Big Nate in Equestria

by broncoman18

First published

When Nate and his two friends go to play football in the park, they find themselves whisked away by a certain pink pony to a world they have never seen before.

When Nate and his two friends go to the park to play football, things aren't normal. The weather, the odd smells in the breeze, and most notably the squeaky voice that seems to come from nowhere. Nate and co. might not know it, but Twilight Sparkle and co. will:

Pinkie Pie has gone transdimensional.

Which also means Nate, Teddy, and Francis are in for one heck of an adventure.

Where it All Begins

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The school bell at Public School 38 clanged around loudly, much to the annoyance of the teachers who were not yet done with their lessons. They quickly rambled as much as they had left in their lectures in a bunch of unintelligible words, then assigned homework, much to the disgrace of the students.

Despite the homework, on the other hand, the students were ecstatic. They poured out of the classrooms, met up with friends, sprinted to the school buses, and hurried to their clubs.

One of those kids had a goofy, spiky, black hairdo and a blue and yellow t-shirt. He glanced around the hall, checking for any kids. Not seeing any (except 7th graders) he proceeded to open his locker. With a "click", large crash echoed around the hall as tons and tons of garbage poured out.

This didn't phase him, though. Not thinking twice about the large mess he had made, he rummaged around through the pile, then continued to pull out some notebooks, textbooks...and more homework. Grunting as he miraculously fit everything into his backpack, he thought briefly about how badly he wanted to get home. After he zipped up his backpack, he put all the garbage back in his locker (which is a story for another day).

The kid's name was Nate Wright. He considered himself a master cartoonist, but everyone else considered him the master of detentions. He was fairly athletic, with a flair of humor and no chance of being lame (in his eyes, that is). He jogged down the hall to the front entrance of the school, buzzing with enthusiasm to get out of that piece of garbage they called a school building.

P.S. 38, also known as Public School 38, was over one hundred years old and reeked of the elderly. The building itself was falling apart, and, in Nate's point of view, so were the teachers. They either seemed frustrated, burned out, or full out Godfrey (a term adapted by Nate from his most hated teacher, Ms. Godfrey, when she got mad). It didn't help that Nate usually made fun of them in his comics.

No matter. Today was one of those rare detention-free days. He could go home early!

...-er than usual.

Nate strapped on a helmet, the mounted his designer skateboard, then set off for home. He felt like a free man.

Five minutes later, he was at his very own front door. He shut the door with a triumphant slam to announce his presence.

No response.

"DAD!! I'M HOME!!" he hollered.

Still no response.

Maybe he's in his office, thought Nate. He dashed up the stairs and down the hall to where his dad was.

Now, Nate's dad wasn't exactly an organized person. He was the kind of dude who works at home in his underwear and a "bald is beautiful" tank top. His office, to put it simply, was a landfill of maybe-semiofficial papers.

Nate's dad himself was a middle aged man who's hair is going bald on top, with an enormous beer belly to complete the look. He had a beard as well, and Nate usually found his cooking to be quite similar to his sense of humor: awful.

Back to the story.

As Nate approached the door to his dad's office, he heard feminine voices coming from the inside. A cartoon, maybe? That was SO his dad.

As quietly as he could, he inched the door (which was already at a crack) a few more inches in so he could get a good look at what his dad was watching. It might be "The Amazing World of Gumball", but he didn't recognize any of the voices.

His dad's desk with the computer was on the far side of the room, so his dad's back was facing the door. Nate peeked over his dad's shoulder from a distance. What he saw completely dumbfounded him.

He was watching My Little Pony. That was so NOT his dad.

...Was it?

Before Nate could think, his mouth acted. "What the HECK is THAT!?" he exclaimed. His dad let out a feminine yelp and spun around. When he saw Nate, his look of frightened surprise turned into an irate glare. His face went from the normal pale to a lovely strawberry color. Nate stepped back, realizing his mistake as his dad gave him the hairy eyeball.

"If you speak of this," he snarled, "you are not leaving this house until you are EIGHTEEN. UNDERSTAND!!??"

Since Nate was very fond of his independence, he did the most sensible thing: ran out of the room as fast as his sixth grade legs could carry him. Out the room and down the stairs he went, and when he stopped in the living room to catch his breath, he heard the mighty slam of his dad's office door.

His dad, after slamming the door, slumped back in his chair and resumed his "masculinity show". The computer flashed out a brightly colored scene of the main six in a group hug. Or, make that main five at the moment.

"Hmmm," Nate's dad wondered. "Where's Pinkie Pie?" He quickly assumed it was supposed to be that way, script and all.

But it wasn't.

ominous music

Nate had never seen his dad so mad before. It was like some weird sign of the apocalypse, since his dad was usually a calm dude.

He sighed as he flopped into his bean bag. Besides the recent events, this had been a normal day for him (despite the fact he had no detentions). But now there was only one thing left to do besides sitting around bored: homework. Nate reluctantly got out of his beanbag and meandered over to his overweight backpack. Just as he was unzipping his bag...


Nate jumped up. Aha!! Leave it to the temptations of procrastination to save the say. He almost danced on his way to the door, he was so relieved. It got better when he opened it.

His best friends in the whole world, Teddy and Francis, stood in the doorway.

Teddy is on the left, and Francis is on the right. Teddy is the wisecrack of the group, casually roasting Nate if given the perfect setup (which, unfortunately for Nate, came often). Francis was the nerd, which is self-explanatory.

"Nate!" exclaimed Teddy, tossing his football up and down. "You wanna huck around a pigskin at the park?"

"Nah, I'd rather do my homework," Nate replied sarcastically.

An audible snort rose up from the other two.

"Har-har-har, I'm only joking," Nate said coldly.

Despite that, the two friends walked down to the park together, giving each other noogies and such. When they arrived, Teddy heaved the football at the back of Francis' head, who was not paying attention. He took it halfheartedly with a sickening thud.

More horsing around came after that. Running, falling, jumping, e.t.c., they were too busy having a good time to notice they were being watched.

When they were all pooped from playing hard, they all sat down together against a big oak tree, enjoying the weather.

But the anonymous spectator of this was not even thirty yards away, and she carelessly trotted down a sidewalk that ran behind the three friends. Nate was the first to hear.

"Did you guys hear something?" Nate asked, looking behind them. Nothing was there. The other two shook their heads. Shrugging, Nate relaxed again.

The sound came again, and this time, Francis and Teddy heard it, too. It was right behind them, and it was close.

"There it is again!!" Nate exclaimed, listening in.

"I heard it, too," replied Francis.

"Yeah, me too," Teddy said, craning his neck to listen again. No sound.

The three sat for a couple very tense minutes. "Alright," said Francis, breaking the silence. "I think we're oka-"

"HI, NATEY!!!" Came a voice from behind. The three friends jumped.

"Oh, stop it, Deedee," said Nate exasperated. Deedee was a friend of theirs who happened to be in drama club.

No response.

"Deedee?" Nate asked, peering around the tree again. Nothing. As he turned around, a pink blur dropped down from the branches onto the ground in front of them. When it came into view, Nate realized in horror that their secret watcher was, in fact, a pink horse. Teddy and Francis were just as horrified.

"Say cheese!!!" Pinkie Pie said over excitedly as she pulled out a baby-blue cannon from literally nowhere. She then fired it, knocking Nate, Teddy and Francis unconscious.

She giggled as she scooped them all onto her back. "Phase one is a go," she said to herself, like a secret spy. "Operation Nate in Equestria is a go!!" Then she cackled and ran off with the three friends.