> Right There in Front of Me > by CommissarAJ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Winning Her Heart pt.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mom, I’m home!” When Indigo Zap was greeted, upon entering her home, to a tranquil household and a hollow silence, she couldn’t help but feel a small tinge of disappointment. Sure, it wasn’t the first time that she’s found herself home alone without even so much as a text message warning her ahead of time, but she had been hopeful that today would’ve been different. The Friendship Games only came along every four years, and even though things didn’t go quite as she had anticipated, she was nonetheless proud of what she and her school had accomplished. It still left the question of how she was going to explain one of her classmates turning into a magic-crazed demon who tore open rifts in the very fabric of space because she and the rest of the team pressured said classmate into unleashing a dangerous and unknown power. Maybe she could get away with glossing over those particular details. Indigo saw no reason to let something like an empty house stop her from enjoying her big day. “Oh, I’m fine! Thanks for asking.” Indigo kicked off her shoes, sending them sailing across the front hallway and landing square on a rubber mat next to the closet. “Boo-yah! Two points!” She then took a step back and lined up her other shoe. “And now she goes for the three-pointer!” With another flick of her knee, the other shoe was sent into a high, tumbling arc, and then landed perfectly sole-down next to its kin. “And boom goes the dynamite!” Indigo cheered, throwing her arms into the air in celebration. With a trifling laugh, she then tossed her bag to the side, and continued on her way. “So the Friendship Games went great,” she resumed her conversation with the empty house. “We won. Again, as to be expected. Man, you should’ve seen me during the motocross event! There were these giant plants that just came outta nowhere and—” “Who exactly are you talking to?” a familiar voice suddenly interjected just as Indigo stepped into the living room. Startled by the unexpected response, Indigo’s heart almost jumped out of her chest, but she managed to restrain herself to a mere shriek. “Oh sweet horse-Christ!” Her reaction only prompted laughter from the young woman, though just a few years senior to Indigo, who sat in the nearby recliner on the opposite side of the living room. “You that lonely these days you gotta talk to yourself now?” she teased. “Oh, eat a dick, Lightning Dust,” Indigo shot back, albeit with no malice in her tone. For her part, Lightning Dust just grinned playfully to the other girl before hopping to her feet. “Just get over here and give your sis a hug already.” Indigo promptly raced over, vaulting over a flower-patterned couch in the process, and threw her arms around her turquoise-tinted sibling. “Why didn’t you tell us you were going to be back from college today?” Indigo asked as they shared in a laughter-filled embrace. “Didn’t want to steal from your big day,” Lightning replied. She pulled away from the hug and gave her little sister a playful punch on the shoulder. “I’d never hear the end of it from you, especially considering how much you went on about the Friendship Games. Maybe now you’ll finally shut up for a minute.” Indigo answered the mock-punch by shoving her sister, though to little avail other than spurring another chorus of snickering. “Like hell you wouldn’t steal my thunder. You’re the one who stuck a key in an electrical socket just so mom and dad would miss recording my first steps,” she responded. “And I see you’re still copying my hair style,” Lightning said as she flicked a loose lock on her sister’s head. “Only because I wear it better,” Indigo scoffed. When her sister turned and headed towards the kitchen, she used the opportunity to tidy up her tresses without drawing further attention. Once she was done, she hurried along to catch up to her sister, who was already in the kitchen and rummaging through the fridge. “So how’d your finals go?” she inquired. “Easy-peasy,” her sister replied. “But then again, this is me we’re talking about.” From the chilled depths, Lightning Dust pulled out a couple of cans of soda and passed one over to her sister. “Pizza’s in the oven—why don’t you tell me how your Friendship Games went.” “Ooo, what kind?” “Ham and pineapple,” Dust answered while hip-checking the fridge door closed. Indigo just frowned and grimaced. “You know I hate pineapples.” “Never said I was making the pizza for you.” If one could glare actual daggers, Indigo unleashed a volley of them, yet her sister remained unfazed by the scorn. It was only after a few seconds of this that the elder sibling finally cracked a joker-like grin. “I’m just kidding. Yeesh! You take your pizza way too seriously.” Choosing to let the insult slide, Indigo popped open her beverage and helped herself to a chair while she waited. It had been a long time since she’d been able to have a private moment with her sister. Between her schooling at Crystal Prep, her sister’s college courses, and their overworked mother trying to find time for her children whenever possible, there was just less and less time for the two of them. Even with Lightning Dust back for the summer, it was only a matter of time before she was whisked away to a summer intern program or a flight camp. If there was one thing the family did well, it was keeping themselves busy. “So Indy, did you stomp all over those Canterlot High noobies?” Lightning asked while she peeked into the oven to check on the pizza. “I still remember the looks on their faces when I crushed them during my Friendship Games.” With the wafting fragrance of melted cheese and hot pepperoni, carrying with it promises of a greasy but succulent delight, Indigo Zap eased into a relaxed state of mind. Everything was perfect: she had her victory, her sister, and soon she would have pizza. Could life get any better than this, she wondered. “It actually wasn’t quite the stomp-fest this time,” Indigo answered. “Canterlot High actually managed to put together a good team for a change. They had this one girl who made one hell of a cake during the academic decathlon.” “At least you still won in the end; doesn’t matter if it’s by an inch or a mile.” “Actually,” Indigo reluctantly said whilst tapping the sides of her soda can, “we both kinda won.” It was fortuitous timing that Indigo Zap timed her answer for when her sister turned away from the pizza, as the resultant spit take only sprayed across the countertop. “You both won?” she exclaimed in disbelief. “What the hell kind of hippy bullshit is that?” “Well we won the first event, and then they won the second event, and then the third event was… um, undecided.” “So it was more of a draw then?” Lightning questioned. She muttered some choice profanities under her breath as she focused on carving up the pizza. “Back in my day, we kept playing until only one side was the winner.” “There were some, uh… extenuating circumstances during the third event,” Indigo explained. It was about as best as she could do without having to go into too much detail, as even her sister seemed unlikely to believe tales about magic demons and portals to other dimensions. “And a draw is when nobody wins, and Crystal Prep clearly won.” “Did Canterlot High lose?” Lightning rebuked, waving a cheese-covered knife in her sister’s direction. “Um, no.” “Then you didn’t win. It’s a competition, sis: for there to be a winner, there has to be a loser.” “Sounds like something Principal Cinch would say,” an indignant Indigo grumbled under her breath, speaking mostly into the opening of her soda. Lightning Dust voiced her disgust with just a puff of air and then went back to slicing up the pizza. “Tell me that you at least won in the events that you were involved with.” “I’ll have you know, I made a bitchin’ birdhouse with Sugarcoat during the academic decathlon.” “Was that the deciding point for that event?” “Oh, uh, n-no,” Indigo replied with some apprehension. “I kinda got eliminated during the spelling bee portion. Twilight Sparkle was the only one who got through the whole event and got us the go-ahead point to win it.” She had to pretend to be more interested in her drink just to avoid seeing her sister’s look of barely restrained disappointment. A part of her began to wonder if her mother would’ve had the same expression if she were present to hear about this. The outcome of the games sounded a lot better in her head, but now that lustre was beginning to erode. Maybe it was never there to begin with. “Did you at least get to keep the birdhouse?” “I, uh, let Sugarcoat take it home. She said she wanted to hang it in her backyard.” “What about the second event? That’s usually more focused on athletics, right? That’s where you’ve always excelled,” Lightning Dust asked, continuing with what felt more like an interrogation at this point. If she hadn’t liked hearing about the academic decathlon, then Indigo knew the second event was going to be received as charitably as a dog dropping a steaming pile on the carpet. “We… uh, we lost the second event.” Lightning Dust didn’t say anything at first, which stung even worse than if she had. The only thing breaking the uncomfortable silence was the subtle crunching of a crispy pizza crust being cut into a dozen slices. Indigo just let her gaze sink to the bottom of her beverage as her mind raced through all the possible reactions that might come. It wasn’t until a plate ladened with slices of fresh pizza was set down in front of her did the high schooler lift her gaze back up. “You’re the best athlete in the whole damn district, Indy; what the hell happened?” “It wasn’t my fault!” Indigo said in a desperate attempt to shore up a last minute defense. “If Twilight Sparkle hadn’t screwed up—” “Hey!” Lightning shouted, slamming her fist into the table. “Don’t you dare try to pawn this off on somebody else!” “But I—” “Were you ever put at an unfair disadvantage to your competitor?” “No… no, I wasn’t,” Indigo sighed in resignation. As she thought back to the event, she realized that she could scream and whine about Twilight Sparkle all she wanted, but it didn’t change the fact that she and Sugarcoat started the motocross race at the exact same time as their opponents. There may have been a giant, rampaging plant monster, but it attacked everybody on the course. Hell, if it hadn’t been for Rainbow Dash’s intervention, it was unlikely anybody would’ve been able to finish the race, let alone for there to be a winner or a loser. “Listen, Indy, I’m just trying to look out for you,” Lightning insisted through a mouthful of cheese. “If you start blaming other people when you lose, all you wind up doing is blinding yourself to your own fuck-ups. Remember what Dad always said?” “You can’t own your success if you don’t own your failures,” Indigo droned in response. All of a sudden, she lost her interest in pizza. In fact, she didn’t feel much like celebrating anymore either. And the downward spiral wasn’t missed by the older sister either, who leaned across the table and placed a hand upon Indigo’s shoulder. “Come on, kiddo, I ain’t trying to ruin your day,” a sympathetic Lightning said. “I just don’t want you to lose sight of the big picture or get complacent. You can’t improve if you refuse to learn from your mistakes. After all, they only put the best people on space shuttles, and you want to be the first person to Mars, right?” Indigo suppressed a brief chortle, recalling the old childhood fantasy that she used to go on about all the time. “Yeah, yeah I still do,” she replied. “God, I hadn’t thought about that in years.” “Good thing I’m here to give you a kick in the pants every so often.” Lightning gave her another firm smack on the shoulder before helping herself to one of Indigo’s slices of pizza. “But that’s what big sisters are for, so no need to thank me.” ************ “Hey! Indigo!” A pair of blue fingers snapping in front of her face stirred Indigo from her trance. A wide-eyed look of confusion flickered across her features as her eyes darted around in an attempt to regain her bearings. “Oh, sorry ‘bout that Sugarcoat. I was… thinking about things,” Indigo apologized once she realized she had been sitting at her desk like a drugged-out hippy. It was the start of a new school day, and judging by the clock there was only a few minutes before the final bell sounded and officially began class. All around her, students were already shuffling in and finding their respective desks. There was a faint chatter in the air with numerous mentionings of Canterlot High and strange happenings to go along with the fragrance of cheap body sprays and kids trying desperately to hide the scent of cigarette smoke on their blazers. At least there was some comfort to be found in the familiar routine of life at Crystal Prep Academy, even if recent events had left Indigo Zap second guessing herself. “This still isn’t about the Friendship Games, is it?” Sugarcoat asked, leaning against Indigo’s desk with her usual stoic but faintly disapproving gaze. “So what if it is? It’s not everyday you realize that you let your urge to win turn you into an asshole,” Indigo shot back. “Twilight could’ve torn the whole fuckin’ world apart just because I didn’t want to lose a game.” “Then stop being an asshole.” “You make it sound so simple,” Zap rolled her eyes. “It is simple; you’re just overthinking it.” “You were an asshole too, ya know, and you don’t seem to have changed.” “I’m just precocious. It’s part of my charm.” Sugarcoat then shot her friend a sly little smirk, and the two shared in a quiet chuckle. As more students filled the classroom, the spectacled scholar took a seat at her own desk, which just so happened to sit next to Indigo’s, thus maintaining the ease of conversation. “So does this epiphany mean that you’re going to say good-bye to your old hypercompetitive ways and swear into a new life of compassion and humility?” “I dunno, maybe.” With an uncertain shrug, Indigo rested her chin upon her hands, slumping forward over her desk as she pondered what the future held for her. “I mean, those kids at Canterlot High looked like they knew how to have a good time and they didn’t fret over winning and shit. Maybe my life would be better if I didn’t obsess over every competition; maybe Crystal Prep has made me a worse person.” “Or you’ve always been a horrible person and the school has nothing to do with it.” “Thanks, Sugarcoat, as always you are a breath of fresh air in this fetid pool called life,” Indigo remarked with enough sarcasm to drown a small child. Before Sugarcoat could respond, no doubt with more blunt force honesty, the morning bell rang and the PA speaker crackled to life with Dean Cadance’s eternally benevolent voice. At least somebody in the school was in a good mood despite it being Monday morning. Since it was the first day back since the Friendship Games, there was a long speech from the Dean congratulating everybody who participated. The students gave it about as much attention as they do to the dentist when told to floss regularly. The end of the morning announcements, however, brought about news that caught everyone’s attention. “Just a reminder that tickets for the Grand Crystal Gala go on sale today. And as is tradition, the rankings for the prestigious Crystal Heart Award will be posted in the main foyer until the night of the gala, which is just a few weeks away.” Thus did Indigo Zap’s eyes and mouth widen with renewed vigor and excitement, while her friend looked on with dismay and sighed quietly to herself. “Well that epiphany lasted all of five minutes.” “The Crystal Heart Award!” Indigo whispered, albeit with barely restrained excitement. “I almost completely forgot all about that. With Twilight Sparkle gone, I have a good chance at winning that!” “I guess that’s statistically true now,” Sugarcoat quipped. “Aren’t you worried about getting a bit over-competitive again?” “My problem at the Games was that I let the goal of winning become an end unto itself,” Indigo scoffed at her friend’s concern. “If I can’t be the champion of the Friendship Games, then at least I can win the award for the best student at school.” She turned to her friend, a fiery passion now burning in her eyes. The Crystal Heart award represented her last, best shot at cementing her name and legacy at school. She wasn’t going to let her year end with the failures of the Friendship Games hanging over her head. “And I’ll do things proper: with brain and muscle. This time no pretty little redhead is going to beat me at the last second!” It wasn’t until the end of Indigo’s declaration that she noticed her friend wasn’t paying attention to her, and not just because Sugarcoat liked to do that just to see how long it would take people to realize she stopped listening. No, her friend’s attention was fixated on something else, something that left even the normally unflappable precocious pixie stunned. “Do you mean that pretty little redhead?” Sugarcoat asked, pointing to the front of the classroom. At first, Indigo didn’t understand what her friend meant, but then she looked to the teenager that now stood alongside their teacher. It was her: the redhead from Canterlot High. The one that managed to stop Twilight Sparkle from tearing the world apart. “What the hell is she doing here?” Indigo mumbled under her breath. Despite her disbelief, she couldn’t forget the face of the one who managed to beat her in the motocross race. Though the girl up front didn’t look quite like how Indigo remembered. Instead of a warm, welcoming smile, the girl held a neutral, almost surly expression, as if just being in the room was somehow wasting her time. Her hair was a lot shorter too, and drawn back into a hastily-made ponytail. Indigo looked to her classmates to see if any of them shared in her confusion, but unsurprisingly not even half of them could be bothered to look up, let alone muster the effort for a visible reaction. The only person whose expression aped her own was Sugarcoat, though ‘surprised’ for her meant just a slightly elevated eyebrow. “If I could have your attention class,” spoke their portly and balding teacher, “I’d like to introduce to you the new student, Sunset Shimmer, who will be joining us. I know it’s unusual for a someone to transfer in so late in the year, but nonetheless I hope you’ll all help to make her feel welcomed.” Normally such optimism might brighten a new student’s mood, and there was no doubting by the fresh, finely-pressed uniform she wore that she was as green as the front lawn, but the girl remained as unamused as before. “If you’d like, Miss Shimmer, you can say a few words to your new classmates.” Sunset looked to the rows of students before her, most of whom still appeared to be more interested in the latest trends on social media than her presence, and then back to her teacher. “Do I have to?” she protested, sounding almost disgusted by the notion. “If you prefer, you can have a seat,” the teacher gestured towards a few of the empty desks. Looking more relieved than anything, Sunset Shimmer made her way down the aisle and, as fate would have it, chose the empty desk just in front of Indigo Zap. Before she sat down, however, she noticed that the wide-eyed student still staring at her. “Can I help you?” an increasingly annoyed-looking Sunset asked. “Do you not remember me?” Indigo asked. Sunset didn’t even bat an eyelash before answering with a flat, “No.” She then gave Indigo a scrutinizing scan from top to bottom, followed by a malicious smirk. “Pretty sure I’d remember goggles that dorky.” The sudden barb caught Indigo off-guard, cutting like a knife slipping in between the ribs and leaving her just as breathless. That did not sound like the teenager who espoused the virtues of friendship to a deranged Twilight Sparkle. The verbal strike was swift, precise, and completely unwarranted, as if Sunset Shimmer wanted nothing more than to establish some sense of dominance over her. So that’s what it felt like to be on the receiving end… Before Indigo Zap could muster any form of defense, the verbal assassin had already taken her seat, and the teacher beckoned for everyone’s attention. Retribution would have to wait. “Now, if you’ll put your notebooks away and take out a pencil and calculator, I’d like to begin with a quick pop quiz,” the teacher announced, accompanied by a zombie-like groan from the class. “As always, the top scorer gets a voucher for a free dessert from the cafeteria.” Zap was probably the only person looking forward to this quiz, especially now that Twilight Sparkle had transferred to a new school. This was her chance, not only to make headway into the rankings for the Crystal Heart Award, but a free dessert too! As the teacher made his way up the aisles, dropping off the quiz to each student, he paused momentarily upon reaching Sunset Shimmer. “Since this is your first day, you don’t have to take the quiz if you don’t want to,” he said in a small token of mercy. “Just give it,” Sunset replied with an apathetic shrug. “May as well do something while I’m stuck here.” Not wanting to stand between a student and their goal, especially at a school as notorious for competition as Crystal Prep, the teacher handed his newest pupil a copy of the quiz and continued on his way. After a few more minutes, the room was blanketed in silence, save for the tapping of calculator keys and scribbling pencils. For her part, Indigo Zap was a whirlwind of activity, her pencil flying across the page as she worked her way through one question after the other. She was on a roll; she was on fire! Nothing could stop her now! And that was when Sunset Shimmer raised her hand. “Yo, teach, what do I do when I’m done?” “Just leave it on my desk, and you can wait quietly for the rest of the class to finish.” “What? She’s already done?” Indigo silently screamed. “You gotta be fucking kidding me! I’ve still got, like, a third of the quiz to go.” But Indigo knew she couldn’t let this distract her; when faced with competition, she had to work harder. That was the real purpose of competition: to push yourself beyond what you thought were your limits. It was survival of the fittest in action, and if she wanted any chance of getting her name engraved on the Crystal Heart trophy, which would sit in the front halls of the school for long after she had graduated, then she needed to step up and answer this challenge, and not waste time fretting over the competition. Unlike Sunset Shimmer, she opted to use every minute available to triple-check all of her answers. She didn’t need to fuel her ego by being the first, even if it didn’t look like the redhead in front of her had even the slightest interest in anything other than her smartphone. In fact, even after Indigo had passed in her completed quiz and the class returned to its lesson plan, Sunset spent the entire class staring ahead and looking as bored as someone being forced to sit through their grandparent’s vacation slides. It was like she didn’t even care about being here, which just irked Indigo Zap even further. Sure, school was about as popular as a venereal disease, but this was Crystal Prep Academy. Everybody knew of the school’s reputation, and one didn’t get accepted into its ranks without considerable effort. Indigo remembered how she had to work all through the night in preparation for her application tests. She still had nightmares about that day, except it typically involved her arriving at school in her underwear and Principal Cinch being replaced by an oversized piñata. To scorn Crystal Prep with such utter indifference felt like an insult to every ounce of blood, sweat, and tears she’d poured into her work here. However, as the first period came to a close, Indigo Zap pushed those annoyances aside. As was customary, their teacher had already graded the quizzes and began handing back the results. When her quiz was returned, it was hard for Indigo not to grin ear-to-ear. “Yes! Ninety-six percent! Got one of them wrong, but I’d like to see anybody top that.” She felt confident in her victory; confident enough that she could practically taste that hot fudge sundae already. She could see her teacher walking up the aisle towards her, dessert voucher in hand. Sugarcoat was the only other member of the Shadowbolt team in the class, which made her the most likely threat, but she sat to Indigo’s right while the teacher came up the aisle on the left. But then he stopped in front of Sunset Shimmer. “I believe congratulations are in order,” he said as he set the voucher down before a still uninterested Shimmer. “A perfect score on your first day—I’m quite impressed.” Sunset looked down at the slip of paper in front of her and then back up to the teacher as though he were a waiter who had just brought the wrong order. “What is this?” “It’s your voucher prize.” “A voucher for…?” “A free dessert from the cafeteria.” “Oh. Neat,” Sunset replied in a monotone that rivaled public talk radio. ************ “Why is Indigo glaring at that other girl?” Lemon Zest asked as she hovered behind her aforementioned friend. It was lunchtime at Crystal Prep and the five friends had gathered in the cafeteria; however, while Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet were content to dine and chat like every other student, Indigo had spent more time glaring poison-tipped daggers at the school’s newest student. The redheaded young student sat alone at a table off in the corner of the cafeteria, eating her prize dessert while reading a book, seemingly uninterested in anything happening around her. In such a crowded hall where virtually every table was filled to the brim with bustling, chatting students, it was hard to believe that not a single cabal in all of Crystal Prep had taken her into their ranks. Even Twilight Sparkle would have made headway. “Just look at her: sitting there on her own, eating that hot fudge sundae. My hot fudge sundae!” Indigo growled, her hands clenching tightly around her soda can. “Thinks she’s so special just because she got a perfect score on a quiz she didn’t study for.” “Is this really all just over a sundae?” Zest asked, no closer to understanding the situation than she had been a minute ago. Sugarcoat, who sat next to Indigo, tried to offer a bit more context. “She also made fun of Indigo’s goggles.” Indigo sneered, her drink can beginning to buckle within her grasp. “Nobody calls my goggles dorky.” “What’s so special about those? They’re just—” Before Lemon Zest could finish her question, she was given a firm but polite elbow from Sugarcoat to silence her before she joined the ranks of Indigo’s ‘people I hate today’ club. “Her father gave them to her,” Sugarcoat explained. One could see the light bulb of understanding flicker on behind Zest’s eyes. She offered an apologetic smile as compensation, not that Indigo was paying any attention to anyone other than her current subject of scorn. “So is that really the same girl from Canterlot High?” Lemon asked, shifting the conversation to the other question on her mind. “I remember her being a lot friendlier-looking. This one seems all scowly and brooding.” “Probably because she’s trying to put on an air of mystique by coming off as all distant and aloof, like she’s some kind of rare treasure just above your station,” Sunny Flare offered up as her analysis. “It’s a classic ploy to come off as deep and meaningful, when really you’re about as shallow as a puddle.” “You’re just jealous she pulls it off better than you,” Sour Sweet replied. Sunny just huffed and rolled her eyes. “As if. She’s got the look of a schemer about her; I don’t like it one bit.” “Maybe she’s just in a bad mood,” Lemon Zest suggested. “If that is the same girl, then she’s probably not in a great mood for having been forced into a new school and leaving all of her friends behind.” It was an insight that none of the other girls had considered, least of all Indigo Zap. Maybe she had been looking at this the wrong way; maybe Sunset Shimmer’s behavior could all be explained as just the typical moodiness of a teenager being shoved into a new locale with little build-up or preparation. The redhead she had met at Canterlot High made no indication she was about to change schools, so she was probably just as surprised to be here as Indigo had been upon first seeing her. Soon all of Indigo’s anger had been replaced with a pervasive guilt. “I hadn’t thought of it like that.” “Obviously not, otherwise you wouldn’t be acting like an ass again.” “Yes, thank you, Sugarcoat,” Zap sighed to herself. Not wanting to go down the path she had before, she rose from the table. “I’ll try talking to her—show her a little Crystal Prep hospitality.” “You mean condescending detachment and ceaseless criticism?” Sugarcoat asked. “I mean the new Crystal Prep hospitality.” With that, Indigo set off to make another attempt at a first impression with their newest classmate. Seeing as Sunset didn’t appear to recognize her in any form, she figured it would be best to just start off fresh as though they had never met. It did run into a minor hitch at first, however, as Sunset Shimmer’s ‘shallow aloofness’ meant that she didn’t even pay any attention to Indigo even when she stood right beside her at the cafeteria table. “She’s not ignoring you, she’s just preoccupied. Probably lonely from missing all her friends,” Indigo reassured herself. She then audibly cleared her throat, which finally did the job of getting Sunset Shimmer to peel her gaze away from her book. “Hey there,” she greeted with the warmest smile she could muster. “Oh, it’s you again—the one with dorky goggles,” Sunset replied with an odd inflection at the very end, as though amused by something just outside of Zap’s awareness. Though the slight against her goggles made her twitchy, Indigo had to fight down the impulse to retaliate. “Y-yeah, that’s me. My name is Indigo Zap, by the way. I just wanted to say hi and welcome you to the school.” “Okay then. You may consider me sufficiently welcomed. You can leave now.” Sunset made a trifling wave gesture with her spoon before taking another mouthful from her sundae. “There’s no reason to be so rude,” Indigo replied. She tried to remain polite and friendly, but it was hard not to start scowling a bit after her attempt at diplomacy was so coldly rebuked. “Listen, I know you’re trying to look cool with the whole ‘I don’t need anybody’ vibe you got going here, but you’re not fooling anybody. Maybe you haven’t heard, but this school can get pretty cut-throat and if you don’t start making some allies, at the very least, you’re going to find yourself at the center of a feeding frenzy.” Now it was Sunset’s turn to frown, though not for the reasons that Indigo had hoped for. Once again, the newcomer had the look of weary annoyance, like a tutor having to answer the same question for the hundredth time. After carefully setting her book aside, she rose from her seat such that she was face-to-face with Indigo. There was a bitter hardness behind those blue-green eyes of hers, something that Indigo didn’t recall noticing during the Friendship Games. “Listen, I don’t give a rat’s ass what you or any of your vapid, empty-headed, shitstain friends think of me,” Sunset shot back. “I don’t need your distraction and I most certainly don’t need your pity offering.” “This isn’t pity,” Indigo growled back. “Sure; the school’s loudest and most notorious blowhard is just being nice because it’s the right thing to do,” Sunset ridiculed her in an overblown, mocking tone. She then reached out and hooked a finger underneath the nose bridge of Indigo’s goggles. “I’m sure that would explain why you’ve been glaring at me since I sat down.” With a malicious smile, she pulled the goggles back and promptly released, snapping them into Indigo’s face with a loud ‘crack,’ and leaving the teen staggering and cursing inward. “Would you just leave my fucking goggles alone already?” a belligerent Indigo sneered. “But where would the fun be in that?” Sunset mused with a quiet, spiteful chuckle. “The fuck is your problem?” “You’re the one getting all bent out of shape, so if anybody here has a problem, it’s probably you.” By that point, Indigo was about two steps away from resorting to violent diplomacy to solve this issue, and her simmering rage did not go unnoticed by her keen-eyed adversary. Sunset Shimmer smiled again, but not in the kind and reassuring manner, but rather the sort of grin that made other people worry about what thoughts and machinations were lingering behind it. “Tell you what,” Sunset began, “since you seem to have gotten so worked up since I beat you in that silly little quiz, I’ll share my dessert with you as a token of friendship.” But before the offer of a half-eaten sundae could be turned down, Sunset Shimmer grabbed the bowl and planted it upside-down atop of Indigo’s head, splattering her hair and goggles in a layer of chocolate sauce and melted vanilla. While she stood there, stunned and aghast at such a brazen display, her assailant continued with her deadly and deceptive cheerfulness. “Doesn’t sharing with friends just fill you with wondrous joy?” Sunset teased. “We should do this more often.” She gave her new ‘friend’ a pat on the cheek, and then wiped away a trail of fudge and vanilla that had been making its way down the side of Indigo’s face. “See ya around, Goggles.” She bid farewell with a playful wink before licking her finger clean. Once Sunset had departed, Indigo’s friends carefully treaded over to check on her, who still had dribbles of chocolate sauce trickling down her twitching, wide-eyed expression. “I take back what I said earlier,” Sunny Flare remarked. “I like her style.” “She definitely fits in with the old Crystal Prep hospitality. At least you got some of your ice cream now,” Sugarcoat said as she offered her sympathies. “You could bring this up with Dean Cadance,” Sour Sweet suggested. “I can handle this on my own,” Indigo answered, finally snapping out of her awestruck state. She frowned, hardening her expression into one of defiance and determination. “Ain’t no way I’m running to the Dean like some simpering little pup with its tail between its legs.” “So then what do you intend to do about this?” Sugarcoat asked. Since swift, brutal revenge wasn’t befitting of someone who’s trying to avoid falling back into old habits, Indigo knew she needed to take the moral high ground as well as get some answers. Fortunately, she had a plan for the latter. “I’ll tell you what I intend to do,” Indigo said as she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. “I’m texting Twilight Sparkle and I’m going to see about getting some goddamn answers.” ************ Since Indigo Zap didn’t want to take any chances with people dodging her calls, ignoring her texts, or otherwise withholding the answers that she now so desperately wanted, she chose to arrange for a meeting with Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer, and refrained from giving the exact reason as to why. That way she could confront them with the information and evidence, and gauge their reaction. Sometimes what a person didn’t say could be just as important as what they did. She would’ve brought along some of her friends, but apparently they had their own business to take care of after school. It was a shame, really, as the early summer weather was best enjoyed in the company of others. The warm breeze coming from the south would’ve felt invigorating through her hair were it not still caked with syrup and dried chocolate. When the bus dropped her off just in front of Canterlot High, her mind couldn’t help but drift back to the closing moments of the Friendship Games. The old Wondercolt statue in front of the school was still ruined, but at least there were no holes in the fabric of reality. And as luck would have it, just as Indigo started towards the school, she spotted both Twilight Sparkle and a much more pleasant-looking Sunset Shimmer waiting at the base of the aforementioned statue. It was almost like night and day between what Indigo saw in front of her and what she experienced back in the cafeteria; the Shimmer before her was far more relaxed, more vibrant, and the smile upon her features as she chatted with Twilight looked genuine. This couldn’t possibly be the same girl that had mocked her goggles and dumped a sundae on her head, could it? “Hey, redhead!” Indigo shouted as she raced over to them. “What’s your name?” Twilight and Sunset turned their heads to the oncoming Crystal Prep student, both looking perplexed by the question. “It’s Sunset Shimmer,” the girl in question answered. “Did you really come all this way just to ask that?” “No, I came here for answers because you’ve got some serious explaining to do!” Indigo accused, pointing a finger at her. “Explaining what?” Sunset replied. “About why you came to my school and started acting like a colossal bitch today!” “Hey! Sunset would never do anything like that,” Twilight interjected to her friend’s defense. “Tell that to the chocolate sauce in my hair!” Indigo snapped. “Listen, I’m not sure what you’re going on about,” Sunset replied, maintaining a calm disposition, “but you must be mistaken. I’ve been at Canterlot High all day; I haven’t set foot anywhere near Crystal Prep Academy. I don’t even really know where it is.” “Well, if you’ve been here all day then how do you explain this picture?” Indigo Zap then held up her phone towards the two girls, though her confidence soon turned to confusion when Sunset and Twilight began a quick tour through various shades of red until their faces settled on a vivid scarlet. “I… um, I don’t think that’s the right picture,” Sunset said while clearly trying to avert her gaze. “What do you mea—OH SHIT!” When Indigo checked her phone, she had not pulled up the picture of Sunset Shimmer in the cafeteria like she had intended; rather, it was a selfie of her standing before a full length mirror, wearing nothing but a smile in order to showcase her trim and athletic figure. Only a well-placed finger from an outstretched arm preserved the smallest sliver of modesty, not that one’s imagination couldn’t fill what had been obscured. Now it was her turn to explore the diverse range of red hues as she frantically scoured her phone for the correct picture. “Y-you didn’t see anything,” Indigo stammered. “Oh where did it go? Ah! Here it is!” This time, she made sure she had the right picture before showing the two girls what she had come all the way down to Canterlot High for. The spitting image of Sunset Shimmer sitting in full Crystal Prep finery surprised Twilight immensely, but the other Shimmer just regarded it with a kind of amused curiosity. “Oh, I was wondering if there was another me around here,” she remarked in an unsettlingly calm fashion. “Other… you?” “The me from this world.” As Indigo continued staring at her like a dog confronted with a high-pitched whistle, Sunset Shimmer remembered that the students of Crystal Prep Academy were unaware of otherworldly individuals. “You remember at the end of the Friendship Games when Twilight went a little… um, berzerk and tore open those dimensional portals?” “The ones that almost swallowed up half of my classmates? Yeah, hard to forget.” “On the other side of those portals is a place called Equestria, which is where I’m from originally,” Sunset continued to explain. “It’s sort of a parallel world where all the same people exist, but things are a little different too.” “Oh, like in those TV shows where the hero goes into the mirror dimension and everyone is evil and has those bitchin’ goatees,” Indigo exclaimed, albeit stopping abruptly as the excitement drained from her face. “Wait, don’t tell me we’re the evil universe!” Taking the other’s concern for a light-hearted joke, Sunset Shimmer just laughed as she waved the concerns off. “Not that kind of different,” she reassured Indigo. “But suffice to say that since there’s a version of everyone from this world in Equestria, there would naturally be another version of me out there. So what’s she like? Is she cool?” “She’s… um, kind of a bitch, actually.” Indigo was still too focused on wrapping her mind around the notion of there being two Sunset Shimmers in the world, plus an alternate dimension where there was apparently even another her wandering about. “So you’re saying that the girl is this picture is you but also not you? That’s just… this sounds so ridiculous. If this was a week ago I wouldn’t believe a single word of it.” “To be fair, neither would I if I were in your position,” Sunset offered as compensation. That was when she had an idea to help ensure that the inquisitive Crystal Prep student would leave secure in her new knowledge. “Tell you what, I’ll be right back.” “Where are you going?” Indigo asked. “Just going to go fetch someone. It’ll just take a minute.” With that, Sunset gave a quick wave good-bye and then disappeared through the portal at the base of the statue. “She… did she just…” Indigo’s stammering trailed off as she continued staring in disbelief at the empty air where Sunset once stood. With the conversation cut short, she finally noticed that somebody had been awfully silent for a while. An uneasy Twilight Sparkle fidgeted on the spot, trying her best not to draw attention to herself despite being the only other person in the vicinity. In all fairness, Indigo didn’t feel any less awkward being left in the presence of somebody whom she had been less than charitable with. While compared to Sour Sweet or Sunny Flare, she had far less to feel ashamed of, it still didn’t keep those feelings from surfacing. Indigo coughed a few times to try and break the silence, though both girls continued to stand in silence and just barely acknowledge the other’s presence. Eventually, she realized she had to make the first step. “So… um, Twilight, how’s the new school treating you?” “Good. It’s good,” Twilight quickly answered. “I mean, it’s only been one day but everybody’s been real nice… despite what I did.” Both cast their gaze back to the statue, hoping to see Sunset’s reassuring presence returning. Alas, there was still no sign of her. “Listen, Indigo… I, uh, I’m really sorry about what happened at the games: the giant plants, the portals, the whole magic portals thing…” “Woah, woah, woah! You’ve got nothing to apologize about!” Indigo replied with a sudden surge of energy that took the other girl by surprise. “You were the victim in that whole mess. If Cinch—if we hadn’t pushed you into unleashing that magic, none of it would’ve happened.” “But… but I turned into a monster.” “We were the monsters, Twilight, not you!” Indigo insisted, seizing the timid student by the shoulders. “If anybody should be begging for forgiveness, it should be me.” “Y-you weren’t that bad, not really,” Twilight stammered back. She was just barely managing to keep eye contact despite every instinct to drop her gaze back to the ground. “At least, not compared to some of the other girls.” “Except I turned a blind eye to what I should’ve known was wrong.” And as far as Indigo was concerned, being complacent made her just as bad as every biting criticism that Sour Sweet or Sugarcoat laid out. Her grip on Twilight began to soften, just as her expression did. “I should’ve known better; my dad would’ve so chewed me out if he saw me acting the way I did.” Seeing and hearing the genuine remorse coming from her former classmate, Twilight Sparkle offered a heartfelt smile. “It’s okay, Indigo; I forgive you.” Now it was Indigo’s turn to fumble her words. “R-really? Just like that?” she replied in disbelief. “Are… are you sure you don’t want your pound of flesh? Pretty sure by this point you’re more than deserving of it.” “I don’t think that’s really necessary,” Twilight said with a polite laugh. “If you’re really intent on making amends, just keep doing what you already are: treat your classmates with kindness and compassion, even if they don’t return it in kind right away.” Forgiveness was a strangely liberating sensation for Indigo, though it might’ve just been the novelty since she was often too self-absorbed to realize that she needed to apologize to anybody. But before Indigo could fully express her gratitude, both girls’ attention was drawn back to the Wondercolt statue by a bizarre rippling noise, as if somebody had just thrown a stone into a pond filled with pure static. Emerging from the portal was Sunset Shimmer alongside, much to Indigo’s surprise, another Twilight Sparkle. And there was no mistaking the other purple-haired girl for somebody else, despite the tidier appearance and absence of any glasses. It was hard to believe it was the same person, as this one carried herself with an air of grace and confidence. “This will only take a few minutes, I promise,” Sunset reassured the Twilight accompanying her. “I just need to introduce you to somebody real quick. Indigo Zap, I’d like you to meet Princess Twilight Sparkle, from Equestria.” “She’s royalty?” Despite having been warned ahead of time that doubles of people existed between the two worlds, Indigo was nonetheless left gaping dumbstruck upon being confronted with two Twilight Sparkles. Words failed her as she just stared and pointed at the two, as if expecting reality itself to unravel at the seams at any moment. It was all real, though; very, very real. After a few more moments of brain-stalling disbelief, Indigo was finally able to utter a reaction. “Oh god, we are so the evil universe.” > Winning Her Heart pt.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So Sunny, has anyone asked you out to the gala yet?” Indigo asked as the two students strolled through the halls of Crystal Prep. It had only been a week since the announcement for the gala, but most students preferred to secure their dates as soon as possible. There were only a few weeks remaining, after all, and anybody hoping to preserve their social standing wouldn’t show up to the gala alone. With the lunch break behind them, the two had gathered their books and binders and joined the bustling crowds of other students making their way to their first afternoon class. Indigo, wanting to continue improving her courteousness, made sure to carefully avoid and dodge past her fellow classmates as she weaved through the corridors; her friend, however, continued her old tradition of carving a path through the ranks, and heaven help anybody who dared to obstruct her. As much as Indigo would’ve preferred otherwise, she had to accept the fact that Sunny Flare might never change her ways. The saying went ‘you could lead a horse to water,’ but she wasn’t prepared just yet to try and dunk the horse’s head into it. “There’s been a few attempts, it you could call them that,” Sunny said with a faint, scoffing laugh lacing her voice. “It’ll take more than a few poorly written poems stuffed into my locker to gain my favour. What about you? Anybody you’ve got your eyes set upon?” “Eh, I’m focusing more on winning the Crystal Heart than finding a dance partner,” Indigo said while giving a half-hearted shrug. “Plus there’s that whole thing with Sour Sweet now going on. Did she talk to you about it?” Sunny rolled her eyes, but nodded in the affirmative. “I can’t believe Dean Cadance would put her in charge of making a Friendship Games presentation for the gala. I got better things to do than write some stupid speech about what I learned.” “I think it’s a good opportunity for some self-reflection, wouldn’t you agree?” “Maybe for you, but I’m already perfect so what would I have to reflect upon?” Indigo wasn’t sure if her friend was being sarcastic or not, but either way she let it slide. After stepping to the side to allow a pack of footballers to pass through, she noticed Dean Cadance up ahead pinning something onto a bulletin board. It brought about an almost girlish delight from Indigo, as she squealed in excitement and raced, practically skipping, over to it. It was the start of the new week, after all, and that only meant one thing! “Is this the updated rankings for the Crystal Heart?” she asked, trying to get a quick peek even though Cadance was still finishing up. “That’s correct, Miss Zap, but please try not to overreact,” Cadance answered. While she didn’t always approve of the results of Crystal Prep’s competitive atmosphere, it was still refreshing to see students taking so much interest in their education. As she stepped to the side, Indigo Zap’s gaze slowly panned up the top-ten rankings, seeing numerous familiar names filling the lower portions of the list. “Why would I overreact?” Indigo fell silent when she saw what sat at the very top of the page: Crystal Heart Award Rankings - Week 1 #1 - Sunset Shimmer: 94.8% #2 - Indigo Zap: 93.2% “What the fu—” “Language, please,” Cadance interrupted, having anticipated the reaction. “—udge.” Indigo’s excitement went flaccid like it was just hit with a blast of cold water. She continued staring at the words on the paper, as if her mind couldn’t quite catch up with the rest of reality. Her jaw was still hanging open by the time Sunny Flare had caught up. Shaking her head in dismay, she grabbed her despondent friend’s arm and started dragging her away from the source of misery. “How? How could this be?” Indigo muttered under her breath. She fell into a slow pace alongside her friend, but was now unable to pay attention to what was around her, resulting in her bumping absent-mindedly into numerous students along the way. “She’s only been here a week!” “They probably took her grades from her last school into account,” Sunny offered as an explanation. Her tone, however, made it clear that she wasn’t concerned about who sat at the top of the rankings. “Now can we get going or are you gonna keep staring at it?” “But this is bullshit,” Indigo said, free to cuss again now as the Dean had returned to her office. “Everybody knows transferring here means your grades take a hit for the first few months.” Had she been paying attention, she might’ve noticed Sunny’s increasingly annoyed expression. “That’s because most schools inflate their grades or have easier curriculums compared to us, but not all schools,” Sunny said through gritted teeth. “Now could you stop whining about it? You know that isn’t going to fix anything.” “You’re right,” Indigo sighed in resignation. She was just about to let go and move when she noticed Sunset Shimmer walking by them in the hall. For a brief moment, the two made eye contact, and then Shimmer flashed the tiniest of smirks at her. She smirked! At her. How dare she! “Oh, you little bitch, I saw that!” Indigo snapped as she rushed over to confront her adversary. Shimmer stopped in the hallway and raised a quizzical eyebrow at the approaching teen. “Excuse me?” she asked. “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing at here, but I promise you, it won’t succeed!” Indigo sneered, jabbing at Shimmer’s chest with her finger. “I’ve worked too hard all year long to let some usurper waltz in at the last second and steal away what’s rightfully mine!” “Still don’t know what you’re talking about. Steal what?” “Don’t play dumb! I’m talking about the Crystal Heart Award: the prize given out to the student with the highest academic performance throughout the year,” she explained, growing more infuriated by the second. And her yelling did not go unnoticed by her classmates, some of whom gathered around to see how far things would degrade. “Nobody walks in off the streets into Crystal Prep Academy and just takes the top seed, not without something or someone helping them!” “Do you honestly believe that I’m cheating? Or bribing all the teachers? And for what—a tacky little trophy?” Sunset Shimmer scoffed. She frowned while folding her arms across her chest, assessing the irate teen in front of her. It wasn’t long until the malicious smirk returned to her features. “Sweetie, the world doesn’t owe you trophies, so if you want that precious little Crystal Heart, you’re just going to have to work for it.” “You’re damn right I’m going to! I’m going to work harder and better than I ever have before and I’m going to wipe that stupid smirk off that pretty little face of yours!” Indigo wasn’t even very angry at this point; the thought of such a challenge was actually starting to excite her. More importantly, she had an even better prize waiting for her if she managed to pull this off. And unlike the Friendship Games, she wasn’t going to resort to any underhanded tactics or shortcuts. This was going to be one hundred percent Indigo Zap working at her peak. “Oh, this is precious,” Sunset chuckled to herself. “You’re like some kid who’s found a new toy. Okay then, I suppose I could entertain this little pretext for a while, if only so I can see the look on your face when it all comes crashing down around your ears.” Donning her sinister grin once more, she leaned in close so that she could whisper the next part right into Zap’s ear. “By the way, call me a bitch again, and I’ll make you regret it.” Her voice still held that dangerous but playful malice to it, which worried Indigo a bit. This was a girl who didn’t hesitate for a second to just dump a sundae on another student, so she wasn’t afraid of punishment by the administrators. Anything was possible. However, Indigo wasn’t going to be intimidated by her; if she could stand against giant plants and a magic-crazed classmate, then one upstart teenager wasn’t going to hold her back. “It. Is. On!” Indigo boldly declared. “Cute. Then I guess I’ll see you in gym class.” Indigo was still holding her gaze of steely determination as Sunset Shimmer turned and walked away. The other students began to disperse as a wave of hushed murmurs started to spread through the ranks. “This is so stupid, it hurts,” Sunny Flare spoke up, appearing at Indigo’s side. “No, it’s not! This is a matter of honour.” “You’re obsessed, and you’re going to embarrass yourself in the process.” “This isn’t the Friendship Games,” Indigo snapped back, “I’m not going to make the same mistakes.” “She’s playing you, Indigo,” Sunny insisted. “You don’t think I can win, do you?” Sunny Flare let out a quiet sigh, taking a moment to compose herself by adjusting some of the loose strands in her bangs. “Indigo, I say this as your friend when I tell you it means fuck all whether you score higher than her or not. That may be your goal, but it isn’t hers. It’s a game to her, and she’s going to get inside your head and fuck with you until you self-destruct.” As much as Indigo’s pride didn’t like to admit it, there was a kernal of truth in what her friend said. She may have been good at math and science and sports, but when it came to people, Sunny Flare knew how play the game. Only a fool would ignore her warning at this juncture. With a deep breath, Indigo let her own frustrations subside and regained a more level-headed demeanor. “Are you sure about this?” she asked. Sunny Flare nodded. “It’s what I would do.” “Well if you were playing this game, what would you do in my place? How can I beat her?” “Oh, my dear, sweet Indigo,” Sunny mused as she gave her friend a patronizing pat on the cheek. Her enticing tone only reminded Indigo of the same playful manner that Sunset would mock her with. “You’re already fucked; you just haven’t realized it yet.” ************ Crystal Heart Award Rankings - Week 2 #1 - Sunset Shimmer: 95.9% #2 - Indigo Zap: 93.4% “Oh god, I am so fucked,” Indigo murmured under her breath. She stood in the hallway before the bulletin, her eyes unable to pry away from the numbers that served only to taunt her in their immovable silence. Never before had numbers dealt such a blow to her heart and mind, save for the time she misread the voltage readout and discovered firsthand the difference between twelve and a hundred and twenty volts. “How… how is she so much smarter than me?!” As always on their post-lunch walk, Sunny Flare stood by her friend’s side, watching with growing impatience. Considering herself to be above such pettiness as saying ‘I told you so,’ she tried to take a more productive approach. “You know, you were never bothered by the fact that Twilight Sparkle was leagues smarter than you,” Sunny commented, trying to hammer some perspective into her tunnel-visioned friend. “That’s because Twilight sucked at gym class. It dragged her average down enough that she could still be beaten,” Indigo rationalized in the face of her crumbling ego. “But this… this is a whole new level. She’s beating me at everything: math, biology, chemistry, English literature… even when I got one hundred percent on a quiz, she just got one-hundred-and-five.” As tempting as it was to just smack some sense into her friend, Sunny Flare was more concerned about making it to her next class on time. Thus, rather than try to nurse Indigo’s broken ego, she just grabbed her friend by the arm and dragged her away. “Come on, we’ve got gym class. That’ll make you feel better,” Sunny said. She then muttered under her breath, “…you giant goddamn baby.” ************ Gym class: the linoleum-lined arena wherein book smarts and studying became irrelevant; where only the fastest and the strongest survived in the never-ending contest of physical prowess. Beneath the glow of the fluorescent tubes, the students of Crystal Prep could work out their aggressions and let their competitive spirits soar like nowhere else. Most importantly, it was where Indigo Zap was the undisputed Queen. Adorned in the standard white tee and black running shorts, Indigo stood alongside her fellow classmates as they gathered into an orderly line that ran along the gymnasium wall. Beside her were her friends, and with the likes of Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, and Lemon Zest to call upon for help, Indigo felt secure in her throne. And somewhere amongst all the black-and-white-clothed students was Sunset Shimmer, who leaned against the wall with her usual look of thinly-veiled boredom. “Whatever coach has planned for us today, can I count on you girls to help me put Shimmer in her place?” Indigo whispered as she looked to her friends. “I still think this is turning into a bit of an obsession for you,” Sunny Flare warned. “I’m not obsessed,” Indigo sneered. “I just need to get one win to get back into fighting form.” Her other friends looked at her for a moment and then exchanged glances with one another. “She’s obsessed,” Sunny whispered. The others nodded in agreement. “Your friends have a point you know?” Sunset Shimmer remarked, suddenly appearing at Indigo’s side as if by magic. “You haven’t had a girl on your mind this badly since that time you found your dad’s stash of old porn magazines.” “You shut your—!” Indigo was about to unload a verbal tirade on Shimmer, but when she turned to face her, there was nobody beside her. In fact, a glance in the opposite direction confirmed that Sunset Shimmer was still leaning against the wall at the other side of the row of students. “Okay, maybe I am getting a little obsessive.” “You definitely are,” Shimmer whispered into her ear from behind. Indigo swung around again, but was met by only her friends staring curiously at her and wondering who she had been talking to. “Are you okay?” Sugarcoat inquired. “Just tell them the truth,” an imaginary Shimmer taunted as she lingered just on the edges of Indigo’s vision. “Tell them how you’ve become so fixated on me that you literally can’t get me out of your head now.” Indigo swallowed hard and then gave her head a vigorous shake. “I’m fine,” she insisted. “Just… just feeling a little on edge, that’s all.” She glanced quickly to her side, but saw no sign of the vexing apparition, for now at least. Perhaps a little physical training would help her get her mind focused again. Thankfully, it was then that their gym teacher, Mr. Sombra, finally arrived with a sizable bag slung over one shoulder. With a single blast of his whistle, his class fell silent and formed into an orderly line. He was, like many of Crystal Prep’s teachers, tough but fair, and his class was popular amongst the student body. It didn’t help that his well-toned figure looked like it had been carved from granite, and he possessed the hard-edged jawline and flowing dark hair that guaranteed that most of the female student in his class had at least one occasion where they thought about him warmly while pleasuring themselves. Indigo just liked how he knew how to provide an avenue for students to cut loose. “Good afternoon class,” Sombra announced as he began surveying his pupils like a lord overlooking his subjects. If Indigo was the queen of gym class, then Sombra was its god, and the students heeded that authority. “Today you shall be undertaking the most venerated of schoolyard competitions; this shall be a contest that will put you to the ultimate test. It is combat distilled into its purest form, where only your strength, your speed, your wits, and your trust in your teammates will see you through to victory. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare. For. Dodgeball!” There was a restrained cheer from the students; after all, how often did one get a chance to fling hard rubber balls at your rivals and competitors? For Indigo, she practically wanted to jump and scream in joy at this opportunity. If there was any sport that would be fitting for crushing Sunset Shimmer beneath her heel, it was dodgeball. “Do I have any volunteers for the first team captain?” Sombra called out. Immediately, Indigo started flailing her arms above her head like she was having a seizure on the dance floor. Rules prevented her from shouting out, but one could see the urge to do so on her face as she hopped up and down in a desperate attempt to get the teacher’s attention. “Okay Miss Zap, you’re our first captain.” Sombra waved for her to join him. “Yes, this is perfect,” Indigo cheered under her breath, practically skipping along as she headed over. But not without company, however. “You should ask him,” Sunset whispered into her, trailing just alongside her. “You know you want to.” And she did; she most certainly did. “Mr. Sombra?” Indigo spoke upon reaching her teacher’s side. “Do you think it would be possible to have Sunset Shimmer as the opposing team’s captain?” “Really? And why’s that?” he replied. “I just thought since she’s still relatively new to the school, she’d be given an opportunity to better know her classmates. She does have a tendency to just sit in the back and stay out of sight,” Indigo reasoned in the most sincere, compassionate tone that she could fake. “And the fact that she sits ahead of you on the rankings for the Crystal Heart award is just a mere coincidence?” Sombra asked with an amused grin. Whatever worries his remark may have provoked were short-lived, however, as he soon followed with, “It’s a devious plan. I like it.” He blew a sharp whistle as he pointed at the aforementioned student. “Sunset Shimmer! You shall be the second team’s captain.” “Oh goddammit,” the very much real Sunset Shimmer muttered under her breath before making her way up. “Round-robin to assemble your teams,” Sombra instructed. “Indigo, you get first pick.” “Sour Sweet!” Indigo called out without hesitation. Not only was Sour a trusted friend, but arguably the second-best player in the class. Her friend raced over and exchanged a quick high five before taking her place to the side. As for Sunset Shimmer, who still didn’t know anybody’s names, she opted to just pick a student at random. “You, dude with the spiky black hair,” she said while pointing to him. “It’s Neon Light.” “Don’t care. Get over here.” Indigo couldn’t help but snicker. “Neon’s so bad at dodgeball. This is better than perfect.” Of course, she couldn’t get complacent yet and continued to assemble her dodgeball dream team. “I’ll take Sunny Flare next.” “Curly-haired brunette.” “Sugarcoat!” “Tall guy with glasses.” “Lemon Zest.” One by one, the two captains filled out their roster until everyone was assigned. Unsurprisingly, the team assembled by Indigo felt confident about their chances as they had most of the best athletes on their side. The class split in half with each team heading to their respective half of the designated arena. Their teacher walked down the red line that partitioned the two sides, setting down four sizable red rubber balls along the way. “You all should the know the rules by now,” Sombra announced. Once he had set down the balls, he moved to the side to assume his position as referee. “If you get hit, you are out. If a teammate catches a ball that hits you before it touches the ground, you are safe. Good luck.” He raised his hand, signalling for each team to get ready for the whistleblow. Indigo rounded her team up for a quick chat. “Okay team, here’s the game plan. Sunny, Lemon, Sour, and I will make the initial run for the balls. If you get the ball, pass it to either Sour, Lemon, or myself if you can. And nobody goes after Sunset Shimmer—her ass is mine!” “You really ought to rethink how you phrased that,” Sugarcoat remarked. “Just get ready.” The team dispersed and took their positions, with Indigo and her friends lining up to prepare for the initial sprint. A tense silence hung in the air as each team mentally sized each other up, trying to devise who were the prime threats and who were easy targets. Indigo’s eyes were fixed, unsurprisingly, on the object of her hatred, who stood at the side of the gym with her usual aura of apathy about her. “Just look at her,” the Sunset in her mind teased, “standing there like she doesn’t even care. Like this game doesn’t matter. Her face is practically begging for you to smash some balls into it.” “Oh, I am so smashing my balls into her face,” Indigo chuckled. “Who are you talking to?” Sunny Flare remarked. “Nobody.” “Are you okay?” Indigo bristled and growled. “I’m fine.” The whistled sounded and so the match began with each team sending forth their best sprinters to make for the balls in the middle. Indigo’s team was able to secure half of them with Sour and herself each grabbing a ball before retreating back to gain some distance with the opposing team. Now it became something of a standoff, each team armed with an equal payload, waiting to see who would risk the first move. “Plan, Indigo?” Sour asked. There was only one master plan that satisfied Indigo’s ego: crushing Sunset Shimmer. “Feinting Pincer manoeuvre on Shimmer, go!” Indigo instructed. The two girls raced forward towards the midline, Sour Sweet just a few steps ahead of her friend. As per the tactic, she went through the motion of hurling her ball towards Sunset, but didn’t release in the hopes of tricking her target into evading prematurely. Just a few seconds behind, Indigo lined up her shot from a separate angle, aiming to catch Sunset off-guard as she flung her shot. But the feint didn’t work, as Sunset held her ground despite Sour’s actions. Instead, it was only when Indigo’s ball came screaming towards her did the redhead twist out of the way, the ball just whisking past her before nailing Neon Light on the side of the head. “Well, that was unexpected,” Indigo muttered upon realizing her tactic had failed. “Wow. I don’t know if I’m just that good, or your aim is just that bad. And do you really give names to your dodgeball plays?” Sunset’s voice echoed in Indigo’s mind. The real Sunset just remained where she stood, flashing only a quick smirk to Indigo. A minor setback, Indigo reassured herself, though it didn’t make it any less aggravating. Still, the opposing team was down a man already so it wasn’t a total loss. She and Sour quickly retreated back to the safety of their lines as the game continued on. Soon the gym was filled with the echoes of jeers, cheers, and bouncing rubber as volley after volley were fired back and forth. Every time Indigo got her hands on a ball, she tried for Sunset Shimmer again, only for the elusive girl to side-step each and every assault. “Goddammit, it’s like trying to nail jelly to the wall,” Indigo cursed under her breath. “Is that the best you’ve got?” the imaginary Shimmer taunted once more. “Shut up already,” growled Indigo through clenched teeth. Her train of thought was interrupted when she heard Sugarcoat let out a distressed yelp, accompanied by the distinct ‘pang’ of a rubber ball hitting the ground. The diminutive Shadowbolt had been eliminated. Her team was slipping in her absence, Indigo realized, which meant she had to step up her game. She rushed to the front to attract the next attack, catching the throw effortless over her head. “Come on Zap, bet you can’t hit me!” Sunset taunted from the other side of the line, followed by her blowing a quick raspberry at her. Goaded on, Indigo surged forward and pitched the payload at Shimmer with all her might. The ball sailed fast and true, nailing the vexing vixen square in the gut with enough force to drop her to one knee. However, the sweet taste of victory soon turned sour when she looked again and saw that it wasn’t Sunset Shimmer she had hit, but some other student. In fact, Shimmer was several feet away, looking as though she hadn’t budged an inch. “Bwahahaha! Oh my god, you fell for it so easily!” an imaginary Shimmer laughed out loud. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Indigo shouted, clenching her eyes shut. When she opened them back up, the boisterous Shimmer had vanished, and the only sounds were those of her classmates and the game. Unfortunately, in her lapse of concentration, Indigo didn’t notice a student on the opposing team throwing a ball at her. She only realized her error when it struck her in the shoulder, bouncing high up into the air. “I got it!” Sour shouted as she raced to get underneath it. She already had a ball in hand, but she used that one to bounce the second ball back up into the air. “Heads up Indy!” With the ball lobbed once more up into the air and her mind having been knocked back into focus, Indigo was able to catch the ball, preventing her elimination. “Thanks, you really saved me there,” Indigo said with a sigh of relief. “Are you sure you’re okay?” a concerned Sour asked, though it soon gave way to a harsh glare. “Because you need to get your head in the fuckin’ game!” Sour Sweet was right, and Indigo knew it. It was just like she had been warned: Sunset Shimmer was in her head and she was screwing with her. She needed to win this game, if only to silence that infernal girl’s laughter. Surveying the battlefield, she counted less than half of the opposing team remaining, but sadly the same was true for her team. Despite her team having the better players, Indigo had wasted so much time trying to hit Sunset Shimmer that it had hamstrung her team’s progress. However, as Sunny Flare intercepted an easy toss, it now meant that her side of the field had three-quarters of the firepower available to it. “Got a plan, Indigo?” Sunny asked. “Preferably one that doesn’t focus on Sunset.” “I want her gone,” Indigo said as she pulled her goggles down over her eyes. “Crash the net on her.” Indigo didn’t wait up for the others, rushing ahead and just hoping the others followed suit. This time, she didn’t go with any finesse or clever plans; she just called for everyone to focus all their efforts on Sunset at the exact same time. “Let’s her try and dodge three strikes at once!” One by one, each girl launched their attack in rapid succession. With each ball hurtling in at a different angle, the very concept of dodging was as hopeless as sprouting wings and flying away. But Sunset recognized this too, and instead of trying to dodge, she grabbed the nearest teammate she could and pulled him in front of her. The hapless lad ate every shot in a brutal display of ball-on-human violence. “Good job meat-shield,” Sunset remarked before releasing her teammate. He promptly collapsed like a damp rag, groaning in misery. Indigo couldn’t believe her luck. At this point, she couldn’t tell if her heart was racing because of all the running about or just her unrelenting hatred for Shimmer. And it would’ve been easier to cope with this failure if that disembodied voice wasn’t laughing into her ears. “Oh my goodness! You nailed him right in the plums!” the voice taunted without pause. “I mean, you totally fucked it up again, but at least you taught that idiot a lesson he won’t soon forget!” “Just shut your damn pie-hole, Shimmer!” Indigo snapped. “I haven’t said anything,” a very real and very confused Sunset Shimmer replied. “Not you, the other one!” “The other—?” “I’m not obsessed!” Even Sour Sweet and the rest of Indigo’s friends were beginning to look a little worried. This was taking on a whole new level of competitiveness, and it took Sunny and Sour’s combined effort to drag Indigo back to the relative safety of the backline. The game pressed on with Indigo being forced to take a backseat for a short spell while she got her head back in the game. Unfortunately, that left their team without its captain or star player. One by one, the numbers were whittled down until all that remained on the playing field were Indigo Zap, Sour Sweet, and Sunset Shimmer. Despite the two-to-one odds, Sunset did not look worried. If anything, she looked mildly annoyed that she could no longer ignore the game and let her team take care of things. Now she’d be forced to throw a ball, which she had somehow managed to go the entire game without doing. The two friends squared off against their opponent, watching carefully as Shimmer stood like a defiant, immovable sentry. Three of the balls lay on the ground on her side of the field, but since Sour Sweet was armed and ready, she couldn’t risk going for any of them. Sour and Indigo recognized this too; if they threw and missed then Sunset Shimmer would be free to retaliate four times without much interference. Indigo drew her friend in close to plan their next move. “We have to hit her with this one,” she stated. “But she’s good… she’s been dodging everything we’ve thrown her way.” “Are you sure this Sunset isn’t the one from the dimension with all the magic?” Sour replied. “We’ve got no choice; we’ll have to break out the One-Timer.” Sour groaned and rolled her eyes. “I hate the One-Timer. But… fine, I’ll do it. Just try not to step so hard on my shoulder this time.” The two girls took their positions with Sour Sweet at the front and Indigo a few steps behind her. In unison, the two lunged forward, and after a few strides, Sour flung the ball into the air above her. At the same time, she dropped to her knees and tucked her head in, creating a platform that Indigo Zap used to springboard into the air. After catching the ball in mid-air, she used all her strength and momentum to launch the ball at her target, hurling it with all the force and fury of a meteor crashing to earth. The entire gymnasium held its breath as the crimson comet careened towards its target. There was the loud, heavy thud of rubber on flesh. A collective gasp rose from the entire class. Standing in the center of the field was Sunset Shimmer with the ball firmly grasped between her hands. “Sh-she… she caught the One-Timer,” Indigo stammered in horror and disbelief. “N-nobody’s ever caught the One-Timer.” “First time for everything,” Sour said. She gulped nervously as she began to back away from her opponent. “Wh-what do we do now?” “It’s still two-on-one,” Indigo replied as she joined her friend in edging away. “We just have to dodge her next—” Alas, Indigo never got to finish her sentence. Sunset Shimmer took her ball and held it aloft in front of her. Then, in one swift motion, she released and punted it in retaliation. It streaked across the open field like a rocket, striking Sour Sweet first and then ricocheting square into Indigo’s face. As the tension subsided, the final result was clear: two girls toppled like bowling pins, and Sunset Shimmer standing as the lone survivor. Even some of Indigo’s most ardent supporters had to admit their astonishment. “Holy shit,” Lemon Zest exclaimed. “Is that even legal? I thought you were only allowed to throw the balls.” She and many others looked to their teacher, who seemed to still be considering his options as he stroked the stubble upon his chin. “I’ll permit this on the grounds that it was an awesome shot,” he announced before giving a blast from his whistle. “Everybody take five before we prepare for the next activity.” The students began to disperse, some joining their friends to chat while taking the breather while others extended their congratulations and compliments to Sunset Shimmer, who promptly ignored them all. As for the two girls on the ground, Sugarcoat hurried over to check in on Sour Sweet. “Are you okay, Sweet?” she asked with a hint of concern. “I think that hit just knocked me down a cup size,” Sour groaned, one palm upon her chest where she had been struck. Meanwhile, Indigo just remained where she was, sprawled out like a starfish across the linoleum. She gazed in a hazy stupor at the lights above, her lips murmuring in an incoherent mess. “How did it come to this?” a disheartened Indigo mumbled. She didn’t know what was going on anymore. Just a few weeks ago, everything was perfect—the road ahead was free and clear. Anything she wanted was hers for the taking, so long as she had the willpower to fight for it. Never before had she encountered an obstacle that she couldn’t overcome, no matter how hard she fought or how hard she raged. Losing she could handle; after all, she had been beaten numerous times over by people smarter than her like Twilight Sparkle. But Twilight was quiet and meek, and had all the athletic skill of a blind drunk with an inner ear infection. Was it the losing that frustrated Indigo so much, or just the fact that all of her efforts had been made to look like a cheap joke? Was this going to be how her year ended? Another disappointing failure to hammer in the point that Indigo Zap wasn’t the fantastic wonder-student she thought she was? The Crystal Heart award was her last shot at immortalizing her name at Crystal Prep Academy, but now that was to never be. She was just another loser. And losers didn’t get to be astronauts or go to Mars. Indigo wasn’t sure what hurt more, her face or her ego, but at least one pain would go away in time. Eventually, she sat up, groaning all the way. She still didn’t get up as she waited for her vision to come back into focus. Except, she hadn’t been hit that hard so she soon wondered why her vision wasn’t quite straight. That’s when she realized it wasn’t her eyes that was distorting her view, it was what was over them. Feeling a sudden swell of panic, she tore off her goggles to examine them. One of the lenses had huge cracks all across it. “Oh no,” she muttered in horror. Her chest tightened and every breath suddenly felt sharp; it was as if someone had just punched her in the gut. “No no nononono…” This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. “Are you okay, Miss Zap?” Sombra’s voice spoke up, snapping her from her trance. She looked up to her teacher, using every ounce of strength she had just to keep a level expression. “I… uh, I’m not feeling well. I think that ball hit me harder than I thought,” she replied. “M-may I go to the nurse’s office?” “Of course,” he said before offering her a hand. Once she was back on her feet, he walked to the gym’s exit. “Do you need somebody to walk with you?” “No, I’ll be fine.” That was a lie. She wasn’t sure if she would be fine any time soon; her spirit was as shattered as her goggles. > Winning Her Heart pt.3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “But Dad, why do you have to leave?” “Because I’ve got my orders, and a lot of people are counting on me to be there.” “Couldn’t they send someone else? Why does it have to be you?” “You don’t get to be the best by sitting on the sidelines when things get tough. It’s only for a year, Indy; I’ll be home before you know it.” “You better!” “Tell you what, how about you take care of my lucky goggles for me while I’m gone?” “Really?” “Yup. But you have to promise to give them back when I get home. Deal?” “I promise!” Indigo Zap had spent the rest of the school day hiding in the nurse’s office. It wasn’t hard to convince her that she might have a head injury that required plenty of rest, but in reality there was nothing wrong with her—at least not physically. The solitude gave her some time to think, though most of it was just lamenting how much a fool she was. It went exactly how Sunny Flare said it would: Sunset Shimmer got into her head and just went wild. Eventually, though, Indigo had to leave the sanctuary offered by the nurse. If she pretended to be injured for too long, the nurse might insist she see a doctor and she didn’t need the extra hassle. Besides, the nurse had been well enough to just leave her alone and rest whereas a doctor would insist on talking to her. Indigo didn’t want to talk to anybody right now. She returned to her locker to pack away her things. School ended a while ago so everybody had already gone home. A shame, too, since that meant all of her friends had already left. While she wasn’t in the mood for talking, having a friend close by would’ve been nice—Sugarcoat or Lemon Zest. Hell, even Sunny Flare would be welcomed company, and that’d include a generous helping of ‘I told you so.’ All of her friends were gone, though. Sour Sweet had been working hard on that Friendship Games project the Dean assigned to her, and Sugarcoat had been helping with the work, or at least that’s what Indigo had heard. As for Sunny or Lemon, those two had been acting strange with both insisting they had important work or appointments after school. Now that she thought about it, it was always on the same day as one another. Maybe they were doing something together. But why would they lie about it? Sadly it was only a fleeting thought as Indigo’s mind looped back to her own problems. In the midst of packing away her books, she paused and looked to the goggles in her hand. A small part of her still hoped that she’d look to them and see them intact again, as though the day’s events had all been a bad dream, but the truth was as plain to see as the cracked lens. She screwed up. “This is all Sunset’s fault,” Indigo growled under her breath. In a huff, she shoved the last of her things away. “If she hadn’t showed up, everything would’ve been perfect.” And that really was what stung the most: Sunset Shimmer just seemed to be perfect at everything she did. Every class and every subject seemed like child’s play to her; she never disrupted the class and she always had the answer if called upon by the teacher. Other students were already whispering about how cool she was and videos of Sunset demolishing Indigo in dodgeball were already circulating through social media. By the end of tomorrow, everyone in school will have seen Crystal Prep’s best and brightest brought low by the upstart newcomer. “Stupid, perfect Sunset Shimmer! I hate her!” Indigo pouted and slammed her fist into a nearby locker. “I hate her stupid, perfect grades and her stupid, perfect face! Probably everything about is her perfect too! I bet she farts rainbows and her sweat smells like lavender!” At this point, she would’ve been happy to accept defeat if it meant she could get that damned girl out of her head. It seemed like every time she closed her eyes all she could see was Shimmer with her sultry, rosy lips curled into that tantalizing little smirk. And those eyes, so vibrant and radiant; they were equal parts terrifying and alluring, like they could strip down every layer of her defenses and expose the very heart of her soul. Why did her heart feel like it was fluttering all of a sudden? “Gah, this is so asinine!” Indigo shouted. In an effort to knock the mental images from her mind, she started banging her head against the locker. All she succeeded in, of course, was just giving herself a headache. She eventually stopped with a sigh and a whimper, realizing the futility of it all. “I wonder what her hair smells like… probably like strawberries.” “Grapefruit, gardenia, vanilla, and amber, actually,” Sunset’s voice perked up from behind. “Or at least that’s what the shampoo claims.” Indigo didn’t bother turning around. “Go away, Sunset; I’m done with you.” “Done with me? Seriously?” an incredulous Sunset replied. “Come on, I beat you in one game of dodgeball and you’re throwing in the towel?” “What? Do you need to hear me say it?” Indigo snapped, now spun around to face the object of her obsession and rage. “You win, Sunset! Ya bent me over your knee and beat my ass like a petulant stepchild. You’re smarter and stronger and faster and prettier. You’re better than me in every-fucking-way possible!” Despite Indigo’s expectation that Sunset Shimmer would revel in this victory, instead the girl just frowned, angrier than she had ever been before. Without a word, she grabbed Indigo’s arm and dragged her down the hall. There was still the odd student and teacher wandering the halls and she wanted someplace with some semblance of privacy. The girls’ bathroom was the closest place of convenience, so she shoved Indigo inside. “What the fuck are you doing?” Indigo demanded as she stumbled in. She almost tripped over the ‘caution: wet floor’ sign in the process, but unsurprisingly there was little concern from the other student. “Listen, you goddamn idiot,” Sunset shouted as she gave Indigo another shove, pushing her further into the room, “if I needed a simpering, brown-nosing sycophant, I could find one easy enough elsewhere in the school. I didn’t take up your damn challenge because I wanted my ego stroked, I did it because you looked like you actually had the balls to provide an interesting challenge—because you looked like you could take it!” “Challenge?” Indigo shot back. “You look like you barely even broke a goddamn sweat during these past two weeks. I’ve seen people pass shits with more effort than this. Bet you get a real nice view from your ivory tower while the rest of us plebs toil away.” “Don’t you fucking talk about shit you know nothing about!” Sunset shouted back, jabbing at Indigo’s chest a few times. “You wanted this fight, remember? So don’t go blaming me just because you couldn’t stand taking a shot to the face.” “You broke my goggles!” “Big fucking deal. They’re just goggles—you can buy them from a sports shop for ten dollars, and those won’t look like a dollar store reject.” That was the last straw for Indigo. Incensed, she gave into her primal urge and slapped Sunset hard enough to stagger her back a step. Slowly, a red palm-shaped mark began to appear on the side of a stunned Sunset’s face. “Y-you little bitch!” she stammered in disbelief. “Fuck you!” “Fuck you!” “Fuck you!” Both girls were now red in the face from all the shouting, glaring at one another with a burning, unyielding passion. “That is it!” Sunset declared. She then reached down and picked up the wet floor sign. “Oh, is this how it’s going to go?” Indigo remarked, practically daring Sunset to act. “You’re goddamn right it is.” Sunset Shimmer then stepped back, edging herself closer to the bathroom door. She once more donned that wicked smirk of hers before wedging the plastic caution sign underneath the door handle, jamming the door shut. This brought about a moment of surprise for Indigo, but she didn’t have time to react. Sunset stepped up to her again, grabbed her by the head, and then pulled her in for a deep and lustful kiss. Whatever anger Indigo felt soon fell to the wayside; she had her arms wrapped tightly around Sunset before she even consciously realized it. She tried to hold her ground, but Sunset was so forceful. Within seconds, she was pinned up against the wall with the fiery redhead still crushing her lips upon hers. And she did smell a bit like vanilla. After what felt like an eternity, Indigo managed to break away from the kiss, albeit just barely. The two young teens stared into each other’s eyes, close enough that she could still feel Sunset’s hot breath teasing at her lips. “What are we doing?” Indigo murmured. “I don’t care—now shut the hell up.” Neither did Indigo. All her thoughts about trophies and ambitions seemed distant in that moment; the only thing she wanted was the person right in front of her. As the two kissed again, she brought a hand up to the back of Sunset’s head, weaving her fingers through those silky gold and crimson locks. “You fucking bitch,” Indigo moaned through the kiss, letting some of the residual anger float to the surface. It prompted her partner to suddenly break away, pressing a firm hand against her chest to keep her pinned to the wall. “I told you not to call me that.” “And what are you going to do to stop me?” Indigo challenged, feeling a surge of exhilaration. Sunset just smiled and chuckled under her breath before diving in for another assault. Another smothering kiss should shut that girl up, she figured. They continued pressing against one another, each vying for dominance. But Sunset was a far more forceful spirit, lavishing her affections in ever increasing spurts. Slowly, her tongue slipped forth, probing gently at the other girl’s lips as if trying to coax her out. It was flirty and delicate at first, gradually warming Indigo up until she willingly opened and beckoned her in. As soon as she slithered in did she meet with the warmth and passion of her opposite. They caressed one another at first before wrestling once more for control. Fighting on so many fronts made it easy for Sunset to overwhelm the other girl’s defenses, her curious hands gliding up and down Indigo’s sides, feeling the subtle contours and the firm, toned figure hidden beneath the disheveled uniform. Despite feeling next to helpless in the face of such dominance, Indigo only felt all the more excited as she tried to match Sunset’s unbridled passion with her own. It’d almost feel like a race were it not so obvious she was way out of her league in experience and sheer force of will. One by one, the buttons on Indigo’s uniform were unfastened, each one spurring another flutter in her chest and a growing anticipation. As the last button fell to the wayside, Sunset gazed upon the other teen’s athletic figure, drinking in every detail from the smooth facets of taut abs up to the subtle curves of her chest. Only a meagre white bra stood in Sunset’s way, tantalizing her imagination of the delicate and sultry prize that lay beneath. “Oo, very nice.” “Is this what it takes to get a damn compliment from you?” Indigo chuckled breathlessly. As fingertips began to caress up Indigo’s sides, it felt like a jolt of electricity and sent a shiver through her whole body. Sunset worked her way up slowly, taking her time in tracing every curve with her fingertips, feeling the girl quiver at her touch. She hadn’t even reached the good parts yet and Indigo was already struggling to keep steady. Was she just that sensitive or just that aroused. If the growing heat and dampness between her legs were any indication, it was probably a bit a both. As Sunset reached ever higher, she pushed her way beneath the bra and over the contours of her rival’s breasts. There was a tenderness to them overlaying a well-toned chest, providing a supple texture to knead her palms into. There was no holding back as she began to fondle her partner with firm and forceful gropes, sinking her fingers into the tender mounds, and listening to the heaving breaths and amorous moans that filled the air. It was still restrained, though; Indigo was trying to hold it in and it was plain for Sunset to hear. Somebody was trying to hide how much they were getting off already, which she just found all the more amusing. She couldn’t help but smirk and chuckle as she teased her prey, alternating between gentle and firm motions, and leaning ever harder to keep Indigo from squirming too much. Her thumb traced a slow spiral around the edges of Indigo’s nipple, feeling it stiffen at the provocation and then giving it a quick flick. “Ah!” Indigo squeaked, flinching at the sudden burst of pleasure through her chest. “You make such cute little noises, you know that?” Sunset mused with a playful giggle. Just to emphasize the point, she gave both nipples a sharp pinch, prompting another delighted yelp. “F-fuck you,” Indigo moaned. Sunset leaned in close to whisper into Indigo’s ear. “I’m betting this is your first time isn’t it?” She giggled again before puffing a bit of air against her partner. “Would explain why you’re so sensitive.” Indigo flustered several shades darker as she looked away in a huff. “N-no it isn’t,” she insisted. But it was hard to hide the truth when it was so clearly painted across her face and in her voice. “Heh. Dirty mouth and a dirty liar. What am I to do with you?” She planted a slow trail of kisses along the side of Indigo’s face, working down into the crook of her neck where she began to nip and suckle at the tender skin. This gave Indigo ample opportunity to bury her nose into the other teen’s hair, allowing her to take in a deep and intoxicating breath. The powerful aroma of sweat, fruit, and flowers filled her senses, igniting her lust and passion. She didn’t think it was possible to get drunk on a person, but here she was, her desire growing ever stronger with every passing moment. So overpowering was the effect, she didn’t even notice when Sunset withdrew a hand and began to slide it back down her belly. “I don’t like liars,” Sunset continued to muse. “Only good girls deserve a reward, and you want that, don’t you?” “I—” Before Indigo could say another word, she felt Sunset’s hand slip under the hem of her skirt. She let out another gasp as fingertips glided across the fabric of her panties. Just a single layer of cloth remained between Sunset and her. It’d be a lie to say the very thought didn’t excite her to no end, and the growing heat and wetness in her nethers only emphasized that point. “If you want it, I’m going to need to hear you say it,” Sunset whispered between kisses. “Goddamn tease,” an equal-parts aroused and indignant Indigo grumbled. To say she was losing ground in this fight for dominance would be an outright lie since she was literally against the wall the whole time. But even the fleeting show of defiance felt good, enticing Sunset to assert her dominance with even more vigor. “I’ve got to have my fun, too, you know?” With a mischievous giggle, she gently pushed her finger against the fussy girl’s slit, just firm enough with a little twist to drive the sensation through the fabric. “And I didn’t hear an answer.” Indigo flinched again, trying to stifle an instinctual response by gently biting on her lip. Though yielding felt like admitting defeat, the depths of her heart screamed for more, and as Sunset pressed harder, it became impossible to resist. “Please, Sunset, I want it,” Indigo pleaded. “That’s a good girl.” Slipping beneath the final layer, she followed the silky trail to Indigo’s inviting slit. She traced along the edges of the labia, feeling out every fold as she explored her newfound lover. Drinking in the growing murmurs and panting from her partner, Sunset eased her fingertips in, stroking the inner lips to make everything nice and slippery. It was practically begging Sunset to have her way with it. Enticed by the growing warmth, she delved in with two fingers, thrusting hard into the Indigo’s depths. “Holy shit! Oh yes, right there,” Indigo gasped between heavy breaths. Like a wildfire, the passion continued to burn and spread through her core. She reached down and set her hand overtop of Sunset’s, trying to entice her further. Her hips thrust against Sunset with each push of her hand, moaning and groaning as her arousal continued seeping out. Wriggling, twisting, and curling her fingers, Sunset explored every corner she could, listening to the lustful song of her partner. Every shiver just spurred her on to plunge even harder, milking every drop and moan she could. “Shit… oh shit, that’s good.” Indigo was panting harder now, leaning and putting more of her weight against the other teen as every motion sent another wave of pleasure pulsing through her body. “God, that feels incredible.” “Look at you, already dripping wet,” Sunset said with her cheshire grin. Drawing her fingers back for a moment, she traced a wet path up to the hidden prize. She traced along the edges of Indigo’s clit before giving it a very sudden pinch. Indigo’s eyes shot wide open, almost convulsing at the electrifying jolt that shot through her. “Ahh! Oh fuck,” she gasped. Her breath grew more ragged as her clitoris was twisted and massaged. All her efforts to try and keep up with Sunset were being buried under wave after wave of almost paralyzing pleasure. It was almost humiliating how easily she was being reduced to a shaking, moaning mess of a person. “Be careful, dearie; you don’t want to alert anyone nearby to what we’re doing,” Sunset warned in a teasing voice. She didn’t relent however, which forced her squirming plaything to bite down on her lip just to keep silent. Adjusting her hand, she plunged her fingers back into the soaking, lustful embrace of Indigo’s nethers, but kept her thumb pressed over the other girl’s clit. Her hand rocked back and forth, alternating between caressing the sensitive nub and ploughing her fingers in further. The quaking, moaning Indigo buried her face into Sunset’s hair, muffling her elated cries into the mess of hair. “Shit! Fuck! Oh god, Sunset!” The heat flowing through Indigo was growing ever more powerful, overwhelming her thoughts and senses with a euphoric bliss. She could feel herself edging closer to the peak, pushed on by every thrust and stimulation. The world was becoming almost like a blur to her, drowned out by the gasping moans and writhing pleasure that consumed her. She wanted to hold onto this feeling, soaring high above the clouds on this passion. But then without warning, Sunset withdrew her hand. It came as a surprise and disappointment for Indigo, though she had to admit that it was a strange relief to be able to breathe and focus again. Her nethers, swollen and soaked, still cried out for Sunset to finish, but there would be no relief just yet. “What are you doing? I… I was getting so close,” she panted. Sunset grinned, though, raising her hand so Indigo could watch as she licked the sticky mess from her fingers. She ensured to give a slow and seductive show, dipping one finger into her mouth at a time, purring as she savored the exotic flavour. “Patience, Indigo, you’ll get your reward,” Sunset replied, still licking at her palm. “But if you think my fingers felt great, just imagine what it’ll be like with my tongue.” Despite already being flushed in the face, Indigo managed to find a few patches that had yet to turn crimson as she burned even brighter. “Y-you want to… I mean, you’d be willing? Here?” “Is that a problem?” Sunset asked despite knowing full well it wasn’t. “Hell no!” Indigo beamed in excitement. She wasted no time in unzipping the back of her skirt and letting it fall to the floor. A fervent smack echoed through the bathroom as Sunset grabbed hold of those lean and toned cheeks, giving Indigo’s butt a hungry squeeze. She guided Indigo over and then onto the nearby counter, nestling the girl in the space between two sinks. Leaning forward, she ran her hands up and down Indigo’s silky smooth thighs, grinning like a hungry feline huntress all the while. Indigo met the gaze with an aroused and eager look of her own. As Sunset eased the other girl’s knees apart, she leaned down to finally get a glimpse of her prize. That’s when she suddenly stopped, her eyes going wide in surprise. “Oh my god,” she said in disbelief. “Is that a German shepard on your panties?” She was, of course, referring to the underwear that Indigo wore, which happened to have a cartoon image of a dog right over the center. And as Indigo began to fluster in embarrassment, Sunset Shimmer couldn’t help but burst into a fit of laughter. “Stop laughing,” Indigo replied, though having trouble resisting its infectious nature. “You’re making this weird.” “But it’s adorable,” Sunset insisted, taking a second to admire the artwork. She traced a finger along the dog’s muzzle, which had been completely soaked through by that point, as a more serene expression crossed her features. “Do you have a dog?” “Not anymore. I had one when I was a kid, but I get overruled whenever I bring it up these days.” “Know that feeling.” The two girls’ gazes met for a brief moment, and Indigo noticed that the harsh bitterness she once saw was now absent. Instead, there was a tenderness to Sunset, and something more—something she couldn’t quite put her finger on, but it tugged at her heartstrings all the same. And as if recognizing the lapse in security, Sunset tore her eyes away and the playful look returned, if appearing a bit forced. “Okay, enough reminiscing about pooches, time for pussy.” “Oh my god, you did not just make that pun,” Indigo groaned. “Fuck you.” “Fuck you!” Both girls then just smirked and stifled a quick chuckle under their breaths. Sunset Shimmer proceeded to hook her thumbs around the sides of the girl’s panties and, with some assistance, slipped them off in one swift motion. “Damn girl, you are drenched,” she said with another chuckle. She then leaned in and gave it a few sniffs. “Mmm, smells as good as you taste, though.” As she stuffed away the unneeded garment into her pocket, Sunset knelt before her rival and braced herself against the girl’s thighs. As she drew closer, she inhaled deeply, taking in the sweet scent of victory. All the while, Indigo’s excitement grew, just as her heart began to flutter. This was happening; this was really happening. The school bathroom wasn’t exactly where she imagined where her first time would happen, but she had to admit there was an added air of danger to it. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the arousal, but at that moment there was nothing else she wanted more than this redhead’s face buried between her thighs. How tempting it was to just grab her by the locks and shove her face in, but Indigo fought down the urge. Patience was the key. Sunset Shimmer took a moment to admire the view, gazing at the swollen lips before her, still glistening with arousal. With her thumbs, she spread the labia apart, revealing the rosy, succulent prize she yearned for. She then planted a kiss right in the center, delicate, but enough to make Indigo shiver and breathe deeply. Soon came the first lick: slow but forceful, exploring the folds of her slit and giving both girls a taste of what was to come. “Ahh, oh shit,” Indigo moaned breathlessly. It felt fantastic and it was only just beginning. Next came lighter, more teasing flicks of Sunset’s tongue, working around the edges in a spiraling fashion until she danced the very tip around her clit. She could hear the girl trying to stifle her moans again, so Sunset coaxed them out with some suckling nips along the labia. “That feels so good… don’t stop.” Indigo could feel the fiery passion beginning to burn through her again, spreading out from the depths of her core with each lashing of the tongue. Every lick, every sampling of her arousal spurred Sunset on, growing hungrier with each passing moment. Her tongue caressed across every sultry surface, pushing deep into Indigo and swirling about. “Shit… this is incredible!” Indigo wanted to scream that out loud, but she managed to control herself enough to keep her thoughts contained. Even still, she nibbled and gnawed on her lips, then eventually her knuckle to keep the moaning restrained. Every ounce of willpower she had left went to fighting down the inferno of lust and passion threatening to consume her. With Sunset’s relentless assault on her nethers, suckling and kissing every inch of her inner lips, she was being pushed higher and higher. She could feel the pressure welling up inside her, threatening to break free from its confines. And this was not lost on Sunset either, who let the other girl’s muffled song guide her along. She probed deep with her tongue, swirling about to milk more and more of the girl’s sweet nectar. Yearning for even more, she pressed her lips around Indigo’s clit and gave it forceful kiss, then suckled hard. “Ah! H-holy shit!” Despite her best efforts, Indigo gasped and cried when Sunset refocused her attention. The sudden burst of euphoria left the girl quaking on the countertop, panting ragged breaths as the slow climb to the peak became a rocket. “Shit. Fuck. Oh my god… I… s-stop, I can’t—!” She had to slap both hands over her mouth and even then the elated moans poured through the gaps. Her legs were already trembling and she couldn’t make them stop; her hips pushed against Sunset’s lips as if driven by another mind. And Sunset didn’t stop either, if anything she redoubled her efforts on Indigo’s sensitive little clit. The stifled moans grew more intense along with Indigo’s twitching figure. The heat and the passion proved too much for her to contain and she let out a fervent cry into her palms as she climaxed, erupting in a torrent unto Sunset’s eagerly awaiting lips. Wave upon wave of euphoria crashed through her body as it spasmed and shuddered, battering away at her senses until all she could feel was a glowing, wonderful numbness that went all the way down to her toes. As her orgasm subsided, her muscles could finally relax and the girl slumped back against the mirror. Heavy, contented sighs wafted from her lips, along with faint murmurings of ‘holy shit’ over and over. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced, even by her own efforts. Indigo Zap gazed dully at the ceiling, her mind still adrift in a sea of bliss. It wasn’t until she heard the faucet beside her turn on that she had something to focus on to drag her senses back to reality. That was when she noticed Sunset Shimmer at the sink, casually washing her hands and then splashed a small amount to rinse her face. Indigo just continued staring in disbelief, unsure of what to say, even as Sunset finished cleaning up and dried her hands off with a paper towel. Feeling a set of eyes burning into the back of her skull, Sunset turned to flash her a playful grin. “That was fun. We should argue more often.” With that, she straightened out her tie, kicked the ‘wet floor’ sign away from the door, and headed on her way. It was only until after the door slammed shut that Indigo’s mind snapped back into focus and she realized that she was still sitting half-naked atop a bathroom countertop with only a lone door offering her any semblance of privacy—a door that was now free for any passing student or faculty to waltz through. “Oh, shit.” Indigo grumbled under her breath, cursing that she couldn’t even get a few minutes to bask in a post-coital glow. She scrambled to redress; thankfully she was already known for being messy in her uniform so nobody would blink an eye if her tie was crooked or her blouse was wrinkled. However, as she zipped up her skirt, a subtle draft alerted her to one article that appeared to be missing-in-action. “Where’s my underwear?” Panicked, she searched high and low around the bathroom, checking under the counters and even in the bottom of the freshly-emptied garbage bins. There was, however, no sign of her dog-emblazoned panties. She scoured the depths of her memories to try and picture where she last saw them during her salacious rendezvous. “Okay. I was on the countertop and then Sunset was slipping them off. She held them in her hands and then—” Her thoughts and heart froze as the realization sank in. “And then she shoved them into her pocket.” “Oh, that son of a bitch! She has my—” Indigo Zap managed to slap a hand over her mouth before she accidentally broadcasted her situation to anybody who might be in earshot. She could, perhaps, chase after Sunset Shimmer, but running through the school in a pleated skirt and no panties? That was asking for disaster, and she didn’t need pictures of her butt winding up on social media. However, before she could consider her options any further, the bathroom door swung open and in strolled a trio of younger students. No doubt they were still part of some after-school club, though Indigo made no effort to stick around to find out. With the students distracted with their conversation, she made a quick and silent exit, all the while keeping one hand firmly planted over the front of her skirt. “Hey, what’s with all the smudges on the mirror?” > Winning Her Heart pt.4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indigo Zap thought she knew what being paranoid felt like. Back during her junior year, she was once convinced that Sour Sweet was going to sabotage her project for the science fair, and she spent half an afternoon setting up a webcam in the school’s auditorium so she could keep an eye on it. The rumour, of course, turned out to be false, and all Zap wound up doing was spending three days under the constant stress and anxiety as if a barbarian horde would run rampant if she looked away for a second. However, none of that compared to the sense of pervasive dread and fear that she felt when she began the trek home, still with nothing but a plaid-patterned skirt protecting her dignity. She never did manage to catch up to Sunset Shimmer; the closest she got was when she reached the school’s front doors just in time to see Sunset Shimmer climbing into the back of an expensive-looking sedan. With that hope dashed, Indigo had no choice but to brave the journey home with what she had. Every step she took along the sidewalk was carefully planned out in her mind, making sure not to overextend her stride and to steer clear of any patches of concrete that appeared imbalanced or likely to trip her up. As an added precaution, she took home with her the heaviest textbook she had in her locker and carried it in her hands over her lap, something that she routinely saw many nerds and bookworms do. It felt a bit awkward to her, but the weight did help keep the front of her skirt in place. Thank goodness, too, because it also happened to be windy outside. The warmth of the afternoon sun was routinely countered by sweeping blasts of cool air from the south, which would’ve felt like a refreshing kiss upon her still hot-blooded skin were she not terrified that each new gust would be the one to upstage her. The wind, once a welcomed friend, was now her enemy: a silent, invisible predator that stalked her at every corner. As she marched down the sidewalk in her deliberate and delicate manner, her eyes continued to scan all around her. Her paranoia continued to flare up every time she made eye contact with somebody passing by. She knew it wasn’t possible, but it felt like everybody knew what she was hiding; like they were glaring at her in silent judgement. They knew. Somehow they all knew. Maybe it was the way she carried herself; maybe the anxiety was written all across her face without her being consciously aware of it. It was absurd, of course, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had a huge scarlet sign over her head that broadcasted, ‘I just banged in the bathroom and lost my panties!’ Not that Indigo was ashamed of or regretted what happened. Far from it, in fact. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t get the thoughts of what transpired out of her mind. Just the thought of Sunset Shimmer and her hands all over Indigo just warmed the teen to her core, as well as made her very conscious of the fact that there was still a sticky mess between her thighs. It was still a little hard to believe that it happened at all; just a short while ago she was yelling and cursing out Sunset Shimmer, but now she couldn’t seem to remember where she even kept all that anger. When she thought about her rival, all that came to mind was the warm tingling sensation that reminded her of what she felt in the bathroom that day. As Indigo Zap put more distance between herself and the school, she was able to breathe a little bit easier. The sidewalk traffic lessened to only one or two people every few blocks, which at least meant fewer eyes if something went wrong. That meant more time for her mind to linger on more relevant issues. Issues like Sunset Shimmer. What was she going to do about her now? Given how abruptly she left once they were finished, one would think she had just stopped in to freshen up. What do you say to a girl after that? And where did all that energy and passion come from? As far as Indigo could recall, Sunset Shimmer spent the past few weeks looking as apathetic as a sloth with a hangover. What was it about Indigo that brought out such a fury in the typically listless girl? It almost made her want to go back to just being angry at Shimmer; at least then things would be straightforward. Indigo’s train of thought was derailed when she heard her phone ring and buzz in her coat pocket. After juggling her things in order to free up a hand while keeping her textbook in place, she noted a new message on her phone and promptly checked it. “‘No time to explain. Get in the car’?” Indigo read the text out loud. Her confusion only lasted for a few moments as a car suddenly screeched to a halt next to her. She recognized it almost immediately as belonging to Sour Sweet, or rather her family, but it was hers in all but name. The passenger window rolled down, revealing Sugarcoat and, just beside her, Sour Sweet. “I see you got my message,” Sugarcoat said, noticing the phone still in Indigo’s hand. “I’m sorry, but this is for your own good.” “What do you mean my own good?” a baffled Indigo replied. Just then, the rear passenger door opened and out stepped Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest, both of whom had stern looks upon their faces. “Don’t make this harder than it needs to be, Indigo,” Sugarcoat warned. Whatever her friends had planned, Indigo didn’t want any part of it while she was still panty-less. “I really need to get home to—” When she turned to walk away, Sunny and Lemon grabbed hold of her by both arms. It soon became apparent that her friends were not going to take ‘no’ for an answer. Since she couldn’t explain the real reason for her apprehension, and fighting back could result in her friends discovering the truth in the more embarrassing way, Indigo had no choice but to be reluctantly dragged along for the ride. Indigo was put into the back seat of the car with Lemon and Sunny positioned to either side of her. Nestling her backpack over her lap, she couldn’t help but wonder what her friends were planning and whether or not it would involve a burlap sack over her head. There was an air of silence and suspense in the car as it drove along. The girls exchanged looks with one another, though Sugarcoat kept her focus on Indigo for the bulk of it. “S-so, what is this about exactly?” Indigo asked in an attempt to ease her growing nervousness. Even though she wasn’t paying much attention to where they were going, she could tell they were taking her further away from home. “We’ll explain when we get there,” Sugarcoat answered. Once again, deprived of any other option, Indigo had to sit and stew in the silence. At least at the end of this, she could hopefully count on her friends to give her a lift home. After several more minutes of driving, the car slowed to a halt; however, Indigo wasn’t the only person confused by their destination. “Sugarcube Corner?” Sunny said in disbelief as she looked out the window. “What the hell are we doing here? I thought this was supposed to be an intervention.” “Sunny! You ruined the surprise!” Lemon protested. “We’re supposed to wait until we got Indigo inside before we tell her.” “Who holds an intervention at a cafe? They’re supposed to be in private, secure locations,” Sunny shot back in her defense. At least Indigo wasn’t the only person who thought this all sounded rather silly. “Holding it here was the only way I could get Sour to agree to drive,” Sugarcoat explained. “And since nobody else has easy access to a car, we don’t have much choice.” “I’ll accept compensation in the form of mango smoothies and lemon tarts,” Sour said in confirmation. “Girls,” Indigo spoke up, “this really isn’t necessary. I don’t need an intervention.” Lemon Zest grabbed her by the shoulders, twisting her so that they were face to face. “You don’t have to lie to us, Indy,” she pleaded. “We’re your friends—we want to help you. You’re letting this Sunset Shimmer thing get out of control.” While it was true that things with Shimmer had gotten out of hand, it wasn’t quite the ‘out of control’ that any of her friends had in mind. However, trying to deny that would only further convince them that she was in denial. Indigo could only sigh inward and resign herself to her fate. “Can I at least get a milkshake while we’re here?” she asked. ************ As far as interventions went, at least, this wasn’t too bad. Indigo had always envisioned something with a lot more angry faces and harsh lectures, but thus far it had consisted of them sitting around a large table at the cafe with drinks and a tray of assorted fruit pastries. It felt more like one of Sunny Flare’s tea parties than an intervention, though when did her friends ever do things like regular people? Indigo wasn’t going to complain: she had her double-fudge milkshake, whose rich and decadent flavours helped soothe her worries and frustrations. It wasn’t all fun and games for her, however; she still had her wardrobe issue to fret over for starters. She made sure once she sat down on the couch, she kept her knees welded together to the point where even the jaws of life would struggle to move her. To her left and right sat Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat, respectively, to ensure that Indigo didn’t have any last second change of hearts. If only they knew that Indigo wasn’t in any condition to be running at the moment. “You know, this place isn’t too bad. I’m glad we decided to give it a shot,” Sunny declared while taking a moment to enjoy the bouquet of her tea. “Didn’t you call this place a two-bit bohemian shithole on our first visit?” Sugarcoat remarked between sips of her vanilla milkshake. Sunny Flare just rolled her eyes as she sampled her drink. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. You must be thinking of someone else.” “Sunny, could I trouble you for some lemon tarts?” Lemon Zest asked as she held out an empty plate. “Of course, here you go.” Sunny smiled back as she reached across the table and put a few pastries on the plate. “Thanks! You’re the best!” Sour Sweet and Sugarcoat observed the two girls with a surprised and perplexed look on their faces. “Wow, you responded to a reasonable request without any hint of annoyance or thinly-veiled passive-aggression,” Sour stated. “Have you two been up to something?” Lemon and Sunny paused abruptly, both with a mouthful of pastry as they shot back a sheepish grin. They then looked to each other, as if wondering how they should answer, or rather how much should they answer. “We’ve been… spending more time together, that’s all,” Sunny Flare offered up as an explanation. However, the hesitation and vagueness of her words did little to ease her friends’ suspicions. “Y-you know, in preparation for the gala.” “Riiiiiiiight,” both Sour and Sugarcoat remarked in unison with a synchronized eyebrow raising. “It’s true! We’re besties now!” Lemon declared as she suddenly threw an arm around Sunny’s shoulder. The prim and proper teen went rigid for a second, but soon collected herself and managed to eke out a nervous smile. “We’ve been hanging out a lot these past few weeks. In fact, I even made her—” Before the sentence could be finished, Sunny Flare slapped a palm over Lemon’s mouth, muffling the rest of her words. “Ah-heh-heh! Yeah, w-we’ve totally be spending time together—learning about friendship and all that,” Sunny explained. “And so long as you don’t have any follow-up questions, that is all that happened!” All of sudden, Sunny’s expression twisted into one of shock and horror as she recoiled away from Lemon with a shriek. “Ew! Don’t lick my hand! That’s gross!” The other girls laughed as a frantic Sunny Flare wiped her palm off on a napkin, all whilst chastising Lemon for her ‘unsavory mannerisms.’ It was refreshing to Indigo to see her friends settling into this new dynamic. Before the Friendships Games some of them had only been friends in the loosest sense of the word, but that was all in the past. Here they were, hanging out together, laughing and chatting away, and though they still squabbled from time to time, it never held the same degree of malice as it had in the past. Mulling over those thoughts, however, reminded Indigo of something important. “Wasn’t this supposed to be an intervention for me?” she asked. “Oh fine.” Sour sighed in disappointment, glaring at Indigo as she stirred a straw about in her mango smoothie. “You know, not everything has to be about you.” “Boy, Indy, way to be self-centered,” Lemon joined in with a playful tease. “Oy, you girls are incorrigible,” Indigo sighed, though she had to hold back her own urge to laugh. “Seriously, though, are you okay?” Sugarcoat asked, extending an arm and resting it on her friend’s shoulder. “You looked pretty bummed out after Sunset broke your goggles. Do you want to talk about it?” The mentioning of her goggles dampened Indigo’s mood, though not as much as she had expected it to. Perhaps she was comforted by the fact that all of her friends had gathered together to support her, which was clear when she looked up and saw all of them watching her with a sincere expressions of concern written across their faces. “It’s okay,” Indigo insisted. Her gaze fell down to the milkshake still in her hands, which were growing a bit numb from the cold. “You know, at first I thought I was angry at Sunset for breaking them, but… I’m beginning to realize now that I’m really just angry at myself for letting it get this far.” “You know, if you want, we could exact a little bit of ‘revenge’ on Shimmer,” Sour offered, which only earned her a few harsh glares from the other girls at the table. “Okay, fine. We’ll handle this the boring way, I guess.” “You do need to change your approach on this whole situation,” Sugarcoat continued on, ignoring her friend’s suggestion. “You’ve been acting rather erratic and irrational lately. I think you should give up on this Crystal Heart award quest of yours.” “What? Give up?!” Indigo shouted in disbelief. So great was her shock that when she lurched forward to face this insane recommendation, she ended up kicking the underside of the table. It was actually hard enough to knock a few plates to the ground. “Indigo Zap never backs down from a challenge! I might not win in the end, and I’m coming to terms with accepting that, but I ain’t throwing in the towel.” Of course, that mentality was exactly what landed her in this intervention in the first place. Indigo realized this soon and sighed as the weight of this reality bore down upon her. She collapsed back in the couch, letting herself sink into its soft, velvety embrace. Slowly, her eyes drifted shut, as if to try and shut out everything that might interfere with her rationalizing. “Maybe we could try inviting her out,” Lemon suggested. She scooted her seat back slightly to give herself enough room to reach down and pick up some of the plates that had fallen from the table a moment ago. “Like, maybe Sugarcoat or Sunny could extend the invitation so that she won’t know you’re involved. That way she’ll get to see you in a casual environment and not all super competitive and—” Lemon’s words cut off abruptly, followed soon after by a loud thump when she banged her head on the underside of the table. A second later, she scrambled back into her seat, looking stunned and flustered. Indigo was seconds too late when she realized that, in sinking into the couch, she had relaxed a little too much and had allowed her knees to drift apart—just far enough that somebody under the table could catch a glimpse. She scrambled to protect herself again, using a free hand to push down her skirt to cover the opening, but this only served to draw everyone else’s attention to what had left Lemon so stunned. “Indigo, what’s going on?” Sugarcoat asked. “N-nothing!” Indigo stammered back. “I think Lemon is just imagining things.” “I didn’t imagine it,” Lemon said as she leaned over the table. “You’re not wearing any underwear.” At least Lemon knew well enough to speak in a whisper so that the entire cafe wasn’t alerted. Everyone at the table, however, just went wide-eyed as they looked to Indigo for an explanation. Try as she might, Indigo’s face looked like a fresh tomato, which made denial pointless. All she could do was slump forward in humility, hoping that some meekness would evoke some mercy from her friends. “Wow, Indigo. I knew you were bold but that’s certainly taking things to a new level,” Sour commented. “I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for this,” Sugarcoat insisted before turning to her red-faced friend. “There is a logical explanation for this, right?” There was no escape for her, and Indigo knew it. All of her friends knew and they’d never relent until they got an answer from her. She could still try running—maybe jump the table and make a break for the door. But what good would that do her in the end? Unless she was planning on hiding at the bottom of a hole for the rest of her life, which sounded like a reasonable alternative, she’d have to face her friends eventually. With a disheartened sigh, Indigo buried her face into her palms. “Sunset Shimmer has them.” There was a pregnant silence around the table for a few seconds as the words just hung in the air like a bomb. Eventually, Sugarcoat broke the silence with a very straightforward question. “How?” “We had sex in the bathroom,” Indigo answered, refraining from mincing words. “I didn’t realize she still had them until after she had left.” Each of Indigo’s friends reacted to the news in a different way: Sugarcoat looked intrigued by this revelation; Lemon Zest grinned brightly in her excitement; Sour Sweet was still as stunned as she was before; and Sunny Flare was disgusted by the thought that part of her school had now been defiled. Indigo had expected a torrent of disapproval and condemnation, or at least a torrent of questions, but instead all she got was silence. Eventually, her friends all settled into the new piece of information. “So you’re serious, right? You actually had sex with Shimmer?” Sour asked. Indigo pried her face from her palms and looked up to her friend. She nodded slowly. “I guess there is a fine line between love and hate,” Sunny quipped. “I don’t love her,” Indigo replied. “I mean, I don’t think I do. I’m… I’m honestly not sure what I feel about her right now. I’m still just trying to process it all. Given how she left the second we were done, I’m pretty sure it didn’t mean a thing to her.” “Well you don’t know that for certain,” Lemon Zest remarked. “Maybe she’s normally a super-repressed prude like Sunny is.” “Hey! Who are you calling a prude?” Sunny snapped at the girl, who just snickered back. “Zest has a point,” Sour said as she continued with that train of thought. “She could be doing with actions what she has trouble doing with words. Not everybody is good at expressing how they really feel.” “Speaking from experience?” Sugarcoat quipped, earning herself a quick elbow from Sour in retaliation. There were a lot of ifs and maybes being thrown around, which didn’t help Indigo and her sense of uncertainty. Of course, there would never be any certainty until she spoke with Sunset Shimmer again, but that couldn’t happen until Indigo figured out what she wanted as well. All this doubt and second-guessing was making her nostalgic for back when it was all just hate and anger. “What do you girls think I should do?” Indigo asked, hoping some suggestions might bring some clarity. “I believe you need to speak with Sunset Shimmer and figure out where you stand with her. This kind of lingering doubt is not fair to you,” Sunny Flare stated in a firm tone. “Plus you need to figure out what you want from this… I guess you would call it a relationship of some sort,” Sugarcoat added with the other girls nodding in agreement. “What I want,” Indigo mumbled under her breath. She rested her chin upon her hand as she pondered the nature of the question. What did she want? She honestly wasn’t sure. “God, I wish this wasn’t so damned confusing.” “Was the sex good, at least?” Sour asked before shoving the last of the lemon tarts into her mouth. Indigo nodded. “It was incredible. Like, holy shit, I’ve never come so hard before in my life. I realize I don’t have much to compare it to, but nothing I’ve ever done to myself came even close to that.” “If you weren’t trying to win that award, would you be angry at Sunset?” Sunny then asked. “Probably not,” Indigo said with an uncertain shrug. “Sunset wasn’t exactly friendly when I first tried talking to her, but I think even then I was already resentful towards her.” She paused to think about the subject of her confusion, slurping at the last remnants of her milkshake all the while. “But there’s definitely an intensity to her… a passion that she just seems to hide away. Like, when we were in that bathroom, I could look into her eyes and see that I was the only thing in the whole damn universe that mattered to her in that instant.” “Sounds like you already know what you want,” Sugarcoat concluded. “I want to see where this road leads,” Indigo nodded in agreement. “Which means I need a game plan. How can I approach her in a way that doesn’t get another sundae dumped on my head?” The girls stopped and pondered over the issue, bringing about a brief silence across the table, save for the occasional slurp from someone finishing off their drink. Lemon was the first to come up with an idea, her eyes lighting up in excitement. “Oh, I know! You just need some common ground,” she suggested. “You’re both pretty good at sports. Maybe start from there?” “But what sport?” Sunny Flare interjected. “I like badminton—doesn’t mean I’ll make good conversation with somebody who loves rugby.” “She was clearly good at dodgeball,” Sour pointed out. “Well, not really dodgeball itself; she barely did anything. But you don’t end a game the way she did without playing a lot of sports.” Sour Sweet brought up a valid point: Sunset Shimmer won the dodgeball game without breaking a sweat. She wasn’t, however, a dodgeball player; otherwise she would’ve used more conventional tactics and finished the game with a throw rather than a kick. It was a very good kick, in fact. Her thoughts drifted back to those last moments of the game when Sunset punted the ball across the gym, her leg scything through the air in a singular, seamless and fluid motion. “I got it!” ************ The next morning, Indigo Zap made sure to arrive at school much earlier than usual. She needed to be ready for when Sunset Shimmer arrived, laying in wait to spring her plan into action. It was a bit of a longshot, but she felt something with gravitas was needed to crack through Shimmer’s defenses. If it didn’t work, there was always the back-up plan of just trying to confront her with her friends as support, but for the moment she wanted to handle this on her own. After several minutes of hiding in wait amongst the trees, she spotted a familiar car pulling up to the school. What kind of family did Sunset come from? Indigo was no car enthusiast, but the kind of car before her was the sort of vehicle you saw chauffeuring about rich, business-type people. Crystal Prep Academy was no stranger to rich families, of course; Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest both came from very well-off families from what Indigo could recall. Sugarcoat’s dad was a doctor of some sort, and Sour Sweet had her own car, so clearly their families were financially sound. In fact, Indigo’s family was arguably the ‘poorest’ of the five, though by no means did her family have any kind of money problems outside of being a single-parent household. The rear door of the vehicle swung open, and out stepped Sunset Shimmer, her Crystal Prep uniform all neatly pressed and fitted as always. “Usual pick-up time after school, Kibitz,” she said to the gentleman in the driver’s seat. “I’ll see you then.” Indigo waited for the car to leave and for Sunset to stroll up the path before making her move. “Hey Shimmer! Heads up!” Sunset swung her head about towards Indigo’s voice, just in time to see a soccer ball streaking through the air towards her. With the same speed and precision as she demonstrated in gym class, Sunset threw both hands up, catching the ball just inches from her head. “Is this how we’re greeting each other from now on?” Sunset asked, tucking the ball underneath her arm. “I just wanted to make sure I knew what I was dealing with,” Indigo said, shooting her a cocksure grin while resting her hands upon her hips. “If I hadn’t had my head shoved so far up my own ass, I would’ve noticed sooner that you’re a soccer player. Goalkeeper, right?” “So you can use that head of yours for more than just looking pretty,” Sunset replied. She smiled back as she let the ball drop to her feet. “I take you’re a striker?” “Captain of the team, too.” Sunset Shimmer chuckled quietly to herself before gently passing the ball back to Indigo. “Yeah, that makes sense,” she said. “Did you really wait there this whole time just to kick a ball at me? Most people would’ve just asked.” “I thought we could maybe kick the ball around a bit before classes begin,” Indigo offered as she trapped the ball with her foot. “I’m guessing you haven’t had much opportunity to play since coming to Crystal Prep, have you?” Sunset regarded the other teen for a moment, panning her gaze between her face and the ball at her feet. One could see her contemplating her options, as if trying to deduce whether this was worth her time or some sort of elaborate trap. Eventually, though, she smiled in approval and walked over to join Indigo. “By the way, don’t think that just because we’ve had sex that I’ll go easy on you,” Sunset warned in a playful tone. “Speaking of which, could I have my… you know…” “Oh, right.” Sunset swung her backpack around and rummaged through it. She eventually pulled out the aforementioned piece of undergarment and tossed it over. “Gave it a wash, by the way. Probably a good thing you caught me here—I was thinking of pinning it next to your name on the rankings board, like a flag.” “W-wait, really?” an incredulous Indigo replied. Sunset Shimmer just laughed, leaving her to wonder whether the girl was serious or not. If it were happening to anyone else, she would’ve found the idea hilarious. Sunset was definitely not a girl she wanted to get on the wrong side of. The two girls headed around the side of the school to the soccer pitch out back. While there were a handful of other students using the area for practise or playing some games, Indigo and Sunset were able to secure one end of the field for themselves. They set their bags off to the side and took their positions with Sunset in front of the net and Indigo several meters back with the ball. Indigo ran through a basic warm-up drill with Shimmer, the kind she did quite frequently with the goalkeeper of her own team. She started with some gentle, easy kicks to ease her partner in, just in case it had been a while since she last played. As expected, Sunset caught each shot with ease, tossing them back over to Indigo to prepare for the next volley. No words were spoken; none needed to be. It was a routine both had gone through dozens of times over. After every half-dozen shots or so, Indigo hastened her pace, kicking a bit faster and giving Sunset less time to prepare between shots. Not that Sunset needed much time: her speed and reflexes were arguably better than the goalkeeper Crystal Prep currently had on its team. Eventually, Indigo paused just as she was getting ready to line up her next shot. “So why the change in schools? I can’t see Principal Cinch trying to poach a new goalkeeper so late in the year.” Sunset’s expression flattened for a moment, her eyes drifting as if lost in a memory. “Tell you what,” she answered after a brief silence, “if you can get that ball past me, I’ll answer your question.” A soccer challenge? Now that was something that Indigo could get behind. “Okay then. You’re on,” she accepted. “I hope your reflexes are on point, because this one will be in the back of the net before you can blink!” She rolled the ball back a few meters, then took several steps beyond that. Once again, she took a moment to line up her shot, taking care to observe Sunset Shimmer in the distance. The other girl was already widening her stance, readying herself to pounce. Indigo had been shown up time and time again by underestimating her opponent—she would not make the same mistake today. With one last deep breath to steady her nerves, Indigo surged forward and swung with all her might. Except at the very last second, she pulled her kick and gave it a relatively light tap in the opposite direction she had been winding up for. Having anticipated an accurate, forceful shot from Indigo, the goalkeeper was already half-way through her dive by the time she realized that the ball wasn’t going to be careening through the air towards her. Rather, it just casually rolled across the grass to the opposite corner she had just leapt to. By the time Sunset hit the grass, the ball had already nestled into the back corner. “Shit," Sunset grumbled as she looked to the offending soccer ball. "Me and my big mouth.” Meanwhile, Indigo was still celebrating by shouting goal at the top of her lungs as she ran about the pitch with arms outstretched. After weeks of constantly coming up short, she finally had a victory to call her own. It wasn’t much, but it was like fresh water to a man dying of thirst. Once the exhilaration had subsided, she noticed that Sunset was sitting on the grass with her back propped up against the goalpost. The sentiments surrounding the outcome were rather one-sided. “Hey, listen, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” Indigo offered, now feeling a bit guilty. “Nah, it’s okay,” Sunset insisted. She leaned back, linking her hands together to hug one knee to her chest. “Everyone always says you should talk about your problems, after all.” Indigo sat down on the grass across from her new friend, crossing her legs as she gave Sunset the time she needed to collect her thoughts. “I used to go to the Royal Trottingham International College,” Sunset explained. The quizzical look on Indigo’s face announced the unfamiliarity of the name. “Sounds fancy,” she remarked. “Private all-girls boarding school,” Sunset continued on. “The kind that rich people like to send their daughters to before marrying them off to some other rich guy’s kid. It honestly wasn’t that bad if you ignored the constant supervision and caged lifestyle, as well as a social hierarchy that would make Crystal Prep look like a nursery school.” Indigo couldn’t imagine living at school day in and day out. As much as she enjoyed her life at Crystal Prep, she also liked getting away from it at the end of the day. It couldn’t have been as bad as it sounded, though, because otherwise Sunset Shimmer would’ve rejoiced at the opportunity to be free of it. “So what happened?” “A girl happened.” “Isn’t that always the case, eh?” Indigo said with a quiet sigh. Sunset nodded in agreement. “Her sister was on the soccer team, so she was always at the games. She was cute… quiet… very smart. And she was from overseas, too, so she had this nice little exotic flair to her as well. She was such a good cook; we used to spend hours in the kitchen just making things for the rest of the dorm.” “Sounds like a nice girl.” “She was,” Sunset said with a sincere, heartfelt smile. “We were good friends, and then I tried to move things beyond that.” The smile then faded from her expression. “I was a fool for thinking I could make something out of it.” “Did she not feel the same way?” Sunset gave a half-hearted shrug. “I don’t know anymore. I was older, more confident, more popular—she would’ve done anything I suggested just to make me happy. She was nervous when I made my first move, but I just pegged it as her shyness playing with her nerves again. And maybe it was. But her sister caught us and she raised a huge stink about it.” “Traditional family?” Indigo asked. “Enough to make the nineteenth century look bold,” Sunset said with a nod. “Maybe that was why she was so nervous. When confronted, she fell completely silent. Her sister was convinced I was this harlot that corrupted her little sister, and the next thing I knew, everyone in the whole damn school was convinced of this.” “And you didn’t fight this?” Indigo asked. It was odd that somebody with as much force of will as Sunset could get brought down by unsubstantiated gossip. “Even if I did, I couldn’t hide the fact that I was caught half-naked in bed with another girl. Consensual or not, that was scandalous behaviour, and most of the students came from rather conservative households. I didn’t want to drag it into a messy affair, so I shouldered all the blame. At least it kept her safe.” “For what it’s worth,” Indigo said as she reached out and set her hand atop of Sunset’s, “I think what you did was really noble.” Sunset glanced up and managed a faint smile to her friend. “Thanks.” “What happened next?” “Well once the school was done freaking out, it was my father’s turn to do the same,” Sunset said, sounding almost amused by the last part. “He’s very… stuck in the past. It’s funny: I managed to stave off some of his anger by convincing him that I was drunk. Apparently the thought of his daughter drinking was more palatable than the idea that I like girls.” “Ouch.” Indigo grimaced in sympathy. She had never once had to worry about what people thought of her because of who she chose to love; she had almost forgotten that not everybody had that luxury. “How could somebody think like that of their own child?” “You have to understand, my father puts a lot of value on family, not just the immediate but the whole line, past and future,” Sunset explained as her mood continued to spiral downward. “Everything’s always got to be about the family, maintaining our history and our reputation. Anything that doesn’t project the perfect image is undesirable.” She let out a sullen sigh as she brought her other knee up to her chest and nestled her chin between them. “As far as he’s concerned, I’m just some selfish, misguided teenager who needs to learn her proper place. Just… something to be fixed.” Indigo wasn’t sure what to say. Up until then, she had always figured Sunset Shimmer came from this perfect world where her every whim was granted, like some kind of princess. It was simple to view the world as one that always rewarded the good people and punished the bad, and if Sunset arrived at her fancy, prestigious school in an expensive car then it must be because she came from a good, well-off family. The real world, however, rarely worked that way. Sometimes the people you thought that had it all were the ones just barely holding on. Overcome with sympathy, Indigo Zap shifted over so that she sat right next to her friend. She wrapped an arm around Sunset’s shoulder, pulling her a bit closer and then resting her head upon her friend’s shoulder. “This isn’t really necessary,” Sunset muttered. “I’ll be fine; I’ve always managed things out on my own.” “But you don’t have to do this by yourself,” Indigo said. She reached over with her free hand, cupping the side of Sunset’s face and easing her gaze up until their eyes met. She flashed her friend a warm and sincere smile, running her thumb along Sunset’s cheek. A rosy tint soon appeared across her face. Both girls slowly began to lean in towards one another. This time, Indigo didn’t feel any fluttering in her chest or pangs of excitement, just a deep and pure yearning in her heart. It was a different sensation than what she felt in the bathroom the day before, but felt just as intoxicating. Her eyes drifted shut just as her lips pressed against Sunset’s, and she held her in a gentle, chaste kiss. No lust, no overwhelming passion, not even a little bit of tongue, but it didn’t make the embrace any less fulfilling for Indigo. It warmed her to her very soul, and she could tell that Sunset felt similar because when she tried to ease back, the other girl just leaned in further and snagged a second kiss. And then a third. And a fourth. Soon, Indigo had been pushed onto the grass with Sunset now atop of her, holding onto a delicate and sensual kiss. It was only after that did the two girls’ lips draw apart, and Indigo cast her gaze to the girl lingering over her. There was a smile on Sunset’s face—a smile that sang of gentle love and tenderness, and hidden from the world by a curtain of crimson hair. “So what exactly does this make us?” Indigo asked. “I’m not sure,” Sunset replied. She reached down and took hold of Indigo’s hand, interlinking their fingers and giving it a gentle squeeze. “But I’d like to find out, together, if that’s okay with you.” “I’d like that.” Indigo squeezed back, feeling a spring of excitement inside her. “Maybe you could join me and my friends for lunch. I’m sure they’d like to meet you.” “Sounds like fun. I wouldn’t mind getting to know that girl with the short, purple hair; she’s pretty cute. You think she’d be interested in a three-way?” Indigo burst into laughter. “I don’t think Sunny Flare’s into girls like that.” > Winning Her Heart pt.5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So that’s when I insisted, ‘No, really! It’s used for massages!’ And she totally bought it! She spent the next three days carrying this giant purple dildo around the dorm, using it like a back massager.” With classes dismissed for the day, the front doors swung open as the six girls emerged into the afternoon sun. Once just a group of five, Indigo and her friends were now accompanied by their newest companion, Sunset Shimmer. Having taken up Indigo’s offer, she spent the day at school not hiding in the corner and scoffing the world, but instead socializing with these girls that she now felt confident in considering her friends. The six girls strolled across the school grounds with Sunset at the lead, still entertaining the others with stories of her time at prep school. “In the end, I kinda felt bad about it so I confessed and told her what she had actually been carrying around.” “So how’d she take it?” an enthusiastic Sour Sweet inquired. Sunset Shimmer stopped in her step and swung about to face her friends, grinning from ear to ear. “I swear to god, you could hear the shrieking from one end of the dorm to the other.” “Did she get angry with you?” Sugarcoat asked. “Like you wouldn’t believe,” Sunset said with a hearty laugh. “Between her rage and her disgust, she decided her best choice was just to hurl the thing at me, which missed me by a mile, naturally. She did, however, manage to hit her friend in the chest, and, I shit you not, it fell right down her blouse!” She had to stop for a second as she was now doubled over, laughing so hard she could barely get any further words out. All of them were laughing, in fact, at the mental picture of the sheltered prep school girls freaking out because they had sullied their hands with a sex toy. “Seriously? Down her shirt?” Indigo laughed in disbelief. “This girl had huge knockers: I’m talking like ‘Himalayas on their sides’ big. The opening in her shirt was bigger than a train tunnel. And then… and then…” Sunset tried to continued but stumbled into an even deeper giggling fit. After a few seconds, she gasped for air as she pushed through it. “Both girls started freaking out, and when they tried to get it, they accidentally turned the dildo on. She starts screaming and running about the dorm with her tits now jiggling about!” The uproar of laughter swept across the entire group once more, forcing them to step off the concrete path for a moment in order to let other students pass by, many of whom regarded the group with a puzzled gaze. Such a brazen, public display of laughter and camaraderie from Crystal Prep’s most notorious pair of rivals? Nobody would’ve believed such a thing to be real had they not seen it for themselves: Indigo with an arm thrown across Sunset Shimmer’s shoulder, laughing like a pair of old friends. After a few minutes, the girls finally managed to settle down, with Sunset Shimmer letting out a long and wistful sigh. “Oh god, do I miss those two—sheltered prep school kids are so much fun to screw with.” “Yeah, can you imagine mistaking a sex toy for a back massager?” Lemon remarked. She shot a playful grin over to Sunny Flare beside her before elbowing her a couple of times. “How silly do you have to be to do that, right Sunny?” Sunny Flare just began to fluster a deep red as she responded with a nervous smile. “Ah-heh, y-yeah, that would be… um, be really silly. Who’d ever be that ignorant?” Thankfully, her sheepish laugh went unnoticed by the others. Now able to catch their breath, the girls continued on their way. “So what are you girls up to for the rest of the day?” Indigo asked. “Sugarcoat and I still have a lot of work to do on the gala presentation,” Sour Sweet explained while grabbing her friend by one of the straps of her schoolbag. “Because somebody has been slacking and hasn’t finished her contribution to the project!” “It’ll be ready in time,” Sugarcoat insisted, sounding almost like she was pouting. “I know, and I’m going to make sure of that!” Indigo glanced to her other friends, all of whom responded with uncertain shrugs. “Maybe you should tone it down a bit, Sour,” she suggested. “I know you want this presentation to be perfect, but that’s no reason to get snippy with Sugarcoat.” “Okay, fine,” Sour said with a roll of her eyes. She then released her friend, but nonetheless kept Sugarcoat close to her. “But I’m still planning on working her ass hard tonight.” Sour Sweet’s remark spurred a chorus of snickering from the other girls. One could see her expression change as her brain came to the slow realization of the possible interpretations of what she had just said. However, it only changed from ‘angry’ to ‘really, really angry,’ which wasn’t too dissimilar except louder and with more flustering. “Oh, screw you lot!” Sour cussed the others out, which only made the laughter worse. Growling in frustration, she grabbed Sugarcoat by the arm and stormed off with her friend in tow. “Be sure to be extra rough with her,” Lemon called out after them. “She likes it that way!” Indigo and the others waved good-bye to Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet, the latter of whom waved back with just one finger. “I’d better get going, too,” Sunny Flare then announced with her phone in hand. She started tapping and swiping, as though reviewing some documents. “Still plenty of work to be done in preparation for the gala. I’ve had to rebook my appointments to get my hair and nails done, and there’s still alterations needed for my dress.” “You’ve got a date for it, right?” Indigo asked. “Well, um… not quite. I’ve just been, uh… biding my time,” Sunny explained in a manner that just screamed ‘making excuses.’ She then struck a pose, hand upon her chest, that carried with it an air of grace and a generous helping of arrogance. “A lady does not just accept any old invitation that floats her way. I expect to be properly courted, as is befitting for one of my stature.” Fortunately, Indigo Zap managed to keep the next fit of laughter from bubbling to the surface, lest she wound Sunny’s pride further. Sunny was probably under enough self-inflicted pressure to ensure she didn’t go stag for the gala that she didn’t need Indigo making it worse. Sunny and Lemon bid farewell and headed on their way, oddly enough both heading in the same direction despite both claiming they had separate things to take care of for the gala. Indigo had a feeling that the day after the gala was going to involve a lot of people explaining their behavior for the past few weeks, including maybe even Indigo. She certainly hadn’t been acting herself ever since Sunset Shimmer showed up, and she felt a bit guilty that she had been neglecting her friends as a result. She definitely owed them an apology or two later. “Guess it’s just the two of us,” Indigo said while giving Sunset a playful nudge with her elbow. “Well, three if you include Kibitz,” Sunset replied. She then directed Indigo’s attention to the open gates up ahead. Parked at the side of the street, along with so many other cars waiting to pick up their fares, was the familiar luxury sedan that ferried Sunset in every morning. Standing out front of it was an older, spectacled gentleman with more hair in his bushy moustache than he had atop of his head. He was busy staring at his pocket watch when Sunset’s waving caught his attention. “Ah, good afternoon Miss Shimmer,” he greeted as the two girls approached. With a crisp ‘snap,’ he shut the pocket watch and tucked it away into the deep recess of his velvet red jacket. His perceptive eyes gazed through his wire-frame glasses as he looked to Indigo Zap, scrutinizing her from top to bottom. “A new friend of yours, I presume?” “That’s right!” Sunset stated. “Indigo Zap, this is Mr. Kibitz; butler, chauffeur, tutor, and substitute paternal figure all rolled into one. Mr. Kibitz, this is my new friend, Indigo Zap.” “Nice to meet’cha!” “Charmed.” Mr. Kibitz was as curt and polite as one would expect from a man of his position. Wasting no further time with idle conversation, he stepped over and opened the rear door of the car. “I presume there shall be a change in our destination for the afternoon?” “Guess that depends,” Sunset answered before turning to her friend. “You wanna hang out?” “Sure. My place or yours?” “Well, I don’t want to impose, but it might be a good idea to keep you a safe distance from my father for the time being,” Sunset said with some reluctance. “My place is fine,” Indigo said before gesturing towards the open door. “If your dad is as pleasant as you make him out to be, I probably don’t want to meet with him any time soon either.” Sunset got into the back seat, followed by Indigo a second later. The interior was quite spacious, with a chilled wall of conditioned air greeting her as she entered. “Oo, now that is nice,” Indigo said as she settled into the padded leather seat. “It’s like wrapping my ass in silk,” she added with a laugh. With ample room to stretch out her legs, the teen let out a contented sigh before she buckled up and the car began to move. “It’s also got heated massage if you want,” Sunset explained as she pointed out the controls on the arm rest. She leaned over and tapped a few of the buttons, spurring a subtle rumbling noise from the seat. Indigo’s grin just grew wider as the legions of tiny mechanical fingers began working into her back muscles. The motions moved in pulsing waves up and down her spine while two larger knobs began grinding into her lower back. “Can I just live in your car?” Indigo swooned in delight. “This is sooooo much better than anything I’ve got.” Sunset giggled but said nothing more, content to just sit and watch as Indigo enjoyed the ride, including all the soft little purrs and murmurs that came with it. It was a shame they were in the back seat of a moving car at the moment, because otherwise she’d be tempted to pounce on Indigo to make it a really good massage. Instead, she had to settle for making more conversation. “So, can I ask a bit of a personal question?” “Considering everything I’ve asked of you, I’m pretty sure you’re owed a bunch,” Indigo replied. “What’s the deal with the goggles? I get the impression they’re for more than just eye protection.” The contented grin faded from Indigo’s face, which took on a more somber expression. “They were my dad’s,” she answered plainly. “He gave them to me before his last deployment.” “Oh.” Sunset’s response was brief at first, but only because it took her a few seconds to piece the clues together and realize what kind of deployment Indigo was referring. Once she did, though, it hit with all the guilt-inducing force of a nagging grandmother you never remember to call. “Oh dammit,” she sighed to herself, “I broke her dead dad’s goggles…” “It’s not your fault,” Indigo replied, having overheard the last remarks. “I got too cocky—shouldn’t have been wearing them at all. But noooo, I was so certain in my invincibility that the idea they were at risk never crossed my mind.” “I still feel bad, especially considering how smug I was about it at the time,” Sunset replied. Just then, an idea came to mind and she leaned forward to peer into the front part of the car. “Hey Kibitz, do you know anybody that could fix a pair of goggles?” “It might take a bit of asking around, but it should be possible,” Kibitz answered in a prompt fashion. “Excellent!” Sunset exclaimed, slapping the side of the driver’s seat in her excitement. “Indigo, gimme your goggles.” “Listen, I appreciate the offer, but you don’t have to do this for me. This was my doing and I should live with the consequences.” Despite her words, Indigo’s tone did not carry the same degree of certainty. She’d love to have her goggles fixed, but it didn’t feel right to be taking so many favours so soon from her new friend. When you strove so hard for personal accomplishments, having someone else hand you things felt like it diminished more than it added. Sunset’s eyes widened in surprise for a brief moment before sinking into disappointment. She fell back into her seat and clasped her hands together. “Oh come on, Indigo, please? I already feel bad enough as it is thinking back to how I’ve treated you for the past couple of weeks, now I’ve got this hanging over me too?” “Okay, okay, you can have the goggles,” Indigo relented. She rummaged through her backpack until she finally produced the item. “Heh, you are not a girl that takes ‘no’ lightly, are you?” “Neither are you,” Sunset replied. She took a moment to look over the goggles, but despite the guilt she managed to smile back to her friend. “Listen, I’m sorry for how I’ve behaved. After having all my friends turn on me in back in Trottingham, I just convinced myself that I’d be better off if I just didn’t bother with any for a while.” Indigo reached over and cupped her hands over her friend’s, giving Sunset a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “You don’t have to apologize, Sunset. I’ve already forgiven you.” She then let out a brief, sheepish chortle. “Plus, I’ve got just as much to apologize about. It’s not like either of us got off on the best foot.” “Well I wouldn’t mind getting you off both of your feet again,” Sunset whispered, flashing her playful little smirk. “Sunset!” Indigo exclaimed. She tried to hide the quick rush of heat to her cheeks, but to no avail. “Could you not—I mean, you sure it’s a good idea to talk like that in front of others?” Sunset shrugged, feigning innocence. “Dunno. Hey Kibitz, you won’t tell my dad if I started making out with Indigo, right?” “I would prefer if you tried to exercise some discretion, Miss Shimmer.” “See? Kibitz is cool with it.” “Sunset, no,” Indigo warned in a stern tone. “Party pooper.” ************ Indigo Zap arrived home to an empty household, which was about as predictable as the sun rising in the morning. Her mother would still be at work and her sister was most likely out in the city enjoying her time away from college. Normally such a hollow greeting would instill a similar feeling in Indigo, but this time around she had Sunset Shimmer alongside her. If anything, an empty home would be a boon for the two of them. “You can just leave you coat and bag in the hall closet,” Indigo said before she kicked off her shoes. Once they had put their things away, Indigo led her friend to the kitchen, where she offered Sunset a soda. “Nice place you’ve got here,” Sunset commented before taking one of the offered sodas. A picture on the nearby wall caught her attention: it was a candid photo of a very young Indigo Zap, grinning in a way that only an energetic child could while trying to wear a flight helmet that was comically too big for her. She struggled to keep it from slipping and engulfing her head like some kind of alien predator. Just behind Indigo was the owner of said helmet, a young father who was threatening to burst out into laughter at the antics of the young girl who sat upon his knee. Sunset could feel the love and joy in the picture; she couldn’t recall ever having a picture of her that carried such emotion. “That’s your dad, I take it?” Sunset commented, still staring at the picture. “That’s him all right,” Indigo answered. She walked over to join Sunset in viewing the photo, a nostalgic smile upon her lips. “I was seven when that picture was taken. There was a big air show so he was giving me the grand tour of the place.” “Sounds like a pretty cool guy,” Sunset remarked as she took a quiet sip. “I was a kid and my dad flew fighter jets—as far as I was concerned, he was the coolest dad to have ever existed.” “So… um, how long since he… uhh… you know.” Sunset felt a bit awkward asking, and it showed clear as day. Fortunately, the subject didn’t seem to upset Indigo at all. “Seven years and two months, give or take a few weeks,” she replied. It wasn’t her favourite subject, but she’d grown enough to be able to talk about it without losing herself in memories. She recognized she had the slight luxury of being the youngest and thus having the fewest memories attached to her father. She remembered how inconsolable her mother was for weeks after they received the news. “There was some sort of engine failure after take-off, or something along those lines. In all honesty, I never really looked at the details—knowing the exact reasons won’t really change anything, you know?” “I’m sorry for your loss,” Sunset offered her condolences. “I’m sure he really would’ve taken a liking to you,” Indigo replied, smiling as she turned her gaze back to her friend. “Now come on, let’s go make something to eat.” She had invited Sunset Shimmer over to hang out and have a good time, not to dwell on the past. Taking a cue from some of Sunset’s memories, she thought maybe spending some time together in the kitchen might help them get to know one another better. If nothing else, it’ll at least result in something to eat. “And what do you propose we make?” “You like sushi?” No words were needed as Sunset simply grinned from ear to ear. The two headed into the kitchen where they began to gather the necessary ingredients and tools for the job. “You actually have all the things to make sushi?” Sunset remarked with a hint of surprise. “Lemon Zest and I did a project in home ec. last year where we had to research and prepare a foreign dish,” Indigo explained. She popped open a cupboard and pulled out a large glass jar filled with rice. “Did you know sushi originated from a process used to preserve salted fish? The rice was fermented to help keep the fish from spoiling and they actually discarded it before eating.” “We had one girl at Trottingham who was really big into sushi, which did not earn her a lot of friends, sadly.” “Not big sushi fans at Trotty, I take it?” “Their taste in food tended to be about as conservative as the rest of their outlooks on life.” “Oh well, more fish for the rest of us!” Indigo beamed brightly as she rummaged through a few drawers to find the rolling mats. “Now we gotta get the rice, veggies, and meat all prepared. Which do you want to take?” “I’ll take the veggies—it’s been a long while since I’ve made any sushi, so I’ll stick to the easy part.” “Veggies are in the fridge, knife and cutting board next to it,” Indigo directed her friend while she headed to the sink. As Sunset started gathering the vegetables for their meal, which included cucumber and an avocado, Indigo got to work on the rice. For both girls, it was nice to partake in an activity together that didn’t involve school or sports, and with no competition needed whatsoever. Just friendship and the promise of a tasty treat at the end was enough motivation to keep both of them hard at work. The kitchen was soon abuzz with activity, the tapping of a knife against a chopping board and the splashing of water and rice filled the air. “It’s nice to actually be making something with my own hands for a change,” Sunset remarked while cutting a cucumber into very thin slices. “My dad has a personal cook who gets ornery when I mess around in his kitchen.” “You got your own cook?” Indigo remarked. “Just how rich is your dad?” “Let me put it this way, my four-year tuition at Trottingham probably cost more than this house,” Sunset said. Indigo just stared at her friend in disbelief, as if her brain couldn’t possibly fathom the very concept of a year of prep school costing that much. Her home wasn’t big by any stretch of the imagination, but it was in a good neighborhood, so Sunset was insinuating somewhere past the quarter-million ballpark. Her tuition for Crystal Prep Academy was probably not even a tenth of what Sunset’s family paid. “Boy, Crystal Prep must really be a step down for you then, huh?” Indigo replied with the only thing that came to mind. “It is and it isn’t.” Sunset paused for a moment to collect her thoughts, using the time to scoop up the vegetables she’d diced thus far and move onto the next. “I mean, yes, the facilities at Crystal Prep aren’t as good, but I’m just as capable of doing my lessons without being given my own personal laptop, and I don’t need my textbooks all on tablets. They’re nice, but they’re not essential.” “You might reconsider that when you’ve got to carry thirty pounds of textbooks and binders back home with you.” “Maybe I’m just being foolishly optimistic, but I really think you and your friends are going to make Crystal Prep a good place for me,” Sunset continued on. “Well, at least until we all graduate and I get shuffled off to the next gilded cage.” Indigo hadn’t even thought about what would happen after Crystal Prep. She had her plans, and considering Sunset’s family fortunes, it was unlikely they’d wind up in similar locations. “So where exactly would that be?” Indigo asked, feeling a pang of wariness as to what the answer might be. But Sunset just shrugged. “I haven’t decided yet. Dad’s already got three or four colleges lined up ready to rubber stamp my approval,” Sunset explained. “I guess I should get around to deciding what my future career should be.” “You don’t sound too thrilled about that. Don’t you have any goals of what you want to be when you grow up?” “I want to be me.” Sunset then sighed, her silence punctuated by a dull ‘thunk’ as she bisected a bell pepper. “What do you mean?” Sunset set down her knife for a moment, then turned about as to lean back against the countertop. “I mean that it’s not a major exaggeration to say that most of my life was planned out before I was even born,” Sunset explained. “Every school I attended was picked well in advance; every spare afternoon was filled with tutors for music and dancing and public speaking. The only silver lining to going to Trottingham college was that I didn’t have my dad micro-managing my day-to-day life anymore.” “Almost sounds like you miss Trottingham.” Sunset let out a quiet sigh, folding her arms across her chest as she turned her gaze to the nearby window. “I miss the freedom, as fleeting as it was. There wasn’t much of it between the tight schedules and early curfews, but it was more than I ever had. But I’m sure this all sounds rather silly to you—real first world problems here, eh?” Indigo would’ve been lying if she said that she wished the worst of her problems was a lack of choice in parts of her life, but she knew she lacked the perspective needed to fully understand her friend’s plight. “Grass is always greener on the other side, it seems,” Indigo remarked. She would’ve offered her friend a hug, but she was still wrist-deep in starchy, rice-filled water for the prep work. “So what does the real you want to be?” “I wish I knew,” Sunset said as she let out a defeated sigh. Her mood was turning faster than a piece of salmon left on the side of the road, so she swung about face to try and focus her thoughts back on preparing the ingredients. “Soccer was one of the few things I managed to talk my dad into letting me do regularly, and even then I had to agree to take on something else to ‘make up for the wasted time.’ And that’s why I had to study Latin for four years.” “Who even speaks Latin anymore?” “Latin teachers,” Sunset answered with a wry smirk. There was a momentary lull as Indigo drained the water from the rice, leaving nothing but a bowl of fresh, clean rice. “When you’re done with the veggies, want to help me with the vinegar?” she offered. Having diced up more than enough to feed the two of them, Sunset put her things aside and joined her friend at the stove. Together, they started preparing the rice and Indigo directed Sunset on how to properly prepare the vinegar. “What about you?” Sunset asked, giving her friend a nudge. “A girl like you must be aiming pretty high.” “Promise not to laugh?” Indigo said with a sheepish smile. “Is it a stripper? A librarian? A crime fighter? A librarian-stripper that fights crime?” “That last one doesn’t sound half-bad,” Indigo said while holding back a chuckle. “Sexy librarian by day, crime-fighting stripper by night. Might make for an interesting comic book series.” “But seriously, what’re you aiming for?” Indigo let out a half-hearted chuckle as she buried her gaze in the pan of rice she was now cooking up. “I… I want to be an astronaut.” Luckily for her, Sunset did not respond with an uproar of laughter, but instead just cocked an eyebrow. “Why do you sound so embarrassed about that?” “I don’t know—it just sounds cliched,” Indigo explained, now feeling embarrassed for being so embarrassed in the first place. “When they’re seven years old, everybody wants to be an astronaut, along with firemen and police officers, but they always grow out of it. For most people, it’s never more than just a childish fantasy.” “But not for you, I take it.” Indigo shook her head, feeling a bit less foolish now that she was putting her thoughts out into the air. “Astronauts are some of the smartest, bravest people out there. I mean, who else would willingly strap themselves to a million pounds of rocket fuel and launch into a realm where everything is on the frontier of human knowledge?” So caught up in her own thoughts, Indigo didn’t even notice the tranquil smile curling upon her lips, though it didn’t slip past the other girl’s attention. “I want to see the stars and float around in zero-G. I want to go where nobody has ever gone before, see things that no human eye has ever set upon. I want people to look at me and go, ‘there’s a woman who never settled for anything less than her very best.’” “Wow… that’s… that’s pretty impressive,” Sunset eventually stammered out in response. She was at a loss for words, and that truth was written across her face. “Guess that’s why you’re so damn competitive, huh?” “They don’t make astronauts out of average people. You need to be the best,” Indigo replied, as though the principle were as simple as ‘one plus one equals two.’ “True, but you don’t need to make everything a competition to do that. You got your panties in a twist pretty hard just because I was beating you for that Crystal Heart thingie, but do you really think you’ll be a better astronaut if you beat me? Or that me winning will mean you’ll have to settle for another dream?” When Sunset phrased it like that, it did make Indigo feel rather silly about her obsessiveness earlier. “It’s not quite like that; it’s about becoming better—pushing myself to new limits.” “If you wanted to get a better score on your tests, you could just ask me to tutor you,” Sunset offered. “Or, hell, one of your other friends. Why haven’t you tried asking them?” “Because then it’s not a competition.” The very notion of asking her opponent for help sounded strange and alien to Indigo, like ketchup-flavoured potato chips. Sunset just rolled her eyes, laughing quietly under her breath. “If you’re only able to find happiness by winning and setting yourself apart from others, you are going to spend a lot of your life alone, and very miserable. There’s always going to be somebody smarter around the corner.” “Like you? Didn’t you compete at your last school? Or are you telling me you’re just naturally this smart.” “The only person I’m accountable for is myself. That’s the only person I’m trying to outdo each day.” Sunset then glanced up from her work and offered her friend a sincere smile. “I don’t mind a little competition in a game where it’s all just for fun, but that’s about it. Maybe you should give it a shot: I help you with your school work, and you stop fussing about winning.” It was Indigo’s turn to fall silent for a few minutes as she pondered over the other girl’s suggestion. There was no denying that trying to compete against Sunset had only made her school life worse, so maybe a change was needed. The old Indigo would’ve probably agreed in order to get a leg-up on the competition, but today she found herself wanting to agree because it felt like the right thing to do. “Okay,” Indigo nodded. “We can try that.” “We’ll make an astronaut out of you yet,” Sunset said with a playful chuckle. The laughter soon turned into a wistful sigh, however, followed by a quiet murmur, “Must be nice—knowing you want something with that kind of certainty” “Haven’t you ever wanted something really badly?” “Well, I can think of one thing,” Sunset mused before smiling playfully to Indigo. It took a few moments for her to realize what Sunset was referring to. “And I thought I sounded corny,” she remarked while trying to hide the rosy flush upon her cheeks. “I’m a sheltered prep school girl,” Sunset insisted, albeit unconvincingly. “I’m allowed a few flights of fancy.” After a quick laugh, the girls turned their attention back to their work with the sizzling of water and vinegar dancing through the air. “I think the vinegar is ready. What should I do with it?” “Just put it aside to let it cool,” Indigo answered. “The rice should be ready soon.” Of course, with only the rice left to cook, that meant Sunset Shimmer had little to do but wait. There was no point in standing idle, however, so the playful teenager slipped in behind Indigo and snaked her arms around the other girl’s waist. She gave a tender, affectionate squeeze as she drew in closer, resting her head upon Indigo’s shoulder. “This is nice,” she sighed contently and then said nothing further. Indigo kept silent as well, opting to just enjoy the warmth and company of the other girl as she continued cooking their rice. She never shared quiet moments like these with her other friends since Lemon Zest or Sunny Flare always had something to say regardless of what was going on around them. And likewise, when she was around her friends, she didn’t care much for silence—it felt too much like wasting idle time. With Sunset it felt different; it was something stronger, more intense than just friendship, and far different from the lust she felt the day before. She had really grown to care about her friend. Was friend really the right word for what she felt? Indigo wasn’t sure, but she did know she’d like to consider Sunset something more than that. For now, though, she was happy just to enjoy the moment for what it was; she could worry about labels another day. “Okay, I think the rice is ready,” Indigo eventually announced. She glanced sideways to the girl still nestled against her. “If you want any sushi, you’re going to have to let go.” “Can I try some of the rice?” Sunset asked. After checking to make sure the rice wasn’t too hot, Indigo plucked out a clump of it with her fingers and held it up. Rather than take the rice herself, Sunset just leaned in and ate the rice straight out of Indigo’s grasp. And it wasn’t just the rice she took, her lips closed around the girl’s finger, slipping further and further up until she was brushing up against the knuckle. Sunset suckled slowly and gently, letting her tongue caress alongside the underside of Indigo’s index finger, all while she purred like a contented kitten. It was hard to resist the memories of the day before flooding to her forethought: the warmth of her tongue, the feel of her lips, the intoxicating scent of her hair. Indigo could feel her heart beginning to race again, followed by a slow, deep breath to steady her nerves. Sunset withdrew slowly, tormenting the girl further as her tongue slithered back and finishing with one last little flick against her fingertip. “So what kind of fish are we going to put on these things?” Sunset asked, returning to the matter of their meal as though the last ten seconds had never transpired. “I… uh,” Indigo stumbled at first, blushing from ear to ear, “there’s some salmon and crab in the fridge. We’ve also got some shrimp and tuna in the freezer, but we’d need to thaw them out.” “Salmon and crab it is!” Sunset acknowledged. She gave Indigo a quick peck on the cheek and then headed to fetch the last of the ingredients, leaving her red-faced friend to fight down her more carnal urges. “Keep it together, Indy,” she reminded herself. “She’s trying to play you; don’t let her win.” She could tell that Sunset was trying to make another game out of this otherwise innocuous activity. If for nothing other than principle, Indigo was determined not to let her win: a prospect that became all the more difficult when she noticed that Sunset was stooped over while searching the bottom shelves of the fridge. “Must… resist… urge!” As if possessed by another power, Indigo’s hand began to gravitate towards the tantalizing posterior. The pleats of her skirts swayed with Sunset’s hips, as if beckoning the other teen closer. One little touch wouldn’t hurt, would it? Maybe just a quick peek? Before Indigo even realized it, she had already shuffled right up to Sunset, and her hand was just inches away. She bet Sunset had a nice, toned butt; the kind that perfectly filled out a pair of jeans and could turn every guy’s head in a quarter-mile radius. “Found it!” Sunset exclaimed. She sprang back upright, prompting Indigo to quickly withdraw. Just in the nick of time, too, as Sunset Shimmer turned around and gave the girl a look of thinly-veiled confusion. “Is something wrong?” “N-nothing!” Indigo stammered again. She could’ve chastised Sunset for continuing to tease her, but that would mean admitting that she was losing. With an innocent smirk, Sunset handed over the packages of salmon and crab, and the two girls returned to their preparations. Indigo kept her chatter to a minimum, wanting to focus on getting the food ready in a timely fashion, and also because she was wary of what Sunset might say or do if given an opening. It was getting harder and harder to resist, but at the same time it was fun in its own way. It was like a competition between her willpower and Sunset’s charm—just another game to see who was better. “Let’s go with some crab, avocado, and cucumber in this first roll,” Indigo suggested. She set down a sheet of dried seaweed, or nori, across the rolling mat, and then began laying out the first ingredients. “I’ll use the salmon and make some of those single-piece sushi,” Sunset offered. “The proper term for those is nigirizushi, if I remember correctly.” “I just call them delicious.” “Can’t argue with that,” Indigo said with a laugh. Once she had her sushi laid out, she began rolling up the bamboo mat, compressing the mat of rice, vegetables, and fish into a tidy, compact, nori-wrapped tube. “Ta-da! Our first maki roll.” “Nice! Let’s get a few more ready and then maybe we can watch a movie while we eat,” an eager Sunset suggested. She continued balling up clumps of rice until she had about ten or so pieces. Upon each bed of rice, she laid a thick slab of salmon, taking great pains to make sure it was positioned perfectly centered and then secured with a thin ribbon of nori. Indigo had a second roll prepared by the time that Sunset finished her first batch. “Not bad for a first round,” she remarked as she took a moment to admire the small bounty they’d created. “Why don’t you slice up the maki rolls and grab a plate from the cupboard while I make a couple more.” Sunset Shimmer simply nodded and heeded the instructions, slicing and arranging their freshly-made sushi upon a small plate. Once she was done, she headed over to the nearby kitchen table to set them aside, leaving Indigo to continue with her toiling. A gentle humming floated through the air as Indigo finished up her third maki roll for the afternoon. Her mind was abuzz with excitement at the afternoon that laid ahead. On top of that, she was feeling quite proud of herself for being able to withstand her friend’s tantalizing wiles. No doubt Sunset wanted to reduce her to another babbling mess just like she had the other day. Even if there wasn’t anything really at stake, it was the principle of competition that mattered. She had won; she had triumphed over Sunset Shimmer! “Indigo, is it true that some people like to serve sushi atop of a naked woman?” “Sure,” Indigo began as she turned about, “but it’s a bit of an esoteric practice that’s just… sil… ly…” Her words drifted off like a wisp of smoke in the breeze. Before her lay a sight that took her breath away: Sunset Shimmer laid across her kitchen table, completely bare from the waist up, save for the careful arrangement of sushi pieces across her captivating figure. It formed a trail stretching from her navel up to the valley of her breasts, both of which were capped with a strip of salmon. Sunset flashed her a smile, playful as she always was, but on top of that: triumphant. “Oh… oh my,” Indigo murmured under her breath. Her hands wrung tightly around the sushi roll still in her grasp, causing rice and avocado to spurt out from both ends. Her eyes drank in every curve and feature as she worked her way up Sunset’s pristine, amber skin. Much like Indigo, she had a lean and athletic figure, though the fully-dressed teen couldn’t help but feel a little envious when comparing her breast size to that of her friend. “You look hungry,” Sunset said before giving a quick wink. “Oh, god yes.” Indigo Zap set the ruined sushi aside and stepped over to her friend, all thoughts of competition was gone from her mind. If this was losing, then who cared about winning? She wasted neither time nor words, leaning down to the first piece of sushi nestled in the small gully of Sunset’s abs. There was no need for hands either, as she slid her tongue along the soft, delicate skin to scoop the sushi into her mouth. She couldn’t take the time to savour her creation, though, as Indigo moved on to the next piece. This time, she let her teeth tease across the pale amber flesh and nipped gently at the end. “Don’t suppose you could share a bite?” Sunset asked. “Open wide then.” Indigo picked up another piece of sushi with her teeth. With the utmost care, she lowered it down into Sunset’s awaiting mouth. Their lips met in a brief and tender kiss as Indigo passed the sushi across; she even used the opportunity to slip her tongue in for a quick visit. They kept their embrace close, with Sunset making a sultry show as she vocalized her enjoyment with each bite. At the end, she ensnared Indigo in another kiss, the taste of fish and vinegar still fresh on her lips. “Now that’s how you serve sushi,” Sunset cooed. “Not the only thing that’s being served here,” Indigo remarked as she reached up and brushed a few loose grains of rice from the other girl’s lips. Eager for more than just sushi, Indigo shifted back down to Sunset’s chest, taking a moment to admire the view. The soft mound formed an almost perfect little plate for the slab of salmon, hiding away the round, rosy nipple beneath. She made sure to engulf both breast and food, pressing firmly with her lips and tongue as she closed in around the sushi itself. And as she pulled back, she caught the very tip of the girl’s teat with her lips, giving it a nice, sharp tug at the end. “Mmm, that’s nice,” Sunset purred. Indigo moved to the other breast, eyeing the next tasty prize as she ran her tongue along the underside, tracing around the perimeter and working slowly towards the center. And it was just as she was about to scoop up the next piece of sushi that the two teens heard footsteps shuffling at the kitchen entrance. Indigo and Sunset both froze on the spot, save for their eyes as they both looked to the source of the noise and saw a disheveled-looking Lightning Dust shambling into the room. Between her hair looking as though it had been hit by a cyclone, her attire consisting of only a t-shirt and and panties, and the drowsy, zombie-like expression on her face, it appeared that Lightning Dust had only just risen from bed. “Hey Indy,” the elder sister said in a half-grumble, eyes barely open at all. “What time is it?” Indigo was still paralyzed in absolute terror, face flushed with embarrassment and her tongue still pressed against the other girl’s bare breast. She drew her tongue back in, slowly, as if a sudden movement might trigger a horrific fate. “It’s… four in the afternoon,” she answered. “Oh, cool.” Lightning then yawned and stretched, exposing far more midriff than any younger sister would be comfortable witnessing. She resumed her sleep-deprived shuffle towards the fridge and proceeded to rummage through it in search of sustenance. “Is there any coke left?” “Bottom shelf, near the back,” Sunset answered. “Thanks.” After grabbing a can, plus an apple, Lightning Dust was just about to leave when she stopped at the kitchen table. Her drowsy eyes glanced over to Indigo and then down to Sunset Shimmer. “Sweet—sushi.” She then grabbed one of the pieces off of Sunset’s chest and popped it into her mouth, remaining either indifferent or utterly oblivious to what had been transpiring just seconds ago. Once satisfied, Lightning continued on her way, waving over her shoulder as she exited. “I’ll be upstairs if anyone needs me.” It wasn’t until they heard the footsteps fade into the background and the distinct ‘thump’ of a closing door that Sunset and Indigo breathed a collective sigh of relief. Out of the blue, Sunset started to snicker and then promptly burst into a full-out fit of laughter. The few remaining pieces of sushi tumbled off her figure as she rolled about the table in her merriment. It didn’t take long for Indigo to be infected as well, and soon the kitchen was filled with the roaring of their laughter. “Oh my god, you should’ve seen the look on your face when she came in,” Sunset said between snickering fits. “You looked like you were about to piss yourself.” “Speak for yourself: your face is almost as red as your hair,” Indigo playfully sniped back. “No more redder than yours.” Soon, both girls had been reduced to gasping, wheezing heaps as they struggled to regain control. Indigo even had to take a seat just to keep from tumbling to the floor. After a few more minutes of giggles and laughter, they finally managed to calm down with one last joyful sigh. “I should probably put my shirt back on,” Sunset remarked before dropping a piece of sushi into her mouth. “Probably a good idea,” Indigo said with a nod. “Knowing my luck, if we try to go at it again, my sis will wander back in looking for something else.” “At least your sister doesn’t seemed bothered by us.” Sunset sat back up and proceeded to get dressed, though for expediency’s sake she only tossed on her blouse. “Good thing you don’t have a little brother—he’d probably try to take pictures.” “Lightning’s probably more liable to join in than take pictures.” “Oh really?” Sunset mused, stroking at her chin with a Cheshire grin. “Don’t even think about it!” “I wonder if she tastes like you.” “Sunset, don’t joke about that!” A faint chuckle drifted through the air as Sunset hopped from the tabletop; it was playful and mischievous, but ultimately benign in nature. “Don’t worry dearie,” she teased as she slipped in behind Indigo. Leaning forward, Sunset draped her arms over her friend’s shoulders, resting her head alongside the blue-hair teen. “Between you and your sister, there’s no competition. You’re the only one I’m interested in.” Indigo felt another flash of warmth rushing to her cheeks, though it wasn’t fueled by arousal or embarrassment this time. Well, maybe a little bit of embarrassment. “Y-you really mean that?” Indigo said with a bashful smile. “No, I just like having sushi all over my naked body. They do say seaweed is good for the skin, after all.” Indigo just scrunched up and pouted at her friend’s bout of sarcasm, but the more she fussed, the more Sunset just giggled and hugged her tighter. “Hey Indigo, you’re planning on going to that big gala thing, right?” “The dance?” Indigo repeated. In all the excitement of the last few days, she had almost forgotten all about the Crystal Gala. The only reason it stayed a remote concern for her was because it was also when the Crystal Heart would be awarded, which was a forlorn hope at this point. “Yeah, I was planning on going. I still need to finish that speech that Sour Sweet wants me to give, but… eh, I can probably just wing it.” “Would you like to be my date for the dance?” “Are you sure it’ll be okay? Wouldn’t a date just upset your father? “It can be a date just between the two of us,” Sunset reassured her. “Given how little my old man pays attention to my life, he won’t even realize I’ve gone to a dance until a week after the fact.” She swung around in front of Indigo and sat down upon the other girl’s lap, keeping one arm hooked around her neck. “I’ve gone to plenty of dances before, but I’ve never had the chance to go to one with the person I wanted.” “In that case, I’d love to be your date.” > Winning Her Heart pt.6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indigo Zap had never considered herself to be the romantic type. Her idea of a perfect evening with a partner would involve an afternoon at the ballpark, pizza for dinner, and the latest Daring Do movie afterwards. She had always been the type of girl to scoff and roll her eyes at the antics done in romantic comedies or when one of the girls at Crystal Prep would send out a million messages across social media about how much they loved their new boyfriend. That sort of diabetes-inducing diatribe just wasn’t her style. However, she couldn’t deny that the last few days spent with Sunset Shimmer felt like a dream to her. It had only been five days since their dalliance in the bathroom, but life itself seemed as though it had been turned up to eleven. Maybe it was the hope and optimism; maybe it was Sunset’s infectious passion and energy; or maybe it was just from her brain swimming in a cocktail of endorphins and teenaged hormones. Whatever the case, every day felt warmer and brighter than the last. She woke up each eager to see Sunset again at school, and every night before she went to sleep, she’d spend a few minutes gazing at some rather tantalizing selfies Sunset had sent to her phone. Did she ever feel like the luckiest girl on the planet. Indigo hadn’t even bothered to look at the rankings for the Crystal Heart Award for the past couple of days. A more sinister person might use the distraction of their blossoming relationship to pull ahead or keep the competition too distracted, but Indigo had agreed to spend her afternoons finishing her homework with Sunset Shimmer, rather than try to focus on Crystal Heart award rankings. Studying and learning alongside her was proving to be far more fruitful than any amount of competition. Even if her grades weren’t improving, it was a far more enjoyable experience. It was a brand new day at Crystal Prep Academy. Classes had yet to begin and Indigo was spending the quiet time before the bell relaxing in the warmth of the morning sun. Once again, she couldn’t be sure if it was just her perception, but the sun felt so much better lately. Granted, just thinking about Sunset Shimmer made her feel warm all over. She lounged beneath a tree, positioning herself so that she wasn’t in the shade, while scrolling through the many photos she had on her phone. Most of them were of her and Sunset: hanging out at the park, sharing pizza, cuddling on the couch, and her personal favourite, a picture of Sunset fast asleep upon Indigo’s shoulder while they had been watching a movie. Indigo smiled to herself as she gazed at the photo, her thoughts drifting back to that evening just a few days ago. “If you were glowing any brighter, I’d be able to find you with a Geiger counter,” Sugarcoat’s voice perked up, snapping Indigo out of her daydream. She glanced up from her phone and saw her pig-tailed friend standing before her, regarding Indigo with her typical dispassionate, analytical stare. There was no point trying to deny the euphoria oozing out of every pour. Her excitement was almost palpable, partly due to her anticipation for the Grand Crystal Gala that was now less than twelve hours away. An evening of fun and dancing with the most incredible girl’s she ever known? What wasn’t there to be excited about? “Hey Sugarcoat, what’s up?” Indigo greeted as she put her phone back onto the home screen. “Sour Sweet still riding your ass about the presentation project?” Sugarcoat frowned in an instant, folding her arms as she looked away for a moment. “I’d rather not talk about that right now,” she answered. A faint hint of red graced her cheeks, but it went unnoticed by her friend. “Just don’t take whatever she’s saying too personally,” Indigo offered out as advice. “Sour gets worked up too easily for her own good, moreso if you’re not done and the gala is tonight.” “That’s an understatement,” Sugarcoat muttered to herself. She then cleared her throat and straightened up her composure. “Anyways, I came out here because somebody needs to drag your daydreaming ass back to class.” Indigo just scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. I haven’t been out here that long,” she explained while checking her phone for the time. “It’s not even—HOLY SHIT! Why didn’t somebody tell me class starts in three minutes?” “I was working my way to that.” A panic-stricken Indigo jumped to her feet, grabbing her backpack in the process. “How the hell did I not notice what time it was?” “Don’t know,” Sugarcoat answered with an indifferent shrug. “Probably too much time spent masturbating to pictures of your new girlfriend.” “Oh, get stuffed!” Indigo snapped at her friend. “I wasn’t doing anything like that, and she’s not my—well, I mean, I don’t think we’re quite at that stage yet.” “So you’re okay having sex in a public bathroom, but not calling her your girlfriend?” Sugarcoat asked with a skeptical eyebrow raised. “Are you sure you’re not just scared to commit?” Indigo bristled and growled at her friend’s reaction, though she couldn’t dedicate too much time or effort as she needed to hurry to her locker. “It’s complicated,” she said dismissively. “It’s an unconventional relationship, okay? Sunset’s not like other girls—she can’t be open about who she is.” The pair hurried along as fast as they could without officially ‘running in the halls,’ as to avoid the wrath of any of the faculty. As Sugarcoat had anticipated this, she already left all of her things in class, whereas Indigo needed to make a quick stop at her locker to put away unneeded textbooks and binders. “You’re lucky at least one of us is still looking out for your academic performance,” Sugarcoat remarked. “Oh, come on, it’s not like I’ve neglected everything else in life just because I’ve got a girlfriend,” Indigo answered, making sure to use the g-word to prove she wasn’t afraid to do so. “I just lost track of time while I was waiting for her to show up, that’s all. We’ve been meeting out by that tree before school for the past couple of days.” It was hard to get any privacy once classes began, so meeting outside just before class gave the couple some time alone together. The fresh summer air was not only relaxing but it let them see anyone approaching well in advance, so they didn’t have to worry about anybody eavesdropping. From a distance, they appeared no different than any other two students, so they had always been left alone. Ten or fifteen minutes may not have been much in the grand scheme, but it helped make a world of difference for the two of them. However, now Indigo was wondering what went wrong. “I don’t get it,” Indigo said in the midst of tossing books into her locker in a haphazard fashion. “Sunset wouldn’t just leave me hanging like that without telling me.” “Maybe she had to come in early,” Sugarcoat suggested, still at her friend’s side. “Maybe. I don’t know.” With a kick spin, Indigo slammed the locker shut and hurried off again towards her homeroom. “I haven’t gotten any texts from her either, so maybe something has come up.” There were a million and one possible explanations, and she didn’t have time to consider them all. When the class bell rang, the most important thing for her was her education, and so the two girls scampered off to class. There would be time to figure out what happened afterwards. However, when Indigo sat down at her desk in homeroom, she couldn’t help but notice that the desk in front of her, where Sunset typically sat, was empty. ************ “Still no word?” “Not even a winky face,” Indigo sighed as she checked her phone for the hundredth time that day. “I’m sure it’s nothing,” Sunny reassured her friend, giving Indigo a few pats on the shoulder. “In fact, you might want to tone it down a little bit; you don’t want to come off as clingy.” “I’m not being clingy!” Indigo snapped without thinking. Of course, being defensive never helped one’s case, and she was quick to realize that and sighed in disappointment. “I’m just worried, that’s all.” The two friends walked through the halls of Crystal Prep, en route to the cafeteria to join the rest of their friends for lunch. Indigo didn’t have much hope that lunch would be a relaxing affair since she hadn’t been able to keep her mind focused on anything else since realizing Sunset’s sudden absence from class. She was still staring at the ‘zero new messages’ when they passed by the bulletin board with the Crystal Heart rankings, and that was when something caught Sunny Flare’s eye. “Um, Indigo? There’s something you might want to see,” Sunny remarked. Though her friend had stopped in her tracks, Indigo kept on walking with her eyes fixed on her phone. “In a moment,” she insisted, lost in her thoughts. “Maybe Sunset has a MyStables page I can find…” Offended by being brushed off so casually, Sunny grabbed her friend by the collar and pulled her over to the bulletin. “No, you need to see this now!” she ordered in a stern voice before shoving Indigo’s face up to the rankings’ sheet. Since the list was only updated once a week, Indigo hadn’t bothered to pay any attention to it since Monday. And indeed, the list hadn’t been changed out for a new, updated one yet, but there had been an alteration: at the top where Sunset Shimmer’s name stood above everyone else’s, it now had a thick, black line straight through it. It was no understatement that Crystal Prep Academy liked to foster a competitive spirit amongst its best students; very few things could actually take a student out of a competition altogether. Even cheating only resulted in a massive penalty, as if to give the guilty party the faint hope that they could overcome the setback if they worked hard enough, or at least cheated better. If Sunset’s name was stricken from the rankings, then there was only one likely explanation. “I have to go!” Indigo said as she hastily excused herself. Lunch and her friends could wait—her worst fear may have come to fruition and she needed to get answers. She raced through the hallways across the school, shoving her way past the crowds with complete abandon until finally skidding to a halt outside the office of Dean Cadance. Now a more sensible student might’ve politely knocked on the likely possibility that Cadance might be busy with other students or coworkers, but Indigo wasn’t about to let anyone or anything stand in her way. She pounded on the door like a horde of vikings outside the church doors where all the virgins in the village had taken shelter. “Dean Cadance!” she called out. “I need to talk to you! It’s urgent!” After a moment’s pause, Indigo could hear movement from the other side of the door, and soon it swung open to reveal the young Dean, who was thankfully less annoyed about the intrusion and more concerned about what could’ve drawn such a response. “Miss Zap, what is the meaning of all this?” she asked, remaining polite but firm in her delivery. “What happened to Sunset Shimmer?” Cadance didn’t answer at first, at least not with words. Her expression softened, almost looking remorseful, and that was enough to confirm what Indigo had feared. “This is something that should be discussed with Principal Cinch,” she answered. “After the Friendship Games, do you really think she’s going to toss me any favours?” Indigo replied. “Come on, Miss Cadance, she's my friend. I’m worried about her.” The Dean stepped to the side and gestured to an empty seat in her office. “We should talk inside,” she said. Indigo rarely had reason to see the inside of Cadance’s office, especially as her Dean was very proactive in approaching students when concerns or opportunities needed to be addressed. As one of Crystal Prep’s best students, Indigo and Cadance rarely had much that needed to be discussed. It was probably Indigo’s first real visit to the brightly-lit room, adorned with books and photos of graduating classes from years gone by. Unlike Principal Cinch, Cadance was more concerned that the students graduated having achieved what they wanted and with happy memories of their adolescent years, so it made sense for her to have reminders of those achievements. She took a seat in the empty chair and waited for Cadance to take her place on the opposite side of the desk. A growing sense of impatience was beginning to bare down upon Indigo’s nerves, leaving her tapping her foot in an increasing pace as the seconds ticked by. Eventually, Cadance was in her chair, hands interlinked upon the desktop before her, the hallmark of professionals everywhere. “Miss Zap, I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but Sunset Shimmer is no longer a student here at Crystal Prep Academy,” Cadance explained in a cordial fashion. “Confidentiality agreements mean there’s little I’m permitted to discuss with you. I can tell you that she wasn’t expelled from the school; she withdrew voluntarily.” “Oh, bullshit!” “Indigo, language, please.” “Sorry,” the teen tossed out as a half-hearted apology. “Listen, you and I both know that Sunset had no intention of leaving Crystal Prep. This was all her father, wasn’t it?” Cadance quietly sighed under her breath, casting a sideways glance to the nearby windows. “I cannot confirm, nor deny, that statement.” “How could you let him do that? Her father doesn’t give a dam—darn… about what Sunset wants.” Indigo protested. She could see in the Dean’s expression, which shifted between a facade of calmness and the disappointment that was hidden beneath. “There’s nothing that could be done,” Cadance explained. “He is her father, and it’s his right to decide where she goes to school.” “You could’ve offered some kind of argument against it.” Indigo wasn’t sure who she should be directing her outrage at, though her impatience might mean she’d target whoever was closest at hand. “It can’t be good to be pulling a student out of a school, and for the second time in a year no less. Not to mention graduation is just around the corner!” Fortunately, Cadance was no stranger to upset students, which was commonplace in a school with such a competitive reputation. “I am aware of the disruptions that this might’ve created,” she answered calmly. “But Miss Shimmer is a smart student. She’ll… persevere.” Indigo frowned, her impatience growing more irate. “Did you even try to help her?” There was a pregnant pause, the kind that spoke far louder than words could. “Her father is an influential man; the kind of influence that can harm a school’s future,” Cadance explained. “I know she was your friend, but there was nothing that could’ve been done.” Indigo had heard enough, especially since it was clear that Cadance was going to stonewall her with protocol and confidentiality agreements. What more did she need to know, anyways? Sunset’s father had taken her away, and the school just rolled over and showed its belly to him. Letting her frowning face express her disgust, she rose from her seat and was just about to leave when another knocking came from the door. “Just a minute,” Cadance called out. She got up from her seat as well, and escorted Indigo to the door. “I know this is difficult for you, Indigo, but you have to understand—” “Oh, I understand plenty,” Indigo growled back. “Sunset has a jackass for a dad and nobody gives a shit.” At this point, Cadance wasn’t even going to bother chastising the student for her vulgar language; she was justifiably angry and a bit of cussing was better than venting in a more forceful manner. She wished she had more to offer Indigo, especially when faced with something as difficult as a friend being removed from your life so suddenly, but right now Indigo wanted answers that she wasn’t allowed to give. “You should go back to your friends,” she suggested in hope of gently easing Indigo back to a more positive environment. “I’m always available if you need somebody to talk to, or I could arrange an appointment with one of the counselors.” It was an offer that Cadance suspected would be ignored, but as Dean it needed to be made. She knew that Indigo would at least have her friends to turn to for support, not to mention being strong-willed. It would hurt for a while, but she would survive. As much as Cadance wanted to tell the young girl that she agreed with her, that she thought Sunset being taken away was the worst possible decision to be made, she was bound by protocol to remain silent. Unfortunately, any hope for a peaceful end to the conversation went up in flames when Cadance opened the door and immediately on the other side was the mustachioed butler and chauffeur, Mr. Kibitz. While Indigo had been simmering in her anger during the whole of the previous conversation, seeing the placid man-servant brought about a new wave of outrage in her. “You!” she exclaimed immediately, jabbing at Kibitz’s chest. “This is your fault, isn’t it? You told him about us!” To no surprise, Kibitz remained unphased by the accusations and merely regarded the young girl through his spectacles with a sense of mild disappointment. “I assure you, madam, the discovery of your dalliance with Miss Shimmer was not due to any action of mine,” he explained in a frank tone. “Her father returned home earlier than he had previously announced, and discovered her in the middle of an attempt to take some… photographs of an explicit nature. He subsequently confiscated Miss Shimmer’s phone where he discovered all of your communications from the past several days. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m just here to gather her things from her locker.” Kibitz tried to step past the teen, but Indigo continued to bar his path. “I’m not done with you yet! Just because you didn’t rat on us doesn’t mean you’re not still partly at fault here,” she continued her assault, undaunted by such minor nuisances like facts. “You still knew about us. When her father discovered us, did he ask you to corroborate?” “Naturally. He was quite upset with my performance as well; he felt I was negligent in my duties.” “Did you tell him about us when you were asked?” Indigo asked. “He is still my employer.” A deflection, but once again what wasn’t being said made it just as damning. That only dumped more gasoline on the fire and infuriated Indigo further. “You son of a bitch!” she shouted. “You were supposed to look after her, not turn her in! She trusted you!” “Indigo, please,” Cadance spoke up in an effort to calm her down. “I know you’re upset, but he’s no more in control than any of us.” “Stop trying to feed me that idiotic platitude,” Indigo snapped in defiance. “I can’t believe you two. You’re the adults here; you’re supposed to be ones to protect people when they need it the most! You’ve both seen how she’s been since she got here—she was miserable! She was alone and hurt!” Her outrage was beginning to wear itself out, and soon the only thing Indigo could feel was a sense of crushing despair in her chest. She wanted to cry out, but she willed herself to keep her anger burning. She maintained her fiery glare, as if trying to will something to ignite at that very instant. “Sunset has spent her entire life being told where to go, what to do, and who to be. You might see a smart student, and you might see a dutiful daughter, but I’ve seen who Sunset Shimmer really is! I saw the girl who was dying to be free; the girl who just wanted to love and be loved.” For once, both Cadance and Kibitz had trouble maintaining their normal air of calm professionalism. Were Indigo not trying so hard to keep the tears from welling up in her eyes, she might’ve noticed that the two of them were beginning to look a little guilty as her words struck home. “Miss Zap, you must understand,” Kibitz began in another attempt to placate the irate teen, “Sunset Shimmer agreed to this; she willingly left Crystal Prep so that you wouldn’t be dragged into this.” “I’m not the one who needs protecting, she is!” Indigo shot back. “And that should’ve come from you two, but you’re both too busy looking after your own hides to give a damn. Who in this entire goddamn equation is looking out for Sunset, hm?” Indigo wasn’t expecting an actual answer, as the stunned expression on both Cadance and Kibitz was enough for her. She snorted in disgust as she exited the room, taking only a moment to glance back at them as she took hold of the door. “You know, I had always been proud to be a student here. I thought being a part of Crystal Prep meant something; something great. But if looking after yourself is what this school really is all about then you can take your damn Crystal Heart and shove it! I’d rather have nothing to do with this place after I graduate!” She then promptly slammed the door behind her with enough force to rattle the glass. It may have been unnecessary, but did it ever feel cathartic. ************ Indigo could not survive on anger forever; her outrage was like a forest fire, burning without direction and consuming everything in its path with a remorseless fury. But at the end of the day, when everyone had returned home to prepare for the Grand Crystal Gala, Indigo was left with nothing but ash and ruin to keep her company. When that emptiness hit, when all emotions had been burnt to their last embers, she at least had the good fortune to be at home. The last thing she wanted was to break down in public. She had spent the last few hours since returning home from school in her room, laying across her bed and staring aimlessly at the swirling ceiling fan above. At least, she presumed it had been a few hours; she had long since lost track of the time. She felt numb: no joy, no rage, no sorrow. There was nothing but a soul-crushing void in her heart. Her thoughts, naturally, drifted to that of Sunset Shimmer. Had her friend gone through the same stages of grief as her? Was she, perhaps, laying in bed in her own room, staring up at the ceiling just as Indigo was now? She worried about Sunset Shimmer, about her future. A person could only take so many blows before something broke, and given how she behaved when she first arrived at Crystal Prep, things were only going to be worse for Sunset going forward. Indigo couldn’t remember the last time that someone’s absence left her so broken. Even after losing her father, she hadn’t been left this visibly shaken, though she was a child at the time and barely understood the gravity of the news. What she felt and what she saw in herself, however, did remind her of how her family reacted to the news years ago. She barely remembered her mother for days afterwards, and even when she returned, it was weeks before Indigo could say she truly saw the woman that raised her. But her mother’s reaction was understandable; losing your husband and the love of your life so early on was a crushing reality. The mere fact that her mother managed to still raise two young girls as successfully as she had was just a testament to her strength and something that Indigo would always be grateful for. “Why does it have to hurt so much?” Indigo muttered to herself. She had lost friends before; it wasn’t uncommon for kids to come in and out of her life as parents move about the country. She had lost friends that she’d known for longer than Sunset and didn’t lose a wink of sleep over any of it. Was it all simply because what she had with Sunset was something more than just mere friendship? She had called Sunset Shimmer her girlfriend, but that might’ve been more of a point of pride rather than what she genuinely felt. All she knew was that she’d give anything to see Sunset again. “Indy? Are you in here?” her sister’s voice echoed from outside the bedroom. A moment later, the door creaked open and the elder sibling poked her head in. “You going to hide in here all night? I thought you had that big school dance to go to.” “I’m not going; it doesn’t matter anymore.” That statement alone set off more alarm bells in Lightning Dust’s mind than the time she was couple weeks late. As there was nobody else she could turn to, Lightning had no choice but to strap on the ‘big sister’ pants and offer what support she could. She wandered in and sat down on the bed next to her little sister. “Come on Indy, this isn’t like you,” she said in a gentle, inviting tone. “You want to tell me what’s going on?” With a bit of extra prompting, she coaxed Indigo up into a sitting position, and then pulled her in close with an arm around the shoulder. A hand rested gently on the back of Indigo’s head, easing her in until she was resting it atop of the older sister’s shoulder. “It’s okay, sis, I’m here for you.” In that moment, it felt like somebody had turned on a tap, as a tsunami of emotions suddenly overcame Indigo. She flung her arms around her sister as she burst into tears, burying her face into Lightning’s blouse. As she continued to bawl her eyes out, her big sister just held onto Indigo, gently rocking her back and forth. Words weren’t needed right now, and Lightning knew what her sister needed at that moment was just a shoulder to cry on. After several minutes of non-stop sobbing, the waterworks began to finally dry up and a tried tranquility swept across the room. Lightning still refrained from saying anything just yet, waiting instead for her sister to make the first move. “She’s gone,” Indigo whimpered to break the silence. “He took her away.” “You mean Sunset Shimmer?” Lightning asked, to which her sister nodded. “Her dad’s an asshole. He’s a stupid, fucking, bigoted asshole!” “There, there, Indy,” Lightning sighed and gave her sister a comforting squeeze. “World’s full of assholes. The best you can hope for is to avoid them when you can, pick your battles, and just… keep marching on when things don’t go your way. On the bright side, doesn’t this mean you’re a shoe-in for the Crystal Heart Award?” “I might’ve told the Dean to take her trophy and shove it.” Indigo then let out a quiet whimper, still too emotionally drained to offer up much else. Even without the sabotaging, no award was going to fill the emptiness she felt. “I don’t know what to do.” “If you were one of my college buddies, I’d suggest drinking until you couldn’t feel your face, but that’s not an option,” Lightning said with a half-hearted chuckle. “But I could run down to the corner store and bring back several pints of ice cream. We’ll binge on frozen desserts and movies: how does that sound?” As juvenile as it sounded, spending the evening with her sister did have its own appeal. Indigo pulled away and wiped the excess water from her eyes before managing a feeble nod. “Y-yeah, that’d be nice,” she murmured back. “Thanks, Lightning.” “All part of the big sister job,” Lightning replied as she rustled her sibling’s hair. “It was only a matter of time before I had to help nurse a broken heart.” Seeing her sister smile was a huge relief for Lightning Dust; it gave her hope that everything would be all right in the end. “Why don’t you go find something for us to watch, and I’ll get the snacks.” Lightning leaned over and gave her sister one last small comfort—a quick peck on the forehead—before getting up and heading off to fetch the aforementioned ice cream. Once her sister was gone, Indigo pulled out her phone and began searching for something the two of them could spend the evening watching. It might not be the kind of night she wanted, but it gave her a small glimmer of hope. She soon became so engrossed in her task, that she didn’t even notice the doorbell ringing. It wasn’t until there was another knocking at her door that Indigo lifted her still puffy, tear-stained eyes. It was Lightning Dust once again poking her head into the room. “Hey Indy, there’s something you might want to see.” “I’m honestly not sure how many more surprises I can take for one day,” Indigo sighed as she set her phone down. She got up from her bed, expecting another rainstorm of bad news to shower what had already been an emotionally draining day. What she got instead was a burst of sunlight that broke apart the clouds as Sunset Shimmer strode into the room, closing the door behind her. “Uh, h-hey Indigo. I’m not too late, am I?” Sunset said with a nervous, sheepish grin. She was, of course, referring to the big school dance, as she was already dressed in a lavish ball gown. It flowed down her figure like cascading water, shimmering and splendid. It was an array of green hues, complementing her cyan eyes, becoming more vibrant and intense as one’s eyes trailed down the dress. “Sunset! Y-you’re here?” Indigo muttered in disbelief, taking one shaky step after another until she was within arm’s reach of her friend. “But… but how? I thought you were—” “I thought so too, but then suddenly Kibitz barged into my room and told me to get dressed and ready to go,” Sunset interrupted. “Apparently a certain someone said a few things that made him rethink his priorities.” “I… wait, really?” Indigo was still having trouble coming to grips with how this was happening. She recalled just venting her anger at Kibitz and Cadance; she hadn’t expected anything she said to actually make a difference. “What about your dad?” “To hell with what he thinks,” Sunset waved off the concerns. “It’s not like he can punish me more than he already has.” Overcome with relief, Indigo hugged the other girl in a tight embrace, burying her face into the crook of the other teen’s neck. “I thought I’d never get to see you again,” she whimpered. Sunset tightened her own embrace, letting her warmth provide a soothing reassurance to the troubled teen. “I’m so sorry to have put you through that,” she replied. “Everything just happened so quickly. When he saw all the photos, my father just… exploded. He took away my phone, my computer, and pretty much imprisoned me in my own home. I had no way to reach you.” As Indigo pulled back, she found herself trying to fight back a new tide of tears, but this time there was no sorrow in her heart. She smiled, feeling no shame in letting them streak down her face. “So what happens now? What happens to us?” Indigo asked. Sunset offered her a comforting smile, taking Indigo’s hands and giving an affectionate squeeze. “Let’s not worry about that right now, okay?” she asked hopefully. “I want this night to be special, so let’s just focus on that.” It was hard to miss the tint of woe behind Sunset’s words. The smile was reassuring, but forced; the kind of smile somebody gives after your world’s been turned upside-down and they insist that ‘it’ll be okay.’ It was the kind of look that Indigo was far too familiar with. However, if this was going to be the last night she got to share with Sunset, then she was going to make it the best night ever. “Then we'll make this a night to remember,” Indigo nodded in agreement. She took a moment just to admire the wonderful girl before her, taking in every detail of the elegant, strapless dress she wore. “You look beautiful, by the way.” “Thanks,” Sunset replied, blushing ever so slightly. “I’m sure you’ll look great too.” That’s when Indigo Zap realized a slight problem with their new plans. “Oh, shit! I have to get ready for the gala!” she exclaimed. “When does it start?” “In about an hour, I think. We can be fashionably late, of course.” “Holy fuckberries, I’ve got an hour to get ready? Out of my way, I gotta fix my hair!” As Indigo bolted past her friend, motivated by a passion strong enough to throw the sun out of orbit, Sunset Shimmer couldn’t help but burst into laughter. She raced to the nearest reflective surface, beginning to take a damage assessment of what state her negligence had left her in. “Hrmm, no time to do anything fancy,” Indigo said, running a hand through her hair. “A good brushing should fix it enough to be presentable. Nobody’s expecting me to go all out anyways.” As Indigo tended to personal grooming, an idle Sunset decided to wander over to the closet to take a peek at what would be joining her that evening. After quickly sifting through the contents, which contained quite a few sporting outfits and extra sets of the school uniform, she found what she was looking for. For the gala, Indigo had chosen a knee-length slip dress consisting of dark, vibrant shades of blue, giving it an almost nightsky-like appearance. It was silky and delicate to the touch, and Sunset smirked when she noticed there was no back to the dress, with the shoulder straps linking instead behind the neck. Her imagination soon set to work picturing her beloved Indigo in such a gown, simple but seductive. “Indigo, this dress looks absolutely gorgeous,” Sunset said. “Oh? Thanks,” Indigo replied, still focused on combing her hair. “I’m probably going to look pretty plain next to you.” “Nonsense. You’re going to look stunning,” Sunset reassured her. She laid the dress down on the bed, and then strolled over to join Indigo by the mirror. The other teen had begun multitasking, undressing with one hand whilst combing with the other. It made for a clumsy affair, but in her mind it was more efficient this way. Again, Sunset just giggled as she watched the spectacle unfold, waiting until Indigo had stripped down to her underwear before sneaking up and embracing her from behind. “Of course, you look just as stunning like this,” the crimson-haired vixen mused. She wrapped her arms around Indigo’s bare midriff, drinking in her warmth and beauty. Indigo blushed from ear to ear, smiling as she paused to enjoy the tender moment together. “Shouldn’t this be for after the dance?” she chuckled. “And how could I possibly ignore such a lovely body when it’s presented to me?” Sunset said with a playful giggle. Her hands traced up Indigo’s smooth, firm midriff, cupping over her breasts and giving them a loving squeeze. “Of course, if you want to make this a really fun night, I do have an idea.” Slowly turning more and more red as the other girl’s hands tantalized her senses, even through the bra, Indigo couldn’t deny that her curiosity was piqued, as was her arousal. And Sunset had that mischievous grin across her face once more, the kind she had back in the bathroom tryst or when she covered herself in sushi. But while it sent a shiver of excitement through her just thinking of what it could be, did she really want to risk something at the gala? Since Indigo’s answer was taking too long, Sunset clutched tighter, making the girl loose a quiet moan. “Would you like to hear it?” “Y-yes,” she murmured without even thinking. “Trust me, you’ll love it. I’ll be right back.” Sunset leaned forward and gave Indigo a small kiss on the cheek before she scampered off to parts unknown. Indigo waited patiently, trying to keep her anticipation in check until, a minute later, her lover returned with a spring in her step. She took her former position once again behind Indigo, holding aloft a device in her hand for Indigo to see. It was quite small, consisting of a small egg-shaped pill with a long wire that connected it to an equally tiny, plastic box, whose only notable feature was that it was fitted with a velcro strap. “What is that?” Indigo inquired. “Just a little toy,” Sunset explained. She then held out her other hand, revealing another small device that consisted of a switch and a dial. Flicking the switch to the on position, the tiny egg began to hum as it vibrated in her palm. “The remote here controls the egg, letting someone turn it on at will, as well as adjust the intensity.” Demonstrating the second part, she thumbed the dial, making the egg buzz at a higher pitch. “And… and what exactly did you have in mind?” Indigo asked, though she had a reasonable idea of what her date had in mind. “I want you to wear it tonight, obviously,” Sunset explained. She gently pressed the buzzing egg against Indigo’s slit, letting her get a feel for what was in store. Even through the panties, the vibrations make her gasp and shiver in delight. “Because, when this night is over, I want you so dripping wet that I can wring the juices from your panties.” “B-but… at the gala? In front of everybody?” Indigo said, her voice shaky as the pleasure nibbled away at her resolve. “That’s right,” Sunset said in a sultry whisper. “Surrounded by all your friends and classmates, fighting every second not to let even the slightest moan escape. Come on, you know just the very thought of that turns you on.” Just to emphasize the point, she turned the dial to its highest setting, and the buzzing soon had the girl quivering on the spot. “With me no longer a student, you’ll be sure to win the Crystal Heart Award, and that means you’re going to have to go on stage in front of everybody. Each second will be a tortuous ecstasy, you’ll be burning with desire and screaming to cum… but you’ll have to keep it all in.” She then chuckled again, a sinister and playful laugh, before flicking the vibrator off. “Unless you don’t think you’ve got what it takes to last the whole night,” Sunset added before stepping away. She held the toy out, waiting to see if Indigo would step up to the challenge. “I’ll make it worth your while if you do.” Indigo Zap stared at the vibrator, then back to Sunset for a moment. Her mind was a swirling cauldron of lust and arousal at that moment, which made her thoughts about as clear as crystal after it’s been smashed by a hammer and dropped into a vat of boiling oil. It was an absolutely crazy idea; an idea that meant taking a huge risk of ruining her name and reputation in front of the whole school for the sole benefit of making her girlfriend happy. “Sure, sounds like fun.” > Winning Her Heart pt.7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “If you keep squirming, people are going to notice,” Sunset warned. “I can’t help it,” Indigo replied. She continued to fuss and wriggle her hips from side to side as the two girls walked across the parking lot at Crystal Prep Academy. “It’s… it’s like having a rock in your shoe, except it’s in my vagina instead.” In the rational part of her mind, she knew that the vibrator was hidden inside her with the battery and receiver strapped to her inner thigh, which made it impossible for anybody to physically see the device short of her losing her entire dress. If that happened, she had far more pressing matters than a sex toy being seen. Despite all this, she couldn’t help but feel like she was walking around with a sign strapped to her back saying ‘guess what I’ve got shoved inside me,’ much like she felt everyone knew when she had to flee her school without any panties. “It’ll be okay,” Sunset reassured her for the tenth time since they left for the gala. She hooked an arm around Indigo’s, pulling in close to her side. “If at any point it gets too intense, just say the magic word and I’ll turn it off—I promise.” “What? You mean like a safe word?” “Yeah, something discrete like… um, pineapple.” “How is that possibly discrete? Also, I hate pineapple.” “All the more reason it’ll stand out if you say it then,” Sunset said. “So pineapple it is!” Indigo chuckled under her breath, feeling some of the tension and anxiety melt away as she remembered why she was here in the first place. Being with Sunset put her mind and heart at ease, like nothing in the world could harm her now. She didn’t want to spend a moment of tonight thinking about angry fathers or how to make a future with an amazing girl like Shimmer; no, all Indigo wanted to do was make this the best night of life. As they reached the entrance to the school, she stopped in her tracks and looked to her date once more. “Hey Sunset, I’ve got a question. Or, maybe more of a favour,” Indigo spoke up, changing the subject from what was nestled in her loins. “Do you mind if, when people ask, could I, maybe, call you my… um, girlfriend?” For a moment, Indigo was certain she saw what looked like genuine surprise upon Sunset’s face. She hoped the suggestion didn’t come across as too rushed or clingy, but those worries were soon dashed when Sunset returned with a heartwarming smile. “I’d love to be your girlfriend,” she replied. “But if I get asked that question, I’m telling people you’re my sex kitten.” “Why do I get the feeling I’m going to regret this?” As the two girls shared in a laugh, they headed inside. After a brief jaunt through the deserted corridors, they eventually found their way to the gymnasium, which had been decorated from one end to the other with banners full of school spirit and vibrant lights that sailed across the walls and ceilings, weaving intricate patterns with their colourful spectrum. Along one stretch of the auditorium were decorated tables adorned with every kind of finger food one would find at a high-priced party, including plenty of cupcakes thanks to the recommendations of a certain puffy pink-haired party planner. At the far side, upon the main stage, was their DJ, who was currently blasting the latest pop music for the dancing masses to enjoy. And all about the room, the students of Crystal Prep were dancing, laughing, and mingling, which was a welcomed change of pace from the usual stuffiness that often infected their day-to-day classroom lives. Even prior dances that Indigo had been to never felt as alive as tonight’s. There was no air of competition anymore, and like Indigo Zap, those who were present at the Friendship Games returned with a renewed sense of what school was supposed to be about. Indigo felt a small swelling of pride inside her, knowing that she helped play a part in bringing about some of this change, even if it was mostly by serving as an example of what being an over-competitive jerk could result in. Since the pair had arrived ‘fashionably late,’ the gala was already in full swing, and nobody paid any attention to either of them as they strolled into the room. Indigo’s first priority was finding her friends, who should be somewhere amongst the teeming masses. “I’m really glad you’re here with me,” Indigo remarked. Sunset blushed for a moment, then leaned in to give her date a kiss on the cheek. “Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” She then smirked as she reached into her purse. “As a little reward, let’s turn you up to one.” Sunset thumbed the dial on the remote to its lowest setting, activating the hidden vibrator. The gentle pulsing motion made Indigo inhale deeply as a subtle warmth began to spread from between her thighs. After a few heavy breaths, she managed to acclimate herself to the sensation; it wasn’t overpowering, but it was hard to ignore. “Mmm, this is definitely going to be an interesting night,” Indigo murmured. There was a faint flourish of crimson across her cheeks, but between the dimmed lights and her make-up, it’d be impossible for anyone to notice. Or so she hoped. Before the conversation could carry any further, Indigo spotted a familiar face heading towards them. It was Sunny Flare, wearing a little black dress that hugged her figure in all the right places, and showing off far more stocking-covered leg than most high schoolers would dare. However, it didn’t take long for Indigo or Sunset to realize something was amiss when they noticed Sunny’s gait was less ‘graceful’ and more ‘furious stomping.’ As she drew closer, they saw the enraged expression on her face that screamed bloody murder, though whether she had committed one or was planning to remained to be seen. “Uh, hey Sunny!” Indigo greeted and waved, wary not to set off any lingering anger. “Is… um, something wrong?” “Hi Indy. Hi Sunset. Love your dresses,” Sunny replied in a curt but impatient manner. “No time to chat; gotta run.” “Where are you going?” “Going to go fix a mistake,” she called back as she continued past them. “And if you see Trenderhoof, punch him in his stupid face for me!” “Will do!” an eager Sunset said as she waved goodbye. They watched as their friend hurried along and out of sight, at which point Sunset leaned over and asked, “Which one is Trenderhoof?” “Really pretentious-looking guy; usually wears white glasses. Knowing Sunny Flare, he’ll probably have a big red palm mark on his face.” “Heh, are you sure you can’t talk Sunny into—” “No!” Sunset voiced her displeasure by blowing a quick raspberry at Indigo. “For that, I’m turning you up to two,” she said. At least Indigo had a second to brace herself, though she she still had to bite on her lip as the intensified buzzing in her nethers made her legs quiver in excitement. She’d still be able to focus past it, but it was getting harder to ignore altogether. Once she managed to will her body steady again, she tugged on her date’s arm and the two headed off in search of their other friends. Since Sour Sweet had that big presentation, of which Indigo was supposed to be a part of, then there was a good chance they would find her somewhere near the stage making sure that everything was in order. They wormed their way through the crowds, saying hello to classmates and other familiar faces, many of whom were surprised to see Sunset and Indigo walking hand-in-hand. At school, she might’ve tried to keep things low-profile, but tonight Indigo wasn’t afraid to show her affection towards Sunset for all to see. Eventually, as Indigo had predicted, they found Sour Sweet near the main stage, working just off-stage where all the audio and visual equipment was set up. Their friend wasn’t alone either, as Sugarcoat sat at a small table just next to Sour, toiling away on a laptop. “Hey, you two! What are you doing hiding back here?” Indigo asked rhetorically. “You do know the party’s out there, right?” “Indy! Sunset, you made it!” Sour exclaimed. She immediately dropped what she was working on and raced over to give both girls a warm hug. “I was so worried when I heard that Sunset was pulled from Crystal Prep!” “Um, okay. Who are you and what have you done with the real Sour Sweet?” a perplexed Indigo remarked with a raised eyebrow. “Oh, ha ha,” Sour replied as she rolled her eyes. “I’m allowed to care about my friends, you know.” “But it’s usually with biting sarcasm and backhanded compliments.” Sour Sweet snorted in disgust. “Well excuse me for trying to be nice. I’ll go back to being an asshole just for you.” Indigo just smirked in response. “That’s more like it.” After giving her sass-mouthing friend a playful punch, Sour Sweet took a step back to admire what Indigo and Sunset were wearing for the evening, as well as to showcase what she chose to wear. Sour wore a vibrant, frilly evening gown, though the bright shades of pink and sky blue accents made it seem more like a sundress than formal attire. However, the Crystal Gala was still a party for high school kids, so it wasn’t as though strict dress codes were enforced. There was no denying that Sour’s smiling was as bright as the colours she wore, and that kind of positive energy was something Indigo needed to make it through the night. “Love that dress, Indy,” Sour complimented. “But is everything okay? You’re looking a little… flustered.” The problem with trying to hide one’s blushing is that having it pointed out just makes it even worse. “J-just feeling a little warm, that’s all,” Indigo stammered as more heat rose to her face. “It’s just ‘cause I’m too hot to handle,” Sunset stepped in to save the day. She fired up her devilish grin before giving her date a firm, audible slap on her butt. That, of course, did not help stop Indigo’s blushing, but it masked the real culprit. “Probably already thinking about all the naughty things she wants me to do to her when we get home.” “Oh, ho ho. Indy, you sly dog, you,” Sour Sweet said as she held back her laughter. “Sunset, please, you’re embarrassing me,” Indigo whimpered, playing along with the ruse. At least this was far less humiliating than the truth. “Don’t be so modest,” Sunset scoffed as she put an arm around her partner’s waist. “It’s the big prom… or gala, or whatever you wanna call it. There’s an ancient, long-standing tradition of horny, young teens getting busy on prom night, dating back to time immemorial.” She then leaned in to whisper into her date’s ear, quiet enough so that only Indigo could hear. “Plus I know you want it even more than I do.” That was the moment that Sunset also chose to flick the dial on the remote to the next higher setting. The sudden burst of new pleasure made Indigo tense up while slapping a hand over her mouth to keep anything from escaping. Luckily for her, the dim lighting made it hard for anyone to see her hips shivering as the arousal continued to build inside her. “So what do you have Sugarcoat working on over there?” Sunset continued on, using the conversation to draw Sour’s attention away from her blushing date. “I’m saving Sour’s ass from public humiliation,” Sugarcoat explained without batting an eye away from her laptop. “Because she is absolutely fucking hopeless when it comes to making multimedia presentations. Or speeches. Or spellchecking, it seems.” “I am not—!” Sour managed to catch herself before she made an outburst, and took a slow breath to quell any flames. “Okay, yes; she is cleaning up my mess. And for that, I am very grateful. By the way, Indigo, did you ever finish your speech?” “My what?” Indigo replied. “The speech. The one I asked you to prepare for the presentation,” Sour deadpanned. “Or did you forget about it?” “Maybe. Kinda. Sorta.” Given that she had so many other things on her mind the past several days, Indigo didn’t even remember about any speeches. In fact, she was only just remembering that she would probably be expected to say something when she’s awarded the Crystal Heart. “Don’t worry about it,” Surgarcoat interjected. “We’ve got enough material without your input. Not to mention it was impolite of her to force such work on you in the first place without your consent. Isn’t that right, Sour?” “Uh, r-right. What she said,” Sour said with a hasty nod in agreement. Sour Sweet then strolled back over to check on her friend’s work, leaning over Sugarcoat’s shoulder with a contented smile. She watched as her friend toiled away, those little blue fingers flying across the keyboard with purpose, precision, and grace. The two of them were so fixated on their work, neither of them even noticed that Sour Sweet had a hand upon Sugarcoat’s shoulder the whole time. There was one person who noticed, and far be it for Sunset to let a detail like that go unexploited. “So where are your dates anyways?” she asked. There was a dead silence as Sugarcoat stopped her work abruptly. Both she and Sour Sweet held a tense, awkward expression as they looked to Sunset Shimmer, then to each other, and then to the hand still on her shoulder. Faster than anyone could blink, both girls suddenly moved away from one another, and flashed unconvincing grins. “They’re, uh…” Sugarcoat began. “In the bathroom!” Sour Sweet finished the thought. “Both of them.” “Who are both definitely guys.” “And very real.” “Very real guys; complete with penises.” Indigo Zap and Sunset Shimmer exchanged puzzled looks for a moment, neither of whom wanting to say something about the obvious fabrication happening before them. Their reactions sent up enough red flags to start their own parade, but Indigo wasn’t about to put a spotlight onto something that her friends clearly wanted to keep private. She knew her date was more than happy to watch the other two girls squirm, so she had to find an excuse to take Sunset elsewhere. “Come on, Sunset, I want to hit the dance floor,” Indigo said, tugging on her date’s arm. Despite a flash of disappointment, Sunset acquiesced and the pair started back towards where all the other students were. “Sugar, Sour—you two better stop working at some point and join us, okay?” Sunset waited until they were out of earshot before snickering to herself. “Oh my god, those two are so adorable together.” “Wh—Together? You mean… Sugar and Sour?” “You didn’t notice the way they were looking at each other?” Sunset replied, almost equally amused by her companion’s obliviousness. “Why else would they be nervous like that?” “I thought they were just embarrassed about going dateless or something,” Indigo said. “Though Sour Sweet did seem a little more upbeat than usual.” She was still puzzled by the notion, though it didn’t strike her as inconceivable. It was hard to believe considering neither of them had ever made any mentioning of feelings towards the other, or at the very least not Sugarcoat, a girl who never held back what was on her mind. Still, with how fixated Indigo Zap had been on the whole Crystal Heart Award and Sunset Shimmer, it would’ve been easy for her to miss the signs. Maybe the next time she and her friends sat down for lunch, Sugarcoat could explain things. There would have to be one hell of a story involved if Sunset Shimmer’s intuition was correct. Once Indigo and Sunset reached the dance floor, however, all thoughts about their friends were thrown onto the backburner. They found a nice spot amongst all the other dancing students, and set about enjoying the party. A fast-paced electric beat pulsed through the air, guiding the two along as they swung their hips about and waved their hands like they just didn’t care. It was hot, fast, and noisy, just the way Indigo liked it; it even helped get her mind off the intense, burning passion between her thighs. All the while, her gaze remained fixated on the girl dancing along with her—that passionate, wildfire of a girl. And Sunset Shimmer was clearly enjoying herself as well, proving that academics and sports weren’t the only things she learned from her prestigious boarding school. Feeling the rhythm flowing through her, the fiery teen took her partner by the hand, guiding and twirling her about as the two danced circles across the floor. The electricity in the air spurred Indigo on, keeping pace with her dance partner as they moved with the beat. Grabbing Indigo by the hand again, Sunset spun the girl about in a fast pirouette that pulled her in close. She came to a rest in Sunset’s grasp, back-to-front, the redhead’s arms wrapped tightly around her silk-draped figure. Even through all the action and noise, she could feel Sunset’s heart pulsing against her back and hot breath beating down upon her neck. “So how’re you holding up, dearie?” Sunset whispered. “I can dance the whole night away if that’s what you’re asking.” Sunset smirked for a brief moment as she let one hand grace against her partner’s thigh. “I meant down here,” she giggled. “Not ready for pineapple just yet,” Indigo answered, beaming in confidence. “Feels pretty good once you get used to it, like a hot massage wherever I go.” “Guess that means you’re ready for the next setting.” “NowaitIwasjust—EEEEE!” Another burst of fire and lust surged out from her core, sending pulse after pulse of shuddering, intoxicating delight straight to her very soul. Her body quivered out of control, her knees pressing tight together as if she could keep her arousal bottled in that way. The only thing that kept her from collapsing to the ground in a moaning heap was the girl behind her providing a convenient support to lean on. “Careful, Indigo, somebody might notice,” Sunset teased in a low voice. Biting down on her lip, Indigo breathed deep and fast to fight down the primal urges trying to claw their way out. Were it not for the loud beats, people might’ve heard the lustful murmurs seeping out. “God almighty, I think I’ll pop if I even so much as sneeze.” Despite the pace of the music, Sunset kept her arms wrapped around her date, swaying gently side to side as she listened to Indigo’s sweet melody. “That’s it, just nice, slow breaths,” she coached Indigo along. After a couple more moments, Indigo was finally able to settle down again, though that buzzing at the back of her mind was now a monstrous roar. Her brain was a swirling mess of hormones, which seemed to crank the sensitivity of every nerve in her body up to eleven. Even Sunset’s hands against her hips felt electrifying, and every breath took in more of that intoxicating, fruity scent. It felt less like a dance and more like the most tortuous foreplay she’d ever gone through. All of a sudden, Sunset spun her partner about-face, keeping her close by linking her hands behind Indigo’s back. In all the chaos of keeping herself from orgasm, Indigo hadn’t noticed that the fast-tempoed house music had segued into a gentle waltz. Many of the students had dispersed from the dance floor, leaving only the couples behind. “Dance with me, Indigo,” Sunset whispered. This time, her words were not of playful goading or mischievous teasing, but rather a heartfelt request that gave Indigo’s mind something new to focus on. “I’d love to.” A bashful smile dawned upon Indigo’s face as she joined her hands together behind her partner’s neck, making sure to curl a few loose strands of golden hair around her fingertips. She let Sunset guide her along as they slowly swayed their hips in rhythm with the melody. The slow dance had a surprisingly calming effect on Indigo, and her eyes soon drifted shut while resting her head against her partner’s shoulder. Her thoughts faded away, carried off by the current of tranquility and affection, secure and contented in her girlfriend’s embrace. She wished she could stay in this moment forever. “You know, I haven’t actually taken a moment to thank you yet,” Sunset commented as she gazed off into the distance. “Thank me for what?” Indigo asked, glancing up with her eyes. “For not giving up on me,” Sunset replied. “For reminding me that I’m not just some footnote in the lives of others, and that I actually matter to someone. Most of all, thank you for being my friend.” She let out a quiet, melancholy sigh as she hugged Indigo even tighter. “God, if only I had met you years ago. Maybe then I wouldn’t be such a mess.” “You’re not a mess; you’re the most incredible person I’ve met,” Indigo replied. It was a strange feeling being thanked for friendship. None of her other friends had ever really thanked her for that before, but then again, neither had Indigo. Yet, when she thought about her own friends, she began to realize that she had a lot to be thankful for: Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, and Lemon Zest all stood by her even when she was acting irrational. They helped her when she needed it even when the request was completely absurd, and when Indigo really needed somebody to help slap sense into her, they were prepared to do just that. The despair lifted away from Sunset as she started smiling again, a faint chuckle slipping through her lips. “Always such a fighter: that’s what I love about you. I came to this school thinking that this was just going to be a worthless endeavour, and that I just needed to keep my head down and ignore all the noise. I had given up on finding any kind of happiness in my life, at least so long as I lived under my father’s thumb.” With tears beginning to collect at the corners of her eyes, Sunset lifted Indigo’s chin until their gazes met. She smiled to her date with a faint blush creeping across her amber cheeks. “And then I met this crazy girl who didn’t give a shit about what life threw at her. When she came to a wall, she didn’t give into despair, she didn’t rage against the darkness, or demand somebody else take care of the problem. Instead, she worked harder, and got better, and kept trying even when it seemed completely hopeless.” Leaning in closer, Sunset rested her forehead against her partner’s. Her gaze never once broke away. “You pissed me off so much at first, but looking back I think I was just angry at the world, and at myself. I figured that… outburst in the bathroom was going to be a one-time thing, but then you came around again. You still wouldn’t give up; you just got better, and you gave me something nobody else ever has: hope.” Indigo Zap never considered herself one for gushing in romantic notions; that had always been something that Sunny Flair would indulge in. However, she couldn’t deny that she was feeling a little teary-eyed listening to Sunset open her heart. It made her own heart flutter, and even made her knees feel a little weak—though she couldn’t discount the possibility that the latter was just the result of the vibrator. Enticed by the hot breath brushing against her lips, Indigo leaned in and pressed her lips up against her girlfriend’s. It was received in a soft, delicate manner at first, but spurred on by lust and love, she pushed on and began to pour her heart into the embrace. Her tongue darted out, slipping past Sunset’s defenses before the other girl even had a chance to realize what was going on. Their tongues met in a passionate dance, entwining and caressing as they shared their love. As she held the kiss, Indigo felt the heat and pleasure turning into an inferno in her heart. The hotter it burned, the harder she kissed, as if the only salvation could be found between Sunset’s lips. As the intensity continued to build, Indigo clung to her partner ever tighter. Despite her best efforts, her labored breaths started to come out as muffled moans. That, in turn, only made her crush against Sunset’s lips with even more passion in a desperate attempt to keep the noises contained. Her body began to tremble with each passing moment, their caressing tongues sending shivers down her spine. Lucky for her, Sunset Shimmer held on tight, keeping the girl’s squirming from becoming too noticeable to any casual observers. Even with the muffling, though, she could tell that Indigo’s moaning was becoming more fervent, more uncontrollable. Rather than try to calm her partner down, though, Sunset just rolled with it and poured her own passion in. She pressed her body as firm as she could against Indigo, and used the motions of her breathing to discretely grind her chest against her partner. The growing heat and moans let Sunset know how close she was getting. Indigo’s hands and knees were soon shaking so bad that she could barely stand, and only the curtain of gold and crimson hair kept her hands hidden from view. She wanted to hold onto the kiss longer, but her body was crying out for release: all the lust and passion burning inside her was threatening to break down the dam of her willpower. Her heart and soul were lost in the mind-numbing pleasure that poured in through the kiss and between her thighs. Her muffled noises reached a fevered pitch, and if she kept fighting, she might not be able to keep quiet any longer. There was no other option; she let down her mental resistance and allowed the euphoria to wash over her. Her body went rigid as the first waves of bliss began to ravage her body, followed by restrained shuddering with each surge of pleasure. Her partner held on tight all the while, keeping her steady as she writhed in orgasmic bliss. And to help keep the elated moans contained, Sunset plunged her tongue deep into Indigo’s mouth, muffling the noises but letting her feel every vibration of the moaning symphony through her lips. After several quakes and spasms, Indigo felt the energy melt from her limbs, forcing her to lean on her date for support. Her lips drew back, gasping for air with shivering, ragged breaths. “Are you okay, Indigo?” Sunset asked in a soft whisper. It took a moment, and several more breaths, before Indigo opened her eyes and gazed up to her date. “I… I think I just came,” she murmured. There was no ambiguity, actually, as she could feel traces of arousal trickling down her thighs, but she didn’t want to admit it so readily. “Damn. Didn’t know I was such a good kisser,” Sunset said with a chuckle. As much as she would’ve liked to have basked in this little victory, she didn’t want to draw too much attention to it as to avoid embarrassing her date further. Instead, she merely kept her arms around her love and held her close. “Do you want me to turn it off for a little while?” “You haven’t beaten me yet. I’m still in this,” Indigo replied in a surprising show of defiance. “I think your soaked panties would disagree.” “I said I would last the night, and I meant it.” Sunset Shimmer giggled at her date’s brazen display, and while she would’ve loved to crush that stubbornness by turning the vibrator up to maximum power, she didn’t want to leave her date a writhing mess on the dance floor. It’d be memorable, certainly, but so would spiking the punch and watching everyone get drunk—didn’t make it a good idea. She did extend a small mercy and turned down the vibrator’s intensity, which went unnoticed as Indigo was so numb she wouldn’t have noticed if she got smacked between the legs with a nine-iron. “At least now you can dance without as much distraction,” Sunset suggested. She loosened her hold on her date, letting her relax back into a dancing stance as the two resumed their waltz. Gently swaying to the melody, the pair stayed on the dance floor until the music faded away. However, the disappearance of their entertainment was not because the DJ fell asleep at their booth without selecting the next track, but because Dean Cadance was walking out onto the stage. Behind her was another staffer who pushed along a trolley upon which sat the coveted Crystal Heart Award, along with several other awards. As the name suggested, the trophy consisted of a large golden base with a crystalline heart mounted atop of it. Engraved along the base were the names of all the previous winners since Crystal Prep first opened its doors. The crowd fell silent as they stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to the stage. “Good evening students,” she began, “I hope you’re all having a wonderful time. I want to start by saying how glad I am to see so many of you here. This is a night to celebrate you, and everything you’ve accomplished in your time at Crystal Prep Academy.” A roar of approval echoed from the crowd. “It has been an honour and privilege for me to have guided these past four years,” Cadance continued. “You all may have come here for an education, but I hope all of you will leave with so much more than that. Here you’ve built memories: of joy, of hardships, of triumphs, and of kinship. These experiences will shape you into the people you wish to grow into. And tonight, though we honour our best and brightest, each and every one of you should hold your heads high and be proud of what you’ve achieved.” Given how competitive Crystal Prep Academy could be, Indigo had heard a lot of stories about rivalries coming to a head during the award ceremonies. There were even rumours that things occasionally got ‘out of hand,’ back when the ceremonies were held in front of everyone’s parents. Indigo didn’t get any sense of that from her classmates; perhaps the Friendship Games had brought a change for the better in all of them. “Since I’m certain you all want to get back to your party, let’s begin with our first award.” Cadance reached over to the array of trophies and awards beside her and picked up the closest one. “We shall start with ‘Most Outstanding in the Field of Creative Writing’.” One by one, Cadance went through the various awards in their line-up, most of which revolved around the best students in particular fields, such as chemistry, workshop, english, and history. Sugarcoat’s computer wizardry earned her the top award in computer science, while Indigo Zap got athlete of the year, which was about as surprising to everyone as the sun rising at dawn. When Sunny Flare’s name was called for her achievements in history and social studies, Indigo was elated to see her friend emerge from the crowd. Every award announced was met with thunderous applause and a joyful student racing to the stage to accept their trophy or medal. Indigo still remembered a time when she would’ve felt a pang of jealousy or resentment when she didn’t win. Had the Friendship Games gone differently, she would have felt as though every medal going to her peers was another mark against her abilities. But instead, she was proud of what the others had accomplished; their victories did not diminish her own. She gave her best during her time at Crystal Prep Academy, and that was all that mattered. Tapping her mic to usher another silence through the auditorium, Cadance continued with the final prize. “And now it is my privilege to announce the winner of the Crystal Heart Award. As you know, this award is given to the student that embodies the virtues that we strive for. This year, the the Crystal Heart goes to a student who has represented Crystal Prep countless times in tournaments and competitions; she has dedicated every day of her high school career to not only pursuing her dreams, but also to serve as a beacon to inspire others, for both students and staff, in and out of the classroom. I hope you’ll all give a big round of applause for this year’s winner: Indigo Zap!” Even though Indigo had spent years waiting for this moment, it still felt surreal to hear her name being called out, and moreso given how her last conversation with Cadance went. She wouldn’t have held it against the Dean if her name had been stricken from the rankings. As the spotlights focused in upon her and the crowds began to cheer, part of her was still convinced she’d blink and find herself sitting in class again. It wasn’t until Sunset Shimmer nudged her forward that she was able to accept that this was really happening. “Go on, babe, you earned this,” Sunset whispered to her. After taking one last deep breath to calm her nerves, Indigo Zap made her way to the stage. She was greeted by Dean Cadance, who shook her hand before guiding her to center stage, next to the Crystal Heart Award. Her eyes fixated on the prize for a moment, gazing into the sparkling monument before her. She ran her hand across the surface, as if once again testing the veracity of what her eyes presented her with. She won. She had finally won. “I just want to take a moment to tell you that… you were right. ” Cadance said. “Sunset Shimmer deserved better. I hope you can forgive me.” “It’s okay,” Indigo replied. “We all can get a little fixated on the big picture from time to time.” “Would you like to say a few words?” Cadance asked as she held out the microphone. “I would.” She took the mic and faced her classmates, taking a moment to scan the crowd for the familiar faces of her friends. Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest, and Sour Sweet had gathered together around Sunset Shimmer, and were all cheering and clapping wildly. The looks upon her friends’ faces were definitely those of genuine joy, and not the forced ‘smile and applaud’ that one could see during any televised award show. Seeing the pride from her friends, Indigo knew exactly what she wanted to say to her classmates. “So… hell of a year it’s been, hasn’t it?” Indigo began, eliciting a few chuckles from the crowd. “I mean, who here thought the Friendship Games would go the way it did? I can tell you, it really made me stop for a moment and think about what kind of person I was becoming. I get the feeling a lot of you folks felt the same thing. Now I can see that Sour Sweet is giving me the evil eye because she thinks I’m stealing her fancy Friendship Games presentation. I better get to what I want to say before she tries to rush the stage and steal the mic.” She paused to give the audience a moment to chuckle, as well as cover for herself to figure out the next bit of what she wanted to say. “I’ve wanted this trophy ever since I first laid eyes upon it. I saw this giant-ass trophy in the display case and said to myself, ‘I’m going to win that. I’m going to be the best.’ And that’s what we’re all here for, right? To be the best. That’s certainly what Principal Cinch has told us practically every day.” Indigo stopped again, casting her gaze over to the trophy and running her hand across its polished, heart-shaped surface. “But now that I’m here and I’ve won this trophy, a part of me wonders if I really deserve this honour. As Dean Cadance said, this award is for the best and brightest of Crystal Prep’s graduating class, and somewhere along the line we decided that the only metric we’re going to use for that is academic grades and achievements. Sounds pretty straight-forward, right? I used to think so too, but then I met the students at Canterlot High and saw something better. And it’s the same thing that I know many of you saw as well.” Looking across the faces of her classmates, she saw many nodding heads, including some of her more stubborn-minded friends. “We are more than our grades, and me having higher scores than all of you doesn’t make me the best student. A great student inspires others to achieve more, to help others, and to make the world a better place. Everyone can attest that the only thing I ever inspired was resentment, and I never once thought about anyone else’s problems or dreams other than my own. I was selfish… we all were. We were all taught to look out for number one—ourselves. I pushed aside people I saw as competition, I refused to help anybody if I didn’t get something in return, and my brand of motivation was yelling at people until they worked harder. Even after the Friendship Games, I still thought that; I still only cared about myself.” It was difficult to bare your soul and sins in front of your peers. She could feel the judgement beginning to weigh down on her, like everyone was ready to condemn her for what she’s admitted. Maybe they would rush the stage or demand the trophy be returned. Keeping her gaze fixed on Sunset, however, kept her nerves steady and gave her strength to continue. “Then I met somebody who made me see that I’m worth more than what my grades tell me, and helped me see that the people around me that I call my friends are the real victories of my life. Friends are what make life worth living; people who are always there to help and support you, even if you aren’t always appreciative of it at the time.” Be it Sunny Flare trying to pound some sensibility into her head or Sugarcoat intervening to save Indigo from her own foolishness, or Sunset offering her time to help her grades, her friends had returned time and time again to help her. Realizing that she rarely thanked them despite their efforts only made Indigo feel like she had taken advantage of them, but was it really exploitation when the person gave of themselves freely? That’s what friendship was, she realized, putting somebody else’s needs above your own. “My friends are the only reason I’m able to stand up here tonight, and there are no words to describes how grateful I am to them for sticking by me even when I didn’t listen or was a bit of a jerk. I wish I could turn back time and do things over again, do things better, but the best I can do is keep trying to be better than the person I was yesterday—because that’s the only competition that matters. As long as you strive to make yourself better than who you were before, and always keep your friends by your side, you’ll always find success and happiness. School can help us get better grades, but friends are what make us better people.” There was a silent pause across the auditorium as Indigo fell silent, but then her friends started clapping. The handful quickly spread throughout the entire crowd until the air was filled with a thunderous applause. However, Indigo wasn’t finished yet as she felt she was no more deserving of this reception than she had been of the award beside her. “There’s somebody else who deserves this applause more than me,” Indigo said as she made eye contact with Sunset. “The person who showed me a better way and the things that were more important than who wins what trophy. That girl is Sunset Shimmer, and I’d like her to join me on the stage here.” At first, Sunset’s response was to remain modest, shaking and waving her arms no. The cheering students around her, however, would have none of that and gradually pushed the girl towards the stage until Sunset had no choice but to join Indigo in the spotlight. “Come on everybody, give it up for Sunset Shimmer! You remember her, right? The one who smashed my face in with a dodgeball!” Indigo announced, prompting another elated uproar from the crowd. She turned to her girlfriend, taking her hand and drawing her in closer. “I don’t think anybody’s ever said something that nice about me before,” Sunset remarked, clearly trying to fight a mix of modesty and tears. “Thank you, Indigo.” Indigo smiled back, unafraid to show her emotions in front of everyone, but still lowered her voice so she could address only the girl before her. “No, thank you Sunset. You really are the best thing that’s happened to me at Crystal Prep. You helped me see that there are things other than myself worth fighting for… and you make me want to be a better person, for you and for myself.” “You really mean that?” Indigo nodded, stepping closer to her girlfriend. “I do. I know it’s only been a short while, but you’ve made me realize there’s things in life I want that I never knew I did until you showed me. I thought happiness was just standing victorious over my rivals, but then I realized that standing beside them is so much better. I want to be that person you can be proud to stand alongside, Sunset… because I love you.” Try as she might, Sunset couldn’t keep a few rogue tears from hurling themselves down her cheeks. “I love you too, Indigo,” she whispered back. “You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now,” Indigo added with a chuckle. “We can still hear you!” Sunny Flare suddenly shouted from the crowd. “...what?” Indigo looked down and remembered that she was still holding a live microphone in her other hand. “Whoopsies.” “Good thing I don’t give a shit,” Sunset announced before grabbing her girlfriend and planting a passionate kiss on her for everyone at school to see. > Winning Her Heart pt.8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Come on, Indy, just a few more steps and you’re home free.” “God, my legs feel like jelly.” Never before had Indigo felt so helpless as she did now, leaning against her date as the two of them made the short walk up to the front door of Indigo’s home. It was arguably the most difficult twenty feet she’d ever had to walk, and that included the one time she overdid ‘leg day’ and stumbled about so badly that her teachers thought she was drunk. “If you just say the safe word, this can all be over,” Sunset reminded her. “I’m going to win this challenge, even if it kills me!” Indigo declared in bold defiance. Once they reached the door, she had to fumble about for her keys. Only through sheer determination, and the light of the full moon, was she able to eventually unlock the door and the pair set foot in the home at last. Or rather, Sunset did, while Indigo promptly collapsed in the front hall. “Victory is mine!” Indigo groaned, arms raised above her head. “Any second now, I will spring to my feet and dance in celebration. Just wait and see.” Breathing a light-hearted chuckle, Sunset reached into her handbag and turned off the vibrator at long last, signified by a loud and audible sigh of relief from the fallen teen. Needless to say, there was no jumping or dancing as of yet; instead, Indigo just groaned as she rolled herself over and beamed victoriously to her girlfriend. “Well congratulations,” Sunset remarked, “you managed to make it through the whole gala, and you only came once.” “Twice, actually. That bathroom trip near the end may have had ulterior motives. Now, could you be a dear and drag me inside? My legs don’t seem to want to cooperate anymore.” Were it anyone else, Sunset might’ve thought they were just being lazy, but the night had been tiring on both of them. Between all the dancing and hours of conversations, even Sunset felt fatigued, and she didn’t have to endure a vibrator the whole time. With a little bit of elbow grease, she was able to hoist Indigo back to her feet and help walk her to the nearest couch. Once again, the moment the support left, Indigo collapsed and splayed herself across the couch like a fillet on a frying pan. Sunset just hoped her date wasn’t too tired, as the night was still young and she wanted to have a little bit more fun with her. “You feeling okay there, Indy?” Sunset asked as she sat down on the small amount of available space at the end of the couch. “Everything from my waist down feels like hot jelly,” Indigo murmured, “but god do I feel good.” Without even having to look, Indigo wriggled her way up the couch until she could rest her head upon her date’s thighs, and with a contented smile, she curled up close to Sunset and let her eyes drift shut. “This really has been the best night ever.” “Definitely one I’ll never forget,” Sunset said as she nodded in agreement. She ran her fingers through Indigo’s hair as both girls let out peaceful sighs, unwinding from the long and emotional day. “Did you see the way that Lemon Zest was dancing? Never would’ve pictured her the type to know the classical styles.” “Me too. She must’ve gotten lessons or something.” “Probably from Sunny Flare,” Sunset remarked. “Sunny? Really?” a skeptical Indigo muttered. “Just a guess—those two were acting a bit odd a few days back. Plus she left at the start of the night, and we only saw Lemon after Sunny returned,” Sunset explained her reasoning. “Hm, well how ‘bout that,” Indigo murmured under her breath. She never would’ve expected the Sunny Flare she knew from before the Friendship Games to take the time and effort to teach somebody how to dance. It was reassuring to think that she wasn’t the only one in her group of friends learning to change their ways. No doubt Sunny and Lemon would have an interesting story to share about that experience. The two fell silent for a brief spell, taking the time to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the household at night. After hours of pounding music and having to shout their conversations, being able to hear one’s own thoughts was a welcomed change. Plus, for the first time in a while, they had some privacy to simply enjoy the company. That thought, however, triggered a momentary concern from Indigo. “Wonder where everyone else is,” she remarked upon realizing just how quiet the household was. There was, in fact, no sign of anybody else present whatsoever. Given what happened the last time she assumed they were alone, she didn’t want to take any chances. “There’s a note on the coffee table,” Sunset pointed out. She leaned over and plucked the folded piece of paper that had been left on the table, which stood out due to the ‘To Indigo’ written across the front. Indy, Took Mom out for drinks. Won’t be home for a while. Have fun. -Your sis. “Man, you’ve got the best sister ever,” Sunset remarked after having read the note aloud. There wasn’t a verbal response, but she could feel Indigo nodding in agreement. A playful smirk soon spread across Sunset’s lips as devilish plans danced about in her thoughts. “Guess that means we don’t have to hold back tonight,” she mused. “Already thinking about that?” Indigo replied as the blush began to creep across her face. “Can you blame me?” Sunset said while curling her finger in her friend’s hair. “I had to spend the evening watching and listening to you squirm. If I were a guy, my pants would’ve been very uncomfortable during the whole gala.” Indigo giggled and glanced up to Sunset. “Well aren’t you a dirty little thing,” she teased, wagging a finger at her. “You’ve come twice tonight and I haven’t even once,” Sunset replied in a playful pout before sticking out her tongue. “If you ask me, that’s just downright unfair. If you’re really my girlfriend, you should make it your mission to correct this injustice.” “It’s just one challenge after another with you.” “Gotta keep you motivated somehow.” Indigo chuckled under her breath before shuffling closer so that her head was more nestled into Sunset’s lap. “I’ve got all the motivation I need right here,” she cooed. The familiar devilish smirk crossed Sunset’s features as her fingertips graced across her lover’s cheek. “Maybe I should just lift up my dress and let you get to work.” “Sunset! I’m not going to do it on my living room couch,” Indigo shot back with an immediate protest. “I have to live here, you know. Plus knowing our luck, the moment we get naked is the moment the front door opens.” “God, you’re more paranoid than my dad.” Both girls shared in a quiet laugh, however, before Sunset reneged on the idea. “But fine, I’ll refrain from defiling your couch if it means that much to you. I can’t believe you don’t mind a public bathroom but your living room is a no-go zone.” “Just help me to my room,” Indigo deadpanned. More than happy, and suitably motivated, to shoulder the burden, Sunset Shimmer scooped up her girlfriend in her arms and carried her upstairs. “You only want the bed so we can spoon afterwards,” Sunset remarked with a teasing snicker. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” “Dibs on little spoon.” “Why you—! Fine, but it’s your fault if I choke on your hair in the middle of the night,” Indigo warned the other girl. In truth, she didn’t mind, but it was more fun to feign indignity, if only to see Sunset smile as she laughed it off. Plus, as far as suffocations went, Sunset’s hair would at least provide a fragrant send-off before the cold embrace of death set in. After a bit of grunting and nearly hitting Indigo’s head on a doorframe, Sunset reached her destination and unceremoniously dropped her date onto the bed. “Phew! The movies make that seem a lot easier than it actually is,” she exclaimed between heavy pants. “But where’s the romance in that?” Indigo replied as she pulled up her dress just enough to reveal the vibrator battery pack strapped to her thigh. Punctuated by one last sigh of relief, she carefully removed the vibrator. “I am so glad to be rid of that.” As Indigo sat on the edge of the bed, Sunset stepped over and took her girlfriend by the hands. “Thank you, Indy, for giving me this night,” she said, giving her girlfriend’s hands a gentle squeeze. “This really has been the best time of my life.” Indigo was left speechless for the moment, but her heartfelt smile was enough to convey that the feeling was mutual. Sunset then stepped back and unzipped the back of her dress, letting gravity slowly slip the clothes from her figure. Now wearing nothing but her underwear and a seductive smile, she linked her hands behind her girlfriend’s neck and straddled her hips. A familiar excitement rose in Indigo’s chest, much like back in the bathroom not too long ago. Her heart was already beginning to quicken its pace, though this time it felt deeper than just an animalistic lust. She yearned to feel Sunset’s touch, to feel her lips and her warmth, and to be one with her. There was no doubt in her mind that she loved Sunset Shimmer. There was nobody else she could picture sharing this moment with. As she embraced Sunset in a slow and tender kiss, her arms began to wrap around the amber teen’s figure, gradually gliding up the contours until Indigo could slip her fingers under the strapless bra. “Mmm, Indigo…” Sunset murmured through the kiss. With little effort, Indigo unclasped the bra and tossed it to the side, allowing her hands to once again roam across the smooth, amber plains of her lover’s back. She continued to smother her partner in kisses, even catching Sunset’s tongue with her lips to keep her from pulling away for even a second. Holding on tight, Indigo swung to the side, practically flinging Sunset onto the bed. She took a moment to admire the visage of perfection she now had pinned beneath her—a golden goddess, burning with desire and gazing back at her with a loving smile and eyes that pleaded ‘take me now,’ all accentuated by an aura of crimson that flowed across the sheets. “And here I was worried you’d be out of steam after all that dancing,” Sunset remarked, running her hands along Indigo’s thighs. “Let’s just consider this another challenge for me,” Indigo said before she leaned in for another kiss. She quickly slipped her tongue past her lover’s lips, making for a deep and entrancing embrace. Sunset allowed herself to be taken in by the passion, letting the warmth and pleasure flow across their tongues and blur her senses to everything else. A soft murmur eked out as Indigo’s hands traced down her biceps, caressing her forearms before easing both arms up over their heads. Smothered by all the passion, she continued spiralling into bliss until she heard a sudden clicking noise and felt something cold and metallic constrict around her wrists. Her mind snapped back into focus as she broke from the kiss, shifting her eyes towards the head of the bed to discover a pair of handcuffs. It was clasped firmly around each wrist and wrapped around one of the wooden posts that made up the headboard. “H-hey! What is this?” Sunset remarked, giving the cuffs a tug to confirm what was already evident. “Just a little payback,” Indigo said. She sat upright and straddling her now-trapped partner. Running her fingertips down Sunset’s figure, she smiled an evil and playful grin. “When the hell did you have time to stash those there?” “Oh, I’ve been planning this since the day we made sushi together,” Indigo explained. “Now you’re my plaything!” “Come on, Indy, this isn’t fair,” Sunset whined as she struggled against the cuffs. “Let me go!” “There’s always pineapple if you want out,” Indigo suggested. Sunset ceased her protest, but not before sticking her tongue out at her partner. She continued to fuss against her restraints, if only to put up the playful illusion of defiance. Donning a triumphant smile, Indigo dismounted for the moment in order to take off her dress. She gave Sunset a flirty wink, swinging her hips about as she slipped the shoulder straps off. With a slow, accentuated turn, Indigo slithered out from her dress, leaving her in nothing but her panties. Facing away from Sunset, she stooped over low and began to remove the last of her clothing, making sure that her date got a tantalizing view. “Babe, you can’t even imagine how fucking wet I am right now,” Indigo teased. “You’re lucky these cuffs are on me, or I’d have pounced you by now,” Sunset shot back. “Tsk tsk, such impatience,” Indigo said with a wagging finger. She strolled back over to her partner and straddled her once again, this time over Sunset’s chest to offer a nice, close-up view of her glistening slit. “Look at the mess you’ve made of me,” she said as she reached down to spread her labia. “Now be a good girl and clean that up.” Complying in silence, Sunset Shimmer leaned in and started off with a slow, ginger lick up the center. She scoured every nook and cranny, working her tongue into every fold as she cleaned her love in a methodical and diligent fashion, like a cat grooming its partner. All the while, Indigo purred and moaned under her breath, running a hand through Sunset’s hair to encourage her further. “Mmm, that’s the spot,” Indigo sighed after a while. Since she had spent almost the entire evening being worked over by a vibrator, she had no interest in hogging all the attention. The clean-up was mostly just a test to see if her lover really was okay with the arrangement. As fun as having Sunset at her mercy was in theory, she wasn’t about to force anything. “That’s enough, love,” Indigo said, easing the other girl’s head back. “Now we get to see what kind of cute noises you make.” Slithering down her lover’s figure, Indigo rested atop of her so the two were face-to-face for the moment. She pressed her weight against Sunset, grinding into her with her breasts, to force the first of hopefully many moans from the girl. They were short-lived, however, as Indigo smothered them soon after with another lust-fueled kiss, which let her catch the traces of her own taste left in Sunset’s mouth. For her part, Sunset sought to hold onto the kiss, sucking hard on the invading tongue. Alas, with her hands bound, she was powerless to do anything beyond the fleeting resistance when Indigo pulled away. She murmured and whimpered in disappointment, but soon only another round of quivering moans could be heard. Indigo’s hands were gliding down her sides, tracing every contour and sending small jolts of pleasure through Sunset’s skin. “Oh yes,” Sunset breathed. “Heh, I bet you just can’t wait for more.” Indigo traced her hand further down, working across the hips and caressing between her lover’s thighs. To no surprise, Sunset’s panties were damp to the touch, and as she pressed harder against the girl’s slit, she could feel the arousal seeping out. “But I want to hear you beg for it.” “Indy!” came the whine of protest. “I’m waiting,” Indigo continued to tease. As if stroking the other girl’s entrance wasn’t enough, the dominating teen started kissing her way down the side of Sunset’s neck. Her partner wriggled under the sensual assault, clearly attempting to make a show of defying Indigo’s sultry advances. Despite the struggles, it was hard for Sunset to hide the signs of growing excitement as her breath grew heavier and more ragged, and every stroke against her nethers made her shiver and moan. “You… can’t make… me,” Sunset protested between heaving breaths. “We have ways of making you squeal,” Indigo replied with a playful cackle. She ran her tongue along the outer margins of her lover’s breast before planting a hard, suckling kiss upon the nipple. “A-ah! Oh… oh, fuck!” Sunset yelped in a playful squeak that only spurred Indigo further. Her strokes became slower, but firmer, pressing unbearably hard against a burning hot slit. At the same time, she continued lavishing her affection on Sunset’s breasts, suckling and nipping at them to a chorus of stifled moans. Every passing moment, every caress, sent Sunset spiralling further into the euphoric madness. Despite her defiance, her body continued to betray her at every opportunity; soon her convulsions, formerly attempting to resist, were now grinding and gyrating against her tormentor. Her hips, most treacherous of all, thrust against Indigo’s hand in its attempts to milk every drop of pleasure she could. It was tantalizing, yet felt so unfulfilling at the same time, like the aroma of a gourmet meal that you could only watch from the side of a glass pane. “Come on, love, don’t you want more?” Indigo whispered. Sunset Shimmer let out a tormented growl, voicing the conflict between pride and her desires. Her face twisted in agony trying to suppress another moan. The yearning in her heart and mind was stripping away every last vestige of resistance she could muster. “Fine! You win!” Sunset cried out. “Oh?” Indigo replied with her own devilish smile. “And what is it that you want?” “I want you to fuck me already! I want to feel you over every inch of me and make me cum my brains out!” “Was that so hard?” Indigo said with a chuckle. After shuffling down to the foot end of the bed, affording herself a splendid view up the nubile teen’s figure, she slowly slipped off Sunset’s panties. She paused for a moment to admire the lacy red garment she now held aloft with her thumbs, holding them close enough to catch a trace of their fragrance. “Maybe I ought to give you a taste of your own medicine and keep these for myself.” “Wouldn’t bother me—I love the feel of a short skirt with nothing underneath,” Sunset replied. “I call it going clamando style.” Indigo tried to stifle the sudden burst of laughter, resulting in an awkward snort whilst hiding her smile. “That was a terrible pun!” “And yet you’re laughing,” Sunset said with an ear-to-ear grin. “Less sassing, more moaning.” Indigo ran her hands up Sunset’s toned, athletic caves, gliding along the contours as she made her way up to the knees. There was a flash of excitement in her chest; she could feel her heart racing once more as she eased her lover’s knees apart to reveal the glistening prize. It was more beautiful than she had ever envisioned—flushed with arousal and slick with desire. “Mmm, I hope you taste as good as you smell,” Indigo mused as she nestled her head between her lover’s thighs. She gently rubbed her fingertips into the moistened folds, feeling the heat and lust radiating from her lover. Then, with just the very tip of her tongue, Indigo gave a quick, exploratory lick. It was more of a quick flick: a fleeting touch, but just enough to make Sunset gasp and shiver. After taking a moment to enjoy the girl’s flavour, she pressed on with a deep kiss to plunge her tongue deep into the heart of her lover. “Ohh! F-fuck, Indy!” Sunset moaned, unconcerned by any thoughts of volume. Her body began to twitch and shiver as the invading tongue twisted and slithered within, tantalizing every inch it touched. “Please, give me more!” Indigo Zap happily obliged, not that she was planning on slowing down in the first place. She hastened her pace, alternating between skimming around the labial folds and firm, playful licks. With so much excitement and anticipation having been built up over the course of the evening, Sunset was soon writhing in euphoria with the flames of her lover’s passion spreading through her body. “Ah yes! Don’t stop!” Sunset cried out. Her loins felt like they were on fire and her senses were going blurry from the bliss. Indigo lavished more of her lust and affection, planting a tender kiss upon the clit that made her lover shiver and groan in delight. Seeing the energetic response she was getting, she continued teasing the sensitive nub with the tip of her tongue. She took care to vary her approach, flicking with her tongue at one moment, then gently squeezing with her lips, never letting Sunset get too familiar with any one sensation. In turn, the response become more intense with each kiss and nibble as the writhing teen expressed her passion as loudly as possible. “Ohhh fuck, yes! I’m… I’m getting close!” An unrelenting passion continued to swell inside, its pressure growing more intense with every flick of Indigo’s tongue. Her body rocked back and forth and side to side as she fought against the overwhelming pleasure hammering at her mind. Indigo, however, had been waiting for the elated cries to let her know that it was time to kick things up for the home stretch. As she continued to smother and caress with her tongue, she slipped two fingers deep into the hot amber folds. A long, shuddering moan echoed through the bedroom, followed by a rattle of the bedframe as Sunset thrashed about. Despite the strong response, Indigo wriggled her fingertips about, exploring her lover’s depths and listening to the angelic chorus until it reached a fervent pitch. “Fuck! Fuck yes! Right there!” Sunset exclaimed, a sudden burst of excitement that matched the intensity inside. “Oh god, Indigo! Don’t stop! Keep going!” “Sounds like I’ve hit the sweet spot,” Indigo chuckled quietly under her breath. Happy to oblige, she continued stroking her fingers and planted another suckling kiss over her lover’s clit. The clattering soon became a cacophony of passion and love as Sunset continued thrashing about on the bed and against her restraints. The barrage of pleasure and wondrous sensations drowned her mind in a sea of euphoria. “Come on, Sunset, I wanna hear you screaming my name.” Between the tongue flicking against her clit and those diligent fingers caressing her in just the right spot to set her heart ablaze, Sunset could no longer contain herself. As her cries reached their peak, she exploded in a torrent of lust and love. “Oh Indigo! Yes yes yes! Indigo, yes!” Sunset sang at the top of her lungs. She arched across the bed, moaning loudly as she was enveloped by a carnal paradise. More and more euphoria poured through her, drenching her lover who had shifted in order to lap up every drop. Sunset’s lust-induced madness persisted unabated as she spasmed to a chorus of delighted cries. So enthralled were the two of them, that neither paid any notice to the sudden crack as the bedpost, which Sunset had been chained to, broke off from the rest of the frame. As the bliss began to fade into the ether of the night, all that could then be heard was the gentle panting of a weary but contented teen. Slowly, Indigo crawled up her lover’s figure and laid her head down upon Sunset’s chest, nestling between her breasts. She smiled and sighed, still savouring the taste that clung to her lips. “Holy fuck did I ever need that,” Sunset murmured, her voice still shaky in her post-euphoric haze. “I mean, that was incredible. I think my toes are still tingling from that.” Hearing the praise filled Indigo with a loving warmth. But as the tranquility settled into the room, a thought crossed her mind. “By the way, did you hear something a moment ago?” “Well, you know, when a girl cums sometimes she can’t control herself.” “Not that, I meant—nevermind.” Indigo was prepared to just write it off as a twitching of her paranoia, ever vigilant for the possibility of a returning family member, but then she looked upwards and realized what had transpired. “Sunset did you… break my bed?” Indigo asked, her eyes fixated on the broken bedpost. “Did I just what?” Sunset replied before she, too, turned her attention to above her head. “Huh, guess I don’t know my own strength. There's one off the bucket list.” “Goddammit. There’s no way my mom’s not going to notice that,” Indigo sighed. “This is what I get for buying from Ikea.” “Should've gone with a Kopardal instead of a Hemnes,” Sunset replied. Not wanting her bed to suffer further damage, Indigo had no choice but to uncuff her partner. Sunset wasted no time in taking advantage of her newfound freedom as she wrapped her arms around her lover and smothered her in tender kisses. She leaned hard into the embrace, which forced Indigo onto her back. “So did I fulfill all your wishes?” Indigo said with a playful giggle. “Mm, I haven’t felt that great in a long time,” Sunset answered as she laid atop of the other teen. “So good, in fact, I might be willing to call ourselves even.” “Not bad for a first timer, eh?” “You just copied what I did back in the bathroom,” Sunset accused in a playful fashion. “I got more of a rise out of you than you got out of me.” “Only because you had to keep quiet so we didn’t broadcast to the whole school!” Indigo taunted further with a quick raspberry, although her plan backfired when Sunset just snagged her tongue between her lips and pulled her in for another kiss. Both girls poured their love into each other, their tongues caressing in a warm and tender embrace. Their hands began exploring one another once more, feeling out the curves of their athletic frames until their fingers met and intertwined in a loving grasp. “Think you’re up for another round?” Sunset asked. “There’s something I’ve always wanted to try like this.” “What? In this position?” Indigo asked, noting that Sunset was still laying on top of her. “Isn’t this more of an arrangement for when you have… you know, a penis?” “Oh, ye of little imagination,” Sunset said, followed by a quick laugh. “Now here, spread your legs apart and bring your knees up a bit.” Indigo complied, but her confusion was still written across her face. “Again, isn’t this more of a guy-on-girl position?” “My god, have you never watched any lesbian pornos before?” Sunset remarked. “I have!” Indigo insisted. “They always do this stupid scissors thingie like this.” She then demonstrated the aforementioned position with her hands, holding them perpendicular to one another and pressing together the spaces between her index and middle fingers. “Frankly, it looks uncomfortable as hell.” Sunset gave her a reassuring smile. “This’ll be better; I promise.” She helped guide her partner into position, spreading Indigo’s legs to the side so that she could position herself in-between. “Now I just press ourselves together like this,” she continued as she eased her weight down, “and just rock my hips like so.” Indigo’s confusion was short-lived, however, as when Sunset pressed their honey-stained vulvas together and began grinding into her, the surprise and arousal flashed across the teen’s face. “Oh! Oh my. This is nice,” Indigo murmured. A soft coo floated from her lips as a new wave of pleasure began to flow in. “Mmmm, Sunset, that feels great.” “Told you it’d be better,” Sunset replied. She braced her hands next to her partner’s shoulders as she settled herself into a slow, rhythmic gyration with her hips. All the while she kept her gaze fixed upon her lover, watching Indigo’s every moan and pant, the love blossoming on her expression with each thrust. “God, you look so beautiful right now.” “I bet you say that to all the girls,” Indigo said with a quiet chuckle. She reached over and cupped a hand upon the other teen’s cheek, smiling at the warmth and tenderness beneath her fingertips. “I love you so much, Sunset.” “I… I love you too,” Sunset replied, gasping between subtle moans. The air was soon filled with the pleasured squeals and a rattling bed as Sunset Shimmer steadily hastened her pace, grinding her loins against her lover’s with lustful abandon. Both girls burned with passion and desire, their bodies caressing against one another and spurring them along. The chorus only subsided when Indigo pulled Sunset into another kiss, trying to smother the growing passion with her partner’s tongue. Even when muffled, though, their love continued pouring out. Between their hands, their lips, their tongues, their hips, and their breasts, both teens were giving every inch of themselves to the other. “Oh fuck, your pussy feels so good,” Indigo gasped after breaking away from the kiss. Every time her lover thrust against her, their clits collided in a burst of rapture, forcing out the next moan from them. With every motion, their passion burned brighter with the flames spreading through every inch of them. Their slits, drenched with their desire, settled into a steady rhythm with each girl rocking their hips opposite of the other. Even though Sunset came recently, she could feel herself getting close to that heavenly peak once more, fueled by the love she felt. “Hey, want to take the top for a little while?” Sunset suggested. “Sure thing, babe!” “Okay then; on three… two… one!” In a single, swift motion, Sunset grabbed hold of her partner and they rolled to the side so that she was now being straddled at the hips. Rather than just lay atop of her, Indigo opted to sit more upright and braced her hands upon the other’s chest. She took over the duty of rocking her hips, caressing Sunset’s wet and eager slit with her own. “Mmmm, I could get used to this position,” Indigo cooed merrily. “Come on, Indy, let’s see you work that ass!” Sunset flashed a devilish grin as both hands slapped upon her partner’s butt. With a firm grip, she could really pull Indigo in hard as they continued their heavenly duet, moaning and crying out in delight. “Ohhh fuck!” Indigo exclaimed, arching back as she started rocking her hips in a hurried, ravenous fashion. “You feel so good. I don’t know how much longer I can last!” “Ha! Gonna pop already?” Sunset taunted between heavy breaths. Not that she was in any better of a situation as she, too, had a burning pressure building between her thighs, threatening to explode at any moment. “Bet’cha I’ll still last longer than you.” “Fuck you, I can totally last longer.” Both Indigo and Sunset shot the other a stern, determined glare as the same thought ran through their mind: ‘I’ll show you who’s boss.’ And with that both girls set about trying to push the other further along. Sunset continued with her fast and forceful thrusts, using her arms to maximize the pressure as their nethers massaged into one another. Each push heralded a new chorus from both girls as their pleasured wails echoed through the house. With Sunset seizing control, Indigo found herself in the perilous predicament of no longer being able to pace herself when needed. Her lover-now-adversary was relentless, and it likely wouldn’t take long to drive her over the edge and into bliss. Sunset was putting everything into tribbing and betting that she could outlast Indigo in a straight-up race to the finish. As tantalizing as that thought was, her pride was now at stake and she needed to regain the advantage. However, she still had her hands free and the rest of Sunset to play with. Cupping a hand over each breast, Indigo leaned her weight onto her partner and began massaging in strong, forceful gropes. If Sunset wanted to hide her feelings, she failed miserably as she shuddered and gasped with every motion, her cries becoming more intense. “That’s right, you love a good fondling, don’t you?” Indigo teased. She squeezed even harder, sparing no mercy to her lover’s tender mounds. She kneaded her fingers in deep into the supple flesh, drinking in the squeals that echoed as a result. Flicking thumbs teased at the nipples, coaxing them until they stood rigid and at peak sensitivity. She pinched one between her thumb and index, a sinful smirk upon her face as she watched Sunset twitch and hide her burgeoning arousal. “Just let it out, Sunset; you know you want to.” Groaning through each breath, Sunset managed to grit her teeth as she shot back in defiance, “You… haven’t beaten… me yet!” Despite being filled to the brim with pleasure, lust, and her senses turning hazy in the bliss, Sunset Shimmer surged on undaunted. She began rocking both hers and Indigo’s hips with zealous fury, aiming to get as much clit-on-clit action as she could. It was filling her with unfathomable pleasure, but she had to hope that she could hold down that heavenly feeling just for a little bit longer than Indigo. Indigo’s reaction gave her a glimmer of hope; her lover gasped loudly and went tense as the gyrating sped up. “A-aahh! Oh… oh fuck!” she cried out. Her body spasmed and twitched as the overwhelming surge of pleasure swept through her mind. Both girls were now going all out, crying and moaning in elation as they ravaged one another in unadulterated lust. Gone were any thoughts of yesterday or what the future might hold; all that mattered to them was this moment of bliss together, sharing their love. “S-shit… gonna… gonna cum…” Indigo groaned as she strained against the overwhelming pressure building inside. “M-me too!” a trembling Sunset replied. With a single voice, they cried out as the passion and rapture overflowed and washed over every inch of their beings. Their elated moans echoed through the halls as they writhed and spasmed, their orgasms blazing across every nerve and filling them with nothing short of nirvana. Holding on tight to one another, the amorous duet began to taper off, the crushing waves of pleasure transitioning into a wondrous afterglow that left them both tingling all the way down to their toes. “Oh… oh my goodness,” Indigo gasped between heavy breaths. She rocked her hips gently, spreading the growing, tepid mess of honey and love that coated their nethers and thighs. “Mmmm, oh Sunset.” With one last contented sigh, the last of Indigo’s strength left her and the teen fell to the side, rolling onto her back so that the two now laid side-by-side, panting and staring up at the ceiling. “So,” Sunset said once she had caught her breath, “who came first anyways?” “I… I, uh… I wasn’t really paying attention,” Indigo answered. “Me neither,” Sunset said before bursting into a weary giggle. Both girls lay motionless on the bed for a few minutes, catching their breaths and bathing in the warmth of the afterglow. Eventually, though, Indigo felt a hand grasping for hers, interlinking its fingers before giving her a soft, affectionate squeeze. She glanced over to see Sunset smiling back. “I love you, Indigo,” she whispered. Indigo answered at first by rolling back, curling up alongside her partner and nestling her head upon Sunset’s shoulder. “Love you, too,” she said before planting a tender kiss on her cheek. “Right! A deal’s a deal; I called little spoon,” Sunset announced. With a playful chuckle, she turned onto her side while Indigo grabbed one of the bedsheets and drew it over them. Sunset let out her own happy sigh, filled with warmth and love, as her lover’s arms wrapped around her and she felt Indigo press up firmly against her back. “Mmm, gotta love the feel of tits on your back.” “Just so long as I get free reign to play with yours,” Indigo answered as one hand playfully groped at her bedmate. They shared in a quick giggle before falling silent, enjoying the tranquility and warmth of their embrace. Nuzzling into the back of her beloved’s neck, a tired Indigo was soon whisked away into a peaceful slumber by the bouquet of sweat, love, and grapefruit and vanilla-infused shampoo. ************ By all accounts, Indigo should’ve slept like a baby through the entire night with only the burning gaze of the morning sunlight being able to rouse her. Instead, however, she rose from her sleep to the sound of movement in the bedroom with her curiosity truly piqued when she realized that there was no longer another person warming the bed alongside her. “Mm, Sunset?” Indigo murmured as she lifted her head to see what was making the noise. Despite the dim light of the early summer sunrise, it was hard not to see that it was from Sunset Shimmer, who had just finished getting dressed. When she heard her name being called, she glanced over her shoulder. “Oh, you’re already awake,” Sunset remarked. “Guess that saves me the trouble of having to do so later.” “Why are you getting dressed?” “Well, if I get home before any of the house staff arrives, nobody will know that I’ve been out all night.” Sunset’s explanation left Indigo confused for a few moments, mostly due to her half-asleep brain struggling to derive the greater implications of what was said. Once she realized it, though, her expression sank. Indigo slowly sat up in bed, her hands wringing the sheets at her waist. “You’re going back to him, aren’t you?” “He’s still my father; he has the money, he has the power. I don’t have any choice,” Sunset explained. Despite the sense of crushing dread building inside Indigo, Sunset’s tone didn’t carry any hint of similar sentiments. It sounded more like quiet acceptance, as though she had just been told to clean out her desk and turn in her badge to security. “I don’t understand,” Indigo murmured under her breath. “What’s going to happen to you then? What happens to us?” “I’m not sure.” Sunset remained blunt and straight to the point, clearly not wanting to placate her beloved with empty lies. “I imagine I’ll be sent across the country to live with my mother until I finish a high school equivalency exam. Then it’ll be off to a university that’s as far away from this city as humanly possible. I suspect I won’t have much say as to which.” Indigo was stunned into silence, not just as what was to come, but also by how Sunset seemed to be accepting her fate as simply another aspect of life. A change in the school’s cafeteria lunch menu brought out more of a rise from the normally spirited redhead. “So that’s just it? It’s over and you’re being shipped off to god-knows-where and I never get to see you again?” Indigo replied in disbelief. “How can you just stand there and accept that? Why are you just giving up?” Indigo’s vigorous rebuttal did stir a greater response from the other girl, but not in the manner that she had hoped. Sunset walked back over and sat down on the bed next to Indigo. “It’s true that I’m going to have to go away for a while, perhaps even a long while,” she said as she reached over to caress Indigo’s cheek with one hand. “But just because I’m accepting this doesn’t mean I’m giving up on you—on us.” Indigo grabbed the outstretched hand and held onto it tightly. “Then fight this!” she insisted. “Put your foot down! Tell him how you really feel, and that he has to accept you for you who are.” “Then what? Best case scenario is he disowns me and I wind up homeless. Sure, I’ll have my freedom, but I won’t really be able to do anything without a dime to my name or even a high school education to work off of.” Indigo was about to offer a suggestion, but Sunset anticipated what was to come and shot it down just as quickly. “And I ‘m not going to move in with you and burden your family with my problems,” Sunset insisted. “For god’s sake, your mother already works her ass off so you and your sister can go to college. I love you and all, but I can’t chain myself to being dependent upon you—I need to be be able to support myself. I refuse to let myself be an anchor. The only way I can do that, however, is by going back to my father and pretending this was all just—” She paused and sighed, the weight of the situation crushing any semblance of optimism in her voice. “—just another stupid, misguided act of teenaged rebellion.” As much as Indigo would’ve liked to believe in the whole ‘love conquers all’ shtick that made up all of those romantic-comedies that Sunny Flare liked to watch, she couldn’t argue against the pragmatic stance Sunset took. She loved Sunset, but she couldn’t ask her to throw away her future just so they could be together, regardless of how much it was going to hurt to see her leave. Indigo’s expression and mood continued to plummet, to the point where she was just barely holding back breaking down into tears. However, that was when she felt Sunset’s fingertips upon her chin, easing her gaze back up until they were staring into each other’s eyes once again. “Just because I’m choosing not to fight right now doesn’t mean I’ve given up on you,” Sunset said with the same level of certainty as before. She then cupped both hands upon Indigo’s face, holding her steady as she continued. “My father might move me to the other side of the country, or lock me away in some bunker to cut me off from the outside world, but that will never be enough. He can chain my body, but you have set my heart free. And for that, my heart will always belong to you.” Just in case any of that was in doubt, Sunset pulled her love in and gave her a warm and loving kiss, holding onto it until she could feel the tension melt away from Indigo. Even after the kiss, however, the sadness was still evident in Indigo’s eyes. “This isn’t fair,” she whimpered. “I know, love,” Sunset replied, gently stroking her lover’s cheek. “The world isn’t fair; it doesn’t owe you a thing. That’s why you have to find the things that matter to you, the things you care about, and you hold onto them for as long as you can. Life won’t give you happiness; you have to find it for yourself.” She smiled sweetly, looking to be on the verge of tears herself. “I thought I would be lost forever, but then I found you. I will fight for you, but I have to do it in my own way. I promise you, my father cannot keep contained forever. I will be free, and when that day comes, I will come find you… and I pray you’ll still have me.” Despite the disheartening news, Sunset’s words managed to light a spark of hope in Indigo’s heart. If it were anybody else, she would’ve considered an ‘I’ll find you’ promise to be just empty words. From Sunset, however, that steadfast dedication she had come to know and love was all the guarantee she needed. “Just promise me that wherever you end up, you won’t give up on people,” Indigo said as she smiled back. “Make new friends; find new happiness. And promise me you’ll take care of yourself.” “I won’t make the same mistake I did before,” Sunset reassured her. “And whatever cage I wind up in, it’ll be a gilded one so don’t worry about me.” Though no longer fearful of the future, Indigo Zap nonetheless threw her arms around Sunset and plunged face-first into her chest. “I’ll miss you,” she lamented, “and I promise I’ll wait for you.” Sunset let out her own weary sigh, wrapping her arms around her partner’s head and cradling her close. “Thank you. I really mean that—from the bottom of my heart.” Sadly, as much as she would’ve liked to have just stayed there holding her girlfriend for the rest of time, she eventually had to let go. “Before I go, there’s something I need to give back to you.” “What’s that?” Sunset Shimmer reached into her purse and pulled out a now pristine, fully-restored set of goggles. “It took a bit longer than I had expected, but the guy couldn’t get a matching lense for it. So he had to take the old, unbroken lense out and just put in two new ones.” She then took Indigo’s hand and placed the goggles into her palm. “Hopefully it can be a little something to help you remember me.” Indigo stared in absolute silence for a few moments, examining her goggles in fine detail. The craftsmanship was impeccable; had she not known ahead of time, she never would’ve been able to tell that they weren’t the original lenses. In fact, it looked like it was in better condition than it had ever been under her care. It was strange that she had almost forgotten about them altogether, but she had so many other important things to focus on that it had just slipped her mind. But then she had an idea. “You should hold onto these,” Indigo said, pushing the goggles back into Sunset’s hand. “I’ve got a phone full of pictures; I’ve got plenty to remember you by.” “But these are your dad’s goggles,” Sunset stammered in disbelief. “I thought these meant the world to you. You’re just… giving them to me?” “Not exactly,” Indigo said. “I’m just loaning them to you so you’ll have something to remember me by. I fully expect you to return these to me.” Sunset smiled, giggling as she nodded in understanding. “Okay then. I’ll be sure to take good care of them.” “You better; those are lucky goggles. They got me laid and everything.” After a brief, uplifting chuckle, both girls leaned in and shared in another tender kiss. It was light at first, but Indigo pressed in again to deepen it, warming her heart in her lover’s embrace. She held it just long enough to sneak her tongue in for one last caress before Sunset eventually pulled away. “I’m really going to miss you,” Indigo murmured. “Me too.” “Do you think maybe we have time for, you know, one more round?” Indigo said before flashing a hopeful smile. “Indy, my ride’s going to be here in, like, five minutes.” “What? You don’t think you have what it takes to finish the job in under five minutes?” Sunset narrowed her gaze at Indigo for a moment, then glanced to the nearby alarm clock sitting on the bedside table, and then back to her girlfriend. “Fine, but you’ve got to do a couple of things for me. First, I need you to close your eyes.” Indigo complied, an eager smile upon her face. “Done.” “Now hands behind your back.” “Okay.” Though Indigo was curious, she nonetheless followed the instructions. Then she suddenly heard a subtle clicking noise along with something cold and metallic tightening around both of her wrists. “Hey! What have you—?” That’s when she realized she was now sporting the handcuffs. Sunset Shimmer then unceremoniously shoved the helpless Indigo onto her back. “Now this is going to be fun.” END