> Under Your Command > by JackRipper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 - One More Soul to the Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say that my sister’s inauguration ceremony was extravagant would’ve been an understatement, as Celestia absolutely spoiled her during the event. Cadance and I came down to visit after hearing what had happened, and I was completely beside myself once I saw her. I knew that alicorn ascension was possible from what Cadance had told me, but I’d never imagined that Twilight would actually accomplish such a feat. It wasn’t as if I thought she wasn’t capable, but after what Cadance had said, I knew that the probability was incredibly low. It had been a while since I’d been in Ponyville, but Pinkie Pie insisted that Cadance and I should attend the party that she had arranged at Sugarcube Corner. I was a little worn from the train ride over here, but I’d get over it with some rest. Nevertheless, spending quality time with my sister was something I’d really been missing, and after one hoof-wrestle with Rainbow Dash, I asked Twilight a question that had been nagging me since I’d arrived. “Twilight, what exactly are you going to do now that you’re an alicorn?” I questioned, doing my best to ignore Dash’s clamoring for a rematch. I’d won, even though she wouldn’t admit it. Twilight gave me a sheepish grin as Dash huffed in frustration, “I’m not entirely sure, Shining. I don’t even know if I’m actually considered royalty or not, Princess Celestia hasn’t told me what I should expect to change.” I gave her a small chuckle as I put my hoof back on the table, signalling for Dash to try again. “Of course you’re royalty, Twilight! You know Celestia better than any noble in Canterlot, after all. Even Cadance wasn’t an alicorn originally, and she is the princess of an entire kingdom now! Not to mention she has a handsome prince to go with it,” I replied with a smirk on my face. Twilight rolled her eyes at me in response, “She clearly hasn’t been married to you long enough to realize how much of a dork you are.” “You’re one to talk, bookworm,” I retorted. Our passive-aggressive argument caused me to fight back against Dash a little harder than I was before. To her chagrin, she had to concede a second or two after I had applied some extra force. “Oh, come on!” Dash exclaimed, while slamming her hoof against the table, “You weren’t even focused!” I gave her a sly smile as her face scrunched up in frustration, “A few of us have learned a particularly useful skill called ‘multitasking’, though you probably haven’t heard of it?” I could almost see the steam rising from Rainbow Dash’s head as Twilight stifled a giggle, “I’ll beat you eventually, you’re just lucky you’re all upper-body strength!” My chuckling eased up as I looked over at Twilight, “I’m not kidding around though, Twilight. You’re an actual figurehead now, so you’re going to attract a lot more attention, both the beneficial and the malicious kind.” Twilight’s smile quickly dissipated from her face, leaving her frowning, “I can handle myself Shining, I’m stronger than you might think I am.” Rainbow Dash looked as if she was becoming apprehensive; suspecting a potential argument to occur, Twilight and I stared at her as she stood up from her chair. “I, uh, I think I’m going to go talk to Fluttershy. I’ll see you two later,” Rainbow Dash said as she made her hasty retreat. So much for subtlety. “It has nothing to do with you not being strong. You’re plenty strong, Twilight,” I explained in an even tone, “You just may want somepony else to keep watch over you, especially in an instance where you’re feeling particularly vulnerable.” “I’m not a foal anymore, Shining,” Twilight insisted, “I know I’m your little sister, but that doesn’t mean you have to worry about me all the time.” I gave a collected sigh as I felt my patience wearing thin, it wasn’t the first time she acted defensive like this. “Celestia is protected by a military force of at least a hundred-strong at any point in time,” I paused for a moment to look at Twilight’s expression, I’d gotten her attention, “If an alicorn like her is heavily protected the way she is, one who raises the bucking sun, then what does that say about you?” Twilight cringed slightly at my language, “That I could use a guard around the library, too,” I could her her faintly mumble. I was thinking several, but one will do for now. I patted her on the shoulder, “I’m only doing this because I love you. You know that, Twily.” I watched as a warm smile spread across her features, “Thanks, BBBFF. I know that you only want what’s best for me.” I embraced her as I felt her new wings wrap around my frame. As I hugged Twilight, I noticed that Celestia and Cadance were being entertained by Pinkie Pie nearby, an idea formed in my head. “Twilight, if you don’t mind, I’m going to talk to Celestia about heading back to Canterlot with her. I’m thinking about having a royal guard transfer to Ponyville soon, and I’m pretty sure I know just the right candidate.” “Are you sure about this, Shining? I don’t want to be away from the Crystal Empire for any longer than I have to,” Cadance said as her eyes anxiously darted between Celestia and I. I wrapped a hoof around her shoulder and smiled at her, “It’ll be fine, Cadance. We’re caught up from our backlog of work, we can afford to spend a day or two in Canterlot. That is, if Celestia will have us.” “The pleasure would be mine, Shining. Though, if you don’t mind me asking, are you sure you’re not rushing this decision?” Celestia asked me. I nodded, “I very well may be, Celestia. Don’t get me wrong, Twilight is a very strong mare, stronger than me even, but that just places her at even greater risk. Very few know that she has become an alicorn, but word may travel fast. I don’t want her to have to face that problem alone, if I have the option.” I could see the troubled expression on her face, it was subtle, but it was there, “I can see your plight, Shining, and I’m content to agree with you on this. Though, maybe you should consult with Cadance before we head off to Canterlot?” “If you think that this is a good idea, then I’ll trust your judgement, Shining,” Cadance responded before I had a chance to ask, "On the condition that we stay in the dungeo-, I mean the special suite, you know the one, ‘Tia," she said with a wink. A playful smirk crossed her face, “That can be arranged.” The sunset was easily visible over the horizon as we arrived in Canterlot. A sheen of gold and red washed over each street, basking the city in a heavenly glow. “Now, I’ll have each available guard gather in the throne room, I’ll leave it up to you to decide who to choose,” Celestia explained to me as the three of us crossed the main hall of the east wing. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary, Celestia. I already have a particular guard in mind,” I said as we approached the entrance to the throne room. “Oh?” “Do you remember the guard that helped me during Sombra’s invasion of the Crystal Empire?” I asked her. Celestia paused in place for a moment, “His face, I remember it clearly. You’ll have to forgive me Shining, I have more than one captain among my rank.” “He’s not a captain, at least, I don’t think he is,” I answered, becoming slightly puzzled at her response. “Oh! I remember now! His name is Flash Sentry! He’s stationed within the castle right now, as a matter of fact,” Celestia said, a smile returning to her face. “But, he’s not a captain. At least, not when I last talked to him,” I said incredulously. He hasn’t been a part of the military for that long, how could he possibly be a captain? Celestia’s ear twitched as the three of us heard somepony in armor approaching us, a cheeky grin formed across Cadance’s face, “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” As fate would have it, the young stallion I so clearly remembered working with trotted up to us, wearing golden-clad captain’s armor, the insignia stamped on his left shoulder. He gave the three of us a low bow, “It’s a pleasure to see you, Prince Armor.” I gave him an amused chuckle, “I’ll have none of that, Flash. I may surpass your rank, but you're still a friend of mine.” He didn’t give me a full smile, only a small smirk instead, “Glad to hear it. Why’d you decide to pay a visit to Canterlot?” “Well, my sister has recently became an alicorn, so she’ll need a proper guard to watch over her. I figured you would suit the role quite well.” “What?” Flash asked with a bemused expression, “How does somepony just ‘become’ an alicorn?” “Through an unbelievable amount of dedication and self-actualization,” Celestia answered for me, “While I certainly knew Twilight was capable, I didn’t think she would accomplish a monumental achievement like this at such a young age. Even though I know how special she is, she never ceases to amaze me.” “So you want me to be stationed in her castle and protect her instead?” Flash asked me, interrupting Celestia’s personal spiel. “It’s not a castle, per se,” I said sheepishly, “She lives in a library, that’s also... a tree.” Flash gave me a deadpan stare, “Are you pulling my leg? I don’t appreciate being toyed with, Prince Armor.” I chuckled, “She has a baby dragon named Spike, too.” I watched as his expression remained unchanged, “Assuming you aren’t messing with me, and that you’re giving me a choice in the matter, then I’ll accept your request. But only as a favor to you, Prince Armor. Between the three of us, I’d much rather stay in Canterlot Castle with Princess Celestia.” I watched as a small blush spread across Celestia’s face, “While I am quite appreciative of your sentiment, Flash, I think it would be a good experience for you to meet Princess Twilight yourself. She’s quite like me, in a way.” “I’ll be the judge of that, Princess,” Flash replied curtly. It looked as if he was becoming slightly irritated, and trying his best to be polite. He never did like meeting new ponies, it took over a year for him to get used to Princess Celestia, and even then, he’s pretty distant towards everypony else. “I have no doubt that you’ll perform excellently, captain,” Celestia responded with a warm smile, blatantly ignoring Flash’s slightly caustic tone. Celestia understands Flash as well as I do, he means no offense to her, he just doesn’t do well when it comes to socializing. In the castle, he doesn’t have to chat with anypony, he just has to do his job. “Well,” Flash said with a soft huff, “I suppose I’ll start to pack my equipment then. When do I leave? And where am I going?” “I’ll have a carriage take you to Ponyville in the morning, Flash,” Celestia answered. “It’d be best not to dawdle, right?” Captain Flash Sentry stared out of a balcony window, admiring the sunset, “No, I suppose this is for the best. You owe me a drink though, Prince Armor.” I nodded, “I’m a stallion of my word, Flash, but please, call me Shining.” A younger Shining Armor stood silently in the market, taking in the scene around him. Had he been a lesser stallion, he may have been overwhelmed by the inundating sense of information. The market was bustling with a cacophony of commotion, but Shining was only interested in one thing. He was working undercover. There had been more than one reported incident of larceny in the marketplace, but he wasn’t going to catch anypony while wearing his armor. Still a low-ranking guard, Shining had very little combative experience, but he knew a thing or two about apprehending a thief. Since this one hadn’t been caught yet, he needed to take a more clandestine approach. Everything was a distraction that subconsciously tempted him, but Shining was at work, and he had a duty to perform. Thus, he waited for his moment to strike, when he felt the activity of the marketplace would be at its apex. Not a minute had passed before Shining spotted a rather conspicuous-looking pony among the crowd, a scrawny younger colt with a ragged mane of bisecting blues. He doesn’t look like a criminal to me, I can almost see bone jutting through the skin of his coat. Shining slowly weaved through the crowd, being careful not to attract the attention of his suspect. The colt was being cautious, but failed to see Shining approaching him from his blindspot. Shining tapped him on the shoulder as the colt swiped an apple away from a stand and quickly stuffed it in his satchel, making sure to avoid eye contact with the street vendor. “Excuse me kid, I don’t think that belo-,” Shining began to say, before the colt barreled past him and took off into the side-winding street. So we’re doing this the hard way, then? Shining broke into a gallop as he pursued the pegasus. He’d hate to admit it, but this kid was fast. The colt made several hard turns in an attempt to disorient Shining, but he had the city memorized like the back of his hoof. Lagging behind a bit, Shining waited for the colt to think that he had lost him, before teleporting right next to him in the adjacent alley. Quickly acting, the colt brought a hoof across Shining’s jaw, but screamed in pain as his hoof hit something very solid. “My specialty is in shield-magic, colt,” Shining said as the aura around his face vanished, “It would do you well if you stopped resisting arrest.” Shining Armor pinned the colt to the ground as he winced from landing on concrete, “What’s your name, boy?” “The name’s Flash Sentry,” Flash said as he breathed in heavily, “What are you going to do? Turn me in?” “I was actually planning on arresting you,” Shining said as a look of horror began to spread across Flash’s face, “I’m with Canterlot’s Royal Guard, after all.” “I just wanted some food, asshole,” Flash said while grinding his teeth. “So, you broke the law. Look, I get it, you probably have no money of your own. But... I have a proposition for you,” Shining said. “What?” Flash said, wiggling out from underneath Shining. He likely wasn’t in any condition to take off again. “The Equestrian Military is a bit short-staffed right now, we could use all the help we can get,” Shining stated, “You’re an adult, and I’m assuming that you want to be independent. You’ll be paid, fed and cared for while you’re being trained.” “I…” Flash looked down at the pavement, his hoof scratching roughly against it. “Do I have to tell anypony that I’m enlisting?” “Not unless you want to. If you do this, we can forget this ever happened. I’m offering you this opportunity because I think that you could do better than this.” Flash let out a short breath, “Thank you.” Shining Armor gave him a small smirk, “My name is Shining Armor, and you’re welcome.” I felt Cadance nudge me as I opened my eyes, she was looking at me with a curious expression on her face. “Need something, Cady?” “You looked like you were thinking about something,” Cadance said as she ran a hoof through my mane, “I hope it doesn’t have to do with that rude guard we were talking to earlier today.” I let out a small sigh, “It’s not really… his fault. He’s always been like that, he hasn’t exactly had the best upbringing.” “Oh?” I felt a smile cross my face as I began to caress her with my hooves, “I might talk about it later. Right now, I think I just want to unwind for the night.” She gave me a seductive giggle and elicited a gasp as I touched her neck, “We wouldn’t want the stress to pile on, would we? Why don’t you let me help you with that?.” ... Tonight was going to be a good night. > 2 - Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The school bell sounded. Flash Sentry grumbled to himself as he trudged slowly down the main staircase, showing no interest in matching the enthusiasm of everypony rushing to get home. Flash dreaded the sound of final bell, sounding more like a siren as day went on. As he walked across the pavement that lead to his house, the pit that had been slowly forming in his stomach began to churn, a malignant and insidious weed that violated him to his core. He went to a local public school in Canterlot, and while he despised everything about the school itself, it was better than the alternative. After tuning out during yet another monotonous lecture, he was assigned homework that only ever acted as weight on his back. The smell of sulfur and nicotine was an unpleasant smell, and only reminded Flash about how much he’d rather live anywhere other than Canterlot. Now as long as the two that hounded him on a frequent basis didn’t show up, then his day wouldn’t completely resemble Tartarus. “Hey, featherbrain! You forgot your book!” Flash turned around as a thick workbook smacked him in the side of the head, causing him to stagger in place and nearly topple over. Behind him, a pair of colts began cackling at Flash’s expense. Flash just stood there, the cancerous weed inside of him twitching as his blood ran cold. “Well, aren’t you gonna pick it up?” Flash heard the bully approaching him, slow, echoing hoofsteps in the hallway of his mind. Flash breathed deeply, then turned to face the pair of ponies determined to make his life miserable. Swift Wing stood a head taller than Flash, towering over him with a cocky grin. His steel-gray coat blended in with gloomy environment around them. Flash wasn’t daunted by his prodigious size, he’d dealt with ponies worse than him. Flash spoke in an even tone, “Swift Wing, leave me alone.” There was a moment of silence, then Swift Wing howled with laughter and knocked Flash to the ground with a strong shove. Flash hit the concrete with a heavy thud, his face scraping against the pavement as the contents of his book bag scattered. “Aw, I thought we were friends, Flashy,” Swift gave Flash a wicked smile. “Aren’t you having fun?” “My name’s not Flashy, Swift,” Flash growled, rising to his feet and staring back at the face of his attacker. “He can call you whatever he wants, what are you gonna do about it? Fight him?” Swift’s lackey taunted. His voice was akin to that of a cicada, more of an annoying chirp than anything really worth listening to. Flash couldn’t even remember his name off the top of his head. “I don’t want to do this today,” Flash snarled, feeling himself begin to tense up. Flash was beginning to worry he might do something he’d regret, or more likely, something Swift would regret. He was a rather scrawny young colt, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know how to hit somepony. “What are you going to do? Hit me?” Swift Wing poked Flash in the chest, his face contorted with a gnawing malice for his prey. “Come on, we both know you don’t have the pair. You’re just gonna run home crying again. How does your family even put up with you? Oh wait, they don’t!” Swift began to laugh as a hoof connected with his jawline, knocking him to the ground. Before Swift’s friend had a chance to speak up, Flash whipped around and bucked the underside of his neck, eliciting a choked gasp of shock from the colt. His lower jaw had clacked against his top row of teeth, causing him to hold his muzzle as he moaned in pain. Flash mounted Swift Wing and stared at him as his head wobbled from the sudden trauma Flash had inflicted upon him. “Don’t talk about my fucking family!” Flash screamed as he sunk his hoof into Swift’s cheek, blind rage overriding any sense of pain he felt. Horrifyingly enough, Flash felt a smile form across his face, which continued to only grow wider as he pummeled into Swift Wing. If you fight violence with violence, you’ll only spread the seeds of hatred further. Flash huffed as the sweat collecting on his face began to drip. He winced as he stood up on his injured feet, looking down at Swift’s nearly disfigured face. Flash began to limp away as he saw Swift’s friend weakly hobble over to him. Flash didn’t want to stick around for anypony to complicate his life even further. His dad probably wouldn’t even notice that he was coated in blood, or he’d just be too wasted to care. Those two wouldn’t bother him again for a long time, it was likely that nopony would talk to him for the rest of the year, and that was fine by him. Ker-chink! I jolted awake from the turbulence generated from the train. It took me a minute to steady my breath as I looked around the passenger car, which was packed with ponies that were on commute between Canterlot and Ponyville. Despite Princess Celestia offering to arrange a carriage to Ponyville, I opted to take the train instead. I had to wake up earlier than usual, but I didn’t mind. I didn’t want to waste the time of another guard when I could easily take the train, this new princess would just have to wait. I sighed as I leaned back in my chair and adjusted the lance that was propped next to me. Despite being on-duty, my armor was packed away in the luggage car—sleep being rather difficult while wearing it A mare sitting across from me eyed my lance and gave me a lascivious smirk, her seductive gaze trailing down my toned form. She had a pristine alabaster coat with a rosy pink mane and tail, and called out to me in a saccharine voice, “Oh, we don’t have many guards in Ponyville, what brings you around?” Should I even bother? I resisted the urge to yawn as she as she leaned forward, batting her eyes at me, “Well, I definitely haven’t seen you in Ponyville. But if you ever want, I’d be willing to show you around.” I looked over at her and gave her the standard stoic stare, “While I appreciate your offer, I already know where I need to go.” Despite my efforts to shoot her down, she came back in full force. “I’m glad to see that Princess Celestia decided that we needed a big, strong stallion to keep us safe,” she cooed. My patience was waning thin, and while I respected persistence, I had no interest in anything this mare had to offer. I gritted my teeth in frustration. “My goal is to protect Princess Twilight Sparkle, nothing else.” What kind of princess didn’t have a castle of her own? Not to mention, if she’s as strong as Princess Celestia claimed, then why is she living in the middle of a hick town like Ponyville? “Oh, so you’re here to guard the town librarian? Good choice, no pony’s ever cracked her cover before.” My hoof tightened on my lance as my face formed into a scowl. I’m a royal guard, not a librarian’s consort. “Listen, horse,” I growled at her. “I don’t like what you’re insinuating, and unless you want me to make your life Tartarus, I’d suggest you stop talking.” She flinched at the change in my tone before her usual candid expression returned. “Whatever you say, sir. Quite frankly, I think ‘royal tree-guard’ is a wonderful title for you.” Ponyville was miles away and I already had a severe migraine. Despite having a choice in the matter, I already felt as if I had made the wrong decision. “Why did I decide to take the train again?” After autonomously thanking the train staff, I was welcomed by the fresh air of Ponyville, which was already an improvement over the constant smell of tobacco in Canterlot. Though I have to admit, cow manure isn’t a very pleasant alternative. The nobility of Canterlot had been replaced by rather decent-looking folk, except for the pink blur that was starting to speed toward me at a rather alarming rate. The migraine that I developed earlier was only going to get worse. Oh Celestia, here we go. “Hi there! Welcome to Ponyville!” The mare bounced in place directly in front of me, constantly airborne as if the ground in front of her was a trampoline. “My name’s Pinkie Pie, I saw you getting off the train and since I know everypony in Ponyville and I didn’t recognize you that must mean you’re new!” The ball of manic energy stopped for a moment to breathe, her head seeming to actually swell before my eyes. “That means I need to throw you a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party!” She looked at me hopefully, her crystal blue eyes glistening over with a nauseous amount of enthusiasm. “No.” Like a deflating balloon, her mane lost most of its poofiness, her head slumping in a pitiful fashion. “Wh- why not?” She looked up at me, tears beginning to form at the corner of her eyes. I don’t think so, Ms. Crocodile tears. “Listen,” I said as I rubbed my temples in slight frustration, “I’m just trying to report to Princess Twilight, and unless you can direct me to her, then please don’t waste my time.” Even though I had suspected that her reaction was an exaggeration, her composure had barely recovered, “Sh- she lives in the big treehouse near the center of Ponyville, you can’t miss it.” Pinkie motioned behind her with a hoof, refusing to meet my eyes as I strode past. “Thank you, Miss Pie.” Celestia give me strength, already one too many fuckin’ weirdos in this town. Finding the library proved to be quite easy, as the tree that housed it loomed over the rest of the town. Approaching the library, I pounded at the front door with enough force to rattle the frame, all etiquette long since abandoned. Not even a second later, a small lizard opened the door and stared at me with a knowing look, before turning around and calling behind it, “Hey Twilight! That guard you were whining about is finally here!” It can talk? Wait... is this the dragon that Prince Armor told me about? I guess new princesses only get the runts. Spike leaned in as the sound of hoofsteps neared and whispered, “Word of advice, if you want to avoid the royal nagging session, you’ll show up on time from now on.” Princess Twilight Sparkle approached the door next to her pet, presently not wearing any regalia and looking up at me with an annoyed expression. “You were supposed to be here by carriage an hour ago.” What kind of princess doesn’t wear any clothing or regalia? And why is she so small? I smirked at her reaction, “Well, I’m here now, aren’t I?” She huffed as she stepped aside, continuing to vent her frustrations as I entered, “I don’t understand why you couldn’t just follow Princess Celestia’s instructions like you were supposed to.” She refers to her as ‘Princess Celestia’? Why? The shit-eating grin I’d adopted hadn’t left my face, it was too easy to mess with her. “I didn’t want to waste the time of having somepony else escort me here, besides, it’s not like anything happened to you in the hour that I wasn’t here. You didn’t even bother to clean up before I arrived.” I gestured to the mess of books, scrolls and quills scattered across the floor and various tables, causing her to scowl. “It’s organized chaos! And are you always such a prude to ponies you’ve just met?! I only did this because Shining said I should, so don’t think I need you or anything.” You’d think with all the books she’s read, she would have some common sense by now. As she sat there fuming, I moved quickly and chucked a book at her face, causing her to yelp as she instinctively caught it with her magic. In a flash, I was on her, gripping her horn in my hoof and holding my lance several inches from her throat. She gave a small squeak as a blush rose to her face and her hind legs quivered, looking down at the lance with wide eyes and dropping the book she’d caught. I guess I scared her more than I thought. That must have been pretty embarrassing for her, to be caught by surprise that easily. “Years of studying magic under Princess Celestia and you still can’t protect yourself from a pegasus with a sharpened stick, princess.” She gave me a hard glare as she held her hoof up and gently pushed the lance away from her throat, sighing heavily before speaking, “Captain Flash Sentry, there is a spare room on the second floor. Unpack and call it a day, I have no need to speak with you further.” And she calls herself a princess, why did I even agree to this? A stoic expression returned to my face as I pulled my lance back to my chest and released my hoof from her horn, glancing over at the ‘dragon’ who had a troubled look on his face. “Yes, your majesty.” I trotted up the stairs to my quarters, not bothering to look down at the alicorn who would most likely have me sent back to Canterlot by tomorrow morning. > 3 - Masquerades and Guessing Games > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The front door shut behind Flash with a resounding click as he stepped inside, his nose already being assaulted by the acidic smell of smoke. Flash’s eyes strained from the dim lighting as he focused on the stallion seated on the ragged sofa in the living room. Flash stepped forward, trying not to gag from the combined odors of alcohol, burnt tobacco and the refuse that littered the floor. “Si’down,” the stallion commanded. Flash didn’t move, frozen in place as he purposely avoided the blood-shot eyes of his father. A low growl sounded from the stallion’s throat, breaking Flash out of his stupor. Flash scurried over with trepidation, seating himself opposite from the stallion. “I got anotha letter, brat.” His father waved a crumpled paper, his face snarling with contempt. “What’s yer fuckin’ excuse this time?” Flash blinked away the tears forming in the corners of his eyes, “I…” “And what’s with that bruise on the side of ya face? Did those colts from school kick the shit outta ya again?” “I was the one that hurt them this time,” Flash muttered, turning his head away from the stallon. For a second, Flash could almost see a small smile form at the mention of the colt’s misery, before his father lurched forward and pressed the end of his lit cigar against Flash’s neck. Flash wailed in pain as he dropped to the ground. “How’s it feel, you little shit? Ya think I like putting up with you?” His father let out a guttural laugh and began to walk away. "Worthless little waste of space, I guess pain is the only way you’ll get it through your thick skull to stop fuckin’ around.” Flash curled into a ball as his father spat on the ground. “Get outta my sight, and don’t you dare wake your mother up.” Flash sobbed quietly as the door to his father’s office slammed shut. I awoke with a gasp as I coughed violently, clearing away the dust that had filled my lungs overnight. I thought I was done having these dreams, when did I start having them again? I cringed from the aching that filled my body as I sat up and stared at the light barely seeping in through the window, visible specks of dust floating through the air. I sighed as I removed some loose feathers from my wings and stretched my forelegs. Years of therapy from a military psychologist, and I still can’t sleep well. Hopefully I’ll be able to take my mind off of it today. I stood up from my bed and pushed the door open, peering out into the hall, I slowly made my way downstairs. The sun was filling the room through the various windows littered across the library. I looked out of one of the windows as the sun rose above Mount Canterhorn, bathing me in a soft, gentle glow. Thank you, Princess Celestia, for your beautiful sun. For a moment, I could feel my spirits lift ever so slightly as I took a book off of a shelf at random and sat down to read it. If Twilight was a late riser, then there was a chance that this day would actually be somewhat pleasant. As fate would have it, I let out another sigh as I heard Twilight approach the railing of the staircase, “You can’t just take books out at random, you know. You didn’t even look at what you were taking.” I looked up at her as she began to trot down the stairs, a scowl plastered across her face. I rolled my eyes and looked at the cover of the book, it was titled ‘The History of Equestria: Volume IV’, which meant it would put me to sleep if I even attempted to read it. “This is a public library, isn’t it? I should be able to read anything in here that I want without you breathing down my neck,” I said as she snatched the book away from me with her magic. “You would still need to talk to the librarian, which unfortunately, is me,” Twilight replied as she placed the book back on the shelf without breaking line of sight. “Honestly, did you even look before you took it off the shelf?” “I need some way to ebb my boredom, don’t I? I was under the impression you wouldn’t wake up for a little while.” She gave me a smug smirk as she began to walk over to the kitchen, “I wouldn’t assume if I were you, you’ve heard the saying right? I wouldn’t want you to look any more like an ass than you already are.” “How very thoughtful of you, Princess,” I grumbled as I leaned back into the couch. Not even ten minutes into the day, and already want to tie my wings and jump off the balcony. After half an hour of twiddling my hooves, Twilight walked back into the living room and set two plates on the table. I had to admit, pancakes and hash-browns seemed awfully tempting right now. “I didn’t realize you could cook this well, Princess. Is this for you and your pet lizard then?” I asked her as she gave me an indignant huff. “His name is Spike, and he’s a baby dragon, for your information.” Could’ve fooled me. “And no, it isn’t for him, I figured if you’re going to be my guard, it would make sense if we ate together,” she continued as she placed the plate in my lap. I raised an eyebrow as she began to eat. “I… thank you?” She gave me a soft smile as we shared a meal together. Maybe this day wouldn’t be so bad after all. “I have to make early preparations for the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration. In the meantime, I want you to come along and meet my friends,” Twilight said as she gently placed the plate on the table and stood up. “What? Why?” I said as I swallowed my last mouthful of food. She gave me a sour look, “Because they’re very important to me. And if it came down to it, I’d want you to protect them as much as you’d protect me.” I huffed in annoyance as I followed her to the door, “I don’t know if I can make that promise, Princess Twilight. When Prince Shining Armor requested me, he told me that I’d only have to protect you and you alone. As far as I’m concerned, I am only under your command.” She sighed, “I don’t want to order you to guard them for me. Will you please just do it, for me?” Even though I couldn’t care less about her attempt to coerce me, she was still my superior. She hadn’t ordered me to do it, but I didn’t want to exacerbate the situation any further. “Very well, your highness.” She giggled as we exited the library, “Just call me Twilight, please.” Thwack! An echo filled the air as Twilight and I approached Sweet Apple Acres, and as I peered forward, I could just make out the silhouette of a pony near a large apple tree. “So, Twilight, why didn’t Spike tag along with us? I’m guessing he’s still asleep?” Thwack! Twilight smiled as she spotted Applejack and waved to her, though the apple-bucker was too absorbed in her work to notice the gesture. “Actually, he woke up early to help out Rarity with something. She’s the local seamstress in town.” Thwack! I rolled my eyes. “Let me guess, she’s another friend of yours?” She noticed my reaction and broke eye contact, her smile fading from her face. “Yes, and I’m assuming the reason Spike left earlier than I thought he would is so that he wouldn’t have to put up with you today.” I scoffed at the weak insult. “Maybe if you were a bit more pleasant yesterday, then I may have been slightly more tolerable.” “Part of growing up is learning how to treat everypony with respect, even if they don’t deserve it. It looks like you’re not quite there yet,” she replied, a sly smirk spread across her face. “You may have a great brother and family, but not all of us had a foalhood of sunshine and rainbows, Sparkle.” Twilight opened her mouth to respond when Applejack approached the wooden fence, calling out to us. “Howdy, Twi’! Is this that stallion you were talkin’ about?” “And I’m sure she had the most wonderful things to say about me,” I muttered as the two of us drew closer to her. Twilight rolled her eyes and smiled at her friend. “Yes, AJ. He’s the guard that my brother sent over. He’ll be here to protect me if I’m in danger, and he’ll be here for the rest of our friends too for that matter.” Twilight shot me a challenging glare, as if daring me to correct her. Applejack chuckled as she opened the gate for us. “Aw shucks, sugarcube, I don’t know about that. I’m no princess, that’s for sure.” She’s dismissing the offer right off the bat? That’s less work for me, I like this mare already. Though, the accent is a bit of a turn-off. I held out my hoof to her, taking Twilight by surprise. “Hello Miss Applejack, I’m Captain Flash Sentry. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” It would be impossible for me not to know her name at this point, as Twilight wouldn’t stop talking about her over the last ten minutes of walking. She gripped my hoof firmly, reciprocating the gesture. “Let’s skip the formalities sugarcube, the title of ‘miss’ belonged to my ma. ‘Sides, any friend of Twilight is a friend of mine, just call me AJ please.” Twilight stepped into the conversation before I had the chance to respond, “We just came by to check on the food preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. How is everything coming along?” Applejack lead us toward the barn, speaking as we walked. “Well, ah reckon yer a little early for that. It’s still a little ways away, right? I’ll tell ya one thing though, we decided to step up our cider production, if we’re lucky, we’ll be able to serve it for this year’s celebration.” Twilight’s ears perked up, “That’s great, Applejack! Do you mind if I see it myself?” Applejack gave her a genuine smile and pointed a hoof toward the back of the barn, “Sure thing sugarcube, Ah have it all packed away in the cellar if you want to take a sneak peak. No free samples though, ya hear?” Twilight vanished out of my sight in an instant and presumably sped off toward the cellar, leaving Applejack and I in the dust. A second of silence went by before Applejack sighed and turned to me. “Alright, since Twilight’s gone off on her own, I gotta ask you somethin’.” Great, just when I thought I was going to get along with her. Is she going to chew me out as well for something? “Alright, ask away.” Applejack leaned in slightly, her voice low and cautious, “Are you… alright? Sugarcube? You seem like yer hidin’ something.” I pulled away slightly, trying to hide the uncertainty in my voice, “I… what? What would I be hiding?” She gave me a small glare and tilted her head toward the direction of Twilight, “I can tell yer not really her friend, sugarcube; or at least, it don’t seem like it. But there’s somethin’ else, it’s like yer maskin’ something. Why did ya decide to guard Twilight anyway?” “With all due respect, AJ,” I said, gritting my teeth, “I don’t believe this is any of your business.” Who the actual fuck? She stared at me for a long while, before relenting and breaking eye contact. “Well, ah shouldn’t pry, I ‘spose. But ah meant what I said, even if neither of ya’ll like each other, I’ll still be yer friend. If somethin’s bothering ya, you can talk to me, alright?” I turned away and walked toward Twilight, hesitating to look Applejack in the eye as I passed her. “I’ll keep that in mind, Applejack.” > 4 - Misintentioned Benevolence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An awkward silence reigned as Twilight and I walked along the edge of the Everfree Forest. The sun shone against my back and heated my coat. I let out a sigh as I savored its warmth.   “So, we’re heading over to Fluttershy’s cottage now, and she’s a good friend of mine. Please don’t be snarky, she doesn’t respond well to that,” Twilight spoke up, breaking me out of my small trance.   “As long as she doesn’t give me a reason to be snarky, then we won’t have a problem,” I retorted as the two of us began to cross a small wooden bridge.   I could faintly hear the sound of a bird chirping as water rushed underneath us. The light was peeking through the leaves that surrounded the cottage, casting us in a makeshift spotlight.   “Flash, can I ask you something?”   I don’t like that tone.   “I… sure,” I replied.   Twilight quickly matched my stride, her eyebrows narrowing as she looked at me.   “When you made that comment earlier… about not having a foalhood of sunshine and rainbows… what did you mean, exactly?”   I gave a small huff, breaking eye contact with Twilight, my eyes firmly locked on the maple-colored door a few feet ahead of us.   “I guess that it just kind of… slipped out. It’s something I’d rather not talk about. It happened, and it’s over. There’s no use in dwelling on the past, right?”   Twilight and I stood in front of Fluttershy’s front door, an anxious expression plastered across her face. She parted her lips slightly before speaking, as if trying to select her words carefully.   “Well, I suppose I can’t force it out of you. Just know that bottling it up is only going to make it worse.”   I’ve heard that from more than one shrink, Sparkle. You’re no different.   “Just knock on the door, Twilight. I don’t want to draw this out.”   She shrugged and gave the door a few gentle taps. I could faintly hear a resounding squeak from the other side, somepony scurrying to the door in response.   A small yellow face, draped with a long pink mane, appeared in the frame as the door creaked open. Twilight waved, giving Fluttershy a small smile.   “O-Oh, hello, Twilight. Do you need something?” Fluttershy asked as she pushed the door open, eyeing me with trepidation. Her voice sounded as small as her stature, it seemed that she wasn’t nearly as keen on greeting me as Applejack was.   “We’re just here to check up on you. The Summer Sun Celebration is coming up soon, and I’d like it if you were in charge of the music again,” Twilight said as the two of us followed her into the living room, stepping around an injured fox as she walked.   I gave Twilight a look of bemusement as I stared at the overabundant amount of animals littered across Fluttershy’s home, a pair of mice grazing against my hind legs as they ran across the house.   I’ll bet my salary she doesn’t have a coltfriend.   The two of us sat across from Fluttershy as she took a moment to respond, “I suppose, if you really want me to…”   ‘You’d think that much was obvious.’ I made sure not to make the remark aloud, reminding myself of what Twilight had said prior. The last thing I wanted was another reprimanding.   Twilight gave her a reaffirming smile, “I’d love it more than anything if you would have your birds sing at the celebration again, Fluttershy.”   She can make birds sing at her command? I have to admit, that’s pretty impressive for somepony as timid as her.   “Miss Fluttershy, is that what your special talent is? Controlling animals?” I asked her, making sure to keep my voice as soft as possible.   She shrunk back slightly, her mane falling over most of her face, shrouding her embarrassed expression, “W-well, I-I wouldn’t use the w-word ‘controlling’.”   I gave her a small smile. “Right, my apologies.”   Twilight stood up as yet another awkward silence fell between us, trotting over to what I assumed was the kitchen.   “Fluttershy? I’ll make some tea for us, okay?” she called out, disappearing from view and leaving the two of us alone.   Is this going to be a running theme with you, Twilight? Leaving me alone with your friends?   Fluttershy was now eyeing me with intent, a look of curiosity spread across her face. Her nervousness was ebbing away, but still present.   “T-Twilight didn’t introduce you. W-What’s your n-name?” she asked me.   Seriously? She didn’t even bother to introduce me this time?   “My name is Captain Flash Sentry, miss,” I replied, doing my best to return her gaze.   I had mixed feelings about Fluttershy thus far. On one hoof, compared to the saccharine exuberance that Pinkie Pie had displayed when I had first arrived here, Fluttershy was most certainly tame. That was something that I could appreciate.   On the other hoof, the stare she was giving me was uncanny. It was as if she was staring past me, or through me, even.   Not to mention, the following words that she spoke brought a chill down my spine. The air in the room seemed to stagnate around me.   “Who hurt you, Captain?”   I let in a sharp intake of breath as Fluttershy continued to stare at me, her eyes seeming to bore straight into me.   “I-I know it may be forward of m-me to say, but you shouldn’t fake your kindness toward me. I-I’d like to know you for how you really act.”   Why are all of Twilight’s friends so Celestia-damned intuitive?   “I highly doubt that, Miss Fluttershy,” I said as I glanced over at the kitchen, I could still feel her gaze, “I don’t think I make the best company.”   Fluttershy shifted slightly, the mane falling from her face, allowing me to see her in full. It may have been my imagination, but it almost felt like the color in her eyes had faded slightly.   “And why do you think that is, Captain?”   When did she become so bold?   “I… uh, don’t know… miss,” I replied, the air feeling thicker around me. It was as if her stare was asphyxiating me, as if there was some insidious power that permeated from her.   My eyes began to dart around the room in fervor, I was desperately trying to not look at Fluttershy’s face. She was beginning to remind me of her.   “I may not be my friend Applejack, but it isn’t hard to tell when somepony like you is lying,” Fluttershy said. “Especially when they’re pretending to be something they aren’t.”   “I… I…”   Black spots clouded my vision as Fluttershy’s face faded into a blur. After several seconds of fighting unconsciousness, everything faded away.     Flash Sentry buried his muzzle in the textbook in front of him. He wasn’t paying attention to the content of the book, or even the teacher’s droning; rather, he was making an active effort not to look at anypony staring at him.   Even though he had inflicted near-grievous injuries upon the colts that had harassed him yesterday, they had fought back during the altercation. The visible bruises on Flash’s face and body were glaring indications of that.   The colts had suffered worse, though. For the two of them had to stay at home to recover from their injuries, probably requiring medical treatment to some extent.   Flash flinched as the school bell rung, remaining in his seat as the other fillies and colts walked past him and exited the classroom.   The chatter outside the hallway had begun to die down when Flash finally decided to stand up, only to be interrupted by the teacher clearing her throat.   “Flash, I think we need to talk.”   Flash paused next to his seat, giving her a small scowl in response.   “I’m guessing I’ll either get detention, or I’ll be suspended, right?”   The teacher’s expression softened in response, “That’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. Can you please turn around and sit with me?”   Flash Sentry approached her slowly, refusing to meet the teacher’s gaze as he sat down.   Her face contorted into a grimace as she studied the wounds that had been inflicted. If he had fared better than the other two, than she didn't even want to know what they looked like right now.   Though she had to ask him something that had been bothering her for quite some time, a nagging possibility that seemed far too likely to her.   “Is everything… alright? I mean, are you having any trouble at home?”   Flash steadied his breath, his eyes gazing at the floor as he tried to stifle his involuntary twitching. “No, ma’am. Everything’s fine.”   The teacher pressed on, “And your father, he’s receiving our letters, correct?”   Flash’s reaction to the mention of his father remained neutral, albeit with great difficulty on Flash’s part.   He could feel himself almost beginning to sweat under her scrutiny. Her eyes trailed down his neck, where a charred burn mark was just barely visible enough for her to see.   “Did those colts… burn you?”   Flash’s mouth parted, as though he had to search for what he wanted to say as his hoof traced over the mark on his neck.   “One of them was carrying a lighter. They held me down and burnt my neck.”   She redirected her eyes to the window behind him, not staring at anything in particular, lost in thought. After a second of silence, she gave a soft sigh and rubbed a hoof against her head.   “Flash, you know we’ll have to talk to your parents about this, right? Even though this happened off-campus, you’re not off the hook for this. Just head home for now. And stay safe, please.”   Flash gritted his teeth as he stood up, making sure to lengthen the process as much as possible. “Okay, ma’am.”   Flash cursed to himself as he exited the classroom, having wished that he’d had an excuse not to arrive home on time today.     I snapped back into reality, gasping in shock and flailing my hooves, my chair toppling over in the process.   Fluttershy held out a hoof as I stumbled backwards, nearly tripping over my seat as my vision swirled.   How many hooves is she supposed to have?   “Wha— what the fuck?” I heaved as Fluttershy gave me a sympathetic frown.   “I apologize, Captain. My talent is dealing with animals, and that includes ponies to an extent. I-I’m sorry if I harmed you using my stare.”   I felt my anger grow as I stood up and pointed an accusatory hoof at her, “Harm? You basically hypnotized me, you bi—”   I felt the words die in my mouth as I looked over at Twilight, her eyes narrowed, a tea set held in her magic. Something told me that we wouldn't be drinking that tea anymore.   “Do not call her that, Flash. She was just trying to help.”   I'm not about to take this. I'm so sick of being pitied. Why is everypony so intent on “helping” me?   “You want to help, Fluttershy? Stay away from me,” I spat as her ears drooped, eyes beginning to water.   “I-I… I understand, Captain. I-I wish this could have gone better. I just s-saw that you were hurting a-and I wanted to help you. I’m s-sorry.”   Twilight delicately placed the tea set on the table between Fluttershy and I as she walked toward the foyer. A bitter frown encompassing her face.   “I’m sorry about all this, Fluttershy. It's clear that he doesn't want help from either of us. Flash, let's just leave.”   I wasn't particularly angry with Fluttershy, though somepony who had the ability to fuck with my head should never be underestimated. Evidently, I gave her less credit than I should have.   She was capable, that’s for sure. Unlike Applejack, she could force me to do whatever she wanted. Though I still felt pangs of guilt run through me as I stared at the tears running down her face. Apologizing right now would be rather untimely, and it certainly wouldn't look genuine.   I grinded my molars together as I followed Twilight out the door, trying my best to erase the image of Fluttershy’s crying face from my mind.   “Very well, princess.” > 5 - Suture the Wound > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our peaceful trot from earlier had degraded into an agonizing crawl. I anxiously chewed on the inside of my cheek as I continued to follow Twilight. She gave a small sigh and looked back at me.   “Do you want me to hate you, Flash?”   My hooves cemented to the ground, Twilight’s figure moving further away from me as my mind reeled.   ‘Who hurt you, Captain?’   I shook my head, as if attempting to purge the encounter I had faced earlier.   “No, Twilight,” I muttered. I saw her eyes widen in dismay at my response.   “I just… I don't understand why you're so hell-bent on rejecting our attempts to help you. Fluttershy wasn’t trying to hurt you. You know that.”   ‘And why do you think that is, Captain?’   “Yeah, I guess I do know that,” I admitted, looking up to see Twilight had fallen back, allowing me to catch up with her.   “Just… please. I want to help you, but you have to let me,” Twilight said, a soft almost pleading look in her eyes, the same look that Fluttershy had given me earlier.   I wasn’t even halfway through the day, and I was already mentally exhausted. I didn’t want to keep fighting this, not today anyway.   “Okay, Twilight,” I resigned, failing to maintain eye contact with the mare I was speaking to.   I was expecting a look of frustration from my curt response, but she only looked sad and disappointed, as if she’d been hoping for more than what I gave her.   “I take it you’re not going to replace me with another guard, then?” It had been a question that was nagging the back of my mind for quite some time.   Twilight stared silently ahead as we walked, the air around us felt stagnant and unwelcoming, because my day wasn’t shitty enough already. Ponyville was looming on the horizon, our destination something only she knew, not that I had bothered to ask her.     The Carousel Boutique was certainly unique in terms of architecture, though the theme of it was rather gaudy for my tastes. Though I’d never say it to the owner’s face, who was another friend of Twilight’s, according to her.   “Rarity? Are you here?” Twilight called out, her voice echoing around us. An alabaster unicorn with a styled mane emerged from a side room, dawning a smile when she laid eyes on Twilight.   Spike followed suit with a look of adoration plastered across his face, a box tenderly held in his claws that clinked with the telltale sign of gemstones   There’s nothing wrong with liking older mares, kid, but you’re a bit too short in more than one department.   “Oh, darling, I was wondering when you’d pay me another visit! Come by to check on the decorations I’ve prepared?”   Twilight’s puzzled look prompted Rarity to elaborate, “Dear, you should know by now that I’m well aware of all the upcoming festivities. I only assumed that you stopped by for that very reason, being quite the stickler for details yourself.”   Rarity paused to turn to me, “You’ve even bought your entourage along, I didn’t think he’d be attending the party, at least, not after what I heard from Pinkie Pie.   What party? And why is she talking about me like I’m not even here?   Twilight’s eyes widened slightly as she asked, “Huh? What did Pinkie say?”   Rarity simply waved a hoof as she looked me up and down, a sly smile crossing her lips. “Never mind that, darling, but since you’re here, I might as well take his measurements. You can’t not dress up for your party, after all.”   I felt my irritation building up, I was clearly missing something. “What party? And I have a name you know, I’m —”     “— Captain Flash Sentry. Yes, Spike told me a little bit about you,” Rarity finished for me, looking rather coy. “Though, I’m glad to finally meet the illustrious stallion for myself. And what a fine stallion indeed!”   She began to pace around me. I looked at her in bemusement, not exactly sure what to make of the situation.   “The way your coat contrasts with your mane, and that unique style that you’ve managed. If you're from Canterlot, then you must know quite a bit about fashion, right?”   Not even a little.   “Actually… I, uh, didn’t even pack clothes, Miss. I only brought my equipment along with me.”   “Yes, and I’m sure your equipment suits you just fine, but you’ll need something to wear to Pinkie’s party tonight.”   Much to my chagrin, I was swept off my hooves and unceremoniously thrown into a dressing room.   “This will not do, not at all,” Rarity tutted, spinning me around while expertly maneuvering a tape measure with her magic.   “I don’t think this is entirely necessary, Miss,” I grunted, trying to subdue my annoyance at being thrashed around.   “Rarity is fine, dear. And no, as a passionate mare of my field, I believe it's my duty to design charming attire worthy enough to stand next to royalty.”   Twilight sputtered, her cheeks turning crimson, “I-I’m not royalty, Rarity. Not like Princess Celestia, anyway.”   “Nonsense, darling. You’re every bit as regal as her, if not even more so.”   Twilight sank into the floor as Rarity held different fabrics up against my coat, muttering remarks to herself periodically.   “Uh, I think you broke her,” Spike remarked, glancing over at Twilight as she attempted to regain her composure.   Rarity gave Twilight a soft smile as she turned to face Spike.   “Spike, would you mind if you and Twilight vacated the room for me? I’m going to need to focus for a little while.”   Spike was quick to his feet, ushering her out the door without another word spoken, leaving me alone once again.   I have a bad feeling about this.   Rarity’s smile had faded as soon as it came, analyzing me with a neutral and collected expression. I wish I could say that the sweat collecting on my forehead was a symptom of the humidity, though I’d be lying if I did.   “I know just what to do. And don't fret about the cost, darling. Consider this first outfit free of charge.”   Why is she being so generous to somepony she just met? What kind of game is she playing?   Rarity stuck her tongue out of her mouth slightly, flicking her mane back and eyeing my posture as she worked. She traced her hoof around my neck, following down my spine ever-so slowly, my neck craned to follow her.   “It’s such a shame too, you do have a rather nice physique for somepony with such an abhorrent demeanor.”   “E-excuse me, Rarity?” I stammered, feeling the air in the room grow heavier.   "I think it would be best if you and I had a little... talk."   I was going to ask her what she meant, but the words died in my throat... this conversation had become very awkward.   There was a long pause before Rarity said or did anything. Then, suddenly, I felt a tie around my neck fasten to a near-asphyxiating level.   “W— urk.”   Her gaze loomed down upon me, an icy glare of contempt that told me just how she felt about me..   “Oh, I’m sorry. Did I fasten it a little too tight? Let me fix it for you,” Rarity cooed as the knot became tighter.   I dared not to speak, only focusing on breathing in what little air I could gather. Rarity gave me a saccharine-sweet smile, albeit a mockery of one. Slowly, she brought her lips  close and salaciously hissed into my ear, the heat of her breath tingling my fur.   “Pinkie Pie is a dear friend of mine, and I don’t like to see her get hurt. You share the same sentiment, do you not?”   For a moment I did nothing, but as Rarity began to light up her horn, I nodded as fast as I could, not wanting to exacerbate the situation further.   “I’m glad to see we’re on the same page here, darling. Now, I’m a little more… direct in my methods... when it comes to reprimanding poor behavior.”   She tilted my head so that the two of us were looking eye to eye. I, on the other hoof, was too busy gasping for breath.   “That being said, I’ll say it once and only once; apologize to Pinkie Pie, or I will make your life a living Tartarus, do you understand?”   I gave a weak nod and she slackened the knot, tossing me out of the dressing room like a ragdoll.   “I’ll have it ready shortly, darling. Do us both a favor and be a stallion of your word,” Rarity said as she closed the door, smacking me in the muzzle.   “What was that about?” Twilight asked me, a confused look plastered across her face.   I rubbed my nose, gasping for breath as my heart slowed to a normal rhythm.   “I… I need to apologize to Pinkie Pie. I think I offended her more than I thought I did.”   Twilight gave me a frown, “Why?” Twilight’s eyes narrowed slightly, “What did you do, Flash?”   I rubbed the back of my head with my hoof, “I, uh, kind of shot her down when she first greeted me at the train station?”   Twilight put a hoof to her head, “I suppose we’d ought to go talk to her, then. You’re absolutely incorrigible.”   I was about to utter a retort when Rarity appeared from the dressing room, “Well, Twilight, I’ll have his outfit ready within a few hours. In the meantime, I believe Flash has some apologizing to do, right?”   I glanced over at Rarity’s cutthroat expression, before nodding in response.   “Y-yeah, of course. Where are we heading off to, Twilight?”   “Pinkie Pie is over by Sugarcube Corner, you can’t really miss it.” Spike answered the question for me, “Though, I’m going to hang around here for a little while longer. I’ll catch you guys later.”   I broke eye contact with Rarity and quickly exited the Carousel Boutique, putting as much distance between myself and that shop as possible.   Sweet Celestia, it’s like every single mare in this town is fuckin’ crazy. > 6 - Sugar High and Rainbow Crash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Flash! Wait up!” Twilight cried out. Twilight was attempting to catch up to me as I distanced myself from the Carousel Boutique as much as possible. “Will you at least tell me what happened back there?!” I didn’t even know where Sugarcube Corner was, but I wasn’t about to pause to let Twilight interrogate me. “Flash, I swear to Celestia—” Twilight’s rant was cut off as a rainbow blur shot past her. I stepped forward several more feet before I felt somepony slam into the side of me, rattling my armor as I ground my hooves into the dirt. My supposed attacker dropped like a sack of flour as she clutched her ribs in anguish. “Ack… that… that hurt more than I thought it would,” she wheezed. I drew my lance and pointed it at the cyan pegasus, cautiously circling around her as she stood up and glared at me. She reached over and pushed the tip of the lance away from her chest, raising a skeptical brow. “Hey, pal, my friend’s trying to talk to you.” I gave her a smirk, “I thought I was making it pretty obvious that I wasn’t interested in talking to her.” Twilight teleported next to us with a blinding flash of light before the mare could form a retort. Twilight panted as she fanned herself with one wing. “Dash, wait! He’s… he’s with me,” she explained between breaths. Dash let out a chuckle as she rubbed the back of her head with her hoof. “Oh, yeah. That, uh, that explains the armor.” “I don't wear it for show, if you couldn’t tell,” I grumbled as I holstered my lance. “Yeah, I guess that’s my bad.” Dash walked over to me, holding out her hoof, “The name’s Rainbow Dash, and I’m the fastest flier in all of Equestria.” I gave her a mirthless laugh as I took her hoof, “I’m Captain Flash Sentry, and I highly doubt that.” Her wings flared up as she adopted a disgusted expression. “Excuse me!?” I felt the smirk return to my face. “I’m sorry, did I stutter?” She lurched forward, her angry breath brushing against the hairs on my neck as she hissed into my ear. “Do you want to race, Flash? I could kick your flank if I really wanted to.” I scoffed, pushing her away with a hoof. “I don’t race mares, especially one with a dye-job.” Dash sputtered in disbelief as she snarled at me. “I don’t fake anything, jarhead.” Twilight separated the two of us with her magic. “Enough of this, you two! Flash, what did I just say about how you treat my friends?!” “She tackled me!” Twilight turned away from me, “And Dash, did you really think it was a good idea to try to tackle a fully armored stallion carrying a weapon? You could’ve hurt yourself for Celestia’s sake!” Rainbow Dash huffed in exasperation, “You were chasing after him! I needed to stop him somehow.” “So you tackled him?!” “And what was your plan? Chase him all across town?! You have wings now, ya know! And a horn too!” I rolled my eyes at their bickering. Rarity had made it clear to me that I had to be on good terms with Pinkie Pie, and that meant going to Sugarcube Corner with or without Twilight. Twilight glanced over at me as I trudged onward toward where I assumed Sugarcube Corner was. “Flash! Stop leaving without me!” I let out an audible groan as the two of them glided over, hovering above me like I was some kind of pet. Twilight landed next to me as soon as she could, clearly favoring the feeling of earth under her hooves. Dash grinned in response to my discontent, “I’m coming with you, Twilight. I have a bone to pick with him.” I sighed. Princess Celestia, please hurl me into the sun. “So are we just going to ignore how fast you bolted out of the Carousel Boutique?” Twilight asked me as a smirk formed on Dash’s face. I rubbed the fading mark around my neck. “That’s not important right now. We just need to get to Sugarcube Corner so I can get this over with.” Twilight frowned, “You’re going to actually apologize to her, right? I want a genuine apology from you, not a half-assed one.” Dash closed the distance between us, prodding me with an accusatory hoof, “Apologize? Did you upset Pinkie Pie!?” I groaned aloud as I spotted the gaudy-looking gingerbread house ahead of us, “Unfortunately.” Dash gritted her teeth as Twilight piped up again, “Rarity made it sound like the party will be happening tonight, which makes me think Pinkie Pie is already expecting us.” “Then this will be easier for me than I thought.” The bell above the door chimed as the three of us walked in. A moment later, the pink mare from the train station came bouncing toward us. “Hi Twilight! Hi Dashie! Hi Flash! My Pinkie Sense told me the three of you were coming!” I gave her a bemused look, “Your… Pinkie Sense? How do you even know my name? I never introduced myself.” She giggled and waved a nonchalant hoof at me, “Oh, that’s an easy one, I asked Fluttershy a few minutes ago, though she looked like she was super-duper upset about something.” My eyes widened as I started at the cotton candy mare. “But… that’s not possible. Her cottage is literally the farthest building from Ponyville.” Dash laughed aloud at my bewilderment, “Dude, just… don’t question her. You’re gonna drive yourself crazy if you try and figure her out.” Pinkie’s grin widened to an uncanny degree, the fur on the back of my neck standing up. “Also, I forgive you, Flash. I know what it’s like when you’re someplace new and somepony starts randomly talking to you and you have no idea who they are so you just pretend like they’re not a huge pain in the flank while they talk about something that you couldn’t care less about and pray to Celestia that they leave within the next five minutes.” “What?” She giggled, “Oh! All this talking and I still haven’t started setting up your party, silly me!” I gave her a strained expression. “I don’t think that’s really something I want to do.” “Aw, come on, Flashy. Just let me throw you one tiny eensy-weensy par—” “I’ll agree to it if you promise me to never call me that again,” I interrupted, a glare hardening across my face. Pinkie’s smile didn’t falter as she gave me a mock military salute. “You got it, Captain! I’ll get everything set up in no time!” She zipped past me fast enough to make me stumble, crashing into the kitchen as I ducked under a stray pot that flew over my head. “Great…” Rainbow Dash chuckled at me, clearly relishing in my misery. An amused smile formed on Twilight’s face as I paced back and forth across the library. “I pace when I’m anxious too, you know,” Twilight remarked, waving my outfit around with her magic. “I’m not anxious, I’m just… thinking,” I replied back. Her cheeky grin broadened. “Does it hurt?” I gave a light chuckle and yanked the clothing out of her magical grasp. “Ha ha. You know... I think I’m starting to rub off on you, and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.” She rolled her eyes. “I think it’s about time we stop stalling, we have a party to get to. And don’t worry, I’m pretty sure Pinkie Pie only invited the seven of us. She figured you wouldn’t like having to talk to a bunch of random ponies.” I glanced over at a mirror as I donned my suit and tie, I decided to leave my armor and weapon behind for the night. If I was lucky, it wouldn’t come back to bite me in the flank. “So you, your other friends and I? Who am I missing?” Spike gave me an annoyed glare as he lazed about across the couch, “Me, dude.” “You know, they’re your friends too now, Flash,” Twilight added. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” I murmured as Twilight buttoned my shirt and straightened my tie. She flashed me a sympathetic smile as she inspected my attire. “If you apologize to Fluttershy, I think you’ll be back at square one for the most part, and I’m pretty sure Applejack and Pinkie Pie actually enjoy your company.” “And Rainbow Crash?” Twilight blushed, “I think you may have made a rival, though in your case, that might be a good thing.” I raised a brow, “Why’s that?” “Well, if Dash is acting competitive around you, then it might mean she has taken a liking to you. Also, I wouldn’t let her hear you call her that, she might try to tackle you again.” I scoffed at her and shook my head, “I was strangled and tackled in the same day. At the very least, Ponyville hasn’t been boring.” Spike sat up and frowned at me. “I was wondering why you left as quick as you did. Rarity must have done quite a number on you.” More than you know, kid. “She caught me by surprise, that’s for sure,” I said as I walked over to the front door. “I just hope this party doesn’t backfire on me.” “Heya, Flash! Look what I can do!” Pinkie said as she continued to bounce in front of the table I was seated at. There was a moment of silence as she closed her eyes. I gave a cursory glance around the room, beginning to think that I was missing something, then she opened her eyes and spoke up a moment later. “Ta-da! Isn’t this neat?!” I glanced sidelong behind Pinkie, looking at Twilight and her friends in the hope of some receiving extra context, but their puzzled expressions told me everything I needed to know. “Uh, am I missing something? Pinkie?” “Shoot, nopony ever gets this joke. Maybe Discord would get a laugh out of it.” “Discord? Discord’s in Ponyville?” I growled. “Yessir! He’s like, totally best friends with Fluttershy. They hang out all the time and sometimes stop by for treats together! I wouldn’t worry about him though, he hasn’t done anything bad in a long time.” Oh, fuck me. Another reason to apologize to her as soon as possible. My life’s already complicated enough as it is. I put a hoof to my face as Rarity trotted over to us and took a seat. “You’re telling me that that little pegasus managed to tame a god? Are you sure he’s not going to cause anymore trouble?” Pinkie ceased her bouncing for a second, catching her breath before giggling, “Nope! But he’s so fun though!” Rarity spoke up, “I’d hate to say it, darling, but I’m afraid we can’t exactly leave him to his own devices.” She paused, flicking her mane back. “Even though the Elements of Harmony are close by, we still need him to stay near us so that we can keep an eye on him.” I stared over at Twilight and Dash as she continued to speak. The two of them were whispering to one another, stealing glances at me every so often. “Also, I’d like to apologize for the way I acted earlier. I realize it wasn’t very professional of me, and that your behavior isn’t an excuse for me to lash out at you the way I did.” I turned to face Rarity, a genuine smile plastered on her face, and grinned. “I don’t know, Rarity. I’ll admit, I’m not exactly the easiest to get along with, maybe a little force was something I needed. Though, you did technically assault a royal guard.” Rarity giggled. “I suppose I can’t rely on amnesty, can I?” “No, I’ll just forget it ever happened and pretend like I wasn’t put in my place by a young mare with no combative training.” She fluttered her eyes at me. “A grown mare needs to know how to be assertive with her stallions...” I broke eye contact with her for a moment and looked back over at Twilight, our eyes meeting from across the bakery. Her content smile wavered, replaced by a slight frown. Why is she looking at me like that? “Well, I think we’d be here all night at this rate. I just came over to apologize, so I’ll leave you alone now. Take care!” Rarity sat up and winked at me before walking back over to the others, the smile on my face remaining. I shook my head as Twilight and Spike walked over to me. “You ready to head out, Flash?” Twilight asked me with slight bite to her voice. I looked over at Spike, who just shrugged his shoulders at my bemused reaction. “I, uh, think I still have one more thing to do,” I replied, standing up and walking over to where Fluttershy was standing. She spotted me as I approached her, taking a small step back and hiding behind her long pink mane. “O-oh, h-hello, Flash.” I sighed and rubbed my mane with my hoof, “Look, Fluttershy, I just came over to say…” I breathed in as Fluttershy looked at me with a intrepid but curious expression. “...I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were trying to help me. You just brought up some—” I gulped down something bitter in my throat, “—bad memories.” She nodded as she pawed at the ground, not looking me in the eye as she began to speak. “I don’t know what came over me, either,” Fluttershy whispered. “Normally, I have to really concentrate to do what I did, but it just kind of… happened.” I smirked. “Well, if we’re both sorry, then I’d like to start over again. That is, if you’ll let me.” Fluttershy perked up, giving me a soft smile in return. “Of course.” I turned around and saw that Twilight’s miffed expression had vanished, replaced with a proud and almost smug look. I bid farewell to Fluttershy before walking back over to her. “See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Twilight asked me. I scoffed at her as the two of us walked back toward the main entrance. “Nothing I can’t handle, Twilight. It seemed like it was important to you, so…” “Thank you... for caring.” > 7 - Ne'er-do-Well's Folly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash Sentry shuddered as a stray gust of frigid wind rattled his armor, causing him to shift his stance slightly. Despite Canterlot Castle being heavily decorated, it lacked proper insulation, which meant it was exceptionally chilly in the winter. Nevertheless, Flash maintained his stoic posture alongside the other guards while his commanding officer paced back and forth. He was eyeing them with intense scrutiny, and if Flash was a lesser stallion, he may have cracked under the pressure. A gentle moonlight juxtaposed the somber situation as it filtered through the high arching windows in front of them, adequately lighting up the hallway where they stood. The only source of sound emanating from the commander’s strong hoofsteps grinding against the marble tile. Finally, Commander Quicksilver opened his mouth, his guttural voice echoing through the corridor. “Alright fillies, I got bad news for some of ya. Hearth's Warming Eve is comin’ up quick, which means that while most of us get to go home to our families… a few of you maggots gotta stay in the castle to guard the princess.” Nopony protested, for they all knew that even a grunt of disapproval would result in an immediate reprimanding. Still, Quicksilver continued to stare at them with a predatory gaze, searching for any sign of weakness. “I’ll give any of ya the chance to volunteer, right now, though I ain’t expecting anything. After that, I’m gonna have to start drawing names, one at a time.” An awkward silence filled the room as the stallions shuffled their hooves nervously, none of them daring to make a sound. “Well?” With an exaggerated sigh and a slight smirk on his face, Flash stepped forward, ignoring the suspicious looks that the other guards were throwing at him. Quicksilver snorted. “Corporal Sentry, you do realize what you’re signing up for, correct? You will spend all of Hearth’s Warming Eve at the castle, and you won’t be able to see your family.” Flash smiled. “My loyalty to Princess Celestia is more important than seeing my… family.” Quicksilver chuckled. “I don’t know if I’d call that stupid or selfless, probably a little bit of both. Either way, I gotta commend you for it. Get your flank back to your quarters, you’re excused for the night.” Quicksilver turned and addressed the remaining troops, an evil grin on his face. “The rest of you partner up, we’re gonna do CQC drills until one of you cave.” With the smile remaining on Flash’s face, he turned away from his commander and trotted toward the barracks. I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, grimacing at the morning light that inundated the room. I really need to invest in some curtains, I’m sure Twilight wouldn’t mind. My morning routine had become habitual to the point of being dull. Wake up early in the morning after having an unwelcome dream, throw myself out of bed, creep down the stairs, and then cook something that resembled breakfast. Even basic training had been more entertaining than this past week. I put a hoof to my face, blocking out the light that refracted off the glass casing as I walked downstairs. I still couldn’t get over the fact that the Elements of Harmony, some of the strongest artifacts in Equestrian history, were only protected by a single box of glass. Granted, Twilight probably took the time to thoroughly enchant the case itself, but still… Why is Ponyville’s security so pitiful? I shook my head as I walked toward the kitchen, gathering ingredients for oatmeal as I gazed through a window displaying Ponyville proper. It had been a while since I’d seen any of Twilight’s friends, as they hadn’t really forced themselves upon me after the party. I was growing rather bored of sitting around in the library as Twilight read her books and went down one random checklist after another. Hmm… I suppose I could step out for a bit while Twilight is still asleep. I sighed as I grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill, eating as I began writing a letter of notice to Twilight, just in case she woke up before I got back. Twilight, I’ll be out for a bit this morning. I feel like I’m starting to get Cabin Fever while sitting around this library all cooped up. Hopefully I’ll get back before you get the chance to read this, but in case you do, I’ll be over at Sweet Apple Acres. Try not to overdose on books, Sparkle. — Flash I left the note on the table, taking the time to wash the bowl out and placing it back in the cupboard. Not wanting to spend another minute in this library, I walked out the front door. I wasn’t exactly sure why I had chosen to visit Applejack in particular. After having served in the Equestrian military for so long, I had become acclimated to waking up in the early morning. Being that Applejack lived on a farm, it felt safe to assume that her sleeping schedule was similar to mine. At least she isn’t bothered by recurrent nightmares... The sun was barely peeking the over the horizon as I trotted toward the outskirts of Ponyville, the dirt and leaves crunching underneath me. Thwack! My train of thought was derailed as my eyes located the source of the sound that echoed across Sweet Apple Acres. Ahead of me, just past the fence lining, Applejack was hard at work, her Stetson hanging low on her head. Thwack! Applejack panted softly as beads of sweat collected across her brow. She paused for a moment, before glancing up and spotting me. I could just faintly see a small smirk forming across her muzzle. “Howdy, sugarcube!” Applejack called out. “Didn't expect to see you this mornin’, that's fer sure.” I returned a smirk of my own as I pushed open the wooden gate and invited myself in, my ear twitching as the un-oiled hinges creaked from my ministrations. “I thought I’d pay you a visit. Did I catch you at a bad time?” She stooped down and placed several stray apples into the bucket, before wiping away the sweat and trotting toward me. “Ain't a problem at all, sugarcube, just surprised me is all. You sure Twilight didn’t put ya up to this?” Applejack asked me with a raised brow. I remembered the oath that Pinkie Pie had taught me several days prior and crossed my heart with my hoof. I couldn't remember exactly what she called it, though it had a nice ring to it. “I swear, AJ, this was all my idea. Truth be told, I was starting to go a little crazy, sitting in that library for so damn long.” She chuckled. “You know Ah’m a fan of truth. Ah suppose that's your pegasi blood that’s naggin’ ya as well.” “Well, I don't think I’m as much of an avid flyer as your friend Rainbow is, but it's nice to get some fresh air once in awhile.” The smile faded from her face, being replaced by a frown. “You know Dash is your friend too, right? Ah’m not a big fan of this ‘your friend’ business, as if she’s nothin’ but an acquaintance to ya.” My wings fluttered against my sides. “Yeah, I know she's my friend, it's just… hard to remember sometimes.” She approached me and put a hoof on my shoulder. “We all are sugarcube, and you know that.” There was a bout of silence between us, before Applejack sighed and spoke up again. “Ah guess I can take a break right about now. Come on, let’s head over to the cellar, I can spare a little cider for us to drink while we chat.” I chuckled. “You keep it in your cellar? It's actually fermented? I didn't think anyone in Ponyville could stomach alcohol.” The smile returned to her face. “Some can’t ah reckon. Either way, I need to keep it locked up in the cellar, wouldn't want Applebloom gettin’ any ideas.” “You sound like a great mother, Applejack.” She sputtered, attempting to hide her face with her hat as a fierce blush rose across her face. I winced. “I’m guessing I said something wrong?” She fanned herself with her hat as the blush ebbed from her face. “Ah’m no mother, that's for sure, sugarcube. Applebloom is mah sister, even if I do act like her mother occasionally.” “Oh, I did think you looked too young to be a mother. Either way, Apple Bloom is very lucky to have you.” Her smile brightened, and the green in her eyes seemed even more lively than before. “Thank ya kindly, Flash.” At least they’ll be there for each other.... I sat underneath an apple tree, admiring the golden-brown hue of color that shined off my glass of cider. Applejack sat across from me, taking a swig from her mug and giving a satisfied sigh. “Celestia, that sure hits the spot. Normally ah wouldn’t drink somethin’ like this in the morning, but I needed something to cool me off.” I raised my glass in response as I gulped the cider down. “I’m glad I decided to stop by, though, I think I’d ought to head back soon. I don’t want Twilight to think I ran off on her.” Applejack snickered. “So much fer guarding her. Drinkin’ on the job, sugarcube?” I rolled my eyes. “It’s not my fault you ponies drive me to drink.” Her laughter grew in intensity, causing a small smile to form on my face. I’d reasoned that Twilight wasn’t going anywhere, especially since she slept like a brick. Applejack’s laughter died down a bit as she wiped the tears that had formed in the corners of her eyes. “Well, sugarcube, Ah think it’s about time I woke Apple Bloom fer school.” I gave her one last nod before stretching my wings and taking off into the sky, wind whipping through my mane as I raced back toward Ponyville. I sat near the library, lamenting in my own stupidity as I rubbed the dirt from my eyes after having impacted the ground at breakneck speeds. I swore under my breath as I reminded myself to practice landing sometime later this week. I wasn’t interested in being chewed out by Rainbow Dash any time soon. Not that I had to worry about that right now, as it was far too early for her to even consider waking up. Letting out another annoyed huff, I brushed off the last of the dust that coated my… well, coat, and tentatively opened the front door of the library. I was met with the smug grin of the lavender alicorn before me, who lay sprawled out across the living room sofa with the note I’d written her within her magical grasp. “Welcome home, Flash. And by the way, it’s ‘stir-crazy’ not ‘cabin fever,’ there’s a difference. I promise.” > 8 - One Trick Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smack! “Angel! Y-you didn’t have to hit him like that...” Smack! I gasped, shaken from my dreamless sleep. Fluttershy scowled, Angel rapidly tapping his paw next to her. He raised his paw one more time when I failed to rise, stopping as I spoke. “You’re lucky you’re small and fluffy.” I sat up, groaned and stretched. “Typically, trying to assault me doesn’t end well.” “There’s an emergency in Ponyville.” The typical shyness I’ve come to expect from Fluttershy was noticeably absent. In five seconds flat, I was armored up, lance ready as I waited for them at the library’s entrance. “Where’s Twilight?” “She’s in Canterlot, remember?” I nodded, letting out a small breath, and motioned her to lead on. “What’s the situation?” Fluttershy turned her head slightly as we ran, Angel riding on her back. “Strange plants have sprung up all around town… and, well, they’re just awful.” “So… you need a gardener?” I raised an eyebrow. All it took was one glare to shut me up. “Okay, fine… where to?” Thunk! “All I wanted to do was sleep in, for fuck’s sake,” I grumbled, sinking my lance into a vine before chucking it across the dirt road. The Everfree Forest had decided to invade Ponyville, on the day of the Summer Sun Celebration of course, because any other day would have been inconvenient. “Whining isn’t gonna to help us none,” Applejack replied. She bent down and yanked out a vine from the ground as if it were a weed, only for another to spring up. “Shoot. I reckon we’ll be at this all day at this rate.” “Well, I say we expedite the process,” I replied, glancing over at her barn. “Forgive me, I’m about to do something stupid.” “Wouldn’t be the first time.” I chuckled, pulling open the barn door and setting down my lance in the center of the room. She trotted in behind me, raising a brow as I began wrapping a strip of cloth around the length of the blade. “What are ya doin’ exactly?” “Improvising.” I coated my lance in a thick resin before dousing the entirety of it in gasoline. A stray spark ricocheted off the top of the blade as I struck it against a nearby metal plow, the weapon becoming engulfed in a vibrant orange flame in the process. “Like I said, as stupid as stupid can get. Let’s see if some fire will do the trick.” Applejack shook her head as I carefully held out the makeshift torch a safe distance from my face. “I swear to Celestia, I don’t know what I’ll think if yer right about this.” I grinned deviously, giving a nearby vine an experimental whack as it hissed and retreated down into the earth below. “You can think that I’m a damn genius, that’s what.” Twilight wasn’t going to be happy about this. It felt like, despite our effort, the day was only getting worse by the minute. The sky was split in half. With the sun hanging on the left and giving way to the moon on the right. Light blue blended with and faded to a richer violet. Surreal wouldn’t even begin to describe it. The six of us sat in front of the library waiting for her return. In our downtime, Rainbow and I decided to have a nice, civil conversation. “I see you never got rid of the cloud infestation like you said you would.” “Bite me,” Dash growled. “I’m surprised you even managed to get out of bed today.” “If it wasn’t for Fluttershy, I probably wouldn’t have given a shit,” I retorted. “As a matter of fact, I’m still finding it hard to.” “Alright, that’s quite enough from both of you,” Rarity said, her muzzle scrunching up in annoyance. “I can see Twilight off in the distance, cease the bickering.” True to the fair lady’s word, Twilight glided down to us not a moment after. Though it wasn’t really gliding, rather, a haphazard swan dive toward us. Her expression was nothing short of anxious, but she was keeping it together. Spike was all too eager to hop off her back, praising the very ground he stood on. “Really, Spike? It wasn’t that bad.” I was the first one to speak up. “Well, Twilight? What’s going on?” “Nothing good. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are missing,” Twilight winced. “I’m under the suspicion that Discord might be behind this. That’s the only real lead I have.” I swore under my breath. “Typical, I’m not surprised in the slightest. Where can we find the bastard?” “We’re going to summon him using the Elements of Harmony.” In a fantastic display of phantasmic color, the harbinger of chaos appeared before us in a rather compromised position. We’d seemingly summoned him in the middle of a bath. He noticed us in the midst of his own singing, causing him to stop and wrap a towel around the length of his body. Why in Tartarus did the spell bring the bathtub with him? “Twilight, my dear friend, I believe Princess Celestia told you to warn me before using that little spell she gave you,” Discord said as he tapped at the center of Twilight’s crown. “Where are they?” Twilight growled, jabbing a hoof into his chest. “What did you do with Princess Celestia and Luna?” A smarmy smirk formed on his face. “Why, I haven’t the faintest clue what you’re talking about.” “Cut the shit, Discord.” I pointed my lance at his chin. “Who else would be behind something like this?” Click. I felt my lance melt within my grasp, forming a metallic puddle beneath my feet. “And I suppose you have evidence to confirm this accusation? I’ll have you know that I’m reformed.” He stretched one arm out to an impossible length and tucked Fluttershy up against him. “Isn’t that right, Shutterfly?” “It’s Fluttershy.” “Whatever. The point is, I’m innocent and there’s nothing that would say otherwise.” Twilight’s glare hardened. “If it isn’t you, then tell us who did this.” He stooped down to her level and matched her gaze. “Why don’t you go ask your zebra friend? After how I’ve been treated, I’m not very inclined to help you right now.” Click. My lance solidified once more. Off in the distance, the zebra shaman known as Zecora trudged out of the infested Everfree with her belongings in tow. “I’d suggest you work fast, dear Twilight,” Discord hissed. “I have a feeling this will only get worse for you.” “Absolutely not.” “Flash, I’m going in whether you like it—” “You don’t understand, Twilight.” I stomped my hoof in the dirt. “I cannot allow you to willingly walk into the Everfree Forest, arguably the single most dangerous place in Equestria. I recognize the fact that you’re stronger than the rest of us put together, but it’s just not worth the risk.” “I think yer forgetting somethin’ sugarcube. She ain’t walking in there alone. Yer goin’ with her too, ya know,” Applejack said, putting a hoof on my shoulder. “But—” “Flash, please,” Twilight said, a weak but sincere smile on her facealbeit with sincerity in her tone. “I can do this.” I wasn’t going to win this one. Even if I kept resisting, time was of the essence. With a deep sigh, I relented my attack. “Fine. But you’ll stand by me the whole time, and I want the rest of you to be on guard until this is all over.” With a nod from each of them, we slowly entered the Everfree. Whatever this Tree of Harmony was, I could only hope that we’d find it soon. We weren’t even an hour in before we encountered our first obstacle. Ahead of us, a lake of acidic, tar-like water spanned across the entire forest clearing. The viscus green substance bubbled as the ground around it continued to erode. There was no way in Tartarus that it was safe to swim in. It’d sooner dissolve our skin than allow us passage. “There’s no way we have enough time to walk around this. We’ll have to fly across and carry those who can’t.” I took flight, hovering above the lake while looking ahead. “Twilight, are you sure—” Snap! The gaping maw of a feral cragadile snapped shut, barely an inch under my hind leg. The beast’s body twirled in the air as it landed back in the lake, before jumping out and standing right before Twilight and the rest. Shit. Without any hesitation, I landed in front of them and unsheathed my lance. “Twilight, run.” “What?” Twilight took a step back, as if visibly struck by my statement. “Flash, we aren’t just going to abandon you!” Crunch! “Flash!” I let out a grunt as I struggled to remain standing. The cragadile had lurched forward, a sharp set of teeth clamping down on my lance just as I raised it. “Princess Twilight Sparkle.” I used my other hoof to stabilize my lance. “You’re doing your job. Now let me do mine, too. Let me do the one thing I do best.” “Flash, please, we can help you.” I gave her a pained smile as I yanked the blade out of the creature’s mouth. “It’s not that I don’t want your help, Twilight. But I think it’s about time I start fighting for someone other than myself.” I held my lance close, the light glinting off the blade’s surface. “Let me show you how I earned the rank of captain.” In a flash, the beast dove toward me, but I was quicker. I sidestepped the hulking mass, dragging the length of my blade across the scaly hide. I grit my teeth as I tried to dig my lance in deeper. No such luck. “Go on then! Move!” I shouted, flying in the air and narrowly dodging a tail swipe. “I’ll handle this fucker myself.” I heaved as sweat continued to pour down my face, lurching forward and spearing the cragadile straight in the the back. It howled, spun around, and chomped my hind leg in retaliation. I heard a loud crunch as blood splattered across the ground. I could only scream in agony. “Flash!” Twilight cried out, rushing back as the cragadile released me and turned to face her instead. I used this window of opportunity to wrap my lance around the beast’s throat. It let out a deafening screech. With the last of my energy rapidly ebbing from my body, I shoved the blade deep into one eye. The cragadile spasmed in place, throwing me off as my lance came free. It screeched once more before retreating back into the murky water nearby. I stumbled, leaning against a nearby tree. “Flash!” My vision began to fade as Twilight rushed up to me. I wasn’t going to last much longer. “I-I’ll get help!” My head wobbled as I fell into the begrimed soil. Was this what it was like to die? I hardly felt the pain in my hind leg anymore. “F-Flash! Hang in there, I got you!” … “F… Flash… please… don’t leave me…” … “Please… Celestia… be alive…” I was numb, my vision black, my body lifeless. Was this it? With just one bite? I think I knew the answer to that question to that already. I’d spent so long trying to survive on my own, and I died the moment I stood up for another pony. Was it karma, or fate? Either way, I fucked up. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to do that on my own. I just hope this made up for everything I did— everything I said too. I’ll never forget you, Princess Twilight Sparkle. “Just… h-hang in there… F-Flash.” … Thump thump. Thump thump. … Thump… thump. ...