> My #1 Assistant > by Togashi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The warm stillness of early summer hung over the town that evening, the night quiet and enveloping as the crescent moon hung overhead. Pale light streamed down through narrow alleys, trying vainly with flickering streetlamps to light up the streets. In the comfortable evening, windows hung open as ponies enjoyed the mild weather. Crickets sung out happily, only pausing as a dark figure slowly walked past. The only soul to be found on the streets at this hour, he casually strode down cobbled lanes, scarcely noticed. He had no concerns of being seen or remembered in this small town. He knew there were no guards to speak of, and any sort of policing was handled by local residents. It was a bit too easy, really. He had stolen his way into dragon hoards and lofty gryphon citadels. Just walking in this town seemed to dull his senses and lower his guard. Pulling his cloak up closer around his face, he paused to gather himself. That kind of thinking would only get him caught. He focused himself once more on his task. He wasn’t going against some common mare, after all. Overconfidence would only lead to failure. Picking up his pace, he clung to a building wall to avoid the shadow from the moon. He could see it now. A bizarre structure of purple and blue crystal. The unnatural tree seemed out of place among the simple stone and straw thatched buildings that dotted the town. He approached cautiously, making sure there were no lights still burning inside. As he neared the building, he sighed. It was a lot taller than he expected. Rummaging around in his pack, he started knotting two lengths of finely braided rope together. He would need the extra length. Readying the small hook on the end, he started looking for ledges or footholds on the strange structure. There were two large balconies extending from the center trunk. Those would make for the easiest entry. He swung the hook deftly in his mouth, launching it. The pony smiled as it caught fast on a railing. He reminded himself, no, he was not going after an average pony. He was going after a Princess. Soft velvet shoes cushioned his hooves as he entered the balcony. The stallion paused to catch his breath. A soft breeze blew lazily past him, and he glanced towards the large green glass doors. He grinned to himself. He had picked the right one. With the door ajar to catch the breeze, he crept slowly to peer inside the dark room. His heart beat faster in anticipation as his eyes adjusted to the dark. His excitement grew as he saw the sleeping form on the bed. A book pushed absently to the side, the purple pony was sprawled out on top of the covers, breathing softly. ‘The poor dear must have fallen asleep reading.’ He thought to himself. All was quiet besides the soft sound of the Princess sleeping. The stallion carefully opened a pouch in his pack, pulling a small ring from it. He was well acquainted with it. He looked down at the cold piece of steel in his hoof. He preferred the steel rings crafted by the Gryphons. They felt more substantial, and rumor was they disrupted magic better. Worn with use, the horn ring was crafted well. The inside was ridged to prevent it from dislodging from the horn. A reinforced lock was on the front. The stallion had the key, but not on him. He didn’t want it to be a bargaining chip used against him. If need be he could get it, or simply leave the horn ring behind. Creeping softly up to the four post bed, he found his heart starting to beat in his throat. He loved this part. The anticipation right before the act. He gazed on the alicorn’s sleeping form. Legs slightly sprawled out as she slept on her side, her pajama top had ridden up slightly, letting him see her exposed stomach. She breathed softly, barely a sound coming from the mare. Her front hooves curled slightly in front of her, seeming to reach for the book she dropped hours ago. Smiling to himself, the dark intruder carefully placed a hoof on the soft bed, reaching over as he slid the horn ring on her horn. It fit perfectly as he closed the clasp, locking it to her. Trying to control his breathing, he knew this was the moment of truth. He was sure the ring would hold her magic…but still. The sense of danger was making him hyperventilate. He needed to steady himself. Breathing deeply, he concentrated on his client. He thought of his objective. Envisioning it always helped him steady himself. He matched his breathing to that of the Princess. That was enough for now. It was under control. He allowed himself a moment to relax, as he surveyed the Princess. She truly was beautiful. Her mane falling softly to the side, he could see her graceful curves through the silken pajamas. The horn ring firmly on her only excited him. She was his now. Even if she didn’t know it. Leaning forward, he nuzzled her neck gently, smelling her. Soft smells of writer’s ink and parchment drifted from her fur. Enticed by her, the stallion grew more bold. He grew to want her to wake more and more, as he started gently kissing her. His hot breath flattened her fur as he trailed up to her muzzle. He suddenly leapt on her sleeping form, forcibly pushing her forelimbs to the sides as he held her, kissing her deeply. The mare woke with a start, not realizing what was going on at first. Struggling with her front limbs, she found herself pinned as a strong pony slithered his tongue against hers. Her eyes went wide with fright as she woke from her dream state. She strained her body against his, finding her forelimbs locked tightly in place. Her hind legs kicked weakly as his body pushed down hard against hers. The alicorn grunted in frustration, pulling her muzzle away from the intruder. She met his gaze; flashes of green eyes glinting in the pale light, hidden in fur as dark as the night. “Who…?” Twilight asked, trying to push away the sudden panic in her voice. She lit her horn, illuminating the bed in a dim glow. She concentrated on pushing the stallion off her, her horn glowing brighter until she felt the cold steel on her. The thought vanished in her head and the glow disappeared. The pony’s head jerked back, her mind reeling from having her spell forcibly nullified. “Keep quiet, Princess. It’ll hurt if you keep trying that.” His voice was higher pitched than she expected. The mare could tell he was obviously calm and composed; he had done this before. Twilight attempted to compose herself as she caught her breath. Her head settled back on the bed, staring up at her captor. “I need you to follow my commands and speak only when asked.” He whispered to her. “I’m only after a few things, and when I’m finished, I’ll leave you unharmed. I’ll promise you that.” Twilight could feel him shifting his weight slightly, freeing her body just a bit. She flexed her leg suddenly, attempting to kick the stallion off her. A sudden pressure grew on her chest, as he pushed his weight against her, fully this time. She felt the air push from her lungs, her body going limp as she sputtered for breath. The stallion grinned. He was hoping this would get a little interesting. Maybe this Princess had some fight in her. “Don’t.” He said, releasing her forehoof as he brought his own hoof to her muzzle. Coughing, her eyes went wide as she felt cold steel against her. A strange device was strapped to his limb. He ran it along her fur. In the moonlight she could make out two shining tubes, with some sort of sinew line under tension behind it. “Dart gun, if you were curious. Don’t worry. It won’t kill you. But they will paralyze for a while. It hurts a lot. Trust me.” The stallion said, easing off the mare as he trailed the cold metal down her neck. “Are you going to behave now? I’ll let you up.” Twilight could only nod, still coughing as she breathed deeply. He eased off her, letting her other limb go free. She was only trapped by his body straddling her torso now. A free hoof instantly went to her horn, feeling the foreign object attached to it. She glared at the other pony when she realized what it was. Twilight could see more of him now. A dark cloak hid most of his head and body. His whole coat was nearly as black as the room. It was hard to see him clearly. She could see his flanks now. If he had a mark, he had concealed it somehow. “I’m going to ask you a few questions now, Princess. You can speak to me. Softly though. If you try to cry out, I’ll just take what I need by force.” The captor said, waving his dart gun past her eyes again. “There’s no guards in this place, are there? I didn’t see any earlier…” The Princess stared back at him coldly. “No. I’ve never needed any guards.” “Very trusting of you.” He said. She could see the slightest grin from him. The first emotion he had shown so far. “What about your little dragon? Where is he?” Twilight betrayed herself for a moment as her eyes went wide again. Had he come for Spike? How much did he know about her life? She fought back her panic as she realized he had been following them both. For how long? “I know he’s here, Princess. He lives here somewhere. I can’t say I’m concerned about him, but I don’t want us to be…interrupted.” Twilight tried to keep her voice from wavering as she responded. “He’s in his room. He’ll be there all night. He won’t disturb us…” The intruder had already noticed her outward countenance change. “So what is he, anyways? Is he your pet? Your bodyguard?” The stallion allowed himself another small grin. “Your lover?” The Princess’s eyes flashed with resentment. She glared at him, but did not move to strike him. “He’s a friend.” “Hmm, if you say so.” He said, leaning back. He ground his thighs against hers, pinning her firmly once more to the mattress. “He doesn’t concern me unless he interrupts. Now…I’m going to take what I want, and then I’ll leave.” The stallion trailed his unarmed hoof along her side. He went below her flannel pajamas, finding her exposed purple fur. He could feel her breath catch sharply as he found her exposed stomach. The mare struggled against the mattress, trying in vain to squirm away from him. “Come here.” He said, grabbing the mare by the base of her wing. She winced, hopping off the bed with him. He left his hoof stuck painfully in her back, pushing her across the room. He stopped in front of her dresser, motioning towards the small stand where Twilight kept her jeweled tiara and other Princessly adornments. He dropped a small black bag on the floor. “My…my jewels? That’s all?” Twilight seemed shocked at the notion. They were hardly even worth much. She started placing them quickly into the bag, happy to be getting out of this so easily. “I don’t ask questions about what my clients want. I was paid well to get these rocks, simple as that.” He watched her load all the gems carefully into the sack. Her jeweled shoes, necklace, saving the tiara for last. Of course it was merely her ceremonial crown; her element was kept elsewhere for safety. But she did feel a certain sentimental attachment to it. She placed it in the sack, glaring at the stallion as she held it out to him. “You didn’t think I came just for those baubles did you? We aren’t done yet. Get back on the bed.” The mare’s eyes widened as she slowly realized his intentions. He kissed her earlier. How could she be so foolish? Eyes darted to the open balcony door. She tried pulling away from him quickly, throwing her weight against his leg, trying to pull her wing from his hoof. For a moment, she could feel his hold fall away, and she felt freedom as she attempted to spring away, opening her wings to propel her towards the window. He had seen her eyes and was ready for her. A powerful grip clenched around her left wing as she unfolded it, wrenching it painfully as she lost her balance. She crashed onto her side, sliding against the bed. He was on her in a moment, holding her throat roughly as her head pushed against the mattress. Reflexively, she pulled her hurt wing tightly against her body. She tried to coil up and kick at him with her back legs, but the stallion was holding her from the side. She couldn’t reach him as she lashed out with her hooves. She suddenly felt his hoof push hard against her side, cold metal rubbing painfully against her. Twilight stopped immediately, trying to catch her breath as she went still. “That’s better. I’d rather not tie you up unless I have to.” He said, easing up on her neck. She felt him grab her wing once more, holding her firmly. Pulling her from the floor, Twilight rose up on her hind hooves, falling backwards onto the mattress with a rough shove. “Why are you doing this?” She asked softly, rubbing her throat. “That’s simple. Somepony must be very interested in seeing you humiliated. Maybe they even plan to blackmail you. Can’t really say I care either way.” He said, checking his dart gun. Pulling the clasp for his cloak, it fell away. The stallion could see the mare trying to hide panic in her eyes. “I won’t lie. I’ve been looking forward to this too. I’ve been watching you for a while Princess.” The mare was holding her rear hooves tightly against her body now, trying to curl up tightly. Her lavender eyes shone brightly as she looked up at him. She looked so helpless, laying there. He reached out and grabbed a rear hoof, pulling it slowly to the side. Her flannel pajamas had ridden up her legs in the scuffle. He slid his hoof along her soft fur as he parted her thighs. “Twi?” A sleepy voice echoed through the outside hall. “No…” Twilight whispered, suddenly aware of her position on the bed. Jerking away, she suddenly forced her legs closed again, causing the stallion to lunge at her, pinning her swiftly to the bed. “Looks like your little pet dragon is a light sleeper.” He whispered back. “You know, these darts were designed to take down a full grown pony. I’m not sure what they’ll do to a pint sized dragon…” “I’ll…I’ll get rid of him, okay?” “Twilight? Are you up?” The voice was nearer now, coming from outside the door. “Tell him to come in.” The intruder whispered. “Makes no difference to me either way. I’ve never had a dragon before.” “He’s just a child!” The alicorn hissed at him, her face becoming desperate. “He’s your assistant, isn’t he? He’s old enough. Go open the door.” “Twilight, are you…” Spike said, opening the door. He froze in the doorway. A strange pony was on Twi’s bed, straddling her on the star covered bedspread. “It wasn’t locked…” Twilight said softly. “OhmygoshI’msosorry I’ll just let myself out…” The dragon stammered, as all his scales seemed to flush red in embarrassment. “Make him stay.” The stallion said harshly into her ear. “N…no, I can’t!” He brought his hoof painfully into her hurt wing, the cold steel of his dart barrel digging painfully into feathers and flesh. “Make him stay or I’ll have him first.” “Ah!” Twilight gave a pained grunt, trying to squirm away from him. “Sp…Spike!” “Twilight?” “You…you don’t have to leave…if you don’t want to.” She spoke softly, her face turning crimson as she realized what she was doing. He was so innocent. But she had to protect him somehow. “I…I don’t…” Spike said. He knew he should leave. But for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to. He didn’t know who this strange pony was in Twi’s room. But he knew something grown up and exciting was happening. The stallion finally spoke up. “We’re just having a little sleepover, Spike. Come over and sit on the bed with us.” Emboldened, but still no less red in the face, the little dragon slowly walked over, plopping down on the mattress next to the Princess. “Twi…who is this?” The dark coated pony answered for her. “Just a friend of Twilight’s.” “Are…are you her special somepony?” The intruder snorted in amusement at the simple term. “Hm, no, not really Spike. But I think by the end of the night we’ll be much closer.” Spike didn’t fully understand, but he nodded anyways, feeling a bit more at ease. He noticed the odd ring on the alicorn’s horn. “Twi, what’s with the horn jewelry?” The mare blushed, suddenly embarrassed by the conspicuous piece of iron on her horn. “It…it was a gift.” Spike seemed a bit puzzled, but decided not to press further on it. “So what are you two doing?” The stallion smiled, a thin, sideways grin as he eased up on the Princess, letting her legs flop back onto the mattress. “We were getting ready for bed. Twilight just needed a little help getting these pajamas off.” He said, reaching out and pulling a leg of the flannel bottoms, teasing one of her hooves. “Maybe Spike can help you with that, Princess…” “I…I don’t know…” She stammered. “Oh nonsense. I’m sure he’s helped you many times with your clothes. Those little claws must be so handy.” Spike looked over at the mare. “Well I used to help with clothes all the time. But I haven’t in a while…” The Princess looked pleadingly at her captor. He still wore his little sideways grin. His hoof dug into her side momentarily, reminding her of his earlier threat. “Th…thanks Spike. Here, let me get up…” “Princess, you don’t have to. Just stay there. You’re all comfy, aren’t you?” The stallion said firmly, stroking her side before grasping her mane firmly. His concealed metal weapon prodded into her neck. Her face flushing bright red, the mare’s eyes wavered as she looked from her captor towards the little dragon. Her chest welled up with a strange fear and excitement as she realized she had no choice. She looked at Spike, gazing at her innocently. “It’s alright Spike, you can…” Without a second thought, the assistant reached over and grasped the first button. She grit her teeth slightly when he started with the bottoms. The way she was laying on her back, he would… Clawed hands deftly unhooked the first button, pushing the small piece of plastic through the dark blue flannel. He liked this pair on her. Covered in stars, it matched her mane and cutie mark. He worked the second one loose, as the fabric started to part and fall away from her purple coat. As the third became undone, the Princess could feel her teats exposed, biting her lip as she hoped he didn’t notice. As he continued down the line, she felt his smooth claw brush against her nethers, pulling the fabric away from her body to free the next fastener. Her heart fluttered as he went lower. ‘He’s going to see me…’ She thought. Spike’s hands trembled a bit as her slit came into view. The final fastener opened, and as the flannel cloth parted, he stared at her most intimate place, slightly inflamed from the excitement. He blushed deeply as he realized his claw had slid against her just moments before. “Aren’t you going to help her out of them, Spike?” The stallion said, breaking him out of his trance. Nodding absently, the dragon pulled the waistband, slowly sliding the soft PJs off her form. For a brief moment, he could see her inner thighs part, exposing her from teats to dock. He felt a strange excitement grow inside him as he saw Twi in such a compromising position. His felt himself start to harden, his light pink member pushing out from his soft underscales. Spike attempted to cover himself with a claw, turning sideways away from the mare. “Don’t forget the top.” The captor said. Twilight glared at him. The dark colored pony rest against her side, his own member growing, poking her in the rump. Her breath caught in her throat when she felt it. Glancing back towards her assistant. She could tell what he was hiding. A slight look of confusion was on his face as she tried to comfort him. It’s okay Spike. You can.” “But…but then I’ll…” The little dragon stammered slightly. “It’s fine Spike. Don’t worry, okay?” She said in a soft voice. Spike hesitated slightly, but was comforted by the mare. He had to admit there was a strange excitement to all of this. Sliding forward, he stood up, facing her. He had to reach over and push against her to reach her top. Twilight caught her breath when his body pressed against hers, his rod rubbing against her. He reached out and diligently undid the first button. The small dragon felt his groin twitch as it rubbed against the soft purple fur of Twi’s chest. She was so warm. He could feel her chest expand against his length, and he absently rubbed himself up and down in tune to her breathing as he undid more buttons. As he finished up, her top fell away from her chest, exposing her entire belly to him. Spike felt his head cloud with strange sensations as he looked down at her exposed form. Her fur rubbed against him gently as he glanced down at her nethers again. When he looked back, she was staring intently at him. Twilight suddenly became aware of the dark stallion beside her, as his malehood grew to full length. He hid it well, pushing it against her thigh. He slowly was rubbing against her now, pushing the flared tip against her cutie mark. She could feel their fur moisten as he became more aroused. “Spike, do you know what grown up ponies do when they sleep over?” He asked the little dragon. He shook his head. He was still pressed up against the purple mare, caught between hiding his erection and enjoying the feel of her fur against him. “What do you think they do?” He asked Spike. As he spoke, he reached his free hoof across the Princess, touching her soft stomach. She caught her breath, sharply inhaling against the touch. Spike knew very little about what any adults did in private in their bedrooms. But he had found a few books in the library. Books he wasn’t supposed to read. “They kiss?” He asked quietly. He wasn’t so sure himself. The captor had was trailing his hoof over the Princess’s exposed form. Spike could feel her breathing quicken. “Yes, they do. Do you want to kiss Twilight?” The little dragon just stared at her, hesitant to even ask. “Princess, why don’t you start? He needs to learn sometime.” The mare could feel his armed hoof against her body. He didn’t need to prod her on this time. “Spike, come here. I’ll show, you okay?” She said softly, reaching out with her good wing. She wrapped it around the dragon, gently bringing him closer. Her wingtip curled around his face. “Open your mouth a little…” Gently she lowered his jaw with her win. She could feel how tense he was. She tried to comfort him, cradling him with her feather soft wing. Reaching forward, their eyes locked for a brief moment before she closed hers, angling her head slightly and kissing him. The dragon’s heart raced as he felt his first kiss. He never expected it to be with Twilight. His emotions for her washed over him as she kissed him deeper, pushing him into the soft down of her wing. As she pulled away, he remained transfixed, a dreamy look on his face as he forgot to close his mouth. “Damn Princess, that was hot.” Her captor said. He moved slightly, and she could feel the damp spot he had left on her outer thigh. His pitch black dick was positively leaking now, matting the fur around her starred cutie mark. “I think it’s my turn now, though.” The stallion reached down and suddenly touched her sex, his hooftip running deeply inside as he stroked her length. The mare jumped at the intrusion, trying to squirm away from his hoof. “Don’t tell me, the Princess is a virgin? Well that makes things interesting.” “What’s a ‘virgin’ Twi?’ Spike asked, watching the hoof of the strange pony explore Twilight. The mare only squirmed a bit more, clenching her eyes shut. “Spike, I’ll show you. Come here.” The stallion said, watching the eager dragon slide down to Twilight’s thighs. “Ah…Spike…no, that’s…” Twilight managed to squeak out a protest, before feeling her sprained wing painfully rotated. She settled back on the mattress in defeat. The stallion carefully grasped a side of Twi’s slit, holding her open for the young dragon. She was starting to get quite wet now, and her entire crotch was glistening, a small puddle of marecum pooling at her dock. “It means she’s never had another pony inside her, Spike.” He said, running his hooftip up her lips, grazing her clit. The Princess winked a couple times at the unwanted stimulation, blushing bright red as Spike saw her most intimate place spread wide in a lewd display. The stallion grinned as he saw the dragon’s member strain upwards, fully erect as he watched his Princess become more aroused. “You have to be careful when you touch a mare here, Spike.” The intruder explained, circling the throbbing pink clit. He went in slightly larger circles, trailing her juices into her fine purple fur. "It’s the most sensitive place you’ll touch on her whole body.” The alicorn was winking wider now. He pushed his hooftip inside her slightly, pressing hard against her g-spot. The mare clenched hard for a moment, before a small flood of cum ran over his hoof, drenching her inner thighs as she came. She bit her lip to stifle a small moan, face bright red as she realized Spike had just watched her cum. Forcing her hind legs to open wider, the stallion slid up to Twi’s face. She was so cute when she was embarrassed. She was trying her best to fight against the emotion flooding into her. She became aware that Spike had now reached out a claw and was touching her slickened inner thighs. Her captor was gazing down at him with her, pressed tightly against her body as he rubbed his member against her side. “Princess.” He whispered into her ear. “Since you’ve been good, I’ll give you a choice. I can be your first…or he can.” She looked over at him, a sudden look of panic on her face. “You can’t! You can’t make me do that!” She hissed, keeping her voice low. “I’m being rather generous under the circumstances…” He replied. “You have to get him to do it, though. I’m getting bored of initiating everything here.” The mare glared at him, before looking back down at the small dragon. He was growing more bold now, running his small claw gently against her clit like the stallion had done. Twi gasped as she spasmed again, feeling cool air on her inner walls as she winked against her assistant. “Spike.” She called to him softly. He glanced up at her, his claw dripping with her juices. “Do you know what else adult ponies do at sleepovers?” The little dragon simply nodded his head. He had read more than such a young dragon should have. He saw in some of those books what ponies did together in private. He never expected to be doing this with another pony, let alone Twilight. He pictured another dragon maybe, sometime. But he couldn’t fight his instincts. His member was throbbing hotly now, almost painfully against his stomach. “It’s okay if it’s you, Spike. Alright?” The alicorn said softly. She spread her hind legs wider for him. Her slit winked occasionally, sticky with her cum, welcoming the dragon in. “Twi…” The little dragon didn’t need any further encouragement. He slid forward slightly, trying to line his rod up with her. He humped against her a couple times, his little soldier merely rubbing against her clit as it missed the mark. The mare stifled a moan at the sudden contact. “”H…here Spike, let me…” Reaching down with her hoof, the mare guided him, holding his member in her hoof for the first time. He was so hot, she thought. He throbbed in her hoof for a moment before he thrust forward, pushing inside her easily. Her hymen tore gently as he pushed against her, eliciting a small grunt from the mare. She shrugged it off, and reached around his body with her hoof, pulling him closer. He hilted himself on his first thrust, feeling drenched purple fur against his underscales. Sighing contentedly, he throbbed inside his Princess. She cradled him against her as her sex spasmed along his length, massaging his dick as he froze against her. “Ah, you’re so warm, Twi…” Spike sighed. Twilight took the lead, moving his body slightly away from hers with her hoof, making him partly withdraw from her slit. The dragon moaned at the friction, closing his eyes as he pushed forward again into the mare. He learned quickly, picking a fast pace, thrusting into her earnestly. Her captor took his picture candidly, with a small concealed camera he hid in his pack. No need to ruin the moment after all. He had originally planned to merely mount the mare and film that, cropping out his face of course. His client asked for images of her humiliated, and that would certainly fit the bill. But never had he imagined he would get film of her fucking her assistant. Technically a child, no less. The best part was, she looked to be completely into it. Forget his client. Images like these could be worth much, much more. He stowed the camera carefully, before he nestled back against Twilight’s side. He could feel her really getting into it now. Her whole body moved back and forth as she humped her assistant. The stallion allowed himself a small smile as he rubbed his member against her soft fur. Her muzzle hung open slightly, pleasure written over her face as he slid up the mattress, resting his cock against her neck, a strand of pre trailing from her soft fur. “Just one last thing, Princess.” He said, reaching out and grabbing her mane roughly. The mare glared at him, but didn’t say a ward. She opened her mouth wider, and the stallion smiled, pushing against her. He could feel her quickened breath against his member, a soft pink tongue reaching out and tasting the tip. Wanting more, he pushed forward suddenly, popping the flared tip inside her mouth. Twilight’s eyes went wide for a moment, and he could feel her muzzle tense up around his girth. Anticipating her inexperience, he started thrusting into her muzzle, feeling her tongue lash against the sensitive underside of his shaft as she gave her first blowjob. Glancing down, the little dragon appeared to really be into it. He had played with himself before, but the combination of the mare clenching against him and her warmth; he was feeling his orgasm come quick. He slowed down slightly, hilting himself and enjoying the soft warmth of her furry inner thighs against his stomach. His scales rubbed against the mare’s winking clit, and she bucked against him slightly, cumming again and drenching the dragon with her marecum once more. She moaned against the captor’s cock. Spike started thrusting again. The stallion could feel her body move slightly with each thrust, her mouth tightening around him as he felt her hot breath against his groin. The whole thing was a bit too much for him. Grunting in satisfaction, he pulled out suddenly from her muzzle, the Princess’s eyes going wide as he held his length in front of her face. She blinked as his first jet of cum hit her cheek, splattering against her fur. He kept cumming on her face, sticky white seed covering her muzzle, dripping down onto her neck and bedspread. Her mouth hung slightly open as she closed her eyes, feeling his hot load all over her. Spike watched, entranced, as the graceful mare was covered in cum. He moaned as he felt himself go over the edge, hilting himself as he came. Twi’s pussy rippled over him, milking his entire length. Sighing in pleasure, he felt himself twitch inside the pony, a few drops of thin cum mixing with her gushing fluids. Slipping away carefully, the dark stallion took one last picture, of the panting mare laying on the bedspread with closed eyes, face coated in cum. It might not have been as incriminating, but he felt like he had to preserve the moment. It was like a work of art, really. He may just hang onto it himself. Grabbing his pack, he was gone through the balcony exit before the mare snapped out of her haze. The cool air of the night felt good, and he couldn’t help but grin as he felt the air against his groin, still slick from the Princess’s messy blowjob. ‘She tried her best.’ He thought. He decided he’d leave the key for the horn ring near her door. It was the least he could do.