> Fall of Equestria : Attrition > by Prince Galaxy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Remember what we're fighting for. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember what we're fighting for. By:Prince Galaxy Edited By:Chrome Masquerade Ten years of deployment, yet, we're still on the defense, no offensive operations were conducted. They keep on raining death upon us. Night or day, we hear the canons roaring, artillery shells crashing down upon the battlefield, this was like the Second World War, just worse. All our allies are having it as bad. Equestria, the smallest of us already capitulated, and you don't want to know what happened to them. All of us tried to evacuate their civilians, that, ended up with twelve thousand casualties on our side and one thousand escorted out. From what I've heard, their place is hell. Still, this is a war we have to fight, we're fighting for our freedom, liberty. I couldn't bear to see my family captured and think that I could've helped it. Never in our entire history has a war been so brutal, I can smell the scent of my fellow soldiers, dead. Before, desertion could go unpunished, but now. Whoever does that will be rushed back into the field, even executed. I understand, we aren't in a position to lose soldiers. My team is destined to be deployed on the Equestrian front lines soon, along with a couple others. From what I've heard, it's going to be worse. They made sure to keep Equestria so that our morale is low.*BOOM* "RETALIATE!" That was our captain, Cap. William Deputy. Our artillery retaliated with shots from both sides, their soldiers were trying to push us out of this position. We weren't going to let go so easily. The sound of gunshots were heard for miles, bodies being shredded by LMGs, machineguns, shrapnel, ricochet. We still had casualties, all the time it was the same. One side would go on the attack, and they would suffer heavy casualties, we learned that later. We were far more advanced technologically but they outnumbered us. Everyday they would send their soldiers into a meat grinder. Hoping that we would stop getting ammunition or food. That never happened. Still some of us died, "No!Stay with me!" That's one of our soldiers, pleading to however is still in the skies to help his friend, we hope that that will happen, it never does. Reality is harsh. Harsher than anything that we know. I learned five years ago to let everything go, my father and mother died from a bombing, my daughter is dead, all I have is me, my wife, and my son. We know that heaven exists, we know that there is an afterlife, but we don't want to take it, it would leave our generations to pay. They would have to suffer for us. We won't let that happen. Every day we keep on working, the soldiers on the battlefield, the women in the industries, and maybe and that's a big maybe some offices. Society isn't the same.It changes, we all change. And damn have I changed. The only thing that's keeping our morale high, is what we're fighting for. > We commit sins in the name of god. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We commit sins in the name of god. By:Prince Galaxy Edited By:Chrome Masquerade I commit the sins again and again. Yet. Whoever is still in the sky. Is still with us. Today I will go to Equestria. I am willing to die for my country. But if so, I will do my best to make these bastards die for theirs. They can take my breath, they can take my heart. When they pry it from my cold dead hands. We have the spirit to fight. It's that That distinguishes our countries from the others, if we are captured, we will fight to stay alive and fight for our country once again. No matter how long they torture us, we carry on through the storm. It's that that makes a country or rather, an empire that lasts the test of time. Our military has the harshest training but yet have the best luxuries. They would give us immortality potions that lasted a couple hours, we would be burned. And until we didn't flinch for an hour. We wouldn't be employed. We are hardened soldiers, to the core. Our military revolved around the idea of defense first. We are best at setting up heavily defended steel bases on the field, we've set up this trench. It has barracks, an infirmary, most importantly, automatic turrets. That's how we survive the onslaught. "Lay em' down!" Our captain said, the miniguns and LMGs were bursting in to action, our 50 cal. turrets dropping them. Yet again, we commit sins, I was putting them down without second thought. War changes a person. My last order in this field, was charging the enemy trenches. "Boys...I'm taking the lead." I said, they stared at me in confusion. That was until I jumped out and charged. "CHARGE!". That order was all it took, our soldiers jumped out and charged. Our first offensive. Shells were launched, ponies dying left and right, ricochet and shrapnel cutting through our bodies. Bullets grinding us in to meat slices. I was hit in the right leg, kept on going. Never. Give. Up.Guts were everywhere, hearts all sorts of organs. There was no green, only crimson. Ponies with their chests blown open, with their heads missing. But Yet, with all the violence, we push through. After one hundred meters of pure death we reached them. This moment, I will never forget. We didn't stand a chance, but with all the despair and death, we provailed, they retreated. After ten fucking years, our first fucking victory. Most of us didn't even smile. We just deployed our defenses. We knew it wasn't over, we needed to be ready fast. I saw something in war that you always see. The shell collided with his chest, exploding on impact, the explosion surrounded by crimson liquid mixed with guts and organs, the shrapnel piercing his body, grinding him in to pieces, he looked at me with the eyes that said 'Tell my daughter I loved her'. It was horrible. Unfortunately, we got used to it. --Later that day-- "Commander Kile de Jamaiscapituler." A soldier said to me. "Commander?" I asked "You've been promoted, there are no ceremonies any more. You will lead your brigade through the Equestrian lines. Order from the Prince himself." He stated "What are you here for?" I asked "Transport sir, you have ten minutes to say goodbye and pack your things." He responded "Already done." I said "Permission for free speech sir?" He demanded "Denied. I'm sorry, we don't have time, not these days, but I promise, when the war is over you will have that free speech." I said "We can't stay here crying and saying our sorrows, we need to take action soldier." I ordered "Yes sir!" He said proudly. We made our way to the spaceship took one hour but we arrived, I was informed that we were here to try and break the lines of our enemy, and also to keep the Flames, the Ice, and Our Eyes In The Sky without heat. Those were our Spec Ops on the field, can't imagine what their seeing. Especially when they briefed me on what was going on in Equestria.How did they fall so fast and turned against each other was beyond us. Unfortunately they used their sick magic to turn the males with them and against the females. Apparently, they weren't very strategic but they were fighters alright. In the distance I could see their sick deeds, I would shoot them right now if I was with my brigade. But right now I was still being briefed on the situation. "Soldiers." I asked my brigade. "Yes sir?" They all said "How many of you are religious?" I asked "Most of us sir." A mare responded. "Well be prepared to commit sins above all else, did make myself clear!" I shouted "Yes sir!" They all responded. --Tommorow morning-- I woke up to the sounds of waves, this was much better than my previous battlefield, the reasons behind it were worse but the scenery wasn't as bad. All the soldiers were either sleeping lightly, here you had the luxury of doing so instead of taking pills, or on guard. "Morning lieutenant..." "Lieutenant Night Wolf." He stated "Ah yes, lieutenant Wolf." "What do you need sir?" He asked "How are the troops going?" I answered by asking. "Good, if you're not considering the fact of sexual violation of the enemy always is on their mind." He said. I looked at the enemy, they weren't exactly what I expected, they were a lot less... "SOUND THE ALARMS!" I shouted before the alarms went off waking everybody up, lucky me, the enemy charged us from the trees, hoping for a surprise attack. Didn't happen. In war, things never happen they way you want them to. They were grinded in to meat pieces. Hell, our soldiers took their meat and cooked it. Being omnivores. It was kind off venison anyways. It was pretty good. That was a sin, and a big one. But we all did it.Us first, them second. > We may be the first to fall. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On one side there were our soldiers, on the other the royal guards and the Caribou. This was a decisive battle for this region. Guns cocked and loaded for us, and there spears and axes sharpened. They had canons that they imported from the Griffins. We had air support and artillery but they outnumbered us three to one. That day was a day to never be forgotten in universal history. They took action first, we switched on our turrets. Some made it through and were welcomed with bayonets and shots. Still, their spears pierced our chests. After hours of bloodshed, there was still a stalemate, they still outnumbered us. What we never expected happened. We lost our outposts in Equestria. They sent these spells towards us that devastated us. We weren't prepared, we retreated in to cover, hiding from them as they tried to recover the turrets, thankfully they disengage with a bang. We sent a signal to the empire hoping that they would come. We rejoined the spec ops. We decided on one plan. Break the enemy from the inside out. The plan was to cripple diplomatic stability and infrastructure. We would secure the base that they set up, will some of us would work on rescue missions, healing the spell that they realeased on the populace, and joining them in the ops. I was on the first mission, we were to break through the castle and get in dungeons, escort our PoW out and call it a day. Sounds easy but never is. --The Castle, Equestria, Caribou Capitol, 2234 September 11, 23:43 p.m-- "So what's the plan?" I asked "Get em' out of there." He said "And how do you want to accomplish that?" I asked "We make our way through the town in the alleyways, climb the mountain, move up through Canterlot, still in the alleyways.We go out dressed in black and stained with crimson." He said dead serious "How do we do that undetected?" I asked "With the help of the rainbows, they decided to help our little endeavor out." He answered "Ok, I did not think we had them." I said "Well let's get a move on." He ordered "Yes sir." We said We walked alley through alley, not a single pony to be seen. You could hear the deeds being done through the walls. Hell, a colt tried taking one of our mares as his when she turned the corner, we made him regret that decision once he saw us come by, he would remember that, a lot. Then there was the opposite, a mare begging to be raped. Simply marvelous. After a long walk we saw the mountain. We climbed to the top so that we could get the drop in the garden for cover. From up here it seemed like nothing happened, just less mares as guards and more intense security, then you get close and see the 'deers' as I like to call them. And then all turns to shit when you see the statues being replaced by their rape and the windows getting the same treatment. We wanted to kill the King, but we didn't have the intel yet, and it would still leave us with an 'unhealthy' populace. We landed in the gardens and hid in the bushes, we moved from bush to bush until we arrived at the door, once in there, we admired the beauty of the place before the invasion for on second before killing some guards with a couple suppressed shots. We moved through the corridors killing guards and mares in the process, couldn't risk having them spill the beans on us. Especially with their new found 'addiction'. Moving into dungeons every thing was fine, it had a very creepy environment to it. We saw mares being held captive begging for help, could not have been bothered, until we reached our PoW, the mares were getting a 'reeducation' and the stallions too. Fucked all of them up, we shot the first one getting the attention of the others which had a similar fate. First time we saw the years of torture endurance, they were electrocuted, burned, raped and all of the sorts, they never flinched nor gave in, they just stood there emotionless. Hell we observed the mare as it was having two hot metal bars on her back looking at us with a look that said 'sup'. She was there, no shits could be given when we stared in to her soul, she really could not care less. We then proceeded to put the 'teachers' down, but that is a display of courage. We went to the top when we massacred every guard on our way, I'm pretty sure they had so many dead, nobody was their to see the other bodies. After we were out on the streets and out the city, we could here the alarms, too fucking late bitches. Ha. The trip was safe on our way back to headquarters, the next mission was to presumably get Luna and Celestia out, with a couple machines, magic and radar tech, they were the only minds strong enough to tank the spell but were still vulnerable, we had to get them out. The others were a lost cause. Very lost cause. Unfortunately it wasn't that easy. They were the, hate to say it, 'pets' of the king. That wasn't exactly good for us, they were highly guarded. The plan was too bomb the castle, that was later scratched off the board for oubvious reasons. Then it was to do something magical, didn't remember the details...UUUUMMMF...Ok, I have a couple seconds of fourth wall breaking, the author was just lazy to think of something...UMMMF...But then we realized the runes that were around the castle, then we realized that we could do something others can't. We had actually more elements in us. The flame had the power of fire, their jets were sentient and had powers, similar to all the other groups even for the rainbows. The plan was made, we go in loud. Right through the front door. Meet you on the field. --Canterlot, Equestria, Front Of The Castle, 2234 September 27, 12 o' clock-- "Well here goes nothing." Chill said, he was part of the Ice team, along with Breeze, Snow, White, and Cherry Blossom. "Fuck you all!" White roared, sounds of gunshots zipping through bodies were heard, but most importantly, the fact that the ground iced around them and fought off all the guards attempting to fight back. Snow was falling in the middle of summer. The worst part was when the sound of jets flying by happened, their slogan was 'We scorch the ground, burn the waters, and set fire to the sky' that was their for a reason, they really set fire to the sky, any stallion or guard that dared to come close to the storm would be incinerated. The ice's slogan was 'We send chills down your spine, and we freeze you' that was what happened, but the worst had yet to come. When they combined, two opposites, they formed something to be reckoned with, the fire was ice cold but still burned you, it seemed impossible, but it happened. The royal guard and caribou were cooked and refrigerated alive. Ready to be served to hungry customers. The massacre continued until they reached the dungeons, they waited for the king to go to the Crystal Empire so that he wouldn't come in time, thankfully, the Princesses were held captive because they weren't 'educated' yet and he wanted to make a 'good impression'. So, lucky us, Lady Luck was on our side. We rushed through, we soon reached the Princesses, being raped by the most loyal of guards, we know all about them, we were have the best angents and spec ops around the multi-verse. They were definitely 'filled' to the brim. AND WE PAUSE THE STORY TO EARN THE TITLE OF SEX TAG, IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE CLOP PART OF THE STORY, WELCOME TO ONE AND ALL, viewer discretion is advised, any mental, physical, and or emotional damage goes to the Caribou, thank you for your cooperation. If you want more Luna Pov, FUCK YOU YOU PERVERTED BASTARD, but I'll do it anyways.Also, don't expect quality ass sex scenes. --Celestia Pov-- I hated being violated like this, but the spell was getting to me, I slowly enjoyed being the cum dumpster of the king, it was becoming increasingly difficult to hide it. Before I tried hardly to keep my moans to myself, now I was screaming. I hated drinking, sucking, and all of the sort, but now I crave it, I can't live without it, I begged this guard to fuck me...And I am enjoying myself~It's getting to me, hearing the wet slaps of wet fur against wet fur was turning me on, my moans were getting louder... --Earlier-- "Please fuck me!" I begged "If you say so, you whore." He said, "Now suck my cock!" "Yes master..." I said with a slutty voice. AAHHAHAGGSHSGAH...AH FUCK WHY DO I HAVE TO WRITE THIS!*deep breath*I can do this...For the audience... I loved sucking his cock...The taste of it...It was just phenomenal...It had a light touch of salt... No but actually...Why does ,apparently, our body just gets sodium everywhere, I mean, WTF?Srsly, I'll have to look in to that. I played with his cock...Moving from the tip to the bottom...It was nice~ "Oh...Oh!I'm coming!" He exclaimed Srsly!Coming, that's just a guy in sex that's lazy to actually say cum. He shot wave after wave of cum into my mouth...I didn't drink it, I savoured it~ I then put my ass (actually in proper English, an arse.) towards the sky waiting for him to penetrate me. --Present-- And finally I climaxed (IS THAT THE BEST THE SCIENTISTS COULD NAME IT!?COME ON!) he was sending waves after waves of his seed in to me...I was ashamed of what I did... Comedic Clop scene is best clop scene.*VOMITING* --Normal Pov-- We put him down and used these...How would you call it...Teleportation gems. They were given to all of us to use in case of emergency. After that we returned to HQ safely, unfortunately we had to contain them. We weren't sure what the spell had done to them. We were the first that fell, but we got up fast. And they fell after us.