> A Naughty Nightmare Night (18+) > by Gamer Script > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Naughty Nightmare Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer groaned walking around the halls of Canterlot High, looking in disgust at all the "Halloween" decorations, which was apparently their version of Nightmare Night. She sighed in annoyance at all the frivolous chatter of what party they'd go to, how much candy they'd eat, how fat they'd get. It was beyond annoying, and she'd only been in this world for a year or two. Though considering how pointless these 'humans' were, it was easy to gain her status in the school as the top, as some people called her, 'Queen Bee'. Watching a couple of girls making fun of how fat one another would get from the candy and sweets, she grimaced and continued walking. 'Ugh, whine whine whine. What is wrong with these stupid humans... Who cares if you get fat? Seems like these human males LIKE that kind of thing anyway so you'd be doing your scrawny asses a favor. Not like me though.' she thought as a large grin grew upon her face. It was true that she was quite a looker in this new, odd form. Her large, perky breasts were a supple D, her hips wide, voluptuous and drawing the attention of many a student of either gender, whether it be in awe, envy or desire she didn't know, nor did she care. She was easily the sweetest eye candy right behind Pinkie Pie and Applejack, both of which were quite well off in the body department as well for obvious reasons. Regardless, she continued her wandering of the hall to her locker. She opened it up easily but whilst she was reaching for a textbook she could hear a pair of voices coming from next to her, "Did you hear who's coming to the school dance?" one girl said excitedly, making Sunset stop and listen closer to the conversation with curiosity. The voice seemed to have the slightest bit of a southern twang to it and it was pretty goofy sounding. looking through the small great in the locker she saw that it was Carrot Top, another girl standing by her who she remembered was called Rose Luck. She remembered how the two of them had run for student body president against her and having that she was new to them, they both got the president and vice president posts, which had put quite a damper on her plans from the start. "No, who?" another girl said in curiosity. "You know that hot guy from Algebra?" she said excitedly. "No way! He's gonna be there? Now I'm definitely going, I've gotta ask him out!" "Not a chance, I'm doing it first!" they bickered playfully as the laughed. Once she'd heard them walking away, her grin grew as she shut her locker and watched the two girls walk off, "Thanks for the tip ladies... I can't wait to see the absolutely demolished looks on your faces when your dreamboat comes to the dance with me instead of one of you... I should tell that little dweeb " she said with a soft, malicious chuckle as she began following them to the exact class they'd been speaking about. Walking into the classroom, everyone that was in the way of her path quickly moved out of it and/or got shoved out of it by Sunset. Seeing the two girls she grinned and sat behind them watching for any changes in their attitudes. Finally Rose Luck stopped mid-sentence and tapped Carrot Top's shoulder to get her attention and pointed to the door, making Sunset turn around as well expecting some boring jock or something of that sort but instead she was shocked at who she saw. Stepping into the classroom was a tan teen with hair almost the same colors as Sunset's, a crimson red with gold and orange highlights with one half of his hair shaven and the other half reaching down to his shoulder if not a little further, a pair of golden lensed shades on his face. He wore a red tank top the a golden record being pierced by an asteroid shooting through the center, orange cargo pants with red sneakers with gold laces and orange soles. As he entered the room turned to chatter and swoons amongst those within, many of them greeting the teen. As he passed Sunset, everything almost seemed to slow down around the two of them for her. She watched him walk by with an unconscious blush appearing on her face as he peered down at her and gave a grin and a wink. Something many of the male population of the school were more than terrified to even try to do, even though it was well known that many of them wanted to after her break-up with Flash Sentry. She would've often shot up in his face and said something but for some reason... She didn't. She simply sat there and watched as he sat a few rows up which confused quite a few of the students who'd seen it happen. Once she'd passed him she shook her head, "What in the world just... Did he wink at me? He has the very audacity to act like I'm just another one of these airheads around here?! How dare he! I'm above him, above them, and above any rules they have here! I should go over there right now and--" she stopped mid thought before a grin slowly grew across her face, 'Actually... I could very well use this to my advantage...' she thought as class began, the teacher finally entering the room and ordering the students to sit. By the end of class and once everyone had rushed out of the room, Sunset stood up and saw the student from before walking down the hall, a smirk appearing on her face as she rose up. 'Perfect timing handsome. Now to seal the deal.' she thought as she ran towards him and soon grabbed his arm, making him stop his conversation with Flash Sentry who told him he'd catch up with him later before walking off. Once he was gone, the student turned to her and chuckled, "Hey, what's up Sunset?" he said turning to her and lightly brushing his hair to the side. "Glad to know you know who I am. Now who're you?" She said in a sultry tone as she put her hands on her hips. "Oh yeah, name's Asteroid Ace. I'm uh..." He looked around and then pointed out an icy haired teen in a white button-up and gray jeans, "That guys brother! Hey big bro!" he called out, though the teen was smaller than Asteroid in height and obviously in muscularity. He sighed and shook his head as he adjusted his silver glasses and walked away reading a book on greek mythology and history. Sunset blinked confusedly and turned back to him, "That's... Your older brother? Seriously?" She said looking between him and the one walking away. "Yep! He used to go to Crystal Prep buuuuut I talked him into comin' here instead. He's such a sap for family and stuff like that." He said laughing triumphantly before a book collided with the back of his head, his brother standing at his side. "More like he wouldn't stop pleading for me to come..." He said in a calm, British accent before looking to Sunset with a cold glare, "Not that you honestly care. Do you Sunset?" She said with a risen brow. Just being in the same vicinity as this guy made Sunset feel like her body was freezing, as if she was back in the Snowy North of Equestria. She shook her head and glared back at him, "So what nerd? You have a problem with me or something?" "Honestly I couldn't care less one way or the other." He said turning away and walking off. "You should really tell your brother to mind his own buisness. He's such a--" "I know, I know... So, what brings you to findin' me?" he said leaning against a locker, an interested look on his face. She blinked but remembered she did come over to him for a reason. She straightened up and cleared her throat, "I saw how you looked at me in class today... You want me, don't you? she said with a grin. Asteroid looked at her and chuckled a little, "Well I've never been one for subtlety..." He said grinning down at her. "Well then, you wanna go with me to the Hallow's Eve Dance?"she said with her arms crossed, an expectant look on her face, "You'll be the most popular guy there with the most popular girl. We'll be amazing together~" she said leaning against the locker next to him. "Hmm... Yeah alright, why not." he said with a shrug as he rose up off the locker, "I'll see ya' there... Sunny." He said with a grin and a wink as he walked off, leaving Sunset smiling with a light blush on her face, so unused to being called such since her break-up. Shaking her head she turned and walked off, leaving the school to get ready for the dance later, a smug grin on her visage seeing Carrot Top and Rose Luck slumped over depressed. ~Later That Night~ Sunset arrived at the school steps in a skin tight, latex, crimson devil costume with a pair of little devil horns atop her head, the band lost in her beautifully done hair. The costume was also accompanied by a long devil's tail that seemed to wave on it's own with heeled boots on her feet. Walking up the steps she caught many an eye from the students standing around. Whether it was from intimidation or lust and/or awe she was unsure, but if she was being honest, if to anyone herself, she didn't necessarily care either. Heading inside, searched around the gymnasium for any sign of her date. Seeing him at the DJ booth, she walked up and stood by his side, "Hey Ace." she said leaning against one of the giant speakers. He paused his scratching and looked over to her, allowing the music to play by itself for a little while, "Oh, hey Sunny." He said with a grin looking down at her. "So you were the DJ for the dance, huh? Would've been nice to know." She said glaring at him a bit. "Sorry, sorry! I was getting ready and outta the blue Vinyl called and told me she was sick. So I took it upon myself, the awesome dude I am, and took her place. 'S the least I could do for my girl, ya' know?" he said with a shrug. "Your girl?" She said in confusion and a bit of annoyance. "Yeah, Vi is my best friend. I'd do anything for her to make sure she was chill. Plus her girlfriend would kill me if I let her come to a show sick, ya' know?" Sunset couldn't believe what she was hearing. She'd been passed over because of some girl that she could've sworn was mute! She clenched her fists and glared at him, "Well you should've just let her come! Obviously she would've been fine right?" "Whoa, hey! Vi is sick and it's not like I'm leaving you empty handed. I'm still here, and I'll catch up with you by the slow dance, alright?" he said with a wink as he went back to scratching. She growled and groaned in annoyance, marching off the stage and going to the dance floor, pushing and shoving people out of the way. she stood by the punch bowl and grabbed a cup, chugging it down before crushing it and throwing it away in agitation. Walking through the crowd she grumbled in annoyance, "That jerk, leaving me to walk around by myself. I didn't even want to come to this stupid party but no, he had to--" She was stopped as she unconsciously ran into someone, about to fall over from the surprise before a hand shot out and caught her. Looking up at who it was, she was met with the cold gaze of Ace's brother, Comet who was in a doctor's costume. She scoffed and stood up straight before pushing away from him, "I didn't need you catching me. What, trying to cop a feel or something?" She said crossing her arms. "Not really, just saw someone about to fall and didn't want them getting trampled or something by all the dancing." He said calmly as he adjusted his glasses, "So I'm assuming that he left you to walk around alone and you were about to leave, correct?" Comet inquired slipping his hands into his pockets. "So? What's it to you?" she said angrily, having no patience with the current situation and his attitude wasn't helping in the slightest. "I see... He's done this many times before to many girls. You're, I'd say... The fifth or sixth one in the last few months." He said with a shrug. "Wait... What?!" she shouted in shock and rage, gaining a few looks. 'That bastard! He made me get a costume, put on make-up and come to this stupid party just to leave me hanging like I mean nothing?! That jerk! That lying, stupid, pretentious, arrogant... Bastard...' she thought as she could feel her eyes welling up. She clenched her teeth and fists in anger as she glared at the ground. Comet looked at her with the same cold look but reached out a hand before it was slapped away and he was pushed past, making her way through the crowd in a rush. With a soft sigh, Comet pocketed his hand once more and watched her march away. After finally breaking the lock with a baseball bat she'd found, Sunset ran into the equipment closet and quickly shut the door behind her. Though since the door's handle had been busted the lights of the party in the large room over shone through the ajar entryway. She didn't care though, she simply walked to the darkest corner of the room and curled up into a ball, hiding her face in her arms as a slight sobbing could be heard from her bright red form. Before long, the sound of the door opening and then closing back to its ajar could be heard along with footsteps coming her way. She definitely wasn't that well hidden being the brightest thing in a dark room. Not wanting to be bothered with someone trying to get a picture of her crying or something she shouted, "Go the hell away!" The shout was met with silence. Not wanting to be made anymore of a fool, she grabbed the bat and quickly rose up swinging it at whoever it was, being met with her weapon being caught and Comet standing before her. Even in the dark he could see her sea foam green eyes glistening with tears, her make-up running down her cheeks and a pained scowl on her face. Though with all this in front of him, he held no contempt. No cold glare, but a look of worry. He pulled the bat out of her hands quite easily and tossed it to the ground behind him, making her glare all the more before it began to break, her eyes softening as if pain was quickly taking her over. She then proceeded to tackle him to the wall and hug him tight. She knew what she was doing was odd, she knew he'd probably protest but she needed some kind of comfort. She expected him to swiftly push her off but instead, she found that he'd wrapped his own arms around her and pet the back of her head. He gave soft shushes and whispered, "Let it out... It's okay..." She didn't expect this at all and it definitely came as quite a shock to her system as her eyes widened. Soon however, they closed as her hold on him grew stronger, pressing her face into his chest as she wept. They sat like this for quite a while, time around them slow and with the passing minutes she felt more and more at peace. After what felt like forever, she looked up to Comet and was met with his ice blue eyes. Even though they were so cold and calculating, they seemed... Sweeter, for some reason. Softer. Like a frozen lake that was newly melted. She soon placed a hand upon his chest and inched a bit closer, wanting so badly for the gap between them to close. As if he could read her thoughts, she got her wish once he met her all the way. Her sweet, soft lips against his own as they shared a passionate kiss, their bodies growing closer as Sunset climbed onto his lap and pressed herself further against him. Separating from the kiss she cleared her throat and rose up, turning to him and moving her hair out of the way of a single golden zipper at the back of her costume, "Mind giving me a hand with this~?" she asked looking off to the side, illuminated in the dim flashing colors from the small gap of the doors ahead of them, keeping out prying eyes. Comet rose to his feet and made his way over to her, grasping the zipper and pulling it down slowly and admiring every inch of her bare skin. She truly lived up to her name: Her skin flawless and orange as a setting sun. Pulling the zipper all the way and taking hold of her shoulders he slid the skintight latex from her soft skin while she slid her arms out ever so slowly, making her every movement so tantalizing to the eye. Finally, she lifted up her leg and slid the suit down past her waist, showing that she'd truly not worn any kind of underwear. "You were planning for this weren't you..." Comet commented as he pulled her close to his chest and took hold of her breasts, making her shudder against his hold on her. She simply turned her head and looked up at him with shimmering sea green eyes, her orbs glowing in the scarcely lit room. She didn't have to speak a word for him to understand what she was saying. Her eyes said it all better than any words ever could. He kissed her deeply as she reached into his slacks, gripping his member tightly with slow strokes feeling him begin to harden in her grasp along with his grip upon her breasts, making her moan into the lip lock. She took one of his hands and slid it to her lightly dripping slit, which he took no time in rubbing which soon elicited a gasp from her, drool slowly cascading down her chin and dripping onto her shoulder which in turn slid slowly down her breast and finally joining her juices upon his fingers. She wanted him more than her body could stand, soon turning fully around and working on his belt and anything else that could've gotten in the way of her prize, soon being met with a hand to her own as she frantically looked up to him, his gaze calm regardless of everything. "Sunset... Make sure that this is what you want before you do something you may regret..." he said with a warning tone in his voice, looking her directly in the eyes. She gazed back into his and even with the darkness around them he could clearly see the reddening upon her cheeks before she looked down and continued to allow his shaft freedom from it's cloth prison. "I do," she said as she continued to glide her slender, soft hand along his member before looking back up at him, "Because you're different... You can do something that no one else has ever been able to do," she whispered into his ear. "What might that be?" he questioned holding her waist gently before she went onto her tip-toes and whispered: "You can look me in the eyes without fear." His eyes went a bit wider than their usual half-lidded state as she backed up and looked him in the eyes again pushing her lips to his once more with pure passion as she climbed up onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist being supported by his own hands clenched upon her plush, juicy behind. She perked at this and bit her lip as she grabbed his hard-on, trying her best from her position to bring it to her lower lips but finding it difficult. Before too long, Comet grasped it himself and slid it into her, making her cry out a bit before pressing herself into him once more with quivering a bit. With everything she'd learned about the world she now called home and everything she'd read about and experienced, there was one thing she knew was no different between this world and Equestria: Her virginity was still 100% intact. She curled up into him wrapping her arms and legs tightly around him, unable to keep her body from shaking in pain. Noticing her trembling in his grasp he looked down at her, "Sunset? Are you--" he was stopped as she pressed a hand to his lips, her eyes stern buy also pricking with light tears as she spoke. "I'm fine... Just..." She sighed and wrapped her arms tight around his neck, "Just... Fuck me before I change my mind..." She threatened emptily. Even if she wanted to get off him, which she didn't, she'd still be bleeding and she didn't want to get that into her costume. Not to mention she'd be leaving herself unfulfilled as well as him. Doing as she demanded, Comet lifted her a bit before pulling her back down into his thrust as she gasped with a higher pitch than her common tone, her eyes wide as she bounced on him and matched his thrusts. Soon the once painful, piercing feeling within her loins quickly fading into a great pleasure as she felt him leave and just as quickly enter her dripping wet 'womanhood' as she'd heard it be called by those hesitant to use the true terminology. Regardless, with every oncoming thrust she felt her lips tighten and loosen repeatedly as if they couldn't decide which would feel better considering that in her mind it all felt absolutely amazing. She panted and moaned sensually into his ear, moaning out things like 'Oh yes', 'Harder', 'Sweet Celestia' and the like. The final one confused Comet a slight bit considering she was apparently thinking about their principal during sex but he simply ignored it and pressed her against the nearby wall so he could free up his hands and get a good grip on her breasts and squeeze them roughly, making her moan louder before he pressed his lips to hers, the sensation of her soft tongue pushing its way through his lips and wrestling with his own once again. This time, however, there was far more passion than just simply lustful, sloppy movement. She grunted and hung loosely to him as she separated from the kiss so he'd have a better angle at which to get at her chest and more room to do with as he pleased with her body. Comet quickly took this chance and wrapped his lips around her breast, his thrusts growing in strength. The combined pleasure of his lips sucking so roughly upon her sensitive breasts combined with the rough thrusting and unimaginable pleasure she felt made her eyes roll back, her tongue lolling out ever so lightly as she drooled a bit. She took one of her hands and dragged it through his hair, gripping it roughly and holding him in place as she panted and hungrily moaned out, "More! Fuck me more Comet~!" Hearing this new order, he pulled her off and set her back down against the wall if only for a moment as he picked her up by her hips once more and drove himself roughly into her once more, taking her wrists and plunging deep into her soaking vag. She moaned out once more and went limp a moment as he thrust deeper into her than before. Now it was like a roller coaster, the slight fear of falling and his rough tugging and thrusting driving her mad with lust as she took hold of his wrists in turn to assure he had her, his grip tightening as if he was confirming her thoughts as he pressed her against the wall to keep her straight before taking hold of her neck and grabbing her hip and continuing to bounce her roughly on his rock hard length. It felt as if he was strangling her ever so slightly, her breath catching in her throat as she panted and took sharp breaths. it was a bit painful yet... It felt so erotic and pleasurable to have this feeling of danger of losing her breath. She turned her head as much as she could and kissed him once more with such a powerful lust he couldn't refuse as he kissed her back and his hold grow stronger. Soon she could feel the a pressure building up inside her as well as his thrusts becoming more haphazard, more than likely meaning he was going to cum soon. The thought of her being filled by him definitely occurred to her and she was in no way against the idea, but then a thought came to mind as she grinned and held his hand at her neck and pulled it away, looking back at him and taking hold of his cock, making him flinch in light pain. "Oh no, you're not getting off that easy~" she said with a grin as she pointed to the ground, which he quickly took as a sign of saying 'put me down', which he did just as quickly, reluctantly pulling out of her. She grinned and pushed him onto his back, sitting on his legs as she pressed his twitching, veiny member between her beautiful amber ass and going on to grind teasingly against him, making him moan in need of release. She loved to hear his pained voice, knowing he was so close to finishing but couldn't quite yet. She sighed and, after about four or five minutes of this teasing, she rose up and pressed the head of his member to her 'backdoor'. Another wuss out way of saying 'plot' for these humans. She groaned and pushed hard against the head, feeling her ass open ever so slightly before suddenly feeling it completely engulf his shaft, making her cry out in pain and pleasure. She went stiff as a statue with a feeling as if she'd just been electrocuted, all the nerves in her body going quiet for a moment as she got used to this new feeling. With a groan and a soft moan she rose up and began bouncing on him once again, but this time it was so much tighter and harder to move with how full she now felt. She struggled onto a squatting position and began bouncing more, this position seeming easier for her as he groaned and put his hands to her hips, the tightness almost too much for him as he was enveloped. He moaned and grunted, trying to build it up as much as he could knowing she obviously wanted as much as he could give her. Soon the lust was too much for him and he sat up, getting onto his knees and pushing her onto all fours as he took hold of her arms once again and began thrusting himself, his pace picking up immensely from her slower bounding. He grunted and felt the build-up growing stronger with every passing thrust. The two moaned and grunted from their shared pleasure before suddenly he pulled out and thrust back into her awaiting pussy, making them both cry out in pleasure as they both reached their climax, Sunset shuddering as she felt her womb fill to the brim with his hot, sticky seed flooding her body, feeling spurts push out past his cock and dripping to the ground below, the two panting and groaning on the floor, covered in sweat and a few loads of hot cum. She heard the party outside going on for the next half an hour or so as she simply lay there upon Comet's chest. She looked up upon him and grinned with pride, "So... How was that~?" she said softly into his ear. Before she could get a proper answer she felt his little friend pressing against her womb once again as she moaned, "Mmf... So naughty... I love it." She whispered as they soon went for another ride. She rose up and turned back around, sitting upon her knees and drank in just how big it was and relishing in the fact it was inside her for so long. She stared and smiled as she trailed her tongue up the long, hard shaft, wrapping her soft lips around the head and moaning softly from the taste it left on her tongue. Between the slight salty taste of his leftover cum and her own juices leaking down his shaft, she had no problems taking the entirety of his dick into her mouth, gagging a bit more than she was expecting as she slid up again, leaving a red lipstick smear upon his thick member before sliding back down, quickly bobbing her head with gusto. During her pumping she suddenly felt a strong grip upon her hair in which looking up revealed that it was Comet, grabbing a handful of her hair and ruthlessly thrusting into her throat as he got onto his knees to make the throat ravaging easier. For himself, not so much for Sunset. As he made her throat his personal cocksleeve, he could feel her throat convulsing as she gagged and coughed on his shaft, dragging her head down to the base and holding her there to gag and partially wretch. He didn't need light to know here eyes were rolling into the back of her head, her making running from the tears he forced out of her as she pat his thigh lamely to get him to let up, which he did as he pulled out and groaned, stroking himself with the head of his cock pressed against her lips, Sunset panting and coughing as she took deep, shakey breaths beofre recieving a few thick, sticky shots of cum in her mouth, which she swallowed with a bit of trouble along with a few extra sticky ropes landing upon her face. Comet panted pad coughed for air as she took deep inhales. Coming back to reality, Comet quickly helped her onto her knees, "S-Sunset, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean t--" "More..." she whispered out, barely reaching Comet's ears. "W-What was tha--" "Give. Me. More." she said hungrily as she tackled him into a kiss, the feeling of her jizz covered lips against his own both disgusting yet extremely arousing. She pulled away and climbed off of him, sticking her ass up for him to see, her skin practically glowing from the dimmed party lights outside as she spoke, "I want that rough cock. Give me more, and don't you dare think of holding back!" she demanded. Staring tentatively at her voluptuous ass once more, Comet stood and walked off, the sound of glasses folding and being placed down heard as she would suddenly feel the same rough tugging at her hair as she was guided roughly onto her feet before being lifted and more or less dropped on his cock once more, making her cry out in pain and utmost pleasure as she had her hair pulled back for her to come face to face with Comet once more, her arms being folded behind her back and held in place as he shoved her into a bent over position on a stack of floor mats and relentlessly rammed by her rough lover for the night. She moaned and grunted with every thrust, crying out "Faster!" "Harder!" "Fuck me!" over and over, her regard for possibly getting caught completely lost in the powerful lust and passion. Feeling him fill her once more with one powerful thrust, she went limp in his hold, giving soft squeaks and gasps between his bursts of hot cum filling her hungry pussy. Even though he was filling her up he continued to thrust into her as she loosely wrapped her arms around his neck and held onto him the best she could, her eyes rolling back as her tongue lolled out of her mouth in pleasure. Finally the thrusts ceased and she could feel his stiff member leaving her lips, his essence sliding down her leg and slowly down to the floor, her legs twitching. Wobbly and limp like noodles as she was laid down on the mats. She was lost in the afterglow of their fierce ravaging as she was kissed deeply and held close to his chest. As she lost her consciousness she could feel his warmth, never leaving her body. A few hours of rest later, the two of them heard the night dwindling down and the call of the last dance. The two quickly got back into their costumes and shared a deep kiss before Sunset placed a hand to his chest and whispered into his ear, "Come out in a few minutes so no one suspects, got it?" she explained gaining an understanding nod from Comet. She nodded back and exited the equipment room, walking into the party and almost instantly making for the exit. Before she could get there however, she was confronted by Principal Celestia and VP Luna, the two dressed as goddesses. "Sunset Shimmer, there you are! We were wondering where you'd gone off to." Celestia said as Luna nodded and came forth. "A few students have said they saw you go into the equipment closet with a fellow student. Is this true? And if so, what exactly were the two of you doing in a prohibited part of the gymnasium?" she said almost threateningly. Sunset was unsure how exactly she'd lie herself out of this, but she had to come up with something. As she opened her mouth to try and explain, she was interrupted by a hand on her shoulder as Comet walked up next to her. "She was with me. She had been blown off by my little brother and she came to me to tell me how awful she'd been treated. I've been consoling her, I suppose you could say." Comet said in his calm, cold tone of voice. The three looked at him in surprise as the sisters looked to one another and nodded, looking back to Comet with grateful smiles, "That was very kind of you Mister Flash. But next time do try and take her into the hallway or somewhere that's actually supposed to be open at this time." Luna reconciled as Celestia spoke up, "Yes, we don't want anyone believing that there's some kind of foul activities going on, do we?" She said giving a soft laugh as Sunset's face grew a deep blush, though it was thankfully difficult to tell in the flashing multi-colored light. Afterwards, the authoritarian figures walked off to continue patrolling the gym, Luna making her way towards Asteroid at the turntables, a stern look on her face, though that wasn't too different than usual for her. Sunset and Comet got out of the school and the two looked at one another and smiled, taking one another's hand as they shared a deep, passionate kiss. For Sunset Shimmer, this was not only the best Nightmare Night, but the naughtiest she'd ever had in her life. And she couldn't wait for more.