical look before nodding her head with a little whinny escaping her lips. Walking over to the hay bale, Applejack picked up the bit first and pushed it gently but firmly between her pony’s teeth. That in place, she slipped the bridle over her head where she buckled it in place. Simmer gnawed at little on the bit, feeling the familiar rubber wedged between her teeth, she let out a little snort of breath through her nose. ‘Ooooh yeah...I need this!’ Sunset thought to herself and, after the day she’d had, she did, too. Next was the forehooves. Applejack had managed to find a company that manufactured the hoof gloves and boots the same colour as Sunset’s skin so once they were on, they looked like extensions of her limbs. The left one went on first and obediently Sunset slid her hand inside. She felt the padded bar that she could wrap her hands around, an addition that helped to hold her weight should her owner want her to go down on all four hooves. Once on, she watched as Applejack tightened the ties around her wrists so they couldn’t slip off. Though she was effectively robbed of her hands, Shimmer was smiling as she gripped the padded bar, immediately she was thinking of the time she most recently went through the portal when she had met Starlight Glimmer and they were real. “UUuuUUUH!” she let out the grunt of approval to let her owner know to continue. “Y’all can rest your hooves on that work table.” Applejack pointed to the table that was just to the right of the hay bale while she picked up the boots that would form her pony’s hind hooves. She waited until Shimmer was properly steadied and she squatted down next to her to put them on like he was shoeing a horse. She slid the straw yellow high heels without the heel on her feet and wiggled them until the padded metal sole was situated just right. She made sure to lace them up tight so that Sunset’s foot was supported. The very last thing they wanted was a turned ankle. Shimmer let out a loud happy neigh once the hind hooves were on and secured in place. It absolutely did not cross her mind how vulnerable she was at that moment. Should Applejack chose to, she would be left naked in the barn, no usable hands, feet in hoof boots and gagged by the bit in her mouth. Such a thought never entered her head though. She was with Jackie, her owner. Playfully Shimmer stamped her hooves on the straw covered floor. Standing, Applejack smiled. “You're a good girl, Shimmer.” She took up the reins and attached them to the bridle. This was a part of their ritual. Walking her pony around the ‘Fetish Barn’ in a wide circle, it not only helped ease Sunset into her role, it helped to ensure the boots were properly laced up. It wouldn’t do for them to be loose. On the circuit, she picked up the red and yellow tail butt plug. With that in hand, Applejack led her pony over to the metal plate. As soon as she stepped on it, her hooves were quite loud, each step a resounding clang. “Prance for me, Shimmer.” ‘I'm a good girl!’ was the one thought now that coursed through Shimmer’s mind as she blushed happily and whinnied, a squeal-like noise that ended in a giggle. She liked being called a good girl. ‘I'll show her how good I am...’ Determined, she lifted up her legs and pranced on the metal, her slender thighs straight and parallel to the ground with each step. As Shimmer pranced noisily on the metal plate, the metal horseshoes beating out a tattoo, Applejack slowly undressed herself. She neatly folded what Rarity referred to as Boho-chic clothing up and she set it next to the tail plug on the hay bale. Distracted for a moment by her owner undressing, Shimmer paused but quickly she started her prance once more, a little sheen of sweat glistening on her chest and a line of drool leaking from the corner of her mouth around the bit. Now naked as the day she was born, Applejack picked up the tail and she placed the inch wide by four inch long plug in her mouth. Looking her prancing pony dead in the eyes she swirled her tongue around the tapered end that would soon be in her ass. Her other hand moved slowly between her own legs as she stroked herself. All the time, she never broke eye contact. Confronted with this show, Shimmer let out a very unhorse-like whimper of arousal as she watches and pranced around the metal plate. While Shimmer drooled around her bit, Applejack moved the plug between her thighs and inserted it inside her pussy like it was a dildo toy. “You want this tail, Shimmer?” Shimmer nodded furiously, adding drool to the sweat glistening on her bare chest. ‘Oh Celestia’s fat ass yes! I want it!’ After a few moments, the farmer pulled out the now very lubricated plug from her sopping wet depths and replaced it with three fingers from her other hand which she slid in to the second knuckle. “All four hooves on the floor, Shimmer.” Somewhat relieved to stop prancing, she was getting tired already, Shimmer immediately dropped down, resting her forehooves on the straw covered floor of the barn. She wondered, idly, if she was anemic. That would explain her lack of physical prowess – even Twilight could outrun her, something Rainbow Dash thought hilarious. Pulling her fingers out of herself, Applejack quietly straddled Shimmer’s back, the farmer facing her pony’s ass. Those fingers that had moments before been inside her now slapped down between her pet’s cheeks as she worked her index finger into the puckered ring of her anus, followed closely by the second and third. “NeeeeEEEiiiigh...” Shimmer neighed and wiggled her ass as the three fingers slipped into her hole, her ass taking the fingers easily thanks to the training she had done. There was a time once when just one finger would make her cry her safe word. “Pppphhbt!” she snorted with pride. Slowly, Applejack ran the moistened lubricated plug between her pony’s sopping labia. She wanted to make sure the tail was properly lubed up before she even tried to insert it, whether Sunset’s asshole was trained or not. Satisfied, she pulled her fingers out and, while the hole was still open, swiftly inserted the tail plug all the way inside. “Y’all are a right pretty look'n filly!” ‘Ooooh I’m your filly alright Jackie...all yours!’ Shimmer shook her ass and clenched her muscles, lifting up her red and yellow tail, displaying herself like a filly in heat. Tail firmly in place, Applejack swung her leg over Shimmer’s head and dismounted, leaving a trail of her own arousal on her pony’s back. She then spun around and swung a leg over her head and she mounted her again, this time facing forwards. She then leant down and nibbled her ear. “Mah pretty, pretty Shimmer.” She purred, groping her breasts roughly. “Ya teats are in one odd place though, for a pony.” “NeeEEEeeiiigh!” Shimmer let out the happy noise, her nipples rock hard on pert breasts. She started to really leak down her thighs and, unprompted, she walked on the metal plate with her owner on her back. Pleased, Applejack allowed her hands to roam freely over her pet’s body, but her mouth never left her ear as she tongued and nibbled, adding a vibrating commentary as she groped and pinched Shimmer’s bullet-like nipples. As an added little thing, she slid her ass back to bump the tail, rocking the plug back and forth inside the pony’s anal cavity. “Hmmm...MmMmm!” Shimmer wasn’t sure what her owner was doing as she walked noisily on the metal plate. She knew though when she felt the plug move inside her. Trembling, her arms and legs quivering with the pleasure in her ear, she almost came from that alone. Playfully, she shook and tossed her head, nickering with each step. “Feeling a little frisky there, Shimmer?” “PHHhhHHHBBT!” Shimmer snorted and tossed her head, losing herself in her character and pawing at the plate she was standing on. “Ah was hoping you were.” Applejack swung her leg over Shimmer’s head and dismounted, an idea in her head. The pony, still on her four hooves, watched her owner’s swaying ass, that perfect, toned, muscular ass and its perfect, tones muscular legs walk over to a wall were the real horse tackle was kept. But, as she reached for a donut shaped collar, she saw it is smaller than the rest. Walking back to her waiting pony, the farmer put the collar over her head. “Shame to hide that pretty orange collar, but it'll have to do.” She said firmly, taking up the reins and leading her to another corner of the barn. Over in the corner, partially hidden by several bales of straw and some old farm equipment that Sunset didn’t know the use of for the life of her, there was a red ryder wagon, only it had been modified to have bicycle tires and some leads in place of the handle. “Ah’m all for a parade, Shimmer.” ‘Oh Celestia's sainted fetlock, yes!’ Sunset thought, though what came out of her mouth was, “NEeeEEeeeEEIGH!” She made the happy noise as she nodded her head upon seeing the wagon. She had done parade work before, she had even pulled the light plough before, but she’d never seen this wagon. She figured it was new, with its padded interior and high back pillow. Getting the message, Applejack backed her pony up between the leads, the lightweight metal poles, and she attached them to the collar. She then climbed into the red wagon, her knees wide apart when she sat down in the driver’s seat. “Like what ya see?” “NEEEEEEIGH!” Looking back over her shoulder, Shimmer did indeed like what she saw, namely her owner’s glistening crotch, her pussy on display as was the neatly trimmed blonde pubic hair above it. She nodded and snorted, Sunset liking what she saw very much indeed too. She pawed at the ground and flagged up her tail. “It's okay to pull on two legs. Ah know your back will thank me for it. Now outside and once around the barn, then once around the house.” Hearing that, Shimmer let out a very grateful grunt that screamed ‘thank you’ and she reared up to her hind legs. Once she was steady in the leads, she then started to pull at a steady pace, making sure to lift her legs up so that every step they were parallel to the floor. In the wagon, perched on the padded seat, Applejack was really enjoying watching Shimmer’s tail bounce with every step and, by the time they were at the door to the barn, she had two of her fingers in her pussy. Once they were outside in the twilight of the late summer evening, she giggled. “Looks like Bloom is still awake. Silly girl. Time to trot, Shimmer!” Shimmer snorted her understanding, she had her forehooves pulled up to her arms as she walked along quicker. All the time she lifted up her legs just like her owner had trained her. Her owner was gifted with the crop. It had only taken two sessions and getting the crop on the backs of her thighs to learn to lift up her legs. She glances up at Apple Bloom’s bedroom, where the young teen was leaning out, watching what they were doing. Completely unconcerned, she was Shimmer the pony, after all, and that was that. As Shimmer started the parade with the trot around the large barn, Apple Bloom faded from view as she had better things to do. Once the trot had started, there being enough light left in the day to walk by, Applejack pulled a long flexible pull from within the wagon with some thin leather attached to the end and she flicked her pony’s ass with it. “Get along there, little Shimmer, giddyup!” It wasn’t long after the trot around the barn had begun that Shimmer started sweating again as she marched briskly around the ancient weather-beaten structure. She let her legs drop once then twice, though her owner was on it straightaway, the thin leather of the pull flicking her ass causing a pleasured whinny and her legs to rise. By the time she was around the barn though, she was slowing down noticeably. Applejack quickly fetched her pony another flick, this time swatting both of Shimmer’s ass cheeks twice in quick succession. “Still need to go around the house, pony!” “PPHhhhHHHhhHBBT!” Shimmer snorted in response to the command, the snort sending a good amount of drool spattering onto her already wet through chest as she sped up again, this time heading for the house. She was almost tempted to stamp her hooves three times and end the play, but that would’ve spoiled the evening. ‘D-Damn...’ she thought exhaustedly, ‘how does Twi outrun me?’ Once she had gone all the way around the farmhouse and they were back at the front door, Applejack noted that her pony was breathing very heavily indeed. She was tempted to flick her behind again, but she saw she was really genuinely tired. Time to stop for today. “Woah there, Shimmer. Woah girl.” Immediately, Shimmer slowed to a halt, breathing hard, she was exhaling drool with each breath, but at the same time she was happy and pleased with herself that she had done it. Last week, the trot around the barn had bought her to her knees. Applejack climbed out of the wagon and ran a hand appreciatively over her pony’s wet breast and her flanks. Her forehooves hadn’t dropped once and her form had been good. “You're gett'n to be a strong mare, Shimmer.” With a reward in mind, the proud farmer unfastened the wagon and she removed the collar. Reins in hand, she led her into the house. “Ya thirsty, girl?” “Neeeeeigh!” Though she was exhausted when she nodded her head and neighed, hearing the praise from her owner made her feel like she could run for days and days. Making her owner proud was what she lived for. Applejack led her pony through the farmhouse kitchen and into the living room. This was just as basic and rustic as the rest of the house. That said, Sunset found there was a certain charm about the old style cathode ray television, the antique stereo with its vinyl player and cassette deck. Everything in the living room, couch included, was older than she was. Removing Shimmer’s bit and bridle, Applejack sat down in her comfy chair by the couch and spread her legs. “Drink up.” Shimmer definitely didn't need asking twice and she dropped to her knees. She shuffled forwards on the hardwood floor and buried her face between her owner's legs. Thick drops of fluid dripped down onto Shimmer’s lips as the puffed labia tensed and winked at her over and over again, the bulb of her clit peeking in and out at her. The pony’s tongue instinctively snaked out to lick the clear liquid from her nose and she smacked her lips lightly as she took in the taste. Tangy, but just sweet enough to keep the palette wanting for more. Contrary to popular belief, her owner did not taste like apples. And more was exactly what she received as Applejack thrust herself forwards so that her crotch met her pet’s face, plunging her nose and mouth into her tight snatch. Shimmer’s nose was completely enveloped in her essence as she ground her crotch into her, adjusting herself so that she had the best angle to work that wonderful tongue deep into her. “Put that tongue of yours to good use, girl!” Shimmer closed her eyes and got to work, snaking her tongue out to gently work around the edges of her labia, licking tentatively at the juices that she knew were going to flow onto her face. She felt her owner’s lower lips clench slightly against her as he nipped and tickled at the edges. Sticking her tongue out, she plunged into Applejack’s love canal, properly lapping at her insides, seeking to clean her out or die trying. The orange farmer squealed at her girlfriend’s efforts and she rotated her hips, pushing herself harder against her beautiful face, her scent getting all in her red and yellow hair. Applejack thrust her powerful hips into her pet’s face for several minutes, she could feel her skilled tongue slipping and sliding around inside of her, desperately seeking to find the spots that would push her closer towards her finish. Every now and again she would reward her with kind word and a loving petting to her hair, or a promise to give her an extra sugar cube as a treat. Shimmer had already lost all sense of where she was as she desperately lapped into her owner’s pussy. Her whole universe for that moment consisted entirely of the smell of her snatch, the orange coloured depths and the blonde mound above it. The taste of her pre as it coated the inside of her mouth drove her on to lick harder, as did the sounds of her moans whenever she hit a sweet spot. The pony was loving every second of it. She slurped and groaned against her owner, only disconnecting for a brief moment to breathe every now and again before she dove straight back into Applejack’s dripping pussy. When she finally turned her attention to her clitoris, the howl of pleasure that Applejack released was music to Shimmer’s ears. She suckled on it and rolled along it with her tongue like a newborn foal on its mother’s teat. Licking and rubbing it harder and harder as Applejack’s pussy rewarded her work with more squirts of her sweet nectar across her face. “Ya-Ya’ll spend'n the night, or ya heading back?” Applejack asked breathlessly once her orgasm has subsided enough for her to speak. “I'd like to stay over, Miss Jackie.” Sunset replied, breaking her character as she had been asked a direct question. Her Mistress wanted an answer, after all. She didn’t move her head though. She kept it where it was, nuzzling her muscular inner thighs, thighs that she was in no doubt could crush her head like a grape, a hoofed hand stroking her leg. “That way if the journal buzzes, you'll know what's going on.” “Ya stick that journal between my legs while Ah'm sleeping, ya'll be sleeping under the bed.” The unusually stern glare that accompanied those words let Sunset know that it was more than a threat. “Ah need to put the cart away and your bike in. Might rain tonight.” She stood up on slightly wobbly legs and placed the bit back in her mouth. “Come along Shimmer.” Sunset giggled at the very thought, the sound coming out as a low nicker, though she did wonder if she would get away with putting it against Applejack’s feet instead. Ultimately she decided against it. “Neeeigh!” she said, keeping the reins slack as she was walked back outside. Outside, night had fallen properly now it was past nine p.m. By the light of the moon and the hundreds of fireflies, Applejack hooked her up to the wagon but didn't get in it. Instead she led her over to the dirt bike which she pushed effortlessly into the barn. “Follow along now, Shimmer.” “Pppphhbbt!” Shimmer snorted as she pulled the empty cart back to the barn, making sure to lift up her legs. Idly she wondered about asking Rainbow Dash for some endurance training. She tried to balance the pros of being fitter and able to do more without getting tired so quickly against the cons that would be Dash’s incessant teasing. Good natured as it was, it could get real old, real quick. Applejack placed her girlfriend’s bike just in the barn, out of the way of the door. She then backed Shimmer up to where the wagon went and she unhooked her from it. That done, she slowly removed the pony gear, starting with unlacing the gloves that covered her hands. “Ya did right well today. Only needed a couple of nudges with the whip to keep ya motivated.” Sunset Shimmer smiled and, when the bit and the bridle had been removed, she shook herself a little to get her out of her 'Shimmer' persona. “Thanks AJ,” instinctively she flexed her hands. “I needed Shimmer after the day I’ve had today.” “One too many sushi deliveries, or dealing with the Principal?” Sunset groaned once the hoof boots had been taken off and she slumped onto a bale of hay once her tail was removed too. “UGH! Microchip bought Sandalwood by the sushi place for a birthday treat, he didn't know until he'd taken a bite that his boyfriend was allergic to fish. Had to call the ambulance. Then my geta broke and I had to get sneakers from Rainbow.” Sunset exhaled sharply. “And the next thing, and the next thing...then Celestia of all people rings me up out of the blue wanting to talk about magic, Equestria and centaurs!” she threw up her hands into the air before laying back across the hay. “Sounds like a hard day alright.” Applejack commented sympathetically as she took her time cleaning the butt plug. “Ya've been a good pony, so I'll give you a nice rub down back in the house.” “Thanks baby.” Sunset sighed on the bale. Her girlfriend’s massages were better than sex. “How's your day been? Those trees in the north fields still giving you grief?” “Not so much. Mac sorted them out. Some peaky bug blight'n the leaves, but don't tell Shy.” “Tell who what?” Sunset forced an innocent look on her face before she giggled. “Is the walking lie detector being dishonest?” “That Ah helped Mac kill a lot of bugs, no Ah ain’t.” Applejack replied honestly, “That Ah ain’t gonna tell Shy, that is true too.” “She'll be okay, Jackie.” Sunset stood up and stretched, bending over and easing what tension was in her muscles before kissing her girlfriend’s lips. “You were naughty, teasing poor Bloom like that. I thought she'd combust when she looked under the table.” Applejack busied herself with wiping down all the pony gear and hanging it back up on the hooks that were just for Shimmer. “Girl don't know her own mind yet. She's chasing Rumble, but Sweetie is chasing her. And Ah has no idea what Scoots wants.” Sunset bent and stretched her legs, warming down from the exercise she had just endured. “I didn't know my own mind at her age either.” She sighed deeply, sudden memories of her foalhood coming back to her. “I was too busy wanting to be the next Princess to worry about mares.” Almost as soon as the words left her lips, she saw the look that Applejack gave her, the disapproving one she got when she put herself down. “Anyway! Tell me more about this rub down…” Once the pony tack was put away, the farmer walked over to Sunset’s dirt bike and reached into her helmet. “Someone should wear these, huh?” she took out the orange panties and put them on, leaving Sunset sat naked on the hay bale. “Come along.” “Yes Ma'am!” When Applejack turned and walked back towards the farmhouse, Sunset was up and on her feet before she had made the door to the barn. Walking alongside her, she held her hand, interweaving their fingers together. It wasn’t often the farmer allowed her to hold hands, so she savoured it when the chance came. Inside the house, Applejack nodded at the chair that held their neatly folded clothes. “Bring our clothes up. Granny likes us dressed for breakfast.” Sunset giggled, “I think Mac does too. Big guy didn't know where to look that one time I forgot about my pajamas.” Dutifully, she picked up the clothes, being careful not to wrinkle them too much. “You know, I can't believe he's a dom. Sugar Belle's a lucky lady.” Applejack chose not to answer that, she just picked up Sunset’s rucksack and led the way up the creaking wooden stairs to her bedroom. Behind her, Sunset was constantly amazed that the house hadn’t fallen down yet. They walked up to the pale green wooden door that had the three red apples on it and they walked into the bedroom. “Set them on the dresser and then lay belly down on the bed.” With a nod, Sunset deposited the clothes neatly on the dresser before getting on the bed, almost on reflex assuming an X shape with her arms and legs. It always surprised her how soft and comfortable her bed was. “Ah got this ointment for the hogs, but it should work fine on ya.” Now, while Applejack could spot a lie at a thousand paces, she was also horrible at telling them. Without looking at her face, Sunset could tell that was a whopper of a lie. She snorted out a giggle, more than happy to play along, she made a snuffling pig-like sound. “I thought I was your pony, Ma'am, not your sow.” Playfully, Applejack slapped Sunset’s upturned rump. “Ah think you're hamm'n it up!” she giggled before straddling her ass. Leaning forwards, she coated her hands in the massage oil and she started the massage on Sunset’s neck and shoulders. “Aaah!” Reflexively, Sunset let out a gasp of pain but almost instantly there was an ‘ooooh’ of pleasure with the start of the massage. There was just something magical about her girlfriend’s callused fingers and thumbs rubbing her skin. “Hmmm juuuust there!” “Glad the lessons Ah got from the spa sisters weren't wasted, huh?” “Hmmm damn you're good AJ!” Sunset whimpered, the submissive girl not even tempted to move from her prone X position. “You should fix their plumbing more often if they reward you with lessons like these!” “Ah was just being neighbourly, that’s all.” She moved those wonderful hands of hers down to Sunset’s lower back. She began to knead away the many knots she felt, massaging her girl’s muscles. “How did the gear feel today? Ya did a nice job flipping that tail while ya pranced for me.” “It felt perfect, like the hooves were an extension of me...” she went quiet and blushed when she was about to mention the tail, going very red indeed and for once not from the sweetness of the massage. “Ya got a fever?” “N-No...” Sunset stuttered, “I um, the tail, I've been practicing, at home like you asked. I'm up to a three quarter inch plug now. I forgot yesterday and wore it to work.” “If’n ya wore the tail to work instead of a plug, Ah'd have to visit your place for some of that sushi.” Sunset was still blushing very hard indeed. “I would if you ordered it.” Quietly, Applejack moved down Sunset’s body to her calves and her feet. She was in no doubt whatsoever that if she did make such a request, her girl would do it. She knew just how devoted Sunset was to her. It was a responsibility that the farmer didn’t take lightly. “If ya'd left tonight Ah would let ya wear anything in your helmet, but now Ah'm wear'n it. Ah love ya too much to cost ya your job, Sunny.” “I know AJ, but...well, it's fun, to see what we can get away with.” “Eeyup, and Ah think Ah know something that would scratch both our itches.” She giggled as she lavished a good amount of time on her submissive’s feet. “We can try it out this weekend. What's your plans?” “For the weekend? Nothing beyond housework in the morning and hanging with you all later in the day. I was going to suggest a movie in the evening, see what we all fancied watching.” Applejack took her time to do a real good job on Sunset’s feet. She massaged her soles, her arches and her sweet little toes until she achieved her orgasm. “Ah was think'n shop'n, but a movie after sounds good. Ah just don't think ya can sit with the tail in ya.” “Shopping and a movie sounds good for Saturday.” Sunset moaned once she had ridden her orgasmic high. “Juniper's raging about the new Daring Do sequel. Sunday, depending on the Princess's answer or not I was gonna pay Celestia a visit in the afternoon. Wanna come with?” “Ya really think she’s serious about that centaur thing?” “I'm no element of Honesty, but I can see she believes it. She wasn't lying, Jackie. Plus, I mean, she was kinda laying herself bare with her feelings and her wants, and P.Twi seemed to take it seriously. Seriously enough to look into it at her end.” Applejack considered that briefly before making her mind up. “Okay, Ah'll come with ya, if just to watch ya give her another eyeful. Think she will blush harder than Bloom?” Sunset laughed at that. “You know we can be a little adventurous at her place right? We aren't at school, she isn’t our Principal and we aren’t students at her house.” She sighed, “I hope Twilight finds out something I can tell her though…” she then giggled playfully to get a reaction. “Plus you need to feel her tits, they're huge!” Hearing that, Applejack slid her rough hands under Sunset’s sides and groped her pert breasts. “Ah'm rather happy with what ya got, Sunny.” She smiled, kissing the back of her neck as she laid down on her back. “Mmmm me too, Jackie…” Sunset wasn’t about to argue, not when her favourite farmer-shaped blanket was covering her back. She smiled at the weight, the warmth of her body heat and her own mounds pressed into her back. “I love you, AJ.” “Y’all comfy there, Sugarcube?” “Hmhmm, very.” “So am Ah, but Ah won't get upset if ya roll over in the night.” Applejack smiled, kissing Sunset’s neck before reaching up and nibbling on her ear. Sunset Shimmer let out a little squeak. “I'll take you up on that, AJ.” On her back, Applejack was quite happy to be her blanket, but she knew there was little chance of lasting the night and waking up like this. After a few moments though, her nibbling stopped and, a little later, the farm girl was asleep draped over her girlfriend’s back. Tired out, Sunset was soon asleep as well, happy and contented in Applejack’s bed. > Chapter 6 - Sisters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The twilight of evening was descending upon the city of Canterville by the time Vice Principal Luna pulled up in her usual parking space on the street outside her girlfriend’s apartment building. Luna looked out of her black R8’s window and smiled. She approved greatly of Cheerilee’s choice of apartment location. To the left of the red brick building was an ice cream shop and to the right was an all-night café. What was not to approve of? She checked her watch. At ten minutes to seven, she was early, but not so early she had the time to visit the café. ‘Perhaps later…’ she thought with a smile. She instead took the time to look herself over in the mirror. With her short cream skirt and white sleeveless top, she was sure she would make an impact the moment she opened the door. Glancing down at her feet though, Luna giggled and flexed her pedicured toes, her nails painted the same fuchsia as Cheerilee’s beautiful skin. She just knew that, combined with her choice of open toed sandals, would make a bigger impact with her than her lack of underwear. Snickering at her shameless exploitation of her girlfriend’s fetish, Luna grabbed her shoulder bag and got out of her Audi. Remotely locking the door, she hefted her bag – full of the travel supplies that she’d need for the evening’s ‘fun’ - and walked into Cheerilee’s building. Luna grinned a toothy, wry grin as she made her way up the stairs to the third floor, the corner apartment her destination. She never used the elevator as she knew her pet liked her feet sweaty. She wondered, idly, as she made her way up past the first floor and onto the second, if she would need the ropes tonight. She had been training her pet to stand and take her punishments without being bound, something the dominant Vice Principal was quite proud of. Reaching the third floor, Luna chuckled. The ball gag would be essential once the play really started. Her Leelee was a screamer. Usually, when they were at her detached villa she shared with her sister, that wasn’t an issue. Indeed, she encouraged her pet to be as loud as she could. One, she adored hearing her screams both of pain and pleasure and two, she knew it annoyed Celestia. Win win! Inside her apartment, Cheerilee stood, the fuchsia skinned teacher bouncing impatiently on the balls of her feet in the small entrance hall of her white modern apartment. A cursory glance at her clock told her to calm down. Her Mistress still had three minutes to knock on her door and Luna was never late. Still, when she was stood naked but for the dark blue choker she always wore around her neck waiting for her evening to start, three minutes could feel like three hours. Again, for the hundredth time, she ran over her mental checklist. She had cleaned – Luna liked her white apartment practically surgically clean – she had made her Mistress’s coffee. She had cleaned herself, inside and out, her pussy was shaven and she had the silver crescent moon shaped piercings in her ears and her nipples. She was ready. She had been ready for three hours. Just as she let out a sigh, she heard the familiar single knock at her door. In a split second, she opened it with a smile on her face. “Good evening, Mistress!” Though she had been expecting it, Luna took a moment, a long, long moment, to admire her pet’s naked form in her doorway. Turquoise eyes wandered over bare fuchsia skin, lingering at the dark blue choker with the silver crescent moon at the front and the little padlock at the back that kept it secured in place. Luna held the key, though it hadn’t been removed in two years. She glanced down at her piercings and wondered if she could get her to get her clit done as well. After almost two minutes, she spoke at last. “I feel positively overdressed for the occasion, Leelee.” Knowing full well she was exposed to the whole third floor, Luna stepped forward and, giving her a kiss, she groped her right breast, pulling hard on the nipple jewelry. “HMmMMMM!” Cheerilee squeaked as her breast was groped and the piercing tugged, standing with her feet apart. If her Mistress wanted to show her off to the third floor or to the whole building, it wasn’t for her to object. When the kiss was broken, she still stood there, making no effort at all to conceal herself. Her body belonged to her Mistress, and it was hers to show off and display. “I know you prefer this, Mistress.” “I prefer many things, pet.” Luna commented, her eyes still eating up her girlfriend’s body in the open doorway. “How was your day?” she asked, at last letting herself inside, leaving Cheerilee stood at the door. She made a beeline across the cream carpet for her living room and for the white leather couch. Once she knew she had turned around, Luna flopped down on the couch so that her skirt rode up her thighs and her pet had a clear view up her skirt. For the moment she ignored the steaming coffee in the dark blue mug. Now looking into her apartment, Cheerilee closed the door behind her with her foot and for a moment she just stood there and gaped at the view she was getting. After long minutes she realised she still hadn’t answered the question. Blushing slightly, she walked over to the couch and knelt on the floor. “Awful, Mistress. Marking the senior's papers is a…unique chore, especially Miss Dash's 'work'.” Now that she was on her knees, her eyes wandered to Luna’s feet and her tantalizingly bare sexy toes. ‘Such a good well trained pet…’ Luna thought, leaning forward to retrieve her coffee, she allowed her shirt to ‘accidentally’ fall open. It didn’t show much, other than she had no bra on, and as she leant back, she spreads her legs. Grinning, she sipped her coffee while she raised up her left foot, slipping it from her sandal she used her toes to play with the nipple piercing. “Did you finish?” “Mmmm...Flu-Fluttershy’s and Ra-Rainbow's, yes, I still have the others to do,” she bit her lip and shuddered, ‘Ooh, Mistress’s foot's right there!’ She did so love it when Luna’s feet touched her body. “We ah...I'm ooh, afraid we need a talk, with her, about her grades.” Slowly, Luna removed her foot. “Get the papers that need grading still and put them on the table. Don't forget your grading pen. Then sit in front of me and finish your work.” “Yes Mistress,” Cheerilee had played this game long enough to know where this was going. She was up quick smart and scurried to her desk, coming back seconds later with a lever arch folder and her special pen. With a frown on her face, she produced Rainbow Dash’s four page geography paper to Luna, taking care to point out her scrawled, barely legible writing and several questions answered by just a doodle of her, a goal and a football. “You see what I mean? I can't pass that.” By the time Cheerilee had returned, Luna had her short cream skirt hiked up even further so that it was essentially around her waist with her knees spread wide to give her pet a place to sit on the floor. “Give me that one to review, while you get to work on the others.” “Naaaaaah...” Cheerilee actually had to wipe away a little drool before passing the paper to her girlfriend’s waiting hand. She made sure to be quick about it lest that hand land on her ass. ‘Oh...oh my,’ she thought, realising it was going to be one of those nights, she sat on her carpet and got started on Rarity's geography paper. As Luna read Rainbow Dash’s paper, her feet, now free of the sandals, worked their way up Cheerilee’s sides to her breasts. One set of painted toes played with a nipple while the other moved back down to go between her shaven legs and grind a bit with her heel. “Miss Dash does use a lot of words to say nothing, doesn’t she?” she giggled, “When I was young they called it, 'if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, then baffle them with bullshit'.” “Aaaaah...ye-yes...qu-quite!” Cheerilee stopped writing on Rarity’s paper for a moment and she ground her bare crotch to the foot between her legs. “It's not tha-a-aaat she lacks ability, more she lacks concentration. As you can see by the art work on page three.” Luna’s right foot counter ground back into her pet’s swiftly moistening pussy, while the other moved up from her breast and ran her toes over her mouth, playing with her bottom lip. “Enough on Miss Dash. You have others to finish.” Without even realising she was doing it, Cheerilee ran her tongue along the toes at her lip, tasting the sweet sweat and the heady aroma of her Mistress’s scent before she reluctantly turns back to her work with a giggle. She so wanted to stick her tongue between them, but not yet. Like a fine wine, Luna’s feet had to be savoured. “It's like talking with Rarity. I suppose I can allow the odd 'darling' in her answers. Solid B.” “A habit she should be broken out of.” Luna huffed, “Figures of speech are for speech and creative writing, not for answering questions.” She then teased her pet’s upper lip with her big toe. Subconsciously, almost on reflex, Cheerilee moved her head forwards and took the big toe wholly in her mouth, sucking gently upon it and swirling her tongue around it as she takes up Applejack's paper. “Mmmm aaah areee Iiithreess,” she slurred, her tongue finding its way in between the big toe and its neighbour. Luna set aside Rainbow Dash's complete travesty of a geography paper so that she could play with Cheerilee’s hair. “I do hope I'm helping you concentrate, Leelee.” “MmMMMmmmm oooou are…” she replied, slurring once more as she sucked somewhat harder, marking Applejack's paper a B-. Her answers, like the girl who had written them, were succinct and to the point, mostly correct but nothing to write home about. Reluctantly she pulled away, licking her lips. “You know, I'm always impressed with Applejack. She’s smarter than you'd think.” “One shouldn't judge based on a profession or accent.” Cheerilee blushed quite hard. “No Mistress. Sorry Mistress. I um, I think Sunset is rubbing off on her, is what I meant,” she decided then to shut up and thrust her hips to meet Luna's toes at her wet snatch as she reached for Sunset Shimmer's paper. “Uuuuh!” she grunted, aware she was now leaking on her foot. Smirking, Luna lowered the teasing foot while at the same time she lifted up the foot that had been grinding away at her pussy, leaving a wet trail up her body until the heel rested on Cheerilee’s breast and the wet toes teased her mouth. The one just lowered took over grinding duties between her legs. “I'm sure that Miss Shimmer is rubbing Miss Applejack in many ways,” she said casually. “Ha!” Cheerilee snorted out a laugh before she remembered her place. “Y-Yes I'm sure she is, Mistress,” she licked her tongue across Luna’s glistening wet toes, tasting herself and scrawled an A on Sunset Shimmer's paper. Finally, she turned to Twilight Sparkle’s geography paper. “Last one, Mistress.” “I admire your concentration and your ability to multitask, pet.” “Your crop is an excellent teaching tool, Mistress.” Cheerilee replied and, without even looking at Twilight Sparkle’s paper, she had absolutely no issue at all in grading it an A+ in a split second as she sucked on Luna’s toes, managing to get all five in her mouth. Sighing with utter contentment, Luna placed Rainbow Dash’s poor excuse for ‘homework’ on the table in front of Cheerilee. Having looked at it, it was less than laughable. She did wonder what was going on with her. While never the most academic student, Rainbow had always been sufficient to earn a pass grade. Until now. “I might suggest that you give her a chance to improve what she has. The hint that failing this may damage her advancement, and her friends may be willing to help her. Of course, if she does do better, she should get nothing better than a C, as it is a second chance. You can tell her in private what she would have gotten if it was her first effort, should you feel it is better than a C.” “Honestly?” Cheerilee sighed, “She just scrapes a D- with this, Lu. And her history's just as bad. And don’t get me started on her math paper…” she sighed once more and shuddered, “Unfortunately, "Adagio did it," is not reason enough for why the First World War started.” Gently, Luna moved both of her feet to run along her pet’s sides lightly without tickling her. “You may be right. It might take failure for her to seek help and to take the last year of school seriously.” “MmMMMMmmmm th-there is always Miss Sparkle.” Cheerilee panted, “I believe she would make an excellent tutor for her,” she giggled, “I’m sure she could teach all my classes right now.” “I'm sure there is some rule against that,” Luna giggled, though she saw where her girlfriend was coming from. The Sparkle girl was fiercely intelligent. “Now that task is done…” she withdrew her feet and scooted along the couch so that she was resting against one end. Somehow her skirt was up around her middle. “I don't think my feet received enough attention earlier. Could you rectify that?” “Yes Mistress!” Cheerilee had a look on her face like her Christmas and birthday had both come early as she got up off the floor and straddled Luna’s waist, sitting atop her with her back facing the older woman. Before she could be told again, she lifted up both of Luna's feet and, pressing them together, popped both big toes in her mouth. Laying on her back, her head supported by the leather couch’s armrest, Luna was content to stroke Cheerilee’s ass and now and again let her fingers slip between her sopping labia. The submissive teacher sat on her moaned with sheer lust as she did so, the lusty noise escaping her lips while her toes were being worshipped. Cheerilee was of course leaking quite profusely as she licked and sucked on her Mistress's feet. She could taste the slight sweaty flavour as well as the soap she used to shower, and she ground herself on Luna’s fingers. She knew that in this position, the dominant woman was content to let her have her fun. But… “Mmmmm Mi-Mistress, I-I'm getting close Mistress!” “Then back up a bit,” Luna ordered sharply, swatting her pet’s ass cheeks for good measure. “For I need some attention to something other than my feet. Once we have our release, you can lavish your attention on them.” Cheerilee did as she was told, and as she slid backwards up Luna’s body, she came to rest with her pussy inches from her face and her face close to her Mistress’s tunnel. Ten minutes later, when both women had climaxed into each other’s faces – Cheerilee’s orgasmic scream thankfully muffled by Luna’s thighs – they were panting into each other’s damp crotches. “You are truly delicious, my pet.” Luna complimented her, licking her lips one last time. Cheerilee, who had reached her orgasm first, but only something like thirty seconds before Luna had experienced her own, sighed happily, “Thank you Mistress...I-I'm sorry I couldn't control myself, Mistress.” Casually, Luna played with her fingers. “Your stamina is lacking. What should I do about that?” “But...But your feet, and your tongue!” Cheerilee whined, well aware that she had been very naughty indeed, tried to excuse herself. After a moment though she quietened down, knowing that these excuses wouldn’t fly with her Mistress. “I-I recommend a punishment, Mistress.” “Should I make it severe?” Luna asked, gazing lovingly over the old scars that criss-crossed Cheerilee’s ass and upper thighs. She remembered causing every single one. She also remembered the pleasured moans that had accompanied each scar. “Like no sucking my toes for a month?” Cheerilee whimpered and almost cried, especially when she heard the smile in her lover’s voice. She could, and would, carry through with such a threat, but only when she had been very, very bad. “A-As you decide, Mistress...o-or maybe make it so I can't sit for a day?” Underneath her pet, Luna thought about it for a moment. Leelee hadn’t been nearly bad enough to remove her foot privileges. She then inspected her back, her ass and her thighs. She saw the welts from their last session had all healed nicely, as had some of the scars faded. She could then safely add more to her collection. “You did do good work on your grading, so I could go easy on you.” She giggled, “Stand up!” Cheerilee was up in a flash, standing in the 'ready' position, feet shoulder width apart and hands behind her back gripping her forearms so fast that Luna thought she had teleported there from the couch. Getting up, Luna slowly stood and moved over to the middle of the living room where there was space and wordlessly she pointed to a spot in front of her. “Yes Mistress.” Cheerilee got the message and walked over, standing ready where indicated. Nodding with satisfaction, Luna walked back to where her shoulder bag was waiting by the couch, leaving her pet where she was. She called out, “Do I need to tie you to the ceiling so you stay in place, or do you think you can do so without me doing that?” “I can stay in place Mistress!” Cheerilee called back from where she was stood. She knew it was a test of her ability and, as such, she didn't move an inch. If anything, she gripped her forearms behind her back, standing up ever straighter. In short order, Luna returned from her brief forage in her shoulder bag with her chosen items in hand. She had selected their favourite things; a dark blue crop and paddle in her left hand was almost mandatory. In her right hand she held a ball gag and a leather eyeless hood that had an O shaped hole for her pet’s mouth. She walked around Cheerilee, running the crop freely over her body. “I'm very proud of you, pet.” Cheerilee stood unmoving in the 'ready' position, her head up, her eyes forwards, legs spread and arms behind her back, biting her lip as her body was caressed by the crop. She knew she had healed from the last time. She was eager to add new scars to her collection of mementos. “Thank you Mistress!” she answered promptly. ‘She's proud of me!’ she thought as her breasts were groped and her piercings were tugged lightly. “Does my pet enjoy being naughty?” Luna asked as she brought the crop down, the end slapping the crescent moon nipple piercings her girlfriend had chosen to wear tonight. She had appreciated the gesture. “Ngggh...” Cheerilee winced but didn’t move. “Y-Yes Mistress, I do.” Luna appreciated the honesty of her pet and girlfriend. To show it she swung the crop and delivered two more hard slaps, striking low on each fuchsia ass cheek. Were she displeased, she crop would have struck lighter. “Does my pet think I enjoy her being naughty?” “AAH...AH!” Cheerilee grimaced with each strike, said fuchsia ass turning a dull red from the four hits. “No, my Mistress likes a well behaved pet.” Moving in close, Luna kissed Cheerilee hard on the mouth and she bit her lower lip but not hard enough to draw blood. “Maybe I do, and maybe I don't,” she giggled before putting a little distance between them once more. “But I do love,” she swung the crop and it neatly smacked the front of her pet’s groin, “you.” Cheerilee breathed through the intense pain that flourished in her crotch and, though she grimaced, she made a curious mix of a grunt and a moan as her groin was slapped, moisture swiftly leaking down her thighs. She didn’t have to look to know there was a crop shaped welt that covered her clitoral hood. “I know you love me, that is never in doubt, Mistress.” “Good pet,” Luna smiled as she sensuously rubbed her clothed body against Cheerilee’s naked body. “You should never forget that.” She smiled sweetly, swiftly delivering two more crop strikes to the centre of each of her ass cheeks. “Never, Mistress!” Cheerilee replied, looking Luna dead in the eyes. She bit her lip and moaned, her eyes fluttering just a little. Moving around her pet now and, from behind her where she couldn’t see, Luna flipped the crop so that she could slide the handle between her open legs and grind it up into her slit. Her other hand roughly groped her reddened ass. “That’s good to know.” Standing up, the taller dominant woman gave her submissive a hickey low on her neck. “Mmmmm aaah~aaaAAH!” She gasped, Cheerilee’s legs trembling as her ass was groped, she gave a slight hiss of pain when Luna’s fingernails grazed over where the crop had struck. She tilted her head to one side, so that her Mistress had better access to her neck. “Thank you Mistress.” Once the hickey was completed, Luna licked the fresh mark and she left the crop where it was, between Cheerilee’s legs as she moved around her once more to pull and pinch a nipple. She looked down. “What have we here?” she asked, her hands sliding down her body, squatting to look at the bit of handle poking out from between her legs. She licked the handle and the slit above it. “You are a very naughty pet.” All this time, Cheerilee hadn’t moved her hands from behind her back. She knew better than that. She also knew Luna loved not having to tie her up to get her immobile. “I'm...HMmmmmMMmmmMmmm I'm your naughty pet, Mistress!” she squeaked, very aware how lewd it must look with the handle between her legs like it was. “You are, my love, and I'd have it no other way.” Luna smirked, reaching down between Cheerilee's legs to take the crop and manoeuvre the handle around so that she could insert it into her pet’s sopping wet tunnel of love while her tongue continued to lick away at her slit. Cheerilee, who was still looking straight ahead, was only aware of the crop's entrance into her entrance when it actually went inside her. “Eeeeep!” was all she could say to that, her freely running juices moistening Luna's tongue like water running from a faucet and her knees buckled from the pleasure. Grinning, knowing she had her just where she wanted her, Luna pulled the crop out and used it to slap the back of one thigh. Hard. “Steady pet.” She ordered simply as she reinserted it inside her welcoming snatch. Admonishment administered, she got back to licking. “Mmmmm! S-Sorry Mistress!” She jumped a little with the strike to her thigh. It wasn’t often Luna hit her there. She bit her lip and tried very hard to think of grading papers and handing out detention slips to keep from cumming without permission. “My pet was slow to grade her papers.” Luna pronounced her verdict on her girlfriend’s efforts as she stood, taking her crop with her and using the wet handle to play with Cheerilee's mouth. Hearing that though, the fuchsia skinned submissive let out a little whimper as the sensations at her crotch ceased and, subconsciously she licked her own juices from the crop. “Some of them were harder to grade than others, Mistress!” Luna however was not buying it. “Not an excuse! You are a very intelligent pet.” Swiftly, she moved the crop away from her lips, wrapping it around to deliver a very hard strike high on her waiting butt cheek. “It is just a part of you being naughty to delay things when I got here.” Cheerilee was about to protest that it really wasn't an effort to be naughty at all, that grading Rainbow Dash's history and geography papers alone had been a real chore and had taken her a lot longer than expected, when she smiled and played along with the game. “AAAAH!” she yelped, “M-Myy Mi-Mistress is correct...” Quickly, Luna struck the other ass cheek. “Of course I am!” she interrupted her and, kissing her hard, she forced her tongue into her pet’s willing mouth. Cheerilee's whimper of pain was swiftly silenced by the tongue invading her mouth, one she freely allowed inside. She lifted up on her tiptoes with the last strike, feeling her ass getting very warm indeed. As Luna kissed her, she dragged the crop slowly along Cheerilee’s naked back, over her ass and her legs, never stopping. Cheerilee shivered every time the crop touched her skin, anticipating a strike that didn't come, whimpering into Luna's mouth almost begging for it. She obliged. The crop proceeded to fall in rapid secession, all the strikes were strong hits, but none had the force of a single full strike. From her lower back to her lower thighs, she never stopped kissing and she didn’t take aim. After ten such strikes, Cheerilee lost herself to the overstimulation of the endorphins and she accidentally bit Luna's tongue. Pulling back from the kiss that was at last released, she let out a pained and pleasured moan of sheer bliss. Her ass and back were now criss-crossed with angry red lines. Luna took a moment to check herself for blood before fetching her pet two very, very hard strikes on both ass cheeks for daring to bite her. She was lucky there was no blood. “AaaaAAOOOW!” she revelled in Cheerilee’s pleasured moan that had a teeny bit of pain to it, noticing that her ass was now a bright angry red. Smirking at her handiwork, Luna leant forward and bit her left nipple hard, even pulling at the piercing with her teeth. When Cheerilee squealed in pain, she bit harder. She turned the crop around so that now the handle struck her ass like a cane. “GAaaaAAAH! OOooOOOooOOOW!” Cheerilee let out the loudest, most agonized scream as the ‘cane’ hit just where her ass met her thighs. That alone sent juices running down her thighs. “Th-Thank you Mistress!” Luna couldn’t help but giggle. She watched her girlfriend closely and judged she was almost at her limit. “I think the neighbours heard that…” she cooed, her hand now stroking the reddened behind while the other massaged the right breast. “Do you want to cum, pet?” “Yes Mistress!” Cheerilee answered, for the moment, not caring one jot about the neighbours, she was getting more and more into the scene being played out in the stylishly modern living room of her white apartment. Just when she thought she might climax though, Luna stopped and walked away, laying back down on the leather couch, her eyes never leaving her pet. For a few seconds, Cheerilee was away in her heady haze, she didn't really figure out something was amiss until Luna sat down. She did see hood and the gag next to her though. As much as she wanted to move, wisely she remained in her position. “Mi-Mistress!” she whined, “why did you stop?” Silently, imperiously, Luna beckoned Cheerilee to come to her with a finger. Obediently she walked over, her arms still in place behind her back. “You are a bit too loud,” she smiled, holding the ball gag in her hand and waiting for her to bend over so she could apply it. Quick as a flash, the naked woman bent over, her mouth open ready and a blush on her cheeks to match her ass. She was about to speak when Luna silenced whatever she was going to say with the ball of the gag. “I want to watch you so I'll hold off on this…” she left the hood on the couch. “You may fuck my foot ‘till you cum, and I want to hear you cum.” “Aaank ooou Iiiithress....” Cheerilee slurred her reply, adding drool to the sheen of sweat on her chin and chest. As she got into position, Luna used the foot that her pet didn’t mount to play with the ball gag. In position, Cheerilee ground herself on Luna's left foot, getting all the toes inside her. Up and down she went, time and time again, over and over she fucked herself on the whole foot until, with a very loud and muffled scream, she tapped herself and climaxed, squirting all over her Mistress’s foot. “Well done pet, very well done, but now you must clean my foot.” Luna smirked, not surprised at all anymore that Cheerilee had managed to get all her toes inside her to that extent. Removing herself from said foot, Cheerilee staggered and dropped to her knees, leaning forwards so the gag could be removed. Luna did so love how she kept her hands behind her back like they were bound. “Hmm, should I remove the gag for you?” “Eeeth eeease, Iiiithress…” she slurred, knowing far better than to try and remove it herself. For a moment, Luna considered making her keep the gag in place. Then, she wiggled her toes in her face. “They do need to be clean. Very well.” She sat up and unbuckled the drool soaked gag. “Thank you Mistress!” Cheerilee panted with barely contained lust as she went after the wet foot with a vigour, licking up and down the bridge to Luna's toes glistening toes. Using her crop, the dominant Vice Principal stroked Cheerilee's ass and she added a few light love taps to urge her along when she gave a good moan. In short order, she had the top and the sole of Luna's 'fucking foot' sparkling clean, lingering just a moment on the wiggling toes, letting out a moan with each love tap. Once she was done with the left foot, she then started on the other, the one covered in drool from her gag. Sat on the couch, Luna didn’t increase the pace of the taps, but she did increase the strength, as she thought she could judge her girlfriend’s tolerance, and she wanted to take her all the way to the edge. “UuuUUUuuuuuh...” Cheerilee’s eyes rolled and she paused in her licking of the drool covered foot, shuddering as the strikes start to really hurt. Luna, thinking she could get one more in before Cheerilee used her safe word, delivered a particularly hard strike to her lover’s breasts, hard enough to ping the piercings and then she thought she could get in another. Cheerilee actually took both hits before it became too much. Suddenly she dropped the foot and, with both hands flat on her carpet, she bowed and used her safe word, sobbing as she did so. Seeing the submissive posture before she heard the word, Luna was quickly off the couch and on the carpeted floor, hugging and kissing her pet. “You've really done very good, my pet. You have shown your love for me and I will continue to show my love for you.” Still sobbing as she was kissed and hugged, Cheerilee could barely speak. “I-I wanted to take it Mistress, the pain, it was beautiful, it was just too much, I’m sorry…” “Which is why you tell me when I cross that line. I was ready to stop, but I couldn't let you down and give up on you.” The dominant Mistress was absent from Luna’s voice, in its place was the tone of one lover caring for another. “You never do, Lu, never.” Cheerilee nuzzled Luna's cheek and she kissed her suddenly fretting lover. “You were perfect.” “Not as perfect as your ass.” Luna replied, returning the kiss with one of her own. “You know, I was thinking of spending the night, but now I'm having second thoughts.” “Oh?” Cheerilee knelt up, a heady smile on her face, “You know you're welcome, love.” Somewhat unexpectedly, Luna laughed. “It used to be easy to wind you up, but now you just take what I say in stride.” She giggled, “I told Tia I was spending the night, so now she thinks...” Cheerilee wasn’t stupid. She could see where this particular train of thought was headed. “Now she thinks you're out the way and she can do unspeakably kinky things with her new 'gentleman friend'." In a very passable attempt at imitating Rarity, Luna went over all dramatic. All that was missing was a fainting couch and maybe vanilla ice cream. “It is our mission to protect my sister from the unspeakable!” Unfortunately, she couldn’t hold it for long and she giggled. “That would be us saying anything as we spy on her.” “You're really going to spy on your sister?” Cheerilee asked, levelling a most deadpan look at her girlfriend. Luna sniffed defensively. “My prying searches for this Moonsilver have turned up nothing but negative! I must pry! Plus just saying 'covert operation' sounds sexy.” Cheerilee sighed. She knew she couldn’t hold off the one-woman snooping machine forever. “I'll admit I am curious about Tia's 'gentleman friend'. She wouldn't give me anything in terms of details when she was in the hospital. I get she wants to keep her cards close to her huge chest, but seriously her vagueness does worry me, Lu.” That was all the go-ahead Luna needed. She looked her lover over with a critical eye. “School girl for you, I think. No underwear. I'm good as is.” With a little bow, Cheerilee went off to her closet to get changed. She came back wearing something that wouldn’t look out of place in Crystal Prep Academy, albeit with a scandalously short skirt and a ridiculously tight top. Luna liked that look. A lot. “I'm driving, as I have nice 'soft' leather seats.” “Hmmm, I think I need soft seats. We really did a number on my ass…and my thighs, and my back.” She joined Luna in her giggles, secretly glad she didn’t have to sit in class for the duration of the holidays. “Strange though, how almost everything I own is dark blue.” “Leelee, I don't buy your clothes.” Luna giggled yet again, “I admit that I might influence your choices though.” “You just like owning me!” she kissed her girlfriend’s lips, “not that I complain. Now, you will drive sensibly, right?” Luna carefully selected and performed eye roll number two. “The points on my license say that I will.” As much as she loved opening up her Audi R8, she knew she couldn’t. “It’s good that you're learning, albeit slowly.” Cheerilee giggled and opened the door to her apartment, holding it so that they could start their super-secret spy mission. ~ ~ ~ “Moonsilver, I believe I will address you as Master, from here on. Thank you for your note, it was a balm indeed to see your words. I have found out many things about the thing we discussed in my dream. In two days, Friday, I will collect my new choker. I should like to meet you in the forest, on a trail that I can reach, for you to place it upon my neck. Yours, Celestia, or Celly, if you'd prefer. Ps, please can I have the object back that Rehanos took?” Putting her signature on her reply letter, Celestia rolled it up and placed it in the message tube. Making sure the cap was on tight at the end, she taped it onto the outside of her window. For a long few moments she stayed by the window in the hope that Rehanos would come back. As five minutes became ten and ten became twenty however, she realised the snake eagle wasn’t coming back any time soon. With a sigh she turned back to her stained bed and saw the fuchsia coloured magic wand laid there all alone. One thought ran through her mind. “How in the hell am I going to explain this to Luna?” Celestia found herself asking that question over and over again. How exactly was she going to explain away the loss of her sister’s new dildo, without some awkward questions being asked? Questions that she wasn’t exactly comfortable in answering, not without betraying the fledgling relationship she had with Moonsilver. That was the last thing she wanted. He was the one ‘person’ in a very long time that made her feel attractive, desirable and wanted. Now, alone in her room in her villa, Celestia was at something of a loss as to what to do. Yes, she had sent the reply back with Rehanos, but there was no guarantee of when or if he would deliver it, it seemed. Furtively, she cast a glance at the three magical stones that currently resided on her dresser. Mind made up, she heaved herself to her feet and hobbled over to the dresser and snatched up the three stones. As she did so, she caught sight of her naked body in her full length mirror. It took a moment before she realised that for once, she was not repulsed by what she saw looking back at her. Yes, it was the same fifty something something year old, the same wrinkles on her face, the same large sagging breasts, pudgy pot belly and wide hips, but also there was something else. “Moonsilver loves this…” she told herself with a smile. “Rarity, Sunset, Luna, Berry…they all tell me I’m attractive…damn right I am!” For the first time in a very long time, Celestia appreciated what looked back at her in the mirror. She savoured it, spreading her legs to admire her new smooth look. To say she was north of fifty, she wasn’t that bad. She fancied Moonsilver had a hand in that. With Moonsilver in mind, she made her way back to her bed. She left the note from him on her dresser and flopped down on her duvet. She slid the three stones, dreams, language and healing, into her cast where they were pressed tight against her skin. Yes, she had been warned not to over-use the dream stone, but this was rather urgent. Moonsilver, in his room in the tree dwelling he shared with his father and sister, settled in for the night. His thoughts, as always of late, were over the human, Celestia. He found himself more and more thinking of that woman. She had invaded his life, his thoughts and his dreams. That, combined with restless thoughts of the closedmindedness of his kin made sleep difficult. A warming of his dream stone though let him know that Celestia was using hers. With a giddy smile – he would never admit to his sister he smiled giddily - he relaxed on his bed and allowed sleep to overtake him. In a few moments since she closed her eyes, Celestia was back in the Everfree Forest, standing on the dirt road that led up from the Camp Everfree parking lot to the forest proper. A look about her person told her she was dressed in what Luna affectionately called her ‘My First Explorer’s’ outfit of khaki brown shirt and shorts, knee length socks and sensible walking boots. That was expected. What she wasn’t expecting, as she walked up the path in the sunny summer evening, was to find her ‘dream-self’ was ‘her’, as she looked now, rather than the twenty year old image of perfection she had used last time. What was also unexpected was that she wasn’t perturbed by this. After all, this real her was the ‘her’ that Moonsilver loved, so it was what she loved, too. Using his dream stone to enter Celestia’s dream, Moonsilver took his time to sense her presence in the dreamscape. Like before, he used the skill he possessed with the stone, he found a position to hide and observe what his beautiful human would do. Celestia, unaware she was, for the moment being watched, walked up the path and hiked up to Eagle's Point where she had the fall accident. Curiously, Moonsilver watched to see if she would fall again. 'That would be one way to get my attention,’ he thought to himself. Celestia though did not fall, not this time. At the summit of Eagle’s Point – nowhere near as high as Lookout Point – she dropped her pack and used it to sit on, glancing down into the gorge and at the beautiful view of Camp Everfree below her looking like a painting in the evening sunset. How she longed to make this scene a reality! “C'mon Moonsilver...I need you!” Though he was nearby now, near enough to hear her and be heard, Moonsilver stayed hidden in the trees. He if she really looked, she would see him though, she could see through the magic that concealed them. “What is it you need?” Quickly, Celestia looked around and smiled, immediately seeing the pale grey centaur standing behind her. “Moonsilver! I need to speak with you, about Rehanos, and your message.” Moonsilver considered this as he walked out from behind the trees to Celestia’s rear. That would explain why she was here in the dream realm again so soon. “I'm glad he delivered it. By chance, did you reply?” He tried very hard not to sound too eager. He failed. “I did!” Celestia didn’t even bother to not sound like a love drunk teenager. That’s how he made her feel, and she loved it. “I answered straight away.” “He hasn't seen fit to deliver it yet.” Moonsilver replied, walking swiftly he closed the gap between them and sat down next to her. For a few moments he was content to enjoy the view that stretched below them. “Have you cast a spell over me, Aphrodite?” “If I have, then it is the same one you cast on me,” Celestia smiled warmly. ‘Aphrodite...that confirms it. Greek! I knew it was Greek!’ still smiling, she nestled into his strong muscular side, “Master.” Moonsilver snorted through his nose at the touch of her skin and her hair against his body. “You vex me, woman.” He nuzzled the top of her head. “So small, and so frail, and too few limbs, but you hold my heart better than Medusa holds her treasure.” Celestia smiled warmly at that, her heart seemed to soar in her breast. “I am pleased to hear that.” Now that she knew the centaurs were based somewhere within Greek, as she suspected, she drew upon her teaching past and cleared her throat. “Έχω σαμπουάν αγιόκλημα, όπως ζητήσατε.” Moonsilver tilted his head, rather impressed that she had gotten the honeysuckle shampoo just like he had asked of her. “Are you okay,” he asked, “is something stuck in your throat?” he couldn’t help the small smile that played at the corners of his mouth. For a moment, Celestia’s smile faded like mist on a morning meadow, so worried was she that she got it wrong, then she saw Moonsilver's face. “Don't tease!” she squeaked, playfully swatting his shoulder. “Λατρεύω τη μυρωδιά του αγιόκλημα και την ομορφιά των ανθών αχλαδιών, αλλά ούτε συγκρίνεται με εσάς.” Moonsilver said softly, for he did love the scent of honeysuckle and the beauty of pear blossoms, but neither compare to the beauty sat next to him now. “How long have you studied the ancient language?” “You like Pear blossom hmm?” Celestia smiled broadly, making a mental note about it. “Before I was the Principal of my school, I taught languages. And I vacationed in Greece. Your kind were there at one time, right?” “Legends say it was the first place we came to in this world.” Moonsilver’s soft deep voice turned hard. “Time though betrayed us as did the humans. They change kings too often and seek to slaughter each other. Our friends left and our enemies moved in. We have scattered over this world since that time, travelling through the Great Forest.” “I thought your language sounded familiar the first time I heard it. I just wasn't sure. I was in a bit of pain as I recall.” Moonsilver tapped her cast lightly. “Seems to have stiffened up since then.” “Just a little.” Celestia giggled, “The doctor's say I'm healing okay, in a couple of months I'll be able to wear a soft cast.” Moonsilver nodded, taking in what she had said. “So then you will be able to come see me without the stones?” “Yes, my love.” “You have me now, Celly.” He bent his head and passionately kissed her lips long and hard, “What would you have of me?” “I would have my love and my Master, like Helios has the sky.” Moonsilver's kisses moved down Celestia’s cheek and to her slender neck. Once there, he slowly unbuttoned her brown khaki shirt. “I can take this only as far as you let me.” “I understand, Moonsilver.” Celestia didn’t stop him or try to help, she well remembered the last time she tried and was told not to help or take his job from him. She shivered in the sun as her bare skin was exposed. “You insist on hiding your beauty…” Moonsilver muttered and nuzzled his muzzle in between the huge fleshy mounds that were her breasts, barely held in by her bra as he continued to unbutton the rest. “Do you truly, Celestia. I have come to your dream world, and you are in control. Maybe one day you'll learn to walk the worlds and come to mine.” “I'll learn if you teach, Master.” Celestia shivered in pure delight, not only because her large fleshy breasts were set free from her bra, her open top revealing her bit of a belly, but because just calling Moonsilver ‘Master’ excited her to no end. “Έρχομαι σε σας, όπως είμαι.” His large pale grey muzzle could easily take in one of her large breasts. A reward for her coming to him as she was. He appreciated that. As he lets go, he said, “Δέχομαι όλα όσα προσφέρεις.” Readily accepting all that she had to offer. “AAaaaAH!” Celestia moaned when her Master’s hands moved down her body, sliding into the front of her khaki shorts. She arched her back and gasped aloud as her shorts were undone, for she had on no underwear and she was freshly shaven now. “M-Master that feels good!” Moonsilver slid his fingers inside the garment and in one motion he pulled her shorts down to her boots where she stepped out of them. He surveyed her for a moment. “You have less fur between your legs than I remember.” He silenced her retort with a kiss. “Do you believe you can take me in?” “I believe in my dream I can.” She replied once the kiss was broken, though she blushed hard. “In the waking world we may have to work up to it, Master.” Snorting out a laugh, Moonsilver rolled onto his side so that she could see his stallionhood already emerging from its sheath. “Yes, you can work up to this. Now, how do we go about this? I don't think you can stand like a centaur would.” The instant he rolled over, Celestia’s eyes went very wide and her mouth hung comically open, staring at Moonsilver's fifteen inch cock for a good few long minutes before she was able to respond in any meaningful way. When she did, all that came out was, “Oh merciful lord!” It really was as big as she imagined it was. She knelt down and stroked both of her hands along his mottled dark grey length. Laid down on his back on the short grass, Moonsilver allowed Celestia to work in what way she saw fit. Once she had stroked him hard and erect for a few moments, in which time he grew even bigger, she lowered her head and took a long slow lick all the way up his shaft and all around the tip. The pale grey centaur responded as it bounced a little and stiffened all the more. He ran a hand gently through her flowing hair. “I've been touched by the Goddess herself.” “Sweet talk gets you everywhere…” she winked seductively before taking the flat head in her mouth, sucking as far down as she could reach. Moonsilver was more than happy to lay back and let Celestia be in complete control. Now, it wasn’t well known, but she had sucked her share of dicks in her younger, wilder days before she was a Principal and grew old. She put her old skill to use and, once it was wet and lubed up, she straddled her Master's belly and lowered herself back. “I want you, Master.” “Με είχες από την ώρα που είδα το φως να λάμπει στο πρόσωπό σου. Είμαι δικός σου μέχρι την enternal νύχτα cliams όλα.” Moonsilver said by way of reply. He meant every word, too. Celestia had him from the first time he had seen the light shine on her face. He was hers until the eternal night claims all. “Είμαι δικός σου, τώρα και για πάντα,” Celestia replied, that she was his, now and forever as she lowered her pussy, spearing herself on Moonsilver's iron hard cock. The moment it entered her, spreading her wider than ever before, she threw her head back and moaned, “AAaaaAH yeeeees!” Moonsilver bucked his hips into her at first, but he soon settled down to let her take control of the ride. Almost straightaway, Celestia began bouncing up and down on his length, going down and down until his head tapped her cervix. She was rather vocal in this ride, screaming quite healthily as her large breasts rippled and bounced with each motion. “Shout my name!” Moonsilver ordered. “MOONSILVER!” she screamed aloud, riding him harder and faster, “I love you Master!” Moonsilver had both hands of his pet’s bountiful breasts, “Celestia! Goddess of my Heart!” Every 'thrust' now had his head tapping her cervical wall. She was quickly losing herself in the heat of the moment. “Moonsilver! I love you soooo much MOOOOOONSILVER!” In the dark of the night, back in the waking real world, Luna and Cheerilee had been skulking outside Celestia’s bedroom window – unable to see in thanks to the drawn drapes – and they had heard her screams. Concerned, they had gained access to the villa and burst into the bedroom to see Celestia alone and asleep on her bed. Keeping her voice low, Cheerilee whispered, “I heard her screaming, but she's asleep…” she gestured at Celestia who was writhing naked on the bed, a wetness between her legs. Unconvinced, Luna scanned the dark room to be sure they were alone. Once she was sure it was just them three, she relaxed and spotted the paper on the dresser. “Too dark to read,” she whispered as she picked it up. “I'll step into the bathroom.” “Uh huh…” Cheerilee murmured, watching Celestia like a hawk. Her girlfriend’s sister was bucking her hips up to the air, in time with her screaming, clawing at the bedsheets like a woman possessed. After a couple of moments of this, the fuchsia submissive joined Luna in the bathroom. “That is some dream, Lu…” “Enough to make me wish I could dream walk,” Luna agreed, pulling Cheerilee into the bathroom so that she could close the door and turn on the light without worry of waking her sister. “Celestia, Rehanos has graciously agreed to carry notes between us. Finding your home was an adventure in itself. First, you must remove the dream stone from contact with your skin. If you want to wear it put tape on the side touching your skin. You may use the dream stone on each Friday till we meet in person. It can be addictive however and you don’t have the skills yet to resist its call. Second, I like the scent of honeysuckle. Consider it for your bath or shampoo. Third, if you truly want me to be your Master then I will accept the challenge. Do not fail my expectations that you have a strong spirit, or neither of us will enjoy the play. Till we meet in the flesh, I will see you in your dreams. Should you wish to reply, put your words on paper and inside the message tube. Leave it on your windowsill with a bit of tape to keep it in place. When Rehanos passes by he will collect the tube and bring it to me. Moonsilver.” Cheerilee read the note once then twice over Luna’s shoulder. While she understood it, it made precious little sense to her. “What's it mean, Lu? What's a dream stone? It sounds like she's actually with this Moonsilver...but that's impossible, right?” Looking around the bathroom, something caught Luna’s eye. She pulled the bottle of honeysuckle shampoo off the shelf above the tub. “Well, she did buy this.” “She's never used it before?” “I'm her sister, Leelee, I don't question what shampoo she buys, I just ‘borrow’ it.” Again, she studied the short letter carefully. “This says to dream on Friday, but it is Wednesday. This Moonsilver must really have gotten to her. I have a pen light in my room. Let’s get that and see if she has some new jewellery, shall we?” With detective Luna in full charge, she turned off the light and opened the door. Coming back from her own bedroom, she waited for her eyes to adjust as she listened to her sister's dreams for more details. It was very clear indeed that Celestia was in the throes off her passion, bucking her hips and moaning Moonsilver's name, saying she loves him in some different language. Moonsilver looked up at his woman from the grassy floor of Eagle’s Point. “You are all that I hoped for and I long to touch you in the flesh, Celestia.” After several hard bounces, she finally reached her climax and she collapsed exhausted on Moonsilver's belly. “I want to see your home in the forest, Moonsilver,” she said with a giddy smile as she nestled into his body, kissing everywhere she could reach. When he heard that, Moonsilver paused, thinking for a moment knowing this would come. “I want you to see my home, Celly.” “Is...Is it allowed, Master?” Moonsilver snorted through his nose as he held his pet in his strong arms. “I'm quickly growing to not care about what is allowable. I told you that humans betrayed us in the past, but this is the present.” “I am not other humans, Moonsilver.” Celestia whispered quietly, resting her head in the crook of his shoulder and neck. “I'd never betray your kind.” Luna returned from her bedroom armed with a pen light and she slowly played it over Celestia’s naked body, for the moment she was laying still but she was still talking in her sleep, mumbling something about ‘allowable and Master’. She was sure to avoid her face with the light, she saw the wand she had used, but not the three gems that were inside the cast on her leg. “Looks like I'm not the only one to borrow things…” she saw nudged Cheerilee, “Check to see if she used that.” She sniffed, listening. “May just be a vivid dream.” In the dream realm, Moonsilver clutched Celestia closer to him. “You are but one of many.” Celestia nestled as close to her Master’s broad muscular chest as she could, squeezing her chest to his. “That is true, but I believe anything is possible. Like me loving a handsome sexy centaur.” Picking up the toy, being careful not to wake the sleeping woman who just happened to be naked, covered in sweat and also her boss, Cheerilee gave the rounded end a sniff before nodding. “It’s definitely used, Lu.” “Now it has cooties.” Luna only just managed to avoid laughing at the look she had just been given. They were still on the covert spy mission, after all. “You're immune to cooties, right?” Cheerilee rolled her eyes and gave Luna a deadpan look. “Yes, Lu, I'm immune.” However, before she could question her further, her sharp teacher’s ears, sharp enough to hear a note being passed in her class, caught some of what Celestia was mumbling in her sleep. “Did...she just say centaur?” “Of course that is possible,” Moonsilver chuckled, his hands gently stroking his pet’s long flowing multi-coloured hair, “for I am handsome and sexy, but I dare say it may be possible to love a human whose whole back half is missing and they have such tiny asses.” He snickered, thinking how much his mother, Solstice, would’ve approved of her. Luna smirked at her girlfriend. “Good, I need to get them off so we can take care of that in my room, which I'm sure will wake my sister. She sees we have the toy and then questions can follow from there.” “Sounds like a plan, Lu.” Cheerilee giggled. “It’s a shame to wake her though, she's having fun with this Moonsilver, whoever he is.” “Our fun trumps her fun.” Luna stated firmly but softly in a way that said that was that and, seizing her girlfriend by the hand, almost dragged her out of her sister’s bedroom. As soon as she entered her bedroom she flicked on the blue tinted light, which illuminated the dark blue painted walls making the room look like an outdoor night time scene. She then pointed to the toy. “Lick that clean and then we can use it.” “Yes Mistress,” she took the wand and licked it clean, making a very good show of dragging her tongue over the end. It was a unique treat to taste her girlfriend’s sister. She wasn’t going to waste it. Walking around her definitely ‘midnight’ themed room, Luna sat on her wide dark purple bed and she hiked up her short skirt, giving Cheerilee a view to match the one that she was getting. When she finished, she asked, “So who tastes better, my sister or me?” “You Mistress. Had I not tasted the crop already tonight, I'd have said your sister.” Luna shook her head. “The correct answer is, Leelee tastes the best, but at least I know I'm ahead of my sister.” She giggled, “Now for me to put the toy to good use.” She held out her hand for the wand and she pointed to the bed, her intent clear. Silently, Cheerilee passed over the toy and she got on the bed on her back, her short skirt up around her waist. Once she was in position, Luna straddled her chest, but she made sure to keep her ass high, out of reach of her mouth, just in case she was tempted. “Oh joy, she didn't kill the battery.” She lowers her head in case she had to give her a lick, but she could see she was wet enough. “Insert tab A into slot A!” she giggled as she played around the edge of her pussy with the toy. “MmmMMMmmmm!” Cheerilee moaned, the vibrations causing her to arch her back the moment the magic wand head touched her slit. “Beg me Leelee. Beg me to give you release.” “Please Mistress!” Cheerilee begged immediately upon request, the submissive spreading her legs apart as wide as she could, her ass lifting off the bed thrusting up to the toy. “Please allow me to cum Mistress, please!” Luna slid her free arm under Cheerilee's ass to keep it elevated and she slipped the rounded vibrating head of the toy wholly inside her welcoming, slick wet entrance while her thumb flicked her hard exposed nub. The effect was immediate. “PleeEEAAASE!” she quivered, her hands grasping at the bedsheets, relishing the chance to be noisy here in the relatively remote villa, “Mistress pleeeeeease!” Smirking, Luna went at it with an abandon, the toy was on high and well inside her dripping hole. “Come my pet, come and shout the name Moonsilver for me.” Cheerilee didn’t question the order in the slightest. She was too far gone and even if she wasn’t she wouldn' have questioned it in any event. Seconds later she squirted and shook bodily as she came hard. “AaaaAAAaaaAAAH MOOOOOONSILVER!” “Louder pet.” “MOOOOOOONSIIIIIIIILVEEEER!” Cheerilee screamed at the top of her lungs, giving her climax voice. She was still quivering as the toy was lodged deep in her entrance, she came a second time writhing on the bed in ecstasy. “MOOOOONSILVEEEER! MOOooooOOoooOOOOONSILVER!” Literally just a few seconds later, a thump and a definite series of bangs were heard across the way from Celestia's bedroom. “The fuck‽” could also be heard, muffled but quite audible. Slowing down the wand and kissing her pet's clit, Luna was very pleased indeed with the outcome of what she had done. “Very well done pet. Now, you may enjoy the moment.” Whether she had been ordered to or not, Cheerilee was off in that happiest of happy places for the moment, she mumbled nonsensically. Several long moments after she had screamed out Moonsilver’s name though, and Celestia, a very angry looking Celestia, hastily dressed in just a long white bathrobe, threw open Luna's bedroom door so hard it hit the wall. “What. The. Fuck, Luna?” Luna, seemingly unperturbed by the presence of her extremely angry sister stood in her doorway, slowly raised the wand to her mouth and licked it clean. “You could knock, ya know.” She pointed the wand at Cheerilee. “She is noisy, too much so for her apartment, so we came back here. Sorry, did I wake you?” “Did you wake me?” Celestia almost snarled through clenched teeth, barely balancing on her crutches she was that angry. “Yes you woke me! You know full well you did!” she was apoplectic with rage. She had been woken from her time with her Master! She saw the wand. “And you didn't knock, did you, obviously!” When her sister gave her a questioning look, she continued, “I believe that wand was in my room?” Now, Luna looked at the wand, studying the toy. “I got my wand from your room? Why would my wand be in your room?” she asked sweetly, knowing she had Celestia in the palm of her hand. Usually by now, Celestia would be flustered and embarrassed by this question but right there, right then, she was too wound up. “I used it, alright?” she gestured with a hand, her bathrobe falling open and displaying the fact that she was now clean shaven between the legs. “So I got off with it. So what? You were out!” Sat on her bed, Luna took in an eyeful. She wasn’t prepared for the view, nor was she prepared for the fire and confidence that burned through her sister like the sun burned through the sky. She approved, of both. “I like this new you. Sis, you can always borrow my toys, but there is something else I'd like to know.” She turned around and whispers in Cheerilee's ear, “whisper it again.” Cheerilee came to for a second. “Sh-She said centaurs...and...Mo-Moonsilver…” as she slumped back on the bed, Celestia’s eyes went very wide indeed. Luna, who was looking straight at her sister when Cheerilee spoke, saw the stunned look of shock and horror cross her white face. She knew she had her. “When we came home I heard that from the front door. I was a little concerned for my sister. It appears it was a very good dream, oh and I took my wand back for Leelee.” “How...how do you...” Celestia sputtered, her rage ebbing almost instantly, the tall woman again returning to the meeker and subservient aspect. She wrapped the robe protectively around her like it was a suit of armour to keep out the world. “You heard...oh my…” “I could have left the wand and used some other toy of mine, but...” Luna shrugged and patted the bed by her side. “You wanna talk about it?” Realising she couldn’t very well refuse, now that the world’s most prying woman had the bit between her teeth and the scent of blood in her nostrils, hobbled over and sat on the bed. All she was thinking was, ‘damage control’. “I wasn't going to keep this secret, was I?” “The way I pry?” Luna asked rhetorically, though the sadness in her sister’s voice broke her heart, “No, you weren't, but if you talk, I won't have to pry. I do worry about you. I don't mind it you're ‘me’ to this Moonsilver, or you're ‘Leelee’ to this Moonsilver. But, I do worry that this person may be using you.” Celestia sighed, feeling very much like she was being interrogated and that her captor held all the cards. “He's not a person, Lu.” She said quietly, looking dead ahead at the blue wall of Luna's bedroom. “Just a fantasy then?” Luna asked gently, softly, mindful of her sister’s possible mind-set. Coming down from her post orgasmic high, Cheerilee propped herself up on her shoulder. “I told you, I heard centaur!” Still looking ahead, Celestia’s mouth opened once then twice. Unable to even remotely think of a plausible lie, she admitted the truth. “Cheerilee's right, Luna.” Whatever Luna had been expecting, that was not it. “Wait, you mean a horse? Horses don't make good lovers.” “No, Lu, I don't mean a horse. I mean, centaur. Moonsilver is a centaur.” “It is called Greek 'Mythology',” Luna actually made the air quotes as she emphasised the word ‘mythology’, “and...and...oh, yeah those girls and the school, and...are you sure this isn't just lucid dreaming?” she asked, putting her recent studies in dream therapy to use. “I'm sure, Lu. A lucid dream doesn't send a note. You read it, I assume?” Luna’s blush told Celestia all she needed to know as far as that was concerned. “I didn't take it, but yeah, I read it. Doesn’t really give much out, other than you want to be Leelee to this Moonsilver.” Scooting closer to the older woman, she put her hand on Celestia's shoulder. “Have you seen this centaur other than in your dreams?” she asked carefully. Celestia nodded her head. “He saved my life when I fell in the forest the other day. He found me, returned my pack so I could call for help. It is for him that I'm having the choker made. I asked to be his submissive, Lu. He agreed to be my Master, as you saw in the note.” “Okay,” Luna was understandably sceptical, “You know and I know that the internet is full of creeps, I could post a pic of myself as a centaur to lure someone to my clutches, or you could have written the note as some elaborate prank to get back at me…” she placed a finger on Celestia's lips before she could respond to that. “But, I believe you. So, you want me to butt out?” No. That wasn’t what she wanted at all. She wanted her sister on side. Shaking her head and slowly removing the finger from her lips, she said, “No. I do not, Lu. It is a comfort that you care. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye on everything between us in the past,” she waved her hand about, “you and Cheerilee for instance, or that whole ‘Nightmare phase’ you went through...” “Hey!” Cheerilee interrupted from her place on the bed, “I thought Nightmare Moon was sexy as hell! She knew how to swing a cane!” “Yeah, sort of like Publishers Clearing House, once you start, you just can't stop.” Luna laughed and snorted over her shoulder at her girlfriend. “What, I don't know how to swing a cane?” “Um...that's not what I meant...” Cheerilee blushed and, laying back down, she decided to shut up before she dug her particular hole any deeper. Her Luna was perfectly able to go all ‘Nightmare’ on her, should the opportunity arise. “I should have confided in you, sister. But, Moonsilver asked me not to reveal their existence to anyone. His kind live hidden by magic in the Everfree Forest.” Celestia explained slowly, getting it arranged in her head before she spoke. “Thanks to the portal, that magic is waning. They've had dealings with humans before. Bad dealings.” Leaning back over the bed, Luna kissed Cheerilee’s cheek. “I love you.” She then sat back up and looked at her sister, brushing her pastel green and pink – and grey, it had to be said - hair over her shoulder. “Okay, that is not in my area of expertise. You going to get that Twilight or Sunset girl involved in the portal thing? You know society would freak to find centaurs living next door.” “Why do you think I asked Miss Shimmer...Sunset over earlier?” Celestia asked with a smile, “I asked her to look into it.” She sighed, “it appears there are centaurs in Equestria. To escape a war, some may have come here. I just can’t escape that infernal place! I went hiking to get away from all things Equestrian, now I'm in the thick of it.” Cheerilee giggled, “She said thick!” Luna carefully selected and utilised eye roll number four. “Seems there was no escape then. I say 'ride' it for all it's worth!” she gave her sister her best eyebrow wiggle and a most salacious wink. “Oh shut up, Lu!” Celestia giggled, though having her support meant everything to her right then. “I'll admit I was sceptical until Sunset told me the Princess Twilight pony person pony was taking it very seriously.” Again she sighed, “I have an idea. I've replied to Moonsilver's note already. Sent it with his eagle. I asked to meet him Friday after I get the choker. Why don't you drive me?” “Drive, don't spy, and pick you back up after you call. Not going to break your phone this time?” “If I took a taxi, you'd only follow anyway, all Mission Impossible style.” Helpfully, Cheerilee doot doots the Mission Impossible theme song which made Luna giggle. “You know me so well. Sure, it's a date! Go back to sleep and try to be a little less noisy, and I'll trrrrrry the same.” Celestia took a moment to hug both Luna and Cheerilee before she hauled herself up to her feet. “I want to thank you both. It means a lot that you pry into my business like you do.” When she stood up, her bathrobe again fell wide open. This time though, she didn’t snatch it closed, seeing Cheerilee stare emboldened her to stand and soak up the attention. For Once. And it felt damn good! “I see someone's being naughty...” “She's a pro,” Luna sniggered, “and I do like the new look. Very Smooooooooth, sis!” Celestia blushed but still she didn’t even try and hide her old body. For the first time in a long time she flaunted herself, spreading her good leg to flash Cheerilee a clear view of her smooth pussy one last time before hobbling out on her crutches. The bedroom was silent until Luna noisily cleared her throat. “Well, that was unexpected.” “She's hot!” Cheerilee shook her head. “Lu, did you see how hot she was?” “Sister,” Luna said, silencing her girlfriend with a kiss. “But yeah, she is hot. Now where were we before she so rudely interrupted?” she laid down on top of Cheerilee and slowly worked her clothes off. She had better things to do with the rest of her night than think about her sister Back in her bedroom, Celestia laid back in her bed and pulled up the duvet over her large fleshy chest. For a moment she was tempted to use the Dream Stone again, but she decided against it when, with a giggle, her hand crept between her open legs. “She's right it is smoooooth…I like it…” she was just in the process of dredging up her fantasy from earlier in the night and having a most enjoyable masturbation session when, all of a sudden and without warning, she heard a shout from her sisters room. “Where the hell is my new toy‽” Celestia, giggling like a schoolgirl, pulled up the duvet over her head and hoped for the best. > Chapter 7 - Change and Consequences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawnglow shuddered in the cool fast running waters of one of the bathing streams near the centaur camp. The warm mid-day sun shone down through the leaves of the overhanging trees, the copse of bushes offering the bathing mare some degree of privacy. She liked this stream, it was her favourite. That just made it all the worse when she again rammed two fingers down her throat. “EEeeeuuuuuuuurgh!” she retched, sending a gutful of vomit into the stream, the fast moving water carrying away all evidence of what she had done, leaving the nineteen year old sobbing pitifully as she clutched her belly. She hated this, she was dishonouring the hunters that had supplied the rabbit, the farmers who had supplied the vegetables as well as her father who had prepared the meal she was now wasting. Worst of all, as a hunter herself, she was dishonouring the animal who had died so that she could be fed. As Dawnglow felt her belly, she pressed her hand into her soft burnt orange coloured skin, the inch or so of fat wobbling slightly. She didn’t see a healthy centaur, she saw a fat overweight blob of a creature, wretched and worthless next to shining examples like Nightingale. All she had to do was think of the slim Air Whisperer and she jammed her whole hand into her mouth. Coughing and spewing, she sent another gout of vomit into the stream in an attempt to purge her body, to keep her weight down. How else would an unremarkable example like her keep a beauty like Applewood? Her belly at last empty, Dawnglow sunk into the warm clear waters so that she could bathe. Now that her insides had been cleansed, her outside needed attention. Reaching to the nearby shore, she took up her apple and cinnamon scented soap – a favourite of Applewood’s – and she began to wash herself down, each vigorous swipe of her washcloth cleansing her mind as well as her body. Applewood did like her to be clean and presentable before their sessions together and she hated to disappoint her Mistress. Dawnglow smiled when she thought of her Mistress, a smile that quickly faded as she worked the soap into her bright yellow mane. She wanted nothing more than to hold her hand and walk through the camp with her, to kiss her like it was nothing, to dance with her at the festivals like the other lovers did. But that would mean admitting she was…that she was…‘like that’. It wasn’t that same sex relationships were forbidden in the camp, not for hundreds of summers, but she still remembered when her old grandmother had branded centaurs ‘like that’ dirty, filthy and unnatural. ‘Nightingale isn’t ‘like that’, is she?’ Dawnglow thought miserably as she cleaned her small breasts in the water, another thing she hated about herself. No, Nightingale always had stallions hanging off her arm, a slim figure and a body that turned every head. ‘Even Applewood’s…’ she thought bitterly, rubbing so hard with the cloth that her orange skin was turning red. She had caught her looking when she thought she hadn’t been paying attention. Still, she’d rather be out here than at home. She had been in her room in their dwelling tree most of the morning while her father, Equinox had been preparing the letter that he would take personally to the council, about her brother and the human he was meeting with. The very thought of going to the Council of the Elders made her yawn and feel sleepy. Once she was happy she was clean enough, Dawnglow emerged from the crystal clear bathing stream and she allowed the hot summer sun to dry her off, which, thanks to it being the height of the season, did not take long at all. After brushing her mane, she placed her things back in her shoulder pouch, her smile returning when she saw the note there next to the package. The summons from her Mistress had been short, to the point, but as usual full of love. She had been ordered to the Summer Glade, no later than noon. She had rewarded her kestrel with a bird treat for bringing the note to her. She made sure, when she secured her pouch to her shoulder, not to touch the wrapped package any more than she already had. High up in her oak trees, Applewood saw her girlfriend and pet enter the Summer Glade. A broad smile spread over her face, she was a few moments late but, she was so pleased to see her that she was willing to let that slide this time. The twenty two year old Tree Singer watched Dawnglow wander about from tree to tree looking for her, amused at how the younger mare never thought to look up into the branches above her. ‘Silly girl,’ she thought, watching this continue a little while longer. “Say, pretty filly,” she called out eventually, “You want to ride my tree?” The moment she heard her sweet voice, Dawnglow at last turned around and looked up to the first and biggest oak tree in the glade. Applewood, her beautiful summer green Mistress with her chestnut brown mane, was standing fifty feet above her on a platform she had sung together. ‘She always calls me that…’ she thought with a grin as she trotted to the base of the wide tree. “Good day, Mistress,” she greeted her with a little bow. “Join me.” It wasn’t a request. It was an order. Applewood pointed to somewhere behind and to the left of the centaur on the ground. “Turn around, move about twenty feet and then turn to you left, you'll see the start of the stairs behind the trees.” Dawnglow loved that assured, confident tone that her girlfriend used to control and order her around. It made her hot between her hind legs as she followed her brusque instructions, she soon found the stairs, magically created from the tree itself. She had watched Applewood at work before and every time it mystified her how, just by singing in the right way, the Tree Singer could bend the otherwise unyielding wood to her will. ‘Just like she bent me to her will…’ she thought as she nervously, even though she's done this before, ascended the stairway to where her Mistress was waiting. Applewood bore a smirk on her equine face, the centaur as at home up in the branches as on the ground. “After all our sessions, pet, you're still a little afraid of these heights?” Dawnglow nodded, holding onto the tree when she stepped onto the wide platform even though it was as solid to her as the rest of the old oak tree. “Hunters like their hooves on the ground, Mistress.” “I just like your hooves and all that is attached to them.” Applewood closed the small distance between her and her girlfriend, her lips finding hers in a long, hard passionate kiss that she didn’t break until she felt the heat of the younger mare’s blush. “Th-Thank you, Mistress.” Dawnglow was indeed blushing, so hard in fact that her burnt orange skin was red as an apple on her cheeks. Very slowly, and very carefully, she let go of the tree and moved to stand by her girlfriend’s side. “I missed you,” she said, nuzzling the older mare’s cheek, glossing over the fact it had only been two days. “I came to you as soon as Caleth bought me your note, Mistress. I've bought it, just like you asked.” Though she well knew what was in the package when she took the plain wrapped rectangular parcel from her, Applewood still couldn’t help the fluttering feeling in her chest when she opened it to reveal the green leather collar, the slim wooden fastenings drawing her attention. She knew once it was on, only she, or another Tree Singer, would be able to remove it without it breaking. “Plylact does good work.” “He does, Mistress.” Dawnglow still had her blush in place as she bowed her neck and pulls aside her yellow mane. The specially designed collar had cost her the promise of supplying the craftsmith with rabbit and boar for the next few weeks, but it was worth it. This was what they both wanted. Ever since Appleglow – who had been, and still was, her best friend – had discovered her doing self-bondage several months ago before the Winter Festival and they had become more than just friends, they had wanted this. Reverently, the Tree Singer closed the collar around her pet’s neck and, singing a soft melody, she commanded the wooden clasps to intertwine, holding it firmly in place. “Oh, look what I have here!” she said loudly once that was done, reaching up into a branch and pulling down a couple coils of ropes. Dawnglow couldn’t help but smile when she saw the ropes in her Mistress’s hand. It was a happy, secure, safe feeling, in spite of the fact she was fifty feet up in the air. “I have something for you too.” “Other than this lovely collar, you mean?” “Yes Mistress. May I show you?” “You may, my pet.” Permission given, Dawnglow removed her shoulder pouch and, reaching in to it - dropping it on the floor - she produced a very sharp flint arrowhead with pride. “Yesterday, in class, I scored my first kill on a hunt. This is for you.” Applewood took the arrowhead and, holding it in the palm of her hand, she regarded it as reverently as she had the collar. The significance of the gesture was not lost on the Tree Singer. She was no Hunter, but she knew the arrowhead that had claimed the first kill was a priceless thing. “With this arrowhead?” she asked. To allay her growing nerves, Dawnglow giggled. “I give myself to you, m-my lo-love.” Applewood kissed the arrowhead, giving the artefact the respect it was due – after all this very arrowhead had gone on to provide food for the camp - and she placed it carefully in her pouch. “I accept and, I will treasure it for always, pet.” She did however catch the nervousness in her lover’s voice, it upset her a little that she was still hesitant with declaring her love, despite the fact they had known each other for years. “So you know,” she put her thought out of her head, “I'm going to try something a little different today with the ropes.” “Different, Mistress?” The dominant centaur smirked a little when she saw her pet paw at the platform with her left forehoof, a classic sign of her nerves. “Your hearing is excellent. First, arms behind your back and touch your elbows.” “The boar gave its life well, Mistress,” Dawnglow began to babble as she placed her arms behind her back, her left forearm on top of her right, touching her elbows as she had been instructed. This did have the bonus effect of thrusting her meagre chest forwards. “We made sure all of her was used.” Grinning, Applewood proceeded to tie up her girlfriend. She used the quarter inch thick rope to bind her forearms together behind her back, the summer green centaur moving easily on the platform. She then took hold of the loose ends, bringing them to the front to bind her breasts. Once bound, her small mounds artificially increased like balloons due to the ropes over and under them, she ran her fingers delicately over her stiffening nipples. “Hmm,” she whispered, “So soft to the touch.” Th-The ah...the meat we fed ourselves...aaaah the ah...” Dawnglow gasped as the pleasurable sensations shot through her body, interrupting her nervous ramble, “The f-fur....fur...ooooh soft…” her breath hitched and she rather lost her train of thought. “Thank you, Mistress.” Without a word, Applewood turned and bent over, conspicuously lifting up her chestnut brown tail high as she opened a small trap door built into the platform. She knew her pet would talk and talk until she either forbade her or gagged her. She removed a small jar of honey and turned back around quickly to see where her eyes were. She wasn’t disappointed to see Dawnglow’s eyes were firmly zeroed in on where her marehood had been. “F-Fur...aah...h-heart...” the more she got aroused, the more her mouth went dry. “You have a honeyed tongue, my love.” Applewood snickered, opening up the jar and dipping two fingers in the jar. “Open.” Obediently, Dawnglow opened her mouth just as what she was going to tell her Mistress about being given the honour of eating the boar’s heart, but then she knew that her girlfriend knew that already. The summer green centaur took a moment to trail her honey coated fingers over her pet’s stiff nipples before she placed them in her mouth. “Clean.” “MmMmmm!” she moaned quietly as she sucked the offered fingers clean straightaway, her tongue licking all over the digits in her mouth. Her tail flagged upwards, her juices now running down the inside of her thighs. Applewood moved her mouth to clean the sticky nipples in front of her, taking one hard nubbin in her mouth after the other, both receiving the same loving treatment. She swirled her tongue around them before sucking each nipple hard. “You are truly sweet, my sweet.” “Aaaahn...th-thank you Mistress!” Dawnglow pawed her left hind leg on the platform, getting wetter and more turned on by the second. Once her pet’s breasts were clean and the honey sucked from her own fingers, Applewood placed the lid back on the jar of honey. “A bit antsy are we?” she giggled, her lover’s arousal clearly evident just from the smell in the air, as she pulled up a length of half inch thick rope and some wooden spreaders. “Widen your stance.” Dawnglow nodded, too aroused to even blush any more. “It's been a long two days, Mistress,” she commented, the summer green mare widening her legs so that they were just past shoulder width apart. ‘At least when I was thinking of you I wasn't thinking of the boar I dishonoured by throwing up the heart…’ she thought, a little tear running down her cheek at the memory of what she had done. Oblivious to the tear that ran down the younger mare’s cheek, Applewood proceeded to lash the sturdy two inch thick branch to her hind hooves and another to her forehooves. “Did anyone see you claim your first kill, pet?” “Y-Yes Mistress. Master Sagittarius was most impressed.” She answered quickly, her head held high when she recalled how proud the Master of the Hunt had been when her arrow had found its mark on the boar. “I am now qualified for supervised hunts, Mistress.” “Good,” Applewood smiled, laying an affectionate kiss on her bound lover’s cheek. “Then I'll not starve as I can only eat so many berries.” “It's my honour to feed the camp, Mistress.” As soon as Applewood finished securing the second spreader around her pet’s forehooves, she moved behind her, out of her field of vision. Dawnglow knew better than to look around over her shoulder. That way lead to a switching. “You feed me well, my love.” She smirked before delivering a long lick under her tail, a lick that cleanly split her folds and allowed her to taste just how aroused she was. “Yes, you are sweet as honey…” Applewood smiled, appreciating the sight of a heavily flagging tail and hard clitoris winking between the labia that was swollen with need. Walking around her, she picked up some thicker three quarter inch rope. So far, she had done nothing new with the ropes up to that point. Now, she decided to up her game. She crosses the two ropes on the centre of your lower back and moved to do a shell binding with the ropes going between her legs. Dawnglow smiled as the somewhat safe and familiar ropes got tied around her body, remembering to inhale at the right moment so that the shell binding wasn’t super tight, she was just wondering when the ‘something different’ was going to happen when she glanced down at her hips. What struck her as odd was there was a long loop of rope left at each hip and both sides of her mid shoulders. That was new. “Um, Mistress, what is the excess for?” Applewood answered her with a hard dominating kiss that succeeded in shutting her up. “Do you trust me?” “To the end of the hunt, Mistress.” Sliding underneath her from behind, Applewood lifted her girlfriend up and she moved her very close to the edge of the platform so that she could see the fifty foot drop below her. “Is that so?” “Gaaaah!” Dawnglow squeaked on reflex, immediately feeling like a foolish foal. She knew enough that her lover wouldn’t put her in real danger. She was after all a very skilled Tree Singer. “Y-Ye-Yes Mistress. I trust you.” Applewood returned to where she got the honey and she pulled out a large wooden D ring. With that in hand, she used it to fasten the four loops together so that the ring sat on the centre of Dawnglow’s lower back. “Are you willing to show your trust?” Summoning her nerve and resolve, Dawnglow nodded without hesitation. ‘I trust Applewood,’ she thought, a spread of warmth flooding her chest when she thought of how much she loved her Mistress. ‘I love her so much! She cared for me ever since that time she caught me…’ “Yes Mistress, I am.” Moving around the platform, Applewood stood in front of her bound lover. She placed her hands either side of her face, effectively holding it in place. She looked her in the eyes as she began to sing. While Dawnglow was no Singer, she could feel the magic in the soft harmonious melody that left the older mare’s lips. As the song progressed, she could feel her forehooves move forward and her hind hooves move back. Each by several inches. Out of the corner of her eye she couldn't help but notice a sizable crack from where the trap door was, the crack running underneath her. “By the Forest...” Dawnglow muttered and, while she was obviously nervous and scared, she didn't say ‘hazel’, her safe word. She did have to consciously remind herself how much she trusted Applewood. ‘She's a singer. I trust her...’ she repeated to herself almost like a mantra as she looked into her eyes. “I trust you.” The summer green centaur had a wickedly sly smile on her face though when she moved back to the trapdoor location and she pulled up a rope that was hanging down until she got to her girlfriend. There was a loop at the end of the rope. Wordlessly, she added that to the wooden D ring that was holding all the ropes together. “Question is, do I trust myself?” she giggled, “Ready for what is next?” “I am with you, Mistress. I am ready.” ‘We shall see,’ Applewood thought solemnly as she straddled the rope so that she was standing to her pet’s side. Truth was she was nervous herself for what she was about to do. She had a song ready to make a safety net from the branches below should it go wrong. “Fly!” She cried, pushing Dawnglow hard off the platform and sure enough the rope attached to the tree went taut before she fell more than twenty feet. “AAaaAAAH!” Dawnglow screamed in utter terror, in spite of how much she claimed to trust her girlfriend. Although, after a second and then two seconds of non-death she opened her eyes, more than a little pee coming out and spattering on the ground below. “Oh...oh wow...” The area directly under the platform was clear, so the bound centaur swung back and forth like a pendulum. As she began to slow down, after a couple more very long seconds, Applewood used a hook to pull up the rope just enough to keep her swinging. “This...this is…oh wow...” At the bottom of the swing she was about thirty feet above the forest floor. “I...” she managed a smile as she dared to look down, starting to enjoy it, “I love you!” “Thank you for watering my flowers,” Applewood laughed, more in relief that everything had gone as planned rather than to be mean, “I was getting worried for the lack of rain.” Dawnglow blushed horribly when she realised she was still urinating on the flowers and the forest floor below her. “I’m sorry Mistress.” “It was a pretty little scream too,” she snickered, “also, I love you as well.” Dawnglow squirms a little in her bindings, very thankful that the Summer Glade was out of the way. Except for the Summer Sun Celebration, nobody used the glade much. That was why the two lovers liked it. It afforded them a degree of privacy. “I um, I couldn't help it.” Moments later, and Applewood appeared on a branch below her, the centaur not even looking where she was stepping, so sure was she of her immediate surroundings. “I love to swing in the trees, it’s not so scary when you have a rope.” “I think I can see the appeal, Mistress. It actually feels nice now the shock has worn off.” When Applewood sang again, the branch that held the rope that was supporting Dawnglow lowered itself all the way down until her four hooves safely touched the ground. “I thought this would be better than cutting the rope. The instant Dawnglow felt her hooves touch the firm undergrowth that was the forest floor, the young Hunter smiled, “I thank you, Mistress.” Quietly, though she nodded to show she had heard her, the summer green mare removed the rope from the tree to the wooden D ring. That done, she ran the shoulder loops through the hip loops so they cross over Dawnglow’s back and she pulled the shoulder loops forward to tie to her front. She then untied the two spreader bars keeping her legs wide. “Didn't want you kicking when you went over,” she explained. “Now, let's dance.” “Yes Mistress!” Relieved to have her legs free from the spreader bars, she gave her hooves an experimental flexing to get the blood flowing again. Now, it was a little known fact, but because the Tree Singers weren't the busiest bunch in the camp, unlike the Hunters or the Air School, they had time to dance. Applewood took the lead, mostly because her girlfriend was still tied in the shell rope bondage. She sang her magical song as she danced, growing a wide dome of thorny vines around them from the floor upwards until they were obscured from view, not that anyone was around to see. Unlike her older partner, Dawnglow danced like she has four left hooves but, what she may have lacked in style, skill, grace, poise and balance she nonetheless tried her best, especially as she was being led by her Mistress. “I'm going to teach you to dance,” Applewood whispered in the dome, “and you know why?” “No Mistress, why?” “I'm going to dance with you at the Spring Equinox Festival.” “Y-You are? W-We are?” Dawnglow blushed hard, that wretched unworthy feeling flourishing in her stomach once more, she dreaded every single time her girlfriend brought the subject up. She never said anything, but the Hunter could tell she was getting tired hiding their romance. “I ah...I know you wanted to dance at the Winter Festival, I um, I wasn’t ready. I'm sorry…” “I will dance at the Winter Solstice to come, but I will dance with you in the Spring.” Dawnglow gulped nervously. She knew she couldn’t keep putting it off now. “Y-Yes Mistress. Dance. With you.” “I'll not live a lie forever.” ‘You'll go with Nightingale instead...’ she thought resentfully, her fears coming back to her even though the only thing Applewood had done was to look at the other centaur – but everyone looked at Nightingale – she nodded her head, studying the dome around them and her hooves. “I understand Mistress, I do. I'll dance. I want to, more than anything.” “Spring is a long ways away,” Applewood kissed her lover’s nose, “so you have plenty of time to learn and to face what it is to be a couple.” “Don't leave me!” Dawnglow blurted out as she looked up, her lip trembling, “please?” Applewood narrowed her eyes, wondering where in the world that outburst had come from. “Are you my pet?” “Yes, Mistress.” “Do you think I'd put my pet away?” “No, Mistress.” “Do you think I could love another?” “You could, but you don't, Mistress,” Dawnglow answered quickly, though that poisonous little thought was still there in her brain. ‘Except when you look at Nightingale…why would you want a fat ugly little breasted mare like me when you can have her?’ Applewood sighed, the Tree Singer dearly wishing she knew what was going on inside Dawnglow’s head. “You are correct that I could, pet.” She kissed her as lovingly as she could, “And that I haven't. Fear will keep you on your hoof tips to serve me, and will reward service. You will dance with me. I assure you, the other option is not as pleasant.” “I love to serve you, Mistress,” Dawnglow answered her partner, well aware that the smell of her arousal was still hanging in the air, a heady, musky scent that was intensified by the dome that concealed them. She flicked her flagging yellow tail upwards as she flexed her bound arms. “You want to touch me?” Applewood asked, able to read her pet’s intent. “Yes Mistress!” “Beg, pet. Beg to touch me.” Dawnglow did indeed beg. “Please, Mistress!” she moaned, her voice full of lust as she took a step towards the dominant centaur. “Please Mistress, please allow your pet to touch you, Mistress, please!” “Now I'm not sure if you really want to.” Applewood smirked, the dominant in her adoring the way her lover begged and pleaded just to touch her. It turned her on, a hell of a lot did it turn her on. Now, her arousal mingled in the air, joining Dawnglow’s. “You may touch me with your lips.” “Thank you Mistress!” the bound submissive took another step and she made contact, tentatively kissing her Mistress’s lips. Applewood did kiss her back, but she kept her hands to her sides. After her lips, Dawnglow took her time kissing down the summer green mare’s neck all the way to her shoulder, making good use of being able to touch with her lips. After ten long minutes of teasing her, Applewood finally raised her hands, running them in Dawnglow’s bright yellow mane. “Oooooh…” she purred, the younger mare trembling at the touch she'd longed for, for two days and she kissed down her ample perky chest, her tongue circling her erect green nipples. Thoroughly enjoying the experience, Applewood didn’t guide or force Dawnglow’s movements. She let loose a pleasured moan, her own chestnut brown tail flagging upwards. Pausing in her ministrations, Dawnglow flicked her eyes up as she had a nipple in her mouth. She saw her lover’s eyes were closed and her breathing was hitched and faltering. ‘I bet she’s thinking about Nightingale…’ that horrible thought came to her again, ‘slim and attractive Nightingale…so much better than you…’ As Dawnglow pleasured her, flicking her nipples with her tongue and sucking long and hard on each one like a foal drawing milk from its mother, Applewood was patent, waiting to see where she would take this when she was put in charge. Dawnglow kissed down to her side and along the older mare’s flank once she was done with her breasts, to pause at your tail. “May I kiss under your tail, Mistress?” “What were my instructions?” “That I may touch you with my lips, Mistress.” “Then I have no further instructions for you.” Behind her now, Dawnglow got down on her knees and she edged a little closer and, kissing her way slowly up her hind legs, she placed flowery kisses all over her glistening wet folds. She felt no small degree of pride that she had made her Mistress all hot and bothered. She had done that! Happy, Dawnglow continued to kiss and gently nip all over and around her dripping wet labia and her mound. While she was lost in her little world of pleasuring her Mistress, the submissive centaur unfortunately forgot her orders. It was as she was kissing her hard swollen clitoris that she let her tongue slip out and, nudging her muzzle forwards, she licked straight up her lover’s wet muscular tunnel. “AAaaaAAH!” Applewood let out a surprised moan but, while it was nice, she had to step on this. “Mmmmmm, I didn't realize your lips were so long, Dawnie…” “Eeek!” Too late, Dawnglow realised her mistake. “Mi-Mistress, I'm sorry!” “You are bold indeed Dawnie, to do that, yet you are timid after the fact. Recommended course of action for this transgression?” “Punishment, Mistress.” Applewood turned and kissed her pet’s trembling lips. “Such a clever girl you are, and your recommendation for that punishment?” “A spanking, Mistress. You are...gifted, in selecting the switch.” “Show me how much you want your spanking.” Applewood said as she turned her back on her girlfriend and raised up her chestnut brown tail to expose her marehood. “Make me cum. You may not use your hands. But, be imaginative.” “Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress!” Dawnglow squeaked eagerly. As she was already in position behind her, she firmed up her tongue and slid it in and out of her dominant partner’s sopping wet snatch, licking all around the muscular walls of her tunnel. As soon as she felt the wonderful sensations of the delving tongue enter her pulsating depths, Applewood pushed back against her, grinding her crotch onto Dawnglow’s face. Quickly, with practised skill, the burnt orange centaur got a rhythm going, tongue fucking her girlfriend as deeply as she could. After a few deep thrusts, she pulled out and sucked on the puffy labia before licking and sucking her clit. Applewood sighed, almost neighing with pleasure as her orgasm built up quickly inside her body. It had been a little while for her. She knew, as Dawnglow gently nipped on her clit and swirled her tongue around the nub, sucking on it hard, that she would be easily pushed her over the edge in a matter of minutes. When Dawnglow had a thought, she went back to tongue fucking her marehood and, using her left forehoof to rub circles on and around her Mistress’s clitoris. After all, she hadn’t been forbidden from using her hooves and she had been told to be creative. She was rewarded moments later by a loud scream when Applewood exploded in an orgasmic climax. “Y-Yo-You have…we-well and tr-truly earned that spanking, pet…” she gasped when she had her breath back. ‘I get attention from my Mistress!’ Dawnglow smiled and performed a very happy four-hooved happy dance in the dome of thorns. “Thank you Mistress!” Applewood waited until her clit had been kissed one last time before she moved and unfastened the bindings on her pet’s little breasts and her arms. Once they had been released, she groped her left breast hard, hard enough to leave finger marks and make her whimper. She then used the breast as a lead and, singing a hole in the dome, she pulled Dawnglow over to a low branch. “Take hold of the branch so you don't run off into the woods.” “Aaaaaah! Nggggh hmmm!” Dawnglow grimaced as she was so roughly groped after being bound, her released flesh tingling and itchy as the blood flow returned to her extremities. Still, she obediently placed both of her hands on the branch. She had no intentions of running away. “Such a naughty filly you are, Dawnie. Don't think I haven't noticed how wet you are.” With that, she took hold of a very thin branch and, humming softly, the Tree Singer made it grow longer, but no wider until it was a perfect cane. “This should do nicely.” “I-I'm a naughty filly, Mistress!” Dawnglow whimpered as she heard her partner snap the branch off. Knowing she had the switch in hand, she gripped the branch tighter. ‘If only you knew how naughty I was,’ she thought sadly, tensing up when memories of all the times she had made herself vomit came to mind. Quietly, Applewood stood behind her girlfriend, switch in hand. With a thought, she dispelled the dome of thorns back to the forest as she tried to discern just how far she would be willing to go. Something troubled the dominant centaur, and it was how tense she seemed. Dawnglow looked over her shoulder while pawing at the ground nervously with her hind hooves. “Eyes front!” “Y-Yes Mistress, Sorry Mistress!” Dawnglow immediately turned her head resolutely to the front, biting her lip and raising up her bright yellow tail in preparation. Applewood didn't say anything, instead she swung the switch, the instrument of her pet’s punishment striking with unerring aim, catching the centaur’s butt cheeks and tail. “One.” Dawnglow knew what she had to do. She knew what her Mistress expected of her. “Aaaah...o-one, Mistress!” she flicked her tail up higher while tryin to keep her ass still. It wouldn’t do to make Appleglow think she was enjoying her punishment. Without warning, Appleglow struck her again, but this time she followed up with her muzzle under Dawnglow’s twitching tail to sop up the wetness she found there. “GAAaaAAH...T-Two!” she yelped, this time her flesh was on fire as she hiked her tail up high and stamped her hind hoof. “Sweet, sweet honey. Nectar of the gods.” Applewood licked her lips and swung the switch a third time before diving back in to lick the fresh welt she had made. The fire in Dawnglow’s ass turned into an inferno. “Ow! Oooooow!” she took a moment of heavy breathing through the stinging pain before she calls out. “Three! M-May I have another?” Applewood began fingering her pet as she swung the switch, the cane hitting with a resounding smack on her ass. The inferno became raw lightning. “Fo-Four! Mistress! Th-Thank you!” Swish! The lightning struck her to the very core of her being, the cane hitting her on the fleshiest part of her buttocks, leaving a fifth welt in its place. “AAaaaAAH! Oooow! Five!” she squealed, her hind legs parting as she was fingered faster and faster. Swish! Her core, already on fire, made her spasm. “SIIIIIIIIIX!” she screamed, not at all caring right then if anyone heard her or not. She deserved this punishment, she needed this punishment, for lying and dishonouring what it meant to be a Hunter. Swish! “Seeee – aaaAAAAH! – Seeeeven!” Dawnglow’s spasm became desire. Desire that was more than evident by the way her needy marehood was leaking over her Mistress’s fingers as they plunged in and out of her tunnel. She was getting there, but she knew not to cum without permission. Swish! It wasn’t desire anymore. It was a base, animalistic need. “EEEeeeEEEeeEEEEEIGHT! FUUUUCK OOOOW!” she screamed, making Applewood think she had gone too far for a moment. But, she hadn’t uttered her safe word, in spite of how red and full of welts her hindquarters were. Eight thin red lines criss-crossed her thighs and ass. Applewood was on the verge of stopping herself. She determined that ten would be enough. She quickly withdrew her hand from Dawnglow’s pussy, a hand that was slick and glistening with her juices. A second later and she swung the cane two times in quick succession, not giving her pet time to count them out. “Ni-Niiiii….AAaaaAAAAAAGH TEEEEEEN!” Dawnglow screeched in absolute pain. The tenth strike did it. Purposefully or no, it hit the line of a previous welt. She couldn’t take anymore, whether she deserved to be punished or not. “Hazel!” The moment she heard the safe word spoken loudly and clearly, Applewood threw down the switch and lovingly she kissed each and every welt on her pet’s sore behind. “Dawnie,” she said a few minutes later as she reached into her shoulder pouch and retrieved a wrap of healing cream provided by the camp’s apothecaries, “I'd like to try something, and it is far more intense than a toy.” She said gently, carefully smearing the cream over the many angry red welts. “You've...You've been off a bit today…” Dawnglow froze, and it had nothing to do with the freezing effects of the healing ointment that was, as she stood there, healing her welts, though the sweet pain remained. Very suddenly, she was scared that Applewood might know of her secret, her shame that nobody could know! She would hate her! The Hunters would hate her! “O-Off, Mi-Mistress?” she stuttered. “Yes,” Applewood replied, completely clueless to her girlfriend’s disorder, her pain and her trauma. “I know you get off on pain, Dawnie, but I'm here looking at you and you're so tense. Like you're in fear. Dawn, I'm not going to abandon you because you want something other than pet play.” “Fear? I-I'm not afraid, Mistress. I'm with you…” she said softly, but what she thought was, ‘I'm not afraid...I'm terrified! And I can't tell you, any of you why! I just can’t!’ Applewood gently guided her lover down to the forest floor so that they were both laid under the shade of the large oak tree in the Summer Glade. At any other time, the warm sunlight and the chirping birds would’ve made the scene perfect, but she could sense something was wrong. “You are so tense Dawn!” she exclaimed, holding her tight in her arms, “If you're not having fun, then I'm not having fun. And if you lie to me about having fun I'll be very disappointed. You can say no! Your safe word is for the play we have already talked about, but I would like to do something only if you want it too.” ‘Oh I want it! I really do!’ Dawnglow thought to herself, she just didn’t know that she deserved such pleasure. “Oooooh...” that thought though was sent from her troubled mind when Applewood slowly inserted four of her fingers into her wet marehood. She seemed to visibly relax a little, her hind legs spread wide apart on the grass. “I want it, Apples, I so want it!” Applewood was about to press the issue when she felt her mare relax next to her on her side. “I don't want to use a toy, I want to use me. I want to be deep inside of you, Dawn. Will you let me?” “By the Forest yes!” Dawnglow moaned, nodding furiously. “Oh yes! I want that, I want you in me Apples!” Applewood watched her relax and in doing so, she pushed back against her fingers. She carefully used her free hand to turn her lover’s head to face her and she kissed her deeply. “I want to be in you, and more,” she said, kissing her again. “We will dance together in the Spring, and…” she kissed her a third time, “maybe sooner.” “I want that, all of that, I truly do!” said Dawnglow once the torrent of kisses had come to a halt. “I'm sorry I'm scared, I shouldn't be, I...I'll tell everyone, I swear…” perhaps it was that she had just had the session of a lifetime, or maybe it was the four fingers knuckle-deep in her snatch that made her brave. The summer green centaur placed her free finger to Dawnglow’s lips. “Don't make promises you can't keep. Yes, you will tell everyone, but in yours and my time. Our time.” “We'll tell them all together, my love.” Removing her hand, Applewood shimmied down the back of her girlfriend’s body and, with lip and tongue, she made sure to double check that she was wet enough for what she was about to do. Only when she was satisfied, did she work her fingers and thumb inside of her dripping wet pussy. With a moan, Dawnglow parted and lifted up her quivering hind legs. Slowly, taking her time so as not to hurt her, Applewood continued to work her way in using her other hand to manipulate her hard exposed clitoris when she heard the slightest grunt of resistance. Every time she brushed her button she was rewarded with a surge of liquid and a mewling whimper of pleasure. When she was about to slide her palm inside, the Tree Singer added her tongue to the mix, lapping at the stretched labia. Immediately, Dawnglow squeaked loudly and whimpered once her girlfriend’s whole hand was inside her. “Oh Apples that feels so good, I'm so full!” Smirking to herself, Applewood planned on going all the way to the elbow, as she knew how big a stallion was. “Resist me. Squeeze my hand.” “I-I'll try…” she concentrated as hard as she could and squeezes her muscular walls around the other mare’s questing hand. It was a tricky thing to do though as she was so turned on and aroused by the extremely lewd thing they were doing. She only had to think of what someone would see if they happened upon them now and she almost came. Applying just a little more pressure, Applewood slid her arm in further, now entering her girlfriend’s marehood half way up her forearm. She loved the feeling of her muscular passage squeezing and gripping her. “Yeah, that's it! Make me earn it.” “Aaah...oooooh ngggh wow...” Dawnglow grunted, the younger mare having to really concentrate and force her vaginal walls tighter, she even managed to squeeze her back out a teeny bit. Applewood was panting the more she plunged inside her, especially as she had been wanting to do this for a long time. “I'm so going to ride you!” “Do it, if you can, sexy!” Dawnglow struggled to keep herself as tight as she could manage, it was an effort though as she could feel every last inch of her lover’s fingers and her forearm plunging deep inside her sopping wet tunnel. Confidently, Applewood reached in further and further, with her muzzle pressed against her crotch as she sought out her cervix. Seconds later and Dawnglow let out a low pleasured moan as her Mistress’s fingers finally touched her cervical wall after a few more moments going deeper inside her. It was a spike of pleasure the like of which she had never experienced before, with any of her toys. “Ooooh b-by the Forest! Please, Apples,” she begged, “please ride me!” Applewood felt her fingertips come into contact with the muscular barrier and, guessing correctly that it was her cervix, said; “You aren't having any more. My very pretty mare, is that good for you?” “HmmmAAAH!” Dawnglow jolted when she felt Applewood tap her and she quickly fought to regain control of her voice. “That’s good! That’s very good!” “Alright pet, enjoy the ride.” She pulled her arm back to about halfway out before thrusting it all the way back in, increasing her speed just a fraction. Lost in a universe of new sensations, Dawnglow had stopped watching. She had her eyes closed and a happy smile plastered on her muzzle as Applewood found a steady sawing rhythm, pistoning her forearm in and out of her moaning girlfriend, each forward thrust slowing to tap her cervix. “MAaaaAAH….AAaaAAH…” each tap to her cervical wall was a jolt of pure pleasure, her mouth now hanging open and moaning, her own hands grasping at her breasts and pulling her nipples. Applewood then moved her right hand over to rub little circles around Dawnglow’s clit, keeping up the steady pace of her fisting. “Want to go faster, my pretty?” Beneath her, writhing like a fish on a hook, Dawnglow could only nod. “I-I'm...ready...” Increasing her pace just a little, Applewood thrust her hand in earnest, going a little faster with each forward thrust. After several taps, the final tap on the cervical wall lifted Dawnglow up as her sweat covered back pressed against the forest floor and the tightness of Applewood’s whole forearm in her lent force to her very, very intense orgasm as she squirted her cum over and around the summer green mare’s arm. As Dawnglow came, and then subsequently rode out her climax, Applewood giggled, feeling very proud at a job well done, and she very slowly started to withdraw her arm, wiping a bit of the sweet ejaculate from her skin with her other hand and tasting it. “How did you like your first time, babe?” Dawnglow didn’t answer. Dawnglow couldn’t answer. She was slack jawed and smiling as her heart rate slowly came back down to somewhere resembling normal. After a few moments, Applewood managed to pull her arm out all the way. “Dawnie,” she said gently, “thank you for allowing me to share this with you.” She smiled warmly as she laid next to her young lover and placed her hand to her lips, allowing her to lick her hand clean while she spooned her under the shade of the large oak tree. ~ ~ ~ Moonsilver sighed, the pale grey centaur had many conflicting thoughts running through his head as he picked his way effortlessly through the trees of the Everfree Forest. His hoof-steps made no sound and he didn’t disturb any of the brackens and ferns he passed through thanks to his air stone. All of his people carried them, but hunters especially prized the magical stones. He shifted his longbow and his quiver to get past a narrow gap in the trees that lead to the glade he was heading for. He paid no heed to the way the late afternoon / early evening sun shone through the leaves of the trees. Usually he would’ve appreciated its beauty, but not today. Usually, when on a hunt, his mind was clear and driven with purpose, but not today. The three brace of conies and pheasant he had already shot bounced on the leather harness he wore on his equine back with every step he took. Feeding the camp usually filled his soul with a sense of satisfaction and honour, but not today. Today, his mind was wandering. Specifically it was wandering to the meeting of the Council of the Elders. Usually when the council met it was over by the time the first wooden flagon was empty of its ale. Not today. Today the meeting had gone on for almost five hours. ‘Because of her, and because of me,’ Moonsilver thought as he walked up to the glade. He had one more kill to make, then his hunt would be complete, his duty done for the day. Again, he sighed. He well recalled his father’s words to him when he had returned from the meeting. “My son,” Equinox had said, his hand on Moonsilver’s shoulder, “The council has voted. Twenty five to twenty three they decreed that the human is allowed to enter the camp. But, on the condition that she is under your care while here. She will be watched, Moonsilver, as will you be.” Equinox had sighed then. “Son, should she transgress, you will be held accountable for her actions. Do you understand?” He had understood, alright. Never before in the camp’s history had the Council of the Elders been split almost down the middle on any subject. Ever. What his father had said next truly worried him though. “I have reported your findings and your thoughts,” Equinox had continued, “That the human apparently has magic to see past our Air Stones. Boreas and Eurus wish you to gain information from the human…by any means necessary. I am sorry, my son.” That had been too much for Moonsilver to countenance. He had tried to explain that Celestia was willing to answer anything, that there was no need for forceful interrogations, but his father had shook his head. It seemed that the twin Elders had spoken and they carried a lot of stroke with the council. No sooner had he been told that, did Moonsilver take up his longbow and announce it was time for his hunt. Boreas and Eurus’s words were on his mind the whole time though. Opposites, Boreas had domain over the north wind while Eurus the south. It was rare for them to agree like that even though together they made the Air Stones the centaurs used to conceal themselves. So affected was the Hunter that he had barely been able to shoot the six rabbits and pheasants. He knew his mind was not on his task. So much was his mind not on its task that he didn’t notice he was at his destination until he almost walked out into the glade itself. Even with the Air Stone concealing his form from sight, his prey would still smell him. That was why he wore the deer skins now, draped over his strong muscular shoulders. Unshouldering his longbow, crafted from a single piece of yew by the Tree Singers, he reached back and pulled an arrow from its quiver. As he notched the arrow in the hemp bowstring, he recited the Hunter’s Prayer before he drew the arrow back. “Scorpan, heavenly Father to you I pray A majestic prey may come my way. Let my aim be straight and true This my Lord I pray to you. A swift clean kill is what I ask Take his spirit swift and fast. For his last breath should not be One of pain and agony. Let his soul come to thee To roam your heavens wild and free.” Moonsilver sighted the group of five deer in the clearing three hundred and sixty yards away from where he was stood between two tall trees. Warm summer sunlight glinted from the sharp tip of the flint arrowhead as the Hunter took aim at one of the three males in the group. There was no breeze, the birds that were chirping in the trees faded away with each deep breath he took. He drew his arrow back another inch and, with his heartbeat steadied, prepared to let his arrow fly. “Your arm is tense, Moonsilver.” A tall, dark grey centaur with an even darker brown mane stepped forth from the tree beside Moonsilver where he had been watching for a good few minutes, his stealth complete. At the sound of his best friend’s voice, the pale grey centaur lowered his longbow and sighed. While he valued his counsel, he was in no mood at the moment. “What would you know of my arm, Shadewalker?” he asked, a slight hint of irritation colouring his voice. “I know it took you twenty shots to kill six long eared rabbits and six pheasant,” Shadewalker replied, unable to keep the smugness from his voice. “Twenty shots for twelve targets? From the great Moonsilver? Surely ‘tis a thing unheard of!” The dark grey Hunter smiled as, ignoring him, Moonsilver took aim at the deer again, this time targeting a female. “Not that one.” He laid a hand on the drawn arrow. “She is pregnant.” Moonsilver sighed, though his sigh was more of a grunt, wishing that his friend would kindly disappear back to the forest. It didn’t surprise him at all that he had been tracked all afternoon, Shadewalker’s skill at stealth was exceptional, even Master Sagittarius could not rival him in that regard. “What is it you want, Shade?” he asked as he adjusted his aim. “That one is not old enough to be prey, Moonsilver.” Shadewalker looked to where his best friend was aiming and saw he was targeting one not even old enough to mate, when there was a stag amongst them. The smug tone was gone from his voice as he rested his arm on Moonsilver's bow arm, lowering the bow. To shoot a prohibited target was a grave dishonour. “You are distracted. You know better than this, Silver.” “It was a long shot anyway,” Moonsilver huffed and placed his arrow back in the quiver from whence it came. “Not the only long shot you've taken recently, or so I've heard.” As he sat on the grass between the trees, Moonsilver sighed, for probably the millionth time that day alone. He was tired of sighing but he didn’t know how else to express himself. He was no craftsmith. “Speak clearly, Shadewalker.” He said through the exhalation of breath. “We’ve known each other too long to speak in riddles.” “You know well of what I speak,” said Shadewalker as he bent his legs and sat down next to his lifelong friend. He had held his tongue these past few days, but he couldn’t remain true to himself if he kept his counsel any longer. “This human female you are meeting with.” He rested his hand on Moonsilver’s shoulder, “She is not good for you. I see your aim affected, I see the others talking behind your back. I see-” ‘Human female?’ Moonsilver fumed internally. He was quite tired of hearing her referred to as ‘human’, or ‘human female’ or simply ‘it’ as though she was no better than the livestock that the Farmers tended in their paddocks. He interrupted his friend with a loud snort of breath through his nose. At least it wasn’t a sigh. “You see much, Shadewalker, son of Eclipse, grandson of Erebus.” There was a cold fire in his eyes. “Her name is Celestia.” The dark grey Hunter had a stunned look on his face as surely as if he had been struck across his face. Moonsilver had never addressed him officially in all the summers he had known him. He knew he had crossed a line, but there was no going back now. “I come with counsel, Moonsilver,” he forced a calm to his tone that he didn’t feel. “You tread a dangerous path with the human. They are unpredictable, violent, savage creatures!” Moonsilver chose to ignore the repeated term he hated. His Celestia was no savage beast! “We reached out to them once, Shade-” “Ah yes, the island around the world.” Now it was Shadewalker’s turn to interrupt. He had been ready for this argument. Thankfully, he had spent the morning reading through the camp’s ancient texts in the Tree of Knowledge. “I remember the tales of the old times. We taught the humans our language, gave them civilisation. The Grecians thanked us by turning on us, they drove us back to the forests of the world.” “That was a long time ago, Shade. I doubt we were entirely blameless in what happened back then.” “It matters not the passage of time!” Shadewalker exclaimed, his outburst momentarily disturbing the group of deer, though they quickly went back to eating the grass. He had to make his friend see! “You would bring war and death and ruin upon our kind, Moonsilver. I've seen these humans, in their metal carriages and their great metal birds, destroying forests, killing with their bangsticks and their fireboxes and their demonfire!” Moonsilver reached into his pouch and pulled his canteen. He took a few moments, while drinking the cool refreshing water, to collect his thoughts before offering it to his friend. “You are determined to see the worst of them. Change is upon us, Shadewalker, whether we desire it or not. You know as well as I that the Air Stones no longer conceal us as they once did. Humans here, not just Celestia, are touched with a magic that sees through the stones. The world is changing, for ill or no.” “You say I see the worst of them, I say I see the truth of them! Moonsilver...” Shadewalker paused while he drank from his friend’s canteen like he had done countless times before. Although, looking at him now, he hardly recognised the Hunter that only yesterday he was proud to call his kin. “If…If you tread this path, you will walk it without me. I cannot follow, not this time.” The pale grey Hunter took back his canteen, a look of shock all over his face. “Shade, y-you can't mean...” “I will be against you in this, Moonsilver.” He stated firmly so that there was no double meaning in what he said or was about to say. I will not watch idle while you bring death amongst us. I would use all the agency at my disposal to see this endeavour fail, for the good of the camp and our kind.” “I love her, Shadewalker.” Moonsilver didn’t move when his friend stood up from his seated position beside him. “Events are in motion that cannot be undone. I love her. I see myself with Celestia as she sees herself with me.” Shadewalker unshouldered his own yew longbow, a look of sadness on his face. “I believe you.” He selected an arrow and, notching it in his silk bowstring, drew it back. Casually, without so much as aiming, he let the arrow fly unerringly to its target which was between the stag's eyes. “A parting gift from me to you. Know this. Do as you will. Proceed upon this path as you will, but my doors are ever more closed to you and your kin. Ever after this day, I will not see or hear you, Moonsilver. I will not be alone in this.” Moonsilver didn’t move. He didn’t make any effort to stop his friend. He just watched as the large dark grey centaur turn and walk away without another word. By the time he had taken no more than a few steps, he had vanished into the forest. Before he could think of the lifelong friend he had just lost, he thought of the parting gift. Of the kill that was not his to claim. He couldn’t believe Shadewalker would dishonour him in this way! He cast a glance at the clearing. The deer had all scattered, leaving the body of the stag behind. Moonsilver wanted nothing to do with it. The kill was not his. Though he had been dishonoured by one he used to call friend, to abandon the stag would be to dishonour not just the stag but the Fire School and the Hunter Cadre as a whole. That, he just couldn’t do. “Your life was a blessing, Your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words, And missed without measure.” Moonsilver recited the prayer of thanks to the fallen stag as he knelt beside the animal’s body and rested his hand on its head. Prayer done and his honours and respect in place, he removed Shadewalker’s arrow with a sharp tug. As it was so different to his own, he snapped it and threw it far into the undergrowth. Returning his attention to the stag. Reverently, he lifted it up onto his back, resting it atop the leather harness that supported his previous kills. His guilt was assuaged as he thought of the uses to which the animal would be put. Apothecaries would use the bones and some organs, as would craftsmiths use the bones for handles of knives. Cooks would of course use the meat and leather workers use the skins in preparation for winter. ~ ~ ~ Moonsilver’s trip back to the centaur encampment was thankfully void of incident, though by the time he got there, the afternoon sun was quickly becoming the twilight of evening. His first port of call was the cooks. From there, the parts of the animals would be handed to whomever required them. His duty done to his tribe, the pale grey centaur decided to go to the Bee and Barb, the Hunter’s Tavern which was owned by a female in her eighties by the name of Honeyside. No sooner had Moonsilver taken his usual seating pad in the rustic tavern, which like all centaur buildings was created by the Treesingers, though as it was quite large, four trees had been used, than Honeyside had seen his troubled face. Of course, Honeyside knew what the cause of his long face was. The honey coloured mare tied up her long black mane and carried over two foaming tankards of mead. She had a wry grin on her face as she set the drinks down on the roughly hewn table. Unlike the exterior, all of the décor was hand carved. Some with greater skill than others. The council might meet in private but their tongues did indeed wag when they’d had drink in her bar. Especially Master Sagittarius. She had also heard what Shadewalker had to say for himself as well, not that she cared about that. An old friend of Moonsilver’s mother, Solstice, before she had gone on to join the Great Forest, Honeyside had politely, if firmly, told Shadewalker that he had no business telling her who she could and could not serve in her tavern. “Here you go Moony, that cheap hunter, Shady, wouldn't buy your beer.” “Thank you, miss Honeyside, I think I need this after today.” Moonsilver was back to sighing, which he thought he was done with. He did his best to tune out the several other Hunters that were pointedly staring his way, not even bothering to hide what they were doing. “He wouldn't buy you a lot more, so you can have all you want.” Honeyside sat down at Moonsilver’s table. The fact that she hadn’t been invited to join the young centaur didn’t seem to bother her in the least. “You are welcome in my bar, as long as you pay.” She said, casually examining her hand. “I have paid,” Moonsilver assured her. His payment for his mead was the kills he had made, the service to the camp were his dues that entitled him to drink at the Hunter’s Tavern, just as they entitled him to the services of the craftsmiths, apothecaries and the stonecutters, should he have need of them. “I made sure to drop my kills off with the cooks and the craftsmiths.” He looked at his mead and sighed deeply. “So, Shadewalker was in, hmm? Then, going on everyone else's stares, he will have spoken with you, regarding the breaking of our fellowship.” Honeyside waved the hand that she had been inspecting nonchalantly in the air. Like most females she was bare chested, unlike most however she was particularly endowed in this area and her breasts heaved as she laughed, making sure her voice carried to all in her bar. “Oh, yes he rambled on and on loudly. Told me to not serve you any drinks. I don't think he understands work ethic at all. My job is to serve drinks. Isn't that right Silty?” she glared hard at a grizzled old veteran Hunter named Siltbottom who had been openly staring. Under her fierce glare he turned and looked away. “Some may be listening to him, but all he was to me is a foul breeze.” “I understand his fears, miss Honeyside, I'm no foal.” No foal he might be, although as he was only in his thirties he was just leaving adolescence behind him, unlike Honeyside who, in her eighties, was middle aged, for a centaur. He took a long slow drink of his mead and licked his lips to savour the taste. While his father made his own, none was as good as the Bee and Barb. “I am aware of the dangers, but...” “You are not.” Honeyside cut across the younger Hunter’s latest sigh. “You have no idea. The council drinks here too, you know.” “My father has already informed me of the council's decision regarding Celestia, how close the vote came…” he paused for a moment and reached for his drink, reflecting briefly on what Equinox had said to him, that Boreas and Eurus expected him to interrogate Celestia, find out what she knew of their kind and what magic she possessed, “and what they wish of me.” Honeyside realized that he wasn't listening to her. "No, you don't!" She repeated herself, louder this time before she took a sip of her mead and coughed pointedly. "You have no idea what they wish!" The barkeeper sighed, "The council drinks here too, you know." Moonsilver lifted up his tankard to his lips and let the liquid burn his throat on the way down. “I'm aware of that, miss Honeyside. If I have no idea, then please, enlighten me.” Laughing, Honeyside got them both another mead. For all his skill at the hunt, which was prodigious, the pale grey centaur lacked subtlety. “The best of the worst case is that they just kill you and her.” She ignored the nods and murmurs around her as she sat back down with the refills. “Worst of the worst case is all below, and we pull up. Destroy all the Way Gates to and from this forest.” Moonsilver looked very grateful for his second drink. He couldn’t help a shudder though at the mention of destroying the Way Gates. Though not unprecedented, such an act had not been carried out in living memory. The last time was almost four hundred summers past, when the humans had destroyed the Wild Wood in what they called Germaney. “Miss Honeyside...I find I am in need of your counsel. I do not wish to destroy our kind nor our way of life, but I love her!” he exclaimed, earning several loud murmurs from the other Hunters that went unacknowledged. “I told my father I was willing to kill her to keep our existence a secret as our laws suggest, but...” he trailed off, unable to finish that sentence. Sipping her mead, Honeyside could see it was painfully obvious that he was wavering in that regard. “But you'd sooner kill your father than kill her, yes?” she laughed out loud, setting her tankard down. “You're like a young buck in the forest, Moony, focused on some tail.” “I cannot countenance harming a hair on her head, miss Honeyside,” Moonsilver all but confirmed the older centaur’s suspicion as he took a draught of his mead. “My father has given me his blessing to pursue this, her, the hum...Celestia, but I had not anticipated splitting the camp in twain like this.” “Celestia?” Honeyside was still laughing, “so the two legger has a name?” she batted her eyelashes playfully, “Is she prettier than me? I think I should meet this…Celestia.” A look of irritation flashed across Moonsilver’s face before it was gone as fast as it had come. “Yes,” he snorted through his nose, “she has a name. She is no beast or savage, as Shadewalker would have you believe. I would have you meet her, to see for yourself.” Curiosity got the better of Honeyside. Curiosity and a need to tease the tail off of her old friend’s son. “Is it true the two leggers like wine over beer? I could bring this Celestia some wine.” She snickered, knowing well that she had a store of wine – the Air School only drank so much, after all. “There’s plenty of it and then we can see what she is made of.” “I confess I am not sure,” Moonsilver downed his second tankard of mead just as two Hunters entered the Tavern. He was about to greet them as kin before they saw Moonsilver and they walked straight back out again without a word spoken between them. Now, he was in need of the matriarch’s wisdom more than ever. “You...You believe I should pursue this, miss Honeyside?” “This, yes!” she answered him gleefully, the loss of two Hunters of no consequence to her. They had served the camp and that was all that mattered. They would drink here in her bar for Hunter Cadre, or at the Watering Hole, the communal bar where all the Schools mingled. It mattered not, really. “I mean, mead, beer or wine is a very important decision to make! You do need another mead though, as do I to make up for the two that weren't drank...or drunk...drinked?” Not expecting that, Moonsilver actually burst out laughing, for the first time in two days he laughed good and proper until his sides ached. It felt like a dam bursting, the tension leeching from his body. “Thank you miss Honeyside. Drank I believe is the correct term. I shall have another. The hunt was hard and the day has been harder. In answer to your question, I think Celestia is a wine human.” “When you take me to meet her, I'll l have a sampler pack ready! I have wine recipes that Hercules preferred.” She said, referring to her old Water School husband who had already gone on to join the Great Forest as she got another mead for the two of them. “Thank you,” Moonsilver took his tankard and raised it in salute. “To a successful hunt.” He smiled, “Thank you as well, it pleases me to know not everyone is against me in this endeavour.” Honeyside gave the younger centaur a most severe glare as she sat back down. “Don't mistake my willingness as acceptance. True acceptance is what the two of you do together either for or against our kind. As I know historic recipes, I also know history. More important, I know that it doesn't have to be repeated if we learn from the failures of the past. That is what's wrong with those against you. They will not learn. Others are willing to see if any learning has been done over the time.” “I understand, miss Honeyside.” Moonsilver replied and solemnly he sipped at his third mead. By now it was starting to get him happily buzzed. He fancied he was almost at his safe limit. Any more would have him drunk. “Ever have you given me wise counsel, as well as delicious mead.” After a few moments, where they just enjoyed each other’s company, Rehanos appeared, the black chested snake eagle flying in through the tavern's open window. Flying straight for his companion, he dropped the vibrator that he had taken from Celestia’s bedroom on the table. He waited for Moonsilver to remove the letter from the tube at his leg and then he perched on the centaur's shoulder, awaiting his treats. “Ah, my companion in life and the hunt returns at last!” Before she could be stopped, Honeyside snatched up the fuchsia coloured toy with the lighting speed of a Hunter in her prime. “Whatever do we have we here?” she couldn’t hide – nor did she try – the glee in her eyes and voice. It was obvious what the object was as well as it was obvious its intended purpose. “Surely you're larger than this, Moony?” she asked, waving the eight inch vibrator around and sniffing it. ‘If humans are this big, I feel sorry for them,’ she thought. “Doesn't smell like Rehanos or any other bird.” It was also crafted from a material that she was unfamiliar with. As he watched his family friend brandish the toy like it was a weapon of combat, Moonsilver coloured up in a huge blush at the implication of her words and the sniggering of the other Hunters who found it comedy of the highest order. “I can say with honesty I am bigger than that,” he chuckled, taking up Celestia’s letter from the tube. “Moonsilver, I believe I will address you as Master, from here on. Thank you for your note, it was a balm indeed to see your words. I have found out many things about the thing we discussed in my dream. In two days, Friday, I will collect my new choker. I should like to meet you in the forest, on a trail that I can reach, for you to place it upon my neck. Yours, Celestia, or Celly, if you'd prefer. Ps, please can I have the object back that Rehanos took?” Moonsilver laughed out loud and, for Honeyside’s benefit, he read the letter again, aloud this time. “It seems my friend here is having some mischief with my dear Celly, isn’t that right, Rehanos?” Unashamedly, the snake eagle flared his wings and clacked his beak loudly, almost laughing. Curiously, Honeyside sniffed and licked the toy. Though she was a stallion girl, she was not opposed to entertaining a mare, should one take her interest. “Hmmm, tastes interesting. Can I keep this?” Moonsilver re-read the letter for a third time. “Aaah, unfortunately, it seems my Celly needs it returned to her, miss Honeyside.” He smiled at his eagle as he offered him a meat treat on his open hand. “Rehanos, you are a scoundrel indeed!” “Does she, now?” Giggling like an overgrown filly, Honeyside bent backwards and she hid it below her braided black tail. “Well, maybe if she asks me nicely. It is rather small, though.” She sounded disappointed, wriggling on her seating pad. The pale grey stallion laughed out loud as Rehanos ate his treats and affectionately nipped his hand. “Miss Honeyside you are a big foal! It says here in two days she wishes to meet. Would you like to accompany me? In my return letter I will suggest the trail leading into the forest proper, just beyond the human's camp to the north of the great lake. There is plentiful cover of trees where we will be unobserved.” “I can hold on to this for two days, well, not where it is now. It is rather small.” She giggled, trying to feel the toy against her marehood. “As I say they wag their tongues in here, but they also listen to my bartending advice. I’ll get Wheatgrass to cover for me. She owes me. I just hope the meeting goes well, for you and for me.” Standing up from his seating pad, for the hour was growing late, Moonsilver hugged his friend and nuzzled her cheek. “Tomorrow I'll deliver you a brace for your counsel, miss Honeyside. Come, Rehanos, ‘tis time for the evening meal.” He took a last hug and he left the Bee and Barb with his eagle on his shoulder, home his destination in the dying light. He pointedly ignored those few that were abroad and staring at him, lost in his thoughts. ‘I shall have to write a return letter to my Celly…’ he smiled, very much looking forward to seeing his woman and claiming his pet on Friday. > Chapter 8 - Fantasy Meets Reality > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Celestia, I have received your note, but I was unable to get the item from Rehanos. Instead my friend, Honeyside has the item, but promises to return it once she meets you Saturday afternoon. I think the best place is at the extreme north end of the lake at Camp Everfree. It is secluded and we will have privacy.” Your Master, Moonsilver.” Principal Celestia read and re-read the note from her lover and Master over and over in her head as she got ready in her room. Every time she thought about it, the thought sent a warm tingle to her breasts and crotch that made her nipples harden and her womanhood moisten. ‘Today’s Saturday,’ she thought with a smile. She had a plan for that afternoon. The fifty year old smiled, surveying herself in her full length mirror. All she had on was a pastel pink two piece bikini, scandalously skimpy by her current standards. She twirled, as much as she could do with the cast on her leg, and looked herself over. Yes, her breasts were as saggy as ever, yes her pot belly that refused all exercise was still there, as were her wide ass and the grey in her multi-coloured pastel hair. Somehow though, she didn’t care for any of that. Her Master said she was beautiful. Her sister and Cheerilee agreed with him. Looking at herself, she didn’t feel inadequate, or past it, or like she had no right to exist looking like she did. She felt renewed. Moonsilver’s love for her had given her a love for herself. She was determined to capitalise on it. Taking her crutches under her arms, she gave herself on last look. Leg shaved, open sandal on, hair washed, skin glowing, Celestia was surprised and impressed how good she looked. Hobbling carefully through the house she shared with her sister and occasionally with Cheerilee, she was ready to put her plan into action. It was a simple one. Go shopping to Rarity’s boutique, wearing her bikini. It was the middle of summer, after all, why shouldn’t she wear something comfortable? ‘Of course,’ she reflected as she walked along her carpeted hallway, ‘I wouldn’t have dared wear this a month ago…’ And she wouldn’t, that was the truth of it. A month ago, the thought of wearing a bikini out in public would have had her red with shame and embarrassment. A month ago she would have worn enough layers to melt a polar bear. A month ago though, she wouldn’t have been buying a choker to present to her Master. A month ago, she didn’t have Moonsilver. “Tia?” Vice Principal Luna could hardly believe the confident looking woman that walked towards her as she sipped her morning coffee was her sister. She had become accustomed, in recent years, to thinking of her as more of a mother and she the daughter, she was so reserved. The vision that approached her was not that Celestia. This was her sister of old. She approved. “Would you like some sunscreen with that outfit?” “Yes please Lu,” Celestia stood by the mahogany coffee table in their living room that currently held her sister’s latest coffee, no doubt the fourth mug, it was ten a.m. She stood before her younger sister who had residence on the cream leather sofa. Luna looked resplendent as ever in her fuchsia top and white knee length skirt. She was sure the open toed sandals and painted nails were to tease her pet. She was right. She did a very slow twirl in her bikini. “You um, don't think it's too much, do you?” “A month ago I thought that one piece of yours was too much.” Luna smiled when she saw the obvious hesitation in her sister’s eyes. “Too much coverage. This,” she stood up and walked a slow appreciative circle around the older woman, “I'm proud of you sis. The sunscreen was a joke, but if you haven't put any on, it will make that broken leg seem like nothing.” Cheerilee chose that moment to emerge from the bathroom, the fuchsia skinned teacher looking radiant as ever in a light and breezy sun yellow dress with green flowers on the bottom, as well as her ever present dark blue choker. Celestia suspected she wasn’t wearing anything underneath it. She was right. Again. “RawR!” was her measured comment on how her boss looked. While Luna went to get the sunscreen, Celestia busied herself with blushing. Luna didn’t help matters by giggling like a girl. As it happened, she hadn't put sunscreen on, so she knew she’d need some. Though she blushed at Cheerilee’s comment, she didn’t change her mind. “Well, its summer,” she defended her choice of attire, “I figure I might as well enjoy it, and I’m not breaking any laws.” “You’re not breaking any laws, but you might break a neck or two when you walk by,” Cheerilee giggled playfully while takin the time to enjoy the view she was presented with. Fortunately, Luna returned from her bathroom with the sunscreen in hand to spare her sister’s blushes. She knew her pet meant well, but she also knew this re-emergence of her sister’s more adventurous nature was fragile as butterfly wings. One wrong joke, well intended though it may be, would see it crushed. “Hush Leelee, I'm sure her beauty will stop hearts before she passes,” she smiled, passing Celestia the sunscreen. “Well...I'm not sure about that, Lu…” Celestia didn’t sound at all sure about her sister’s statement as she squirted the sunscreen onto her arms and chest. She did however note Cheerilee’s slightly cross eyed stare she got in response to smearing the cream into her large fleshy breasts. “But I don't care what people think, anymore!” Though she declared it as a statement of intent, Cheerilee noted the shake in the older woman’s voice. “I got your back!” The fuchsia skinned submissive would rather have her front, but she was grateful to be this close. She took handfuls of the sunscreen and, as her Mistress didn’t stop her, rubbed it in. “Sis, you got this.” Luna walked over and held her sister’s hands. “You going to wear a wrap? Just so you don't get that lotion on the car seats.” Celestia though didn’t quite hear what her younger sister had said. She was quickly getting lost in the heavenly massage being applied to her back. “Mmm, did you always have such skilled hands, Leelee?” she asked with a giggle, “Are you applying sunscreen or applying for a raise?” Briefly she wondered if the spa twins had given her lessons as she looked at her sister. “I think a wrap is a good idea, Lu.” “You have to get it into the skin, silly.” That was Cheerilee’s excuse, and she was sticking to it. “I have a sari that would look nice if you don't have something.” Of course she didn’t have anything! All her ‘fun’ wardrobe had been donated to shelters and charities years ago. Until very recently, Celestia hadn’t missed them, either. That part of her life was long ago. “I'll need to borrow it, thank you, sis…hmmm!” she sighed while Cheerilee worked her back, “I'm afraid I dumped this part of my wardrobe a while ago “Not your cheerleader outfit, I hope?” Cheerilee asked with a pout just as her Mistress left to get the wrap from her closet. “Lulu still has hers.” “I did, unfortunately, when things began drooping and expanding,” she lowered a hand to her belly and her ass as if to demonstrate just which bits of her had drooped and expanded. Sudden worry coloured her voice. “Leelee, seriously, I look okay, right?” Before Cheerilee could answer, however, Luna returned with a colourful sari, similar to those in her sister’s hair – minus the grey – though the colours were considerably bolder. “You look fine sister, better than fine, in fact.” She then gave her pet a somewhat rueful look as she secured it around Celestia’s waist. “And I thought you like my school teacher outfit more than my cheerleader outfit?” Cheerilee elected to blush, her hands running over Celestia’s belly making sure the sunscreen was well applied. “Mistress is right, as always.” Celestia saw an opportunity to tease. “Would that be the schoolteacher who takes a crop to her naughty student's feet?” “Depends on the naughty.” Luna snickered, fully enjoying her pet’s blush. “You want shotgun or chauffeured seat? Word of warning. Leelee tends to braid hair if she is in the back.” “Shotgun, I think I look good with braided hair. We are taking my car though to go to Rarity's boutique.” With choice made, Cheerilee lifted her hands off Celestia’s pudgy round belly and then she creeped them slowly up the tall woman’s body, their destination her two soft mountains restrained by the pink bikini top. But, before they could land on her breasts, Luna intercepted her. “Then again, I think someone may want to ride in the boot.” Now she had the threat of riding in the boot, Cheerilee returned her hands to Celestia’s sides. “I got you covered back here.” Celestia snickered, for she knew just where her sister’s pet’s hands were headed. Once she would have shivered away. Not anymore. “So well-behaved she is Lu! Besides, my car plays cassettes, and I'm in the mood for my Awesome Mix.” Although Luna applied eye roll number one, she was secretly impressed and proud in equal measure. Her sister hadn’t even looked at her Awesome Mix tape since her skinny dipping days in the Whitetail Woods in the eighties with Berryshine. “It is easy to get you into your car. I'll even forgo the driver rules the radio this time. No apologies what station it is at when I pick you up.” “Yay!” Celestia let out a delighted little squee at getting her own way and Cheerilee giggled. “Let's get going then, I don't want Rarity thinking I'm not coming.” Leaving the one storey house on the far side of Canterville, secluded amidst the trees, Celestia led the way to her battered old faded sky blue station wagon, a car she affectionately named Rosie. Cheerilee got there first though and she opened the door for Celestia to get in and closed it behind her. She then opened Luna’s door before getting in the back. Celestia managed to get in Rosie without too much difficulty, no sooner had her sari wrapped ass touched the seat of her station wagon than she had the cassette in the machine, a giddy smile on her face. ‘I did it!’ she congratulated herself, ‘I'm outside!’ True she was outside where no-one could see, but she was outside nonetheless. Seating herself behind Celestia, Cheerilee pulled her long flowing hair over the back of the seat. “Before or after Rarity's?” she asked as her Mistress fired up the beast and had them on their way. “Before, please Leelee.” The white skinned woman turned the volume up, wound down her window, and hummed along as the stereo began to play "Fox on the Run". She was really enjoying this morning. The sun was out, not a cloud in the sky, it was a tolerable sixty five degrees and she had her music. Life was good right then. It was clear though that, as she drove the ancient car along the wide urban roads, Luna was tolerating the music. And, while she didn’t know the lyrics, Cheerilee bopped along to the music and braided Celestia’s hair. “Prench braid, straight braid, or two braids?” Stopped at a red light, Luna snickered. “I'm not sure if she’s ready for Pippi Longstockings just yet.” Cheerilee cocked her head. “Who?” Stifling a giggle. Celestia called back, “Prench braid please.” She then proceeded to sing along quite badly to the song and laughed all the harder and her sister’s grimace. “The last time I played this, it was on Berryshine's boombox and we were swimming in Whitetail Lake.” “Ahh,” Luna sighed when a passing motorist cut her up. She utilised a well-known hand gestured to the driver to demonstrate her displeasure, as well as a few expletives to give voice to her ire. “I remember. When mom kept me at the kiddie area of the lake.” Cheerilee giggled and chose to not comment on her Mistress’s choice of words. “Going there now for a moonlight swim is fun. I don't mind the rule that you can’t wear any clothing as it will harm the environment.” In the front seat, Luna looked in the rear view and gave her eye roll number two. “You weren't there when I used to sneak out at night and skinny dip in the lake, Lu.” She smiled at the look on her sister’s face, the reminder that she wasn’t always dowdy and boring. “As I recall, you used to hate the kiddie pool.” “At least I don't have to sneak…” “Had to sneak!” Celestia exclaimed, unashamedly interrupting her sister, “Otherwise I'd wake up a little sister who was trying to sleep in her cute little moon jammies!” “She still has those!” Cheerilee squealed gleefully, while Luna, at the wheel of the ancient station wagon, resigned herself to a silent drive to Rarity's place. She kept telling herself her sister was back and it was worth a little tease, not that she wouldn’t get her back another time. Giggling, Celestia was rather enjoying tormenting her sister. “And she had this rattle with a crescent moon top she used to wave in the air,” she then went on to do a passable imitation of Luna's baby voice. “I'm da moon pwincess! You’ll obey me!” In the back seat behind Celestia, Cheerilee’s giggles evolved into full on laughter and Luna, unable to stay silent any longer, muttered, “I do have the baby albums at home, you know.” “Those are so cute!” Celestia was quick to join in the good natured laughter in the car. “I remember we all had to be her subjects. That was fun, Lu. Do you still have Crescent? Your little teddy?” she glanced over her shoulder to explain to the fuchsia skinned submissive braiding her never ending hair, “he was her jester.” Feeling like she was on a roll, and quite happy and prepared to pay for it later, Cheerilee continued to tease her lover. “Do you mean the black teddy bear? You don't go into her bedroom enough, Tia.” “That's the one!” Celestia chortled with glee, “She used to take him everywhere with her. And I mean, everywhere.” “He does look well loved. I'm not to play with him as that would be a very bad naughty.” “And quite right too, Leelee. Daddy made us those teddies.” She thought immediately of her own teddy bear, kept away safe in her closet, which was Crescent’s big brother. Luna gave her sister an arched look. “You still keeping Sunny in the closet?” “You now what? I think he might sit on my dresser from now on.” The only reason she kept her treasured and beloved bear in the closet in the first place was that Luna, while in her Nightmare Moon phase, once pulled his head off one time but, given that they were all having a good time, she wasn’t going to remind her of that. Luna smiled a very wide smile as she checked on her pet’s progress in the rear view mirror. “You done yet Leelee, or do I need to drive around the block one more time?” she had driven past the boutique once already, but the hyena twins in the car with her hadn’t noticed. “I’m done, Mistress. It is nice to play with. You have good conditioner, Tia.” “Lulu has good conditioner. I just steal it.” Luna giggled at that. “I think we steal each other's stuff all the time, even if it is the same stuff.” “Toothbrushes?” Cheerilee asked, to which she got pointed silence from her Mistress at the wheel. Celestia shrugged as Luna turned the corner and Rarity’s Carousel Boutique came into view just a little further along the street. “You steal my shampoo. I steal your conditioner!” she giggled, though a new slew of nerves settled in the pit of her gut when she saw the few people walking up and down the street. “And, I'm not telling what else we steal. You'll have to use your imagination!” Again, Luna chose to roll her eyes at that. She drove up and pulled into an empty parking space on the street by the sidewalk. “We are here,” she caught the look of nervous hesitation on her sister’s face and decided to step on it quickly. “All of us are going in.” “I'll just jump out, faster than a speeding snail…” Celestia muttered, grateful that Cheerilee opened her door for her and offered her hand for leverage. The cool breeze that was blowing this summer morning had the necessary effect on Cheerilee’s and Luna’s chest, nipples hardening under the yellow dress and fuchsia top respectively. Then again, glancing down, Celestia saw her own were like bullets inside her bikini top. ‘I can do this…I can do this!’ she thought over and over, her ‘brave face’ firmly in place like a mask as she cast nervous furtive glances to either side of her. Just then, two young male teens walked out of the boutique holding hands. Celestia recognised them from CHS, and was about to die of embarrassment, a hundred excuses on her lips, when they just walked past the three of them like it was just another day. “I wonder how busy she is?” Luna asked, sparing the loved up young couple a generous smile that they may not have received in school. Then again, they weren’t in school. ‘I can do this!’ buoyed by the reaction, or more by the lack thereof from Sandalwood and Microchip, Celestia repeated her internal mantra and took the plunge. “Let's find out, after you, Lu, age before beauty.” “In that case,” Luna glanced at Cheerilee and straightaway the submissive woman took the unspoken cue. She closed Rosie’s passenger door and, after her Mistress had locked it with her key fob – one of the few modern things the old car had – she led the way to the boutique with Luna following close behind. “Do try to get in before closing time, sister.” Rolling her eyes at her sister’s snark, Celestia responded with a well-timed raspberry and a, “Oh ha ha, I'm coming, pwincess…” she got on her way, rather well practised now on her crutches. “Good that you know your place. I have my Major Domo leading and my train carrier trailing!” Luna giggled and, when Cheerilee opened the door to let a women out, she held it open for them to enter ahead of her. The woman, neither of whom any of the three recognised, paused when she saw Celestia stood in her pastel pink bikini and colourful sari wrap. “Oh,” she beamed, “I'll have to come back tomorrow for some beach wear.” Blushing ever so slightly, Celestia nonetheless smiled politely at her and, when she walked away to continue her day, she followed her younger sister into the boutique with a nod of thanks to Cheerilee who had scooted off to stand beside her Mistress. Inside, it was just as the Principal remembered from a few days ago. Clothes festooned every wall, racks of styles, fashions and lines were everywhere. Most of it escaped her, a fact she wasn’t ashamed of. What drew her eye though, was a small family chatting with Rarity by a line of summer wear. While the father and mother were talking away, the daughter looked extremely bored indeed. Luna decided she could find what she wanted on her own. “Leelee, come help me pick out some open toe heels.” They then both headed over to the shoe area, with Cheerilee looking like she had been granted an early birthday present. When she glanced at the three newcomers, the little girl, who looked to Celestia to be no older than ten at the most, tugged on her mother’s arm. “I want to go swimming.” “Later, dear.” Her mother dismissed her with a wave without even looking at whom her daughter was pointing. Watching Luna and Cheerilee wander off, Celestia decided to make her way around the store. At times like this she wished she understood fashions and trends and such like. She saw, amongst the clothes on the pegs, things similar to what she used to wear in her wilder days. She smiled at the memory of those times. ‘Daybreaker’ had been her nickname back then, when she ran with Berryshine’s gang. She still had a photo somewhere, of her, Berry, Roseluck, Chiffon Swirl – before she became Cup Cake, Cookie Crumbles, Windy Whistles and Pear Butter skinny dipping in Whitetail Lake. Fun times. As Celestia walked around the racks, she drew the attention of the family with Rarity. The mother, a textbook prude, looked at her and then immediately looked away. The dad though, stared at her for far too long and he got a short, sharp elbow in the ribs for his trouble. “Yes,” Rarity giggled when she too saw what the distraction was, “I'll have her dress ready by Wednesday for fitting.” “Thank you Rarity.” The woman replied with a sniff and, showing that it was she who wore the trousers, snapped her fingers. “Come along Marzipan, we can go to the pool after we get your suit.” She led the way out of the store, marching like she was off to war, while the errant dad took the opportunity to get another eyeful on the way out. “Well,” Celestia smiled, full of pride, there was not a blush to be seen. She did wonder how the mother managed to walk like that with the stick so far up her ass like it was. “It's been a while since anyone did that. Good morning, Rarity.” Rarity took a moment to clean her red rimmed glasses and smiled broadly at her Principal, the ivory skinned designer wearing her usual purple skirt and off-white top. “Good morning!” she greeted her with a practised nod, “It has been a busy day. I have your special order ready.” The teen then took in what Celestia had chosen to wear. Minus the ghastly cast that threw everything off, she approved. “I rather like your bold statement too. Maybe I can interest you in something more revealing?” From somewhere in the store, Luna offered her opinion on that. “She is wearing that under the bikini, Rarity!” “More revealing?” she hesitated when she heard Cheerilee giggle, “Well...” she faltered for just a moment before making her mind up. Why shouldn’t she wear something fun? She was certain Moonsilver would approve. “Go on then, why not?” The moment Rarity said that, and the instant Celestia agreed to it, Luna reappeared with barely disguised interest, a very happy Cheerilee by her side carrying some stiletto open toe shoes. “I have this Brazilian two piece,” the fashionista brandished the garment, which was little more that strips of material, “as I think it suits you more than the one piece slingshot.” Caught on the verge of refusing outright, Celestia steeled herself. She’d come this far, after all, she could go a step further, right? Not for the first time that day, she took the plunge. “Yes, I agree, Rarity. I'll buy it.” “Not so fast, dear.” Rarity stopped her with a familiarity in her voice she wouldn’t ever use at school. Then again, they weren’t in CHS. They were in her world. “Step in back with me. I need to measure your nipple size, as I remember they are one of your finer features.” “Remember?” Luna snickered, “Oh, yeah, you fit dresses!” Rarity rolled her eyes, earning a giggle from Cheerilee. “Yes I do, and I also need to check your, um, trim.” “Very well,” Celestia smiled sweetly, her look almost daring her sister to say something. “You may take me. In the back room.” Duly, Luna snorted out a laugh at that. “Don't worry, she trims up nicely. Let's see what Rarity has for corsets, Leelee.” “Yes Mistress.” “This way.” Rarity led the older woman through the store to her private back room, to the office she had sat in just the other day when she had broached the request for a choker. Celestia giggled and followed after Rarity’s shapely behind. As soon as they were in the room, Rarity handed her the extremely skimpy bikini. “It is easy for you to just try it on and I'll see if all the bits you want covered are covered. Do take your time, dear.” “Thank you, Rarity.” Taking the strips of cloth that called themselves a bikini, Celestia did indeed change and tried it on. It took a little while, thanks to the cast she wore on her leg, during which time she reflected how much more familiar Rarity was here than at CHS, but eventually she had it on. “What do you think? Honest opinion, now.” The heavy tinge of red on her cheeks said it all. As she adjusted the top, Rarity was reminded very much of Pinkie Pie and how well her bubbly pink girlfriend filled out everything she wore. Pudgy and curvy in all the right places, that was her Pinkie. “Remember to look down now and again,” she advised, “you could easy slide your areola out. I think you'll notice if a nipple pops out. I will say your trim is quite professional. Are you wearing it out, or do I wrap it up?” Celestia almost died on the spot. “Oh my goodness no! Wrap it please!” Immediately, she blushed and mumbled, sounding like a schoolgirl about to be handed a detention. “I um...not ready, big step...too much, um...” she trailed off, her cheeks bright red as she changed back to the pastel pink bikini. Understandingly, Rarity patted Celestia’s shoulder. “Very true, one step at a time. Still, you do fill it out nicely. I would recommend a complementary top when walking around so that if something does pop out, it will still be covered.” The ivory teen then waited patiently until her Principal was dressed. “Now for your special order.” Rarity pulled out a purple gift box from her work bench and opened it. Inside, the item was covered in a white velvet cloth. Reverently, she pulled back the cloth to show off the collar, but she didn't offer it to her. A submissive didn’t touch their own collar, after all. Celestia, still beet red, mumbled something incomprehensible about baby steps until she saw the collar in the box presented to her like it was the crown jewels. “Oh...oh my goodness, Rarity, that's exquisite!” “Is the choker the right shade?” “Yes, the light grey is a perfect match for my Master.” Hot damn, but that felt good, just saying ‘my Master’ made Celestia all hot and squiffy, in a very good way. “I'm so pleased!” Rarity clapped her hands and went into full fashion mode. “Now, I used an octagon pattern for holding the stones, so there won't be one centred on your throat unless you have the clasp off centred in the back. You may want to do that when the gems are on the outside. You can see the sheer fabric with small elastic cups top and bottom for each gem.” She demonstrated this by putting one of her own gems in. “On the inside, as you asked, are eight matching pockets, but no fabric cover as your skin will hold them in place. There, I think you’ll like the off centre design as I know I wouldn't want something pressing against the centre of my throat.” Rarity then demonstrated how to place a gem on the inside. “Does this meet your requirements? I know it is just your first viewing.” “Meet my requirements?” Celestia repeated the question, the Principal dumbstruck by the choker’s beauty. So stunned was she by how good it was, everything was just like she imagined, she forgot to blush from wearing the skimpy outfit from before. “Rarity...it's beyond perfect, I don't have words to describe it!” “Your praise is my thanks, darling. The clasp at the back is self-hiding, and there is a bit of elastic on either side. It will keep it tight without danger of choking you.” “Seriously, you have quite the gift, Rarity, it’s beautiful!” Rarity beamed with pride like she had just been informed she had gotten straight A+’s in her tests. “I may incorporate something like this in my new evening wear collection. Not the inside pockets though, of course.” Celestia though was not done with her praise. “I think you'll have stores across the country one day, from Canterville to Manehatten!” Carefully, Rarity covered the choker back up with the cloth, and then she placed it back in the gift box and closed it. “Would you like it gift wrapped?” she asked by way of covering the fact that she was blushing intently at the high praise she had received. “In the box is fine, if you please, Rarity. If I know my Master at all, I know he isn't fond of wrappings.” Celestia giggled, for she did so like saying that! “That's why I'm wearing the bikini and wrap.” “Some gifts should be easy to unwrap.” Rarity smiled impishly, her thoughts wandering to a certain pink party planner currently tied to her bed in the spare ‘play’ room upstairs. “I hope I've delayed long enough for your sister to clean out my store.” Getting up, she led the way back out to the front, where she took up residence at her cash register. “I'll ring this up for you.” Standing in line, Cheerilee proudly held the stiletto shoes and two corsets, while Rarity had the skimpy bikini in a bag so it couldn't be seen. Luna playfully slapped her pet’s ass. “You will model that for me sometime later, pet.” Quietly, Cheerilee just nodded. “I do like the corsets, Leelee. But, don't you have enough, by now?” Celestia asked, a smile in her eyes while Rarity rang up the sale and she paid. “Enough?” Luna asked like she had just been slapped by a wet fish, “I'm not sure if you know what that word means?” Once Rarity completed Celestia’s sale, she did the same for Luna’s purchases. Celestia saw that one of the corsets was underbust and the other was a narrower wasp. Since they were both about the same size, it was hard to say whose was whose. Celestia sniffed, “I know you can never have enough shoes, I just didn't know that applied to corsets as well, sister.” Luna shrugged, “Considering how many you own...” “Are they still mostly outer ware for you Luna?” Rarity asked curiously. “Depends on the venue. Maredonna does have something going.” Celestia stuck her tongue out like an overgrown version of the young girl who had been in the store with her parents. “You leave my shoe collection alone,” she then muttered, “Ghastly noise you call music...” Graciously, Luna bowed to her older sister. “I wasn't talking about shoes, I'll never master your ability in that area. I was talking about these!” she held up a corset, not surprised in the slightest that she didn’t know that Maredonna paraded about in a corset. “A different type of gift wrap.” “Come now Lu, you know full well I haven't got any corsets...well, not any more, anyway.” Smelling a future sale, Rarity’s wide smile returned. “I always welcome return clients. Have a nice day!” She waved them from her store and, with Cheerilee holding Luna’s purchases, the fuchsia skinned sub led the way to the station wagon waiting outside. As soon as they were out, Rarity flipped the open sign to closed and locked her door. She had a pink pet upstairs that needed some generosity. Unaware of the writhing, squirming sweaty Pinkie Pie tied up in Rarity’s play room with vibrators on her nipples, her clit, in her pussy, her ass and on her feet, Celestia held her purchases like they were made of glass and followed after Luna to her old car. “That went rather well, I thought.” She said breezily, “Rarity was worried you'd clean her out.” “I go in on a budget, and I was just under today.” Luna snorted in response to that as Cheerilee stepped forward to open Celestia's door for her. That done, once everyone was seated, the Vice Principal got in and started up the ancient engine. Sometimes it took more than the gas pedal to get that thing working. This time it was prayer and shaman bones. “Under?” Celestia laughed, “My you are doing well lately, Lu!” Snorting out a laugh, which was quickly stepped on because her innate curiosity was demanding to know what was in the gift box, Luna asked, “I won't tease you if you don't so don't feel pressured to do so, but can we see what is in the box?” “Of course!” Celestia didn’t need to be asked twice, or once, for that matter. She was proud to show it off. Carefully, she produced the box from her bag and opened it, all the time being extremely careful to not to touch it. Luna leant over from the driver’s seat and Cheerilee leant over from the back so much that she was almost in Celestia’s lap. “Very pretty!” Luna tapped her pet’s nose to get her to sit down. “Did Rarity say if she would add that to her line?” “She did say she was going to add it, yes Lu.” Celestia smiled proudly. She thought she heard a scream of pleasure coming from the boutique, but as she had her door closed, it was muffled and she couldn’t be sure. “And thank you Leelee, she's got the colour just right.” “There goes my budget…” sighed Luna as she drove off towards Camp Everfree situated right over on the other side of the large sprawling city. On the hour and a half long drive, Cheerilee was abound with questions about the centaurs, such as how they lived, what they did, their customs, their traditions, and so forth. Patiently, Celestia had to remind her that this was their first real meeting. After the fourth time of being reminded, Luna again threatened the boot for her to ride in and she promptly stopped with the questions. “Do we wait,” Luna asked as she pulled into the camp’s empty parking lot, “or will you call?” “I honestly don't know how long I'll be, sis. You two go and have fun, I'll call when I'm done. It's...just after noon now, I'll call no later than seven this evening, okay?” In the back seat, Cheerilee was scanning the treeline. “Do you think they are watching us now?” Celestia didn’t even bother to look. “Oh yes, I have no doubt about it, Leelee.” That gave Luna a very sexy, very hot idea. One she was eager to put into action, particularly if they were going to be watched. “Excellent,” she beamed like she had just caught a student littering and was about to slap a detention on them. “Leelee and I are going to make use of that dock the students built and do some sunbathing.” While Cheerilee clapped her hands, she continued, “If you're not back in a couple of hours we'll move on to other activities. It could take up to thirty minutes, maybe more for us to get here after you call.” Getting out of her car, Celestia made sure to grab her shoulder bag from the glove compartment. She had stashed her cell phone in there, as well as the gift box with the choker inside and the very skimpy bikini. Hoisting that on her shoulder, she wore a grin on her face. “If all goes well, I intend to be several hours,” steadying herself on her crutches, she pointed to the treeline in the near distance on a rise behind the lake. “Leelee, you see those standing stones? That's the edge of their territory.” Looking where her sister was pointing, Luna saw the large grey stones and she could just make out the symbols carved on them from where they were. “Don't worry, we aren't going to enter it.” Once they were all out of the car, she gave her older sibling a hug and led Cheerilee over to the dock that not so long ago had been built and rebuilt several times. Left alone, Celestia took a moment to just soak in the pleasantly warm summer sun and the gentle breeze that went with it. It was a beautiful day, here, surrounded by the tall trees, the camp, and beside the crystal clear lake, she was determined to make a beautiful day an excellent one. As she hobbled her way along the dirt path that wove around the lakeside to the north, and the seclusion of the trees, she glanced back over her shoulder and giggled at the sight of Luna and Cheerilee sunbathing, sans any clothing. “Youngsters...” Celestia smiled and, with her bag hefted onto her shoulder, she made her way along the well-worn path, her destination the large evergreen trees in front of a rocky rise. She saw why Moonsilver had selected this location. At the extreme north of the lake, there would be few people here, and even if there were, the large trees would offer natural cover and the large rocky embankment behind those kept them secluded. ‘I do hope I'm not too early…’ she said to herself. Her fears though proved to be unfounded as, when she rounded the nearest tree, she saw Moonsilver stood side by side with an older female centaur whom she didn’t know. She assumed, correctly, that the amber female with the straw mane was Honeyside. Straightaway she had a ready smile on her face, for her Master was just as she remembered him. Pale grey coat, white mane and a bare muscular chest she could eat dinner from and be happy. That Honeyside was also bare chested and big enough to have her envious was neither here nor there. Much. She had eyes just for him. “Moonsilver!” Moonsilver looked her way the moment he heard his name. His heart swooned with pure love as he took in the approaching vision that was her beauty. He was pleased beyond words to see her in the flesh again, even more so that she was so unwrapped for him. “Celestia! Welcome...do you take hugs?” “Of course!” Celestia squealed in delight, hobbling over the grass between them so fast she was practically running. Once she started to move, Moonsilver met his beloved more than halfway, the centaur easily covering the short distance between them. He held his human in his strong arms and kissed her neck. He took the time to savour the feel of her smooth white skin, the scent of her honeysuckle perfume. “It is good to touch you again.” “I was thinking the same thing!” Feeling very much like a teenager on her first date, Celestia kissed Moonsilver’s neck and his cheek, almost memorising the smell of the forest on his pale grey skin. She carried on kissing him until she reached his lips, where he forcefully kissed her, squashing her breasts into his chest in his passion. Presently she broke away so she could breathe. “Oh, I've missed you!” Feeling like a third arrow in a quiver made for two, Honeyside coughed, a little noisily than was necessary. Blushing ever so slightly at his oversight. He extended a hand to the eighty year old bartender. “My apologies. I forgot about my courier. Celestia, this is Honeyside. Owner of the Hunter’s tavern, general snoop, and a friendly ear.” The amber centaur raised an eyebrow, mostly to cover the fact that she was checking out Celestia’s breasts. She was impressed. For a human, she could feed a growing foal with those. “Such high praise, Moonsilver,” she said dryly. Just like her Master, Celestia was blushing as she – reluctantly - disentangled herself from his embrace. “I'm pleased to meet you, ma'am.” She was careful to use Greek when speaking, as she wanted to make a good first impression. “I'm Celestia, Principal of Canterlot High School. Please, call me Celly, or Tia.” Honeyside was duly impressed at this human’s use of their native language. She took it as the mark of respect it was intended to be. “Very admirable, we are a long ways from the homeland, and I know the people here don't speak that.” “See, I told you she was very intelligent.” Celestia’s blush returned, this time because she had been talked about, and her Master had obviously vouched for her! “I have travelled there, to Greece, I recognised the language.” Unknown to the three in the little glade below, Dawnglow was watching from the top of the rocky rise, the young hunter hidden both by the trees and by her stealth. The young orange mare had her hand over her mouth. Her eyes were wide in disbelief. ‘She speaks our language!’ Again, Honeyside took the measure of Celestia. This time however she found her a little taller and fuller. “Still, it is impressive, Silver barely speaks ours.” She paused while Moonsilver sighed deeply. Figuring that she had sized up this human properly now, she decided on a last test to see if she could get along with her. Reaching her hand back under her tail, she pulled the vibrator from its safe place in her pussy. “Wait!” Moonsilver yelled, though he was far, far too late as Honeyside had already pulled out the dildo and brandished it in the air like a weapon. “Once I figured this out it wasn't half bad.” Honeyside watched the mortified look on Moonsilver’s face and she was ready for something similar from Celestia. What she wasn’t expecting was the steady grin and playful twinkle in her eyes. “A birdy gave it to me to give to you,” she said, holding out the fuchsia vibrator like a prize on a gameshow. Celestia couldn’t help but laugh. She saw the test for what it was, an attempt to get a rise from her and see what she would do, Honeyside wanted to see how she would react. Graciously, she took the toy back and she even gave it a sniff but she didn't lick it. She also checks out Honeyside’s ample chest out again now that they were up close. They were as large as hers, and a teeny bit droopier, she noted with a satisfied smile. “Well, I'll have to let my sister know it was well cared for. You needn't have put it in such a safe place though.” Watching up on the ridge, Dawnglow was pleased she had her hand over her mouth. She was able to stuff it in quickly to stifle her giggles. ‘Hmm...’ she thought, ‘She's funny...’ she then looked down at her own belly and noticed the human her brother loved was more wobbly than she was. Honeyside shrugged, “It was one place Silver wasn't going to get it back from.” She then moved back a bit to reveal a generous picnic already laid out on a blanket. Sitting down, she poured her special home brew beer into each mug and set out some nice looking Greek food. Moonsilver took Celestia’s hand. “Join us for a meal?” “I'd love to!” Celestia agreed only too readily as the rumble in her belly reminded her that she hadn’t eaten since breakfast and it was past noon now. “Ma'am, may I call you Honeyside?” she asked as she allowed herself to be led to the picnic and she sat where Moonsilver chose, which was a spot next to him on the grassy floor. The moment her ass touched grass she nestled into her Master’s powerful broad flank, unshouldering her bag as she did so. “Ah, before we start, may I ask a favour, please?” “Honey is fine, but if you like longer names that is fine too.” Snickering, Moonsilver nuzzled the top of Celestia’s head as he too got comfortable on the grass. He found it most agreeable indeed having his lover’s warmth at his side. “Don't call her side, she'll ask which one.” Sticking her tongue out at the younger centaur, Honeyside turned her attention to the far more sensible female beside him. “What favour would that be, Celly?” Taking a deep breath, Celestia asked what she’d been dying to ask since she came up with the idea on the way over her in Rosie. “I'd like to have a photo taken with you, something to look at when we're apart, if that's alright, if you don't mind taking it, Honey.” Honeyside, who had no idea what a photo was, looked at Moonsilver. He though had just as little idea as his friend and shrugged. “Um, okay.” “Thank you,” permission given, she reached into her shoulder bag and pulled out her cell phone. Quickly, she swiped through the menus until she got to the camera and she passed it over to Honeyside’s outstretched amber hand. “Just point it at us until we're both on the screen, and press that button, there, please.” Curious, the old amber centaur took the strange device and looked at the screen. So shocked was she by what she saw that she almost dropped it. “Woah, I can see you guys on this thing!” Grinning, Celestia waved from her position beside Moonsilver and Honeyside looked in awe as the little human on the screen copied thee motion. Now certain there was magic involved, the Hunter examined the phone. “How did you get in here?” “Just do as she asked and we can talk after over food.” Surprised, Honeyside looked up and saw they were still there, at the edge of the blanket. Now she was really confused. Used to being Queen of her world in the tavern, she didn’t like it. “You're not in her anymore...” she decided to not worry about it. “Oh, yeah, okay…” she moved the phone around until they were both in the screen again and she pushed the button on the screen. “You're still in it,” she looked up, “And still here. Did it work?” Taking her phone back, Celestia looked at the image, a perfect photo her nestled into her Master’s side, smiles on both their faces. “It worked! Yes! It worked! It's just a captured image, Honey, thank you, so much.” “What else does it capture?” asked Honeyside, a twinkle in her eye, “Did you capture Silver?” Moonsilver rolled his eyes, sparing her a look he usually directed at his sister. “She already has, Honey.” With a wide giddy smile on her face, Celestia put her phone away in her bag. She then saw the gift box and reverently she took it out. Her breath caught in her throat as she passed the nondescript box over to its recipient. This was the moment she had been waiting for, and now it was here. “Moonsilver, my love, I have this for you.” Taking the box in his strong hands, Moonsilver opened it, wondering what this gift could be when Celestia was all the gift he could possibly want. He saw the fabric was covering something and, carefully, he moved that aside. What he saw almost stopped his heart. “It is beautiful,” Honeyside commented when she was shown what was inside the box, “and it’s your colour, Silver.” “Yes it is.” As he took it out and examined it in the sunlight, the fact that this choker was pale grey was not lost on him, nor was the significance. He noted the eight little pockets inside and outside. It didn’t take a huge leap of thought to guess what they were for. “For the stones?” Nodding eagerly, Celestia said, “I asked for it to be designed like that, to take the stones.” Now, that did surprise Honeyside. So much so that her picnic was for the moment forgotten. “Did you give her all eight?” “No,” replied Moonsilver with a shake of his head, “Only three, the ones she needed. Do you have them?” “Yes love, I do.” Again, Celestia reached into her bag and she pulled the three stones, Healing, Dreams and Language, all wrapped carefully in a white linen cloth pouch. As she passed them to Moonsilver, the pale grey centaur placed them in the outside pockets with the Dream stone centred. He then placed the Healing stone next to that and, finally, he placed the Language stone. “I don't think you need speech unless you have some foreign students,” he chuckled, “Or unless a bird choses you as a companion.” Stones placed, he fastened it securely around her neck with the clasp purposely off centred so the Dream stone was centred. Honeyside smiled warmly. “Just as pretty on you, Celly.” As soon as it was fastened in place, Celestia’s smile only grew wider. “Thank you,” she turned her head and placed a tender loving kiss on his lips. “Master.” Watching this exchange, Honeyside's eyes went wide as saucers. “Why?” she asked incredulously, “Why submit yourself to him?” The answer to that was easy. The fifty year old woman didn’t have to think about it. She had her answer ready to go. “Because I love him, Honey. He's worth the trust I'm willing to put in him, and I trust him with the control that I freely give.” “She did tell you what she did for a living, Honey.” “Oh,” realisation dawned on the older centaur. “It’s the giving up control thing like Dawnie and Apples.” “Yes, just like that.” Moonsilver beamed, all his birthdays had come at once with the gift not only of his beloved human, but of the true gift of her too. Honeyside then coughed, drawing attention at last back to her carefully prepared traditional centaur picnic when she pulled out a bowl containing Feta, three types of olives, two types of lettuce, tomato, and a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Working quietly, she divided it out into three smaller bowls and provided the chopsticks to eat it with. “I hope you enjoy the lunch I made. I did 'local' foods.” She said that with a big smile, especially when she saw Moonsilver’s eyes widen as she knew he had no idea what she packed. Again, Celestia’s belly rumbled, ever louder now that the food, what looked to her to be a Greek salad, was dished out. “I'm sure I'll love it, Honey, thank you. I haven't eaten since breakfast!” The salad looked heavenly in the bowl, and with the present company and location, it was perfect. When she took a bite, it tasted perfect, too. “So, forgive me for asking, have you been in this forest long?” she couldn’t stave off her curiosity very much longer. As soon as she swallowed her first mouthful, the questions came like a flood. “Is your camp very big? Are there camps around the world? Are…” she paused and blushed, “I’m sorry, I'm just so thrilled to be here with you in person...” Moonsilver noted, as he ate his salad, that the Feta tasted off, but not bad. He had an idea what was used to make it. “When we first came here the forest was over two million plethron,” he explained, which Celestia knew was roughly a thousand square miles, “and now it is just four hundred thousand plethron. Our historians would have the exact date, but I think they thought us fifteen hundred years.” Honeyside nodded in agreement. “That sounds right, give or take a hundred years or so.” Eating her salad, Celestia noted the off taste of the cheese, but as she had tasted her sister’s disastrous attempts at cooking, a little 'off' feta is delicious! “Wow...It just boggles my mind you've lived alongside us for so long and only now can I see you. You must have witnessed Canterville from its earliest days then.” Honeyside’s easy warm tone became a little bit bitter at that. “The last contact with the humans ended badly, Celly.” Sighing, Moonsilver agreed. “Very badly, as my elders constantly seem to remind me, as of late.” “Like the salad?” asked Honeyside, a gentle little smirk playing on the amber mare’s lips. “I do like it, Honey,” Celestia paused in her eating just long enough to lean back and kiss her Master's cheek, before her expression turned serious. “I know your council has advised against this meeting but I can only hope any future contact will go better.” “Red Leaf made the cheese.” Now Moonsilver understood the reason for the taste. Red Leaf was a dairy provider. Not only did she use the animal’s milk, but her own as well. “She always claims her milk is the sweetest.” He then playfully glared at the two women with him. “A meal is not the time to talk about the past.” “True.” Honeyside agreed and, when they had all eaten the salad, she produced more. “Here is the next course.” She handed out equal portions of grilled fish and asparagus as she spoke. “Silver says you stumbled across him. He isn't very forthcoming with your meeting, other than you could see him.” Recognising a fishing attempt when she saw one, Celestia laughed out loud, so hard that she shook and her large chest jiggled. That was one way of putting it. “Stumbled across him?” she asked rhetorically, still laughing. “You could say that. Just over a week ago, I was feeling rather down, washed up and worn out, so, I decided on a little hiking holiday in the forest, like I used to enjoy as a girl. It was all going well until I saw a dark shape on the edge of my vision. I turned to look, lost my footing and fell twenty feet down Eagle's Point. I broke my leg and twisted my ankle. Moonsilver saved my life.” “Silver took a great risk that day.” Honeyside commented, taking in what she was being told like a sponge absorbing water. “Now you have three of our stones. I guess you know how to use them?” “My Master is very brave, that much is evident,” replied Celestia with a smile. “I don't 'know' how to use them, I just 'do', if that makes sense? I touch them against my skin and they just work.” She had a working theory of how the stones worked, namely that one had to have an amount of magical power alrready, like a unicorn's magic reserves. She knew that much from talking with Sunset Shimmer. Since she had been exposed to lots of Equestrian magic in the last few months, contaminated even, she had it now, and since it was the same magic that infused the stones, they 'recognise' each other. “Humans can't use magic.” Moonsilver raised his hand, his attention turned away from his fish. “This isn't an inquisition, Honey.” Shooting her old friend a well-meaning glare, Honeyside shrugged. “I'm your friendly voice between you and the elders, Silver.” Moonsilver just sighed and nodded, for he couldn’t refute the truth of the older centaur’s words. Having eaten her asparagus, Celestia set aside her fish and raised her hand like a student would in her class. “I ah, I...believe I may have an explanation for that.” When the attention of both centaurs turned to her, her nerve almost left her. Almost. “Well, it's a theory, at present, Honey. If I may, Master?” Moonsilver nodded at her and she went all squiffy inside. ‘Oooh I just LOVE calling him that!’ High above the picnic meeting, Dawnglow watched and listened intently. What she wasn’t aware of was that just a few dozen feet away was another Hunter. This Hunter was also watching and listening. With his mastery of the stealth skill unequalled in the camp except by Master Sagittarius himself, Shadewalker watched, and listened. He watched his former kinsman hold the human intruder tightly to him, and he listened when Moonsilver spoke, “I'm still trying to grasp what you told me. Honey may shed more light on your tale.” When Honeyside gave Celestia an encouraging look and a gesture with her hand that was universally recognised as ‘let’s have it’, the Principal took a deep breath. “Until a short time ago, perhaps a few years at the most, there was no magic in this world. Then, an Equestrian crossed over via a dimensional portal that links the two worlds. Since she revealed herself, at my school, Equestria's newest Princess activated what I've learnt was the Element of Magic itself near the portal. After that, there have been four instances of Equestrian magic at my school. I believe with each time, those nearest are exposed and affected, or contaminated. Therefore, I have some magic in me.” “Was this about four years ago?” Celestia nodded to Honeyside’s question. “That's right, that's about when the Equestrian joined my school.” Hearing that, Honeyside gave Moonsilver a very meaningful look. “Remember?” when he nodded, the amber mare continued, “Elder Snowflower of the Air School said the stones weren't being tuned right. The council laughed at her. Too bad she can't say 'I told you so', huh?” Honeyside then returned her attention to the human whom she had to admit, she rather liked. “Does everyone in your school now possess magic?” “I would say so,” replied Celestia after a moment’s thought. “All those that have been exposed to it over the course of the last nine months, which is to say the whole school at one point or another. Those that weren't at the Fall Formal were at the Battle of the Bands, or they were at the Friendship Games, or they attended Camp Everfree, for instance.” Honeyside snorted a laugh so hard she almost choked on her fish. “That thing in the camp almost had us pack up and leave. Elder Lifestone wanted to study how it happened.” For Celestia’s benefit, Moonsilver explained, “He was Snowflower's replacement.” Celestia listened and nodded as she ate her fish. She had to admit it was all making a great deal of sense. “I assume now that centaurs are the source of the Gaia Everfree legend? I also gathered what happened to Gloriosa is what happens if one cannot contain the power of eight stones?” “To you,” Honeyside frowned, “the stones should just be stones.” “Which is troubling,” Moonsilver added thoughtfully, “Was this, Gloriosa at your school?” “She attended my school, but she graduated not long after the Equestrian joined. She lives here in the camp with her brother. They have done all their lives. They may have absorbed the magic that way.” The moment she said that, a realisation struck her, and not a pleasant one either. “Oh my...it's not just my school that's been exposed...” Moonsilver placed a firm hand on her shoulder in an attempt to stay her panic. “Humans have been in this forest for hundreds of years, my love.” Honeyside though shook her head. “There isn't anything for them to absorb. What is the source of this Equestrian magic you speak of, Celly?” “During the Friendship Games, the pupils of Crystal Prep Academy came to my school. Events happened and, long story short, there were several large portals to Equestria ripped open. Raw magic was everywhere! We were all exposed to it, the whole area, most likely the whole city.” “I didn't hear anything from the elders about such events.” “Someone is hiding something.” Honeyside affirmed the younger centaur’s thoughts. “Most likely the one that wants contact broken.” When the fish and asparagus had all been eaten, she bought out the Baklava, eyeing Moonsilver. “Will you take your father's challenge?” Celestia spoke up before Moonsilver had the chance to answer. “I fear contact is happening whether you like it or not. You see, since the Camp incident, there have been tales among my students of 'creatures' and 'monsters' living in the forest. That was partly why I wanted to hike here in the first place. I was curious.” “I knew you were a monster!” Moonsilver gave his friend a well-practised roll of his eyes. “If I’m a monster, that makes you a creature.” “Creature of beauty. You didn't answer my question.” Aware that by now, her sister and Cheerilee would be leaving, Celestia glanced up at her Master. “What challenge is that?” “To take you to the elders to explain yourself. A mock trial.” “Maybe,” Honeyside didn’t agree with that though. “Or maybe she can do some good.” “I...I-I am prepared for that.” “No, you are not.” Moonsilver felt the shiver that passed through his love. He felt her nervousness and he also saw her determination. He knew he had made a wise choice in pursuing her. “Our talk here has raised more questions that you cannot answer. The Council of Elders will look for any excuse to destroy the magic here and move.” Honeyside nodded. “That is one outcome.” Eating her Baklava, Celestia knew what she needed. “Answers.” She also knew where and how she could get them, too. “I'll have answers for you soon enough, from the Princesses of Equestria.” “Celestia, my Tia, you have nothing to prove to me. For them you may not be able to prove anything.” “Not all on the counsel are idiots. Most are just scared.” “It depends if your council are willing to see and listen,” Celestia commented, “I know well enough that fear can blind and deafen even the keenest senses.” She then smiled and kissed Moonsilver's lips. “Relax, my love. I'll have the answers soon.” Reassured, Moonsilver took his lover’s cheek in the palm of his hand and returned the kiss. “Have you heard enough Honey?” he asked when he pulled away and glanced at her. Watching, Honeyside had an amused look on her face. Now that the food had been eaten and the discourse seemingly over, there was something else she was curious about. The playful twinkle in her eye was all the warning she gave. “I'm still waiting to see how you stick it in. I already compared that toy to your lady.” Shaking his head, Moonsilver sighed. “Really, Honey?” In a very good mood, for everything thus far had gone rather well, Celestia laughed. “In my dreams everything fit just fine. Although, I think I'm a little overdressed, in my present company, anyway.” “You're staying aren't you?” Moonsilver asked Honeyside after he had taken the time to kiss his pet. “For a little bit,” Honeyside, who sensed a reveal coming, wasn’t about to go anywhere. “I'm curious as to what she is covering up. The top might fit me, but the bottoms never will.” A little awkwardly, given the cast on her leg, Celestia stood and she was about to remove her pastel pink bikini top when Moonsilver softly batted her hands away. When he stood up, standing just a little taller than her, Honeyside laughed, knowing this would be fun to watch. Carefully, Moonsilver turned her around as he examined her top to see where it was fastened. “You never do like me wearing anything, do you?” Celestia asked with a smile as her back was turned to him, her bikini top tying between her shoulders. From behind, Moonsilver kissed and nibbled her neck and shoulders. “It isn't natural to hide beauty,” he said, untying the pink top and allowing it to slip down her body to land at her feet. He then moved his strong hands around her sides to grope her large soft fleshy breasts. He just adored the way they filled his hands, the way her nipples hardened against his fingers. “To hide from touch.” Again, now that the top had been removed, Honeyside did the comparison thing and she realised, for a human, Celestia had enough to feed foals. “MMMmmmm!” she moaned, biting her lip now she had been set free. She loved the way he groped her, like he was claiming what was his. Slowly, Moonsilver’s hands left the large sagging breasts and they trailed, torturously slowly and very lightly down her sides to see what would happen. He was curious to see if she was ticklish, but his pet just moaned as her skin tingled. She steadied herself on her feet and lifted her arms to give him access to the wrap and the bikini bottoms. “Doesn't look like she is ticklish,” Honeyside smirked, enjoying the show that her friend was putting on. Moonsilver was only slightly disappointed. “I thought she was.” He couldn’t be too disappointed though, given whom he was with and where his hands were going. “You have her too turned on to tickle, Silver.” The amber mare commented as she watched Moonsilver’s hands untie the sari wrap. When that too joined the grassy floor, he slipped his hands inside the bikini bottoms and slid them down over her wide ass, down her long legs until they dropped on their own. “Aaaaahn...” Celestia gasped. She stood there fully exposed, for the first time in decades she was naked in front of someone else. Outside, as well. She felt warm sunlight all over her body, as well as the cool gentle breeze against her skin. Feeling that on her most intimate places just served to make her hotter and wetter. “Can I get a...” Whatever it was, Moonsilver shook his head. “No.” “You're no fun!” sounding like a pouty foal, Honeyside quickly gathered up the remains of the picnic in the blanket and stood up, stretching her old legs as she walked over and affectionately nuzzled the human’s cheek. “You, Celestia, have fun. I'll put the word out there is more to this than they think, and maybe they will listen.” “Thank you, Honey,” Celestia replied, though she had to force herself to think and talk straight, given how turned on she was right then. “It really was a pleasure to meet you.” Up above, in the cover of the trees, Dawnglow watched what was happening, her eyes wide at the human's naked form, particularly her impressive chest. By comparison, Shadewalker was impassive as ever, soaking it all in. “You did very well, my love.” Moonsilver said as he watched Honeyside leave with the basket, leaving them both alone behind the trees at the north end of the lake. Now that they were alone, Moonsilver’s thoughts returned to his pet’s beautiful body. He licked his lips in anticipation of what he wanted to do. “Now to see just how you will service me in the waking world. For this first time, I'll let you position me.” Celestia waved to a retreating Honeyside, mostly to give herself time to think. She had wanted this for so long, now that the moment was at hand, she wanted to enjoy it. “Alright, Master, please, on your back.” Watching from her vantage point, Dawnglow could hardly believe they were really going to do it right there! As Moonsilver rolled onto his back, his legs in the air and his arms at his sides, Shadewalker couldn’t believe it either. “Perfect!” Celestia clapped her hands and, just like she had done in her dreams, she got down on the grass and trailed very slow, very wet kisses from his broad muscular chest downwards. Slowly, sensuously, Moonsilver dragged his hand up her leg from the ankle to her soft bountiful ass cheek. Once there, his talented fingers probing her shaven snatch. Celestia let out a pleasured moan as his fingers found their mark on her fleshy ass. She continued kissing downwards until she reached his sheath. Moonsilver sighed happily. He felt himself begin to emerge from his sheath as Celestia sucked and kissed all over it. At her ass, he kneaded her butt with his hand, occasionally, he slipped his fingers between her fat cheeks. He felt both her holes, gently rubbing circles around both. Celestia had no trouble at all with where Moonsilver's fingers were slipping, “You have educated fingers, Master.” The pale grey centaur remained silent, as he thought saying he has practice seemed like a bad response. Now his impressive cock was out, Celestia slathered her wet tongue all over his flat head, licking everywhere she could reach. When her tongue made contact, she tasted his musky scent which only served to make her drip juices down her thick thighs. In response, Moonsilver moved his other hand to knead a breast. He lowered a powerful foreleg across her back to keep her in place. The simple act of holding her there made her all the wetter, arousing her all the more. She took the head of his cock in her mouth, her hand stroking his mottled length as she gave it an experimental suck. Moonsilver jerked upwards, at the unexpected but wholly welcome sensation. However he did work hard to keep his hips on the ground. ‘Wow...’ Celestia thought, ‘this tastes just like I imagined it would!’ Although it had been a long time since she had a real dick in her mouth, she had lost none of her skill. She bobbed her head down until the cock head touched the back of her mouth and she lifted up, sucking all the way. “Mmmmmm!” Moonsilver sighed, moving his right forehoof from its resting place at her back to the top of her head to encourage her to take him. He was careful not to push though, as he didn't need her choking to death. This though did have an effect on his sub. ‘Oh yeah that's hot...’ she thought as soon as he felt the hoof at the back of her head. Her braided hair hung over her shoulder as she went down lower this time, taking his head all the way into her throat. Already in heaven, Moonsilver closed his eyes to let his imagination move with the action. He could feel, as he pulled his fingers out of her pussy for a noisy sniff / lick, every part of her hot wet willing throat around his cock before he returned them to their hidey hole. Sucking his shaft and masturbating what she couldn’t take, Celestia thrust her ass back to meet his fingers. When he felt her push back against him, Moonsilver probed ever deeper with two fingers inside her all the way to the second knuckle. As his hand roughly groped her swaying breast, he grunted with pleasure when he felt her other hand massage his balls. Celestia’s own lewd moan was muffled a little by the huge cock in her mouth, she could feel herself leaking down her thighs as she easily takes his fingers inside her dripping pussy. At the other end, the scent of his pet alone had made the centaur stiffer than he had ever been before. As she sucked on his cock, he started to fantasize about what she did to him in the dreamscape and his head flared, about to climax. Celestia felt him stiffen, she felt his head flare and his balls start to contract. Quickly, she pulled off his shaft, dripping more spit all over it in the process. That wasn’t where she wanted his seed. “I want you inside me, Master, for real.” As his fingers were pistoning in and out of her juicy snatch, he raised an eyebrow. “I'm in you now.” “I want this in me,” she purred, stroking his massive rod with her hand. Obligingly, Moonsilver moved his legs and hands away. If she wanted to mount him, who was he to deny her? “You know your body better than me, my love.” Permission given, Celestia swung her leg over him so that she was straddling his belly, looking him in the eyes as she slid back. As she was close enough, he leant forwards and gave her one sloppy horse kiss straight to her lips. After a little adjustment, where she lined herself up with the head of his shaft, Celestia took a deep breath and thrust back, sighing and groaning into his mouth as his broad flat head enters her, spreading her wide with the entry. She groaned into his mouth, while he moaned into hers. The centaur continued to allow her control the pace. He knew she could take his girth, it was his length that worried him. Through the considerable pleasure he was feeling as he entered her tight wet muscular tunnel, he resolved to watch her for signs of self-inflicted pain. Resting above him, Celestia slowly inched her way down, filling herself up with his meat until she felt his head bump against her cervical wall. “You...” she couldn’t stop herself moaning out loud, to hell with who may be listening, “oooooh Master...you feel wonderful in me!” Watching high above, Dawnglow couldn’t help but have her hand wander to her crotch, the other groping her modest breasts. Unaware that his sister was watching them, Moonsilver crossed his forelegs behind his pet’s ass for something to bounce against as his hands go for both breasts. Roughly, he squeezed and mauled her bountiful mounds, tweaking her hard nipples until she whimpered. “You feel wonderful to me.” Lifting off, Celestia dropped back down, impaling herself over and over again on his cock. She built up the pace so much that she felt his medial ring nudging against her puffy swollen labia. One more hard bounce and that too disappeared inside her stretched snatch. Biting her lip, she threw her head back, “OOoooOOH FuuuuUUUCK! FUUUCK MEEEE!” she screamed. As much as he may have wanted to honour her wish, Moonsilver dug his rear hooves into the grass to stop himself from bucking up into her. That would be for another time. For now, he contented himself with groping her breasts so hard he left red finger marks in his wake. Several hard thrusts by his pet later though, and his head fell back as he started to snort. “Call out my name!” Celestia thrust herself down on him two more times, two times that his ring stretched her pusssy and his head battered her cervix and she did indeed scream out loud, “Moonsilver!” The pale grey centaur’s body tensed up underneath her as he trembled with his release. “Shout it to the forest!” he ordered her. “Moonsilver!” she bounced harder and faster, each downward motion tapping herself, threatening to pierce her cervical wall. That did it. “MOONSILVER! AAAH I'M GONNA CUM!” While she was watching, Dawnglow had already climaxed, while Shadewalker felt sick at the sight he had witnessed. As he ejaculated inside her, Moonsilver’s flared cock head sealed his pet’s tunnel. “AAaaAAH FUUUUCK MOOOOOONSILVER!” Celestia came, she could feel his semen blasting inside her, with nowhere to go it flooded into her womb, swelling her already pudgy pot belly with the sheer volume released. Riding his euphoric high, Moonsilver at last bucked his hips upwards, penetrating her cervix and swelling her even more as he pulled her down by her breasts to lavish a kiss on her mouth. Celestia muttered 'fuck' as she was kissed, the submissive woman loving the way she was just handled and wanting more of the same. Her Master held onto her breasts as his forelegs rode up from her fat ass and across her back. He continued to stroke her up and down. “Are you a goddess sent from Mount Olympus?” he asked, staring adoringly into her eyes. “If I am Hera, you are my Zeus...” she panted with a bitten lip, wishing he would hold onto her forever. Nobody had ever handled her like that, not ever. It felt so amazing she couldn’t put it into words. “Zeus was a jerk.” “They were real people?” Celestia asked with a sighs and a giggle. “Of course they were...nothing surprises me anymore.” “You're real, and this is what matters to me. You going to be able to walk after that, or you need a ride?” Celestia, still perched above her Master, was quite happy to stay where she was and let nature take its course to get him out of her. It could take forever as far as she was concerned. “I-I'll be fine, I think I just need a moment…” as she kissed him hard on the mouth, she reflected that while he wasn’t by any means the first cock that had fucked her, he was by far the biggest and best. “That. Was. Amazing!” again she kissed him, “Master.” In utter disgust, Shadewalker stepped back from the vulgar scene and, on purpose, he snapped a twig under his hooves, knowing that Moonsilver would hear and know he had been watched. He resolved to follow this human out of the forest and make sure she never came back. Moonsilver did hear the twig and, looking up and back at the rise, he saw the shadow there that moved. He covered this by kissing his lover hard. “We'll take our time then as I'm still working my way out of your clutches.” Lost in her world of pleasure, Celestia laid on his chest, the huge stallionhood still spurting inside her. “When I go home, I'll be thinking of you, Silvy.” “While I love to know that, you need to think about facing the council, Celly.” “I know.” It was an effort to think, given what she had just done, but she forced herself. “I have the Equestrian, Sunset Shimmer, in communication with the Princesses getting the answers we need.” she kissed him for what felt like the hundredth time. “I will be ready, my love.” “I hope you'll be ready for another round of this. I think I may take more control on our next session.” “I think you will too. Control I give to you.” Celestia smiled, trailing her fingers all over his muscular chest she kissed his nipples, loving the cute little purrs he made. “I'll get as much information as I can, Silvy, since we don't actually know specific questions, hard to get specific answers, hmm?” Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the centaur’s penis slid out of her and retreated back into his sheath. Very, very reluctantly, he got to his hooves and helped her to her feet, hugging her to him all the time like he would forget the feel of her if he should let her go. “Be safe, my Celestia.” Celestia’s bright laughter rang around the trees. “Silvy, I have stared down the school board. I know no fear!” she hugged him tight, memorising every inch of his body in her arms. “Take care, Master.” > Chapter 9 - A Kind of Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Coward.” Stood by a tall centuries old conifer tree, dappled sunlight shining off of his dark grey skin and fur, Shadewalker was, on the face of it sharpening a flint arrowhead he held in his skilled hands. Two brace of rabbit draped over his equine back killed with a single shot to the head from that same arrow spoke to his considerable skill. “Oh,” he commented without looking up from his task, “how so?” As he approached his, albeit reluctantly former, best friend, his hooves moving silently through the long grass and the undergrowth of the forest, Moonsilver knew two things for certain. Three, if you counted the fact he was still horny from thinking of his dalliance with Celestia. And he did. Those two things were that while he thought himself silent, to Shadewalker it sounded like a cacophony of noise, his hoofsteps, the rustling of grass as he moved and so on. He also knew that he could only see the centaur at all because Shadewalker allowed himself to be so, his stealth was that good. “I confront your fears while you hide from them!” Shadewalker snorted, at last looking up from his incredibly sharp arrowhead to look the other Hunter in the eyes. Blue met green and neither blinked. “You're an idiot, Moonsilver!” he declared, “How many times must I warn you? Yet you are determined to bring about our doom.” Sighing deeply, thoughts of his beautiful Celestia fled his mind, instead he steeled himself for what was fast becoming a regular argument between himself and the other members of the tribe who thought they had an opinion on his actions. “I'm determined to do something about it,” he countered, “I'll not hide in fear of the reality of today.” “Did you know two others came with that creature today?” Shadewalker asked of his former friend. He had watched them arrive in the obnoxious noisy stinking metal box on wheels. “No doubt an advance party, scouting out our home with seeing glasses while you lay with ‘it’ near the lake!” That, Moonsilver did not know. Nor was he concerned, not in the slightest. “She is no fool to wander into here past the Air stones unprepared. Did the other two you speak of follow her into the woods?” “No.” Shaking his head, Shadewalker had to concede that much. “They stayed on the dock and turned their gaze to the woods. They left, no doubt when their reconnaissance was complete.” Recognising the paranoia that seemed to represent his kind as of late, Moonsilver laughed. He didn’t mean to, he just couldn’t help it. That Celestia and her sister were an advance scouting party was a concept that was too ludicrous to countenance. “What bird did they recon, Shade? Or did they see you in your carelessness?” About to rise to the taunt, the dark grey centaur saw it for what it was and at the last moment he stayed his rising ire. “Don't presume to insult me, Silver. How do you know what the human spies saw or did not see? Word will slip of us, and they will come in force. You know this!” Of course Moonsilver knew their history. He knew well the disaster that had befallen the centaurs that had settled in Greece. Unlike most centaurs though, he knew there must have been fault on both sides, not just the humans. He was also determined that history would not repeat, at least not by his hand. “I do not know that. Had you taken steps to prevent her from leaving then you would seal our doom! Not hers.” Taking up his prized master crafted longbow, Shadewalker took aim at a target that was not there, imagining the human female was in his sights. “I should place an arrow between ‘Its’ eyes, but for the fact it would contaminate a sound arrow!” he exclaimed, before sighing and shouldering his bow when he saw the look of outrage on Moonsilver’s face. “The council would thank me and so should you, if you stay this madness that has come over you.” “You are the fool blinded by your hatred,” said Moonsilver with a shake of his head. Why could his kin not see the truth of what he was saying? “The death of one would be the death of us all. Do you even have an idea of what is happening?” “What's happening,” Shadewalker retorted quickly, “is that we are being discovered. The Air stones no longer conceal us. We should be moving to another forest, not mating with the local savages like beasts in heat!” “Then you are both a fool and short-sighted.” Moonsilver commented, for he saw his old friend’s refusal to look at the greater picture for what it was. Folly. “If they are failing here then they will fail everywhere. We must know why they are failing. Not run and hide like a rabbit from the hawk.” “And you say I am blinded.” He snorted derisively as he adjusted his stance beside the tree. “I cannot believe I ever called you kin, Moonsilver. I will ask one more time,” in desperation he extended his hand. “Please, my oldest friend, I beg you. For all the times we hunted together and celebrated together. Turn from this path, drink with me in the Bee and Barb, like we used to.” Tightly, Moonsilver clasped the hand that was offered to him in his own firm, unwavering grip. “Mayhap we are both fools to bait each other with words, but neither of us are idiots to rise to the bait.” Cautiously, he let go, but he did not step backwards. “The path I tread is to save us from tomorrow for yesterday is no more. I will not cast aside what I've done this day. Nor would I refuse a drink with you.” In a similar gesture, he extended his hand. It took Shadewalker a long time – slow minutes passed by in complete silence where he just stared at the offered hand, it was almost as if the forest recognised the importance of the moment – before he ultimately gripped it and embraced his fellow Hunter. “I do not wish to see you share the same fate as your mother. I fear you'd be on the end of a human's bangstick, Silver.” Now the pale grey centaur understood. “I seek to prevent that. I do not know enough truth other than to say that forces from our past have caught up with us. Should I fail to resolve why the stones have failed I fear you will not have a chance to say 'I told you so'.” Shadewalker studied the brushy undergrowth at his hooves. Their hands were still held tightly, but he felt like he couldn’t meet his friend’s eye. “I liked Solstice. She was as much my mother as my mother. She always baked extra when I came around to your house. It hurt me almost as much as you when she joined the Great Forest. I do not wish that ending for you, nor do I wish to say I told you so.” This admission from his friend stunned Moonsilver somewhat gravely. He could count on one hand the times he had heard him speak like this in the past. They were few and far between, and almost always after a heavy night in Honeyside’s tavern. Now though, he was stone cold sober. “You believe the humans are more dangerous to us than we are to them?” In spite of himself, Shadewalker snorted and spat on the ground. “They are like a plague of vermin upon this world...” again, he caught the look in his friend’s eye and he sighed. Such an attitude wasn’t helpful if he was going to mend the bridge he had thought burned. “I apologise, please. They have numbers, Moonsilver. Bangsticks, fireboxes, metal birds in the sky that drop fire and death...you, you want the truth from me?” “I'm neither blind, nor fool, nor idiot.” Moonsilver stated, though he nodded for he did want to hear what his friend had to say. “I must agree with what you just said, Shade.” “The truth...” he trailed away to silence, the usually confident stallion looking all around him as if seeking inspiration from some unknown source as they walked back through the trees towards the main camp. “I am not just scared, I am terrified of what may happen. I am scared for you, our camp, for all of us. Tell anyone I said that, and I'll deny it, Silver.” With his previous suspicion now confirmed, Moonsilver said, “Is it true that the humans have visited our forest for countless years? Recently they made a play area to swim, and use their seeing glasses to look at birds in our forest? Yet the stones kept us safe?” “You know it is.” Shadewalker agreed as they walked, though he didn’t look at his companion, lest he see the blush that coloured his cheeks. “The human camp has been there for many moons, yet we have not been discovered before. Yet...there was the incident with the Sacred Geode Cave, since then, the Air stones have failed us more and more over the recent months.” “Shadewalker,” Moonsilver stopped his friend suddenly and turned his face so that he had to look him in the eye. “I will tell you what I fear and you can tell any about it. What I fear is asked in a question. What is the greater danger? The humans of this world, or that which we fled from in the last world has found a way to follow us to this world?” For two reasons, Shadewalker went pale. One, and the greatest, was that he was so close, almost muzzle to muzzle with the one he loved. An inch closer and he would kiss him, but he dared not. He knew well where his preferences lay, and they were not with him. The second reason, was the reference to The Destroyer. “You...You can't mean...'Him'...surely 'He' is long dead by now?” he dared not speak the fell centaur’s name. It was long considered an ill omen. “I’m afraid I must add to your fears. You did not hear this from me. I overheard the council members at the Old Watering Hole. The Sacred Geodes, in the Cave, they are gone. They have been missing since the camp incident.” “If The Destroyer comes to this world he will consume centaur and human alike. Humans cannot use magic, yet that is no longer true. I fear our past has found us, and I will tread this path to know the truth. I will seize what love I can while I can. I will not dishonour my mother's sacrifice.” “Moonsilver, don't you get it? The Elders lied. We were told the Geodes were returned to the cave. But I heard the Oracles tell the council that they bonded with seven human females. Should He come, our defences are in the hands of human foals!” “So they lied?” Moonsilver shrugged his shoulders before placing his strong hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Do you think they cannot fall to fear? That is why I tread this path. If I die I will die seeking the truth. Shade, I don't ask that you stand with me. I ask that you don't actively stand against me. Your words carry weight as would your silence.” Shadewalker had no real stomach to stand against the one he cared so much for, even if he could never admit his truest feelings. Even if his affections would never be reciprocated, at least not by Moonsilver. “I would ask that you ask the human about these Geodes, Silver.” At the edge of the camp, he stood by his side. “I will say no more of this now but, before we go to the tavern, should you bring her into the camp...I am willing to sit with her. I will drink with her. I can promise no more than that.” “I will bring her into the camp only when she is ready to face down our elders with truth. Until then I will not risk what I have so recently found.” Shadewalker nodded, he could see the wisdom of that decision. “Then let us have a drink, to the hunt, and you can tell me all about your rare find.” “I will bet you a pheasant against a rabbit, Honeyside's jaw falls open when we walk in together.” “Like mine fell open when I saw her remove that toy? You're on, Silver.” ~ ~ ~ Following her wonderful-but-all-too dalliance with her lover and Master at the north end of the lake, Principal Celestia had decided to have a little walk. She had waved him until the trees had obscured her view then, wearing just her new pale grey choker, she made her way slowly through the trees. Both of her swimsuits were in her shoulder bag and she didn't have a care in the world. The fifty year old woman delighted in the feel of the sunlight and the cool breeze blowing gently over her naked body. It was like Whitetail Woods all over again. It had been way too long since she had done this, way too long. For the first time in a very long time, she reflected as she hobbled along on her crutches, she didn’t give a damn if anyone saw her. In fact, a little spark inside her wanted someone to see her. Similarly, once she had watched her brother and the human having their intimate moment – and having had her own intimate moment with her whole hand - Dawnglow had left the scene from her vantage point overlooking the secluded north lake. She was reminded, sadly, as she walked back towards the main camp with a freshly killed boar draped over her back, of the meal she had eaten at home. As such, with thoughts of her vast weight and inherent ugliness, as well as Nightingale's laughing face running through her mind, she ran blindly into a nearby glade to purge herself. Unfortunately, as if through some divine guidance, the small leafy glade that the burnt orange centaur chose to purge herself in was also the same one that Celestia was walking by at that exact moment. The tall white skinned woman paused when she heard the unmistakeable sound of someone being violently sick. ‘I know that sound’ she thought, carefully making her way towards it, the ‘mother’ in her taking over. “EEeeeEEEEUuuuuUURRGH!” Dawnglow retched, her fingers jammed down her throat so as to bring up the last of the meal her father had prepared. “EUUUURGH…” on her knees, with her kills on the floor, her bow and quiver next to her other side, the eighteen year old centaur sobbed pathetically as she once again thrust her fingers in her throat and threw up. Attracted by the sound, Celestia made it to the trees that lined the leafy glade just in time to witness the crying centaur vomit onto the grass beside her. It broke her heart, for she herself had a number of students, past and present, that did the same thing. She stood, partially hidden by the trees for a few minutes longer, the teacher in her studying the centaur. From her – admittedly limited – experience, Celestia guessed she was a Hunter, what with the bow and quiver of arrows as well as the boars. ‘Hmmm, she’s a young one…’ she looked to be not much older than her students, late teens if she had to hazard a guess at her age. She was pretty though, with an inch or so of fat around her waist, a flat-ish belly and small B cup breasts. As she watched her cry though, she couldn’t remain hidden any longer. “Are you all right?” “Gah!” caught wholly unprepared and unawares, Dawnglow fell back on her Hunter’s instincts and, quick as a flash, in one smooth motion, she had her bow in hand, an arrow notched and drawn, though there was still vomit on her bow hand. “Wh-Who's there?” she asked in a shaky voice. Celestia had to smile. Though she had an arrow pointed at her, it was unlikely the poor young mare could shoot straight, given how badly she was shaking. “I'm sorry I startled you. I'm Celestia, I was worried about the sounds I heard.” “I kn-know you…” she let out a sniffle and lowered her bow. Now she got a proper look at the intruder to her misery she saw it was the human that her brother had laid with not fifteen minutes ago. “I um, I-I'm Da-Dawnglow.” “Oh!” Celestia had exclaimed when, judging it was safe and that she wasn’t going to get shot, she hobbled closer. It was then she noted the summer green collar that adorned her neck, just like the choker adorned hers. “Oh, um, I’m sorry to intrude, but are you okay?” “Yeah,” Dawnglow snivelled, wiping her nose with her soiled hand, then she got a leaf to wipe that clean. She didn’t know how much this human had seen, just that she had heard her, and so she tried to pass off what had happened. “I um...I'm just a little unwell, that's all.” ‘A little unwell, my fat ass,’ Celestia thought solemnly. She had been around long enough to recognise purging when she saw it. “Okay, if you'd like to talk about it?” she asked as kindly as she could though, now she was up close, the old Celestia in her started to compare herself to Dawnglow. Her breasts were several sizes bigger, as were her nipples and areola. Her pudgy pot belly was also massive compared to the centaur’s own flatter example. But, and it was a big but, she stepped forward as she was. She wasn’t tempted, thanks to her time with Moonsilver, to cover herself up. “It is good to finally meet you.” “It's a bug, bad food, you know? Bad tummy...” Dawnglow sniffled but she managed a smile anyway. She had a feeling she was fooling nobody with her act. “So you're the human everyone is going nuts about in camp?” she asked in an attempt to draw attention away from what she had done, what she had been caught doing and the evidence on the grass by her side. “Yes, that would be me.” Celestia replied, kneeling by her side on the grass. This close she could look properly into those green eyes. She recognised those beautiful, kind and caring green eyes. “It is good that your brother watches over me, Moonsilver is your brother?” Thinking about how much she should open up to her, Dawnglow ultimately decided that Celestia was okay. Her brother liked and trusted her enough to mate with, after all. She also spoke their language like a born centaur, and that gave her confidence too. “Yeah, he's my brother. We're both Hunters.” “Well, since I'm with your brother, you should know you can talk to me, and nothing you say will reach his ears. We would be like sisters.” Dawnglow rather liked the sound of that. Her eternal soul had been heavy of late. “Well...I just graduated my class, passed my test, I can go on hunts on my own now!” she waved a proud hand to the boars she had killed so she could feed the camp. “But Master Sagittarius says my stealth needs work.” Looking down, she sighed deeply. “Anyone else would have seen you coming, but not me,” she muttered, “I-I can tell you stuff? Really?” Naked, Celestia leaned forward and she placed a comforting hand on the shoulder of Dawnglow's foreleg. “I run a school,” she said kindly, “I have many students, all with different problems. I listen, and sometimes give advice, but I don't break their confidence, well most times. I will not leave a life in danger.” “I-I...um...” the burnt orange centaur mumbled, on the verge of tears once again, “I um, should be honest then, with you. I watched you, with Moonsilver. He said he was meeting you, and I was curious, so I followed. I'm sorry.” Not embarrassed in the slightest, Celestia smiled. She appreciated honesty. Honest, she could work with. “Did I put on a good show? I’d love some feedback.” “You were very hot...I ah...I mean you are hot!” She had not been expecting a question like that and so she blushed so hard her cheeks turned a beautiful shade of crimson. “You...those...” she trailed off, waving a hand at the human’s large breasts, “hot!” Now that she saw an opening, Celestia continued to smile. “These beauties?” having abandoned her crutches, she placed a hand under each of her fleshy beach balls and hefted them, bouncing them up and down on purpose, smirking when she saw the centaur’s green eyes follow the movement. She quickly stomped on the tiny bit of guilt she felt at exploiting the young mare like that. “If I wasn't so fat, they wouldn't be like this.” “You gave me something to admit to my girlfriend about,” said Dawnglow swishing her bright yellow tail and wafting her excited scent into the air. “Hopefully I’ll get spanked later,” she then sighed and looked away, but she stared at Celestia's hefty breasts out of the corner of her eyes. “I wouldn't say you're fat,” she muttered, her self-loathing coming out, “Not like me.” “Not like you?” Celestia repeated, though her inflection phrased it like a question. She placed her hands at her waist and jiggled her pudgy not-as-fat-as-she-thought belly and then she did the same to Dawnglow, jiggling her not-at-all-fat belly. “Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?” she moved beside the troubled mare, on the vomit free side, and looked openly at her undercarriage. After hearing 'girlfriend', she made sure to make her breasts sway as she was bent over looking, and that her wide ass was in clear view. “Not like me…” Dawnglow whispered. Whilst unremarkable, she was by no means large, in fact if anything she was a little thin, thanks to her constant purging. To her shame though, her earlier arousal was still quite evident, judging by the smell that pervaded the air. “I'm fat and ugly, just look at me, just flab...fat...fat...oh m-my...” Staring at Celestia’s raised ass, she was somehow unable to finish her sentence. “Maybe it is back here?” she asked and, after standing up, Celestia carefully made her way around Dawnglow’s back end, her hand trailing her fingers over her haunches. She then leant on her butt looking forward. “I told my sister I was fat and ugly, and she wouldn't believe me! Such nerve! Can you believe that?” “HMmmMMMmm!” Dawnglow moaned and her tail lifted up on reflex, exposing her slick puffy marehood swollen with arousal. “Well um...I don't know, I haven't seen many of your kind, you don't seem fat to me,” she commented, looking down at the grass beneath her. Again she was on the verge of tears, for in her head she was nothing but a huge revolting mound of flesh. Noticing the tail rising between her breasts, how could she not? Celestia was unsure how far to take the teasing. Her attempt with Cheerilee had the fuchsia skinned submissive offering to bed her. She decided to slide a hand along Dawnglow's lower back as she walked to the front and she turned to face her. “But look at my belly!” Letting out a little squeak of pleasure, her tail flagged up the highest it had gone so far and then she looked at Celestia stood before her. Her eyes went wide as her face was inches away from her shaved pussy. She got a good look at her pot belly and the stretch marks. “Look at mine!” she retorted, squeezing her flat belly. What little fat there was made a tiny mound in her hands. In her head, she looked obscene. “I don't know how you can look at me...I don't know how Applewood looks at me!” she cried, a little tear escaping down her cheek. As she was standing up, and therefore much taller than her new friend, Celestia lowered herself to her knees where they were the same height. She wrapped her arms around Dawnglow's upper back and squeezed their bellies and breasts together. After a moment, a long, torturous moment, she leant back a bit so Dawnglow could see their bellies between the breasts. She was going to enjoy this lesson. “Who has the bigger belly?” “Gaaaaaaah...” For a good long moment, Dawnglow couldn’t think at all, let alone answer a question. All she was aware of was the large fleshy breasts pressed to hers and the arousal now dripping from her to the floor. “Ah, y-you do.” “I must admit that I do, don’t I?” she smiled, closing the distance between them so that their breasts were smooshed together again. “Who has the bigger breasts?” Poor Dawnglow’s face was almost on fire she was blushing so hard. Her tail hiked up again. She wished her Mistress was here so she could be allowed to climax, she was that turned on. “You...You do…” Grinning, Celestia pressed her point. “But...But you said I wasn't fat?” “Not like me,” Dawnglow whimpered, a pathetic tone that Celestia did not like now entering her voice, “you aren't an ugly useless lump that dishonours her people, her fellow Hunters and the animals she kills.” “True,” Celestia frowned, sensing a deep underlying reason for her purging about to be revealed. She also sensed she had never revealed this before. “I'm not. Who told you that?” “Nightingale. In school, she said she wasn't sure if I was a centaur or a whale. But it's not just that. I know I let down everything I am…” Again, tenderly this time, Celestia wrapped up the young Hunter in a hug. “I think I'm old, ugly, and fat. I'm sure of it, but my sister says I'm not, her girlfriend says I'm not, and your brother says I'm not. Who is wrong?” “I don't know,” Dawnglow sobbed miserably, “You don't understand, if Nightingale singles you out, everyone reminds you how worthless you are! But I don't need their taunts, I betray the Hunters every day. If she knew what I did, if they knew what I did...” As she listened, Celestia was reminded rather forcefully of the pre-Fall Formal Sunset Shimmer by the way Dawnglow described this Nightingale. Still, she couldn’t understand some of what she was saying. “You must help me understand. Nightingale is the one you go to because you value her opinion and honesty over others?” “Nightingale is of the Air School. Her School commands a lot of sway in the camp. I'm a Hunter. It's my duty and honour to feed the camp. We honour the animals by using all of them, they gave their lives so we can live…” Now, Dawnglow really properly cried, hot salty tears rolling down her cheeks. “Every time I make myself sick, I dishonour them and the other Hunters. I can be exiled for that!” Carefully, Celestia wiped away her tears. “You didn't answer my question.” “I don't go to Nightingale. I stay away from her. I don't value her opinion, but it's true, so I keep my weight down, or...or...” Nodding her head, for a vision of times just recently passed at her school swam into her mind, Celestia asked gently, “Do you value Applewood's opinion and honesty?” “I love her.” “That's good. I'm sure she has brought up your weight problem and offered you ways to trim down, right?” Celestia asked, the Principal falling back on the psychology 101 that Requiem, the school counsellor, had taught her. “She says I'm beautiful and that she'd never leave me,” Dawnglow confessed miserably, “She doesn't see though. She doesn't know what I do, but I have to!” “Dawnglow,” said Celestia, placing a reassuring had again on the young centaur’s shoulder, “one step at a time. Nightingale thinks you're fat but Applewood doesn't think that. Who do you trust?” “I trust my girlfriend and my Mistress.” Celestia couldn’t help but giggle at that. She was immediately put in mind of Luna and Cheerilee. “I think you'd like my sister. Anyways. I do think I'm fat. Do you think I'm wrong to think that?” Dawnglow shook her head, causing her bright yellow mane to cascade over her shoulder. She didn’t know what to say, what the human wanted to hear, so she told the truth. “No, you're not wrong.” Still smiling, Celestia raised a hand and she caressed Dawnglow’s cheek. “Thank you. Now, do you think I'm fat?” Quietly, Dawnglow nodded her head. She wanted to be honest with this human, but she didn’t want to upset her. She was nice, and her brother liked her. “I um, I do, kinda, but you don't 'act' fat, you know?” Almost as soon as the words left her mouth, she realised how lame they sounded. “How we think of ourselves matters, but sometimes we fail to see who we really are.” Celestia caught herself rapidly entering ‘Principal mode’ and she giggled. Her mother would be proud. “That is why we find others we trust and tell them how we feel so they can understand. I told your brother I was fat, and he told me that was more for him to hug. I don't act fat, because he loves me as I am. Do you act fat with Applewood?” “Not with her, no I don't. I can be who I am with her. She gets me. She hurts me in the way I love to be hurt. She pushes my limits. I wish I could dance with her at the festivals like she wants.” “Are you afraid you will embarrass her because you’re fat?” Predictably, Dawnglow nodded and sniffled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. “You said you love her and trust her. I love and trust your brother and I told him how I feel about everything. Do you think you should do the same?” Again, the burnt orange mare nodded. Celestia cupped her cheeks in her hands. “Do you know what Bulimia is?” “No, Celestia.” “I have students who think they are fat. I tell them I'm fat, but they know that I'm not as fat as they are.” She took a deep breath to marshal her thoughts, happy that if Requiem were here, she’d be smiling at her. “I could tell them they are not fat, but they wouldn't believe me. I need to find a friend that they trust to look at themselves without a mirror. What these students have in common is Bulimia. It isn't pretty, nor is it healthy.” She paused in her explanation, her hands gently at the sides of her face. “Can you guess what Bulimia is now?” “It's what I do, isn't it? When I make myself sick, right?” “Yes, they also claim they are sick. The only time you need to force yourself to vomit is if you ate something poisonous. I don't know your customs or ways, but I would love for you to teach me so I can be a better person for your brother. I think I know you associate being sick with dishonouring hunters. Why?” Dawnglow shuddered. She didn’t want to have to explain this. Still, here she was, the one her brother loved. She resolved to try and put her shame into words. “Because it is the Hunters’ duty to provide food for the camp. When we kill an animal, it is also our duty to do it as clean as possible, so the animal doesn't suffer. Then, we honour it by using as much as we can, not just the meat. Bones are used for knife handles, the skins are used in winter, and apothecaries use some organs, and so on. By being sick, I dishonour the other Hunters, my prey and my people.” Celestia listened, but she didn’t quite follow. “I’m afraid I still don't understand, how does that have anything to do with how you hunt?” “It doesn't affect how I hunt,” Dawnglow tried again to adequately explain, briefly, their customs. “I kill them swiftly, but other Hunters provide the food that I eat, then throw back up. The farmers provide the vegetables I eat then throw back up. What I do is a disservice to them all, to the hard work they do.” “Oh!” Celestia exclaimed, her eyes bright with understanding. Now she was beginning to get it. “I think I understand. It is by eating and then you throw what you ate in the ground that you dishonour who toiled provided the food.” “Yes, that's it. Allowances are made if you are genuinely ill, not like me.” “Have you dishonoured yourself?” “Every time I'm sick, Celestia.” “So you eat the animals you hunt and then you throw that back up?” asked Celestia, to which Dawnglow quietly nodded. Under such scrutiny, she didn’t know where to look, so in the end she chose to stare at Celestia’s enormous breasts. “Why do you eat the food?” she asked, not minding in the slightest where she was staring. “Does someone make you in case it is poisonous?” “No, I have to eat!” Dawnglow giggled uncertainly, “You know, like, when I'm hungry!” “Remember I said it wasn't healthy?” Celestia asked somewhat rhetorically, “You eat because you are hungry. You throw up before you digest it. Does that solve your hunger, or just leave you hungry again?” She didn’t want to lecture her, but she couldn’t avoid it. She had to make her see! “It leaves me hungry,” Dawnglow admitted sadly, “but at least I don't put weight on.” Celestia understood. She had seen it before so many times over the years. If it wasn’t an eating disorder it was bullying, or self-harming, or, more recently, magic related stress amongst her students at CHS. The latter she could sympathise with. “It is a vicious cycle. You eat because you are always hungry. You are always hungry because you don't keep what you eat.” She then decided to try a different tack, come at it from a different angle. “Do you know what it means to diet?” Eagerly, Dawnglow nodded her head. “I know what that means.” “Why don't you do it?” “I've tried, and it works for a day or two, then I'm sick again!” Dawnglow exclaimed and in exasperation, Celestia sighed and slumped her forehead onto the centaur’s upper shoulder to think. “I um...I'll try, again, I want to be better, really I do!” “It won't help.” Celestia tried very hard to keep her tone light, to not sound accusatory as she moved her head back to look at the young mare. It buoyed her that she wanted to get better. It meant she knew she was ill, and that was a big step. “First we need to be honest. It's not sick if you shove your hand down your own throat.” “Um…it's not?” asked Dawnglow, nervously fiddling her fingers together. “I value honesty, and I hope you do too. Is there a way you can weigh yourself?” Almost straightaway, in the dappled sunlight of the leafy forest glade, Dawnglow perked up. She had a chance to show off a little. “Oh yes, there are stones in the bathroom at home!” “Stones?” Of all the things Celestia had been expecting, that hadn’t been one of them. She cocked her head to one side, trying to figure how that would work. After a few moments’ thought though she drew a blank. “Do you mean like these?” she asked, touching the stones that rested in the choker around her neck. Dawnglow nodded the affirmative. “Almost everything we need for life in the forest is provided by the stones. We make some things. For instance, Applewood made my bow. She's a Treesinger. She sang the wood into shape.” Celestia thought was too occupied with trying to work out how the centaurs used the magic stones as a set of scales to think about the possibility of singing that could manipulate wood to grow a certain shape. “How does a stone tell you your weight? Do numbers appear, or does it whisper you weight with examples, such as much as a mouse or a cow?” “Numbers appear. It was created by the Earth and Water Schools.” Dawnglow admittedly didn’t know how they worked exactly, but then again she was a Hunter, not a Craftsmith. It was enough for her that they worked. “You step on the stone, underneath is water in a trough. Then, it does something very clever with how much water is moved and you get your weight, just like that!” “I'm sure you check it ten or fifteen times a day then?” “Sometimes twenty…” “Do you remember how much you weighed last week when you woke up?” asked the Principal with a tinkling laugh in her voice. When the young centaur nodded, she continued, “So, how much more did you weigh when you woke up today?” “I didn't, I weighed a little less.” That was to be expected. Celestia thought to herself. Outwardly she just nodded. “Do you just skip meals when you diet?” “Yes, Celestia.” Again, that was wholly expected and she was not surprised in the slightest to hear that she skipped meals. She assumed, safely, that it was better to not eat at all than to eat and throw up, dishonouring herself. “You should diet like I do then. That way makes you hungrier and then you eat more and well, then you do what you do. Do you know how much food you have to eat to not be hungry?” “It's not a lot. I try not to eat a lot.” “Yes, but you're hungry right now, aren't you?” “Yes I am,” Dawnglow admitted, her rumbling empty belly evidence to that fact. “Maybe,” Celestia started, a playful twinkle in her eye, “because your stomach is trying to escape and it’s gnawing to get out is what let this clumsy human sneak up on you?” “Maybe…” Dawnglow’s shoulders shook slightly with a giggle she was holding in. The twinkle in Celestia’s eye became a full on giggle fit. “It would look silly to watch your stomach run off with a spear to go hunting!” At that, Dawnglow gave up the fight and she burst out laughing, holding her sides she was laughing so hard. “Here is how I diet,” said Celestia after she had managed to ease her laughter. “I know what I need to make the hunger go away, but that is too much. So I eat only half that much. The next meal if I'm as hungry as the first I eat half as much again, if not I only eat one fourth as much. Same for the third meal. I always eat three small meals so I don't wake up at night and eat all the ice cream my sister has.” “Ice cream?” Dawnglow cocked her head to one side at the words she didn’t understand. All throughout this meeting, the human had spoken flawless Centaur, but she didn’t know what this ‘ice cream’ was. Again, Celestia laughed, though it was not a mean laugh, not at all. “Ice cream is very, very bad for a diet, but it tastes really, really good. I think my sister likes to tempt me with it.” Dawnglow didn’t know what it was, but she knew she wanted to try some of it, whatever it was. “Can you bring some of this...icy cream?” “Would you dishonour me if I brought you a little bit of ice cream?” Earnestly, she shook her head. “No, Celestia.” Celestia’s laugh became a smile. “Then I will bring you some ice cream after you tell me how my diet works for you. Weigh yourself after every time you poop. And don't get lazy and stop hunting! That is bad for a diet too.” She booped the young centaur’s nose with her fingers, again making her giggle. “I promise, Celestia.” Dawnglow smiled. For the first time in a very long time, she felt a little optimistic about her purging beating it once and for all. “Thank you, for taking with me!” to show how thankful she was, the burnt orange mare pulled her into a very tight hug. Immediately, Celestia returned the hug with a bit of added breast wiggle for good measure. “One other thing, you need to ask Applewood to help you get a better figure so you can go to the next dance. Don't let her go alone. And don't just accept her opinion that you look fine. You need to make sure you want to look even better than fine.” Dawnglow didn’t answer for a moment. She was really, really loving the breast wiggle. She could’ve happily stayed there for a very long time. “You're teasing me aren't you?” she asked with a smile on her blushing face. Suddenly, an idea came to her. “Would you like to see her, Applewood, I mean?” “I am,” Celestia admitted with an unashamed look on her face. “I learned from a professional and I'm having fun.” Then, she turned her attention to the question she had been asked. “Would I? Yes. Now? No. I plan on seeing Moonsilver again in one week, if he will let me. Tell him you want to meet his human, and bring Applewood with you to keep you, um, safe?” she giggled, “He brought Honeyside to him safe from my pounces.” “I like your teasing. It makes me hot.” Dawnglow admitted with a bright little giggle and, after she had reached into her shoulder pouch, she pulled out a flat polished stone the size of her hand. Proudly, she showed off the mirror finish on the stone’s surface. “This is an Image Stone, but I thank you for your kind offer too.” Taking the offered stone, Celestia pulled away from her companion, the separation leaving her exposed. She studied the stone. It weighed as much as a pound bag of sugar, and it was completely devoid of any markings at all, just a reflective smooth surface. “What does it do?” Dawnglow, distracted by Celestia’s magnificent melons, didn't answer right away, she was too busy licking her lips imagining how they would taste. “Ah, it ah, shows images,” she said presently. “Hold it level in your hand, like this, see?” she waited for Celestia to do so, then she leant in and said, in a clear voice, "Applewood." Instantly, a three dimensional image of the summer green centaur appeared 'standing' on the flat stone surface. Though she was startled, Celestia didn’t drop the stone. “This-this is magic?” “Centaur magic!” Dawnglow nodded proudly. “You try. Lean in close to it and say "Family".” “First,” Celestia wanted to try something else before she did that. With a confident voice, she said, “Moonsilver.” In an instant, the image changed from Applewood to show Moonsilver. As it did so though, the Principal felt a strong tingling sensation in her arms as the image shifted. She guessed it was the magic at work. Dawnglow had a very impressed look on her face. “How did you know?” Now it was Celestia’s turn to not answer. She was staring long and hard at the image on the stone before her. It was a perfect image, and she should know, having bounced on him very recently. “I didn't. I think that I can now do some magic. The stones that Moonsilver gave me are responding, so I hope this one would too.” If Dawnglow was impressed before, she was awed now. “Wow...you have centaur magic! This is so cool! Go on, do it again, say family!” Though she still held the stone, Celestia was unsure about saying family, there was only her and Luna left. She took a deep breath, regardless. “Family.” As Celestia was holding the Image Stone, the image upon its surface changed, as she now knew it would. In place of Moonsilver, there now stood an image of Luna and Cheerilee. Dawnglow was mystified. “Who are they?” she asked with genuine interest. Then she giggled, “Ooooh...you're holding it! Duh!” Celestia pointed to each figure in turn, starting with the taller of the two. “The darker skinned one is my sister Luna. The other is her girlfriend, Cheerilee. Luna is like your Applewood and Cheerilee is like you.” Dawnglow understood that. “Oooh I see, so you're like me and this Cheerilee then, with Silvy, I mean?” Since they both wore signs of their devotion, Dawnglow a collar and Celestia a choker, the white skinned woman nodded her head. “Very much so.” Excitedly, Dawnglow clapped her hands. At last she had another submissive who she could talk to! A sister too! She’d never had that before. She was so giddy she began to babble. “You two like pain too? I really like it when my Mistress ties a rope harness on me around my breasts and canes them. She canes my nipples too, and my hooves! Or she'll cane my you know...down there…” she blushed and her tail rose upwards once more at the thought. Reflexively, Celestia shuddered. “I don't know about that level of pain. I'm not sure about that. Cheerilee does like some pain, and to be tickled, though.” Almost like she was sharing a deep secret, she said, “Last time, Mistress got her whole forearm in me! Mistress likes to tickle me till I pee.” That did stay Celestia somewhat. “D-di-did you se-see how m-much of your brother I took inside me?” Furiously, Dawnglow blushed so hard she thought she might burst into flames at any moment. “I was watching, yes. You took a lot, all the way to the middle ring. Can all humans do that?” “I'm not sure, but I'm tall for a woman.” “Huh.” Having not seen many human females before, apart from Gloriosa at the camp, she didn’t really know how to judge that, other than yes, she was tall. “Okay, well you were into him, by the way you screamed his name like that.” She then prodded her pudgy white belly with her index finger, feeling the taut skin. “Maybe that's why your belly's so large? He came inside you, didn't he?” Celestia giggles at the poke to her belly, loving the way it jiggled like that. “Maybe it is.” She wasn’t about to deny it. “So, your tail keeps going up and down. I take it you like my teasing?” “I do, Celestia.” Oh by the Great Forest, did she like her teasing! “Well if I have left you wanting, then now would be a good time to see if Applewood will help you tone your body. I need to head back home. I will ask you about your weight numbers.” She paused and giggled, “I won’t forget. I think you'll find a diet like mine will keep me from sneaking up on you, not that I won't try.” “I look forward to you sneaking up on me again.” Dawnglow smiled as she stood up, not surprised in the slightest that Celestia was slightly taller than her. “Now, I need to get these boar back to the camp, and I need to confess many sins to my Mistress. Hopefully I won't be able to sit tomorrow.” She leant in and kissed Celestia’s cheek. “Keep the stone, I insist.” With her crutches in hand under her arms, Celestia held herself up and kissed Dawnglow’s cheek in turn. “I will, as I can look at my Master.” “Enjoy it, sister.” Dawnglow hugged her close to her one last time before she slung the slain boars over her equine back and she shouldered her bow and quiver. She stole a very last hug and then she turned to make her way back to the main camp Very carefully indeed, Celestia placed the Image Stone away safely in her shoulder bag and, happy that she was done in the forest, she headed towards the parking lot. Once there, she wasn’t surprised to see her car was not there. As the evening was starting to draw in, and with it a manageable but slight chill, she pulled out her phone and sent her sister a text message. ‘Lulu, I’m done with my Master. I will be sunbathing on the end of the dock. Please come get me.’ ~ ~ ~ An hour after her older sister had sent her the text message to come collect her, Vice Principal Luna pulled into the parking lot. Once she had Rosie, her sister’s beloved faded blue station wagon parked, she and Cheerilee got out, heading straight for the dock. “Mistress,” Cheerilee pointed to a sunbathing Celestia – a naked sunbathing Celestia, “I think she found him.” Luna took a closer look at her sister the closer she got to the dock. “By that smile I think you may be right, Leelee.” She was rather impressed that the older woman had the nerve to lay there in just her birthday suit. “I'm happy to see you working on your moon tan.” Laid on her front, with the two women approaching from behind, Celestia was absolutely not ashamed in the slightest. In fact she was rather enjoying the feel of the late afternoon / early evening sunlight on her back. Casually, she rolled over, smiling at Cheerilee’s reaction when one of her breasts slapped against the other. “Oh,” she said dreamily, “I found him alright, Leelee.” Luna inspected her fingernails and the back of her hand. “I told her you just waited to call so you could pretend to find him. Leelee though was certain you would.” In response to that, the fuchsia skinned submissive nodded rapidly, a smile on her face. “I think I found more than him, Lu.” She sat up and smiled at Cheerilee as they joined her on the dock. She noted that while her younger sister was still wearing the mini skirt and fuchsia top from earlier in the day, she was wearing the new heeled sandals on her perfectly manicured feet while her girlfriend was in a different dark blue dress. She also noted, when she sat up, that her braid had fallen out during the long afternoon. “Leelee, would you please be a dear and braid it again, Lee, before we leave?” Unmoving, Cheerilee looked at her Mistress who straightaway gave her a brief nod. “At once.” With permission granted, she stepped behind Celestia and knelt down on the wooden dock. As she took the long multi coloured pastel hair in her hands, Luna sat by her sister’s side. The younger sibling dangled her feet in the water of the lake. “Get any pictures?” “I did!” she replied proudly, “Would you like to see?” Though she had started the Prench braid, Cheerilee froze and directed her best, most deadly puppy dog eyes attack at her Mistress, the one she knew she couldn’t resist, even if its use did earn her a harsh spanking afterwards. As expected, Luna relented under the onslaught of the eyes. “Yes we would, Tia.” Happy, Cheerilee went back to braiding hair. “This one is a little boring,” Celestia admitted as she took her phone from her shoulder bag and showed them both the mundane picture that was going to be her crown jewel that had, unfortunately, been overshadowed by Dawnglow’s amazing gift. Still, she was rightly proud to show off the photograph of her in her new choker by her Master’s side. “That's my Moonsilver.” While the centaur was admittedly handsome, with an equine-esque face and a torso that looked like it had been carved from stone, Luna couldn’t resist a tease. “Why the long face?” she asked, as Cheerilee just groaned at the bad joke. Celestia treated her younger sister to her best eye roll. “I should put you in detention with miss Dash for that, Lu. Now, this is much better!” Thoughts of making her sibling sit for an hour next to Rainbow Dash evaporated from her mind as she again reached into her bag and fished out the Image Stone. “This is amazing.” Quietly, Cheerilee continued to braid her friend’s hair, though she was greatly curious at the object Celestia had produced. “Sorry,” Luna snickered, not sounding very sorry at all, “but I've been waiting all day for that.” Celestia’s best eye roll returned along with her second best in a killer one – two combo that succeeded in shutting her sister up. She did however have an idea how she could return the tease. Like she had been taught by Dawnglow in the forest, she held the polished stone level, a smirk playing on her face. “My sister's butt!” The very instant that Cheerilee saw the globes of her girlfriend’s bare rounded peachy ass, she broke out in gales of laughter. So hard was she laughing that she fell over, clutching her sides. By contrast, Luna simply raised an eyebrow at them both. “I thought you were with a centaur, not such a fine ass, sister,” she giggled, “That’s a really good hologram, by the way.” “Silvy's sister gave it to me,” Celestia explained over Cheerilee’s laughing. “As I understand it, whoever holds it says what they want to see and it appears. Moonsilver.” Just like before, when she said his name, the image on the stone’s surface changed to her Master. Laughing fit over, thanks in no small part to the short sharp slap that her Mistress delivered to her ass, Cheerilee sat back up and she continued to braid Celestia’s hair. Like her, Luna was appraising the pale grey centaur. “He is a rather handsome stallion. Still a stallion, though. Did you 'experiment', sis?” “I certainly did!” Celestia sang out, her heart soaring at the wonderful memory. She had been expecting such a question sooner or later and she wasn’t disappointed. “It was a most satisfactory outcome indeed,” she spared her sibling a knowing wink, “I rode him like a cowboy rides a rodeo mustang!” Both Luna and Cheerilee clapped their hands at that. In a rare show of affection, Luna gave her sister a warm tight hug. She was so proud of and happy for her sister. “For a while there, you were making me feel like a daughter. Now I feel like a sister again, Tia.” In the hug, Celestia kissed Luna's cheek. “It took me a while to find myself again, sis.” She then gave the Image Stone to her sister, an idea having occurred to her. “Speaking of experiments, I have a theory. You try it.” “Okay.” The midnight blue skinned woman took the smooth shiny stone in her hands and studied it with a critical eye. There were no markings, no features. The side she held was a little rougher than the polished side, though she suspected that was to give her something to grip. She felt the underside expecting some sort of power button but there was nothing. Feeling a little foolish, she said, “Cheerilee.” Instantly, the image of Moonsilver changed to Cheerilee wearing nothing but her choker and a dark blue wasp corset with matching gloves and thigh high boots. She hadn’t been expecting the tingle in her arms. She didn't drop the stone, but she did quickly hand it back. “That was what I was thinking, but it felt really weird…” Cheerilee though was looking fondly at the image of her. “That was a fun day, Mistress.” Celestia, smiling broadly, passed the stone to Cheerilee. “Leelee, your turn.” “Okay…” hesitantly, almost like she expected it to set her alight, Cheerilee took the Image Stone in her hands. Like Luna had done, she inspected it for any signs of mechanical workings but found none. Quickly though she had an image in her mind. “My Mistress's family.” The image of Cheerilee and her corset vanished, to be replaced with one of Celestia and Luna holding hands. The fuchsia skinned submissive’s cheeks burned bright red when her Mistress and her sister appeared naked. That was how she pictured them, but still. Celestia’s smile though was like the proverbial Cheshire cat. Her theory was on good ground, it seemed. “I thought so! Now ah, this last one requires a bit of a large ask, I'm afraid, if you'd both be willing.” “So-Sorry Mistress…” Poor Cheerilee looked like she could boil the lake water, she was blushing so hard. Taking a little pity on her, Luna leant over her naked sister and kissed her pet’s lips. “Don’t be,” she whispered, “It was a very pretty picture.” Still blushing though, Cheerilee passed back the stone and finished the braid. Sitting back down on the dock, Luna nodded. “Sure, I'm game.” Taking back the Image Stone, Celestia placed it reverently in her shoulder bag and she took out the Healing Stone from its place on her choker. This experiment was, admittedly, rather a big one. “May I strike you, just once each?” she asked, showing them the green stone she held in her palm. “This is a Healing Stone.” At once, Cheerilee raised her hand like a student in class trying to get the teacher’s attention. “Please, Mistress, allow her to strike me!” Luna though looked dubious. Not that she distrusted her sister, it was the stone she was unsure of. “Should it not be both of us?” “Don't worry Lu,” Celestia giggled, “I won't hurt you.” “Sis,” said Luna with a roll of her eyes, “that is the least of my worries. I'll not let my pet experience what I have not. You may strike us both, but me first.” “I know, sis. Alright.” On a silent count of three, Celestia brought her left hand hard across her sister’s face, the forceful slap sounding like a cannon blast across the calm peaceful lake. It wasn’t a very hard slap, but it was enough that she could feel it, enough to bruise up. After a moment, she tried to give her the stone. Before she would accept it though, Luna shook her head. “You may strike Leelee first.” Recognising the love and trust on display, Celestia hugged first her sister then her long-time friend. “Ready?” “Always!” Cheerilee nodded enthusiastically, her head held high. Before she could change her mind, Celestia gave Cheerilee the same sort of slap she had just given Luna. It was a slap hard enough to sting and bruise up to a decent black eye. As soon as it does, she gave her the stone in her hand. “Hold it tight to your face, Leelee.” Luna nodded to her pet. “Yes, Mistress.” Cheerilee took the stone and she held it to her bruised cheek, just as she had been directed. She smiled when she felt a pleasant warmth, like a heat pack, spread over her face. As it did so, the pain diminished until it was gone and the bruise was healed. Watching earnestly, Celestia asked, “What do you feel, Leelee?” “The pain is gone,” Cheerilee reported with a look of surprise on her face, for she hadn’t been expecting that at all. “The stone was nice and warm to the touch, but not too hot.” Satisfied, Luna reached for the stone and she placed it on her cheek. “Consider this an experiment to see if older wounds take longer to heal.” Just like her pet’s bruised eye and cheek, Luna’s face healed, but hers, being slightly older, did take a few seconds longer to heal. “Interesting,” she commented, once she felt the warmth spread across her face, “why are you not using this on your leg?” “I am!” Celestia admitted, “I have been, I mean, using it.” Luna snickered at that, “I wonder what the doc will think of that. Still, go for it, sis.” Celestia joined her sister in a good natured laugh, for she could picture doctor Bone Meal’s astounded face. “Probably think it's a miracle I've healed way quicker than he said but, better than spending another five weeks in this infernal cast. Well,” she said, changing the subject, “I think this confirms it. We all have Equestrian magic!” “I have magic?” Vice Principal Luna rolled her eyes at her excited girlfriend. “Isn't ‘magic’ just another name for technology you don't understand?” “Yes you do, Leelee, Equestrian magic.” Celestia shot her sister a pouting frown for almost squashing Cheerilee’s enjoyment. She placed the Healing Stone back in her pale grey choker and indicated the other two. “These should just be stones. Unremarkable stones. But they aren't. We can use them, because we have magic. And, Lu, usually I'd be the first to agree with you, but after all we've seen? This is real magic, sis.” Happy as a child on Christmas morning, Cheerilee danced on the dock. “I got magic! I got magic!” Luna sighed deeply, as her pet seemed immune to her eye roll number three at that moment. “I suppose it does explain away what has happened, but it’s not an explanation I care for. Sounds like some fantasy movie.” Celestia giggled hard at Cheerilee, before turning her attention to her sister. “It is what it is, Lulu. We've all been exposed to Equestrian magic multiple times over the past several months. The Fall Formal, the Musical Showcase, the Friendship Games, here at camp, I think, and now I know, that every time, we've absorbed the magic we've been exposed to.” “Can I turn invisible?” asked Cheerilee eagerly and, with all the possibilities of that running through her mind, she started to concentrate very hard indeed. “I do hope not,” Luna shuddered, “the naughty factor will skyrocket…” “I think you'd need a special stone for that, Leelee,” Celestia explained, “the centaurs use them for that purpose, stealth. They call them Air Stones.” Wearing a disappointed pout that didn’t go at all well with her dress, Cheerilee sat down heavily on the dock. Helpfully, Luna patted her head. “There go her dreams of sneaking up on my feet. How many of those special stones do you have? I take it those are some in the choker?” “I have three. Healing, Language and Dreams. There are eight schools in total.” Straightaway, Cheerilee stopped pouting and looked at Luna. Luna, in turn, shared a very meaningful look with her girlfriend and pet. Both women happened to be thinking the same thing. “Was that dream we interrupted just a dream or were you with him in a shared dream?” “It was a shared dream. I was with Moonsilver in the forest. He has the twin to this stone, they're linked. It's how I've been seeing him.” Now, Luna sat up straight. She was very interested in this little nugget. “You know I'm doing a thesis on the dreamscape,” she paused and held up a hand as she had seen her sister about to speak, “I will not ask for your stone as it has meaning to you. Should you get another pair, and everyone knows that they will go to me and Leelee, then that would be nice.” “I'm sure I can get two for you, Lu.” Celestia replied confidently. She saw no issue getting the stones for her sister’s use. “I'm seeing Silvy next week.” She then stretched and sighed, seeing the sun getting low in the evening sky. “Ready to go home, now you know I'm not making it all up?” “You're a good story teller, Tia, but this is far too believable.” Luna stood and then she helped her sister to her feet. In doing so she couldn’t help but glance up and down at the birthday suit her sibling was wearing so proudly. “Not to put a damper on the party, but are you riding home dressed like that?” At that moment, Celestia looked down at her very naked self and realised just how naked she was. Which was very, but for her choker and cast. “I suppose I should dress. I don't want the young men creaming their pants, do I?” She took a few moments, but she eventually managed to dress herself in just the skimpy Brazilian bikini. Cheerilee’s eyes widened and then they crossed as she watched the older woman adjust the bikini so that it just covered her nipples. She liked. Very much indeed. “Oh, can I have one of those?” she asked, making Luna giggle. “So that is what you got at Rarity's?” Luna asked, though it wasn’t much of a question. “Very nice. I think Leelee will look good in that, only a nice navy blue one.” Hearing that, that she would be getting one very soon, Cheerilee clapped her hands excitedly. “I'm glad I got this now,” Celestia giggled. Luna led the way from the dock back to the parking lot. As Cheerilee was bringing up the rear, the white skinned woman made a show of wiggling her rear, knowing full well the effect it would have on her. “It does show off your assets!” Cheerilee exclaimed, quickly she covered her mouth when she realised she had spoken out of turn. Luna just grinned, now she had ammunition to spank her with later. Like she needed an excuse. “That's the idea, Leelee!” Celestia giggled like an overgrown schoolgirl and she made a show of getting in the passenger seat of her station wagon, purely for her friend’s benefit. As it turned out, it was a nice and pleasant ride home. Both Luna and Cheerilee asked a few light probing questions about centaurs, and about the sex. Mainly they asked about the sex. All about the sex. Size, colour, position, time taken, the amount of orgasms… Both of them genuinely accepted what Celestia told them. After almost an hour’s drive and lots of questions, Celestia giggled as the car pulled into the driveway of the one storey villa she shared with her sister on the far side of Canterville amidst the trees. Getting out of the old car, Cheerilee was still trying to process what she had been told regarding Moonsilver’s fourteen inch length and the amount Celestia had taken inside her. “I look at it as a challenge!” she declared as she opened the door for her boss to get out. “A challenge I intend to work towards.” Luna stated with determination as she led the three of them up to the well-kept white villa. She was happy to be home, even though it was summer it was starting to get quite chilly now it was late in the evening. “By the way, Leelee, his sister's a sub too,” said Celestia with a smile as she got to her door. All of a sudden, a thought occurred to her, almost out of nowhere. A memory of the fuchsia vibrator she currently had in her bag. “Oh, Lu, I ah, I have something for you in my bag.” Having stepped a foot through the door, Luna kicked off her open toed sandals, much to Cheerilee’s delight. “Buggy whip, riding crop, paddle?” “Fuchsia vibrator, very slightly used.” Luna took it from her heavily blushing sister while her pet closed the door behind them. “Nice that it finally found its way home. Thank you, sis.” When she was beckoned with a small finger motion, Cheerilee approached her Mistress and took the vibrator in her hands. Curiously she gave it a deep sniff and, when she found it didn’t smell like Celestia, she gave it a tentative lick, only to discover its taste. “Did he use it on you?” “No,” with that admission, Celestia’s blush only deepened. “My Master's friend, Honeyside kept it safe, inside her. Master's eagle took it, the other night.” Again, Cheerilee licked the tip of the toy. “Tastes normal.” Stood in the entrance hall, Celestia was about to apologise for Rehanos having taken the toy when her sister turned and waved it aside like it was nothing. There was no sense in making a thing out of that now, not after everything she had learnt that day. The discovery that she now possessed Equestrian magic sort of put things into perspective. Besides, she had the toy back. So it was all good. She pointed one hand to the kitchen while the other swatted Cheerilee towards her bedroom. “Leftovers are in the fridge. We will see you in the morning.” While she microwaved what was left of a half-pound burger and fries meal back up to temperature, Celestia took out the Image Stone and used it to stare longingly at her handsome Master. As she ate though, she had an idea. She requested “Moonsilver’s family” and smiled at the image of him stood beside his sister, Dawnglow. Her meal eaten, she walked on through to her own bedroom, ignoring the pained and pleasured squeals that came from behind her sister’s closed door. After the events that had transpired, she was looking forward to laying on her bed and, with thoughts of her Master’s hand slapping her fat ass and groping her huge breasts, as well as his cock penetrating all the way inside her, she intended to masturbate herself unconscious. However, when she walked into her bedroom, she discovered one last surprise. Her bedroom window, which she always left open, was wider open than usual. The drawers of her dresser were pulled out, the neatly folded contents spilled on the carpeted floor. Similarly, she found her closet had been ransacked as well. All her panties and most of her bras seemed to have been stolen. At first, she feared she had been burgled by some pervert, until she saw a very familiar note left on her bed. Snatching up the parchment, she read it, smiled and read it again. “My dearest Celestia, I understand the importance of clothing to humans, but I believe you wear far too any layers. I have instructed Rehanos to take as many undergarments as he could find from your home. When next we meet I expect you to wear none of these things. You must avoid wearing them at all times if you can. They hide your natural scent and beauty. Your Master, Moonsilver.” Principal Celestia smiled and climbed into bed with a slight blush at the prospect. That was a command she was more than happy to live with. > Chapter 10 - Pony Confidential > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Sunset Shimmer awoke, she did so to an empty bed. Sluggishly, she cracked open an eye to confirm that she was in fact alone in Applejack’s bed. Sunset smiled. She liked Applejack’s bed, if only for the fact it smelled like her girlfriend. Namely, of hay and apples. Not a bad combination, in her view. Rolling over with a yawn, she first wondered what she had done to earn a lie in. Her Mistress usually had her up at the crack of dawn. Then, she wondered what had woken her, if it wasn’t Applejack. She soon got her answer. On her night stand was her journal, the gift from Princess Celestia before she had ran away from home like a spoiled brat, glowing and vibrating like an oddly shaped sex toy. The buzzing of the vibrating book had been what had woken her. “Uuuugh…stupid book…” she grunted and rolled over in an attempt to ignore it. That just reminded her the bed was empty. Denied her usual morning snuggle, Sunset laid in the duvet, debating her options. On one hand, she could stay where she was, cocooned in the heavenly warm duvet. On the other, she could get up and see where Applejack had gone, and why she’d left her in bed alone. Or, she could see what was waiting for her in her book. All were tempting options. A second of contemplation later and she decided on the first. Turning over with a grunt, Sunset found her partner’s pillow, which still retained her warmth and scent. Wherever Applejack had gone, she hadn’t been gone long. Smiling to herself, Sunset ignored her buzzing book and buried her face into the pillow, breathing in the smell as she once more closed her eyes and pulled the duvet over her head. Just as she was about to drift off into her slumber another scent assailed her nostrils, wrestling with her olfactory sense and beating it into submission. The wonderful, amazing and mouth-watering smell of cooking came from downstairs. That, she couldn’t ignore. Applejack was at the stove making cinnamon apple flapjacks. Applejack was playing dirty today, it seemed. There was no way in this or any other world that Sunset could ignore Applejack’s cooking, and the farmer knew it. Sunset knew that she knew, too. What’s more, Applejack knew that Sunset knew she knew. It was her deadliest weapon, barring the crop and buggy whip. “Fine…” Sunset groused and, giving in like she did every single time, she got out of the bed. Still wiping sleep from her eyes, she slouched naked into the bathroom and gave herself a quick, cold, wash. She even managed, thanks to the use of her mane ‘n tail and body shampoo, to tame her unruly red and yellow hair into a ponytail. Morning ablutions taken care of, hands washed, face washed, high ponytail in place, she gave herself a double finger gun salute and traipsed back to the bedroom. Dressing in just her long orange tee and choker – some clothing was important lest she upset Granny Smith, if she was about – she picked up the journal under her arm and walked barefoot down the stairs. When she got down the stairs into the large rustic kitchen, Sunset saw that Applejack was indeed over at the stove, similarly dressed to her in just a long yellow night shirt and of course her ever present hat. What was more, she had her back to her! Sensing an opportunity, Sunset padded silently over the floorboards until she was behind the farmer and then she slipped her hands around and groped her boobs, kissing the back of her neck. “Guess who?” Applejack only flinched a little bit. Sunset thought she had been stealthy, but a loose floorboard had creaked ever so slightly. “Hmm, let’s see…hands to soft to be Big Mac, too big to be my lil’ sis. Hummm...” she playfully ran through some options just to tease the girl she knew was behind her. “Nah, she couldn't be here. Maybe, nah, not her either. If Ah was to make a guess it would be mah Sunny!” “You win!” Happily, Sunset planted a series of soft kisses all around Applejack's broad muscular neck and shoulders. “What did the book have to say fer itself?” Applejack asked as she transferred a stack of cooked flapjacks onto a plate and then put more batter in the pan. She was determined to feed up her pony if it was the last thing she did. “It was buzzin’ and flashin’ away like crazy when Ah woke up.” “I don't know,” Sunset admitted, “I haven't looked yet.” If she was honest, and she always was around her girlfriend – the walking lie detector – she’d had more important things on her mind when she woke up than her journal. Slipping her fingers under the night shirt she wore, Sunset hugged Applejack’s flat toned belly. “I thought we'd look together, after breakfast.” “Set the table, I'll have these ready in a couple minutes.” She would be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t curious about what the Princess had written, particularly now she knew about the centaurs in the Everfree forest, but breakfast came first. “You got it, Jackie,” Sunset gave her girlfriend’s neck one last kiss before she got busy, the floorboards creaking as she wasn’t trying to be quiet. She quickly got the table ready, setting two lots of forks and knives, along with the pear jam and maple syrup down on the table. “Done!” Appreciating the quick work, Applejack moved the stack of flapjacks to the table. She then transferred half to both plates and made a ‘help yourself’ motion. As her belly rumbled, Sunset dove straight in. “Thanks Jackie, these are beautiful!” Sunset slurred around a mouthful of food, reminded again why she loved her. “Taste as good as they look, alright,” Applejack grinned as she swallowed a forkful of her breakfast. “Ah forgot the juice, if you could, please.” “Sure thing, Jackie.” Getting up, Sunset blew her girlfriend and Mistress a kiss before she padded over to the fridge. After a brief and victorious investigation, she came back with a carton apple and blackcurrant juice. Sitting at the table, she dutifully poured a glass for Applejack first then one for herself. Just as she was about to return to her meal, the farmer’s attention was drawn to the magic journal. Conspicuously, it was still flashing and buzzing on the table. “Is the light bulb in that thing gonna burn out?” Giggling, Sunset glanced at the book. “It'll stop once we open it. It's like a text alert.” She was in no hurry to look inside. Her empty belly demanded it be filled, first, before she did anything else. She was sure the Queen of Libraries and the Princess of Cake would understand. “It could be important,” Applejack countered after making a decent sized dent in her stack of flapjacks. “Maybe our Princess friend needs more of that mane and tail shampoo you use.” Sunset laughed and winked at her girlfriend. “No way I'm giving up Shimmer's stuff! And besides, you shampoo my hair…” she chose to leave the rest of her sentence, namely about Applejack using her face as a chair, unspoken. The look they shared between themselves said enough. “Alright,” she said once she had eaten her fill of the breakfast and drank her juice, “let's have a look at what the Princess has to say.” Extremely curious, Applejack scooted over to Sunset and sat down by her side at the breakfast table as she flipped it open. Thankfully there were pictures, because the words meant nothing to her. “Someday you'll have to teach me what those squiggles mean. That Equestrian ain't easy to read.” “And some people think my beautiful farmer struggles with English!” Sunset leant up and kissed the taller girl’s freckled cheek. Looking back at the journal, she saw there was a map of Equestria drawn on the pages which covered just the larger main cities, the Celestial Sea in the east, the Kirin glades, the Dragonlands and Griffonstone in the far east. To the west was the North and South Luna Ocean and further west was just "A Distant Land". Along with that map were images of the geodes, centaurs, Scorpan and then finally Tirek in his various forms, ending with the giant "Destroyer". Sunset’s eyes were wide as dinner plates. “Oh my goodness!” Applejack playfully flicked her submissive’s ear. “I'll have you know, Sunny, I can use fancy speech, such as English, when the occasion requires it.” She looked down at the drawings and she shuddered so hard that Sunset felt it. Some of the images, particularly the one of Tirek in the centaurs giant form, disturbed her. “Yes you can, my sexy hayseed,” Sunset, who had felt the shudder, wrapped Applejack up in a reassuring hug and kissed her neck and cheek. Waving at the map, she explained, “This is Equestria here,” her hand covered the whole land from north to south, east to west, “and there,” she then pointed to the ‘Distant Land’, “is where the centaurs are from.” Applejack frowned, “Not from Greece then?” “Nope, it seemed Celestia, I mean, Principal Celestia's, suspicion was right.” Sunset studied the writing, She recognised it as Princess Twilight’s cursive script. “The centaurs originated in Equestria.” She pointed to a big paragraph, that had attached pictures. “It says Tirek the Destroyer wanted to overthrow Equestria. He sucked the magic out of all the ponies he came across and grew powerful. His brother, Scorpan, didn't want to invade anyone...pony, so, while the Princesses were fighting his brother, he appealed to Starswirl the Bearded for asylum. He sent them here, to this world.” The farmer didn’t necessarily like that one bit. That sounded to her like yet another magical problem booted from Equestria and a problem for them to solve. “So, what happened to that Tirek fella?” “He was imprisoned in Tartarus for his crimes, but it says here he escaped when Cerberus abandoned his post…” she went quiet as she read on. “Seems we have a lot in common.” “Yeah we do. Ah, it says here that Tirek attempted a second invasion, he assimilated all the magic from every single pony in the land, even the Princesses and Discord, but that Twilight was able to stop him, eventually. He's now in the seventh and lowest level of Tartarus under maximum security.” Sunset then turned the page in the journal and her eyes again went very wide. Staring from her girlfriend to the page and back again, Applejack saw what it was that had made Sunset react like that. There was an illustration on the page of eight geodes. Eight very familiar looking geodes. “They sure look like the ones we’re wearing, huh?” “Exactly like the ones we're wearing, Jackie,” Sunset confirmed grimly. “It says here the centaurs brought the geodes with them from Equestria, they're the source of their magic. Each one has a different function, like building, language, dreams, healing, stealth, that sort of thing.” “Was it the same functions that we have now,” Applejack asked curiously, “or did we change them?” “Yes…no…I think, kinda both?” Sunset sighed and tried to explain it better. “See, it says here that my geode is Dreams and your geode is Water. The water centaurs were strong farmers and diplomats. I think that when they bonded with us, we added our Equestrian elements, Honesty and Empathy, to the magic already present in the geodes.” Applejack had heard Sunset, and Princess Twilight, talk of the Elements of Harmony after they had cleansed Sunset at the Fall Formal and ‘Sci’ Twilight at the Friendship Games. “You mean like those Elements of Harmony Ah remember you talked about? Um…Honesty, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, Kindness and Magic, right?” She finished with pride, happy to show off what she knew. “That's it, exactly!” Sunset kissed Applejack’s lips, her reward for being a clever farmer. “They must have recognised the Equestrian magic in us and bonded with us, like joining with like!” Shaking her head, Applejack braced herself for what was coming. Sunset was getting up a head of steam and was quickly entering her lecture mode. It was cute and all, especially when she got together with their Twilight, but it was a bit too early for that. “Ah don't know about that sugarcube. You have that Equestrian magic, we didn't, well, not until Princess Twilight came along and there was that whole shindig with the crown. Everything changed after that.” So eager was she to learn something new, particularly as she sensed there was a breakthrough in these pages, Sunset ignored the comment about the crown and the Element of Magic and she nodded eagerly. “And everything changed again after the Friendship Games, you felt it, I know you did, after Midnight Sparkle opened all those portals.” Sunset held Applejack tight, “You don't talk about it, but I know it affected you, Jackie.” Applejack stared at the page and nodded solemnly. Sunset was right. She didn’t ever talk about it. She was also right that it had affected her. How could it not have? Dimensional portals, parallel worlds, talking ponies, magic… it all seemed like one of Applebloom’s science fiction shows she liked to watch. That didn’t sit well with Applejack. She was a farmer. She knew trees, growing cycles, bucking apples. Magic…magic belonged to a world she wasn’t interested in. Or so she thought until she got with Sunset. “To be honest, Ah was affected when that pit in front of the school opened up and the front entrance was destroyed. But, yeah, it has been getting stronger, and then even Ah had to admit to the magic we got after Camp Everfree.” “It scares you,” Sunset kissed Applejack’s freckled nose and hugged her close, “I know, but you don't admit it.” “Well, it’s something Ah gotta learn to live with,” Applejack admitted with a sigh but, as she was being held, she knew she wouldn’t have to live with it alone. “So what does all this have to do with the Principal, exactly?” Sunset read and spoke at the same time, “It seems that Princess Twilight agrees with the principal. Since we've all been repeatedly exposed to Equestrian magic, we're all contaminated, and so, because the centaur stones are Equestrian, that's why their defences are failing! That's why Principal Celestia can see them! That's why there's those reports on the news of ‘Monsters in the Everfree’, because other people in the city can see them too!” Another sigh escaped Applejack’s lips. Sunset was hitting lecture mode and there was no sign of her stopping. When that happened it was best to nod and smile. “Ah still say those stories were hype from the camp to drum up business. They’ve been around long before this Equestria stuff happened.” “They may have been at first,” Sunset conceded, because she remembered what Timber Spruce was like with the whole Gaia Everfree ghost story, “But think of all the students from CHS that have seen 'things' in the forest since the Friendship Games. Lyra and Bon Bon, Octavia and Vinyl, among others. They've all been exposed to the magic too!” “That sure was a thing, huh, when Gloriosa turned into that Gaia Everfree character?” Applejack tried to head off the lecture before it started. “So what do you do now?” Sunset knew exactly what to do. “We take this to the Principal. This is information she needs, especially as she's in a relationship with one of the centaurs…” Applejack held up her hands and took a deep breath. That was still something she was trying to get her head around. It was also something she was struggling with. Not that she was close minded or anything like that, but still… “Ah'm not going to judge on that, but whoa, Ah think you as a pony is sweet, but a real pony?” “Maybe she likes big things?” Sunset couldn’t resist and she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at her girlfriend and Mistress. After rolling her green eyes at her sub’s playful suggestion, Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like some filly not a million miles away wants a whip'n,” she giggled, “You gonna head over to see her then?” “We are.” Sunset corrected her, “Don't you want to come too?” It would certainly make things easier if Applejack heard everything that was said, it would mean she wouldn’t have to repeat herself when she got back home. Plus, she saw an opportunity to have some fun. “You sure you want me to come?” Applejack snickered, “after what you told me about your last visit, what if Ah get an eyeful and don't come back?” “I’m prepared to take that risk,” Sunset giggled before she kissed her girlfriend’s lips. “And, besides, this filly really wants a "whip'n" as you put it, and...if you agree, I'd like to do something fun at Celestia's place.” Applejack saw ‘that’ look in her girlfriend’s eyes. She knew what ‘that’ look meant. ‘That’ was the look that said she wanted some Shimmer time. She was down with that. Smiling, she ran her fingers along the side of Sunset's face. “Ah do say girl, that you have developed an exhibitionist streak, and Ah'm okay with that. You wanna pony up, or do you have something else in mind?” Sunset knew exactly what she wanted. She saw it in her Mistress’s eyes too. “I want to take Shimmer's tack and pony up, please Mistress” she then kissed and nipped at the farmer’s callused but delicate fingers. “And, I want anything else you'd like to do, too.” “Ah'll go get dressed and then we’ll get you dressed. Except for the tail. That can we till we get there. Even if you'd love to stand in the back of the pickup.” Applejack stood up and glanced at the breakfast table. “Get the dishes cleaned, my little pony.” While Sunset was busy at the sink getting everything washed, the farmer headed back up to the bedroom. Once there she exchanged her long night shirt in favour of a short faded blue denim skirt - no underwear - and a white tee shirt with the words 'Cowgirls Ride It Harder' and a denim vest over that. The last things she pulled on were her boots and her hat. “Ah'm dressed,” she declared when she was back downstairs, “now to get you dressed.” Sunset, who had finished washing the dishes a few minutes before Applejack came back, was waiting by the door, still wearing nothing but the long tee shirt and her choker. “You ride it harder, huh?” she laughed, reading the slogan on her lover’s shirt, “You gonna prove that, farmgirl?” “Ain't Ah proved that to you yet?” Applejack paused and crossed her arms under her breasts, a non-plussed look on her face. “Some filly’s really acting naughty. Lose the shirt,” the farmer slipped easily into her dominant persona, “keep the choker, and we'll head out to the barn to get you dressed.” The moment she heard the commanding tone in Applejack’s voice, Sunset let out a happy little whinny and she removed the tee shirt without a second’s hesitation, folding it and placing it on the ancient couch. That done, she placed her hands behind her back box style so that her forearms were touching. Following her Mistress out to the barn, she made sure to lift her legs up so that her thighs were level with the ground. Her Mistress liked that. In the barn, the first article of Shimmer’s tack that Applejack took down from the wall mounted rack was the leather under bust corset. It was mainly red, as was most of the gear, with a few black accents spread out across the surface. Sunset lifted her arms above her head and her Mistress helped her into the corset. It was actually pretty small, settling into place just above her hips and below her bosom. “Tell me when to stop,” she said as she grabbed the lace and began to tighten the corset. The red leather started to constrict, hugging Sunset’s midsection tighter and tighter with each tug of the lace. Sunset breathed in and out slowly, testing to make sure she could still breath with ease. As the corset began to form the accent of an hourglass figure, she held up a hand. “That’s good, Mistress.” she stated. Many sessions together had taught her the value of knowing when and where to draw the line. Unless she wanted to pass out. Applejack nodded and knotted the lace before tucking it away in the back. The next items to be taken from the rack were the pair of speciality designed knee high boots that were constructed of a solid red leather. What made them so special, and what made Sunset like them so much, was the fact that the bottoms were moulded into the shape of an equine hoof. They even had a cast iron horseshoe affixed to the bottom. She didn’t know exactly why, but there was just ‘something’ therapeutic about ponying up like this. Along with the boots came a pair of gloves. They were of a similar design being a solid red leather that would start at the elbow before transitioning into hooves. These also had a pair of horseshoes on the end. Applejack held onto one of the boots and knelt down before her soon to be pony. This was a part of the process she always liked, no matter how many times they did this; taking her girlfriend and transforming her into her special pony. The amount of trust and love that Sunset showed and gave her turned her on to no end. Sunset, watching her Mistress kneel, instinctively offered her left leg to her, which she began to carefully slide inside. The interior of the boot was well cushioned. This was due to the shoe’s narrow design which would force her to walk on what were practically the tips of her toes. The boot settled into place and Applejack began to lace it up. Once that was done, Sunset offered the farmer her other leg as she picked up the second boot. With deft skill born of plenty of practise, she repeated the process, gingerly fitting her foot into the red leather. When that was completed, and she was satisfied that both boots were on snug and were supporting her sub’s legs and feet, Applejack grabbed one of the red leather hoof gloves and offered her hand to her. In response, Sunset laid her fist out upon her Mistress’s palm. She held it for a moment before sliding her arm into the glove. Once her hand had settled into the hoof, Sunset was unable to move her fingers more than a few mere fractions of an inch. For all practical purposes, she had been robbed of a hand. The process was repeated once more as Applejack carefully fitted the second glove onto her other hand. From this point on, Sunset knew she was at her owner’s complete and utter mercy. The idea sent a cold shiver up her spine and started a rather pleasant sensation between her thighs. The last piece of Shimmer’s tack that Applejack took down was the red bridle. The headpiece started with a red latex bit which would fall between her lips, which the submissive girl opened without need for an order so it could be fitted into her mouth. This was connected to a pair of brass rings which in turn were affixed to two solid straps of red leather. One strap would go directly behind, creating a band around her head. The other went diagonal upwards, joining with a leather crown of similar colour. This crown would wrap around her scalp, being supported by yet another piece of leather that went over top of her head from front to back. Connected to each side of the crown was a fake horse ears that matched her skin’s hue. “Ah don't think you'll need the blinders today, as we ain't taking the cart.” Applejack stated as she stood back and admired her handiwork with no small degree of pride. She chose to hold onto the red and yellow tail. That would be added later. “You is a right pretty sight, Shimmer, if Ah do say so mahself.” The very last thing she added were a pair of scandalously small red panties. Once she was fully 'transformed', Sunset – or Shimmer, as she thought of herself - already had a line of drool forming at the bit in her mouth, stomped her hoofed foot onto the dusty floor of the barn. “Pphhhhbbt!” the pony snorted, a look of happy bliss on her face. ‘Oh yeah,’ she thought to herself as Applejack walked circles around her, surveying her exposed body, ‘Celestia knows I need this!’ Satisfied that everything was as it should be, Applejack grabbed the riding crop and a small buggy whip from the wall. Necessary, should her pony chose to misbehave. “Come along Shimmer. Let's get you loaded in the truck, girl.” The walk outside the barn sent a thrill of pleasure coursing through Shimmer’s body. The heat between her legs seemed to grow hotter with each step she took. The feel of the gentle summer breeze and the warm sun on her bare skin only added to the arousal she felt, the fact that anyone who happened to be at the farm could see her only turned her on more. As she followed Applejack out of the barn, she made sure to keep her legs high with each step, her arms bent and her hooves up. Countless licks of the crop and whip had taught her how her owner liked her to walk. Now, it was practically second nature. Looking over her shoulder, Applejack was again filled with pride. Pride that even though she had not ordered her to, Shimmer followed her training to the letter. When they got to the truck, the farmer opened the side door and helped her pony inside with a mighty grope to her bare ass that made Shimmer neigh with delight and shake and wiggle said ass, begging for another grope. “Calm down there, Shimmer, it’s just a short ride, girl.” ~ ~ ~ After a short drive of just an hour, Applejack parked up her truck as the timer on the dashboard ticked over onto ten thirty a.m. Shimmer absolutely loved riding in the truck, she would have stood in the back for all to see if she could. Instead, she contented herself with watching the scenery change from urban to more rural the nearer they get to Celestia's place. For safe keeping, Applejack had the journal up front with her. “Ah know you want this tail in you, but if we're gonna give the Principal a show, we'll do it right.” The farmer stated as she got out of her truck with tail, book, crop and whip all under her right arm. Opening the side door, Applejack then ‘helped’ Shimmer get out of the truck. She paid no heed whatsoever to where they were, if there was anybody else on the street or not or who of the neighbours – though the houses here were all detached and with a good twenty feet between each one – and, with a hand in her pony’s crotch, she used her immense strength to lift Shimmer up and set her down on the sidewalk. With a light pat to her ass, she encouraged her pony along. “Get along, little girl, don't want to keep her waiting.” “NEeeeEEeeeEEeEEEIGH!” Shimmer let out the pleasured moan as she was set down on the sidewalk, her knees wobbling and horseshoes clopping on the pavement. She didn’t care at all who saw her in her current state. As far as she was concerned, she had nothing whatsoever to be ashamed of. After a moment to collect herself, she walked up to the house, keeping her knees high. Smirking, Applejack licked her fingers clean of her pony’s juices and followed after her up the neatly kept pathway to the palatial villa. ‘This ought to be fun…’ she thought wryly to herself. Completely unaware that she was about to receive visitors, Celestia was sat in her living room wearing nothing but her skimpy Brazilian bikini. She was having a rather splendid morning, all told. Luna was again off at Cheerilee’s place, leaving her in peace. As such, she had her coffee and her Awesome Mix cassette playing on a stereo that was, by her sister’s assessment, at least a thousand years old. Outside, on the path, Applejack was waiting to see if Shimmer would ring the bell or just knock. In the end, she used her hoof to ring the bell. Caught by surprise, Celestia was indecisive if she should put a robe on or not. Peeking out of the window, she saw whom it was who was ringing her door bell and she almost fell to the floor in shocked surprise when she saw Sunset Shimmer in that outfit. With a deep breath, she decided to answer the door as she was. There was no way she could compete with that. “Oh my, Miss Applejack, Miss Shimmer, this is a pleasant surprise!” she declared when she opened the door to her guests. The much older woman was rather proud though when she saw Sunset’s mouth hang wide in response to her bikini. It wasn’t only Sunset who was standing open mouthed. Applejack too was staring openly at Celestia’s massive fleshy breasts barely contained in the thin strips of red material that just covered her nipples. “Well ah, n-not the only pleasant surprise…” she quickly recovered her more dominant tone though. “Ah hope we haven't come at a bad time, but Shimmer has something to tell you.” “PhhBBBT!” Shimmer snorted out her agreement, the pony nodding her head and drooling on her exposed chest. “In that case, won't you both please come on in?” Celestia, who had noted that Sunset was wearing the red under bust corset with no other top and which completely left her drool covered breasts uncovered, stood aside to let them both enter her house. She may have been uncomfortable at the girl’s state of undress, had she not recently seen Honeyside and Dawnglow, as well as her sister and Cheerilee, naked and unashamed. Grinning, Applejack took Shimmer’s reins in hand and, once they were inside, she led her pony over to a rather expensive looking white leather couch. Sitting down, the farmer placed Shimmer down on the floor, on the side that faced into the living room, for there was more space for her mare to kneel. When Celestia followed them into the room and sat back in her comfy wingback chair, Applejack sat with her legs wider than what would be lady like. “So...” the Principal blushed ever so faintly because she could see all the way up the blonde girl’s denim skirt to her bare pussy, “ah, I aaaaah…assume this is the pony play that Sunset was telling me about?” “She told you about that, huh, well it’s a bit difficult for her to speak right now with the bit and all. Just one thing needs to be done before Ah can remove that.” Applejack held up the red and yellow tail butt plug. “Be a good girl Shimmer and drool on that for me.” Obediently, Shimmer leant over and drooled all over the five inch long, inch and a quarter wide tapered butt plug. Like she was watching an educational video, Celestia looked on, mentally taking notes. “Well, ya got it wet, but not wet enough. Hmm, Ah'll see what Ah can do…” the farmer, looking the older woman in the eyes, took the thin end of the plug and pushed it into herself, swirling it around in her wet snatch. “That should get it wet enough!” Eager to watch – and learn - Celestia bit her lip, impressed with Applejack’s brazenness. Luna would be proud, that much was certain. Idly, she wondered if they got up to this sort of thing when they had been her students. Then, she admitted that they must have done. “That's her tail?” “Yeah,” Applejack replied, never once breaking eye contact with her old teacher, “but this ain’t the right home for it. Mmmm, just getting it ready.” She could see by the choker that the older woman wore that she was a sub to her new partner. That just made the blonde wetter between her legs. It suited her, that much was obvious. As she was watching the show being put on in her own living room – not the only show she had seen, thanks to her sister and Cheerilee – Celestia was getting quite hot and bothered. “Want some help with that?” she then blushed, not knowing where that came from. “Sure enough, you could put her tail on.” Applejack grinned, pulling the now thoroughly lubed up plug out of her and she handed it over tail-first to Celestia. “On your hooves, Shimmer!” Shimmer, who was a good pony, was immediately down on all four of her hooves, her ass up in the air. Proud of her good pony, Applejack placed a hand between Shimmer’s legs and then she pulled the tiny panties to the side as she slid a finger in her tight puckered asshole. “It goes right here.” Her hand shaking, Celestia took the well lubricated plug and, pushing ever so slightly, the Principal inserted it into Shimmer’s asshole, loving the little neigh of pleasure that the pony made in response. She was amazed at how well Shimmer just stood there on her hooves and didn’t flinch. It was clear they had done this many times. “She's very well trained, Miss Applejack, you must be proud of her.” Celestia caught herself stroking Shimmer’s side like she would pet a real horse. “She is well behaved most of the time, but there is a reason Ah have a crop and whip.” Like the Principal, Applejack caressed her pony’s flanks, enjoying the soft neighs that she made before she moved her hands up and she removed bridle. “She will be fine on the floor.” The dominant farmer then sat back, her legs wide. Celestia, who recognised when she was getting an education herself, beamed a smile as Applejack sat back comfortably on the couch and Shimmer knelt on the floor much like Cheerilee did for Luna. She was eager to learn how others played the D/S game, so she could be a better sub for her Master. As such, she remembered her manners. “Can I get you both a drink before we talk?” Taking up the magic journal, Applejack opened it on the coffee table between herself and Celestia to the page that Shimmer had shown her back at the farm. Now it had been mentioned though, her throat was a little dry. A bowl of water for mah pet, and Ah'd like some juice and fizzy water if you got it.” “Of course, just a moment,” Celestia got herself up and out of her comfy chair and she hobbled carefully through to the kitchen and, while she got the drinks together, she cursed the cast on her leg. She was even slower getting back to the living room, seeing as how she was balancing two glasses and a bowl on a tray. However, she managed it. Setting the bowl of cold water in front of Shimmer, she gave Applejack her juice before sitting back down heavily. “You drove all the way here with Sunset…ah, I mean, Shimmer, like that?” “If she had her way, she would have the tail on and ride standing in the back. Maybe Ah'll let her ride home that way.” Celestia giggled as Shimmer saw Applejack’s wink and the pony let out a needy moan. “Oh my...” she though hadn’t looked away from the blonde’s snatch as she drank her water. “And you like being looked at too, I see.” “Sunny is the real exhibitionist, but when she talked about this visit, Ah thought Ah could give a good show too. Judging by your eyes, you're not unhappy about it.” “Not at all. I might be if this was in the halls at CHS, but we're not.” Celestia giggled brightly, because she could very easily imagine Applejack leading Sunset on the reins down the school’s halls. “Speaking of which, your pony hasn't stopped staring yet either.” Not to be outdone, the Principal had her legs similarly spread open, the bikini material barely covering her own shaven pussy. Affectionately, Applejack reached over and she petted Shimmer’s head. “Bit is out, so you can speak.” She reminded her pony with a gentle rub to her ears, “Ah'll turn pages for you as needed, okay?” Shimmer took a moment to remind herself that she could be Sunset again. “Aaaaaaah...” she flexed her jaw and sighed, because it was unusual for her to use human words when she was dressed in Shimmer’s tack. This would take some getting used to, alright. Curiously, Celestia sipped her water and leant forwards. “I see, it's your magic journal, right Sunset? The one you used to communicate with Princess Twilight?” “Yes ma'am,” Sunset had by now found her voice, thanks to slurping up some water from her bowl. “Since my last visit, I've been writing to Princess Twilight, and she's provided me with a wealth of information for you regarding the centaurs you told me about.” More curious than ever, Celestia scooted over to have a proper look at the book, Applejack making room for her on the couch so she was sat on the farmer’s left with Sunset kneeling on her right. “What language is that written in?” “Drunken chicken, Ah think…” “It's Equestrian, ma'am.” Sunset was happily nestled in her sub-mode. Thankfully, Celestia’s carpet was thick, quilted and very comfortable to kneel on. She suspected Cheerilee had a cushion, for extended periods on the floor. “This is the map of Equestria,” she pointed with a hoof to the "Distant Land”. “That's where the centaurs are from.” “Let me try an experiment, please.” She took one of the stones that Moonsilver had given her from the outside of her choker and she placed it in an inside pocket so that it touched her skin. “Let me look at the book again.” As she nudged the book closer to Celestia, Applejack asked, “Was that stone you just moved like the ones we have?” “Maybe, I've heard rumour about your stones and their importance. This one gives me the gift of...Languages, and it is working!” Celestia found that after just a few seconds in contact with the magic stone, she could read the text on the page that had, before, been illegible to her. “So, this is Equestrian?” “Yes ma'am. I read the Princess's report,” Sunset explained as she pointed to the picture of the geodes, “it seems that Fluttershy has the main language geode.” “What’s the other stone?” Applejack asked curiously, noticing the other stone on the Principal’s choker. “This one is dreaming.” Celestia pointed to the stone on the left, “I have a third one on the inside for healing. It’s helping with my leg.” Sunset found herself staring at Celestia for a long moment before a gentle tap of the crop on her ass helped her find her voice. She then proceeded to recap exactly what she told Applejack at breakfast. “Your dreaming stone matches mine,” she indicated with a hoof to her own geode that hung from her collar. “I have the main dream geode, just like Pinkie Pie has the main healing geode.” Sunset blushed before she continued, “It say so, a few pages in, there's a list of what geodes do what, and who here has bonded with them.” Celestia though was drawn to a rather obvious fact. “There are eight geodes and only seven of you.” “That's right ma'am. There were only seven in the crystal cave at Camp Everfree. Princess Twilight has it on authority that the eighth is a ruling stone that powers the others. Like the ring in that movie.” “That must be the one with the elders,” Celestia mused more to herself than to her two guests. It certainly made a great deal of sense to her now she thought about it. “I did an experiment yesterday. My sister and Cheerilee were both able to use the healing stone. While Luna has her doubts about magic, Cheerilee has wholeheartedly accepted it.” “Hard to have doubts when the evidence is there,” put in Sunset, with a knowing meaningful look to Applejack that earned her a gentle kiss from the crop that she held. “The Princess agrees with your theory about magical exposure and contamination, ma'am, that's why you, your sister, we all, have magic. Y’know, since the Fall Formal.” Celestia nodded, absorbing all this information like a sponge absorbs water. “I have to appear before the council of elders to explain myself. They are scared. Some want to evacuate the forest and move on. I don't think that will save them from us.” “It won't,” Sunset opined quickly. “Midnight Sparkle's portals erupted all over the city. The whole population was exposed, as you know. The more magic comes to this world, the stronger it gets here. All someone from here who was exposed to the magic from has to do is travel elsewhere and they’ll take the magic with them! It’ll spread throughout the world…” The implication was clear, so very clear, so much so that the living room was silent for many long minutes while that sunk in. “They don't trust humans,” Celestia said eventually. “A long time ago, the Greeks left a very negative impression on them. I'm not sure what I could say to alleviate the situation.” “From my experience, ma'am, words do little to change past opinions.” Sunset spoke up from her position on the floor, “Actions do a great deal. I learnt that after the Fall Formal. It wasn't until after the Showcase that the whispers about me stopped.” Lovingly, Applejack caressed her pet’s cheek. With her eyes alone, she wordlessly she communicated how sorry she was that she was one of those who had not trusted Sunset straight away. She was so ashamed of all those ‘no offense’ comments. But, that was in the past. “Tell her why they came here in the first place, Sunny.” A wink from Sunset told the farmer not to keep beating herself up. “Yes Mistress.” When Applejack flipped the page, she continued, “There was a centaur called Tirek the Destroyer. He came with his brother Scorpan to invade and enslave Equestria. Scorpan soon came to accept the ways of the ponies and he didn't want any part of it. To avoid a war with his brother, he asked that Starswirl the Bearded send his peaceful followers to a safe haven. Which was here.” Shaking her head, Celestia sighed, “Those names mean nothing to me, but I'll pass them on to my Master…” the older woman trailed off to silence and her white cheeks lit up in a bright red blush after she realised what she just said. Applejack though just smirked. “That is what a good pet should do.” It was a shame they had all graduated. She had a feeling CHS was going to be a very interesting place from now on. Sunset raised a hoof up in the air. “I have an idea, in case you should need proof, ma'am.” “I'm open to ideas.” Said Celestia as she watched Applejack pet Sunset’s red and yellow tail so hard it wiggled the plug that was wedged in her ass. Honestly she was hoping Sunset would have an idea, because she had nothing at all. “Mmmmmmm!” Sunset moaned and, with a happy shiver of pleasure, she flexed her ass and hiked her tail up for her Mistress. “I'll need a pen, and for you to hold the book steady, please.” “This is a good trick, Celestia, watch'n her write with her mouth.” Again, curious, Celestia heaved herself up and she got a pen from a nearby side table. Rather lecherously, Applejack – and Sunset – watched the Principal’s fat wide ass all the way as it wobbled teasingly in the tiny micro bikini she wore. Once the pen was in her mouth, Sunset wrote in her journal. Watching, Celestia noted that her mouth writing was actually better than Rainbow Dash's scrawl with her hand. Idly, she wondered if Sunset had ever turned in a school assignment that had been mouth written. ‘Hi Princess.’ Sunset wrote in fluent Equestrian, ‘Told Celestia what you told me. She wants to present the information to her Master. Any chance you can send over a duplicate of what you wrote me? Add some official Equestrian seals and doodads. Love Shimmy.’ “Is doodad something Equestrian or are you playing with the Princess?” asked Celestia, regretting then that she wasn’t exactly up to date on the slang terms of the day. Job done, Sunset passed the pen back with her mouth. After Celestia had taken it from her, she explained, “I'm playing. She knows what I mean. Dress it up and make its source and content irrefutable as evidence. Ma'am.” Sunset saw the flash of recognition on Celestia’s face and she knew they understood each other. “I want there to be no possible way for the centaurs to object to what you show them, ma'am. You said they were scared. Fear has a way of blinding people.” “I well know that. All that has happened at the school had blinded me to accepting any rationale behind it.” Celestia shuddered, all of a sudden thinking back to how she had been just a few short weeks ago, worn out, tired, apathetic to just about everything. The ‘her’ before Moonsilver. “To be fair, ma'am, you've seen a lot. It's understandable it would take time to accept everything. Um, may I please ask you a personal question?” Watching her pet carefully, Applejack twiddled the crop she held in her hands. Celestia, who was sure that her guest wouldn’t get too personal, nodded her assent. “You may.” “What's he like, your Master, I mean?” Sunset couldn’t help herself. The old academic in her was just too interested. “Even for Equestria, centaurs are pretty exotic creatures.” Celestia took several seconds to drink her ice water and compose herself. Ultimately, she saw no reason to not do what she dearly wanted to do. “One moment, please, ladies.” Getting up, she left the living room and hobbled to her bedroom. When they were alone, Applejack flicked the crop lightly on Sunset's upturned ass, marking each cheek. “Ah think that was in reason, but Ah wonder why she walked out?” With each lick of the crop on her ass, Sunset gave a cute little eep. “Um, I don't know, Mistress. I'm sorry, but I'm curious, and you are too." “Eeyup,” Applejack really couldn’t argue with her pet on that score. She was mighty curious indeed as to what these centaurs looked like. Presently, after a short absence, Celestia returned to the living room with a flat round polished stone held in her hands and reverently she offered it to Sunset to hold in her hooves, which she did, carefully. “Another experiment,” she explained with a smile, “Think about the image you want to see and then say the image. I want you to say Pony Sunset, please.” Because she herself was curious about what the ponies looked like. Sunset carefully balanced the stone on her hooves and, with a clear voice, said, “Pony Sunset.” Instantly, a straw coloured unicorn with fiery yellow and red hair appeared above the stone like a hologram, stunning both of Celestia’s guests into silence. “Till now, I wasn't sure it was all true, but the stone doesn't lie. That is you if you were in Equestria, Sunset.” “Ah'd ride that pony into the sunset…” Applejack murmured, her eyes for once riveted to the image on the stone rather than Celestia’s melons. “Then why don't you?” Sunset’s eyes went wide as she realised she may have just crossed a line. “I um, I mean, the portal is right there, in front of the school, you know full well we can go anytime, Mistress.” Using the crop, Applejack tilted Sunset's head up to face hers. “Not the same as me riding the pony you as it would be if Ah was a pony too,” lovingly, she kissed her lips, “So, Ah'll be happy riding the Shimmer Ah have now.” Lightly, Celestia coughed, getting their attention. “As to your question,” she took the stone back from Sunset and said, “My Master.” Instantly, the image changed from the straw coloured unicorn to that of Moonsilver and, much to Celestia's embarrassment, he had a raging hard on hanging between his legs. “Um, aaaah…Moonsilver.” “Eeyup. That's a stallion, alright.” “Well. Stallion. Yes.” Sunset had no idea what she had been expecting to see, but that, that was low down on her list. The more she looked at the pale grey centaur and his dark grey mottled cock, the larger it seemed to get. She estimated it was at least sixteen inches. “Oh sweet Celestia, woweee! He was not in the back of the line when they were handing out dicks, was he?” Seeing Celestia’s intense blush, Applejack brought the crop down hard, twice on each of Sunset’s ass cheeks. “She's been begging for that since we left the farm.” “Aaaaaah....HNNNNG th-thank you, Mistress!” Although she had been punished, Sunset was of the opinion that it was totally worth it. Celestia though, far from being offended, was laughing at the look on Sunset’s face and the noise she had just made. “I'm rather pleased with where he stood in line.” She did notice that the strike from the crop did leave a mark and she thought of Luna with Cheerilee and she started laughing again. Before she could stop herself, Sunset asked, “Have ah, um, you know, done it, with him?” The next crop strike that Applejack delivered, with pinpoint precision, hit the base of the butt plug. “You don't have to answer that, Celestia.” “I left my shame not long ago.” Celestia declared with a proud look on her face. “I’ve mounted him and took him in past the medial ring.” “Aaah aaAH s-so-sorry!” Sunset whimpered on her knees, though she was really impressed with that. He was after all a big looking stallion, in every sense of the word. Applejack set down the crop and she picked up the buggy whip, holding it threateningly where Sunset could see it. “In case I need to go there, Sunny.” Threat made, she returned to petting Sunset's tail hard, because she liked how it made her pet wiggle and squirm. “I knew from our first encounter I wanted all of him and for him to own all of me,” Celestia said. “Ah can understand that.” In addition to petting her lover’s tail, Applejack occasionally gave it a firm but gentle tug. Sunset, who was really loving the petting of her tail, wiggling just so in that way that she knew her Mistress liked. “I ah, aaah I apologise, ma'am, for being so blunt.” Celestia just smiled at that. “I think you're not as blunt as you were a couple of years ago, hmm, Queen of the Spring Fling?” She just loved the intense blush that spread over her ex-student’s face. Then, she decided to have some fun. “Luna's butt!” Instantly, it appeared over the stone just like it had done back at the forest. Applejack dropped the whip and she fell back on the couch laughing her head off. “Where did that come from?” Likewise, Sunset doubled over laughing very hard indeed. “M-May I request an image or two, please?” she asked when she was able to speak again. Applejack pulled her hat down over her eyes. “Why does this sound like it’s gonna be embarrassing?” Once she had recovered from her giggle fit, Celestia held the stone for Sunset, who blew her girlfriend a kiss. “Pony Applejack!” That got the apple farmer to sit up and lift her hat from over her eyes as she looked appreciatively at the image now before them on the stone. She could see the similarities on the pony’s face and features, especially the freckles. “She looks toned, but Ah don’t see no horn or wings, so she’s not a unicorn or pegasus.” “You're an earth pony, Mistress!” Sunset pointed with a hoof and she giggled, “you even have the same hat! How’s that possible?” Applejack sniffed and stuck her nose in the air in a good imitation of Rarity. “It's a nice hat.” Celestia frowned, apparently in thought. “So, there are pony duplicates for all of you?” “It looks like it, or human duplicates, depending on your point of view.” Sunset replied before she cleared her throat and leant in closer to the image stone. “Princess Celestia.” Principal Celestia just stared open mouthed at the image of Princess Celestia that now appeared on the stone. She drank in every single part, from her long powerful legs, the musculature under the pure white fur, the bright yellow sun emblazoned on her – admittedly – wide ass, the strong yet regal look on the pony’s face and the long flowing multi-coloured mane and tail. “She's a right big one, ain’t she?” Applejack nicely summed up what she was thinking. “Yes Mistress. She raises the sun and she's an alicorn, like her sister, Princess Luna.” Normally, Celestia would have felt terrible that her namesake did not have the amount of grey in her multi-coloured hair that she herself did. Now, though, she just giggled, “Say Lunas's butt, go on!” Sunset blushed in a manner that suggested what she was about to do was hugely rude and taboo. “Princess Luna's butt!” The image that greeted them all now was of Princess Luna’s regal behind with her flowing dark blue tail flagging upwards, fully exposing her wet, winking marehood. Wherever she was and whatever she was doing, the Princess was obviously having ‘fun’. Celestia lost it, falling into her comfy chair in gales of laughter. She almost fell out of the chair, and did fall out of her top. “That looks like one hell of a breeding mare,” Applejack commented, causing the Principal to laugh harder. “Aaaaaah...” Sunset didn't know where to stare the most, either at the lewd image on the stone or at the now exposed nipples on the huge breasts before her. She tried to stare at both together as the journal vibrated and glowed, mercifully saving her from her predicament. “Hey now, it looks like we got an answer.” When Applejack said that, Celestia, with a great effort, stopped laughing and sat up in her chair. Whether she didn’t know or she didn’t care that she had fallen out of her top, she made no effort to cover herself up with the thin material. “Is that magic?” “Yes ma'am,” staring openly at Celestia's chest and her big round erect nipples, she found she was drooling just a little. “Could you um...lift it up please? It'll stop doing that when you open it.” Celestia leant forward to oblige and then even Applejack whistled at the older woman’s swaying breasts. If she noticed, she gave no sign of it. “Is that the right page?” Sunset didn't answer straight away, she was completely mesmerised, as was her girlfriend. “Uh huh...” she pressed her legs together and, opening it up, began to read, “Dear Sunset, I have everything you need, along with all the seals and 'doodads' that you requested. Please tell Principal Celestia I will deliver it in pony...or rather, in person at your convenience. Your teacher always, Celestia.” “Ah thought only P. Twi wrote in your book?” Sunset shrugged. Up until now, Applejack was right. It was always Princess Twilight that wrote to her. However, this time, the beautiful writing was not that of the Princess of Friendship. “She must have gone to her to get things you need, ma'am.” Celestia had a wide eyed rabbit in the headlights look on her face. “Your Celestia is coming here?” “Yes ma'am, it seems she wants to bring the information in person.” That just made her eyes grow wider, like they might pop out of her head. “Isn't that like the president stopping by my house for tea? What do I need to do?” she couldn’t help but look as panicked as she felt, because she normally had the time to prepare for these kind of events. Sunset couldn’t help but giggle as she knew by now that Princess Celestia was just a pony with a wicked sense of humour. “Celestia, ma'am, please calm down. The Princess is just a pony. She poops just like you do, and she said at your convenience.” “Ah don't think the Principal needs a pitch fork when she does that though,” Applejack laughed out loud, “You could ask when she’s coming, how many are coming with her, and if she has any special needs. Like her steak cooked medium rare?” “AJ!” “What,” Applejack shrugged innocently at her girlfriend and ignored the scandalised look on her face, “You got P. Twi to eat a hamburger while she was here.” “That was a tofu burger!” As Applejack rolled her eyes, Celestia asked, “Does the Princess have a special diet?” Blushing, Sunset took the pen in her mouth and she hastily wrote back, asking her former mentor for times, any entourage, dietary requirements like her girlfriend had suggested. “Well,” she said when that was done, “humans can't eat flowers or hay, so just some veggie style dishes will be great. And that red velvet cake, I know for a fact she loves that.” “Oh, oh, I love that too!” For a moment, Celestia wondered at what other similarities she shared with her Equestrian counterpart. “I can do vegetarian. Even my sister likes that food.” Sunset snickered at the revelation that Principal Celestia liked cake. A secret that everybody knew about, ever since the Canterville High newspaper had printed a picture of her face deep in a cake that one time. “I thought you might…” “I know the centaurs eat meat.” “Do they?” Sunset asked, again eager to learn something new, “What are they like? What have you learnt, besides the fact the males apparently have five legs...” Applejack silenced her pet by pinching the ear closest to her. “Keep it civil, Shimmer or you ride back home in the cab.” “You'd really make her ride in the back of your truck like that?” asked Celestia. “More likely Ah'd make her not ride in the back of the truck like that.” Applejack corrected the older woman before a sly thought crept through her mind. “If you want, you could join her like you are now.” Where the girls were looking made Celestia look down and, mortified, she replaced the bikini top over her nipples, covering them up. Of course, ‘covered up’ was a subjective term, given how little she was wearing to begin with. “Oh, um, I think I'd rather not ride around like this. I'm getting more comfortable in my own skin, but that is way outside my current comfort zone.” “You look beautiful, ma'am. Really, I don't blow smoke.” Then, the journal buzzed with a reply, sidelining whatever else Sunset was about to say. Applejack opened the book for her and she read it out loud, “Dear Sunset Shimmer and Principal Celestia, I would like a meeting as soon as it is convenient for you. Princess Twilight Sparkle will be coming. Life is a little slow over here at the moment and the opportunity to get away for a little bit with world altering news is too good to pass up. Your Teacher, Princess Celestia. P.S. I would very much like to get away from Canterlot as Luna and Octavia have just had their second foal, and all I can hear is crying and smelly nappies.” Applejack snorted out a laugh, “Trust me, smoke is one of the few things she doesn't blow.” “How about the weekend after the next?” Celestia offered thoughtfully, “With the healing stone I may be out of this cast by then, and I’m thinking the Camp Everfree goodbye event for the graduates, there may not be so many prying eyes around CHS. Plus, I can talk to Silver about seeing if I can have a plus one or two for the meetings with the elders.” “I'll tell her, hang on.” Sunset wrote and almost instantly she got a reply of ‘yes! oh Me, yes!’. “Oh me?” Celestia looked confused. “That would be like me saying 'Thank Luna Ah was caught parking in the faculty lot’,” Applejack laughed. “Oh,” getting the joke, Celestia placed the image stone down on the coffee table. “Moonsilver and Dawnglow.” This time, when Moonsilver appeared, he wasn't read to rut. “You can see they are very equine, but they do hunt. Their society seems to be a hunter gatherer society. I've not seen any agriculture, but there was some in the lunch that Honeyside made. Both Silver and Glow are hunters.” Sunset giggled, “Celestia and Luna are goddesses in Equestria. By the sounds of it, a certain goddess has her bags packed already to come over now.” She then looked at the stone and smiled, “So it’s a caste system. Hunters, Builders, Farmers, Diplomats, each working their role for the greater good of the tribe, each as valued as the rest.” “Like any caste system,” Celestia said with a nod of her head, “some do lord their position over others. I don't think the positions are truly equal to each other. Still, it does seem to work, but I haven't had much time to observe the others.” The magic journal then vibrated and flashed once more, getting their attention. “She says give the word and she'll be over with the information you need as and when,” Sunset read aloud, “Just have plenty of cake and ice cream when she does.” “Cake I can do, but it’s hard to hide any ice cream from my sister.” “So,” Sunset started, “Are you gonna meet with your Master again, tell him what we told you here, then get back to me so I can tell the Princess to come over?” “Yes,” Celestia nodded, “I think that would be best. I will know where I stand then.” Without warning, Sunset leant down and, taking the pages containing the centaur information in her mouth, she ripped them from the journal and passed them over to Celestia who was looking at her like she had just lost her mind. “You keep these then!” Celestia was more than a bit shocked at what Sunset had just done. She had a look on her face like she expected to be struck down with lightning at any second. “Yo-You just ripped pages out of a magical book!?” Applejack shrugged, “She does it all the time to pass out recipes.” “Alright, calm down, Twilight in disguise,” Sunset giggled, holding up her hooves to try and calm the Principal. “I can always go and get some more, it’s not a big thing, I do it all the time, honest.” “Okay, I'll text you with what I find out next Saturday, then, Sunset.” “Alright! Um...” Seeing as she had drank all the water from her pet bowl, Sunset raised a hoof. The familiar cramping feeling in her gut told her she had a full bladder that needed taking care of. “Mistress, may I pee, please?” “Yes you may, but not here.” Applejack took that as her cue that it was time to go home. “Time to put your bridle back on, Shimmer.” The farmer picked up the bridle and, starting with the red leather bit, secured it around her pony’s head. “It has been a real pleasure ma'am, and that bikini is a good look for you, when we came in and now. Now though, Ah need to get this little filly home.” Getting up off the floor, Sunset made a very happy neighing sound now that the bridle was back on and the bit was back in her mouth. She was back in her particular comfort zone, the pony where she belonged. “It was a pleasure to have you both,” Celestia smiled as she stood up as well, “I hope you come again.” “Shimmer’s accepting of hugs. So am Ah,” no sooner had Applejack said that then Celestia wrapped them both, first Sunset and then Applejack herself, up in a very tight breast smooshing hug that seemed to go on forever. “Good thing Ah didn't wear no panties, Ah would’ve had to change them after that.” Though her legs were a little wobbly, the farmer took hold of Shimmer’s reins. “Come along lil’ filly, Ah'll let you ride in the back.” Celestia stood at her open door and waved them off, after all, Shimmer’s breasts were on display for all to see, so she could stand there and wave for a few moments. Shimmer happily clopped her hooves after her Mistress, beaming with pride as she was led up to the truck. The Principal had to admire the way she walked, confident high steps that made her tail swish side to side. Again, she let out the pleasured neigh when her Mistress lifted her by her crotch and placed her in the back. With her pony in place, Applejack lowered the back gate. “If you should pee back here, Ah won't mind. You may need to hose out the bed when we get home, though.” Shimmer nodded whinnied, grateful for that because she doubted she could hold her pee in all the way home to the farm, even if Applejack took the direct way home. When the truck lurched into life with a thunder of engine noise, Celestia waved them off until she couldn't see them anymore. Then, she went back inside to sit in her comfy chair and listen to her Awesome Mix Volume Two. Her guests had been given her a lot to think about. > Chapter 11 - Raven's Peak > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good morning Tia!” Luna greeted her sister from the kitchen of the villa they shared as her older sibling hobbled her way through from her bedroom on her crutches. ‘Morning’ was only just appropriate, given that it was eleven forty five. She sat at the kitchen table enjoying the pancakes that her pet had made for her. “You slept well I trust?” Celestia put her crutches aside, resting them against the table, she sat at the table. Almost instantly, a plate of blueberry pancakes complete with chocolate sauce was slid in front of her along with a knife and fork. “I did, thank you for the pancakes, Leelee.” It came as no surprise to her that, seconds later, a hot cup of jasmine tea was placed next to the plate. For her actions, Luna granted Cheerilee a kiss, as well as patting the empty chair next to her. While she had her cushion on the floor, every so often she liked to treat her. “You said you were meeting with Moonsilver next week?” she asked with a mildly amused smile on her face as she watched her sister nod, her mouth stuffed full of pancake, “You do remember that next week is the Senior Graduates Charity event up at the camp?” All of a sudden, Celestia ceased in her chewing and she facepalmed at the table. As it happened, what with everything else going on in her life at the moment, with Moonsilver, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, the Princesses, the centaurs and everything else, the charity event coming up at Camp Everfree had completely and utterly slipped her mind. “Um…no, no I don’t…” “Well I don't think we need to let it change your plans,” Luna stated after letting it hang in the air for a few moments like a scythe over her sister’s head, “I have you covered.” “Thanks Lu, you're a lifesaver!” ~ ~ ~ Principal Celestia was a very happy woman indeed when she threw open the front door of her villa and strode inside. Wearing just her swimsuit and wrap – accentuated by a rather fetching pair of sandals and of course her collar, the fifty year old struck a most heroic pose in the hall between the living room and kitchen. “Look at me, Lulu!” she declared, throwing her hands up in the air, “No cast!” Luna stuck her head out of the kitchen to have a look and she was most pleased to see her older sister back from her latest doctor’s appointment. “But you still have the crutches?” Celestia rolled her eyes and snorted through her nose in irritation. “Dr. Bone Meal insisted I keep them, just in case my leg isn't as healed as the X-rays says it is.” She turned to the living room and she tossed the crutches into a corner, happy to see the back of them. She knew her leg was all healed, thanks to the Healing Stone she wore at her neck. “A pox on him!” She then sighed, supposing that it wasn’t the doctor’s fault for being sceptical. She was healed weeks early than she should be. Still, now she could really play with her Master! “I won't lie, I'm so looking forward to being with him in the forest now my leg is healed.” Thinking about Moonsilver, Celestia smiled, “He's taking me camping, says he's got a good spot!” “Between your legs?” Cheerilee asked with an impish grin on her face before the naked submissive ducked back into the kitchen out of sight. She did have a dinner to finish cooking and a Mistress who had a fearsome aim when she swung a crop. Luna though, couldn’t quite hide the very wide smile that crept over her face. “What can I say,” she said, shrugging her shoulders, “she is good at being naughty.” “It's a good naughty,” Celestia beamed, her smile only getting wider when she breathed in the scents of what Cheerilee was cooking. For all her attributes as a teacher, damn if she wasn’t a great cook. From the smells she was smelling, it seemed like she had gotten back at the right time. “I like it and I've been taking notes!” “That’s why I'm a teacher!” Cheerilee called back from the kitchen. “Twenty students signed up for the camp,” Luna stated seriously, her tone managing to draw her sister’s attention back from the prospect of filling her belly to the matters at hand, “That includes those seven girls that seem to attract, what you call, ‘magic’.” The Vice Principal added the air quotes to the last word, even though her tone said it all. Cheerilee again poked her head out from the kitchen, where she had been skilfully working the stove, “That includes Rarity. Hey! We can wear matching swimsuits!” the rather impish submissive watched for Celestia's reaction to her last statement, even though she was being quite serious. Celestia laughed at her sister’s use of the air quotes as well as the sceptical nature of her tone and her posture. “I call it magic because that's what it is, Lulu. What else can it be?” As her sister shook her head, she turned to Cheerilee, the smile was still on her face, it suited her. “I'm taking that skinny Brazillian swimsuit, as it happens, Leelee, but I doubt i'll be wearing it once Silver...I mean Master, and I get to his camp.” Brandishing her ladle like it was a pointer and she was back in class, Cheerilee shrugged. “I'm good with that, it’s just a stroll to the end of the pier before we have to cover for you.” “It'll be the tiniest travel case ever, I think.” Celestia giggled, leaning against the wall in the hall between the living room and the kitchen, mentally ticking off items in her head as well as on her fingers. “Let’s see, swimsuit, sun cream, done!” “Sandals too, I hope.” Luna pointed down to her sister’s sandal-clad feet. “Your feet aren't tough enough yet to run about the forest barefoot.” “Well, true…” Celestia condeded with a little frown. Following her sister’s finger just made her look down to her pudgy pot belly and her thick thighs. That made her frown deepen, and she sighed. “Sandals then, and perhaps a wrap over the swimsuit.” Luna caught the frown and matched it with one of her own, particularly as her older sibling had made such progress in getting herself back to herself. “Perhaps.” Again, Celestia looked down at herself, her shoulders visibly sagging. “I don't want to give the kids nightmares…” Luna wasn’t about to have any of that nonsense. Standing from her seat at the kitchen table where she had been enjoying the view of Cheerilee’s ass, she walked over and hugged Celestia tightly, holding their bikini clad bodies together. “What matters is your own self image first. Silver's second. Other's…never.” She giggled, “Besides it could go with my dreamscape studies.” Warmed by the hug from her little sister, Celestia managed a genuine smile. “I'm getting better with my self image, Lu, honest.” In truth, she really was ‘getting there’, or ‘getting over her issues’, as the phrase went, thanks in no small part to Luna, Cheerilee, Berryshine and Roseluck. She hadn’t had any of her dark self destructive thoughts now for a few days shy of a month. Suddenly, she giggled behind her hand, knowing that was Moonsilver’s doing. “You're right, Lu, Thank you.” Speaking of Moonsilver, “Soooo...when are we leaving for the camp?” she asked, looking a lot like a teenager excited for her first date. “We drive together in my car and leave at seven thirty in the morning,” Luna recited from memory, having helped coordinate the coach with the depot owners. “Leelee rides with the students. She has to be at the school by seven to get the coach, but it leaves at the same time as us.” Letting loose a happy sigh, Celestia relaxed tension from her muscles she didn’t realise she was holding in. “Thank the Great Forest I don't have to ride with the kids.... ahem...not that they aren't great, but jeez the way they sing all the time...” she shuddered, banishing the memory. It wasn’t just that, but there’s only so much Pinkie Pie one could stand in an enclosed space. “I'm good with that!” Cheerilee beamed, the smile in her voice. She didn’t turn around though. She had to retrieve the meat from the oven, which she did with a gratuitous and unnecessary amount of bending over, and check on the roast veggies. Plus, she had a plan. If the kids weren’t going to sing, then she would start them going. “I'll admit,” Celestia sighed reluctantly, “I'll miss them after these holidays.” “Maybe,” Luna agreed, “but it will be interesting what this rampant magic does to influence the underclassmen.” Celestia had to agree that was certainly interesting, something she gave voice to. “Interesting is the word, I think, Lu. And, we have that little blind girl starting too, Wildfire I think her name is, don't forget, who transferred to us from her other school over in Trottingham.” “One individual does not make a data set,” Luna pointed out as she drained the last of her coffee from her midnight black coffee mug, the one with the constellations on that Cheerilee had bought her for her birthday three years ago. She loved the mug dearly, even though the constellations had been used to spell out ‘Best Mistress’ and were thus in the wrong places. “But still, it’ll definitely be interesting to see what happens.” “I'm sure she'll be fine!” Celestia waved her hand dismissively in the air and drank her glass of water. Suddenly, a thoroughly excited look crossed her face, making her look very much like a child on Christmas who had just been given what she had asked for. “I'm going to go pack!” With that, and giggling like a teenager, the fifty year old ran from the kitchen, even though they weren’t going until the next morning. Predictably, Luna rolled her eyes at her older sister’s disappearing scantily clad rear end. “We aren’t going until tomorrow!” “Don’t care!” “Then again, Lee, she may need all night to pack.” Luna snarked, reaching for her coffee mug and then sighing dramatically into her hands, “Trying to find a bag small enough!” Cheerilee giggled as Celestia offered her sister a loud raspberry from her bedroom, since her Mistress had purposefully made her comment loud enough to be heard. “Is it me,” the fuchsia woman asked somewhat rhetorically as she set the meat to rest on the kitchen worktop, “or does she look twenty years younger lately, Mistress?” “Acts, Leelee,” Luna corrected her pet gently, “the word is ‘acts’, and I approve.” “Me too!” Cheerilee skipped over and placed a kiss on her girlfriend’s lips. “Would you like another coffee, Mistress?” She had taken Luna’s hint of rattling the empty coffee mug under her nose that she would very much like a refill. “Please, pet, now how is dinner coming along?” asked Luna, having no skill whatsoever with cooking, she had no idea when the roast was ready or not. ‘That’s what Leelee is for’, she thought with a wry smile to herself. That, and she was much better looking than a microwave oven. Cheerilee took a look at the resting meat. “It's…it’s coming along, Mistress.” It wasn’t resting as fast as she’d like. So, instead, she turned and wiggled her bare ass at her girlfriend. “The roast is resting, the veggies are done, and the ice cream I made has set, everything just needs a few more minutes. Ish.” Again, Luna rolled her eyes, this time at her pet and she reached for her phone and she sent Celestia a text message. ‘Dinner in five minutes, Tia’. “Thank you, Leelee.” Luna smiled in gratitude when a fresh mug of steaming hot coffee was placed in front of her. She decided a treat was in order. “Would you like to eat at the table tonight?” “Yes please, Mistress!” Cheerilee quickly agreed, taking, as she bowed respectfully, the opportunity to eat from a plate rather than her pet bowl for a change. Such treats didn’t come around often, so when they did, she grabbed them. “Thank you, Mistress!” she veritably skipped around the kitchen, getting the plates, cutlery, and prepping the dinner. ~ ~ ~ The next morning, Vice Principal Luna was awoken in her bed, not by the sunlight sreaming valiantly through her dark blue drapes, but by her girlfriend and pet softly kissing the soles of her feet. Not the worst way to wake up, certainly. In addition to the feeling of Cheerilee’s lips on her feet, she was also treated to the delicious smells of breakfast being made and coffee being brewed. “Since you're with me, Leelee,” she said as she reluctantly sat up, “That must mean that Tia has made the coffee. I think I’m liking my new little sis.” She giggled and tapped Cheerilee’s nose with her toes. “Coffee, the great mood enhancer.” Lifting her head up from Luna’s perfect, beautiful feet, the blush on her fuchsia cheeks matching the deep red glow that was colouring her other set of cheeks. She had been very naughty indeed the day before at dinner and boy had her Mistress let her know it. “I um, I’m sorry I forgot the sugars in your coffee yesterday at dinner, Mistress.” “As well as you should be.” Luna casually inspected her fingernails, having decided to cross the T’s and dot the I’s, as it were. The next time she allowed her pet to sit at and eat at the table, she would be grateful. In some respects, she blamed herself. She had been neglecting her pet for a few weeks now. “You may eat your breakfast in sitting in your lovely hard wood chair.” As she got out of the bed and provided Luna with her bathrobe, Cheerilee gave a little wince. Luna had been fearsomely accurate with her crop and then her cane. “Thank you, Mistress.” She said with a bowed head. “Breakfaaaaaaast!” Celestia called out from the kitchen, just as Luna was dressed and her hair brushed into a state that did not resemble the evergreen ‘do’ known as the ‘Hedge-Backwards’ look. While not perfect, she was at least presentable. “Pancakes, scrambled eggs and toast, and some more coffee!” The hollering of the last word, the sheer wonderment that was coffee, brought Luna from her bedroom like a siren singing a sweet song. “With sugars,” she finished, winking at Cheerilee. Taking her seat at the kitchen table, Luna was overjoyed to see and hear the groan in her grielfriend’s voice. Celestia had outdone herself with the repast though. The pancakes especially almost made her forget about punishing her pet. Almost. “Leelee is simply overjoyed to sit at the table and feast on your wonderful breakfast, Tia.” She pointed to the bare cushionless hard wood chair. “I'm sure she will be just as overjoyed to ride on those soft bus seats too.” Even though the hard chair was murder on her tender ass cheeks, Cheerilee was nonetheless grateful that Celestia had given her a plate and not her pet bowl. Grimacing, she shuffled on the chair to no avail. No matter how she adjusted herself, it hurt. It was brilliant and totally worth it. “Thank you for the breakfast, Ms. Celestia.” Giggling as she set her own breakfast down on the kitchen table, Celestia joined the other two in taking a bite of her scrambled eggs. “Hmm, not quite out the doghouse yet I see. She's sitting very well considering the spanking she got yesterday. Did you use your feet on her this time?” “No,” Luna shook her head, swallowing a forkful of pancakes, “I’m afraid her coffee didn't sweeten my disposition. The crop and my hand is what her naughtiness earned.” That explained it then, didn’t it? “Aaaah,” Celestia said thoughtfully, “Then it’s no wonder she looks so glum.” “Alas,” Luna swooned, complete with her hand on her forehead in a very good imitation of Rarity’s best overdramatic style, “I fear I may have been neglecting her lately. I'll endeavor to not do so while we are at camp.” Celestia giggled, “I think someone's going to be on a short leash for the next few days.” In a valiant attempt to change the subject, after having scarfed down half her plate of cheesy scrambled eggs, Cheerilee said, “You seem very happy this morning, Ms. Celestia.” She was careful to use the honorific while still very much in her submissive aspect. The last thing she needed was for her Mistress to ‘remind’ her to be polite. “I am!” Celestia only just swallowed her mouthful of scrambled eggs before her grin split her face in half. She had good reason to be happy too, especially after the night she’d had. “Moonsilver met me in the dreamrealm last night. He showed me where we'll be staying the next few days. You remember Raven's Peak, Lu?” Luna nodded her head. She did indeed know the spot that her sister was talking about. Over on the west side of the forest, Raven’s Peak had marvellous sunsets that had been the talk of romantic explorers for decades. “It’s a beautiful view.” Celestia went on like her sister hadn’t spoken at all. “He made a tree tent...house-thing...grow from the ground at the very top!” she motioned with her hands, miming a rough house shape in mid air in front of her for their benefit. “Okay, now that is impressive.” Luna commented, taking a quick drink of her coffee as Cheerilee quietly ate her breakfast. A look from her told her that she hadn’t forgotten her misdeeds. “Will that stone of yours show us this tree tent?” “Maybe it will.” In truth, Celesria had been itching to try an experiment, but she had been nervous of if it didn’t work. No time like the present. “You all have magic in you like I do, and it's a dream stone...let's try it!” With slightly trembling hands, she removed the dream stone from her grey choker and she rested it reverently on the table. When she touched it, she thought of the dream. She pictured the structure in her mind and, seconds later, Raven's Peak appeared an inch or two above the magic stone, as did what was clearly a small house that had been crafted from the trunk of a tree. Eggs dropped from Cheerilee’s open mouth, splatting on her plate, much to the annoyance of Luna, who added it to her list of things to be punished for. The fuchsia submissive stared at the image hovering before them, marvelling at the way the tree had been moulded into the form of a single storey house. “Holy shit...um..I mean...wow!” “What she said.” Luna deadpanned, even though she was similarly impressed. “I was thinking the hologram stone, but this...wow.” Celestia clapped her hands together excitedly, “I love magic!” “He made that?” Cheerilee asked, still staring in abject awe, “With magic?” “Tia,” Luna started thoughtfully as she took another drink of her coffee, mulling the hot drink over and around in her mouth as she thought, “Do you think that centaur magic had anything to do with those vines that grew out of the ground during the Friendship Games?” That made her think. Celestia cocked her head to one side, slowly chewing her food. “I'm not sure, Lu. They might have. Sunset and the Twilights all think it’s because the barriers between dimensions were weakened...‘haywire magic stuff’.” She wiggled her fingers in the air for added effect. Cheerilee shook her head in sheer bewilderment. “I can't believe we're sat here talking about magic like we'd talk about the weather!” “Alas,” Luna turned her deadpan look to her dear sister. “Past events are indeed better explained as 'magic', still, if you have a moment when your brain hasn't been shoved out an ear, do you think you could ask Moonsilver about the events around our school?” Celestia shot her younger sibling a very serious look, well, as serious a look as she could manage, given how excited she was to be leaving for the forest any moment now, “Are you suggesting all I'll be doing is having sex?” “Not at all,” Luna’s expression was just as serious as Celestia’s was. “I'm sure you’ll eat and sleep, too.” As Cheerilee burst out laughing - and fidgeted her poor abused behind on the hard wood chair in a vain attempt to get comfortable – Celestia reached into her shoulder bag that she had packed the night before to take on her trip and she took out the image stone. She placed the dream stone back in her collar and used the image stone to summon up a picture of Moonsilver. “You know, Lu, we are trying to work out why the magic in the whole area is going crazy, not just in the forest.” “Is it restricted to here?” Luna asked curiously, loving the way her pet squirmed on the hard chair. “That is, are there more centaur villages out there besides this one?” “There are centaur camps all over the world, anywhere where there are forests and woods.” Celestia answered quickly. Cheerilee’s discomfort didn’t go unnoticed and she had to admit to herself she was quite jealous. Jealous of the fact that she could be loved by her Mistress any time, and she had to wait to go to the forest. “They are all connected by pathways and portals, hence the Great Forest.” “Ms. Celestia,” Cheerilee said once she had cleared her plate, “can you please say ‘sexy Moonsilver’?” “I can.” Celestia was only too please to do so, because she had been moments from saying that exact thing. “Sexy Moonsilver.” As soon as she said that, the imagine on the stone of the pale grey centaur changed to that of the pale grey centaur but with a huge fourteen inch erection hanging between his hind legs. Naturally, both Cheerilee and Luna were very interested in the new image. Appreciatively, Luna whistled and she shared a look with her girlfriend. At the same time, both of them said, “Use lube!” Considerately, Celestia opted for eye roll number two and she directed it at her little sister. “Yes Lu. I did before. But!” she followed up quickly before she could be interrupted, “To answer your next question, none of the other centaur camps have reported haywire magic or their protection stones not working. You know what that means, I assume?” Luna nodded as she emptied what was left of her coffee down her throat. “It is what the girls described. A portal between worlds. But why? What is this other pony world to the centaurs?” “As I understand it, the centaurs are Equestrian in origin. They came from there to here, centuries ago, by their own request, to escape a war that a rogue centaur had started with the ponies. The peaceful group settled here, in ancient Greece.” Before Celestia could continue, a loud alarm went off on Luna’s phone. “Leelee,” Luna said as she deftly silenced the noise, “Go get dressed. Short skirt, summer tee and trainers. Nothing else. Then grab your bags and head for the school. I'll meet you at camp. And yes, you can take your butt pillow. Gives us a kiss first.” “Yay!” like a greyhound from a trap, Cheerilee jumped up and kissed Luna's lips and she hugged Celestia before she ran through to her Mistress’s bedroom, calling out, “See you later!” “Too much hearsay.” Luna opined when her pet had left them alone in the kitchen. “Maybe you and Silver should visit this Equestria and find more answers, hmm?” “I'd love to! Honestly, I've been thinking about it for a while now. But, I know it's hearsay, but the pieces add up. The centaurs are Equestrian, they have Equestrian magic.” Celestia used the fingers of her left hand to tick off the points she made. “The Element of Magic itself was bought through the portal. Magic leaked into this world. At the Battle of the Bands, the portal was left open permanently and, at the Games, Midnight Sparkle tore open more portals, allowing more magic into the world. See?” “What, permanently?” Luna asked incredulously, though she paused in what she was about to say next to give a dressed Cheerilee a good bye kiss as she skipped out the front door. She was pleased she had chosen a skirt that only just covered her reddened ass. “Why hasn't there been reports of more and more people going through then, of for that matter, ponies coming here?” “I honestly don't know, Lu.” Celestia shrugged as she started to wash the breakfast dishes, “Perhaps the portal is guarded on their end?” she offered over her shoulder. “But Sunset said the portal is definitely open all the time, not just once every thirty moons, like it was back at the Fall Formal.” “Odd that the Equestrians would use a lunar calendar. Not that I’m complaining, mind you.” “I think, and it's just my theory, that it's been pure luck that nobody's gone through it before now.” Luna shrugged, “I have no plans or desire to see what is on the other side. Do you know where it is?” Finishing up with the dishes, and having set them on the draining board to dry, Celestia dried her hands and turned to face her sister. “It's in the base of the horse statue outside CHS.” Luna snorted, “I see more people hanging around that than I see students parking in the faculty lot. It must take some sort of attunement to open, or knowledge of its presence.” “Either, or, but I think you're right.” Celestia glanced at the clock on the wall, a clock that was moving torturously slowly for her liking. It was like waiting for a meeting with the school board. She wanted to go, and go now! “Anyway. Are we ready?” “Yes, or I will be once I put on something more substantial than my bathrobe.” Luna giggled, looking at her antsy sister practically bouncing on the balls of her feet, it was adorable and she was tempted to tease her, but she decided against it. It was obvious she was ready, dressed in her swimsuit, her wraparound skirt, sandals and her hair done up in a pony tail. “Does someone want to leave early?” Celestia nodded eagerly. “I'll even ride in your beast of a car.” “Well, that’s good as it’s better than walking!” Luna laughed, “Fine, we can go now. I'm sure I can do something while I wait for the coach to arrive.” She took herself off to her bedroom and quickly, she threw on a pair of cargo shorts and a loose shirt she left unbuttoned at her neckline. A pair of sturdy walking trainers completed her look. “I’m sorry, Lu,” Celestia blushed a bright cherry red when her sister walked back into the kitchen, “I'm just...eager, I guess.” Dismissively, Luna waved her off. “Grab your stuff and lets go.” She stood up and gave the kitchen table a last rub down before she grabbed her bag and, just to annoy her sister, she picked up the crutches that Celestia had tossed into the corner of the living room. “I’m sure I can pester Gloriosa for a bit, or I might go and clean your sundial for you.” When they got outside to her black muscle car, she shortened the crutches and placed them across the back seat. “If I bring them, no one will need them.” Luna said in response to her sister’s curious look. “I won't say your leg isn't healed, but you will be roughing it, so preventive medicine. You know what I will say if you need them again.” “Alright doc, I won't argue.” Celestia knew better than to even try and argue with her sister. One might as well try to nail fog to the wall. She got in the passenger side of the car and she adjusted the skimpy swimsuit top so that it at least covered her nipples. Suddenly she wished she had worn something more…more. “Lu? Do I look alright?” Luna looked at her nervous sister for a split second and gave her a considered opinion. “Rawr!” Celestia just shook her head as her sister walked around the car and, once she was in the driver’s seat, she started up her massive engine and headed towards the camp. “I worry, Lu, about the centaurs.” Celestia said, running her fingers through her pony tail. “Only last week the newspapers had two more 'monster' sightings in the forest…” “Sightings without evidence.” Luna replied as she negotiated what early morning traffic there was at that time of day. “About as believable as when you first told me about centaurs. You could share those locations with Silver to see if it is some stupid centaur for an outing, or if it is something that has crossed over.” “I worry it's only a matter of time before an idiot hunter with a trigger finger wants to make a name for themselves,” Celestia shuddered, staring out of the window at the scenery of the city whizzing past the powerful black car. “Silver said that's how his mother died, on the end of a hunter’s gun.” Luna patted her sister’s leg. “It’s the world we live in, sadly. Still, none of those sightings were in the middle of the Everfree, near camp, they were all within fifty kilometers of the city.” Though she was grateful of her sister’s hand, Celestia sighed and smiled. “I know, I know, I worry too much. I just, love him, Lulu." “Then use that brain of yours to keep him and you safe.” Luna smiled warmly as she pulled in front of a driver who attempted to cut her up. One rude gesture later and a bit of toe on her gas pedal had the imbecile left far behind them. “Remember, just as some idiot is out looking for a trophy, some other idiot may be trying to stop any human from getting too close.” “You aren't wrong. I wish you were, sis, but you aren’t.” ~ ~ ~ “Have fun and stay safe.” Luna hugged Celestia tightly to her chest as if she wouldn’t ever see her again, not that she was just going into the forest for a few days. ‘It’s not like last time’, she told herself. ‘No, the last time she was kitted out like My First Explorer, with a backpack that held everything, now she’s going off just in a swimsuit and a shoulder bag…’ “If there’s an emergency, I'll text you.” “Thank you, Lu.” Stood beside the car in the parking lot, with her bag on her shoulder, Celestia hugged her sister and found she didn’t want to let go. She had time for a long hug. At just eight thirty in the morning, they were over an hour early. “I'll check my phone three times a day, just to see if there's any messages!” Luna gave her sister a harsh but well meant shove to get her on her way and waved her good bye just as Gloriosa Daisy, who almost looked like a mirror of Luna in her cargo shorts and tee shirt, appeared by the Vice Principal’s side. She had been alerted by the CCTV as to the arrival of a car in the lot, one she wasn’t expecting yet. “Where’s she off too?” she asked curiously, watching Celestia walk off with a purpose to the lake. “Nature walk.” Luna had the lie ready and waiting to go. Not that it was really a lie. Her sister was going to be walking in nature, she was sure, for as long as it took her to get that fourteen inch monster between her legs. “Stress relief from dealing with all her duties as a principal.” “Cool,” given no cause to doubt what Celestia was actually doing, Gloriosa shrugged and walked back to the main visitor’s centre in the camp with Luna by her side. “There’s nobody else here, so she should be able to blow off some steam in private without anyone bothering her.” Gloriosa had no idea why Luna was laughing at her. When Celestia got to the extreme north edge of the lake, she checked all around her to make sure that not only was she alone but that she was out of sight of those that were already at the camp. She didn’t want to give Timber Spruce a heart attack. Satisfied nobody could see her, before she rounded the trees, the fifty year old stripped off everything she was wearing but for her choker and sandals. Then, after stuffing the wrap and swimsuit in her bag and taking a deep breath, she rounded the trees. The wildlife wasn’t the only thing to see Celestia walk around the trees. From a vantage point on a ridge overlooking the line of trees and the campsite beyond, Shadewalker observed the human arrive, having noted the increased activity in the campsite as of late. Pouring all his ability into his stealth, and trusting the fact that he was essentially invisible, he followed her, intent on seeing what she was up to. Completely unaware that she was being, for all intents and purposes, hunted, Celestia walked around the large line of trees and headed to the spot where she met with Moonsilver and Hearthstone over a week ago now. She was not surprised that her lover wasn’t there yet, after all she was early. “What a beautiful place this is...” she wondered out loud. With the sun above her shining down, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves, the forest certainly was beautiful. From the just inside the treeline behind his woman, Moonsilver watched Celestia walk with a huge swell of love in his heart for the one that had so consumed him. While not as skilled as Shadewalker, he was nonetheless concealed from her. Not that he wanted to spy on her, but he did take a moment to admire Celestia’s figure. He got his chance when she turned in place. Her slender neck, the way her pony tail draped over her shoulders, the curve of her full bountiful breasts and the pink nipples, to her soft and rounded belly that hung over her wide waist and her deliciously thick thighs…he loved every single inch of her curvy body. When he had feasted upon her for long enough, Moonsilver broke his stealth and stepped forth from the trees. “I will allow the sandals.” “Oh!” caught unprepared, Celestia jumped a little as she watched him appear from the trees then, she smiled, “Silver!” with her heart soaring higher and higher with every step, she ran over and hugged his muscular body to her own, kissing his neck and cheek all over. Moonsilver used his broad tongue for a full frontal face lick and then he followed that up with a more human kiss. “I've missed you!” Celestia squealed after they parted from the intense kiss. “I've got so much to tell you!” With Celestia at last in his arms, Moonsilver allowed his hands to roam freely over her body. “If it is about the failing wards, I'll listen, if not, it can wait.” “It is!” Celestia shivered happily, with her nipples hardening, she was in no way about to stop his wandering hands from wandering over her breasts, especially his thumbs that wandered over her hard nubs. She placed her hands on his broad chest, groping him herself. “It's about the Geodes, the Wards and Equestria.” Reluctantly, very reluctantly, Moonsilver ceased his wandering exploration of Celestia’s body and he lowered himself to the ground, bringing his lover along with him as he held her to his chest. “Speak your knowledge, my love.” “It is as we suspected, my love.” Celestia said once she had taken a deep breath to gather her thoughts. “The Air Stones are failing because the city of Canterville as a whole is saturated in Equestrian magic, and they cannot protect from themselves. Also, the Geodes. You have eight. Seven of them have bonded with seven human teenagers from my school. They are not in your cave any longer.” Overhead, perfectly hidden in the trees, Shadewalker also overheard what Celestia was saying. “The portal to Equestria is located outside my school, it is open permanently.” Listening attentively to every word that Celestia said, Moonsilver had an open mouth and blinked as he took that in. He processed the information, rolling every word around in his head before he spoke up. “How do you know that others have magic?” “I tested it,” Celestia replied, “on my sister and her girlfriend. They could both - with ease - use the image stone that Dawnglow gave me.” She reached into her shoulder bag and she produced the stone to show him, it was clearly his sister’s. “Added to that, I've seen my seven students use the magic on four occasions. Each time it is more and more powerful than the last.” “It's not natural,” Moonsilver shook his head, “How are they being effected by that? Using a stone is one thing, but magic with out a stone is...” “Dangerous,” Celestia finished Moonsilver’s sentence for him, “I know. They have combined the magic that came from Equestria with your Geode magic.” “This...The council needs to know of this.” Eagerly, Celestia nodded her head in her lover’s embrace, “I know my love. If...if it's any consolation, they are able to control the magic they have absorbed. They can use it at will just like you. They are good kids, Silver. They've saved this world, four times.” It was consolation, but not very much, if the centaur was honest. “That is nice, but more worrying is why would the world need saving?” “Sometimes it needs saving from itself, and, well, I'll be honest, some dark evil magic being or beings either banished from Equestria or who've fled from there. It's...complicated…” Realising just how complicated it all was, she reached into her shoulder bag and she produced the torn pages of the magic journal that Sunset Shimmer gave her a couple of days ago in her house. Moonsilver looked down at the pages that his lover showed him but the words were little but squibbles, with an odd word here and there sticking out to him. “I speak well, but, will you read them to me, please?” “Yes Master, of course,” it didn’t surprise her any longer how easily she slipped into her submissive state, nor how pleasing it felt. She read from the pages of the journal, essentially repeating what she had just told him. She pointed out the diagrams of the eight Geodes, their respective titles, the seven who had them, their elements and how they corresponded to each other. “And here,” Celestia pointed to a picture of rage monster Tirek, “Is why Scorpan bought you all here, with Starswirl the Bearded's help.” Looking at the remarkably detailed picture of Tirek, the creature he knew as The Destroyer, Moonsilver was so shaken that he trembled in Celestia’s arms. Wisely, she didn’t point that out, instead she stroked his arm and kissed his cheek. “Master, the Princess says that Tirek is locked away in Tartarus. She says you have nothing to fear.” “Yes, nothing to fear as our wards fail around us and our history with humanity comes back to haunt us.” “I did say it was complicated, didn’t I?” she gave him her best eye roll as she kissed him again. “Change is coming, and with it, a new world, for everyone. You know this.” She kissed him on the lips, “And I'll face it with you.” “Good, as I don't want to face it alone.” Moonsilver heroically took the onslaught of loving kisses and then he nuzzled her cheek. “I fear I may have to though as the tribe fears everything.” “Princess Celestia is coming here to my house in a week's time. She'll have everything I've told you presented in such a way that your council won't be able to refute it.” Celestia nuzzled her lover in turn, smooshing her breasts into his chest – to calm him, of course. “We shall tell them our knowledge, speak the truth and hope they have wisdom. For now,” she kissed him, gently sliding her tongue into his mouth until she had to breathe. “I want to relax and enjoy three days with you, Master.” With a smile, Moonsilver let go of Celestia and the pale grey centaur rolled onto his back. “Relax me then, my pet.” “My pleasure, Master.” Celestia straddled his body, her hot bare crotch resting on his sheath. As soon as she was in position, her deft fingertips caressed his chest and nipples, and she started to kiss up and down his powerful body. Moonsilver used a forehoof to caress Celestia's wide ass as his hand played with her long hair. A soft moan escaped her lips as she kissed up and down his body. On the 'up' she ground her crotch to his sheath and sucked on his nipples, and she kissed down to his belly on the 'down'. Moonsilver, getting more and more ‘relaxed’ by the second, found he was forgetting about all the issues with magic and Geodes, instead he was content to let Celestia have her way. He used both of his forehooves to knead her bountiful ass cheeks, an action that gave her an idea. ‘He likes playing with my ass, huh…’ with that in mind, she changed her position into a 69 and she started to nuzzle and lick at his moistened sheath. Now that he had the opportunity, Moonsilver brought his hands into play to play with Celestia's ass and especially the slit in between. ‘Mmmmm oooh I've really missed that...’ she thought, moaning out loud into her lover’s crotch. Thanks to his very skilled hands and his wondrous fingers, Celestia was quickly getting very moist as she doubled her efforts to get her Master out of his sheath. She didn’t have to try very hard. Moonsilver wasn’t holding back, and in an instant, his cock had emerged from its sheath and a moment later it was at its full fourteen inch length. As soon as she saw him out and erect, Celestia took as much of him as she could in her mouth, mostly to stifle the murmurs and moans she was making. Said moans only got louder when she felt three of Moonsilver’s fingers enter her pussy and his thumb press into her puckered asshole. She was sure this was what heaven felt like. As he thrust his hand into her and fingerbanged her, she moved forwards and sucked on his shaft. Moonsilver smiled like the cat who had all the cream as Celestia’s ass filled his vision, reaching up just below it with his free hand, the one that wasn’t fingering her and placing his thumb inside her uppermost thigh, spreading them and admiring the ample labia poking out from the woman’s shaved valley. Taking in the view for a moment, Moonsilver dove right in, now letting his tongue caress Celestia's crease as he thrust his thumb in her asshole. Getting into his groove, he playfully nipped at her luscious labia, kissing his lover’s pussy like it was her mouth. Celestia hummed delightfully at the way her Master made out with her pussy and, not to be outdone, she wrapped her left hand around the centaur’s thick cock and began to lovingly jerk him off as she bobbed her head up and down, his flat head touching the back of her mouth. One adventurous bob later and she took him past her mouth and into her throat, going down and down until she reached its base, her nose nuzzled between Moonsilver’s balls and giving them a little sniff. “Mmm, smells full.” She commented when she pulled off to take a much needed breath. Moonsilver didn’t respond, not wanting to part from Celestia’s pussy for even a moment to comment and Celestia smiled at the sensations between her legs. She adored the way her Master lavished her moist tunnel so thoroughly, she was sure she’d end up far more soaked in his saliva than in her own juices. Celestia continued her licking between the centaur’s balls, feeling the root of his hard cock beneath them, shifting over to take one of them into her mouth and lightly suckling it until she felt it twitch, signaling her to go further. Satisfied that Moonsilver was enjoying her ministrations, Celestia leaned back up to looking over Moonsilver’s beautiful mottled cock, sticking out her tongue and gathering the fresh precum dripping a little more steadily from its tip. She wrapped her lips firmly around the flat head and stayed there for a time, her tongue undulating against it, sucking on the sensitive tip as his arousal spilled forth its familiar flavour for her. From experience, she knew that Moonsilver tended to produce a lot of precum and, like most parts of her lover, Celestia had grown quite fond of its flavour. Her left hand continued to caress the centaur’s shaft, lingering downward and, using her right hand, she wrapped her fingers around his balls, kneading them and squeezing them for more. “By the Great Forest, pet, how do you expect me to last very long when you perform such magic?” “I don’t, Master,” was her simple reply. Moonsilver felt a shiver roll up his spine at Celestia’s direct tone, knowing that the eager lips on his cock were just waiting for his cumshot. As a distraction, he tried to refocus on the breathtaking pussy before him, delicious white lips surrounding even sweeter pink ones, blushing warmly with arousal. With all the skill of a hunter, his eyes locked onto the large hard clit peeking out of its hood and he leaned in, massaging the sensitive area and feeling the little nerve center become ever harder on his tongue. Appreciating what he was doing, Celestia’s right hand gave Moonsilver’s balls another squeeze and lowered her mouth over the centaur's shaft, working the whole length of it into her hot wet mouth. Moonsilver felt her core tighten from the sensations between his hind legs, urging him to work more quickly. Moonsilver let one of his hands leave Celestia’s fat ass to join his mouth, taking his tongue’s former position between his lover’s lips. The cool breeze in the forest had left his hand cold, causing his two fingers to tingle as they entered his lover’s hot moist furnace, earning a squeak from his beloved pet. Moonsilver had gotten delighted by just how hot Celestia felt inside, almost expecting steam to rise off of it, but this had become familiar territory to the dominant centaur. His thrusting fingers clung to that inner wall nearest to his tongue, caressing the slick surface for its contours, feeling Celestia twitch as he passed over that particular little bump. Tongue fucking her hole, Moonsilver could practically feel Celestia smile around his cock and didn't hesitate to begin working the sweet G spot he had just found with his fingers, eagerly massaging it as his tongue made love to his pet's clit. Moonsilver could already feel his lover reacting quite strongly, Celestia's inner walls undulating around his fingers and a little more of the woman's nectar dripped onto his skillful tongue. As Celestia deep throated her Master time and again, each bob of her head causing her nose to hit his balls, and Moonsilver enthusiastically ate her out, it was apparent to each of them that their lover grew close to their orgasm; Moonsilver’s cock being massaged by Celestia’s mouth, twitching every time its tip touched her throat; Celestia’s pussy now dripping as Moonsilver’s fingers thrust into it, her clit buzzing from the stimulation. “MmmMMMMM!” “AAaaaAAAAAAAH!” Both lovers screamed in unison as they reached their climax at the same time, though Celestia’s squeal of pleasure was muffled, as her throat was impaled on her Master’s thick spurting member. She was determined to swallow every drop of his cum that was blasted into her belly. Moonsilver, for his part, was drinking down the ejaculate that Celestia had squirted over his face when she too had reached her orgasm. “Hop on,” Moonsilver said almost half an hour later when they had both ridden out and recovered from their respective climaxes. “I'll get you up to Raven’s Peak.” “Yes Master,” when Moonsilver rolled onto his front and stood up from the grassy floor, Celestia likewise stood up and, making sure she had her bag on her shoulder, she hopped up on Moonsilver's back. Leaning forwards, she held on to his body far tighter than was strictly necessary, not that the centaur minded as she pressed her belly and her hefty breasts into to his upper back. On the other side of the ridge that overlooked the edge of the forest below, Dawnglow had been watching the scene with her Mistress, Applewood. “Mistress...that's so very hot...” Even though she had just spent the past hour of her life watching her older brother having sex, it was still hot. As he effortlessly made his way through the forest, Moonsilver very much enjoyed the feel of Celestia’s naked flesh pressed against his body. It was a feeling he was sure he would never tire of. Every other step, he used his white tail to swat at his rider's ass as he climbed up and up, eventually he reached the tree house at Raven’s Peak. Likewise, Celestia enjoyed the heat of her mount's equine body between her legs, and she ground herself on his spine, panting with each swat of his tail. “This is what our magic can weave,” he said, proudly showing off the large one room abode made of tree branches. “Here, I will take you as a lover should.” Even though she had seen the tree construction in her dream, now she was seeing it in the flesh, she was properly amazed and she ooh’d in awe at what magic could achieve. She had to touch it just to make sure it was really real. “This is even more amazing than when you showed it to me in the dream, Silver. It's beautiful! You made this?” Moonsilver blushed as Celestia slid off of his back, and not because of the wet patch that she left behind. “My friend Applewood did most of the work. I only added a few things like this,” he pointed to a wide tie down bed that had been created from a number of smaller more flexible branches. “Applewood...Applewood...oh!” Celestia put the name to a memory as she walked into and looked around the treehouse. “That's your sister's girlfriend, right? I remember she talked about her.” “You talked to my sister's girlfriend?” “No, I talked to your sister.” “She hasn't told me, which is remarkable. I hope she was true to you.” “She was, Silver. She was.” Standing by his side, Celestia kissed his lips and took a long look outside. “Oh my, what a view...I haven't been up here in years!” the beauty of the treehouse was frankly nothing compared to the view she was enjoying right then. Not just Camp Everfree down below, but there was the vista of Canterville City in the distance. Moonsilver gently placed his hand on his lover’s shoulder, “You haven't been this free?” “No, no I haven't, not in a very long time.” Moonsilver’s hand lowered its way from her shoulder to her thick waist. “Here, you are free to be you, the one I love and desire.” Celestia didn’t stop looking at the view. She couldn’t. It was hypnotically enchanting. “That's one of the reasons I love you, Silver.” Deeply, Moonsilver kissed Celestia’s lips, the centaur admiring the view by his side as much as the view in front of him. “Your willingness to be yourself and my desires I what I love about you.” “You've helped bring that side out of me.” Celestia held her younger lover, her hands wandering all over his strong muscular body. “A side I thought I had said good bye to years ago.” Leading her back inside the house, Moonsilver gently but firmly pushed Celestia down to the floor. He said he would take her properly, and he meant it. “Your breasts are beautiful and I'm going to tit fuck you.” He stated his intention simply as he got into position above her, “I want you mouth, lips and tongue to run the long the underside of my cock as it takes you fully.” On her back down on the floor, Celestia looked up at the pale grey centaur, an eager smile on her face. “I understand Master,” she had to really try to keep the giddy squee from her voice, for she was more than ready for what he had in mind. She didn’t need to look to know that he was ready too, she could feel his state of readiness on her belly. “Hold them together, pet.” As soon as Celestia pressed her large fleshy breasts together, Moonsilver moved forwards and he forced his hard fourteen inch cock through the tight gap. “Oh, yes, you are beautiful…” he murmured, loving the sensations of his shaft resting between the pillowy mounds of his pet’s breasts and feeling their inner curves teasing his erection. Holding her large fleshy breasts together as tight as she could, Celestia licked at his flat tip as it emerged from her cleavage. Thrusting forwards with abandon, the centaur pushed his cock long past her mouth as he put his all into fucking her boobs. As was requested of her, Celestia used her mouth, lips and tongue to slather her spit all over his length, loving the whole experience. Every thrust he made, Moonsilver’s heavy balls dragged across Celestia's pubic area and her belly as he rutted the valley of her cleavage like it was her pussy, thrusting hard in and out between her tits. She moaned and groaned at that, adding delicate little licks and sucks to the underside to get him off. Thanks in no small part to his lover’s very talented lips and her hot tongue dragging up and down his thick veiny length, Moonsilver did not last very long. Several deep thrusts later, thrusts that had his balls hitting the underside of her breasts, he knew he was about to blow his load. Just as his head flared, the centaur pulled back so that his tip was just past her tits and, grunting, he gave her a facial. “MMmmmMMM!” Celestia moaned, the older woman just laying there and taking the cumshot, not that she had a great deal of choice in the matter. Rope after sticky rope of hot white cream burst forth as he ejaculated, the torrent not stopping until her face was covered in a thick gooey mask. Thankfully, she had closed her eyes just before he blew. “Th-Thank you Master…” Celestia licked her lips, tasting his jizz on her mouth as it dripped down her face. The dominant centaur though was not finished. Once Moonsilver’s load was spent, he moved back and repositioned himself so he could enter Celestia’s dripping wet pussy before he went soft, determined to ride her. He pressed his lower equine chest against Celestia’s chest and face, smothering her with his musky scent. “AAaaaAAAH!” she screamed in sheer pleasure as he entered her, his thick member spreading her sex wide apart. ‘Oooh yeeeessss…’ she thought, her mind addled by the scent of sex in the air and her lover’s sweat filling her senses, ‘I want this...I need this...ooooh my god I fucking love this! Fuck me!’ she attempted to make herself as tight as she could, but he was so large that wasn’t necessary. “Fuck me, Master, please!” Above her, Moonsilver was methodical and he continued to move back and forth inside his mate until he was hard as iron once again. When he judged he was ready, he thrust inside her, making sure to go in past his medial ring. Celestia then screamed long and loud as she was entered good and proper, particularly when his ring entered her pussy. “FuuuuUUUCK yeeees!” Moonsilver fucked her. He wasn’t slow, or gentle. He pressed his chest into her face, so he became all that she saw. He took her rough and hard, every thrust of his cock inside her allowed his ring to stretch her pussy and drag along the walls of her tunnel. He rutted her until his head tapped her cervix and flared inside, painting her tunnel with his cum like he had done her face. “You are mine, body and soul.” Celestia felt the torrent of cum spurt inside her and splash against her cervical wall and that sent her over her edge and she came as well, panting hard in a puddle of sweat and semen. “I am yours! I belong to you Master!” she screamed, just as Moonsilver withdrew his softening length from her gaping sex so he could kiss her properly. Firmly, the centaur forced his tongue into Celestia’s mouth, claiming it as he had claimed her. Holding the kiss, Moonsilver’s left hand moved down to grope his pet’s breasts. “OOooooh...r-right there...” she moaned when his fingers and thumb found her nipple. Shortly after, he followed his hand and began sucking like a newborn foal. His hand found a new home between Celestia's legs, and as he inserted three fingers in her to the second knuckle, he suckled one breast before moving to the second. “AaaaAAHN M-Maaaaster!” she screamed, bucking her hips upwards to meet his hand, squeezing her legs and her thick thighs around his arm. Moonsilver was not deterred by Celestia's leg clamp, the centaur determined to bring her to another climax. “You are a goddess among the humans,” he purred into her ear once she had coated his forearm in her juices and lay panting in his embrace. “You are truly Aphrodite reincarnate.” “Y-You s-sweet talker…” Celestia panted, breathing heavily following her exertions, she hugged and held him tight, just happy to bask and enjoy the moment. “I love you, Silver, so very much.” “As I love you, my dear Goddess.” He kissed her lips, and continued to kiss her all the way down her slender neck. “I've given you the stones of Language, Dreams and Healing. I will now give you the stone of Water, for it is from the sea foam that Aphrodite was born.” “Oh my...thank you!” Celestia was lost for words when he placed the blue stone in her hands. “What does this one do?” “Tia, Tia quite contrary, how does your garden bloom? With this stone and your magic within, all your pretty plants in a row.” “Really? I can grow something like this house?” Moonsilver chuckled. Her eagerness, quick wit and keen intelligence was like an aphrodisiac to him. “Yes, with the right tree and a lot of practice. I had help growing this house.” Mostly from the after effects of the recent rutting, Celestia giggled, “I doubt I'll trouble your architects, my love.” “I wouldn't be too sure of that. There is more to you than meets the eye,” Moonsilver kissed his pet’s lips, “And my eyes are well pleased by what they see.” Celestia simply smiled, content to lay where she was and hold her lover close, like she was afraid if she loosened her grp he’d vanish into the ether. “I'm just happy to enjoy this moment with you.” Obligingly, Moonsilver rolled onto his side and pulled Celestia in close. “These are the moments that make life worth living. They should be enjoyed.” “Yes they are…” she yawned suddenly and, not surprisingly, she found herself dozing off after all that they had just done. “Oh...I am sorry...” Moonsilver didn’t say anything. He just held her, stroking her long greying hair until, moments later, she fell soundly asleep in his strong arms. > Chapter 12 - What Future May Come > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “MmmMMMMM!” “AAaaaAAAAAAAH!” Both lovers screamed in unison as they reached their climax at the same time, though Celestia’s squeal of pleasure was muffled, as her throat was impaled on her Master’s thick spurting member. She was determined to swallow every drop of his cum that was blasted into her belly. Moonsilver, for his part, was drinking down the ejaculate that Celestia had squirted over his face when she too had reached her orgasm. “Hop on,” Moonsilver said almost half an hour later when they had both ridden out and recovered from their respective climaxes. “I'll get you up to Raven’s Peak.” “Yes Master,” when Moonsilver rolled onto his front and stood up from the grassy floor, Celestia likewise stood up and, making sure she had her bag on her shoulder, she hopped up on Moonsilver's back. Leaning forwards, she held on to his body far tighter than was strictly necessary, not that the centaur minded as she pressed her belly and her hefty breasts into to his upper back. On the other side of the ridge that overlooked the edge of the forest below, Dawnglow had been watching the scene with her Mistress, Applewood. “Mistress...that's so very hot...” Even though she had just spent the past hour of her life watching her older brother having sex, it was still hot. “I see the rumours of your big brother being with a human true, pet.” Dawnglow couldn’t quite believe the level of the understatement her Mistress had just used. It was such a huge understatement given what they had both just witnessed that she struggled to think of a retort for it. “Yes, Mistress,” she said eventually, “It seems they are very much true, Mistress.” Quietly, Applewood watched from her vantage point as Moonsilver carried the human female off into the depths of the forest. She knew where they were going, of course, having helped with the building of the abode they’d be staying in. She snorted a laugh. ‘Helped’ was a subjective term. Rescued a disaster would be more accurate. Then again, she was a Treesinger and he was not. “And what of the other human that bought this one here?” “I can't speak for the other,” Dawnglow answered softly, “but his human is nice.” The young female smiled at her lover then, “You know, Mistress, Moonsilver says you are a lot like Celestia’s sister, the dark blue human.” Applewood turned a rather intense look to her girlfriend and pet. One she was pleased that Dawnglow did not shrink from. “I should go after them and demand why he thinks I'm like that human's sister.” Amid the branches and trunks of the trees they were concealed in, Dawnglow blushed so hard she was like the rising sun she was named after. “That won’t be necessary, I um...I know why, Mistress.” Curiously, Applewood lifted her girlfriend’s chin with her index finger so that she could see her summer green collar around her neck and she looked her straight in the eyes. “Do you now, my pet?” Dawnglow nodded, or rather she tried to, what with Applewood’s finger holding her chin up. “Yes Mistress. The human's - Celestia 's sister - is to her girlfriend what you are to me.” That was the very simple answer to a very complicated question. Holding her gaze for a few moments, time seemed to stand still as Applewood stared into her lover’s eyes. Blue met brown, unconditional love shared between the two partners. Eventually, her finger left her chin, her hand running along the length of Dawnglow’s jawline to her slender neck then down to the collar that she herself had locked into place. “Is she a harsh Mistress, pet?” Needing to time to think of her answer, Dawnglow shook her head and she smiled. “I'm told that Luna is a strict and loving Mistress. Like you are.” Wordlessly, Applewood closed the small distance between them and she mashed her lips to her girlfriend’s, claiming Dawnglow with a long, hard, passionate embrace. It was a strong, dominant kiss, one in which the Treesinger’s tongue easily took control of the Hunter’s mouth. It was a kiss that Applewood ended with the biting of her pet’s lower lip. “That is as it should always be.” Once the kiss had been broken, Dawnglow looked down at her hooves which were obscured by the shrubbery of the forest floor. An iron fist had taken hold of her gut and squeezed it, making her feel ill. She had something she needed to say to her lover, her secret she knew she had to confess. She had tried in the past, of course she had, but every time she had tried, that hand had dragged her gut down into an icy cold pit of darkness. She thought back to Celestia’s wise words and she took courage from them, for the moment holding her demons at bay. “Mistress, Apples, can you please use your magic to take us up to the treetops?” Somewhat stunned by the rare request, Applewood again lifted Dawnglow’s chin with a finger. “Why, pet?” she asked curiously, for she was well aware of her girlfriend’s fear of heights. Nervously, Dawnglow fidgeted her fingers together. Already, she could feel those familiar fingertips getting a handhold on her insides, but it was too late to back down now. The request had already been made, the cat was out of the bag, as it were. “I have something to confess, Mistress, and I don't want other Hunters to hear.” Intense curiosity blazed across Applewood, though she did a very, very good job of masking it and forcing a neutral expression on her face. “Have you been a naughty mare, pet?” Suddenly, Dawnglow found herself on the verge of tears. Two cold hands were now taking a firm grip of her stomach and her intestines and she felt incredibly wretched. “Not just naughty. I've betrayed and dishonoured the Hunters, Mistress.” Now, Applewood was beyond curious. With immense effort, she pushed that aside and she led her pet over to an immense oak tree. It was a tree so vast that its width equalled six centaurs. ‘You will do nicely…’ She laid a hand on the gnarled old trunk and she sang her magical song. Immediately, the branches of the oak moved like the trunk was made of water and some new ones sprouted to form a narrow ramp that lead up the outside of the tree, spiralling like a staircase. “Show me your dedication to your punishment and walk before me.” She ordered simply. Dawnglow walked. As the Hunter and Treesinger ascended the ramp, more branches moved in front of them and disappeared behind them. Though she was obviously nervous, the higher she got, her tail swished more and more as the ramp went up and up. “Do not think that pleasing me with the view will detract from your punishment.” Applewood did enjoy the view of her pet’s beautiful pussy though. “N-No-No Mistress...” Dawnglow whimpered. Every step she took, the invisible hands in her guts squeezed her tighter and tighter, every step made her feel sick and the weakness in her legs had, for once, nothing whatsoever to do with the height. Still, she walked. The Hunter went higher up than she had ever been in a tree before, trusting Applewood’s magic completely. Almost at the very top, she faltered, her hand gripping the trunk of the tree, even though there was still more tree left that extended up beyond the treeline. “Can we stop here please?” Behind her, Applewood licked her lips when Dawnglow’s tail swished and gave her a view of her goodies. She forced herself to focus, though it wasn’t easy, the Hunter’s state of nervousness was arousing, and she did love to hear her scream. “You can stop when you reach the platform at the top.” Dawnglow looked up past the treeline when a gap opened up in the forest canopy and, when she saw the platform Applewood had created, she regretted her choice of location. “O-Oh b-by the Forest…” she moaned, though she kept walking upwards towards the ten by ten foot platform, her legs very slightly wobbly. Playfully, having no fear of the great height, Applewood ran her fingers through Dawnglow's raised up tail, being extremely careful not to pull or grab at it. That would come later. Pleasingly, her pet lifted her tail up higher, like she was in heat, displaying herself for her Mistress’s benefit, and they eventually reached the platform. “It’s a lovely view from up here.” For once, the dominant centaur was not referring to her lover. “You can see the lake.” “It's beautiful, Mistress, I mean it.” Dawnglow did mean it as well, though she sincerely wished there was a guard rail around the platform. Not that she did not trust her Mistress implicitly, but should there be a strong gust of wind, well, it was over a hundred feet down to the ground. Almost as if she read her pet’s mind, Applewood sang a different tune and a sturdy looking railing rose up around the edge of the platform along with a long length of a narrow vine, which crept up from the tree like a snake and coiled up till the Treesinger judged she had enough. “I think things are ready.” Applewood then ran her hand tenderly along the slit of Dawnglow's ass. “What do you wish to tell me?” That cold, icy feeling of dread returned along with those demonic fingers, clenching tightly around her insides and squeezing her until she almost threw up. “Like I said,” Dawnglow muttered sadly, “I've betrayed and dishonoured the Hunters…” morosely, she lowered herself and she sat on the platform, sighing deeply, knowing that was not a proper answer. “My hearing is still good even with my singing, pet. Stand.” Immediately, Dawnglow stood up, standing at attention. Taking up the vine in her well-practised hands, she deftly bound her pet’s hind legs together from hoof all the way up to her thighs in an intricate diamond pattern. Not done, Applewood then ran the vine up between Dawnglow's legs and around her tail and on to her lower chest where she looped it there. “I'm listening.” Dawnglow had fantasised about this moment for months. Now it was upon her, she wished that time would kindly stretch on forever. Alas, she knew it wouldn’t. “I-I'm...aaaah....I've ahhh, ummm…” Shamefully, she hung her head, trying to ignore the feelings of nausea and panic that was rising in her gut. “I've been making myself sick, on purpose, Mistress.” The confession felt like it had been dragged from her very soul. Quietly, Applewood used the vine to bind her pet’s front legs from hoof up to her shoulder, repeating the intricate diamond pattern that she had used before, where she tied it off at the loop around her lower chest. Once that was done to her satisfaction, she sang up another vine. “Sick, as in faking illness?” Sadly, Dawnglow shook her head. “No Mistress, I mean as in making myself physically sick.” The submissive centaur’s voice went so quiet it was almost inaudible, “I mean…vomiting, Mistress.” Being a Treesinger, Applewood missed the significance of what her girlfriend had just admitted to. “Throw up on me and I'll toss you from this platform,” she said in a tone that promised she’d make good on her threat. With practised skill, she used the second vine to form a weight bearing harness around Dawnglow's equine body. “Why would you do such a thing?” Desolately, Dawnglow looked down, her voice still quiet. It was as if those hands were around her neck, choking her as much as they twisted and clawed at her insides. She didn’t want to speak, but she knew she had to. “Be-Because...because I...I'm fat and disgusting, and I don't want to be.” Of all the things Applewood was expecting to hear, that was so far down on her list that she almost fell from the platform in shock. Recovering quickly, she walked around and she took a very firm hold of Dawnglow's chin, forcing her to look her in the eye. “When have I called you fat, pet?” Looking her lover in the eyes, again blue met brown. Dawnglow shivered, not from the wind that blew through her mane and tail but, for the very first time, she heard anger in the Treesinger’s words and she saw anger in those eyes. “Y-You haven't, Mistress. You don't need to. I know I am. I see Nightingale in the camp, I hear the others say she's pretty. You even said so, Mistress.” “Because she is pretty.” Applewood said simply, before she sang up another vine for her to use. “I speak the truth. Have I never said you were pretty?” Dawnglow shuddered. Everyone knew that Nightingale was pretty, beautiful, even. While she, was not. She was bloated, fat and ugly. Her reflection told her so every morning when she woke up. “Yes Mistress you have said I was pretty.” As Applewood used the third vine to bind Dawnglow's breasts in a pentagon and her arms behind her back in a box tie, she actually heard the self-loathing in her voice. Quickly, she finished off the tie, pulling the vine through the chest loop and lastly she tied a knot under her pet’s tail. “Do I lie, pet?” “N-No M-Mistress,” Dawnglow choked on her words, struggling to speak due to the demonic hand holding her throat in a deathgrip, “but...you like Nightingale, she's slim...so I have to keep being slim, then I'll be like her, and you’ll like me.” “Slim,” Applewood agreed, “did I say she was pretty for being slim? Really pet, What’s the color of her mane?” “It's white, like mine, Mistress…” Dawnglow sighed deeply, wishing the invisible hands would give her at least a moment’s respite from their icy grip. “I've had to confess. I just can't keep it inside anymore, I d-do-don't want to be like this anymore!” Again, Applewood wasn't sure what Dawnglow was getting at, but, it was quite clear, after listening to her, that this was torturing her. That saddened her greatly, for if her lover was in pain, she wished she had spoken to her before now. Still, at least she was speaking to her now. She owed it to her to listen, and to help. “I do love a white mane, then there is something that Nightingale and I share,” Applewood then ran her hands over her own petit breasts. “Do you know what that is?” “Your um...breasts, are similar, Mistress…” Dawnglow sighed, “Mistress, Moonsilver's human, Celestia, she caught me making myself sick, a few days ago. She said I should confess to you.” The submissive centaur started sobbing uncontrollably, “I'm so sorry!” “Nightingale is pretty.” Applewood watched her girlfriend cry like a lost filly and it broke her heart into a thousand pieces. She hated to see her cry, unless she was the one making her do it. Standing before her, Applewood wiped her eyes before she groped Dawnglow’s much larger breasts with her wet hands. “She is pretty. But you are beautiful. I'm not a Hunter, but I think I understand your crime.” Applewood sang another long vine to her, but this one she magically secured to the platform with the strongest Treesinging ability she knew. The end, she tied to the weight bearing harness. “You have dishonoured the animals you killed and betrayed the camp, your kin and yourself. You should be punished.” Dawnglow nodded miserably. This was it. Her life was over. “I should be punished, Mistress. What I did...if Master Sagitarius found out, I'd be exiled to the Wild Wood.” ‘Exile would be if you were lucky…’ Applewood thought with a nod of her head. ‘If the Council knew of this…she could be executed if they wanted to make an example of her. I can’t allow that!’ Determined to deal with this there and then, Applewood said, “That would be a fitting punishment.” That said, she sang and the platform under Dawnglow disappeared, while it remained under her. “Good bye, pet.” “GAAaaAAaaAAAaaAAH!” Dawnglow screamed in sheer terror as she fell from the very top of the tree. It seemed that there was no anchor as the bound centaur dropped like a stone and the forest floor came up to meet her extremely quickly. Her bladder relieved itself of its own accord all the way down. She was still pissing herself when, at twenty feet above the ground the vine started to resist the fall so that there was no sudden stop, but Dawnglow's hooves still dangled two feet above the ground when she stopped. Following her down on a branch she was manipulating, Applewood was only a minute behind her pet and, once her hooves touched the floor she carefully inspected the grass to see if Dawnglow soiled the ground. She was incredibly pleased to see and smell she had emptied her bladder and her bowels. “Hmm...I think it’s okay to shit and piss the hunt away, and I see you didn't vomit, so that’s good. I, Applewood of the Singers do hereby lift your exile.” She giggled, “Your tits do wobble nicely when you fall.” “Whu...wha...hu...” Dawnglow was processing what had just happened, surprised she was still alive. When she realised that she was still breathing, she struggled anew in her bindings. Her breasts, which were a few sizes larger than Applewood's and bound, wobbled away as she struggled, her eyes wide. “What...just happened?” Applewood stepped in front of her panicking pet, a brief pang of guilt in her heart. She squashed it quickly though, because she did so like to make her scream and piss herself. “I would usually ask if you trust me before I drop you, but you seemed to need a punishment worth the crime. I love you, and I'm glad my song skills were up to the task.” “Yo-You forgive me?” “I did exile you from the tree, but I've now accepted you back into the tribe.” Applewood moved to her pet’s side and she ran her hand under Dawnglow's equine belly. “You are foolish indeed to think I wanted something other than who you are.” “Celestia said you would say that, when I told her how much we love each other.” Applewood turned to pick up a slim stick, only because she wanted to hide the intense blush that covered her cheeks and matched the one that was on Dawnglow’s own face. When she was sure she had herself under control, she turned and swatted Dawnglow's ass hard with two strikes to each cheek. “A very, very foolish pet.” The smacks from the stick gave Dawnglow something of a pendulum motion and, as she swung back and forth, she let out a rather hearty little scream as the stick swatted her ass a third and fourth time. ‘Oh Yeeeesssss...’ she thought even as she let loose another scream, ‘yes I need this...harder Mistress please!’ “I've been foolish Mistress! Please punish me, Mistress!” As she continued to strike at Dawnglow’s body, Applewood moved to the end of the vine and caused it to spin in a slow circle. She herself did not move, so her well placed strikes now landed all over the submissive centaur’s lower body. Only the first two strikes were really hard, Applewood made sure that the rest were felt but not as hard. She knew her pet loved to feel pain, but she didn’t want to cripple her. “Foolish pet, do not presume to make demands of me!” “No Mistress! I'm sorry Mistress!” Dawnglow screamed as much if not more in pleasure as in pain as she swayed and turned, feeling that wonderful marvellous stick covering her lower body. She could visualise the criss cross of welts it was leaving behind. Her Mistress's touch was exquisite and she twitched and squirmed, squealing and moaning. A well-placed strike stopped Dawnglow from spinning but it also made her orgasm. Applewood shoved her muzzle under Dawnglow's tail and was not disappointed. “By the Great Forest!” she exclaimed, finding her pet so wet she could be a waterfall. Applewood’s hands grasped at the welts she raised on Dawnglow's ass, an action that just made her leak even more. Not finished, the dominant mare continued to grope her lover’s ass and she shoved her muzzle and tongue as far in her pussy as she could go to enjoy her essence. Given how aroused she already was, Dawnglow climaxed after just a few moments and she came hard, soaking Applewood's face in her juices. Smirking at a job well done, Applewood slapped Dawnglow's ass. “Naughty pet, now you've made a mess!” she spun her around to face her. “Clean me up now. Oh, and do make a good show of it, won’t you?” Fortunately, the way she was bound meant that Dawnglow could bend at the waist so she could get low enough to reach her Mistress’s wet face. With her eyes half lidded with ecstasy, Dawnglow nodded and leant forward, slowly licking her Mistress’s face clean. Once she was finished, Applewood kissed her nose. “It’s two feet to the ground. Ready yourself.” “I'm ready, Mistress.” Applewood sang a single note and the vine connected to the harness snapped, dropping Dawnglow unceremoniously down to the ground into her lover’s waiting arms. “Make me cum quickly and then again slowly.” She ordered as she steadied her bound pet. The Treesinger turned her back on her pet and, lowering her chest to the floor, lifted up her tail. Awkwardly, Dawnglow got herself down on the forest floor behind her Mistress and she ducked her head under her tail and literally attacked her pussy. She went straight for the prize, lapping at her labia like a centaur possessed. She wasn’t slow or subtle. She tongued her slit, sliding her tongue inside her hot tunnel. As she was hot and ready, Applewood felt it right in her core, but sill she used the stick across Dawnglow’s flank to ‘encoyrage’ her. “AaaAAAAAAH!” Dawnglow doubled her efforts like a good mare, lapping at her clit when she needed to breathe and then she switched to sucking on her hard button. “Make me glow, Glowy!” Applewood screamed her pleasure into the forest floor and, as Dawnglow wrapped her lips around Applewood's clit, she seized it in her teeth and flicks it hard with her tongue. That was all it took. Seconds later, the dominant mare clenched her hind legs and her pussy spasmed, her cum gushing all over Dawnglow's face. Once she had her breath back, she panted, “Good pet, now…do be creative and take your time…” “Yes Mistress.” Dawnglow chose not to lick her face. Instead, this time, she slowly stuck out her tongue and she found her Mistress’s very wet pussy and felt for the edges of her labia. Her tongue found the right place and she moved from the top down, eliciting a soft moan from the dominant centaur. Dawnglow remembered to go very slowly, or she would get an unpleasant correction on her rear. Applewood was very picky about her pacing. She spent all the time she could on just her outer labia, lapping up the juices that flowed out when they did. When Applewood said, “Good work, pet,” it was her cue that she could penetrate her with her tongue now. She poked her tongue into the hot and moist love tunnel and wiggled it around. Instantly, Applewood clenched down on it and sighed. While she licked and lapped, every so often flicking Applewood’s clit, she felt so happy to be pleasing her Mistress. Between gasps and breaths, Applewood uttered words of encouragement to her that she craved so much. Every day, she battled against her self loathing and her illness, every day it was a struggle to get through, but that day, she was doing a good job. She was making a difference. She was feeling so relieved just by doing this for her. Applewood didn’t moan too loudly, but whenever Dawnglow pushed in her tongue again to scrape against her inner walls, she gave tiny cries of pleasure. Then she knew she had hit the right spot and focused on that area for a while. It wasn’t too long before the dominant mare pressed her ass against the submissive centaur's muzzle. As she pushed into her face, the Hunter discovered that her Mistress was nearing the point of no return. Desiring to give her the release she was craving not too long ago, she began to flick and then suck on her clit, which quickly pushed the Treesinger over the edge. As Applewood’s orgasm hit her, she cried out in bliss and Dawnglow opened her mouth just in time to catch most of her love juices. Barely able to stand, Applewood panted and leaned on her pet for several seconds, but the centaur’s recovery was quick. A moment later, she said, “Wonderful job, Dawnie.” Using her name was a way of differentiating from the play, a sign that the scene was at last at an end. “Such a naughty pet you are. Maybe I should make you go without a stick for a while, hmm?” she giggled when she heard the desperate whine come from behind her. As if she would torture her like that. “Now, who is the fat, disgusting mare I love?” Looking up from the wondrous vista that was Applewood’s ass, Dawnglow noted immediately that Applewood’s eyes narrowed when she said that. Blushing really very hard indeed, she answered quickly, “I'm the mare you love, Mistress, but I'm not fat or disgusting.” “I have such a smart girlfriend!” Applewood dropped the stick and she rolled over onto her back, getting comfortable on the forest floor. “Come forward and give us a kiss.” Applewood expected Dawnglow to move straight forward over her body, and she wasn’t disappointed. A little awkwardly, because she was still bound, she moves up and, when in position, kissed her lover’s lips. As soon as she could, Applewood groped her girlfriend’s large breasts and then she wrapped her arms around her upper body, smooshing their chests together. “Now, do you need to tell anyone else, or does your foolishness stop here?” “It stops here, Apples. Exile was the punishment. The tree was your environment.” Dawnglow smiled broadly, before her smile faltered and slipped from her cum-stained face. “The law has been satisfied but…” “You do have a nice butt, too…” “No...I mean, yes, duh, but...I'll need help, Mistress.” Just because she was fine right then, didn’t mean she would be fine tomorrow, or later that day, or even in a few hours. “It’s hard, fighting myself all the time. I’m…scared, Apples, that I’m going to lose.” ~ ~ ~ A short time after Vice Principal Luna had parked her black muscle car in the lot at Camp Everfree, a butter yellow minivan decorated with three pink butterflies on the side of the sliding doors pulled up beside it. Because it was designed to hold animal cages, it could also comfortably seat seven. No sooner had Fluttershy killed the engine than Rarity slid open one door and she exited the van. “Pinkie darling,” Rarity adjusted her wide brimmed sunhat, “I wondered why you started at two hundred and seven bottles on the wall, but I see that’s what it took to get here.” “Of course silly,” Pinkie Pie skipped out of the back of Fluttershy’s van, bouncing impossibly high on the balls of her feet. Like her girlfriend, and her friends for that matter, she was wearing her Camp Everfree clothes. Applejack and Rarity had insisted on that. It was a tradition, after all, one last outing. “I'm not going to waste a bottle of beer!” Sunset Shimmer was next out of the van, making way for Rainbow Dash behind her. “You know exactly how long a song needs to be to last just long enough to get us here?” she asked with a well-meant roll of her eyes in Pinkie’s direction. Quickly, Rainbow Dash prodded Sunset’s arm before she slid her sunglasses on under her baseball cap, “Don't question it Sunny, just be glad it wasn't ‘I Spy’,” the athlete couldn’t help but shudder at the sheer horror of an hour plus in a van with Pinkie Pie playing ‘I Spy’. It was a level of torture that should have been outlawed, in her opinion. “Whaaaaaaat?” There was a gleam in Pinkie’s eyes that unnerved Rainbow to no end. Rarity, ever the calming influence to her girlfriend’s ‘enthusiasm’, placed a hand on her shoulder. “Not now, dear, it’s too early.” As Pinkie Pie giggled, the rest of the group disembarked the yellow minivan and Fluttershy pointed to a rather large wooden building that definitely had not been there when they had stayed at the camp the last time. “I think that’s our cabin.” “Wow...” Rainbow Dash was impressed by the structure as they all walked up to it. It was huge! “I see the accommodation's improved since last time huh? A whole log cabin to ourselves?” Sunset smoothed out her Camp Everfree tee shirt in a futile attempt to get it down past her navel. She was sure it wasn’t this tight the last time she had worn it, then again, she suspected that had been one of the reasons why Applejack and Rarity had insisted they all wear them. She had no reason to complain though, poor Fluttershy looked like she had two floatation devices stuffed in her top. “The tents weren't that bad…” Twilight, adjusting her glasses, pulled down her hat to guard against the summer sun and shot Sunset a ‘look’. “They were still tents.” “Not that fashionable, but Gloriosa did render them to rags while she was ah… ‘indesposed’, as it were.” The fashionista then lad the palm of her hand against the wall of the large one storey log cabin that they would be staying in. “Wasn't this one of your projects earlier this year, Jackie?” “Eeyup.” Applejack gazed proudly at the log cabin, and rightly so. The farmer had a huge duffel bag full of ‘supplies’ that she carried effortlessly on her shoulder. Shimmer needed her tack, after all. “Mac and some of the extended Apple family sorted it out in the spring. They did a good job, too.” Rainbow Dash walked past the others who were stood admiring the outside of the building. Now she had seen it, she wanted to check out the inside. “As long as it has a bathroom, I'm good.” To her very great pleasure, the inside was partitioned like an extremely large tent. There was a kitchen area in one corner, four large double beds along one wall, a circular seating area in the middle of the building with three sofas arranged in a semi-circle around two coffee tables. And, most importantly to Rainbow, a bathroom in the far corner. “But the leaves here are really soft!” Pinkie Pie cried in sheer glee as she bounced inside, making a beeline for the kitchen area to see if there was enough baking supplies. To her immense joy, there was! Sunset laughed at that, the Equestrian flopped down on one of the circular sofas. Looking around, she saw there was a long dining table with hard wooden benches either side. As much as she loved her apartment with all its modern conviniences, she was impressed with what the Apples had built. “Is dumping in a hole not your style, Dashie?” she asked in a teasing manner. “It's alright for you, Shimmer,” Rainbow Dash shot back quickly, “all you need's AJ following you with a pitchfork!” the athlete was most pleased when Sunset coloured up in a definite blush. Job done, as far as she was concerned, score one to The Dash! “Ahem,” Rarity coughed politely before taking a seat on one of the sofas, “Back on subject, dears,” she said, addressing the group of friends and lovers as a whole, “We are soon to be heading our separate ways and taking this…” she fiddled with her pendent that, like all the others, was a permanent fixture around her neck, “magic with us. I worry what we may be leaving behind.” Taking her own seat, and making room for Sunset beside her, Applejack answered, “Really it’s just you and Pinkie that are heading out.” “AJ,” Twilight looked shocked, “didn't you look at that agricultural school pamphlet I gave you?” Sunset addressed Rarity, “It's not like the portal won't be protected. AJ and I are staying put.” Applejack nodded and tipped her hat towards Twilight, who was sat with Rainbow as ever by her side. “Ah looked at it, Twi, but Ah ain't interested. Ah belong on the farm.” “And I belong with her,” Sunset piped up, getting a squeeze of her thigh from her girlfriend for her trouble. Fluttershy, the only one of the group that hadn’t paired off with one of the others – not that there hadn’t been offers, mind you – spoke up softly. “I have a good raport with the community, and the shelter is making a difference in lives. So, I’ll be staying too.” What with all her work at the shelter, it was widely accepted that she practically owned the place. She had no intentions of leaving the city, not now she had started working with the local homeless refuge as well. Rarity let out a most uncharacteristic sigh. Uncharacteristic because it wasn’t overdramatic and it didn’t require the use of a fainting couch. “It’s just that I feel like I'm abandoning all of you to what ever pops out of the portal next, is all.” Pinkie Pie, who had been ready with a fainting couch just in case of fainting couch emergencies, placed it back in the ether from which she pulled it and hugged her girlfriend and Mistress so tightly the white skinned girl’s face turned red. “I'll be with you Rare Bear so it’ll all be fine!” “Yeah,” Rainbow snorted out a laugh, “Pinks is far more dangerous than what could come out of that portal.” “Dashie has a point,” Sunset put in, “particularly when she tries the edible sun screan idea again.” She then glanced at the kitchen area in the cabin, thinking to herself how nice it would be to have a mug of coffee right then. “Twilight, you're heading on to the Canterlot U, aren’t you?” Then, when she looked down, not only was there was a steaming hot mug of coffee in front of all of them, they each had a mug with their respective symbol and colour on it. She looked at Pinkie who, she knew for an absolute fact, did not pack them, decided not to question it and sipped her drink. Applejack barked out a laugh, both at Pinkie’s ‘Pinkieishness’ and at Twilight, a joke forming in the farmer’s head. “Bit young fer teachin', ain't ya, Twi?” As surprised at the sudden and unexpected arrival of hot coffee in a lavender mug with a star on it as Sunset was to get hers in a yellow mug with a stylised sun, especially as she swore blind she never saw Pinkie Pie move a muscle nor was there time for the kettle to boil, Twilight chose to cover herself by giving Applejack a deadpan look. “Do you need instruction on handling Shimmer?” she asked with snark in her voice, “I already have my letter of acceptance to Canterlot University, full scholarship.” “Yeah um...” Raindow Dash visibly wilted under the disappointed look that her girlfriend and Mistress shot her way. She absolutely hated it when Twilight looked at her that way. “So…about that, at least the guy at the sports store in the mall says I can work full time, so it's um..not all bad, I guess…” “Employee discouuuuuunts!” “See?” Rainbow turned away from Pinkie, her face a very deep beet red, “Not all bad…” “Well,” Fluttershy took up her coffee and was not at all surprised to find that it was in fact not coffee but her favourite blend of herbal tea. She smiled appreciatively at Pinkie, who looked very pleased with herself. “It may have been a bit different,” she said unusually sternly, a glint in her eye, “had you not answered all your questions in History with, "Adagio did it".” “Oh, come on!” exasperated, Rainbow Dash threw up her hands, “You all know I’m totally right!” That unusually stern, hard edged look entered into Fluttershy’s eyes again at the mention of Adagio Dazzle. It was a look that did not escape Applejack’s notice. “No...” she started resolutely, only to be interrupted by the apple farmer. “Ah hear the coach pulling up.” As she spoke, sure enough, there came the sound of the Canterlot High School coach belching its way into the parking lot followed by the unmistakeable sound of the eternally grumpy Mr. Cranky Doodle yelling at the disembarking seniors. “Ah'm for sitt'n here till the gaggle is put away.” Having built up a head of steam though, Rainbow Dash plowed on, oblivious both to Fluttershy’s deepening expression and to the recently arrived coach. It felt good, offloading her scholastic failures onto her siren-shaped scapegoat. Blaming Adagio Dazzle felt really good. “I mean,” she forged ahead bullishly, ticking off examples on her fingers, “The two world wars, the sirens. The civil war, the sirens. The French Revolution, the sirens! I bet if you go back over the thousand years and that crummy lowlife Adagio is to blame for everything!” “Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy exclaimed vehemently, her voice raised to what to her was a scream, “That is not nice thing to say!” Fluttershy’s outburst had effectively silenced the whole group. Not one of them could ever recall Fluttershy raising her voice in that manner before. Eventually, having drank her coffee, Twilight was the one to break the uncomfortable silence. “Really Dashie,” she admonished her girlfriend and pet, “you can't blame this Adagio for the fact you didn't study.” She slapped the back of Rainbow’s hand, hard. “That's all on you.” “Besides which,” Applejack spoke up, eager to smooth things over, “Ah saw her not long ago, over on the west side. Walkin' along the sidewalk in her tracksuit, poor thing looked right miserable, like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. Even cut that massive mane of hers.” Even Rainbow Dash, as oblivious as she was, knew she had messed up, though she had no idea why her best friend would defend Adagio Dazzle, of all people. “Shy,” the athlete nervously fidgeted her fingers together and she studied her feet. Deep inside she knew she was in for some ‘correction’ later. “I'm sorry for what I said, okay?” For a few moments, Fluttershy just glared at her best friend, but she couldn't keep it up for long. “Fine, I forgive you.” Just then, the door to the log cabin opened and in walked Cheerilee, resplendent in her rather short skirt, loose tee shirt and her sandals. It escaped absolutely none of the seven – including Rainbow – that she was walking a little funny, like a shuffling limp. “Ah, good, you’re all here, I was hoping to catch you.” Rainbow though was more focused on Fluttershy, at least for the moment. “Look, Shy, I know I messed up, but I just feels good blaming her, that's all.” Presently though, she turned to Cheerilee and joined in with the others in their collective smirks and giggles. After all, the nature of her relationship with Luna was not hidden from them. “You alright there Miss Cheerilee?” Rainbow asked, stifling a laugh, “Sit funny on the bus?” “I’m just in a bit of a bind,” Cheerilee grimaced but turned it into a knowing wink that was directed at the four dominant members of the group of friends, “but I’m sure I'll be fine. You got your acceptance letters, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight?” her question was greeted by a chorous of yes's!” “Yes!” Twilight thrust her arms in the air and she cheered like she had just won the whole Friendship Games all on her own. “I got mine, in a frame, on my wall!” “As you should, Twilight, you deserved it, you worked hard.” ‘That’s an understatement,’ thought Cheerilee, because since arriving at CHS, Twilight Sparkle had smashed every school grade record going, besides Gym. “So, Twilight,” Cheerilee gave Rainbow a most critical look, lavender collar and all, before she turned her attention back to the bookworm. “Has Rainbow Dash completely given up, or does she want another chance at her future?” “What other chance?” Rainbow spoke up glumly, “I blew it.” The athlete scuffed at the floor with her sneakers, “No super sports school for me…” Twilight, in much the same vein as Cheerilee, answered her like her pet wasn’t even there, ignoring her completely. “Of course she hasn't, Miss Cheerilee. She will take another chance.” Rarity, sensing possible awkwardness ensuing, glanced at Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. She also managed to catch Applejack and Sunset’s eye. “What say we follow up on the charity event and make sure it’s all in order?” Fluttershy, relieved, seemed to let loose a breath she was holding in. “I like that idea!” Pinkie Pie bounced on the balls of her feet towards the door. “I like, like that idea!” still bouncing, not breaking her stride once, she was the first one out. Applejack was up on her feet as Fluttershy all but raced Rarity out of the log cabin. “Yeah, c'mon Shimmer, we can go help too.” The dominant farmer, wanting no part of any embarrassing school stuff between Cheerilee and Rainbow, grabbed Sunset’s hand and all but dragged her outside. Twilight though wasn’t quite as considerate as her former teacher. “Rainbow did fail two classes and I'm unsure what others at University would say if I'm dating a high school girl.” Somewhat graciously, because she wanted to spare the poor squirming submissive Rainbow any more humiliation than she had alrwady endured, waited for the last of the friends to leave before she spoke next. “As long as she wants to go to Canterlot University, there is a way, as their sports scholarships have a lower standard of admittance than say…Cloudsdale.” Rainbow was incredulous. “Are you saying I can still get in?” Certain that she had heard someone else speak, Cheerilee pointedly looked around to see if there was someone besides her and Twilight in the room of the log cabin. She then pulled out a piece of paper and passed it to the dominant teen. “She would only need a 2.0 grade average with no failures to get in. I have Coach Lightning Streak’s recommendation for her to get in on a scholarship. She would need a 3.0 in both History and Math to get her grade average up to that 2.0. Will she even bother?” For a split second, Rainbow Dash opened her mouth but, before she could utter a single word, Twilight closed it with her telekinetic magic. She closed her hand, and a lavender aura appeared around Rainbow’s mouth, keeping her quiet. “She will bother,” Twilight answered determinedly. “She will do it and she will succeed.” Cheerilee passed Twilight the application form that went with the letter. “I hopes she finds as much encouragement in you as I find in Luna. The deadline is the twenty-fifth of August. There’s two accredited prep schools that can be used locally. Both are learn as you go, so she can make the deadline, maybe.” A determined fire burned in Twilight’s eyes behind her glasses. “There's no maybe about it, Miss Cheerilee. She will make the deadline.” Satisfied that the important business was in order, Cheerilee’s who demeanour softened and she turned her back to Twilight. “If you don’t mind, could you help with a little adjustment?” she lifted up her short skirt revealing the rope harness she wore under her clothes. The only thing she was wearing under her clothes. “I don’t mean to impose, but the ropes are off centered in my crotch.” “Certainly,” Twilight tittered and, using her magic once again, she kept the short skirt lifted up out of the way and she used her hands to adjust the ropes so they were just right. She also took the opportunity to give Rainbow a show too, to show her what she could expect later in her near future. “How's that feel?” “Aaaah…” Cheerilee sighed happily when the crotch rope disappeared between her pussy and the knot rubbed her clit and anus. “Much better, thank you. Can't do it myself, after all.” Cheerilee winked at them both before she walked to the door. “I wish you the best of luck with the jock,” she smiled, then walked out of the cabin. Once she was able to speak, Rainbow sighed on the sofa. “I know, Twi, I know, I got work to do.” “Don't spare the crop!” Cheerilee called out, giggling as the door closed behind her. Rainbow gave Twilight a hopeful look and she got a 'look' in return that made her Eeep like Fluttershy and place her hands protectively on her ass. “Does this mean I get Twilight Time?” “Later, let's go and see how the preparations are going.” ~ ~ ~ It was a few hours later, just after having eaten a hearty lunch in Camp Everfree’s new dining cabin, that Fluttershy, Applejack and Sunset Shimmer returned to their own cabin. A quick glance around told them that the others had not yet returned. They had become separated when Twilight had allowed Rainbow to check out the new and improved climbing wall and Rarity was inspecting her ‘runway’. “I think everything's going along nicely,” Sunset giggled when they were all sat on the sofa, “I'm glad to see the runway is still there in one piece at any rate.” * knows that'll bug AJ, its a 'dock' * Applejack gave her beloved girlfriend a ‘look’, knowing full well that she was bugging her on purpose. “Until Rarity puts a sign in the ground, it's a dock for fish'n and boat'n. Don't you be given her any ideas, either.” Sunset returned the look she had been given as innocently as she possibly could, “Yes ma'am, it's totally not a runway, ma’am.” “I wonder where Celestia...I mean, Principal Celestia, was?” Fluttershy wondered out loud, kicking off her walking boots and flexing her butter yellow feet, “All Gloriosa said was she was on a nature walk.” Being privy to the Principal’s somewhat secret agenda, Sunset broke out into a fit of giggles, which earned her a stiff slap on her ass from the apple farmer sat beside her. “Ah bet you'd rather be doing a nature walk too, Shy. Ah know if Ah had to put up with the likes of us and our shenanigans all year, Ah'd be out walk'n too.” “Oh, I really don't know about that, AJ.” Fluttershy responded after a moment in which Sunset brought her giggles under control. Any other time, her friend was spot on correct, because she loved nature as much as the farmer did. But… “The animals here have been telling me fanciful stories all day!” Again, Applejack looked at Sunset, but this wasn’t the same look as before. This was a look that was asking silent permission to continue, a look to which Sunset nodded her head, granting her agreement and her consent. “Shy,” Applejack took a deep breath and prepared to let the genie out of the bottle. “You know a lot about horses too, right?” Somewhat predictably, Fluttershy clapped her hands, “I do!” “Ah'm gonna put Shimmer's bridle on and Ah want you to make sure it fits her right.” “Oh, um, oh, I guess I can do that.” That confused Fluttershy more than a little bit. One, she knew Applejack had been helping to care for the family’s horses as soon as she had been able to get on one and second, she also knew that she had been Shimmer’s owner for long enough she could expertly fit her bridle with her eyes closed. She looked at Sunset, asking for her permission, “If it’s okay with you.” Very quickly indeed, Sunset nodded, a grin all over her face. It had been three whole days since she’d had some Shimmer time, and over two weeks since she had put on a pony show for her friends. “It's alright with me, Shy,” she just figured that Applejack was doing some high level distraction techniques on their friend. “I mean,” Fluttershy continued as Applejack walked over to the side of the semi-circular sofa and fished in her large duffel bag, searching for Shimmer’s tack, “there was this one black chested snake eagle that was flying around the edge of camp. You wouldn't believe what he was saying!” Finally locating the bridle, Applejack was at once glad that her friend could speak to animals and not all that pleased about it. ‘Ah guess it means Ah ain’t gotta hide it no more…’ she thought as she placed the bridle reverently on Sunset’s head and adjusted the straps. On the one hand, hiding it was just another form of lying, which she hated, but on the other, she understood the reasons for not blurting it out willy-nilly. “Centaurs, right? Check it out, Shy.” Wondering why she had to check the bridle when she could see it was properly fitted from where she was sat, Fluttershy nonetheless got up Shy and checked it over. For a moment, she wasn’t paying attention to what her friends had said, then, after a long moment, it sunk in. “I beg your pardon, Jackie?” “Y’all believe in sirens, right?” The question caught Fluttershy so off guard she almost spilled her own secret, one she had been keeping for the last few months. “Of course, I do,” she giggled behind her hand, “It’s hard not to when we fought them and I...um…I mean, yes! I believe in sirens!” ‘Nice save, Shy…nice save!’ she congratulated herself. “Y’all believe Shimmer here is a pony from another world?” Applejack placed a most loving and tender kiss straight to the bit that was wedged in her girlfriend’s mouth. “And she’s a right fine pony in this world too.” Fluttershy, the proud animal caretaker she was, couldn’t help but admire Shimmer. With the bridle in place, gone was her friend Sunset. It was is if her whole aspect and appearance had changed with the addition of the simple accessory. “She is a fine pony,” she smiled, stroking Shimmer’s red and yellow mane, pleased that she got a hearty neigh for her trouble. “So, would it be too hard to believe that there are centaurs out in the woods?” Applejack asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer to that and to the question she was about to ask. “Ah'm guess'n that’s what your friends told you, right?” “No,” Fluttershy considered all that for a few seconds, her hand still absently stroking Shimmer’s mane. “I don't suppose it would be. I just assumed the snake eagle was showing off.” “The only ones that may not know this among us are Twi and RD. Celestia’s seeing one of the centaurs and they are a mite bit more than just friends, if y’ll get mah drift.” When Applejack said that, Fluttershy put two and two together, made four and she erupted in a blush so intense that it even turned her ears red, which Shimmer found most hilarious indeed. “Oooh my goodness!” Images of her Principal with a centaur, and all that entailed, raced through her mind and made her feel very squiffy between the legs. “And um...well, a-are you okay with that? I mean, the Principal, doing that, with something not human?” “Y’all are okay with me and Shimmer, ain’t ya?” “Well, yes,” Fluttershy pointed out, “but she looks human.” “Ah'm very okay with it, and Ah'd be okay if Shimmer here changed into a pony before mah very eyes.” Stood beside Applejack, and still enjoying the petting from Fluttershy, Shimmer giggled like crazy through the bit in her mouth. She held up five fingers to her Mistress, knowing the joke they shared about five legged stallions. “That's not what I mean,” Fluttershy said, a frown on her face, “it's just...centaurs, they're um...horses, down there, aren't they?” Applejack rolled her eyes when Shimmer lost it completely in a fit of giggles that was so hard she was barely able to stand up. “Shy,” the pragmatic farmer rolled her eyes, “Dick is dick. Sure, Ah don't know if Celestia would want to do that with one of our horses, but centaurs can think, and Ah think they can love, like you an’ me. In Shimmy's world, she would be all pony just like one of ours, only smart and able to talk. If you'd asked me a few years ago if Ah'd suck on some horse pussy, Ah'd say you weren't right in the head. Now, Ah'd do that to Shimmer in a heartbeat.” “Aaaaah!” Realisation dawned on Fluttershy in an instant. “So they're sapient intelligent creatures!” Her eyes were wide as saucers as she got it. “Oh, well that's alright then, I understand now. So…” she hesitated, wondering if she should share what she was keeping to herself. Ultimately, she decided to open up. “Ah, if um, suppose one of us, was dating something not human, you'd all be okay with that?” “Um,” Applejack was puzzled for a moment, “well yeah, Ah'm not someone to call the kettle black, Shy.” Shimmer, who had been listening intently, had an internal guess as to what Fluttershy meant. She had a good idea too but, as she raised her hand to speak, and Applejack removed her bit, she couldn’t resist a tease. “It's not Spike, is it?” “NO!” Fluttershy stomped her bare foot in a show if indignation, “it is not Spike! I mean...it may not even be me...” Very quickly, Applejack slapped each of Sunset's ass cheeks hard, so hard she left a hand print on each. “We both know it's you, Shy. And Shimmer, Spike is a boy, remember?” “Fine.” Fluttershy conceded, as Shimmer danced on her feet from the sharp stinging pain that blossomed from her rear, “Yes, it’s me, but the thing is…you might not like who I'm with.” “Shy,” Applejack said softly as she stroked and caressed her lover’s tenderised buttocks, “Ah'm in love with the meanest girl Ah've ever known.” She gave that beautiful straw yellow ass a light, loving slap, “The finest filly in all of Canterlot.” “It's Adagio,” Fluttershy confessed in her trademark tiny voice, staring down at the floor of the cabin. A split second later and Applejack burst out laughing, a full and loud belly laugh that had her bending over, clutching her waist, slapping her thigh and stamping her booted foot so hard she dented the wooden floor, “And here Ah asked you if you believed in sirens!” Unable to say even a word to that, Sunset Shimmer stared at Fluttershy and blinked, processing what she had just said. ‘Adagio? Fluttershy is with Adagio? Since when?’ Before she could say anything about it though, Twilight returned with Rainbow in tow. “Hey guys!” Rainbow, fresh from trying out the new climbing wall – several times - looked from Applejack to Fluttershy, her curious gaze lingering on Sunset and the bridle she was wearing. She knew what that meant! “I see you're getting started on the fun. Why’s AJ pissing herself laughing and why are you blushing, Shy? You've seen Shimmer before.” Even though Sunset was still dressed in her clothes, she assumed they were just starting. Still laughing, Applejack wiped her running eyes and forced herself to answer her best friend. “With us, RD, how can you not laugh about all the stuff that happens.” Rainbow, while admittedly not the sharpest tool in the box, still noticed the scrunch on Applejack’s face. The look she made when she wasn’t being completely honest about something. Everyone knew everyone else’s tells, and the farmer’s was the worst. “Eh, I guess,” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head, “so what's the joke, AJ?” “Dashie, please sit on the hard bench.” Twilight said in a manner that totally was not a request, before she turned her attention to Applejack and frowned. “I don't know if it’s always a laughing matter what happens to us, Jackie.” Applejack though answered with a question. “What does RD know about what the Principal’s doing out here, Twi?” “Aww, the hard one?” Rainbow pouted but still she sat on one of the hard wooden benches that were either side of the dining table like a good little girl. Twilight, for once like Rainbow, looked a little confused as she cleaned her glasses. “She knows what the rest of us know, AJ. She’s here to get away from it all, relax, take it easy on the farewell to the graduates' camp trip.” “Shimmer and Ah have been to her house,” Applejack commented, going ahead at full speed, “We know everything, and she never said it was secret, but Ah'd not want to spread it more than Ah have to.” “Know what?” Twilight asked, casting worried looks from Applejack to Fluttershy and finally to Sunset. “What's going on, is it something bad? Is it Equestria again?” Applejack groaned and her shoulders slumped. “Ah sure put mah foot in it this time, Ah guess.” She knew the game was up and explanations would need to be forthcoming sooner rather than later. “Shimmer?” Before Sunset could speak up though, the door opened, admitting Rarity and Pinkie Pie who were holding hands and were both deep in conversation with each other. “Really Pinkie,” the designer said in response to something her girlfriend had said outside, “It's decorations first!” “But Rarity,” Pinkie replied, not breaking her step or ceasing in the enjoyment of her chocolate covered lollipop as they walked in and saw the other five looking at them, “It’s baked goods!” “Pinkie,” Rarity was not for budging, “if they like what they see, they stop. Then they eat. Once they eat they no longer care what they see.” “Oooooh…” Looking around, Pinkie Pie saw five sets of eyes looking back at her and she stashed the half eaten chocolate covered lollipop in her hair for a secret treat for later. “I think we missed the juicey bits again, Rare Bear.” “Maybe,” Rarity agreed, her sharp gaze falling on Sunset wearing the bridle. “There’s still a lot of drool on Shimmer, though.” “No,” Pinkie grinned, taking a deep breath, she unleashed her ‘Pinkieness’. “They are just worried about Principal Celestia dating a centaur, and the ramifications of the two cultures being throw together, and that’s really totally super okay after all, our own AJ is dating a pony, and Fluttershy is even dating a siren!” “Yes,” Rarity casually inspected her nail varnish while the others shared looks of open mouthed shock with each other, which was understandable following the ‘Pinkiesplosion’, “that too, darling.” Long after Pinkie Pie had stopped speaking, Fluttershy, Applejack, Sunset were all still looking stunned at each other, while Twilight had a look about her like ice cubes had been dropped down her back. Rainbow Dash had a curious look on her face, her expression somewhere between nausea, revulsion and outrage. “Shy, you're dating a siren?” Twilight’s eye twitched. “Centaurs?” “Which siren?” outrage was the emotion that won on Rainbow’s face. “Centaurs?” Twilight’s eye twitched a second time, and she took a moment to clean her glasses. “Pinkie, my darling pet,” Rarity sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, “you know you're getting the time out corner, don’t you?” “Will I be able to sit?” “I really don't think so darling,” Pinkie Pie’s wide face-splitting smile did not go unnoticed by the fashionista. “I think I'm a bit behind on things as Shy hasn't confided in me,” she continued, getting up from her spot on the semi-circular sofa and hugging Fluttershy tightly, “It matters not which one you’re with as long as you're happy. Shimmer,” she gave the Equestrian a playfully reproachful look, “Don’t you keep our Twilight up to date with Princess Twilight?” Sunset, or rather ‘Shimmer’, waited patiently until Applejack removed the bit from her mouth so she could speak again. She knew not to speak too soon. “Normally, yes, but this is...different, Rares.” Sunset steadied herself with a deep breath, “Like huge interdimensional incident, different. Celestia is dating a centaur, one of many who live in the forest. They came from Equestria centuries ago.” “Yeah, yeah,” Rainbow Dash had but one thing on her mind. “But a siren? Really, Shy? Why one of them?” “Twilight, dear,” Rarity let out a sigh as she studied her nails and the back of her hand, “I do hope you have better control over your pet than I do.” She delicately kissed Pinkie’s lips, “I do love you so, darling, even if you try to drive me beyond smiles sometimes.” “Equestrian magic?” Twilight asked as she held her pendent and the magical geode that was attached to it, “More than we have now, you mean?” Rarity shook her head as, when she saw the wide eyed look on the bespectacled teen’s face, she realised they had lost her to the prospect of a new discovery. Following an intensely angry glare from Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash decided, wisely, to shut up and sit quietly on the hard bench. Sunset, speaking freely, addressed Twilight and the group as a whole. “Not more' as such, no. But it is Equestrian magic, Twi. The centaurs’ magic is based around eight geodes. Guess who has bonded with seven of the geodes?" Hearing that, Twilight dropped her geode like it was on fire. “But dating as in...” Inspecting her nails, Rarity was amazed at times that her friend could be as coy and clueless as she was, especially given the sorts of things they all got up to. “Well, dear, he is male, so not quite like us in this room.” “Oh, he's very much not like us,” Sunset laughed, “Picture your biggest toy and make it bigger!” Rainbow couldn’t quite keep quiet for very long, now her attention was diverted from the image of Fluttershy banging all the sirens. “Aren't they like, horses, or something?” Applejack levelled a deadpan glare at her best friend. “Ah'm dating a pony, RD.” “Yeah, but still...” “Sapient intelligent creatures, Dashie.” Fluttershy corrected her friend gently, though the stern glare was still on her face, “Not like horses.” “The fun bits are...” Sunset knew she would pay for her snark the moment the comment left her lips. Worth it though, just to see the spluttering looks on Fluttershy and Rainbow’s faces. Sure enough, on cue, Applejack lifted her left hand and, seconds later, it was followed by the unmistakeable sound of a loud smack as that hand impacted each of Sunset’s ass cheeks one after the other. “Keep that up, missy, and Ah'll find something bigger to shove into you next time.” She had been threatening to get her pony a bigger tail plug for a while anyway. “In for a penny, Ah guess. Shimmer, tell them what we told the Principal at her place.” “All of it?” “As much as you think your ass can stand.” As they all looked at her expectantly, Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath to marshal her thoughts, which were all over the place at that moment, ranging from her usual state of mind, to her subspace, to Fluttershy and her siren of all things! Once she was ready, she went into the whole explanation, telling them all everything that she knew, everything that the Princesses had told her and thusly what she had told to Celestia. “And…” she concluded some time later, “now you know everything!” When Sunset had finished telling them the story, Rarity was the first to speak. “I can testify that Principal Celestia's breasts were a delight to measure. Still not up to your magnificent standards though, my beautiful Pie.” Rarity and Pinkie Pie then performed an impressive snog fest in front of the others, the fashion designer pressing her body into her baker’s well-endowed chest. A soft squishy well-endowed chest that she adored playing with. “You knew about this, Rarity?” Twilight asked, having cleaned her glasses three times just to clear the fog that her heated cheeks had made. Rarity broke from the kissing marathon that she was engaged in with Pinkie just long enough to give Twilight a practised roll of her eyes. “If Luna or Celestia or anyone else for that matter were to come to one of us for dating advice, to whom do you think they would go to?” she asked as if the question was roaringly obvious. Which it was. In a series of mumbles, Twilight and the rest of the group grudgingly agreed with that statement, it wasn’t like any of them could match the dressmaker in the romance department. “Okay,” Twilight conceded, “so we can all agree that centaurs are a thing. That means, I assume, that the 'monsters' in the Everfree are actually real, then?” “I wouldn't call centaurs monsters,” Fluttershy responded rather stiffly, “but there are other things from Equestria that would classify as monsters.” Fluttershy sighed, her voice softening once more. “Animals are not monsters, but their nature can seem monstrous to humans.” “Something not human may be called a monster by anyone that don't like the strange,” Applejack put in. “Okay, then I apologise.” Twilight held up her hands in an appeasing gesture, “My choice of words was poor. I'll remember in future. Not monsters.” “Did Celestia say how many are in the forest?” Applejack asked as the thought occurred to her. Sunset shook her head. “She mentioned several, but she only named three. There has to be way more than that living in that forest.” “There should be between three and four thousand,” Twilight spoke up, drawing all the attention to herself. “This is known as the Minimum Viable Population, and many computer models and studies based on various circumstances and species have been run. For humans, including the desire to ward of genetic defects due to inbreeding the median MVP reported was four thousand one hundred and sixty nine individuals…” Twilight trailed off when, judging by the looks the others were giving her, she had slipped into her ‘nerd mode’. “Ahem, and the other Twilight and Celestia are coming here, you say?” “Never change, Twilight, dear,” Rarity said as Sunset nodded in response to the question. There was a gleam in Rarity's eye that they had all learnt to recognise. “Oh, what a fashion opportunity! When, exactly?” “In just over a week's time, so the Princess said. And I know that look, Rares,” Sunset gave her a wink, “You’re thinking cross-dimensional clothing sales, now?” Dismissively, Rarity waved her hand in the air, “I do love to measure an inseam, darling.” “And,” Sunset added quickly, “because I can see Dashie about to explode on that bench, now Shy, about Adagio. Is she okay?” When the attention had, unexpectedly returned to her, Fluttershy froze and the animal caretaker wore her trademark deer in the headlights look. “Darling,” Rarity stepped in before she started hyperventilating, “you don't have to answer that. I would trust you'd let us know if she tried to use you.” Then, Rarity giggled, “And it is okay to let us know if you're using her.” Unusually though, Fluttershy’s freeze did not last all that long. “She was lost, a few months ago, just before graduation, she came by the animal shelter looking for a pet. I was scared of her, at first, but she was lost, like I say. She's had a bad time, and she’s been in a very dark place. She's getting better, though, and she makes an excellent kitten!” With a smile on her face, Applejack burst out laughing. “Ah'm sure she does and no one is better at pet rescue than you, Shy.” Twilight was curious. “Do her sisters know?” “They do,” Fluttershy affirmed, “In fact it was Aria who suggested she get a pet. Dagi asked me not to say anything to you. I'm sorry to keep you all in the dark.” “Oopsie!” Pinkie Pie blushed and tried to look innocent. She failed. “I trust we will all take that into account?” Rarity shot Rainbow a look that was full of meaning. “Right, Dash?” “Why'd she want to keep it quiet?” Rainbow asked indignantly, choosing to ignore the look that Rarity and now Twilight were giving her. “We're your friends!” “Really Dashie?” That stern harsh glare returned to Fluttershy’s face, though this time her expression was tinged with incredulity. “Because she's scared of you, that’s why! Of all of you, us. It took her a whole ten minutes just to get through my door!” She could easily recall that day a few months ago now, when a very timid Adagio had slunk through the door of the animal shelter in her ratty old jeans and her hoodie top. Somewhat shocked, Rarity had her hand over her mouth. “I suppose Shimmer did give her a 'beat' down, didn’t she?” “We are awesome!” Rainbow Dash cheered exultantly, but then, when she saw that nobody else was sharing in her cheers, the athlete blushed and sat back down, a sudden unpleasant wretched feeling squirming in the pit of her belly. “But um...I don't want anyone scared of me…” awkwardly, she rubbed the back of her head, coming to a decision. “If you're happy, screw it I guess I’m happy for you, too.” “You'll tell us if she hurts you, right?” said a concerned Applejack. “Jackie, I'm not the one she hurts, if you know what I mean.” Applejack smiled a very sad smile, and even Rainbow wore a dejected look on her face. “Ah reckon Ah do, Shy.” “Do you think you can get her to come to the spa?” asked Rarity with twinkles in her eyes, “I think I can get Pinkie to behave. Pretty sure. I hope. Maybe.” “I'm sure of it!” Fluttershy smiled brightly, her whole mood lifted by her friends’ acceptance of her blossoming relationship with Adagio Dazzle. She was most thankful that Rainbow was on board. She had been her best friend since forever ago. It meant a lot to her to have her support. “Now,” she looked around at her friends, “unless there's anything else world threatening, shall we play? I can see Shimmer there getting antsy still in Sunset's clothes, Pinkie’s about to explode and I can tell Dashie wants some attention.” “Always the voyeur, darling,” Rarity beamed, “Part of you I love. You heard the Mistress, Jackie, you're up first.” “I wannna see what you did with the Principal and Sunny's tail!” Rainbow exclaimed gleefully, more than ready to get to playing after all the heavy stuff they had talked about. Shimmer stamped her booted foot and she snorted, letting out a series of perfect neighs and whinnies that made Fluttershy blush, but she didn't flinch. For the benefit of the others, the caretaker translated the equine speech. “Shimmer says she'd love to show you, Dashie, once her Mistress has her properly dressed.” “At least she has part of it on already,” Applejack proceded, without further comment, to pull Sunset’s Camp Everfree tee shirt up over her head and she pulled down her shorts, revealing the corset she wore underneath the clothes. Quietly, with an assurance borne from countless times of doing what she was doing, the dominant farmer pulled out the hoof boots and gloves from her duffle bag. “Okay Shimmer, let's get your gear on.” As Applejack removed Sunset’s boots and placed the hooves on instead, and then seal her hands away in the hoof gloves, those watching didn't need to speak Equestrian to understand the look of sheer pleasure and bliss that washed over Shimmer's face now that she was transformed. Lovingly, Fluttershy petted Shimmer’s mane, “Dagi has the same look on her face when I put her in her kitty suit.” Once she was sure that the buckles and straps were properly secured, Applejack fixed a leash to Shimmer’s orange collar and she led her pony – who was naked but for the corset, the gloves and the bridle – proudly around the room so that they all could pet her as she high stepped along. When it became her turn to pet the pony, Twilight pulled a sugar cube from her bag. “Can she have one, AJ?” Applejack pulled on the leash, pausing her well-behaved pony where Twilight was sitting on the semi-circular sofa. “A bit more drool never hurt any pony.” Permission given, Twilight offered Shimmer the sugar cube and she giggled as the pony licked it up from her hand, and then licked the girl’s hand in thanks. Then, Applejack got back to where she started and she pulled out the red and yellow tail. She ran the plug end along the bit in Shimmer's mouth. “Thing is, drool can only lubricate so much.” Seeing where Applejack was going with that, Fluttershy grinned as her dominant side began to wake up. “Maybe we can all lubricate it for her, Jackie?” Partway to spreading her legs, her crotch the intended destination for the plug of the tail, Applejack paused. “Well, that would deviate from the story Ah told Twi and RD…” in the end though she shrugged and, lifting up her skirt and showing off her lack of underwear, Applejack inserted the tail in her vagina. “But, Ah think that’s okay if you're all game.” Almost immediately, there was a general round of nods and agreements to that, especially from the submissives among them. Since she was first, Applejack slid the butt plug in and out of her a few times before she pulled it out and, with it glistening, she passed it to her right, to Pinkie. Pinkie, who wasn't wearing underwear, quickly slid it inside her and gave it a vigorous lubing. Watching all this, Shimmer blushed really hard as she saw her tail being passed around, to Rarity next. ‘Dear Celestia,’ she thought, ‘they're actually doing it!’ “Pinkie, dear,” Rarity interrupted her pet’s enthusiastic ‘lubricating’ of the butt plug, “please don't wear it out or it won't fit,” she held out her hand and Pinkie quickly gave it to her. Rarity, who was wearing some black thong panties, hiked up her skirt and pulled them aside so that she could add her lube. She gave it as much attention as Applejack did and then she passed it on to Rainbow Dash. “This is so cool!” as the cyan submissive pulled down her leggings, the crotch of which had perfectly outlined her pussy the wetter it had gotten, Sunset had to agree with her, particularly when she inserted it in herself a few times before passing it onto Twilight. “You're up, Mistress!” Before she placed it in herself, Twilight did a little taste test with the very tip of her tongue. Then, after she had tugged down the full sized panties – Rainbow knew better than to call them granny panties – she thrust the toy inside her waiting tunnel. Fluttershy was the last one to insert it in herself, but by the time the tail plug had made its way back to her she had slipped her undies down, stepped out of them and hiked up her skirt. “So Jackie,” she said after it had been well lubricated by them all and handed back to the waiting farmer, “then what happened?” she knew full well, of course, but she was happy to play along. “Well, as y’all can imagine, Ah was so tuckered out after lubing it, that Ah had to have someone else dress Shimmer proper. You up for that Shy?” “Oh yes,” Fluttershy gave Shimmer her best bedroom eyed look, “I'm up for that!” Taking the tail plug from Applejack, she gently but firmly parted Shimmer's ass cheeks and she lined up the tapered butt plug and, with a confident push, slid it inside until it seated itself, earning a very lewd whinny from the pony. Now her pony was at last dressed, Applejack again led Shimmer around the room. They were, after all, just getting started. “She does love to have her tail petted.” “Me first!” Pinkie Pie declared happily and she firmly petted Shimmer's tail until the pony’s legs went weak at the knees and her eyes rolled in her head. “Darling, I do so love your technique!” When it was her turn, Rarity took hold of the tail and she pulled it half way out only to thrust it back in twice. As a result of that, Shimmer snorted and whined desperately, her inner thighs getting glistening wet. “Oh yeah!” Rainbow Dash petted the red and yellow tail so hard she made it bounce. Shimmer, drooling around the bit in her mouth, actually pranced in place, the horseshoes on her boots clopping on the hardwood floor as she let out a pleasured neigh. Twilight, smiling deviously, then stroked up between Shimmer’s legs to the bottom of the tail. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched her pet as she did so. “Oh man...that's so hot!” Rainbow had a hand well on the way to her own bare crotch. As Shimmer leaked her arousal all over Twilight’s questing hand, the purple dom used that hand to backhand her pet's shoulder hard. “Hands where I can see them, missy!” She then removed her hand and held the glistening fingers out to Rainbow to lick, at last letting Shimmer move on. “I’m sorry Mistress!” Rainbow immediately had her hands on her knees like a good girl and she licked Twilight's fingers clean as Fluttershy pressed down on Shimmer's tail and let it go. Thanks to Pinkie’s Pinkieness, it even made the badooooing! sound effect as it bounced up and down. Excitedly, the caretaker clapped her hands as the pony moaned and drooled through her bit. Applejack smirked, wiping the excess drool and slobber from Shimmer’s mouth and perky chest with a cloth. “What she would really like is for me to take her outside, Ah reckon.” As soon as she heard that, Shimmer nodded her head furiously, so hard that her mane was flung over her shoulder and back again. “NEEeeeeIGH!” she begged, nuzzling and licking her owner’s hand. This just sent a fresh wave of drool running from her mouth and spattering over her breasts. “Maybe tonight, girl.” Applejack looked straight at Rarity in a silent challenge. “We can go out to the dock.” Rarity saw the challenge and she refused to rise to the bait, simply rolling her eyes. “Me next!” Pinkie Pie giggled at her Mistress’s eye roll and she kissed Rarity's nose just as Shimmer clapped her hooves together happily. “Me next, please!” the chubby baker had her hand thrust up in the air like she was in class trying to get the teacher’s attention. “Jackie,” Fluttershy licked her lips, “do you mind if I give Shimmer a rub down, she looks a little sweaty.” “Would you like a soft brush, or just gonna use your hands?” “I think I'll take a brush for the big bits, and I'll use my hands on the softer areas.” It was clear by the gleam in her eyes just what those ‘softer areas’ were. Applejack though had no objection and, a short dig in her bag later, she handed over Shimmer's mane and tail brush along with a softer body brush. “Thank you, Jackie,” Fluttershy gratefully took the offered brushes and she started with Shimmer's mane and tail, firmly but gently brushing both. She shared a warm smile with the pony, one loving being brushed down just as much as the other loved doing the brushing. Rarity looked at Pinkie like she was critiquing a dress she had placed on one of her mannequins. “Darling, I'm thinking silk ribbon…” “Wowee!” Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing on the balls of her feet, “I was thinking silk ribbon too!” Rarity then let out a most adorable whine, “But silk clashes with what you're wearing!” Fortunately, while Pinkie Pie was many things, dumb was not one of them. In one fluid inexplicable motion that was completely impossible to achieve, Pinkie was naked in all her soft pudgy glory, her bountiful breasts and belly jiggling once they were freed. “Much better, darling!” Fluttershy giggled at Pinkie just being Pinkie, noticing that Rainbow was watching them, desperately waiting her turn. Alas, for the moment though, Twilight was torn between watching Pinkie and Rarity as well as what Fluttershy was doing and the soft neighs coming from Shimmer. “She's such a well behaved mare, Jackie.” Fluttershy complimented the farmer. “Eeyup, Ah'm right proud of her.” Having delved into her own bag, Rarity wrapped a purple silk ribbon around Pinkie Pie's wrist and she brought it behind her back to join with the other wrist. There, she wrapped it up to the pink girl’s elbows and, once they were pressed together, tied a nice bow. Another purple ribbon was used to bind Pinkie’s huge soft breasts, giving her already large bust a lift as her melons swelled round and firm. A third ribbon was used to make a makeshift slingshot bikini which did not cover the large nipples but instead ran on the outside of the bound breasts. It did however cover her crotch, sort of, as it disappeared between her labia and ass cheeks. “Purple is definitely your color, darling!” When she had finished tying up her pet to her satisfaction, Rarity looked pointedly at Applejack. “Maybe we can use the runway to display our pets?” For once, Applejack chose not to object to the dock being called a runway and let it slide. “Ah reckon that's a right fine idea, Rarity!” Now she was all tied up like a christmas present, Pinkie Pie looked down and she bounced on her feet, loving the way she made bound breasts and fat pudgy belly jiggle like jelly on a plate. Adoringly, Rarity stroked her pet’s fluffy cottoncandy hair. “Think of the scandal,” Rarity purred at Twilight, “Out after curfew!” “I believe that's the best thing about rules?” Twilight answered without missing a beat, “Breaking them.” With her hand over her mouth, Rarity affected a most scandalised look, “Oh my, I didn't know we had such a pioneer in our group of saviours!” “Life on the edge, eh Twi?” “What can I say, AJ?” Twilight affectionately stroked her own pet’s multicoloured hair, “I've had a good teacher. Now,” she took a moment to kiss Rainbow’s lips, “Are you ready for your special suit, Dashie?” “Yes!” Rainbow blurted out before Twilight finished asking the question. “Yes Mistress!” Not many people knew this about Rainbow Dash, but because she had to be the centre of attention all the time in her sports, it got to her, living with the weight of everyone’s expectations. So, she had started to use an isolation suit to cope. A coping mechanism she had confided to Twilight. Fluttershy paused in her grooming of Shimmer to glance out the window. “There’s still an hour to sunset, can she handle it that long?” “She most certainly can!” Twilight proclaimed proudly, knowing well her pet’s limits. “She lasted seventy five minutes at home the last time, didn't you Dashie?” Sensing that she was about to be sealed in her suit, Rainbow Dash was practically giddy with excitement, hopping from foot to foot. “Yes Mistress!” “Strip then, my sweetie, and I'll get you into something more or less comfortable.” Since Rainbow wasn’t a frequent, or even a seldom, client for Rarity, as she hated all that fru fru nonsense, the fashionista intently looked the athlete’s body over as she undressed in ten seconds flat. Where Pinkie had bouncy castles for breasts and Fluttershy had generous mounds herself, along with the average breasts of Applejack, Rarity, Twilight and Sunset being an average, Rainbow Dash was possessed of a pair of mosquito bites where breasts should be. No sooner was she naked than Twilight had the high quality lavender suit out ready. Rarity took a moment to admire their respective submissive partners, a wave of justified pride washing over her. “Such lovely pets we all have. I'll make us some tea while we wait for the sun to go down.” “Thank you, Rarity!” Using her telekinetic magic, Twilight levitated up the two vibrating toys to the group, one was a seven inch long dildo and the other was a fat squat butt plug like they were science fair trophies, “Would anyone like to lubricate these?” Rarity didn’t need to look over her shoulder to know that her girlgriend was bouncing excitedly. “You may, pet.” “Thank you Rarity, again.” Twilight floated them both over to Pinkie, who plucked the toys from mid-air and plunged them both in her pussy one after the other until they were both dripping wet with her own arousal. When they were passed back to her, Twilight carefully inserted the toys in her pet’s holes. Next, she attached a pair of vibrating clamps to the athlete’s nipples and finally, the latex suit was pulled up around Rainbow's body. “How's that feel?” Twilight asked, holding the eyeless, mouthless hood in her hands. “It feels sooooo awesome!” Rainbow squealed in delight as the hood was placed over her head and zipped to the suit. Lastly, she felt thick straps get wound around her, holding her legs and arms immobile against her body. Then, the toys began to buzz. > Chapter 13 - Dreams Embraced > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Finally, it's curfew!” Vice Principal Luna sighed, sounding a lot like a child who had been counting down the seconds on Christmas Eve until it was finally Christmas Day and time to open her presents. In a way, she was. Not that the wait in her cabin with Cheerilee had been laborious, far from it. The three hour massage that her pet had given to her feet was nothing short of magical. Still, the clock had felt like it was going backwards. “I do hope my sister’s doing okay out there, Leelee.” “She said she'd message if there was a problem, Mistress,” Cheerilee smiled as she ran her talented fingers and thumbs over the raised soles of Luna’s perfect feet, feet she simply adored lavishing attention on. While three hours was not, in her opinion, enough for a full and proper worship, she hoped, as she kissed each of her toes, that Luna was satisfied. Seconds after Cheerilee had spoken though, Luna’s cell phone beeped, alerting them both to the arrival of a new photo message. When she opened it up, Luna discovered it was a selfie of her sister and Moonsilver both posing together with the impressive view of Raven’s Peak in the background. “Okay,” she laughed showing her lover the picture, “There’s no problem except we need a better selfie. I think the lake would be a good place for it.” As the sun went down, just shy of lowering itself past the horizon, Cheerilee agreed. “I'm sure we can equal that, though I will say that's the best sunset I've seen in a long time.” Luna couldn’t resist, not when she had been set up so perfectly. Sitting up on the bed she had been laid on for the past three hours, she gave Cheerilee her very best deadpan look, the one she reserved for students who dared to park in the faculty lot. “My sister looks nothing like Sunset. Moonsilver’s much closer with his pony gear.” “Ha de ha. Ha. Ha.” Cheerilee treated Luna to her third best eye roll, the one that stopped students in their tracks when they were trying to take a book out without checking it first. “I suppose I walked into that, didn’t I?” “You may wear your collar, and some sandals. I don't want your feet hurt.” Luna said as she checked the time one last time. Getting up from the bed, she donned her extremely tiny dark blue bikini that left absolutely nothing to anyone’s imagination before slipping her bare feet into a pair of teasing sandals. “Thank you Mistress!” Springing to her feet, Cheerilee pecked Luna's cheek before she too put on her open toed sandals. Since she was already wearing nothing but her dark blue collar, she was good to go. Making a pose, Luna saw that her pet’s gaze was drifting downwards to her feet and, smirking, she walked past her to the door and motioned for her to follow. Cheerilee, with her eyes still locked on Luna's feet, walked behind her Mistress, not concerned in the slightest that she was outside wearing almost nothing at all. It was a beautiful late summer evening, hardly any breeze at all. When they got near the dock, Luna said, “Leelee, we can either play at the end of the dock, to the right on the sandy beach area, or to the left in the grassy area with a few trees. Your choice.” She knew which one Cheerilee would choose. The one she wanted her to choose. Her lover was so easy to read. Cheerilee wasn’t stupid. While all those options were perfectly fine, she knew full well which one she was expected to choose. That it was the one she would have chosen anyway was just a bonus. “Right at the end of the dock, please Mistress. Sand gets in my everywhere…” The smile she got from Luna was worth a hundred diamonds. Cheerilee smiled, her lover was so easy to read. Appreciatively, Luna patted Cheerilee’s head, “I’m a fortunate Mistress indeed to have such an intelligent pet.” Without looking back, the dominant woman walked out to the end of the dock that she was sure would endure in everyone’s memory for the number of times it had been destroyed and rebuilt by her students. Following Luna obediently, Cheerilee was glad it was a nice warm evening. Pointing at a piling at the very end of the dock on the right side, Luna directed traffic. “Lean against that, I want your legs spread, knees bent so your feet are close to your ass.” “Yes Mistress!” Cheerilee was only too happy to obey her dominant and, as she got in position, she wore a wide smile and knelt on the dock, she placed her hands behind her back. While she hadn’t ordered her to place her hands behind her back, Luna was nonetheless pleased. She admired the way her partner went out of her way to please her. Sitting on the dock, in front of her pet, Luna dipped her right foot into the lake before shaking the excess water off. “Now to see if we can do a better selfie.” She moved her foot between Cheerilee's open legs and played with her slit moving her toes in and up and down until she inserted part of her foot. When she was satisfied they were ready, Luna laid back and she held her phone so that the camera could capture both of them and she took a photo which she fired off to her big sister. Cheerilee looked straight at the camera and, as her Mistress took a second picture, she smiled and she let out a pleasured sigh, spreading her legs just a little further and she sank lower on Luna's foot so that her toes entered her properly. “Ooooh yeeeah…” Happy that she had, for the moment at least, upstaged her sister, Luna set her phone down safely on the dock where it was in no danger of going for an impromptu swim. “Now that that’s out of the way, I want your toes in me, Leelee. First to cum is the loser.” “I understand, Mistress,” Cheerilee giggled in anticipation, because they had played this game before, many times, and the fuchsia submissive had lost every time. ‘Doesn’t stop me from enjoying the game though…’ she thought as she adjusted her position so she could press her own well-cared for toes into Luna's snatch. Luna knew perfectly well that her girlfriend loved doing this to her almost as much as Cheerilee got off on it being done to her. Smirking deviously, the Vice Principal moved her foot in and out, up and down and, going straight for the kill, she aimed to capture Cheerilee's hard clitoris. For her part, Cheerilee did try to give as good as she got, but the moment that her clit was trapped between Luna's big toe and the toe next to it, she came hard, squirting all over her foot. “Victory is mine!” Luna crowed. “One...day...” Cheerilee panted after riding her climax, “I'll win…you just see…” “I don't know about that,” Luna giggled, though her giggles turned to low moans as Cheerilee kept rubbing her pussy with her foot, slipping those talented toes in and out of her own sopping wet tunnel. Cheerilee knew how her lover liked to play dirty and, when she sensed she was close to cumming, she rubbed her big toe around Luna's clitoris, flicking the hard nub with her nails. “Leeleeeleeeeleeeeeeeleeeeeeee!” she screamed seconds later, “W-Well pl-played pet,” she panted for breath, “but my foot is a mess…” she waved it scant centimetres from the transfixed submissive’s face, “Whatever should I do?” Cheerilee was cross eyed, the foot was so close. She licked her lips as she saw the ejaculate dripping down from the toes down over her sole. “M-May I lick it clean, Mistress, please?” she was almost too afraid to ask, in case Luna said no. As it happened, Cheerilee needn’t have worried. “Brilliant!” Luna clapped her hands, “You may, my sweet Leelee!” “Thank you Mistress!” no sooner had permission been given than Cheerilee, who had what Luna described as her ‘Christmas Day’ look about her, took a hold of her dominant partner’s soiled foot and licked it slowly from the heel all the way up to her toes. Preliminary lick done, Cheerilee pressed her lips against the soft sole of Luna’s foot, sticking her tongue out and tasting her heel. Luna’s sole was exceptionally soft, Cheerilee’s nose poking into the wrinkles of her arch. Cheerilee licked past her heel, placing her mouth in the arch, trying to capture some of the wet wrinkles between her lips, feeling her Mistress’s foot twitch against her tongue. Sighing happily, Luna took her pet’s wet foot and started to massage it. Letting out a lust filled moan, Cheerilee steeled herself, staring down at the perfectly pedicured little toes, her heart fluttering at the sight. She started back at the heel and dragged her tongue all the way up Luna’s foot, earning a squeak from the older woman, which encouraged her to keep going. Cheerilee went back after her delicious, soft arch, approaching it more gently. She pressed her lips against it in a small kiss, flicking her tongue over each individual wrinkle, placing the flat of her tongue fully against the sole. Tasting her own juices there, Cheerilee opened her mouth a little wider, pushing her lips into the delicate skin, massaging it with her tongue. Luna couldn’t hold back her voice, alternating between little moans and giggles, her face full of awe that no matter how many times her lover did this to her, it felt simply amazing every single time. Luna felt her toes twitching as Cheerilee’s nose poked and prodded beneath them, her slit imitating them and twitching with her increasing arousal. When she finished, Luna tapped her nose with her toes. “My other foot feels so lonely, Leelee…” “Allow me, Mistress!” Cheerilee was panting as she took up Luna's other foot and Luna felt a shiver roll up her spine as her pet flicked her tongue underneath her smaller toes. Cheerilee then took the ball of her foot between her lips, nipping at it, her nose bumping into Luna’s big toe and catching her attention. Bringing her hand up to help, Cheerilee gently held her Mistress’s foot, pressing her thumbs into her sole in a firm massage, working on the delicate tendon within as she opened her mouth, placing her tongue against her big toes and enveloping it, suckling it much to Luna’s delight. Taking up Cheerilee's other foot, Luna gave both of her lover’s feet as good a foot rub as she was getting. After a few moments of that, Cheerilee erupted, her cum gushing like a geyser all over the dock. Watching the show, Luna couldn’t help but giggle. “My pet loves her feet rubbed?” it was a thoroughly rhetorical question and, as she murmured that she did love it – which was all she could reply, given that her mouth was filled with five toes – Luna relaxed and enjoyed the attention she was getting. Moments later when Cheerilee removed the perfect foot from her mouth, she said, “Damn Lu I love your feet...” and gulped down lungfuls of much needed air. “I have an idea,” Luna said with a sly grin. “Now that you've heated me up,” she stood up and removed the few strips of material that barely qualified as a bikini, “Let's have a swim!” “Oh, you are so on!” as Luna jumped from the end of the dock and performed a perfect dive into the water, Cheerilee wasn’t far behind, though her entrance to the water was more of a cannonball than a dive. Once they were both in the water, Luna swam up for a kiss and then she backed away out of kissing range. “A game! Using only feet and legs, scissor me.” She was pleased to see that Cheerilee was up for playing. Luna helped by floating on her back and not resisting her pet as she moved into her. It was a little awkward, but Cheerilee managed to float herself over to and ‘docked’ between those long dark blue legs. “No race this time,” she reassured her, “but mutual pleasure.” To demonstrate, Luna ground herself against Cheerilee’s crotch. She placed her upper leg so that it was crushing her pet’s left breast to wrap behind her head. Luna's lower leg came up Cheerilee's side to crush the right breast and she presented her toes for suckling. “Ye-Yes Mistress…” Cheerilee thrust her hips and ground their crotches together and, immediately, she took advantage of Luna’s toes, licking each one in turn. Likewise, Luna sucked on her pet’s toes if any came in range, which they did. “Oooooh god yeeees!” she didn't bother about being quiet, she was getting too into what they were doing. After several too short minutes, Cheerilee began to pant and groan in the cool lake water. “I'm gonna cum...Oh fuck Lu I'm gonna cuuuum!” she screamed, not for a moment ceasing in her grinding against Luna's pussy. Hearing that, the dominant woman ground her crotch even harder to ensure that they came together. “Ooooh...ooooOOH LUUUUUNA!” “FuuuuuuUUUUUUCK LEEEEEEELEEEEEEEEE!” Luna screamed into the night a split second later, squeezing her lower body around her lover as she too reached her climax. “L-Le-Leelee!” she panted breathlessly, “I love you!” “I love you, Lu!” Luna just adored the way her lover screamed that for the whole camp full of graduates to – possibly – hear. Moments later though, the Vice Principal noticed a light from one of the cabins as a door opened and quickly closed a couple of minutes later. Smiling, she swam over to hug Cheerilee, “I think we may have some curfew breakers in our midst.” Cheerilee giggled softly and, as she kissed Luna’s cheek, she said, “Do you think it's those seven?” “I hope so,” Luna replied with a giggle in her voice, “or at least Sunset the pony girl. Although, all of them can be fun.” She then had a most wistful look on her face, “I do so wish I had been home when they visited Tia…” “Lu,” Cheerilee whispered into her lover’s ear, “I'd really like to watch what they do, especially Sunset and Applejack,” she kissed her again, an idea coming to her, “let’s hide under the dock, we can see through the gaps!” Luna’s eyes shone with love and admiration in equal measure. “Brilliant!” ~ ~ ~ Now that the sun had properly gone down and dusk had well and truly descended upon Camp Everfree, nobody saw the seven teens as they made their way along the edges of the campsite to the dock. Nobody that is, except for the two women secreted away underneath said dock. At the head of the group Rarity was the first to reach the end of the dock that touched the beach. She noticed, at the end, the discarded bikini, and a moment later so did Pinkie Pie. “Ohhhhhh,” she squealed in mid-bounce, “can I have that?” Rarity smiled to herself, for she had a very shrewd idea just to whom the skimpy dark blue bikini belonged. “I doubt it fits you, darling.” That wasn’t to say she didn’t want to see her pet try. Pinkie Pie, still wearing her Mistress’s silk ribbons tied around her pudgy body, rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.” “If I allow it, darling, you can't say anything about them.” Rarity warned. She didn’t get hunches very often, and certainly not to the degree that her generously endowed girlfriend did, but she was very sure about this one. She could tell that Pinkie understood her. Then, Pinkie shot her a most forlorn pout, but Rarity was standing firm. “I mean it. Not. Anything.” “Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.” Following close behind them, with Fluttershy at her left, Twilight Sparkle had all her concentration devoted to levitating Rainbow Dash. The athlete was doubly encased, first in her featureless lavender isolation suit and second in Twilight’s powerful magic. As such, the bespectacled teen didn't notice the bikini on the dock. She was more concerned with keeping her human shaped mannequin floating along safely. A quick flash of concentration started the toys that were already inserted in her buzzing on the low setting. Bringing up the rear were Applejack leading Shimmer by her reins, the former not minding in the least that they were last, and the latter walking with deliberate high steps that she knew the apple farmer liked. Stepping onto the dock, Rarity motioned with her hand and Pinkie took off towards her prize. Performing an elaborate drop and roll like she was playing a wargame on her X Station games console, Pinkie had the bikini top up and over her head and the bottoms in her mouth. “That will keep her quiet for a bit,” she said as Pinkie turned them over in her mouth like a wine taster presented with a new vintage to try out. “Strange someone would leave a bikini on the dock,” Fluttershy commented. “Shall we call it a night when she topples over?” Twilight said as she carefully set Rainbow down on her feet. The buzzing sound coming from the isolation suit increased ever so slightly when she cancelled her magic. “And what's this about a bikini?” In answer to her question, Rarity pointed to Pinkie who was wearing a bikini top hopelessly too small for her tied up breasts and chewing on ‘something’. “It seems one of the swimmers must have left that behind.” “Ooooh my gosh...” Twilight found herself openly gawking at Pinkie Pie and the way too small top, a top that had as much chance at covering her massive mammaries as she did at winning the Running of the Leaves marathon. Since she was turned on, she used the remote control and turned the dildo and butt plug in her pet up to medium, earning a squeak from within the suit. “Twilight, darling,” Rarity asked, “did you leave it?” “No, it's not mine, Rarity.” Twilight replied just as Applejack led Shimmer onto the dock, the horsehoes on the bottom of her hoof boots clopping loudly in the otherwise quiet and still evening. “Mine are a dark purple, not blue.” “Hmm…” Rarity mused, mostly to herself, “Obviously too big for your pet, too small for Shy, so…AJ?” Hearing her name mentioned, Applejack looked across from petting Shimmer's mane, all curious over the mystery item of clothing. “Nah, Rares, not mine. It ain't got an apple on it,” she stated as if that sealed the matter. “Neither has Shimmer,” Twilight pointed out, “and she belongs to you.” Applejack just rolled rolled her eyes at that and returned to petting her snickering pony’s red and yellow mane. Swaying over to Fluttershy, Rarity gently nuzzled her friend’s ear in an effort to get her into action. “I believe you're still in charge, or at least until Dashie falls over.” “Oh, yes, in charge…” Fluttershy shivered excitedly, a wonderfully familiar tingle running up and down the normally timid girl’s spine. It was a tingle she had learned to love over the past few months. “I've only ever been in charge with Dagi though.” “That sounds like experience to me,” Rarity said with a shrug of her shoulders, “Really, it’s just a matter of; do you want Pinks to make me scream, or do you want AJ make Shimmer scream.” The designer then giggled, “I’m sure Dashie is screaming on the inside until Twi makes her topple.” Looking around at her friends, Fluttershy’s eyes lit up in a completely adorable manner, one that made Rarity think on what she was like at home with her kitten. “Oh!” she had an idea. One that tickled her burgeoning dominant aspect no end, “I should very much like to see you make Pinkie scream, please Rarity. I want to see her curly hair stand on end. Shimmer, I want you to please make Jackie scream your name out loud.” None of them had been expecting that. All four close friends looked to each other as if they were silently asking if it was allowed, almost. Rarity was the first to take the plunge, as it were. “Well, Jackie, it seems we have no choice.” She then turned to Pinkie, “I’m sorry my love, you'll have to spit those out.” Pinkie, for her part, was a little stunned at the role reversal and she spat out the bottoms. Somewhat relieved, Fluttershy clapped her hands excitedly, “Thank you!” Tugging on her pony’s reins, Applejack chuckled, “The things we do fer harmony and all that jazz, huh? C'mon Shimmer, y'all heard the lady.” Under the dock, Cheerilee shared a look with Luna and she had to stuff her hand in her mouth to keep from laughing, because Fluttershy was so adorable. Lifting up her skirt, Rarity skilfully removed her panties, making sure to flash her bare ass at the others as she motioned Pinkie closer to her. “Let me remove the arm restraints for you dear,” As Pinkie turned around, Rarity removed just the silk ribbon holding her forearms secure and leaving the rest as they were. She then whispered in Pinkie's ear, “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” When Pinkie nodded her head vigorously, Rarity stopped worrying. A little. “On your back then, darling.” Now her arms were freed, it was easier for Pinkie to get on her back. Rarity then followed her, getting in the classic 69 position when she swung her leg over her pet’s head. Fluttershy had told her to make Pinkie scream. Working her fingers slowly into her pudgy lover’s vagina, she knew just how she was going to accomplish that. Using just her fingers, she made sure to keep her perfect ass raised up. Rarity hesitated just as she slipped her thumb inside the baker’s hot tunnel, for she had never done that in front of an audience before. Lowering her ass down to rest on Pinkie’s face, Rarity pressed her fingers into her again and she felt Pinkie shudder. Her fingers quested deeper. Pinkie sighed. Rarity’s hand passed her lips. She barely held back a moan. The muscles of her arm stretched the walls of her pet’s plump pussy as she went deeper. Pinkie Pie groaned heavily. As Rarity stroked her insides with her fingertips and then slid them along the ridges of her walls, Pinkie gasped and bit into a pillow that had dropped from her hair. “Oh goodness Mistress! It’s like you’re massaging my insides!” Rarity rubbed, stroked, and fingered; driving Pinkie wild. Her voice quavered as she moaned, her walls clenching up around her lover’s thrusting arm. “Are you ready my love?” Rarity asked, kissing her pet’s hard throbbing clit. “Hm, yes please, yes, do it,” Pinkie moaned. Inside her, Rarity made a fist of her delicate hand and began pumping her arm. Pinkie gasped, her back arching. Rarity kept the rhythm slow and steady. Her arm slid in all the way to her elbow and back out to her slender wrist. Pinkie Pie grunted as her Mistress thrust faster, her fist almost hitting her cervical wall. Her pudgy body bucked and she clenched around the thrusting arm. “Yes,” she moaned long and low. Rarity flexed her arm inside her pet. Her forearm bulged slightly, stretching out her walls even farther. Pinkie screamed with pleasure. Rarity could feel her fluids build up around her fist as she reached orgasm. Pinkie’s pussy clenched painfully tight against the intruding arm, trying to suck it farther in. With all her skill, Rarity slowly withdrew her arm. Fluids gushed out of Pinkie’s slit as Rarity’s hand came away and she screamed with another intense orgasm. Pinkie Pie panted heavily. Her body was weak. She lay there limply on the cushion while Applejack, not one to be outdone in what she saw as a challenge, effortlessly got Shimmer on her back on the dock. Then when she was in position, the farmer straddled her pony's face, facing towards her pussy. “Get to lickin, girl,” Applejack commanded and, without waiting, she ground her snatch over Shimmer’s nose. “Oh my!” Fluttershy exclaimed. Having just spent ten minutes watching Rarity fist Pinkie to a screaming orgasm, she was now treated to Applejack roughly ride herself over Shimmer’s nose and face. She slumped down, using a low post on the dock like a stool, had her skirt up to her thighs and was busy rubbing one out as Twilight, beside her, turned the butt plug in Rainbow’s rear up high. She left the dildo on medium and she had her hand in her own shorts. Watching under the dock, Cheerilee, like Fluttershy and Twilight, had her hand buried up to the second knuckle in her pussy, biting her lip as she saw, through the gaps in the wood, Sunset licking furiously at Applejack’s glistening snatch. Quietly, Luna whispered to her, “I'll bet you a foot massage that Applejack is a squirter…” Just as softly, through a bitten lip, Cheerilee replied, “I'll take that bet and add in a tongue wash that they're all screamers…” “C'mon Shimmer, there ya go girl!” Applejack screamed out loud as, though her girlfriend was eating her out for all she was worth, the farmer was riding her face like it was the saddle of a rodeo bronco. “Wohooooo yeeeehaaaaaaw!” she screamed as she squirted out a flood of her cum, grinding hard on Shimmer’s face and giving her pony some more special mane shampoo. Nearing her own climax, Fluttershy leant close to Twilight, her hand thrusting into her pussy and the other groping her not insubstantial breast, “I want to see you make her fly!” “You got it, Shy…” Only too happy to oblige, Twilight turned up both toys right up to full power and immediately she was rewarded with a series of very loud, very lewd, squeaks and moans from the lavender isolation suit. To her credit, Rainbow Dash endured the intense sensations buzzing through the core of her being for almost two minutes before she hopped in place and, when she at last came, wobbled on her feet like a screaming weeble wobble toy. As Twilight levitated the still buzzing and still screaming Rainbow into the air, Fluttershy got herself off and Applejack slumped down with all her weight on Shimmer’s face. “Wh-Whoa nelly...” she gasped, because she pony was still licking her out. Having recovered from their exploits, Rarity removed the extra bikini top that Pinkie was wearing and she dropped it next to the well chewed pair of bottoms on the dock. “But...” Pinkie didn’t have very long to look disappointed though, because Rarity picked up her own discarded panties and placed them in her pet’s mouth. “There you go, my love.” Twilight didn’t notice Pinkie’s wide smile. Her eyes were scrunched up tight as she got herself off. As she came, her own ejaculate spattering on the dock, her magic faltered and Rainbow, suit and all, almost landed on her side had Fluttershy not been on hand to catch her at the last second. “Phew...” Twilight groaned, “th-that was intense!” After Rarity had licked her fist clean, she whispered in Pinkie’s ear, “Where are they, dear?” Around the panties in her mouth, Pinkie mumbled, “Three boards to your right, Mistress…” Smirking, Rarity kissed Pinkie’s lips and got up onto her feet. “Satisfied with the show, Shy?” “Oh yes!” Fluttershy clapped her hands delightedly, “Yes, it's been a brilliant show, thank you all!” “Well,” Applejack heaved herself up to her feet, mostly to allow her pony to take a breath of air that wasn’t flavoured by her pussy, “Ah guess we’d best be getting back before we're caught out.” “Yes!” Twilight staggered to her feet, carrying Rainbow, whose toys were still buzzing on their high setting. While she was just starting to break the rules, well rules were rules. “I think Dashie can come out. She's done ever so well this evening.” Quietly, Rarity moved over the dock until she was on the three boards to the gap and, without a word of explanation, the fashionista suddenly squatted down and proceeded to take a piss. Quite frankly it was the most unladylike thing the others had ever seen Rarity perform, ever. Underneath the dock, Luna moved as soon as Rarity squatted leaving Cheerilee to take it. Like Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Sunset, Applejack was as stunned as if a teacher had just announced a pop quiz on a subject they had never studied for. Unlike them, the farmer managed to find her voice. “Wh-What the... Rares?” she found it hard to speak though as her friend was still urinating. “When nature calls, one must answer her, Jackie.” Cheerilee, who had not been paying attention, because she had been looking at Applejack and Sunset, squeaked loudly as the stream of hot pee spattered on her head and shoulders, “H-Heeey!” Then, her eyes went wide, “Ooops…” she then pouted at Luna, who was laughing at her fit to burst. “Is someone under there?” Twilight looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a mack truck, “I definitely heard a squeak!” “We are so busted!” all the dominance had left Fluttershy, leaving her once more the shy and timid teen, while inexplicably, Pinkie was laughing around the panties in her mouth. Seconds later, now that the game was up, Luna and Cheerilee emerged from under the dock. Luna was laughing like the overgrown child she was deep down and Cheerilee, despite ducking under the lakewater, stepped out onto the dock smelling faintly of pee with an adorably frowny pout on her face. “Hello ladies,” she gave them all her best librarian glare. “It’s good to see that at least one of you is in fashion,” Rarity addressed the collar that Cheerilee was wearing. “You're in a collar!” Twilight squealed happily, only now noticing it, even though the teacher wore it all the time under her usual school clothes. “Oh my gosh, Miss Cheerilee!” Cheerilee’s death glare turned to an easy going smile, “Well spotted, Twilight.” Appreciatively, Luna ran her fingers over the collar which just so happened to blend in very well against her hand dark blue hand. “She’s a very beautiful pet.” “Thank you, Mistress,” Cheerilee’s smile turned to an expression of pride. Twilight, staring open mouthed, had just enough presence of mind about her to turn down the toys that were buzzing away on high in Rainbow Dash. That sudden change made the ‘human weeble’ topple over. Luckily this time, Twilight caught her before she hit the deck – or the dock. “Um...Vice Principal Luna, do you mind if we go back to the cabin? I need to get Dashie out, she’s had enough.” Luna delved into her repertoire of glares and chose the one she saved for when Mr. Cranky Doodle ‘accidentally’ used her coffee mug. “Are you seven aware there’s a curfew?” when they all nodded their heads, she continued, “Good. Then off you go back to your cabin.” She waved them on their way just as her glare became a smile. Cheerilee placed her hand in her girlfriend’s and squeezed it tight, intertwining their fingers together. “Lu, that was one of the hottest things I've ever seen…” “Well, pee is rather warm…” Luna chuckled as she picked up her chewed and cold bikini bottoms and her discarded top. “I think we can walk back as is, my love.” ~ ~ ~ High up on Raven’s Peak, Celestia and Moonsilver were laid on their bed in the tree cabin, both enjoying what was a beautiful late summer morning. They had both woken up, unhurried by schedule or responsibility, wrapped in each other’s arms as the warm sunlight shone through the wide door. Having spent the better part of twenty minutes or so just kissing and cuddling, they showed no immediate sign of getting up any time soon. “Silver?” Celestia murmured, placing yet another kiss on his cheek. “Yes,” Moonsilver hardly stirred. Why would he when he had his beloved goddess in his arms? The view outside just could not compare to the beauty that laid beside him. “What is it, my love?” “I want to play,” she said, and somewhat reluctantly, she sat up. As she did so it struck her completely out of nowhere just how far she had come. Just a few short weeks ago, she was laid on her bed staring up at her ceiling. She remembered how she had felt then, in those dark times. She had felt worn out, fat, ugly, unattractive and old. She stifled a laugh, because then she couldn’t imagine being naked with anyone, let alone her Master. Now, she was still old, and very pudgy, but she didn’t care anymore. Because she was appreciated and loved. “Your pet wants to play. Specifically, can you tie me up?” Moonsilver laughed, not a mocking laugh, no, he was laughing because he was truly blessed to have such a woman by his side. Not for the first time, he offered up silent praise to Aphrodite for sending her to him. “I can, like a present fit for the gods. How immobile should I tie you up, my love?” Celestia had been about to describe what she had in mind, when an idea came to her. “Oh, I have an example on my phone, just a moment,” leaning over the side of the bed, she fished in her bag and got it out. Once it was turned on, she quickly scrolled through a handful of photos until she came to one that Luna had taken of Cheerilee wearing a tortoise shell with a crotch rope disappearing between her legs, strategic knots at her clitoris and her anus and her arms behind her back in a box tie. “Can you do that?” Curiously, Moonsilver looked at the image and when he saw the smiling fuchsia skinned woman looking back at the camera and he recognised a submissive who not only loved but adored their dominant partner. It was a look he saw on Celestia’s face every time she looked at him. It was a look that filled his heart so much it ached. “Do you know her?” “I do,” Celestia answered, hugging Moonsilver’s strong powerful arm and resting her head on his shoulder. “That's my sister's girlfriend. She loves modelling almost as much as Luna loves showing her off.” “You're prettier than her,” Moonsilver commented as he stared at the image of the woman on the screen. He had to admit though, she wasn’t without her charms, certainly her proud smiling face was most enduring and attractive. However as he nuzzled Celestia's ear, he was reminded again why he adored her so. He liked his females big and curvy, soft and squishy with folds he could lose himself in. “I can do that,” he stated confidently, “But you do have less limbs than your average centaur…” “Thank you my love.” Celestia could tell that, when he said she was prettier, he absolutely meant it with all his heart and soul. Not for one second did she suspect him of blowing smoke up her chimney. As a reward, she kissed her way up his neck and along the poll. Then nibbled his ear before she licked the inside. As he shuddered, Moonsilver flicked his ear. His lady knew just where to put her tongue to get him going! “For that, my beautiful little lady, I'm going to tie you up!” Aware she was being incredibly naughty, Celestia repeated her ear lick, this time dragging her tongue up from the base to the pointed tip. The game was begun, it was time for her to assume her role and to play her part. “I'm ready, Master.” Giving another shudder, Moonsilver jumps up from the bed, standing before his love with his hooves spread and his tail swishing. “You vixen!” he declared theatrically, stepping into his role just like Celestia did hers. Although he admittedly wasn't the best at treesinging, Applewood had taught him enough control over the magic in his geode that he could summon enough vines to tie his pet up. As Moonsilver made a show of gathering up the vines, Celestia giggled playfully behind her hand. “Aren't I a naughty vixen?” she giggled, no, she laughed, and that too surprised her. She had giggled, laughed and smiled so much in the last few weeks that she was sure her face would freeze in a permanent grin. A month ago, she couldn’t imagine smiling ever again. Bending ever so slightly, Moonsilver gave Celestia a full tongue face lick from her chin up to between her eyes. “You are…” Smirking, he picked her up with a hand over those large fleshy breasts that he loved so much and one from the back between her thick legs. “I think I'll start with these mischievous hands of yours.” “Mmmmm!” Celestia moaned, her arousal wetting the hand that was between her legs. “They are very mischievous hands, Master.” “That area is reserved for me, pet.” Squeezing that hand that was between her legs, Moonsilver was rewarded with a delightful squeak from his submissive as he then pulled her hands behind her back and, working quickly but not rushing, he bound them together working his way from her hands all the way up her arms past her elbows. Shuddering nervously, Celestia realised that Moonsilver wasn’t doing a box tie. She had watched Luna and Cheerilee enough to know that what he was doing was an arm binder. ‘Oh my…’ she thought as he looped a vine over her shoulders. She felt extremely vulnerable and exposed, though she tried to hide it with her smile. Working with an assuredness that came from practise, Moonsilver switched to his pet’s lower legs next with the same binding starting at her bare feet and ending at just below her knees. As he tied each perfect diamond, he was ready, keeping her her steady every time it looked like she might wobble. “Hhhhnf...” Celestia grunted, getting very damp indeed between her tightly tied together legs. Now she was immobile, it was all getting very real. When Moonsilver’s hands roamed freely over her body, it got very hot, as well. Next, he created a body harness, the vines making a shell around Celestia in such a way that it would support her weight when suspended. “Aaaaahn...” she moaned, fully aroused, though she flashed that hopefully confident smile once more. ‘So this is what it feels like...’ When he was satisfied that his lady was tied properly, securely and most of all, safely, Moonsilver stepped back for a moment to admire his handiwork. Truly, she was the most beautiful creature that drew breath! ‘By the Forest, I’m so lucky…’ He caressed her face, sealing her smile with his palm, “I think I know just what to do with you.” Curiously, Celestia watched when he began to tie more vines to the harness, specifically to four points on her front. He started at each shoulder and then he tied vines to each of her hips. “And aaaah…what do they do, exactly?” In truth, she had a very good idea what they were for, it didn’t take a genius to work it out. She just wanted that calm, reassuring, dominant voice to tell her. Moonsilver chose to answer her question by wordlessly running the vines out and then he placed a stout four foot wide stick between the shoulder vines and again between the vines at her hips. He felt her wide eyes following his every movement as he then joined them together and looped the join over a vine that was hanging from the ceiling and fused them together. “Still wondering, pet?” No, Celestia wasn’t wondering any longer. Although, she had always known what they were for and what was going to happen next. “You're going to suspend me, aren't you, Master?” When Moonsilver sang, the vine moved up and, for good measure the pale grey centaur made sure Celestia didn't hit her head on the way from vertical to horizontal. He was fairly sure that such a happenstance would, as they say, ruin the mood. He stopped her when she was roughly three feet above the ground, suspended belly up and her head easily able to fall back. Perfect. “Nice view from here, pet.” He was not referring to Raven’s Peak. Upside down, from her perspective, Celestia looked at her Master’s crotch which just happened to be at her eye level. “It’s not a bad view from here either, Master.” She was definitely not referring to Raven’s Peak. As he played with Celestia’s beautiful full fleshy breasts, his fingers rolling her nipples around until they became hard as bullets and just as big, Moonsilver felt his stallionhood slip from its sheath and grow by the second until it was standing hard and ready. He casually strode around her, making sure she got a full view of his fourteen inch member. “I’m so very glad you approve,” he said in his deep voice as he squeezed those nipples, “Can you guess what’s next?” “Yo-You're aaaaaaAAAAH…you’re going to use my mouth to pleasure yourself, Master?” There was a hopeful eagerness that Celestia couldn’t quite banish from her voice, not that she wanted to, even if she could. “Such a smart filly you are, my pet.” Bearing a smile on his equine face, Moonsilver stepped through the first gap under the branch and he used his hands to swing Celestia so that she could get close enough to barely lick him, but no closer. He did so like playing with his food. When she was close enough, Celestia stuck her tongue out and just managed to lick at the tip of the centaur’s hard cock. She couldn’t help but whine in frustration when she couldn't get more. Several more swings like that, and Celestia’s frustrated whimpers were naut but music to his ears. On yet another swing, try as she might to take him into her wet and willing maw, all she was able to do was touch his flat head. “Hhhhnf...damn...” she grunted, again denied her prize when she was so very close! While he could have continued teasing her like this all day long, Moonsilver suspected, as he stopped the swinging and stepped through the next opening, that when he eventually released her, he would pay for it. Now, closer, the head of his turgid cock was but an inch from her mouth. “Happy now?” All at once, Celestia was assailed by the hot musky scent of his heavy swinging balls and the sight of the penis that was as long and wide as her forearm. Not a bad place to be suspended, she surmised with a smile. “Yes Master, I’m very happy…” to show it, she stuck out her tongue and licked at all she could reach, savoring the taste of his scent as she washed his wide flat head. Smirking, Moonsilver pushed her back to that she lost all contact with him. “Still happy?” “No,” Celestia deadpanned under Moonsilver’s belly and, to show him just how ‘not happy’ she was, she used her teeth to nip at his short belly fur quite hard so that he could get a sense of the pout on her face. “Ouch,” Moonsilver exclaimed, though she no more hurt him than if he had stubbed his hoof in the forest, “such a bitty mare you are. I should gag you to stop that…” ‘In for a penny, in for a pound...’ Celestia thought and, snickering underneath him, she nipped him again just as hard to see if he would follow through with his threat. “Enough!” Moonsilver declared firmly in a tone that would countenance no such further behaviour. Though his tone had been stern, when he swung her forwards and she made contact, he gently swung her back and forth so as to allow her dictate how deep she was willing and able to go. Appearances were one thing, his lover’s safety was quite another. Since she had been practising her oral technique at home, on her sister’s largest dildo, a ten inch specimen that had a suction cup on the end that she could stick to the wall of her bedroom, Celestia surprised Moonsilver as she managed to get him deeper in her mouth than she had before. Slathering her tongue around his majestic shaft, she even took his head into her throat. “MmMMmmmm Ce-Cel-Celestia…” Moonsilver allowed himself to moan as she pleasured him. Though it appeared that he was swinging her to fuck her face, he let her signal with a tight clamp of her lips when it was time to move her back again. The centaur swung her back and forth on his dick but never all the way off. After several moments, he almost blew his load when she took another few inches of him into her tight wet throat. Only by a suprememe act of will did he pull her off so she could breathe. Not all the way though oh no, he used his flaring head against her teeth to push her back on. “AAAaaaAAAH!” Celestia gasped as she sucked in a huge and much-needed lungful of air. She was about to take another when he slid her back down his throbbing fuckstick like she was a human shaped fleshlight. “MmmMMMMM! Mmmm!” Celestia moaned as the breath was quite literally fucked out of her through her nose. Not that Celestia minded, she was focused on giving him a very wet and sloppy oral treat, drool and slobber leaking out of her mouth down over her face. So distracted was Moonsilver as he desperately tried to hold back his climax, that he failed to notice a series of heavy and deliberate hoof steps from outside of the tree cabin. Although, it had to be said, he was so lost in his world of sensation right then, that a freight train could have sneaked up on him. Outside, Equinox, who had been intent on meeting his son’s partner, looked inside and he had to do a double take at what he saw. Namely, the sight of his oldest offspring screwing the face off of the tied up and suspended human. Looking harder purely out of curiosity, he could see the obscene bulge in her throat. He walked inside and wasn’t surprised that neither of them noticed his presence, even when, with a thud, he set the case of beers down on the table. Or so he had thought. “Father,” Moonsilver said in a most strained voice, though he didn’t stop swinging Celestia up and down his cock, “H-How nice t-to see you…” Celestia all but had a heart attack. “UUUuuuuUUUK?” she gasped and spluttered, which just served to make her cough more drool down over her face, slicking her hair to her head and spattering on the floor. However she kept on sucking like a champ, mostly because she had very little choice in the matter. “Good day, son,” Equinox chuckled, unashamedly watching his thoroughbred of a son pound away into the woman’s mouth and throat. He was almost jealous at how well she was fellating him. “Forgive me, but I won't get grandfoals that way…” Moonsilver heard the jibe and chose to ignore it. He was concentrating on the task at hand, or rather the mouth on his meat. “Just practicing for when it’s time.” “So I see,” lowering his head down to her level, Equinox could clearly see the bulge in Celestia's throat that was obviously the medial ring plowing into her time and again. The old centaur had to confess himself impressed by what he saw. “Your mother was gifted in that trick, too, you know.” “They do say you look for one that reminds you of your mother,” Moonsilver replied as nonchalantly as he could, though he was fast losing the battle he was fighting in trying to last as long as he could. ‘Oh merciful heavens...th-they're just talking!’ Celestia thought, amazed at what she was hearing. She had to admit though, she found that just incredibly hot. There she was, bound and immobile, with her lover’s schlong buried deep in her throat, her face a drool covered mask, and they were just talking like it was nothing! And she loved it. Celestia loved every lewd second of it. Equinox wasn’t shy about getting a good look at what was going on. Every puff of the human’s cheeks, every splutter of spit that shot out of her lips and her nose, every time she took his son into her throat, he memorised it all. “Out of interest, is she...?” he started to ask, meaning was she any good, but by his son’s groaning and grunting, she was very good. “Pr-Practice hhhhnnngggg…has improved her aaaah…her technique. Any advice on how to resist her... efforts?” “Talking to me isn't enough?” Desperately, Moonsilver shook his head, “She's doing a very good job, father.” Equinox chuckled, for he had just the trick. “Imagine High Elder Artemis,” he grinned as he placed that horrific image in his son’s mind, “I once caught her and Honeyside going at it like rabbits in the council chambers.” Instantly, Moonsilver’s eyes went wide as saucers and his pupils dilated. “I didn't need that image!” he reached down to slip his fingers deep in Celestia’s pussy. He then wiped his eyes with her juices in an attempt to get the image of the Mistress of the Hunt and the Moon and the bartender out of his head. He failed. “Must remove!” “You asked, son,” Equinox just laughed as he took a seat at the table and got comfortable to watch the rest of the show. It was a good show, too. For the umpteenth time, Moonsilver grunted animalistically, “O-Open a couple of bottles HHHNNNNNNGGGG…please…” As much as he wanted to just fuck his woman’s throat with all abandon, Moonsilver forced those desires and urges far away his mind. Never on the eternal soul of his mother would he harm her. He knew from the past fifteen minutes how deep Celestia could currently go and, nearing his peak, he swung her hard and fast, though he never went beyond her limit. “You got it, son.” While on the face of it, the old centaur was just leering, as he cracked open three bottles from the crate he had gotten from Honeyside, he carefully watched that his son didn’t go too hard or too deep. To his relief, he needn’t have been concerned, for while Moonsilver went at it, Celestia glucked and swallowed, sucked and slurped, her drool leaking profusely into her long hair. After several moments, Moonsilver finally accepted fate – no amount of thinking about High Elder Artemis stopped him from giving a final thrust and emptying his load into Celestia’s throat. As her mouth was sealed with his flare, all the bound submissive could do was make a whole load of very cute sucking and swallowing noises as her belly swelled up thanks to the sheer amount of semen the centaur produced. As Equinox applauded, Moonsilver pulled her back enough so that she could breathe and he pushed his muzzle between her legs. “She does smell very nice…” he then gave her dripping wet pussy a long slow lick. Eventually, nature taking its course allowed Moonsilver to fully pull out of his pet’s mouth and then he carefully stepped backwards until he was clear of the vines. Using his limited magic, he raised the shoulder vines until Celestia was resting at a forty five degree angle. “Are the bindings still comfortable, my love?” Somewhat dazed, Celestia nodded her head, her face a complete mess. “Yes Master. Um...if you could wipe my face, please?” Moonsilver was quick to oblige. The pale grey centaur used his tongue to wipe her down, but he didn't stop at her face. He covered both of her breasts and lapped his way down her fat pot belly to the juncture between her legs, his most favourite place. “You should have a sniff of this, father.” “I don't mind if I do!” Equinox considered it rude to refuse an offer like that, and he was most certainly not rude. He got up and, walking over to her, he adored the beet red glow on Celestia's face as he bent down and got his nose right in close, inhaling deeply. “My...she's a proper mare alright, son.” “She is,” Moonsilver agreed as, taking a seat at the table, he picked up one of the open bottles of Honeyside’s best and he held it to Celestia's lips and tilts it a bit so she could take a much-needed drink. Once she had swallowed, Moonsilver drank from the same bottle until they finished it and then he started on the second. “It was nice of you to stop by and bring some beers, father.” “It was, wasn't it?” Equinox smiled and he remained seated, showing no signs at all of getting up and leaving. “It was nice to finally meet your mate, seeing as how you weren't going to bring her to me.” Moonsilver shrugged, “You know how it is father, sometimes it’s hard to visit when you're tied up with other projects.” He caressed that ‘other project’s’ breasts, getting a squeak when he pinched her nipples between his fingers. “Or when you're tying up other projects?” Equinox added with a chuckle as he watched Moonsilver carefully give Celestia some more beer. “Honeyside said such nice things about her the other day, I just had to meet her. She doesn't impress easily, that mare.” “I think Honeyside was impressed with how appreciative my Tia was for holding onto her possession.” Equinox laughed out loud at that. “Ah yes, she did tell me about that.” The old centaur then quickly drained his whole beer in one fluid gulp. “Oh, yes, there was another reason why I came. On behalf of the Council of Elders, I wish to invite your lady to the Harvest Festival. I'll assume you haven't done so already?” Moonsilver turned an expectant look to Celestia, who admittedly was looking a little flustered, having been caught a little off guard by the invitation. “I ah, I-I'd love to come!” she spluttered, though she hadn’t stopped being beet red sine their guest had joined them. “Silver...Master...hadn't mentioned it, sir, we thought it wasn't allowed, you see.” Pointedly, Equinox looked at his son’s crotch and closely examined his sheath. “I'm sure it may have slipped his mind due to blood loss.” Sure it would earn her a spanking, Celestia snorted out a laugh, because her lover was so big it was a wonder he didn’t suffer a heart attack every time he got hard. “Sir,” she spoke up once her laughter was under control, “if I may enquire, may I bring guests to this event? Namely two Princesses from Equestria?” Moonsilver shared a look with his father over the table. He shook his head in answer to an unspoken question, because it was news to him like it was to his sire. He knew of course that Celestia had been in contact with the Princesses and that one was coming to see her, though he didn't know anything them attending the festival. “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” he said after a moment’s thought, “for they may set the elders straight.” “That was what I was thinking, Master.” Celestia explained, feeling rather relieved that her request hadn’t caused an argument, “They are coming to see me anyway, I thought they could talk to the elders directly.” Equinox, his curiosity piqued, asked, “What could they know about us to offer any advice or wisdom to the council?” Moonsilver just smiled a very smug smile and, content to let Celestia speak, he took a long draught from his beer bottle. “The Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, has been communicating with me.” She said after taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. She was after all still tied up. “She has extensive information about the centaurs and why...Scorpan sought refuge in this world. The Princess herself recently fought and defeated Tirek the Destroyer in personal combat…” “Say not that name!” Equinox thundered, interrupting her with a hand banging on the table. “I'm sorry!” Celestia meeped in a very, very accurate imitation of Fluttershy. Taking long, deep, calming breaths – because his son looked like he was about to throw him from Raven’s Peak for the crime of upsetting his mate, Equinox held up his hands in apology, “I’m…sorry, please, name these two Princesses.” She flushed deeply. “One is Her Regal Majesty, Celestia, Princess of the Sun and Diarch of the Kingdom of Equestria and the other is Her Highness, Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic and newly crowned Princess of Friendship of the Kingdom of Equestria.” She paused, wondering if they used those official titles all the time. “They also know why your magic is failing to keep you hidden, why the air stones are failing, and where seven of your eight geodes are.” “The Celestia, of the old legends?” Equinox asked. “Yes,” Moonsilver replied, “it has to be her.” “And this...Sparkle?” “The newest of the alilcorns of old.” “We know that humans have seven of the geodes,” Equinox once more addressed Celestia after the brief exchange with his son. “Do you know these humans?” “They are...or rather, they were, my students, sir.” Celestia spoke up proudly, “They are in the camp below by the lake, enjoying a break and doing some charity work for the community before they leave my school.” “So, son, you'd make the elders confront their fears?” Equinox after he considered that for a short time, the council member himself able to see the positives and negatives of what they were suggesting. “Maybe that’s the only way.” “If not then they are fools.” Moonsilver stated firmly, “And I don't think they would like that title.” “Moonsilver has taught me it's better to confront one’s fears than pretend they don't exist, sir.” Opening up a second bottle of beer, Equinox snorted disdainfully out through his nose, “Their heads are so deep in the sand they fart silica.” “Father!” Moonsilver exclaimed while beside him, Celestia lost it in a fit of giggles so intense that she snorted her latest mouthful of beer all over herself, dribbling it over her chin and chest like she was a toddler. Fortunately, her galant Master was quickly on hand to lick up the spill from her heavy jiggling breasts. “I haven't seen you suck tit like that since you were a little colt, Silver,” Equinox said appreciatively as he watched his son give her another mouthful of beer. “MMMmmmm!” Celestia moaned, her crotch getting very wet, and she herself got incredibly aroused, when he returned to licking circles around her engorged nipples. At least she had stopped blushing enough that she could enjoy her Master’s most welcome attention. “I've finally found one whose tits are worthy of sucking.” “Oooooh please do that again!” Celestia begged as she panted like she was in heat. Thankfully, Moonsilver obliged, pouring some more beer on his pet’s breasts and again sucking off the liquid. Celestia didn't care in the slightest that Moonsilver’s dad was there and watching and that she was all tied up. The simple fact was that she was hot, this situation was hot and by the Great Forest she was having the time of her life! “HMmmmMMMMM Master, thank you!” “As much as I'd love to watch you service your mare, again,” Equinox chuckled as he saw that Celestia was openly drooling from both ends, “I do have other duties to attend to. Oh,” he said, standing up and stretching, “And you may want to do something about that leak down below…” “Se-See y-you sir,” Celestia whimpered when Moonsilver put his talented tongue to good use, “it MmmMMMM it was aaaaah pleasure!” “We will be at the festival, father.” Moonsilver assured him, “And it’s good to know you still give good advice.” Getting down on his knees, the dominant centaur was working on plugging that leak with that talented tongue before Equinox had even left the house. Tied in her bonds, Celestia squirmed as much as the vines allowed, her pussy leaking like a faucet over her Master's face. Moonsilver gently lapped at her until she had calmed down a bit. “Are the bindings still okay?” he asked. “Oh yes, yes they are my love,” Celestia answered, immensely grateful that he had taken the time to ask how she was doing, especially as the way she was tied up was very constraining. “I've never felt so...free than I do now!” Moonsilver still checked her over though, for good measure. He carefully inspected every vine and knot to make sure no hotspots were building up anywhere on her skin. “Very well,” he said when he was satisfied, “I'm going to unbind your legs and use a different binding, I think.” "As you wish, Master,” Celestia smiled, quite prepared to let Moonsilver do whatever he wanted with her. Honestly she was having the time of her life. She was getting exactly what she had hoped and prayed for, and for once in a long time, she was not concerned about her body shape at all, she just wanted this to continue and last forever. Once he had her legs unbound, Moonsilver lifted Celestia back to her horizontal position three feet above the ground and, taking her ankles in his hands, he spread her legs apart and bound them to the suspension ropes at Celestia’s hips. He left her arms in the arm binder though as he caressed her now exposed puffy vagina with his hand. “I think that will improve access.” “Mmmm…yes I think it will…” Testing the bindings at her ankles, Celestia wriggles a little, more than happy with the new arrangement. Although, the last time she had been in a similar situation had been when her OB-GYN had placed her in some rather unflattering stirrups for her examination. Fortunately, as Moonsilver stepped between the suspension vines at her hips and started to swing her again, that thought was pushed to the back of her mind. When his rapidly hardening stallionhood was riding along her pudgy stomach and between her breasts, that thought was pushed out of her head altogether. Lifting her head so she could see, Celestia got very damp indeed at the lewd display on her chubby belly. “OOooh my...rut me Master, please!” “When I'm done rutting your tits, I may acquiesce to your request.” Moonsilver smiled, he did so love it when his lover begged like that. He wished he could have it on a loop to enjoy in times when he was alone. Celestia, more than happy to have her body serve him, was content for the moment to shut up and enjoy it. When he thrust his hard cock up her front though, she took the opportunity to lap at her prize when his beautiful flat head came within reach, thoroughly loving the taste of it on her tongue. Moonsilver, like the cat who had gotten all the cream, was enjoying the show so much that he lingered after each thrust to let Celestia play with his head before he pulled back. The breast binding he had placed on his pet had turned her breasts into a tight and now slippery tunnel. “MMMmmmMM Ma-Mas-Master...AAaaaAH Silver...” she moaned, losing herself in the moment of sucking on his head. It didn’t take long at all for the centaur to blow his load with his head just past Celestia's breasts, giving her a facial from chin to forehead. Celestia licked her lips, a happy sigh on her whiter than white face. Luckily, she closed her eyes, now the dripping seed kept them closed. “Thank you Master!” Once he was finished ejaculating all over her face, Moonsilver began to untie the vines that held Celestia’s ankles up and spread. He didn't bother to ask about the bindings again, he knew it was time to release her or risk an injury due to the restriction of blood flow around her body. He adjusted the vines and he set her on her feet, ready to catch her if she should fall. “Whoa!” she gasped blindly, “Oh...oh my...” she stood on her wobbly legs and steadied herself against his strong firm body. As soon as he had unfastened the arm bindings, she wipes the mask of semen from her face, licking her hands clean while he removed the vines binding her breasts. After thumbing a hard nipple, Moonsilver quietly removed the rest of the body harness. He did take a moment to enjoy the faint red lines that criss-crossed her white skinned body, evidence of the vine’s presence. ‘So, so beautiful…’ he thought committing the sight to memory. “Climb on, I'll take you to a refreshing stream to bathe.” Without a second thought, Celestia was up on his back, hugging him tight. “I love you, Silver.” “I love you too, Tia,” he said over his shoulder, placing a soft kiss on her head. Stepping outside into the sunlight, Moonsilver made use of a wide sturdy vine and he lowered the two of them down to the ground below and he trotted off to the nearby clear blue stream. On the way, Celestia playfully licked and nibbled at his ear in the way she knew he really liked. “You make me surprise myself, you know that?” “The real surprise is just how much you didn't know your own true self.” Moonsilver commented as he effortlessly made his way through the thinning undergrowth and the trees. The fast flowing bathing stream wasn’t far away, and he was ready to be clean. He was sure he’d be dirty again soon enough. “How much I'd forgotten, you mean. You've helped me rediscover that part of me,” Celestia kissed and licked his ear, “The part of me that laughed, and smiled, and ran naked through Whitetail Woods. The part I thought had been lost to decades of school work, and all of that nonsense.” When they neared the stream, without warning, Moonsilver broke into a gallop and he leapt to the middle where the water was eight feet deep. And cold. “Yikes!” Celestia shrieked, first due to the unexpected leap and then again with the coldness of the water when said cold water was suddenly up over her head drenching her in a microsecond. In the refreshingly cold water, Moonsilver slipped out from under Celestia but he quickly turned so he could catch and hold her in his strong powerful arms. “Now,” he couldn’t quite keep the chuckles from his voice, “It’s time to get you clean.” “Oh my fu-fuuuuu…goooooodness it's cold!” Celestia wanted to swear so that she could adequately express the temperature, or lack thereof, of the water. “Not my fault you lack fur,” Moonsilver shrugged and laughed unapologetically as she scooped up handfuls of the clear, cold water and rubbed it all over his upper body. In order to ‘help’, and totally not grope her, Moonsilver gave his lover a thorough scrubbing in the cold water, but after a few minutes, she started to get used to it. Outwardly, the only sign of the water’s coldness was her bullet sized nipples. “I believe the best source of scrubbing my back and flank would be to use those nipples of yours.” Looking down, Celestia laughed, “Oh my...they're huge!” She did however follow his advice and, as she cleaned him, she pressed her hefty breasts into his back and anywhere else for that matter. “I do love all your body, and the beautiful mind you have, but those...um, those are really nice…” For all the dominance and control he had shown towards her since Celestia had set foot around those trees at the north edge of the lake, when Moonsilver placed a heavy emphasis on the word ‘those’, he looked and sounded like a gliggly teenager seeing a pair for the first time. “They are, aren't they?” Celestia giggled, for the look her lover gave her fleshy melons did not go unnoticed. She reserved the fact that he was so obviously a breast centaur in her mind for future use. “You know, I'm so lucky you like my curves, Silver.” Playfully, Moonsilver swatted Celestia’s ample behind. Her breasts weren’t the only things he loved to see ripple and jiggle when smacked. Damn if they didn’t feel good in the hand, too. “That I do.” “Are they clean?” Celestia asked innocently enough, “I think you need to check,” at his front, she took her breasts in her hands and, lifting them up, thrust her funbags either side of his muzzle, pressing them together. Immediately, the centaur blew a loud raspberry between them. “I'll take that as a yes!” she giggled and stepped back, kissing his lips with a hug. “Now that we're clean, I want to be dirty…” “Might I suggest on dry land?” Looking around at her surroundings for inspiration, Celestia found it when she spotted a wide low tree stump not far away from the edge of the stream. “I have just the spot,” she turned and kissed him once again. “You remember the dream of mine you looked in on?” At first, Moonsilver had to admit that he did not. Then, when he looked in the direction she indicated and saw the tree stump, his muzzle split into a wide smile. ‘Oh…she means that dream…’ “Yes, I do.” “Then just give me a moment to get in position, okay?” As Celestia skipped out of the stream, Moonsilver watched her walk over to and bend over the tree stump. It was all he could do not to bound out and take her right that instant! Instead, he forced himself to take his time, walking around her with light caresses of his fingertips to her upturned ass cheeks. Just to be authentic, Celestia had her hands behind her back, box tie style. The position she was in, added to the dream that he vividly recalled, Moonsilver was once more ready to go. The pale grey centaur walked behind her and, to add to the image, he took both of her wrists in one hand and her long hair in another, pulling on it just enough that she knew who was in control. “Are you ready for your dream to come true, Tia?” “Yes!” Celestia cried out as she felt his long heavy cock flop on her back, smearing his hot pre-cum all over her perfect endless ass, “Silver I'm ready!” Keeping a hold of Celestia’s wrists and her hair, Moonsilver thrust his hips forward. Intentionally high, he missed her holes and hotdogged his cock between her ass cheeks. “High or low?” he asked with a snicker. He knew her dream was low, but he wanted to give her a choice. Moaning lustily, Celestia at that point was willing to go for either. “Try the top!” she cried in a wild moment. Not expecting her to say that, Moonsilver backed up slowly, he let go of her hair, curious to see what she did next. Provocatively, she wiggled her ass teasingly up in the air. Letting go of her hands, he took another step backwards. As soon as her hands were free, she reached back with them both and spread her fat ass apart, displaying herself for him. The red blooded centaur needed no further encouragement. Bending down, Moonsilver dove in muzzle first, intent on giving his lover a grade A rim job, in the process he wanted to make sure she was ready. “OOOooooOOOH Siiiiiiiiiilver…” Celestia moans and practically purred at the attention her anus was receiving. While she had done anal before, in her wilder days with Berryshine and Roseluck, this was something else, particularly when she felt his tongue enter her puckered asshole. While Moonsilver lapped over her whole crotch, licking from her clit to her ring, he did concentrate more of his attention on eating her ass out so she would be adequately lubricated. “AAaaaAAAHN!” Celestia moaned lewdly and, squirming on the tree stump, her holes flexed when he pulled out leaving her sphincter nice and sopping wet. Moving quickly forward, he took back her wrists and hair as he slid into her moist vagina. Once he was lubricated with her pussy juices, he pulled out and, after a moment of pressing his wide flat head to her butthole, he plunged deep into her backdoor. “AAAaaAH ooOOOOH yeeeees!” her lewd moan became a scream of sheer pleasure for the whole forest to hear. She didn't care who or what heard or saw. Her screams, not of pain but of pleasure drove Moonsilver onwards to push himself deeper into her ass. It was so tight he felt every inch as it penetrated ever deeper. Eventually, he held himself at roughly eight inches but when he pulled back, he stopped at his flare and plunged inside her again. “Oh yeeees! Ooooh yeeeeeesssss! Fuck me Silver please!” Celestia screamed. As he built up a steady rhythm and screwed her ass, part of her wished it was being done in front of her school. She wanted them to see her reamed, fucked, screwed like a slut and claimed. As the thick member plowed her butt good and hard, she reached her climax and she knew she was his forever. Moonsilver continued to rut Celestia’s anus until she had a second orgasm. Then, he finally allowed himself to cum. She let out a loud piercing scream when he exploded and filled her anal cavity with his hot sticky seed, seed that blasted its way all through her bowels and bloated her belly until she looked heavily pregnant. He was still ejaculating when she flopped all limp and exhausted on the tree stump. Once he was finished, Moonsilver very slowly and very carefully pulled out of her butt. “Uuuuuuh…” at the front, Celestia’s eyed had rolled in her head, while at the back, her asshole gaped open in a perfect O shape and the semen that had not reached her gut spewed out on the ground making a puddle between her legs. “Oh by the Great Forest...” Carefully laying down besides his lover on a clean patch of grass, Moonsilver gently pulled Celestia off of the stump and onto his belly and chest. “My goddess, and my pet.” Thoroughly spent, Celestia flopped on top of him and giggled sillily at him, because her wits had just been screwed out of her. “Master, I love you and your dad and your forest...” Moonsilver tutted, “So unfortunate that father couldn't see your performance on that stump.” Celestia had just enough presence of mind about her to kiss Moonsilver’s lips. “Later, when my brain finds its way back in my ears, and backside isn't a tunnel, I fancy a walk.” “In that case, then, we can rest here for now and let the sun do it's work. You dry quick, but my coat takes longer.” They both shared a long, drawn out yawn, as fatigue from their exertions threatened to overcome them. Tenderly, he kissed her forehead and held her tight in a loving embrace. “You can guard me while I nap, and the Forest can watch over us both.” > Chapter 14 - Total Trust, Total Control > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roughly an hour or so later, with the warm late summer sunlight shining dappled through the overhanging canopy of the surrounding trees, Moonsilver woke from his nap. The pale grey centaur’s first instinct was to see if Celestia was awake. He was pleasantly greeted from his slumber by a pair of lips he knew very well pressing into his own. As it happened, she had awoken not five minutes before and was content to watch him sleep and enjoy the view. “There is a place I'd like to revisit,” he said once he was fully roused. “Oh?” Celestia smiled down on him from her perch atop his belly and chest, a perch she had very little intention of moving from. “And where would that be, sexy?” It was a good thing that Moonsilver liked his human shaped bodywarmer. He could have laid with her like that in that space, surrounded by the forest he loved and the woman he adored until time itself ceased, but… “I’m thinking of the place you felt it worth breaking a leg just to meet me.” Celestia’s eyes went very wide and, as he smiled up at her, she giggled delightfully down at him. “That's where I wanted to go!” It seemed a shame, nay, a crime, to move from the spot they were laid at. With the trees all around them, the stream by their side, the gentle breeze and the beautiful sun, the chirp and chatter of various unseen animals, it felt to them both that the day might last forever. Still, move they had to, eventually. Gently, he pushed her up off him and he stood up on his hooves. “Would you like to ride or walk?” “You've just ridden me,” Celestia grinned as she stood up and stretched, bending over and treating him to a look at her upturned behind before she hopped up onto his back. “I'll return the favour.” “One bit of advice,” Moonsilver looked back over his shoulder and kissed his charge, “Hold on tight.” No sooner had Celestia squeezed with her legs and wrapped her arms around his body, pressing herself into his back, than Moonsilver took off, leaping like the deer that he hunted as he moved through the forest. He moved with the assured confidence of one who had lived in the forest all his life, never ducking under branches, making Celestia duck out of instinct. He jumped ravines some twenty feet wide, making her scream in fright. Eventually, having took the long way, he stopped at the place where Celestia had fallen. “It’s a beautiful view from here,” he commented, looking down into the gully. “That. Was. Awesome!” Celestia giggled as she realised just who she had just quoted. It had been an adequate description of the fifteen minute thrill ride through the forest though, so she felt at least a little vindicated. Still on his back, she looked down at the twenty foot gully and pointed, “That's where I fell, just there. I can see the stones and ground still messed up.” Looking where she pointed, Moonsilver could just about see the surface of the gully lightly plowed and turned over there the soil and stones had been dislodged, the track still visible after a month if you knew what to look for. Quietly he stepped forward and, after a skidding glide, both himself and Celestia were at the bottom about ten feet to the left of where she had landed. “Yes,” he snickered, “that may have been from me peeking into your shirt.” Celestia giggled brightly, “Dirty centaur. I remember hiking up there, and I saw you, in the corner of my eye. I turned and that's when I fell.” She hugged him and kissed the back of his neck, looking at the ground, she saw the two large sharp rocks that her ankle had been wedged in between. Not far from them was the boulder that had broken her leg. “You stayed with me till I woke up.” “You were an exotic and beautiful sight to behold. I saw you were injured and had to help, even if it was forbidden by the elders.” As he settled down to sit on the ground, he blushed, because at least fifty percent of her injuries had been caused by him. He had, after all, caused the mini rockslide that had resulted in her broken leg. Despite him sitting down, Celestia had no intention of getting off. “For that I'm grateful.” She recalled how much pain she had been in when she had come around, how desperate her situation had been. Had he not intervened, she knew full well she would have died where she had been pinned. “What were you doing, that day?” “My trade, hunting.” Moonsilver explained simply. “I did have a brace of rabbits I had just caught. As for you, I believe you were reliving your past?” he laughed, for the irony was not lost upon him. “Seems you found a future for both of us.” Reliving that day, a day that seemed a whole lifetime away at that point, Celestia sighed. “I was running away. I was tired and so very, very depressed. I felt like everything was getting on top of me, what with all the magical things happening at my school. It was like swimming with weights pulling me down under the water. I'd fallen into a self loathing so deep that I wasn't sure if I was going to recover from it. Or if I even wanted to…” Hearing her voice taking on a maudlin tone that he hadn’t heard from her in some time, Moonsilver twisted his torso so that he could give his partner a loving nuzzle and a deep kiss. “It often takes another set of eyes away from the mirror to find one’s true beauty.” “And you helped me to find mine.” Celestia returned the kiss, eminently grateful that he had not attempted to ply her with empty platitudes, or claim that he knew best for her, or tell her to cheer up or anything like that. He was just…there, and that was all she needed. “That nightmare you witnessed, I had them regularly. I almost never slept. I think...had I not fell that day, I was ready to find Lookout Point and jump off.” He well recalled the horrific nightmare that he had intercepted not long after meeting his lover. He saw then, that she was haunted and plagued by demons that he could not easily overcome. These demons could not be quelled by his skill at the bow, or the strength in his arm, but by the love in his heart. Celestia was hounded, he knew, by these demons that would never stop, never tire, never relent, in their attempt to destroy her. Gently, he covered her lips with his fingers. “Never say that. If you think that, you must tell someone, anyone. Life is too short to make it shorter.” “You live to two hundred…” Celestia shot back, though she smiled and kissed his fingers. In truth, she still felt those demons, her hated pursuers, on the edge of her mind, like a thousand tentacled monster eternally trying to break down her barriers. Fear, doubt, loathing, ridicule, every time they were repelled by the love she had for Moonsilver, her sister and her friends, the monster would regroup and try again and again and again, always trying to find a chink in her armour. “You have nothing to fear, my love. I promise. I'm not going to say I'm 'over it', but I'll talk to you, if I need to.” Moonsilver knew her better than to be fooled by the smile she placed on her face. “I didn't suggest you were 'over it', nor would I ever presume to do so. I know well the demons you fight, have fought and will fight again. Know you have an ally in that fight,” he winked at her, “More than one, I’ll wager. Besides, you never know, centaur sperm may be the fountain of youth.” When Celestia giggled, it was to cover the fact that she had tears brimmed at her eyes ready to shed. She knew the long war would never truly be over, that all she could do was to keep fighting, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Just when that monster was about to break her barrier though, it was repelled by the knowledge that no matter what, he would stand by her, as would Luna, and Cheerilee, and Berryshine and Roseluck. They would forever stand as her shield, her barrier. “Silver,” she said as that thought warmed her, “did you say that you can travel to any wood in the world, that they are all connected by portals?” “I did say I could, but the portals are guarded, and I need reason to travel.” Moonsilver grinned, “I’m not sure if ‘my human marefriend needs a vacation’ will work.” “That's a shame,” Celestia smiled, her demons for the moment forgotten, the latest battle won. “The Whitetail Woods are right by my house. I'd love to show it you in person, so you can see where Rehanos keeps stealing things from.” Moonsilver had never, ever wanted to leave the forest he called home in over thirty years. Now though, hearing that, the idea was planted in his head and he so desperately wanted to see where she lived that he couldn’t think of anything else. “Do you know someone with a covered trailer?” he asked, for he had seen such vehicles on the roads, “I'd love to visit your house.” “As it happens I do!” Celestia thought the exact same thing that Moonsilver did at almost the exact same time. “One of my best friends, Berry, breeds horses as well as running the best bar in town.” “Can you drive her vehicle?” Moonsilver asked, barely succeeding in keeping the excited smile under control. “I can, yes!” Unlike him, Celestia didn’t even try to keep the excited look from her face. “Sounds like a good plan for me to get away from it all. Your sister will be away this week, right?” “Yes, she will. She'll be here at the camp for another four days.” This was almost too good to be true! “Our Harvest Festival is over the summer solstice,” Moonsilver offered helpfully, “which is a few weeks away, if now is inconvenient.” “Nonono...let me call my sister and Berry, get things sorted!” Moonsilver snickered, unable to resist the tease that came to his mind, “I haven't explored the other hole yet. Is that where your phone is, and why you chose the tail hole?” The deep glare that she shot him in response to his snark was well worth the tease, and made him laugh all the harder. “No!” Celestia playfully swatted at his ear with the back of her hand, “it's back at our cabin at Raven's Peak, as you well know. And I chose that hole because I happen to love it there, and I haven't had it that way for a very long time.” “No complaints here,” Moonsilver shrugged, making a mental note to spank his pretty goddess later for the swat to his ear, even though he had deserved it. “Of course, my father would have reminded me that you still can't get a mare pregnant that way, either.” “Can you?” Celestia asked, the seemingly throwaway comment making her stop and think. “Get me pregnant, I mean?” “I’m sorry, but I think not.” Moonsilver conceded with a kiss, “No Centaur has ever gotten a human pregnant, nor a human impregnated a centaur,” again, his lips met hers, “Not that it isn't worth trying.” “Oh…I'd say it was worth trying,” Celestia purred and returned the kiss with one of her own. “Back to the cabin, my faithful steed! I have calls to make,” she appreciated the way that Moonsilver stood up slowly to ensure that she had her grip and then, when it was safe, he took off like a champion racer through the woods with many unerring jumps, twists, and turns. When they were back at the cabin, they saw that Rehanos the snake eagle was perched on the table, looking very pleased with himself. “Looks like we have company.” Moonsilver gave his companion a deep frown. “Often, not the most polite of company.” “If I am not wanted,” Rehanos cawed and screeched. Moonsilver could understand his age old hunting partner because of the language stone he wore, but the centaur could see that Celestia was lost, “Then I shall go and find my new friend instead.” “I don't know if that pink vibrator will fit you, Rehanos.” The snake eagle laughed, a harsh, cawing laugh that drilled right down into the marrow of Celestia’s bones. It was the same kind of mocking laugh he had made when he had stolen the pink toy. “If you must know,” he screeched, “I met a nice pink haired girl in the camp. She had a gem like yours. We spoke for a long time!” Moonsilver looked at Celestia, who shrugged her shoulders, completely lost. “What did he say?” The centaur mentally facepalmed. He had gotten so used to just speaking with Celestia, he had forgotten it was because she could speak Greek and not because of the language stone. “He says he has been to the camp and talked with a pink haired girl.” “Oh, that would be Fluttershy!” Celestia said without thinking, “She can speak with animals. She’s bonded with the main language geode, rem...em...ber…” As she spoke, her eyes went wide as saucers and Rehanos laughed again. “Oh no…” her shoulders sagged, “Let me guess. He told her everything?” This time when Moonsilver facepalmed, it was literal. “You did...” Of course he had, it was just the sort of thing the eagle would have done! “I was doing my duty!” Rehanos declared proudly as he struck what was obviously a heroic pose on the table, “I’ve been warning the humans to stay away! Then this girl asked me why. None has ever answered me before. She was nice. We got talking.” For as long as they had been companions, both on the sacred hunt and off of it, Moonsilver dearly wished he had his bow to hand. He wagered an arrow through the eagle’s secondary feathers would go a long way to silencing that infernal laugh of his. “Do you trust this, Fluttershy, Tia?” he asked. “Implicitly,” Celestia answered without having to think about it. “She and her friends, for that matter.” Curiously, and a little hopefully, Rehanos looked around the cabin. “Do you have food?” he asked bluntly. “It’s not my day to hunt, Rehanos, nor will it be tomorrow.” Moonsilver wasn’t sorry in the slightest. If anything, he suspected his companion, though bonded as they were and beloved as he was, was getting lazy as of late. “I’ve no food to give you.” If it was possible for an eagle to wear a look of sheer and utter disgust on its face, then the one he gave Moonsilver then was the dictionary definition of said expresson. “The pink haired girl has food!” he spat angrily and, with that, he spread his wings and took off but, as he flew through the open doorway, expressed his feelings by leaving his droppings in his wake. “Oh…oh dear!” Celestia couldn’t help but giggle as she got out her phone from her bag. Turning it on, she was relieved to see no messages from her sister. That at least meant that everything was normal in the camp. ‘Or as normal as things ever get round here…’ she thought as she dialled Luna’s number. “We have a saying,” she giggled to her lover, “With friends like that, you don't need enemies.” “He can hunt for himself,” Moonsilver replied, using a handful of gathered leaves to clean away what Rehanos had left behind, “but he thinks such a regal bird shouldn't have to. More like, he’s a friend that finds joy in teasing you.” “He's a lot like my sister then,” Ceelestia smiled, thinking back to the exploding chocolate cake incident of a few months ago. When her sister at last answered, she said, with an entirely artificial breeziness in her tone, “Oh hey Lulu! In about half an hour, I'll need to drive your car back home.” “No speeding tickets,” Luna snarked, “and I don't think we have a pregnancy test kit at home.” All things considered, Celestia thought her raspberry was an adequate response, as was the whack she gave the laughing centaur’s shoulder – she had the phone on speaker – as she rolled her eyes. “You're okay riding the bus back with Leelee and the kids?” “What?” Luna picked up on that in a heartbeat, her demeanour flipping from good natured to concerned and worried with all the ferocity of a steel trap that had been triggered. “You're not coming back? Did something happen with Moonslilver? Are you okay?” Sighing, Celestia wasn’t surprised her sister had reacted like that. It was one of the things she loved about her. As much as they bickered and argued, were one of them to be in trouble, then no force in Heaven or on Earth would prevent the other from being there for her. “No, I'm not coming back. And calm down, Lu. I'm fine. Silver's fine. He's just coming over to the house that's all, for the rest of the week.” “In my car!” Just like that, Luna’s concern flipped one hundred and eighty degrees to outrage. “No, silly,” Celestia shook her head and laughed, “How will he fit into that brute of a thing you call a car?” she giggled, “I'm going to borrow Berry's trailer and pick him up from the west road, I just need to get home first.” “Oh, okay,” Luna breathed, forcing herself to be calm, “I thought you forgot my car is 'not' a convertible. Fine,” she gave a most overdramatic sigh, “I suppose I'll suffer Pinkie's singing on the way back. Just for you.” “I love you!” Celestia beamed down the phone, knowing perfectly well that ‘just for you’ meant ‘you owe me big style’. “And don't come back early. And I love you!” “Having seen the Image Stone, one never knows, dear sister of mine…” Luna dissolved into cackling laughter before hanging up. As the call ended, Celestia sighed, “I have an utter child for a sister,” in spite of that though, she was giggling when she called Berryshine’s number. Rather wisely, Moonsilver chose to say nothing, but if the smile on his face was anything to go by, Celestia knew that he had a fair idea what was on that stone. “Oh, hey Berry! How's my bestest ever friend?” “Losing money with your absence,” came Berryshine’s giggled reply, “How’s your school camping trip going?” “It's going very well thank you. Listen...Berry, I need three favours, please.” “I'm not putting your drinks on Luna's tab.” Fortunately, Moonsilver had just enough wit about him to thrust a pillow over his muzzle to stifle his laughter, unfortunately, he earned himself another playful whack from Celestia for his trouble. “No, it’s not that,” Celestia made sure her friend could hear the eye roll in her voice. “I need to borrow your trailer. I need you not to ask why. And I need a crate of beers. Please.” Berryshine, to her credit, didn’t flinch. “I have a horse show in the city on Sunday, you’ll have it back to me sometime before noon?” “Promise I will, Berry.” “Okay, there’s a couple of crates of lager in the trailer. You know that song, whiskey for my girls and beer for my horses,” she giggled, “It's parked by the barn and the keys are in the truck. You know where to get it.” “Thanks Berry! I owe you one or two.” ‘More like three, four and maybe five…’ Celestia corrected herself. “Miss ya girl, and you're sounding happy. Stop in and bend my ear a bit.” Suddenly, out of nowhere, Celestia missed her weekly chats with her best friends. It had been way too long since the three of them – including Roseluck – had just hung out like they used to. “Tell you what. Sunday night I'll get Rosie and stop by and we'll have a proper catch up, okay?” After all, she had a lot to catch them up on… ~ ~ ~ “Here are the keys,” Luna held her car keys out for her sister but, just before she took hold of them, the younger sibling pulled them away, leaving her sister dangling like a fish on the hook. It was fun to see her squirm and, in the skimpy swim suit she was wearing, to make her jump for them. “Where are you picking him up, again?” “Thank you, Lulu,” with a little effort, and a jump that almost saw the Principal bounce out of the bikini top that only just covered her nipples and barely passed as decent, grabbed the keys. “I’m picking him up on the west road, about two hundred yards before the park entrance, just in case…” that was because she didn’t want to risk the gate guy at the entrance seeing Moonsilver. “It’ll be after sunset, so there's some cover.” “I hope you don't mind that Leelee and I see you off safely.” Luna smiled sweetly. While it had been true the other day that she had passed up the opportunity to meet her sister’s partner, after a couple of days being badgered by Cheerilee it was easier to just give in. “Of course I don't mind!” Celestia embraced her sister in a very tight hug, at the same time making a note to thank Cheerilee for her sister’s change of mind. “I would love for you to meet him!” Four hours later and, just as the sun was making its way south below the horizon leaving the forest and the city shrouded in dusk, and the camp was settling down for the night, two women stood on the grass verge at the side of the west road. Luna and Cheerilee had been waiting roughly half an hour, both out of sight of the campsite guard. This was a good idea, because Luna was wearing her skimpy bikini, knee high boots and, for a reason known only to her, a pirate hat she had found in the camp storage. Cheerilee was wearing her collar and nothing else. “Mistress,” Cheerilee spoke up, not caring in the slightest that she was stood by the roadside, for all intents and purposes, naked and on display for any driver that happened to be passing, “do you think he'll actually show up?” “Fail and face my sister's rage?” Luna snorted out a laugh, very sure that a failure by him to be there would prompt a return by her sister to ‘Daybreaker’, the rebellious pierced punk who had terrorised the neighbourhood way back when. “He's been watching us I'm sure, but I haven't detected him at all.” “Forgive me,” Cheerilee fidgeted her fingertips together, “but I can't believe Celestia is being this adventurous!” Though she had known her for a good long while, the librarian had only ever known Celestia as the Principal she was now. Luna smiled fondly. “My sister was a force of nature in her college days.” She well remembered all the times that her parents had received official letters threatening Daybreaker’s expulsion if her behaviour did not improve. “I know she’ll be here with Berry's truck and trailer. Those two are inseparable.” “It's good to see her back to the 'force' she was then, Mistress.” Cheerilee stated as, in the distance, a pair of bright headlights could be seen coming their way. After a few more moments, the bright white lights revealed themselves to belong to Berryshine’s truck and trailer. When she got out to greet them, Celestia was again wearing her extremely thin and skimpy bikini and her collar. She took one look at the waiting pair and decided not to point out that she could have been anyone and they wouldn’t have known. “Nice hat, Lu!” she opened instead. “Arrrr, it goes well with me booty!” Luna declared in a very good – or very poor, depending on the point of view – of Captain Celaeno from the Pirates of the Skies movies, while Cheerilee just lost it in a giggle fit that made her double over clutching her belly. “I thought it was Leelee that went well with your booty?” Celestia looked around excitedly, both at her sister and her girlfriend and also at the treeline behind them. She felt giddy, like she was back on her very first date. “Have you two been waiting long?” “Thirty minutes, ish,” Cheerilee answered when she had stopped laughing. “Long enough that he doesn't know what to do with us here,” Luna put in, “But now you're here…” she left that hanging in the air because, thanks to Cheerilee’s non-stop pestering, she really did want to meet him. Seconds passed by and then Celestia saw the rustle in the trees just past Luna’s right shoulder. A shape that had been standing there for half an hour appeared between two trees, and as she looked at it, that shape took three steps forwards and no longer was it a formless shape. The moment the last few rays of the sun shone on Moonsilver’s face, Celestia broke into a smile. “He's behind you.” Fast as lightning, Luna’s arm shot out to her right and she stopped Cheerilee from turning. She didn’t want her to get whiplash. “Of course he is, and maybe, if you don’t mind, you could introduce us to him?” She was about to do just that, when Celestia looked down and she remembered she was wearing the bikini. “One moment, I fear I may be overdressed.” She made all haste to remove it and, when it was thrown onto the front seat of Berryshine’s truck, she walked over to the trees. Just as fast as when she had stopped Cheerilee turning around, Luna placed a warning finger on Cheerilee’s lips. “No Leelee,” she answered the unspoken question, “I'm not doing the same. No need to start a competition.” Celestia didn’t see Cheerilee affect a deep fake pout, nor did she pay any attention to what her sister had said. As she closed the distance to the trees, she only had eyes for the pale grey centaur stood before her. “I'm so glad you came!” she squealed in sheer delight, hugging her lover close to her the moment she was able. “I recognise your sister and her pet,” Moonsilver said with a warm welcome smile as he nuzzled Celestia’s ear, “but I was unsure if I should show myself to them.” “Come and meet them,” Celestia encouraged him, though she could have stood and took the nuzzle all night long. “Luna doesn't bite, unless you ask nicely, and Cheerilee is likely to pounce-hug you.” Moonsilver laughed, “I think that’s what Honeyside says every time she sees a stallion or mare enter her bar.” At the sound of the conversation, having waited what she judged to be a respectful amount of time, Luna at last turned around to face the voices behind her. To save herself a full night of pouting, she turned Cheerilee with her, too. She was not disappointed in the slightest when she saw that the centaur’s body matched his deep masculine voice. “My, you are an impressive bit of flesh, aren’t you? I can certainly see why my sister has fallen for you.” Proudly, like a student who knew for sure that her show and tell presentation was going to earn her an A+, Celestia walked out of the trees with Moonsilver by her side. “Luna, Cheerilee, may I present Moonsilver, my lover, my soul-mate and my Master.” Luna gave the pale grey centaur an appraising look, the sort of look that most students - and adults – shied away from. She was most impressed to see that he did not. That he possessed the courage of his convictions sent him up in her estimations straight away. Both dominants shared a look then, the look of one eminently proud of their partners and pets. “Are you accepting hugs?” Still bearing that composed, assured look, Moonsilver stepped forwards, “I am.” Luna placed her hand on the small of her pet’s back. “You have first hug, Leelee.” “Yay!” Cheerilee squeed and, not needing to be invited to do so twice, the fuchsia submissive closed the distance quickly and she wrapped her arms around Moonsilver's body. As he was a bit taller than her, roughly Celestia’s height, she had to stand on the tips of her toes. That didn’t stop her from giving him the type of hug that he would not forget in a hurry. While Cheerilee was doing that, Luna surrupticiously checked out the centaur’s undercarriage, interested to see if Moonsilver had real control after her pet had given him her best tit rub hug. She was pleased to see that he did have that control, because, she assumed, he only had eyes for her sister, in that regard. “An admirable hug, Cheerilee.” Luna complimented her, “Challenge accepted, but I think I’ll still lose to my sister of magnificent hugs.” She giggled as she replaced Cheerilee, but when she got close in the hug, she whispered, “I'm a very protective and vindictive sister. Yet I know that you will only show her love.” In the hug, Moonsilver bit and nuzzled Luna’s ear. “Should I ever wrong her, I expect no less than the fury of you and the forest bought down upon me.” ‘Damn…’ Luna thought as she fanned herself, suddenly finding herself rather hot and bothered, “One hot stallion you have here sis.” Beaming, she walked over and hugged Celestia as tightly as she had hugged him. “I love you, and I hope you have fun.” “I intend to, sister.” Standing by Moonsilver, Celestia kissed her lover’s cheek, “I'll see you both at home after the camp's done.” “We should be home sometime after seven p.m. on Friday.” Beaming out a smile that lit up her face like the sun had risen once more, Celestia hugged her sister. “I love you, Lu.” She watched as Luna took Cheerilee’s hand and led her back to the cabins, going the long way around so as not to give the gate guard an early Christmas present thanks to the naked Cheerilee. Celestia then turned back to Moonsilver. “Your carriage awaits, Master.” Moonsilver cast an appraising glance over the trailer. While he admittedly didn’t know much about such vehicles, he could tell almost straightaway that it was one of decent quality. “I'm traveling in style I see.” He then looked in the open back door and smiled, “oh, you have it stocked too.” “I do. Berryshine's best beer. Are you comfortable in there?” She asked as Moonsilver walked up the little ramp and into the back of the spotlessly clean trailer. Berryshine cared more for her horses than she did most humans, and it showed, too. “It's going to be over an hour’s drive.” “I'm fine in my human driven chariot, thank you my sweet love,” Moonsilver laughed, though he did greatly appreciate her concern. Since she knew she wouldn’t be able to talk to him once she got into the truck, Celestia thought it would be an idea to tell him what she was going to show him. That, and she knew that stopping and getting out over and over again would draw unwelcome attention. “I'm going to take you to my school first. I'll show you that, and then the portal to Equestria, and then we'll see Berry’s bar, and from there we’ll go on to my place.” That surprised the centaur. “The portal is visiable?” “Well,” Celestia mentally kicked herself, “The portal itself isn’t, but the statue where it is located is.” “Okay...well, let us begin our tour of your fair city.” Moonsilver smiled as Celestia lifted the ramp and secured the doors. Just like she had said, the journey did indeed take roughly an hour. Far from being bored though, the centaur was fascinated by his first time in a human vehicle. He was amazed, first, by the sheer speed. He had never, ever gone that fast, even at his most determined gallop. Second, he was bewildered at the fact that he was going that fast while at the same time standing still. When they eventually reached the city, the first stop on the tour was Canterlot High School, which Celestia was proud to show off. Looking out of the windows, Moonsilver saw a statue of a rearing horse – the statue, he assumed – where he had been told the portal to Equestria lay hidden. Had he not been told though, he wouldn’t have been any the wiser to the fact. After that, Celestia drove them past what he had no trouble at all as identifying as Berryshine’s bar. The bight multi-coloured neon sign stating “Berry’s Punch Bowl” may have gone a long way to that conclusion. Finally, she turned the truck and she headed for her home. “Your city is very active at night,” Moonsilver said once Celestia had pulled up outside her one storey villa she shared with her sister. Behind it, he could make out Whitetail Wood. “It seems appropriate that there would be a stallion in front of your school.” “I never really knew how appropriate it was until last year.” Celestia replied as, under the cover of darkness, she walked up to her door with Moonsilver beside her, not worried in the slightest that they would be seen. Her nearest neighbour, an elderly woman of almost eighty, would be asleep by now. “I hope you like the house.” “The outside looks fine,” Moonsilver chuckled as he stood on the immaculately kept grass. By the light of the street lights, he could see that all the other houses were just as well kept, orderly and tidy, a marked step up from some parts of the city he had been driven through. Quite correctly, he assumed this was an upmarket part to live in. “Are we staying on the lawn?” “No silly, we're going inside,” she opened the door and politely she stood aside, gesturing for him to enter ahead of her. “After you.” Easily, Moonsilver walked into the spacious hallway and he looked around. Naturally, he was not surprised in the least to see that it was unlike any other dwelling he had ever been in before. Though it was different, it was a good different. Far from being imposing, the villa was warm and welcoming. With the soft carpets and clean stylish décor, he suspected that his pet and her sister lived comfortably. He approved. “Nice,” he passed his considered judgement, “Very nice.” Celestia, who was as giddy as a teenager who had just bought her first boyfriend home for the first time, quickly dipped into the kitchen and had two cold beers at the ready from Luna’s stash in the fridge. “Would you like one? We can sit in the living room.” Walking into the large room that Celestia had indicated as the living room, Moonsilver again took it all in. Here, the decoration was split in the middle widthways. One half was pure white, with a stylised blazing sun motif, while the other was the dark blue of midnight, with the moon and stars decorating the ceiling. Like before, everything was modern. There were furniture he recognised of course, couches, tables and chairs, then there were things he had no idea about. He moved the coffee table so that he could recline in front of the couch. “This will work. Since you didn't seem to mind going nude from the car to here, I thought it safe for me too. You live in a nice quiet neighborhood.” “I love it here,” Celestia smiled as she joined him on the floor and passed him a beer, “It's far enough away from the city to be quiet, and nobody bothers you.” Holding up a hand to stop her sitting down next to him, he quickly motioned to the couch. “Sit there and spread your legs.” “Yes, Master…” Celestia didn’t even stop to think about how easily she had slipped into her submissive role, she just obeyed, sitting naked on her couch, got comfy and spread her thick legs wide apart. She had to giggle to herself, as Moonsilver took a lewd sniff of her vagina, that it wasn’t that long ago she’d be rolling her eyes at Luna and Cheerilee for a similar display. When he held his beer up to her, she clinked hers to his and smiled, “I've dreamed about having you in my house.” “Amongst other things, I'm sure.” Moonsilver grinned as he took a swig of the beer with the moon symbol on the bottle. “This is rather good.” “I'm glad you like it.” Celestia chuckled, “It's Berry's best. She calls it Nighting-ale, because it’s brewed at night. That’s why Luna likes it so much. She’s convinced the moon makes it taste better. And Berry’s horses seem to like it too.” As he had just taken a mouthful of the beer, Moonsilver snorted and almost choked. “Thank you for telling me that!” “You're very welcome!” Celestia beamed, happy at a job well done, she tenderly stroked his strong muscular chest with a bare foot. The things she could do to him! The things she wanted him to do to her now they were alone in her house! “Would aah, would you like to snuggle and watch a movie before we go to bed?” In a couple of gulps, Moonsilver finished his beer and set the empty bottle on the coffee table. “Let me see how well I fit on that couch and then you can snuggle up. As she got up and he carefully arranged himself, didn’t know what a ‘movie’ was, but he figured that Celestia would need to do something to make it happen. While he got himself comfortable on the couch, not an easy task when one was his size, Celestia got busy. First, she set popcorn going in the microwave, then, Moonsilver watched without a word as she opened up a small case and took from it a small disc shaped thing, and placed it into one of the rectangular black things underneath a large shiny black thing he had no idea what they were. Whatever it was, this ‘movie’ seemed quite the process. Disappearing into the kitchen once more when a loud pinging noise was heard, Celestia came back with a large bowl of popcorn and two more beers. “Are you ready?” she asked when she sat back down beside him on the couch. At a nod of his head, he almost jumped out of his skin when, after dimming the lights in the room, he watched her point a small box at the big rectangle on the wall and the thing came to life with moving pictures and noise! And that was before they started to watch Daring Do and the Raiders of the Lost Temple. “That was…intersting…” Moonsilver voiced his considered opinion of what he had just seen an hour and fifty five minutes later when the credits began to roll. Once he had gotten over the shock and amazement of the moving pictures on the screen, he had, admittedly, enjoyed it. “Was it a…drama?” Celestia giggled and, getting up, she removed the disc from the player and placed the movie back in its right place in her collection. “More like an...adventure romance, I think. And a bit of drama. I remember going to see this movie when it first came out in the cinema. Thirty years ago...” “What?” Moonsilver affected a most genuine offended expression, “You didn't invite me!” As she turned off the wall mounted flat screen TV, Celestia returned to the couch and resumed her snuggles. “I didn't know you existed back then, silly.” She laughed, because she was sure that if he had been around, he would have been but a foal. “I was so wild back then. My friends, Rosie and Berry, and I would run naked in Whitetail Woods all the time.” Now it was the centaur’s turn to laugh, “Well, now you can add riding naked in the Everfree Forest to that claim.” “And getting laid in the Everfree Forest, don’t forget,” Celestia wrapped her arms around his muscular upper arm and she snuggled her head onto his shoulder, “You'd like Berry. And Rosie. They’re so much fun.” “I'm sure they are nice people, and I'd be happy to meet them, but you,” he placed a soft and loving kiss on her head, “are so much fun.” Nestled into his side, Celestia was absolutely sure that he could feel the intense heat radiating from her cheeks. She smiled though, because she didn’t care about the blush spreading across her face. “Luna says I've become fun again, since meeting you, that I’ve become her sister once more, not a second mother.” “So,” Moonsilver said after he let out a rather large, and totally not exaggerated in any way, yawn, “I have a bed, but I’ve heard that human beds are different.” There was a playful twinkle in his eye when he looked down at his beautiful lover, “I think I would like to try one and you would have to be there for me to have a good idea of its use.” Celestia heard what he said, she saw the playful twinkle in his eyes. She heard and saw and, encouraged, she had a rather fun idea. “Ah! I know just the bed for us to test!” She had a look of impish glee as she got up and folded the blanket they were laid under and placed the empty popcorn bowl on the coffee table. It was about time that she pranked her sister. “How was the popcorn, by the way?” “The popcorn was…interesting,” he replied after a moment’s thought on the subject, “with this microwave cooking. We use a cast iron skillet to make popcorn in the forest.” “If it was thirty years ago, it would be Jiffy Pop on a stove top.” Celestia giggled as she took his hand in hers and she led him through the one storey house to a bedroom with a large half moon on the door. Her impish smile widened, hardly able to believe what she was about to do. “You know, I'm impressed how similar our societies are, you use the geodes and magic like we use technology.” As he walked into the bedroom, Moonsilver smiled, because it was immediately apparent that the bedroom, with its very dark blue paint on the walls, constellations on the ceiling and indeed the moon, was not at all 'Celestia' in its design. “One of your writers wrote, ‘any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, and any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced’. My favorite though is, any technology you don’t understand is magic.” “You make a good point, my love.” Celestia reached over, flicked on the light switch and in an instant, Luna's bedroom was lit up. “Here we go. This is a comfy bed!” she proceeded to bounce her bare ass on that comfortable bed, loving the feel of the duvet cover beneath her naked body. Moonsilver looked the room, and the bed, over now that there was light to do so. As he suspected, this was most definitely not his pet’s bedroom. He could see by the very look on her face just what she was thinking, and he approved. “You are a naughty one, my pet, but it does look large enough.” Carefully, he got up onto the bed and onto his back, his legs in the air. “At least if I like diagonally. Come my little minx and let us test this comfy bed.” “I am naughty, aren't I?” Celestia grinned, before crawling on top of him, between his open legs. When he was able, Moonsilver played with Celestia's heavy fleshy breasts, breasts that he could happily get lost in forever. “You are very naughty and it would be best if you can distract me enough that I might forget how naughty you are.” “Or?” Celestia whispered breathily into his ear as she moved back and forth, rubbing her wet crotch over and along his sheath, while at the same time kissing and nipping at his neck all the way up to his ear. “Are you sure you want an ‘or’?” Moonsilver asked with a raised eyebrow that spoke volumes, “It won't be what you might be hoping it is.” “Mmmm…” Celestia kept up her attention to his ear, attention she knew he liked and got him going, if the throbbing in his sheath below her damp pussy was anything to go by, “Perhaps not, if it's not going to be some spanky fun.” Smirking, and without warning, the centaur brought down his left forehoof and he slapped Celestia's ass hard, something he was well aware he had not done with her before. “That’s for stalling, naughty pet.” “Ah!” Celestia gasped, first at the sound of the hoof slap on her bare ass, and then the sharp stinging pain of the hoof slap that blossomed in her fat behind. Quickly, she resumed the grinding of her crotch on his sheath. “I’m sorry Master!” Seconds later, and Moonsilver’s other forehoof landed sharply and just as unexpectedly on Celestia’s other ass cheek. “I must maintain balance,” he snickered up to her shocked face, “And encouragement.” “Aaaah…Aaaaaaah ye-yes you must...” Celestia, who hadn't been spanked in a very, very long time, was in a most euphoric state. The sweet, sweet stinging in her ass just served to get her wetter and wetter, and to make her grind harder onto his sheath. She was rewarded for her efforts when she felt his flat head emerge under her. Straight away, she got it wet with her arousal. Considering just how far to push her, Moonsilver rubbed his forehooves hard on Celestia's ass. “My pet begs for encouragement?” while she seemed more that willing to go further and harder, he didn’t want to go too far. “Ooooh...we-well um...in case I forget, Master…” Celestia’s reply was silenced to mere whimpers though when she felt the rest of his generous length – and girth – emerge from its sheath and she ground herself harder along it. A lewd moan escaped her when her wet pussy went over his medial ring. Judging he was in safe territory, Moonsilver delivered two hard slaps to each of her jiggling, rippling ass cheeks, thouh he was careful to target different areas each time. “Imagine if they were shod like your earth horses,” he snickered, for the deluge of juices that flooded from her tunnel was his reward. Celestia was getting wetter and wetter by the second, just thinking about that. “I am...imagining it, Master!” she panted through her lust addled haze of pain and pleasure. She wasn’t sure where one ended and the other began any longer. She just knew she wanted him to take her like the slut she was. Underneath her, Moonsilver was watching Celestia closely, for her knew just how hard a hoof could hit. He could see she was slipping into that heady sensation filled subspace, and the look of sheer need on her face almost made him blow right there. “I don't think you're trying hard enough as I'm still under you, instead of in you.” On top, Celestia knew he was fully erect just by the feel of his pulsing, throbbing member sliding between her moist thighs. Adjusting her position just slightly, she reached under him and pointed the head of his cock up to meet her descending pussy. Happy to let gravity do its thing, she slid down until, with a satisfyingly lewd and dirty squelch, he was inside her to his medial ring in one smooth movement. “Better, Master?” Now he was in her, Moonsilver gave out a soft moan. Now his hands were free to play with those perfect breasts he loved so much. He stopped spanking her with his hooves, Tia's tits and his hooves, instead he placed them firmly on her ass as she rode him. “Much better,” he smirked, his thumbs and forefingers rolling and tweaking her hard nipples, “We really need to make a mess on this bed…” ~ ~ ~ “Well, with this cooking,” Moonsilver smiled the next morning after a most hearty breakfast consisting of chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes, cheesy scrambled eggs, and finally, several rounds of toast, “I think you’re a keeper!” “Oh?” Celestia rolled her eyes at her lover and shot him a playful glare as she quickly cleaned the breakfast dishes in the sink, a quick task, seeing as how there had been literally nothing left on any of the plates after they were finished, “And I thought I was a keeper when you were screaming my name as your dad watched you screw me senseless.” Getting up from the breakfast table, Moonsilver hugged his lover from behind, his strong firm hands pressing ever so slightly into her pudgy belly, and he kissed the back of her neck. “As far more than a pet, I mean, my goddess.” Turning in his embrace, Celestia kissed his lips. “I know what you meant, Silver. So, you like my choccy pancakes? They were my mother's recipe.” Looking down at her, he couldn’t help the rather juvenile smirk that spread over his muzzle. “I like how you look in an apron and nothing else, oh, and the pancakes are a wonderful bonus.” “You’re lucky I love you,” Celestia giggled as she stuck out her tongue out and wiggled her ass. “Now you've eaten that, you sweet talker, I'll make the coffee.” She froze though, her hand poised on the coffee machine when a thought occurred to her. Something she hadn’t considered before. “Um...have you had coffee, before?” “Is it a type of tea?” “Oh no...it's the best drink ever to wake you up and get you going in the morning!” Celestia enthused, then, as she got the machine working, she giggled. While she did love and adore her jasmine tea in the afternoons, and that was perfect for enjoying her soap operas on the TV in her rocking chair, she had to defer to coffee in the mornings. And not just to appease her sister. “You'll love it.” “Is it dangerous enough to still need an apron?” Moonsilver laughed, though he watched what she was doing, what buttons she was pressing and so on. “No,” Celestia quickly shed the apron she had been permitted to wear whilst cooking and, when the coffee was ready, she poured it out into two mugs she had taken from a cupboard on the wall and added some milk. “Enjoy.” “I'm enjoying before my first sip,” he took the offered mug and raised it up to his lips. “Aaaaaah that's the stuff!” Celestia sighed happily as she took a long draught, swilling it around her mouth before she swallowed, “Sometimes I need this to get started and I’m able to face the day.” Tentatively, Moonsilver took his first ever sip of coffee, “That…is stronger than any black tea I've ever had.” “It has the power to raise the dead, at least it does if you see the state of my sister in the mornings.” “You were in a fine state this morning. I woke to true beauty,” Moonsilver started to laugh at the thoroughly adorable pout she levelled at him, for her multi-coloured hair had been in the style known as ‘hedge backwards’ when she had woken up in his arms, “and then you found a brush and tamed the beast.” He then took a larger drink, “A little bitter, but better than some bark teas.” With her nose in the air, Celestia sniffed in a very good imitation of Rarity, “I'm sure I look beautiful no matter what my hair looks like…” she then sipped her coffee and sidled around the kitchen table for a snuggle. “So, what shall we do today?” she kissed his cheek, “or, where in the house shall we do it today?” “Do I have to ask your sister to see your foal book?” Hearing that, Celestia froze in mock horror. “Centaurs have baby books?” “Is there a sentient species that doesn't?” In utter defeat, Celestia sighed and, before she went, she threw the rest of her coffee down her neck. If she was going to look at ‘those’, she needed fortifying. “Probably not. Don't go away, I'll go get them,” Moonsilver clapped his hands in glee as her naked ass left the living room. Finishing his coffee, he used the machine to prepare another cup each like he had watched her do. Moments later, and Celestia returned with a small stack of photo albums. “Here they are, come on through,” she walked into the living room where she sat on the couch, the stack of albums on the coffee table in date order, the baby one on top. “Thank you for the coffee my love.” Moonsilver sat next to her on the couch, but this sip of coffee was much harsher than the first had been. “Is this what you use to fuel your automobiles?” Looking curiously at the dark brown sludge in the mug, Celestia giggled, noting that there was no milk. “Silly, you didn't add the milk, Master, hang on a moment,” she got up and went for the milk, fully aware, as she did so, that Moonsilver was watching every jiggly move she made. When she came back with the milk, she added much jiggle in her step. “Hum, that does make it better,” Moonsilver conceded when he tasted the now milky coffee, relieved that it was no longer putting hair on his eyeballs. He kissed her and casually groped her breast, “I bet your milk would make it taste even better. Now about these tombs of knowledge.” There was a definite blush on Celestia’s face as she sat back on the couch and took the first book from the top of the stack. “I warn you. Once seen, it cannot be unseen,” warning given, she opened the book and, much to her mortification, one of the first few photos was of her as a baby in a bath peeing up a fountain from between her legs. “I do hope you know how to revive someone,” Moonsilver sniggered, kissing her blushing cheeks, “This cuteness may stop my heart.” “I forgot about that one...” Celestia murmured, hoping against hope that the following pictures weren’t as bad as that one had been. Alas, her hope was a forlorn one, for, a few pages in, there was another bath time photo. This one was of an older Celestia sharing a bath with her baby sister and this time it was Luna peeing on her. Moonsilver didn’t even attempt to hide his sniggered giggles, “I see it runs in the family!” “Ha, de ha, ha,” Poor Celestia was about to combust on the couch. She was offering up silent ‘thanks’ and curses to her parents for having took those pictures when, on the next page was a man and woman stood side by side. Celestia was stood between them, smiling at the camera in a white sundress and Luna was held in the woman’s arms. “There's mom and dad, may the Great Forest protect them.” The fact that his lover was using centaur saying like they were her own did not escape Moonsilver. It only made her more attractive to him. “Your beauty has only increased with time, my love.” “You sweet talker,” Celestia talked him through the next three photo albums, all of which were of her, Luna and their parents as the sisters had grown up. The next one she went for was entitled ‘Whitetail Wood’ and Celestia’s eyes lit up when she opened it. It opened with a picture of her and Berryshine, joined on the next pages by Roseluck, as youngsters. As the pages turned, the three girls grew older and they grew into naked teenagers in Whitetail Wood. “What I know of humans,” Moonsilver commented, intently studying the pictures of the three carefree smiling friends, “This nudity isn't strange, but to find it in a book is...unusual. I will guess, based on this, that Berryshine and Roseluck aren't as well endowed as you are.” That much was painfully obvious, for neither of the other two girls had breasts as large as Celestia had. “Berry is my best friend ever.” Celestia smiled warmly down at the old photo, her fingertips touching the image of her friend’s faces like she was touching the past, “Followed so closely by Rosie. Berry's the one of us who is most now like she was in this photo.” “The one you want me to meet first.” “I do. Because I don't want any secrets from her, well from both of them, to be honest. But...I also don't want you to shoot her, either.” “Shoot...” Realisation dawned on Moonsilver’s face a fraction of a second later. “Oh, will she be visiting our forest unattended?” “Oh no, no I shouldn't think so. I just want to know if I call her to come here now, it'll be okay?” “And I forgot to bring my bow!” Moonsilver snapped his fingers and made a most exaggerated sigh of frustration, “Oh well, no shooting today, I suppose!” “Okay,” she kissed him and reached for her phone. “I’ll call her,” As she thumbed through her menus to find Berryshine’s number, she absent mindedly turned the page to a photo of her, Berryshine, Roseluck and Luna at the newly opened Equestrian Land theme park. Very curious, Moonsilver took over the turning of the pages while she was on the phone. “Hey, Bez!” she exclaimed when her friend finally answered. “Celly,” Berryshine sounded as though she had been woken up way too early in the day, which she had. It was only just past eight, and her bar had only been shut seven hours. “Uuuuugh…you still need my trailer?” “For a day or two, yeah.” In start contrast, Celestia’s voice was bright and very awake. She had always been a morning person, but that morning, Moonsilver’s hand was groping her breast. Again. “I'll bring it back Saturday, like I said. But hey, you want to come over now, I can show you why I needed it.” “Your house?” “Yep!” “Okay,” Berryshine struggled to wipe away the not-enough-sleep fug from her tired brain as she sat up in her bed – or sat up on her bed in a mess of yesterday’s clothes and a cocoon of duvet covers – and tried to think. “Your area isn't zoned for horses, so this I got to see. Give me an hour to get there.” “You so do got to see it!” Celestia exclaimed as Moonsilver’s groping hand began to wander southwards. “Oh, and bring beer. Fair warning, Bez, I'll be wearing my Whitetail Woods clothes.” Now, no matter how tired and sleep deprived she happened to be, and she was very to both, there was no way that Berryshine missed the meaning of what her best friend had just let slip. Whitetail Woods clothes meant nothing, nude, naked, starkers. “How many beers have you had this morning, Celly?” “None,” she defended herself, “just two strong coffees.” “Okaaaay,” Berryshine replied in a manner that just screamed that she didn’t believe her. “I’ll see you in fifty minutes. Ta ta!” “See ya!” when she hung up her phone, Celestia saw that Moonsilver and his questing hand had moved onto a different book, this one was clearly of Luna. An older, teenage Luna. A teenage Luna wearing a dark blue dress, black stockings and long arm gloves and bright green contact lenses. “Oh, that…” Celestia giggled at Moonsilver’s questioning look, “I'm glad that phase didn't last. Luna insisted we all call her Nightmare Moon.” “A bit too heavy on the makeup if you ask me,” the pale grey centaur passed his opinion. While Celestia’s sister was still admittedly beautiful, there was an eerie sinister menace to the pictures of ‘Nightmare Moon’ that made the fur on his neck stand up. Her parting words to him the day before came back to him, ‘I'm a very protective and vindictive sister’. He believed it, too. Celestia rolled her eyes at the old picture of her sister. “She was a moody tempermental brat, full of jealousy, bitterness and rage. Thankfully I banished her to summer camp where she met Cheerilee, and that phase soon came to an end.” “Her pet.” “Yes Master. Cheerilee snapped Luna out of...whatever that was and I was able to welcome her back into the home once her issues had been dealt with.” Celestia, hoping that her lover wouldn’t pry too much into her younger sister’s troubled past, changed the subject with a kiss. “Shall we take a shower before Berry gets here?” Moonsilver though, while he was willing to accept the subject change – after all, Celestia’s sister was little to do with him – he had something other than a shower in mind. “I noticed, last night, that your sister has some rope in her room. I wonder, do you by any chance have some in yours?” “Yes I do,” Celestia shuffled her feet and fidgeted her fingers together, like a child caught with one hand in the cookie jar and the other in the tub of ice cream, “Because I ahem...'borrowed' some of Luna's. As well as some aah, ‘other’ things.” Moonsilver loved the look and expression his lover was making right at that moment. He wished he could have it on a loop to watch at his leisure. “Bring it please, so I might inspect the rope.” “Yes Master!” Celestia was only too grateful to be excused from the living room. Getting up, she all but ran through the villa to her bedroom, coming back moments later with her embarrassed blush cleared and with a quantity of quality rope in varying lengths and widths in her hands. She was glad, at that moment, that Luna only bought the best equipment. Along those lines, she also bought with her a pair of extremely sharp medical shears. First, Moonsilver took the shears and he inspected them, finding they exceeded his expectations. They certainly knocked the spots off of his beloved flint knife that his grandfather had given him. “This looks a lot safer than a knife. Maybe you can acquire some of these for my use back home?” “These are mine, I bought them after our first session when I met Honeyside. You can have them and I'll buy some more.” “No,” Moonsilver shook his head firmly, “As you should always have these available for my visits. As you know, I have no shortage of binding instruments.” The dominant centaur then took one of the longer lengths of rope and he looped it over Celestia's head so that it draped down her front. He tapped the rope indicating that she should hold it in place. ‘Oh my gosh...Berry's on her way!’ Celestia thought, all of a sudden exceedingly nervous as she bit her lip and placed her fingers where her lover had tapped the rope. ‘She'll see me like this!’ It was one thing to have him tie her up, to dominate her in front of her sister and even to fuck her in front of his father, but this…this was quite another thing entirely. Moonsilver saw the nervous, inhibited and shy look on Celestia’s face and he didn’t have to try very hard to work out why it was there. He decided to give her an out, in case it was all too much. “Wait, this isn’t fair.” He removed the fine rope from around her neck. “I surprised you with this. Do you need a moment to think it over, or do you want to stop?” he wore a big smile on his face, letting her know whatever she wanted to do was okay. “You can use the bathroom now if you need to, because it’ll be messy to do so later.” “No Master,” Celestia said after she took several moments to compose herself. She knew he would be right there, and that he would care for her. “I'm good right now. Please, continue.” With her consent given, Moonsilver picked up a coil of rope and rested it in his arms. He used his left hand to hold the rope loosely and pulled it through with his right hand which kept hold of the end. His left hand inspected the rope for any possible debris and judged his pulling speed to prevent any rope burn later. He watched Celestia carefully and he could tell from her smile and breathing that she looked forward to some bondage play. When the rope reached its end in his left hand, he placed both ends in his right hand. Holding the ends together, he pulled the rope back through his left hand until it reached the center point. The centaur then stood and again he looped the rope over her head so it fell just past Celestia’s shoulder blades. Agsin, he tapped the rope on her upper chest and she moved both hands to hold it in place. Full of curiosity, Celestia kept her head down and watched his skilled hands work while she held the rope in place. He made the first pearl, a figure eight, with the rope even with the top of her breasts. The rope flowed through the knot. Both strands side by side and there was no cross over in the knot with the two strands exiting the bottom. Several more pearls followed with a practiced measured distance between each one. Still holding the rope, the centsur made a half twist gesture with his hand and Celestia obediently turned to face away from him. She could feel him near as he passed the rope between her legs and the rope pressed against each side of her ass. Without seeing, she knew from the times he had tied her up before he was making the last pearl that would rest above the small of her back. Moonsilver then took the ends of the rope and ran them under the loop at her shoulder blades. After a simple half-hitch knot with each length of rope he let the ends fall to the floor. He reached around with his arms and tapped Celestia’s hands lightly. They immediately fell to her sides. Then, the centaur inspected the two pearls from behind to see one lay above her ass crack and the other over her anus. He moved around to the front to check that the others lay over the clitoral hood, her navel, and below and above her breasts. He completed his tour of his goddess and stood behind her once more. Smiling at a job well done, Moonsilver took up the ends of the rope to finish his tortoise shell binding. In short order, the silent dance around her was complete and all Celestia could feel was the rope lightly touching her skin as it ran down her front, under, and up her back. The submissive woman could then feel another knot tied at the base of each shoulder before Moonsilver’s arms reached around to pass the rope ends over her breasts and between the two stands in her cleavage and then back under each breast. This continued through the strands along her back and then between breast and navel. The ends were then threaded alongside her ass and back to the front between groin and navel. One last journey was made to her back above her butt and he pulled. The centaur continued to pull at various points driving the knots deep until they pressed into her skin. Her breasts were forced apart by the spreading diamond between them and squeezed by the top and bottom ropes. A diamond between her breasts and navel grew forcing that pearl into her bellybutton. The diamond below that drove those knots into her ass and under the hood rubbing against her love button. Still, Moonsilver pulled, compressing the rope against her skin and she stood enchanted by his taking total control. The dominant centaur let one hand roam over her body to verify the placement of each knot. He could feel the heat radiating between her thighs and he smiled. While he learned that she loved some firm discipline he was pleased that she also enjoyed his art. It was her total trust that allowed him to take total control. He tightened the full body wrap until the ropes lay flush against her pure white skin. There was enough left over for one last binding as he laid the rope over her shoulders to run down between her breasts. He placed his right hand in her vision and made the half twisting gesture. Obediently, Celestia turned to face her Master and she watched him thread the ends above the first knot to run alongside her breasts. He then ran the ends under and back up over the ropes above and below her fleshy orbs to cinch then together, squeezing her breasts from top, bottom, and sides giving the illusion that she had far more than even her usual D cup size. He then passed the ends under her arms and pulled her close to finish with a pretty bow at the middle of her back. His kiss was fully returned and she wished she could wrap him in an identical hug, but knew that she didn’t have permission to do so. All in all, it took Moonsilver just over half an hour to apply the ropes over Celestia’s body. He also knew it took an hour to get from Berryshine’s bar and that it had been roughly forty minutes since his pet had made the phone call. Just enough time to make some final preparations. “You may prepare refreshments for me and your guest, pet.” “Yes Master. I have just the thing…” Celestia walked from the living room to the fridge in the kitchen and she took out two non-alcoholic beers, two glasses, some ice and a tray, then she carried those to the living room. All the time, with every step she took, it was like a fire was being stoked inside her. The knots pressed delightfully into her clitoris and her anus as she walked and she loved every second of it. “Prepare for us a snack,” Moonsilver ordered once she had set the drinks tray down on the coffee table, “Maybe a meat and cheese plate with some bread.” He wasn’t purely being an ass, by sending her back where he had just sent her. As she walked, he watched her carefully, all the while assessing his ropework and how easily she moved. “At once, Master.” Without question, Celestia returned to the kitchen, putting a lot of jiggle into her walk. She saw him watching her and she wanted to give him a treat. In the kitchen, she quickly placed some ham, chicken and beef, along with four different cheeses and slices of bread on a large plate. The door bell rang almost as soon as Celestia placed that second plate on the coffee table beside the first. While she stood with wide eyes, Moonsilver was in complete and total control. “You may stand there, pet.” He pointed to a spot that he knew was not visible from the open door. “And you will remain silent until I say otherwise.” With her cheeks flushing, Celestia nodded her head silently and she stood where she had been told. Outside in the mid-morning sun, Berryshine let out a frustrated snort and rang the door bell a second time. “C'mon Celly!” she yelled at the closed door before ringing the bell again. Just as she was about to yell that she had invited her, the front door opened just enough for Moonsilver to stick his head through. He saw Berryshine stood in her red flannel shirt that exposed her flat belly and her short denim shorts and her endless toned legs that ended in her boots and he snickered. Berryshine, holding the crate of beers under her arm, slowly slid her sunglasses down her nose and summed up what she saw in three simple words. “Oh. My. Gosh…” > Chapter 15 - Love and Submission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “C'mon Celly!” she yelled at the closed door before ringing the bell again. Just as she was about to yell that she had invited her, the front door opened just enough for Moonsilver to stick his head through. He saw Berryshine stood in her red flannel shirt that exposed her flat belly and her short denim shorts and her endless toned legs that ended in her boots and he snickered. Berryshine, holding the crate of beers under her arm, slowly slid her sunglasses down her nose and summed up what she saw in three simple words. “Oh. My. Gosh…” “Did you bring the beer?” asked Moonsilver by way of greeting, the centaur loving the look of shock on Berryshine’s face. Berryshine though looked at him confused, and not just because he was a centaur. “Um…I'm sorry?” she asked, her brow furrowing because she didn't understand Greek. Laughing, for Moonsilver had come to take for granted the fact that Celestia could speak his language, opened the door so that she could see his upper body and he gestured for her to enter. “Fuck...” was her considered opinion at that chiselled slab of muscle as she followed him inside. “Celly!” she called out, “Where you at girl?” When no answer came to her, because Celestia had been forbidden from speaking without permission, Berryshine ventured deeper into her best friend’s house. Once she was inside, in the hall, Berryshine saw her stood in the rope harness. She also saw all of Moonsilver and looking at him stole all her questions. “Celly!?” she squeaked, utterly amazed for a split second, the bartender looking from him to her and back again. “Now…Now I know I haven't had enough of this to make me see what I'm seeing...” she referred to the beer under her arm and walked up to the pale grey centaur, “You are a handsome thing, aren't you?” “I am!” Moonsilver laughed because, as the words left his mouth, he realised that Berryshine still couldn’t understand him. Fortunately, there was an easy solution to hand. “Pet, you speak our language well enough. Take your language stone and slip it into the front of her shorts so it touches her flesh. Let’s see if the magic has made it to her.” “Yes Master,” Celestia spoke without thinking, though she hastened to do as she was told, making Berryshine squeak when she placed the white magical stone not just inside her denim shorts but also inside her white panties. “Celly...girl...” Berryshine at last turned her attention to her best friend, her eyes going wide when she took in exactly what she was wearing. Or, to be more specific, what she wasn’t wearing. “I haven't seen you wearing something that racy in a long time!” she was about to say something else but then, when the wave of magic hit her like a momentary wave of nausea, she shook her head to clear it. “Whoa...” That smirk was back on Moonsilver’s face. He directed a raised eyebrow at Celestia, communicating silently between the two of them that he had caught her transgression and that she was in trouble. Her guilty look in response just made him smirk all the more. Damn if he didn’t love that look on her. “So, Ms. overdressed,” he said, addressing their guest directly, “can you understand me now?” To her very great surprise, Berryshine could understand what he was saying. “Hey,” she looked amazed as she set the crate she was carrying on an empty seat in the living room, “I can understand you! What gives? What was that stone thingy?” Not that she minded that Celestia had placed her hand in her panties. That was always welcome. “It’s a language stone,” Moonsilver explained, eminently pleased to discover that Berryshine could use the stone Celestia had loaned to her. “It translates any language, although it has to touch…” he paused and brazenly he pressed his hand against the crotch of her denim shorts, “Flesh for it to work. I'm guessing my naughty pet did it right.” “Your pet...” Berryshine looked again from Celestia to Moonsilver, a smile slowly spreading over her plum coloured face. The day was shaping up to be a very good day indeed. Almost worth getting out of bed early for. “So you're her mystery lover, the one who's turned her clock back?” Moonsilver snickered, “And you're her bestest friend ever that hasn't peed on her. That I know of. I do accept hugs.” Immediately, needing no further invitation, Berryshine strode over the living room and she wrapped him in a tight hug. She looked him square in the eyes as she smooshed her red flannel shirt covered breasts into his muscular chest. “Hmmm, now I know you're real.” She could have lived the rest of her life in that hug. “Centaur living in the Everfree Forest, huh?” “My,” Moonsilver chuckled, the centaur felt his sheath throb – entirely not his fault, mind you, when he had Celestia naked and bound by his side and he had just endured that hug, “Your hug feels as good as the picture of you and my pet scampering in the woods. Thank you for the use of the trailer, it gave me a nice perspective of life outside the forest.” “You're very welcome.” Berryshine sat on the couch, for the moment acting like Celestia wasn’t even there in the room. “I figured your pet was up to something. There's only one person she calls with instructions 'not to ask questions' and that's Berryshine!” the bartender struck an ‘awesome’ pose with both thumbs pointed at herself, “I take it then that you're Moonsilver?” The centaur nodded, taking an instant liking to this new human. She reminded him greatly of a much younger Honeyside. Which was never a bad thing. “Good to know my fame proceeds me,” he smiled at her presumptuousness at sitting before she had been invited to do so, “Please have a seat so my pet may serve us.” “Thank you kind sir,” Berryshine giggled, then she laughed when her belly rumbled. Since she had been woken up at such an ungodly hour, she had skipped breakfast in an attempt to get over as fast as she could. “I haven't had time to eat, because someone got me up early,” she shot Celestia the same kind of look she reserved for when a drunk punter threw up on her boots, “So some bread and meat is just what I need!” Despite what she had said, Moonsilver saw the wink that Berryshine shot his pet as she obediently served them both and he decided that he definitely liked this human. “I'm waiting to see if my naughty pet will talk and be naughty again,” he said after taking a long draught from the beer bottle, he tested her by picking up the photo album and flipping the page until he saw the two friends naked in the wood. Blushing, Celestia opened her mouth to object but at the last minute she realised she was being tested and, with that in mind, just a squeak came out as she looked at the page from where she was standing, ready to serve. “That was fun!” Berryshine enthused, her eyes alight with nostalgia at the old photo. “We used to spend all our school holidays naked in Whitetail Woods. We'd camp, swim, just hang out.” “Yes, hang out…” Moonsilver couldn’t resist. The joke was right there! His father would have never forgiven him had he passed up such an opportunity. “Who took the picture?” Part of the way through drinking her beer, Berryshine suddenly snickered and she guffawed out a full on belly laugh, snorting a small amount of the beer over Celestia who was being very well behaved now as she got the joke. “Oh I see what you mean! Hanging out!” As she laughed harder, she suspected that he had waited until she had a mouthful on purpose. She liked this guy. He had a sense of humour. “Our friend Roseluck took it. She was our third Wild Girl.” “Is there a picture of her in this book, maybe dressed the same way?” Moonsilver hated how eager he sounded, after all, he was not a colt lusting after his first female in season. “There should be…” Berryshine took the album from him and she flicks through a few of the pages and, ten pages later, sure enough there was a picture of the three of them, arm in arm, side by side at a camp site, naked as the day they were born and smiling broad smiles at the camera. On the following pages there was a picture of Celestia and Roseluck taken by Berryshine, the two lounging in a hammock together. “Little Luna took the one of the three of us together. She sneaked out after us one time to see what we were doing.” “I'm sure she was just looking for practice tips before she pounced Cheerilee.” “Oh, so you know about Leelee?” Berryshine asked and Celestia just blushed harder and made a second squeaking noise. “I'm the last to know!” she raised her hand dramatically to her head, “Oh wait, I’m not, Rosie is!” “Pet, you may have food and drink.” Moonsilver gestured to the tray and to the platter. After all, she had been good since her one instance of speaking out of turn. “I do like how she looks, Berryshine,” he spoke to the bartender as Celestia quietly got some meat and cheese on some bread and ate delicately. “She is quite beautiful.” “Yeah, she is!” Berryshine playfully swatted Celestia’s wide fat ass as she quietly ate, finding the look she gave her absolutely priceless. “I've been telling her she's beautiful for years. I’m glad you've got through to her. I'd love to have her size up here though,” Berryshine patted her own chest which, while not flat by any means, was still a couple of cup sizes smaller than her best friend’s D’s. “So...” she changed the subject after eating her second sandwich, “I'm guessing you're magic, from that horse realm?” Moonsilver paused halfway through his third sandwich and looked at Celestia, suddenly unsure of what to say. “You may speak, pet.” Celestia, who – while she may have been relatively new to the whole BDSM scene - was not stupid. She knew full well that she had only been invited to speak to cover the fact that she knew more about that other world than he did, and he didn’t wish to appear ill informed. “Yes Berry, my Master’s people are originally from Equestria.” “Ha!” Berryshine exclaimed victoriously before helping herself to another of her beers. “I thought so! Everything out of the ordinary around here lately is magic from there!” “Berry,” Celestia winced, not just because she wasn’t sure if she was still allowed to speak or not, but mostly at her best friend’s ‘exuberance’, “You will be discreet, won't you?” “Celly please,” Berryshine looked offended, and it wasn’t wholly playful, either. “You know me! I've kept your secrets for years. I know when to yap and when to keep my trap shut. Now,” she paused, because she had a very pressing thing to ask the both of them. An urgent thing she had just thought of. “Have you two...y'know?” Celestia’s deep, intense beet red blush answered her better than any vocal response ever could. “Yes, we have kissed,” Moonsilver laughed, “among other things.” That sealed it as far as Berryshine was concerned. “Oh, well now I know my Wild Girl is back!” Still holding her beer bottle and somehow not spilling a single drop, she applauded her best friend’s blush. “Well done, Celly!” “It does seem that there are no secrets between the two of you,” Moonsilver smiled, for he approved. It was like himself and Shadewalker, or his father and Honeyside, or his sister and Applewood. Everyone should have someone they could confide everything to, no matter what it was. “She told you of our meeting, then?” “She told me she had met the love of her life hiking in the forest,” Berryshine confirmed, telling him a much condensed version of all the sappy gushing that Celestia had inflicted upon her this past month, “And she told me she had been screwed by him in the woods. The only thing she didn't tell me was that you were a centaur. A very handsome centaur.” Moonsilver had felt his sheath throbbing since Berryshine had first hugged him. Now, what with his goddess all tied up like a Winter Solstice offering, and the talk of sex, he felt his stallionhood slip out and show. “Yes, we ah…‘screwed’, all the way up to my ring.” “No way!” Berryshine slapped her thigh, “Really?” Meanwhile, poor Celestia was as red as a Trottingham telephone box. “You have a medial ring?” Looking at Celestia, and picturing his mighty cock sliding between those wondrous breasts, it was so easy for him to get fully aroused. Something he was not shy of. He decided to answer her question with one of his own, plus a little show and tell. “I understand you know your way around earth horses?” “I do, very much I do!” Berryshine, who had noticed the fifth leg growing between the centaur’s hind legs because she had eyes, quickly necked her latest beer and ducked down to get a good look at Moonsilver’s undercarriage with a look on her face like it was covered in chocolate and it had a winning lottery ticket on the end. “My oh my...” she estimated he was easily as long as her forearm. “Celly you are a lucky girl!” Even Moonsilver blushed gently, but thankfully she wasn’t looking at his face, “I think I'm the lucky stallion, Berry.” “I think you're right, Moonsilver,” Berryshine agreed and, as she sat back up, ate the last of her meat, cheese and bread, though she gracefully declined Celestia’s silent offer of more with a raised hand. She had something much better in mind. “Now that I’ve seen it, I don't suppose I could get a demonstration?” “I would have to undo some of the knots,” Moonsilver started, though he certainly wasn’t against taking his goddess right then and there. However, he wanted to give Celestia the chance to back out and refuse. No way would he take her without her consent. “It would be a tight squeeze right now. Pet,” he gestured for her to get down, “on your knees, legs apart. As you can see.” When she saw the crotch rope disappearing between her best friend’s labia and the knot pressing on her clitoral hood, she understood what he meant. “Do whatever you need to do. And don't rush, I have aaaaall day…” Berryshine said in her most sultry voice as she got comfy on the couch. ‘Comfy’ meant opening up her denim shorts so that she could slip a hand inside and hauling up her red shirt so she could grope her breasts. Standing, and not at all worried about showing his length off – especially since their guest had already had a good look at it – Moonsilver slid his right hand under Celestia's crotch, placed the other to lift her up to a standing position. His pet’s aroused squeaks of pleasure were as music to his ears. “Well, I guess that’s enough rope for today…” He had intended for her to wear it longer but, as he untied the breast bondage, he wasn’t too disappointed, because sex was about to be had. “You know what you're doing with rope, I’ll give you that,” Berryshine complimented the centaur as she watched him skilfully removed the quality ropes that formed the tortoiseshell from her best friend’s body. She herself had chosen to shed her shorts and shirt altogether and she was in the process of removing her panties when Moonsilver held up a hand. “You may want to move the language stone to your ass cheek so it stays in contact.” He stated before returning his attention back to ‘undressing’ his pet. He did so love the faint red lines left behind on her meaty body. “Oh, I know!” Berryshine had an idea, because she really wanted to be out of her damp panties. She withdrew the magic stone from its resting place in the front of her lacy underwear and instead she pushed it into her sock. She saw no need to remove her boots. “Sorted!” Just like that, the bartender was reclined on the couch with her legs spread to enjoy the show. Then again, Berryshine didn't need much encouragement to be naked. If he hadn’t been before, Moonsilver was absolutely sure he liked this human. He gave the naked Berryshine an appraising look of great interest, drinking in the details of her firm, toned body. As he did so, he surreptitiously watched Celestia out of the corner of his eye, carefully gauging her reaction. Sure enough, there came the look of deep envy from her at Berryshine’s fit tight body with her flat belly and perky breasts, a result of her exercise around animals. Deciding to stomp on that pretty quickly, Moonsilver nipped Celestia’s ear. “You're the one I love, but some extra eye candy is not something I'd spit out of my mouth.” Of course, Berryshine heard that. “Woot!” she cheered, punching the air in celebration, “I'm eye candy!” Eye candy was fine with her. She didn’t have to look down at where the blushing Celestia was looking to know her pussy was glistening wet. After he had finished untying her, Berryshine watched Moonsilver move around the coffee table so that his flank and member were right next to her on the couch as he admired his pet. “Wow...” the bartender adjusted herself on the couch and groped her chest. “I'm gonna enjoy today!” ‘You aren’t the only one,’ Moonsilver thought with a sly smile. “I thought our honoured guest might want to lube me up before I play hide the sausage with my pet.” Never one to say no, Berryshine cast her gaze around the living room in search of any lube, but she saw none. That only left one option. One very sexy, very hot, option. An option she had been chomping at the bit for the moment she had seen his impressive meat stand erect between his legs. “Is it okay to use my mouth to apply that lube?” she asked, wanting to be sure. “Well, I'm sure your hand is well lubricated right now,” Moonsilver snarked, pointing out – quite unnecessarily – that Berryshine had been knuckle deep in her snatch for the last couple of minutes, “but improvisation is a worthy trait.” Again, he watched Celestia for her reaction, sure from the way she bit her lip and fidgeted on her knees that she too was getting very wet from that display. “Then get ready, because I showed her all she knows!” Eagerly, Berryshine got down on her knees underneath Moonsilver and without any hesitation whatsoever, she ran her tongue along the centaur’s fourteen inch length. Pulling away for a moment, she licked her lips instinctively, the mix of unwashed sweat and musk a fleeting, not unpleasant presence on her tongue. Celestia got ever wetter as she watched this incredibly lewd display. Determined to have more than just a mere taste, Berryshine leaned closer, licking the blunt head of Moonsilver’s dick. It was ten times stronger, here at the source, the taste and smell like a physical force, making her slit tremble and drip in time with the pulse she could feel in the cock in her mouth. “Take it deeper…” Moonsilver urged her gently but firmly, pushing another inch into Berryshine’s wet willing mouth. It was almost too big for her, even taking part of it meant the tip was starting to push into the back of her throat, filling all her senses at once. Fortunately, Berryshine was as adept at sucking a cock as Celestia was. Licking around the thick shaft, swallowing the heady mix of musk and precum that leaked into her mouth. Looking Celestia in the eyes, Moonsilver placed an encouraging hand on the back of Berryshine’s head, helping her bob up and down, easing it deeper. As if any such help was necessary. Another thick drop of pre fell onto Berryshine’s skilled tongue, meaty and strong. “Just a little more,” Moonsilver gasped, pressing harder. He was most intrigued to discover that the bartender was as submissive as his pet was. That just made him harder and more aroused. Berryshine felt the cock in her mouth throb, pulsing with the beat of the centaur’s heart. She looked up, her whole vision taken up with the pale grey body above her and the mighty package fucking her mouth. Incredibly turned on, so much more so than she had been in a long time, she allowed the cock to slide deeper while she struggled not to choke on the meat she was being fed. “Not bad,” Moonsilver smiled when he pulled out. He could have let Berryshine get him off, but he wanted to save that for his goddess. He did gently cup her cheek in his hand, “I think you’ve earned a reward.” The ‘reward’, Berryshine was to discover, was joining in. When Moonsilver laid down on the living room floor, Celestia swung her leg over him so that she was straddling his belly. At the same time, Berryshine, at a gesture from her best friend, lifted her leg and positioned herself on the centaur’s face so the two women were facing each other. The Whitetail Wild Girls shared a wink and, at the same time, they sat down. Celestia took a deep breath and thrust back, sighing and groaning into Berryshine’s mouth as his broad flat head enters her, spreading her wide with the entry. Simultaneously, Berryshine let out a moan into Celestia’s mouth as she felt Moonsilver’s wide equine tongue split her folds and enter her sopping pussy. Without realising what she was doing, Celestia turned the groan into Berryshine’s mouth into a full on kiss, while Berryshine didn’t pause for a second, sliding her tongue into Celestia’s mouth. The friends swapped spit and groped each other’s breasts as they each respectively rode the centaur beneath them. Moonsilver, on his back, was more than happy to allow them to control the pace. He knew by now that Celestia could take his member, so he concentrated on eating out the plum coloured snatch that was grinding on his face. Gripping Berryshine’s tight toned ass in his hands, he pulled her down further, drove his tongue deep in her, swirling it all around her walls. He was rewarded by a deluge of juices splashed all over his face and a loud moan from somewhere above him. That Celestia was bouncing up and down on his cock, slowly riding him in just the way he liked, well that was just a bonus that drove him on to pleasure both of them all the more. Berryshine, now seated on Moonsilver’s face with his muzzle practically inserted in her, wrapped her arms around Celestia’s neck, bringing her into a tight embrace as she tilted her head to one side, kissing her friend full on the lips. Celestia, who had just taken the centaur’s cock in her past his ring, returned the gesture, using her friend to stabilise herself as she rode her Master hard. She ran her hand through her hair as she ran her tongue across Berryshine’s lips, the submissive asking permission to enter. The bartender granted it, parting her lips for a timely moan thanks to Moonsilver’s magic tongue finding and exciting her G-spot. Celestia’s questing tongue muffled her pleasured whimpers and, as she ran it over and around her mouth, she was rewarded with a few pleasurable moans from her of her own. They continued to make out like this as they both rode Moonsilver. Even the need to breathe didn’t stop them for more than was absolutely necessary. Underneath them, Moonsilver’s hands still held Berryshine in place and then he crossed his forelegs behind his pet’s ass for something to bounce against. Roughly, he squeezed and mauled Berryshine’s ass cheeks and then, he went upwards until he groped her modest mounds, tweaking her hard nipples until she whimpered. At his crotch, Celestia picked up the pace, impaling herself over and over again on his mighty cock. She built up the pace so much that she felt his medial ring well inside her dripping snatch. One more hard bounce and then his head rammed into her cervix and that was enough to drive her over her edge. Parting from the kiss that she had shared with Berryshine, she threw her head back, “OOoooOOH FuuuuUUUCK! FUUUCK YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!” she screamed. As soon she came, Moonsilver thrust his hips upwards and, with a muffled scream, he emptied his balls deep into Celestia’s womb. At the same time, Berryshine clamped down hard on his face as she too reached her own shuddering squirting orgasm, “OOOOH FuuuuUUUUUUCK!” she screamed, twitching like a puppet when he continued to squeeze her breasts. Gently as he could, Moonsilver lifted Berryshine off of his face so he could see what was going on. The look he got from his pet, though silent, spoke volumes. He knew, as they went back to making out, that this was the sort of fun they could all enjoy together again. Reluctantly, just because she did need to breathe, she pulled away from the kiss, wearing a dreamy look on her face. “That was amazing...” “Damn right it was!” Berryshine whooped in agreement, her left leg still twitching thanks to one of the most intense orgasms she had ever had the pleasure of having. “Thanks for letting me in on that…” again, she kissed Celestia’s lips before placing a more chaste kiss on the centaur’s cheek. Moonsilver just responded to that with full tongue kiss flavoured with her own cum and he dragged Celestia down to repeat that on her. Held in their arms, Berryshine giggled, “We're just like a herd…” His brain ticking over, Moonsilver gave Celestia a sideways look, though he didn’t try to hide his smirk, “Was this your plan all along, pet?” In response to the look, Celestia blushed in that cute way he loved, “Well...it wasn’t like a masterplan or anything like that. I just wanted you two to meet. Then you tied me up, and Bez came, and then things...oooh wonderful things happened!” Slowly, thoughtfully, Moonsilver licked his nose and tasted Berryshine’s essence. While it was true they were all in their post orgasmic state of euphoric bliss, he judged they still had their wits about them. “Yes, things happened,” he said softly, but about what Berryshine said. Herd is a real word, What do you think of that, Tia?” Held in the three-way hug, Celestia got the message loud and clear. Particularly the use of her name in place of her title. He was asking her as an equal now, seeking her opinion and consent. “I think it's a wonderful idea, Silver!” “And what do you think if the idea you suggested, Berryshine?” “I think, if you're both on board, it's an excellent idea.” Tenderly, Moonsilver leaned over and licked Celestia’s nose. “As long as you understand that Tia is the alpha mare, then all should be fine.” “I'm cool with that,” Berryshine shrugged, not wanting to get up from the floor, “She always was the leader of our group anyway.” Again, Moonsilver licked his lips and tasted woman there. A glance down between his hind legs told a very similar story. He snickered, his mind bringing up a joke where at least the top and tail matched. “It seems that I'm in need of grooming.” “Do I get a sexy choker like the one the alpha’s wearing?” Moonsilver smiled, “I think I can find a match in white.” “I think a grey accessory like hers would look good on my neck,” Berryshine said without thinking as they both shifted from the cuddle pile so that they could get to cleaning. Moonsilver though stopped her with a hand on her nose. To further emphasise what he meant, he wordlessly touched his pale grey fur and then he ran the same finger’s over Celestia’s collar. Then, he touched the white skin of Celestia’s neck and then he ran his fingers over Berryshine’s neck. She nodded. “I get it. White it is.” As Celestia started to lick his face clean and Berryshine ducked down to tongue wash his sheath and balls, Moonsilver purred, “I do love agreeable mares.” “You know...” Celestia said, her face still pressed down into her lover’s testicles, “if we're going to do this, we should get Rosie in on it too.” “Rosie?” Moonsilver groaned. He was still unsure on whether or not this was all part of his pet’s diabolical master plan but, what with each woman willingly licking the other’s cum stains from his body, he would have agreed to literally anything at that moment, “Oh, Roseluck that took the picture!” “The same,” Celestia affirmed, her face still bathing his balls, even though she was fairly certain by now they were clean. One had to be sure, though. And she liked doing a thorough job. Hearing that, Berryshine paused in her kissing. Like Celestia, she was also sure the centaur’s face was clean, but she didn’t let that stop her. “Oh, that's an awesome idea, Celly!” “Are you sure, Tia?” “I am!” At last, Celestia removed her face from her lover’s crotch, Moonsilver’s sheath and balls so clean that they practically shone and clapped her hands excitedly. “Now,” he wondered out loud, possibilities running through his mind, “will I need two collars? Maybe both grey and white striped?” Celestia looked at Berryshine and Berryshine looked at Celestia. Both knew what the other was thinking. Both nodded at the same time. “I think grey and white striped collars would be perfect, Silver.” That sealed matters as far as he was concerned. “It’s important to know one's place in the herd.” “I agree with Celly,” Berryshine said, “I'd love a grey and white collar and I know Rosie would too!” “Didn't want it to go to my pet's head if she had two mares in white collars…” Moonsilver chuckled, cuddling a pouting Celestia close to him on the floor. Her pout didn’t last very long though, when he offered her one of the beers, she soon cheered up. “A wise choice, I think.” “Oh ha de ha,” Celestia took a drink of her beer and rolled her eyes at her best friend’s snark, “It would not go to my head…” “It'd go to your tits and stay there, by the looks of it!” Celestia just blushed as Moonsilver laughed. Cracking open a beer with Berryshine, Moonsilver ran a hand appreciatively over Celestia's large breasts, “Fit for a queen.” “Yeah she's a queen!” Berryshine leant over and gave Celestia a beer flavoured kiss as she too groped her friend’s – and now herd-mate’s – hefty melons. It only took a wide eyed Celestia a fraction of a second to recover and enthusiastically return the kiss. “How much have you told her about Equestria?” Moonsilver asked, happy that his lover was happy. “Almost nothing, my love.” “What I know, I've pieced together over the past several months.” Berryshine put in after taking such a long draught from her bottle she almost emptied it in one swallow. “You don't need to be a genius to know when something's up. Also it’s hard to ignore a huge magic portal when it opens above your bar and you can see ponies on the other side.” “Hmmm,” Moonsilver considered that. Berryshine’s bar was over on the other side of the city, “So it’s far more widespread than any of us knew.” “Sunset and I suspected it had affected the whole city,” Celestia pointed out, “Seems we were right.” Moonsilver pointed his beer bottle at Berryshine. “It seems the language stone’s working for Ms. Socks over there.” “And it works for Luna and Cheerilee,” Celestia added, “There’s no reason why it wouldn't work for Rosie too!” “Oh,” Berryshine emptied her bottle but gracefully declined the offer of another with a shake of her head, “You really need to catch up with her, Celly.” “I know, it's been a few months. I've been...busy…” “Busy being depressed, you mean,” Berryshine cut across her as she stood up and began to get dressed. It was getting to be the afternoon and, while she wanted nothing more than to snuggle with them all day, she did have a bar to run. Plus, by the time she fed her horses and grabbed a few hours sleep, it would be opening time. “I know, Celly.” She pulled up her shorts, “But, you got people looking out for you, okay?” The last thing she did, after throwing her shirt on her back, was hand back the stone to Celestia. After a last round of hugs and kisses, she was off in her truck. “Well, that was eventful!” Celestia said after waving until she couldn’t see Berryshine’s truck any longer. She then retreated inside her house and kissed Moonsilver’s beaming lips. “Don't you look like the cat who has all the cream?” In the hallway, once the front door was closed, Moonsilver wrapped Celestia up in a tight hug. He well knew of the demons that lurked in her psyche, and the last thing he wanted to do was feed them. “I don't want you to think I'm looking to replace you.” He said, pressing his forehead to hers, “You are the one I want to spend my life with,” he smiled warmly, “Your friends do make for some nice added benefits for both of us.” “Oh, I know my love,” Celestia kissed Moonsilver’s nose then she nuzzled his cheek. “Don't worry, that hasn't even entered my head.” She knew though, deep down, that it might enter her head at some point, so he appreciated him laying her fears to rest before they took hold of her once more. “I should call Rosie!” she giggled, “get her over here tomorrow.” “Do you wish to wear the same outfit?” “Very much I do!” as Moonsilver licked his lips, Celestia all but skipped through to the living room, snatched up her phone and dialled Roseluck’s number while her centaur went into clean up mode. He picked up all the empty beer bottles and, placing them in the kitchen, he placed some of the ones Berryshine brought in the fridge to cool. “Hey Rosie!” Celestia gushed when she answered the call, “How's my favourite flower seller?” “Selling her favourite flowers,” Roseluck answered, the pale yellow skinned woman taking a break from the usual morning rush and relaxing with a coffee inside her shop. It was good to catch a moment to smooth out her raspberry coloured hair, she had no idea how twigs and leaves ended up there! “It’s good to hear from you Celly.” Celestia giggled, “I hung out with Bez today. She ah…” her tone turned just a teeny bit guilty, because it had been two or three months, maybe even four, since she had even spoken to Roseluck. “She said we should have a proper catch up. I'm sorry it's been a little while coming, Rosie.” Suddenly, concern laced Roseluck’s voice. “How are you doing, Celly? When she came in the other day, Bez said you were seeing someone.” ‘Of course Berry said something. Of course they talk about me…’ Celestia thought as she listened. Unlike a couple of weeks ago though, the knowledge that she was being talked about did not send her into a depressive slump. Instead, she knew they talked about her because they cared. “I'm...I'm a lot better now than I was, Rosie. Honestly, I'm the best I've been for a long time. And yes, I am seeing someone.” It felt good to say that. “So,” Roseluck started cautiously, because her friend had told her she had been ‘well’ before, and the last time she had tried to convince them, she herself had found Celestia crying in her Principal’s office, drunk and with a razor blade in her hand, “Are introductions in order, or is this just a call to order flowers?” “Introductions are very much in order,” Celestia answered quickly, because she recognised that tone in her friend’s voice. She knew everything that had gone before wouldn’t just be forgotten or ignored, especially not when Luna, Cheerilee, Berryshine and Roseluck all talked to each other. “Would you like to come over tomorrow afternoon?” “Would two be good?” She offered, “I can get Lily to watch the shop and Daisy to take care of the deliveries.” “Two would be perfect,” Celestia couldn’t help but giggle, because she had a sneaking suspicion that she and Moonsilver would need the morning to sleep away the exertions of the night. And, she giggled because she knew she had a surprise for her. “Fair warning, Rosie, because I'm sure Berry will tell you, it was like the Whitetail Wild Girls today, so be prepared.” “Seriously?” Roseluck spluttered the coffee she had just made over her counter. Whatever she had been expecting, that had not been it. Not that it was an unwelcome development, far from it. “Do I need to bring anything?” “Seriously,” Celestia confirmed, “I'd even say we're back, but we need our third, Rosie.” Again, she giggled, “Bez bought enough beer for us to open a shop, but if you want to bring one of your black forest cakes, I wouldn't say no.” She had an idea that once he tried it, Moonsilver wouldn’t say no either. “Check, one cake and dress light.” Roseluck smiled, the smile making its way into her voice. “I’ll see you tomorrow, and Celly, it is good to have you back.” What she didn’t say, was that it was good to have her back among the land of the living, rather than the walking nearly dead. “It’s good to be back, Rosie, I mean it.” She blew a kiss down the phone line and then she hung up. Moonsilver shook his head sadly as he say back down on the couch beside his lover. “I'll never hear the end of it.” “What's that, sexy?” Celestia smiled, treating him to a tight breast smooshing hug and a couple of well placed kisses. “That I've fallen in love with two older woman who act one third my age.” “I can't wait to see Equinox's face when you tell him you have a herd of humans!” Moonsilver levelled a devastating eye roll at her, which just made her giggle all the more in the embrace she had started, “As long as he doesn't ask to join.” Celestia’s giggles became a full on belly laugh at that. Because she could totally see the old centaur demanding to join and what’s more, she could see him bringing Honeyside with him, too. “Now,” she said when she had regained control of herself, “I think we need to go take a nap. Then later, when it's dark, I could take you to see the portal up close, how's that?” “I feel like a foal sneaking out of the hut,” Moonsilver couldn’t deny though, that the chance to encounter the portal after all the talk about it was an opportunity too good to miss. He also thought a nap was a very good idea. “You can be my little spoon.” In the bedroom, once he was sure that Celestia was asleep, Moonsilver carefully slipped out of her bed. Thoughts of visiting the portal were filling his head, so much so that sleep was all but impossible. A naughty thought entered his mind though, as he stood beside the bed and watched his naked lover sleep. ‘She’ll need clothing…’ he thought with a sly smile. With that thought in mind, the pale grey centaur quietly looked through Celestia’s closet. He was determined to find the shortest skirt and loosest t-shirt combination for her to wear. Fortunately, right at the back, on a wire hanger, was just the thing he was looking for. A smile spread over his muzzle when he saw the Canterlot Wondercolt cheerleader outfit. He guessed, from its obviously smaller size, that it wasn’t something she had worn in some time. With due reverence, Moonsilver removed the outfit - blue tee shirt with the yellow C in the shape of a horseshoe and the white miniskirt, complete with a blue and yellow belt tail – and he laid it out on her dresser where he knew she would see it when she woke up. ‘Perfect,’ he thought, picturing his pet wearing said outfit later. Or, more accurately, trying to wear it. Leaving Celestia in her bed, snoring happily and dreaming of the herd that she was now a part of, Moonsilver made his way through to the living room, which was all cleared away and tidy from the little party they’d had earlier. He helped himself to one of Berryshine’s beers from the fridge and, at a loss for something to do, he decided to play with the remote control he had seen Celestia use to operate the magic TV box on the wall to see what else it might show him. Two hours later and he had watched two episodes of a show called ‘Days of our Lives’, a soap opera that had only drawn his attention because Celestia had bookmarked them as ‘favourites’. He had needed two beers to get through those. After that, he had flicked through several channels and had come across a cartoon called ‘The Power Ponies’. Shaking his head, he was about to give up on the Tv box when he happened to come across a programme called ‘The News’. Finally, he had happened across something he was interested in. There were headlines, world news, humans fighting wars here and there in foreign places that he had never heard of, things to do with budgets and countries failing. Also things he had never heard of. However, when the news shifted from global to local, something happened that made him take an even greater interest in what was being reported. “Monster sightings in the Everfree Forest yet again...” Moonsilver perked up his ears even though the reporter in the studio sounded as bored as could be. “This is the eleventh this summer alone…” Moonsilver watched with bated breath as the reporter bought in the hiker who had reported the sighting to the studio. During the interview, the human male told his story, a tale of trees moving, paths twisting and changing, leading him in circles back out of the forest and of huge half-glimpsed creatures on the edges of his vision. “Don't drink and hike, human,” Moonsilver snorted his third beer. The centaur was somewhat relieved to see that the reporter was passing it off as a joke article, and the jovial manner in which they were talking about it clearly meant they were not taking it seriously. Alas, Moonsilver’s relief was not to last as the reporter concluded with, “However, this hasn't dampened the adventure hunters! In two months, Professor Flintheart Neighsayer will lead a team into the Everfree Forest to put these rumours to rest once and for all!” “I'll have to let the council know about this,” Moonsilver grumbled as he drank his beer. “At least the next meeting of the Schools will be before that. Who knows? Maybe the wards can be strengthened.” Shortly after the news article ended, and Moonsilver was once again idly flicking through the TV channels – he didn’t know what he was looking for, but watching humans argue over swap-meet bargains and other humans try to win a singing contest wasn’t it – Celestia woke up from her nap alone in her bedroom. “Silver? Where are you?” a scared part of her was afraid he had left her. Just as those nasty, evil tendrils of fear, doubt and self-loathing were about to breech her mental fortifications, they were rent asunder by Moonsilver’s calm, strong, dependable voice. “Hi love!” the centaur called out to her, making sure that his voice was loud enough to be heard from the living room. “I’m just enjoying Berryshine's beer and not so much enjoying your news channel.” The moment she had heard his voice, the eternal demons that assailed her constantly fled, retreating in face of the love that blossomed in her heart. She knew they would be back, but that was a fight for another day. For now, when she saw the Canterlot Wondercolt outfit laid out on her dresser, she knew she was in for a much more physical kind of battle. Celestia walked in from her bedroom trying simultaneously to rub the sleep from her eyes and tug the miniskirt down over her vast butt and pull the two sizes too small tee shirt over her D cups and belly. It was a fight she didn’t stand a hope in hell of winning. “What's wrong, baby?” she asked when she saw the terseness in his eyes. “Some human Professor, Flintheart Neighsayer, is going to mount an expedition into the Everfree in a couple of weeks.” Although, when he looked at Celestia, almost all thoughts of this human, and the council, quickly and understandably fled his mind. As did most of the blood, which had been redirected to his crotch. “Oh...oh my…” Celestia muttered, giving up on the tee shirt. There just wasn’t enough material for her to have it cover her breasts and belly. Oh well. “I've heard of him. He's the type that doesn't quit until the job's done.” “I'd rather his job didn't kill him.” Moonsilver said flatly, though what he was thinking was, ‘That outfit’s going to kill me!’ “He's not from here.” Having given up on the tee shirt, Celestia tried, with about as much success, to pull the white skirt down past her behind. Wearing no underwear, she felt strangely more exposed than when she had been completely naked. “He's from Prance, overseas. He's been abroad for over a year. Actually, he inspired the character of Daring Do.” “Sorry, I'm not familiar with Prance.” Right at that particular moment, Moonsilver couldn’t have cared less about anything except his human stood right before him. “So…is there anything we need for this portal visit?” “Just your sexy rear in the trailer, my love,” Celestia made a last valiant effort to lower the miniskirt past her fat ass before ultimately giving it up as a lost cause. “I know I'm not going to win this one…” “Maybe you just need a little adjustment for it to fit,” Moonsilver wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, the centaur transitioning to his dominant aspect in an instant. “After all, I think you're still owed a little something for mouthing off earlier.” Standing before him, Celestia opened her mouth to object, but she blushed when she recognised ‘that’ tone enter his voice. “You're right, Master. I was a naughty pet. I-I’m sorry.” Considerately, Moonsilver placed two of the couch cushions on the coffee table for her to lay across. “We don't want to mess your lovely outfit, do we, my naughty pet?”. He pointed to the cushions and he thoroughly enjoyed her bending over. Particularly, he loved the way the blue tee shirt barely held her breasts and he especially loved the way the miniskirt left the globes of her bare fat ass clearly visible. “At least you’ve saved me the trouble of removing any clothing.” Moonsilver’s voice was calm and soothing as his hand lifted up that miniskirt and gently rubbed her derriere. It slowly moved up the length of her thighs, parting them and, gripping her skirt, passed it to his other hand where he held it against her back. Smack! Moonsilver’s other hand came down without warning, giving Celestia a start. It wasn’t pain as much as surprise and noise. Smack! Again it came down on her other cheek. The centaur’s cupped hand produced a lot of noise but little else. He kept a steady pace moving from cheek to cheek and from high down to her thigh. After the initial strikes, it was kind of boring in a way. Something in her posture must have given her away though. Abandoning her skirt, Moonsilver brought his second hand in play and flattened the palms. The speed of the spanks picked up, as did the force. Smack! Smack! Smack! What Celestia couldn’t see, with her head down over the edge of the coffee table and her ass up in the air was his view. A silly grin was plastered on his equine face as his hands made a careful circuit around her bottom leaving no spot untouched. The skin had turned from its natural pure white to a soft pink hue that grew steadily brighter. Moonsilver continued without pause, feeling the feedback in the palms of his hands. Celestia’s sharp intakes of breath and soft moans that accompanied each smack were as music to his ears. Her cheeks were starting to clench when he suddenly he stopped. The submissive woman gave a sharp intake of breath and she almost turned to look up at him, but stopped herself just in time. He rubbed his hand slowly over her hot rear end. ‘Stop teasing me!’ she thought, though the thought remained silent as she clenched her teeth. She could feel him moving around behind her as he leaned over to inspect his handiwork. The pale grey centaur saw the bright pink hue that now coloured her whole rear showing just a hint of red. He continued to rub her butt with one hand while the other was raised high. Smack! He brought it down with force, making her whole body jump and her miniskirt fell down from her back so that it obscured his target. The centaur loved the shortness of said skirt, but not now when she tried to protect herself with it. “Skirt!” He commanded sharply and, immediately, Celestia reached back and she lifted it up, exposing her behind once more. The other hand continued to both rub and hold her in place as the first continued to strike with true force. He saw his palm print on her ass cheeks each time he raised the striking hand. Smack! He kept a steady pace, paying close attention to the sweet spot where cheek met thigh. On the coffee table, the living room had fled Celestia’s mind, as she knew he wasn’t playing around anymore. She had been naughty, and now she was being punished. The pain flaring up in her ass was intense. It took all her willpower to keep her hands holding her miniskirt up high. Moonsilver’s right hand had stopped rubbing to ensure she didn’t ‘accidentally’ get away. Not that she could, seeing as how she was bent over the table. His other hand came down with a vigour, leaving no spot untouched by his not so tender caress. The whimpering was the dominant’s first indication she had almost reached her limit. Smack! He delivered one last stoke to the juncture between her legs before he resumed the gentle rubbing. Celestia’s bottom was very hot to the touch and a bright cherry red glowed in place of the alabaster white that was the rest of her body. “What were you supposed to do earlier today, pet?” he questioned. “I-I…I…” Celestia sniffed, blinking away tears that had been very close to brimming and running down her cheeks, “I was to remain silent unless given permission to speak, Master.” “What did you do instead?” he asked as he continued to rub her sore cheeks. “I spoke without permission, Master,” she admitted, in the hope it would end, or at least lessen, her punishment. Sliding the hand that had been rubbing her ass between her legs, he felt her arousal. Moonsilver was well aware of what he was doing. Celestia was hot and wet, a nice combination that could lead to many things, if he chose to give them to her. “Should I forgive you?” “Yes Master,” came the quick response. ‘The sooner this is over, the sooner we can get to the portal!’ she thought. She felt his body shift and from her vantage point could see his hand reach under the coffee table for a hairbrush. Her hairbrush! She hadn’t noticed it under the table until that moment. He was going to use her hairbrush? Her body language betrayed her again. “I think not.” He said simply. “I don’t think your penitence is complete nor do you seem very sincere.” “I’m sorry Master!” she squeaked, “Very sorry!” Celestia couldn’t stop her body from tensing up. She had watched Luna use a hairbrush on Cheerilee. She knew what was coming. “I’m sure you will be.” Smack! Without warning, the white hairbrush flew. Its flight was stopped by her tender flesh. The pale grey centaur watched his pet shiver and her hands almost dropped the miniskirt. Almost. Smack! Again, the hairbrush flew only to be intercepted by her wide, fat, reddened ass. The pace was well measured and the coverage complete. When it stuck dead centre over her anus, Celestia’s whole body jumped to escape, but there was nowhere to go. The submissive woman was about to cry out her safe word but, before she could say ‘Jasmine’, it stopped. He was getting to good at reading her tolerance. “Master, I’m very, very sorry!” was her quick response to the brief reprieve. How she wanted this to be over! Moonsilver leant down and gently, very, very gently, he kissed the reddened globes of her ass. He felt the immense heat in his lips. It aroused him to no end, knowing that he had caused that, and that she had allowed him to. “I know you’re sorry, my lovely pet. Now we’ll make sure you understand why you’re sorry.” Her burning nether region was on fire after his hand and her hairbrush. She was tempted to say ‘Jasmine’, knowing full well that he would respect that. She was oh, so very tempted, but instead she remained laying face down across the coffee table. At least the two couch cushions made the hard wood comfortable. Although, she would never look at the thing the same way ever again. “Brace yourself,” he ordered simply, “Hold onto the legs and place your lower legs flat on the floor.” Smack! ‘Where did he get a paddle?’ Celestia thought, stifling a scream of pain. Then she realised it was the grey one she had bought last week and kept in her closet. Whatever had possessed her to buy such an evil thing! Smack! Celestia let loose a mighty scream that came from the core of her being. It burned! The flat wooden surface seemed to smack all of her ass in one strike, an ass that had already been tenderised by hand and hairbrush. Smack! It struck again, and her derriere rippled with the sheer force of the impact. She lurched forwards and she almost let go of her skirt. Almost. Thankfully she recovered her grip and held it high, even as hot salty tears ran freely down her face. Smack! Moonsilver stood directly behind her, striking freely from the left and right. Smack! So hard was that strike that Celestia lurched forwards, in doing so her huge fleshy breasts popped free of the blue tee shirt and she lay so far over the coffee table that her forehead touched the carpeted floor. Only her death grip on the legs kept her from sprawling all the way over. Smack! “AAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAGH!” She couldn’t hold back the scream of pain as the paddle turned her red ass an angry crimson, the surface impacting so hard it spread her cheeks and slapped against her anus. Moonsilver did not show any signs of slowing or even stopping. Smack! Smack! The well-aimed strikes fell in quick secession and then, suddenly, there was silence. Tears streamed freely down her face like twin waterfalls. “I’m sorry!” she cried out, “Master I’m sorry! Forgive me!” In a second, Moonsilver was kneeling beside her, kissing her, holding her heaving, crying body. “Now we both know you are. I think you’ve learned your lesson, my love, my beautiful goddess.” His hand that had brought fire to her soul now touched her with such tenderness as he helped her back on the table and his lips kissed away her tears. Moonsilver remained kneeling beside her, quietly holding and supporting her, content to just be there as long as she needed him to be. He was in no hurry and there was no time limit on aftercare. They remained that way, one bent over, one kneeling, for an hour until it was dark outside. When she had recovered from her punishment enough that she could stand, Moonsilver helped her gently to her feet. Hands that had so lovingly tortured her behind now tenderly held her upright. Just as tenderly, he used his hands to rotate her in place. “Now it looks like you have red panties on,” he snickered, having appraised his handiwork. “They should make for a comfortable ride to the portal.” When she opened her front door, Celestia was grateful of two things. One, that it was a cool night with a stiff breeze. It was bliss on her behind. Two, that she lived in a quiet sparsely populated well-to-do neighbourhood. It meant there weren’t many eyes to see her and her lover as they left her house and she opened the back of the trailer for Moonsilver to climb in. “Comfy in there, Master?” Celestia asked, silently wishing she could marry the breeze that was cooling her exposed ass. “Dare I say, I’m far more comfortable than you are about to be,” he snickered, pointing to her ass and then the truck. Celestia just stuck her tongue out and she raised and locked the rear door. That done, she walked round to the truck. As she did so, she saw the driver’s seat there waiting for her and, more importantly, her tenderised butt. She knew, as she got in and fastened the seat belt, and she gasped loudly in pain, it would be a long, long half hour drive to Canterlot High School. ~ ~ ~ After thirty minutes of what was unquestionably the most uncomfortable drive of Celestia’s life, they arrived at her school. Since it was dark, and she was the Principal, she drove up onto the front lawn and parked up right beside the statue and the portal. No need risking a walk and being seen. “Welcome to Canterlot High School!” she declared proudly as she opened the back of the trailer so that Moonsilver could disembark. The moment Moonsilver left the trailer, he pulled Celestia into a tight hug and, while one arm held her, the other groped her red ass, squeezing hard. “Where is this portal?” “Gaaah!” as her ass was still amazingly tender and sore, Celestia jumped a little in his arms and she pointed at the statue. “It's there Master, specifically, the large base below the horse statue.” Appraisingly, Moonsilver looked at the statue. “A stallion, I see.” While he had seen it from the road the night before as Celestia had driven them past, now he could get a proper look at it, up close. He held his pet’s hand and slowly, they walked a complete circuit around the four sided plinth. “I was expecting some sort of door…” What he was presented with instead just appeared to be plain, dull, unremarkable stone, albeit finely sculpted stone. Beside him, Celestia giggled brightly. “Would you prefer a big flashing neon sign like Berry's Bar?” “Yes, yes I would.” Moonsilver was most disappointed as he let go of his lover’s hand. “So, how do you know there is a portal?” he asked, placing a heavy emphasis on the word ‘is’. “I've seen Sunset Shimmer, my - ex - student,” Celestia had to remind herself, again, that Sunset and the others had graduated, “Go through it a few times now.” She walked up, standing roughly six feet away from the plinth. “Besides that, can't you feel it?” she asked, lifting up her arm she showed the fine hairs were all stood up. Curiously, Moonsilver watched and copied her action, placing his arm beside hers. Still, he was disappointed. “I sense nothing.” “You're joking?” Celestia looked at Moonsilver like the centaur had grown two extra heads. “It's like...” she struggled to adequately put into words what she was feeling. “It’s like passing by those big Air Stones in the forest. Like...something is watching you right behind you, like there's a 'presence', breathing on your neck.” She took two steps closer and the effect, for her, was immediate. “Now...now I feel it stronger, it’s like...vibrations in the ground. I can feel them pulsating under my feet.” Moving forwards, Moonsilver didn’t stop until he was stood right beside the plinth. Reaching out his arm, he pushed until his hand was laid flat against it. “More like solid stone.” That’s precisely what it was. Cold, hard, unyielding stone. Standing alongside him, Celestia pressed her own hand against the stone plinth. Instantly the cold, hard, unyielding stone shimmered with a bright, multi-coloured rainbow light and the surface became fluid, her fingertips creating ripples in it like the surface of a pond disturbed by a thrown stone. Beside her, Moonsilver could see the effect, but to him, it still felt as unresponsive as stone. “Can you push your hand through?” Although she hadn’t ever done so before, Celestia nodded, suddenly absolutely certain that she could do it. With a thought, she applied a small force to her hand and she pressed forwards. She was amazed to see her hand disappear through, as effortless as if she was putting her hand in water. “Oh my goodness!” Protectively, Moonsilver took a hold of Celestia so that she couldn't fall in, but, at the same time, he ran his hand along the length of her arm to only be stopped dead in his tracks once again by the stone surface. “It seems my people have lost their attunement with this type of magic.” It was a simple sentence, but he said it with all the finality of one being lead to the gallows. Slowly, carefully, Celestia pulled her arm back and, once her fingers were clear, the portal shimmered and returned back to its stone disguise, although she could still feel the residual tingling running up and down her arm. “Perhaps...maybe it's by design?” she asked, flexing her hand to make the tingling go away. To his questioning look, she explained, “You said your people came through seeking asylum from a war. Makes sense you can't just 'go' back to where it’s dangerous.” “That…makes sense,” Moonsilver blinked and then he let out a deep sigh. The sort of deep sigh of one who’d had his hopes and dreams irrefutably and irreparably crushed. “Then, retuning is closed to us.” “Why so?” Celestia shot him a look complete with a raised eyebrow. “Are you always this defeatist when things don’t go your way?” “I’m a realist, Tia.” Moonsilver replied with a reluctant smile, “Maybe your messengers will know another way when they come. Our magic protection is failing. We can run to another forest, but there will come a time when there’s nowhere to run.” “I was going to ask the Princesses when they come if they can remove the block. Surely a spell that's placed can be removed?” She was, admittedly, no expert when it came to magic, but she was fairly sure that those who were coming were. Just like that, Moonsilver’s smile was returned to his face. “You're right,” he kissed her lips, “What has been done can be undone. The stones are showing that. You remind me a lot of my mother, I remember she used to say all the time, ‘Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence’.” “So, none of this 'there's no chance' nonsense!” Celestia booped his nose with her index finger. “Besides, like my mother used to say, ‘A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love of learning’.” Moonsilver smirked, “I'm liking this ‘can-do’ attitude of yours.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and he laid a hand delicately on her hot naked rear. “Perhaps I should spank you more often?” When she stuck out her tongue and raspberried him, he burst out laughing. “So, are you going to show me inside?” Celestia followed where he was pointing and her smile widened. “The school? Only if we misbehave in my office!” “I think I'm up to a bit of misbehaving.” “I'll be honest,” Celestia said as Moonsilver once more took her hand and turned her away from the portal, “I'm so tempted to just run through that thing.” “You haven't gone through?” “No,” she shook her head, “I've always been too scared to go anywhere near it.” “Well, if you do,” Moonsilver squeezed her hand hard like he was afraid she would float away like a feather on the breeze if he let go, “I'd very much like for you to come back.” “Together, my love.” Celestia squeezed his hand in turn, silently communicating to him that she wasn’t going anywhere without him by her side. “We'll go through to Equestria together. Now, come,” she smiled as she used her keys to open the main front doors of her school, ‘the recently repaired front,’ she had to remind herself. “We'll go through this portal tonight.” Once they were inside the quiet, deserted school – it was the summer holidays, after all, Celestia proceeded to give her Master a tour of her empire. They started with the trophy cabinet in the main foyer, Moonsilver was most interested in those. He followed where she chose to lead, and she gave him a tour like she would do with a new student. She showed him the gym, sports hall, art rooms, science labs, computer rooms, cafeteria and at long last, she ended it at her office. “And finally,” she announced, opening the door with a flourish, “My inner sanctum!” Moonsilver, having been the perfect guest on the tour, making the right kind of appreciative comments here and there, didn’t stop when he entered Celestia’s office. Bookshelves filled with books lined one wall, then there were the filing cabinets, framed pictures, what he guessed were mementos and keepsakes from her sister and her friends scattered all about, and then there was the desk. Big and sturdy desk. “You have a very impressive desk, pet.” Grinning broadly, Celestia rapped it with her hand. “Real solid wood. Antique mahogany.” Moonsilver studied that big, solid, sturdy desk. “I think a special desk needs some special polish.” He glanced down at her still glowing rear end and snickered, “At least you don't have to get undressed.” Then, he took note of all the things on her desk. The computer, though he had no idea what it was, looked important. “Instead of shoving everything to the floor, I'll let you tidy up your desk.” “How considerate of you, Master,” Celestia gave him a bow and, working quickly, she moved the few things that were still on her desk onto her chair out of the way. Once the desk was cleared, Moonsilver picked Celestia up easily in his strong arms and he placed her on the desk like she was one of the trophies from the entrance foyer. He then pulled her towards him so that her ass was just on the edge. “How considerate of you,” he shot back, “the desk is the perfect height!” Without needing to be ordered or directed, Celestia laid back onto her back and she spread her thick legs wide for him. As she looked down and saw his magnificent cock already standing proud from its sheath, she dearly wished there was a camera so she could watch this back later. Then again, there was always the dream realm. Moving above her, Moonsilver folded his forelegs on the desk underneath his body and either side of her head, just past her shoulders and, with the blunt head lined up with his pet’s sopping wet tunnel, he thrust his hips forwards and he entered her easily all the way up to his medial ring. His hands were not idle though. They slipped up her body and under her tee shirt, taking a firm hold of her bountiful breasts. “When I was young,” he moaned, “I never thought I'd be able to do this in the teacher's office!” Celestia leant up to kiss him and then she sighed as her nipples grew hard under the ministrations of his extremely talented fingers. “Is...Isn't your Hunter classroom aaaaAAAH th-the whole fo-forest?” she barely managed to speak, because he had started to move gently back and forth inside her. “Miss Deerfrost used a log for a desk. Still, this more than makes up for it…” Celestia wanted to laugh but whatever noise she made came out as a long lusty moan, thanks to the hands squeezing her breasts and the plunging cock spreading her pussy apart. After a few of those thrusts, Celestia whimpered in needy arousal, “M-Master pl-please...fuck me!” How Moonsilver wished he could have that played to him on a loop. “Since my pet begs, I will show her the pleasure she begs so eloquently for.” Bucking his hips, Moonsilver did not hold back. He felt his medial ring pop in and out of her wet muscular tunnel as he picked up speed. Placing her hands on his chest, Celestia’s eyes rolled in her head. “Oth...aaaAAAAH other hole...please?” Even though he was busy fucking her, Moonsilver paused in mid-thrust and laughed, “I thought the flesh around that hole may be a bit sore, then again…” he pulled himself out of her stretched vagina, “I am willing to test that theory.” His hands held her legs wide apart as he realigned himself and he pressed his cock-head slowly to her back door. “Ooooooh M-Mas-Master…” Celestia could feel him enter asshole inch by wondrous inch, her own vaginal fluids acting as lubrication for the tight entry. Her toes scrunched up, her hands holding him tight. Once he was in as far as he judged was safe, Moonsilver pounded away at his pet’s rectum so hard that even his medial ring entered her anus. “AAAAaaaaAAAH FUUUUUCK YEEEEEES!” she screamed, really leting herself go. The force of Moonsilver’s plunging thrusting cock pushed Celestia harder onto the desk while she cried out in pleasure again. She was so tight he almost came right there. Moonsilver took hold of her ankles and held them up by her head as he got ever deeper in her asshole, every thrust spreading and stretching her. Celestia’s tongue lolled out of her mouth as he continually slammed into her ass. She gave up trying to clamp down on his shaft, way too busy enjoying the sensations that flowed through her body. The submissive woman clutched at his muscular chest in an effort to muffle the sounds of joy she couldn’t hold in. With her feet kept in place by his lower body, his hands returned to and squeezed her rock hard nipples as he slammed in deep and let out a loud neigh. Celestia could feel her Master’s body quiver as he pumped his hot seed deep into her bowels and bloat up her belly there was so much of it. She did so love to hear him neigh for her, it was a cute sound of exhaustion. “You, my pet,” he panted hard to catch his breath, “are a vixen of the highest order.” “And you, Master,” Celestia giggled as she watched her pudgy belly swell and firm up under the deluge that was still being pumped into her, “could seed the whole forest!” Adjusting himself above her, Moonsilver folded his forelegs and rested down, kissing her deeply, content to allow nature to pull him out of her used hole. “I must say, I've enjoyed the personal tour of your fine school, Tia.” “Uh huh...” she murmured, her eyes still unfocused from the intercourse they had just enjoyed, “like Pan and Phanes you are...sow my garden!” she babbled nonsensically and giggled, “Sorry. That sounded hot in my head…” Tenderly, Moonsilver placed an affectionate kiss on Celestia’s forehead. The way she was riding out her climax was absolutely adorable! “That should help cool you off. Fear not, my beautiful love,” he caressed her still red ass cheeks, “You're plenty hot in other places.” He wondered, as they snuggled together on the desk, just what was in store for him tomorrow with Roseluck… > Chapter 16 - Reward and Punishment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Placing the middle of the dark blue rope between Celestia's shoulder blades, Moonsilver wrapped it around the top of her breasts and biceps until it came back to the middle. The pale grey centaur then worked the end through the loop of the middle and pulled tight. Reflexively, Celestia gasped a little at the sudden tightness. He then repeated the process round the other way under Celestia's breasts. This had the effect of lifting her D cup breasts up slightly, making them stand out. Bringing the rope back again, Moonsilver once again threaded the rope through the middle of the back again. He made another pass above the breasts and brought it through the middle one more time and pulled tight, this time Celestia didn't respond. "How are you doing, pet?” he asked, taking a moment to check in with her, “Not uncomfortable?” "I'm good, Master," Celestia replied. ‘Here I am again,’ she thought with a barely suppressed giggle. It was one thirty in the afternoon, Roseluck was due in half an hour, and here she was being tied up in her living room. Again. In truth what Celestia felt was much more complicated than just ‘I’m good’. On one hand, she felt no small amount of trepidation about catching up with Roseluck, but on the other, she trusted Moonsilver to take care of her should it not go well. Also, her heart seemed to be thumping far more now than normal. It had been some time since she had seen Roseluck, after all. Satisfied with the quick answer, Moonsilver got back to work. He wanted his pet presentable and looking her best. He brought the end of the rope over Celestia's right shoulder and threaded it over her breasts but under the rope itself. Passing the rope underneath the rope beneath her breasts, he brought the rope up again over Celestia's left breast and brought it over her other shoulder. Framing her breasts nicely. Celestia tested her bonds and smiled. The tie was different to the one she had worn the day before. Where that had been a tortoiseshell harness, this was a pentagram that enhanced her chest. “I don't think I'll ever get tired of you tying me up, Master.” “That’s good news,” Moonsilver grinned as he turned her around and tucked the last few inches of rope neatly away behind and around one of the expertly tied knots on her back, “Seeing as how I won't ever get tired of tying you up.” Glancing down at her chest, Celestia’s cheeks took on a faint red tinge when she saw that her already large D cups now had the appearance of F’s at least, if she was any judge. “You just like tying my breasts up like that, don’t you, Master?” the question she realised, was a rhetorical one, seeing as how this was the third time he had done it. Moonsilver’s strong hands played delicately over her tied swollen breasts, the trapped blood making them firm instead of their usual soft and fleshy. “I'll never get tired of touching your breasts in as many ways as I can imagine, my pet.” Bowing his head, he took the left in his mouth and suckled upon the nipple, “They, though, are only a part of your total beauty.” “Ah...Aaaahn...sw-sweet talker…” Celestia groaned, biting her bottom lip and shivering when he turned his attention to her right breast, she wished he would carry on and use her body like the plaything that it was, but she had noticed the clock on the wall. “Rosie will be here in five minutes,” she placed her hands reluctantly on his shoulders, the faintest of pressure pushing him back. “She's never late.” “Well, Ms. Ass-Isn't-Red,” Moonsilver smiled up at her ever so sweetly when he pulled off of her right nipple, “Rules. You will remain silent until I say otherwise.” “Just like yesterday,” as Celestia kissed her lover and Master’s lips, she offered up silent thanks to the sheer miracle that was the healing stone and its ability, now that it was bonded to her, to heal her spanked derriere to its usual alabaster white hue. “I'll do better this time, Master.” “I hope not,” Moonsilver snickered, giving that beautiful fat ass a playful spank, “You’re my naughty mare.” Chuckling, mostly at the priceless look she gave him, the centaur moved over to the window, where he had a good view of the whole street and he could easily see any arriving guests. Four minutes later, with one minute to go, a pale yellow transit van pulled up outside Celestia’s one storey villa. If Moonsilver was in any doubt as to whom the vehicle belonged, the slogan put paid to that. Emblazoned on the side, in bright raspberry coloured lettering, was ‘Rosie’s Roses’. “It’s nice to see you have timely guests, pet.” Celestia, who had not been given permission to speak, just smiled. She knew Roseluck was neurotic about time. Her old friend was never late, nor was she ever early. In fact, she had been known to stand outside in the cold or the rain more than once when she had arrived early for something. The centaur watched the pale yellow woman smooth out her green sundress as she got out of the van. Then, she hefted a wicker basket and made her way up to the house. Before she could push the doorbell, Moonsilver opened the door so that only his head could be seen. Standing before the barely open door, Roseluck was stunned for the merest fraction of a second before she broke out in a fit of giggles. “Wow! And I accused Bez of smoking something she shouldn’t have, yesterday!” “She was drinking,” Moonsilver corrected her, before mentally kicking himself in the hindquarters when he saw the blank expression on the woman’s face, “Then again, your Greek is most likely as good as hers.” Wearing a frown, Roseluck tucked an errant strand of her raspberry coloured hair over her ears as she shook her head. “Sorry, nope.” Laughing, Moonsilver opened the door to let her in, and so she could see all of him. He knew, when she followed him inside, she would see his pet all nicely tied up. “Well, it looks like you two already got the party started, huh Celly?” Roseluck was completely unfazed by the sight of her old friend, naked but for some rope. “What’s wrong?” she asked when Celestia said nothing, “Centaur got your tongue?” she giggled and set down the black forest cake she made as well as the flowers she bought on the coffee table. Standing by the coffee table, Moonsilver was proud that his pet had remained silent. He had to admit, when Roseluck set down the twelve inch diameter cake, he found it hard choosing to look at it or his pet. With a supreme act of willpower though, he tore his eyes from the desert. “You may give her the language stone in the same way you gave it to Berryshine, pet.” He snickered, ‘This should be fun!’ Quietly, as she had been ordered, Celestia removed her language stone from her ever-present choker and, getting down on her knees, she lifted up a stunned and shocked Roseluck’s green sundress and pushed it inside her cream coloured panties. “Wha…He-Hey!” the flower seller squeaked at what her friend was doing. “W-Whoa...head rush!” she staggered as the magic washed over her and took effect. “Steady on Celly,” she playfully swatted away her hand from her crotch and smoothed her dress, “we haven't done that in over twenty years!” Not that Roseluck was going to object. Moonsilver was so proud of his pet he felt he could float in the air. “Pet,” he struggled so hard to keep his voice level and even, given how elated he felt right at that moment, “You may nod if you agree to keep it that way, or you may kiss her feet if you want to beg Roseluck’s forgiveness.” In a split second, Celestia made up her mind that she most definitely did not want it to stay that way, not after everything that had happened to her over the past month, and especially after what had happened with Berryshine the day before. Immediately, wordlessly, she dropped to her knees and placed her face right up close to Roseluck’s open toed sandals. Reverently, she placed soft kisses on each of her friend’s toes. Watching, Moonsilver was again proud of his pet. Not only had she carried out his order, but she had gone beyond what he had expected of her. Though, he was curious to see how Roseluck would react. “Oh my goodness!” the pale yellow woman giggled, wiggling her pedicured toes in Celestia’s face, “It looks like the Wild Girls really are back,” she petted her friend’s head like she was petting a family pet, “I forgive you, but you can keep doing that if your Master allows it.” Watching, observing, taking notes and remembering, Moonsilver filed away the fact that Roseluck had a foot fetish and he smiled broadly. “I'm enjoying the view from here, but maybe you'd be more comfortable taking a seat. My pet can crawl after you to continue worshiping your feet.” “I'm good with that!” Roseluck gushed as she took a seat on the leather couch and, with a kick of her feet, slipped off her sandals. She watched with baited breath as Celestia crawled over the carpeted floor to the new position and she carried on licking, dragging her tongue up and down her bare soles. “Bez said Celly had a new outlook on life. I thank you for that, Moonsilver.” “Berryshine said something of the same thing,” Moonsilver settled down on the wide couch beside Roseluck, “But I'd like to better understand what my pet's old outlook was. I've only known her for a short time, and I believe she had body issues, which I find hard to understand. She is the ideal of beauty with those wonderful curves.” On her knees at Roseluck’s feet, her vision completely obscured by those pale yellow soles, Celestia paused, freezing when Moonsilver asked that. Seeing her foot worshipper pause in the bathing of her feet, Roseluck pinched Celestia’s nose between her big toe and the one next to it to urge her to continue. “Celly's been depressed ever since that Sunset girl started her school a few years ago,” she replied, looking at the centaur sat next to her. Roseluck had to really concentrate on what she wanted to say though, because Celestias’ tongue probing between her toes was just utter heaven! “I-If I'm honest though, she's become more and more withdrawn the older she gets. She thinks she's ugly and fat.” Roseluck let out a delighted squeak when her friend licked up her arches and peppered them with soft wet kisses. “Ever since all this magical hoo haa has started though, about nine months back, her depression's really spiralled downwards.” “I've heard that name,” Moonsilver paused in deep concentration, processing what he had just been told, adding things up in his head. “She is the girl with the magic book. Nod pet, if that is true.” As she had just popped both of Roseluck’s big toes in her mouth, nodding her head was all Celestia could do, whether she had been ordered to be quiet or not. “Sunset Shimmer was the Queen Bitch of CHS,” Roseluck went on to explain, “She made everyone's life hell, including Celly's. Then, she went and got all reformed. Now she's a good girl.” It was so odd, talking about Sunset Shimmer when she had her friend’s tongue slathering over and around her toes. “My pet is a good girl too.” Moonsilver beamed an appreciative smile to his lover, their eyes meeting and a silent ‘I love you’ passed between them. “Pet, have you forgiven this Sunset Shimmer?” He was pleased to see her nod her head. “Not before she tried to overdose on pills though.” Roseluck withdrew her left foot from Celestia’s mouth and she – semi playfully – tapped her nose with her big toe before slotting it back in her mouth. “She scared us all to death. Twice.” “That is troubling news,” Moonsilver frowned. He already knew that she had toyed with the idea of throwing herself off of Lookout Point in the Everfree Forest. Now, he was presented with this. “She hadn't said her depression was leading to such suicidal thoughts. I think we've overcome that though. Depression is seventy five percent on the person, and twenty five percent on those that support the person.” “We did our best, Luna, Cheerilee, Berry and me. We got her therapy. It seemed to work too, until those sirens turned up.” Roseluck looked down at her best friend kneeling and worshipping her feet. She could see by the expression on her face that they were striking a nerve, but it had to be said. “They messed her head up…aaaaah!” she moaned, despite the heavy topic, Celestia was getting her wet and aroused. “They undid all the good work we'd done. She took more and more pills, until we stopped her. She even tried buying a gun, but we stopped that too.” Moonsilver flinched in spite of himself at the mention of a gun. His mother had been killed by a human’s firebox, and he hated the very mention of them. Still, it had been intercepted, by the sound of it. “You may use one foot to fondle the servicing pet, and to punish her if she is failing in her job,” Moonsilver snickered, “Though that moan does indicate she’s doing well.” Permission given, Roseluck withdrew her right foot and she used the ball and her toes to fondle Celestia's tied breasts. “You see,” she said breezily like she was discussing the weather, “After the second overdose attempt, we contacted all the pharmacists, the chemists and the gun sellers and things like that. Told them to call one of us if she tried to buy anything.” She pinched Celestia’s nipples between her toes, “Even the supermarkets aren’t allowed to sell her paracetamols.” “How long ago was that?” asked Moonsilver, loving the way his pet squirmed and moaned with a foot in her mouth. “It was just after the Friendship Games, say a few months ago now,” Roseluck rubbed her foot in circles around Celestia’s breasts, determined to make her squeak as she toyed with her hard nipples, “She was getting better, again, and then there was all that stuff at Camp Everfree. That sent her back down…” she sighed and, wiggling her left toes in Celestia’s mouth, lowered her right foot to her friend’s crotch. “She wouldn't come out of her room, she didn’t wash, she didn’t sleep, she didn't eat.” “Now…” Moonsilver thought out loud, “I am starting wonder if her trip to the Everfree a month ago was with no plan to return. If I hadn't been hunting that day when she fell, I am sure that would have been her reality.” As she was busy licking, kissing and sucking on Roseluck’s left foot, Celestia let out a whimper. She was about to object to what they were talking about, order to be silent be damned, when her whimper became one of pleasure. While she had been busy with the left foot, Roseluck had been busy with her right. “Well,” the flower seller smirked as her toes caressed Celestia’s wet labia, “She did leave us all a note saying she was going up to Lookout Point.” “Then I take it back, as she did have a back-up plan,” smiling, Moonsilver reached over and he slapped his pet’s ass cheeks hard, leaving a handprint behind on each buttock. “I'm proud of you, pet.” He knew, from the nightmare he had looked in on, that Lookout Point was the place she always jumped from, so the fact she was still there with them said a lot. “AAaaaAAAH!” Celestia screamed, lurching forwards from the force of the spank she almost choked on Roseluck’s foot. Seeing that she had drooled slobber all over her right foot, and her left was covered in a sheen of her pussy juices, Roseluck removed both and wiped her dirty her feet up and down and all over Celestia’s face until her multi-coloured hair was plastered to her head. Damn, if that look didn’t look hot on her! “I'm just glad she found you, Moonsilver. You've done what we all couldn't.” “Helps to have a big cock and the knowledge how to use it.” Suddenly, Roseluck burst out laughing. “You haven't...have you?” Celestia’s blush and Moonsilver’s smug look answered her question. “Really?” that blush deepened so much it reached her friend’s ears. “Celly, you naughty girl! You could have shared!” “That may be why you're here…” Moonsilver still wore that exceptionally smug look on his face, but now his eyes were twinkling as well, “Or did Berryshine not tell you about her activities with us yesterday?” Roseluck let out a snort of laughter, “Oh she said you ate her out, the lucky cow. She didn't say you were a handsome centaur, though!” she wiggled her toes playfully in Celestia’s mouth, loving the way her tongue danced on her digits. “So,” she gusted out, “Do I get to play too?” “That’s for my pet to decide,” Moonsilver said solemnly, placing all the power and control firmly in his lover’s hands, though they all knew she’d had it all along. “You'll have to remove your toes first though, Roseluck.” Somewhat reluctantly, as Roseluck pulled her toes out of Celestia's mouth, the digits glistening with her friend’s spit, the kneeling woman stared up at her, working her mouth as it had been some time since she had spoken or done anything other than tongue bath those pedicured feet. “I'd love for you to join us, Rosie. We're a herd, you see.” “A herd,” Roseluck repeated, as if she was rolling the word around to see how it felt. She smiled, for she liked it. “I'm in!” Although there was a smile spreading out over Moonsilver’s equine face, his eyes twinkled dangerously in Celestia’s direction. “You didn't wait till I said you could speak, pet.” On her knees, poor Celestia spluttered and protested, “But…But…y-you said…” Then, blushing hard, she replayed the last few moments back in her head and she realised he was right. Because she thought she had been given the okay, she had jumped the gun and, of course, she had been caught straightaway. Roseluck giggled behind her hand, “Someone's in trouble!” she sang out, loving the way Celestia was doing an impersonation of a tomato. To Moonsilver, she said, “I'd be genuinely honoured to join your herd, Moonsilver.” She held her hand out in greeting, “I'm Roseluck, or Rosie, if you prefer.” “Rosie,” Moonsilver shook the offered hand, “I'm happy and grateful that you were in my Tia's life when she needed you the most.” Leaning forwards, the centaur gently traced a pale grey finger along the flower seller’s neck. “I think you’ll look good in grey and white.” “Y-Yeah…” Roseluck’s breath hitched in her throat. Had it suddenly got twenty degrees hotter in the villa? She was sure that it had. All of a sudden, her mouth was dry and it was incredibly hard to breathe. She got the reason why the grey and white though a lot quicker than Berryshine had. “I think I will too. Celly's the alpha female, I assume?” “She is,” Moonsilver confirmed, the centaur pictured both Berryshine and Roseluck wearing nothing but grey and white collars, Celestia in her grey collar and all three pets servicing him as was his due. Needless to say, it wasn’t long at all before he began to slip from his sheath. Roseluck snickered, “I'm good with that.” She was also good with the member that was slowly emerging and hardening between Moonsilver’s hind legs. Very good indeed. Just like the day before, Moonsilver slid from the couch and he got down on his back on the carpeted floor. He chuckled for he seemed to be spending a fair amount of time down there as of late. Still, he was about to pleasure two women, so he really couldn’t complain too much. While he was getting down on the floor, Roseluck stood up and, slipping off her sandals, she lifted her green sundress up and over her head and stood in just her panties and her bra. When she slid those panties down her legs, she was reminded of the presence of the language stone. Quickly, she transferred that to inside her bra. “Has your pet used her feet to pleasure you, Moonsilver?” Staring up at her, Moonsilver and then Celestia shook their heads. “I was not aware that they were so dextrous, Rosie.” That said though, he was always open to new experiences. “Please,” he invited her with a gesture of his hand, “Do with me as you wish.” Roseluck felt such a high that she very nearly came on the spot. She knew what she wanted to do, ever since Berryshine had told her the day before how long his tongue was and how deep it could go. Boy did she ever want a piece of that! Carefully, she walked over him and, facing his hard stallionhood, sat herself down on his muzzle. Extending her left leg, she stroked her foot up and down his length. She loved the feel of his thick veiny member against the sole of her foot but…it was missing something. When she saw Celestia knelt there watching them, itching to join in, she knew what that was. “Worship my feet…” Wasting no time, Celestia scurried over and grabbed a hold Roseluck’s left foot and she began to massage it. However, she was stopped in her tracks when the flower seller lifted up her right foot and slapped those bound breasts. Thankfully, Moonsilver was supporting her weight in his hands to stop her impaling herself on his face. “No hands, Celly. Use that naughty mouth of yours to worship my feet.” Licking her lips, Celestia did as she was told. She placed her hands behind her back and, as she lowered her face down to Roseluck’s feet, her friend placed both of her soles either side of Moonsilver’s turgid meat. Instinctively, she knew what Roseluck had in mind. It was funny, she supposed, as she wetted her tongue and slathered it over not only those pale yellow feet but that mottled cock as well, that she had never considered herself to like feet very much before. Now though, with them both moaning in pleasure, she rather enjoyed it. Letting out more of her saliva onto her talented tongue, Celestia dragged it all over Roseluck’s toes and the underside of Moonsilver’s member. Adjusting herself, she managed to get she her face in close and planted her tongue on the underside of those pedicured feet, slowly running her tongue up and down the arches. She moaned as the salty and intoxicating flavours of centaur precum and sweaty feet assaulted her taste buds, loving how the combination tasted. Roseluck smiled as she watched her old friend happily lick her feet. The erotic display caused her face to flush. That, and Moonsilver had finally stopped drinking in the sight of her clean shaven pussy and he had started, at last, to pleasure her. She let out a lewd moan when she felt his lips planting warm, wet kisses all around her labia. “HmmMMMmmmm…” she sighed happily, slowly stroking her feet up and down his cock. She found that the firmer she gripped, the faster she stroked, the harder he licked her in turn. That was a game she could play. On his back, his vision taken up by Roseluck’s ass and pussy, Moonsilver was sure he had gone on to join the Great Forest. While he had never, ever thought feet could be used like the flower seller was using them, he was in utter bliss. What made it all the better was that as she was masturbating him, Celestia was slathering her tongue up and down his cock at the same time! Moaning in sheer pleasure, he shoved his tongue deep inside Roseluck’s pussy, swirling it around her sopping wet tunnel. “AAAaaaaAAAAAH yeeeeEEEEEEEES!” Roseluck screamed, bouncing up and down on his muzzle while at the same time she curled her left foot around the centaur’s cock and she used the toes of her right foot to massage his heavy swollen balls. Nestled between Moonsilver’s spread open hindlegs, Celestia saw what Roseluck was doing and she switched up her game. Licking up to the top of her Master’s cock, she swirled her tongue around his flat head and, when he moaned, she took it in her wet willing mouth. Timing herself, she went down on him when Roseluck lowered her left foot, and allowed that same foot on her chin to lift her head up again. “FUUuuuuUUUUUUUUCK!” Roseluck gasped, for when Celestia had taken his cock in her mouth, the centaur had curled his wonderful, amazing, magic tongue inside her depths and he was rubbing her G-spot in such a manner that was making her see stars across her vision. Her snatch quivered and trembled, her whole tunnel spasmed and gripped his thrusting tongue like she had never felt before. She knew at that rate she wouldn’t last very much longer. Moonsilver sensed that Roseluck was close. Although, with his shaft and balls being massaged by those miraculous feet and Celestia deep throating him, he knew he would blow very soon. Several bobs of her head later and, sure enough, he felt his head starting to flare, announcing his imminent orgasm. Roseluck saw the mighty meat stick that her friend was sucking on start to throb, she felt it on the sole of her left foot. For an instant, she wanted to see Celestia swallow his load. Then, she had a better, kinkier idea. “Celly, pull off and suck his nuts,” she ordered through hitched breath as that tongue showed no sign of stopping. Moonsilver was about to complain when he felt both feet grip his dick tightly and stroke him faster than ever. “MMmmmmMMMM B-By th-the FoooOOOOOOREST!” he bellowed up into Roseluck’s vagina as, when Celestia began to suck on his testicles, he at last blew and his mighty load shot out like an erupting geyser. With no mouth or other hole to catch it, it flew upwards and, inevitably, splashed back down around Roseluck’s feet and Celestia’s face. Seconds later, for he had not stopped eating Roseluck out, the flower seller screamed out Moonsilver’s name as she too came, her climax squirting out all over the centaur’s face. “Fuck…fuck…fuck…” she panted, having drenched him completely. It was only when her eyes uncrossed that she saw her pale yellow feet were now completely white. “D-Da-Damn…” she breathed, lifting up a semen covered foot and tapping Celestia’s cum spattered face with her toes, “Now...what do you say?” Completely lost in the moment, Celestia knew just what to say. She didn’t even think about trying to clean off her own face. As the hot white cum slid down her face, she smiled, her eyes locked on Roseluck’s now white feet. "I love them so much, Rosie,” she delicately kissed the bridge of each foot, avoiding the cum that covered the rest. “Please…may I clean your beautiful feet?” “You may!” Roseluck beamed and, without wanting to wait, she thrust her left foot forwards straight into Celestia’s mouth. “Hmmmm, you have a well-trained pet, Moonsilver!” she gushed, using her right leg behind Celestia’s head to keep her in place as she sucked the semen from her foot. “That I do,” Moonsilver replied, breathing slowly and deeply to catch his breath. “She honours me with her obedience, Rosie.” He couldn’t see Celestia as she swapped feet having cleaned the left of his seed, but he could visualise it, and that was enough to keep his penis at full mast. That, and every breath he took was flavoured by the vagina inches from his face. “You know…” Roseluck all but purred when her feet were clean, “Since you’re still hard, and Celestia did so well, I think she’s earned a reward, don’t you?” When a murmur of approval came from underneath her, Roseluck got her feet under herself and she stood up. “Celly, I think I’d like to see you ride your handsome stallion.” With her heart skipping a beat, Celestia quickly swung her leg over Moonsilver so that she was straddling his belly, looking him in the eyes as she slid back over his rock hard length. As she was close enough, he leant forwards and gave her one sloppy horse kiss straight to her lips, uncaring of the mess that adorned her face. After a little adjustment, where she lined herself up with the head of his shaft, Celestia took a deep breath and thrust back, sighing and groaning into his mouth as his broad flat head entered her, spreading her wide with the entry. Roseluck watched in awe as Celestia groaned into his mouth, while he moaned into hers. Slowly, she impaled herself on his fourteen inch length. The flower seller though was not content to just watch her friend ride the centaur like he was a rodeo stallion. An idea came to her mind. A sexy idea. While Celestia was distracted, she crept around behind her and knelt down between Moonsilver’s hind legs and behind her large white ass. From Roseluck’s point of view, it was like a fence post was disappearing into her friend’s wet hole. ‘Damn…that’s fucking sexy…’ she thought, and leant forwards to put her sexy idea into action. Using her hands, she parted Celestia’s ass cheeks and delivered a long slow lick up Moonsilver’s mighty pole and continuing up to her friend’s puckered asshole. Both Moonsilver and Celestia let out moans of pleasure and squeals of delight between them, for as she slowly inched her way down his cock, further filling herself up with his meat until she felt his head bump against her cervical wall, Roseluck carried on licking away all the way up her crotch. “You...” she couldn’t stop herself moaning out loud, “oooooh Master...aaAAAAAAH!” she screamed when her friend slid her tongue into her asshole, “you two feel wonderful in me!” Laid on the carpet, as Moonsilver crossed his forelegs behind his pet’s ass for something to bounce against, he was convinced all his birthdays had come at once. He had thought Roseluck’s feet had been heaven, now she was licking his shaft, it was something else! Now his hands were free, he reached with both for Celestia’s breasts, still round and firm from their bondage. Roughly, he squeezed and mauled her bountiful mounds, tweaking her hard nipples until she whimpered. “You both feel wonderful to me.” Lifting off, Celestia dropped back down, impaling herself over and over again on his cock. She built up the pace so much that she felt his medial ring nudging against her puffy swollen labia. One more hard bounce and that too disappeared inside her stretched snatch. Biting her lip, she threw her head back, “OOoooOOH FuuuuUUUCK! FUUUCK MEEEE!” she screamed. While Celestia was riding his shaft, Roseluck gripped her bouncing ass cheeks and pulled them wide apart, this time thrusting her tongue deep in her back door. When she stopped, Moonsilver quickly took over and he began to thrust his hips upwards. Roseluck could feel his length and girth pounding away as she ate her out. Stiffening up her tongue, the flower seller thrust it in and out over and over in time with what the centaur was doing. “Rosie! Moonsilver!” Celestia screamed at the top of her lungs. She was in a whole universe of pleasure like never before, what with her Master thrusting into her pussy and her friend eating out her derriere like it was a four course meal. When he pounded her that hard that he was threatening to pierce her cervical wall, that sent her over the edge. “MOONSILVER! AAAH ROOOOOSIEEEEEE I'M GONNA CUM!” “AAaaAAH FUUUUCK MOOOOOONSILVER!” Celestia came, just as he too reached his second climax. She could feel his semen blasting inside her, with nowhere to go it flooded into her womb, swelling her already pudgy pot belly with the sheer volume released. Riding his euphoric high, Moonsilver gave a few last upward bucks with his hips upwards, penetrating her cervix and swelling her even more as he pulled her down by her breasts to lavish a kiss on her mouth. Celestia muttered 'fuck' as she was kissed, the submissive woman loving the way she was just handled and wanting more of the same. Her Master held onto her breasts as his forelegs rode up from her fat ass and across her back. He continued to stroke her up and down. “Are you both finished cumming?” asked Roseluck after a few moments of frenetic panting had passed by. She got two ‘uh huh’s’ in response. “Good.” She swatted Celestia’s ass with a hand. “Celly, up you get, and put your hand over yourself, don’t let any leak out.” When Celestia got off of Moonsilver’s rod, the flower seller leant in and proceeded to lick him clean. Once the centaur’s stallionhood was spotlessly clean, Roseluck got down on her back. “Celly, do be a sweetie and share your present.” She gave her friend a wink and opened her mouth. All at once, with wide saucer-like eyes, Celestia got the message. At Moonsilver’s confused look, she got in position above Roseluck’s head and she squatted down so that her pussy was an inch away. When Roseluck swatted her hand, Celestia removed it from her full snatch and, when Roseluck used her fingertips to part her labia, the white skinned submissive concentrated and pushed. Roseluck eagerly opened her mouth wider, watching as Moonsilver’s load drooled out from Celestia’s glistening tunnel. Roseluck licked up what leaked out, with a hint of Celestia’s own flavour mixed in, and she leaned in closer to get more, latching her mouth around Celestia’s inner lips. She felt the bulk of the cumshot spill out in a wad onto her tongue, still hot from resting in Celestia's depths and tingling as it slid down her throat. Roseluck hungrily teased Celestia’s entrance with her tongue, urging it to release what was left of the centaur’s cum, leaving only a trickle in its wake. Celestia glanced down at Roseluck as the pale yellow woman parted from her slit looking satisfied. “Is that all of-ooh!” Celestia squealed as Roseluck sank her fingers inside of her, drawing out more of Moonsilver’s cum from deeper within. Roseluck was sure to take thorough care of Celestia as she cleared her canal of cum, drawing her fingers back and sucking them clean. “Well…” Celestia sighed, “that was more thorough than I was expecting.” ~ ~ ~ Moonsilver watched Roseluck drive off and the pale grey centaur waited for Celestia to come back inside once the yellow van was no longer in sight. He smiled when she entered the house still wearing nothing but the rope that he had tied her with. “Both of them love you.” “I know,” said Celestia with a sigh. “Even after everything you did to them, they still love you,” restated Moonsilver. “I know Master, and I’m learning to love myself.” Celestia kissed her handsome centaur. “And I love you, my naughty pet.” Moonsilver kissed his human right back. Though the healing stone had taken the edge off her derriere, Celestia’s ass was still very sore from yesterday’s spanking wen she had been bent over the coffee table. The thought of another so soon was too much to consider. She looked at the floor, “Thank you, Master. Please forgive your silly pet.” Moonsilver smiled, “Oh, I’ve already forgiven you, pet.” He watched Celestia relax. “Unfortunately,” he watched her tense back up. “My forgiveness doesn’t excuse you from the consequences of your actions.” Celestia nearly broke down in tears. Her ass couldn’t take another spanking. She knew if she uttered her safe word it would be over, but would he still love her if she did. Disappointing him would be worse than any pain he may deal out to her. She wiped her nose before it could drip, “As you wish, Master.” Moonsilver looked at the broken woman before him. Words of love and encouragement along with shows and signs of affection didn’t turn one around in an instant. She seemed either too stubborn or too afraid to use her safe word. He knew that if he squeezed her ass she would break down in tears. Discipline with love was the only way he could think of to try and crack that shell of self-doubt. “When I watched your television last night, I did some other things too.” Even with her head down he saw Celestia peek up at him with curiosity. She saw him looking at her and quickly turned her gaze back to the floor. “I noticed a remarkable difference between your room and your sister’s room.” Celestia couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped her, “She does prefer a darker colour scheme, Master.” Moonsilver nonchalantly added, “She has that little trap door in the celling.” Celestia froze and her face went beet red. She remembered the time she investigated some strange noises in her sister’s room. It came back to her like it was yesterday. “I’m going to teach you to fly, Leelee,” announced Luna. “I’m Tinkerbell,” shouted Cheerilee. “Yes, we can go with that.” Luna saw they had a peeping audience but said nothing about it to her pet as she smacked Cheerilee’s ass with a cane. “Higher, Mistress,” called out Cheerilee like a little girl on a swing. What Celestia saw was Cheerilee hanging upside down on a trapeze. There was no fear of her falling off as her ankles were tied to her thighs. Luna’s cane hit as her pet reached her backward height. The stroke of the cane helped to propel Cheerilee forward. Celestia quietly closed the door and returned to her room. She had a date with a vibrator. Celestia shook herself from the memory and peeked back up at her Master. “Yes, she does, Master.” The smile could be heard in Moonsilver’s words. “I saw a similar door on the wall too. Very interesting human, your sister. Is it her or her pet that has them so adventurous?” “I think they try to top each other, Master,” whispered Celestia. “Could be,” said Moonsilver. I did notice you and your sister have one thing in common. A box of interesting items in your closet. Only it seems that Luna’s is a bit, how you say, better stocked?” Celestia’s knees nearly buckled. It had been a long time since she looked in Luna’s toy box, and that experience kept her away ever since. She couldn’t even start to imagine what Moonsilver may have found in Luna’s closet. She didn’t know what to say to that, so she remained silent. Moonsilver removed his earlier rope work. “I think it would be fitting for you to serve your punishment in your sister’s room. Go there and stand at the foot of the bed, facing the bed.” He could see the indecision and fear run through his pet’s body. In the end he wasn’t sure if it was determination or hopelessness that won out as she moved off to Luna’s room. He, himself, was unsure if he was helping his pet find her self-worth or if he was dragging her deeper into the pit of despair. He turned to Celestia’s room and prayed to the gods that he knew what he was doing. Moonsilver entered Luna’s room and his pet was dutifully standing at the foot of the bed facing away from him. He brought the rope out of Celestia’s room along with a couple of her toys. He knew the rest of the toys he needed were in Luna’s closet. “Are you ready to receive your punishment, pet?” Celestia’s voice was barely above a whisper, “Yes, Master.” “We shall see,” the centaur said as he set the items, he brought, on the floor behind Celestia. Not once did she turn her head. Moonsilver moved over to the panel on the wall and opened it. One switch opened the panel on the ceiling to reveal a hook and winch. A second switch set the winch in motion as he lowered the hook to the centre of the bed. He watched Celestia track its movement. He stopped it about two feet above the bed cover. If Celestia saw that trapeze she was going to shout her safe word and run and hide in a corner somewhere. When she saw Moonsilver out of the corner of her eye approach the side of the bed, all he had in his hands was rope. Determination to stand her ground filled Celestia’s spirit. “Lie down in the centre of the bed on your back,” commanded Moonsilver. Celestia quickly did as she was told, but while doing so she could see him enter Luna’s closet. Celestia knew that was where her sister kept her toy box. When he held the trapeze bar in his hand Celestia broke out in a cold sweat. She couldn’t do this! “Nice of your sister to keep a spreader bar,” said Moonsilver. “Then it would be difficult to use when doing self-bondage.” He placed it on the bed. He saw Celestia was going into a full-blown panic. Moonsilver barked out his orders, “Hands above your head clasping. Knees bent ninety degrees and spread your legs.” ‘Spreader bar. It’s a spreader bar and not a trapeze bar.’ She started to giggle as her body relaxed. ‘There is nothing to be afraid of.’ Moonsilver shouted out his command again, and Celestia’s body tensed up at the volume, but she quickly complied this time. The centaur’s glare was moving her back into fear, but now it was the fear of disappointing her Master. “Such a naughty pet you are,” said Moonsilver in a low voice. “Dreaming about your punishment?” His smile turned sinister as he put some lengths of rope on the bed. “It is time to begin.” He worked methodically on Celestia’s lower body. First, he secured the spreader bar between her ankles and then her ankles were tied to her thighs so she couldn’t extend her legs. A simple binding under each knee meant his pet couldn’t retract her legs either. This was followed up with a waist binding that was several strands wide. From there two long ends were tied to the spreader bar. “Your excitement is apparent.” The strong blush across Celestia’s face let him know he was moving in the right direction. Celestia couldn’t help but blush as Moonsilver stood looking between her spread legs. This was nothing like the list bit of rope play where the knots had teased her. Only smooth bindings like cuffs or a belt touched her flesh now. She was uncertain what the purpose of it was. With her legs at an angle and the ropes from waist to ankles would make his entry difficult. Her eyes followed as Moonsilver moved to her hands above her head on the bed. Moonsilver ran a series of carefully crafted figure eights between her wrists. He kept her hands a few inches apart. Once that was done, he wove the rope back and forth between and around the rope between Celestia’s wrists till it formed a bar between her wrists. He then brought her hands up, so they were just below the hook. He tied some rope around the weave between her wrists through the hook. Taking the loose rope between waist and ankles he found a nice balance point and tied the rope from her wrists to bring both strands together. He took that rope back to her wrists to finish the binding. When Moonsilver ran the rope though the hook she knew he was going to suspend her. That would make it nearly impossible for him to have sex with her, which was the punishment she most wanted from him. She watched him move around as he appraised his work. That gave her some comfort knowing he wanted to keep her safe, which mixed with anxiety as to what he would do once she was in the air. At last, Moonsilver judged his work complete. Most of Celestia’s weight would be suspended at her waist, and there would be an even split between her wrists and ankles. He would need a few hours of her in this position, and time would tell if she was able to tough it out. He smiled as he knew she was stronger than first appearances would show. The centaur moved over to the wall panel and flipped the switch to lift Celestia off the bed. The bindings proved true and her butt was the last thing that left the bed. She was in a very nice reclining position. She would easily see everything he did, and he would easily see her expressions when he did them. “Now my naughty pet, you will pay dearly for your crimes,” said Moonsilver. He watched her body shiver in anticipation. Her arousal was apparent with her erect nipples and glistening between her legs. He showed her the first toy that he took from Celestia’s closet. A series of beads tied together with a strong string. The beads got larger as the moved along the string. “You have expressed a desire to have that hole filled, so it is no surprise I found this in your closet.” Celestia well knew about the anal beads. It was something that scratched her itch. Easy to insert and you had total control on how fast you pulled them back out. She watched him sniff the beads and was never so happy to be a clean freak. Moonsilver held Celestia steady with one hand as he put his muzzle between her legs. He lavished his tongue across her labia and through her ass crack. He didn’t penetrate her, but he left her sopping wet. He then popped the beads into his mouth and slowly pulled them out. He could see the effect his little show was having on his pet. Moonsilver pushed the smallest bead at the end of the string past Celestia’s anal ring. With a methodical slowness he pushed in each bead and never took his eyes off his pet’s face. The speed that Moonsilver was working at was very unsatisfying for Celestia. She could only hope that he would pull them out a lot faster than he was inserting them. She blocked her own view of the sting of beads going in, so she counted each one. When the twelfth went in she shivered in anticipation of them being pulled out. They didn’t come out. Instead, Moonsilver reached for some other items. Celestia grunted in frustration. “I found these in your sister’s closet. They look like a lot of fun,” Moonsilver said as he presented the items. The nipple clamps didn’t surprise her. She had seen both Luna and Cheerilee wear them on occasion. Usually at school under their clothes when the weather allowed for bulkier clothing. It was the other object that set her to struggle in her binds. He had a feather and she was beyond ticklish. All her struggles did was set her into a slow spin. Moonsilver’s laughter at her expense reddened her cheeks again. “Those nipples are so erect I thought you might be cold.” Moonsilver placed the clamps on each nipple. “Here is a bit of ‘clothing’ to help warm them up.” He didn’t hear a squeak of pain from his pet, but instead a moan of pleasure. That meant it must be the other object that set her to struggle. He waved the feather and lightly bopped his pet on the nose. “I’m now ready to begin, and I hope you’re ready to receive your punishment.” Celestia was not ready for this! She was expecting a tight rope bondage and another spanking. She was not prepared for torture! Her safe word was at the tip of her tongue. Only fear of rejection from the one she loved held her back. She fought back the tears to tough it out. Moonsilver ducked his head down so only the top of it along with his ears were in view. One hand rested on her lower belly with his thumb over her clitoris, the other still held the feather. This would be Moonsilver’s first time testing his pet’s tolerance. He took hold of the string of beads with his teeth and pressed his thumb against Celestia clitoral hood. The other hand pushed the feather into her vaginal canal. Her body tensed up when she squeaked and with that, he pulled out the first bead, only to have his tongue push it back in. Celestia had seen her sister engage in tickle play with Cheerilee. When she did that, Cheerilee’s only safe word was to lose control of her bladder. Moonsilver wasn’t doing that. He either didn’t know how to do tickle play, or that wasn’t his plan at all. Instead the feather felt like a ghost entering her with its light touch. The anal bead coming out was much more familiar to her, only instead of removing the string, he just pushed the bead back in. That wasn’t at all satisfying. Moonsilver continued to work one bead in and out with his mouth. With his one hand the thumb worked the top of her cleft. The other hand twirled the feather and moved it in and out. When he thought it to wet, Moonsilver used Celestia’s ribs to dry it off. Her squirming soon had him erect. The anal beads were proving to be more frustration than pleasure. Still, his one hand playing with her clitoris and the feather proved to be much more pleasurable. She whined when he pulled the feather out, but she could see where it was going. His one hand kept her from squirming out of the way as the feather slid along her ribs. Even wet it was so very ticklish. Celestia’s burst of laughter only seemed to encourage him. Moonsilver continued to work Celestia with the thumb, feather, and beads. One thing he know about his pet was when she was going to cum. The way her toes scrunched up was just adorable. His slow methodical work would not stem that tide as she built up to an orgasm. When she neared the brink his one hand moved from her belly to a breast. A flick at the nipple clamps ended her orgasm as she was filled with pain instead. Her cry was music to his ears. His hand returned to her belly as he continued to play with her cleft. Celestia screamed. The nipple clamps were much more painful than she ever imagined. She was almost there! It was a different agony as he slowly built her up. The agony from the clamps was all consuming. That pain faded as pleasure returned. At least now he would pull two or three beads before he pushed them back in. Soon the pain at her breasts was forgotten as the pleasure inside her rekindled. Time was very much on his side. The cycle was easy to repeat, and the amount of time when he flicked her breasts was slowly shrinking. He did look for a variety of places to dry off the feather. It seemed that his pet’s entire body may be a tickle spot. Not that he was going to complain about that. Time passed between Celestia’s shouts of pain and moans of pleasure. He judged that at least two hours of time had passed before his pet had reached the point where he needed to apply more pain than pleasure to keep away her orgasm. It was time enough. He pulled the feather out and replaced it with a couple of fingers from his other hand and he ripped all the beads out with his mouth. Even bound he could see Celestia’s body arch with an intense orgasm. Her cry of pleasure almost as loud as her earlier cries of pain. When Celestia didn’t know which way was up, she felt the feather withdrawal and replaced by something far more solid. It was the sudden removal of all the beads that put her over the edge. An orgasm so intense she was certain she sprayed all the way to her own bedroom. The beads were also replaced by something more solid. Those fingers in each hole worked her through a second and then a third orgasm before they slowed their assault. She was in a dreamlike state. Never had it took so long to achieve, nor felt more intense once achieved. While doubts about herself were not so easily pushed to the side, any doubts about her Master’s love for her were washed away like words written in sand washed away by the tide. Moonsilver let both his hands continue to do the talking. Even a face full of Celestia’s fluids didn’t deter him. He was very pleased with how long he was able to make his pet go without giving her the orgasm she so desperately needed. Once she had coursed through her fourth, he finally withdrew his fingers. Moonsilver moved over to the wall to lower his pet back to the bed. He reversed the undoing of the binds as he watched the glow on his pet’s face. Her eyes looked to infinity. With the last of the ropes removed, Moonsilver climbed onto the bed and pulled his pet close to him. “Your punishment is complete, my love.” Celestia couldn’t find words to express her feelings, so she pulled herself closer to him and lost herself in his embrace. This is what true love was. This is what she would hold onto in her life. A life she wanted to live. So much was taken out of her that sleep soon came to claim her. In the safety of his arms she was free to dream of the pleasures in life. > Chapter 17 - The Harvest Festival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Principal Celestia drove her battered old faded blue station wagon – affectionately dubbed ‘Rosie’ - out of the city of Canterlot towards Camp Everfree, she couldn’t help but reflect on how crazy the last few days had been. She laughed quietly to herself. Even for her crazy upside down life, the last few days had been, as her mother would have described, a doozy. A quick glance to the passenger seat only reinforced how crazy the seventy two hours had been. Her ‘twin’ smiled back at her from the car seat and that alone was enough to unnerve her, or it might have, had Princess Celestia not been projecting that aura of calm serenity that almost seemed like a physical presence. ‘How does she do that?’ Principal Celestia thought to herself as she drove along the quiet streets. It was late afternoon, or early evening, depending on your point of view, but even so they were blessed with very little traffic. Still, she had to wonder how her equine counterpart did it. Nothing seemed to flap her. She took everything in stride with that serene smile that seemed to warm your soul. Even though they looked alike, on the surface at any rate, that was just one of the many things that set the two women apart. The Principal marvelled at how the Princess allowed nothing to disquiet her. While she herself worried, and stressed, and wrung her hands, the Princess was as a calm mill pond. When they eventually reached the security gate that demarked the entrance to the camp, Principal Celestia stopped Rosie and she got out to open the gate. She offered up silent thanks to Gloriosa and Timber that, as promised, the gate guard was absent for the day. Not that she minded Burnt Oak looking at her in her skimpy swimsuit and wrap combo, but seeing two of her would have raised questions. With the gate open, she got back in and drove through, stopping just long enough to close it behind them. “No one will disturb us,” she affirmed, speaking for what felt like the first time in hours as she drove to the parking lot. Princess Celestia, who had insisted upon being called ‘Celly’ while she was in the human world, gazed impassively out of the car’s window. Like she always did, she surveyed the scene, took it all in, down to the smallest detail. “And this forest is where the centaurs are living now, Tia?” Principal Celestia looked where her counterpart was looking and smiled. Not just because her voice sounded like warm honey drizzled over fresh hot pancakes. ‘I’m sure I don’t sound like that…’ she thought, ‘She even sounds better than me, she’s like super-me…’ “This is just one of the places they live in now, Celly. They originally appeared on the other side of the world, in a country called Greece.” “One moment while I amend my notes!” piped up the third woman in the car. Princess Twilight, who was sat in the backseat, had a large red covered book open and her pen was scribbling quickly across the page. The only reason she had been silent this whole time they had been travelling was because she had been frantically taking notes on everything she had seen on the way. As the sound of pen scratching on parchment filled the car, Princess Celestia giggled, “Never change, Twilight.” Even though she joined in with the good natured giggles, Principal Celestia couldn’t help but feel a twinge of resentment towards her other self. ‘Even her giggles are musical…’ It was just another facet in which she felt inferior, like a cheap copy. A facsimile given form. She banished that twisted thought to the back of her mind and forced a smile. “I can give you books on the country in question, if you like, Twilight.” “Oh!” Princess Twilight exclaimed, the innate scholar excited at the prospect of learning something new. “Yes, yes. That would be...” she paused when she saw her old mentor laughing in the passenger seat, “I mean, for research purposes, of course.” “Or book forts.” Having for the moment banished her demons back to the dark nether regions of her mind, Principal Celestia laughed, “You can do research in book forts!” Twilight groaned and tried her best to hide behind her big red book. Her pen never stopped moving though. “Now I'm being double teamed…” “Nice to be the one doing it for a change,” Principal Celestia commented as she steered her car into the parking space she always used, “I've been on the receiving end of Lulu and Cheerilee's teasing for ages.” “I know what you mean about Luna,” Princess Celestia replied to her counterpart with a knowing twinkle in her eyes. She had lost count of the amount of exploding cakes, fake scrolls, joke mirrors and Tartarus knew what other pranks her sister had played on her over the centuries. “Cheerilee is just happy to get a book back that Twilight borrows.” “One time!” Twilight exclaimed in protest, “Just one time and it never goes away!” “Your sister is a teasing pranking pain in the ass too?” asked Principal Celestia with a wry smile on her face. She didn’t know why, as she killed Rosie’s engine and placed her car keys in her shoulder bag, but the knowledge that her counterpart had to deal with the same nonsense that she did made her feel so much better. It was almost like there was a cosmic rule that no matter what dimension she was in, Luna was a pain. “Very much a pain in the flank,” the Princess confirmed, again thinking of the last time she had been caught out by a joke scroll that had blown up, covering her in black soot. “When she gets with Pinkie and Dashie, Equestria trembles,” Twilight shuddered in the back. “It seems our worlds are more similar than first glances would seem to indicate,” Principal Celestia opined as she got out and opened the passenger doors for her two honoured guests. “I think I could write a dissertation on how culture designs transportation vehicles,” Twilight smiled as she got out of the backseat and stretched her legs. She was sure to snatch up the handful of books she had bought with her from Equestria, from her own personal library in her Crystal Castle. The castle that Rainbow Dash had affectionately dubbed the ‘Fortress of Friendship’. “Maybe after we deal with Scorpan's followers, Princess?” Twilight hugged her books to her chest and she rolled her eyes at her former teacher’s jibe. “I can multitask.” Just like, at that moment, she was running three such dissertations in her head. One, on the nature of weather that wasn’t governed by Pegasi, another on the aforementioned similarities between transport vehicles and a third on inter-dimensional languages and why English was the same as Equish, or vice-versa. Principal Celestia giggled, though those little demons scratching at the back of her head made the smile somewhat forced. “So very similar. Now, you see the lake?” she asked, pointing to the lake past the dock, “We're going around that to the north where those large trees are.” “Don't fear,” Princess Celestia placed a comforting hand on her counterpart’s shoulder. She saw the strained look in her eyes, heard the tightness in her voice, the tensing of her shoulders. She saw the signs but believed she was stressed over the current situation, which, bizarre as it was, was understandable. “We will be able to find our way back here should we be separated for some reason. Please lead the way, Tia, as you're someone they know.” Nodding her head, the Principal led the way. She was happy to be in front, because that meant she didn’t have to look at the literal goddess that walked behind her. ‘You’re being stupid, Tia…you’re being jealous of yourself! But she isn’t me,’ she told herself, ‘She’s me plus, a perfect me, a me that I’ll never be…’ “You know,” she spoke to the younger woman in order to distract herself, “Twilight, I'm actually quite interested in why the portal always seems to send you here wearing the same clothes.” Twilight laughed at that. “Yes, Sunset had an idea around the portal in order to make money. She made me strip one night before I went back. Then, when I returned she thought she could rack up a line of clothing to sell. Only problem was, the clothing I stripped off disappeared when I returned.” “Huh,” the Principal mulled that over for a second, shooting the Princess a sideways look. Princess Celestia had worn an almost exact copy of her CHS school uniform when she had appeared through the portal three days ago. That had been swiftly discarded in favour of a skimpy red swimsuit. “I'm happy to go with "it's magic".” When they got to the edge of the trees, she paused. “I'm afraid here we must disrobe. Centaurs don't wear clothing except for ceremonial purposes.” Twilight perked up, brushing her hair over her ears and readying her pen on the page of her notebook. “The centaurs don't hold to the human taboos regarding nudity?” “They do not,” Principal Celestia duly removed her swimsuit and her wrap that had been covering her body until she was standing naked but for her sandals and her ever-present collar. “Can I keep my shoulder bag?” asked Twilight, hefting her full bag on one shoulder and holding her books under the other arm. “Of course you can,” the Principal replied as she placed her swimsuit and her wrap in her own bag. “You can still bring your notebook too,” she snickered. “When in Roma…” Without a care in the world, Princess Celestia undressed, slipping off her own swimsuit, just like Twilight did beside her. “I remember one time I was here, I was going to walk out of gym naked and I thought Rarity was going to burst.” Princess Twilight giggled behind her hand. Now that they were naked, Principal Celestia couldn’t help but notice Princess Celestia's awesome body. Though they were the same height, that was where the similarities ended. She couldn’t help but look down and compare those perfectly round gravity defying D cup breasts to her sagging ones, those perfect six pack abs and flat belly to her own pudgy pot belly, the toned ass to her wide behind, the pastel coloured hair that didn’t have a touch of grey anywhere and, worst of all, far worse than any of that, was her eyes. No wrinkles adorned that perfect face, no crow’s feet, no age lines, no bags under her eyes…No scars on her wrists and forearms. In short, Principal Celestia wanted to run away and hide. ‘She’s a lot prettier than you are…’ came that ever-present voice in her head. “Ahem...well...this way, shall we?” she led the way around the trees, every step reinforcing just how ugly and wretched she was. ‘Look at the state of you compared to her…she’s perfect, and you…you’re you!’ “Hello self-loathing my old friend...” she muttered under her breath as she rounded the trees. When she saw Moonsilver and, beside him, Equinox, Principal Celestia was all smiles. She wasn’t at all surprised that his father would be there with his son to greet them, as he was a member of the Council of Elders. “Moonsilver! Equinox!” she squealed and rushed over, embracing her lover in a tight hug, “May I introduce my two guests from Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight Sparkle,” she gestured to them both in turn. “You could be her sister,” Moonsilver greeted Princess Celestia with a bow of his head, which was returned in kind, though he was more concerned at the moment why his lover’s smile was not reaching her eyes. “And you,” he addressed Twilight with a similar bow, “You look like one of the ones that was in camp last week.” “They do look remarkably similar, son.” Equinox commented quietly to Moonsilver, glancing between the two tall white skinned women. “Princesses,” Celestia cleared her throat loudly, though she looked away from them – she didn’t want to look at Princess Celestia any longer than she had to – and occupied herself with her lover’s broad chest, “This is Moonsilver, my beloved, and his father Equinox. He has a seat on the council.” Princess Celestia took a moment to appraise the two centaur stallions. For all intents and purposes, they were exactly like Tirek in appearance. “I see little has changed since Scorpan took his followers through the portal.” Somewhat predictably, Twilight was scribbling notes in her book, complete with hastily drawn diagrams. Equinox treated Princess Celestia to a low, respectful bow. “I am told you were present when Scorpan met with Starswirl the Bearded to request asylum for our kind, Princess Celestia.” “I was,” the Princess curtseyed respectfully to the elder centaur, “As was my sister, it was fifteen hundred years ago, though I recall it like it was yesterday. Not long after we defeated Discord, did Lord Tirek plan his folly.” Quickly, Equinox held up his hands in a pleading gesture. “If you please, Princess, we don't use the Destroyer's name.” Curiously, Celestia tilted her head to one side as if deep in thought. All the while, Twilight’s pen never stopped moving. “I've reached a point in my life where names hold no power. Still,” she acquiesced, “I can and will honour your wishes. Much has changed over fifteen hundred years, then I think that is for more ears than yours, Equinox.” Equinox sighed deeply when he recognised the truth of her words. “The Council of Elders is a scared bunch of centaurs, thanks to the failing magic. But that is why you're here,” he gestured to the forest behind him, “It's my pleasure to be able to invite you to our Harvest Festival,” “I will of course be delighted to attend.” As he was busy hugging his Celestia, Moonsilver coughed none to delicately in his father’s direction. Both centaurs shared a wry smile between them. “And you and your notebook are welcome as well, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight though, oblivious with her nose in her notebook, kept writing. “Yes, yes of course…” “Maybe there will be some refreshments?” asked Celestia curiously, just to see if Twilight would write that in her book too. “Of course,” Equinox smiled graciously, though the twinkle remained in his eyes, “There will be a mighty feast provided by the Hunters and the Farmers,” he chuckled as he turned to lead the way into the forest proper, “Tell the notebook it can bring it's Princess too.” “Father!” Moonsilver exclaimed, facepalming while beside him, his pet simply giggled. Walking along, Twilight snorted as they broke the treeline and entered the forest, “It doesn't go anywhere without me.” Princess Celestia walked beside Equinox, wisely leaving her counterpart and Moonsilver alone. “I must caution you, Equinox, she does have a biting wit. Like a paper cut.” As his father and the two Princesses laughed at the shared joke, Moonsilver nuzzled Celestia’s cheek and he whispered into her ear, “This is not what I was expecting from royalty. Then again, I confess I’m not sure what I expected.” Glad to be walking with her lover, Celestia returned the whisper while Equinox and the Princesses fell into idle chit chat, each sharing some small talk about things that the Principal wasn’t interested in. “Me neither, Master, if I'm honest. My counterpart who could be my long lost sister isn't what I was expecting, either.” Lowering a hand, Moonsilver openly groped his pet’s wide fleshy behind, uncaring as to whom might be watching. “I think the council will be surprised too.” The moment she felt his firm strong hand squeeze her fat ass cheek, Celestia let out a soft pleasured moan. Despite that thought, she couldn’t quite stop those evil little tendrils from worming their way into her brain and spreading their poison. “I thought she would look more...like me, not um...like she was sculpted perfection…” Moonsilver caught the way she all but spat the last two words. He caught it and he was determined, by the Great Forest, to do something about it. “That is a good word for her, sculpted. She is very…angular.” He snickered and allowed his hand to slide up from her ass, along her back and eventually it stopped just under her long hair at her grey collar. “Lacking in any of the sensuous curves. Soft squishy curves that I adore…” Twilight glanced back at them and, blushing, she returned to her writing. “I know, and you're right.” Knowing he was right though didn’t stop her blushing and squeezing his hand in hers. “It's just...my old demons, that's all, Master.” Moonsilver knew well the demons of which she spoke. It was those same demons he had seen when she had appeared before him broken and reduced almost to tears after he had met Roseluck. “Demons I shall see slain.” “I'm getting a spanking later, aren't I?” Celestia asked, well aware she was in for a punishment, she just hoped that whatever it was, it would be more merciful than the orgasm denial he had forced her to endure. Anything but that! Solemnly, Moonsilver nodded. “The demons must be slain, my pet.” He then gave her a big kiss lick along the side of her face. At the slurping noise, Twilight glanced up from her notebook, saw what was happening, blushed hard, and quickly went back to her writing. “Do you need to be there to assist the Princesses from the portal?” “There with the Council of Elders you mean?” Distracted from dwelling on her demons by the question, she shook her head, “I sincerely hope not.” She giggled, for she could imagine no greater torture. “I deal with stuffy councils all the time. I'd much rather mingle with you and your sister and enjoy the festival.” Moonsilver snickered, for judging by her tone, the human councils and the centaur ones sounded very much alike. “Then, in that case, there is a bar we should visit instead. You've already met the bartender, and I hope there is a stallion there you can share a drink with.” He smiled fondly when he thought of Shadewalker. True, they had recently had their differences, but they had put those behind them and become kin once more. “That's why we have our distinguished guests,” Celestia was never so glad that those guests were there. “They can have the joy of the council. I want to share a drink with Honeyside.” She hugged Moonsilver’s strong muscular arm. “Is this stallion a friend?” she assumed he must be, if he wanted her to meet him. “Friend, enemy, brother, it depends on time of day, really,” the pale grey centaur snickered, recalling the recent disagreements he’d had with his fellow Hunter. “He was very unhappy about you, then again, you exposed the truth. A hard mouthful to chew.” “He sounds like the sort you want in your corner,” Celestia commented as they walked past the large standing stones and walked on into the forest proper. She had passed the air stones so many times now that she hardly noticed the fuzzy feeling she experienced that was the Equestrian magic trying to conceal the centaurs. “If I know Shadewalker, and I do, he watched us enter and is even now heading towards the bar, or fleeing it.” Almost on reflex, Celestia looked around, expecting to see someone else stood somewhere watching them. All she saw was Princess Twilight scribbling furiously in her notebook, no doubt describing the sensations she had just experienced upon passing the stones. “But…I haven't seen anyone else.” “Shadewalker isn't named 'Shadow' without just cause, Tia.” “So he's a Hunter, like you?” “Yes, and possibly even better.” Moonsilver paused after he made that admission out loud. After a few seconds, the lack of an 'I told you so' meant he wasn't near. He laughed, because he knew that there was no way in all the forest that he would resist such an opportunity. “In that case, I must thank him for not shooting me.” Celestia commented as they made their way smoothly and effortlessly through the trees. Even she was having less difficulty than normal negotiating her way through the ferns and the shrubbery of the forest floor, going deeper than she ever had before. “Don’t worry, my love, I already have.” Moonsilver placed a kiss on his pet’s lips and very gently, he began to steer her away in a different direction to the one his father was taking the Princesses. “This way, I'm sure Honeyside would like to meet you without something shoved up her.” As he snickered at his own joke, Principal Celestia raised her hand in a parting wave to the Princesses and especially to Equinox and, obligingly, she walked alongside her Master through the outskirts of the camp to the Bee and Barb inn. “Speaking of which, I have something for her in my bag.” “Did your sister return used goods?” he snarked, an eyebrow raised as if tempting her into a joke. “Certainly not!” Celestia giggled, “Let’s just say it’s a toy more suited to her size.” “If I didn't know better, I'd say that was a fat joke.” “Master...as if I would,” Celestia said reproachfully as they entered the centaur camp proper, unopposed. “Oh...” she had to confess, from all that she had heard from Moonsilver, Honeyside and Equinox, it wasn’t at all what she had been expecting. There were the tree houses – or house trees – like the one she had stayed in with Moonsilver grouped together in what she recognised was a loose street, with a thoroughfare between them, like a road. Some were dwellings, others she recognised as shops, with rabbit and birds hanging outside, one that clearly had art on display and another she saw was an apothecary. “Not that different from the camp by the lake.” Moonsilver squeezed her hand and led her in further and, after a few paces, a lot of the centaurs that had been milling around stopped what they were doing to stare at the human in their midst. “Forgive me, Silver, but I was expecting guards with bows, demanding I declare myself on pain of death…” Celestia looked around and, thinking of no better course of action, waved at those she guessed where in last minute prep mode for the festival that was mere hours away. No sooner had she said that than a particularly bold young sky blue centaur filly walked up to them. She looked no more than seven or eight, by Celestia’s best guess, though she couldn’t be absolutely sure. “Who’s that, Moonsilver?” she squeaked out as bold as brass, while the adults watched more warily. “This human is called Celestia, Swiftcreek,” Moonsilver answered the little filly, “She is a guest of the council.” A stallion, who was as green as the leaves on the trees with a wheat coloured mane spoke up next, “Is this about the failing stones?” “Yes, Grainseed, it is.” As Moonsilver spoke, more and more centaurs stopped what they were doing to watch. Some, the braver ones, took a few steps towards the strange visitor. The really brave ones – the youngsters – came right up to Celestia and shook her hand. A pure white filly who looked older than Swiftcreek gave her a wreath of leaves and flowers to wear. “I'm sure the council will have an announcement for us later.” A mare, just as white as the filly who had given Celestia the wreath, ushered the filly behind her in a protective gesture that the filly blatantly ignored. “Why is she here then?” “She was the escort for the representatives of her kind, Softsnow.” Moonsilver smiled broadly, not at Softsnow, but at her filly, Snowdrift, who had just quietly given Celestia a flower bracelet to wear on her wrist. “Now she has some free time before the festival and I'm taking her to the Bee and Barb.” “Oh my...” Somewhat overwhelmed by the reception she was getting, Celestia very carefully set the wreath on her head so that it wouldn’t fall off. In spite of Moonsilver’s insistence they were going to the bar, she took a moment to shake hands with those that said hello, and she made sure to speak without the use of the language stone. “I'm very pleased to meet you all,” she smiled, aware from her time as a languages teacher at CHS that the ability to use a native tongue was always appreciated. “She talks funny momma!” said a filly nearby that Celestia couldn’t see amid the press of bodies around her that were following them to the tavern. “Her mouth isn’t like ours,” said a tall chestnut brown mare, obviously replying to her unseen daughter’s comment, “So you should be understanding.” As they walked through the camp towards the tavern, Celestia thought the filly, her mother and for that matter all the centaurs, were just adorable. “Excuse me, Grainseed, do you know my Moonsilver?” “Yes,” the stallion answered, walking alongside the couple, “He puts food on our tables just as I do. Just that his food tries to run away, while mine waits patiently for me.” Celestia burst out laughing, “You're a farmer? Pardon me, but I didn't want to be caught assuming.” She supposed that Grainseed was something of a farmer’s name, but along those lines, there was nothing about ‘Moonsilver’ that screamed Hunter. “You are of the water school, then, Grainseed? From what Moonsilver tells me and what I understand of your society.” “So stereotypical!” Grainseed raised a hand to his head in a dramatic sigh before he joined in with Celestia’s good natured laughter. “I'm actually with the earth school, but it’s true that most farmers are of the water school.” Moonsilver gently squeezed his pet’s hand, “Schooling and profession don't always go hand in hand, Tia.” Celestia giggled and, when he squeezed her hand – an almost imperceptible gesture – he may as well have spanked her behind raw. “There goes my chance to show off!” she breezed, glad that Grainseed was taking it in good humour. “I believed the earth school were the creators of the houses you live in. Silver gave me an earth stone and I grew a plant!” The very second she said that, her comment was met by a lot of murmurs, some whispered, some not so much. “She can use the stones?” Grainseed asked, caught a little off guard. Internally, Moonsilver facepalmed, though he was very tempted to place his palm on his lover’s backside. “Some say the stones are failing,” though he addressed Grainseed, he was speaking to the centaurs as a whole, “But I think it’s more a case that their magic is spreading, and as it spreads the force is weakening.” “I can, Grainseed, though I'm sure I'm just an amateur,” Celestia replied, “I think Silver is right, that the magic is spreading.” Almost immediately, there were several shouts of 'what does that mean?’ from the centaurs. Moonsilver lifted up his hands and requested silence from them, his friends and peers. “It means the Council of Elders is meeting with the representatives from Equestria to see what the best solution is for us and for the humans. Now,” he all but dragged his lover to the tavern, “I'm parched and in need of a cider.” Skilfully, Celestia deigned to allow Moonsilver to handle all that noise. Instead, she quietly opened the door of the tavern and stood aside for him. “Allow me,” she said with a wink, “Master.” “Well,” Honeyside greeted them both warmly as they walked inside her bar, Celestia she hugged like a sister, “She wears the collar well, Moony.” “As well as she should,” commented a powerfully built and very intimidating-looking dark grey centaur stallion from a nearby table. “Watch it Shade, I'm not so old I can't escort you out by an ear.” Shadewalker chuckled at Honeyside. Everyone knew that in her tavern, she was the Queen. Even the High Elder knew not to question her in her domain. “Drinks for those two,” he gestured to Celestia and Moonsilver, then to the rest who had followed them inside, “The rest of you can buy your own.” “Why, thank you!” Celestia looked at Moonsilver and then at Shadewalker and she put two and two together in her head. “This is the stallion you wished me to meet, Master?” “Yes, a friend from my foalhood.” Moonsilver walked over to his kinsman and they greeted each other with a clasped forearm and a nuzzle, a nuzzle that Celestia noticed the dark grey centaur held far longer than Moonsilver did. “Voice of reason, and a fine pessimist to my optimism.” Honeyside snorted as she prepared the drinks that Shadewalker had requested. She already knew Moonsilver’s preferred cider, so that was easily done. “Like two peas in a pod, only as different as night and day.” Shadewalker casually inspected his master-crafted longbow propped at the side of the table. “I enjoy hunting at night.” “You sound like my sister and I.” Celestia smiled and she held out her hand in greeting as she sat down at the table on a seat opposite the dark grey Hunter. “I’m very pleased to meet you. I'm Celestia, though I prefer Tia.” “Very well, Prefer Tia.” Shadewalker was smiling broadly as he pushed the mug of cider her way that Honeyside had just placed on the table and then he gave the other one to Moonsilver. “Can the human take strong drink?” Moonsilver thought back to Berryshine’s beer and how strong that was and he had to really struggle to not snort his mouthful over the table. “From what I've seen the human may drink us under the bar, Shadow.” Likewise, Celestia was thinking of Berryshine’s beer and, also she was laughing at Shadewalker’s joke as she laughed out loud in the bar. “I like you!” she took the mug and lifted it up to her lips without hesitation. “To the Great Forest, may she forever watch over us.” Salute given, she swallowed a good mouthful of the cider and found it to her liking. “You’ve taught her manners,” Shadewalker said with a smile in his voice and a twinkle in his eyes. “You have to have them to teach them!” Honeyside shouted from the bar, to which a great many of the patrons cheered. “It seemed the wise thing to do,” Moonsilver shrugged, “Rather than have her with an arrow in the heart.” Now it was Shadewalker’s turn to snort his drink, “You talked me out of that on day one.” “And I am very pleased he did,” Celestia said as she delicately drank her cider. “Although I trust, with your considerable skill, I would not have suffered, Shadow?” As Shadewalker blushed and turned away to hide said blush, Moonsilver couldn’t resist a further tease. “It isn't often the prey has a chance to talk back.” “Enough teasing,” Honeyside called out again, stamping her authority over her tavern before anything could get out of hand, “As I can just as easily toss the two of you out, also.” To emphasise her point, the bartender gave all three of them a very stern look. Suitably chastised, Celestia blushed, for she felt very much like she herself was back in school. “We'll behave, miss Honeyside.” She turned to Moonsilver and asked, “May I give her the present I brought now?” “You may pet,” Moonsilver acquiesced, purely because he was more than curious to see what the present was. He was hoping by the Great Forest that it would be something rude he could tease her about for a long time to come. “Knowing Honeyside, I'm sure she would love to show it off.” “Miss Honeyside,” Celestia called the bartender over to the table and, as the older centaur approached, she reached for her shoulder bag with a smile. “I had the Princesses bring this over for you,” she took out a hefty looking twenty inch long stallionator dildo, which happened to be modelled on an earth pony draft stallion. “I know you said the last one was rather small.” “Did Equinox model for that?” Shadewalker asked, staring with wide eyes at the work of art that had been placed on the table. Honeyside was suitably impressed. “No time like the present!” As Moonsilver blushed, she picked it up and reached back, slotting the red plastic toy deep inside her. She tested for the fit, loving the way the flat blunt head split her marehood apart and its girth filled her up. It certainly hit all her right spots. “Need to test for feel now. Drinks anyone?” Watching Shadewalker carefully, Celestia took note of the dark grey stallion’s appreciative look at the toy and, armed with that, and the way that he looked at Moonsilver, she made her mind up about him then and there and she swallowed her mug of cider. “I'd like another, please!” As she walked back behind her bar to fill out numerous drinks orders, Honeyside had some extra wiggles in her hips and a pep in her step, much to the applause and delight of the other patrons in the tavern. “I take it the one I used is none the worse for wear?” she asked, placing a refilled mug in front of Celestia. “Not at all!” Celestia smiled, “My sister had her pet test it for taste and she was quite satisfied.” “She's a keeper, Moony.” Honeyside sat herself down at the table, the fact that she hadn’t been invited to do so not bothering her in the slightest. “So, rumour has it you’ve brought two other humans to see the council.” It was a statement, not a question. “The rumour is not quite true,” Moonsilver said, taking a mouthful of his cider, “You may speak freely, pet.” “We bought two humans, yes,” Celestia spoke up now hat permission had been given. She had learned her lesson in that regard! “But, they are Princesses from Equestria, here to see the council about the issues with the errant magic running wild over the city.” “Equestria,” Shadewalker put in, “But there were no humans in Equestria.” “No, Shadow, but the portal changes the pony's physical form to match that of humans when they come through. Why it didn't alter your kind…I can only guess at.” Honeyside, as perceptive as Celestia, watched the human as she glanced between Moonsilver and Shadewalker. She saw the look on one stallion’s face and the obliviousness on the other. “Moony, your sister stopped by earlier. She has two boar and a deer at the butchers. Please go to Sharp Knife and collect them for me. I think it’ll be busy when the council finishes their business.” “Why doesn't she bring the meat?” Moonsilver asked, reluctant to get up now that he was comfortable and sat with his ‘mare’. Honeyside just laughed it off, “Maybe some Treesinger has something to do with that?” Recognising defeat, Moonsilver shook his head. For a quiet life it was easiest just to do as the bartender asked. “Will you be alright, pet?” “I promise I won't get lost,” Celestia rolled her eyes playfully at her lover as he stood up and stretched his four legs, “Or let Honeyside steal me away from you with her feminine whiles…” “You haven't seen her operate those feminine whiles…” Honeyside levelled a long and loud raspberry at Shadewalker and she made shooing motions at Moonsilver, who in turn rolled his eyes and he took his leave, trotting out of the tavern to the butcher. Once he was gone and well out of earshot, Honeyside wasted little time. “So, what secrets do you have now he’s gone?” “Oh, I have some gossip for you, Honeyside.” As she leant conspiratorially over the table, she couldn’t help but feel a bit underhanded and exploitative. “Moonsilver and I have entered into a herd with two of my old friends!” Yes, it was a dirty play, perhaps, but she carefully watched Shadewalker’s reaction and, sure enough, she got one. For a split second, a dark look crossed the Hunter’s eyes, then it gave way to a deep, soul heavy sigh. “It has been good to meet you, and, well, I’m pleased to not have killed you. Thanks for the drinks Honey,” he said as he made to get up, “you can put them on Moonsilver's tab.” Seeing him stand up, Celestia quickly placed her hand on Shadewalker’s arm. “How long have you been attracted to him, Shadow?” Mutely, Shadewalker’s jaw opened and closed, but no sound came out. He did not, however, walk away. “Since puberty I think,” Honeyside commented, earning herself a stern glare from the dark grey Hunter. A glare that she shrugged off without a second thought. Or a first thought, if she was honest. “And let me guess,” Celestia squeezed his forearm, “Moonsilver has absolutely no idea?” “None, unless…” seemingly defeated, he slumped back in his seat and cast an accusatory look at Honeyside, “someone told him.” Honeyside shook her head, “Not my business. I just serve drinks, but it seems not enough to loosen anyone's tongue.” “I'm sorry, Shadow.” Celestia smiled warmly and genuinely, “Loving someone who doesn't return those feelings is tough, the toughest thing ever, I see it at my school all the time.” Shadewalker stared at the table. “I would ask that neither of you say anything to Moonsilver. I will move on.” ‘Eventually,’ he thought to himself, though he had no idea how. Moonsilver was just perfect, in every way. Except that Moonsilver liked the mares and he…he loved Moonsilver. “You have my word, Shadow, that I won’t say a word.” She at last removed her hand from his arm when she was sure he wasn’t going to run away, “And thank you, for not shooting me. I appreciate that.” “I doubt that would have won Moonsilver's heart. Enough said,” Shadewalker quickly swallowed his cider and he offered his empty mug up to the bartender, “I'll have another, if you please, Honey.” “Same, please.” Requested Celestia as she too offered her mug up to Honeyside, who took them to her bar. “I trust we'll see you at the festival, Shadow?” “Of course,” Shadewalker affirmed, “then I doubt that Moonsilver told you he and I are in the festival.” “Oooh, no he didn't!” Celestia was suddenly interested in the upcoming festival. “So, what's involved? Is there dancing?” “There will be dancing for the populace after the different schools do their dances.” Honeyside stated as she set down the latest round of drinks on the table and sat back down before continuing, “The Hunters and the fire school dance first, then the Farmers and the water school. After them, it’s the Treesingers and the earth school. Last up are the Defenders and the air school. Speakers, Dreamers and Healers all dance together after the rest.” “The top five Hunters of the year will do a dance of thanks for Hunts past and for Hunts to come,” Shadewalker further explained, taking a sip of his cider. “It'll be an honour to watch,” Celestia meant that too. She was only too aware that she would be the first human to witness a centaur festival in well over a thousand years, “And I'll do my best not to get in the way.” “There will be a cord to separate the onlookers from the dancers.” “Being trodden under hoof is quite painful,” Honeyside further elaborated Shadewalker’s comment. “And not the nice kind of pain from being spanked by one!” Celestia put in, and both Shadewalker and Honeyside lost it in gales of laughter. Celestia, really quite pleased with herself, just delicately sipped her cider, though she did wonder how Honeyside was able to walk around so normally with that monster toy wedged inside her. “You're okay,” Shadewalker stated after he had finished laughing, “And I hope it does work out between the two of you.” Holding out her hand, Celestia had been around long enough to know just how high praise that statement was. “I hope we're friends for a long time, until all are one, and we join the Great Forest.” Just as Shadewalker shook the offered hand over the table, Moonsilver kicked open the door of the tavern and he walked through, burdened with the carcasses that Honeyside had sent him to the butchers for. Delighted, the bartender stood up and clapped her hands. “Lay them on the table there,” she pointed behind the bar and she called out, “Redhoof, time to get a cooking!” “See?” Celestia said as Redhoof, a young female centaur, started moving the meat to the kitchen, “I didn't get lost, I'm still here and un-whiled!” “Not for lack of trying,” Shadewalker shot Celestia and Moonsilver a sly look, “Honey has been spiking her drinks.” As they laughed, Honeyside chose to raspberry the dark grey Hunter once again. “She has tried to ply me with drink,” Celestia giggled, holding up her empty mug as evidence of such. “And I have been warned to look out for some dodgy dancing from you later.” Moonsilver looked at Shadewalker who, in returning the look, convinced Celestia that he would be excellent at poker. “Well,” the pale grey centaur grinned, “That is one less surprise. Now, you already know I can dance.” Shadewalker scoffed, “Your name is on the program.” “Oh I think I shall enjoy this!” Celestia beamed. It may have been due to the three hard ciders she had consumed. She was sure that had a lot to do with it. A lot of a lot, if her warmed cheeks were anything to go by. “I'll sit and watch with Dawn and her partner.” “Dawnie isn't dancing in the Hunter’s school, but Applewood is, she’s representing the Treesingers.” Moonsilver stated, very much looking forward to the show. Applewood was a gifted singer. That dark look came over Shadewalker’s expression once more. Talk of Dawnglow and Applewood sent his relatively buoyant mood crashing, he didn’t like to even think about Dawnglow and Applewood, because Moonsilver’s sister had found love, but he, as yet, had not. “I look forward to the day his sister makes him sit out a dance,” he deflected. “As do I, Shadow.” Celestia raised her mug in a salute to Dawnglow only to be reminded that it was empty of its contents. “She's a capable young mare.” As Moonsilver was about to answer both Shadewalker and Celestia with an extremely pithy quip, he was interrupted by the appearance of an air school elder. That in itself was extraordinary in a Hunter’s tavern. “Moonsilver,” the pure white mare with the ice blue mane announced herself, “You and Celestia are wanted at the meeting of the Council of Elders.” “Okay, Elder Winterfrost,” Moonsilver stood without question and he took Celestia’s hand and he gave her a miniscule shoulder shrug as they followed the elder out of the tavern. Walking beside her lover, Celestia couldn’t help but giggle, a stark contrast to the solemn look on Moonsilver’s face. “Why do I feel like I'm being summoned to the head teacher's office?” “I was hoping they wouldn't need us at all.” “As was I, my love,” Celestia squeezed his hand as they made their way through the camp. Unlike the last time, they were not crowded by excited onlookers. Although, the Principal suspected, that was due to Elder Winterfrost’s presence. Her aura of authority was palpable. Presently, after a few minutes’ walk, Celestia saw where they were headed. The Council Hall was, in fact, four gigantic oak trees that had been merged and manipulated by the Treesingers into a grand hall, easily the largest dwelling in the camp. Inside the Council Hall it was just as grand and impressive as Celestia had been expecting. On the walls were eight huge banners that she, correctly guessed, represented the eight schools and their magical geodes. Around a vast circular table, under each banner, was sat the High Elder of their respective school. As Winterfrost took her seat under the water banner, a truly ancient centaur mare stood up. Celestia recognised the mare standing as the Supreme Elder, not in the least because of the grand ceremonial headdress she wore but because of the glowing white Lord stone in her crown. “Moonsilver, welcome.” She greeted the pale grey Hunter and then she nodded to Celestia stood by his side. “Human, welcome. I am Chiron, Supreme Elder of this camp. I want to understand what you know about the portal back to our home world.” “Good day, Madam Elder,” Moonsilver bowed low in deference to Chiron’s station. He was pleased to see that Celestia did the same. He stood and nodded a greeting to the two Princesses who had already been seated at the round table. His father and the other lesser ranked members of the council were arranged on tiered benches either side of the central table. “I don't understand much, but what I do know, I'll gladly share.” He glanced at Celestia by his side, “I know we have lost our affinity to the portal's magic. To me, it was like it wasn't there at all.” “Principal,” Princess Celestia spoke up, her voice as timeless and serene as ever, “When I came through, you told me it was always active.” “Indeed it is,” Principal Celestia stepped forwards and just like that, fifty sets of eyes were upon her. This was familiar territory, for she was reminded greatly of the school board and the governors. Albeit here she was completely naked. “Sunset Shimmer told me that, during the incident with the sirens, Princess Twilight Sparkle made it so the portal was always open, not just every thirty moons as was the case before.” She took a deep breath, “When I placed my hand upon its surface, I could feel the magic flow up my arm. The portal opened for me, but I didn't go through it.” Princess Twilight, ever accompanied by her stack of books, stood up to address the council. “Supreme Elder, this confirms my theory that it is not the same portal. From my research Starswirl the Bearded closed the portal he sent the centaurs through and opened a new one for the sirens.” “Supreme Elder,” Principal Celestia said, again drawing the attention to her, making her wish that she sounded as calmly powerful as her counterpart, “What Princess Twilight said agrees with the theory I had. The asylum was a one way deal.” “Yes!” Princess Twilight exclaimed with a nod of her head, “Yes! so Tirek couldn't follow!” Several gasps and oaths and curses followed the Princess’s use of the name they so hated and reviled, causing Twilight to blush and hunch down in an attempt to hide behind her stack of books. “Yes, Princess,” Moonsilver inclined his head to the young monarch, “So we would be safe where He could not follow.” Supreme Elder Chiron silenced the rumbling murmurs in her council chambers with a tap of her cane on the floor. It was only a gentle gesture, but it echoed around the hall. “But now we want to return. The magic that protects us is failing all over the world.” “I'm a bit of an expert on Starswirl the Bearded’s spells,” Twilight unconsciously flexed her shoulders as if she was flexing her non-existent wings, “So I should be able to attune the portal for your people.” That silenced the assembled hall even more effectively that the Supreme Elder’s cane. “You could do that?” asked Moonsilver. “Pardon me, Supreme Elder,” Principal Celestia spoke up, “You say the magic is failing. I was given to understand it's more a case that as the world is exposed to Equestrian magic, the air stones cannot protect you because they cannot tell human from centaur.” Rather unexpectedly, High Elder Sagittarius, leader of the fire school and Master Hunter, stood and slammed his fist on the round table, so hard it made Celestia squeak and try to hide behind Moonsilver. “That is failure, human!” Again, the Supreme Elder tapped her cane on the floor and demanded order, though this time the Lord stone in her crown glowed with power. Immediately, the aged Hunter sat back down quietly. “Yes, you are technically right,” Chiron conceded, “But it matters not if are slaughtered by the humans now as we were by the Greeks before us.” “But we wou...” Moonsilver placed his strong hand firmly on Celestia's shoulder and he silenced her with a shake of his head before he addressed the council as a whole. “Past events between our peoples matters not if we have an opportunity to return whence we came, Supreme Elder.” “I know what the human was…” High Elder Agrarian, leader of the water school, quailed under the very stern glare from Moonsilver, “Er, I mean, what Celestia was going to say. The same thing that the Princesses have said. Magic of Friendship.” The Master Farmer pointed an accusatory finger at Celestia, “You're from this world. You know how xenophobic your people are.” “I will not lie. The worst of us are the worst. They don't represent all of us,” Principal Celestia found herself suddenly defending her species in front of the centaur’s accusation. Somewhat defiantly, she summoned her nerve and she held the High Elder's stare. “Just like those centaurs you send to the Wild Wood don't represent all of you.” Countless jeers and cheers greeted her words. For the third time, Supreme Elder Chiron tapped her cane and demanded order in her council. “I will have order!” she cried, silencing the hall. “This just confirms what has been said. What do you need, Princess Twilight, to help us return to our real home?” “I'll need blood samples form as many of you as possible,” Twilight started, drawing in a deep breath in preparation for a Twilight Lecture, “I have to account for genetic deviation over...” Thankfully, Princess Celestia was on hand to save the centaurs from their fate. “I think they have the idea, Twilight,” she silenced the young Princess with a hand on hers. “We have a varied community here, Princess Twilight,” Moonsilver stated, thinking quickly, “All the schools are well-represented by over a hundred of us Sat beside Princess Celestia, Twilight blinked once then twice to recover from being interrupted when she had been on the verge a good long monolog. Now, her brain had to back up and think again, something she wasn’t that good at. “Err, yes, if I could get a sample from each school, and at least three generations of each of those, that should be sufficient.” “You can take one from me, Princess,” Moonsilver stepped forward, his sentiment echoed by Sagittarius and a score of the other council members. Rolling her eyes, Supreme Elder Chiron yet again thrust her cane to the floor and the Lord stone glowed, demanding order from the assembly. “It is good of you all to volunteer, but I, along with the Healers, will organise the blood draw. You, Moonsilver, can spend time with your...with Celestia.” “How long with this take?” asked a male centaur from the side benches. It took Twilight a moment to realise the question had been directed at her. “Oh,” she blushed deeply, “me, ah, well I estimate two to three weeks, or thereabouts.” Suddenly, Principal Celestia had a flash of memory. A flash of Professor Flintheart Neighsayer. “If you could hurry it along a bit, Princess Twilight,” she said, a cold ball of sickly dread settling in her gut when, again, all the eyes were cast in her direction. “You see, we saw on the news the other day that in two weeks’ time there is to be an human expedition into this forest.” “High Elder Winterfrost,” another male shouted from the opposite bench, “We of the air school need to organise our defences!” “Yes,” Moonsilver found himself agreeing with Elder Skylark’s sentiment, “We should be well defended against rifles.” Elder Skylark though wasn’t content with that. “We can use those weapons too!” several loud murmurs of agreement rippled through the assembly like a stone dropped into a pond, “Give them to the fire school! Turn their fireboxes and bangsticks upon the savages!” The murmurs of agreement swiftly became a chorus of cheers. “No!” Supreme Elder Chiron bellowed out in a voice that was wholly mismatched to her frail form. The Lord stone glowed so brightly that it blinded everyone in the council hall. Even her eyes glowed bright white. “I will have order! The ancient centaur paused for a few moments. The silence in the hall was deafening following the shouted cheers of seconds before. When her eyes returned to normal, Chiron turned her keen gaze to the Princesses. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, in light of this new information, could you please find a solution a bit faster?” Twilight was still struggling to find her voice after the old mare’s display of power. “U-Um...” Fortunately, Princess Celestia was on hand to bail out her protégé. Idly she wondered if she could employ the old centaur as a means to get the Canterlot nobles in order during her Day Court. “Of course she can, Supreme Elder, we will all be helping her as needed.” “I have faith in your ability, Princess Twilight,” Principal Celestia spoke up and then, before she continued, she levelled her best stare at the centaurs on the side benches. “Just as I have faith in the centaurs here to do whatever they can to help move things along.” “We will be in the camp throughout the festival if you should need anything from either of us,” Moonsilver swiftly took Celestia by the hand before she or anyone else could say or do anything else. He had a sense that tensions were frayed amongst the assembly, and that was for more skilled diplomacy than he possessed. “Will there be anything else, Supreme Elder?” “No,” Chiron waved her wrinkled hand at the young Hunter, “You two may leave. Thank you for confirming what we've heard.” Without any further ado, Moonsilver turned and all but galloped from the Council Hall with Celestia in tow practically dragged off of her feet he left so quickly. Once they were stood outside in the darkening sky of early evening, Celestia let out a deep sighing breath that she hadn’t realised she was holding in. “I hate councils…” Moonsilver looked around at the camp, at his home, at the youngsters decorating the trees with glow lights that were designed to attract fireflies when they were lit up and at the adults who were setting out table after table of food and drink, and everything felt right. “Even when they argue, with Supreme Elder Chiron's firm hand, and her cane, things do get done.” “I apologise, Silver, I've just had my fill of them all lately,” Celestia leaned against her lover, drawing strength from his solid, strong body. “School board investigations, government enquiries...my sister and I have stalled no end of them since the Equestrian magic became more and more prevalent in this world.” “If Princess Twilight finds a way, will you stay with me?” Moonsilver asked, voicing a thought that had entered his head and had, if he was honest, been in his head since he had seen her hand disappear through the portal, “I will not be able to stay here.” “You'd leave for Equestria?” Celestia wasn’t that surprised to hear that. “I...” Moonsilver started to speak and then he paused, instead he led her through the milling throngs of centaurs busily placing stands here and there for the festival, “Tia,” he said eventually, “the council will order the evacuation. It will be done globally. Will a lone centaur find a life in this world with you? If...If you won't go, then, yes I will stay, for as long as the rest of the people in this world will let me.” For a long time, Celestia was quiet as they walked through the camp towards what was going to be the main festival area where the schools would perform their dances and hold their celebrations for that year’s bountiful harvest. All the frenetic last minute activity reminded her of the dances she had hosted at CHS over the years. When she looked at the camp, looked at her lover and then weighed up her life, her choice was an easy one. “I'll go with you, Moonsilver.” Moonsilver had to stop himself from prancing in place like an over excited colt on his first Hunt. He only just succeeded. “The Equestrian Princesses were turned human. Do you think you will be okay to be turned into a pony?” “I um...” Celestia trailed off to silence as she blushed bright red, many thoughts and scenarios suddenly running through her head, “I hadn't thought about it…” “Something for you to think about. Ah!” he exclaimed, shocking her from her reverie as he pulled her to a stop beside a row of food tables that had already been laid out around the dance areas earlier in the day, “Are you hungry?” “I'm starved!” It was only when Moonsilver mentioned food that she realised just how hungry she was. In fact, she couldn’t remember when she had eaten earlier that day and she was quite glad to have the prospect of food as a distraction to the prospect of being turned into a pony. “You must try this then!” Moonsilver pointed out a tray of meat on the vast table. “Venison my sister took down this morning and cooked by Honey.” He leant in close to her and he whispered, “She uses that cider of hers. Big secret!” The venison, as it turned out, was just one plate of a large spread made available by the efforts of the Hunters, and Moonsilver was making good use of the others letting him to the front since Celestia was with him. “Oh my yes indeed I must!” As she was allowed to the front by the parting of the centaurs around her, Celestia nodded at those who let her pass, though she was that hungry that she could have jumped on the table. Decorum however prevented that. “I hope it tastes as good as it looks!” As it happened, the food was every bit as good and varied as it looked. Once the first plate had been eaten, and the festival had begun properly, Moonsilver stood and took Celestia’s hand in his. “Time to go dancing.” All at once, Celestia, who had been sat close to Dawnglow but not next to her, erupted in a huge blush that coloured her whole face. “M-M-Me?” she spluttered, full of nerves. She had never been much of a dancer, unless she had been sufficiently lubricated by Berryshine’s finest first. “It’s tradition that the Hunters open the festival,” then, leaning in, Moonsilver whispered, “Honey is a terrible dancer.” “Fine...” Although her face was still red when she got up, Celestia allowed herself to be led into the central dance area. “You win. I'll dance.” When she looked around though, she was suddenly struck with just how many centaurs there were watching, not to mention the Princesses who were sat with the Supreme Elder. “I'll try to not to step on your feet,” Moonsilver snickered as he fell into a choreographed dance with Shadewalker and three other Hunters whom she didn’t know or recognise. Outside the Hunter’s square, Celestia noted that the other centaur couples who were dancing were dancing side by side. Seeing that, Moonsilver broke with a century of tradition to dance side by side with her. “My sister isn't dancing so after two, I will get drinks and you can talk to her.” “That's a great idea, Silver.” Celestia whispered back, trying to ignore all the stunned stares that were directed her way from the watching crowd. “I don't want her lonely.” Since she was already being stared daggers, knives and bows, she decided to hell with it and she danced one of the jives her mother taught her as a girl. Although every pair of eyes were watching Moonsilver and Celestia dance, none of the crowd were foolish enough to make any negative comments, at least not with the Supreme Elder and her cane in attendance. After two such dances, Moonsilver led his partner to the side of the dance square where she could re-join those spectating. “And now, I'll get us some drinks.” More than slightly breathless and very red in the face, though this time not from blushing, Celestia leant on her lover so she wouldn’t double over. “O-Okay!” gasping for breath, she kissed her stallion’s cheek and she walked over to where Dawnglow was sitting all alone looking the very dictionary definition of lonely. “You two look good together,” Dawnglow immediately perked up when Celestia sat by her side and hugged her ‘sister’ tightly, “And I have been weighing myself, before you ask.” “Hello and a happy Harvest Festival to you too,” Celestia beamed and happily embraced Dawnglow in her arms like she had done back in the forest weeks ago. “So, tell me all about it, Dawnie.” “Applewood, I mean, Mistress, has me doing some exercises three times every day, in addition to my hunting duties, to make me a bit more toned.” The young centaur giggled behind her hand, “When I told her I was trying to lose weight, she said if I lost all my curves she would stuff me till I burst.” Then, as suddenly as they started, the giggles stopped and she looked away. “It's hard, so I try to avoid mirrors.” “I understand, sweetie.” When Dawnglow looked away, it all but broke Celestia’s heart. She’d had her own personal battles with those evil demons that lived in the mirrors and taunted her every time she looked at them. Battles she was still fighting every single day. “Did you tell her, about what you were doing?” she asked gently. Though she was still looking away, the yellow centaur nodded solemnly. “She said she was disappointed in me, and I think she was a little angry, but she hugged me for the longest time.” Having obviously dried her eyes, though Celestia pretended not to notice, Dawnglow looked back at her sister with a tentative smile on her face. “Thank you.” “Good girl,” Celestia patted Dawnglow’s shoulder. “A problem shared is a problem halved, as they say. I think, at a guess, she may have been angry that you didn't tell her sooner. Now, I promised you a treat last time I saw you, didn't I?” Smiling broadly, Dawnglow nodded eagerly. “You did!” Smiling just as broadly, Celestia dipped into her shoulder bag that she had left before she went dancing. She had just the special treat in mind for the troubled mare. “It's not ice cream, I know, for which I'm sorry, but it is nice.” When she produced the donut, her smile could have split her head. Pinkie Pie would have been impressed. “One maple syrup and bacon donut, just for you.” The very moment she saw the donut, Dawnglow’s eyes went wide as dinner plates and, just as she was about to take a bite, she looked across the stands at Applewood who was sat with the Treesingers. “O-Okay…” Celestia followed where the centaur was looking and she grinned, recognising the love there in her eyes. “Now that, that is a fine looking Mistress,” she said, passing her donut. Dawnglow looked from Applewood to the donut and to Celestia and back again. “Should I share?” “I think two things, Dawnie,” Celestia said with a warm comforting smile on her face, “You go and share the donut with your girlfriend, and then you ask your Mistress to dance.” “But everyone will see us together!” “Yes they will, Dawnie,” Celestia squeezed her new sister’s shoulder. “That's the point. Show your Mistress you're hers. Show her and everyone else that you belong to her, not these others watching. If you do nothing, you let them own you, and besides...I bet she'd love to show off a sexy looking mare like you at the dance?” “What if she says no?” “Then she says no and I'll dance with you. But do you really think she'll say no?” Dawnglow looked at the donut and again at Applewood, seeming to draw courage from both as she shook her head. “I need to be brave, don't I?” Celestia took Dawnglow’s hands in her own and she closed them over the donut. “Yes you do. You need to be as brave as you are when you submit yourself to her.” Nodding her head and with as solemn a look on her face as though she was about to embark on a Hunt, Dawnglow blanked out all other distractions. All the dancers, Hunters and Farmers alike, vanished from her mind. All those watching, the Hunters that had already danced and the Treesingers waiting their turn, ceased to exist. She walked to Applewood and Celestia watched as she placed the donut halfway in her mouth and kissed her. Celestia wasn’t the only one who noticed. A series of gasps went up at the display, as did a fair share of whoops and cheers. When they finished kissing and walked out together onto the dance floor, Moonsilver appeared as if by magic by his pet’s side. “I think you've earned this drink, Tia.” “Why thank you, kind sir!” she took the offered drink and, by the taste of it, judged correctly it was one of Honeyside’s brew. “I'm glad for her, Silver. Your sister is a delight.” “She is under a lot of pressure, is what she is,” Moonsilver said as he watched his sister dance. “First we lost our mother, and our father didn't do well pretending to be her. Then there is us, and finally her fear of failure.” “I understand, Silver.” Celestia smiled at him, sipping at her cider. She’d already had three back in the tavern and she wanted to pace herself. Falling unconscious due to drink wasn’t the impression she wanted to make with the camp. “She's loaded herself up with a ton of angst, and it's hard to overcome it.” Moonsilver turned his pet’s face to his and placed a firm, loving kiss on her lips. “At least she seems to be listening to you. Bottoms up, pet, we need to get back to dancing.” Celestia returned the cider flavoured kiss with one of her own. “Hmhmm, just like I'm listening to you. Now,” she kissed him again, her mouth full of cider, “Master,” a third kiss found his lips, “I would dance for you.” “Maybe later in the night you can dance for me here in public,” Moonsilver’s smile was full of intent, “but now is not the time.” “I agree, Silver.” She emptied her mug and, setting it down on the floor, she got up and started to dance with him right there where they were, amid a group of centaurs that made room for them. The music didn’t let up for a moment, and a second later, they all joined in the group dance. “Now is a good time for entertainment, pet.” Moonsilver was enjoying the festival immensely. Even Chiron was dancing with the two Princesses, the ancient mare’s frail body not hampering her moves in the slightest. “Do you know any sensuous dances from your past with Berryshine and Roseluck?” “Why yes Master,” Celestia replied, a happy, relaxed smile on her face and, although she would vehemently deny it later, began to – as Rainbow Dash might have said – throw shapes on the impromptu dance area like she was at a rave. “I happen to know a few!” she grinned, dancing with her hands up in the air. A second later, without warning, Moonsilver clapped his hands loudly and stomped his hooves. If half of the centaurs sat in their part of the festival weren’t watching them before, they were now. “Now appearing for the first time,” he declared loudly in the style of a ringmaster, “from beyond the forest for your entertainment! Celestia, Queen of Dance!” he kissed his pet’s lips, “Perform for me.” Just five short weeks ago, Celestia would have ran scared and hid away at all the pairs of eyes looking her way. Now though, she danced. After she did a very, very good job of not laughing at how goofy Moonsilver sounded, she danced. With an abandon granted by the amount of cider she’d had and the good time she was having, Celestia performed a sensual dance that Roseluck taught her once, imagining a pole she could dance around. “I didn't know I could dance like that,” Princess Celestia said with a smile on her face. Supreme Elder Chiron had eventually given in to her age and allowed herself to be escorted back to her dwelling by two young studs, leaving herself and Twilight to enjoy the rest of the festival. “I'd like to see you dance like that, Celly” Twilight snickered, the amount of extremely hard alcohol she’d had giving her the nerve to call her old mentor by a nickname. “And what would Rainbow Dash say if I did?” asked the Princess, emptying her latest mug of Honeyside’s cider down her neck. She was starting to regret not coming to this world more often, if they had things like this! Slightly drunkenly – or not so slightly – Twilight hiccupped, “Twenty per cent awesome!” When Principal Celestia noticed that several of the centaurs had started to disperse and move on to other parts of the festival, she decided to up the sensuality of her dance, spinning around and dropping her ass up and down in front of Moonsilver and shaking her ample booty for his pleasure. Those few that were still watching were free with their comments. “She jiggles better than Thornbriar!” and “I'm still trying to figure out how it dances on two legs” and even one mare who shouted out, “Look at Moony, you can tell he’s enjoying this dance!” Celestia surprised herself with how much she loved the commentary, and how it spurred her on. Turning back around, she saw how much her Master was ‘appreciating’ her dance and she jiggled her breasts in his face, a wide grin on hers. “You think she can really take that?” asked Princess Celestia, pointing out Moonsilver’s fourteen inch erection out to Twilight as they walked over and sat in the space recently vacated by the departing centaurs. “If she can dilate, I don’t see why not,” Princess Twilight answered, her alcohol intake seemingly not impairing her studious nature. “That’s not as big as an earth po...” Princess Celestia rolled her eyes, “Sometimes science takes the fun out of things…” Twilight blinked, “Whu-What?” As she concluded her dance, Principal Celestia giggled as she spun to face her counterpart and she gave the tall statuesque version of her a very knowing, very lewd nod and wink that was full of meaning. Leaping up to her feet, Princess Celestia grabbed her and pulled her into a tight breast crushing hug. “You know, you so remind me of when I was young.” “Boob squishing is hot!” observed Twilight, though she chose not to write that down in her notebook. Suddenly, the Principal kissed the Princess’s nose. While it had been true that earlier that day – and for the past three days – that she had been on the verge of depression over her counterpart’s goddess-like appearance, right at that moment, Celestia couldn’t care less. Maybe it was the adrenalin from dancing. Maybe it was the cider. Maybe it was her Master’s erection that she had caused. Celestia didn’t care. Yes, the Princess was flawless, yes she had abs and muscles in places she didn’t even have places, yes there were no grey in her hair or wrinkles on her face, but she had a lover who loved her. “C’mon, Celly, let’s both dance. I wanna see Twilight explode!” “I'm still getting used two legs,” Princess Celestia grinned in the Principal’s embrace, looking over her shoulder she winked at Moonsilver and also she took note of Twilight’s interest, “So slow dance and you lead.” “Alright,” Principal Celestia started the dance and, after she did so, she realised just how foolish she had been, being jealous of the Princess. Every time she met Moonsilver’s gaze, she knew he only had eyes for her. For once, her demons were silent, and she danced purely for the joy of dancing, existing wholly in the moment. Once the first dance was done, the Principal started a waltz. She lead and the Princess was a quick learner. As they danced, almost all of the centaurs that had been watching had left, leaving Moonsilver, Celestia, the two Princesses, Dawnglow and Applewood alone in the dance area. This was understandable, the Principal assumed, the centaurs probably either weren’t interested in a human dance, or didn't find it all that erotic in the first place. Celestia didn’t care. She was dancing for her Master, nobody else. After the waltz, Twilight leapt up and all but jumped into the middle of the dancing couple. “I’m afraid I'm cutting in here, Principal Celestia.” Moonsilver laughed, stepping forwards and taking his lover in his arms, “I believe that's my cue!” With his pet in his arms, he started to dance with her. He too had proved a quick study and, in spite of having four legs, he did not have four left hooves as he started a very sensual waltz. Taking their lead, Applewood danced slowly with Dawnglow, with way too much groping and kissing than was strictly necessary. Celestia took note that Applewood was openly groping Dawnglow in their ‘dance’ and, for a moment, the submissives shared a smile with each other before Moonsilver reminded her that he was there with a well-placed hand on her ass and another on her full fleshy breast. “Hmmmm,” she purred into a pale grey ear, “I like this dance…” “Do you think they put up your two friends for the night somewhere?” asked Moonsilver when he realised that they were the only three couples remaining. “I'm willing to bet Equinox offered them to stay in your bedroom,” Celestia replied, following that up with a breathless kiss. “You are most likely correct,” Moonsilver snorted out a laugh, “Let’s go there and see if they show up, shall we?” taking her hand in his, the centaur led her through the camp to his dwelling. They walked through the aftermath of the festival, food scraps and empty mugs littered the forest floor as did the odd passed out reveller. Among them, Shadewalker was laying unconscious in the arms and legs of an amber stallion. “All clear, for now,” Moonsilver announced when they entered his house, “Then again, maybe my sister will show them a nice place to sleep in the forest…” Celestia giggled like a schoolgirl. At any other time she would have been greatly interested in the inside of her lover’s house, but right then and there, still on a high from dancing and drinking, she only had one thing on her mind. “Take me to your bedroom. Then take me, in your bedroom!” Smirking, Moonsilver picked Celestia up in his strong arms and placed her belly down on his back. He moved quickly through his house and as soon as he was in his bedroom he piled up some pillows at the back edge of the bed. He then lifted Celestia off of his back and tossed her – lightly - onto the bed face down. When she squealed for him to take her, he pulled on her legs so that her belly was on the pillows and her ass was up high in the air for easy mounting. “There will be no end of the taking!” > Chapter 18 - Aftercare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a long time before Applewood and Dawnglow stopped dancing. When she looked around, Dawnglow blushed, her yellow cheeks turning red when she noticed that they were the only two remaining in the dancing area. Everyone else had departed for their abodes, even the visiting Princesses, leaving them stood alone in the now silent festival space. The two lovers were intertwined, breathing hard, and panting. “Phew...” Dawnglow breathed, Applewood’s hand on her breast – where it had been for the past half hour – under the glowing lanterns, “I didn't realise the music had stopped...” “Oh?” Applewood smiled affectionately at her girlfriend and her pet, before laying a soft delicate kiss on her lips and groping the younger centaur’s breasts, “It’s still playing in my head…” Dawnglow stepped forwards, stepping further into her older lover’s embrace and, as she was about to return the kiss, she froze for a fraction of a second. Looking downwards, she saw that her ever so slightly rounded belly – a result of the feasting, the food and drink, at the festival - was touching Applewood's. “It was a great festival, wasn't it?” she asked, through a supreme act of willpower she forced her voice to be cheerful even though inside she was devastated. “It isn't over yet,” Applewood caressed her girlfriend’s shoulders, the Treesinger blissfully oblivious to the Hunter’s inner turmoil. “You, young lady, are coming home with me.” ‘Why in the name of the Forest does she want to take a disgusting blob like me home?’ Dawnglow thought, though her smile remained in place like a well-practised mask that she showed the world, convincing everyone that she was okay. ‘Okay,’ she thought with a little laugh, her hand resting on the little bump of her belly, ‘I’ll be okay soon…’ “Not to sleep, I hope?” “I'm sure sleep will be in there somewhere,” Applewood replied with her very best bedroom eyes, eyes that she was very pleased to see still made her pet’s four legs wobble, “But it might get lost on the way.” Dawnglow’s legs did indeed wobble, but not for the reason the Treesinger thought. Even as she giggled, thoughts of emptying her too full belly were foremost on her mind. She looked around the dance area, eyes flitting side to side to find a private spot that she could carry out the deed that had to be done. “Before we go,” she started just as she found a likely spot, “I just need to fertilise some shrubbery, if you don't mind?” It didn’t surprise her anymore how easily the lie came to her. “I'll let you go for this, only for this time though,” Applewood smiled warmly, having no reason to doubt Dawnglow’s true intentions at all. “I'll go and grab some leftovers for breakfast.” That was the very last thing Dawnglow wanted to hear, but she couldn’t really object without giving herself away. “Uh huh, there's some meat left, don't want to 'waste' that…” she placed an emphasis on the word waste that she hadn’t intended before she walked off quickly – too quickly - into the nearby trees. At the food tables, Applewood surveyed what food there was left. There wasn’t much, which she was pleased for. ‘Don’t want to waste any…’ she froze at that moment when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Dawnglow disappear between the trees. Something, she didn’t know quite what, but something didn’t feel right. ‘Waste…’ she rolled the word around in her head and it struck her that Dawnglow had sounded ‘off’, a moment ago. ‘Oh no…’ Dawnglow made it through the trees and she carried on going until she found a little stream and, looking behind her, the glowing lights that remained of the festival were hidden. She didn’t want to see anything related to it right then. It really, really, had been a truly great festival. That just made it all the worse when she rammed two fingers down her throat. “EEeeeuuuuuuuurgh!” she retched, sending a gutful of vomit into the stream, the fast moving water carrying away all evidence of what she had done, leaving her sobbing pitifully as she clutched her belly. She hated this, she was dishonouring the Hunters that had supplied the rabbit and the venison, the Farmers who had supplied the vegetables as well as Honeyside and the vast array of centaurs who had prepared and cooked all the food she was now wasting. Worst of all, as a Hunter herself, she was dishonouring the animal who had died so that she could be fed. As Dawnglow felt her belly, she pressed her hand into her soft burnt orange coloured skin, the couple of inches or so of her rounded belly wobbling slightly. She didn’t see a healthy centaur, she never saw a healthy centaur. She saw a fat overweight blob of a creature, wretched and worthless next to shining examples like Nightingale. All she had to do was think of the slim Air Whisperer and she jammed her whole hand into her mouth. Why in the Great Forest would Applewood want her? Quietly, as stealthily as if she herself was a Hunter, Applewood crept through the trees following where Dawnglow had gone. She didn’t have to go very far beyond the boundaries of the festival and she heard coughing and retching from up ahead. ‘She is! She’s doing it!’ realisation spurred her onwards. Creeping through the shrubbery, Applewood saw her girlfriend thrust her hand into her mouth, the bulge in her throat that was her fingers and then she watched her spew, she watched the younger mare send another gout of vomit into the stream in a desperate attempt to purge her body, to keep her weight down. She wanted to cry. Weren’t they over this? She wanted to rush over and hug her, to tell her it would all be okay. Something that Celestia had said to her though stayed her hand. Dawnglow had no idea she had spoken to Moonsilver’s mate while she had gone to get drinks. The human had said that her pet had a disease of the mind, that only love could cure. Applewood knew what she had to do. “If you didn't like the donut,” she said as she made her presence known, “Why did you share it with me?” Dawnglow snapped her head round at the sound of Applewood’s voice, her eyes wide as saucers and her pupils tiny like a deer in the headlights on an oncoming car. A quick look down at her hand, still covered in her mess told her she had been caught, literally red handed. “Um...well um...” she spluttered, scuffing a hoof on the floor, tears welling in her eyes, “Um...A-Ap-Apples, I-I'm sorry..." As much as she wanted to hug her girlfriend, Applewood also wanted very much to walk over to her and slap the taste from her mouth. She didn’t like feeling lied to. Especially not after what they had gone through the last time they had been together when she had thrown her lover out of her tree. “Did your confession to me mean nothing also?” she asked sternly. “No!” Dawnglow exclaimed indignantly. That last time she had been high up in the tree was still rather fresh in her mind, as was what had happened afterwards, when she had admitted everything she had been doing to her girlfriend. “You know it didn't!” How could she ask if it meant nothing? It had cost her everything! “I'd kiss you, but you need to clean up first.” Applewood tried very hard to keep the disappointment from her voice and her face. She wasn’t exactly successful in either. “Follow.” She ordered simply before turning her back to the sobbing centaur and strode back through the trees headed directly for her home. She didn’t look back to see if she was being followed. Quickly, Dawnglow grabbed a handful of ferns and she started to wipe her hand and arm clean as she hurriedly followed after Applewood’s behind. Unlike most times she had followed her though, there was no seductive sway in her Mistress’s step, no saucy swish of her tail. Dawnglow carried on snatching at leaves to wipe herself as she quickly walked through the empty camp. She knew she had really, really messed up, she was just glad nobody else was there to see her in that state. Leading the way through the empty camp, Applewood said nothing. Nor did she look behind her. She could tell by the hoofsteps behind her that Dawnglow was just a few feet to her rear. Like Dawnglow, she was glad that the camp was deserted at this time of night. She had no desire for her lover to be seen in the state she was in. She didn’t care one bit about herself. “Wash your mouth out,” she ordered when they had reached her dwelling tree. “Apples, I'm sorry!” Dawnglow pleaded, standing in Applewood’s entrance hall. Again, Applewood did not look back. She merely paused with her back to her halfway into her living space. “Now.” “Yes Mistress…” Dawnglow, with her head down, her ears slicked back to her scalp, she trudges through Applewood's home to the bathroom. It would have been easier, she reflected as she spent a short time washing her mouth out with water and tooth cleaner, if her girlfriend had yelled at her, railed against her, smacked her even. That she could have dealt with. The crushing disappointment though, that was torture all its own. When she walked through from the bathroom to the living room, Dawnglow saw that Applewood was sat on a lounge seat made from vines that she had magically elevated and she pointed wordlessly to the floor in front of her. Dawnglow opened her mouth to say something, but she thought better of it and instead she knelt where she was told, her hands behind her back. Applewood looked down at Dawnglow for a long, long time, surveying her imperiously from her makeshift throne. Many emotions were bubbling away inside her, anger, yes. Disappointment, definitely. Betrayal, absolutely. What shoved all those to the back of her mind though was love. She looked upon the thoroughly broken mare kneeling before her and she felt nothing but love. She just did not for the life of her know how to reach her, how to help her, or how to help. She was, as she was about to speak, reminded of the brief conversation she had shared with Celestia hours ago at the festival. Maybe that would work? “Moonsilver's mate talked with me earlier, while you were getting drinks.” “You spoke with Celestia?” Applewood ignored the question and carried on like she had not been interrupted. “She asked me how you were doing.” Despite how much she loved her, the Treesinger could not quite keep the stern tone from her voice. Not that she tried. “I told her how proud I was of you. I told her of your confession. I told her of the plan I have you on to firm up your curves. Now, I feel that I lied to her.” Dawnglow bowed her head and her ears, which had perked up at the mention of Celestia’s name, once again laid back against her head. She sniffed once, and tears leaked out of her scrunched up eyes and dripped to the floor. “I…I n-ne-ever meant t-to make y-you a liar, Mistress I swear!” As angry as she was, Applewood couldn’t bear to see her girlfriend cry. She lowered the lounge seat and she stood up, slowly moving next to the utterly broken creature that looked like Dawnglow that was knelt in her living space. “Celestia told me it was a disease of the mind and there was no real cure except love. Do you love me?” “Yes!” Dawnglow nodded furiously, sending hot wet tears splashing onto the floor. “I-I love y-you mo-more than t-the Great Forest!” “I love you too,” Applewood smiled sadly. Sad, because she knew her girlfriend was speaking the truth. The Great Forest was not something idly sworn on, but that didn’t really help her much. “But, I can't help you fight this if you cut me out of your life.” “I want...I need, your help…” Dawnglow still did not look up, though her tears had abated to the occasional sniffle as she spoke. Looking down at the floor was like standing on the edge of and staring into a deep, dark, desolate pit of nothing. “I hate how it makes me feel, and I hate myself for doing it.” Applewood gently caressed Dawnglow’s chin, a caress that lifted up her head so that their eyes met. “I nearly didn’t catch you. I almost missed your cry for help with the words you used when you left. I can’t read your mind, and I won’t always be so observant to your words. Love, you only have to say three words, ‘I am fat’ and I’d know immediately you’re in trouble.” “I am fat!” Dawnglow exclaimed suddenly, throwing away her girlfriend’s hand, “Look at me!” she spread her arms wide and she gestured at her body, a body she perceived to be bloated and disgusting. Letting out a deep sigh, Applewood performed an exaggerated examination over the whole of Dawnglow's body. She made sure to inspect every part of her like she was inspecting a tree structure she had just created for quality. “Hmm…well, you're not skinny, and if not skinny equals fat, then I like how fat you are.” She eventually lifted her head up and kissed her lover’s lips, “If I could only make you see through my eyes, Dawnie.” Since she had been crying, Dawnglow gave her older girlfriend a wet sloppy kiss, realisation settling in her gut like an unpleasant lump of cold custard. “I'm sorry...it's...I-I'm...not well, am I?” “I don't know,” Applewood answered her honestly. She was a Treesinger, not an Apothecary or Healer. She had no idea if her beloved was unwell or not, not really. “I do know that it isn't good for you to see yourself in the worse possible way. Celestia is right, it is a disease of the mind. No one can help you unless you let them in.” “That's what she said to me,” Dawnglow commented, very grateful that Applewood was holding her in her arms, “I want help, Mistress, I really do!” “Then trust me, Dawnie.” Applewood said simply, “Don't lie to me. Admit to me when you're weak. Am I asking for too much?” Dawnglow shook her head, tears once again welling in her eyes, “No Mistress, you aren’t asking too much.” Her shoulders sagged and she seemed to deflate in her lover’s arms, “I am weak.” “It’s okay to be weak, for I can be strong. But if you don't admit your weakness to me, then I am nothing.” “I understand, Mistress.” “Do you?” Applewood asked with a hint of a raised eyebrow and a slight playful cadence in her voice. “I find it difficult to adequately express my disappointment. What would you suggest?” Dawnglow picked up on the slight change in her girlfriend’s tone, and the submissive in her sensed a session was about to happen. In spite of everything that had transpired between them in the last few minutes, her tail nonetheless flicked upwards at the prospect. “I would suggest you punish me, Mistress, in your play room, so that sitting is uncomfortable afterwards.” “Really pet?” Applewood chuckled softly, for her pet’s flick of the tail did not go unnoticed. “Is that a punishment or a reward?” “I um…” Dawnglow blushed, she knew her Mistress was absolutely right. That said, she did want to play, and if she wasn’t careful, she would talk her way out of a session. No submissive wanted that. Applewood’s mode wasn’t one for playing after the stunt she pulled. Maybe she could sweeten the pot a bit. “You could punish me in a way that will remind me that I’m your pretty pet so I’ll know to come to you for help?” Applewood smiled, for the first time since they had left the festival area. It was a most genuine, pleasant smile, as her pet did give her an idea. “You have done well pet in inspiring me give you a proper punishment for your misdeeds.” Her plan wasn’t one she would have normally used on her pet. It was very painful and could even be dangerous. Still she did want to leave a lasting impression on Dawnglow to help break this self-destructive cycle. She gave her one last kiss before they started the scene. Applewood stood up from the floor and motioned for Dawnglow to stand also. Without another word, she headed for their playroom. She already regretted opening her mouth. Dawnglow stood and walked after Applewood through her dwelling, although her Mistress’s swaying ass went a long way towards taking the edge off what she knew was to come. At least she was swaying her ass now, and that was a good sign. In her playroom, the dominant centaur pointed to a place for Dawnglow to stand. She moved to stand there as she watched her Mistress pull out several vines she regularly used for bondage. As Dawnglow stood in what was 'her' spot, she automatically placed her hands behind her back and stood with her four legs shoulder width apart. Running her hands over the vines, Applewood sang softly. Where the vines had become stiff and dry, they turned malleable under the magical touch of the Treesinger. “I shall bind an image of you that is not you.” She said sternly, running the process through her head what she wanted to do. “You can look upon it and see if it has become you.” A mixture of dread, anticipation, anxiety, fear and arousal all coalesced in the submissive centaur’s gut. It was like a thousand butterflies all swarming inside her. “Yes Mistress,” she nodded, knowing instinctually that this was going to be most unpleasant. Having manipulated the vines to be bondage ready, Applewood began to tie a very painful box binding of Dawnglow's lower belly. She layered the vines over and around her gut over and over again, so that the vines dug into her skin, forcing it out to look artificially bloated. There was a lot of pressure from the binding as Applewood was making something that wasn't there. When the pot belly was formed, she did the same binding for her pet's upper belly. “Ah...aaaAAH…ow oooow!” Dawnglow shifted uncomfortably and grimaced with each vine that tightly bound her body, though she didn't once try to stop her. Ignoring her pet’s pained whimpers, Applewood then performed a binding that diminished Dawnglow's modest but perky C cup breasts, flattening them out and making her newly created pot belly that much more pronounced. Dawnglow gasped when her Mistress tied her wrists to the ropes digging into her back as it actually hurt, it was a lot more uncomfortable than most bindings – in fact, Applewood had never hurt her in a vine binding before. Moving behind her, the Treesinger had planned on binding her pet’s ass cheeks to make them appear bigger, but instead she started to fondle what meat there was. “I wouldn't be adverse to seeing this a bit plumper.” “This…” Dawnglow blushed and gasped because the tightness of the vines made it quite difficult to even breathe. “This...You haven't used this tie before, Mistress.” Standing beside her, Applewood poked Dawnglow’s bound lower belly, a very deliberate, very painful poke with her index finger. “I like to tie you up for sensuality, and not painfully. But sometimes pain is a great teacher, don’t you think?” “Aaaaooow!” Dawnglow hissed after her squeal, “Aaaah...Y-Yes Mistress, it is.” Next, Applewood flicked a finger twice against her pet’s upper belly. Deliberately she flicked the same place twice. “I just don't know if my love and kindness is getting through that thick skull of yours.” Expecting it, Dawnglow grimaced and winced when she was flicked, her Mistress’s finger bouncing off of her flesh that was pulled taut and hard by the vines, though this time she didn’t scream. “It is! Mistress it is!” she gasped, her tail rising upwards and spreading her scent through the playroom, “It is getting through!” Smirking, Applewood disappeared out of her pet’s view. She knew Dawnglow wouldn’t turn her head unless she allowed it. She was at least that well trained. Quietly she picked it up from the nearby table and, stepping back to her pet’s rear, she simultaneously yanked up Dawnglow's flagging tail and she swung the paddle in her hand just as hard. “Ooooooow! OOOOOW BY THE FOREST!” she screamed, prancing in place as her ass rippled from the sheer force of the impact, her crotch dampening the paddle. Readying her arm for another swing, Applewood was pleased to see that her prized masochist had wet the paddle with her arousal. Setting herself determinedly, the dominant centaur continued to swing the paddle with force. “Is pain all you want from me?” she demanded, punctuating each word with a swipe and a wet splat of the paddle as it impacted all over Dawnglow’s derriere. “Should I withhold my love?” “OOOoooOOOOOOOW!” Dawnglow screeched, “No! AAAAH NOOOO!” she danced on the tips of her hooves after each direct and painful swing of the paddle. She didn’t need to look behind her to know that her whole ass end had gone from its usual colour to a very, very bright angry red. As her butt throbbed, so to did her arousal leak all down her inner thighs. “I want your love and your discipline, Mistress!” Hearing that, Applewood stopped her vicious paddling and she rubbed her hand delicately over Dawnglow's very red, very tender, ass. For a split second she was tempted to use the cane on her, but she decided against it. Making her bleed was not her intention. “I would rather discipline you with love too, pet.” Sucking in some much needed lungfuls of air, Dawnglow breathed through the intense pain in her behind. “Th-Thank you Mistress!” Moving away from her, Applewood swapped the paddle for her Image stone on the table and she held it in front of her pet. “Record.” After the stone had worked it’s magic, she placed it back on the table. When they were done, she resolved to put it in Dawnglow’s pouch so she could carry it around. “This is now who you are. You are my loveable mare with even more loveable curves. Well, your ass could be a bit curvier,” she giggled, looking wistfully at said ass. “Y-Yes Mistress, its who I am, Mistress, I'm your curvy mare!” Dawnglow was in such a world of conflicting feelings right then – intense pain and pleasure - that she would have agreed if her Mistress had said that the sky was green and rain was dry. Aware of the frazzled state her pet was in, if her raised flagging tail and puffy marehood was anything to go by - Applewood decided it was time to remove both belling bindings but she deliberately left the chest binding as it was. “Now,” she stepped back and admired her work, “You look more like that flat chested Nightingale. Is that the look you desire?” Dawnglow cried as the belly bindings were removed from her body, and the blood flow that the vines had restricted returned painfully to those parts. “N-No Mistress!” “I'm glad, as there is nothing here to hold. This though,” Applewood ran her hands through Dawnglow's long flowing mane, “Is truly beautiful.” She punctuated her statement with a long, deep kiss. At that moment, Dawnglow was crying tears of joy. “Th-Thank y-you for teaching me, Mi-Mistress!” Without any warning at all, Applewood suddenly removed the chest binding and fiercely she groped both of those beautiful C cup breasts. “GAAAaaaaaAAAAAAH!” Dawnglow screamed from the pain of viciously forceful grope, added to the stinging of the now unrestricted blood flow and she came, squirting out a fountain on the floor. Lesson over, and the tension well and truly shattered, Applewood laughed. “Now, I don't mind you throwing up from that end, pet.” “I-I’m so-sorry...” Dawnglow could barely stand, such was the force of her climax, “I didn't get permission…” Again, Applewood kissed her lover’s lips, “I didn't say you couldn't cum, did I?” she delicately rubbed the marks that the belly binding and the breast binding had left behind. “Now you know I can inflict pain, and pain alone. Try not to bring that side of me out again.” She tried very, very hard to not feel guilty for what she had done. The punishment had been far more severe and harsh than she had ever done before. “I won't Mistress,” Dawnglow said quickly, “I promise I won't!” With a slight frown on her face, Applewood placed a silencing finger over Dawnglow's lips. “I don't want promises that can't be kept. I want you to tell me when you feel the demons of your body screaming you are fat and ugly so that I might slay them with my love.” “That I can do, Mistress.” “You can try,” Applewood smiled broadly, “And…I think you know what will happen if you fail. Now, my pet, I feel left out and your Mistress demands an orgasm as intense as the one you just had.” The dominant centaur moved off to the bed in the playroom and, keeping eye contact with Dawnglow at all times, she reclined backwards with an inviting wiggle of her finger. Dawnglow definitely didn't need to be invited twice and she dropped to her knees. She shuffled forwards on the floor until she was at the edge of the bed and buried her face between her lover's spread open legs. Thick drops of fluid dripped down onto Dawnglow’s lips as the puffed labia tensed and winked at her over and over again, the bulb of her clit peeking in and out at her. The centaur’s tongue instinctively snaked out to lick the clear liquid from her nose and she smacked her lips lightly as she took in the taste. Tangy, but just sweet enough to keep the palette wanting for more. And more was exactly what she received as Applewood thrust herself forwards so that her crotch met her pet’s face, plunging her nose and mouth into her tight snatch. Dawnglow’s nose was completely enveloped in her essence as she ground her crotch into her, adjusting herself so that she had the best angle to work that wonderful tongue deep into her. “Put that tongue of yours to good use, girl!” Obediently, Dawnglow closed her eyes and got to work, snaking her tongue out to gently work around the edges of her labia, licking tentatively at the juices that she knew were going to flow onto her face. She felt her Mistress’s lower lips clench slightly against her as he nipped and tickled at the edges. Sticking her tongue out, she plunged into Applewood’s love canal, properly lapping at her insides, seeking to clean her out or die trying. The dominant centaur squealed at her girlfriend’s efforts and she rotated her hips, pushing herself harder against her beautiful face, her scent getting all in that beautiful mane she loved so much. Applewood thrust her powerful hips into her pet’s face for several minutes, she could feel her skilled tongue slipping and sliding around inside of her, desperately seeking to find the spots that would push her closer towards her finish. Every now and again she would reward her with kind word and a loving petting to her mane, or a promise to give her an extra spank in the morning as a treat. Dawnglow had already lost all sense of where she was as she desperately lapped into her Mistress’s pussy. Her whole universe for that moment consisted entirely of the smell of her snatch, the forest green coloured depths and the hairy mound above it. The taste of her pre as it coated the inside of her mouth drove her on to lick harder, as did the sounds of her moans whenever she hit a sweet spot. The submissive centaur was loving every second of it. She slurped and groaned against her older lover, only disconnecting for a brief moment to breathe every now and again before she dived straight back into Applewood’s dripping pussy. When she finally turned her attention to her clitoris, the howl of pleasure that Applewood released was music to Dawnglow’s ears. She suckled on it and rolled along it with her tongue like a new-born foal on its mother’s teat. Licking and rubbing it harder and harder as Applewood’s pussy rewarded her work with more squirts of her sweet nectar across her face. ~ ~ ~ ‘I’m late!’ was the thought, one of many, that ran through Sunset Shimmer’s head as she turned her red and yellow dirt bike onto the rough dirt road that lead from the main street down to her destination. Sweet Apple Acres apple farm was just in view at the end of the mile long mud track, the main gate to the farmhouse standing between two huge apple trees. Just as she pulled up outside the wooden farmhouse, its once bright red paint now faded by decades of exposure to the elements, she saw her girlfriend - and Mistress – and her brother, carrying barrels of apples into the storage barn that doubled as the cider making ‘headquarters’ or, as Rainbow Dash called it, the ‘Fun House’. “Ah hear the motorbike,” Big Macintosh looked up from the barrel of freshly picked apples he had just deposited in the storage barn next to the large round cider press. That was a job for tomorrow. Sunset’s dirt bike made an unmistakeable belching roar completely unlike the backfiring din that was his sister’s rusty truck. “So Ah guess no more work from you today?” “Wrong there, brother.” Applejack sighed as she too set down her two large barrel of apples that she had been carrying and wiped her sweaty brow on the back of her forearm. She had plans for her pony now that Sunset was here at last. “Ah'm going to get the southwest field ready for the winter wheat.” Big Macintosh, admittedly not the sharpest tool in the drawer, furrowed his brow, “Ah haven't serviced the tractor yet,” he thought of Bessie the big yellow and rust coloured machine that was currently sporting two flat tires and a wonky drivetrain. “We usually wait till next week for that.” “Ah won't need the tractor today.” Applejack propped her ever-present hat up on her head and she winked knowingly at her big brother. “Ah don’t need to know,” Big Macintosh shook his head and rolled his eyes at his little sister as he walked out of the storage barn, “But you two have fun.” Outside, Sunset killed the engine and she got off her bike. She was about to push it over to the side of the barn when Big Macintosh came out to greet her. She was rather glad of the big guy’s presence, as he pushed her bike for her. Once he rested it beside the wide door, he excused himself with a wave and headed over to the farmhouse. “Good morning Shimmer,” Applejack came out a second later, squinting in the midday sun, she leant against the side of the barn next to an old yoke. “Ah hope you're ready to work.” Sunset Shimmer, who had been a very good girl in the time since the charity event they had all participated in at Camp Everfree and the centaur festival, removes her helmet and her smile slipped just a teeny bit. “Work?” she questioned, not liking the sound of that one little bit. Applejack didn’t budge from her position by the side of the barn. It was almost like she was propping it up. Which, given the ancient nature of the farm building, she just might be. “Ah reckon Ah haven't been usin’ Shimmer to her full potential lately.” “Is that so?” Sunset chuckled as she hung her helmet on her bike and walked over for a kiss. “I didn't hear nobody complain when Shimmer pulled her carriage all around the orchards the other day.” “A carriage is one thing,” Applejack returned, looking her girlfriend over. My if she didn’t look a picture in her black boots, turquoise leggings, teal top and her black leather jacket. She was pleased to see there were no visible panty lines under the figure hugging spandex, nor was there evidence of a bra, either. “But, Ah’m thinkin’ of another thing for today.” “That thing wouldn't happen to be a nice empty apple cart by any chance, would it?” Sunset asked as she batted her eyelashes in what she hoped was a winning manner. “Sure enough would be empty,” Applejack chuckled, resting her hands on her hips and placing her thumbs in the belt loops of her faded old dirty blue denim jeans she saved for farm work. Sunset snorted, because her lover was giving nothing away. “Lay it on me then babes, what do you have me doing today?” In truth, she was up for almost anything. She was in desperate need to be Shimmer for a while. Ever since she had met with Principal Celestia following Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight’s visit, she had been having nightmares. Every single night for almost two weeks se had woken up drenched in sweat and shaking. Even when she had stayed over at the farm, she had not been spared her bad dreams. What troubled her most was the fact that they had gotten worse with the passage of time. She was about to lapse into a memory of her dream when Applejack stood aside and showed her the yoke. “A yoke?” Sunset wondered out loud, staring at the item presented to her, “I've seen mud ponies wear those in Equestria when they plow the fields.” Sunset didn’t notice the racial slur she had just used. She herself was a unicorn and, what was more, she was elite class. After all, she had been chosen by the Princess to be her personal student. That was a privileged position that only improved her status and her own sense of importance. Even after all these years, a part of her still saw earth ponies as dumb, easy to manipulate labourers, and pegasi as maid / butler type staff who could dust things better than a mud pony thanks to their wings. With a slight frown, Applejack noted the derogatory slur, but in truth it meant very little to her. She was far more focussed on that day’s upcoming play time. “Now, why don’t y’all giddy on up to the barn Shimmer? It’s time to get you dressed.” As Sunset walked over to the barn where Shimmer’s tack was stored, the ‘Fetish Barn’ as it had become known amongst their friends, the Equestrian found herself thinking all the time of the yoke and her recent nightmares. Usually she was all smiles, when it came to the pony play time she shared with her Mistress, but not so much this time, even though the dressing was her favourite bit. She knew deep down there was only one reason Applejack would want to fit her out with the yoke. She was too be worked and used like a common horse, just like in the worst of her dreams. Inside the faded red wooden barn, Applejack led her distracted girlfriend over to a couple of hay bales that were close to the wall where the human pony’s tack was kept and she casually brushed some straw away to reveal the cast iron plate about four foot square on the floor that she had pranced on before. “Is mah little Shimmer ready to work?” she asked as Sunset stripped off her clothes and folded them neatly on the hay bale. Sunset, who would otherwise now be properly in her role as ‘Shimmer the pony’ – seriously when Fluttershy gave her sugar cubes as a treat it was the cutest thing in the world - nodded her head with a little whinny escaping her lips. She did need the play though, in the hopes that it might clear her head. Walking over to the wall, Applejack picked up the bit first and, coming back, she pushed it gently but firmly between her pony’s teeth. That in place, she slipped the bridle over her head where she buckled it in place. Simmer gnawed a little on the bit, feeling the familiar rubber wedged between her teeth, she let out a little snort of breath through her nose. ‘Ooooh yeah...I need this!’ Sunset thought to herself and, after the few nights she’d had, she did, too. Next was the forehooves. Applejack had managed to find a company that manufactured the hoof gloves and boots the same colour as Sunset’s skin so once they were on, they looked like extensions of her limbs. The left one went on first and obediently Sunset slid her hand inside. She felt the padded bar that she could wrap her hands around, an addition that helped to hold her weight should her owner want her to go down on all four hooves. Once on, she watched as Applejack tightened the ties around her wrists so they couldn’t slip off. Though she was effectively robbed of her hands, and though her nightmares were on her mind, Shimmer was smiling as she gripped the padded bar, immediately she was thinking of the time she most recently went through the portal when she had met Starlight Glimmer and they were real. “UUuuUUUH!” she let out the grunt of approval to let her owner know to continue. “Y’all can rest your hooves on that work table.” Applejack pointed to the table that was just to the right of the hay bale while she picked up the boots that would form her pony’s hind hooves. She waited until Shimmer was properly steadied and she squatted down next to her to put them on like he was shoeing a horse. She slid the straw yellow high heels without the heel on her feet and wiggled them until the padded metal sole was situated just right. She made sure to lace them up tight so that Sunset’s foot was supported. The very last thing they wanted was a turned ankle. In spite of her distracted mind that was full of anxiety, Shimmer let out a loud happy neigh once the hind hooves were on and secured in place. It absolutely did not cross her mind how vulnerable she was at that moment. Should Applejack chose to, she would be left naked in the barn, no usable hands, feet in hoof boots and gagged by the bit in her mouth. Such a thought never entered her head though. She was with Jackie, her owner. Playfully Shimmer stamped her hooves on the straw covered floor. Standing, Applejack smiled. “You're a good girl, Shimmer.” She took up the reins and attached them to the bridle. This was a part of their ritual. Walking her pony around the ‘Fetish Barn’ in a wide circle, it not only helped ease Sunset further into her role, it helped to ensure the boots were properly laced up. It wouldn’t do for them to be loose. On the circuit, Applejack picked up the red and yellow tail butt plug. With that in hand, the farmer led her pony over to the old metal plate that had been left on the floor. As soon as she stepped on it, her hooves were quite loud, each step a resounding clang. “Indulge me. Prance for me, Shimmer.” ‘I'm a good girl!’ was the one thought now that coursed through Shimmer’s mind as she blushed happily and whinnied, a squeal-like noise that ended in a giggle. She liked being called a good girl. So much so that, for the moment, it pushed her fears to the back of her mind. ‘I'll show her how good I am...’ Determined, she lifted up her legs and pranced on the metal, her slender thighs straight and parallel to the ground with each step. As Shimmer pranced noisily on the metal plate, the metal horseshoes beating out a tattoo, Applejack watch appreciatively. She was tempted for a moment to undress as well, but ultimately she decided against it. Distracted for a moment by her owner watching her, Shimmer paused but quickly she started her prance once more, a little sheen of sweat glistening on her chest and a line of drool leaking from the corner of her mouth around the bit. Applejack picked up the tail and she placed the inch wide by four inch long plug in her mouth. Looking her prancing pony dead in the eyes she swirled her tongue around the tapered end that would soon be in her ass. Her other hand thumbed open her old jeans and, sliding them down her thighs, she moved slowly between her own legs as she stroked herself. All the time, she never broke eye contact. Confronted with this show, Shimmer let out a very unhorse-like whimper of arousal as she watches and pranced around the metal plate. While Shimmer drooled around her bit, Applejack moved the plug between her thighs and inserted it inside her pussy like it was a dildo toy. “You want this tail, Shimmer?” Shimmer nodded furiously, adding drool to the sweat glistening on her bare chest. ‘Oh Celestia’s fat ass yes! I want it!’ After a few moments, the farmer pulled out the now very lubricated plug from her sopping wet depths and replaced it with three fingers from her other hand which she slid in to the second knuckle. “All four hooves on the floor, Shimmer.” Somewhat relieved to stop prancing, she was getting tired already, Shimmer immediately dropped down, resting her forehooves on the straw covered floor of the barn. She wondered, idly, if she was anaemic. That would explain her lack of physical prowess – even Twilight could outrun her, something Rainbow Dash and even the others, thought hilarious. Pulling her fingers out of herself, Applejack quickly pulled up her jeans and straddled Shimmer’s back, the farmer facing her pony’s ass. Those fingers that had moments before been inside her now slapped down between her pet’s cheeks as she worked her index finger into the puckered ring of her anus, followed closely by the second and third. “NeeeeEEEiiiigh...” Shimmer neighed and wiggled her ass as the three fingers slipped into her hole, her ass taking the fingers easily thanks to the training she had done. There was a time once when just one finger would make her cry her safe word. “Pppphhbt!” she snorted with pride. Slowly, Applejack ran the moistened lubricated plug between her pony’s sopping labia. She wanted to make sure the tail was properly lubed up before she even tried to insert it, whether Sunset’s asshole was trained or not. Satisfied, she pulled her fingers out and, while the hole was still open, swiftly inserted the tail plug all the way inside. “Y’all are a right pretty look'n filly!” ‘Ooooh I’m your filly alright Jackie...all yours!’ Shimmer shook her ass and clenched her muscles, lifting up her red and yellow tail, displaying herself like a filly in heat. Although, in the back of her mind was the nagging thought that what if that was all she was? A filly, a pony…a…horse. Tail firmly in place, Applejack swung her leg over Shimmer’s head and dismounted, she didn’t bother with the corset or any other clothing for her pony, since the whole family was all in on the not-so-secret secret, and besides, the farmer loved the way that Shimmer was so easily able to distract Big Macintosh when he was in the same area. Lastly, she placed the yoke across her pony’s back and Applejack just held the reins in her strong hand. “We need to get the fields ready for the winter wheat, Shimmer.” “Neeeeeigh!” Shimmer snorted and she took a deep breath, standing stock still for the moment as she was thinking back to the nightmares she’d been having. She swished her red and yellow tail side to side, her fears of being little but a common horse all but confirmed. “My little pony is looking right hot!” Applejack appreciatively stroked her pony’s ass with her hand before she took down the long buggy whip and gently flicking said ass with said whip. “Get along now to the southwest field, Shimmer.” “Phhhbbttt! NEeeEEIGH!” Shimmer snorted, more for effect than because of any actual pain, not that her Mistress didn’t know how to properly swing the whip. As she knew well enough where the field was, she got moving, lifting her legs up so that her thighs were horizontal to the ground and her hooves were pointed down. She knew Applejack liked proper form at all times. ‘Her little pony...her little pony...little pony...’ she thought sadly as she walked, ‘what if that's all I end up being?’ Since she knew that Sunset knew the way to the field, Applejack instead used the whip to caress her mare's exposed ass, sides and her breasts when she could reach them. As they passed the farm house, Big Macintosh poked his head out of the front door. “Eeyup,” he grinned at his sister then at Sunset, “That is one nice tractor replacement, alright.” Applejack gave her pony a delicate flick of the whip, “Yup, she is a mighty fine equine.” Sunset paused upon hearing that and, for the moment, she looked down at the ground, scuffing hesitantly at it with her hooves, kicking up the loose dirt and stones. ‘Replacement?’ she thought, letting that poisonous little thought enter her head like a tendril of self-doubt, ‘Is that what she'll do with me once I'm just a pony?’ After they had exchanged a few pleasantries, Big Macintosh went back inside the main house and Applejack directed her pony back towards the field. When they reached the field however, Sunset was in for something of a shock. There, waiting for her, was an antique plow that she last remembered in the barn hung up like a display. “You're at the front end of that, missy,” the farmer pointed the whip at the plow. “PHHHBBBT?” Sunset’s teal eyes were wide. She saw the plow, she saw it was almost exactly like the one she had been seeing in her recurring dreams, in fact, she had never seen that plow out of the barn before in the whole time she had been dating Applejack. “It sure has been awhile since Furlong saw any action,” Applejack grinned as she walked over and patted the side of the plow, “And she has never been pulled by a pony as beautiful as you, Shimmer.” While she spoke, the farmer securely attached the harness and yoke that her lover wore to the plow, and she gestured up and down the empty field, “My aim is six trips up and back.” Shimmer nodded her head and nickered in response to that as she was secured to the plow. Looking closely at it, she noticed it had been freshly sharpened, obviously in preparation for this very task. She then looked at the field ahead of her and she had never ever felt more like a horse, and not in a good way, either. “Eyes front, girl, and pull!” Thankfully, the farthest fence didn’t seem all that far away, roughly six football fields away, if she was any judge. “Neeeeigh!” Shimmer leant her bodyweight forwards and, slowly at first, she started to pull the plow. She took small steps at first to get the plow moving, then as she built momentum, her stride widened. Walking alongside the plow, Applejack guided the depth and direction, and she was playful with the long stick whip. “Get along there girl, you're doin’ it right nicely.” As she walked, Shimmer drooled almost constantly around the bit in her mouth and nickered, wetting her bare exposed breasts. Due to the monotony of it, she couldn’t quite prevent her mind slipping back into her nightmare, of a human work horse being put to work with the others on the farm. Applejack, quite happy with the progress, was in no hurry at all. In fact, she had reckoned on a human's pace for the plowing and she had planned ahead accordingly. As long as Shimmer didn't falter, she was content for the whip to remain playful. The farmer knew that to plow the whole field would take forty trips total. She had intended to rest Shimmer after just six. Each trip along the length of the field took Sunset roughly thirty minutes, although, after the fourth length, she was starting to slow down, thanks to the heat of the late summer sun beating down upon her body and also to her legendarily bad fitness. It didn’t help that the plow was fifty pounds of dead weight behind her. By the time she started the fifth run, she was barely moving at all, her straw yellow body drenched in sweat and drool and her breathing heavy and haggard. Noticing Sunset start to slow, Applejack used the whip like it was meant to be used, even marking her lover’s ass twice with red lines, which earned her a rather rude whinny from her pony. “If ya need a break, Shimmer, then stomp your left hoof three times.” She suspected, somewhat correctly, her pony wouldn’t quit without encouragement. Sunset neighed loudly and snorted through the bit, Applejack’s aim was deadly and on point. She continued on valiantly for a little bit longer before giving up and stomping her left hoof three times. ‘Damn...Damn...th-this is h-hard...how do the mud ponies do this...’ she thought bitterly. “Whoa girl!” Applejack was quick to act. She moved off the plow and in a flash she was up beside her pony. Using her strength, she backed her up a bit and easily she lifted the yoke off the exhausted Equestrian. She set it out of the way on the plow handles then she came back to Sunset and took her by the reins. “Let's get you watered, girl. I'm right proud of you. Four furlongs in two and a half hours!” the farmer led her over to a tree just off the plowed area back near where they had started. ‘All I’m good for is plowing...just like a mud-pushing earth pony...’ Sunset thought resentfully as she walked behind her Mistress on rather wobbly legs, unable to shift the dark desolate feeling that flourished deep in her gut. Waiting for them in the shade of a very large, very old zap apple tree, was an equally large wicker picnic basket that Big Macintosh had bought over while Sunset had been pulling the plow. Sitting down upon a tree stump, Applejack reached into the large basket and pulled out a canteen of cool water and she held it to Sunset's lips. “Ah reckon you earned this.” Though she drank, Sunset murmured as she drank, not sounding at all 'there'. More than a bit worried at her lover’s noncommittal reaction, Applejack carefully checked Sunset over for the very real possibility of heat exhaustion. Still lost in the dark depths of her anxiety, Sunset nickered and swished her tail, pawing at the grass with her hooves at being checked over like she was a horse. Frowning, Applejack then pulled a cider out of the basket, opened it and took a welcome swig before offering it up to her pet. Without thinking that she still had hooves instead of hands, Sunset tried to take the bottle of cider. Of course she failed and Applejack had to lift it to her mouth, where she watched her listlessly drink around the bit in her mouth. Frowning a little deeper, the farmer removed the bit but left the bridle in place. “Sunny, if this ain't a game you want to play, just say so.” Sunset sunk onto a second tree stump, careful to avoid sitting on the butt plug and driving it deeper in her behind, “I-I don't know, AJ...” “Okay, even Ah can tell somethin’s wrong.” Applejack, while she wasn’t the most perceptive or empathetic person in the world, even she could tell something was wrong and something was bothering her girlfriend. “You sound more whipped than whipped, Sunny.” Leaning over from her tree stump and she removed Sunset’s hoof gloves. After she had done that, she handed her the cider bottle. “Talk.” Sunset looked completely deflated – the only time Applejack had seen her look like that before was when Princess Twilight had pulled her out of the crater after the Fall Formal – as she drank from the bottle. “I guess...I suppose it's nothing...” she shrugged and took another sip of the cider. “I had a nightmare, that’s all. Six nights running.” Reaching over, Applejack pulled another cider bottle from the picnic basket. “Sounds like more than nothin’, if it’s got you antsy as a cat in a roomful of rocking chairs.” “First...” Sunset paused and gathered her thoughts, “It was about the centaurs not being able to use the portal. Moonsilver said it was closed to them. I was scared what would happen if the magic got so out of hand that the Princesses declared that the portal had to be closed.” “Did y’all wanna go back?” Applejack asked as she took a long swig of her cider, “Ah thought seeing the Princess was enough, but Ah don't want to keep you here if you'd rather be back in Equestria.” “It's not that...” Sunset admitted, staring into her half-empty bottle, “I mean, I do consider this world my home now, I just kinda took for granted I could always come and go as I pleased.” “What does that book of yours have to say on the plan now?” “I dunno, I haven't heard anything from Princess Twilight in days…” Sunset sighed deeply and hung her head. “The dreams got worse after that, all this week, in fact.” “Sunny, Ah love ya. Ah love ya enough to let you go. If you have to be trapped in one world, I want it to be the world you can end your days in happily.” Sunset smiled a genuine smile and she drank her cider. “I'm in that world already, AJ. The thing is, then I got scared thinking about the memory stone, Juniper's mirror, Vignette's phone.... all the magic going crazy everywhere. That just made the nightmare’s worse.” “If'n they do close the portal, then that should end all the crazy magic, right?” “What if it changes me?” “Ah don't think it can make you any cuter,” Applejack smiled and pulled out a second bottle of cider for herself and Sunset. “I mean...I'm Equestrian.” Sunset said as she took the second cider and cracked it open. “What if the next thing it changes isn't a mirror, or a phone, but me? What if...what if it turns me into a pony?” Considering that for a moment, Applejack blinked and drank, swilling the cider around in her mouth while she waited for an answer to come to her. “Y’all mean like an Equestrian pony or like one of the ponies around here?” Sunset acquired a blush that reached the tips of her ears, “I mean like Prancer or Vixen,” she said in a very quiet voice, referring to the two mares on the farm, though she pointedly did not mention the stallion, Thunder. “Oh...” Like before, Applejack used a mouthful of cider to find an answer, “Um, ah, you'd still be you,” she lightly tapped Sunset’s head with an index finger, “Right?” Sunset Shimmer shrugged, “I dunno, maybe? But I'd be an animal. We wouldn't be together, would we? I'd be just another mare on the farm! You'd be giving me sugar lumps while Thunder bred me! I'd just be pulling the cart or the plow! Or…” Applejack silenced her lover with a reassuring hand on her shoulder and then a finger on her lips. “Ah don't fuck with Prancer or Vixen because they can't say no. If...If it happens that you can't say no, then Ah wouldn't fuck with you either. Ah...well, y’all are right about Thunder. If you are just a mare with nothing to Sunny inside, then Ah ain’t going to make you go through a heat with no relief. If you're a mare and still you, then Ah got a dildo to take care of that.” When Applejack kissed her, Sunset suddenly started crying. “I'm scared, AJ. Like, really scared! Every time we face something, and we pony up, I'm worried I'll be changed, like, more than the pony ears and tail. It's one thing to be a pony....but I don't wanna be like Vixen!” Scooting over to Sunset’s tree stump, Applejack held her sobbing girlfriend close. “Ah don't know what to say. You should ask that pony princes of yours, see what she can do,” the farmer giggled, “We could go through for a bit to see what it is like for me to service a smart mare. Ah'd be happy to service a smart mare over here, one as smart as the one I'm holding.” “You...” Sunset looked up and dried her eyes on the back of her hand, “You'd be happy to cross over with me for a day or two?” Applejack nodded her head and winked, “As long as you don't laugh at me for bein’ a fool on four legs. Pinkie says it's fun, so Ah think Ah should go and have fun.” “Pinkie says eating cupcakes is fun!” Sunset giggled at last, the vast majority of her tension gone. “Say...you don't happen to have that toy you mentioned out here with you, do you?” Applejack laughed, “Well now, Ah think Ah might have somethin’ in mah basket that can handle that sort of plowin’.” “Oh, well that’s alright then, ‘cos this mare's feeling a bit frisky now.” “Well, why don’t you turn around and Ah can play with that tail of yours to get things started?” Applejack smirked, more than happy to take her very sexy mare right then and there where they were. She was delighted to see her pony turn, get on her knees and present herself to her like she was in the midst of a heat. Under the shade of the large old zap apple tree, Applejack stood and kicked off her boots and thumbed open her work jeans. They, along with her underwear, were quickly removed and placed on the stump she had been sat on moments before. As she admired her pony’s upturned rear, she reached into the basket and, after fishing around inside, she pulled out the eight inch long strap on toy. In short order, it was up around her waist and buckled tight. “Jackie!” Sunset whined, swishing her tail side to side, desperate that her lover was taking so long, “rut me!” Applejack didn’t answer her, not verbally anyway. She got behind her kneeling girlfriend and she gripped the tail plug, pulling it out so far and thrusting it back inside her ass. She was rewarded by a very lewd nicker and a pleasured whinny, as well as glistening juices dripping down the inside of her straw yellow thighs. The farmer then slid the toy back in to the hilt in one motion, thrusting it home firmly. Then, kneeling behind her, Applejack placed her hand between Sunset’s spread open legs and, when she had a handful of her pussy juices on her palm, she used that to lube up her strap on toy. Shuffling forwards on her knees, Applejack wasted no time in gripping her hips and thrusting inside. “AaaaAAAAAAHN!” Sunset screamed out in sheer pleasure as the toy spread her sopping wet tunnel apart. She loved how strong and firm the farmer was with her, she could feel every ridge and bump along the eight inch length as it went inside all the way to the hilt in one smooth thrust. “Rut me Jackie please!” Hilted now, Applejack paused. Just enough to let Sunset think she was playing with her, just enough so she whinnied in frustration with the toy filling her like it was. Then, pulling back almost withdrawing from her completely, the farmer thrusted back in all the way to the hilt, her hips slapping Sunset’s ass a lot harder than she had before. With the force of the hard thrust, Sunset's body lowered a bit, her head on the grass as she spreads her legs wider for balance. “Give it to me, Jackie!” Spurred on by Sunset’s encouragement, Applejack withdrew midway and she thrusted forwards a third and fourth times, picking up her speed with buck of her hips. “Oooh…” she moaned as the shaft in her felt properly squiffy now. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes buck me Jackie!” Sunset screamed in heaven with each hard thrust giving her more pleasure than the last, “buck me into next week!” The Equestrian screamed out at the top of her lungs, not caring who might see or hear, part of her hoping someone was watching them. Alas, their only witness was the tree they were under giving them shade. “Want it do you, girl?” A little switch seemed to flick in Applejack’s head as she bucked her hips the roughest yet, getting the toy right to the hilt. As she thrust into her again and again, so hard that Sunset was practically laid on her front rather than kneeling, Applejack’s dominant side came all the way out. Grunting loudly, she pulled back for a harder thrust which mashed herself into Sunset’s ass end. “Yes! Yes I want it!” Sunset begged as her eyes rolled up, “I want it bad!” Feeling her way, Applejack lowered herself to Sunset’s ear. “Scream then, you pretty little pony.” She growled as she ran her hands delicately over the straw yellow Equestrian’s shoulders, only to grip them and roughly pull her back as she thrust forward hard. “Oh give it to meeeeee!” Sunset screamed, pushed as she was to the very edge of her climax, then with an ear shattering “OOooHHHHHH IIIIII GAAHAHHAHHH!” She reached her climax just as a particularly hard thrust made the head of the toy tap her cervix. As she gave a particularly hard thrust, Applejack could feel the force of Sunset's orgasm under her body. “That's it, pony, scream for the whole orchard to hear,” she pulled out and thrust in as hard as she could, screaming, “SUUUUUUNNY!” She held it in as deep as she could, riding her own climax as she felt Sunset under her do the same. “I Love You!” Sunset screamed as she came down from her high after a few moments of sheer bliss. “Oh, that was good, sooooo good!” After a good few minutes, when her girlfriend and Mistress had pulled out, she rolled over onto her back on the grass and kissed her lips. “You sure do know how to use that toy, Jackie…” “Ah know a lot of things, but Ah know Ah'm goin’ to wait till your head is straight before Ah try some of them again.” “Oh?” Sunset giggled on her back, mostly because the grass was tickling her, “I'd say this afternoon has gone a long way to putting my head on straight. That, or shoving my brain out my ear.” “Your rear was to full to shove it out that way,” Applejack commented as she shoved herself up to a sitting position and then she stood up and unbuckled the toy from her hips. “The plow can stay where it is,” she said, reaching for her jeans and pulling them up her legs, “Let's head in the house so you can send a note to that Princess you know.” “Yes ma'am,” Sunset got up from the grass and, under the shade of the tree, stretched her legs, sighing happily when a few muscles popped in her back. She grinned when her Mistress reattached the hoof gloves and locked them around her wrists. “We should do it under the trees more often, Jackie.” Jeans and boots back on, and the empty bottles stowed back in the wicker basket along with the strap on, Applejack picked up the basket under her arm. “Ah reckon so.” “And the picnic was nice too,” she giggled, stealing a quick kiss from her lover as they started to walk back side by side from the field to the farm house. Even though they hadn’t eaten any of it, it was still nice. Besides, she was sure they’d eat in Applejack’s room. “Thanks, earlier, for listening to me.” “Love listens. True love responds.” Applejack returned the kiss with one of her own, “Whatever happens next, that will stay true.” “Know what? I'm not gonna worry about it. What happens will happens, right?” With her free hand, Applejack tapped Sunset’s head, a wry grin plastered on her freckled face. “This sweet litt'l thing is gonna worry, so we should put those worries to rest. Ah'm one for making a plan of action and then takin’ action.” As they reached the farm house, Sunset giggled brightly, “One of the things I love about you, Jackie.” On the rickety old porch, Applejack raised an eyebrow, “Y’all should be lovin’ all the things about me,” she playfully admonished her, unable to hide her smile. “I said one of the things!” Sunset protested on the way to the stairs, then she pouted, realising her lover was messing with her and she had walked into it. “Ha de ha. You got me.” “Your blush is as beautiful as the sunset.” “You got that straight from one of Rarity's trashy romance books!” Sunset accused, noting that her girlfriend didn’t try to deny it. On her way up the stairs, she swayed her ass side to side, and was rewarded with Applejack’s free hand playing with the tail hairs to help her ass sway. In the farmer’s bedroom, she held up her hooves. “Am I mouth writing?” “Didn't the Princess say your mouth writing was better than her horn writing?” “She did.” Sunset, rather clumsily, reached into her bag by the bed and she managed to get the magic journal onto the bed with her hooves. Watching, Applejack didn’t help until she had the book out, then she helped turn to the next blank page. “Thanks sexy. You have my pen?” Obligingly, Applejack placed the non-writing end in Sunset’s mouth. “Thank you,” she mumbled and started to write, ‘Hey Twilight, it's Sunny. How are things progressing over there with the portal and the centaurs?’ “Keep writing your fears,” Applejack put in, knowing that her stubborn girlfriend wouldn’t if she didn’t push her, “Like can it stay open or will it have to be closed.” Blushing, Sunset nonetheless kept writing, scribbling out all her nightmares and fears that she had communicated to her earlier in the southwest field. When she was done, Applejack took the book and closing it, she placed it under the pillow. “Ah guess now we have time till the vibrate alarm goes off.” Sunset liked where this was going. “Your pony feels like a snuggle on the bed, if Mistress is agreeable?” “Ah'll take the tail out so we can roll a bit in the snugging, but the hooves stay on. Ah want to remove a fear that if you are a pony, you can still love me as a pony.” Applejack adored the blush that coloured her lover’s face, it went all the way up to her ears. “Ah don't know about Equestrian hooves,” she said as she removed the tail, “But these are close to hooves here. Ah'm waiting to see what you can do with them on me, Shimmer.” “Equestrian hooves are...to be honest, they’re nothing like these. Ponies can grip with them, manipulate stuff with them, and in the case of mud...earth, ponies, they channel their magic through them.” Pulling her in close, both girls knelt on the bed and shared a loving kiss. “Ah guess as long as you keep sayin’ mud, then Ah know you're still up here,” she tapped Sunset’s head with a callused finger, “The way you keep correctin’ yourself all the time, it must be an insult in Equestria.” “It's...” Sunset sighed, her shoulders sagging, “I should know better, really. You see, for the nobility in Canterlot, who are all mostly unicorns, earth ponies are like third class citizens.” “Ah get it. When we hire some hands for harvest, they don't get the best shake in town. Honest pay for honest work Ah say. Still, can't do much if a restaurant won't let them in.” Sunset snorted, “It's a stupid prejudice that dates back to before the Unification of the Tribes and has no place in a modern Equestria. The unicorns declared themselves the best of the three pony tribes, because they raised the sun and moon, and used the most magic.” “Mah counterpart is a mud pony, right?” “She's an earth pony, Jackie. An apple farmer.” Applejack kissed Sunset’s lips, “Shimmer, none of us are perfect. While that other AJ may buck you into next week if you said that to her, Ah can take it. Doesn't mean you shouldn't correct yourself, but Ah'm not kicking you out of bed for words that in truth don't hurt me.” “I love you, Jackie, and I always will.” “Eeyup. Now, Ah want snuggles until the Princess writes back, then, maybe some more writing, and then Ah want them hooves trying to pleasure me.” ~ ~ ~ Celestia yawned at the breakfast table in the kitchen of the villa she shared with her sister. While it was ten in the morning, she was far from ‘rested’, thanks to the night she had just shared with Moonsilver in the dream realm. Sat in just her bathrobe and collar – she hadn’t seen the need to get dressed, seeing as how Cheerilee was naked, except for an apron, at the stove cooking the last batch of pancakes. Luna, sat beside her sister, caught the yawn and snickered into her third coffee of the morning. She knew full well what her older sibling had gotten up to in the night, thanks to the fact that her sister was a screamer. That, and the fact that that Cheerilee had changed her bedsheets fifteen minutes ago when she had at last woken up. “You know,” she giggled, unable to resist a tease, “Leelee had to change the bedding when we got back too. I don't think she washed it though. I think she has it in the closet and nests there when I'm out.” Rather pointedly, Cheerilee just blushed, chose to say nothing and, when the pancakes were cooked, served up the very late breakfast. Smiling gratefully at the fuchsia skinned submissive, Celestia dived straight in, taking a mouthful of blueberry pancake in her mouth. She was amazed at the dream realm, how she actually had the taste of her Master’s semen in her mouth. “Wouldn't be the first time she's done that, right Lu?” she asked thickly. “I think it’s the first time she curled up with centaur musk, though.” Luna commented, making Cheerilee, who had resumed her position kneeling on her cushion to the left of her Mistress, snort out her milk back into the glass from whence it came. Idly, she wondered if it was worth stealing a kiss of her toes through the sandals she wore. “I'm sure I don't know what you mean...” Celestia tried very hard to protest, then she giggled. Given the state in which she had woken up, wet through with cum-stained sheets, she didn’t really have a leg to stand on. So, she changed the subject instead. “Your bed is comfortable, though.” Looking down, Luna caught sight of her pet inching closer to her feet and she gave her a warning tap to her nose. “To make sure that Leelee doesn't go overboard on the naughty, I have a monitor...” she gave her sister and her pet a very sly little smile. At once, Celestia was both surprised and intrigued, “Lu!” she started before taking a sip of her own coffee, “I never took you for a spy!” however, as she ate her pancakes, she thought. That thought turned into a deep blush. “What ah...what have you seen?” “Oh, no, I'm not a voyeur.” Luna smiled, smoothing a non-existent wrinkle out of her white tee shirt, “I only know that the winch was used in the room. Leelee told me about the day you peeked in on us. Did you have fun?” Although, before her sister could answer, she reached her hand down and she affectionately stroked her pet’s two tone pink hair. “Tell Tia why I have a monitor.” Reminded of ‘that’ incident, Cheerilee averted her eyes to the floor, though she did purr softly at the petting she was receiving. “I tried some self-suspension bondage. Could have ended badly.” She chose not to mention the fact that it very nearly had ended badly. “Yes, as it happens, Lu. I had a lot of fun. I needed some adjustment on my attitude after Rosie left the other day. Moonsilver was happy to provide that adjustment, thankfully.” Celestia glanced down at a heavily blushing Cheerilee on her cushion and gave her a smile, though the younger woman’s eyes were closed, “In that case, I'm glad you have the monitor.” She dreaded to think what her Master would do if he caught her doing something like that. Luna looked immensely put out. “Now I wish I could have peeked in on you,” she huffed good-naturedly as she ate her own breakfast, “How goes the efforts to get Moonsilver home?” “As far as I know, very well. Sunset said she would keep me informed if anything changed.” At that, Celestia went quiet and she moved on from the pancakes, starting on the scrambled eggs, chewing them thoughtfully. Moonsilver's offer of joining was running around in her head, like it had been for the past eight days since the festival. “We live in a crazy world.” Luna stated matter-of-factly as she swallowed the last of her coffee and tapped her pet’s shoulder, “Refill please, Leelee. You may have one for yourself.” She turned her attention back to her sister when Cheerilee got up and carried out her order. “It was hard for me to even accept how crazy it was, but that proof has been rubbed in my face.” From the coffee machine, Cheerilee softly sang 'Strange Magic' while it boiled, earning her an eye roll from her Mistress. “Hmmmm...” Celestia, distracted by the offer of going to Equestria playing in a loop in her mind, didn’t notice Cheerilee place the fresh mugs of coffee down on the table, “Strange times…” “I wonder what will happen if the portal is closed,” said Luna, pointing with a finger to the cushion and pleased to see her pet resume her kneeled position, “or for that matter what will happen if they can't close it.” Cheerilee then took it upon herself to serenade them with 'Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic', only to be poked in the ribs by Luna a few verses in. Celestia sighed, “Lu, Lee, I have something to say to the both of you, an important something.” Luna looked down at Cheerilee. Cheerilee looked up at Luna. Both women wiggled their eyebrows at each other, each thinking the exact same thing. “Do tell, sister of mine.” Though she knew the moment to tell them was at hand, Celestia decided to see if she could have a little fun, especially when Luna lifted her coffee mug up to her mouth. She waited until the liquid touched her lips. “You're going to be an aunt.” Luna froze in mid-sip, until the coffee started to burn. She swallowed, though her eyes were wide as saucers. “Wow.” Cheerilee breathed, “Didn't see that coming.” “You'll both be god parents, right?” Celestia asked with as straight a face as she could muster. While Cheerilee applauded, Luna’s eyes narrowed in her sister’s direction. She admired the attempt, but she was too long in the game to buy it. “Are you getting a cat?” “A cat?” Now it was Cheerilee’s turn to snort out her coffee. “I don't think Mistress thinks you're really pregnant,” she explained. “How can she be?” “Fine,” Celestia conceded as her sister gestured to her, “Oh queen of the pranksters. Yes, I'm not pregnant. Not that we haven't tried.” “Evidence of your tries are in the linen,” Luna added slyly, thoroughly enjoying seeing her sister squirm. “I think she would get an eagle instead of a cat anyways.” Cheerilee said and, when Luna glanced in her direction, she added, “I've seen one hanging around the house and peeking into your sister’s bedroom, Mistress.” That earned her a most questioning look from her sister, one that Celestia just knew she couldn’t avoid. “Yes, Lu, that would be Rehanos. He's Moonsilver's...I don't know the right term...companion, Friend? Partner? He ah...he's the reason I have no underwear anymore.” Luna covered her mouth, “That should be interesting come the next school year.” “About that,” Celestia shuffled uncomfortably on her seat. “You're wigging like Leelee does after a good paddling.” Luna stated, sensing gossip like a shark senses blood. Helpfully, Cheerilee wiggled on her cushion, leaving it up in the air if she had received a good paddling or not. Suddenly, Celestia found her plate of eggs to be very interesting indeed. “Moonsilver asked me, back at the festival, if I would go with him, to Equestria.” She said softly. Without a second’s hesitation, Cheerilee clapped her hands and, when Luna showed no sign of doing anything, she nudged her hard in the thigh. “With all that entails,” Luna started after a moment’s thought, “Or at least what I've heard from Sunset Shimmer, are you willing to take that chance and live?” “Yes.” She answered her sister quickly and confidently. “I've been thinking about it since the festival. Of ways to tell you, I mean. I made my mind up then and there to go.” Luna laid her hand over Celestia’s and she squeezed it gently. “I've suspected this since the beginning when I admitted to the wild magic. I would rather have a sister alive and well in another world than lonely and dying in this one.” “Really?” Celestia’s eyes started welling up when they both nodded at her. “I mean, it's not like we'd be gone for good, we could come back, you could come to us!” “That really depends on what they do with the portal,” Luna pointed out, “There is that book, so we can write to each other at the very least. If the book is left behind.” “I honestly don't know,” Celestia shrugged, “Even if that portal at the school is closed though, who's to say the Princesses can't open another one?” “Okay, you got me there. As long as it’s for visits and not to banish some monster or facilitate some migration again.” Luna said with a sense of finality while Cheerilee started to clean up the breakfast dishes. Now that the slight tension had gone – tension that she entirely imagined in her head – Celestia sighed and decided to have a little fun. “Oh I don't know, Principal Luna, you'd love sorting the next attempt at world domination. That, and banishing students from the faculty lot.” “Prin...” Luna caught herself, “The title is not hereditary. That will be for the school board to decide.” “You know you want it!” Cheerilee giggled from the sink where she had taken upon herself to wash up. “The larger office yes, and I'll apply of course. Maybe I could get a recommendation?” “Oh...I think the departing Principal will have kind words to say about her potential replacement,” Celestia gave her sister a playful wink. Suddenly, Luna stood up so fast that she thrust her chair backwards. Arching her back, she thrust her hands like claws up into the air, cackling like a Saturday morning cartoon villain. “The power shall be mine!” she cried dramatically, “I will rule the parking lots! None shall ever again park in unauthorized spots!” Cheerilee's laughter could be heard from the kitchen. “Oh dear...what have I unleashed upon the world?” Celestia wondered with a giggle as Cheerilee lost it in uproarious laughter. “Do I need to threaten you with the rainbows and the lasers? I hear the girls do it almost to order these days.” “I don't think I'll miss any of that,” Luna commented as she moved her chair under the kitchen table. “The track and field area is still not fully recovered from the Friendship Games.” “I know how you feel about that, Lu.” Celestia took a moment to sip at her refilled coffee now that it was cool enough and they moved from the kitchen through to the living room, where they sat on the couch. “Thank you, sister, for being so understanding over all this.” Again, Luna squeezed her sister’s hand. “Are you happy, Tia?” “So very happy Lu!” That concluded matters as far as Luna was concerned. All she had wanted was for her older sister to be happy. That was all she and Berryshine and Roseluck had ever wanted. “I'll miss you, and I do hope they have some postal system in place, but to see you walking out of the darkness I love into the light you love is what really matters to me.” She sat and sipped at her fresh coffee. “When will you tell your herd?” “I don't know,” Celestia answered her honestly, mulling it over with a mouthful of hot coffee. “I was thinking on getting Rosie and Bez round for some fun one night and getting Silver here too, and telling them then, all together.” “Sounds like something an alpha mare would do, alright.” Luna agreed, “I can't see them following you though, so make the most of it.” Celestia had a somewhat glum expression on her face as she sat on the couch and thought about that. Looking down, she couldn’t help but look at the old faded scars on her forearms. Everything her sister and her two close friends had done for her weighed on her mind. “I do hope they don't think I've messed them around. We've only been a herd for two weeks.” “Hope for the best and you can all cross over either way,” Luna said supportively, “But prepare for the worse and party like it’s your last night together.” “Memories and photos are forever,” Cheerilee put in as she too walked in from the kitchen with a glass of orange juice for herself that she hadn’t been allowed to have. She brazenly walked past her Mistress and knelt on the cushion by the couch, displaying the glass of juice like it was a rare prize. “I like the sound of that.” Celestia smiled, “Party like its 1999...” she facepalmed and sighed so much her shoulders sagged, “I'm so old...” “1999?” Cheerilee just couldn’t resist. It had after all been two whole days since she had been properly punished by her Mistress. Two days too long. She couldn’t allow her to get rusty, after all. “When was that?” she asked innocently and, sure enough, there came the sound and the feel of a loud slap against her bare ass. Celestia laughed out loud, not because of Cheerilee’s sarcasm, but because of the very large smile that Cheerilee wore on her face following the short, sharp smack to her behind. “I think someone is asking for a punishment, Lu.” “She earned it with the orange juice,” Luna confirmed, making her pet smile wider, “But my pet does think she’s funny at times.” “If you're going to do something fun in the playroom, can I watch?” In the worse monotone voice ever, which was a very good imitation of Maud Pie, Cheerilee said, “Oh no. I have stage fright. I don't know what I will ever do. I...” Luna’s palm striking Cheerilee’s other ass cheek made sure that her submissive lover never finished her sentence. “That may be too much of a reward. Still my pet is a naughty pet. To the room and prepare for your punishment.” Cheerilee looked down at the floor, but that couldn’t hide the smile on her face, “Yes, Mistress.” She turned about and practically ran to the bedroom. Celestia watched her sister’s pet scamper off, “Just how do you plan on punishing her?” Luna waved a hand, “Oh, I was thinking the trapeze. I believe you remember peeking in on that.” Celestia swallowed, “I… I would like to be part of that too. I’m the reason your pet was naughty.” Luna laughed, “Really, do you think she needs an excuse to be naughty?” She shook her head, “You’re also a terrible liar, sister. My pet noted how you ran when you last peeked in. Also, I had a chance to talk to Moonsilver about your last visit to my room.” “Oh,” said Celestia. “I’m… I’m ready this time!” “No, you’re not,” responded Luna. “But I will let you watch and maybe even play. I’m sure your spanking her ass may bring more pain that she expects.” Luna moved off to her bedroom, “Do follow along, dear sister. I’m sure this will be educational.” Celestia watched Luna leave the living room frozen in her spot. In her mind she did want to play, but the fear in her heart left her rooted. “Damn it!” Shear will power forced one foot to move forward, followed by the second. Once she was moving, she continued to Luna’s bedroom door. She was in time to see Luna operate the switch on the wall. Cheerilee stood next to the bed, naked having shed the apron, and her hands behind her back. She was looking directly at her with a huge smile. “I’m so happy you could make it, dear sister. I was worried for a moment you might have changed your mind.” With the cables down Luna attached the trapeze bar between the two. She glanced over to Celestia to see that ‘deer in the headlights’ look. Celestia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them, the inner calm had returned to her. “I’m not one to back out of a challenge.” “Of course. How foolish of me to think otherwise,” said Luna. “Be a dear and bind Leelee’s wrists behind her back. Your hands may have free access to her body.” Celestia looked around and quickly spotted the short length of white nylon rope on the bed. She ran her hand over the pet’s breast to reach the rope. Her other hand had a firm grasp of Cheerilee’s ass to maintain her balance. She dragged both her hands and rope across the sub’s pert nipples before she moved behind Cheerilee. Celestia was no slouch at tying someone up. Berry, Rose, and she had taken turns on each other. She soon had Cheerilee’s wrists bound. “Well done, sister,” said Luna after a quick check of the binding. She led Cheerilee up onto the bed. The trapeze was all the way down against the bed. Celestia watched Luna lay her pet down on her back with her knees over the bar. She noticed that the bar was thick with heavy padding. Luna moved over to the switch and raised the bar till Cheerilee’s lower legs were parallel to the bed. “I usually make my pet do this, but I’ll go easy on her today since you are here,” said Luna. “Hold up her shoulders so her breasts touch her legs.” Celestia moved onto the bed and lifted Cheerilee’s shoulders. She could tell from how little effort it took that Cheerilee was doing a crunch and didn’t really need any help. The view was nice though. She watched Luna take a length of rope and bind Cheerilee’s lower legs to her upper arms with the rope passing just under the bar. Celestia quickly became wet just watching Luna at work. One hand slipped between Cheerilee’s breast and legs to fondle a nipple. Luna smiled as she watched her sister take her part in this play. “This binding will keep her on the bar, and leave her ass free from obstruction,” Luna said while she worked. When finished she said, “You can stop holding her now, but you don’t have to let go of that breast yet.” She couldn’t help but laugh when Celestia’s hand moved like Cheerilee’s breast turned to fire. She was still laughing when she raised the trapeze bar as Celestia’s blush was worth laughing at. Celestia was furious at her reaction to Luna’s words. It was usually her that caught Luna’s hand in the cookie jar and not the other way around. As the bar raised, Cheerilee did tilt back a bit, but the bar remained firmly under her knees. The tilt just made her ass that much more accessible. “How often have you done this?” asked Celestia as she could tell the binding was just right. “As often as it pleases me,” answered Luna. “Not as often as it would please her.” Luna picked up a long, flat, flexible bat. “The wires will keep her from spinning, though she can still twist a bit. Just gives more surface to hit.” She handed the handle to Celestia. “Get her started.” Celestia had never seen a bat like this, nor did she remember it when she last peeked in. Then she didn’t stay very long after that visit. “I’m surprised Moonsilver didn’t use this on me.” “I had it custom made some time ago,” said Luna. “It is perfect for this, but not really practical for just a straightforward paddling. It was still in my closet, so I think he thought the same thing.” Celestia swung it a few times and it really was flexible. The next swing connected with Cheerilee’s ass with a loud slap. The sub only moved a little on impact. “This is…” She swung it again with some force, and the impact was louder, and Cheerilee moved a bit more. “Fun.” Just air resistance made the bat flex when she swung it, but then it continued to flex back as Cheerilee moved. The smile on the sub’s face told her she was doing it right, but she had no idea if what she was doing hurt. A glance at Luna didn’t help as she was now sitting on a chair watching Celestia work. She was several swings in before she got a moan out of Cheerilee. It was enough to make her hesitate not for causing any pain, but just how hot it was making her feel to do this. Another glance at her sister showed Luna was masturbating with a hand deep in her crotch. Celestia continued to swing the bat, and Cheerilee became more vocal as she did. For Celestia it was a race to see who would orgasm first among the three of them. Luna won that race with Celestia coming in a close second. It took several more swings before Cheerilee finally came. While the bat wasn’t very heavy, it took a lot more work than Celestia though it would. She was drenched in sweat. Luna was just as sweaty when she hugged her. “Well done, sister,” whispered Luna in her sister’s ear. “We have only started though.” Luna moved back over to the switch and lowered Cheerilee butt down to the bed. “I have a lovely double ended dildo that I usually use now, but with you here. One of us can do that while the other can let my pet worship some feet.” The squeal from Cheerilee let Celestia know just know that she was sure Luna did both herself, but she was doing to humor her sister. Celestia was never into foot worship, until Moonsilver had her doing that with Berry. She looked at just how sweaty her toes were and knew that is just want Cheerilee wanted. “You can use the dildo, sister. I’ll let your pet taste some different toes.” “I’m sure she would be clapping right now if she could,” said Luna. She untied the biding letting Cheerilee’s back fall back to the bed, but the trapeze kept her legs in the air. Luna moved to the dresser to pull out the dildo and back to the bed to slip it into Cheerilee. She quickly moved into position to insert the other end into herself. “No biting, pet.” Celestia knew that was her que, but how should she do it? Both Cheerilee and Luna were looking at her, but she could tell neither of them were going to be helpful. Inspiration struck her as she moved to stand on top of Cheerilee. Her knees on either side of Cheerilee’s butt and her own butt against the pet’s breasts put her toes just were they were needed. Against Cheerilee’s lips. She had a direct view of the dildo between two sets of pussy lips was a bonus. She could feel Cheerilee waste no time as she sucked on her sweaty toes. “Thank you for letting me play with you two.” “The pleasure is ours, sister,” said Luna as she moved to let the dildo slip in and out of the two of them. “Maybe you’ll invite the two of us to play with your herd someday.” Celestia slipped a hand between her own legs. Cheerilee was nibbling on her toes, but she didn’t bite. The squelching added to the pleasure of her own hand. The thought of Luna and Cheerilee playing with her herd-mates drove Celestia to higher ecstasy. She would be sure to include them when the chance happened. > Chapter 19 - Equestria, My Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The coast is clear,” Celestia announced to Berryshine who was waiting for confirmation in the cab of her truck. The Principal had waved to her elderly neighbour who had been watching from behind her curtain. When she had waved, the curtain had snapped closed in an instant. Now the coast was literally clear, Berryshine got out of her truck and walked around to the back so she could release their passenger from the horsebox. Celestia, wearing her tiny swimsuit and Berryshine, in her denim hot pants and boots, shared a high five with her best friend and herd mate. Tonight was going to be fun! Fun that they had planned for the past week. The only addition to Berryshine’s distinctly country style wardrobe was the light grey and white collar that she wore around her neck. Moonsilver had locked it in place with a touch of his earth stone magic the moment she had parked up at the Everfree Forest. Like the one that Dawnglow wore, it had no buckle or clasp, the wood simply fused together. While Berryshine lowered the door and let the centaur out of the trailer, Celestia hastened up the garden path and opened the front door quickly, a slight sense of foreboding hanging over her for the conversation she knew was to come later. She had fended off Berryshine's interrogation all the way back from the forest, but inside her house, Roseluck was a different prospect. Luna, sat on her couch with Cheerilee as ever by her side kneeling on her cushion, smirked when she saw her sister open the door. “I see our intrepid traveller returns with her stud muffin! Greetings to you, Moonsilver.” Cheerilee giggled from her cushion and Roseluck, naked like Cheerilee was, only had eyes for Moonsilver after her last centaur ride not so long ago. “Hello sister of mine,” Celestia crossed her living room in a few strides and hugged Luna tightly to her before she turned to the zoned out Roseluck. “Rosie...” she saw where the flower vendor was looking and shared a wink with her sister. “Rosie!” she said louder, still getting nothing in response. “Rose!” sighing in frustration, Celestia waved her hand in front of her face and resorted to pinching her ear between her thumb and forefinger. “Eeek!” Roseluck squealed, suddenly bought back to the here and now by the sharp pain in her ear, she blushed, “I’m sorry, I was miles away…” “But I'm in the house,” Moonsilver smiled knowingly, for he knew exactly where Roseluck had been staring, and it wasn’t at his face. “Here, this is for you, my lovely pet.” The dominant centaur walked over to the naked submissive and he placed the second light grey and white collar around her neck, magically locking it as he had done with Berryshine. He approved greatly of her lack of clothing, something he showed by petting her head gently. “No Leelee,” Luna smirked down at Cheerilee who was looking hopefully at Moonsilver like she was waiting her turn, “Only one collar for you.” Pouting, the naughty submissive scuffed at the carpet with her hand. “Oh my goodness!” Roseluck at last snapped herself out of it and she hugged Moonsilver extra tight, smooshing her hefty breasts into his chest and kissing him all over his face, “Thank you!” While Berryshine began to strip off her flannel shirt and her denim hot pants, Celestia did not make an attempt to remove her skimpy red swimsuit. Instead, she giggled at the adorable pout that Cheerilee was still directing at both Moonsilver and Luna. “I think Lulu's enough Mistress for you, Leelee.” “But the grey and white is so pretty...aaaAAAAH!” she cried, for Luna had silenced her when she administered a solid well-aimed smack to her bare ass, a smack that left a handprint in its wake. The fuchsia sub blushed so that both sets of cheeks matched, and her pout became a smile, “Thank you Mistress.” Eventually releasing Moonsilver from her hug, Roseluck said, “It's good to see you again, Master.” Moonsilver smiled at her and placed his hands upon the breasts that had, a moment earlier, been pressed into his chest, “The feeling is mutual, Roseluck.” Luna, seeing that all but Celestia and herself were naked in the living room, promptly removed the long knee length tee she had been wearing and sat back on the couch. “It seems I'm not the only one looking for a spanking.” “You aren't? Then do you mean…” Moonsilver removed his hands from Roseluck’s bountiful chest and he moved over the living room and soundly spanked Celestia’s barely covered ass so hard that the fat buttock jiggled from the force of the impact. “This one?” He had to admit, being surrounded by four naked females and one practically naked one, he was quickly losing the fight to keep his libido under control. Not that he was trying very hard in that regard. With a loud yelp, that did not cover the sound of her ass getting slapped, Celestia got the idea and quickly, lest she got a second ‘order’, she slipped the top of the swimsuit over her head and tugged the bottoms down past her vast rear end. Lastly, she kicked off her sandals and, standing naked, she bent over and wiggled her large ass for Moonsilver’s pleasure. “I'm getting in on that!” Berryshine, not to be outdone, turned, bent over and wiggled her toned behind at Moonsilver too. “You in, Rosie?” Roseluck didn’t answer, she just copied the turn and butt wiggle manoeuvre when she saw just how much trouble the centaur was having with his stallionhood, which was now at half-mast and growing. Kneeling by the side of the couch, Cheerilee also noted the ever growing erection that hung between the dominant stallion’s hind legs and giggled up to Luna at her side, “I think Master Moonsilver likes the show, Mistress.” Luna nodded her agreement. “Those are some fine asses on display.” “Yes,” Moonsilver agreed with Cheerilee, for how could he not like the show his three pets were putting on for him? By the Forest, he was a lucky stallion! “But now, if you’ll kindly excuse me, it seems I have a lot of work to do.” First Moonsilver spent a few moments admiring the view he was being treated to, running his hands over the three upturned asses pointed his way. Berryshine and Roseluck were both bent over so that their hands met behind their knees. Celestia, who was not quite so supple, because of her belly, had her hands on her thighs. Moonsilver, with his primary inspection complete, unceremoniously shoved his muzzle into each of his pet’s crotches. He gave each one a sniff and a deep lick, starting with Celestia, then Berryshine and finally Roseluck. That would be the order for the night. All of them gave a very lewd moan with each lick delivered to their pussies and asses. Cheerilee, not one to be outdone, kissed Luna deeply and bent over for her like the others were for Moonsilver. Sat on the couch, Luna decided to give Cheerilee what she really wanted. Slipping off her open toed sandals, she lifted up her left foot and used her toes to play delicately along the edges of her slit and caress her tight butt cheeks. “MMmmmm…” Luna loved the moans her lover made for her, and she pressed her big toe inside her tunnel, “Th-Thank you Mistress!” Cheerilee was instantly wet the moment she felt Luna's digits enter her. Moonsilver, watching Luna, snickered, “I don't think I would have the same effect Luna.” Luna responded by pressing her big toe and the ones next to it deeper into Cheerilee’s pussy. “I think Berry might like it, but I’m not sure about the others.” “Regardless of what you may have heard,” Berryshine said, still bent over, “I do not have sex with my horses. Although Moonsilver is certainly not a horse.” “Glad to know that, Berry.” Deciding to warm up his pets for the evening’s entertainment, and to punish her for being the slowest to remove her clothing, Moonsilver took a firm hold of Celestia's hair so that she wouldn't fall over as he delivered four sound spanks, two to each ass cheek. “Ah! Aaaah! AaaaAAAAH!” Celestia moaned and squealed with every spank, her fat white ass rippling and getting a nice dull red from the tenderisation. Once he was sure she was steady on her feet, he let go of her hair and repeated the four spanks to Berryshine and to Roseluck. As she was last one in the line, Roseluck had her left hand sneaking up her thighs to her pussy, which was leaking arousal down her legs due to the other three submissive’s lewd moans. After Moonsilver judged that the spanks were over, Moonsilver turned his attention from his pets and their glowing asses to Luna. “I do believe I will need a bit of rope, as they seem to be unable to control their hands.” “Well,” Luna considered that for a moment and caught Roseluck again trying to slip her hand unnoticed up to her dripping crotch, “That we have no shortage of. Short length should be sufficient, say ten feet?” “Yes please,” Moonsilver nodded, “Three of them would do.” Removing her toes from Cheerilee’s vagina, Luna tapped them on her pet’s ass and nodded in the direction of her playroom. Immediately, the submissive scampered off to fetch the rope. In no time at all, she returned with four equal lengths and, giving three to Moonsilver, she gave the last one to Luna, who shook her head with a smile. “Sometimes it’s good when your pet takes the initiative.” “Thank you, Mistress!” Cheerilee bounced eagerly on the balls of her feet. Celestia, Berryshine and Roseluck didn’t move their hands but, bent over as they were, the three best friends and herd-mates shared a look between the three of them that could only be called a visual high five. Behind them, Moonsilver weighed up his options. He knew, since the couch could hold him, that it could hold the three of them. He started with Celestia, because she was his first, and he wanted to show the other two what was coming for them. Taking her by her long hair, he guided her to the couch so that she was up on her knees with her facing the back of the couch. It wasn’t resting against the wall, so Celestia was bent over the top at her waist. He then deftly tied her hands together behind her back. He followed this up by repeating it with Berryshine and Roseluck until all three were lined up, side by side. Satisfied, Luna sat back on her couch and admired all the fine ass on display. “You may service my feet, pet.” She smiled at Cheerilee who had resumed her kneeling position by her side. Straightaway, Cheerilee managed to tear her eyes away from the display on the other couch and takes Luna's left foot in her hands. Usually she went from the heel to her toes. This time she started at her Mistress’s toes, running her tongue along them from small to big. Luna sighed happily and ran her fingers around and in her own wet pussy. There were worse ways to spend an evening. Moonsilver then ran his hand back and forth from ass to ass, freely slipping his fingers between the legs of his three pets over and over again until he had made a hot wet mess of each of them. All three of them, Celestia, Berryshine and Roseluck, were dripping wet, panting like they were in heat, their inner thighs glistening with the juices running from their crotches, three moans becoming one. In front of Luna, Cheerilee took her Mistress’s perfectly pedicured foot in her mouth and ran her tongue deep between each toe as her hands kneaded the sole. Getting into the show, Moonsilver stopped worrying about having a raging erection on show and instead he plunged in muzzle first into each one putting his long tongue to good use. “AAaaaAAAAAAH!” Celestia lead the choir of moans on the couch, Berryshine and Roseluck soon joining in to make a truly beautiful song of pleasure that filled the living room. “Do you have the staying power to service all three of them?” asked Luna with a questioning eyebrow raised in his direction. Moonsilver was very eager to take that challenge. “Only one way to find out.” Celestia let out a very needy moan when she heard that, and the oldest woman there wiggled her behind in her Master’s direction, hoping he would use her favourite hole at least once that night. Berryshine caught her best friend’s eye and grinned, “Oh yeah, this is gonna be awesome!” Unfortunately, Berryshine would have to wait to see just how awesome the night would turn out to be, because there came a loud knock on the front door that bought Luna at least back to the moment. “Tia, my dear, were you expecting more guests tonight?” “No-No sis...I wasn't…” was all Celestia could manage to say. If Moonsilver heard the insistent knock on the door, the centaur gave no sign of it as he continued to caress each of the asses displayed before him, but teasingly he did nothing else. “Pet,” Luna decided to get it taken care of. She tapped Cheerilee’s nose with her free foot to get her attention. “Do see to the door, and if they are a salesman, you may piss on them.” Quickly, for she wanted to return to worshipping Luna’s foot, Cheerilee got up to answer the door. Part of her hoped it was a salesman she could piss on, but instead it was Applejack in a short blue skirt and white t-shirt with no bra and, by her side, Sunset Shimmer in a red under-bust corset, sand coloured forehooves and hind hooves the colour of her skin, her red and yellow tail inserted, and pony ear bridle, but no bit in her mouth. “I think they are unexpected guests, Mistress,” Cheerilee reported, opening the door fully to let the two of them inside. “Well, isn't this somethin,” Applejack grinned broadly the moment she was stood in the large living room and saw Moonsilver fingering Celestia, Berryshine and Roseluck on the couch, “Gettin’ a full show here.” Though he wasn’t perturbed by the unexpected arrival, Moonsilver was staring long and hard at Sunset's get up. His erection showed no sign of dwindling at all. On the couch, Celestia, Berryshine and Roseluck all wondered what was going on, the unspoken question between them answered when they heard Applejack’s voice. Sunset, getting herself a good look at Moonsilver’s mighty cock, nickered and whinnied, stomping a hoof into the carpet while Cheerilee went back to unashamedly worshipping Luna's feet. Just as brazenly, Luna placed her hand back between her legs and continued to pleasure herself. There was no point in being shy at that point, after all, what with three pussies and asses on display. “While it is a pleasure to see my most industrious students at my house, and so well dressed at that,” Luna started with a smile, “I'm at a loss as why you're here. As you can see, Tia is a bit busy at the moment.” “And Ah thought Shimmer's pony gear was pretty good,” Applejack smirked as she, like her pony, stared openly at Moonsilver’s throbbing erection, “But it's got nothing on that there fella.” “Ah, yes, introductions,” Luna smiled as Cheerilee again began to suck on her toes, “This is Moonsilver.” Moonsilver glanced up and across to Applejack, three fingers of his left hand still inside Celestia’s snatch, “Um, hello.” Beside Applejack, Sunset whinnied and stomped some more. The smell of sex was hanging thick and heady in the air, enhanced by the enclosed space of the living room, and it was getting to her, a fact that Applejack took note of. “A real live centaur. Not quite how the art books show you, but it's still a good look. Okay, calm down Shimmer.” The farmer then reached into her bag and gave her pony the magic journal. “You can talk now.” “Please continue,” Sunset said as soon as she was given permission to speak, “What I have can wait for a bit.” She looked at Applejack with needy desperate eyes. Applejack rolled her eyes, “For someone who was in a hurry to get here, you sure changed your tune. Vice Princi…” “Luna is fine here,” Luna interrupted Applejack quickly, “We're not in school.” “Ah, right, well, Luna, you mind if Shimmer and Ah use the other chair? We may get messy.” Luna giggled, and not just because Cheerilee was sucking on her toes like she had some slow cooked meat she was trying to suck off the bone, “I had stain resistant covers put on these chairs long ago. Have fun.” Applejack looked around and, her mind made up, dropped her skirt and stripped off the t-shirt she had been wearing. She sat down on the chair with her legs spread and quick as a flash, Sunset was between them. As she was eaten out, the farmer reached out to play with her pony’s tail. As he was about to explode, Moonsilver mounted Celestia without further ceremony. “I don't think he can make it to all three,” Luna judged. Snorting out his lust, Moonsilver took that as a personal challenge. Underneath him, Celestia had a micro second of disappointment that he entered her pussy and not her asshole, but that was soon eclipsed by the wonderful feeling of being stuffed by Moonsilver's cock. “Aaaaaah Yeeeeesss!” she screamed, leaving Berryshine and Roseluck to whimper needily. As Sunset buried her face deep in Applejack’s pussy and ate her out like she was partaking in a four course meal, Cheerilee sucked on Luna’s other foot like she was having the dessert course. Moonsilver gave Celestia three good hard trusts, using her bound hands as leverage before he pulled out and entered Berryshine. Given no warning, Berryshine yelped, eclipsing Celestia's whimper of frustration. “Ooooooh fuck yes!” Moonsilver gave Berryshine three deep solid thrusts and, as he pulled out and moved over to enter Roseluck, Luna arched her back, plunged her three fingers in deep inside her pussy and came the moment he thrust inside her. “Ooooh I missed this!” Roseluck screamed out in pleasure as Moonsilver’s long wide rod spread her open wider than she had ever been before. Once Luna had stopped climaxing, Cheerilee moved up and, taking a mouthful of Luna's cum, smeared it on her left foot and slurped it off. Sunset was nose deep tonguing away at Applejack's hole. As the farmer moaned in sheer pleasure, Moonsilver barely made it to the third hard thrust into Roseluck before his balls exploded. He stayed still for a second but, in order to avoid jealousy among his herd, he pulled out to spread the wealth of what was left over the backs of all three. Roseluck moaned and thrust herself backwards to Moonsilver even when he pulled out, her gaping creampied pussy humping the air. Celestia and Berryshine had been whining in frustration when they realised that Roseluck got the cum shot but, when they felt the heavy load of cum spatter on their backs, they cried out, “Thank you Master!” So good was the show that Cheerilee paused in her foot worship to watch the cum torrent baste the submissive’s backs. Even Luna clapped her hands as she was highly entertained. Even Applejack joined Luna in applauding the show. “While Ah'm not much for stallions, that was one hot show.” It wasn’t over, it seemed, as Moonsilver rubbed his cock over the backs and butts of his three mares. Cheerilee returned to worshipping Luna's feet, holding both of them together and sucking on both big toes at once while Celestia, Berryshine and Roseluck panted and gasped, wiggling their asses teasingly, and some semen seeped from Roseluck 's stretched hole. Smirking, Applejack tapped Sunset's head to bring her up to eye level. “Ah think the main event is over, so you may as well give your news before act two starts.” “Yes Mistress.” As Sunset turned to face the three women on the couch, Moonsilver untied them so they could sit properly, the stain resistant covers earning their cost in an instant. “Princess Twilight has found a way to stabilize the spell to allow the centaurs to enter the current portal, but she wants a test as soon as possible. She, um, she is unsure what the current portal will do to a centaur when they cross through, but is sure that whatever that is, it will correct itself when they cross back. She, um, she doesn't want to cause more trouble than it's worth.” “What sort of problem?” asked Celestia, sharing a look with Moonsilver. “Well,” Sunset took a deep breath to gather her thoughts and remember what had been written in the book, “They could end up a pony, or a bipedal pony, or they might not change at all. Getting the portal to work was easy, knowing what the artefact will definitely do is beyond her current skill set.” “Then the choice is clear,” said Moonsilver, “I need to test this tonight. Um, after the four of us shower, I know Tia's shower can fit all of us.” Luna laughed out loud, “That is true, and mine can fit four easily as well, if you need a bit of clean up, Applejack.” “Can't say no to that, but Ah gotta warn ya, Shimmer has wandering hooves.” Luna winked at the farmer, “Lee’s hands tend to wander too.” In light of what she had just heard, as well as the sex they had just enjoyed, Celestia decided to hold off on delivering her news to move to Equestria just yet, at least until after the portal had been tested later on, although she was excited. Berryshine caught the look on her best friend’s face and nudged her shoulder. “There's that excited look again, what's up?” Celestia waved it off, “It's nothing, Bez, I'm just relieved that the Princess has acted so quickly, is all.” In Luna’s shower, both Sunset Shimmer and Cheerilee were excited, particularly as their Mistresses had given permission for them to freely use their hands in the shower. “Ooh nelly...” Applejack squeaked when both of the pets began to clean her, their hands going literally everywhere, “Ah like this!” As it was a first for her, she was determined to enjoy being cleaned. Luna had no problem whatsoever sharing Cheerilee, especially as she was doing such a good job. Applejack had the full attention of the two submissives that were cleaning her. Luna was happy to watch and she enjoyed the two of them cleaning her former student so assiduously. Then, when it became her turn, she adored Applejack watching her be cleaned. “Maybe we can play some more later tonight?” asked Roseluck in Celestia’s shower with Moonsilver, the shower’s owner and Berryshine. “I certainly hope so, Rosie!” Celestia agreed. Under the hot flowing water, Celestia, Berryshine and Roseluck all very slowly and carefully scrubbed their Master all over, paying way too much attention to his undercarriage to be accidental. Conversely, the focus of the three women made it easy for him to reach their backs and down between their legs. ~ ~ ~ “I don't mind admitting, Berry,” Celestia spoke up from the passenger seat of her best friend’s truck as they drove through the city of Canterville, her school and the portal their destination, “I'm nervous about this.” It was roughly an hour since Sunset Shimmer had turned up at her house and dropped her bombshell about Princess Twilight Sparkle’s progress with the portal. Now, here they were, at Moonsilver’s insistence, speeding towards who knows what? “Why...Wait,” Berryshine, at the wheel, cast her old friend a sideways look and caught her fiddling with the straps of her swimsuit, a clear sign she was nervous. “What else is going on here, Celly?” “I ah...” Celestia squirmed awkwardly in her seat. Not only did she fiddle with her swimsuit but now she was tugging on her seat belt too. “I don't want to say until we're all back at the house.” She realised just how lame that sounded the moment it left her lips. “I promise I will tell you all then, though. It's just...that portal's hung over everything since Sunset arrived in this world.” Again, Berryshine shot her friend a look, but said nothing on her state of nervousness. “I do know where you're ticklish, but I can wait.” She nodded her head thoughtfully, “Yeah, all the stuff happing around your school, I can understand a bit of nervousness, but I also know you're made of sterner stuff and,” she winked at her, “You’ve got a good reason to live in the back.” “I've kinda got used to it just...being there, y'know?” Celestia sighed, “It’s some unspoken thing, like Sam and Diane in Cheers. Now there's the possibility of actually going through the damn thing...” too late, she realised she had let a massive thing just drop. The silence that spread in the truck was palpable. “I thought it was for him to go through?” Berryshine asked before the enormity of what Celestia had said hit her at full force. She put two and two together and slapped the middle of the steering wheel while her friend remained silent. “How could I be so stupid? If he goes through, you're not going to just wave good-bye, are you?” Celestia remained silent for a long time as the truck turned down street after street on its way through the city. Looking dead ahead, she sighed and gathered her thoughts. The moment was upon her, there was no way to dodge it now. “No Berry, no I'm not. At the festival last week, Moonsilver asked if I would go with him. I said yes.” “I can't say that surprises me, not now.” Berryshine admitted with a wry smile. “Anyway, I’ll keep silent about this for now, but you best talk when we get back to your house.” “You, keep quiet?” Celestia giggled now the tension was broken between them, “That'd be a first. You couldn't wait to tell on me to mother when I burnt my underwear in Whitetail Woods.” “It has been a few years since then, Celly. This...” Berryshine paused, “This is really serous, and I can do serous when I need too. Maybe I'll visit you some day. Lord knows what that will be like. So,” she laughed, “Are you going to become a pretty little pony princess?” “I honestly don't know, Berry.” Celestia shrugged and threw up her hands. At least she had ceased fiddling with her seat belt and swimsuit. “I'll either end up as a pony or it'll be like The Fly. And it's not like I'm leaving forever. We'll be able to come back and see you whenever we want or have you over to see us.” “You’d better, Celly,” Berryshine touched her grey and white collar, “I'm part of the herd now.” “Exactly,” Celestia answered before going quiet for a moment. She felt relieved that the rather large elephant in the room was no more, but wretched as well that she hadn’t told her before now. “I should have told you after the festival. I didn't know how to broach the subject, what with me um...y'know, wanting to leave this world a few months ago.” Berryshine smiled as she drove. While it was true there was a lot of history between them, good and bad, this was a different matter altogether. At least now her best friend wasn’t the suicidal wreck she had been just a few months ago. “That was a world that I couldn't follow you too, Celly. This, well, I'll miss you, but I know that you aren't gone to a place I can't follow.” That was the difference. “I'll miss you too, Berry, but hey, think of the holiday photos you'll have when you get back.” Celestia giggled as she caught her best friend drooling as she drove her truck, wisely choosing to remain silent. ~ ~ ~ Sunset Shimmer, now naked and clean from the shower at Celestia’s place, tapped her fingers together nervously in her seat next to Applejack as the farmer drove her truck. Now things were at last in motion from the Equestrian side of the portal, all manner of scenarios were running through her head, each more disastrous and catastrophic than the last. As she drove along, following Luna’s car which was in turn following Berryshine’s truck and horsebox, Applejack cast a glance at her lover. It was odd to see her without her pony gear on her. The tack had become something of a staple as of late, not that she minded that in the slightest. “Y'all alright there?” she asked, “You look as nervous as a cat in a roomful of rocking chairs.” “Everything is happening so fast!” Sunset exclaimed, her brain fast-forwarding through the millionth disastrous scenario, this one where the portal exploded and destroyed both realities, “I need to let the Princess know she is about to receive guests…” in a mild panic, she pulled out her journal and placed her pen in her mouth. As Sunset opened the book and started to write, Applejack burst out laughing. “Even when you have hands, you use your mouth!” Blushing hard, Sunset finished her hastily scrawled note and took the pen out of her mouth. “I happen to know for a fact, Mistress, you think it is cute.” “Ah didn't say it wasn't cute, just that it was funny.” Applejack countered before she went silent, thinking for a moment. “What's it like, going through the portal?” “I showed you the picture of me on the other side, and that picture of Equestria's Applejack,” Sunset pointed out, “Since Princess Twilight looks just like our Twilight on this side, I'd say you'd look a lot like the Applejack on that side.” Applejack shook her head. “That ain’t what Ah mean, Sunny. Ah mean, the process of going through? Does it hurt? Do you feel yourself changing?” she blushed, ashamed to ask the question she really wanted an answer to. “Do you throw up?” if Rainbow Dash ever found out she had thrown up, she wouldn’t be allowed to hear the end of it. “It feels weird, like you're...” Sunset considered how best to describe traversing the dimensional portal to one who had never used it. The best way really was to just experience it. “Well, Pinkie Pie said it was a ride on the taffy puller and she wanted to do it over and over again. There isn't any pain, but there is a lot of disorientation. Like me walking on hind hooves each time I go through and falling instead of just dropping to all fours.” “So…it ain't just like walking through a door, huh?” Applejack giggled, “Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie. Enough said, Ah think.” “Are...Are you thinking of going through?” “Ah'd be lying if Ah said Ah haven't been curious for a while,” the farmer smiled, for the ‘while’ had been ever since she had seen the pony versions of her on the centaur image stone back in Celestia’s living room. “Y'all said it was a test, right? So the more that go through, the more data the Princess will have, right?” Sunset laughed and again she placed the pen in her mouth and wrote her inter dimensional pen pal a second note. “I said to expect a lot of guests.” “Don't you dare tell Dash Ah said this,” Applejack blushed bright tomato red, “You'll hold mah hand, won't you?” Leaning over in the truck, Sunset kissed Applejack’s cheek. It wasn’t often her girlfriend admitted weakness like that, so when she did, she was ready. “I won't, but it will be you holding my hand, if anyone there asks.” Still the bright shade of tomato red, Applejack returned the kiss. “Thanks Sunny, Ah appreciate that.” She then drove along in silence, feeling like she was on the Equestria Land rollercoaster. ‘Whatever happens,’ she thought with a grim smile, ‘At least Ah beat Dash to doin’ this first.’ ~ ~ ~ “This is so exciting!” Roseluck exclaimed enthusiastically from the front seat of Luna’s sports car as they followed Berryshine through the city to the high school, “Tia has talked so much about the portal, what’s it all about?” “It’s a gateway to a parallel word where there are talking horses.” Luna answered her, not taking her eyes off of the road for a second. “Ponies, Mistress.” Cheerilee corrected her girlfriend. Luna shrugged, “Whatever.” “Really?” Roseluck’s eyes were wide as dinner plates, “And that's the world that the centaurs come from?” “All the evidences shows that to be true, yes.” Luna confirmed in a steady tone of voice. Just because she had to accept the presence of actual magic, didn’t mean she had to like it. Thoughtfully, Roseluck considered that for a moment, the flower vendor toying with the ties of her bikini top as Luna navigated the darkened streets, “They're going back home, aren't they?” “Yes,” Luna stated simply, “This world isn't for their kind. It’s barely for our kind.” “You know this isn't a bad thing,” Cheerilee piped up from the backseat, “Better they’re on the other side, if something were to happen to the portal.” “I won't argue that, Lu,” Roseluck replied to Luna rather than Cheerilee, though she did take on board what the teacher had said, “But well...if they're going back, then Moonsilver will be going back too…” Now, Luna did spare Roseluck a moment’s glance, “I know what you're implying Rosie, and I'm not going to stop her, nor should you.” “Stop wha....” Cheerilee caught herself in mid-question and realisation dawned upon her, “Oh, right.” “Has she said anything to you about it?” “She's afraid, Rosie,” Luna admitted with a deep sigh. “Yes, she has spoken to Leelee and I, but only the other day and only because she was on the verge of a freak out. We advised her to do what made her happy.” “After everything we did to keep her with us, too…” Just after changing gear, Luna rested a comforting hand on Roseluck’s arm. “It’s because of everything we did that she will be able to do this. Are you going to step through to see what her world will be like?” Roseluck was very grateful of Luna’s hand on her arm. She shot her friend a grin, “Of course I am, like you aren't curious too, Lu.” “Curious, yes,” Luna admitted, “But what if I want to join my sister. What would I have over there. She, at least, has Moonsilver.” “I'll follow you anywhere, Mistress,” Cheerilee stated. “I know, Leelee, and so if I stay, then you too will stay.” “I'm good with that. I rather like my students.” “I'm not saying I want to go over and stay there,” Roseluck was slowly getting all excited again, “But come on, I'm not passing up the chance to go see what it's like. I'm thinking it's my new vacay spot!” It certainly beat a cabin in the woods or a hotel by the beach in a game of top trumps. Luna’s usually stern face broke out into a wide smile, “That’s a good thought, Rosie. I may have to use it for summer break too, just to get away from the job Tia’s going to leave me with.” Roseluck nudged her old friend’s ribs and giggled, “Like you aren't gonna love being Principal, Lu.” “No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't take away from Tia's workload.” That was the one regret that Luna carried with her, that no matter what she attempted to do, her sister’s to-do list never seemed to decrease. Ever. “Lee, if I ever do the same with my replacement, you may spank me soundly.” “So,” Roseluck said after Cheerilee had finished laughing, “Are you going to come over with us to Equestria this evening, Lu? I can't for a moment believe that Berry won't go as well, just to see what it’s all about.” “Leelee?” Luna asked, shooting her girlfriend a look in the rear view mirror. “I'm up for going, Mistress!” Cheerilee didn’t even bother to hide the eagerness in her voice when she replied, “You'll be forever wondering what it was like if you don't go.” “You're a good pet, Leelee, and I shan't curse you for being right. I just hope I don't get all weirded out.” Cheerilee giggled, “Plus I want to see if your hooves are as sexy as your feet!” ~ ~ ~ Even though Luna had been following Berryshine’s truck, she was the first one to arrive at CHS high school. She just couldn’t resist the urge to bury her right foot down as far as it would go and overtake the much slower horsebox. Her Audi liked being driven fast and she liked driving her sports car fast. Particularly at night when the police were napping. She pulled up at the front lawn at the base of the portal and let out her two passengers. Straightaway, Cheerilee took up a lookout position on the left wing. Unlike the other pets, she had chosen not to put any clothing on. Roughly fifteen minutes later, and Berryshine pulled up and reversed her horsebox up onto the school’s front lawn, Applejack close behind her in her battered old farm truck. “Leelee?” Luna wanted to hiss, but between Applejack’s backfiring truck and the lights on Berryshine’s ride, there really was no need for stealth. Cheerilee poked her head around the corner of the school and looked left first then right. Whether it was pure luck, divine provenance or just because it was one in the morning, the part of the city around the school was still and quiet. “The coast is clear, Mistress.” Like she was orchestrating an assault in a cheesy war movie, Luna waved her hand to Berryshine and to Applejack. “Show time!” Celestia, with Berryshine’s help, got around the back of the horsebox and opened up the back of the trailer so that Moonsilver could get out. “This is it…” the centaur sniffed, a thin smile crossing his face as he smelled the presence of magic in the air. This was not like the last time he was here. Already he could tell this night was different than before. “I'm not nervous at all,” his smile widened when he took Celestia’s hand in his. “Will you test this with me?” As Berryshine utterly failed in hiding the smile she wore on her face and joined the others milling around the pedestal, Celestia reassuringly squeezed Moonsilver's hand. “I will, my love.” Stood beside Luna and Cheerilee, Roseluck looked around, somewhat disappointed. They were all gathered around the statue of the rearing stallion, something she had seen a million times before and it looked the same as it always had. “From everything I’d heard, I was expecting trumpets or rainbows or something “Dashie isn't here,” Sunset Shimmer giggled. Besides Cheerilee, she was the only other submissive among them who had remained naked. Not that she cared about being seen. “Moonsilver,” she addressed the centaur, “Please test to see if it’s still solid to you.” Apprehensively, like he was wary that even though they were so very close, it might all come crashing down, Moonsilver used the hand that was holding Celestia's to push against the unremarkable looking stone. Immediately, he felt the magic that his lover had described to him last time they were there and, like he was pushing through water, his fingers entered the stone but stopped suddenly when Celestia’s met solid stone. “Can a group not go through?” he asked, pulling their hands back. Sunset shook her head, “No, it’s one at a time, but you don't have to space it out much.” In truth, she had never considered what might happen if two went through together. If it went bad, it could go really, really bad. “After you then, Master,” Celestia smiled and kissed Moonsilver’s cheek for luck, “I'll be right behind you.” With that, Moonsilver squared his shoulders, set his jaw, and walked through the portal, albeit he walked like a poorly guided puppet. When the shining rippling effect of the portal ceased and it appeared to be stone once more, Celestia stepped boldly through it. “Now what?” Luna asked once the bright shimmer had dissipated, “Do we wait or follow them?” “Sunset said we don't have to space it out much, Mistress.” Cheerilee offered helpfully, though she was dancing on her bare feet, eager to just run through it. “Has it worked?” Berryshine asked sceptically, “Are they there, or...nowhere?” “There’s only one place they can be,” Sunset pointed out, “Princess Twilight's castle in Equestria.” Seeing that none of them were moving, Cheerilee decided to take matters into her own hands. “Catch me if you can, Mistress!” she let go of Luna's hand and ran through the shimmering rippling portal like she was running the hundred metre sprint. “That utter brat!” Luna snorted and, outraged that she had been so comprehensively upstaged, charged on through as soon as the portal returned to its solid looking disguise. Berryshine sighed, resigning herself to whatever fate the universe had in store for her and walked with determination to the portal. “I hope the princess has a well-stocked bar…” she stepped on through without a backwards glance. Roseluck, unlike her friend, was far more optimistic. With a cry of, “Designated driver!” she leapt through the shimmering portal and vanished from the world. That left just Sunset Shimmer stood with Applejack and the three parked up vehicles. “Well,” she said to her girlfriend, “Do you want me to catch you, or will you catch me?” “Ah believe Ah'll catch you, Shimmer, it's only right and proper.” Taking a last kiss and straightening her hat on her head, Applejack did her best to ignore the several million butterflies that suddenly appeared in her belly and stepped through the portal before she had the time to see sense and change her mind. Clapping her hands excitedly, Sunset stepped boldly through the portal as easily as if she were stepping from one room to another. As she experienced the familiar swirling rainbow lightshow that was the bridge between the two dimensions, she resolved that this time she was going to walk on her two hind hooves. On the other side of the dimensional gateway, Applejack ignored the chaos of the many voices talking all at once around her and she focused her attention on the large glowing surface of the mirror. She wasn’t looking at the crystal architecture around her, she had eyes only for the portal. Though she said she would catch her girlfriend, when Sunset did appear, the ponified human tried, but she still ended up in a giggling pile with Sunset on top of her. “Oh my goodness...” Celestia looked around, first at Moonsilver, whose physical form remained unchanged and then at all the others and, finally, at her hooves. As she had been only the second one of the group to make the journey, she had backed away from the growing pile in front of the mirror. “Is...is this Equestria?” “Yes it is,” Princess Twilight Sparkle said by way of greeting as she and a much larger pony appeared in a flash of violet magic in the portal room of her crystal castle. “But, I don't think I was expecting you to look like that.” Beside her, Princess Celestia waved a hoof in greeting to her counterpart. It was nice to see her again. After the centaur festival, she had taken the time to get to know the human. It had surprised her how alike they were, under the surface. “I'm not surprised, but I should have invited Luna, to see her doppelganger.” “Spike,” Twilight addressed the dragon stood by her side, “Please send a scroll and have Luna teleport here.” “On it, Twilight,” Spike gave her a salute and got busy with the scroll that the Princess conjured for him. “There are dragons here?” Berryshine, like the others, had not noticed the little purple dragon until he spoke, but now that he had, the plum coloured earth pony couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Celestia, who stood taller than Princess Twilight but who didn’t quite reach the height of her Equestrian counterpart, was on the verge of a rather monumental freak out. She looked to her sides and saw her thick chubby belly and her wide ass had followed her over the dimensions. Then, she looked at Princess Celestia and her mouth hung open. Her freak out was getting worse. “You have wings! I don't have wings! I'm a pony! Oh lord I'm a pony!” As his Celestia was starting to hyperventilate, Moonsilver hugged her close to his broad muscular chest. “With pink hair, too.” Vice Principal Luna, stood with Cheerilee, was a unicorn, like her older sister, though she was an ultramarine colour. She had no way of knowing it, of course, but she was the same colour that Princess Luna had been when she had been purified by the Elements of Harmony back in the Castle of the Two Sisters. The rest of the group looked exactly like their Equestrian counterparts except that they did not have cutie marks on their flanks. “Pink hair and a decent set of teats there, Celly!” Berryshine called out after she had ripped her eyes away from Spike. Watching the conjured scroll disappear in a jet of green flame had nothing compared to the two pendulous crotch boobs that hung between her old friend’s hind legs. “Wh-Wha?” Celestia only then became aware of the boobs, when she moved a hind leg and contacted them. “Oh they are impressive!” Roseluck, beside Berryshine, licked her lips and stared hungrily at her herd-mate’s prodigious endowments. By the base of the mirror portal, Applejack was more than happy with Sunset Shimmer on top of her and she showed no immediate signs of moving from where she was. “Well now,” she grinned up at her girlfriend-turned-pony, “This ain't too bad, missy.” On top of Applejack, Sunset Shimmer casually and with the ease of having been in her pony form before, adjusted her legs to enable her to scissor her lover, paying no heed whatsoever to whom was watching. “You mean messy, missy,” she giggled. Cheerilee, predictably, was down at Luna's hooves, her eyes crossed and drool leaking from her mouth, “Hmm, sexy!” Ever since Berryshine had pointed them out to her, Roseluck had been zoned in on Celestia’s breasts. Unable to stop herself any longer, the earth pony mare cantered over and started to play with those bountiful boobs. Smirking at her friend’s antics, Berryshine said to the watching centaur, “I see you didn't change at all, Moonsilver.” “Yes,” Princess Twilight chimed in, completely unperturbed at the scissoring and the breast worship going on in her portal room, “That is one uncertainty off the check list.” A moment later and there came a flash of dark blue magic and the audible crack that preceded and accompanied a teleportation. Princess Luna, gathering her bearings, looked around the portal room and smiled. “Nice of you to invite me to the party early this time, sister.” In truth, she was just happy to be away from the palace in Canterlot and the smell of dirty nappies and the sound of a crying foal. The royal nanny was minding her daughter, and Octavia was enjoying a spa night, so everypony was happy. “They look like us when we were young,” she observed to her sister. “So very young,” Princess Celestia nodded her head in agreement, though she herself couldn’t remember being that young. “Wait,” Twilight was getting an all too familiar gleam in her eye, “So I can do comparisons for my resear…” As one, Princess Luna and Celestia both cried, “NO!” Celestia, who was still getting used to her newly transformed equine body, a task that was not being helped at all by Roseluck who was sucking upon her left nipple and fondling her other breast, said, “How aaah...how young are we talking?” Twilight spoke up to answer that like she was taking a class at the university in Canterlot, “I believe I can answer that. Time moves at a faster rate in this world, but by a factor of 3.983232 percent, the 23 repeats. And that would make...” Princess Luna decided to cut across the young alicorn to spare her sister’s blushes. “A lady doesn't reveal her age.” “Um, ah, yeah, that…” Twilight blushed, Luna’s hoof pressed against her lips. Knowing enough to not push the topic, even though she was aware that both of the Princesses had been around for at least a thousand years, Celestia instead turned to Moonsilver, pointedly not looking at her sister who was having her hooves worshipped by Cheerilee or Sunset who was scissoring with Applejack. “How's it feel, being back home?” Moonsilver didn’t really know how it felt, if he was honest. He had, of course, never been in Equestria before, but it just felt ‘right’. He could feel, sense even, the latent background magic all around him, like his pulse or heartbeat. Always there. “It is good to know my people can return now. How does it feel going from two legs to four,” he countered, “Then I've always had four.” Roseluck, down at Celestia’s boobs, was having the time of her life. “Look! I can pick up things with my hoof!” she demonstrated that by seizing and pulling on her herd-mate’s closest breast. “Let me try!” Berryshine scooted around to Celestia’s vacant breast and tugged on that one. Luna, who was sat observing the show while Cheerilee lavished attention to her front hooves was similarly amazed by how much she could feel through her hooves. “It is...it's odd...having hooves...EEEEEEK!” poor Celestia tried to answer her lover’s question. She was having trouble, understandably, because of what her herd-mates were doing to her. “Ro-Rosie!” she squealed and backed around, only to find that her other breast was occupied as well. “Berry!” she turned a full circle, her tail up and showing off her goodies to all concerned. While Applejack and Luna were now busy exploring Sunset and Cheerilee respectively with their hooves, Moonsilver was not one to waste an opportunity. Nodding respectfully to the three assembled Princesses, the centaur reared up and mounted Celestia then and there. Immediately, Twilight conjured a fresh scroll and started writing notes on centaur / pony mating rituals. Watching the performance, a very impressed Princess Celestia said, “I think we should recruit some of the retuning centaurs into the royal guard.” Princess Luna nodded, the alicorn not looking away for a moment, “I'm in full agreement, sister.” Celestia, quite unprepared for the sudden mounting, felt her front legs go weak for a moment, her eyes wide as she realised suddenly that everything down there felt distinctly different than it had before. Most notably, when she pushed back without thinking, she took her Master’s cock all the way inside her, something that had been impossible on the other side of the portal. “AaaaAAH Master!” Not very far away, Cheerilee lowered a hoof to play with her Mistress’s crotch as she worshipped her hooves. Underneath Celestia, both Roseluck and Berryshine went into full on suckle mode with some deliberately missed licks getting to the plunging cock and slit above them. Luna closed her eyes and she allowed the sensations overflow her. “I must admit,” Princess Celestia said, “This has gotten me very horny.” “Is that why you summoned me, sister?” Princess Luna asked with a raised eyebrow. “Close,” the white alicorn grinned devilishly, “Twilight, please service us both.” Princess Luna then smiled as she and her sister got into position. Seeing as this was a rare moment, Twilight dropped her notes and got straight to work just as Sunset and Applejack enthusiastically scissored each other and Cheerilee at last abandoned Luna’s hooves and dived face first between her legs. An hour later, and the impromptu sex party was at last at an end. Applejack learned that a pony’s pussy was every bit as sensitive as it was when she was a human. Luna and Cheerilee learned that hooves were every bit as sensitive, if not more so, than a human’s foot. Berryshine and Roseluck had both discovered together a new fetish with regards to crotch boobs and, more importantly, Celestia learned that a mare’s vagina was perfectly sized to take an equine penis all the way inside her. When Princess Celestia at last climaxed over Twilight’s face – the last of the party to reach her orgasm – the smell of sex hung like a physical presence in the portal room. “I must say,” the solar alicorn said as she and her sister cuddled Twilight, making her the filling in their sandwich, “I do look forward to your next visit. Will any of you be leaving the castle?” “I need to return and send word that Princess Twilight has repaired the portal for us,” Moonsilver said from the cuddle pile that was Celestia, Berryshine and Roseluck. Each of them wore very contended ‘well-fucked’ expressions on their faces. “Now we need to work out how to get a few hundred thousand centaurs through it.” Between the two older Princesses, Twilight had a very messy face and mane that she seemed to completely ignore. “I have a plan!” “That’s our Twilight,” Princess Luna said behind a hoof that hid her smile, “Always with a plan of action.” Celestia, who was laid in a crumpled heap with her Master and her herd-mates, moaned softly, “I have a tingling in my head...is that normal?” she asked, wholly unaware that she was a unicorn. Straightaway, Moonsilver looked concerned, while being earth ponies, Berryshine and Roseluck where of course unaffected. “Principal,” Sunset offered her opinion from her spot under her Mistress, “You are a unicorn now, but untrained. I'd really try to ignore that tingling as it could lead to some very unexpected things.” “Oh,” Princess Twilight looked like something had smacked her hard in the face, “I hadn't thought of that for cross-visitation!” “A unicorn?” Celestia questioned, “Like you, you mean?” she raised a hoof to her head and, sure enough, she felt the long spiralled horn coming from her forehead. “Oh my!” Without thinking, Moonsilver reached down and licked his pet’s horn. The effect was instantaneous. “GAaaaaAAAAAH!” Celestia screamed as a rather large wide tree burst from the crystal floor of the castle, growing to a huge size in an instant, taking out half the ceiling when it was fully grown. Twilight’s only reaction was to conjure yet another scroll and write down fresh notes at a furious pace. Spike, who had entered the portal room with a mop to clear up the various sexual emissions, sighed deeply. “It’s going to be one of those days, huh?” Berryshine and Roseluck were speechless and, while they stared up at the freshly grown and perfectly crafted centaur dwelling, Applejack could only think of the repairs. “Well,” Sunset chuckled, “I see why the plant thing did so well during the Friendship Games.” “Um…I’m sorry…” Celestia wore the biggest and most intense blush of her life, “I ah, I have an earth stone, on my collar, it lets me grow things, but I've only managed small plants before! Nothing like that!” “What were you thinking of?” asked Sunset, before Twilight had the chance. “When Moonsilver licked my horn?” “Yup.” “I was thinking of making a home here in Equestria with Moonsilver, then that appeared!” she gestured a hoof at the towering three storey treehouse. Princess Celestia had to stifle a laugh. “I think we can safely teleport it to another location.” “I agree,” Princess Luna concurred, “The Whitetail Woods are quite near, are they not, on the Everfree side of Ponyville?” Princess Twilight for a moment stopped writing and looked at the tree. “Perfect.” She then resumed her furious note taking. Celestia’s face was about to burst into flames as she looked up at the vast tree. “I um…I'm sorry, about that.” Twilight shrugged her shoulders and, without pausing in her writing, said, “Happens weekly around here.” Mop in his hands, Spike snorted, “Says the one that isn't cleaning it up.” Huddled next to Moonsilver, Celestia giggled freely when she realised that she wasn’t getting scolded for what she had done. “I'd offer to help clean it up, but I don't want to make it worse.” Considering she had no idea how she had even made it in the first place, she didn’t know where to start fixing it. Spike paused in his mopping up of any one of the eleven questionable stains on the crystalline floor and pointed to the door. Or, what was left of the door. “There’s tea in the sitting room if you all could move along so I can properly clean the floor.” “Oh, thanks Spike!” Twilight beamed at her number one assistant, “This way please.” She then gathered up her massive sheaf of notes and lead the way out of the mirror room. Moonsilver alone hesitated, “Princesses, I do need to get back.” Princess Celestia spared the centaur a generously warm smile, “There is time for tea.” Princess Luna rolled her eyes, “I do hope there’s coffee with that tea set.” She grumbled, for she had not long been awake and, thanks to her new foal, she had not had much sleep during the day either. Not that Octavia had fared much better. “One cup of jasmine tea, sweetie, then we'll get back,” Celestia nuzzled her Master’s cheek. “So um, Princess...es,” she continued as they all left the destruction in the room to Spike and his mop, “I'll need to practise, with my horn? I don't want to go making trees everywhere or firing off lasers or heaven knows what else!” Twilight clapped her forehooves, “Magic Kindergarten!” “I look forward to it,” Celestia winked, “Oh teacher with the messy face.” Twilight blinked and, once they were all in the castle’s sitting room, she licked her nose and moaned, “Yum!” When they were all seated and holding their drink of choice – Celestia was amazed she could hold the mug in her hoof – she looked around at the group. “I suppose now is as good a time as ever to tell you all.” She took a deep breath, “Moonsilver has asked me to come to Equestria with him.” She looked at Berryshine and was lifted by her warm smile, “I said yes.” Moonsilver wore the biggest grin on his face. “She said yes!” Berryshine lifted up her bottle of beer in a salute to her best friend, “Will you still come back to our world now and again?” Luna sipped her Equestrian coffee and sniffed, “I already have plans for the now soon to be spare bedroom.” Celestia treated her sister to her very best eye roll. “You could at least wait until I'm gone before you turn it into a second dungeon, Lu!” she giggled, “Yes Berry, every weekend at least.” “At least every other weekend,” Moonsilver said, “More often if possible.” “And you can always visit here,” Celestia winked at Roseluck, “Now you know you can hold things with hooves.” “Yeah, if I can hold your teats then I can hold his cock!” Roseluck exclaimed excitedly as Berryshine giggled. “You're um...you’re not mad, then?” “You're alive, Celly,” Berryshine laid a reassuring hoof on her friend’s leg, “And you have decided to stay that way.” “I have a lot to live for,” Celestia said with a soft smile, “Thanks to you three.” “Most of that was your sister finding you,” Berryshine gave Luna her due, “Rosie and I just used the prod to keep you going.” Moonsilver gently and affectionately caressed his pet’s head and mane, “I think I may need this 'prod'.” While Roseluck and Berryshine laughed, Celestia playfully swatted the centaur’s shoulder. “You already have all the 'prod' I need, my love…” she then chose to swiftly move lest they get into another round of what they had done in the other room and she addressed the three Princesses. “Is there anything we need to know or do to secure a house here?” Princess Celestia could not help herself. “Other than the one you just built and will be taken and placed in a secluded spot of your choice, you mean?” “Um...” Celestia, reminded of her recent creation, turned a lovely shade of beet red. “Whitetail Woods sounds lovely, I'd like to be local to the portal, if possible.” “I like the woods,” Moonsilver stated, “And maybe there, our neighbours won't complain about all the noise we’ll make.” “I think that's settled then!” Celestia said as everyone in the sitting room lost it in a fit of giggles and snorted laughter. She placed a tender kiss on Moonsilver’s lips and, not for the first time in recent weeks, found herself actually looking forward to what the future had in store for her. > Epilogue - The Sun Rises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a typically beautiful sunny Saturday morning in Ponyville. The weather pegasi had worked hard and cleared the azure blue sky. Ponies went about their business; families had picnics in the parks, merchants opened their stalls in the marketplace. Everything was right in the sleepy town. For one white unicorn in particular, everything was very right. “Silver!” Celestia called out her lover’s name as she pranced breathless into their three storey house on the edge of the Whitetail Woods, “Silver!” she called again when she got no reply, still dancing in place, “Silver! Moonsilver!” A moment later and the pale grey centaur entered the house through the main door behind her, as he had been out the back chopping firewood, a task made far easier by the fact that the ponies of Equestria had steel tools, a far cry from the simple flint ones he had used before. “Yes love,” he levelled an appreciative stare at his dancing mare, “I will guess your appointment went okay?” Celestia spun in place and danced on her hooves so hard that her grey collar jiggled. They’d had a lot of good news in the month that they had lived in Equestria; she had gotten a job at Principal Cheerilee’s school, Moonsilver had become the first centaur to join Princess Twilight’s royal guard, nurse Redheart had joined their herd, and now this! “Red just confirmed it!” she squealed happily, dancing in sheer delight. “You have ants in your ears?” asked Moonsilver with a wry grin as he set his axe down by the kitchen table. “I'm pregnant!” Celestia exclaimed, unable to contain herself any longer. She danced a four hooved dance of joy so hard that her pink mane fell out of its ponytail and fell around her shoulders, “I'm pregnant!” Moonsilver just stood and smiled as he watched his mare dance. With the unicorn as plush and chubby as she was, with her vast ass jiggling like a blancmange, it was getting the stallion very hard indeed, “We're having a foal!” she reared up and wrapped her forelegs around his broad shoulders. “You know,” Moonsilver smirked as he felt the head of his erect cock rub against Celestia’s pudgy belly, “I can make sure that the foal is well seated in there.” “Really?” Celestia kissed Moonsilver's neck, her lips laying delicate flowery kisses all the way up to his ear where she nibbled at his lobe, “I think your naughty mare would like that very much.” Moonsilver sighed happily, for he could never resist his pet when she attacked his ears. Not that he ever stopped her from attacking his ears. “This stallion would love to ensure that the foal is safe,” with that, he gently lowered her back to her hooves and, with his own hooves clopping on the wooden floor, he moved around the white unicorn and sniffed deep under her tail. As was evidenced by the mare’s scent and her raised up tail, Celestia was very aroused already. That didn’t mean she didn’t appreciate what Moonsilver was doing. “Please mount me, Master!” Snorting out in pure lust, Moonsilver responded immediately and, rearing up onto her back, he mounted her without ceremony. Not that he needed a ceremony or an excuse. In four weeks, every room of the house had been baptised with cum at least once, as had the woods they called home, and a couple of the public parks in Ponyville. “Maybe you'll have twins?” “Oooooh I hope so!” Celestia screamed as she felt his long thick stallionhood enter her all the way. She knew she wouldn’t but, when she felt his medial ring spread her wider apart and really fill up her wet wanting tunnel, she wouldn’t put anything past him. When he was hilted inside her, she steadied herself on her hooves, loving her Master’s weight on her back. Moonsilver loved Celestia as a human. He made no attempt to hide the fact that he utterly adored her as a pony. In this form, his pet had absolutely no trouble whatsoever taking all of him inside her. While it was true that he did miss some of her human curves, yet still enjoyed the curves she had now. Likewise, Celestia had grown to love being a pony, simply because she could take all of him inside her with no difficulty. As the pale grey centaur’s hands played with Celestia's ears, she let out several extremely lewd moans when his cock went in deep. Behind her, he couldn’t reach back to grab one of her beachball sized boobs, so he satisfied himself with her ears and her horn. Celestia squeaked adorably as her ears were played with. She tilted her head backwards to look up and angle her horn back. “M-My...oooaaAAAH...my horn...f-fuuuck! R-Ru-Rub it Master please!” The dominant centaur smirked. ‘Rub it’ he knew was her way of begging that he suck on her horn. As he fucked her good and hard, determined to wear her out, that was just what he did. With his teeth grazing its length, he sucked on her long horn and pounded her pussy hard. “GAaaaAAAAH FuuuUUUUUUUCK YEEEEEESSSS!” Celestia screamed and, not ten minutes later, she went rigid as she came like a waterfall and her horn glowed. Behind her, Moonsilver was in no hurry, so he just kept up his hard and firm rhythm, determined to screw her into the floor. When she came for a second time, so did he reach his first climax. As Celestia orgasmed from both ends at once, her horn shooting magical ejaculate into the air, Moonsilver emptied his balls deep into her canal and her womb. With her belly swelling from the amount of cum inside her, her legs buckled under her and she collapsed on the floor. Thoughtfully, Moonsilver made sure that his mare did not fall hard, but instead he carefully lowered her down so that he could lay next to her. “I'm glad Applejack put in some nice wooden floors. Very comfortable.” “Comfortable...y-yeah...” Celestia giggled and caressed her inflated belly, imagining in just a few months it would be their foal, “Wow that was amazing...” “You're amazing, my love.” Moonsilver said, kissing her ears from behind, “My heart soars that you followed me here, and now you present me with a foal.” He turned her head to face him and treated her to a long deep kiss. When their kiss was broken, Moonsilver got up and, taking her in his strong muscular arms, he carried his pony up to the bedroom on the first floor for some snuggles. “If you want me up, you don't need your foal to kick me out of bed.” ~ ~ ~ “Uuuuuuuugh…” Celestia groaned as she trudged her way back into the house from work. It was seven months ago that she had received the wonderful news that she was pregnant, and now her condition was taking its toll on her. She cared deeply for the foals that she taught at Cheerilee’s school but, vastly pregnant with swollen hooves and a foal that kicked her mercilessly, she was ready for a rest after a long day teaching. By the time she made the long journey home – seriously, had she really galloped all that way just seven months ago? – her pink tail was down between her hind legs, her ears were down to her head and she looked every bit as tired as she felt. “Silver?” Moonsilver heard the exhaustion his mare’s voice and felt a pang of sympathy for her. “In the work room polishing my armour!” he called, the ground floor of their house divided into kitchen, living room, work room and bathroom. Slowly, Celestia trudged in through the house dragging her hooves until she reached the work room. “Hey,” was all the greeting she gave him before she dropped onto a nearby seating pad that she pulled closer with her telekinesis. Looking up from his gleaming golden armour, Moonsilver liked to see his face in the breastplate before he was happy, the centaur grinned at her, “If the students are wearing you out this much, just wait till this one,” he set aside his armour and walked over to rub a hand over Celestia’s pregnant belly only to be kicked away, “Shows up.” “Fuck!” Celestia swore and winced with the force of the kick that her filly had delivered to her insides. “I swear to any demi-god pony that time went backwards today! It wasn't fair!” she whined, fawning over her seating pad in a manner that would have made Rarity proud, “Sunrise kicked me so hard I nearly peed myself in class!” “Hmmm,” Moonsilver chuckled and went back to delicately stroking her distended swollen belly, “Yes your students are a bit young for watersports.” “Ha and ha.” Celestia gave him her best teacher’s stare, one guaranteed to render any student impotent as if a cockatrice had petrified them, “It’s not your bladder that's being used as a Buckball.” Moonsilver snickered at his mare’s plight, “That’s why I'm the big spoon.” The very pregnant pony actually managed a genuine giggle at that. “Only cos you don't wanna be kicked, coward.” She stretched and turned onto her side, a move that exposed her massively swelling breasts. Big to begin with, they were now at milk mare proportions. “Are you on the night shift again?” Leaning over to kiss Celestia’s belly and to lick each thick hard nipple, he replied, “Yeah, this week, rotating shifts.” “Aaaaaaahn…” Celestia hated him being on night duty. It meant she only saw him for a few hours in the evening before he left for the Castle of Friendship. But, as she wished she could give him milk now, she just couldn’t be mad with him.. “Have the ponies got the hang of using the Geodes yet?” Moonsilver shook his head. “At least not in this part of Equestria. Those who accompanied the centaurs that chose to return to the old homeland may be having better luck.” There was a look of deep reticence on his face when he spoke, for now they were separated, he didn’t get a lot of messages from Dawnglow or his father. Celestia giggled, knowing how to cheer him up. “Is that poor unicorn guard who nearly burnt down the castle with a fire stone still on punishment duty?” Snorting out a laugh, Moonsilver said, “Only one day while the Princess figured out how he did it, studied it and wrote a thousand page dissertation on it.” Celestia’s laugh quickly became a pained winces from a particularly large kick her daughter gave her. “Damn...damn...she's gonna be a buckball star, I just know it.” At least she was healthy, she thought with a grin. Celestia pictured her filly either as a buckball kicker or as one of Applejack’s farmers, her kick was that strong. “Then I’d better read up on the sport. I don't have a clue what buckball is.” Moonsilver had thrown himself heart and soul into his new guard duty. He took the mantle of first centaur in the guard very seriously indeed. His free time was dedicated to hunting for sport to fill the pantry and doting over his pony. “I do,” Celestia sighed with relief now that the pain of the kick was fading. “Pear Blossom made sure I'm an expert on it. His dad's an amateur player who’s just been signed to the Ponyville team, and the little colt wouldn't leave me alone all day.” She smiled as she pictured the excited little green colt in her mind’s eye. “He's so sweet.” “Good thing I'm not the jealous type.” Leaning up, Celestia just managed to kiss Moonsilver’s lips. “He's my little guard at school you know, always looking after me.” She kissed her lover again, “And you're my big strong guard. When does your shift start?” “Sunset,” Moonsilver glanced at the ornate clock on the wall, a housewarming gift from the Princesses, “But I do have to be there fifteen minutes early for the briefing.” “Then I have time to get snuggles and a hoof massage?” Celestia asked, turning her big puppy eyes complete with sparkles to her stallion. Moonsilver, helpless under his pony’s most devastating and deadly weapon, dropped down to a fore-knee on the floor as he bowed deeply to her. “Your desires are my command.” “Mmmmmm I knew there's a reason I love you so much,” Celestia moaned as the unicorn foal moved, making bumps in her belly.” “Stay on your side,” Moonsilver said softly but firmly in his dominant voice as he moved behind her, “I don't think you can lie on your belly for a massage.” “You're the Master, my love,” Celestia was only too happy to stay on her side. She looked down at her vast belly and what she saw froze her blood in her veins. She saw her foal move and then, to her horror, she saw the unicorn’s little horn show making a prominent point stand out a good inch on her belly. “Aaah...aaaaAAAH!” she screamed, “Si-Silver!” Moonsilver, behind his mare, panicked at the sound of her terrified scream and in one fluid move he was on his hooves in a battle stance scanning the work room for intruders. On the seating pad, a scared Celestia pointed a swollen hoof to her belly. “Sh-She's coming out this way!” “Oh no!” Moonsilver shouted and dropped back to his knees and pressed his hand on the rounded point of the foal’s horn in an attempt to push her back. It didn’t work, she was pushing back and further out! “No, no, no!” he wailed, just as scared as Celestia was, “We need to get you to the hospital!” A second later and the foal moved again and all was well, the point of the horn moving with her, though it left Celestia visibly shaken up and trembling with fear. “Hospital. Yes. Quickly!” Thinking quickly thanks to his guard training, Moonsilver picked up and folded a blanket on his back and then he helped Celestia lay on top of that. With her safely on his back, the pale grey centaur galloped out of the house into the twilight of the evening making a beeline straight to the hospital. Celestia held on for grim death and ignores the stunned looks of the few ponies that were out and about as they ran past. When they reached Ponyville General Hospital a few moments later, Moonsilver burst breathlessly into the hospital. “Help!” the panicking centaur yelled at the top of his voice, “My wife's belly is going to explode!” Fortunately, Redheart was in the reception area of the hospital chatting amiably with the new receptionist when her two herd-mates had come blasting through the doors with the force of a hurricane. “I’m sorry, what?” “M-My foal!” Celestia wailed forlornly and touched a hoof to her belly, “Red, she's coming through!” “What?” Redheart repeated herself, her eyes wide and blinking. “Help, please!” Moonsilver pleaded, “The foal is trying to force its way out!” “She moved, and I saw her horn, here, and it was all pointy and sticking up!” Celestia clarified. Slowly, Redheart pieced together what had happened. It was the same old thing that every parent who had a unicorn foal for the first time went through. The earth pony nurse barely managed to hold it together and not burst out laughing then and there in the hospital foyer. “Right,” she said as professionally as she could, “Well follow me.” She trotted off to a vacant examination room. “Hurry Silver!” At Celestia’s frantic urging, Moonsilver sped up, though he was practically falling over his hooves because he was following a not at all in a hurry nurse. He would have pranced nervously, but he didn't want her to fall off his back. “Put her on the bed,” Redheart ordered her herd-mate when she at last entered a side room. “Red,” Celestia gasped as Moonsilver roughly pushed past her in his haste to do as he was told, “What's wrong?” Unable to hold back on her giggles any longer, Redheart laughed, though she quickly started to explain when she saw the mixture of puzzlement and outrage and fear come her way. “Nothing is wrong,” she said as she delicately felt Celestia’s belly with her hoof. “Pretty active,” she said, her earth pony magic telling her a lot about the growing foal, “Are you doing your stress management?” “YeeeeEEES!” Celestia screamed anew when she saw the foal’s horn poke up once more, “She's doing it again!” “There,” Moonsilver pointed, “It’s trying again!” Smirking, Redheart gently rubbed the spot on Celestia’s belly, “First time giving birth to a unicorn?” “First time giving birth to anything, Red,” Celestia answered in a panicked voice, “Is it because I was human? Is that it?” Moonsilver had a very familiar deer in the headlights look on his face. There were, of course, no unicorns among the centaurs. “Oh god,” Celestia fretted, “It's like that movie! She's gonna burst out of me!” Giggling away, Redheart continued to gently rub Celestia's belly. She had seen this type of behaviour a million times before. “You're no more human than I am. While I haven't crossed over, I've examined both Pinkie Pie’s at once. They were both ponies, but they were not twins.” She laughed brightly, “At this stage the horn is short and very rounded, like a knee you might see. The hooves are actually pointer, but very soft at this stage. I don't think I've seen a move like that though. It sounds cool.” “It's called Alien...” Celestia panted, the fact that everything was normal slowly sinking into her head, “The uh...um...aliens, get implanted in the stomachs and when they grow, they burst out, killing the host.” “Oh, I see.” Redheart cocked her head, already planning on her next visit through to her herd-mates on the other side of the portal to watch that movie, “Moonsilver, did you implant semen in Celestia's stomach?” “Um,” Moonsilver blushed like the time Honeyside had caught him taking beer from her stores, “Ah, maybe?” “Only when we ah...” Celestia blushed just as hard as her Master, “You know, um...” Immediately, Redheart’s eyes lit up like a one armed bandit giving out the star prize, “Oh, is it tasty? Was it filling?” “When he ejaculates in my mouth it's like a waterfall, seriously Red, I only just swallow it all...” Celestia giggled while Moonsilver just stood and blinked mutely, “So um...our filly?” “Do you think this,” Redheart began, gently patting her good friend’s swollen pregnant belly before she went back to affectionately rubbing it in circular motions, “Was caused by semen in your stomach?” “It was definitely caused by semen somewhere,” Celestia said with a shake of her head, “But not there.” “So,” Redheart nodded, “In this movie, did the alien fuck anypony to put something in them?” “No, they latched onto the face and pumped it down the throat.” Redheart made a double note to watch that the next time she visited the rest of the herd. It sounded awesome! “There are a lot of filly and colt unicorns in Ponyville and they all came out the natural way.” She leant in close but whispered loudly on purpose, “I think when a foal shows their horn like that it is because the mother is horny. Maybe your husband can do something about that.” “Um, ah, yes, yes, of course…” Moonsilver shuffled his hooves like he was on examination at the guardhouse. “Is it safe for him to tie me up and do something about that?” Celestia asked, looking extremely hopeful. Redheart looked her friend over with a critical eye. “Bindings over the belly could be bad for you and the foal. Otherwise, have fun.” With that, Celestia looked at Moonsilver, “You heard the doc, Master.” “Yes,” Moonsilver sounded a lot more like himself now that he knew the foal and his lover were definitely not in any danger and he helped her off the bed. “A very good prescription.” As Celestia left the examination room, Redheart called out, “And Celestia, please do your de-stressing exercises!” ~ ~ ~ “Thank the forest you are here!” Moonsilver cried the moment he opened the front door of his house and saw Redheart standing there on the threshold with an amused look on her face. The stallion was on the verge of a panic attack and he needed the nurse to calm the current situation. Redheart rolled her eyes and smiled, “This isn't another 'aliens' thing is it?” She loved to throw that back at her herd-mates and the earth pony took every opportunity she could to remind them of what had happened four months ago. From inside the house, Celestia shouted, “No! I'm in labour!” “Yes, your highness!” Redheart giggled as Moonsilver stood aside to let her into the house, “I’m coming right in.” She walked straight into the treehouse and, followed by Moonsilver, she went directly up to the main bedroom. “I mean it!” the very, very pregnant Celestia wailed from her nest of two dozen pillows on the large Princess sized bed, “The foal's coming!” Redheart took a moment to admire the white unicorn. At the very end of her eleven month pregnancy, she was practically nothing but belly and breasts at this point, and by the alicorns was she beautiful! Moonsilver was a lucky stallion, in her opinion. “Yes, your highness. Now off the bed and onto your hooves. Now!” Rolling her eyes, Celestia grumbled out a few choice curse words as she slowly got up. She was long past the point where the pregnancy was fun, now she just wanted her filly out of her and the whole thing to be over and done with. When, after five minutes, she was stood at the foot of the bed, she grunted, “Happy?” “Not yet, but I'm getting there,” Redheart quipped and, once she was behind her good friend, she gripped Celestia’s pink tail in her hoof and pulled it up high, giving Moonsilver behind her an eye full. “Well,” she said after a cursory examination, “You have started to dilate. Maybe one centimetre so far.” “Only one?” Celestia wailed forlornly, “Are you sure? It feels like it's wider than that!” Looking back over her shoulder at Moonsilver and then back to Celestia’s marehood, Redheart grinned devilishly, “I can assure you that Moonsilver is wider than that.” “Uuuuuuuugh!” Celestia groaned in sheer frustration and she stomped her swollen hoof – a move she immediately regretted - and winced hard as pain shot up her leg. This was not fun! “How much longer Red? I want her out!” “All in due time,” Redheart adopted her best ‘nurse’s voice’, she had, after all, seen this very same scenario more times than she could count, “How far apart have your contractions been?” “Um…” Celestia genuinely had no idea, “Ah, I don't know!” Thankfully, Moonsilver was on hand. “Her last was ten minutes ago, and twenty before that when I first called you.” “It took you thirty minutes to get here!” Celestia exclaimed. As far as she was concerned, this was a national emergency and she wanted her herd-mate there immediately if not sooner. “Your math is still up to standard,” Redheart snarked, completely unperturbed by Celestia’s panicked shouting. She was wholly in her element and in control of the ‘new parent’ situation. In order to calm and distract her friend, she reached between her thick hind legs and kneaded one of her massive milk mare sized breasts. “AAaaaaAAH...” Celestia moaned, for her nipples were hyper-sensitive and very milky indeed, “Is-isn't there some magicky crap you can do to get her out? Some unicorn magic thing?” Smirking, because they all said that, Redheart held out her milk covered hoof to Moonsilver. “Taste this. Good news is your colostrum has come in. I'd say your foal will be in your hooves by the end of the day.” “Oh come ooooooon!” Celestia whined – in the Carousel Boutique about to start her day, Sweetie Belle’s ears burned – and turned to look over her shoulder at the nurse who she swore was loving this way too much, “I made this tree house grow in an instant! There has to be some magic to speed her up!” Leaning forward, Moonsilver tentatively licked Redheart’s offered hoof and then, when he had the taste on his tongue, he took the whole hoof in his mouth so he could get all of it. “That is really sweet!” “Yes it is,” Redheart, pointedly ignoring Celestia, pointed with her now clean hoof while the other was still holding the alpha mare’s tail up high. By the Goddesses was it a mighty sweet view. It was at times like that, that she loved being part of Moonsilver’s herd. “Nothing but sweetness back here.” “Red!” Celestia whined and slumped her shoulders, raising her tail higher and leaking a little from her marehood down her inner thighs. Sneaking a look under Moonsilver, Redheart was not disappointed by what she saw. Then again, every time she looked between his hind legs, she was far from disappointed. He was a stallion who knew how to use his equipment. “She isn't the only one in need of distraction, you know.” She said as her own tail flagged upwards provocatively. “Is it okay to have sex with her now?” asked a very aroused Moonsilver. One could hardly blame him for being hard and erect, when he was looking at his two herd-mates fully presenting and exposing themselves to him. “Her, no, unless it is with your tongue. You have better control with that.” “You mean...” Redheart levelled a weapon’s grade half-lidded look at the stallion, “I'm a fully trained medical professional able to bring relief to all my clients.” When Celestia looked over her shoulder again, she saw Moonsilver all hard and a sexy idea occurred to her. “Master, you could always service us both, if I get back up on the bed” “Oh my, such an insightful idea from her highness!” Redheart clapped her forehooves together happily, “On the bed on your back near the edge.” She said in her most assertive nurse voice. Simply loving that assertive tone, the heavily pregnant mare was back up on the bed and in position near the edge, her hind legs hanging open, a lot faster than she had gotten off. Redheart moved and stood a few inches away from Celestia, her tail raised all the way. “I do think there’s a couple of mares in need of stress relief. Tia and her pregnancy, and me and her highness.” While the nurse giggled, Moonsilver looked directly at Celestia for the sign to continue. Yes they were a herd, but permission still had to be granted by his alpha. On the bed, Celestia looked Moonsilver in the eyes and winked. “We are herd, Master.” She then ran a hoof teasingly over her dripping marehood, holding it open for him. “Go for it, or, us.” Situated on the floor, with her muzzle not far away from her herd-mate’s open legs, Redheart inhaled deeply. “I can smell Celestia from here, oh, and Tia too,” she giggled as she felt Moonsilver behind her place his forehooves on her back. At the same time, he surged forward in to a very 'wet' nurse. The weight of his chest pushed Redheart's head down as he moved to sample some of his pet, starting with her deliciously milky teats. “AAaaaAAAH yeeeesssssss!” Celestia moaned, as immediately her swollen teat leaked a prodigious amount of milk into his mouth. “Ride me, centaur boy!” Redheart cried out from underneath Moonsilver. While she was not submissive to him like Celestia was, damn did she love the feel of his weight on her back. “Our foal will live well, oh giver of life. I should let her know.” Moonsilver adjusted himself just slightly so that he could delve deep into Celestia’s vagina with his tongue. The effect of that was instantaneous. With a mighty cry of “FuuuuUUUUUUCK yeeeeessss!” Celestia thrust her crotch upwards to meet her Master's face while a hoof played with her teats. Loving the feeling of Moonsilver’s thick fourteen inch cock thrusting into her, Redheart turned her head so she could lick at the pale grey centaur's chest along with some nipping here and there. That did remind the stallion that he was mounting somepony as well as eating another out so he put more effort into it and one hand moved down to play with the nurse's face and ears while the other hand toyed with an unoccupied teat. As she was being pleasured by Moonsilver’s educated tongue, Celestia used her telekinesis to massage her Master's heavy swinging balls and Redheart's hard clitoris. She had been practising her skills over the months and she had gotten rather good with that spell. Smirking at the centaur’s moaning, she aimed a squirt of milk all over his face. For Moonsilver, who was balls deep in Redheart’s dripping pussy, all this was beyond hot! His thrusts into the mewling nurse became erratic as he was near cumming. The moment Celestia squirted her milk over him, he was driven over the edge and, in his orgasm, he squirted into the earth pony underneath him. Redheart, as she was filled up to the brim with the centaur’s hot seed, stopped nipping and it was all she could do to hold his weight on her back as she quickly went over the edge of her own climax with a very loud shout of, “Moon and Stars!” As she came in turn, Celestia’s waters broke properly and the amniotic fluid showered all over Moonsilver's face along with a scream from the pregnant unicorn. Riding the high of his climax, Moonsilver licked his muzzle and the strange taste was like a bucket of cold water poured all over him. “Nu...Nurse? There’s something...that wasn't urine…” Fortunately, Redheart had enough sense about her to move forward and, pulling herself off of the centaur’s rod, she pushed his head up and out of the way so she could put hers in Celestia’s crotch where she sniffed and licked. “Good news, your waters just broke and you're two centimetres dilated.” “She...She's coming!?” Celestia gasped, the news also bringing her crashing back to reality in an instant. Unfortunately, she couldn’t ask anything else because, right then, a hard contraction hit the unicorn like a freight train. Oh...ooooh...oooAAAAAAAAAAAH!” she screamed out long and loud as the contraction hit her, “AAaaaaaAAAGGGHhhhhh!” “Moon,” Redheart remained the very picture of calm, this was her speciality, “She’s looking good, do you still want the foal here at home, or do you want the hospital now?” “Home, please.” Celestia panted hard like she had practised, “Oh! Get the book, we need to tell Luna, and Berry, and Rosie!” “Yes love, I'm sure they want to know,” as Moonsilver went quickly to the study next to the main bedroom to get their magical journal – a personal welcome gift to them from Princess Twilight, it was an exact copy of the one that Sunset Shimmer had, and it allowed Celestia to keep in contact with her sister and her herd-mates on the other side of the portal – Redheart helped Celestia onto her side. “You can rest here for a bit,” the nurse informed her, stroking her pink mane reassuringly, “But when you get to eight centimetres, you're back on your hooves.” “A-Al-Alright...” though she had Redheart there by her side, she still looked worried. “It's going to be okay, right? They'll get here in time, won’t they?” “I’m sorry Tia, I can't answer that.” Redheart deeply wished that she could. “Too many variables, but for you, I'd say you have three to ten hours to go. I’ll have to keep an eye under your tail to see what’s closer.” “Okay,” Moonsilver announced as he returned to the bedroom, “I got it in the book and the message was sent,” he had their journal held in his hand in case it was answered by his wife’s sister. “Alright,” Redheart said, slipping into her professional nurse mode, “Now be a good stallion and explain to your wife how the pain you caused her is totally worth it.” ~ ~ ~ “AAaaaaaAAAGGGHHHHHH!” “You're doing great Celestia, now, steady breathing. In, out, just like we practiced,” Redheart smiled at her charge who was a sweaty furry mess on the bed while she remained as calm as ever. "H - how is it going now?" Celestia managed to gasp out as the pain of the latest contraction faded away. “You are six centimetres dilated and doing brilliantly.” “Six? Still? I was six centimetres three hours ago!” Celestia objected, sweat poured down her forehead, soaking her pink mane. Moonsilver was sat on the floor beside his wife, holding her hoof in his strong hand, just as he had been ever since her waters had broken three hours before. “You’re doing great, my love, just brea…” Celestia shot him a vicious glare, “If you tell me to ‘breathe’ one more time, I swear I'll kick you so hard!” Any further comment was silenced as her eyes went wide, another contraction was coming. They were only a few minutes apart now, the pain from one rolling into another, each one more intense than the one before it. Celestia panted as she had been shown, performing the exercise that supposedly lessened the pain by breathing through it. “Huh, huh, huh,” she clamped her hoof down on Moonsilver’s hand, causing the pale grey centaur to wince as the painful contraction peaked. “Hu, b-by th-the F-FOOOOOOOOREEEEEEEEESSSSST!” Just then, the door to the treehouse burst open with a dark blue unicorn in the lead followed by three earth ponies. “Sister!” Luna called out, having dropped everything and rounded up Cheerilee, Berryshine and Roseluck the moment she had gotten the summons from Moonsilver. “Up in the main bedroom!” Redheart called out, seeing as Celestia and Moonsilver were otherwise occupied. “Get us some refreshments and clean towels! She’s at six centimetres and doing just fine!” Cheerilee, who knew her way around Celestia’s house, took that as her cue while the other three trotted off up the stairs. “On it Mistress.” “Okay highness, I’m sorry, but this will be uncomfortable,” Redheart said apologetically as she carefully inserted her hoof in Celestia’s dilated vagina and examined her. “Okay, the foal is head first, and you're now at eight. Moon, help her off the bed onto her hooves.” As Moonsilver dutifully helped his wife up off of the bed and on to her hooves, the newcomers took up positions in the bedroom. Luna was fine watching the birth, while Berryshine had seen it all before. “How are you doing, Celly?” Berryshine asked her best friend, at the same time placing a foreleg around Roseluck, who had turned an odd shade of green. “Fine...” Celestia gasped out through her deep breaths. Her shoulders slumped, she was so exhausted she could barely stand up, she wanted to sleep. Most of all she wanted this torture to be over. She had been warned about the pain of childbirth but had never in her wildest dreams thought it'd be as bad as this. “We came as soon as Lu gave us the call,” Roseluck said, pointedly looking out the window, the earth pony very grateful of the comforting foreleg around her shoulders. “AAAAAaaaaaaggGGGgghhHHH!” Celestia threw her head back and screamed, feeling the muscles around her cervix straining to push. Moonsilver secretly hoped it'd be over soon too, his hand was getting sore and he was sure there'd be bruises tomorrow. He was determined to be by her side though. “Oh my gosh...she's really coming?” Roseluck squeaked. “Okay, you're doing good,” Redheart said reassuringly from her position behind her herd-mate, “Now push hard with those contractions! Encourage her Moon.” “You're doing great love!” Moonsilver squeezed his wife’s hoof and nuzzled her sweaty cheek. “You can do this!” “P-Push?” Celestia asked through her daze of fatigue and pain. “You got this Celly, push!” Berryshine cheered from the side lines along with Luna. “AAAAaaaaaAAAARGHHHHHHH!” Celestia let out her loudest scream yet as her contraction wracked her body. This time though, she didn’t try to fight it and she pushed as hard as she could. She was sure, as her vision went momentarily white from the sheer amount of pain she had just experienced, she had been split in two down there. “I see the head.” Redheart was very pleased indeed. They were almost there! “Now, stop playing around.” “She is almost here,” Moonsilver nuzzled his wife once more, “Bring her into the world, Tia.” “I c-can't...” Sweaty and exhausted, Celestia couldn’t believe she was being asked to do another one of those pushes! It would be the end of her for sure. “You can, my love.” Moonsilver kissed her forehead, just under her horn as Cheerilee walked into the bedroom with towels on her back and a tray holding glasses of freshly squeezed juice in her mouth. When she was sure she was about to pass out, Celestia looked up and she saw her sister’s encouraging look and that spurred her on. When her contraction came, she pushed as hard as she could and, with the loudest scream yet, she at last gave birth to her filly. “I got her,” Redheart announced as she caught the foal in her forelegs wrapped in a towel that Cheerilee had just bought up. Once the forelegs were out the rest just of the foal slid out easily. “Filly for sure.” Working quickly, Redheart tied off the umbilical cord and bit it. “Help her back up on the bed on her side so I can put this one to a teat.” She ordered the others who were watching while she gently but firmly cleaned off the new-born foal on the blanket. “Is she alright?” Celestia asked the moment she was back on the bed, “Silver, is she okay, where is she?” now it was over, she wanted her filly! Smiling warmly, Redheart placed the wrapped up foal in Celestia’s forehooves. She had dappled grey and white fur and, just showing under the blanket, was the brightest yellow mane, bright as the sun itself. “She is perfect, as you can see for yourself.” On cue, the foal cried, announcing her presence. “She’s hungry too.” “She's a proper Sunrise!” Celestia beamed at Moonsilver, “We made this!” Every bit the proud father, Moonsilver gave a long deep kiss to his wife and then he followed that up with a lighter kiss to his little Sunrise. “That we did, love.” As he placed the crying little filly on Celestia’s milky teat, the others 'pushed' Redheart out of the way for a closer look and nuzzle touch. Completely exhausted, Celestia smiled up at Luna after the sisters had shared a loving nuzzle, “Your turn next, sis.” “I...” Luna started to speak and then the very idea of her having children made her erupt in a fierce blush and seeing that, Cheerilee broke out in a fit of giggles, “I'll try my best Tia!” she mumbled, though one watching would be convinced she was purple instead of dark blue, her blush was so intense. Celestia laughed while Sunrise suckled from her, “I can just see Leelee worshipping your swollen feet.” Roseluck and Berryshine were both stroking the little filly’s bright yellow mane, now it was over, the flower vendor was far more comfortable. “She’s as pretty a foal as I've ever seen, even with the bump on her head.” “The one where…” Moonsilver began but he was silenced by his wife when Celestia gave him a light punch to his shoulder and, clearing away the dirty and used towels, Redheart started laughing for no reason. “Totally worth it,” Celestia sighed and slumped back on the bed and at last, she closed her eyes and allowed sleep to take her. Surrounded by her husband, her filly, her sister and her herd, she understood what it meant to not just exist, but to live, truly live, to be happy and to be ever free.