> You Were Supposed To Date The GRIFFON, Not Marry The DRAGON! > by Enigmatic Otaku > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > She might be just a bit possessive. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hmm… you should buy a boat. … Okay, of course you’re not actually going to go out and buy one, though you do wonder why you even had that thought in the first place. It’s strange; you’re outdoors sitting on your favorite bench, under the shade of your favorite tree in Ponyville’s park, reading from a home decor magazine, not one for boating. Other than the fountain a good few yards away, you’re nowhere near water. … Although… if you did have a boat, perhaps you’d be able to sail the Equestrian seas and try your hand at being a fisherman. Hauling in sharks and air-drowning them can’t be that much different from fighting tatzlwurms--they’re like the Jaws of the land, only bigger. Hey, why stop there? You’ve got a boat, why not go pirate? You can get yourself a parrot, a fine hardy crew, some grog… whatever the hell that is--heck, you’d look great in a buccaneer shirt! … Straightfaced, you lower the magazine. You know… as it dawns on you that your thoughts are casually jumping from one thing to commit to to another, you’re realizing that perhaps, just maybe, you’re a teeny, tiny bit… indecisive. Why the hell are you thinking about being a pirate, of all things? You hoping to catch yourself some scurvy? …S-scurvy’s contagious, right? Eh, whatever. Point is, so far, you’re content with your current occupation, dealing with wild beasts for any town that’s willing to pay for your services; so why look for something else? Being the only human in Equestria with the job, you’re certainly making bank, as you were just catalogue-shopping for the right curio cabinet that would really spruce up your living room. Admittedly though, business has been a bit slow as of late, hence why you’re lounging in Ponyville and not out in the field. Goddamn Twilight and her friends dealing with monsters for free, just who do they think they are? Mm… maybe that’s why you were thinking about piracy; you just need a little something to do during your downtime in between jobs. Not that you’d be a pirate--though it’s alright to be-- THWACK! ... You casually look back to the magazine in your hand, pout your lips as if engrossed, and turn to the next page, completely ignoring the arrow inches from your ear, that just lodged itself into the tree behind you. Oh this curio’s nice, though you’re not too crazy about the price tag… “Really, no reaction whatsoever?” your assailant says as she lands in front of you. Standing over you is a blueish gray griffoness, possessing a pair of easy to look at tranquil green eyes, wings that are of a darker color than her fur, and feathers styled into what looks like a short ponytail on the back of her head. She’s wearing a green button-up top (one of its buttons was undone, exposing a bit of her cleavage while accentuating her modest chest) and a matching pair of shorts. On one side she carries a messenger bag, and on the other, strapped to her wrist, is a crossbow. You glance up from your magazine and regard her, then back down to the mag. Your eyes widen and snap back up, an expression of astonishment taking over your face. “Oh, Gabby! Welcome back,” you say before pointing to the bark-embedded arrow. “Aww, did you come to visit because you… hehe, missed me. I’m touched. Really, I am.” Gabby rolls her eyes and scoffs at your terrible pun, as she collapses her wrist-mounted weapon into its folded position. “Hmm,” she murmurs thoughtfully as she caresses her piece, “starting to regret not veering my aim a little to the right, there, Suds…” Gabby, short for Gabriella. She used to hunt beasts for coin like how you are now, but due to the competitive nature of the trade, instead chose the more steady job of being Griffonstone’s courier, while also sending messages on behalf of the hunter’s guild on the side. To your knowledge, she’s the happiest, friendliest, most helpful griffon ever to exist. You got into hunting mostly because of her, and when you first started out, she was kind enough to show you the ropes, and give you basic weapons training to boot. Matter of fact, she was also the first person who stumbled upon you when you suddenly found yourself in Equestria. She took you to Ponyville, set you up with some bits and a place to stay, and you’ve had a lasting friendship since. Unfortunately though, because of the bubble bath that led to your unheralded displacement from time and space, she absolutely loves to call you by that name you detest… “Gabby,” you say, shooting her a patient, pointed look, “you know darn well that ‘Suds’ isn’t my name.” “Ha!” she laughs, a hand on her chest as she slaps your shoulder. “I don’t know. After finding you butt-naked in a field, with only your hands and a whole lot of crotch bubbles hiding your shame, I don’t think Suds will be going away anytime soon. At least not for a good while, anyway.” You react by raising the magazine over your burning, beet-red face, murmuring indignantly behind it. You start to wish that she did aim to the right. At least then you’d be spared from having to recall that embarrassing time in your life. “Oh don’t be like that,” she chirps, before you pick up the sound of her opening her bag and rummaging through it. “In fact, I’ve brought something with me that ought to cheer you up a bit.” “Oh gee, so this wasn’t a social visit?” you reply, feigning sourness in your voice. You lower your magazine and see her shake her head, her tongue sticking out the side of her beak as she searches through her bag. “‘Fraid not. New job was tacked onto the Guild board recently, and I’ve come to notify you of it--as per our agreement.” A new job, eh? So, some beasty has started stirring up trouble for somepony somewhere. You can’t help but get a bit excited, as you’ve been hankering to get out in the field again. Don’t want to get too comfortable resting on your laurels, or however the saying goes. “So,” you say, sitting up straighter and clasping your hands together loudly before rubbing them, “how long ago has this one been posted?” Shuffling through some papers and sealed envelopes for the right one, Gabby answers with, “Mm… about a week.” Your shoulders slump as you deflate after hearing that. “Shit, Gabby, a week? What the hell? Someone could have accepted that one by now!” “Hey, don’t get uppity with me!” she says, pointing a talon at you while still searching. “Things have been a little slow at the guild, and whatever jobs get posted are quickly snactched up! Besides, I’m sure this one’s still available.” “Oh really, and why’s that?” you ask. Appearing to have found what she was looking for, she extends a folded flier to you, saying, “Because this one asks for you by name. Not Suds, of course--that stupid ‘Slayer’ one.” “What?” you say, pulling your head back in bafflement as you eye the flier. Gabby has to be pulling your leg. You’ve done plenty of jobs before, and not once have they asked for anyone in particular, especially not you. If what she says is true, then you must be making quite the name for yourself. Still taken aback, you take the paper from her, unfold it, then begin to read from it. ... Huh… son of a bitch, it’s actually for you. “Oh mighty slayer of beasts, we are but… blah blah blah… possibility of a--a dragon near our humble settlement… in exchange we offer you…” You set the flier down. “Yeah, that’s not a lot. They’re practically expecting me to deal with a freaking dragon of all things for pennies.” “Pennies?” repeats Gabby. “Human currency. Smallest amount possible,” you explain with a dismissive wave of your arm. “Ah,” she says with a nod of understanding. “Still… I know the reward isn’t worth the amount of trouble you’d go through, but I think you should accept the job anyway.” “Uh… why?” you ask. “If you’re asking me to risk my life for a measly little amount, then you better have a good reason.” “Well I do, actually, and think about it,” says Gabby. “Most hunters are griffons, yeah?” “I’ve noticed.” “Well,” she starts, “back when I was in the business, there was this trend I sort of noticed. Griffons like myself are typically seen as the go-to species for this sort of work, so in rare occasions where a pony’s a hunter, they have a higher chance to be sought out by clients to carry out a job. I guess they just stick out more, and folks who don’t know any better automatically assume they’re pretty seasoned if they chose the profession.” “Interesting,” you drawl, giving a slow nod. You raise your foot over your knee and lean back into the bench as you begin stroking your chin. “But tell me, what does this have to do with me accepting the job, hmm?” “What, you don’t get it?” Gabby asks, smiling a half grin at you. “If a pony gets picked over a griffon just for standing out, then imagine how much more renown you, Equestria’s only human and hunter, will get once word gets around that you’ve dealt with another dragon. Things might be slow at the guild now, but we both know they will pick up again. And when they do, just who do you think will come instantly to everyone’s minds once they need help?” Huh, now that you think about it, holy shit. She makes a very, very persuasive argument right there. It’s genius, really, and you never would have thought of it on your own. One shit job completed for the exposure and you’ll be rolling in future requests. You’re so stunned by the prospect that you just sit up straighter and blink blankly at her before raising the flier back to your sights. Shit, where did it say this job was? You see a mention of mountains, but that’s not exactly a precise location. … Huh, that’s strange. It looks like some section from the bottom of the flier had been torn out… “Looking for this?” says Gabby, a folded scrap of paper held between two of her talons. She quickly offers it to you, but the second you reach for it, she pulls her arm back. “Now hold on,” she says coyly, twirling it by her head. “Seeing as you’ll soon be receiving a massive influx of jobs and bits, I’m thinking that we, mm... renegotiate our arrangement before I show you where exactly the job is. After all, I go through the trouble of snatching the best jobs off the board before anyone else and bring them to you, so it’s only fair, you know. I’m thinking, say… twenty percent of your earnings than the ten I’m getting now.” Wow, only twenty percent? She’s not even trying to play hardball. Unlike most griffons who have an unhealthy hard-on for the jinglies, Gabby herself doesn’t seem to care much for money. You do know, however, that she takes those local CMC kids out for some ice cream or something whenever she comes by to bring you a job, so maybe she’s hoping to treat them to a little extra. You rub your hand down your neck, pondering her request. Sure, you could simply agree to her terms, but where would the fun be in that? “Hmm… sure, I’d be willing to negotiate,” you say, resting your hands squarely onto your knees. “But here’s my counter offer, though. How bout you, me, say... dinner and a movie? Perhaps some uh, fun times afterwards if the night calls for it? What do ya say?” Gabby doesn’t respond immediately. Instead she merely crosses her arms over her chest, raises a brow in what you determine to be slight amusement, and fixes you with an adamant glare. It’s no secret that you had a thing for Gabby. Heck, you practically hit on her once or twice each time she visits. Most of the time you do it just to get a rise out of her, but other times it’s involuntary, as she just so happens to possess the qualities you like in a woman: friendly, easy to talk to, reliable, resourceful, and willing to put up with your snark. Also, the fact that she’s pretty darn hot is an added bonus. Unfortunately though, even in those rare moments where you’re not asking her out in jest, she always turns you down without fail. Oh she’s assured you plenty of times that she likes you as well, but she’d stated time and time again that she just isn’t looking for a relationship. Sad, but, eh… it is what it is. Gabby continues to stare at you, the scrap containing the job’s location pinched between her index and middle talon. She twirls it around a bit more as if to further entice you, then, eventually, she rolls her eyes before finally handing it over. “I’ll be taking that twenty, but...” she places the paper onto your waiting palm, “deal with the dragon, then we can talk about that dinner.” You grin, curious to see where this job will take you. You pinch both sides of the paper, then prepare to unfold it. However, just as you’re about to do so, you stop, as you realize something. “Wait…” You look up to Gabby, your expression reflecting your surprise and bafflement. “Gabby… that… that wasn’t a ‘no’ you just gave me…” Wearing an innocent smile, she averts her eyes, rubs at the back of her neck and shrugs with an arm. “Mm… what can I say? You’ve worn me down, Suds. Lately… well, I guess I’ve been feeling more excited to see you, and a bit more worried than usual when you’re off on a job, so I figured, ‘hey, why not?’ I suppose we do click in certain ways, so I’m curious to see where at least one date will take us from there.” You remain seated on the bench, completely motionless as you take a moment to process her words. … Holy shit, man, after pestering her for a date since nearly the entirety of you knowing her, she’s finally agreed to go out with you. You can’t help but feel warm and, well, bubbly inside. It’s like you’re a living bottle of soda, and someone just came along and violently shook you. You can’t stop a wide, perpetual smile from forming on your face, and you just pray it isn’t creeping Gabby out enough to have second thoughts. Before you can voice your enthusiasm for your date together, though, Gabby points her thumb over her shoulder and says, “But anyway, we’ll discuss ‘us’ when you get back--right now, there’s a settlement out there that needs saving from a dragon, so get to it already!” If it means you finally having a chance with her, Gabby wouldn't need to repeat herself twice. You furrow your eyebrows in determination, ball the scrap in your hand, spring to your feet with your arms at your sides, then give Gabby a salute (for some reason…) before sprinting to your house for your equipment. You know, in a way, you almost sort of feel sorry for the dragon, as it doesn’t realize the utter reckoning it’s about to receive if it decides to be uncooperative. You’ll give it a chance to be civil, of course, but if things happen to go south, well… If it stands between you and Gabby, it won’t stop you… It won’t. One year later… You stand between Ember and the path to Gabby’s place, but that ain’t stopping your sort-of dragon wife. It ain’t. Ember barely even acknowledges your attempt to block her. Instead, she just shoves you effortlessly aside, then continues marching on her merry way. You didn’t even slow her down... You’re left standing there, swelling with both panic and frustration as you watch her leave. Your teeth clench, and your hands start readying themselves atop your head to start yanking hair out. Oh no. Oh no no no no! This isn’t good, not good at all! If she gets to Gabby’s place, shit will definitely go down if she does--you just know it will. Sad too, as she just bought that house a few months back, and now it’ll probably be up in flames within the hour. Maybe less, depending on Ember’s mood. Dammit, Ember! You told her that you could handle it on your own, that she didn’t need to tag along, but like always, she simply refused to listen! She’s as stubborn as her scales are thick! You hastily run ahead of Ember, your battered and bloodied armor clinking as you make another attempt to stop her. “Ember, c’mon!” you shout, walking backwards with your hands raised to your chest pleadingly. Again, she ignores you, which in turn prompts you to lurch forward and grip her equally bloodied (possibly moreso) armor’s shoulder plates, all in the hopes of physically stopping her. You fail due to her immense dragon strength, though, as all you succeeded in doing was turning yourself into a human plow. “Emmmbeeer!” you cry. Your boots are scuffing through dirt and rocks, but you remain firm. “We... we can come back tomorrow! Yeah yeah, tomorrow!” you spout, nodding enough times to look like a freakin’ nutcase to any potential onlookers. “W-wouldn’t you rather go home first? We have that chimaera carcass waiting at home for us--don’t you want to fashion its pelt into a nice rug like you said you would before stabbing it in one of its faces!? I mean, we just got back from a job for Pete’s sake!” Surprisingly enough, you actually manage to get a reply from her. Not that she slows down a tad to give it to you, though. “No, this is too important to put aside,” she says with a stern shake of her head, complete and utter seriousness laced in her words. “The longer she’s holding on to it when she doesn’t even need to, the more uncomfortable I feel. So nuh-uh, we’re getting it right away, then going straight home.” Much to your concern, she reaches for her sheathed sword fastened to the left side of her waist. “But I swear, if it’s not in the exact same condition it was when we left it with her--” With this, her fingers wrap around her weapon’s grip and she squeezes tightly “--there’ll be feather-stuffed throw pillow to go along with that chimaera rug…” With Ember’s obvious vow of pre-emptive vengeance should the worst come to pass, you swallow nervously. Despite your intense worry for what the outcome of this ill-fated visit will be, you try to assure yourself that you have nothing to worry; Gabby’s the perfect blend of reliable and responsible. She won’t get flayed alive, and nothing bad happened to your-- “Unless you’re planning on knocking, out of the way, Slayer.” Ember’s sharp and indignant tone breaks you from your stupor. You look up from the ground between yourself and Ember, glance over your shoulder, and realize that the front door to Gabby’s house is right at your back. Huh, well how ‘bout that? Fearful of further provoking her, and subsequently making things worse for Gabby, you immediately remove your hands from Ember, then keep them leveled at your head as you sidestep out of the way. She snorts out in what you assume to be acceptance of your submission, embers briefly emitting from her nostrils as she steps forward to the door. Without wasting any time, she raises her fist and gives it three solid raps, each one causing the wood to rock violently against its hinges. Well, at least she remembered and was courteous enough to knock. The first time you brought her home, she caved in your door. In fact, you had to replace a lot of things after she moved herself in. Moments pass, and Gabby hadn’t answered. Ember crosses her arms and taps her foot impatiently, and you’re afraid that she’ll knock again at any second; or even worse, break the door down. Seemingly tired of waiting, though, she soon reels her arm back in a menacing fashion, appearing to be going with the latter. Before she could go through with it, however, the door thankfully opens a smidge, and Gabby could be seen peering a single eye through the gab. Her eye locks to Ember (who was frozen with her arm still winded for a punch) and her brow furrows in apparent confusion. She then looks to you, who offers her a meek wave and a smile in return, and you witness what little you can of her beak curl upward before the door swings the rest of the way inward. “Suds!” she says warmly. “You’re back!” Upon being able to fully see her, you realize why she had taken so long to get the door. She was naked, her fur and feathers wet with only a towel wrapped around her chest and midsection to keep her somewhat decent. Because of her wings, though, not much of her back was covered, and she had to ball both top ends of the towel with her hand and keep them above her breasts. Funny enough, she also had a second towel wrapped around the top of her head. “Sorry for the wait,” says Gabby, scratching her chin likely in embarrassment. “Was in the middle of a shower.” Placing a hand on your hip, you eye her from the legs up, then scoff in amusement. “Yeah, I can see that,” you reply. Before you could comment on how you’d like to help her finish that shower, you recall that there’s more pressing matters at hand. Like saving her life, for one. “Listen, Gabby,” you start, “as much as I would love to stand here and compliment you all day on your hot bod--” you hear a low growl from Ember… “--there’s sadly no time for such pleasantries. We’ve instead come to--” “Ugh. Taking too long--move!” Ember exclaims, all but shoving Gabby out of the way as she waltzes right in like she owns the place. Knocked off balance, Gabby starts to fall back, her expression mortified and the towel ends still held to her chest even as she begins to tumble. Upon seeing this, your reaction is near instant. With your arms outstretched, you quickly step through the open doorway; one hand grasps her bicep, and the other plants itself against her back as you safely catch her. From how her body’s at a diagonal angle as she stares up at you in surprise, it almost looks as if you two have just finished an intense waltz routine. Gabby’s face was first of astonishment, but slowly it forms into that of amazement. “Huh, wow Suds. That was awesome!” she says gaily, moments before giving your shoulder a congratulatory pat. “Uh, thanks,” you reply, only to then find yourself easily getting lost looking into her youthful green eyes. They’re so alluring; like looking into perfectly cut emeralds. Returning the favor by looking back at your eyes, Gabby smiles. You smile. Then she speaks. “Hey, uh, Suds?” “Yeah?” you ask. She smacks her beak, averts her eyes, then says, “About that whole ‘setting me upright’ part…” “Hm?” you utter as you cock your head, her meaning completely lost on you. It takes you a few seconds longer than it should have, but you soon realize that she’s still reclined in your arms, and you’re embarrassed that you allowed her to linger like that. “Oh… O-oh!” Your smile turned sheepish, right away you lift her back onto her feet, then step back as you rub the back of your head. “Eh, sorry. Didn’t mean to, uh… Boy that must have been awkward.” After readjusting her towel where it gotten loose in places, Gabby raises a hand to you and shakes her head. “Nah, you were fine. Definitely smooth.” “WHERE IS IT!” “That, however, is not smooth,” Gabby then says, pivoting on a foot as she turns and points to Ember, said dragon dead set on destroying her living room. Ember had little to no regard for Gabby’s belongings, that much was clear. She tossed just about everything she could get her hands on, not caring in the slightest where they landed. If they weren’t already, tiny, strewn about porcelain knickknacks were crushed beneath her blue talons as she moved to and fro. Soon throw pillows and couch cushions were tossed into the growing mess, the couches themselves eventually flipped; Ember would stop at nothing to retrieve what was rightfully hers. Well, it’s yours too, but… You pause that thought once you notice Gabby gawk at the sight of Ember tearing into a couch cushion with her teeth, and at that point you decide that enough’s enough. Gabby might have the patience of a saint, but if this continues any further, then she might put on her gear, grab her crossbow and throw down with Ember in defence of her home. You’d rather avoid that, but if it were to actually happen, you honestly have no clue who would win. Ember’s definitely got the raw power and resilience, but Gabby makes up for that with precise aim and agility. To put it simply in nerd-speak: if this were the holy trinity, Ember would be the tank, and Gabby would be the DPS dealer. … Wait, would that make you the healer? I mean, you’re more used to getting injuries than treating them, so-- No wait, getting off track here. More serious matters at hand right now. “Ember,” you say somewhat sternly, your arms raised tentatively before you as you begin to step towards her, almost like you were approaching a freakin’ velociraptor. Teeth clenched onto a new cushion, she locks her eyes with yours in acknowledgment, but clearly she doesn’t care enough to the point of stopping. Instead, while giving you this dead-eyed stare while producing a low growl, she proceeds to slowly tear the cushion’s fabric, revealing the white stuffing below. Having seen that, and easily being able to imagine that as your trachea, you swallow a lump in your throat. Are you intimidated? Uh, fuck yeah, but a possible fight between her and Gabby won’t be prevented unless you intervene. Plus you could probably score some points with Gabby if you can calm her; though to be realistic, a whole lot more points have probably been subtracted since Ember showed. “Ember,” you try once more, “let’s be reasonable here. You continue to wreck Gabby’s living room, and she probably won’t watch it for us anymore…” Her eyes narrowing, Ember spits out the couch fabric, then speaks in that endearing Ember tone you’ve come to know and fear. “Well where is it, Slayer, huh? I’ve nearly torn this area top to bottom, and it still isn’t in my hands.” “Let me look into that,” you reply cautiously, slowly waving your open palms back and forth. Teeth clenched into a forced smile, and keeping your eyes mainly focused on Ember should she decide to do anything rash, you turn your head a bit towards Gabby. “Eh, Gabby?” you say. “Yeah?” “Where is it?” Gabby crosses her arms over her chest, and after having a silent stare down with Ember, she gestures to the stairs. “Upstairs, in my bedroom,” she answered, managing to keep most of her indignancy from making itself known. “Of course, she’d have known that right off the back if she just bothered to ask first.” Ember either didn’t hear or didn’t care for that last part, as she immediately raced for the stairs before shooting up them. That left you alone with Gabby, who rubbed at her temple as she assessed the damage left in the dragon’s wake. You feel bad, seeing her like this. You did everything in your power to stop Ember from coming here, but that just wasn’t enough. “Gabby, I--” “It’s fine, Suds,” she says, one hand still rubbing her head while she raises the other to you. “Was… planning on redecorating anyway. Mm, still. Compared to what could have happened, I’d say the house got off pretty easy.” To that, you can agree on. “Oh yeah, no doubt about that.” Once that was said, you both just stand there in complete, contemplative silence. You shuffle on your feet with your hands at your back, and Gabby sighs at the ruined furniture. You hope Ember isn’t causing a ruckus upstairs, so to keep Gabby distracted from that thought, as well as drive away the awkwardness that was building, you decide to strike up a conversation with her. “So…” you start, leaning forward on your toes. “So..?” Not thinking it’d be so difficult, your hand unconsciously moves for the back of your neck “Ember… likes you, you know.” Why in the holy mother of fuck you said that, you haven’t the slightest. To your surprise though, Gabby chuckles lowly. “Ha, well she has a funny way of showing that,” she says, waving her hand over what was once her living room. Deciding to roll with it, you shrug your shoulders before giving your reply. “Well yeah, there’s... this, but that’s just her way, you know. She’s not all bad, though, once you get to know her, at least.” You raise your hands before you, holding on to an imaginary orange. “Sure, she has a hardy exterior, but if you take the time to peel away that layer, I think you’ll find a…” You pause, then blink. “Well, I’d… I’d imagine there’d be a second, less hardy layer. I don’t know yet, I’ll let you know once I get through that first layer. Point is, she doesn’t, like, totally hate you. I mean, there was that one time where we all… eh, you remember.” A small smile gracing her beak, Gabby shook her head lightly. “Yup, I remember all right. I remember being forced to sit on the sidelines and watch.” Again, you rub at the back of your neck. “Yeeeah, sorry about that. Didn’t mean for that to turn into a voyeur thing. It might be a dragon thing, but Ember can be very possessive of me.” Turning to you, Gabby crosses her arms over her chest, then nods as she replies sarcastically with, “Huh. Well now that you mention it, that might explain why she hissed at me the first time we met. Yup, everything makes sense now.” You smirk in return, matching hers. “In all seriousness, though,” she then says, “When I gave you that job long ago, I didn’t expect for you to come back with the very dragon you were supposed to slay. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I enjoy the thought of Ember put six feet under--especially now that I know her and all--but I was kinda looking forward to… you know, us.” Your lips forming into a collected, heartfelt smile, you step towards Gabby and gently cup the side of her face. She leans into it, causing you to smile even more. “Yeah, so was I,” you admit, rubbing your thumb in circles near her beak. “If I’d have known that dragons mate for life after doing the deed, I’d have… well I’d have skipped town a whole lot sooner. I mean, c’mon, you’ve seen her naked. Wowee-zowee, am I right?” “Suds... “ she draws out, her smile remaining, yet her brow raised patiently. “What?” you say with a chuckle. “Clearly I’ve got great taste.” You lean forward as you slowly bring her towards you, then place a quick peck on her beak before finishing with, “Can’t argue with that, can you?” Relenting, Gabby gives a chuckle of her own. Taking hold of your other hand, she intertwines her fingers with yours, then rests forehead to forehead with you. “Hm, I guess I can’t. Still… it’d be nice if you and I had another chance to be intimate again. Though with Ember always circling over you like a hawk--one that breathes fire, mind you--I have little doubts of that happening anytime soon. Exactly how much convincing did it take for you to get her to even allow me in the bedroom with you guys last time?” “A. Lot.” “Mmm.” Oh boy, from where you’re standing, and the fact she’s in nothing but a towel, all it takes is the smallest glance downwards to get an eyeful of Gabby’s cleavage. ... You know what, fuck it. You need this. Gabby needs this. And after the crap she pulled on Gabby’s living room, Ember owes her. “You know,” you say lowly, ”with a whole lot more convincing, I might be able to get us that second chance. Not by ourselves, of course, seeing as Ember won’t be loosening her grip on me until long after I'm dead, but… Well it’s better than nothing, right?” Pulling away, Gabby rolls her eyes in amusement, then says in a monotone voice: “Oh gee, don’t sound so distraught over a potential threesome, Suds. It’s not the end of the world, you know.” “It’s every man’s dream, trumped only by the a foursome and so on!” you counter. Once that was said, you stare at Gabby and she stares back. You both have a serious demeanor, but the corner of your mouth soon twitches, followed by a snicker from Gabby. Next thing you know, you both break into a fit of laughter. You have a hand on her shoulder as you chortle, and she has one on yours, and it just feels nice making light of things, despite what Ember just did to her couch. “Phew,” you say moments later, after your guffaw has finally subsided. “In all seriousness though, Ember doesn’t completely hate you like I said. I mean, she has to like you in some small way, at least, otherwise she wouldn’t entrust you with--” “Why is it wet!?” Huh, her ears (or whatever the dragon equivalent of ears may be) must have been burning. Ember walks down the stairs, cradled in her arm is… well, an egg. Your egg and Ember’s. You call it Junior. Junior had your skin tone, with a bit of Ember’s blue interspersed in areas around the shell, was roughly around the size of a basketball (though Junior was somehow a bit smaller when Ember first laid it), and had a somewhat scaly texture to it. On one side of Junior, there was a noticeable pink, slightly faded ring. Yeah, that’s where the, uh… The ring was were the umbilical cord connected. The cord even had Ember scratching her head, and upon first seeing it, you recall her saying “Huh… Well that shouldn’t have happened.” Human dragon hybrids have never been heard of, so with some reluctance from Ember, you took Junior to Twilight. Through some studies she conducted, the alicorn was able to determine that Junior's development was normal (at least that was her best assumption), and that it was healthy, so that was a major load off your mind. You have no idea when it will hatch though, and Ember isn’t exactly being forthcoming on any guesses. “Why is it wet?” Ember repeats, drying Junior with a towel she probably found while upstairs. Readjusting her towel, Gabby answer with:. “It’s wet because it was in the shower with me.” Ember ceased wiping Junior, then turns and looks to Gabby before blinking. “What?” Gabby asks, shrugging her shoulder. “That water was warm if that’s what you’re worried about, and I was in the middle of drying it before deciding to answer the door real quick.” Ember blinked once more, then says in curious bewilderment, “You... showered with it?” “Of course. Junior and I do lots of things together,” Gabby replied with a nod. She then approached Ember, and most definitely to the dragon’s chagrin, began rubbing her hand atop of Junior before speaking in a doting tone. “Isn’t that right, Junior? Did you have fun with aunty Gabby? I bet you enjoyed the little face-ys I drew on you. Yes you did. Oh yes you did~” Obviously not having any of that, Ember pulls Junior away from Gabby, flaring her wings threatenly as she does so. “That’s it, we’re done here! Slayer, we’re going home!” she announces before marching out the door with Junior in tow. Once she’s outside, she flaps her wings, takes to the air, and presumably heads for home. With Ember gone, you turn to Gabby. “So, uh,” you say, your fingers drumming at your sides. “How much do I owe you for this eggsitting-venture?” “New living room set, obviously,” Gabby replies snarkily. That manages to get a laugh out of you, albeit an awkward one. After a bit of silence, you survey the damage left in Ember’s wake. Just looking at it makes you want to at least right some of the wrong she did, so you bend down and start picking some of the tossed stuff off the floor. Seconds into this, however, you stop when Gabby waves her hand dismissively. “No no, it’s fine,” she says. “I’ll clean this up later. Just go home for now before she decides to come back and finish the job getting you back.” Mm, probably a good call there. “Well alright,” you say, standing upright. After giving her a small farewell wave, you move out the front door, only to then stop as you turn back to her. “Oh, and uh… I’ll start working her over on that thing we talked about.” Handle on the doorknob, Gabby nods. “Yeah, you do that. But hey, I’m practically naked now--ok, not practically naked, more like actually naked, but you get the point. We could just… you know real quick~” You place your hand on your chin, musing over the thought. “Mm… Tempting, tempting. But you yourself said that Ember might come back and finish the job, and I think I’d much prefer you alive for any future trysts. Corpses just don’t do it for me, you know.” Shaking her head in gest, Gabby scoffs in amusement, then says “Until later, Suds,” before closing the door. “Bye,” you reply with a halfhearted wave. Once you hear the door give off the telltale click, you turn around and immediately start heading for home. Along the way, you ponder on how exactly you’ll convince Ember to allow Gabby back in the bedroom. Finally back home after a job, and the first thing you do is take a well deserved bubble bath soak. True, a bubble bath somehow sent you to Equestria in the first place, but after multiple failed attempts to reverse the polarity of the ion flow to get yourself back home, you’ve sort of unwittingly developed a habit for them. It’s not all bad, as after giving up that endeavor, you’ve learned to appreciate them. As you lie naked in the tub, the foamy water up to your neck, you give your body a nice gratifying stretch. As you do so, the water’s heated temperature does wonders for your sore muscles, helping them ease and unwind, and you can’t help but sigh blissfully towards the ceiling. At that moment, you’re so engrossed in what’s possibly nirvana that you almost fail to notice the bathroom door opening. You do, however, and once you turn to it, you immediately make out who’s looking in from the outside. “Mm, hey Ember,” you greet. “Hey yourself,” she says as she steps in, the sound of her armor reverberating off the tiles. “Junior’s safely tucked away?” you ask. “Yup,” Ember answers before approaching. She leans over the bathtub’s rim, then dips her fingers into the water and runs them across the surface. “Warm. Perfect,” she says before loosening the straps of her armor. She doesn’t even ask for permission, and already she’s inviting herself into the tub. That is how the Ember do. No matter though, no sense in complaining (your words would just fall on deaf ears anyway), so you just lay back and enjoy the show. Once the leather binds have been undone, Ember grasps her chest piece and effortlessly pulls it off, revealing to you the chainmail that was underneath. It contours perfectly to her body, hugging her in all the right places, and you can make out the shape of Ember’s breasts through it. Ember doesn’t really seem to care that you’re staring, and you’re making no real effort to be discreet about it either. You’ve seen her plenty of times naked, and vice versa. Moments later, after she’s removed the rest of her armor, the chainmail crumples to the floor, allowing you take in the sight of Ember completely in the nude. Her athletic figure, her slim waist, and her well rounded breasts cause your brain to stutter and your libido to rise each and every time without fail. And like always, right now is no exception. Without saying so much as a word, Ember raises a leg over the bathtub’s rim, and carefully dips her foot through the bubbles. Before long, she’s lying with you in the tub, your arms wrapped around her waist from the back as you act as the big spoon. Her tail is kind of hanging out the tub, and her wings are a bit obstructive, but it’s all good. “Mm, comfy?” you murmur, resting your chin in the crook of her neck. “Yeah,” she sighs. She then leans her head against yours, being mindful of her horns. “Hm, you’re much warmer than the water, though.” That drawing a small smirk out of you, you wrap your arms even tighter, pulling her closer to yourself. Ember makes no objections, and instead shimmies her butt onto your lap, obviously making herself more comfortable. Once she’s cozy, she places a hand on yours, leans back and relaxes. You’re both silent for quite a while after that, as you both just silently bask in the other’s company. This peace doesn’t last, however, as you start to get a stiffy just under the bubbles. You couldn't help it; you did just see her strip earlier, and you’re currently in physical contact with her. Your friend steadily erects in tandem with your heartbeat, and soon it wedges itself between her inner thighs. Ember doesn’t seem to notice at first, that is until it accidentally brushes against her… “Ah!” she gasps in surprise, her body jolting. Immediately, she looks to you over her shoulder, eyeing your self-assured smirk vehemently. You know that she knows darn well that that wasn’t one of your hands, as both palms are flat against her toned stomach. She faces forward, then reaches her hand into the bubbles. After combing the water blindly, her nails gently scrape against your shaft, causing you to hitch in breath. Finding what she was looking for, she grasps your length. “Mm, hard, are you?” she asks provocatively, stroking you down there oh so slowly. Her grip may have been a little tight for your liking, but it felt pleasant all the same. Wanting to return the favor in some way, you slide one of your hands upwards, where you then grab and sink your fingers into one of her tits. “Ha, can you really blame me? Especially when these are within reach,” you say, groping her. Ember releases your length, then begins to give content half moans to your ministrations. Ever since she’d gotten pregnant, her breasts had gotten remarkably sensitive… and a bit bigger, too. It’s probably because of the milk, which you’ve seen lactate from her nipples (and sampled) on occasion. You once asked her how that was even possible, a reptile producing milk, and you recall her staring at you like you were retarded as she answered with “I’m a dragon…” She’s a dragon, and you’ve left it at that. Getting a bit adventurous as you continue to play with her chest, you slide your other hand lower. Soon your fingers trace over her erect nub, which you teasingly pinch and rub between your thumb and index. Ember’s reaction is instantaneous. She giggles, her body having a quick spasm as her tail straightens horizontally before going limp once more. You know her spots, her likes, her tells. In almost no time at all, she’s practically become putty under your touch. … Actually, now that you think about it… this could be the opportunity you were looking for. You’d have to play this carefully, though, as Ember’s mood can turn on a dime. You’ll have to work your magic first, slowly chip away at her resolve. Your assault on her body not stopping for even a second, you lean closer to her ear (or where it would be if she had any), then lick your lips before speaking. “Hey, Ember…” “Wh-what?” she asks huskily, her hand grasping the bathtub’s rim for stability. “You know what I’ve been thinking?” you ask, using the rest of your fingers down south to toy with her, running them up and down her engorged slit. She doesn’t answer. Instead she pulls her legs in closer, possibly in a vain attempt to stop your hand. You glance over to the medicine cabinet mirror to get a good look at her face, and there you see that her eyes are glazed over, seeming as if trying to roll up into her skull, and already you spot drool running down the side of her mouth. She’s out of it, completely and utterly overwhelmed with pleasure. Completely susceptible. Perfect. Alternating between rubbing her clit in fast, rough circles, then gentle and tender ones, you clear your throat before continuing. “So I was thinking… why don’t we invite Gabby to the bedroom again?” Ember’s breaths are uneven, and she shakes her head weakly before speaking. “B-but dragons don’t do--” You pinch her erect nipple and gently pull, causing her to gasp and fall silent. “Yeah yeah, ‘dragons don’t do threesomes,’ we went over that the last time,” you say. “But to be fair, Ember, last time wasn’t really much of a threesome. You kept hogging me till I was spent. Kind of a dick move you did to Gabby… and to me.” “Y-you’re bonded to m--” Leaving her clit alone, you then sink your index and middle finger through her entrance. Ember causes a bit of a splash in the tub as a result, but you hold her body still with your other arm. “Yeah, ‘bond mate’ or whatever it was. We went over that too.” Slowly, you start to move your fingers in and out of her. “Honestly, Ember. I know dragons aren’t used to sharing, but neither are griffons--and look at Gabby! She’s open to the idea, so why can’t you?” “Nngh... “ “Don’t get me wrong, I like you both, but you didn’t ask if I was fine with us being exclusive to each other before you decided to tag along with me, so all I’m trying to say is that we at least give it the ol’ college try once more. You don’t have to love Gabby, just tolerate her for one night… and possibly a few other nights afterwards. What do you say?” “S-Slayer, I...“ “...Well that wasn’t an immediate no, so I think we’ve made great progress here. Good talk, I guess you’ve earned this, then.” As Ember continues to moan cutely, you start pistoning your fingers in her, peppering her exposed neck with love bites and pecks. Her legs twitch, and you knead and massage her tit in your other hand, attacking both of her erogenous zones at once. Steadily, you increase the pace of your fingers, your thumb flicking her clit as you do so. She gasps sharply, her spine wanting to arch, but with your grasp on her, you don’t allow it. Soon your fingers move at a fervent pace, bringing her ever closer to her peak. Shakily, she places her hand on yours knuckle-deep within her burning nethers. Whether she’s doing so in an attempt to encourage you to slow down or keep going, you aren’t sure, but you stay the course anyway. Minutes into this, her breathing gets even more haggard, indicating that she’s close. Wanting to end on a high note, you let go of her breast, then slide your hand beneath the bubbles to work alongside your other one. One set of fingers is devoted to toying with her insides, while the other pinches and plays with her clit. Ember slumps back and rest her head on your shoulder, her throaty moans echoing off the tiled walls. Faster and faster your fingers go, until finally, Ember cries out in ecstasy, her inner walls clamp and spasm around your pistoning fingers. Then, her cries soon fall silent, and you feel her essence spread around your fingers still in her, even warmer than the surrounding water. “Atta girl,” you coo, kissing her neck as you ease her off her high. Once she finally seemed to settle, you spoke once more. “So… about Gabby.” Ember takes a few much needed deep breaths, swallows dryly, then answers you. “I’ll… I’ll consider it.” Again, that wasn’t a no, so you deem this a success. Smiling widely, you put your arms behind your head, then lean back against the tub. You got Ember off, and due to your stiffy, you could use some relief yourself. However, you don’t have it in you physically at the moment, as you’re still tired from the trip home, so instead, you decide to spend the rest of your time in the water relaxing. They’ll be other times for you to expend your energy, hopefully some time later while in the company of both Ember and Gabby~ > She Might Need Some Further Convincing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Okay, get ready now. Because here. Comes. The plane. Whrrr~ Aw, good job Junior! Uhp, you got a little oatmeal on ya. Here, let dear ol’ dad get that for you.”  Days off are just the best, you remind yourself. You wake up when you want to, lounge around the house to your heart’s content, and you get to spend time with the ones who really matter. You sat at the kitchen table with your child, cleaning them of the little accident that happened when you decided to share your breakfast with them. Two napkin swipes is all it takes to make your kid presentable again. It was such a small act, but it’s enough to have you beam with fatherly pride. You know, initially, you weren’t sure you were cut out for it. The whole being a parent thing. But now, after ample time had passed for you to settle mentally into the role, you feel confident enough to do a somewhat decent job. You’ve heard all sorts of horror stories regarding couples stuck with problem children, but so far Junior has been nothing but an absolute delight! “Look at you,” you coo at Junior. “Spick and span, my little man. Or, uh… girl. You know, I still don’t know which you’ll--” “Uh… what are you doing?”  Looks like someone had finally crawled out of bed. You turn to your side and discover Ember standing within the door frame, her arms crossed and her usual scowl evident on her face. Like you she was in her bed garments, only hers consisted of a black set of panties with a matching T-shirt that had the words ‘Princess’ on it, the latter being a gag gift you got for her shortly after she got comfortable wearing pony clothing. “Mornin’, Ember,” you greet cheerfully. “Come and pop a squat with us. I’ve already fixed you a plate."        Ember remains still, choosing instead to fix you an odd stare. "What are you doing?" she repeats. "Uh, offering you breakfast?" you answer. "Look, I know it's not your usual omel--" You stop yourself short, quickly covering Junior's ears before continuing. "Omelette. It's not your usual omelette, but this is just as good. I felt I had to prepare something else for us, something that wouldn't upset Junior, seeing as they're, you know... an--" "An egg," Ember finished dispassionately. The dragoness shuts her eyes and takes in a deep breath. Her shoulders rise as she does so, and they don't fall to rest until after she exhales. "Slayer," she said pointedly, her eyes opening to lock you in their sights. "When I ask you what you are doing, what I mean is: why are you talking to an egg?" You find that a strange question, and thus you raise your brow curiously as you deliver your reply. "Uh, because Junior is our kid. Why wouldn't I?" Furrowing her brow, Ember raises her hands up to her head. "It's. An egg," she asserts, coincidentally mimicking the Syndrome 'You dense motherfucker' meme with near perfect accuracy. "It hasn't hatched yet, so why are you being all mushy with it?" "Hey," you argue, scooting closer to Junior's high chair and wrapping your arm around your round, smooth kid. "I take offense to that on both of our behalf. Granted, I fear getting up one groggy morning only to discover that I've made the horrendous mistake of cracking Junior over an open skillet--hence why I switched to oatmeal today--but the fact that that thought terrified me shows that they're more than just an egg. Being a parent is a blessing, Ember, and so we should cherish every moment we have with Junior, even if they're still in their shell." "That's stupid," Ember huffs. "Also, 'Junior,' that's stupid too! Where was I when it was decided that that would be its name, because I sure don't remember being invited!" She slapped her hand on the other's open palm. "No. Our kid is not going to have a ridiculous name. You and I are gonna sit down, and we're gonna settle on a powerful, intimating name, but only after it's hatched. Until then just... just stop talking to it! It weirds me out!" "What? Is it because dragons don't do that?" you mock with a roll of your eyes, poorly imitating Ember's voice. Ember crosses her arms again, her tail thumping against the floor angrily as she glowers at you. "N-no. I wasn't going to say that," she insists, the scales around her cheeks turning red. She tries to hold a brave front, but it isn't long before she immediately drops it. "Wh-whatever. I don't know what oatmeal is, but it better be just as good as omelettes as you say it is." "Can't promise that it'll take your taste buds on an adventure, but it's breakfast," you say with a shrug as Ember storms into the seat right next to you. You spend the next minute in amusement as Ember stares hesitantly at the soggy mush she scooped up with a spoon. It's difficult to tell if her thoughts are of curiosity or disgust, but right as you're about to offer to make her something else, she surprises you by bringing the spoon to her waiting mouth. "Well?" you ask curiously. Ember stares dead ahead, her expression thoughtful while she thoroughly chews. She soon swallows, then seconds later she shrugs lightly. "It's fine. Is there fruit and cinnamon in this?" "That and a sprinkle of brown sugar," you add. "Anything to make it less bland." "Mm," she hums in acknowledgment before quietly returning to the oatmeal. Feeling content with yourself that Ember found your little offering acceptable, you return to cleaning off your own bowl. The next few minutes are spent in mutual silence, the clinking of silverware being the only distraction from your enjoyment of Ember's company. It was almost a shame that you had to ruin it, however, as you had something on your mind for a while that you felt compelled to voice. "So uh, have you decided yet?" you ask. "Too early for a name, Slayer," she mutters around her mouthful of oatmeal. "Not talking about that," you say, shaking your head. "I'm talking about the, uh... Well you know... We talked about it a week ago..." Ember doesn't spare you a glance as she continues to dig into her breakfast. "You're gonna have to be more specific. We talked about a lot of things a week ago." Either she's avoiding the topic or she really has no clue what you're talking about. She can be pretty self-centered at times, so it could go either way, really. Being left with no choice, you decide to get straight to brass tacks, albeit hesitantly. "Remember. You said you would consider it. ...I brought it up when we were in the bathtub together." Ember's spoon slips from her fingers, it clinking violently as it hits the table. She stares forward with wide eyes, speechless, and for a second you think she might be choking on her food. "You know what!" she spouts, suddenly turning to you. There's a look of crazed desperation in her eyes as she then speaks. "Let's decide on a name for the egg now! Who knows, I might settle on a stupid one you'll suggest!" Less than enthusiastic by her reaction, you cross your arms and lean back in your chair. "Ember..." you all but growl. "What?" she protests. "Let's decide on a name now. It's better than discussing doing that with... with her." "Ember, you said you'd consider it," you say under your breath, rubbing the area between your brows. Ember is clearly frustrated, something made obvious by her tail writhing against the chair legs, her wings extending midway before folding back, and the excessive hand gestures she makes as she talks. "Y-yeah, well, I thought it over just now! And I don't wanna do it! Not again! Once was enough!" "Once?" you echo, looking at Ember scrupulously. You take a second to pick your next words carefully, then, once you have them, go on the attack. "Ember, I like you, love you even. I know it, and at this point I think you know it too. But I kind of have the same feelings for Gabby. I don't have a single shred of regret over what you and I built here together, but because you forced yourself into my life, you kind of prevented Gabby from being closer in mine. Were Gabby a different kind of griffon, she would have challenged you long ago and that would have been the end for either one of you, but she's too polite for that. You force her to sit on the sidelines because you keep her at arm's length from me, and despite that she's been nothing but nice to you. When you suggested inviting Gabby into our bedroom last time, I was overjoyed. I remember thinking 'Hey, maybe Ember's finally opening up to her. This is amazing!' But no, things weren't amazing as they could have been. You kept me all to myself, forcing poor Gabby to just sit there and watch the entire time. What, was the only reason you invited her at all was so you could flex on her? That's kind of mean-spirited Ember, even for you." That seemed to have struck some kind of nerve, as Ember sank in her chair, crossed her arms, and turned away from you. Seeing this, you decide to simmer down a tad before your passion gets the better of you. "Look, I know this is a weird, bizarro situation and it's something you dragons possibly never encountered. But... it's just not fair. Not to Gabby, and not to me. Ember..." You place your hand on her knee. "Do you, like, hate her or something? Is that what it is?" "Hate her?" Ember says, still facing away from you. "Why would I hate her? So what if she's some dopey bird that e-everyone likes, and I-I'm..." Ember sniffs, and the tone of her voice shifts to one that makes a weight drop in your chest. She turns to you, and to your alarm you see tears running down her cheeks. "I'm just the mean lizard that everyone hates and avoids..." Oh no. Now you've gone and done it. You're shocked; this was something entirely new. You didn't think Ember's brain was physically capable of expressing this kind of emotion, and yet there it is. You're wracked with guilt for having her feel like this. "Oh Ember, baby," you sooth, moving in to console her. You wrap your arms around her, and she instantly returns the favor. Her horn jabs at the side of your neck as she rests her head on your chin, but no matter. "I don't hate her," Ember sobs. "It's just... I... I don't know. L-look at me, I'm crying. Dragons don't--dragons don't cry." "One step at a time," you assure her, patting and rubbing her back. "Deeep breaths now. C'mon." Ember focuses on breathing, her breath slowly getting less and less unstable as seconds tick by. Before long Ember tries again, seeming to have a better handle on it. "I don't hate Gabby," she says. "It's just... I don't know. I want to like her, but I'm just... afraid, I guess. I'm afraid that if I allow you to be close with her in that way then that somehow completes the full package for you and you won't need me anymore. I don't think you've noticed, but I'm not exactly like other girls." "Earth-shattering news, but I think I'll survive from this revelation," you laugh. "Shut up," she laughs back, slapping you on the side with her tail. "I'm not trying to replace you with her," you reassure Ember. "This would be an addition to what we have--nothing is being lost. You'll always be my big blue grump lizard." Ember tightens her hold on you and she nuzzles her head deeper into your neck. She's cheered up, even if it's just a little bit. That's good. "But listen," you start. "If it really bothers you that much, we can just forget it. Gabby's content with out current arrangement, so I just have to--" "No." Ember separates herself from you and looks you dead in the eyes. "You were right: I'm not being fair to either of you. Dragon's aren't known for sharing, but from what I hear, neither are griffons. If she's willing to give this a shot, then... then I won't let her outshine me. You can invite her over later tonight and this time I'll... I'll make more of an effort." You didn't expect this outcome, but it wasn't unwelcomed. "You know, you are being a very thoughtful sourpuss today," you say, planting a quick kiss on her lips. "Just think, if this works out, not only will we benefit, but so will Junior. Junior already likes her so much, and soon the two of them will get to spend even more time together." Ember cocks her head to the side, a quizzical expression on her face. "Uh, it's an egg. How can it like anything?" To that you smirk at Ember, then turn your head to the egg in the high chair. "Oh hey Gabby! So glad you can watch Junior again!" you say out loud. To Ember's visual surprise, Junior rocks to and fro excitedly in its seat. "Bullshit," Ember objects. "You're definitely doing that!" Expecting that kind of response, you grin from ear to ear as you hold out your open hands to Ember, revealing to her that there is no conceivable way for you to be moving Junior. Ember blinks, her face contorted into one of bewilderment as her eyes move between your hands and the egg. "Even so, it could just be sound it's reacting to!" she proposes. Your grin turning lopsided, you turn to Junior's direction and utter a phrase that puts her theory to rest. "Oh, wait. Never mind. It's just mommy." Junior immediately stops, and Ember's jaw drops. You rap your hands on your knees in triumph, then take both bowls off the table and get up. "Love you~" you say, planting a kiss on Ember's head. With victory claimed, you whistle a little tune to yourself as you head toward the sink. Now that you've gotten the go-ahead, tonight was going to be a very interesting night indeed.