The Wolverine

by Condensed_Milk28

First published

Logan (Wolverine) has no idea why he is where he is and how he even got there in the first place. He has to find a way home, but it's not as easy as he thought it would be.

Logan, aka Wolverine, wakes up in a world filled with technicolour horses that can speak English. Angry and confused, he makes an attempt to find a way out of this crazy and colourful world, but it's easier said than done. With no way out (or so it seems), Logan is stuck in this unknown world and is forced to socialise with characters he despises if he wants to get back home.

Rated mature for bad language and gore.

Cover art was not created by me.

A Strange Encounter

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Logan grunted loudly as he shifted around on the cold floor, puzzled, hurt and barely even awake. He is badly cut with atrocious, gaping wounds pouring a waterfall of blood. It was a miracle that he could even lift an eyelid after the amount of blood that he had lost.

Gathering up all the strength he could manage to collect, the muddled man attempted to stand up from lying on the floor, but he failed to do so. It hadn’t occurred to him that his healing factor wasn’t working as he was too busy trying to get off the floor. After several attempts, he eventually gave up, which was unlike Logan as he would typically moan and lose his temper by now.

He rested his hands on his stomach, slowly losing consciousness. When he moved his hands, he noticed the amount blood that covered him. Baffled and confused, he soon realised his side had been impaled with what seems to be a large wooden plank.
“Fuckin’ brilliant….” Logan groaned. It was an evident struggle for him to even talk because of how fatigued he had become.

His hands gripped the plank firmly and he struggled to pull out the long wooden object.
Getting angry, he gripped even tighter, screaming as he used all the power in every muscle in his body to get out the wooden plank. His animal-like roar echoed throughout the room as the plank slowly shifted out from his abdomen. Logan noticed how deep it had impaled him as his gaping wound spurt out blood like a tsunami.

It took a while for his healing factor to kick in, but it wasn’t doing the job very quickly at all. The cuts, scratches, holes and bruises in his body were still visible, the blood however calmed down a bit.
Logan looked around, trying to process where he is, but it was very hard to make out the room he was in due to his blurred vision and dizziness.

“This… Isn’t… Home…” He grumbled softly with a muddled look on his face, blinking constantly.
“W… Where… Am… I?…”

Logan looked down at his body to see that he was covered in more wooden planks and what seemed to look like… Hay?
“Am… I in a… Barn?” He wondered, finding it slightly easier to talk.

After a couple more minutes of lying helplessly on the floor, Logan finally made another attempt to get his weak body on his feet.
Logan roared in pain as he pushed his body away from the floor, using his blood-covered hands. Eventually he made it on his feet, though it was incredibly difficult for him to keep his balance.

He continued to groan in severe pain, trying to regain his balance. Still half-conscious, it was necessary for him to use his current surroundings as support. Logan dragged his limp body at snail pace to the wall of the building he was in.

"Fuck…” Logan moaned, loudly. He looked upwards, seeing a large hole in the roof and directly below is where he woke up.
“I… Fell through there?” He asked himself, staring at the hole while squinting his eyes from the bright rays of sunlight coming from outside.

“Something isn’t right…” He stated, beginning to head to what he hopes is a door. His vision is ever so slowly adjusting back to it’s original state, but it’s not currently perfect. The several wounds on his arms, abdomen, head and legs still hadn't closed up, and he had no idea why it was taking such a long time.

Logan’s vision wouldn’t become any clearer than it was, but he tried to make out a clear image of his surroundings. He was definitely in a barn, but he just had no idea where. Also, his other wounds still hadn’t closed, he had to use his hands to prevent as much blood from pouring out as possible. Before he managed to reach the door, he could hear a faint sound of footsteps emerging from the outside of the barn. The more Logan listened, the more the footsteps actually sounding like trotting.

“That’s odd…” He said to himself quietly. All of sudden, the barn door swung open to reveal… A horse?

“WHAT IN TARNATION?!” The unusual orange-coloured horse exclaimed. Logan fell on his back in shock as he heard the horse speak English. He took a moment to check if what he saw and heard was real or not.

“What in the hay are ya?!” It asked, both scared and confused. Logan completely ignored the question.
“Why the fuck can you talk? Where the fuck am I? Why are you orange? What’s your name?” He asked in a deep, intimidating yet scared voice. The horse edged closer to Logan slowly.
“Ah… Er… Mah name is Applejack…” It informed him.
“Applejack? Y-You’re an orange horse… Female and southern by the sound of it… Somebody fuckin’ pinch me…” Logan asked, whilst getting back up. His injuries seemed to have almost completely healed now as they were not causing much of a problem anymore. The shock must have kicked his healing factor back into gear. Even though it was finally working, it just wasn't working very well.
“Did you just say somebody?” She asked, knowing that what she asked was the wrong thing to be concerned about.
“Yeah.” He replied, questionably. “Answer my questions! Why the FUCK can you talk?” He screamed.
Applejack cringed at the foul language Logan was using.
“Uh... What do ya mean? Everypony can talk!” She responded.
“Wait… There are more of you freaks?” Logan wondered, the gears in his head breaking as he is struggling to comprehend the situation.
“Um... Yeah. And... W-We ain’t freaks!” She told him firmly.
“Of course not.” He sarcastically responded.
“What… Are you?” She continued.

Logan breathed heavily as he was beginning to get frustrated.
“What am I?” He said, with a frown. “What the fuck am I? Good question. I’m the Wolverine…” As soon as he finished his sentence, he slowly extended his arms with a terrifying smirk as three razor sharp claws emerged slowly from each hand. He sheepishly groaned in pain as he remembered that his healing factor still wasn’t working very well. Applejack took a few steps back, wide-eyed and jaw-dropped, before turning around completely and dashing outside of the barn in a full sprint.

Logan had become weak. The extending of his claws had created wounds in his hands that his healing factor had a hard time dealing with. Also, too much blood had been lost as it still continued to pour out of Logan’s almost-but-not-yet-closed impalement wound, he could feel himself losing strength in his legs. Eventually, they completely gave up as he suddenly hit the floor with a loud thud. His vision almost went completely black as he hit the floor, but it was just a matter of time before he was out cold.

A Weird New World

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"Wait... I think he's moving..."

Logan shuffled around, tossing and turning, which signals that he is at least alive. However, he is not awake yet.

"What... Is it?" Asks a voice that seemed to have come from someone right next to Logan. His ears twitched as he shuffled around a bit more.
"What and odd creature. It's certainly not a pony."

"Maybe it's just not from around here?"

"I don't think so, AppleJack, it doesn't look like anything I've seen or heard about before. Actually, come to think of it, it looks oddly familiar to the creatures that I met when I traveled to the other world."

"You talking about through that mirror portal thingy?"

"Yes... They looked so similar to this creature, yet something is very different."

The discussion was clearly about Logan and about what he type of creature he is. Logan could faintly hear the conversation around him, but he was still slightly weak which is why he was taking so long to wake up. His breathing became heavier and his heart pumped faster, though. He was definitely alive at the very least.

"Hold on, it's moving again."

"Be careful Twi, it was quite dangerous before, I wonder if it's always like that?"

"I hope not. Maybe we should leave it to rest. Come on, we'll check on it later."

"Maybe not."


"Ah think it's waking up."

Suddenly, as if he had been electrocuted, Logan jerked awake immediately. He stood up quite fast, ignoring the aches in his muscles from sleeping on the the cold floor. He was sweating and panting uncontrollably like a feral animal just being released from it's cage. He took a bit of time to look around so he could become aware of his surroundings. Thankfully, his vision is as clear as ever. Unfortunately, he was still in the cold, wooden barn, exactly where he fell asleep before. As he slowly turned around, he noticed two brightly coloured, cautious horses both shivering in fear. One of them actually seemed more intrigued than scared. Logan also recognised the other one, which he was not happy about at all.

"Wonderful. Absolutely fucking wonderful. I'm still here..." He muttered angrily, "Just what I goddamn need..."

He squinted his eyes and stared at both of the horses intimidatingly. It was as if time stopped completely and Logan was just left staring bitterly in fury. The purple horse stepped forward, about to open her mouth to talk, but Logan immediately reacted as if it were an attack. Before the purple one could respond, Logan swiftly charged at the petrified unicorn with wings and swiftly grabbed it by the neck. He lifted it up in the air and then held it up against the wall.

"WHERE AM I?! WHAT ARE YOU FREAKS?!" He screamed, expecting a simple answer. The small, purple horse squirmed a little, it's hooves desperately trying to pull Logan's arms away. However, his grasp was abnormally firm leaving no possible chance of escape. It attempted to get away using magic from it's horn, maybe by teleporting, but it had no luck as it'd already become too fatigued to attempt something like that.
"ANSWER ME!" Logan exclaimed, preparing to extend his adumantium claws to threaten the innocent horse further.

"LET HER GO!" The orange horse yelled, beginning to charge at Logan. In the nick of time, he extended his animal-like claws and pointed them directly at her before she reached him, causing her to come to a sudden stop.

"Listen here, you fuck. I'm alone, confused and angry. That's a rare combination that should never be mixed. I'm fucking warning you, do not even think about attacking me or I'll shove that hillbilly hat of yours where the sun don't shine. Understand?" She nodded, utterly terrified.
"Same goes for you, fruitcake." He said to the purple horse in his grasp. "Now answer my fucking question."

"You're... In... E-Equestria..." Replied the purple pony, choking on it's words as it became increasingly difficult to breathe. "My name is... Twilight S-Sparkle... I'm an alicorn..."

Logan was furious. He got one answer at least, but he felt that it was too little information, which is understandable if you wake up in the middle of nowhere accompanied by strange, colourful, talking animals. Extremely confused and still pissed off, he squeezed her neck slightly harder before letting her drop to the floor, gasping for air.

Twilight Sparkle? Are her parents six years old or something?

"Twilight!" The other familiar sounding horse shouted to her friend. She quickly galloped over to her...

He shifted his frightening stare over to the familiar horse that he met briefly before. Logan dragged his rage-induced body gradually over to Applejack. Each step he took forward, she took a small step back until she hit the corner of the barn.

"You... What are you still doing here?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, still maintaining his deadly stare.

"You may be scary and all, but you just hurt mah friend." She responded, managing to not show her fear in her voice. "Ah brought her along a few hours ago to help me... Um... Sort you out."

"Sort me out? I'm not a fucking experiment. At least, not anymore."

"Mr... Um..."

"Wolverine. I told you before."

"Please let us help you. You may have attacked us, but ah understand you're just afraid-"

"Afraid? I'm not a damn pussy, alright? I'm just confused. I don't know how I got here or how I can get back home."

Logan had calmed down slightly, but was obviously still puzzled about the whole situation.

"We can help you find the answers and get you home!" She continued.

"I don't want your fucking help! I can do this on my own. I don't need another freak in my life right now, it was already as weird as heck before all this. Just stop trying to help me before I turn you into tomorrow's breakfast."

"I- Um... Uh... Okay.."

He looks down at himself to see that his clothes were no longer dirty or blood-stained, which in some way is a relief.

They cleaned my clothes? How much time to they frickin' have?

He saw that all of his wounds and scratches had completely closed up, which was now a BIG relief. Logan looked back at Applejack with slightly less of a stern stare. He was a tiny bit thankful, but didn't want to show it.

"Oh, by the way Applefuck. Tell your friend to toughen up." He snarled, before running at a full sprint out of the barn and into the farm outside.

Applejack sighed in both relief and worry. Twilight, who had now recovered from the vicious death grip Logan had on her, she had gotten up from off the floor and hugged her good friend tightly.

"Are you alright, Twilight?" Asked Applejack.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." She informed her in a miffed tone. "If you see that thing again, stay away from it, I don't want it to hurt you or any other pony."

"Can't we help it?"

"Yes, we can, but he clearly doesn't want us to. I think we need to warn everypony and the Princesses."

"Alright, but let's get you back to the castle first."

They both began to slowly gallop out of the barn and Sweet Apple Acres to head back to Twilights home.

"It seems as though everyday we're just fighting off another monster that could probably kill us all. Maybe you're right. Maybe we should help it. This one needs to be helped a bit more than we've ever helped any others." Twilight states.

"How are we gonna do that? As you said, he doesn't want our help."

"This is why we're going to the Princesses."

Logan began to head through the farm and to the exit of it which was directly in front of the barn. The hot blood in his veins stopped pumping so fiercely as he calmed himself, trying not to get too angry, but it was hard. He isn't thinking straight anymore, so much that he is barely thinking at all. His sprint turned to a run, then a jog, then a stroll. He has no idea where he is going, but he doesn't care, all he needs to do is find a way back home, without being pestered by the cartoon ponies he sees everywhere. He needs to do it fast if he wants to get away from this freakishly peaceful place.

What happened? Where are all the humans? Damn... I knew something wasn't right...

His eyes are constantly darting from left, right to centre in sight of civilisation outside of the farm he was just in. Eventually, after walking for a few more minutes, his sight reached a small town in the near distance from which he already began heading straight towards. Though, what he will see may not please him at all.

Simply Misunderstood (Rewritten)

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The following afternoon...

Twilight sat around her enormous table, which held the cutie map, with her five friends to discuss her current situation with them, Applejack obviously already aware of it. It had been a while since anything like this had happened.

"Alright girls, in case you're not aware, we have a bit of a problem." She began. They all look at each other with concerned and confused looks on their faces, hoping that the problem isn't too major. However, solving problems for them tends to be quite fun and it gives them something to do aside from their daily routine.

"I don't expect any of you to be very surprised by this, but there's a very angry monster that is loose in Equestria and we think it's probably already right here in this part of town." Twilight informs them. She was right, no one was too shocked, but they weren't exactly calm about it either. In fact, they were more interested than worried or scared.

"What are we waiting for, let's kick this thing's butt!" Starts Rainbow Dash.

"Slow down, Rainbow. No way am I letting you do that. It is far too dangerous to attack, it possesses weapons that are too much of a risk to be in contact with." Twilight explains to her. Applejack immediately began to wonder about Sweet Apple Acres and her family if it's safe from the strange creature.

Fluttershy quietly squealed, who seemed to be the only pony who was extremely petrified about the situation.

"From what me and AppleJack have seen, this creature is potentially the most dangerous."

"More dangerous than Tirek?" Wondered Pinkie Pie.

"Maybe not that dangerous. But we don't actually know if it always acts as threatening as it was before. I really hope not." Twilight responds, not very reassuringly. The more she thought about it, the more answers she wanted. Is it always that scary? Where did it come from? Who exactly is it?
Another one of the ponies were about to ask a question but was interrupted by the room's large doors bursting open. Twilight jumped from the shock as her trusty assistant, Spike, entered the room quite hurriedly.

"What is it, Spike?" She asked, mildly peeved about the unnecessary entrance. As soon as she asked the question, she instantly gained an idea of what it was. Her expression quickly faded to a more tense, worried look.

"Please come quickly, a group of ponies are at the main door asking for you. They seemed pretty desperate for your help." Spike notifies. Twilight swiftly got out of her seat and headed to the castle's main door promptly. All of her friends followed behind her not long after, just in case any extra support is required. She eventually arrived at the door and opened it entirely.

"What's the problem?" She asked inquisitively, basically already knowing what it could be about. They all seem petrified, flustered with fear. It almost looked as if they have just witnessed their own death.

"There's a strange, mean-looking, hairless creature roaming around Ponyville as we speak." Replied one of them, wide-eyed and shaking.
"Oh no, he's here already?!" Twilight gasped. "Is any pony else aware of the creature?"

"Most of town, I'm pretty sure. I think they're staying safe indoors."

Twilight stared anxiously at Ponyville for a brief moment, breathing heavily.

"Alert EVERY pony you come across and tell them to remain indoors." She turned around to see her five friends in front of her, wondering what's going on. If anyone is going to stop the monster, its her and her gang.

"Alright girls," Twilight stated, inhaling deeply, "We've got a job to do."

15 minutes earlier...

Logan approached the small town, examining the houses and markets on the streets to his left and right. The whole place was filled with life and vibrance. The sun was blazing and flowers were blooming, the smell of freshly cut grass lingered in the air. He couldn't help but reveal a faint smile, which is incredibly unusual for a man like Logan. It was just all so... Beautiful. But now he was there, it probably wouldn't last.

He also just wanted to take some time to sit down and simply admire the gorgeous scenery, but there was no time for that. He needs answers to the questions he has been asking himself for the past day or two or however long he has been here.

"Where are all the people?" He asked himself. There was not a single human in sight, which was confusing Logan enormously. He was clearly aware of the sentient technicolour ponies that occupied the area he was in, but he hadn't a clue that humans were non-existent. Logan's throat grew dry and his stomach growled, but he ignored his desperate requirement for food and drink, as his healing factor extends the period of time for which he doesn't need it and it eases the pain a little.
Logan growled at the scared bystanders staring at him as he continued to walk slightly faster towards the centre of the town, where there were even more of these ponies. He had to constantly resist the temptation to lunge at one of them. His walk had became more hesitant, but he needed answers and he needed them now, so he had to approach one of them and make conversation; Something he was never very good at.

"Hey, twinkle toes," Logan snarled, "The fuck is this place?"

The pony turned towards him, now realising what was talking to her. She hadn't seemed to notice him at first. The mare's eyes grew to the size of pie plates and her jaw dropped to the floor in fear and surprise. Normally, she would have run away as fast as possible, but she was frozen in place. The frightened mare gave no response other than dead silence.

"Hey, bub, I asked you a question." He snapped, frowning.

"T-This place? This is Ponyville." She finally replied.

Logan wasn't sure what to do. Scream in annoyance or just straight up laugh at the stupid name. He was positive that he was in the brain of a small child, with no clear escape.

"Ponyville, huh? Charles, if this is one of your goddamn pranks, get the fuck out of my head!" He screamed to the sky. Rubbing his hands on his head.

"Um... W-Who?" She asked. Logan answered the question with a dismissive wave of his hand.

So this isn't a dream and this isn't a stupid prank. Fuck.

"Okay, so I'm in Ponyville." He said, accepting the childish name. "What country?"


Logan scratched his chin as the familiar name rang a bell. He suddenly began to remember when he threatened the purple alicorn named Twilight and scared her friend Applejack as well. He was just so desperate for answers that he almost killed that innocent being, despite wether or not she was annoying, and scaring the crap out of Applejack was actually just a normal reaction for anyone who meets Logan for the first time.

I think I might have been a bit too harsh on them before...

"Equestria, huh? They never teach us about that in geography."

"Uh... What do you mean?"

"I mean that I've never heard of this frickin' place, and how I ended up here is an even bigger mystery!"

"Wait... Y-You're not from here?"

"Look at me, dipshit. Do I really look like I'm from this hell-hole?"

She shook her head as well as cringing from the horrible name-calling. Logan looked up and around the area of town he was in. It was now almost empty. Well, the streets were anyway. There were a few ponies looking down at him, terrified, through the windows of their houses.

"W-What... Are you?" She asked, genuinely intrigued.

"I'm a human, mostly anyway. And by the looks of it, there doesn't seem to be any here..." He stated. She nodded.

"And your name?"

"Wolverine. Of course that's not my actual name, but it's all you're getting. What's yours, kid?"


Rose? That's probably the most human name I'm going to ever hear in this place.

"Okay, Rose, answer me this: How come you didn't run away from me like all of your pals did?"

"I-I don't really know. I think maybe it was because I was so scared... And I still kinda am. " She was so terrified at first that she had basically become paralysed, but wasn't even aware of it. "To be honest, you don't seem so scary anymore, I'm not sure why everypony is all so afraid of you."

"Well, I will admit that I'm certainly not the friendliest of people. I can understand why you're scared shitless, it has been like that all my life. And I have my reasons why."

"Oh... What are those reasons?"

"These." Two pairs of long, razor sharp metal claws slowly popped out between his knuckles. Rose stared briefly in horror, but soon became quite fascinated. "Wow, you didn't run away. That's a first."

"Oh my goodness, are all of your kind like this?"

"No, which is a very good thing. I'd rather not talk about it."

"That's... Quite a gift."

"Sure, if that's what you think. But I see it more of a curse than a blessing. Anyway, I said I don't want to talk about it."

Logan could see that Rose had calmed down massively from her horrified state. She was now curious about his origin rather than intensely afraid for her life. But it was finally decided that it was time for Logan to get out of this place and continue finding a way home, which considering that he might not even be on Earth, it's going to be beyond difficult to do.

"So long, bub. Tell your friends I won't hurt them if they see me." He told to Rose as he began to walk on through the town. Rose still stood in the same spot, contemplating what she just experienced.
"That was the fuckin' longest normal conversation I've had in very long time. What has this place done to me?" He said to himself. Usually, he would have killed someone by now.

Present time

The mane six were searching the entire town for Logan, not thinking about the fact that he had probably left already. It was quite obvious as the residents had come out from hiding in their homes, discussing what they had seen, a lot of them chatting to Rose. Twilight and her friends trotted over to her, quite curious of Logan's whereabouts since they could not find him.

"Wow, you've attracted quite a bit of attention. What happened?" Twilight wondered.

"Oh, I just had a very unusual conversation with the 'strange creature' every pony is so worried about."

"Wait, what? Oh no! Did he harm you in any way?"

"No, why? Sure he seems a bit unstable, but why would he try to hurt me?"

"Because he kinda hurt me."

Rose ears flattened slightly in pity for Twilight.

"Hold on, you never told us he hurt you!" Rainbow Dash yelled at Twilight.

"I know, it was nothing really. I'm perfectly fine now anyway. I thought as long as we stop him from harming any pony else, it wouldn't be that much of a big deal." Twilight responded, turning back to Rose. "Were you even scared of him?"

"Of course I was! I was terrified! But after a while, he didn't seem so bad anymore. To be honest, he doesn't even look that scary."

"I beg to differ." Mentions Applejack.

He's Never Happy

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The sun was beginning to disappear over the horizon, leaving stunning red and orange streaks across the mountains in the distance. The clouds slowly disappeared one after another. Logan frowned as he looked up at the birds happily chirping and flying about together as a cool breeze overcame him. It makes him happy, and he hates that. He hates it all.
He lay, disgusted by what he saw and how he felt, at the side of a small river (from which he has just drank from), annoyed and troubled. He hadn't been there long and he already despised it.

This place is horrible. Why am I still here? I'm such a miserable shit.

He was seriously tired, he was basically falling asleep but occasionally opened his eyes to keep him awake. He needs to rest, but he wants to get out of this place as soon as he possibly can. He eventually got on his feet and looked around for a while, before breathing in deeply and continuing his dreadful journey through the irritatingly gorgeous land.

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm actually dead, and this is my hell

He wasn't too far from Ponyville, as he was too tired to venture far.

"If I'm gonna find a way home, I'll need a map or something. But that means I need to speak to more goddamn ponies." He wasn't very happy about that concept, but at this point it's inevitable. "Maybe I could just ask for directions?"
Logan is currently near the edge of a forest. The large, dark, gloomy kind of forest that you wouldn't want to be in at night. There are no other towns or cities nearby, so maybe there are some on the other side of the forest.

"There better be some animals in here. I could eat for an entire family." He said to himself, holding his stomach. He followed the long trail of mud and leaves that led him further through the forest until he felt like he was going in circles. With no clear signs of where to go, this proved an even more difficult task than he anticipated.

I'm sure I saw that tree a minute ago...

The sun was no longer visible at this point, the sky was almost completely black and the only source of light was the stars and the moon. Thanks to his animal-like senses, Logan finds it a piece of cake to see in the dark. Speaking of which, he could really do with some cake right now.
"God... My stomach..." It has been a while since Logan had last eaten and his healing factor couldn't be bothered anymore to stop his stomach from eating itself.
Logan was considering turning around to find a pony to kill and eat, but he stopped himself before he decided to do that. A small rustle in the nearby bushes grabbed his attention. Nothing mattered but food, no matter how big or small the animal was. He silently creeped towards the bush, ever so slowly extending his metal claws, preparing to kill whatever made the noise.

"Show yourself!" He exclaimed, as a small, harmless white rabbit emerged from the bush. It stood, tilting it's head and staring confusedly at Logan. "You're not gonna run, huh? Bad move." He said as he lunged at the innocent animal, stabbing his claws deep into it's small abdomen. He stabbed it several more times to confirm the kill. If it wasn't dead the first time, it definitely is now. He picked it up and was contemplating on cooking it, but he was so hungry that he didn't want wait to make a fire, so he began to eat it bloody raw.

"I'm sorry, little fella. A man's gotta eat."

Whenever he grew thirsty, his ears picked up the sound of a stream flowing nearby, from which he could also wash his blood covered face.

"Alright, let's continue this god awful journey."

It was freezing cold. But Logan easily put up with it, despite the fact he was only wearing boots, denim jeans and a white tank top. He continued to walk what felt like hours, moderately happy that he was no longer hungry, but still pissed off that he was in Equestria.

Twilight had her face buried in one of her books (as usual). It was all about mythological creatures in and out of Equestria and she was struggling to find Logan's species, mainly due to the fact that Logan is a mutant and not completely human. Obviously, she had no luck.

"You're still reading that book?" Spike asks, rolling his eyes with a grin. Twilight ignores him, not intentionally though. She is so focused that she zones out everything outside of the book she's reading.

"Twilight? Hello, Twilight? Sigh." Spike rolls his eyes again and decides to leave the room, closing the door softly instead of slamming it.

After reading and searching for a bit longer, Twilight closed the book and put it back on to the shelf.

"Darn it."

She is so determined to find out about Logan's species and where he comes from. But more than anything, she wants to help him, regardless of his lack of good co-operation skills. Twilight's friends weren't too bothered about the situation, considering they have dealt with monsters like this enough times already to class it as an everyday thing. But Twilight wants to know everything as well as hoping she can help him find a way back to where he came from. She knows that Logan has no clue how he got here, so he has no clue how to get out.

"I need to tell the princesses. They'll know what to do." She suggests again, out loud to herself.

Logan came to a full stop, standing at the other end of the forest that he had spent all night trying to get through. He had made it, but only to be yet again disappointed. Most of the land was empty and quiet. Really quiet. There was a train track that lead to what looked to be a another village, no bigger than Ponyville.

He moved forward slowly, still under the pitch black night sky. No doubt the sun would come up any second. It was still freezing, but even more so than before. He could really do with his leather jacket.

"If there are more ponies in this damn town, I swear to god..."

Search For Help

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"More ponies..."

The stare that Logan gave to every innocent soul that cheerfully passed by was enough to fill them from head to hooves with fear. As usual, he hated everything he saw. From more colours to more life to more ponies. Maybe it's because he's so jealous that he cannot experience a life as happy as what he has seen, after all he only seems to know pain and anger. That's something that doesn't seem to mix with these magical creatures.

Logan is only now just beginning to realise that he will likely never find a human, let alone a fellow mutant, in the world he is on. Which, of course, is not making him happy. But when is he ever happy?

I'm getting deja vu. Every town I walk to is going to be scared of me at this point.

"All this colour is making me feel sick." He murmured to himself. Logan really isn't someone you'd enjoy being around, is he? But, can you blame him after his life of pain and anger? I guess he knows he is a pretty dull person if rainbows and ponies don't make him feel even slightly happy.

A random thought popped into Logan's head. He was thinking about Ponyville and the inhabitants back there. After his encounter with Rose, maybe none of the ponies would be scared anymore. Maybe he could return IF absolutely necessary. However, he can vividly remember threatening Twilight and Applejack.

As he was walking, he noticed the innocent-looking oncoming unicorn who appears to be out for a stroll. He approaches the mare and opens his mouth to speak.

"Hey, Blossom Butt." Logan shouted. Probably not the best way to get some pony's attention. The mare gave a response of a raised eyebrow, with an 'are you talking to me?' look on her face and a hint of fear just from seeing Logan. "I think I already know the answer to this, but where the heck are all the people?" He asked.

"Uh... People? Do you mean ponies?" She questioned, looking even more confused, if that was possible.

"No, I mean people. I'm talking about humans, dumbass!" Logan informed, seemingly frustrated.

"Humans? Why? Are you a human?"

Logan nods.

"Well, we at least look the same. But I'm very different."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you don't. No one here is any fucking help!" Logan exclaims. Now he's angry. Again. "Leave, get on with your life before you become my next meal."
The mare hurriedly scuttled off back the way she came.

Logan was serious. He's had just about enough of the world he is on and is starting to lose his shit. Though he probably already lost his shit long ago. He continued to walk forwards in hope that, even though there are no humans, he will find some form of help, despite that already being proven quite difficult.
Inside yet another town filled with technicolour horses, he is avoided by all who have seen him. It's now no surprise, it has become the norm that people... Rather ponies, avoid him. After all, the only ponies who have actually seen a human before are Twilight and Starlight. Yet Logan is still very different from them.

I really need a map of this place...

Having a map will solve a couple problems, which would calm him down a little bit. So, he searches around for a store (not that they're particularly hard to find) to get what he needs to help him find his way around better, not thinking that he'll likely have to pay.
It's not long before he finds a store and enters it. Very unusually, the cashier, who is a large stallion, behind the counter doesn't seem to cower in fear unlike every other pony he has met. That catches Logan's interest.

"Hey, bub. Have you got any maps I could use." Logan asked.

"A map of the town?" The cashier wondered.

"The town, the country, the world. I don't care."

"Uh, sure. Yup, here you go. A map of Equestria. That'll be one bit."

"One bit? The fuck are you talking about? Is that your currency or something?"

"Uh, yes."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me! Can't I just have it for free? I kinda need it desperately."

"I'm sorry buddy, but you gotta pay." The cashier insisted.

Rather then spending the next ten minutes negotiating with the Stallion, Logan decided to go through this the risky way. He held out his right fist and stared at the cashier, extending his adumantium claws. Immediately, the poor cashier cowered in fear. Logan proceeded to place his claws against the neck of the cashier just gently enough so it wouldn't pierce the skin. Whilst staring into his eyes, Logan swiped the map, and whilst he was able to he smashed open the cash register, collecting every bit he could carry.

"I'm not normally a thief, but I am a killer." He told the cashier. "If you come after me, these claws will appear out the other side of your neck. Understand?"

The cashier mouthed the word 'yes'. Logan retracted his claws and exited the store. That was a lot more difficult than it should have been.

All that for a fucking map. At least I've got cash now if I ever need to use it.

Now finally with something to tell him where he is and where to go, Logan is now back on the streets of the town, still getting a couple glares from ponies here and there. He extended the map and started looking over it to get as sense of direction.

"Damn. This place is enormous for such pathetic small creatures." Logan says, "And... What's this? There are a bunch of knock-offs of places back home. Manehattan? Fillydelphia? Baltimare? You gotta be kidding me."

He continues to scan over the map, observing the number of different towns, cities, mountains, forests, jungles and strange places that he wouldn't even think of going to. He could head back the way he came to Ponyville, the ponies there shouldn't be terrified of him anymore after that encounter with Rose. Or he could keep going forward and end up in a swamp. He could head left to Baltimare or head right to Apple loosa.

Heading back the way he came, despite him probably not ending up liking that choice, is probably the best decision. Though, he would have to walk through the forest once again, which he has now discovered to be called the 'Everfree Forest'.

Wait a minute, they have trains?

Logan realised that the map showed a train track connected to all the different locations. Meaning he won't have to go through everfree after all. But he will have to sit on a train full of more sentient horses.

An Endless Journey

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Logan sat patiently at the train station he found thanks to the map he bought. Except he didn't buy it, he stole it, along with a lot of bits that may help him out in the future. He had no idea when his desired train would arrive, he had already been sitting at the station fiddling with his adamantium claws for about an hour.

Maybe I could buy a watch so I at least know what time of the fucking day it is.

As that thought crossed his mind, his animal-like hearing could pick up the sound of a train that was soon to arrive at the station. He immediately got up from the bench he was sitting on and neared the edge of the platform, continuing to wait for the train to arrive. After a couple of seconds, he could see the train turning around the corner and finally pulling into the station.

About damn time.

He observed the train, noticing how stupidly childish it looked, just like everything else he had seen in Equestria so far. He saw the awful pink design and love-heart shaped windows, which made him gag a few times. Eventually, the doors to the train swung open and Logan was able to enter.

As he took one step into the carriage, he could instantly feel all the eyeballs glaring at him. But he kept his head down, he didn't bother confirming something he already knew - that the ponies on the train are constantly staring at him in confusion with a little hint of fear. No surprise there.
Unfortunately, the carriage he is on is almost completely full, meaning that he either has the choice to sit down next to a pony, or stand for the entire journey. Baring in mind he has know clue how long the journey will last, he looks around at the seats to see which spaces are available.

Shit, looks like I'm sitting next to a pony.

He hesitantly walked over to the seat that was available next to an innocent, sweet looking mare. She seemed to be smiling right up until she noticed Logan, now her day will be completely ruined. She stared at Logan the entire time it took him to sit down, until he makes eye contact with her. She quickly turns her head to look out of the window. Logan just rolls his eyes, since he's used to it. Eventually, the pony's head turns back to face Logan and is brave enough to attempt to talk to Logan.

"I've never seen-" She tried to say but was interrupted.

"Don't. Fucking. Talk to me." Logan threatened her with an intimidating tone in his voice.

"I'm sorry. I just-"

"Did you not hear what I just said?"

She nodded and grew completely silent after that, but occasionally looked back at him with a curious look on her face. Logan sat back as the train moved away from the station, from which his journey has begun. His eyes darted around the carriage, coming into contact with a few other ponies. They showed fear too, some more than others. He just sighed and ignored those responses as he had become so acclimatised to them.
Logan always has somewhat of a stern look on his face. He rarely seems to smile, even in the best of situations. Perhaps that is the reason why everyone avoids him. But he isn't exactly angry about that because he had always enjoyed the company of himself, but it is sometimes nice to have someone to talk to.

Logan decides to let his head rest on the back of his seat. Despite being in Equestria for a while already, he hadn't yet had a full, proper good night's sleep, even though he had tried many times already. Now, clearly it isn't night, be he thought that it would still be a good idea to catch up on some sleep if he really wants to get out of this place. He leant over to the pony that was sitting next to him, who was still looking out of the window.

"Hey," Logan said, poking the pony on her side, "Wake me up when we get to Ponyville or whatever the fuck it's called."

"I thought you didn't want me to talk to you." She responded, with a bit of sarcasm.

"Don't piss me off."

"Okay, sir."

He leans back and shuts his eyes, wiggling around in his seat trying to get comfortable. He is sure that Ponyville isn't actually that far away, but some sleep is better than none. Several minutes passed by, he isn't sure how many, though. Still with his eyes closed, he thinks that it has been at least 10 minutes or so, but he can't tell how close he is to his destination because he is unfamiliar with the route the train is taking. It is only a few more seconds before Logan eventually drifts off into a light sleep.

Logan screamed at an ear-piercing volume as he plummeted towards the ground beneath him, which appeared to be a long way ahead of him. He doesn't know what just happened. He can't remember why he is suddenly falling out of the sky like this, all he knows is that he is about to be in a lot of pain. He could feel himself falling at an alarming rate, nearing terminal velocity.

How is this happening?

As he got closer to the ground, struggling to keep his eyes open from the force of the air as he is falling, he could just about make out the land below him. And, out of all possible places in the area, he seemed to be heading straight for a barn.

Wait... A barn? This all seems awfully familiar-

Logan suddenly jerked awake with his adumantium claws instantly ejecting from his hands, from which he had stabbed the seat in front of him out of shock. He began hyperventilating and started pouring sweat like a waterfall. It took him a few seconds to realise that he is no longer asleep and has snapped back into reality.

"Shit. Another goddamn nightmare." He muttered to himself, and pulled his claw out of the train seat so he could wipe the sweat off his forehead. Logan, fearing the worst, made sure that there was no one sitting in the seat in front of him in case he accidentally stabbed them, but luckily no one was sitting there. However, there was a pony sitting in the seat next to it who was staring at Logan in absolute horror. He noticed that his claws were still out and so he slowly retracted them. He looked over at the pony who is sitting next to him, and as anticipated, she too was looking at him in horror.

"W-What was... D-Did you just...?" The pony tried to ask Logan, but her words failed her.

"Not a word, bub. Forget that ever just happened." He replied with his usual intimidating voice. Logan looks around at the rest of the train carriage he is on to see that thankfully not many other ponies heard or saw what just happened.
All of sudden, the train starts to slow down until it comes to a full stop. Logan looks out of the window to see a town that he recognises as the place he initially arrived in. Logan stood up and started walking towards the train doors, as did a few other ponies, but was stopped by the pony who sat next to him.

"Hang on, sir... W-What are you?..." The pony manages to ask him. Logan stared at her for a few seconds before answering.

"The wolverine."


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"Princess Celestia..." Twilight begins as she bows down in her presence. "My friends and I have stumbled upon a bit of a problem in Ponyville."

"Hm, what has happened, my faithful student?" Celestia responds curiously.

"A strange creature, similar to those beyond the mirror portal, is loose in Equestria. Everypony is afraid of him."

"So, I imagine this creature is dangerous?"

"Yes. Well, no. I'm not sure. That's what I thought at first. That's what everypony thought. But it seems to me that he is probably aggressive because he is confused and afraid. I want to help him, but I don't know how. He's too dismissive. In fact, I don't even know where he is! He may have already left Equestria by now... Or what if he has seriously hurt somepony?" Twilight explains, gradually becoming more panicked at the situation.

"Calm down, Twilight. If he has the potential to injure anypony, then we best act quickly. Do you know what type of creature he is?"

"No. I've been looking him up for hours in every book I can lay may hooves on, but I can't find anything."

"Okay, but you did mention that it was like the creatures beyond the mirror portal, correct? They are called 'humans', though they are not as harmful as this is made out to be."

"That's what I mean. This 'human' is different, to say the least. He's got these claws that extend from his weird hand thingies-"

"-Hold on a minute, claws? Humans don't have claws..."

"My thoughts exactly."

"In that case, bring him here. If you wish to help him, I will too."

"But how will I do that? He's never been very cooperative."

"Twilight, need I remind you that you are the Princess of Friendship? If there's anypony he'll listen to, it's you."

Logan sniffed the air after he got off the train. He looked around the place for a couple of seconds as he began to remember Ponyville. He started walking in a direction that would hopefully land him in the hands of the ponies he once despised: Twilight and Applejack. Well, he still doesn't like them, but if he wants help in order to get him out of Equestria, they were probably his best shot. Then again, there are probably more superior ponies that are much more capable of giving answers and help than Twilight, but Logan doesn't know that. Not yet.
He continued to walk through the town, and of course ponies were still glaring at him, but not for the reason he thought. Logan looked confusingly at the ponies as they continued to stare at him, but then soon return to whatever they were doing. It was almost as if they actually weren't that scared of Logan. Now that is a first.
The sun shone brightly, the grass swayed gracefully with the wind, the ponies of the town went by their business, paying much less attention to the mutant casually wandering around the town. Suddenly, Logan noticed a familiar face walk past him.

"Wolverine! Good afternoon." Rose greeted. Startled by the friendly tone and lack of fear, he takes a few seconds to compose himself before responding.

"Why isn't everyone afraid of me?"

"To tell you the truth, not many ponies trust you yet. They just believe you won't hurt them... Mostly. But why wouldn't they think that? After I told everypony that there was no reason to be scared of you, they are pretty much going about there lives as normal."

"Just like that? Are they stupid or something?"

"What? No! It took some persuading, actually, LOTS of persuading, but they believed me!"

"I can see that." Logan looks around briefly, witnessing that very little of the ponies are rubbernecking him, hiding in their homes or running away compared to before. He thinks for a moment before looking back down at Rose. "Hey, bub, any idea where I can find Twilight?"

"Oh, sure. She lives in that castle over there. Her friends should be in there too." She tells him, pointing with her hoof.

"Her friends? Why?" He wonders.

"Because they're the elements of harmony!"

"The what? Are you fucking with me?"

"The elements of harmony. They are the ponies that have the six most important qualities of friendship! Laughter, generosity, honesty-"

"-Okay, okay, I get it. And this includes Applejack and Twilight?"

"Yup! Also, I'm pretty sure I saw Twilight leave for Canterlot."

"Canterlot? Where the fuck is that?" He wonders. Rose once again points with her hoof to a small city with an even bigger castle in the distance.

"Over there." She says, "It was a little while ago, though. She likely went to see Princess Celestia."

"Princess Celestia?"

"Yep. She's the Princess of Equestria!"

"She better be back already. I don't like my time being wasted." Logan stated, frowning.

"Goodbye, Wolverine." Rose tells him with a smile as she turns around to walk in the other direction. Logan grunts deeply, somewhat grateful that he doesn't have to worry about all the ponies being scared of him anymore. He proceeds to make his way over to Twilight's castle to check if she is in there, or if she is still at Canterlot. As he arrives at the door, his hand makes a fist to knock, but he hesitates.

Am I going to regret this?

Regardless, he decides to bite the bullet and knocks loudly on the door, waiting for a response. He waits a little while, receiving no answer. But just before he attempts to knock for a second time, he hears the sound of hooves trotting towards the door, from which it soon swings open to reveal none other than Applejack standing before him.

"How convenient." He murmurs to himself.

"You..." She says, squinting her eyes in irritation.

"Listen here, bub. I didn't come here to make friends. I came here to talk to Twilight."

"She ain't here. Why do ya wanna talk to her anyway? Ya almost killed her with your death grip!"

"You're right, I did almost kill her. And I'll gladly do the same to you if you piss me off."

"Oh, really? Ah'm not afraid ya anymore, mister."

"No, but you should be." Logan remarks, tightening his fist in anger. However, just before Applejack could wittingly retort any further, she is interrupted by Twilight flying down from the sky, landing next to her and Logan.

"Applejack, get back!" She exclaims. Applejack turns to face her, letting out a smile in relief. "Step away, please don't hurt her!" She continues, speaking directly to Logan.

"I wasn't planning to." Logan retaliates.

"Then why did you come back here on your own?" Twilight asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I need your help." He simply informs them. Both Applejack and Twilight look at each other, startled by the statement. "I realised that you might be my only chance at getting back home. So I need you to help me." Twilight slowly approaches Logan, just as the rest of the gang exit the castle to join the conversation.

"Applejack, what's going on-" Rarity asks, cutting herself off as the group notice Logan glaring down at them.

"Hey... this is the creature you told us about, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash wonders with a grin. "He's not even slightly threatening!" She teases. Logan snarls at her, gritting his teeth with fury gleaming through his eyes.

"Rainbow, please don't provoke him." She calmly demands before looking back at Logan. "Mr... Uh, Wolverine... I will absolutely help you." Twilight tells him with confidence. Rainbow Dash scoffs, but eventually concurs with slight remorse along with the others in the group who happily agree with Twilight.

"We will all help you!" Pinkie Pie chimes in, "We can be best buds!" Logan of course cringes at that proposition, and his expression fades to mild confusion.

"You're not pissed at me?" Logan asks genuinely.

"Look, Mr. Wolverine, you may be a bit of a jerk, but we know you're just confused and you want to go home." Applejack explains to him honestly.

"Yes, so hopefully, if you cooperate, we can get through this without you gutting us." Twilight adds.

"Good." Says Logan, "You help me, and I won't hurt you. But if there is any bullshit, gutting is still an option. Got me?"