> The Herd Life > by Ron Jeremy Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Germaneigh > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Herd Life The Official Sequel to Bumbling through my Education Chapter 1: Germaneigh The sound of little hooves were pounding through the large farmhouse. Bumble was currently chasing after a his daughter. The little Alicorn was giggling as she flew down the hallway. Right behind him was the little filly’s mother. Luna felt it difficult to be angry at her little daughter. She could remember taking a bath when she was a filly, and her daughter was simply no different than herself. No, at that age she had absolutely no desire to bathe, but instead she simply wanted to run around and have fun. At least that was what Celestia, and her own mother, had told her. She did consider ordering some of her guards to help with the chase, if for no other reason than to watch them go through the paces of attempting to corral the little one and then be bested by a two year old filly. Instead she had them remain where they were, and she helped her her husband finally manage to get close to their daughter. The little stormy cloud bluish gray alicorn looked at them, giggled, and her horn began to light up. Before she could cast a spell her mother moved toward her, licked her fingers, and placed them on the tip of her horn. The spell fizzled out before it could be cast and the poor little thing fell to her rump. She sniffled, looked up at her mother with the saddest eyes that anypony could have ever seen, and began to whimper. “Selene, do not attempt to make that face with me. It is time for your bath.” The little filly shook her head no. She looked toward her father and saw that his expression was no different than her mother’s. In a desperate gambit she let her lower lip quiver while she sniffled and whimpered. It was supposed to work. Even though Selene was young she had discovered that quivering a lip at the right pony would instantly get her what she wanted. If she did that in front of grandma Derpy she’d be able to get away with almost anything. It just didn’t work on her mother, or her father, apparently. Instead she felt herself being lifted by her mother. The tender, and gentle feeling of her mother’s hands normally would have been a fantastic feeling indeed. But she didn’t want lifted up. She didn’t want to get the sticky of her treats off of her coat. She squirmed as Luna held her, and then she felt her move her slightly so that she was on her back. She sniffled, resided to a fate of warm bath water, Mr. Froggy, and soapy bubbles. They stepped into a large bathroom, and the tub was already filled. Luna handed Selene to Bumble, who gladly took her. She then stripped off, took Selene back into her arms, and stepped into the tub. A sponge appeared, along with the body wash that cleaned Selene fairly well. It was something that didn’t sting her little eyes. Luna gently lowered into the tub, letting the wonderfully warm water cover her. She watched as Selene finally resided herself to the bath. Just outside of the tub she heard Bumble moving around. For a moment Selene was babbling, looking all around, and then she reached out for something small and green. Luna watched as her daughter caught the the rubber frog that was floating toward her. The little frog made a croaking sound as Selene squeezed down on it. She cooed at it as she squeezed it. Outside Bumble watched his daughter. She really was a wonderful blend of him and Luna. Part of him worried about what it would be like when she got older. If she looked anything like her mother then she was going to be a knockout. It was an odd thought, but it made his sense of worry seem more real. He wondered if his mom had the same worries about his sisters. His ears twitched as he heard the sound of other little hooves, and he looked toward the open door to see Bagatelle walking their little filly. Their little filly wasn’t nearly as filthy as Selene had been. He watched his Siren bride as she navigated the hall just outside of the bathroom. Even though Agitato wasn’t able to talk her little voice was so sweet and musical. She seemed to coo in short musical ranges. At the moment she was giggling she held onto her mother’s hand. They walked back by the bath and he saw Agitato’s face light up as she looked toward him. She dragged her mother toward where he was, and he sound found himself holding the little silver gray filly with blond and white two toned mane. She nuzzled against him, and then he felt Bagatelle find his arm. “I smell jasmine. Is Selene taking a bath already?” Luna laughed, “It was a bit harder to get her into the bath than we had hoped.” Bagatelle grinned, “Is there still plenty of room?” Luna almost nodded, but quickly caught herself, “There is.” With that Bagatelle removed her clothes. Bumble watched as she moved toward the tub, slowly she slid down into the massive thing, and she let out a soft sigh of relief, “Bumble, would you please undress Agitato and bring her into the tub as well?” Realizing that he wasn’t getting out of the bath either he undressed, undressed his daughter, and then he climbed into the tub with two of his brides. He watched as Agitato cooed and splashed in the water. He knew that Bagatelle was indeed a Siren, but it wasn’t until he watched her really relax that he understood what that meant. When she was in the water, her truest natural habitat, her legs began to change, to morph together, until they formed a single tail. It was magic the likes of which he’d never really seen before. Agitato did the same thing, and he watched as his little daughter’s legs joined together, her shimmering tail formed, and she began to swim inside of the large tub. Granted, it made giving her a bath insanely easy, but at the same time he wondered what would happen if they went to a public swimming pool. As the small group bathed the rest of the house was bustling with activity. Down in the kitchen Pina, Majira, and Flagrante were working on breakfast. Flagrante sighed as she looked at the section she was working on. Like most of the herd she had a little foal. A beautiful little colt that was so adorable, that looked so much like his father, and she was certain that he was going to grow up to be a little ladies stallion. All of her sister wives had foaled as well. Honeypot and Pina had twins. Pina had two little Unicorns. Both of them were colored just like her, the big difference was their eyes. They had the soft gold eyes their father had. Honeypot had an Earth Pony and a Unicorn and both were colored like both her and Bumble. Flagrante thought about all of the foals that were currently in the house as she worked on the hot cereal. She looked toward Pavi. Pavi who had finally finished the conversion into being the mare she knew she was. Flagrante could see the bulge of Pavi’s pregnant belly as she walked past them. So much had happened in the last couple of years. Their trip to Germaneigh, the implementation of the medical golems, and the expending of Bad Gryphon. Flagrante smiled at the memory of their trip to Germaneigh. *****Marelin, Germaneigh - Two years ago***** The ride to Germaneigh in the royal airship had taken a bit longer than anypony really expected it to. Flagrante looked at Aryanne’s well toned, and well rutted, rump. Beside the two of them Bumble lay breathing hard. Although the wedding had already happened in Canterlot another one was being set up for Aryanne to marry into the Royal Herd as it was being called. The Führer herself was thrilled about the fact that her Heerführer was joining such a powerful union. The three of them would be the last to disembark the ship, and in a way Bumble felt a little unsure. The royal airship had been home for the better part of three weeks. It was a safe haven, and a good part of him felt secure inside of its hull. He knew that it was his inner introvert talking, but it really didn’t change anything. He was here with his wives, and one of his wives needed to have another wedding here to give the nation of her birth the symbol of unity that was so desperately needed here. He helped them gather their clothes, but it was Aryanne that touched his cheek. “Was ist meine Liebe falsch?” Thanks to Aryanne he was picking up on the Germane language. Of course he felt far more comfortable answering in Equinish than he did in Germane. “I’m not one for crowds, I mean I’m fine with this because I want to be with you, with all of you, but I just really don’t like crowds.” Flagrante smiled from where she was. She stretched before she looked at her sister wife. “It’s just Bumble being Bumble,” she then looked at him, “And it might be an idea to get used to this. I’m fairly sure that we’re going to be paraded around a bit.” Aryanne nodded, “Ya, mein Führer, Weicher Kampf, wants all of Germaneigh to see that we are unified. She feels… Wenn wir uns zusammen zeigen, wird die Botschaft, die sie unseren Ponys gegeben hat, stärken.” Bumble had to take a few moments, to really make sure that he deciphered it right, and finally he was fairly certain he got what she meant. Weicher Kampf wanted to show the ponies of Germaneigh that all three tribes could live together, to function as a single unit. She wanted to show positive change. If it meant being paraded around he could deal with it. Flagrante walked with them out of the ship once they were dressed. “So, think that we’re going to pick up another sister wife?” Aryanne shook her head, “Nein, Weicher Kampf ist eine lesbische. Obwohl ich sicher bin, dass sie Bumble's Schwanz sehen will.” Bumble groaned at that thought. The last thing he wanted to do was show his cock. He was happy to whip it out for his wives, but a stranger, and specifically somepony that just wanted to see it for themselves, it felt wrong. Maybe he shouldn’t have that hangup, after all he did get a mold made of his cock and now thousands of mares, and stallions, were using his cock to get off with, but they were seeing a rubber recreation of it. He decided to stop thinking about it so much, and instead the three of them met several uniformed members of the Germaneigh military at the bottom of the ramp. He watched as one of the officers neared Aryanne, bowed, and then looked toward himself and Flagrante. “Welcome to Germaneigh, we are proud to have the Royal Herd of Equestria visiting us, and we are exceptionally proud that an alliance has been struck between our countries.” Bumble smiled, but before he could say a word Aryanne touched his arm. It was light, but he understood what she was saying. For now he was to nod, and they would follow. He did just that and together the three of them followed the group. He looked at Aryanne again. He wasn’t sure why she didn’t want him to answer, but he figured that she would tell him. “Males are viewed differently here than in Equestria. While you were being addressed, they did not expect for you to do much more than nod your approval.” He groaned. That meant for this entire trip he was going to be reduced to being eye candy. That bothered him, and he understood why it did. Back in Equestria things were fairly equal between mares and stallions. But being in a land that still had the old traditionalist views was upsetting. In a way it made him wonder what some of the more vocal members of the Stallion’s Rights Activists would say, and do, if they were in a place that actually did treat stallions the way they claimed they were still treated in Equestria. As they walked he began to notice that several of the soldiers, all of which were mares, seemed to check him out. They weren’t trying to be sly or coy, but rather they were blatantly staring at him. “Hast du die Größe seines Schwanzes gesehen?” one asked. “Ja, kein Wunder, dass Heerführer Aryanne ihn als Kumpel wollte.” the other answered. Aryanne halted the progression to the rest of the herd, turned toward the two soldiers she heard, and glared at them. Bumble had seen Aryanne as a loving member of his herd, but this was the first time of seeing her as a member of the military. “Ihr beide, jetzt hier! Für die Respektlosigkeit, die Sie verursacht haben, möchte ich die Latrinen in jedem Gebäude funkeln sehen, und Sie werden es auch weiterhin tun, bis ich das Gefühl habe, dass Sie gelernt haben, respektvoll zu zeigen,” she growled. Both of them stood ramrod straight, both looking her in the eyes, but Bumble could see the fear in their eyes. The way they felt terrified seemed to be reflected in their over willingness to run off to do exactly what Aryanne had said. She then turned and looked at those leading the three of them to the rest of their herd. “Ich erwarte den gleichen Respekt, der mir gegeben wurde, um meiner Herde gegeben zu werden, zu verstehen ?!” “Ja Heerführer!” the group responded. With that they began to walk and Bumble slipped his hand into Aryanne’s. He felt her squeeze his hand gently before they turned and entered a large room. Inside was lavish, but practical in how it was presented. Unlike the palace in Canterlot everything seemed to have a purpose, and at the moment Celestia and Luna were both speaking with someone that Bumble could only imagine was a high ranking official in the Germaneigh military. The mare turned toward them, and a large smile crossed her face. She was a caramel colored Earth Pony, her mane was a deep black, and her own crystal blue eyes seemed to have a warmth that Bumble didn’t expect. She neared Aryanne, Bumble, and Flagrante while holding that welcoming smile. “Welcome to Germaneigh, know that we are here to ensure your stay is pleasant, and should any of you need anything do not hesitate to ask.” She walked past them and Aryanne relaxed. “Who was that?” Bumble asked. “Süßer Sieg, the Minister für Medien,” she said as she relaxed. “A...Are you nervous around her?” Aryanne nodded, “Ja, Ich, I have more authority, but she is able to sway the ponies far easier. Ist her special talent, she… She able to make ponies think and do things, suggest things and make them want them.” Bumble turned his head toward the door she left through, “That’s not good.” Aryanne nodded, “Nein, there are some that believe she may want to stage a coup.” > Domestic - International Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Herd Life The Official Sequel to Bumbling through my Education Chapter 2: Domestic - International Problems Süßer Sieg smiled as she walked toward the small unoccupied room. Things couldn’t be happening better than she hoped. The Royal Herd being here was the first step, seeing Aryanne joining them the second, but arranging their relationship to fall apart, to watch them become suspicious and completely distrustful of one another was what she was aiming toward. She could break the forming alliance, destroy all of Aryanne’s credibility, take down the Führer and assume her place. She would lead Germaneigh toward the ideal it held. An utopia formed by their hands, their hearts, and the sweat of their brows. A place where all would fall into the lines they created, or be destroyed. First though she needed a catalyst, and she knew the one she wanted. Like the Führer she was bent a bit more toward mares, and there were some exceptionally beautiful Earth Pony Mares in that herd, but she couldn’t deny the male form. Bumble was pleasant looking enough, but it was the bulge that caught her attention. Obviously he had a monster in his pants. She could imagine impaling herself onto that monstrous cock over and over again. Her hands went to her uniform, and she felt the line of her necklace. She’d been told, when she was much younger, that most enchanted objects wouldn’t work for an Earth Pony because they couldn’t activate them. She had proven them quite wrong. Her special talent was indeed being able to suggest ideas that a pony would strongly consider, but this necklace took it a step further. It pushed the idea, forced it into the listening pony’s head, and most often they would believe it was their idea. She hadn’t used it on a Unicorn yet, but perhaps that time had come. She considered what could happen if she used it, and things didn’t progress as she planned. She couldn’t simply have the stallion in a powerful herd become little more than a walking puppet. A test was in order. Mostly it was Earth Ponies, and certainly Earth Pony Mares, that acted as Germaneigh’s defenders, but there were a few stallions that existed behind the scenes in the capital. Of those stallions two were Unicorns, and both worked with the engineers. Their skills with magic, numbers, and a few other factors made them important enough to keep, but expendable enough to do away with should they need to be replaced. After all, they were Unicorns, and everypony knew that Unicorns were less than ponies, slightly better than Vogel-Ponies. She saw one of them, his eyes tired, his body slouching, and it was obvious that the stallion had been up for days at this point. She walked toward him, waiting until he looked directly at her, and then she smiled. “Drop what you are doing, and come with me,” she said. He did so, and while this wasn’t a good test, what she was going to do would be. She waited until he was in her office, and she walked toward her desk. She reached down into the bottom drawer, her hand grasping on the strapon she had used on a new recruit the previous day. She was a young mare so fresh, so ripe, and so innocent that it was simply a perfect time for her cherry to be picked. She looked at the Unicorn, the feeling of the enchanted necklace covered her, and she gave a warm smile. “Remove your pants, bend over the desk, and spread your rump apart,” she said. She watched as he obeyed, and there was no hesitation, no waiting, and he seemed to follow what she wanted quicker than an Earth Pony. She walked behind him, the strapon now in place, and she reached to his side where she had placed a bottle of foal oil. He made no move, no fight, no gesture of discomfort. She spread the oil over the dragon shaped rubber cock, and then she pressed it against his tailhole. He flinched forward, a whimper came from his mouth, and she grinned. “You want this. You want to feel this knotted cock in your tailhole. Beg for it.” “Please… Rut my tailhole,” he whispered. Normally she would make him completely humiliate himself, but she was actually fairly well worked up. She thrust forward, a sharp cry of pain came from his mouth, but she ignored it. Instead she began to drive the false cock deep into his rectum. She had little concern for the fact that he was whimpering in pain. He was less than her, he was less than their worst soldier. Even Earth Pony Stallions were better than he was. His existence, his entire being, was to serve Germaneigh’s cause, and that meant her cause. She leaned forward, feeling how restricted his tailhole was becoming. She nipped his ear, causing him to grunt. “You are mine, do you understand?” her question was reinforced by her thrusting harder into him, “Your tailhole is mine, all that you are belongs to me, and at my word you will drop to your hands and knees to lick the dog shit from my boots.” He whimpered again, and she pulled out of his tailhole. “Answer me worm.” He looked at her, “I am yours. Whatever you want is what I wish to do. My life, what little value it has, is yours now.” She nodded, “Return to your station, mention this to nopony, and you will not think, or remember, this encounter unless you see me.” He nodded, pulled up his pants, and left her office. Obviously Unicorns were would be easy, but if they were, then what about Alicorns? She considered that for a moment. Taking the two sisters, having her way with them both. No, she pushed the thought away from her. It would be hard enough to do to their stallion. The act itself would be easy, but doing it without being noticed, getting him away from his herd, and then ensnaring his mind would be difficult. His herd was protective of him, and that meant that they treasured him. Of course it just meant that the fall would be more delightful. She walked toward the auditorium that she knew the Führer would be holding the conference for the public. As she neared it she began to think of how she wanted to monitor Bumble’s actions. It wouldn’t be difficult for her to know his actions in public, but in private would be a bit more difficult. She decided that what she needed was a few more stooges to watch him. With that decision made she walked into the auditorium, and she saw the the herd on the stage with the Führer. Being that she was the Minister of Media she had access to where the herd would be staying. If it was their own airship this would be exceptionally difficult, but she knew it wasn’t. The Führer might be going against the very foundation of what the true dream of Germaneigh was, but she was somepony that demanded the best from her underlings. Currently the Royal Herd was to be housed in the most expensive hotel in Marelin. The hotel was also home to a few of the Heerführers were staying since more than a few of them did not reside in Marelin itself. That meant that it would most likely be members of their own military that would be waiting on the Royal Herd. That would make this far easier. The young mare she had the previous day would work as a set of eyes, and she could certainly discover the others working there. Her smile spread over her lips as she considered her plan. Things would work out as she wanted. She was certain that all she desired would simply fall into place for her. As the public announcement ended, the parade began, and the public began to celebrate the alliance forming between the two nations Süßer Sieg began to put her plan into action. She knew that she had a limited time to get everything done. The first two days were infiltrating the hotel. The young mare she had enthralled was put into place. She had to admit that the mare was indeed a lovely creature. A lovely soft lavender coat, a dark pink mane, and a tail of the same color made her very eye catching. On top of that she was slender, he build more like a Vogel-Pony’s, but it added to her appeal. She then went on to enthrall a private that would be serving as the messenger and head of the waitstaff for the Royal Herd. Over the next three days a steady stream of intell came to Süßer Sieg. She learned of the herd’s coming and goings, and she learned that Bumble did occasionally take time to walk to the roof and have a few moments. It wasn’t ideal, but it was time away from his mares. On the fourth day she put her plan into action. She waited on the roof until Bumble came out. He seemed to not be paying attention, but rather his eyes were looking into the heavens. She knew the look, and it surprised her that a stallion had it. It was the look of a pony so focused on what was happening, on the problem at hand, and of working it out. This was a contradiction of what she knew to be true. Stallions were lovely to look at, but fundamentally they were foals. They had to be cared for, nurtured, and treated with a delicate hand. At least if a pony cared for them. To see one thinking was certainly different. Regardless she walked toward him, a soft smile forming on her cheek. “Face me.” He didn’t instantly turn. This caused her smile to widen. He had will power. “You want to face me. You want to see me, it is your greatest desire.” He stood facing away from her, but she could see his shoulders shaking. She could see his resolve breaking. She touched his shoulder. “You want to turn and take me.” With that he turned around, his eyes wide, but what was there wasn’t lust, it was anger. She swallowed back what she was thinking and continued to smile. “You want to experience me, don’t you?” He didn’t move, his hands balled into fists. She tried to figure out what was happening, and then she realized that he was digging his own nails into his hands. She kissed him, and it caught him off guard. He stumbled back and his hands relaxed. Before he could do what he was doing again she broke the kiss and leaned against him. “You want me right now, don’t you?” He shuddered, “Y...Yes.” She heard the door, and she knew she was being watched, she hoped it was one of his herd members, “Then taste me.” > Unintended Consequences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Herd Life The Official Sequel to Bumbling through my Education Chapter 3: Unintended Consequences Bumble felt his body betraying him, a force working through his magic, his abilities, and forcing him kneel before this mare. If things would have been different, and if it would have been far different circumstances he might have considered her to be more than attractive. In truth he was fairly sure he’d think of her as drop dead gorgeous. Instead he felt shame, anger, repulsion, and everything that negated any feeling of being attracted to this mare. And yet he still found himself kneeling, spreading her thighs apart, his muzzle moving closer, and the scent of her arousal lingering around him. He felt her hands at the back of his head, and the attempt to rebel against what was forcing this ended. He felt his muzzle shoved forward. His lips touched her pussy, no her cunt, he made himself think of it in that term. He felt her hands in his mane. “Lick me.” His tongue snaked out, his repulsion didn’t matter, how he felt didn’t matter, and that bothered him. He wanted to separate himself from this. He wanted to go somewhere, anywhere, that wasn’t here, and it wasn’t until the other hoofsteps in the room that he feel some relief. Said relief came as he was pulled back, his actions still mechanical, forced, and looking more like an automaton than his actual self. “Bumble?” He didn’t say a word, he wanted to. He wanted to say that he didn’t want to do that, but he couldn’t get it out. All he could do was continue to lick the air, act as if he was still licking her. Her laughter filled the room, and he heard one of his wives growl. “What did you do to him?!” “Fool, you have no idea do you? Your precious stallion is little more than a toy, a windup doll, and I have the key!” He wasn’t sure what Süßer Sieg had intended, but getting backhanded by an Alicorn most likely wasn’t on the list. Nor was going through the door, into the hall, and slamming into the wall. Bumble wanted to stop, he needed to stop, but it was as if something had locked him away. His mind was screaming out that he didn’t want this, but his body was still doing its best to give pleasure to the air. “W...what do we do?” Hearing Pina sound so vulnerable hurt worse than anything he could ever express. She was a rock. A perverted rock to be sure, but a rock, and to hear her so hurt, so worried, it cut him deeply. He felt somepony touch him. “Sleep.” Whatever Süßer Sieg had done was no match for his Luna’s abilities. His eyes closed, he fell, and before he could hit the floor her magic grabbed him. She didn’t say a word, only motioning for her sister wife to follow, although she did lift Süßer Sieg into the air and carried her. She didn’t care if the ponies here saw her with one of their own, and if they considered this a potential act of war. They could all suck her tailhole for all she cared. One of their own had done something to her husband, a good and kind stallion, one that loved her for her, and she would see it undone. She would see it undone, and she would see him returned to her, and she would most certainly see the one responsible held truly accountable for her actions. There was gasps around her, but Luna didn’t care. She didn’t stop until she stood inside a room that was mostly empty. She gently placed Bumble on a couch, keeping his body asleep, and she could feel the conflict happening inside of him. Her teal colored eyes then fell on the pony that had obviously done this to her beloved. She was out cold, and that was fine. She would go into her mind shortly, and when she did she would force that mare to understand exactly the kind of pain that awaited her. She breathed out, and her magic felt something. Without even touching the mare she focused her magic and caused her clothing to burn away in dragonflame until there was only her, and an amulet left. It was enchanted, something from pre unification, and something that had somehow stayed hidden. Unlike the Alicorn Amulet it seemed this enchanted item simply amplified a pony’s abilities. She grabbed it with her magic, tore it off of the mare, and then floated it toward an empty vase. She dropped it inside of the new container with every intention of destroying it later. She then looked back at the mare. Her eyes narrowed and she closed her eyes. Before Pina could ask a question Luna was already inside of this mare’s mind. Like every other pony there was the desires, the needs, and the lusts that rode above the normal thoughts. This mare was similar, but the difference was how she had learned that her lusts, needs, and desires could be used to get what she wanted. It mixed her mind in such a way that it was almost like seeing a great puzzle. She moved forward, clearing away the path until she saw the mare herself. “What...What are you doing here?” “I’m about to show you the same mercy you showed my husband.” The mare’s eyes widened, “You can’t! You’re a diplomat from a different nation! It would wage war!” Luna neared her, “Foal, tell me, what have you heard of me? That I am kind, perhaps that I take special attention to watch mine self so that all will accept me? These things are true, but they were not always. I once led Equestria’s military. I oversaw the campaigns that destroyed countless nations, I saw the slaughter of a hundred thousand gryphons simply because their lords threatened an outpost. I am skilled at war, more so than my sister, and I will own you, your country, and your military if you push me!” The mare stumbled back, “No…. No it’s not supposed to be like this! You’re weak! You’re a defect!” She felt herself lifted up, her arms stretched behind her, her entire body turned around, and legs spread. She cried out in anger, but it did little. “Do you know what would happen to those we captured who did not submit to our rule?” Luna laughed, “We taught them the value of accepting our views. Some submitted quickly, realizing that perhaps our ways would be a better alternative, but the others, oh, they fought for days. I still remember gryphoness, proud, unbending, beautiful, and determined to hold onto her beliefs. She lasted for eight days before her mind finally broke,” Luna laughed again, “Of course she was worthless as any kind of servant after that. Her mind was reduced to that of a foal. We kept her in a special nursery, a place where she was allowed to look at picture books, and innocently play with her nursemaids. A place where she never realized the horrors I put her through.” Luna leaned closer to her, grabbing her tail, pulling it hard, causing her to gasp, “She did not upset me nearly as much as you have. I will not stop after you’ve broken. I will not stop after you’ve promised me everything. Know this, your plot belongs to me. You are my personal slave, and I will make you regret ever touching my Bumble.” “I’ll restore him! Please!” She felt Luna’s hand move up her back, “Yes you will, and you will forever know that your plot is mine.” Luna broke the connection between them, letting the both of them return to the waking world, and Süßer Sieg held her arm across her breasts. She looked at the lunar princess and realized her mistake. She had believed that they were both similar in their methods. That Luna would attempt to play the diplomat like her sister, but instead she had taken things well into hoof. She felt for the necklace and realized it was gone. If she reported what happened, she would be drummed out of the military. She was rutted, hard, in the tailhole, and without any lube. She walked toward Bumble, touched him, and she hoped that her talent would work without the necklace. “Return to yourself.” She felt magic grab her, pull her away, and she saw Luna touch his forehead, “Awaken my beloved.” Bumble’s eyes slowly opened, and he groaned as he sat up. It felt like somepony had hit him with a defective spell, and he was having some massive magic withdraw from it. He looked toward Süßer Sieg and his eyes widened. “I…” Luna hugged him, “Thou hast nothing to apologise for,” she kissed his cheek, “but we, I, do. I wanted to stay with you, but I foolishly believed that nopony would attempt anything. It is not a mistake that will be made again.” He looked at her, seeing her concern, “Luna, nopony knew this was going to happen… But I want to report her.” “Wait!” Luna shot a glare at her which caused her to quickly shut her mouth. “Of course beloved, although, it is my understanding that stallions are treated differently here. It… it may shine an unfavorable light upon you.” He shook his head, “I don’t care. Who knows how many other stallions have had this done to them? I… I want to speak up.” She smiled. This was part of why she loved him so much. He was not one that held himself above others. He would report what happened, it would travel, and perhaps some much needed change would come about from it. After all, he was now a Prince Consort from Equestria. It would certainly make his allegations very high profile. > Mini Chapter 1 - Sweets for the Sweet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Herd Life Mini Chapter - 1 - Sweets for the Sweet Berry Punch groaned as she stood.  Gleaming Bit and his wife Posh Propers had both turned into decent workers.  Granted, both were as triblists as a pony could get, but neither doubted that their station was above Berry Punch.  She did notice that Posh seemed different after a few months of working in the vineyard and the tavern.  She wasn’t as snooty, and apparently Gleaming Bit had taken her words to heart and been giving his wife a proper dicking.  As such she noticed that the former noble mare was showing the signs of pregnancy.   She also noticed that Posh was looking more than a little upset over that fact.  She neared her, seeing the mare looking a little distressed. “Something wrong?” Posh looked at her, and Berry never really expected her to open up about it, but then she had become to more open about other parts of her life with Berry.  The unicorn mare looked at the ground, “I’m going to be viewed as a sexual deviant!” Berry looked at her, “What do you mean by that?” She glanced up at her, “We already have two foals, two daughters, both twins, so that was acceptable, but I’m pregnant!  That’s unheard of for any unicorn to have more than one or two foals!” Berry looked at her, and then she couldn’t help but laugh, “That’s rich!” Posh looked confused, “No, unicorns don’t just breed!  When we find an acceptable mate we exchange reading lists, discuss politics, and then we decided if we’re an acceptable fit.” Berry sighed, and had her take a seat, “One of my best friends was married to a Unicorn.  She had three foals, and believe me, he was as neurotic as they come.  We’re all ponies, and having another foal isn’t a bad thing.  It does mean that you’ll both need a bigger house, and your work has improved.” Berry leaned back, “For that reason I can see giving the both of you a raise.  I also know that there’s a couple of houses for sale here in Ponyville.  I don’t mind signing a guarantee that you’ll be able to make payments.  Tartarus, I’ll give you both the day off tomorrow, with pay, so you can look at a couple of them and make your decision then.” Posh sighed, “I… I won’t be viewed as a sexual deviant here?” Berry sighed, “No.  Look, coming from a mare that everyone believes is a taillifter… There’s worse things.  But no, having a third, forth, or fifth foal doesn’t make you a sexual deviant.  Now, if you go and start bringing other mares or stallions into your relationship, and you don’t officially herd.. Yeah, that will do it.  Otherwise, you should be free and clear.” Posh smiled, “Thank you.” > There's Always something Lower > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Herd Life Chapter 4: There’s Always something lower. It was a month after Süßer Sieg had assaulted the Equestrian Prince.  News had spread throughout the National Socialist Party of Germaneigh.  For all of her former authority and power Süßer Sieg was more able to defend herself from the massive fallout than a unicorn foal might defend themselves from a massive explosion by creating a weak shield around themselves.  She had long since been brought before the Führer, Weicher Kampf.   She had believed that stallions being considered lesser than the fact one stallion wasn’t even worth the sweat from a mare’s taint would be her salvation.  What she found was an entire nation angered at her actions.  An entire nation prepared to accept change, to move forward, and she was caught in a situation where there was no escape.  She would have to face the charges before her, and it wasn’t only the prince that had laid her actions at her feet.  No, there was a list nearly sixteen ponies long full of names of stallions had felt the need to step forward. The Führer, Weicher Kampf, had apologized on behalf of all Germaneigh and stated that such actions would not be tolerated.  At first Süßer Sieg had expected to be beheaded.  It would make sense.  Her actions had been an embarrassment for the nation.  Instead she was informed that according to the Equestrians’ ancient laws she was instead stripped of her nationality, stripped of her ranks and titles, and finally she was to be given as a servant to the House of Hurricane.  From her understanding that meant that she was now under the rule of an Equestrian Noble house that was founded by bird ponies.  She felt sick.  As such, she sat quietly aboard the airship.  Her clothes that she was sent with was a simple utility suit that was given to the stallions who worked as facility maintenance.   Her caramel colored fur was matted, her black mane, which had long and luxurious, was now cropped short, and her crystal blue eyes were dull and listless.  She was a mere shell of who she had been before.  The door to the room she occupied opened, and she expected to be greeted with cruelty.  It was what she deserved.  Part of her still believed that she was well within her right.  She had been a powerful member of the Germaneigh National Socalist Party, as such her will was the Party’s will, but now she was lower than a stallion.   She looked ahead and saw not Luna, who she had expected, but instead she saw Aryanne.  The white Earth Pony mare studied her, her blue eyes calculating what should be done, but a moment later another three forms stepped forward.  The charcoal gray Earth Pony mare that was the Alpha, a plumb colored Earth Pony mare that looked exceptionally endowed, and Bumble.   She sighed, her mind already prepared for whatever depraved punishment he would visit upon her.  She resided to the fact that he would be her lord and master, and she would have no say in the matter.  Instead he cleared his throat, looked at her, and then he stood silent and still for a few moments as if he was trying to formulate the words.  His mares didn’t separate from him, they didn’t leave him to wander the vast wasteland that was a troubled mind alone, and instead they stood near him.  He steadied himself, studied her, and then shook his head. “Süßer Sieg, I have considered what it meant for you to be a servant to the House of Hurricane.  Luna had ideas that seemed a bit dark for me,” he said, “Surprisingly Celestia wasn’t against them, and she actually suggested some potentially darker things to be included in on them.” She felt herself shiver in fear at what the Princesses of Equestria wanted her to experience. “With what you did…  There’s part of me that feels what they suggested should be done,” he shook his head, “But that wouldn’t be right, and it wouldn’t be something my mother would want,” he looked at his mares, “Instead we’ve determined that what needs to happen is that you need to learn.  I’ve discussed things with Princess Twilight Sparkle.  She’s agreed that you would do well learning what it means to serve others, to attempt to learn about putting others before yourself, and as such she has agreed that a magical compulsion would work best.” She sighed, “I am to lose myself?” Aryanne growled at her, “No, despite my own suggestion that you be torn down and forced to be given a more submissive personality,” she growled before she looked away from her.  She looked at Aryanne, then back at the Equestrian Prince.  There was evidence in his eyes that he had considered this as well. “That wouldn’t be right.  You will keep who you are, but there will be a spell, a geass, placed upon you that will prevent you from using your talent to harm others.  You will only be able to use it in service of others, and only to help them.” She closed her eyes, “It would be far more kind to end my life.” He neared her, and for the first time she saw the anger that was hiding behind his eyes, “This is more kindness than several of us believe you deserve.  You owe this chance to my mother, my sisters, and my mothers in law.  This is a chance to heal what you became, and give you a chance to become somepony better.” She looked at the ground, “Am I to remain a…  possession?” He shook his head, “No.  But I’m uncertain of what to do with you specifically.  Princess Twilight said that this was my responsibility, but that I could delegate it.  I thought about asking Barley Hopps.  He did place a majority of the nobility that was brought in under the House of Hurricane.” She had heard of the upset, and she knew that this Barley Hopps was a unicorn.  That meant that she would have considered him lower than an Earth Pony stallion.  Of course the same could have been said about the Prince, but he had fought, diligently, against her talent.  He had a will of iron, and even when she made his body betray himself she could tell he was fighting.   She saw a young unicorn before her, but what she gleaned was that inside he was an Earth Pony, proud, strong, and willful.  She looked at her hooves, “What would Barley Hopps do?” The plum Earth Pony mare neared her, “He’d hear what you did, decide that good old fashion backbreaking Earth Pony work wouldn’t do a bit of good, so you wouldn’t get sent to the Shetland Isles,” she looked at the mare speaking to her, “Instead I’m pretty sure he’d arrange for you to work at his brewery.  Having you act as the receptionist.  Letting you deal with the public without using your talent.  Trying to placate their worries, dealing with anger, and doing all of it with a smile on your face.” She looked at the mare, “Is that what must happen?” The Prince shook his head, “No.  What must happen is that you learn why what you’ve done is bad.  So, after talking to all of my wives, we decided that you are to assist the hospitals.  You will work with patients that are there because of trauma, specifically those who have suffered rapes,” he looked at her, his anger still present, “and at my suggestion you will have another part added to your spell.  It will allow you to sense what those mares and stallions are going through.” Her eyes widened, “Would it not be better to simply use me as a servant?!” He shook his head, “No, because then you will have learned nothing.” She watched them leave, and she felt the final wall of her pride break.  She would be subjected to what she had done.  There was nothing lower for her.  She was on the same level as a worthless stallion.  Were the ability to do so present she would hang herself and be done with it; however, they had removed all ties, ropes, and even sheets from the bed.  She understood why now.  It wasn’t to make things uncomfortable for her.  No, it was to ensure that she didn’t attempt to escape her punishment. Beyond the door to her room Bumble walked and he felt Honeypot hold him close.  He shook, the nerves finally overtaking him, and she silently shushed him as he gave into the impending panic attack that had been brewing ever since they had decided what to do with Süßer Sieg.  He felt more bodies surround him, and slowly the beast that was his panic and fear was slain by the love that was given to him freely. “W...we’re doing the right thing, right?” he asked. Aryanne nodded, “Ja, what she must suffer now…  it will be a lesson long needed.”