Fire? What Fire?

by Thebronypowers

First published

Twilight accidentaly burns down raritys boutiuqe,

So in this story, a seiries of unfortunate events causes Raritys boutiuqe to get lit on fire while twilight is watching it. Then she runs. And problems follow.

The Hot One And Only.

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Inside Carousel Boutique, Rarity was forcibly shoving multiple items into large bags. Dresses, bits, and any other necessities were already packed. That only left one more task.
That task was finding a friend to watch the Boutique for her.
First, she went to Fluttershy, who was, once again, helping Barry the Bear with his house cleaning. She then went over to Applejack’s and saw they were busy with Rainbow Dash. The two were competing to see who was better at being a good friend, so that would not work. Pinke Pie, however was busy doing something useful, and was watching tha Cake twins. She said she could bring the twins with, but Rarity politely said “No thank you” and went on her merry way.
“Just no” she thought to herself.
Then, finally, she went to go and ask twilight to help her out. Rarity trotted, across the damp, ground over to the Golden Oaks Library to see Twilight.

She knocked her hoof on the door, examining the red oak. When the door opened, Rarity was greeted by twilight. “Why hello there, Rarity,” said Twilight. “What brings you here today?”

“I wanted to see if you could head over to my Boutique and watch my dear cat, Opal, while Sweetie Belle and I go on a trip to Manehattan.”

“Of course, Rarity, I would love to go.”

“Then let us depart Immediately”

The two mares trotted back to the boutique together, not in any hurry.

Sweetie Belle on the other hoof, was at the Boutique alone, and was moving in a hurry. She thought that she should stay home and practice her magic while Rarity was gone. Sweetie decided that she should, once again, try a flame spell. She put down a piece of old ragged fabric that Rarity hated, and she began to focus. She concentrated her magic into her horn, but right as she was ready to cast the spell, Opal decided to move with the piece of fabric and meow in a distracting manner. This distracted Sweetie, causing her to focus on Opal just as the spell was being cast. Opal yowled and ran towards the nearest tap, which happened to be running for no reason whatsoever.

After dousing herself, Opal realised that she was fine, and that it was just the fabric that was on fire. While opal ran off, Sweetie grabbed another piece of fabric to try to smother the flame. All this fabric did was smoke and it smoked in a way that was surprisingly intense. This was upstairs in Rarity's workroom.

Sweetie then left to go catch up to rarity, and she did. She saw twilight on the way there, and she met Rarity right before she started to load their stuff onto the train.

When Twilight arrived, she saw nothing out of the ordinary, so she had no reason to be of any worry. She saw Opal cleaning herself on Rarity’s favorite futon, and she immediately moved the cat to the floor.. Then, she decided to read the book that shea had brought with her.

Suddenly Twilight began to smell smoke. It was coming from upstairs, She went to the tap, and filled a bucket with water. Then she took said water and went upstairs to investigate. When she got upstairs, she saw a very small fire, which she immediately doused, and then it was done. She took care of the fire and ashes, but when the smoke cleared, she could see that the damage had already been done. Everything had a black layer on it from sitting in the smoke and ashes for some time. Twilight begins to panic for fear of Rarity being upset at her, so she decided to gallop. She galloped out of the front door, and then she ran towards the everfree forest. When she arrived at the everfree, she saw zecora's hut in the distance. She began to trot towards it. When she Zecora said “Hello Twilight dear, what brings you around here?”

“I am here and I am panicking about rarity because there was a fire in her house and I didn't cause it but I feel like she is going to blame me because I was the one that was there and I am worried that we won't be fre-”

“Enough Twilight, calm down. This sound like a situation best left in town. You should stay here for now, I will make some herbal tea and chow.”
Twilight decides to stay and enjoy the meal that Zecora has offered. She also decides that she doesn't want to see Rarity, because she knew that she would be mad.

Meanwhile, as the train returns to ponyville, Rarity tells Sweetie Belle "Go along and play with your crusader friends now. and be safe and have fun!"

As Rarity is walking back, she can see a thick black smoke rising from where her boutique is. She begins to gallop as fat as she can. She Reaches the Boutique only to find smoke pouring out the door, and no flame. Taking a deep breath she walks in, and finds the source of the smoke. It was the fire-resistant fabric that she had made for the Ponyville fire department.

She realised that all of her work, the expensive cloth, the unique and custom gemstones, all of it. It was all covered in a thin layer of black smudges on everything from sitting in the smoke and ashes for hours. Rarity also notices a lack of twilight, who was supposed to be there to prevent this sort of thing. She then sees a blackened lump of soft fur, that looks as though it’s trying to clean itself, then gag at the taste, then try again out of sheer stubbornness.

"Oh Opal dearie, What happened?" asked Rarity. She then watches Opal go over to a picture of twilight and knocks it over.

" Twilight did this you say?"

Opal nods her head yes. and she then goes and continues to attempt to clean herself.
Rarity is following some black hoof steps, leading towards the everfree forest. She follows the footsteps, until they fade away. She then follows the sound of voices until she finds Twilight, and Zecora, both Drinking a calming herbal tea. Zecora says "Rarity, what a wonderful surprise it is for me. If I might ask, what brings you out along this first pass?" Says Zecora in her rhyming tone.

"I was looking for her," said Rarity, glaring at twilight.

"Me? What did I do?"

You Started my Boutique on fire while I was in Manehattan, that's what"

"No, I ran away because I was fearful that you would be mad at me, and the anxiety caused me to keep running."

"Of course, darling, but I hope you can help me pay the amount of bits that this will cost me in the long run."

"Stop it immediately, or I will make you talk peacefully."

Twilight and rarity both looked at Zecora, then each other. Then they came to the understanding that it was neither twilight's and Rarity's fault. The one that lit the fire, and was home to do so, was the one and only

"Sweetie Belle" Yelled Twilight and Rarity in unison.

So as Rarity and Sweetie Belle trotted home, Rarity glared angrily at Sweetie almost the entire way. Before Sweetie left again, Rarity called for her. “Sweetie Belle, Could you come here for a moment?”

“Sure Rarity”

“So Sweetie, tell me, and don't lie now, were you practicing fire magic again?”

“Yes Rarity I was using fire magic again”

“Sweetie Belle, you know that I told you not to use fire magic again. I have to assume that you know the consequences?”


“Sweetie Belle I Rarity, hereby sentence you to Seven Infinity's of being grounded for life. If I Ever catch you using fire magic again, I will get twilight to send you to the moon. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes Rarity”

“Now go to your room”

Twilight went home, and began to read a book on banishment to the moon for several millennium. The book, Written by Celestia herself, instructed directly on how to sending Fillies and Colts that misbehave to the moon...