> Twenty One Scratches > by Sky Blue CMC > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sorry Yak > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty moons and going strong, he's never kissed a girl besides his mom, he's got a... throw-pillow from his favourite show, he wears a bucking fedora everywhere he goes. I don't think this guy is on this world, he thinks that just being nice should get him the girl, so now he'll... complain about how he thought it should be, "Why does this always happen to me? To me?" She's stupid pretty, he's pretty stupid, lonely, loser, chewing a toothpick, lost in the dark, trying to turn on the lights, he just wants The One, she wants something to bite tonight! She took her skirt off, he didn't notice, he gave her a hug, she wanted a kiss, he missed the signs, so she found a different guy, so sorry, Yak, but better luck next time! Girls just suck, they're out of touch, I guess that asking for a quick one is just too much, So she's a bitch 'cause she doesn't like you back, She's Omega, you're the Alpha of your own wolf pack, But come tonight, he's gonna think of you and, he's got a tissue for his issue, and a date with his hand, Hugging his pillow, crying himself to sleep, "That's the girl that was meant to be with me! With me!" She's stupid pretty, he's pretty stupid, lonely, loser, chewing a toothpick, lost in the dark, trying to turn on the lights, he just wants The One, she wants something to bite tonight! She took her skirt off, he didn't notice, he gave her a hug, she wanted a kiss, he missed the signs, so she found a different guy, so sorry, Yak, but better luck next time! What's the matter? Never had her, find another, hide your daughters. Suck up your pride, Go with the ride, Sometimes you'll lose, she doesn't want you. What's the matter? Never had her, You'll be alright, better luck next time! She's stupid pretty, he's pretty stupid, lonely, loser, chewing a toothpick, lost in the dark, trying to turn on the lights, he just wants The One, she wants something to bite tonight! She took her skirt off, he didn't notice, he gave her a hug, she wanted a kiss, he missed the signs, so she found a different guy, so sorry, Yak, but better luck next time! She's stupid pretty, he's pretty stupid, lonely, loser, chewing a toothpick, lost in the dark, trying to turn on the lights, he just wants The One, she wants something to bite tonight! She took her skirt off, he didn't notice, he gave her a hug, she wanted a kiss, he missed the signs, so she found a different guy, so sorry, Yak, but better luck next time! What's the matter? "Wait" Never had her, find another, "Don't go" hide your daughters. Suck up your pride, "Hold on" Go with the ride, Sometimes you'll lose, "I know that we were meant to be" she doesn't want you. What's the matter? "One chance" Never had her, You'll be alright, "Please stay" better luck next time! "I guess you're happy without me." At the end of the day, Yak got a sex-change operation, and changed his/her name to "Yacqueline" to fit her new gender. > The Rhyme > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hold your breath, While you watch me fall." Yacqueline sang to her imaginary friend, Skai Bloo. "It's easier to say nothing at all. I need a friend, playing pretend's not working. These pills are useless, and the shadows keep lurking. Let me go, There's nothing left inside. To run and hide is all I know to survive. The nightmare won't end, This life grow colder. Come wake me up, When it's all over!" "Some of us made it, But no one deserved it!" Yacqueline responded to Prince Rutherford's advisor, Sir Brutus, who called her a homo. "I'm silent, I'm screaming! Sticks and Stones was The Rhyme that they taught us, To fight off our monsters, To help numb the darkness, But what they forgot was, That you don't need, to break my bones, For you to break me, The voices won't stop, Don't let me be alone, Please someone, I just wanna go back home!" "Lock the door, I'm rotting in my room!" She responded to her mom, who said that she still loved her. "I hope tomorrow Doesn't come to soon. My tears ran dry, My heart's suffocating. The bruises and I are slowly fading. Make it stop, There's whispers in my head! The mirrors echo everything they've said, To 'rise and shine' is so hard to do When all the Light has been taken from you!" "Some of us made it, But no one deserved it!" Yacqueline responded to her teacher, who called her a fag. "I'm silent, I'm screaming! Sticks and Stones was The Rhyme that they taught us, To fight off our monsters, To help numb the darkness, But what they forgot was, That you don't need, to break my bones, For you to break me, The voices won't stop, Don't let me be alone, Please someone, I just wanna go back home!" "I remember every story They wrote on my back." Yacqueline said to herself, locked in her room. "Bruises like words tattooed Into my skin in blue and black ink. I remember every KItchen Sink Surgery where family had to Stitch me back together." Yacqueline cried, tears washing all over her pillow, which was the same throw-pillow of Doctor Whooves that she had since she was a boy. Before the sex-change. "I remember every Happily Ever After that never came to pass" She said to her dad when he came to her room and asked what was wrong. "We didn't go to school In ponytales. We went to school in all the gory Details of a horror story while Monsters made us victims Of their comedy." "We, the recipients of their Punch Lines." She continued talking, even though her dad had left the room. "They hung insults around Our necks like signs inviting everyone To join in Their words were invisible ink That they tattooed on our skin" Yacqueline sighed to herself... "Some of us made it, But no one deserved it!" Yacqueline responded to her ex girlfriend, who called her a dyke. "I'm silent, I'm screaming! Sticks and Stones was The Rhyme that they taught us, To fight off our monsters, To help numb the darkness, But what they forgot was, That you don't need, to break my bones, For you to break me, The voices won't stop, Don't let me be alone, Please someone, I just wanna go back home!" "I know that I'm Stronger, Broken Heart of a Fighter!" Yacqueline sang to herself and her imaginary friend once more. "My Scars remind me, That I'm a Survivor! This life is a tough game, And I don't wanna play it! I'm reaching for a hoof, Help me make it! But It's too much, So I give up, Just please don't hate me! My letter's on the pillow, With a kiss goodbye! 'I'm sorry, Mom, But I promise that I tried!'" And with that, pow... she was gone. She didn't try to kill herself again, but she just simply left home with no intention of returning to where she once belonged. > Butterflies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day, when Yacqueline was feeling her very worst, she met the most beautiful little pegasus filly she had ever seen. She had no choice but to sing to her... but she waited until after she left, so she could sing in peace without interruption. That way she could pretend that they were still together and that she was listening to her. The pony in question was actually a Changeling, but in her pony guise the name reminded her of her imaginary friend... Sky Blue and Skai Bloo were pronounced the same way anyway. Anyway, Yacqueline started singing, and this is what she sang. "I'm nervous, I'm sweating, the clock's moving slow." Yacqueline was thinking of how bored she was in her room... but also how excited she was to do something with Sky. "Go get me a doctor or I'm gonna' blow. These flutters are endless, my stomach can fly. I'm sick with infection, but I'll be alright. I hope I don't come off as awkward or dumb. I get it if you turn your tail and run. I'm barely an average, you're out of my league. I can't understand why'd you ever pick me. Some guys don't realize when life gives them such a prize. You're an angel in disguise. So come on." "Let's get stupid while the night is young" Yacqueline proposed the idea to Skai, whom she was pretending was Sky. "and let's have some fun like we've only got one. Don't tell your Dad, I can be your secret. Oh my Gosh, I'm hardly breathing. I can't help it, I'm a babbling idiot. Please kiss me quick, 'cause I need to feel it. Just one more day, I don't want it to end. If I leave you now will I see you again?" "This room is so boring, this place is so new." Yacqueline told her imaginary friend, pretending she was new lover. "Let's have an adventure with just me and you. Your everything's perfect, I'm in ecstasy. My pants get much tighter when you're next to me. You take me by the hand, I'm suddenly yours. Don't mind me, I'll pick up my mouth off the floor. Your scent is hypnotic, I'm lost in your eyes. I can't wait to disappoint you with my size. Don't pinch me, let me dream. Things aren't always what they seem. This is too good to believe. So come on." "Let's get stupid while the night is young" Yacqueline asked Skai again. "and let's have some fun like we've only got one. Don't tell your Dad, I can be your secret. Oh my Gosh, I'm hardly breathing. I can't help it, I'm a babbling idiot. Please kiss me quick, 'cause I need to feel it. Just one more day, I don't want it to end. If I leave you now will I see you a-" "Gain tomorrow?" Yacqueline asked Skai. "Years that follow. It's all unknown. Don't leave me a-" She paused for a brief second "lone, my new friend. It's not the end. But until then, let's go and-" "Let's get stupid while the night is young" Yacqueline said to Skai one final time. "and let's have some fun like we've only got one. Don't tell your Dad, I can be your secret. Oh my Gosh, I'm hardly breathing. I can't help it, I'm a babbling idiot. Please kiss me quick, 'cause I need to feel it. Just one more day, I don't want it to end. If I leave you now will I see you again?" Yacqueline coulda sworn she heard Sky say "No, you probably won't because that is stupid" to her. But she knew Sky was joking when she said that... and so she smiled at the prospect of being in love with somepony who actually loves her back. > Untitled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After officially coming out of the closet, Yacqueline was bullied for many moons... but then she found a pony who felt the same way about her that she did. They fell in love, and have been together ever since. There was a song that she loved, Untitled, which she sang to all the haters. It went like this. "It feels like the world is watching," She began to sing. "Dismissed, like I'm now worth nothing! Didn't turn out how you wanted, but my life is not your puppet! You're reciting from old pages, shouldn't matter what someone else says, what happened to the part you taught, called 'no matter what'?" "I'm not confused or broken," Yacqueline sang the chorus to her former friends. "Please don't make me think I am, nothing's changed, I'm still the same, we both think different, but I'm not you and I'm happy being me!" "Well so much for unconditional," Yacqueline sang to her father. "This catharsis is bucking painful! What I expect is next to nothing, I just want some understanding! I'm not ashamed of holding the hand, of the one who takes me for what I am! Scattered lies, and your dagger eyes, won't change what's inside!" "I'm not confused or broken," Yacqueline sang the chorus to everyone. "Please don't make me think I am, nothing's changed, I'm still the same, we both think different, but I'm not you and I'm happy being me!" "So long, Father," Yacqueline bade her family farewell. "Farewell, Mother! Send my love to, all my brothers! I'm leaving tonight don't worry, you can find my ghost where you left me!" With those final words, Yacqueline bade her whole world goodbye, knowing Meteora would do the same. > Strangers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been three years since Yacqueline and Meteora departed from mortality and became spirits. Yacqueline had killed herself, and Meteora asked Midnight to do it for her. They had gone to separate places: Meteora had gone to the Celestial Plane, and Yacqueline, for no reason, had been banished to Tartarus. They missed each other dearly, and they sang a duet together. "Save me" Yacqueline began. "I'm drowning so deep in the darkness. I'm waiting for your touch to stop this. There's smoke blinding us with goodbyes, and I... Keep hope, cause this feeling's different and I know, I've staggered so long that it can't go! Alleviate me, I'll be fine. In time!" "Please remember that I miss you," Yacqueline prayed in song to Meteora. "Young and reckless, what did we do? Broken promise, gone forever? Maybe one day, we'll get better. Right by your side, that's where I'll be, in a heartbeat, if you ask me! Let's stay strangers, like we're meant to. Oh I wonder if you miss me too?" "Find me," Yacqueline could hear her lover singing. "I'm waiting right her, where you left me! Still shredded and bruised, but I'm breathing! Be brave for me, ignore their eyes, just try! We're dancers, and I've picked petals, looking for answers, and I've received these edges from chances! Indelible, but I'll be fine, in time!" "Please remember that I miss you," Meteora prayed in song to Yacqueline. "Not caring, is so hard to do? Everything, we loved together! It's not the same, with out you there. Feels like you were just beside me, how did time go by so quickly? Now we're strangers, but I miss you. Oh I wonder if you miss me too?" The two of them vocalized in harmony for four "Whoa"s and then began singing different lines at the same time. "Please remember, don't forget me," Yacqueline sang. "Please remember, I still think of you and I," Meteora sang. "I'll be leaving, this heart empty!" Yacqueline added. "Tell me, what does this all mean?" Meteora added. "Burn our bridges, are you still there?" Yacqueline asked. "Are you even still there?" Meteora asked. "All these endless circles do nothing," Yacqueline sang. "These circles do nothing!" Meteora agreed. "And I don't know, why I can't just let you go?" Yacqueline asked. "And remember, I've been waiting, ever since this started aching" Meteora told Yacqueline. "Can we go back, can we start again?" Yacqueline asked Meteora. "Now we're strangers, but I need you!" Meteora exclaimed. "Because I need you!" Yacqueline exclaimed. "Oh I wonder, if you need me too?" They sang together. And at that moment, the two of them were brought back to life by the spirits of their love. And they lived happily ever after. > Happy Family (Explicit) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yacqueline, after inviting Meteora to join her family, had a little surprise for her lover: she was a little... friendly with her family They had finally all accepted her love and showed her exactly how much they loved her. "Taking my pants off." Yacqueline began to sing. "Grabbing my mother. Showing I love her, New son and brother." "Buying some candles." She sang some more. "Seducing my father. Looks like a turtle. Tastes like a luder" "Peeping through the door." She sounded perverted now. "Stalking my sister. Looking kind of lonely. Let's play naked Twister." "Watching a movie." This was one of the weirdest ones. "Stroking my brother. Warm salty goodness. Give me another." "We're just one big happy family." They all sang together. "We're just one big happy family. We're just one big happy family. Sometimes we like to love each other- That's what families do." And with that, Meteora just smiled and said that she was happy to be a part of this family. Well, it looks like I'm out of paper, so I guess this is... THE END!!!!