> Your Shy Little Angel > by Israel Yabuki > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Meeting a Kind, Gentle Soul > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Shy Little Angel Rewritten by Israel Yabuki Edited & Co-written by NineTailBeastBall It started off like any other normal day for you. You were driving in an empty animal control van with nothing but a nice cup of coffee and a breakfast burrito, which was half eaten. You were just driving around the city when suddenly you got a call from your boss saying that there was a female dalmation located in an alleyway with its 15 newborn puppies. You boss gives you the address and you tell him you’re heading over to the location as soon as possible. You drove a little faster, hoping to make it in time. If there was one thing you didn’t like hearing, it was that an abandoned dog was trying to feed its newborn puppies on the cold, harsh streets. It’s always been your calling to rescue animals off the streets ever since you were a little boy when your old dog, Butcher, who was a pitbull, died of old age. He was one of your bestest friends. He was very kind with other animals and other people. You would spoil him with a lot of hugs and kisses and belly rubs and he loved all the attention. But when the time came for poor Butcher to be put to sleep, you cried your eyes out for your old friend. Ironically despite being physically fit, you were never really into sports. It just wasn’t in your nature to participate in events that are so rough as from a young age you were quite a pacifist. Don’t get the wrong idea, you knew how to be assertive and stand up for yourself, just not with violence. A few minutes later, you found the alleyway where the dalmation mother was still feeding her puppies. You got out of the van and approached the dog and her puppies. You stopped as she began growling at you for coming to close. It was only natural for a mother to protect her young. It was going to be difficult to show that you weren’t a threat to her or her litter. At first you had no particular idea on how to earn the mother’s trust, so you tried reaching your hand out to her with the back of your hand. She still kept on growling at you, warning you not touch her pups. After she let out a bark, you pulled away just in time as she tried to bite you. At that moment, you got the idea that living as strays dalmations must have been hungry. Without any other ideas, you opened the door to the van and got out your half eaten breakfast burrito. Taking it out of the wrapper, you put it next to the mother who gave it a few sniffs before she started eating it. The sounds of the pups whimpering with hunger touched your heart. After she finished, you reached to give her a nice pet on the head, which this time she allowed. “Good girl...” you whispered before turning your attention to the puppies, who by this point had finished feeding and were growing tired. As a cold wind blew, you took off your jacket and placed the shivering puppies on top of it. Considerate of an animal’s feelings, instead putting them all in the van at once, you carried the puppies in your arms in groups of three. As you brought them over to the van, you carefully placed the puppies in a big enough cage to fit them and their mother. You made sure to keep light lit up in there so they’ll keep warm. Once all the puppies were secure, you went back into the alleyway to get their mother. Taking a good look to make sure everyone was nice and comfortable, you locked the cage and closed the back doors before you got back into your seat. You made sure not to drive recklessly on the way, as any and all kind of bumps or sudden stops in your opinion would traumatize the newborn puppies. So you drove at a nice and steady pace, above the minimum speed limit, but not fast enough to risk getting pulled over. For the entire ride, you couldn’t stop wondering what kind of person would leave a pregnant dog out in the middle of the cold, hard streets. Whoever her owner was, you hoped they would never get another chance to adopt a dog. A lot of people in your world didn’t understand that animals are creatures who can think and feel just like humans. Being different species doesn’t mean we don't share the same heartbeat. You got to the shelter without any more troubles. Stepping out of the van, you opened the back doors and saw that the dalmation mother was still keeping her still breathing puppies warm with her fur. With a smile, you grabbed the cage handle at the top of the cage and carried it inside with you, trying not to wobble it too much. With all the dogs inside, the cage was a bit heavy but you managed not to drop it. The front door to the shelter opened automatically as you walked towards them. Once you entered and walked to the back room, you saw there were many cages filled with dogs and cats of different breeds. It was quite heartbreaking to see so many abandoned and neglected animals waiting for a new home. Conveniently, this was a no-kill shelter and the employees here won’t give up finding new owners. You set the cage gently down in a nice quiet corner with a warm light above. Wiping your forehead, you bent down to stick your hand in the cage to pet the mother one more time. Seeing your hand enter into the cage, the Dalmatian gave it a few licks before curling up to keep her puppies warm again. “Hang in there, girl. I’m confident you’ll find a new and more loving family soon,” you said, warmly. Even though dogs don’t completely understand humans, it felt nice to talk to her anyway. Just then, you felt a pat on your shoulder. You turned to see your boss smiling down at you. “Well done. The animals in this world would be much happier if there were more people like you. In the meantime, I need you to feed some of these poor guys, they’re famished. That shouldn’t be a problem, right?” he asked. “Of course not,” you replied. “Good, I’ll let you take care of business then,” your boss said before returning to his office. Making your way over to the the room on the left side of the kennel, you returned with a few bags of dog and cat food and made your way into the first cage. About 8 hours later, you finally returned home. The light in the living room was on while the rest of the house was dark. After you unlocked the door and stepped inside, you up your favorite coat on the rack before shutting the door behind you. Just as the door shut, you got tackled by your best friend, Trusty, a Saint Bernard whom you adopted 2 years ago when you got out of high school. At the time he was only 4 months old when you adopted him, but he immediately took a liking to you. The silly thing wouldn’t stop licking your face. Laughing, you managed to gently push him off of you and wiped your face. “I’m glad to see you, too, Trusty. Who’s a good boy?” you ask as you scratch him behind his ear. Trusty let out a happy bark, telling you that he’s a good dog. “You hungry, buddy boy? Huh?" you ask again, more energetically. Knowing what the word ‘hungry’ meant, Trusty barked a few more times before taking off into the kitchen, with you following. You got his dog food out of the pantry and poured it into his food bowl. You put the bag back into the pantry just as Trusty walked in and dove his face into his food bowl, eating up his food. "There's a good dog.” Once Trusty was fed, you rewarded him by giving him a treat as you always did before washing your hands so you could fix your own food. You didn't know how to cook all that well, so this was all you had to fill you up until your next paycheck. You put a cup of noodles in the microwave after filling it up with water. Setting the timer, you head out into the living room for a nice little nap on the couch. Trusty wanted to nap alongside with you and jumped onto the couch with you, snuggling onto your lap. You chuckled and petted Trusty a few times and then suddenly felt yourself feeling a bit nauseous when you caught the smell of something horrible. It gets worse when you coughed extremely violently. Trusty whimpered, making you raise and eyebrow. You tried to get him off, but he was just too heavy and that horrible smell was making you feel weaker. At that moment, you realized something horrible. With all your strength, you looked to the kitchen and noticed the knob on the oven was turned towards the left. Trusty must have accidently turned it when he was searching for a snack while you were at work. If that’s so, then this could be it for you and your buddy. As the gas coarsed through you and Trusty’s bodies, you began to feel light-headed and your eyes slowly began to close. You drifted off into a dark void. You had no idea which way was up, down, left or right. It was to clear however that you had died, so you just let your body drift more and more until you saw a bright light in front of you. You even heard the sound of your dog barking as he went towards the light with you. You both drifted towards the light free-willingly until finally you opened your eyes to find that you were staring up at the beautiful night sky. You looked down at your own lap to see that Trusty was also here with you and he was still snoring, too. But then just when you were about to lift your head up, you heard what sounded like wings flapping. It grew louder, no doubt meaning the source was getting closer “Oh my! Are... Are you okay?” asked a gentle, feminine voice. You and widened your eyes when you saw a beautiful yellow anthro horse flying towards you. Her eyes were big and teal while her silky hair was colored pink, matching her tail. She had a spring green short sleeve shirt with a light blue skirt. She had hooves for feet, too. Landing beside you, the horse sat down and placed her hand on your forehead with one hand and used her other to scratch Trusty behind the ear. Though you were still intrigued by what you were seeing, her gentle touch kept you calm.You were confused about why didn’t seem to be afraid of you. When you moved yourself to get up, you still felt a little dizzy. It would make sense, due to inhaling that bad gas at your old house. You almost fell back down, but the beautiful pegasus caught you. “Are you okay?” she asked again. You were about to assure her that it was nothing to worry about when your faithful canine suddenly pounces her and licks her face. She starts to giggle and stroked his droopy face. “Well, from what I can tell, I’d say Trusty's taken a liking to you,” you said joining in the laughter. “I’ll tell you, he’s like the kind of dog you can depend on when you need someone to cheer you up like a true friend,” you explain. “Really? W-Well, he sure was trained well. Are you his master?” she asked. “Well, I don’t really like being referred as his "master." Trusty and I share a bond of mutual respect,” you corrected. “I see. Well, anyways I’m Fluttershy...” she said, her tone suddenly becoming quiet. “I’m an animal caretaker for many different species of animals when they're hurt or if they get sick,” she says. You give her your name and shake her hand. You once again felt that furry and silky feeling from her palms. In your opinion, it was like shaking hands with an angel. Thing got awakened when you realized you have been holding her hand a little too long. One look from Fluttershy's confused and blushing face was enough of a signal for you to finally let go. “S-Sorry about that, Fluttershy,” you said with a slight blush as well. “I-It’s okay. It was an honest mistake,” she stuttered before giggling. "Well, it's getting really late. If you want, I can set up the couch in my living room for you. I already know that you’re not from around here,” “H-How’d you know that?” you ask. “It’s understandable that you’d ask such a thing, but like I said before it’s getting late. I’ll gladly tell you in the morning. If you want, you can stay at my cottage,” “As long as Trusty comes along with me, I'm okay with it. The poor pup can’t stand having to sleep outdoors,” you said. “Well of course he can stay inside. I’d never let such a cute bundle of joy sleep out in the cold grounds outside,” she said kneeling back down to pet Trusty some more. “Thanks Fluttershy,” you says just before Trusty lets out a happy bark, causing Fluttershy to  giggled. After wrapping up your little conversation, Fluttershy guides you and Trusty over to her cottage located near the entrance of this intimidating forest. Walking inside, you took a seat on her couch with Trusty right next to you. As you got comfortable on the couch, Fluttershy went upstairs for a bit and later came back down with a couple of blankets and a pillow. “Thank you again Fluttershy,” you said and she responded with a nod. “Please get some rest. You must have had a rough night tonight. If you need anything, just let me know,” she said putting a hand on your shoulder. After you nodded, she went over to turn off the light in the living room before heading upstairs to her bedroom. Afterwards, you felt yourself getting drowsy and drifted off to sleep. > A Kind Offering of Assisstance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, you woke up to the pleasant smell of eggs and hash browns coming from the kitchen. Trusty, was in the living room, digging into a bowl dog food. Judging by his sloppy eating, he’s either extremely hungry or the taste of his brand new food is an improvement over the other brand you usually fed him back home where the two of you lived. Getting off of the couch, you stretched out your arms before grabbing and folding the blankets like a proper house guest. “Oh, good morning,” Fluttershy as she took notice of your presence by the kitchen doorway. You saw that as she was fixing breakfast, she wore a very cute, pink apron over her shirt. It was nice bright green shirt with butterfly stickers on the front and back of her shirt and matching long skirt. “Morning, Fluttershy. Breakfast sure smells good,” you say, making her blush. “T-Thank you. And as you can see, I took the liberty to feed Trusty as well. He seems happy about his food,” Fluttershy says as Trusty still has his face buried in his bowl. “Thank you. Normally I would’ve done it myself. I guess I was asleep longer than I planned,” you said sheepishly. Once Trusty was done with his breakfast, he rushed over to greet you by jumping on you, tackling you onto the ground. “OOF! Easy boy! Down!” you commanded, but Trusty wouldn't get off. “Oh my, does he always jump you like that?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah, he’s a big ball of energy,” you chuckled as you finally managed to get him off. Shaking your head as you looked at Trusty who was now panting, you patted him on the head. Even though he’s a wonderful companion, he’s still a puppy and could obviously still use more training. “Anyway before you eat, you should go wash up in the bathroom,” she said. You couldn’t agree more, as you were now covered in fur and saliva. “Okay, where is it?” “It's the door on the right side of the kitchen,” she said pointing to said door. “Great, thanks, Flutters,” you say as you walk past her. Before you made it to the bathroom door you realized you just gave Fluttershy a cute nickname right off the bat as if she was your girlfriend. That was a problem you had to be aware of because the last time you said something like that, it almost got you landed in an early grave. Specifically, back in high school, you accidentally let the word “cute” slip out from your mouth when you were walking past some beautiful girl and got stopped by her supposed boyfriend, who had every intention of spilling your blood. Since fighting wasn’t your thing, if it weren't for the principal stopping the fight, you'd be dead. Of course once things settle down, you made sure to apologize for the misunderstanding. Snapping out of memory lane, you entered the bathroom and proceeded to wash your hands and face. As you clean yourself up, you began to think how cute and kind Fluttershy was, especially to animals. Mostly it was Trusty, since you never got to see her other animals. ‘Okay, I have to admit, Fluttershy is kinda cute. Not to mention the fact that she's actually a pretty good cook as well. And those...eyes... those beautiful, starry, teal eyes of hers. I feel I could just... whoa, what am I thinking?! We just met and besides, how can I be in love with a horse? Then again, she still walks and talks similar to a human, minus her horse-like features... and the wings...’ you thought to yourself. Finally after you finished washing your hands, you stepped out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. You saw that Fluttershy had already set up two plates for you and her. Looking at you with a smile, she patted the chair next to hers for you to sit in. You sat down next to her and started eating your meal. “You know... I’m still curious,” Fluttershy says as a small blush appeared on her face. “About what?” you asked even though you were pretty sure what her question would be. “Why... Why did you call me “Flutters” earlier? We've only met yesterday and you’re already giving me my own nickname.” You were the next one to blush as Fluttershy mentioned this to you. “Yeah, sorry about that. I guess it just slipped out of me since I couldn't help how cute you were. Sorry if I sound like I'm flirting, if you don't like it then I won't do it ever again.” “No, no, it's okay. My friend, Derpy always calls me that and I'm okay with it. I don't see any at all reason why you shouldn't call me by that nickname. You're my friend just as much as the other girls." Fluttershy gave you a gentle rub on the back with her hand. “Aww, thanks, Flutters,” you said, feeling much more comfortable that she didn’t mind the nickname. “You’re welcome. However, I’m sure you have your own questions “Well yes actually,” you said, as you restrained yourself from asking questions last night since it was late. “First, how did you know I wasn’t from around here?” “Well... three of my best friends are actually involved in a romantic relationship with their human lovers. You're probably the 4th human to arrive in Equestria,” she explained. “Equestria? Is that the name of this place?” you asked to which she nodded “So much more will be explained when we go into town. For now, it'd be best if we finish our breakfast first before it gets cold,” she said. Without another word, you and Fluttershy continued eating your breakfast. Her cooking was a lot better than the instant meals you've been eating back home when you lived all by yourself. Fluttershy's meals were similar to your mom's home-cooking, if not better. Once breakfast was over, Fluttershy took you out for a walk around this little town known as Ponyville. It was unfortunate that you only had one pair of clothes, but Fluttershy said she had a friend who could help with that. True to its name, Ponyville was inhabited by more of Fluttershy’s kind. Not just pegasi, but you saw civilians who were unicorns as well as some who had neither horns nor wings. So, she led you to this huge building known as Carousel Boutique. Judging by the fancy exterior, you figured since she knows the owner, she might be able to get you a brand new wardrobe. You knocked on the door, expecting a pony would open it... you got another surprise. Instead of a pony, the one who opened the door another human. “Oh Fluttershy, what a pleasant surprise,” he said before turning to you. “I see Equestria has another human. Pleasure to meet you, I’m known as Silver here. What’s your name?” Silver asked as he offered his hand. Taking his hand and shaking it, you introduced yourself with a smile. You were going to go out on a limb and assume that the owner is Silver’s wife. After all, Fluttershy had mentioned that three of her friends have human husbands. Once the introductions were over, Silver led you both inside. “Please just wait here in the living room, Rarity is just finishing getting dressed. She’ll be down shortly,” he said. Doing what he asked, you and Fluttershy took a seat on the nearby couch as he went upstairs. To pass the time, you started a conversation with Fluttershy asking her a few questions about her career with the animals. Your admiration for her grew when she revealed she’s had a bond with woodland creatures since she was a filly. It's very rare that you find someone who's cared for animals longer than you have. It was at that moment that a beautiful ivory coated unicorn came downstairs with Silver behind her. Clearly, this mare was Rarity. In addition to her bleach white fur, her hair was purple and styled in a way that it curled near the side of her face. Walking up to greet you, she smiled with hospitality. “Fluttershy darling, how lovely to see you. Oh, and who is this?” she asked, looking at you. You introduce yourself to her and shake her hand and just as you did Silver’s. “Such a pleasure to meet you, darling. I’m Rarity, or nowadays “Mrs. Rarity.” As you can already tell, I’m married,” she said showing the silver ring with a bright sapphire encrusted in it. “Sorry to rush things Rarity, but I was told that you would be able to help me with some new clothes,” you said, trying your best not to sound rude. “As crazy as it sounds, this is my only pair.” “Oh of course darling. Right this way please, I’ll need to take a few measurements first,” Rarity said gesturing for you follow her. You stood still the entire time as Rarity took your measurements. You took notice how she somehow made the measuring tape float with her horn and wondered if all unicorns were capable of such. With a sketchbook in her hand, Rarity began to formulate her next design. Though you had your doubts that she would be able to finish your clothes in a short amount of time so you might need to ask to borrow a pair until then. Silver seemed just as generous as his wife here, so he probably wouldn’t mind. “Okay darling, from my predictions your wardrobe should be done with your first set of clothes within 5 to 7 hours. 3 and a half if no other orders come up,” she said cheerfully. “Thank you,” you said but she shook her head with a smile. “Oh no, no, no darling. I’m simply doing a favor to a brand-new friend. I just couldn’t bare to leave you without some a proper pair of clothes for your new wardrobe,” she said. As you thought, Silver didn’t mind lending you a pair of his clothes for you to wear while waiting for your wardrobe. What’s more is that Rarity said she wasn’t going to charge you once it was ready. Thanking them for both their generosity and hospitality, you and Fluttershy exited the boutique to see what else Ponyville has in store. Your walk through Ponyville lasted a good hour before you and a Fluttershy decided to return to the cottage. It felt good to meet with the rest of her friends, who all seemed to be decent ponies. During the walk, you and Fluttershy stopped at her friend Applejack’s farm called Sweet Apple Acres, where she went and got some chicken feed. Right now, she was indeed caring for the chickens giving them the food they’ve been waiting patiently for. You on the other hand scratched Trusty behind his ears as you both laid on the couch. While you and Trusty were relaxing, Fluttershy walked up once she was done feeding the chickens and giggled at the adorable sight. “He really likes you, doesn't he?” she asked. You began chuckling as you gave your companion a playful rub on his head. “He’s been my pal for two years ever since I graduated from high school. It's like I got a second chance to raise a dog again,” you reply, giving your dog a playful rub on his head. “Do you mean you had another dog before Trusty?” she asked taking a seat on the couch. “Yeah, but I got my first dog a long time ago when I was just a kid...” “Can... Can you tell me?” she cautiously asked. You thought about it for a few seconds and took a deep breath. “Alright... but it’s not gonna end well.” You paused and took another deep breath before you began your story. “When I was only 6 years old, my parents had adopted a pitbull we named Butcher. They found him as a stray living in a cardboard box. After we treated him for his fleas and rabies, he soon became one of the very first best friends I could ever have as an only child. We did almost everything together when I was growing up. We played ball, swam, ate like pigs and even slept in the same bed.” “Aww, that's so sweet. Was he nice to everyone?" Fluttershy asked. “Yes, he was a wonderful dog who was friendly to my parents, grandparents, other dogs and even cats. The only thing he hated was when I was getting bullied by this one kid who thought he was cool. Butcher gave him a real scare when he actually bit his leg. He kept screaming out to his mom and he never bothered me again.” “That’s terrible!” she exclaimed. “Well, that just shows that you should never push a dog to the point where he might unlock his inner canine killer instincts, in which that kid just did. But anyways, just like other dogs... Butcher’s time was running out...” “What... What happened?” she asked quietly, as you both knew she wouldn’t like the answer. “The poor guy was coming in on age and wasn’t getting any younger. When I was starting out as a freshman in high school, he was becoming less active and even started coughing up blood. I of course was alarmed and yelled out to my parents about rushing him to the vet. She did all she could to at least make him feel better, but said that it was time to put him to sleep.” At this moment, when you said that, your hands clenched into fists and tears started falling out of your eyes. Trusty let out a whine as he could sense your tension, a common instinct for dogs. “Butcher looked at me with those dying eyes of his like he was smiling at me. He used the last of his strength to lift his paw up and I shook it. It was like he was saying “thank you.” Unsure if he could hear me or not, the last thing I told him was “Goodbye Butcher, I love you, boy.” Your whole body began to shake and you buried your face in the palm of your hands and you sobbed quietly. Fluttershy leaned near you and hugged you warmly in her arms. She also felt tears flowing out of her eyes. “I... I’m so sorry you lost your friend... I know all too well what it’s like to see an animal about to pass away when their time has come. But I do know your friend wouldn’t want you to give into despair just because he’s in dog heaven. He’d want you to move on and spread your love and happiness everywhere, just like you did when he first came into your life. And you did so when you adopted Trusty. You brought another dog into your life and gave the dear a chance to experience what it’s like to be part of a family out of the love and kindness in your heart,” Fluttershy explained. Trusty let out another whine at how sad you’ve become. You reached a hand down towards Trusty and petted him. Once you finally calmed down, you broke free of your hug with Fluttershy and smiled at her. “You... You’re right, Fluttershy. Thanks for cheering me up. And I’m glad I have Trusty with me. He's still a pup to me. I got him after my high school graduation ceremony 2 years ago. He was only a 4 month old bundle of joy when I first met him.” When you said that, Trusty gave out two happy barks and started panting with a smile. "You know, I was wondering, Fluttershy." “Yes? What is it?” “Do you think that maybe you can teach me how to care for the other animals here? Like you said earlier, I want to be able to spread my love, happiness, and kindness everywhere.” Fluttershy’s eyes grew wide when you asked that. “A-Are you sure? There’s so many animals I look after, including ones that aren't exactly considered to be domestic. Are you sure you want to do this?” “I’m positive! So, will you please teach me everything you know about caring for the animals?” Fluttershy looked down, hesitating on the idea at first, but then she gave out a sigh and looked back at you. “Okay, then. If you‘re so confident, then I’d be honored,” she says with a smile. You nod and give her a warm hug, making her yelp in surprise. She then returned your hug with one of her own. > Proposing To An Angel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You’ve been enjoying the nice, peaceful life that Fluttershy has provided you over the past 3 months ever since you became a permanent resident in Ponyville. In return for everything she did for you, you provided a helping hand with the wide variety of animals she takes care of. You couldn’t explain it, but the animals in this world seemed more sentient than the ones back home. With Fluttershy mentoring, your connection with these critters has greatly improved much better than back home. Of course you did face a few issues with your work since Trusty was staying with you. Dogs naturally chase animals like cats and squirrels, so you had to train him to understand that such behavior wouldn’t get him any treats. Trusty loved his treats so much and couldn’t stand to lose even a whole day of treats. So, your warning naturally did the trick. Your relationship with the animals wasn’t the only one that has improved. While you made a good number of friends with the civilians of Ponyville, it couldn’t compare to how well you got along with Fluttershy. After your first two months of living here, the two of you had soon become a couple. There seemed to be no limit to the kindness and sweetness that the yellow pegasus showed to others. Not to mention she never knows how to turn off the cuteness, not that you’re complaining. While many of the animals approved of your relationship with their caretaker, a small, rambunctious rabbit named Angel wasn’t so lenient. Due to your gentle nature, you managed to get over it all, but that bunny was more of a devil than an angel. Often when Fluttershy wasn’t looking, he would get physical by slamming his little rabbit feet on your feet and punch your legs with his stubby little rabbit arms. You were just waking up in the bed that you and Fluttershy now shared upstairs. Evidently since you were dating, the sweet pegasus wasn’t going to make you sleep on the couch anymore. Though, it was a bit of a surprise when she insisted on letting you sleep with her in her bedroom and share the same bed. You looked at your official marefriend as she was still sound asleep. You reached over and rubbed her mane, admiring how beautiful and peaceful she looked when sleeping. You decided to repay Fluttershy for all she had done for you these last 3 months. Carefully getting out the bed, you cautiously walked out of the room. After confirming that she was still asleep, you made your way downstairs where you saw Trusty was awake as well. “Keep quiet boy, don’t wanna ruin the surprise,” you said. Trusty didn’t bark, so he understood what you meant, or at least understood the word “quiet.” Fluttershy was always cooking amazing meals for the both of you, you decided it was time you gave it a shot. When you came to Equestria, your cooking skills were terrible, but thanks to a few lessons from Fluttershy, that was no longer true. Being a courteous cook, you made sure to first wash your hands. After that, you got started with preparing a nice breakfast for you and Fluttershy. For today’s menu, pancakes with a side of some delicious dice-cut fried potatoes. It was a bit tricky with the pancakes, but with a bit of patience, time and effort, you were able to get them right. You knew with the delicious aroma coming from the food, Fluttershy was sure to wake up soon. It was reckless with all the animals in the cottage, but you decided to take your eyes off the food to go back upstairs. Softly opening the door, you found that your adorable lover was slowly awakening from her peaceful slumber. Her nose twitched from the smell of the freshly prepared breakfast that was waiting in the kitchen. “Good morning Flutters,” you said smiling brightly at her. You brushed her silky smooth mane softly, making her sigh happily. “Good morning to you too, Genus,” she replied before yawning. She began calling you this name even before you started dating. It was not long after you accidentally called her “Flutters”. She came up with the nickname because it’s the Latin word for “gentle”. “Did you make bre-” she stopped as you scooped her out of the bed, causing a cute squeak to escape her lips. Smiling down at her, Fluttershy was blushing bright red as you walked out of the room. You carried her down the stairs. You enter the living room to set Fluttershy down as carefully as you held her. Still keeping a smile on your face, you reached to rub her cheek that was covered by her long, pink mane. “You’re always cooking nice things for me and Trusty, so this time I decided to return the favor,” you explained as you gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. You were obviously feeling especially happy this morning. “Oh Genus, thank you,” she said still blushing a little, but smiling at the same time. Looking at the food, you sighed as you saw none of the animals have messed with it. Humming a little bit, you fixed a plate for Fluttershy and you. You made sure to put an equal and reasonable amount of food on each plate. You then walk back into the living room. “Okay, Flutters, breakfast is ready,” you said. Taking her hand, you returned to the kitchen and presented the yellow pegasus with her meal. “This looks wonderful, Genus!” she exclaimed. Though she realized she got a little excited, she coughed a few times. As soon as the awkwardness had subsided, she took her first bite of the warm pancakes. You were eagerly waiting for her response before you ate your own food. “It’s... delicious, Genus,” Fluttershy beamed with joy. You smiled quite relieved that your cooking was satisfactory to her. With that load off your back, you proceeded to take a bite of your pancakes. Of course, you never suspect Fluttershy to lie, but the pancakes were indeed delicious. Once you finished breakfast, you took the dishes over to the sink and washed them. Then suddenly, you started thinking about what life would be like if you and Fluttershy could actually be together... in holy matrimony. Twilight, Applejack and Rarity have all told you that they’ve never been happier being with their loving husbands. However, even though you love Fluttershy so much, you still wonder if she’ll go as far as becoming your wife. After all, a proposal was quite something to ask. “Hey Flutters, I need to step out for a moment,” you told your marefriend who was busy feeding Angel and some other rabbits. As usual, hearing you call his owner by her cute nickname, Angel began to glare at you. “Outside, is there something wrong?” she asked, concerned. “No... I probably just need some air,” you said unconvincingly. Fluttershy kept a suspicious eye on you as you made your way to the door. While making your way into Ponyville, you looked at the many different colored leaves of the autumn trees. Some of the leaves blew gracefully in the cool wind, others had yet to fall off and join the rest. A good 15 minute walk was what it took to arrive at your destination, Twilight Sparkle’s castle. You knock on the front door and wait for Twilight or Beau to answer. The one who opened the door to greet you was neither Twilight nor Beau, but rather Starlight Glimmer. From what you learned, Starlight used to be Twilight’s student in the studies of friendship. The two of you got along quite well, as just like the rest of Fluttershy’s friends, Starlight approved of your relationship with her. “Good morning Genus, what brings you here so early?” she asked as she stepped to the side to let you in. “I have some things I needed to get off my chest, so I came here to talk to Twilight. Any chance she might be available?” you asked wiping your feet before you stepped inside. “She’s just finishing changing Moonlight Sparkle upstairs. I’ll let her know you’re here,” Starlight said. You thanked her as you sat yourself down on the living room couch. You were actually present in the Ponyville Hospital when Twilight gave birth to her beloved daughter. As happy as you were for her and Beau, you were also surprised when you learned that humans can breed with the ponies in this world. In fact, that’s kind of what you were here to talk about. In addition to being kind and gentle, you were also very patient. You chose to sit on the couch quietly until you saw Twilight come in with her daughter in her arms. “Hello Genus, Starlight said there was something you wanted to talk about,” she asked softly, making sure not to wake Moonlight. “Yeah, I need your advice on something. It's about me and Fluttershy,” you said. “Is something the matter with her?” she asked out of concern. “No, it’s just... well... I've been thinking about it for some time, Twilight and… I want to take the next step with her, but I’m a little nervous. My mind is a complete mess full of questions. What if she says “no,” or what if I'm not ready but she is, or what if I’m not good enough to be a decent husband?” you asked. “Do you love Fluttershy?” she asked. “Of course, with all my heart. She’s like the sweetest thing ever and I couldn’t imagine where I’d be in this world if I hadn’t met her,” you answered earnestly “When Beau confessed his love for me, I was completely surprised. Even though we’ve known each other for a short time, neither of us could deny the feelings we’ve developed for one another. And look at the result,” she finished showing you her daughter. Tears of happiness welled up in the purple alicorn’s eyes as she kissed Moonlight on the forehead. “I have no doubts that Fluttershy has become very fond of you, just as much as you have for her. After all, the two of you have so much in common, there's no way she’d reject you. You just have to listen to your heart and let it guide you,” she encouraged. “Thank... Thank you Twilight,” you said feeling much more confident due to the princess of friendship’s advice. “You’re quite the poet, where did you come up with that?” you asked, making her blush. “I guess it’s just a benefit in being the princess of friendship,” she answered sheepishly. “Modest, are we?” a teasing voice asked. You looked up to see Beau was walking towards the two of you. “This is one of the things I love about you, Mrs. A-dork-able bookworm,” he said sitting beside his wife and hugging her. Seeing the happy couple gave you a warm and comfy feeling inside your heart. You sigh happily and then got ready to leave. While Twilight did offer you a hot cup of tea or coffee, you politely turned them down saying you had to make your confession to Fluttershy. Returning to the cottage, you checked to see where Fluttershy was. “Flutters, can you come over here, please? There’s something I want to tell you,” you called out. You learned Fluttershy was just finishing with feeding her chickens out in the backyard. Seeing how you have returned, your marefriend smiled and walked up to give you a warm hug. “Did... Did you enjoy your little outing?” she asked as quietly as usual. “Yeah, it was just what I needed. Anyways, I want to tell you something very important,” you began and she stared at you with curiosity and a small hint of worry. “I’m listening,” she said. You took a deep breath and looked directly into her beautiful teal eyes. The two of you moved to the couch you used to sleep on before the sweet mare decided to share her room with you. “Ever since we started dating, I felt like my life had changed for the better. First, you took me and my pup in out of the kindness in your heart, then you helped me make new friends, both ponies and the wonderful animals you take care of. What I have to ask you is something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while now,” you said. “G-Genus, are... are you saying what I think you’re saying?” she asked before you took her hand and kneeled down. It was a good thing you made a quick stop at the jewelry store and bought a beautiful ring with the hard-earned bits you made from all those freelancing and temporary jobs. Once you presented the ring, Fluttershy gasped. “I want to have you for the rest of my life. Fluttershy... will you marry me?” you asked only to be quickly wrapped in another hug. You quickly found your shoulder becoming wet. “Oh Genus, of course I’ll marry you! How can I say no to the one I love so much? Nothing would make me happier than to be your wife,” she said, hugging you tightly. Smiling with relief you hug her back and kiss her on the cheek. Your heart felt like it had just blasted off to the moon when she accepted. After she pulled away, you placed the ring on her left wedding finger. You spent a good deal of bits getting it and it was all worth it. “A perfect fit my dear,” you said, but noticed how her smile went away. “Do... Do you not like the ring?” you asked. “No, I love it, i-it’s just...” she trailed off as her face began flushing. What’s more is that her ears folded back and she hid her face behind her mane, feeling nervous and embarrassed. “I... I... I want to do it...” she muttered. “It? W-What do you mean?” you asked. She remained quiet but thinking for a few seconds, you caught on. “A-Are you sure?” Fluttershy nodded, still blushing fiercely. She darted her eyes to the stairs. Fluttershy just didn’t feel so easy to talk about such naughty things, even though it was just you two. You took her soft hand and slowly rose from the couch. Walking up the stairs, both of you were blushing as you thought about the passion that would take place. Closing the bedroom door, you were having conflicting thoughts. As an animal caretaker, you’ve observed mating multiple time. Even though it’s necessary for the purpose of reproduction, you knew all too well of the pain that comes with the act. Being the gentle and caring soul that you were, you wanted to make sure she didn't get hurt too much when you both give your virginities. With a sigh, you proceeded to take off only your shirt and pants, but left your boxers on. Looking at Fluttershy, who had yet to undress, you simply sat in front of her letting her know there was no rush. She felt relieved knowing how patient you were and with a relieved sigh, she slowly pulled off her green short-sleeve blouse. You tried not to make it too obvious as you marveled at the sight of her large, G-cup breasts held in that cute, pink bra. “Wow... you look so beautiful, Flutters,” you commented, reaching over to brush her cheek as you did this morning. As you continued stroking her soft cheek, Fluttershy reached behind and undid her bra. Her blush deepened as she felt her huge breasts bounce in front of you. You removed your hand from her cheek and held it inches away from her right breast. “M-May I?” you asked carefully. Chances are that her breasts were sensitive, so you weren’t going to touch without her permission. She nodded with a blushing smile. You leaned in and captured her lips as you gave her breast a soft, playful squeeze. She gave out an adorable squeak. You made sure to be gentle with Fluttershy and rubbed her soft breast in circles. Your other hand moved to touch her hips, making her shiver. Your hand soon moved upward and began to play with her feathers. She giggled as you slightly tickled her wings and leaned into you even more. While you didn’t see Fluttershy fly as much as other pegasi, you still didn’t want to pull any feathers out, so you used the back of your hand to brush them. Pulling away from the kiss in order to breathe, you became entranced by her everlasting beauty. You stopped playing with her wings so you could move the hand up to stroke her long and silky pink mane. You moved down, enjoying how the locks slid in between your fingers and once you reached the end, you repeated the act. “G-Genus...” her eyes moved down to your hand and she grabbed it with her own. You gazed at back into her eyes. “C-Could you l-l-l-lay down, please?” she asked. You nodded and did what she asked. Fluttershy stood up and pulled down her skirt and panties, letting them fall to the ground. She turns around and crawls onto the bed. She stared down at the bulge in your boxers and then back at you. You realized what she wanted you to do, so you reached down and pulled down your boxers. Once they were loose enough, you tossed them on the floor. Seeing how Fluttershy was now able to get a good look at your large member, you couldn’t help grow a little embarrassed. “Oh... my, it’s so big. I-Is this really your natural size?” she asked, surprised. “Y-Yes...” you answered, still flustered. “There’s no reason to be embarrassed,” she said gently stroking your shaft with a small smile. “After all, you’re only showing this to me and nopony else. Can... Can I... y-you know... have a t-taste...?” she asked. “Oh, o-of course you can,” you nodded. Smiling wider, she then got on top of you, facing your long, hard rod. Tenderly giving it a few licks, you sighed at the feeling of her warm, soft tongue. Then you realized that her dripping marehood was in front of you. As a considerate man, you didn’t want to leave her out of the pleasure she was giving you, so you leaned in and gave her slit a few gentle licks. In response, Fluttershy squeaked and gasped. For a moment, you were caught off guard because of how cute the way she made those sounds. She began to suck on your shaft while in return, you have her marehood more love licks. You and Fluttershy moaned blissfully from the pleasure you both felt. Suddenly the pegasus took your shaft to the back of her throat. You groaned and three your head back onto the pillow. You leaned back in and thrusted your tongue inside of her love cave. It was at that moment that Fluttershy threw her head up, letting out a loud moan. Fluttershy never experienced anything that felt this good. She could no longer handle the pleasure coursing through her body. With another moan, her juices sprayed onto your face like a sprinkler. You drank up her juices as quick as you could to avoid choking. After she finishes, Fluttershy pants heavily. She gets off you and lays down next to you. Feeling her nuzzling under your chin, you could sense her disappointment that you haven’t climaxed along with her. “Don’t worry Fluttershy,” you said kissing the top of her mane. “After a little rest, we can continue with our fun.” Fluttershy hummed and looked up at you with her beautiful smile. “You’re so sweet, Genus...” she replied as she continued to nuzzle you. You both enjoyed the moment of being so close to each other. And when she finally got her energy back, she laid herself on top of you, pressing her large, squishy breasts onto your bare chest. “I... I think I’m ready Genus...” she whispered. You nod and watch as she lifts her lower body upwards, grabs your manhood and then slowly lowers herself down, trying to fit your large stick inside of her. She whimpers due to your immense size. She starts to hesitate, but then you stroke her cheek. “It's okay, Fluttershy, I’m right here. If it hurts too much, I’ll cuddle with you to help you ease the pain,” you assured her. She nods while looking down at you. With that boost of courage, she sinks down completely on your shaft and screams in pain as you tore through her hymen. You grunt a little from her inner walls tightening around your shaft. You could see her virgin blood leaking out of her pussy. You look up to see Fluttershy has her eyes closed with tears running down her cheeks. As promised earlier, you bring her down and you cuddle her. As you listened to her whimper and sob quietly, you knew she must’ve been really scared about losing her virginity, but thanks to you, she was finally able to conquer that fear. Once she stopped crying, she kissed you and wiped her tears away. “Thank you, Genus... I... I really appreciate what you did for me. I think I’m ready now,” she said. “O-Okay then...” you said before putting your hands on her hips. Fluttershy lifts up her upper body and then slowly grinds her hips on your lap. She still felt a little pain, but it was slowly replaced with pleasure. Though her walls were still tight, you managed to smile as she was beginning to enjoy herself. “Does... Does it still hurt, F-Flutters?” you asked grabbing one of her bouncing melons. Fluttershy moaned as you kept your grip just as caring as when you touched her before. “A... A little bit, G-Genus... b-but, it feels so good, I... I might want to go faster,” she said, surprising you a bit. “A-Are you sure?” you asked. Fluttershy nods and then starts to ride you faster. Her moaning grows louder and gets mixed with her panting. Her wings stiffen and spread out wide. From your perspective, she looked like an angel from heaven. Your body acts on its own as you lift yourself up and hug her while she still rides you on your lap. She then hugs you back, moaning in your ear. Suddenly, you realized that she’s doing all the work, so to make things better, you reach down and gently grab her soft tush and began to massage it. In addition to that, you thrust your shaft deeper inside her marehood, which by this point, had loosened up and leaked out her juices. Fluttershy had never felt something so good that made her want more. She takes this moment to look at you with her adorable blushing smile. “I... I love you, G-Genus!” she shouted and reached up to gently caress your cheeks. “I... I l-love you too, Fluttershy!” you shouted while smiling back at her. She then mashes her lips with yours and thrusts her tongue inside your mouth. You do the same for her while playing with her breasts as much as you could from this position. You groaned when you suddenly felt the pressure swelling up in your ballsack. Fluttershy’s once loose inner walls, were clamping onto your shaft, which could only mean one thing. “F-Flutters... I... I’m gonna cum!” you warned. “M-Me too! Finish it up... inside of me... PLEASE, GENUS!!!” she screamed. Fluttershy held you tight and wouldn't let go. You thrust as fast you can. You feel the pressure building up faster and faster until finally... sweet relief hit you. You moaned loudly, throwing your head up while Fluttershy did the same, screaming as she was being filled with your hot seed. She sprayed your crotch with her mare juices and stained her bed sheets. You felt your shaft spurting huge chunks over and over inside Fluttershy’s warm passage. Once your climaxes left you, you fell down on the pillow with Fluttershy laying on top of you. You were both panting heavily from the passionate love-making. “T-That... was amazing...” Fluttershy breathed as you chuckled and gave her cute rear a playful squeeze. She squeaked again and then giggled before nuzzling you. “You were... by far... the best...” you panted. “And just wait until our friends hear about this. They’ll be so excited.” “Not as excited as we’ll be when we get married and... have our baby,” she panted as more tears fell from her eyes. “Whether it’s a he or a she, I just know they’ll be a gentle and kind soul like the man I fell in love with...” Hearing her say those words made you cry tears of joy. You hugged Fluttershy and whispered in her ear. “I’m glad I chose you. There's no one else I would've chosen to be with and raise a family. I love you so much, Fluttershy, my beloved angel...” “And I love you too, Genus... my handsome knight in shining armor...” With those final words, both you and Fluttershy let the fatigue take over as the two of you drift off to sleep. And all that was on your mind now was plans for you and your soon-to-be wife’s future. This truly was the start of a brand new beginning.