> Frayed Feathers and Scales > by Gojirasaurus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cuddles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first thing Spike recognized was something warm pressing against his back. He loved the sensations, starting to press back into it, trying to cuddle against it. The second thing he noticed was that it was incredibly soft, almost like a pillow of some sort. The third thing was he was still tired, but his mind had been roused by the movements behind him. His tail, purple and covered in scales with small, green spikes, wrapped around part of the warm object, him giving a happy sigh when he was comfortable. His bed was not usually this warm, but he loved it. It was then that Spike's mind clicked; beds don't breath. His eyes opened, slitted pupils in shining emerald orbs scanning the area. He looked down, seeing arms wrapped around him. They weren't skinny or fat, but definitely had muscles. His green, spikey hair was being blown a little by the mystery person behind him. Spike looked down further to see his tail wrapped around this mystery person's thigh. Again, it was skinny or fat, but he would definitely put it in the "thick" category. He could feel muscles shifting against his tail, and he knew a kick would likely crush him easily. He gulped a little, before the person pulled him closer, their arms hugging him tight. Spike felt more of the heat and his head was sinking into soft flesh. Well, this mystery person was definitely a female, his head nearly buried between her breasts. He looked up, fearing he somehow sleep walked into another's house, and they would likely kill him. That, or call the cops and have him arrested for breaking and entering. He spotted purple tips of hair, and looked up more, seeing white hair after the purple tips. His heart started to slow down a little, his mind now coming under control. He did not even have to look at her face to know it was Gilda. His back pressed against her stomach, feeling her abs through her shirt. He heard a powerful yawn, and blushed a little, his tail wrapped around her naked thigh. That was when Spike realized she had nothing but panties on her lower half. Not that he would complain, he would love her just as much, clothes or no clothes. Besides, it did not hurt that she had a huge butt. "Morning." She said, her voice groggy and tired. If she noticed his position, she either didn't mind or was not fully awake. Perhaps a bit of both. "Morning, honey." Spike replied, her arms moving out of the way so he could move. He only turned, his face now buried inbetween her breasts, his small arms wrapping around her in a hug. She gave a small giggle, and Spike was quickly reminded how lucky he was to hear it. Not many people heard Gilda laugh, much less have heard her giggle. He looked up, his sparkling emerald eyes staring up into her dark, joyful yellow eyes. He smiled up at her, his fangs showing, before he closed his lips, temporarily getting self-conscious about his gem breaking teeth. As part dragon, Spike was an odd one. Pointed ears allowed him to hear better than any normal man or woman. Fangs, constantly sharp, adorned his mouth instead of normal canines. A tail, which had a spaded end to help dig was present. Not to mention incredibly tough skin, nearly impossible for him to take normal showers. His pupils were slitted, much like a snakes, but definitely not predatory. Not to mention he could swim and drink liquid magma, Spike was one tough cookie. Gilda brought her hand up, cupping it under his chin, giving a soft smile. She leaned down and gave Spike a quick peck on the lips, ignoring his blushing face. She gave a thougchtly look, before wrapping her arms around the small of his back, causing him to let out a soft gasp. "Are you busy today?" Gilda asked, but sounded more like a demand. Not that he minded answering of course, but he thought about it for a moment, and opened his mouth, only to be interrupted by Gilda, who said, "Clear your schedule, we're gonna cuddle and watch movies." Spike blinked, giving Gilda a small smile. He was gonna say Twilight relieved him of his duties for a month, considering all his hard work, but, it really didn't matter at the moment. "Yes, my love." Spike responded, causing Gilda to let out an uncharacteristic blush, only to lean down and peck his forehead. "You are so lucky I love you." "I am." Gilda was by no means a softie. If anything, she was one of the baddest girls around. She worked out quite a bit, and had gained muscles that practically screamed that she was a warrior. Her yellow eyes, often cold and uncaring, we're now full of happiness, but a glare could still knock you off your feet without her actually hitting you. Spike only reached the middle of her breasts, but she did not mind his slow growth. However, she appeared to be like a Goddess to him, making him feel puny sometimes. She did not scream "I am a cuddler", thanks to her body and attitude, but Spike was surprised to find out she loved cuddles. Being held (or in her case, holding) made her feel so warm and happy, and Spike was happy to start cuddling with the bigger woman. He, a small, dorky, dragon-blooded boy and she, an amazonian, fierce warlord, made an amazing couple. Who would've guessed? Gilda shifted a little holding Spike closer, kissing his cheeks, causing him to blush more. Spike would never admit it, but he was glad Gilda wore the pants in their relationship. He was not very brave (despite saving and entire Empire), and often found himself thinking too much on appearance. Gilda didn't really care he was shorter than her, or that he still looked like a boy, which both made him happy and terrified. Gilda noticed the thoughtful look in his eyes, and gave an evil smirk. Now that he was distracted, she could have a little fun. She pulled him away, noticing he was still deep in thought, and started to pull her shirt off. "Hey, Spike?" Spike gave a hum of confusion, being snapped out of his thoughts, seeing Gilda's breasts out in full display. His face started to turn bright red as she cupped them, lifting them up a little, saying, "Come tend to your future wife." Spike opened his mouth, a small cloud of smoke coming out, before feeling her hands grab his, dragging him back to the bed. Today was going to be a good day for the griffon and dragon. > Humble Beginnings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gilda gave a soft sigh, the sound of the music erupting from the large speakers. She was in a club, hanging with Rainbow Dash. The two had made up and Gilda apologized to that annoying, pink haired woman. It was her idea that Rainbow Dash and her should go to the club, and she had to admit, these people knew how to party. She was on the second floor with the rainbow haired woman, drinking the cider the club provided. Sure, the alcohol didn't even get a buzz out of her, but Rainbow was slurring and giggling. The drunk woman was talking, but Gilda had drowned her out, taking a large gulp from her drink. To be honest, she had not been in a party mood, but she did enjoy the music and the company. "Hey, Gilda, you listenin'?!" Rainbow asked, hiccuping loudly as she eyed the white haired woman. "Yeah, I'm listening." Gilda asked, rolling her eyes, but Rainbow Dash gave a large grin, her cheeks flushed. "Like I was saying, that big dragon thing was rampaging all over town." Rainbow Dash said, hiccuping at the end of her sentence. "And it was greedy. I mean, it pretty much stole half of the town! And of course, being the baddest bitch there, I started to fly around him, distracting him!" "Uh-huh." "And then he like, put all his shit into a cave or something, for some reason. Then, he-" She gave a loud hiccup, her cheeks flushed from the drink, then continued on, "Then, it turns out that the dragon was cute little Spike!" Gilda raised her eyebrow at his name, her yellow eyes full of curiosity. "Spike?" She had only heard his name mentioned, but the boy was dragon blooded? "Yeah, Spike. Little kid with the green hair and tail. He's such a cute kid, but not really my type." Gilda rolled her eyes, then drank from her cup, only to hear Rainbow Dash give a giggle, then say, "Kid's got heart though. Too bad-" She hiccuped, interrupting herself, then continued as if nothing happened, "Rarity won't give him the time of day." Gilda chuckled, then took a long gulp of her drink, then asked, "Why? He not man enough for her?" "He's young, but legal. She just...I dunno, guess she isn't into him or somethin'. Dunno why. Kid's smart, funny, and he is quite the looker. Doesn't hurt that he's got a big dick too." Gilda choked on her drink, coughing violently, causing Rainbow to guffaw, everyone else ignoring them, seeing as how it was a common sight. Gilda slammed her fists into her chest, Rainbow in tears. Once Gilda had calmed down, Rainbow wiped her eyes and drank greedily from her cup. "And...uhm...how would you know that?" Gilda asked, blushing at the thought of her friend with a younger man. "I walked in when he was in the shower. He didn't see or hear me, but damn that kid is packin'!" Rainbow Dash said, then pulled her phone out, giggling in her hand, an evil grin on her face. "I took a picture, wanna see?" "Dash!" "What? Not like I'm gonna post them anywhere!" She hiccuped, then gave a smirk, rolling her eyes. "Unless you wanna claim him as your own or something like that." Gilda opened her mouth to retort, when Rainbow Dash looked around, then giggled, saying, "Speak of the devil..." Gilda looked down, seeing a smaller...man? It looked more like a young boy, but he stuck out of the crowd like a sore thumb. His emerald hair was spikey, and somehow Gilda knew that he did nothing to it. Behind him was a purple tail, almost dragging on the ground, but was raised, a spade at the end. From here, she could make out his smile, his fangs poking out of his mouth. He was currently talking to an older woman, one Gilda did not recognize, and took notice of his eyes. They were almost glowing in the low light, being emerald in color, and Gilda felt her heart flutter at the sight. His pupils seemed normal from here, but from what Gilda could tell, they seemed almost snake like at the top and bottom of his pupils. Her gaze traveled down to see him wearing a purple hoodie, his hands in his pockets, and loose pants. She blinked at her thoughts, almost undressing him with her mind, before sipping from her drink. He looked really young, but she knew dragon bloods lived for centuries, and he was only eighteen. The young man, Spike, seemed to give a nervous smile and walked out, the heads of a quite a few women traveling with him, as if he were some kind of toy they wanted to play with. Gilda felt her fury begin to surface, before she took a deep breath, calming herself down. She grabbed some bits and put them on the table, downing the rest of her cup, and got up, saying, "Nice catching up, Dash. Same time next week?" Rainbow Dash waved her off and said in a tone too loud, "Yeah, yeah, just make sure he wears protection! I don't wanna be an aunt just yet!" Gilda rolled her eyes, then walked down the steps, Rainbow Dash grinning like a mad woman at her, before drinking out of her cup, saying to herself, "About time. Thought she'd never get laid." Gilda opened the door, the cool night air biting her skin, the sky full of stars and constellations. She gave a smile, looking up at the full moon. It's glow lit the streets of the town, the crystal castle in the distance nothing more than a silhouette in the dark. The door closed behind her, the music still playing, muffled by the walls. She shivered, thinking about how she should have brought a coat. She glanced around, before spotting the spaded end of the dragon blood's tail disappear behind a building. Blowing into her hands, she started to set after him, rubbing her arms a little. It was fall, and already the chilly nights have proved it was here. She was lucky, the weather team was going to start a storm tomorrow and let it rain for a couple of days. If she waited, she'd never find him again...unless she asked Dash, but her pride would never allow that to happen. She bit on her lip, turning around another corner, seeing his tail disappear around another, quickly following him. She almost laughed at the situation; she, one of the toughest women around was chasing a boy to talk and get to know him. She noticed he was walking into a park like area, the houses being replaced with benches and lamps lighting the place up. She looked around, confused as to where he went. She spotted a dark figure going around a tree, and started to slowly sneak up on said figure. She leaned around the tree, only to suppress a growl, seeing three figures; One was holding the other up, and the third had a glinting object in her hand. "Hey there, little boy." One voice rang out, and Gilda noted both figures were female, and one was holding Spike against the tree. "What's a cute little thing like you doing out here all by yourself?" "J-just having a walk." Spike replied, Gilda quietly running to another tree, hugging her body against it, a plan forming in her mind. "Just having a walk?" The second asked, the glinting object held firm in her hand; a knife, Gilda deduced, the plan quietly changing at the presence of the weapon. "Your mother wouldn't happen to know where you are, would she?" The first giggled, turning to her partner, both wearing masks to conceal their identities, and said, "He looks so cute! I'm sure his mother wouldn't mind if we brought him back...maybe a little sticky." Gilda crouched, hiding behind the bushes, hearing Spike whimper, the one holding him giving a gasp. She looked up to see the one holding him up had pulled his pants down a bit, Spike blushing brightly. "I think we hit the jackpot." "Maybe your mother wouldn't mind us keeping you for a few weeks. Maybe we should bring you back with a few thousand bits too, we know a lot of women who would love your 'company'." The second said, twiddling the knife in her hand. It was then that Gilda intervened, jumping up and kicking the one holding the knife into the tree. Both Spike and the woman flinched, but Gilda kicked the back of the woman's knee. She dropped to the ground, releasing Spike, yelping out, before a punch was delivered to the back of her head, knocking her out. Spike shivered quietly, Gilda standing over the unconscious woman. She reached a hand out, making him flinch, tears pouring down his face, before a scream of anger was heard. Gilda quickly ducked, avoiding the blade that would have slit her throat. She quickly jabbed an elbow into the attackers stomach, the air leaving her lungs. She then stamped on her foot and hit her wrist, knocking the blade out of her hand. She then kicked her, slamming her into a tree, knocking her out. She slumped onto the ground, Gilda's yellow eyes filled with hate and fury. She turned to Spike, who cowered in her gaze, before her yellow eyes turned soft. She put her hand coward and gently touched his cheek, he flinching at the contact. When he felt no pain, he opened his eyes, looking up at her, seeing the woman giving him a smile. "Are you alright?" She asked, her eyes soft and friendly, her hand cupping his cheek in a soft manner. Spike couldn't come up with the words and simply nodded. The woman smiled, then pulled her hand away, using it to grab her phone. "Hey, kid, what's your name?" Spike looked up at her, wiping his eyes free of the tears, and blushed a little, muttering his name out. She looked at him, raising an eyebrow, and he said it again, this time louder, "Spike." "Well, Spike, my name is Gilda. I'm a friend of Rainbow Dash." The woman introduced herself, and Spike had to use all his will power to not stare at her. "I'm going to call the police, then I'll walk you home, okay?" "Okay." Spike replied, glancing at the two unconscious women. "Don't worry, they can't hurt you now." "I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about what Twi will do when she finds out." Spike said, his tail waving behind him, almost in a child like manner. Gilda put on a tough face, but on the inside, she was squeeing at how cute he looked at the moment. Sure, he almost got kidnapped and raped, but Gilda nearly beat herself up for thinking about how adorable he was. In fact, she nearly smacked herself for squeeing, even if it was internally. "Hey, Spike." Gilda said, drawing his attention, his pointed ears red at the tips. She gave a soft smile, before texting to the police, and said, "I beat the shit out of them because of what they were going to do, don't you worry about them." Spike nodded, and Gilda started to walk away, not before stepping on one of their hands, Spike wincing, but following. Spike's gaze shifted to her backside, and blushed brightly at the sight. She may have been athletic, but boy did she have a huge butt. He couldn't help but stare, before shaking himself and quickening his pace, trying not to get caught by the lady who just beat two people into the dirt. This was gonna be a weird conversation. ----------------------------------------------------------- Gilda's mind was broken out of her memories when cold air brushed again her breasts, her nipples already hard and pointy. She was lucky Spike loved them so much, she secretly envied Dash for having smaller breasts before she met Spike. He would love to suckle on them like a newborn would, often playing with them when they were making love, or just resting his head between her breasts. She gave another loud moan as Spike kissed her lower lips, his hair matted with sweat. Gilda let out a gasp, sweat dripping down her body as she sat there, giving soft moans into the air. Spike's head was planted inbetween her thighs, his forked tongue gently flicking her clit, his hands on her hips, squeezing them happily. Gilda gave out a shuddered breath, Spike pushing his long tongue into her womanhood, happily lapping at her juices. As she was with Spike, she learned he was a boy - scratch that - man of many talents. Cooking, cleaning, playing piano, being one Tartarus of a masseur, and had a way with children. Didn't hurt he had a incredibly long tongue and knew where all of her sweet spots were. "Spike." She breathed out, Spike's tongue brushing against her sweet spot, gently pressing against it. She gave a low moan out, looking down at him, and nearly lost control at the sight. Spike, head buried between her thighs, was looking up at her with those bright, shining emerald eyes. His gaze looked innocent, as if a child asking for a treat, and his slitted pupils were trained on hers. "I love you." Gilda said, loud and clear, causing the young man to blush, his tongue going further into her, it zig-zagging as it pressed against multiple spots at once. She practically screamed at the sensation, closing her eyes, grinding on Spike's mouth. Spike humming into her womanhood, causing her to let out a soft whimper, then say, "Spike, I'm gonna cum!" Spike blushed, then pressed against her sweet spot, sending her over the edge, her screaming out his name, as if it were the only word she knew. She gave a few twitches, her juices filling Spike's mouth.Spike drank and drank, almost as if he had been in a desert and this was his only source of life left. He kept gulping it down, only for the juices to stop slowly. Gilda giggled softly, feeling Spike kiss her womanhood gently, mouth wet, covered in her juices. She got up, shaking a little, Spike leaning up, licking his lips with his long tongue. She gave him a peck on the forehead, then hugged him tight. She felt something press against her leg, making her blush and smile. "Looks like someone's ready for round two." > Trouble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Gilda arrived at the crystal castle that he lived in. To say Gilda was impressed would be factually sound, but she couldn't help but feel like Spike was eyeing the walls with hunger. She knew dragon bloods ate gems, they had really strong jaws in general, but she could practically feel him mentally eating the gem walls. She shivered, before walking a bit closer to Spike, his tanned skin emitting great waves of heat. Spike looked up at her, smiling, his fangs showing in the process. She couldn't help but be impressed on how fast he returned in a good mood. He was almost kidnapped, raped, and forced into prostitution, but he acted like none of that happened. Gilda clenched her fist, knowing she would have done a lot worse than just knock them out, she would have made them crippled, maybe even shatter a few bones to teach them a lesson. "So...you liking Ponyville?" Spike asked, his emerald eyes scanning the room quietly. Gilda looked him over. For living in a castle, he seemed really tan for his age. Maybe he was born with that skin color? She looked over his wild, emerald hair, appearing as spikes on his head. His ears were pointed like an elf, most likely allowing him to hear better. His tail quietly waved behind him, small green spikes running along the top, having a spaded end. Her eyes traveled up to his boy-ish face, and blushed a little, before looking away. "It's alright." Gilda replied, drawing the younger man's attention. "It's nice and quiet, I'm used to the hustle and bustle of the city." Spike nodded, scratching the back of his neck, looking up at the taller woman. "I know what you mean. I grew up in Canterlot, myself. Though it was a good change of pace, and the people here are nice." Gilda nodded, and Spike looked her up and down, blushing to himself. Gilda was a mixture of power and beauty. Spike saw her light skin, despite her constant time outside, and he could see that she spent her time wisely. Her arms were neither skinny or fat, but had muscles that definitely proved she was a warrior at heart and at body. Her legs definitely drew his gaze and he would place them in the "thick" category, perfect for her figure. Her butt was big and round, and Spike couldn't help but blush, a puff of smoke erupting from his nose, looking at it. His eyes traced up to her face, and found her yellow eyes, calm at the moment, but he could tell that it would switch at the moment a threat arrived. "Really now?" Gilda asked, snapping Spike out of his musings. "Did you get to see the Princess?" "See her? She's my Mom, I lived with her." Spike responded, walking forward, Gilda frozen in her tracks. He noticed this and looked back, confusion appearing on his face. "What? Is something wrong?" She gave a nervous smile and replied, "Nothing's wrong. Let's just tell your...caretaker what happened, then I can go home." Spike shrugged, then continued on, not noticing the panicked expression Gilda had. Spike was a prince? Why didn't Rainbow Dash tell her that? He's pretty laid back for the royal type. Why doesn't he have any bodyguards? Does that make Luna his aunt? Why hasn't she heard about this before? Spike was a dragon blood, a normal Human gave birth to him? Why was she still thinking about the monster he had in his pants? Gilda's mind was swimming in thoughts, but Spike was smiling goodly up at her, asking, "Where did you learn how to fight like that?" Gilda was snapped out of her thoughts, then looked down at him, smiling a little, "My mom taught me. Doesn't hurt to practice every now and again." Spike pursed his lips in thought, then asked, "Would you mind teaching me some moves?" Gilda looked down at him, her eyebrow raised, then asked, "I thought dragon bloods were naturally strong, why do you want me to teach you stuff?" Spike couldn't help but blush in embarrassment, looking everywhere but at her. "We are strong but...I never learned how to fight. Best I can do is bite and hit people with my tail." Gilda shivered at the thought; dragon bloods ate gems and other minerals, she knew Spike's bite would break through bone with no trouble at all. She gave a look around once they stopped, and noticed Spike poised to knock on the door. He hesitated, then looked up at Gilda, who gave a reassuring smile. He gave a deep breath and knocked, the loud bangs echoing throughout the quiet hall ways. The sound of shuffling and broken glass shifted through the door, a few curses following throughout the whole scene. The door opened to show a half asleep woman with dark purple hair and pink highlights. She gave them a glance, before mumbling and going back inside. Gilda couldn't help but be amused at the Princess, looking like she was half asleep when she opened the door. "Alright, what's wrong?" Twilight asked, narrowing her eyes at Gilda. Gilda shifted at the spot, unable to meet Twilight's eye. Spike looked at Gilda, then gave a reassuring smile, before Twilight opened the door some more, allowing Spike in. She closed it, leaving Gilda out there. A few moments passed, Gilda could hear the hushed voices of the two talking, and quietly looked down at her feet. To say she was uncomfortable would be an understatement, she felt like she was the odd one out, despite being in the same building with a princess and a boy that descended from dragons. "THEY DID WHAT?!" Gilda flinched, only to be pulled into the room and raised into the air. She gave a gulp, seeing Twilight's eyes glowing, her hand covered in a purple aura. Gilda was raised more, and gave a nervous smile to Spike, who was yelling at Twilight. "No! Twilight! She saved my life!" He yelled, causing Twilight to look at the dragon blood. Gilda gulped as she was slowly put on the ground, Twilight sending a glare her way. "She beat them into the dirt and walked me home, Gilda saved me. It's alright, everyone's fine!" "I will talk to you in a minute." Twilight said, glaring at Gilda. Gilda was a tough woman, she was scared of no one. However, that didn't stop the shiver running down her spine at Twilight's tone. Gilda was pushed out of the room by her magic and the door slammed shut behind her. A few moments later, Spike came out, sighing a little, a puff of smoke erupting from his jaws. Gilda cleared her throat, and Spike looked up at her, then spoke, "I talked her out of sending you and the other two to the moon." "Oh. She's that mad?" "Furious more like, but I explained what happened., and now she seems to be calm. Still wants to talk to you though." Gilda raised her eyebrow, then smiled, saying jokingly, "Did ya put in the good word for me?" Spike chuckled and nodded, before Gilda ruffled his hair, walking in. "I'd be careful though. She still seems cautious of you." The door shut behind Gilda, and she saw Twilight pacing around the room, mumbling to herself. She looked at Gilda, then smiled sheepishly, clearing her throat, "Sorry about the whole....dragging you into the room thing." "It's cool. I know how protective some people can get." "That is no excuse for my behavior." Twilight said, then flicked her hand, a chair opening up for Gilda. Said woman sat down, seeing the princess pace around again. "Then again, my little brother almost got molested and kidnapped without you, so the behavior seemed appropriate at the moment." "Princess-" "Maybe I should hire guards to protect Spike." Twilight interrupted Gilda, giving a thoughtful expression, her pace increasing in speed as her eyes filled with worry. "It might make him a target, but at least I'd know he'd be safe. Then again, knowing what kind of monsters are out there, they wouldn't be much of a match." "Princess." Gilda tried, but her voice was drowned by Twilight's worry and reasons. "Princess Twilight." She tried, but was ignored again, giving a small huff of annoyance. "Twilight!" Twilight was snapped out of her musings by Gilda's shout, and gave another sheepish smile. "Sorry. What did you say?" "Well, I was going to suggest I could watch over Spike. Be his unofficial guard." "I couldn't. I mean, sure, the others wouldn't mind watching him, but Gilda, you barely know him! And, no offense, but you do not seem like the guard type, standing by to wait for trouble." "I could watch him when you're not around, it'd give me a chance to get to know him. Besides, the little squirt has grown on me already." Twilight gave Gilda a curious glance, before thinking for a moment. A sigh erupted from the princess, then she nodded. "Alright, you can be his unofficial guard." Twilight relented, Gilda mentally fistpumping at the choice. "It's getting late, maybe you should stay here for the night?" Gilda considered her options. She could go out in the freezing air and fly home to a familiar bed...but, she was already being offered a bed here, and she couldn't pass up sleeping in a castle. Not many could brag about that. "Thank you, princess." Gilda said, opening the door, then stopped when she heard Twilight call her. "Just...keep him safe." "It's Spike, how hard could it be?" Gilda exited, and Twilight rolled her eyes, smirking. "You'd be surprised." > Shower > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was confused at first when he woke up to find Gilda sleeping in one of the guest rooms. Twilight explained she would be staying with them for awhile, and Spike found he completely agreed with that. Not that he had any problems in the first place, having a beautiful woman who knew how to fight was good news for Spike. He gave a chuckle, before wrapping the towel around his nude body, walking to the bathroom, his feet making echoing sounds in large hallways. Despite what many thought, Spike was not cold-blooded. All dragon bloods were warm blooded and extremely active. His forked tongue flicked out as he made his way to the door, then opened it, the crystal walls welcoming him in. He loved how the castle had plumbing, almost as if knowing they needed to take care of business. Making sure no one was in the room, he closed the door and pulled his towel off. Spike was not like most men, who liked having a large member. He, having a large member, personally hated it himself, finding it difficult to find the right fitting clothes and try to avoid getting chased by multiple women. He sighed softly, before putting the water at the highest temperature, then stepped in, ready to cleanse himself. He could barely feel the boiling water, despite his mammalian looking skin. He gave another sigh, his thoughts turning to last night. He was lucky Gilda saved him, he should've been more careful when walking out at night, Twilight drilled all these precautions into his head, he never thought any of them would become a reality. Thank Celestia Gilda was walking by, he didn't know what else would happen if she didn't. Well, he did actually know what would happen, but he did not want to think about that. "Good riddance." Spike mumbled to himself, before his thoughts turned to his savior, his tail quietly whipping around behind to the grab shampoo. Now Gilda, she was a mixture of power and beauty, with a personality of a warrior and joker mixed into one. Funny, smart, brave, and a dead looker, Spike couldn't help but blushing thinking about her. Not only was her personality attractive, her body was as well. Beautiful face with amber eyes, white hair with blue-purple tips, large breasts, thick thighs and a large behind as well, Spike couldn't help but be attracted to her. His member softly twitched, causing him to blush, thinking about her more. And dear Celestia those muscles! One could grind meat on those abs. She was nowhere near Bulk Bicepts, who Spike thought had too many muscles, but she definitely had muscles. She was neither too bulky or too skinny, but had the perfect amount of muscle and fat. He couldn't help but watch her hips when she walked, or admire her moves when she was fighting. He looked down, blushing even brighter when his member was standing at attention. He started to rub his hair, the shampoo quickly cleaning his spikey emerald hair. He had to stop thinking about Gilda and her perfect body. He had to stop thinking about how thick and juicy her perfect butt was, how her arms were strong but her hands delicate, the way her breasts jiggled a little in her fighting. He should stop thinking about her face with her perfect smile, her teeth absolutely clean and perfect. Spike snarled, smacking his hand against his head, trying to hit the thoughts away, his large member bobbing a little. He was smitten, much worse than he had been with Rarity. He snorted some smoke out before washing his hair out, ignoring his raging erection. Although he looked like a child, his manhood proved anything but that. On his first date, he had to practically pry the woman off of him to leave. He heard multiple men bragging about their sizes, and Spike himself saw not much pride in it. He was not one to brag about his, the other guys finding it a bit humorous. He would respond that he would neither brag or complain, and the conversation would shift to something more comfortable to talk about. He ran the soap against his arms, getting rid of the dirt he had gathered last night. He needed to take his mind off of Gilda for awhile. -------------------------------------------------------------- Gilda was having a fantastic morning so far. The soft bed felt like she was sleeping on a cloud and did wonders, popping her spine a few times. Her body felt great, she did her morning exercises and was getting ready to go downstairs and find the kitchen. Twilight had woken up and charged her with staying here as long as Spike lived here, meaning she could be staying for a long while. She really could get used to this, though she would have to call Dash and let her know. Knowing her, she was probably dealing with the hangover. Gilda chuckled to herself, before passing by a door, a small amount of steam erupting from the bottom. She raised her eyebrow and backed up a few steps, looking at the door. She wondered where Spike was this morning, perhaps he was taking a shower? She put her ear to the door, listening quietly. Hearing him give a soft groan, she paused, thinking he had harmed himself. She tried the door to find it unlocked and peaked in, only to blush brightly at the sight. There, in all his glory, was the dragon blood himself. His tan skin wet with water, his tail waving a little behind him, his eyes closed and his breath coming out in short huffs of smoke. Her eyes traveled down, only to find her face growing hotter, seeing Spike's member. He was gently stroking it, his lithe hands moving along his massive member, giving a soft gasp of pleasure, mewling a little. Her core was getting a little hot, and she couldn't tear her eyes away, seeing him stroke it happily. Rainbow Dash was right, his dick was huge! She could already tell he'd reach her cervix in one thrust. Her eyes followed his hands, seeing them gently stroke and grip at his member, giving a soft gasp of happiness. A few drops of precum started to drip out of the tip, and Gilda had to stop herself from pushing her hands in her pants and pleasure herself. She was about to close the door, when she heard something that made her freeze. "Gilda." He whimpered out, Gilda's face turning even redder at the sound of her name. He gave a soft gasp as thick, long strings of cum started to erupt out of the tip. He whimpered and mewled softly, squirting more and more onto the wall. Gilda immediately thought it would never end, before a moment or two later it stopped. Spike gave a low breath, his member still rock hard and throbbing slightly. He gave a soft sigh, then ran his hands through his hair, appearing distressed. "Spike, what have you gotten yourself into?" Gilda quietly shut the door, then started to tiptoe away, going downstairs. She started to make herself coffee, blushing brightly, trying to calm herself down. Spike felt that way about her? Sure, she was not ugly, but most men had been afraid to even approach her, much less think about her. But Spike, the dorky assistant of a Princess liked her? She was honestly flattered, if not a bit happy at the thought. She was a woman, and extremely tough woman, but a woman nonetheless. She had needs, and no one, not male or female, had shown any real interest. She was not saying she was a virgin by any means, she had that taken care of a long time ago, but it felt nice that someone thought about her, even in such a dirty way. "Well, he is pretty cute..." Gilda mumbled to herself, putting the creamer in the coffee, stirring it slowly. This was going to be a long day. > Admiration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike gave a sigh of both relief and disappointment. He felt guilt wash over him, silently reprimanding himself. His member was still rock hard, despite practically spurting out a bucket of cum, but he was not in the mood to go in another round. It had barely been a day since he had met Gilda and he was already fantasizing about her. His tail quietly flicked, before Spike sighed through his nostrils, a puff of smoke appearing. True, Gilda was, oh so very, attractive, but that should not give him an excuse to think about her like that. Washing his now softening member, he silently reprimanded himself. Sure, he pleased himself plenty of times. Although he looked young, he was eighteen years of age, and Celestia gave him the talk before he went to become Twilight's assistant. He still felt bad about pleasing himself, thinking of other women in such a dirty way seemed wrong. He had talked to Applejack about it. She was the one person he could open up to, and he knew she would never tell a soul. Of course, that didn't stop her from asking to see it, and he to (physically) stop her from taking him then and there. Of course, she respected his decision, but he practically feel her undress him with her eyes when they were alone together. He would have to talk to her about that, not that he didn't mind being eyed up in such as way. Anyway, she explained it was perfectly natural for a boy to have those feelings and thoughts, and said she had them too. He found that conversation to be a bit weird, but he was glad to hear he was not weird. He glanced down at his member, his tail quietly waving up next to his leg to grab soap. 'Well, weirder...' Spike thought to himself. He would not lie, he quietly enjoyed when the older women eyed him in town, it made him feel a little special. Not that he had gotten an ego from it, he absolutely loathed the attention sometimes, but enjoyed it when it was normal days. Being the shortest and youngest of the group, Spike was still very attractive. His tanned skin was spotless, having no acne or scars to speak of, and his young appearance had drawn in many older women, much to his confusion and amusement. His teeth, almost always spotless, looked normal, except for the canines, which were practically fangs. He found out that dragon-blooded can regrow teeth, much like Dinosaurs or crocodiles, so they never ran out. His eyes were an emerald green with slightly sharp pupils, hinting to his blood. He looked down to his stomach. When he first came here, he still had his childhood pudge, but the others thought it was adorable. Now, he was skinny, but still had a bit of meat on him. To say he was attractive would have been an understatement, he often found his friends admiring him or eyeing him up. Applejack and Rainbow Dash did it opening, often giving wolf whistles when he took his shirt off at Sweet Apple Acres, much to his embarassment. Pinkie often hugged him far longer then she used to, and he once felt her hand grab his butt, making him avoid her hugs for awhile. He even caught Fluttershy admiring him once or twice, but he never commented on it, knowing the girl would have a heart attack if he questioned her. But so far, Gilda had been one of the few single women in town that did not flirt or eye him up, and they just met last night. He shook his head, finding it lucky that she found him when she did. He did not know what would happen if he didn't. He scrounged his nose up, then looked at his soft member. Well, he actually did know, but he did not want to think about it. He shut the water off and stepped out, before spewing flames down his arms, setting himself on fire. Although most people would have freaked out at the display or grabbed a fire extinguisher, Spike simply groaned as the warm, green fire started to dry himself off. He quickly shook, letting the flames dissipate, before wiping the rest of himself clean with a towel. He wrapped it around his waist, before opening the door. He walked back to his room, meeting a groggy Twilight on the way. He gave her a smile, while she gave a yawn, patting his head. Back in his room, Spike pulled his underwear on, humming in thought. His underwear looked too big for him, but the front still buldged. Truly, if it was any bigger, they'd be shorts on him. He pulled his pants on, appearing as sweats. His purple shirt was quickly pulled on. Having gotten ready, he nodded to himself, before opening his door, then started to head to the kitchen. Once he arrived, he took note of Gilda sipping her coffee, while Twilight was nursing her cup in her hands. He saw Gilda glance at him, before pointing to his coffee. He grabbed it, humming happily, before Gilda stood up suddenly, gaining their attention. "I'm going to train." Gilda mumbled out. She put the cup in the sink and walked off to the door. Spike gulped the scalding hot coffee down in one go and ran off after her. Twilight raised her eyebrow, before sipping her coffee. She noticed the glance Gilda gave Spike, and was quietly reminded when she walked in on Spike. She really felt like making Gilda protector of Spike was a bad idea waiting to happen, and it'd backfire on her, in some way, shape, or form. She shrugged the feeling off, knowing it was not to be worried about right now. That was future Twilights problem. ______________________________________________ Spike entered the gym of Ponyville, find it it surprisingly empty. His nose scrounged up at the smell of sweat and protein drinks, before shaking his head, as if to rid himself from the smell. His ears picked up the sound of something slamming against something else, and rough grunt of exertion. His forked tongue flicked out, tasting the air, before walking over to the sounds, noticing there was more than one room. Spike opened the door, only to be met with the wonderful sight of Gilda's large posterior as she bent over to tie her shoes. He couldn't help but admire it, finding thick and juicy, most likely not having any blemishes or wrinkles on it. He briefly wondered if she enjoyed "playing" with her butt sometimes, before shaking the naughty thoughts out of his head. He silently closed the door and walked back to the door, clearing his throat. "Hey, Gilda? You here?" Spike asked, trying to stop the blood flowing from a rather big problem. "Yeah, in the back!" He heard Gilda's voice call back, already knowing the way. Spike opened the door, a small part of his brain disappointed to not see Gilda's perfect butt. He mentally slapped that part of his brain, before the sound of slamming got louder. He quietly watched as Gilda took a stance, then raise her fists near her eyes, glaring at her opponent; the poor, defenseless sandbag. Her fist flew, her body rotating a bit to add more power into her punch, a loud boom echoing throughout the room. Her eyes were focused on the sandbag, her muscles not purely for show. Spike quickly noted her attire; a type of sports bra containing her breasts. Sweat quietly tracked down her face from her white hair, her yellow eyes glaring daggers at the poor training sandbag. She slammed her fists into it again, sending it to fly back a little. It swung back, meeting Gilda, blow for blow, wrinkles appearing where her fists made contact. Around her fist was a bandage of some sort, protecting them. His eyes drifted down to her tone stomach, noting the shining sweat and abs she sported. He couldn't help but blush at the sight of her toned stomach, watching sweat drip down it, almost make her abs reflect light. He noted that there was a scar on her stomach, a small but noticeable one. He had to stop himself from drooling at the next part he admired. Although, true, Gilda had large beasts, Spike was an ass man at heart, and this one was perfect. She wore shorts that were a size too short, showing her thick thighs and her perfect hips. Spike's slitted pupils trailed along her large behind, before trailing down her thighs. Her legs were neither slim or fat, but definitely packed muscle. A kick would likely cripple him for a number of days, he almost felt bad for the women she beat up. "So, what brings you here?" Gilda asked, snapping Spike out of his thoughts. She gave him a glance, raising an eyebrow at his blushing face. "O-oh! I j-just wanted to see if you w-wanted to hang out today. That is, i-if it's alright with you." Smooth Spike, real smooth. The sound of punches hitting the training bag met Spike and his hopes started to take a dive. She started punching harder and faster, before metal snapping caught Spike's attention. He looked up in time to see Gilda punch it off, the poor bag spilling it's sand, as if it were blood, grains leaving it as fast as liquid. She huffed, then walked over, looking down at the amazed and fear filled Spike. Despite sending a training bag onto the floor, punched in half, and appeared barely tired, Gilda sent Spike a friendly smile, kneeling down to meet the dragon-blooded face to face. "I would love to." Gilda said, before walking back over to behind the wrestling arena, (One in which Spike had not seen when he had entered both times), and pulled out a new sand bag, setting it back on the chain. Spike started to move over, seeing at least ten others, before his eyes drifted to the destroyed one across the room. "Let me finish my workout, then I'll take a shower." Spike nodded, and gave a smile, before opening the door. He did not notice Gilda's eyes traveling down to his backside. She smacked her own hand, then rolled her neck, her shoulders following suit. Spike gave a sigh, then mumbled out to himself, "Why do I crush on the dangerous women?" > Work > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gilda sighed happily as the breeze hit her, her white hair with blue tips waving softly. The sun was shining bright, and there was a few clouds in the sky. She smiled up at them, remembering that a storm was to be scheduled later that day, and enjoyed the limited warmth before then. She looked to her right to see Spike next to her, his forked tongue slipping out of his lips, a fang poking out of his goofy smile. Her heart fluttered at the sight, before she mentally beat those feelings down. Sure, he was cute - no, hot as Tartarus - but that didn't mean she would act like a little girl in front of him. Especially not in front of him with those sparkling emerald eyes, his soft, kissable lips, those teeth that were clean and almost glimmering in the sunlight. She shook her head, feeling her face heat up. She heard the deep rumbles of a stomach growling, and looked at Spike. His cheeks were a crimson color. He gave a sheepish smile, Gilda chuckled at the sound. She looked around, before noticing a small cafe, a familiar mop of rainbow hair. She beckoned Spike over, the two heading towards the sporty woman. Said woman was wearing sunglasses, with a glass of water in one hand and her head in the other, releasing a hiss when the chairs scraped against the stone. She looked up delivering a glare, only for it to soften when she recognized who it was. She waved them in, sipping her water, wincing when someone laughed nearby, sending them a death glare. "So, how's your morning so far?" Gilda asked, a cheeky grin on her face. Rainbow Dash groaned, lying her head in her palm, messaging her temples. "Not so loud." Rainbow Dash groaned out, then took a sip of her water. "I got a headache the size of the moon." She looked up again, lowering her shades to look at Spike. "Hey kid." Spike offered a friendly wave, then asked, "Just how much did you drink last night?" Rainbow Dash scrounged her nose, then gave a shrug, putting her sunglasses up. She popped a pill into her mouth and drank greedily from her cup, the cool, refreshing taste helping down the pill. She looked at Gilda and Spike, her eyes hidden in her glasses. She smiled at her old friend and the dragon blooded Human, almost as if knowing something was up. "So, you two fucking yet?" Rainbow teased, causing Spike to rival a tomato and for Gilda to bark out a laugh. "AJ's gonna be pissed if she isn't getting some of that tail." Her eyes glanced at Spike's tail, currently resting on the ground. "Nah, RD, just chillin'." Gilda r eplied, patting the young man on his back, him letting out a shy smile, his blush toning down but not disappearing. "I'm gonna head to the bathroom." Spike mumbled out, then started to head inside, his purple, scale covered tail closing the door behind him. "So." Rainbow Dash started, drawing a look from Gilda. "So what?" Gilda asked, Rainbow Dash tilting her glasses down, pink eyes meeting amber ones. "Why you giving me that look?" "Seeing as how you aren't limping, I take that he hasn't gotten laid yet." Rainbow Dash sighed, ignoring the glare sent her way. "Honestly, Gilda, I thought you'd at least offer it to him." Gilda snorted, giving a glare, however, a smile betrayed her look, and shot back, "From what I heard, you and a few others are practically throwing yourselves at his feet." Rainbow Dash half shrugged, taking a loud gulp from her water, her shades returning over her eyes. "Kid's got looks, sense of humor, and is the perfect gentleman. I'm more surprised that you haven't bragged about seeing his dick yet." Gilda said nothing to this, coughing in her hand. Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrow, then lowered her sunglasses, and incredulous look in her pink eyes. Almost as if communicating telepathically, Gilda nodded in return, her cheeks dusted pink at the admission of such a thing. Rainbow Dash let out an impressed whistle, taking a sip of her water. She cleared her throat, before groaning, a headache coming on from the hangover. "I swear, that kid must be made of magnets." Rainbow muttered, drawing a confused look from Gilda. The rainbow haired woman smirked, then said, "I mean, when you came here, how many women did you get stopped by? Compare that to yesterday, and then tell me Spike doesn't have some kind of chick magnet type thing going for him." "A lot of girls go for the dorky, adorable type." Gilda reminded, causing Rainbow Dash to chuckle. Gilda smirked, then teased, "I always thought you'd pitch for the same team, Dash." "Bitch, please." Rainbow Dash said, the two women glancing at Spike, who was ordering something and pointing at their table. A smile dancing on her lips. "Nobody's that gay." As if on que, Spike came back, a menu on hand. Gilda nodded and took it, Rainbow's eyes flicking between the two. She then sighed, staring behind them. As if knowing what her sigh meant, Spike went rigid and gave a nervous smile. Gilda gave them a confused look, then glanced behind them; a few women were talking in a group, occasionally glancing at them. Gilda felt her eyebrow raise, then looked at the two, before a type of carbonated beverage was set in front of her, a cup of sweetened tea in front of Spike. Gilda took a sip, the bubbles refreshing her throat, before looking at the two of them, asking, "So, Dash, watcha doin'?" Rainbow Dash looked up from her water, her grimace replaced with a cheeky grin, before clearing her throat. "Me? I'm doing nothing. But since today is Friday and that's Spike's day to work with Applejack, I can bet there is going to be someone doing Spike pretty soon." Spike's face, which was white at the mention of the group of women, turned scarlet, a look of anger on his face, a glare painted her way. "I told you, I just work there!" "Sure! That explains why you're half naked and sweating by the time I get there." Rainbow Dash challenged, a shit eating grin plastered on her face. Gilda choked on her soda, coughing loudly, drawing a few looks. Spike's eyes narrowed, a puff of smoke erupting from his nostrils, opening his mouth to say something, only for a breakfast sandwich to be dropped onto the table, a small ruby in the middle of it. His thin, snake like tongue flicked out, tasting the air for a moment, before he started to dig into his sandwich, Rainbow Dash's comment already forgotten. Gilda and Rainbow shared a look, before letting out deep laugh from their bellies, the young man ignoring them. _____________________________________________ "No, me and Applejack are not a thing." Spike said, the farm of Sweet Apple Acres coming into view. "I mean, she is attractive and has a great personality, but I am me and she is an incredible woman." Gilda looked at Spike incredulously, then argued, "You are not boring. Spike, dude, you're one of the most interesting people I know!" Spike rolled his eyes, sticking his forked tongue out, "Name one interesting thing about me." "You can breath fire." "That's easy, try something no one can get." Gilda hummed in thought, her eyes briefly traveling below his belt. She mentally slapped herself, trying to get those dirty thoughts out of her head. She quietly bit her lip, thinking about him for a moment. Well, not only was he physically attractive, but he had a good sense of humor, and a personality of that much older, but not unwelcome, made him a prime boy. She smiled, having come up with an answer. "You got a nice ass." Gilda guffawed at Spike, who turned as red as a tomato, before patting his back. Although to Spike, it felt like a hard slap. "I'm just kidding! As a serious answer, you got a great sense of humor. And chicks dig the innocent, dorky guys like you." If anyone else had called him innocent or dorky, he would have been angry, only allowing close friends say such things. But when Gilda said it, his heart fluttered a little, finding himself admiring the woman more and more. When they got to the gate, Applejack was there, a large bushel of apples on her shoulder, her orange button up shirt was tucked into her pants, and an old, but well kept Stetson, adorned her head. Gilda was surprised that such a woman would want Spike, seeing as how she was basically a statue of raw power. Her skin was lightly tanned and she had a piece of hay out of her mouth, much like the stereotypical cowboy, and had three freckles on each cheek. Her eyes were a dark green and seemed honest and homey, and while she had a shirt on, even Gilda could tell she packed some abs underneath. Her hips were quite large, and Gilda noted she had quite the large butt, but did not comment on it. Her breasts were relatively small, but it seemed to fit her modest nature. Applejack spotted Spike and gave a large grin, saying, "Well howdy there, Spike. Come in fer some work on tha fields?" "You know it, Jackie!" Spike said, walking up to the taller woman. Applejack knelt down and wrapped her arms around Spike and kissed his forehead, causing him to blush brightly. Gilda felt ice cold jealousy in her heart, clenching her fist in response. How dare this low down country hick touch her Spike! That bitch should learn that Spike is hers, and hers alone! Gilda nearly smacked herself, surprised at her own thoughts. She had only met the boy yesterday and already she was clinging onto him like a teenaged girl to a member from a boy band. She felt embarrassed, before emotionally punching that feeling down. Spike gave her a peck on the cheek and Gilda felt her heart shatter a bit, staring wide eyed at the dragon blood. Applejack giggled, then looked up, spotting Gilda, then tightened her grip, a look of protectiveness showing on the farm girls face. "Spike, is this lady...?" Spike couldn't help but laugh, drawing a confused look from the farm girl. "No, Applejack! She is a friend, I'll explain later." At the response Applejack offered a sincere smile and let go, walking over to Gilda. Gilda tensed, before Applejack struck, surprising the white haired woman. However, instead of a hit, like Gilda expected, she was enveloped in a bone crushing hug by the country woman, taking the air out of Gilda's lungs. "Any friend of Spike is a friend o' mine." She let Gilda down, who started to drink in oxygen to date her starved lungs. Spike couldn't help but giggle, and Applejack ruffled his emerald hair. "Granny wants some help with cookin', then ya can help me get the apples in." "Yes, ma'am!" Spike gained a serious face and saluted, looking more adorable than soldier like, before running into the house. Applejack looked at Gilda, scanning her up and down for a moment, before nodding to herself. "So, you too?" Applejack asked, holding her hand out. Gilda couldn't help but smile, then shake her hand, chuckling. "Seems like I'm not the only one." Applejack couldn't help but snort in amusement, shaking her head. She beckoned Gilda, spitting out the straw, and said, "Girl, ya have no idea." > Hot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say the day was hot would have been an understatement. Celestia was really pouring down the heat, perhaps to make everyone happy before the eventual rain. Gilda would have been suffering, if not the cider she was drinking with Applejack. They were sitting under a rather large apple tree, producing nice shade from the sun's harmful heat. They paid no attention to that, instead watching the young, emerald green eyed boy who was in the kitchen window. Thanks to the perfect view, they could see an old woman, Applejack's grandmother, Granny Smith, and Spike cooking. Spike had a pink, frilly apron on, with a cute heart in the middle. His mouth was etched in a happy smile, before erupting in laughter from Granny Smith, the old woman telling him stories. Gilda couldn't help but enjoy his laughter, the sound making her heart peaceful and calm her mind. Applejack hummed softly, before saying, "Ah enjoy days like this. Reminds ya of the good life." Gilda couldn't help but nod. Although the woman had the heart of a warrior, she couldn't help but imagine Spike cooking her breakfast, in that frilly apron, before the cute little patter of steps erupted from the upstairs of the home, sounds of giggling children music to her ears. Gilda shook her head, sipping the bubbly drink, soothing her dry throat. She had never considered starting a family with anyone, but this boy, who she had met only yesterday, had already wormed his way into her tough heart, and made her feel so happy. Applejack glanced at Gilda, then at Spike, who was talking to Granny Smith, his apron covered in flour. He blew a small, emerald flame into the oven, lighting it up. Applejack gave a knowing smile, before taking a loud gulp, catching Gilda's attention. She look at the blonde woman, adjusting her Stetson, then looked back at the dragon blood, both of the older women eyeing the boy up and down. "He'd make a great dad." Gilda suddenly said, Applejack's eyebrow raising, before nodding in agreement. "Spike is great wit' tha kids. Always plays with my cousins when they come ta visit." Applejack admitted, before chuckling at Gilda. "Already thinkin' 'bout marryin' him?" Gilda choked on her drink, then started to cough, Applejack barking out some laughter, before patting her back. ------------------------------------------------------------ "And Ah told tha little whippersnapper that if Ah saw them again, Ah'd give 'em what fer!" Granny Smith recited, the old woman giving a chuckle at the thought. "Ya can bet yer tail they haven't stepped near that farm since!" Spike couldn't help but let out a chuckle. Granny Smith was the one of the few people he could trust with his darkest secrets, the country woman having years worth of wisdom to back her up. Sure, he could talk to Applejack and his new, attractive friend Gilda, but Granny Smith was considered to be his grandma. She welcomed him into their family and treated him like a son...well, grandchild. Not that he would ever admit it out loud, but he did consider himself part of the Apple family, just not one by blood. Applejack practically treated him like a little brother when she wasn't flirting or showing signs of attraction, Big Macintosh was quiet but seemed to help Spike out with the chores, and Applebloom looked up to Spike like she did Big Mac. His tail quietly grabbed the sugar, his hands busy with slicing the red apples in his hands. Granny Smith paid him no mind, quietly finishing up an apple pie behind him. She threw a spice backwards, only for Spike to catch it without looking, quietly adding it to the Apple pie he was finishing up. He blew his emerald fire into the oven, before closing it, humming softly. The old woman scanned Spike up at down, almost as if seeing something he could not. "Havin' women troubles, youngin'?" Spike looked at Granny Smith and gave her a tired smile, nodding quietly. Granny Smith gave a low chuckle, then the kitchen was silent. Spike grabbed the pie out of the oven, with no gloves on. While any normal Human would have burned their hands, Spike barely felt it. He placed it on the counter, and smiled down at Granny Smith, who gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Ya'll head out and help Jackie. Ah'll keep an eye out 'ere." Spike nodded, and said, "Thanks, Granny." He took the apron off, then started to head outside, before Granny Smith stopped him with her cane. He looked at her, confused, before she pointed at him. "Spike, everythin' will be fine. Jus' give it some time." -------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack perked up once Spike came out of the house, she gave him a large smile. He nodded to her, before they started to walk off into the trees. Gilda followed, trying to keep out of their way while they worked. Gilda noticed some buckets under the tree, but said nothing, seeing Spike square it up, then hum softly. Applejack noticed Gilda's eyes travel below his back and to his rear. Applejack felt a small spike of jealousy that stabbed out of her heart. She was eyeing up her dragon blood. She felt her blood begin to boil as she watched Gilda eye Spike up, like some sort of candy. However, the sound of a scale covered tail slamming into the tree caught their attention. Applejack felt a sort of pride well up in her chest, overcoming the jealousy that gripped her heart not a moment before. A few apples fell into the buckets, only for one stray to land on Gilda's head, making her yelp in a mixture of pain and surprise. Applejack released a snicker, before Spike slammed his tail into the tree again, hitting down more apples. "What the Tartarus, Spike?!" Gilda snarled out, making Spike freeze up. "What did I do?" He asked, a bewildered look on his face. Gilda opened her mouth, only for Applejack to kick the tree with both of her back legs, silencing the woman. Applejack stood up, apples falling into the buckets. Applejack pointed to another tree, Spike jogged over to it, before twirling around, slamming his tail into the tree, causing apples to fall. He smiled, before walking over to another tree, his tail hitting the tree. This went on for several minutes, the silence unnerving Gilda somewhat. She cleared her throat, sitting there, causing Applejack to look her way. "Ya can help out. Well place kick should hit down tha apples." The sun beat down on them, forcing Applejack and Gilda to sit in the shade. Even then, it was incredibly hot in the shade. Spike, however, was in the light, therefore felt the most heat. While dragon bloods could handle lava, the sun was not a part of the world, such as magma. Things, such as heatwaves, still affected them. Spike thought, since it was going to rain that night, the day would be cool. He was sorely mistaken. "Mom, I get it, but can you ease up a bit?" Spike asked, his shirt drenched with sweat. The sun did not respond, as expected, and seem to glow brighter, as if to challenge Spike. He snarled at the sun in response, his throat giving a low rumble, an animalistic sound. That caught the two ladies attention, a cold chill running down their spines. "Thanks, mom. Love you too." His forked tongue slithered out of his mouth, before he gave a disgusted look. He looked down at his shirt, absolutely drenched. He started to pull off his shirt, before Gilda asked, "What are you doing, shorty?" "This shirt is disgusting and I'd rather not smell like ash." Spike replied, before prying the shirt off. Both Gilda and Applejack couldn't help but stare at the you man, his muscles shifting in the sunlight. Small droplets of water dripped down his slim stomach and back, he running his hands through his drenched hair. Applejack used all of her will power not to jump the dragon blood right then and there, his purple tail quietly flicking some sweat off. Spike looked behind him, turning around, giving a confused look. "What? Do I have something on me?" They said nothing, causing the boy to shrug, walking back to the house to let his shirt wash. "Dibs." Gilda said, before she and Applejack erupted into laughter. > Shirtless > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the day reached the highest point in the sky, the first dark clouds blotted out the sun for a few moments, allowing those in the open a few, brief moments of cold. Spike trudged on, ignoring the sudden breeze, slamming his tail into another tree, the apples falling into the buckets. He felt two pairs of eyes on him, only to look, seeing Gilda resting under a tree, and Applejack kicking another, sending apples into the buckets. "Spike!" A voice called out, causing Spike to freeze in his steps, and Applejack to groan. "Spike, come on, over here!" "Friends of yours?" Gilda asked, taking a swig of her water bottle. "He wishes..." Applejack said, snickering quietly as Spike shot her a death glare. Three young women started to walk up, causing Spike to let out a strained smile. The three young women were known to be the former Cutie Mark Crusaders; having found their passions, they still decided to help those who had not gotten their marks. The three had become inseparable friends, and often caused hijinks around town, such as trying to get Big Macintosh to date their teacher. Gilda looked at the three, and found them to be the odd group of friends. First, there was Scootaloo, who was the daredevil of the group. She was the unofficial sister of Rainbow Dash, and Gilda recognized the young lady immediately. Having dark red-purple hair, she was often seen riding across town on her scooter, doing tricks and stunts. Sweetie Belle, rising singer and instrumental player, and sister of the former Element of Generosity, was the easiest to spot. Light in complexion and having a mixture of purple and pink hair, Sweetie Belle had a high pitched voice perfect for music. Often hired by big shots, she started her first concert only a few months ago, and was a well known name already. She, however, loved staying at Ponyville and spending time with her fashion designer sister, Rarity. Last one up was Applebloom, sister to the farm girl that stood not ten feet away from the three youngsters, keeping a careful eye on them. Having a bow in her red hair, Applebloom was the tallest and strongest of the group, often helping her siblings and Spike in the fields. Although being a farm girl at heart, she was quite good at carpentry, creating buildings and fixing up houses around the town. "Heya sis, hey Spike!" Applebloom greeted, before eyeing Gilda warily, almost as if examining her for a possible threat. "Ya'll seen Big Mac anywhere?" "No. Why?" Gilda tuned them out, only focusing on the trio, noticing their subtle movements. Scootaloo seemed to be looking Spike up at down, almost admiring his half naked body, not that Gilda could blame her, he did look hot without a shirt on. She shook that thought from her head. As she looked up at Sweetie, and chuckled, seeing the young woman drooling at the shirtless boy. Applebloom was the only one look Spike in the eyes, and Gilda was impressed. Even Applejack was having trouble looking the youth in the eyes. "Spike, Ah thought ya were gonna help us crusadin'!" Applebloom said, staring at the shorter boy. Gilda tuned the conversation on, opting to stare at the young man. She knew dragon bloods, though looked human, could swim in lava and drink it, as if a normal man or woman to water. This fact, however, did not stop the beads of sweat rolling down his back, outlining his hidden muscles and making him glisten in the midday sun. Gilda had to stop herself from pouncing on the poor boy and crushing him. She came back when Scootaloo approached her, a challenging look in her eyes. "Hey Gilda." Gilda looked at Spike, who was speaking to both Applejack and Applebloom, while Sweetie Belle stood a foot away from the group, eyeing Spike like he was a sugary confectionery. "Hey Scoots. No hanging with Dash today?" Scootaloo gained a look of total fangirl, before shaking her head, the challenging look appearing in her eyes. She ignored Gilda's question and asked her own, "ARE you dating Spike?" Gilda had, unfortunately, taken a swig of her water bottle, and was completely unprepared for such a question. She put her hand over her mouth to stop her from spitting all of her water out, Scootaloo letting out a breathy snort. Gilda swallowed her water, before coughing a few times, trying to calm herself down. Scootaloo tapped her foot impatiently, clearing her throat. "Are you dating him or not?" "No." Gilda answered, taking a swig of her water, before continuing, "I'm just...keeping an eye on him for Twilight." The statement was half true, so far she loved to watch him work. Although a bit skinny, it was obvious he was strong. Not to mention that body most older men would kill to have again, his personality was fit for someone much older. Not to mention that thing he was packing under those pants. She could definitely see herself enjoying th- Gilda grunted as she got up, another large cloud blotting out the sun for a few minutes. "Why you asking, Scoots? Playing match maker for Dash already?" The younger woman sputtered out an insult, turning red of embarrassment. She growled, before stomping back to the group and whispering to Sweetie Belle, ignoring the glance from Applebloom. Gilda chuckled, before walking over to listen in on the conversation. "Spike, ya 'ave ya shirt off again." "So?" "Ya'll know what happened last time someone spotted ya shirtless." Applebloom said, causing Spike to put a hand to his chin, then smiled uneasily. "Big Mac still has to walk around tha farm to check fer one of your lady friends." "Okay, one, it gets hot out here, I can take my shirt off when I am sweaty. And two, you and I both know the likelihood of anyone spotting me out here is extremely low." Spike said, raising a finger on each point. Just then, the sound of a camera clicking caught everyone's attention. "Got one!" Rainbow Dash said, lying on of it the branches of the tree, her phone out and pointed at Spike. Applebloom gave Spike and unimpressed look, the young dragon blood smiling nervously. "Guess Dash kinda screws those numbers." "Not only that, but ya smell like smoke." Applebloom said, her nose scrounging up when the boy raised his armpit and sniffed it. "Applejack, take mah side on this one." "He smells fine ta me." "Ha! See?" "How are you even affected by the heat anyway?" Scootaloo asked, causing Spike to glance at the woman. "You see, the sun is like, millions upon millions of miles away. It's heat is not like that of lava, it's more radioactive in nature." Spike explained, only to gain confused looks all around. He sighed, then said, "If I cannot touch it, I still feel it." "Oh." Spike looked up at the sky, before saying, "Hey, Gilda, we better head home." He looked back at Applejack and said, "The storm is going to stop us for at least a few weeks." "Don't ya worry your pretty little head none." Applejack said, before leaning down and kissing his forehead, causing Applebloom to hold a raging Sweetie Belle back. "Just get home safe, ya hear?" > Rain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gilda gave a smile as she entered the castle, shaking loose the droplets of water from her hair. She saw that most of her clothes was free of rain. She gave a chuckles as she looked back, the rain starting to pour down hard. A part of her was sorry, but Spike did challenge her to a race back to the castle. Half an hour ago Spike gave a grumble as the clouds started to cover the midday sun. He glared at the sky, spotting a few Pegasi flying across the sky. His mind slowly moved to the silly name for classes of Humans. Pegasi, Earth, Unicorn, two of them were horses, and one was just terra. Dirt. His train of thought was broken when Gilda hummed next to him, causing him to smile shyly at her. Celestia, she was beautiful. A mixture of plump and muscles, he couldn't help but drool whenever he saw that big, round, perfect ass of hers. "Looks like it's gonna be a big one. Think it'll flood?" Gilda mentioned, staring up at the sky. It looked dark, but not enough to concern oneself with rain. Spike flashed the sky an uneasy look, before his stomach rumbled out, giving it a soft pat. "I think we should eat. Let the storm be future Spike's problem." Pretty sure future Spike is gonna be busy fucking all of this horny bitches holes! A small voive rang out in Gilda's head, before being hissed at, then squished into nothingness. "Well, we could grab a bite at the pink ones shop." Spike shot her a sideways glance, looking like and adorable puppy. Oh, I'm sure you can get him to lick you without any peanut butter. "Ya know, the candy place. Gingerbread house!" "You mean Sugarcube Corner?" Spike asked, giving a smug grin. Gilda only rolled her eyes, then pat his head. "Well, I'm sure Pinkie would love the com-" "On second thought, I am sure we have enough food at the castle." Gilda interrupted him, giving him an unconvincing smile. "Ooooooookay..." Spike drew out the word, before spotting a familiar, rainbowed hair woman walking towards them. "Hey Rainbow!" Rainbow Dash gave a confused look around, before walking over to Spike, smiling as she ran her hand through his hair. "Sup squirt. Gilda. You two should head inside soon, rain's gonna start soon." "Yeah. We're gonna head back soon." Spike said, smiling at her scratches. "Chill, little man. Yo, Gil, Pinkie is wondering when she can throw you a welcome back party." Rainvow said, before humming softly. "Spike, Pinkie said something about gem shakes and she wanted you to stop by." All that was left of Spike was a dust trail as he ran to Sugarcube Corner, his tail wagging behind him likw a happy puppy. Rainbow only chuckled, making Gilda look at her, confused. "That should buy us a few minutes." "Dash." "Yes, Gil?" "Why did you send Spike on a goose chase?" Rainbow looked at her, giving her an unimpressed look, folding her arms. "So, you tapped him yet?" Had Gilda been drinking right then, she would've spit it all over Rainbow Dash's face, before giving her a soft glare. "No. I have not fucked Spike." Rainbow's jaw dropped as she stared at Gilda, almost as if Gilda admitted she liked fucking children. Dash rubbed her eyes, then pinched the bridge of her nose, giving a groan. "Celestia damn it...now I owe Pinkie thirty bits." "You made a bet on when I would screw Spike?!" Gilda shouted, a few people giving them an odd look or two before going about their business. "No!...well, yes." She admitted, wincing as Gilda gave her a growl and lifted her fist. Gilda almost punched Rainbow, only to stop herself, her fist clenching a bit as she threw it back down, releasing her anger in a tired sigh. It was not the way, and Spike would most likely ask questions if she and Rainbow Dash walked in with bruises and bloody noses. "Damn Gilda, he's keeping you on a tight leash. One hell of a bone, huh?" ---------------------- Spike's ear frills twitched as he looked up, smiling. Gilda walked in with Rainbow Dash - the latter of which sporting a large, red handprint on her right cheek -, and whistled to catch their attention. Rainbow Dash had one of those large, shiteating grins, while Gilda sat down, grumbling in simmered anger. "Rainbow make an "offer you can't refuse"?" Spike asked, seeing Rainbow walk off to the counter, Gilda raising an eyebrow. "Last time, she asked for my help from Twilight. She wouldn't specify until they were alone, but I remember her coming out of our old house with a large handprint and a bloody nose." Gilda ah'd, before taking the soda next to Spike, sipping it down as her gaze travelled outside. "How'd you know my favorite was cherry?" She asked, her nerves calming at the sweet taste. Spike looked up at her, a spoon on his nose, causing Gilda to grin as it dangled there. "Eh? Oh, Pinkie suggested it, she said it gets her blood pumping for the day." Gilda nodded in understanding, before peering back outside, winds blowing leaves about. She looked up to see the sky darken, ready to pour the world out. "We better head back. Twi'll kill me if I don't bring you back ebfore the storm hits." She tore Spike away from his gem snack, walking outside as she scanned the sky. When she looked down, she saw Spike flashing her a fanged grin. "Race ya there! ThreeTwoOneGo!" And in an instant he was gone, raving towards the Castle of Friendship. Gilda was surprised for a moment, before starting to run after him. "You're on!" -------------------- Gilda waited by the front door, sipping some hot chocolate when Spike opened the door. He was throughly drenched, so much show his body was visible through his shirt, while his...unmentionables made a large outline in his soaked pants. She opened her mouth, only for the soaked Spike to raise a finger, and unamaused look in his eye. "Not. A. Word." > Pressure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike sighed as he walked out of the shower. He had the castle alone with Gilda, as Twilight had to do some last minute supply gathering. Knowing Gilda was likely training, he walked without a towel. Luckily none of the girls were around. Who had time to hang out in the beginning of a month long storm? So, being able to, he walked in the buff, knowing that no one would jump his bones. He remembered last time he walked out nude, thinking he was alone. Next thing he knew, he had to pry Pinkie Pie off of him and try not to accept her offer of giving her a "World Famous Creampie". Her words, not his. He stretched as he walked to his room, his tail lazily hanging from him as he went inside. Had he been paying attention, he qould have noticed he walked right past Gilda, who was blushing furiously as she saw the dragons "treasure" on full display. If she had less self control, she would have gone with him and made sure he only knew her name for the next few hours. In fact, she had to stop herself right then from grabbing his tail and slinging him over her shoulder. She shook her head clear, then walked off to train, trying to ignore the growing heat in her body as she saw his tail disappear into his room. She smiled as her mind was busy building lewd plans, before smacking herself, trying to keep focus. Keep focus on that big dick of his pounding into her sn- She growled to herself, squishing those thoughts as she entered the gym. She huffed as she wrapped up her hands with some cloth, then started to stretch. She rolled her shoulders, feeling them pop, groaning in satisfaction. She pulled her knee up, rotating her ankle, before doing the same to the other. She hummed in approval, before setting up a punching bag, inspecting it for a few moments. She clicked her tongue, before winding her shoulder back then striking it, a fast as lightning. It was thrown back, before the chain creaked, beinging it back. The poor training equipment felt another strike, then another, then another. She kicked it, making it shift, then spun around, kicking it again. The chain strained and groaned, before she set to strike it. An image of Spike flashed through her mind instead of the punching bag. She immediately curved her foot down, her kick slamming onto the ground. She fell foward, rolling onto the ground as she panted. She looked back at the punching bag, seeing it hanging still. She cursed herself, standing up, before rolling her wrists. She felt heat in her heart as she thought about the dragonblood. She sat down, swiping the sweat off of her forehead, taking a big swig of her water bottle, then huffed. "Stupid bucking feelings over a bucking stupid adorable big dicked dragon boy..." Gilda growled to herself, before standing back up, popping her neck. She started slamming into the punching bag, her fists connecting with massive sounds of both power and precision. She was about to punch it, when the image of Spike flashed through her mind again, halting her fist centimeters from the punching bag. She huffed, then pulled het fist back, sitting down on the bench. She looked at her body, giving a slight analytical view of herself. Her clothing was replaced with some sweatpants and short shirt. Well, calling it a shirt would be wrong, it was more of a makeshift sportsbra. She sighed as she stared at her breasts. While, she was bigger than Rainbow Dash, she wasn't much on the eye candy department there. Though Spike wouldn't mind groping these puppies~ She mentally growled at that little voice at the back of her head, though she knew it rang true. Her hands run over her stomach, outlining her abs. She was a badass, there was no doubt about it. She trained so much, it was a wonder she even had time for anything else. We both know you caught Spike ogling them. She mentally slapped herself, but continued on anyway, almost as if wishing for Spike to come in to watch her inspecting herself, like a bird does with its feathers. She looked into a mirror, turning around and sighing softly. The one thing she couldn't get rid of, no matter how much she worked out. Her big ass. It wasn't ridiculously huge like most guys liked, but it still turned some heads. She wasn't blind or dumb, she knew that is was eye candy. She knew Spike looked at it too. He was a guy after all, she couldn't blame him. In fact, she liked that a dragon found her attractive. And you would totally let him fuck your ass. She sighed, knowing that little, annoying voice in her head was right. It's not like he would say no either. I bet he'd get on his hands and knees to lick your toes if you asked. She noticed her core was burning just thinking of all the things Spike would do if she asked him. So many naughty things, it'd even make porn stars blush or give surprised gasps. Then, there was one thing that wormed its way into her head. His innocent eyes. The lewd thoughts disappeared instantly as she remembered those brilliant, emerald green eyes that would stare into her soul and warm her heart. That trust he gave her, almost like a child with its mother. The way his fangs were shown when he smiles at her, or the way he gave laughing snorts at the terrible jokes she told him. Or the way he held her hand after she took care of those two would be rapists, almost as if he would do anything she asked, be it simply snuggling or her proposing to him. She blinked at the last thought. Marriage? She never gave any serious thought into that before. Sure, she gave it second handed thoughts, but this little, nerdy dragon was able to make her think about settling down and starting a family in less than a week of them meeting. She sighed, almost as if feeling a pressure on her shoulders, before looking up, seeing Spike with an apron on. He gave her that fanged smile, making all of her worries, lewd thoughts, and confusion disappear. "I made some waffles. Want some?" He offered, his face covered in flour and his apron lightly dusted in it. She smiled, then stretched, patting her rumbling stomach. "I could go for some grub." He hummed as she walked over, unwrapping her hands, looking her up and down. "Something on your mind?" He asked, making her pause and look at him. For looking like a child (way to not sound creepy), he noticed things that made him seem like a lot older than he was. She looked down at his young, soft face, and a brief urge to lean down and give him a long, loving kiss on the lips crossed her mind. Instead, she brushed his cheek, then gave it a soft peck, making him blush, which, in turn, made her heart flutter. "Just wondering how you got this much flour from cooking a few waffles." > Picture > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow hummed as she flipped through the picture through her phone. She looked outside, seeing the rain tap against her window. She then hummed, before giving a lewd look. She then tapped on her messages, sending a quick message to her favorite tough girl in town. U up? Yeah, what up Thought u were bangin' Spike all day. STFU & tell me what's up. Rainbow hummed as she thought of her response. She wiggled her butt as she thought, before returning to the text, typing something out. How's living in a rock mansion It is gr8, get hot baths, amazing food, no rainbow haired women moaning a dragon boys name in her sleep Rainbow Dash gave a soft huff as she blushed. Just because he was hot and had a big dick does not mean she had wet dreams about him. Wet dreams where she would scratch and claw into his back and bite his neck while he gave animalistic thrusts into her body. Wet dreams where he would tug on her hair and make her squirt again and again until he finally finished inside of her and make her his woman. Definitely no wet dreams at all. Yup, that would totally convince everyone otherwise. U seen Spikes dick yet? Several moments passed with no messages. Rainbow cocked an eyebrow, staring at her phone. She put down the phone, looking at the clouds. Moments passed, then suddenly, there was a ding from her phone. Rainbow pulled the phone out, before opening a picture that Gilda sent. Her face heated up as her wings erupted upwards, giving a soft twitch as she saw the picture. Said picture was one that would make any girl slack jawed and hot in the face; Spike was nude in the shower. Rainbow felt her core heat up as she stared at the picture, her wings so stiff it almost hurt. Spike was standing there with his hard cock in hand, hard and throbbing. His tail curled around his leg, his large member leaked precum in the photo, his heavy balls on full display. His eyes were closed, which explains how Gilda was able to take the picture. Small clouds of smoke erupted from his nostrils, likely concentrating on a lucky lady. Think he is a match 4 me? Fuck u, he could give me his babies! Rainbow chuckled as she sent it, though she looked down at her body. Now, although Gilda had bigger breasts and muscles, Dash had a smaller frame, built for running and flying. Though her butt wasn't big, it definitely brought in some stares. Her breasts weren't huge, but they definitely weren't flat. She looked down and ran some fingers along her abs. Her fingers went further south, touching the hem of her panties. She rubbed her thighs together for a moment, before huffing. Time to spend another hour imagining that thick dragon rod in her holes. ------------------------------------- Gilda put down her phone as she settled in for lunch. Her face was still hot and her core was burning with need. Half of her mind was telling her to fuck Spike until he couldn't walk and make him her little house husband. The other part wanted to run her fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp and listen to him giving happy noises, wanting to hear about his day. Buck, she had it for him bad. She huffed as she bit into her sandwhich, lookimg outside to see the rain pattering agaunst the window. Since no one needed saving and the storm was hampering all evil plots and plans for the next month, Twilight was napping this dark afternoon. BO-BOOM!!! Gilda was shaken out of her thoughts by the distant thunder, raising an eyebrow at her thoughts. Why was she noting Twilight was asleep at the moment? No idea. Why did she want that young dragon boy upstairs? That was easy to answer. She was smitten. Bad. She couldn't help but eye him whenever he walked by, thinking about the treasure he kept in those loose shorts of his. She stared down at her sandwhich, disgust filling her system. She was checking out an 18 year old in the body of a 14 year old. She looked like a pedophile. She rubbed her temples, resting her elbows on the table, trying to stop the headache currently plaguing her. She was no better than those rapists; just waiting for a chance to pounce his bones, make him know only her name for the next few hours. She heard someone clear their throat, looking up to see Spike, his soft, fanged smile immediately tearing her horrible thoughts apart and throwing the pieces into the eternal void. "You okay? I know how bad storms can get around here." Gilda smiled at his genuine tone, then blew a stray piece of hair out of her face, replying coolly, "Nah. Just a bit of a headache." Spike nodded, before staring at his toes, tapping his fingers together. "Hey...uhm...I got a few movies...if you wanna watch some with me." Gilda blinked, staring at him. Was he asking her out on an unofficial date? She narrowed her eyes playfully, responding easily, "Trying to put the moves on me already, eh?" She internally swooned as Spike turned into a blushing, stuttering mess, then stood up, wrapping her arms around him to pull him tight against her. He blushed as his face was squashed between her breasts, both horrified and elated. "I got nothing better to do. I'll finish lunch while you set up the movie." He smiled, internally frowning as she pulled away, missing her warmth immediately. "Alright. Have fun...eating?" Have fun eating? Smooth Spike, real smooth. She waved him off, smiling ss she sat down. Her eyes trailed down his back to his beautiful purple colored scales with small spikes running along it. Her eyes travelled down to his butt, blushing as he hummed excitedly. His butt definitely was not flat or saggy, but definitely on the "a bit of plump" on it. He wiggled his hips a bit before returning to his room. She listened for the door to smack, she quickly wolfed down the rest of her food, chugging down the drink. Coughing a bit in her haste, she took a moment to swallow everything, then cleaned the dishes. When she left, she had a spring in her step and a noticeable smile. > Date? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It would be safe to assume that Gilda was not used to dates. She was not used to the whole "being together" sort of deal. Most of the dudes she knew just wanted sex or were just plain afraid of her. Of course, Spike didn't fall under the category of "most dudes". If anything, he fell in his own category of people...despite being a dragon. She felt a warmth in her chest just thinking about his fanged smile. Those brilliant emerald eyes staring into her, his dorky frame relaxing around her as they just chilled on the couch. Oh Celestia, she had feelings for Spike. Though, her past self would have gagged and quickly denied it, now she couldn't help but agree with that part of her mind. She quickly looked over to him, face deep in movies, trying to find some movie. What was it called? Godzilla or something? He bent over, his tail waving around excitedly, giving her a view of his posterior. Her eyes trailed his cute, boyish rump. Not flat, but not huge, it was definitely in the cute and squishy category. She wanted to reach out and give it a soft squeeze, she was sure it was as soft and plump as it looked. She shook those thoughts away as he looked back, her eyes meeting his, narrowly avoiding being caught watching his cute rump. "S-sorry. Twilight may have misplaced it." He walked over to a different shelf, rummaging around. Her eyes trailed along his flat stomach, one half wanting to pull his shirt up to kiss it, while another wanted to scratch into it while they fucked in a hot, feral manner. He reached up, trying to grab a movie from the top, so she inspected his arms. They were skinny, but they added to his cute, dorky look. Despite this, she knew his hands could dig through rocks and he could claw into solid stone. "Aha!" He said, grabbing the movie. He inspected it, brushing some dust off of it, before looking back at her, giving her a smile, his canines showing. She admired his teeth. From what she saw, he could eat gems with no problems, his teeth would never shatter. Despite this, she did hear dragons never run out of teeth. Lucky them. She blushed as he walked over to the movie player, popping the disk in. Gilda spared the movie a glance; on it was a large, bear faced like dragon in the middle of a flaming city, its spike covered back to the "camera". Gilda looked back up, staring at Spikes heart melting smile as he started the movie, then plopped next to her on the couch. She instantly thought of her tricking him when she saw the cup he was holding. In her mind, she'd make him close in his, pull out her breast, then make him "drink" from them. He pressed against her frame, and that thought disappeared instantly. She blushed brightly as the movie started, then wrapped an arm around him, pulling his body closer to hers. Spikes body was incredibly warm, but it only made her body pull him closer, making him rest his head on her breasts. No lewd or naughty thoughts popped into either of their heads. They just sat there, enjoying each others company. Gilda gently put her hand up, running her hand though his spikey hair. Spike just leant into her hand, so, she responded in kind by gently massaging his scalp. Her nails gently scratched and ran across his scalp, causing him to mewl and purr. She smiled as she gently scratched his scalp, his throat rumbling every few seconds, her fingers working their magic. She tore away from the movie to stare at this boy, leaning against her. Her amber eyes scanning him. He was staring intently at the screen, before noticing her fingers stop. His eyes then trailed up to her, silently questioning. She gently cupped his cheek, staring into his emerald eyes. Were...were his eyes glowing? Gilda blinked at this thought, then peered into his eyes again. They were, indeed, glowing. Some sort of natural night vision or because of her romantic mind, she didn't know or care at this point. He closed his eyes, leaning into her hand, the sounds of roars and the sounds of buildings crashing and falling completely lost to them. He gently purred, like a kitten in her warm hand, the sounds making her stomach vibrate a little. In that moment, she knew she was in love with this dragon boy...man. This dragon man. Her thumb gently brushed his cheek, him looking up into her loving eyes. He sat there, in her grip, completely trusting her in that moment. She could have fucked him, and he would have been okay with that. She could have told him that she knew who his real parents were, and he wouldn't even doubt her. Holy fuck, he was in love with her. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest as she realized this, gently rubbing his cheek with a thumb. The fact that he shared the same exact feelings was...completely unbelievable. Yet, she couldn't help but feel...right. Having him in her arms, simply enjoying each others company. It felt... Right. She gently leant down, her lips parted a little as she stared into his eyes. He blushed brightly, before gently leaning up. He was really nervous, she could tell instantly. They didn't blink as they got closer and closer, their breathing turning softer as they got close. She could practically feel his lips on hers, their breath gently blowing across their faces. They got closer and closer, their hearts thumping loudly in their chests, before they finally - "Guys! I got groceries!" Spike and Gilda jumped to opposite ends of the couch, Twilight pulling down a bucket of popcorn from her face. She looked between them, before looking at the movie. "Hey! Spike! You know I want to watch movies with you." Twilight huffed as she walked over to the couch, oblivious to their red faces and looks. Gilda didn't care if Twilight was a princess or a Goddess, she would have strangled her for ruining the moment (and, by definition, the date) with her appearance. However, she didn't do anything, knowing that Spike would be disappointed with her, and would think differently of her. She looked over to the dorky and embarrassed smile on Spikes face, and her rage was instantly replaced with love. All in all...this was probably the best date she had ever been on. "Spike! Start the movie again!" > Thoughts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Oh Celestia...I almost kissed her...' Spike sat on his bed, his tail curled in nervousness as he stared at his hands. Sure, he looked calm on the outside, but on the inside, he was hyperventilating. He had almost kissed Gilda, a woman almost as tough as Applejack. A woman capable of knocking a person out with a few hits. A woman whose very figure screamed 'You're going to leave in a stretcher.' And Spike, the adorable, dorky dragon blooded boy almost kissed her. Kissed her! His tail flicked as he looked up at the door, before standing up. He looked down at his pajamas, before throwing them off, putting on a fresh pair of pants and a purple shirt. Deeming himself ready for the day he'd be spending inside, thanks to the month long storm, he got out of his room. He quietly walked down the hallway, his ears tuned for talking or movement as he made his way down for some breakfast. He looked through the pantries, before deciding for some cereal with gems in them. He pulled down the bowl of gems, popping one into his mouth, before grabbing another, crushing it in his hands, then dropping it into the bowl. He then put in the sugary cereal, before stopping, staring at the fridge. He stopped when his thoughts turned to Gilda. He couldn't help it, he was smitten with the warrior girl. He couldn't help but remember last night, staring into her amber eyes...his lips brushing hers...smelling her scent as she pulled him closer to snuggle. The distant booming of thunder shook him out of his thoughts. He opened the door, grabbing out the milk, pouring into the bowl, then put the milk back, closing the fridge door with his hip as he walked over to the table. He started to eat the cereal, enjoying the new flavors brought out by the sapphires and rubies. They made a great combo, who knew? In mid bite, his mind turned to last night, his tail curling around the leg of the chair as he quietly ate. A sudden...not so welcoming thought had wormed it's way into his head. He lifted a side of his lips, showing his fangs, angry that he even thought of it. 'What if she's using you for sex?' Of course, they had barely even kissed yet, but he did weigh out his options. Pinkie had seen his...size, and had blabbed to most of her female friends about it. Single or dating mares would flash him hungry looks, sometimes even married mares would wink at him or hand him their phone number. It was possible she was playing the long game, waiting for him to fully trust her. She could just be using him for sex and not share any feelings for him at all. He stopped chewing and swallowed thickly, leaning back in his chair. His last date did admit she was only in it for sex. He, of course, declined and they had not had a date again, and, as far as he knew, she was dating a rather nice stallion. Spike shook his head, that persistent thought biting into his thoughts, keeping a strong hold. Gilda wasn't like that, was she? Just going to use him for sex, then drop him for someone she was serious with? His thoughts turned to last night, the angry thought instantly being destroyed by one thing: her amber eyes. He looked into her eyes and saw nothing but pure love and safety radiate from them. He didn't need magic or any high tech goober to tell that she had shared his feelings. He remembered hearing her heartbeat through her chest; she was nervous. So was he, but now he had a solid answer in his feelings for once in his life. He loved Gilda. No doubt about it. There was no thinking required, no arguments, no second hand doubts or feelings. He loved her. Spike was instantly brought out of his thoughts by someone yawning. He looked up, the woman of his thought standing there. She gave him a small, tired smile, but it made Spikes heart flutter in joy. She started to stretch, her shirt raising up to show some of her abs, before pulling her shirt down a little. Gilda was still in her pajamas, Spike knew that much. However, he couldn't help but feel this...happiness, coming from her. Spike finished his breakfast, before moving to the sink. Gilda set up the coffee maker, grabbing three mugs, before standing there in silence. "So..." Spike began, nervous next to this woman. Hell, he still looked like a teen, he barely even came close to this woman. "So...?" Spike bit his lip, thinking, before blurting out, "Sorry." Gilda cocked her eyebrow, before putting some sugar into her coffee, staring at Spike. "Sorry for what?" "Last night. I'm sorry I kinda...dragged you on a date." "Date?" Gilda teased, looking down at him, a smirk on her lips. "I mean, yeah, I really like you, and it was sorta a thing between the two of us, just us, watching a movie together..." Spike continued, though, Gilda stopped his rambling when she placed a hand on his cheek. He stopped immediately, before leaning into her warm hand, his tail curling in happiness, before letting it flick to and fro. "Don't worry about it, Spike. I thought it was fun...and kinda cute." Gilda said, gently brushing his cheek with a thumb. "Th-thanks." He replied, a light dusting of red on his cheeks. They both sat down in a comfortable silence, sipping their sweet coffee in their peace. Spike quietly scanned Gilda, her wearing a cute shirt that may have been a size too small for her, and some cute sweatpants. What were cute about the sweatpants? Absolutely nothing. They were normal, grey sweatpants. They were only cute because Gilda wore them. But Spike didn't care. She could be wearing a dress on a date or nothing at all and he would think she would be beautiful, no matter what she wore. "Hey, so...uhm..." Gilda perked up when he spoke, though he averted his gaze away from her eyes, looking everywhere else but at her. "We...got interrupted before we...could we...I mean, we don't have to if you don't want to, I am just saying that-" Gilda rolled her eyes, her heart beating loudly for this sexy dork in front of her. She quietly took his hand, before leaning down. Spike stopped rambling when Gilda started to lean down to him, staring into his beautiful emerald eyes with her soft amber ones. They both leant forward, inching closer and closer until their lips finally met. Spike blushed brightly as he closed his eyes, Gilda following suite as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, his arms wrapped around her back. There was no battling tongues or saliva swapping. No heated moans that led into a feral fuckfest. No curling toes or foreplay involved with this kiss. They just stood there, their lips pressed against each other their blushes bright and their love in sync. When they finally pulled away, Gilda smirked while Spike smiled in his cute, dorky way, seeming drunk off of the kiss. "So...?~" "Best. Kiss. Ever." > Even more thoughts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gilda had woken up this morning in a good mood. She had confirmed Spikes feelings for her last night (their almost kiss proved they shared some feelings.), and now, she was busy sipping her coffee with her new boyfriend. That was such an odd word to her. Boyfriend. Boyfriend. Her boyfriend. She looked over to the dragon boy, who was still drunk off of the kiss. That was a magical feeling. Just knowing this cute dragon blooded boy was already so into her made her feel special. Oh my Celestia...are these...feelings? She blinked in surprise, before smiling more, giggling to herself. She looked back over to Spike, while he was washing out the cup, then he put an apron on. The apron itself was frilly, pink, and had a cute heart in the middle of it. Immediately, Gilda bit her lip to avoid her "lady boner" moment as the cute dragon blood looked back at her, and smiled warmly. He turned back around, his purple tail quite an oddity on his Human body, flicking to and fro. She started to scan up and dow. his body, smiling at his skinny, boyish frame, stopping over his cute rump, biting her lip again as her eyes lingered for a few moments. 'Dat ass...' She had caught him staring at her muscles, it was only fair she got to appreciate something of his...that wasn't on his front side... He hummed as he started making pancakes in front of her, reaching up to try and grab flour from the top shelf, giving Gilda clear access to all the eye candy she could enjoy. "Celestia damn it, Twi. Why do you always put it at the top of the shelves?" He said, growling as he stood on his tippy toes, trying to reach it. Gilda rolled her eyes, before walking over, grabbing the flour from the top shelf, then putting it in front of the blushing boy. "Thanks." "No problem, squirt." She went back, seeing his soft smile as he started to make pancakes, her gaze travelling to his tan hand. It would look better with a ring on it. Her mind screeched at that thought, pausing for a moment. They had barely even begun dating a few moments ago! And already she is thinking about marrying him! That was fast. Gilda mentally punched those thoughts out, before giving a grunt. "I'm gonna go train. Come and get me when Twilight is ready for breakfast." "Okay!" Spike replied, looking at her briefly, sneaking a glance or two at her rump as she walked away, giving a soft growl of happiness. He shook his head, then continued to make pancakes, humming softly. -------------------- The punching back twirled in place, the middle of it bending, wrinkled as it was struck again and again. Gilda's fist slammed into it, the chains creaking softly, before she kicked it, sending it flying into the other direction. It settled back into place, before Gilda struck again, a loud bam sounding out as the chains creaked, trying, desperately, to keep it in place. Gilda panted a little, stopping to take a swig from her water. Her clothes were drenched in sweat, practically hugging her body, her sports bra drenched in sweat. Her abs were shining from the amount, though she had to wipe it away from her face with a towel to keep from sweat getting in her eye. Had Spike been there, he would have promptly gotten a boner, then, he would faint. She took a large gulp from her water, the cold liquid refreshing, before staring at her enemy. The punching bag. She put her water and towel down, before delivering a swift strike, causing the chains to creak as they struggled to keep the poor object in place. She struck, again and again, giving a soft huff as her mind was occupied. The circumstances of their new relationship was...odd. In fact, they had met when she had save him from some rapists. Not really the best first meeting for a couple...or...would it be a fantastic meeting to have your significant other save you from doom? Gilda's thoughts were getting side tracked; she seriously needed to stop thinking about that day. Though, her thoughts returned to that day, ignoring everything as they appeared at the front of her mind. As she thought, she kicked the back, sending it back for a few moments, before it falling back into a strike. The punches and kicks were growing faster and stronger. Her thoughts started to slowly turning to the would be rapists, heavens knows how long they would be in the hospital for. How dare they touch her dragon! Dragons were known to be greedy and hoarders, but griffins were stubborn to a fault, and Gilda had just gotten that dragon! Her strikes grew more and more, the chain groaning as she struck again and again. Her fist leaving small indents in the piece of training equipment. They were lucky she pulled her punches! Lucky bitches should be drinking food out of some straws, for even touching her boyfriend! Suddenly the chain gave out right as Gilda punched, the punching bag spilling its contents as it started to skid across the floor, the chains leaving bits as it broke. Gilda stood there, her anger almost visible. And if looks could kill, that punching bag would be pushed six feet under. The door opened, snapping Gilda out of her thought. Her frown immediately lessened and a smile replaced it, her body feeling warm as she stared at her boyfriend. That word was still really weird. Spike smiled, before walking up to her, his mind seeming troubled by something. He sat down on the bench next to her, his scaled tail wrapping around ththe leg of the bench. "Hey." "Sup, squirt?" Gilda grabbed another bag, before pulling the old chains, still broken and useless off of the hook, replacing it with the new equipment. It was likely this bag would suffer the same fate its predecessors had. "So..." Spike began, Gilda wiping her face and sitting next to him. "Yes?" "Are we a...thing, now?" Spike asked, looking up at her, Gildas heart warming at the sight. "Well...only if you're okay with a badass as a girlfriend." She brought an arm up, flexing, making Spike give a childish giggle. "Calm down, Rainbow Dash." Spike teased Gilds, before gently grabbing her hand. Gilda looked at him, before gently squeezing his hand, happily gripping it. There they were, just hand holding. If anyone else had been watching, they would have thought how odd it was. But to these two, all was perfect in the world. The gym was quiet, Gilda leaning in a little, giving Spike a soft peck on the cheek, making the dragon boy blush, his tan cheeks pinking a little. It was a cute moment. That is, until Gildas stomach imitated the sound of a Dinosaur, making both blush, Spike giggling. "I'm starving. Let's go eat." > Snuggle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The winds howled outside, rain battering the sides of buildings and plant life alike. Had anyone been outside, they would have thought the Gods themselves had cursed them with an unending rain. It was beautiful, in a strange way. On this rain filled day, Gilda was currently lying on her back, staring at the ceiling, boredom filling her mind. Had anyone else entered the room, they would instantly tell that this gryphon blooded human was bored. She adjusted her sweatpants, a loose Thunderbolts t-shirt as a top, and just stared. And stared. Aaaannnnnnd stared... Needless to say, Gilda was just trying to think up ways to distract herself, just staring off into nothing. She could work out? No, she had done that this morning, the aching of her muscles reminding her. She could go listen to Twilight geek out about her books? Gilda snorted at the thought, she wasn't that bored. She could...go fuck Spi-. Before that thought could finish, the door handle jiggled, before opening, the boyish face of Spike poking in. 'Well, speak of the devil,' Gilda thought to herself, before flopping back down, huffing softly. "Hey, you okay?" Spike asked, Gilda staring blankly at the ceiling in response. "That bad, huh?" Gilda huffed, Spike walking over, plopping onto the bed with her, his smaller frame next to her. He stared at the ceiling, his mind full, trying to fight the boredom. Gilda suddenly took his hand, giving it a soft squeeze as she held onto it. Spike returned the squeeze, Gilda slowly gazing at Spike. Spike gave her a soft smile as he looked at her, Gilda slowly leaning in to plant a soft, loving kiss on the lips; one that Spike was happy to reciprocate. Gilda raised a hand up, cupping his cheek as she kept the kiss. There was no battling or wrestling of the tongues. There was no biting or moans, no throaty growls of approval. Just two lovers and their kiss. When they had broken away, Gilda had let go and wrapped an arm around Spike, pulling him into her side. Spike gently rested his head against her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her midsection. She responded, in kind, to wrapping an arm onto his shoulder. He has snuggled into her, gently smelling the scent of sweat and some light flowery smell. He buried his face into her, making her chuckle as he planted a soft kiss into her shoulder. They were lying together. As a couple. Gilda's heart sped up at the though, reaching down with her other hand. This time, Spikes hand met hers half way, gently grasping onto it. Spike looked up at her, while Gilda just stared at the ceiling, blushing happily. He adjusted, pressing his smaller frame into her larger one, his hand lazily tracing along her abs, his tail curling around her leg as they snuggled. Neither one of them had thought about the other in a lewd way. They just enjoyed each other, lying on the soft, warm bed. Had they been paying attention, they would have noticed the door was slightly cracked, a purple eye staring at them. The door silently shut, though neither of them noticed. "Have I told you that I find your abs really hot?" Gilda blinked at the out of nowhere question, before looking down at him. He blushed, not staring at her, shyly looking off to the side. She smiled softly, before grabbing the hem of her shirt. She lifted it just enough for Spike to admire her abs, making Spike smile, gently tracing along them with his fingers, awe in his eyes. Gilda felt a little proud. Not many guys and girls she dated found her muscles attractive. The guys would complain or be all like "It isn't manly for the girlfriend to wear the pants in the relationship." The girls she dated were just afraid of her, and would comment on how odd it was she'd spend her time in the gym. Spike was different. He admired her muscles, gently nuzzling into her abs or giving a giggle while poking at her arms. He didn't mind that she had muscles. In fact, he often commented on how they add to her, making her look like a badass warrior. Well, she was a badass warrior, but, she wasn't making Spike call her that. "You could grind meat on this..." Spike said in awe, admiring her abs, before she pulled her shirt down, making him pout. "Much as I love how you admire every part of me." He smiled, before pulling him close, smooshing his face into her breasts. He took a moment, then looked up at her, half of his face still buried in her cleavage. "And I mean every part of me...maybe we should go check up on Twilight and ask what she wants for lunch." Spike blushed brightly, then got up, nodding. He walked to the door, Gilda staring at the back of his head, trying not to stare at his cute, boyish rump. "You coming?" Spike asked, looking back at her, his tail flicking to and fro. This was going to be an eventful lunch. > The Next Step > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight paced in her room, her mind full of thoughts as she walked. She had a worried look plastered on her face, a nervous hum erupting from her throat, then stopped and looked at the door. Spike is dating Gilda? She thought to herself, before sitting on the bed, covering her face with her hands. She knew this would happen...well, she didn't, but she had a strong feeling that this would happen. She stared inbetween the spaces of her fingers, then looked up at the door. Any minute now, Spike would come through those doors and ask her what she'd want for dinner, and she'd have to be the big sister, confront him about his and Gilda's new relationship. She wasn't against Spike's choice in relationship, she suddenly said, as if to argue against her sisterly instincts. She trusted him to make the right decision, but...it was Gilda. She had nothing against Gilda, to be honest, but, Gilda was...Gilda. Gilda was extremely attractive, Twilight had to give her that, but, Spike was a young dragon. Dragons in general were tough, but Spike was not one for a fight....Gilda, however, was a fighter. She had heard the stories Rainbow would tell, where Gilda would beat the shit out of men twice her size because they would make the wrong comment. Now Spike...he was sorta clumsy and dorky, but had a good heart and...well, his looks drew in a lot of attention. At least it wasn't some sick rapist, one part of her brain reasoned, as it was better Gilda than some girl who wanted to use him. She found this whole brother sister dynamic so odd sometimes. She had to make sure he stays along the right path, raising him when Celestia wasn't. She had to feed him, dress him, teach him when he was younger. And now, here he is, dating someone. Said someone who put two people, one of them armed, into a hospital in less than a minute. She gave a soft sigh, staring at the floor. She perked up when she heard the door open, turning to face the dragon blooded boy. He gently squeezed Gilda's hand, then took a deep breath, then nodded. Twilight cocked her head, wondering what they were talking about. Spike nodded again, then gave her hand a soft squeeze, letting go to walk over to Twilight. "So..." Twilight took a deep, semi-calming breath. Her heart was pounding as she just stared at Spike. She opened her mouth to say something, before Spike hugged her, cutting off any thoughts she had. He sat next to her, adjusting until his hands gently grasped hers, making her blush at the notion. Spike took a deep, calming breath, then released it, his mind heavy with thoughts. "Twilight, before you say anything, I just want to say that Gilda and I have just...started seeing each other." Spike admitted, making Twilight go slack jawed at his admission. "Gilda thought that it would hurt if we waited to tell you, and said we should tell you right away, no matter the consequences." Twilight just stared at him, waiting for him to continue. Spike looked towards the door, as if imagining Gilda right there, giving him a thumbs up. He sighed, then continued, "I don't know how or why, but I really like Gilda. And, she actually likes me for me, instead of just having some big dick or being a "baby" dragon." He looked back towards her, smiling softly, a blush appearing on his cheeks. "I know that I thought Rarity was the one for me, but, after I met Gilda...and I've gotten to know her, I genuinely like her. I can already tell it's different from Rarity." Twilight gently squeezed his hand, making him smile more as she shot him an knowing look. "I don't know if I love her or if she's "the one", but...I really do like her, and I wanna make her happy, in whatever way I can." All of Twilight's thoughts were drowned out in a deep, wholesome feeling as she pulled Spike into a hug. He smiled as he returned the hug, his purple tail curling up a little as she rubbed his back with one hand, nuzzling into his hair. "Just...just be careful, okay Spike? I know you two like each other, but, you can hurt each other if you aren't careful." Twilight warned, slowly pulling away, kissing his forehead as she did so. He blushed and smiled up at her, his fanged smile making her sigh softly. She was his big sister, she was supposed to worry about Spike, but...she felt that Spike had a grasp on what he was doing this time. "Now, can you bring Gilda in? I wanna talk to her." ------- Spike hummed softly as he was making waffles, his tail waving softly behind him. He wore a cute, frilly apron with a heart on the chest. He looked upstairs, giving a worried hum. Twilight and Gilda had nearly been talking for fifteen minutes. A part of him wanted to go up and check on his sister and new girlfriend, but the other side had faith they wouldn't do anything to harm each other. He hummed as he put the waffles on the plate, with some eggs for him and Gilda and some toast for Twilight. He walked to the table. setting the plates down, then sat at his seat, his tail curling anxiously. The door opened to show both Twilight and Gilda, perfectly fine. Gilda shot a look at Twilight, who nodded, then looked at Spike, sighing as she walked downstairs. "Hey you two! Thought you were planning to overthrow an empire." He teased, making Gilda chuckle as she sat down, Twilight giving a nervous glance between them. "Thank you for breakfast, Spike." Both said at the same time, before digging into their food. Spike looked between Gilda and Twilight, happy that they had finally gotten along. He was taking a sip of his super sweet coffee when Gilda suddenly grabbed his hand, squeezing it softly, catching his attention. She pulled on his hand to kiss his lips, making him go wide eyed. He blushed brightly, before returning the kiss, putting his cup on the table. Once she finished, she pulled away from the dazed Spike, seeing him slump back, giving soft murmurs and mumbles. "Told ya I can get him speechless." Gilda said, collecting five bits from Twilight, who sighed softly. "Ponyfeathers, I thought Applejack would get that reaction." > Scales > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike sighed softly as he exited the shower, a towel wrapped around his lower half. His tail swung back and forth, lazily fanning is legs with air. He checked his sharp canines, pulling a gem shard out of them, then smiled softly as his tail waved behind him. He looked around, then adjusted the towel, checking the corners of the bathroom to see that no one was going to pop out, then sighed to himself. "Spike...why are the ladies so into you?" This wasn't a boast or cocky remark. He buried his face into his hands and repeated the question, an exhausted groan erupting from him. He pulled his hands away, then gave a confused look at he heard something clatter to the ground. He turned around, jaws open, ready to burn whoever thought it would be a good idea to sneak up on him, and he knew it wasn't Rainbow Dash or Pinkie, as they were too noisy to be properly hidden. He looked around, his rounded pupils becoming slits as he surveyed the bathroom. Once nothing popped out, he looked down, blinking as he relaxed. A scale sat there. He blinked again, then lifted up the purple scale, giving a confused look around. He turned to his tail, another scale already growing in, then looked back at it. He wasn't supposed to shed for another week, what's up with this? His long, forked tongue flicked out, tasting the air, turning to the sink. He left his clothes in his room, he would have to go and get them. He sighed, a small spark coming out as he adjusted his towel, then opened the door, walking out of the room. He felt...refreshed. He no longer had to hold the world on his shoulders with the weight of his and Gildas relationship. Twilight had accepted her, even if she gave her a look every time they walked by. But, with the admission from yesterday still fresh on his mind, he felt on top of the world. He quietly dodged Twilight and Starlight as they conversed back and forth, then ducked under a Pinkie jump hug, who then disappeared under a potted plant, much to Spikes confusion. He shrugged and kept walking, humming to himself as he opened the door, only to be greeted with a pleasant surprise any straight, hot blooded male would love to see; Gildas rump. Spike quietly shut the door as he admired her perfect rump, giving an goofy smile. It was the perfect blend of fat and muscle, and the way it jiggled made Spikes fire burn hotter. He felt his member rise when he suddenly spotted something that made it deflate; Gilda was holding a photo. Not just any photo, but the photo of when he...his birthday incident. She peered curiously at the giant monster, its jaws open to give a soundless roar while its spines, jagged and misshapen erupted out of its back. She blinked as she saw its emerald green eyes and, in its hand, was a woman with curly, purple hair. "What are you doing?" Spike asked, his hands on his hips, making Gilda jump. "Oh, uh...sorry Spike. I was looking through your comics and found this." She handed him the photo, making Spike give a soft sigh, staring at the photo. "Where did ya get a badass cover like that?" "It isn't part of a comic." Spike responded, setting the picture on his bed. Gilda flashed him a confused look, before blushing, seeing his half nude body. She coughed, then turned around, giving him privacy. He looked over, smiling, then pulled on some underwear. He pulled his sweatpants on, a boring grey, returning his gaze to the picture, forgetting his need for a shirt. "So, what is it?" Gilda asked, turning around, her blush returning once she saw his naked upper body. She'd love to leave hickies on that cute neck of his, leave everyone a reminder who his girlfriend is n- Her thoughts stopped when she saw his face, seeing two things his eyes; fear and regret. His eyes gently brimmed with tears, before he noticed Gilda staring at him. He wiped the tears away, then gave her a nervous chuckle, responding, "A...a mistake." "What happened" Gilda asked, peering at the picture. She noticed the dragon seemed familiar. Its eyes were a beautiful shade of...green... Wait a minute. "This...is your dad?!" Gilda yelled out. She looked back, seeing Spike, slowly snickering, the regret erasing off of his face. He then started to chuckle, starting to laugh after. "My dad! Aha! Oh jeez, my sides!" Spike fell back, holding his sides, making Gilda blush. Her anger started to surface, making her put her hands on her hips. "What's so funny?!" She barked, only to see her anger stop when Spike stopped laughing, cowering in on himself. "S-sorry." He muttered out, giving her unintentional puppy eyes. She could only sigh, then wrapped and arm around his shoulder, pulling him into his side. "Sorry. My...anger can get the better of my sometimes, little dude." Gilda apologized, flashing him a soft smile. That made Spike gently press against her, then smile. "So, who is this dude? Your grandpa or somethin'?" "No, no. That is me." Spike waved his hand, not noticing the look Gilda gave him. Spike gently handed her his scale, which she compared to the dragon; it was the same color as his. Gilda looked over at Spike, seeing him frown at the wall. She studied his face, noticing his green hair matching the jagged spines on its head and back. She glanced at his tail, it was shorter and slightly thick compared to the long tail, but it definitely had the same spade. "What happened to you?" Gilda asked, making him shift uncomfortably against her. "Just...something with my biology. It's when I got too many objects on my birthday, my greed sorta controlled my body. It forced me into a mutated version of myself and I...rampaged through the town, stole everything in my way." "Woah." "Yeah. I didn't hurt anyone like, seriously. A few scrapes and cuts, maybe a few destroyed shops and damaged buildings, but no fatalities...luckily." Spike gave a nervous laugh, then looked up at her, his eyes showing worry of judgement. Gilda leant down to kiss his forehead, making him smile and blush. "Look, Spike...we all make mistakes. I have...hurt many people and I have not been the nicest person around, but...you can't let that define who you are, be is a giant monster that destroys cities or a mean bitch with an anger management problem." Spike started to hum softly, then look up at her, giving her a soft peck on the lips. "Thanks Gilda." Gilda blushed, gently brushing her fingers over her lips. She then teased, "Besides, I think a short dragonblood is sexier than a fire breathing dinosaur." > Sleepover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rain battered against the castle windows, though they stood strong against the storm. Rainbow Dash glanced at the windows, a single thought running through her mind, 'Why did they set it for all month?' Rainbow Dash sipped her sweet cherry soda, then returned her gaze, staring at Spikes rump through her shades. Applejack rolled her eyes as she glances at Rainbow, then sipped her cider. "Ya know, Ah could ask 'im ta shake it for ya. Put on a lil' show." Applejack teased, making Rainbow tilt her head, giving a soft chuckle. "Put him in a cute outfit while you're at it." Rainbow Dash mumbled, making Applejack smirk. "Sailors uniform?" "Ah was thinkin' playgirl bunny." "I dunno, I'm thinking cute dragon outfit." Gilda butt in, taking a loud gulp of her soda. Rainbow and Applejack nodded, all three staring at his rump. He, too busy in his own world, hummed as he wiggled his rump, unknowingly giving all three a show. "I think he'd look cute in a maid outfit." Pinkie said, making all three women jump, Gilda having to refrain from slamming her fist into Pinkies cheek. "I mean, tell me that butt wouldn't look good in panties." She whispered to the others, Rainbow gaining a lewd glint in her eye. Applejack rolled her eyes, then looked at Pinkie. "You got invited too?" "Yeah. Rarity and Fluttershy couldn't come though." "That's a shame." Rainbow Dash smirked, watching Spike bend over to pick up a duster, her wings appearing and flaring out at the sight, before disappearing. "Girls." Twilight said, walking in front of them. Their gazes met Twilights...well, except Rainbow, who started to lean over to keep staring, a vein appearing in Twilights temple. "If you're done ogling my brother, we can start the sleepover now." Gilda chuckled, then stood up. "Spike, don't get too into it. We still gotta watch that movie later." She called out as she exited the room, Pinkie and Applejack following. Twilight was about to exit, though, without turning her head, quietly muttered out, "Rainbow, stop staring at Spikes ass and get ready." Rainbow scoffed, then got up, stretching as she did so. Twilight heard a soft squeak before Rainbow rocketed out of the room, appearing in Twilights a second later. Twilight turned around to see Spike blushing and rubbing his butt. "Sh-she pinched me." ---------------------- Once the girls left the room, Spike sighed softly. The feelings of being watched disappeared quickly, so he continued working. His thoughts eventually drifted to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, giving a soft snort. How were they going to react once Gilda told them? He knew both had an eye on him for awhile, and, although men were encouraged to have multiple female partners, seeing as the male to female rate in Equestria was 1 to 5, he didn't know if Dash and Jackie would be into that. Not that he would mind multiple partners. He had feelings for Gilda, and he knew it was love...but he felt the same way with Applejack and Rainbow Dash, and one more girl who shall be unnamed at the moment. Feelings are confusing. Spike shook his head, realizing he had been dusting the same spot for five minutes, then wondered away to put the cleaning equipment away. Maybe he should talk to someone about these feelings. Gilda knew already, but she couldn't offer much help. Twilight would definitely freak out if she found out. Your little brother is crushing on your two friends? And he is already dating his bodyguard? Spike rubbed this temples with his palms, then decided to go read a book or watch a movie. Perhaps he'll come up with...something tomorrow. ----------------------- Twilight smiled as she opened the door, then looked back at them, "I'll go get some drinks, don't start the gossip until I get back!" When the door finally closed, Rainbow Dash twirled to Gilda and immediately asked, "How good is Spike in bed?" That question prompted Gilda to quirk an eyebrow and blush. "What?" "How good is he at sex, silly billy!" Pinkie clarified, making Applejack sigh, then rub her eyes. "You two ever heard of kiss and don't tell?" Applejack asked, then looked at the two with a soft glance. Rainbow turned to her and said, "C'mon, Jackie! You aren't even a little curious?" "Truth be told, Ah am a little curious, but Ahm not gonna get in her business to learn about it." With Rainbow Dash and Applejack arguing, Gilda took this time to think of some way to get out of this mess. She could lie and tell them he fucked her like she was a mare in heat. Then again, Dashie would probably ask Spike for the other side of the story, and she didn't want to put him through that. She could deflect the question with humor. That...wouldn't work. Knowing Pinkies sense of humor, it'd probably fly right over her head and leave her questioning. She could just choose not to answer...well, that'd answer it for them. So, Gilda, shifting on her plump rear, sighed, then blushed as she answered, "We...haven't actually had sex yet." That stopped the twos bickering as they stared at her, Pinkie hugging the pillow into her plentiful chest. "We....I decided that I should take it slow with him. We should go on a few dates before anything serious happens, and...I like him too much to just fuck him and leave, y'know?" Applejack smiled and nodded, pulling her stetson off so her beautiful, long blonde hair dropped out. "Ah can respect that, sugarcube." Rainbow Dash stuck her tongue out, blowing a raspberry, "Man, all this romantic stuff is boring." Pinkie sighed as she held her own hand, "I am glad Spikey-Wikey found a good girl to date!" Gilda bit her lip, then looked around, as if she'd find a Spy among them, then leant in, smiling, "He's one Tartarus of a kisser though." Rainbow Dash grinned, then puffed her wings out, them appearing to show arousal. "With that tongue, I bet he'd be good at-" She was cut off by Applejacks pillow slamming into her face, sending her back. A vein appeared in Applejacks temple as she huffed. "Rainbow!" "What?! We were all thinking it!" Unknown to them, Twilight had been listening the entire time, her ear pressed against the door. She then nodded, satisfied, then went down to grab some drinks. "Spike knows how to pick 'em..." > Sleeping Spike > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gilda was awoken by something sliding against her breast, making her shoot up and ready her fists, giving a glare all around. After a moment of silence and seeing nothing, she looked down at her bed, her mind mostly foggy with sleep. Several lumps were in her blanket, reminding her that it was rather cold, her body shivering for a small second. She started to scoot back into her blanket, nuzzling into her green pillow and sniffing its wonderful scent. ... Green? She opened her eyes and lifted her blankets a little, the form of her beautiful draconian boyfriend being shown. He nuzzled into the pillow, smiling happily in his sleep as a fang poked out. Any other time, this would have freaked Gilda out. Sure, she was a tough woman, but the sight of this cute Human with a dragon tail, pointy ears, and fangs left her...calm. She couldn't explain it, but Spike made her feel so calm. She couldn't help but brush his cheek with her hand, making him smile in his sleep and nuzzle into the pillow more. "Gilda...", the sleeping form mumbled, making said badass blush happily. She leaned down and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, before slowly leaving the bed to grab a drink of water. She stepped in front of the mirror, staring at her tired eyes. She pushed her nose up with her fingers and made a silly face, before turning the sink on. She dipped her hands in, cupping the water spilling into it, and gave a long, hearty drink. She then splashed her face a few times, looking back up at her reflection. "What does that boy see in you?" She asked herself, giving herself a critical eye. Sure, she had muscles, boobs, and a booty, but Spike was not the kind of man to be into that, he was the type who was wooed by a beautiful woman under the moon, singing songs of her love for him. Gilda wasn't much of a singer. Or a writer. Or a poet. Not an artist either. She rubbed her eyes, sighing softly that turned into a groan, before speaking, "Keep it together big girl. Spike is interested in you, isn't that enough?" She returned to the bedroom, only to see Spike tossing in their bed. She quickly returned to his side and slid in, smiling as he wrapped his arms around her and instantly calmed. He started to cuddle up and nuzzle into her breast, giving a soft mumble in his sleep. She smiled, rubbing his back a bit, before slowly lying her head on the pillow. She just stared up at the ceiling, her thoughts slowly returning. Perhaps he deserved a better woman. Maybe he even deserved a happy life with one of his own kind or the pony bloods here. He didn't think so. He deemed her worthy of his love, and she returned those feelings. Maybe...just maybe, she can see that Spike honestly liked her...maybe even loved her. She drifted off, smiling happily as she pressed against her boyfriend, sharing his warmth. -------- Spike sighed as he sat on the warm beach, sounds of the calm, lapping waves filling his ears. He leaned back in the chair, before looking to his right, seeing Gilda sitting on a chair next to him. She was wearing a cute bikini with a feather design on her breasts. She smiled at him, gently grabbing his hand and giving a soft squeeze, which he happily returned. He sensed something was wrong though. He turned around to see a ruined city, piled full of gems and different treasures. He could feel it, his body starting to shift, his bones cracking and reforming, giant purple scales erupting out of his skin. He screamed, hiis body morphing in a painful display, jagged wings erupting from out of his back. His claws dug into the ground, three toes gripping as he roared into the sky, shaking the trees around him. He looked to see Gilda sitting on top of the gems, staring fearfully at him, her fists raised in a fighting stance. He looked at his arms, covered in scales and tipped with claws that would shred into metal. His greed growth. He felt a twang of hurt in his chest, seeing Gilda in her fighting stance. He opened his jaws, smoke spilling out, uttering a sentence that haunted him to this day. "SPIKE WANT!" Spike shot up in a cold sweat, panting softly as he gripped into his bed sheets. He whipped his head around, seeing his dark room, then sighed softly, his heart starting to return to normal. "I hate nightmares." Spike grumbled to himself, putting his face in his hands. He stood up and walked to the restroom, turning the sink on and splashing his face with cold water, trying to shake the bad thoughts from his head. He looked up at the mirror, seeing his body unchanged, then smiled as he inspected his arms, seeing no scales. He nodded to himself, before slowly returning back to bed, giving a soft sigh as he looked at Gildas sleeping form. He clambered into his warm bed, then cuddled up to his big girlfriend, resting a hand on her abs. He nuzzles into her arm, before giving a squeak as she captured him in her arms, squishing him comfortably against her. He looked up to see Gildas eyes opened, gently rubbing his back with her powerful hand, making him relax against her. "I hate nightmares too." Gilda mumbled out, half asleep. She gently scratches his scalp, leaning down to plant a soft, sleepy kiss on his lips. "They are only nightmares though. Not real life." Spike smiled up at her, blushing softly at the kiss. "Thanks Gilda. That...that means a lot." "Love you, baby. Get some sleep." Gilda mumbled out, slipping back into some blissful rest. Spike turned crimson at what she said, biting his bottom lip. "D-did you just say you love me? And...you fell asleep, didn't you?" > Competition > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gilda sipped her coffee, humming to herself as she flipped through the paper. She stopped and poked her head up, looking around. It was quiet. Too quiet. Where was Spike? A series of crashes and loud bangs made Gilda jump, her wings appearing and flaring out, before she sighed, her wings disappearing. "Horse feathers..." There he is. She set down her paper and coffee, stretching out, before asking, "Spike, what are you doing?" "Gabby is coming over, so I'm making breakfast for her." Spike spoke out, making Gilda poke her head up, giving him a curious look. "She's a griffin blood, like you! Though, she isn't the bodyguard type, like yourself?" Gilda gave a swell of pride, puffing her chest out a bit, before giving him a confused look as he hummed, wiggling his hips back and forth. "What are you making, anyway?" "Oh, just some pancakes, hay bacon, and...gem pancakes, for myself." "Ah...so, what is this Gabby like?" "Oh, Gabby?" He turned to her, wearing his cute, pink, frilly apron. Her heart gave a soft, warm feeling at the sight, before he continued, "She is a griffin. Fit, likes to run and whenever she visits Ponyville, she always drops by to see me. She has blue eyes, a sort of arctic bluish hair and wing color...beautiful blue eyes, and is really warm and bubbly towards people." Gilda stared at Spike as his eyes glazed over, before he shook his head, looking at Gilda, giving a soft smile. "Anyway, no need to worry about her, she is a mail griffin, not like she is gonna kidnap me." Gilda's eyes narrowed as an icy pang of jealousy stabbed into her heart. Why? It wasn't like Spike was gonna leave her or anything...and she hardly knew the woman, why would she, Gilda griffin, be jealous? She was afraid he might abandon her. Not that he would, but that tiny voice in her head whispered soft, sweet, little monstrous thoughts into her head. The same ones where she was so rude to that pink haired woman. The same thoughts that caused a rift between Rainbow Dash and her. The same thoughts that told her to kick the teeth out of the would be kidnappers. Well...with that last one, she didn't mind it so much. That is when Spike cut off her thoughts, speaking, "Of course, if you aren't comfortable, I could reschedule with Gabby and wait until Twilight gets back." He said, looking up at her with those soft emerald eyes of his. Her heart melted and that little voice was crushed under a mental fist of hers. There is absolutely no way she would let it dictate her actions here. She smiled at him and rustled his cute, green hair. "Nah, it'll be fine, little dude. Besides, I am your girlfriend, you'll have to do a lot better than that to get rid of me!" He only rolled his eyes and kept stirring the batter, though gave a smile at her when she leant down to give him a peck on the cheek. Gildas and Gabby's pancakes were already done, but Spike had to work extra hard on his, it possessing gems and all. There was a knocking at the palace doors, making Spike look at Gilda. "Do you wanna stir this while I answer the door?" "Nah." Gilda held her hand out and gave him a small smile, then continued, "It's your breakfast, man, I'll answer the door and bring her inside." Gilda turned and walked away, hearing Spike hum a soft little tune, before cracking her knuckles. This Gabby woman sounded dangerous if Spike thought of her so highly, and she knows how much it could hurt when someone you think you know betrays you. Of course, she brought that onto herself, but who remembers that sort of stuff? She does, apparently, and she disliked where that thought was going. She crammed it into the corner of her mind and walked to the front door. She opened the door to quite a sight. A cute griffin girl, a head smaller than Gilda, with hair and eyes that perfectly was perfectly described. What Spike forgot to mention was just how cute the lady was. She had the perfect mixture of muscle and fat, her breasts were just a size larger than Gildas, and her rump was definitely plump and squishy. She seemed more of a runner than a boxer, judging by her thick thighs. "Uh...you must be Gabby, right?" The smaller griffin smiles up at her, holding a hand out with a free hand, the other holding an umbrella. Gilda took her hand and shook it, staring at the smiling mail griffin. "Heya Gilda! Congrats on the relationship with Spike!" Gilda's eyes widened in surprise, staring at her. How could she know... "Spike told me last letter! Of course, I was hoping he'd find someone big and strong to protect him." Gildas jaw worked uselessly as she tried to get a word out, moving out of the way for Gabby. "Well...welcome inside." Gilda mumbled out, watching Gabby's booty as she walked by. Gilda looked at her own back, a soft thought worming its way into her head, 'Maybe Spike likes big butts...' "Gabby!" "Spike!" Gilda walked over to the kitchen, coming across a cute sight; Gabby grabbed Spike and lifted him up into the air, both of them giggling like little school children. Their cheeks rubbed into each other, rubbing and brushing together as they giggled. Gildas heart melted at the sight, the woman scratching Spikes scalp as she passed, Gabby putting him down. "Pancakes? With hay bacon?" "Well, it is early in the morning, I thought you didn't have breakfast." Spike mumbled out, like a shy little kid who had been asked who they liked. "And Gilda hasn't had breakfast yet." "And I need my coffee." She mumbled out, grasping two mugs. She then looked as Gabby, "Coffee?" "Oh, no, tea is just fine for me." Gabby said as she rustled Spikes hair. "Already had coffee today, anymore and I'll become Pinkie Pie."