> More > by Locky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Finger fever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A sharp turn shoves you forward, your hips butting against the aquamarine mare right in front of you. You know her, not by name, but you see each other on this same streetcar every few days or so. "Uh, sorry." You apologize. "It's okay." She quietly responds, smiling, not taking you responsible for it. Pony trolleys are faster than walking, but this thing is a rough sketch of what can be seen on earth. They're a bit small for you, but that's to be expected, you should be thankful you can even fit in there. You never really understood why ponies commonly built things much too big for them. The vehicle stops for a moment, a couple ponies dropping out and a dozen more getting in. You're not too comfortable being so close to so many ponies. Nor would you be if they were humans, but you're really glad you're wearing that old a-shirt, the outside heat becoming more suffocating by the minute. You blink, the thought of that word alone making you remember that night you had with your friends last week. You smirk, chuckling at your friend's antics. "You'll see! Mares are just crazy when they're in heat!" He says, pointing his hoof towards nothing in particular. You can't take this seriously, and the couple drinks you just shared with them isn't making it any easier. "Wait, wait." You pause, "Are you really trying to make me believe that mares become some sort of... psychotic sex maniacs or whatever, when summer comes?" Your right eyebrow couldn't go any higher, but your grin stays locked to your lips. "Yeah dude, we're not shitting you I swear! They just, I don't know, change! One day they're all nice and quiet, and the next day, bam!" One of the other two stallions respond, his hoof crashing against the table to emphasize with his last word. You blink. And then you think about it for a second, looking at your glass before bringing it to your lips, taking a swig. You let your mind wander about, soon enough stopping on the fact that you are kind of lonely. And you wouldn't mind this kind of company, at all. Ponies are nice, but at the end of the day, they still see you as an alien. The small horse dating scene is harsh for a bipedal predator. "So, what?" You reply, and they turn to each other, seemingly not believing their ears for a second, "I mean, that's kind of hot, actually." You continue, while they all look at you, dumbfounded by your response. "Oh, yeah! It sounds funny to you the big and strong human!" You snort when his tone hits your ears, "We'll see if you still find it 'hot' when three mares will take turns riding your dick for two days straight." He grumbles, "And that's without letting you rest, they'll give you some water if you're cooperating. And if you can't get it up anymore they'll use magic and potions to force you... They're insane." Wow, that sounded personal. You think about asking him for details, but decides against it, it's getting late. But you'll definitely have to ask him about this next time, "Yeah, yeah..." "No! Don't you 'yeah, yeah' me monkey-man! You gotta stay inside next week--" His grumbling rant is instantly drowned by the laughs of the other two, the new nickname he established for you apparently being the funniest thing in the world. You join them a second later, your eyes rolling up when they start wheezing. This one's going to stick for a while. It takes your quartet a good minute to be calm enough for you to announce your departure. You empty your glass, before placing it on the table, "Listen guys, I've got stuff to do tomorrow, so I'm out." The two stallions on your right nod knowingly, the other one giving a groan when he sees your smirk. He knows you're not taking him seriously. And how could you. Ponies are so nice all the time, there's no way they could just transform in some kind of rape monsters past midnight or whatever. They're just messing with you. Another sudden turn, but it's the mare's rear that bumps into you this time. She doesn't turn around this time, not that you mind. And now that you think about it, you don't remember seeing any stallions today. You take a quick look around the car. Uh. You quickly dismiss that thought. It just can't be-- This turn is even harsher than the last one. You wait for it to stop, the weight of the mare now leaning against you. She does turn her head this time, giving you an apologetic smile and a silent, "Sorry." It's not like ponies can take hold of the bars for stability, unlike you. Unless they use their mouths, but that would bring sanitary problems. "It's alright, don't worry." You shake your head. Or maybe it's not, why is this thing still turning? What the hell is happening?! You lift your head and look outside, trying to understand your situation. It's a roundabout. The tram finishes the first lap, and starts another one. Who the fuck made this thing?! The mare pushes more of her weight into your lower half, your eyes quickly drop to her frame, then the pressure intensifies even more, her ass burying your crotch with a curious precision. You simply watch her, blinking, wondering what she's up to. She's just trying to get comfortable, yeah, that must be it. The vehicle finally leaves the circle of doom and you mentally prepare to let your arm unwind from the slight effort. But the weight on your lower half stays there. You expect her to withdraw, but she starts moving up and down instead, her cheeks actively rubbing against your crotch. You observe, eyes wide open, trying to figure out what's happening. But there's no mistaking it, no matter how much you think about it. She's hitting on you. Your mind starts racing, you haven't felt this kind of contact in a long time. Damn, unicorns are more often than not uptight bitches, they generally don't even want to look at you, let alone touch you, but this one--wait, she's a unicorn, why isn't she using her magic to stay in place. She casually lifts her rear higher and higher, then sighs contently when something even softer than her cheeks pushes against your member. You gulp. This is more than enough for Junior's wake up call. You're not really sure what's happening anymore, but this is just so... thrilling, this may be a once in a lifetime chance. It doesn't take you long to decide to go with it. You slowly bend your knees, lowering your crotch ever so slightly, and push your hips forward, squeezing your now hardening member between her cheeks and pushing against that plump softness from earlier. A short thrust from your hips makes her gasp in surprise, she then turns her head towards you, grinning, visibly happy to see that you're playing along. It's hot. And not just figuratively. Everything feels hot, everything is hot. Your breath grows heavier and you feel your heartbeat accelerating. She lowers her rear, and you follow it, not wanting for this contact to stop for even one second. She takes that as an invitation to keep going, and does just that, her back arching slightly to push her ass against you. Then she lifts her tail and wraps it around your left leg, giving your eyes access to anything that's not trying to squeeze you. You gulp once more, then you fail to stifle a groan when she pushes the lower part of her mound against your still confined shaft, slightly spreading her lips open. You can see how turned on she already is, if the trails of honey still bridging her parting petals shimmering in the sunlight are anything to go by. An ear twitch brings your attention back up, your eyes meeting her pleading eyes, red hued cheeks and bottom lip stuck between her teeth. You open your mouth, but close it not two seconds later. You don't know what to say. But she doesn't need you to say anything. Her tail's grip tightens around your leg and she uses it to press even further into you, pushing her fleshy lips up and down the bulge of your shaft, now close to full mast. She starts another journey up, a longer one, her back arching even more and her front hooves bending and front half lowering to ease the process. You don't even care about the wetness she leaves on your shorts, you're too enthralled by the display to even acknowledge it. She gives a content sigh on the way to the end of your shaft, then shivers, her breath hitching in her throat when you see her swollen nub wink against the cloth. You can feel her arousal seeping through the front of your shorts, the warm liquid spreading around your throbbing flesh. You don't ever remember being so hard. By now you can hear your heart thumping between your ears. Her dock twitches, and she lifts her tail, unwrapping it from your leg. She readjusts her whole frame for a moment, front hooves and back straightening back to her original stance. For a fraction of a second, you think it's over. That's it. She's had her fun, and now you will part ways without even saying goodbye, you'll simply go home and try to forget about it, but you'll always end up furiously masturbating to this scene, for the rest of your life, these images forever imprinted inside of your head, never letting you find anything else even close to this to get hard to, and then you'll grow old... and then you'll die, all alone. Until the end of her tail finds its way under your shirt, the soft hair tickling your navel for a second, then moving south, pressing against your skin to have enough space to get past the waistband. You knew pony tails were prehensile, but that's something else entire-- "Ahn~" It just left your mouth on its own. And this moan was manly as fuck, okay? D-definitely not feminine in any way-- Her tail, now wrapped around the tip of your shaft, gives it another squeeze, stopping your mind from questioning your masculinity any further. You lift your eyes to find hers. She's biting her lip again but there's this predatory glint in her eyes now. Then her tail gives you shorts a small tug, "Why don't you take these off?" You consider it. A lot. Until you feel something else prod your dick, something that isn't her tail. Or isn't her at all. "Yeah! Stop teasing and take these off~! Let me suck on it for a bit..." Another mare moans, pushing her muzzle against the base of your bulge and inhaling deeply, not caring about the dampness left by the aquamarine unicorn. Your eyes open wide, blinking in surprise. You somehow completely forgot that you were in public. You give a quick look around, a shudder flowing down your back when you see the dozen pair of eyes fixed on your crotch, the ponies, or rather, mares, are all blushing, some of them even masturbating in plain sight, using hooves, horns or even rubbing their backsides against whatever is in range. Your mind is racing. This can't be happening, you must be dreaming and Moonbutt is fucking around with your head or something. You consider slapping your face to snap out of it. But you opt for staying rational. And panicking instead, "What the fuc--" "Back off you whorse!" The outburst from your first molester drown yours in decibels and intonation. Her horn starts glowing and she magically grabs the second mare's tail, sharply pulling her back and away from your personal space. "What the hay Lyra?! We can share, we're friends--" She doesn't let her finish, "No! He's mine!" You blink. Okay, this is getting really weird now. You look at the two mares growling and grunting at each other for a second, "L-listen girls, I'm not sure if--" They don't give a damn about your input tho. "Oh come on Lyra, half the stallions have left and the others are taken already! You can't do this to us, to me!" You can hear a couple of "yeah!"s and a "she's right!" coming from the other passengers. "No! Buck you! I saw him first, he's mine!" She vigorously shoves the other mare on her side, and turns around to face you, her horn glowing. "Don't let her get away girls! Get her!" You turn around, fearing for your safety and raising your hands in surrender when you see the angry looks directed towards you. "Who-wait! Girls, can't we--OOF!" The unicorn, Lyra, rams you, forcing the air out of your lungs in surprise, "What the-shhh--" Her horn emits a blinding light the moment her front hooves grab onto your midriff. You barely have the time to protect your eyes from it, one arm rising up to cover your face from the magic and the other grabbing onto her, trying not to lose your footing from the impact. Another flash, and then, your feet don't touch the ground anymore. You're falling. You barely have the time to panic though and you land soon enough, ass first, the rest of your body following suit, your back thudding against the ground. Your eyes take a while to adjust, you blink a couple times, then rub them with a hand. At least you're not blind. You stretch a bit, quickly checking if you're in one piece. "Magic ponies, I swear..." You groan and look around, wondering where the hell did you land, but a shuffling weight on your lower half reveals that you didn't travel unaccompanied. You look down, lifting your back to give your eyes easier access to the mint mare. "You're all mine now..." Her whisper sends a shiver all the way up your spine and your heart skips a beat. But you're not sure if it's from arousal anymore. "W-where ar--" You decide against finishing your question when she shuffles some more. The mare, Lyra, starts climbing on top of you. You simply stare at her, scared of what could happen. You don't know shit about magic, but you know that a unicorn capable of teleportation could kick your ass without even thinking about it. Your breath hitches in your throat when she shoves her muzzle against your chest. Then she inhales, heartily, the same way you'd inhale a cake just coming out of the oven. And if you felt like pushing your nose inside said cake... "Mmhh..." She doesn't stop there and climbs some more. You lift and turn your chin out of the way when her horn gets too close, and then she plops down on top of you, her front hooves drifting off your chest and hugging your torso instead. You gasp when she starts nuzzling your neck. You're paralyzed at this point. You don't know what to do, or what to say, you've seen enough movies featuring crazy serial killers to know better than to scream for help or act without thinking. Wait and see seems like the best-- Your eyes open wide when you feel her lips against your skin. They linger there for a second, resting against your neck, so soft and so warm. Then she nuzzles it once again, taking in your scent once more, "You smell so good..." Another kiss. You're getting really mixed feelings about all of this. On one hand, she's super cute, and hot, and warm, and so soft and... On the other, she seems kind of insane. Her lips part from your skin after another kiss and she goes back to snuggling against you, her hooves tightening against your frame and a content sigh leave her lips and tickle your jaw. Hngh Your whole body is saying yes, but your brain is still on defcon 2. Neither of you say or do anything for a couple minutes, and you use this time to try and clear your mind and dissipate all this adrenaline. "Sooo..." You say, barely above a whisper, you don't want to upset her. You decide to continue when she doesn't give you any sort of response, "Your name's Lyra, right?" She nods and hums. That's a good start, "And, uhm... where are we?" "This is my house. We're in my room." She whispers, "And it's your room too, now~" Your eyes widen again. Okay, defcon 1. "M-mine...?" Your heart rate instantly rockets back up when you feel her loosening her grasp and you forget to breathe for a second when her eyes meet yours. You try and search for clues on her mental stability, but you can't find anything... other than care and need. Maybe she's just lonely, like you... No, no, no, don't think that, she's dangerous! "Yes..." She climbs back on your chest, then leans forward, her face getting dangerously close to yours, "Yours. Mine. Ours." "W-wha-we can't, I-I can't, I mean, this is going too fas--" Her hoof hushes you. "Shhh." She removes her hoof from your lips and starts cupping your cheek, a smile cornering her lips, happy to see you're obeying her, "It's okay, everything will be alright..." She whispers, the same way you would try reassuring a scared child. Of course, it doesn't work as well. "Listen..." You test the waters again, see if she will let you speak now, "Listen, Lyra. You're a really cute mare, I mean, you seem cool, b-but this--" You back away when you see her face diving on you, but she's much faster, and her lips find yours. Effectively shutting you up. You're too scared to push her away. Or, maybe it's because you're scared. Her soft lips part from yours but her face doesn't stray too far, the tip of her muzzle ending up lightly pressing against your nose, eskimo kissing you, "We're going to get along so well together. I can feel it." You're not sure what you're feeling right now, but you're feeling it alright. She leans back up and her gaze leave yours, her eyes dropping down your form to stop on your chest. The hoof that was still caressing the side of your face follows her focus, slowly gliding down your neck then running along your shoulder blades to start pawing at your shirt, "You know..." Her hoof digs deeper into your flesh and she glances back up for a second, then going back down to focus on her task, "I've been watching you for a while now..." Watching you? "Watching me...?" Oh great, she's a stalker too. You're so going to end up in her fridge. She nods. Then shakes her head. "Yes-wait, no, no, not... not watching you watching you... just... you know, watching... you." No, you don't know, "Uhm... it came out wrong... I didn't know how to... approach you...?" She looks up again, anxiously waiting for your response. "Why?" This is the first thing that goes through your mind. "Well... I'm... a mare, and you're..." She inhales, "You're a human. A human ma-male." Something clicks inside of her when that last word leave her lips. The way she's looking at you changes, as well as the force behind her hoof, now sinking deep enough to feel uncomfortable, "A big, strong human, with hands and..." Another inhale, louder this time, "And your smell..." "Nnh- I can't take it anymore!" Her form collapses on you, her rump instantly connecting with your crotch without giving you the time to react to her violent mood change. "I need this so bad-Nnh!" She starts grinding her crotch against your half chub, coming from all those kisses and nuzzles, not waiting for you to do or say anything, "Damn clothes... You're such a tease~" "J-just wait a sec--" She doesn't wait. Not like you really expected her to. She raise her rump and takes a step back, charging her horn. Her magic encompasses your shorts and telekinetically draws them down, then, it focuses on your boxers. You instantly stop your underwear's descent by reflex using your right hand, which earns you a sharp frown and an angry glare from the unicorn. You gulp. Her horn glows brighter and you feel the tingling aura envelop your hand, vigorously pulling it away. You try to fight it for a second but soon finds it impossible. The interference finally out of the way, she drags your boxers down and let your member emerge free from its prison. "Hello there~" She leans forward and lifts her right hoof, placing it at the base of your junk. "We're going to become really good friends you and I..." She whispers. To your cock. If it wasn't for the whole bipolar thing, you'd find the scene really cute. Or maybe you still find it kind of cute. She buries the frog of her hoof deeper, lightly pushing your balls down before going the other way, the soft fuzziness of it tracing its path all the way to your tip. Your dick doesn't really need much more reasons to start swelling, "Best friends, even..." She moans again, then plants her muzzle on your dick, nuzzling your sack and taking another sniff, "I so, so, so need to taste you." Her lips part, letting her warm tongue press against your skin. Just a lick, before retreating back in her mouth to evaluate your flavor, "Nnhh..." You shiver when the heated air of her moan engulf your balls. She prods your meat once again, enthusiastically this time, her muzzle traveling an inch up your shaft, her tongue following suit. After another short pause, she repeats the process, but much slower. Much, much slower. It takes her an agonizingly long time to get to the tip, long enough for your cock to harden, her muzzle pressing forward, her lips parting just enough to let your head press into them, her breath washing over it. You shiver once again and hold your breath, waiting for the promised tongue to lap at it, but it doesn't come. Instead, she simply kisses it. Just a peck, a simple caress. Your member gives a hearty throb and you fail to suppress a grunt. She lifts her gaze, leaving the head of your cock to stop on your other head. A mischievous expression forms on her face. She kisses it again. Another twitch. And again, her lips lingering on it this time. You groan. She giggles. "What's wrong? You don't like it? Should I stop?" Her grin exposes her real intentions, but you still miss the fleshy contact, "You don't really seem to dislike it from here..." Her lips travel back to their previous spot, not quite enveloping your head, but giving her tongue access to the most sensitive area of your dick, which she exploits without wasting any time. The touch is enough to make you jolt your hips forward. She arches an eyebrow at that, before giving your frenulum another lick. You moan, she grins. "Ooooh~ you like that, don't you? And here I was wonderin--" She gasps, eyes widening when she notices the small bead of precum forming at the tip of your shaft. Her mouth buries your head immediately. A gasp leaves your lips when you feel her tongue lap it up. She closes her eyes and hums softly, her tongue still resting against your tip. "Mmmhh..." She gives your glans another lick for good measures before drawing it out of her mouth, "You taste sooo good..." She leans down and licks your entire length from the base up to the tip, then goes back to simply kissing it. Okay, fuck your brain and your survival instincts, this is just too much. "Uhm..." Her eyes find yours and it takes her a second to understand the reason of your plea. "Oh? Do you want more?" Her smirk comes back. You nod, eagerly. She giggles again, "Oh I bet you do..." She lifts her right hoof from the ground and places it on your abdomen, lifting the end of your shirt higher before moving her limb back down, her soft frog caressing your skin. "Don't worry, I wasn't planning on stopping here anyway." Her head drops and she takes the head of your shaft inside her mouth, lifting it to give her easier access. You shiver when you feel her broad, warm tongue envelop the first inch of your cock. She shivers too when she tastes another drop of pre escaping your cock. She slowly consumes another inch before withdrawing, her lips encompassing your head, the tip of her tongue carefully cleaning your slit of any liquid and then backs out completely, your now very lonely dick bobbing in the cold air. You let out a whimper. "Oh no, you don't have to worry about that at all..." She leans forward to nuzzle your balls, giving it a long sniff, "I could suck on your dick all day long." She kisses your right nut before going back up, her tongue tracing the underside of your shaft all the way up, making your member twitch in return. She gives a low hum before she downs the first inch of your shaft, locking her soft lips around your crown once more. But she has other plans this time and dives down, taking the entirety of your rod inside her mouth. "Gluk" "Holy shit-ooo--" Your legs tense and you groan in surprise. She keeps her head down, lightly shaking in discomfort. Her eyes close and you notice tears forming in their corners. She's obviously lacking experience on the subject, but what she lacks in skills, she makes up in enthusiasm. "Pfffwwhh" In Zeal, rather than enthusiasm. She's quite literally choking herself on your cock. You can feel her uvula caressing the top of your cock, her tongue instinctively trying to push it out of her mouth but only resulting in bringing you even more pleasurable sensations. She gags one more time before she decides to pull back, but not enough to free your rod from her warm embrace. She doesn't move for a minute, seemingly to catch her breath. "Nngh..." She gulps, "I-I... I got this." And just like that, she devours your pride once again. It seems that she's a fast learner. She doesn't choke this time. You moan in delight, eyes wide at her display. You feel her tongue adjust slightly, and she starts swallowing with your dick buried deep inside her mouth. "Gglk" You spoke too soon. You feel her warm saliva start pooling at the base of your cock before a cough sends more flying out of her entrance, strands linking your shaft, balls and her lips. She groans in frustration, at least tries to groan in between the gags and choking sounds. You can't let her keep going like that, even if it feels so good. You raise your right hand, directing it towards her face, "Wai-wait, stop, you don't have to--" But before long her horn glows again, stopping your hand mid-air, she opens her eyes and frown at you once again, before withdrawing from your cock, letting her teeth scrape against your skin, "OOooO-kay! I-I j-just meant that, you can do it if you want to, I mean, It's not like I'm the boss here or a-anything, right? I-uh. Yeah, I'll shut up now, just... just don't bite my dick off, please." Happy with your response, she lets go of your hand and her frown softens, before she dives back in her previous activity. Seeing as the initial tactic wasn't working, she tries something new, settling on the first few inches of your shaft before bobbing her head slowly. After another few motions, she starts going deeper, slowly, excruciatingly so. And repeats the bobbing. She keeps at it for another minute, going back up from time to time to lick at your engorged head, making a show of it, grinning when she sees she have your full attention. You can't even stop the sounds leaving your mouth anymore. Your heart is pumping so fast you feel it could explode. Labored breaths followed by moans synched with the twitches of your member. You're not going to last long if she keeps doing that. But just now you notice her tail, lifted high and sporadically flicking left and right. As if on cue, her rump falls down on your right thigh, a leg on either sides. A moan escapes her lips when her wet fur connect with your skin. Your eyes immediately find hers. They're begging for something. Her mouth being occupied and clearly not wanting to leave your dick feeling neglected to express her demands, she grinds the lower part of her flower against you. She's drenched. You nod in understanding, and raise your knee just a bit to press back against her pliable flesh. She gasps when your skin makes contact, her legs instantly losing any strength they had left and her entire weight drops on you, forcing her engorged nub back in between her lips. Her whole body shakes for a second, then she nearly screams in pleasure, this sound pitching so high her voice cracks, vibrating around your shaft, before you feel warm liquid gush out of her opening and pour down your leg. You blink, twice. You didn't expect her to be this close, and just by... sucking your cock. She pants, your dick still inside her mouth, each and every exhales washing over your soaken balls. Seeing her closed eyes, you decide to try your luck one last time and move your hand towards her cheek. She gasps and her eyes open wide when it reaches her. You cringe for a second, preparing yourself for some kind of sanction from the mare, but sigh in relief when you feel her lean into your palm. Her tongue sliding up your shaft when she does and your dick giving her a hearty throb in reply. She happily hums and bobs down your shaft, but does her best to keep your hand right where it is. And you're more than happy for that, and more than happy to show it to her. You brush against her skin and start stroking her cheek. You don't stop there and push your hand down her jaw when her mouth comes back up your shaft. "My ears, please..." She whispers, you comply. You follow her jawline and keep going, your nails lightly scratching at her skin on the way there, sending a shiver down her spine when you find a weak spot, right between the end of her jaw and her ear. She moans and leans some more into your palm, asking for more. You keep going, up, and up, lightly pinching the bottom part of her ear using your thumb and forefinger. It twitches and she hums again. She likes that. You grab hold of the entire base and stroke up. "Nnhhh." She takes your cock out of her mouth while grabbing onto it to keep it straight up using a hoof, giving your tip a long lap, moaning,"Han-Ah--" You cut her off when you give it another stroke, "Your hands feel so good." You smirk knowingly. You already knew of the effects your digits can have on ponies. You lean forward, now sitting properly, and move your second hand towards her face, joining the other in your ministrations. Her face lights up when she sees what you have in mind, leaning forward to give you an easier access, and to nuzzle your dick, squeezing your head in between her hoof and her scrunching muzzle. You start by stroking her second ear, making both twitch madly for a moment, then go down to rub that same weak spot right below them. She shivers, a low moan escaping her lips before she plops her whole weight back down onto you, your knee once again pushing against her flower. She gasps again, and then bites her lip to stop another moan from coming out. "Nhh~ You know where else would these feel really good?" You nod. You believe you can take a wild guess. She's eager and doesn't feel like hiding it, instantly raising herself up from your thigh and turning around to expose her garden to you. The contrast between her mint fur and her darker lips is enough to send another throb down your dick, and you gulp when you see her pink pearl winking at you. You don't feel like waiting either and throws your hands towards her exposed rear. "Wait!" You blink when you find your hands stopped by her magic, once more, but she releases them instantly, "Not here, on the bed." She points towards the queen-size a couple feet to your right and you nod. You stand up, your dick still throbbing and aching for more, and proceed by removing your hanging shorts and boxers, kicking them away. She stops you from taking the first step towards the bed, "No, wait!" You blink again, turning to her. "C-Could you... carry me there?" She blushes. After slobbering all over your cock and drenching your thigh with her honey, she somehow finds a way to blush when asking for uppies. Your heart skips another beat. If you were stupid, you'd fall for her right there and then. You lean forward and grab her, holding her pressed against you. You can feel her heart beating against yours, just as fast. She gives another content sigh and tightens her hug. You do the same. Maybe she's not too insane... You turn towards the bed and take the couple steps you need to get there, lean forward and place her on her side, before climbing on your knees right besides her. As usual, she doesn't wait. She spreads her legs, and pull your hand towards her honey pot using her magic. You oblige and push against her soft and sticky petals when your fingers get in range. One of her hooves join your hand, as if to prevent it from getting away. You don't even consider this an option, you don't want that hand anywhere else. And you stroke up, your fingertips sinking just an inch inside her clam. "Nnnh," Her moan brings your attention back to your dick, raising your left hand to jerk you off while you play with her. You push harder, hard enough for your palm to rub against her pulsating clit. It sends a shiver up her spine and the leg she was lifting clamps down on your hand. But you keep going, sinking a finger deeper and deeper inside of her, then adding another one when it gets as deep as possible, then a third one. She's gyrating her hips by now, pulling your hand and pushing her flower harder against your touch. "Ahnnn, more..." You nod and pull your fingers out of her, even tho she's doing her best to keep them in using her hoof and hips. Then pushes them back in, adding the fourth one. Her body trembles throughout your fingers' entire journey, all the way to your knuckles. A convulsion later, you can feel her nub coming out of its hiding place once again, and you press your thumb against it. She gasps, her eyes open wide, and you feel another gush of juices starts covering your hand, "Mmmmpphhhh," Her second hoof tries to stifle her moan with no success. Her whole body quivers, you can feel her insides clench against your digits, again and again and her nub throbbing in sync with her wheezing. "Ahhhhh... Mhh," She pants, her second hoof now placed against her forehead, collecting her sweat. She looks exhausted. You groan too. This is just too hot, you don't need much more than your hand, you're getting really close. "Ahhh," She takes a long breath, "M-more...!" You blink when you feel her start her earlier motions again, pushing your hands up and down her slit and rolling her hips to ease your access. You're surprised she's still going, but you roll with it. "I said more!" Her horn glows again and she brings your left hand to her chest. You groan, your dick throbbing to join your voice in disapproval. You were so close! She smirk, it falters for a second when she feels the need to whimper when your thumb gives another push against her nub, then it comes back to taunt you. You think about begging her but her mouth opens up before you can. "Oh come on, I'm not a monster! Look," She shifts a bit and brings her head closer to your hips, then opens her mouth, giving a playful "Anhhh~" You groan, in approval this time, and lean forward, your body now towering above her head, and drive your hips towards her face, your tip eagerly throbbing at the thought of her mouth's prior performance. You miss your target on the first thrust, going right above it, your underside brushing against her cheek. She doesn't wait for you to try again though, and decides to simply turn her head to lap at it. You stifle a moan when her tongue makes contact with your tip. Your left arm now being in the way, you move your hand up from her chest and place it on top of her head, petting her mane, smiling when you see her ears twitch eagerly. She squeezes your right hand between her thighs and arch her hips further against your touch, obviously asking for more, you try your best to satisfy her demand, but you've got other things on your mind right now, you're just too close. You draw your hips back, her mouth earnestly trying to follow it when the contact breaks, and then use your left hand to guide your shaft inside of her waiting mouth. You don't push it too deep, you don't need to. The moment your tip makes contact, she closes her lips down on you and dive forward, taking everything in. You grunt, staring like a fool at her swallowing your entire cock, "Gluk" She chokes, coughing more saliva down your shaft, then drags her lips back up to take a breather, clearing her throat and swallowing, her tongue lapping at your cock with every movements. But this proves too much, you feel yourself coming, "Shit-wait!" You groan, pushing her off your cock, she blinks and glances up in surprise, your hand find your shaft and you start pumping. She opens her mouth, starting a "Wha--", but gets interrupted by your first salvo, most of it shooting past her mouth and landing on her cheek, and she moans the moment your second squirt hit her tongue. You keep pumping up and down your shaft, or try to, you find your hand stopped by magic, you blink when you feel it thrown away from your still throbbing cock. She doesn't give nearly enough time for panic to take control of your brain, her mouth shoots forward to replace your hand. "Ahhhh! W-wai-fuckkk!" This is too much for your dick, the eagerness of her tongue, the softness of her lips, the warmth of her saliva, the vibrations of her hums and moans. You try to pull your hips away from her, to pull your sensitive tip away from her assault, but she follows them all the way. "Wait! Ah... shit!" Your hips can't go anywhere else so you have to resort on moving your entire body away from her, but all you end up doing is falling on your back, the softness of the mattress sending even more pleasurable sensations to your brain, but it doesn't prove enough to get rid of her moist prison. "Wa-wait, please wait!" You half grunt, half whimper. You try to move around some more but you don't have nearly enough strength left. So you simply give up. She keeps on slowly bobbing up and down, her tongue eagerly lapping away any fluid coming out of you, happily humming or moaning whenever she's not swallowing. You're reduced to putty, nothing coming out of your mouth resembles english anymore. You simply lay there on your back, panting, groaning, whimpering, throwing her pleading looks, while she's blissfully tending to your pole. You've stopped squirting a moment ago, but she doesn't let go, doing her best to coax every last drop out of it. You finally regain enough composure to form words, "..." But nothing comes out. You don't know what to say. You simply watch her, your whole body shivering with every few licks she gives your softening flesh. You also find out that she freed your hand from her magic, you're not sure when, you don't care. You move it back to her face, gently cupping her cheek. She backs away from your touch in surprise, but leans back in the second her golden eyes find yours. Her loving, pleased expression sends your heart fluttering anew. She lifts her mouth off your shrinking shaft, dragging her soft lips all the way up, keeping her eyes on yours the whole time, then gives your tip a gentle kiss. You can't help but smile in return, sighing contently. But then another shove from her hips grab your attention, her right hoof still pressing your hand against her heated flower. "More..." You give her an incredulous smile. "Uh... J-just let me rest for five minutes, alright?" "No." Your smile vanishes and you bink, "I want it now," You open your mouth to respond but her magic is faster, it envelops your entire crotch in a fraction of a second, a pleasant lukewarm sensation following suit. Then the temperature goes up, it goes from warm to hot, to really hot. "W-wait what the--Ah!" It doesn't hurt, but it isn't pleasant anymore. You simply stare at your shaft coming back to life, attaining full mast in a couple seconds. Magic is scary. She gives your now engorged tip a new kiss, smirking, but her magic doesn't dissipate. Its hotness leaves your shaft and now focuses on your ballsack. You stare wide eyed, mouth agape, trying to take a guess at what she's doing. It slowly pulls your balls apart, then down, then let them go back up. "Ah...?!" You moan. You're throbbing again. "What's that?!" She finally let go of your right hand, spreading her legs to push it away, then roll on her belly. You easily figure out what she's doing when she starts climbing up your body, not unlike the way she was moments ago. Your hands find her sides, instinctively helping her get there, her gaze dropping on them, smiling, revelling in the sensation. But you withdraw your right one when you realize you're staining her fur with her fluids. "Oh, sorry, uh, let me--" A light chuckle interrupts you. Her horn flashes once again and she takes hold of the culprit, lifting it towards her face. Her ass plops down on your crotch and a quick gasp leaves her mouth when her plump petals traps the length of your shaft between them and your lower belly. She grins, then guides her hips up your cock, then down, doing short back and forth travels, rapidly replacing her drying saliva with her warm honey, stifling a moan by biting her lower lip when her pearl connects with your skin. Her eyes shifts back up towards her earlier center of interest, your extended hand still magically trapped in front of her face. She takes hold of it using her front hooves and then dips her head forward, taking two of your still coated digits inside her mouth. You stifle another groan at the feeling and sight of her soft tongue wrapping and rolling around your fingers, collecting her own love juices, fondly tasting herself. You spot some of your baby batter still sitting on her left cheek, shining in the light, and she notices your staring. She pulls your fingers out of your mouth and uses them to scoop up most of it, before bringing them to her mouth, her moan resonating around your digits when it hits her tastebuds. You don't ever remember feeling your dick throb so hard before, but you're sure, no, you know she can feel it as well, her pink pearl giving it away, poking out against the top of your shaft and retreating instantly. You're not sure if it's because of her earlier spell, or simply because she's that good, but you're horny. And you want to show it to her, you drive your hips upwards, pressing her hips down with your left hand, while you easily lift her whole frame up, your hard meat pushing against her soaked slit, pulling her fleshy lips apart. Your sudden move catches her off-guard, forcing her to release your hand, her front hooves dropping to your chest to keep her balance, and you use this opening to topple her off from you, rolling her on her back while keeping your hips against hers. Her eyes open wide in surprise but her expression softens the moment she realizes what you have in mind. Your heart is beating like crazy, your cock is throbbing, you're panting, sweating, you feel hot... You groan, grabbing the end of your shirt and removing it, instantly throwing it away, somewhere, you don't care. You feel like she's been teasing you for days, even though you came not ten minutes ago. "I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk straight." You grunt, you don't even care if that sounded cheesy as hell. You grab her haunches and pull your hips back and away from her, right before pushing forth, your shaft sliding against her slit, all the way until your balls slaps against her pussy, a wet sound echoing throughout the room. She gasps when she feels the base of your shaft push against the hood of her nub, her front hooves clumsily reaching for your chest, trying to stop your advance. You do it again, pushing even farther into her. She moans, her rear hooves clamping down around you and her front ones sinking deeper into your skin. "Nnhh, I see someone's get-Ah! Getting into it!" She quips impishly, her teeth finding her lower lip to stifle another moan when you withdraw again. This is fun, and you'd love to keep going, but you just can't take it anymore. Once far enough, you grab your shaft with your right hand and rub your tip up and down her plump cunny, coating it in her love, then you push it down, aligning yourself with her opening. You peek up, asking for permission. She gives the okay by pulling on your hips with her rear hooves, humming when the first inch of your rod disappears inside her. You let out a heavy breath yourself. You feel the walls of her moist cave vibrate and then squeeze down on you with every inch you sink into her. Another one... yesss... Her front hooves roam across your chest, rubbing, groping and caressing along their journey, but stop when you finally hilt inside of her. You think of looking up and gaze at her pleasured face for a second but you can't tear your eyes away from her flower. "Ahn~" There it is again, right when she moaned. You want to see it some more, you retreat back towards her entrance, your crown being the only part still covered by her lips, and you plunge back in, faster this time. "Mhhh," Just as expected, you can see her nub poking out once more. Shit that's hot. You grunt. You want to see more. She gives a playful chuckle when she sees you staring at her flower so intently, earning your attention, "Like what you see?" She's grinning. You nod, then smile. You really like this playful part of her. You slowly pull out, her hips following your cock half of the way there. You let go of your shaft, deciding that your hand would be much more effective if placed against her mound and you ram it back in. She gasps, and you see her heart-shaped pearl peek out again. Your thumb flies against it and strokes it back in, following it all the way to its hiding place. "Nnhn!" She pushes her hips down the bedding, but your hands follow suit, the left one descending slightly to stop her escape, groping and spreading her ass cheek, your digits digging into her tender flesh, and your right thumb rubbing her hidden button ever so slightly. "W-wai-aaanhhh~" She throws her head back, her front hooves shooting down, weakly trying to push your assaulting hand away. You feel her walls tightening even more, squeezing another orgasm worth of honey out of her, most of it dripping down your shaft, then your balls and ending its course absorbed by the covers. You throb inside of her. Not yet, you need more. She slowly comes back to her senses a couple seconds later, panting, her frame rising and lowering in rhythm with her hums and sighs, tilting her head to give you a longing look. She takes hold of your left hand, the one still groping her butt, and pull it against her heaving chest. You can feel her heartbeat thumping and hammering like crazy. This lets you notice yours isn't faring any better. "More..." You could barely hear it over the drums playing in your chest. You start rocking your hips back and forth. She moans again, her nub peeks out and your thumb finds it. You don't play with it as hard as before but she can definitely feel it, her left hoof's grasp tightening against her aggressor. Her hips gyrate up and down, in sync with your own. You move your left hand from her chest and direct it towards her neck. Her whole body quakes when it makes contact. She gasps, shivers, squeezes. You thrust. She gasps. Your heart gives a loud thud. She's so soft, so hot, so wet, everywhere, everything about her, not just her insides. You thrust. She hums. You throb. She takes hold of your left hand and moves it up from her neck to her cheek, leaning into it, kissing your palm. You thrust. She moans. You grunt. She keeps giving your palm quick pecks all the way up your thumb, then takes it in her mouth, her teeth keeping it in place and her tongue instantly meeting it. You stare. At her, her soft lips wrapping your digit, her satisfied expression, her huge golden eyes begging you for more. You thrust. She releases your thumb, her mouth opening, but only air comes out. You can see all her muscles contracting, her back arching upwards and hips pushing down, trying to somehow force more of you inside of her. Another surge of syrup covers your groin. You slow down, just enough to keep you going but not hard enough to overstimulate her through her climax. Even though some part of you believe she deserves it for what she did... Her whole body quivers whenever you reach deep inside, her rear hooves straightening and curling in pleasure around your haunches. She breathes heavily for a moment, then glares at you. Angrily? Did you mess up-- "Kiss me." It wasn't a question. But she doesn't leave you time to reply, her magic shoves you forward. You barely have the time to move your hands out of the way, her hooves shoot forward to capture your noggin, then her face follows suit. A blink later, her lips are on yours. Your eyes open wide in surprise. She presses harder into you, tilting her head to the side to ease her access and her hooves pulling you in. This is nothing like the kiss from before. Your lips part the moment you feel her tongue press against them, your drumming heart forcing a sigh out of you. You wrap your arms around her, and let gravity bring you both down. But you don't stop moving your hips, you're just too close, you need this. So you awkwardly rock your hips back and forth. You feel her aggressive tongue lose its vigor every time you hilt, generally followed by a moan she happily shares with your mouth. You try to back away from her lips to reveal how close you are, but it's no use between her hooves roaming the back of your head and her lips pursuing yours wherever you try to go. Your right hand leaves her shoulder and reaches for her ear. It twitches, trying to evade it before you could even touch it, but there's no places for it to go, and you give it a stroke. Her lips finally leave yours, her head craning back towards your attack on her sensitive extremity. "Ah... I'm close." Her walls tightens around your shaft when you blurt it out. "Yess." She hiss, before it turns in another gasp when you reach her deepest part. "In! Ahhh," She tries to kiss you but her aim is off, ending up on the corner of your lips. "Inside! Give it to me, everythinnngggh~" Her whine ends up muffled by your lips. And you give her everything. You grunt and she gasps with each and every spurts coming out of your throbbing member, lodged deep inside of her. And you keep coming, and coming. You stop counting after the sixth salvo, your pleasure addled mind completely overpowered by all these sensations. You can't believe you're still coming. But then you realize it must be her magic's doing. "Ahnnnn~" She's climaxing, again. Just from that. Just from feeling you come deep inside of her. Just from feeling your cum paint her inner walls. "Ahhhh... fuck..." You grumble, finally feeling your orgasm coming to an end. You pull out of her, her walls still clenching around your oversensitive tip. You lean back up, her hooves too weak to keep you down and place your own hands on her rump, to admire the fruit of your efforts. Her nub winks with every inch of you leaving her, replacing your hard meat with a gaping hollowness. Then your tip finally leaves her lips, parting ever so slightly above her opening, letting some of your seed drip and ooze down her ponut, pooling around her dock. You gulp, looking up to meet her eyes. Her chest is still heaving, exhausted from your performance, arching her back and slowly stretching her hooves to get rid of any tiredness, her mouth humming and sighing in blissful satisfaction. "Mmmmhh..." She bites her lip, her right hoof gliding down her form and ending up on her lower belly, "I feel so full..." rubbing it up and down. Your heart skips a beat. You didn't even knew her name a couple hours ago. And now... What happened? She grabs your right hand and places it under her hoof still caressing her soft flesh. "Can you feel that? Can you feel how much you came inside of me?" You do. You nod. "That means you're mine." Oh, right, she's crazy... You try and think of something to say, opening your mouth, leaving it open. You can't make up your mind on what to say, or do. So your heart does it in its stead. You sigh and nod. Maybe in defeat. Maybe because you don't mind. Maybe because you want more. If what happened just now is what she wants from you, if that's what it means to be hers... then... She's happy with your response, if her beaming smile means anything. And you're happy with hers. Then she pulls you in once more. You fall down against her, your weight slightly sinking her inside the soft bedding. "Warn me when you do that." You groan to show your annoyance. "No." She giggles, then pushes you to the side, her four hooves helping her follow your rolling frame. You end up on your back, her chest laying on top of yours. She's grinning. She won. She's got you exactly where she wants you to be. The proximity makes you realize how fast her heart is beating, and yours. You could get used to that. You grab her head with both hands and leans forward, giving her a kiss. She leans into it a second later, sighing again. Then breaks out, to your surprise and dissatisfaction. "More." You blink. Twice. Your eyes opening wide when you realize that she's not joking. "Wh-what?! No, wait!" She doesn't, her horn glows and you feel your crotch bathing in her magic, once more. You've been at it for hours. You don't even know how long, the sun is already setting. Maybe... nine times, if you take the three blowjobs into account. You could kind of keep up with her at first, but you've been laying on your back moaning and groaning for the major part. You can't even feel your arms or legs anymore, she's just riding you with reckless abandon, sometimes using her magic to place your hands on her body to simulate your caress. "Mmmmmhhh~" Another gush of fluids. Hers. Those you couldn't count, you're not sure where she's even stocking up that much in the first place. The whole mattress and her covers are soaked by the various fluids that came from you both. Your throat is dry. You're sure you've lost at least ten pounds since you got here. "D-drink..." You mutter weakly, seeing as she's still high from her orgasm, shaking and quivering on top of your pole. "Nnmmh," She moans. "A drink." You repeat your plea, and she hears it this time. Her horn glows and you turn your head when you see a water bottle making its way to the bed. "Hehe... sorry, I kind of, mh~" Her hips shifts around, her insides giving you another squeeze, "Kind of forgot about that..." She throws you an apologetic smile. You raise a hand to the bottle when it gets close enough but she lifts it out of range. You frown. "C-come on, don--" "Shhh, just let me..." She brings it to her lips and starts chugging it down, a trickle of it dribbling out of her mouth and down her jaw. You're so thirsty you'd lick it up. If you were able to move. You simply watch her, licking your lips when you hear the distinct gulps coming from her. Then she glances down, wearing that same amused expression, this playful grin. You groan. "Please...?" You beg. You're not scared, you know she wouldn't leave you like that, but still... She stops, lowering it from her lips. "Aww~ Does my big human wants to drink?" You nod. You think of begging once more, but she brings the recipient back to her lips, taking some more. She stops once again, seeming satisfied, and then leans down, bringing her lips to yours. Her tongue pushes your dry lips open and you feel the cold refreshing liquid hit your tongue, slowly flowing into your mouth, slowly enough for you not to choke. The butterflies throws another tantrum inside your chest when the situation hits you, and you whimper when her lips part from yours. She smiles, feeling your heart hammering right below her hoof, "You liked that?" She quips, that impish expression coming back to taunt you. You lick your lips. You're not even sure if your tongue is searching for more water or for her touch. "M-more..." You beg. She grins.