> Sisters Should Always Share > by RetiredAccount > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Sharing With Your Sister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How did it come to this? How had things gone so awry? How in Tartarus did she get into this situation? Cadance knew full well it was her own darn fault, she had brought this upon herself. Seducing Celestia into giving her a foal, having an ongoing affair with her for almost a year, not telling her husband… She winced as guilt stabbed at her heart, but still, she fumed, pacing back and forth. Everything had been going so well, no one knew about Celestia and her, no one suspected what they did behind closed doors… until Flurry Heart had been born. Luna had taken one look at the little alicorn and she had understood, she knew who her real father was. Thankfully the Lunar Princess had promised not to tell Shining Armor… but at a price: a foal of her own, as soon as Cadance was strong enough to carry another heir. The months had gone by in a blur, and the pink alicorn now waited for Luna to come collect her prize, trying to calm her nerves. Cadance didn’t even have the luxury of waiting in her own room, since the… activities she would be engaging in would probably leave a huge mess. She preferred having to clean up a guest room rather than her own bedroom; she would probably have to throw out the linen, or just burn the beds, heck incinerate the whole darn room if Luna was half as enthusiastic as Celestia. Speaking of the alicorn, Cadance shot an annoyed look at the Solar Princess, Celestia calmly resting on one of the guest beds, a book held before her muzzle in her golden magic; a book titled Estrus cycles and you, a guide to easy pregnancies. Cadance snorted, shaking her head. With Celestia there was no need for books on fancy breeding techniques, one drop of her semen was potent enough to ensure any mare would carry her foals, even sterile females like Cadance, which had earned her the forgotten title of Fertility Goddess long, long ago. Her insatiable lust and hermaphrodite organ had been the stuff of legends, before the stories of her exploits had faded away, forgotten by time. And as it now turned out, Luna was the same, though the Lunar princess had never been as open about her extra appendage as her sister was in olden times; Luna had remained in the shadows, as always, preferring to surround herself with a harem of loyal mares of the night, rather than sleep with every willing male and female like her sister. If Celestia was to be believed, the bat winged ponies originated from Luna’s herd, a result of a younger Lunar Princess’ magic and her desire to see her nights alive with activity. Every one of them descended from Luna… but then again, if the stories were to be believed, at least half of Equestria’s population descended from Celestia one way or another. Cadance wondered if the bat winged ponies knew of this; it would explain why they had flocked to Luna upon her return. Cadance gulped as a little thought entered her mind; she really hoped Luna didn’t give her a bat-winged alicorn foal, that would really be hard to explain to her husband… She resumed her frantic pacing, almost running in circles at this point. Celestia sighed, closing her book with a sharp *snap*. “Cadance, my dear, please. You have to calm down.” “Yes… calm down, easy.” Cadance breathed, her eyes wide and her voice panicky. “Nothing’s wrong, everything is fine, our secret is safe, Shiny still loves me...” She fluffed her wings, a gulp traveling down her throat, her tail trashing behind her. “I really wish I could hug Flurry Heart right now. Oh I hope she’s ok…” “Sunburst will look after her, do not worry.” Celestia smiled kindly; her horn flared to life, her golden magic gently tugging Cadance towards the bed. “He has cared for her before.” It was true, the nerdy unicorn had turned out to be a very competent Crystaller; really it was just a fancy term for what amounted to a royal nanny. “Flurry Heart will be fine.” Cadance resisted the soft pull of Celestia’s magic for a few stubborn instants, then she sighed, dragging her hooves to the bed. “I know, I know.” She grumbled as she slipped on the covers, sliding next to Celestia. “But it’s the first time my little Flurry is staying outside of the castle, so far away from her mommy… What if I didn’t pack enough maternal milk for her? What if she loses her blankie? What if she cries for me and I’m not there?” Cadance started to hyperventilate, her body shaking. “What if Chrysalis comes back to get her revenge! What if she’s going there right now... Oh my gosh I have to go see my Flurry!” Celestia sighed kindly, her large wing closing around Cadance to keep her still, snuggled against her side. “Cadance, my sweet, be at ease. We haven’t seen Chrysalis since the hive turned on her, I doubt she’s planning anything but nurse her wounds and stay out of our way for quite some time.” She nuzzled Cadance’s pouting cheeks, placing a little kiss on her jawline. “You are being paranoid.” “Hmm, sure I am.” Cadance grumbled, unconsciously shifting to snuggle deeper into Celestia’s familiar warmth. “At least I’m not the one who sent a whole squadron of Solar Guards to surveil Sunburst’s house.” Celestia froze, mid kiss, her lips on Cadance’s cheek. “… I do not know what you mean.” “Oh please,” Cadance snickered, “did you think I wouldn’t notice all those little clouds circling over his home? You can even see their gold armor shinning in the sun.” “Oh for pony sake.” Celestia sighed, rubbing her forehead tiredly. “I told them to be discreet.” Cadance chuckled, giving her lover a playful jab in the ribs. The two remained happily snuggled together, quite content in their comfortable embrace. Cadance relaxed against her lover, reassured by Celestia’s presence… and the little kisses Celestia was placing on her neck wasn’t too bad either. Actually, the way her lips brushed against her pink coat was quite… exciting. Celestia nibbled on her nape, then resumed her trails of kisses, making her shudder. “What are we doing…” Cadance whispered, coming to her senses after a while; she winced when the mingled scent of her own arousal and Celestia’s musk hit her senses. “Wait…” Celestia tried to go for her lips, but Cadance pushed her away; the white alicorn just resumed her pecks on her neck. “We should stop before Luna arrives…” “We’re just hugging and kissing.” Celestia said innocently, her lips pulling on Cadance’s coat, leaving a few faint marks. “It is innocent enough...” “No it’s not.” Cadance sighed, her form shivering pleasurably as Celestia covered her neck in hickeys. “You know I can feel you getting hard, right?” Celestia shifted her hips, grinding her length against Cadance’s side, her limp cock slowly throbbing to life as it slipped from her sheath. After a few seconds of hesitation, Cadance’s hoof strayed towards Celestia’s growing stallionhood, the pink alicorn biting her lips as she took hold of it. She felt it jerk under her grasp, the soft flesh hardening with every pump of blood, Celestia’s heartbeat running wild. She pumped her hoof over the lengthy shaft, feeling it come to life. True to her twisted rules of fidelity she had refused to let Celestia have actual sex with her ever since that first time, only giving the Solar Princess relief with her hooves and magic… But at this instant she could feel the emptiness in her begging to be filled, and the hardening tool in her hoof seemed perfect for the task. Cadance’s hoof reached the already flaring tip, the length almost to full mast; she traced the contour of Celestia’s cockhead, watching the first few drops of clear arousal drip from it, then she pumped her hoof back down. Celestia’s stallionhood was now rock hard, veins bulging on the girthy pole, ready for action. Cadance gulped, Celestia’s musk now saturating the room, her hoof traveling down the lengthy shaft all the way down. She unconsciously licked her lips as her hoof bumped against Celestia’s balls, the plump orbs already sloshing with thick seed; it wasn’t for nothing that Celestia had held the title of Fertility goddess. Gingerly, she fondled one of Celestia’s massive testicles, hefting the weighty semen inside, feeling it churning to produce more. While her hoof massaged Celestia’s ballsack, Cadance’s wing slowly unfurled, before her soft feathers closed around the enormous stallionhood. Celestia’s breath hitched, her length jerking in the gentle grasp; Cadance had never used her wings with Celestia before, something she usually reserved for her husband, but she just couldn’t help herself. The delicate pink wing brushed all over Celestia’s length, making the alicorn hiss in pleasure, her soft feather-tips grazing all the right spots. Cadance’s horn flared to life, and her magic joined her hoof in gently kneading Celestia’s balls, her aura squeezing the fat orbs, making Celestia whimper in pleasure. The expert wingjob and ball-fondling quickly made Celestia’s cock swell in arousal, precum leaking copiously from the tip. Cadance’s wing was now covered with the syrupy substance, her feathers damp and sticky, the soft brushing turning into wet stroking. It was when Cadance closed her feathers around the throbbing flared head that Celestia grunted, her stallionhood jerking mightily as a strong spurt of precum fired from her tip, making a mess inside the feathery grasp. Cadance tsked, opening her wing to look at the damage: the whole limb was covered in slimy precum, her feathers clumped together, her wing heavy with the stuff. She would be preening herself for hours to fix her wing! She gave Celestia an annoyed glance, her magic squeezing her balls a little harder, just enough to make Celestia wince. It might seem harsh, but Cadance knew she loved it; right on cue her length jerked again, but before Celestia could spew her precum all over her body Cadance twisted around, her neck bending towards the throbbing tip. Cadance hummed as she took Celestia’s flare tip into her mouth, the burst of precum landing on her tongue, the taste making her moan out loud. She lapped at the leaking tip, her tongue slathering Celestia’s flare, and she was rewarded with another spurt, and another, the stallionhood leaking like a broken faucet. Cadance resumed her ball massage as she eagerly sucked on Celestia’s cock, bulges traveling down her throat as she swallowed the abundant alicorn syrup, almost as thick as a normal stallion’s release; even her Shiny couldn’t compare to Celestia’s production. The sounds of enthusiastic suckling echoed around the room, Cadance blowing her lover like her life depended on it. Celestia whimpered in need, her hips humping into Cadance’s muzzle to shove her cock deeper into her mouth, but Cadance simply bobbed her head back, keeping it against her tongue; she wanted to savor it all. Cadance licked and sucked, her lips closed tightly around Celestia’s shaft, her tongue coiling around the massive stallionhood. She was far from inexperienced, and she could already feel the flare bulging out, pushing against her jaw. Cadance started to bob her head faster, large amounts of precum flowing into her mouth, the Love Princess eagerly gulped it all down. She felt Celestia’s cock throbbing between her lips as she teased her tip, her tongue lapping at the source of all that sweet stallion nectar. Her magic squeezed Celestia’s balls playfully, coaxing them into releasing their loads, hungry for Celestia’s thick cream. Her mane fell on her eyes as she quickly jerked her head up and down, the slurping sounds becoming frantic and messy. With a loud whinny of pleasure Celestia threw her head back, her spine arching on the bed, and that was all the warning Cadance got. A powerful burst of seed traveled down Celestia’s shaft like an arrow, before exploding into Cadance’s mouth, her eyes widening as the virile taste of stallion cum overwhelmed her senses. Cadance moaned in bliss, savoring her mouthful, but she had to quickly swallow the delicious thick sludge as Celestia’s cock spurted more and more into her mouth, her cheeks already bulging out. Thankfully by now Cadance was adept at handling Celestia’s ridiculously large loads, bulges clearly visible on her slender neck as she swallowed every drop, the viscous semen clinging to her throat as it went down. She swallowed and swallowed, the loud sound of her obscene gulping spurring Celestia on, her balls pulsing in Cadance’s magic. The Solar Princess panted like a dog as she slowly reached her limit, laying defeated on her back, Cadance keeping her downed with an imperious hoof on her chest. Cadance slurped down one last burst of gooey spunk, her lips tugging on Celestia’s shaft insistently, making sure she had milked the alicorn dry; Celestia could only whimper in post orgasmic stupor, her spent balls screaming for mercy as Cadance kept on kneading them. With a little flourish and a loud *slurp*, Cadance threw her head back, the softening stallionhood popping free from her mouth, covered in saliva. Cadance watched Celestia try to regain her breath beneath her, the alicorn’s chest heaving under her pink hoof; she felt a burst of pride for a job well done. Smirking victoriously, Cadance leaned towards the flagging shaft, pressing her lips to Celestia’s tip in a lewd little kiss. Celestia gave a high pitch moan, and Cadance barely had time to blink before she was blasted in the face by a quick jet of alicorn spunk, the princess squealing as the stuff sprayed on her muzzle, clinging to her fur, to her mane, her eyes… It was everywhere. Cadance pushed the limp stallionhood away, not eager to be covered in anymore of Celestia’s orgasmic aftershocks, and she gave a cum covered glare at her lover; Celestia smiled back, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Gotcha…” Celestia breathed, her golden magic pushing a gooey strand of mane out of Cadance’s eyes. She leaned forward, and this time Cadance didn’t push her away, accepting her quick kiss with a begrudging grumble; Celestia drew back with her own cum dribbling over her lips, her tongue darting out to sample her own production. “You do look beautiful covered in my semen, my dear.” “Har, har.” Cadance rubbed her eyes, trying to get the gunk out of her eyelashes. “Do you have any idea how long it takes me to get this stuff out of my mane?” “Not really.” Celestia tilted her head, watching Cadance carefully. “This is the moment when you usually show me the door.” Celestia took Cadance’s hoof, gently squeezing it. “You never let me stay with you after we are done. We never even cuddle after we make love, expect for that one time...” “Cuddling is for my Shiny.” Cadance said firmly, fixing Celestia with a hard stare; she didn’t try to yank her hoof back however. “We aren’t making love. I’m just milking you so you don’t go crazy with desire, I’m doing what I have to keep you from blowing our cover, to protect my marriage, that’s all.” Celestia sighed with a lopsided smile, fixing Cadance with her best disappointed maternal look. “Stubborn as always. Ever since you were a little filly you’ve been the same. Doing anything to get what you want, then running to me when your little plans inevitably backfire, hiding from the consequences.” Celestia snorted in humor, giving Cadance’s hoof a soft squeeze. “Too bad this time I was the consequence, hmm?” “… If you want me to throw you out of the room I still can, you know.” “I would rather stay, if you don’t mind.” Celestia chuckled as Cadance pouted childishly, her cum glazed cheeks puffed out. The old alicorn watched her seed slowly drip down from Cadance’s chin, a quiver running down her spine. “I wonder…” She gave Cadance a sidelong glance. “What if for once, you let me pleasure you?” Cadance chewed on her lips, still unsure of where her feelings stood when it came to Celestia, but she didn’t say anything as the older alicorn started to lean towards her. She shuddered when Celestia’s lips grazed against her throat, just barely kissing her pink coat, before placing another soft peck on her nape, Celestia carefully crawling around Cadance’s body. The Solar Princess kept on giving her lover soft little kisses, her lips slowly traveling down her neck, then her back, and finally her rear. Cadance shuddered when Celestia kissed her cutie mark, the trails of pecks continuing towards her backside; blushing terribly, Cadance hid her face in her hooves as she tucked her tail to the side, giving Celestia a perfect view of her aroused pussy. Celestia took a moment to admire Cadance’s tight slit, female arousal dripping from her folds, her pussy lips just a shade darker than her fur. From this close she could easily smell how excited Cadance really was, even if the silly filly always tried to deny it. Her sense of fidelity to her husband truly was a strange thing; willing to mate with another to give her husband a foal, and still arguing she didn’t want to cheat on him. Celestia inhaled deeply, her limp cock stirring in her lap: if Cadance was in heat she would have gone rock hard with just a whiff, but her natural scent had its own charm. Licking her lips, Celestia leaned closer, her breath washing over Cadance’s oozing slit, making her shudder. Her pink folds trembled, her inner flesh making a brief appearance, her juices now flowing freely. Celestia smiled, then dove in. Cadance bit her lips to avoid squealing like a little filly, a bolt of pleasure racing along her spine as Celestia gave a slow lick along her slit. From her appreciative hum Cadance could tell her lover had enjoyed the taste of her arousal, a treat Celestia had not earned very often; this type of thing really felt too intimate, it seemed like something she should keep just for Shining Armor… but today she could make an exception. She needed it, and Celestia was more than willing to provide. The second lick was long and forceful, Celestia’s tongue parting her engorged folds, almost slipping inside. The old alicorn finished with a flourish, the tip of her tongue teasing Cadance’s hooded clit, coaxing it out, and Cadance whole body quivered in pleasure. On the third lick Celestia’s tongue teased her opening, probing her pussy, stopping just shy of going inside. Celestia then began to lap at her folds, collecting all her nectar with enthusiastically, her tongue flicking on her clitoral hood with every lick. Cadance whimpered, her teeth sinking into her hoof to keep herself quiet, not wanting to show just how much she was enjoying this, but her body had other plans. She felt the pressure building in her loins, and she could do nothing to stop her pussy from winking in a vulgar display of desire. As soon as her pink folds opened, Celestia suddenly lunged forward, her long fat tongue plunging between Cadance’s engorged folds, slithering around her pussy walls. Cadance cried out loud, her wings shooting open and flanks quivering as she let all pretense fall; there was no way to hide just how much she was enjoying this. She winked again, her slit pulsing against Celestia’s lips, the alicorn sucking all her juices, gulping it down thirstily. Celestia’s tongue coiled around Cadance’s now exposed clit, the engorged love button sending bolts of raw pleasure all around her body, a ball of bliss building in her belly. Cadance moaned out loud, her walls clamping down on Celestia’s tongue, her pussy begging for something far more substantial to fill her. After a few more minutes of intense slurping, Celestia threw her head back to take a deep breath, Cadance’s arousal dribbling all over her white muzzle. She watched the quivering pink folds winking at her, desperate for a cock, her own stallionhood standing at full mast against her belly. It would be easy to just mount the lust crazed princess and cram her breeding tool inside Cadance’s tight pussy, but this wasn’t about her own gratification; she was servicing Cadance right now. Celestia’s horn flared to life, her golden magic swirling over Cadance’s slit, pushing her holds open; Celestia could see all the way inside her oozing cunt, Cadance’s soft walls clenching down on nothing, desperate for anything to clamp down onto. Celestia concentrated, her magic forming a solid replica of a stallionhood, and on the next wink she plunged the magical dildo into Cadance’s pussy. Instantly Cadance’s walls clenched down on the golden stallionhood, the princess giving a high pitched moan; the fake cock was far from being as large as Celestia’s own flesh, but it was still much bigger than the average stallion. Celestia smiled, enjoying the sounds of Cadance giving into pleasure, her ears perked as the princess panted and cursed, her cunt clamped tightly on her magic. The alicorn waited for the pressure to ease up a little, then she started to withdraw the magical dildo, making sure the fake flare dragged on the tight pussy walls just right; Cadance whimpered as the emptiness inside her returned, her cunt trying desperately to hold Celestia inside. Celestia waited a few moments, teasing her lover as she kept her magical dildo poised just at her entrance, the tip only barely inside. She waited for Cadance to start begging for more, her voice strangled by pleasure and lust, and her horn shone even brighter. Celestia smirked, and she slammed the golden cock inside without restraint, all the while making it grow half as big again. Cadance’s eyes widened, her body tensing, her breath catching in her throat; the ball of pleasure in her belly suddenly burst, the cumulated bliss released like a spring, and with a strangled moan Cadance came. Cadance’s juices burst around the golden dildo, spraying Celestia’s muzzle. The heady perfume drove the old alicorn mad with desire, but she kept a hold of herself, concentrating on her magical dildo; Cadance’s walls were clamping down so hard they almost managed to overpower the powerful alicorn’s magic. Eyes shining with lust, Celestia fought against the clenching walls, dragging the dildo back, the golden cock pulling with sudden lurches. She didn’t wait to get near the end of Cadance’s tunnel to plunge it back inside, making Cadance scream in pleasure as her orgasm soared. She repeated the process a second time, then a third, and before long the golden dildo was thrusting into Cadance in a blur, mare cum spraying everywhere. Cadance was lost to the world at this point, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her mouth open and tongue hanging out. Everything was bliss, she was lost in a sea of ecstasy, waves of pleasures battering her mind as the golden dildo slammed home again and again. Then everything went white, and Cadance collapsed in a heap, her ragged breath mingling with little orgasmic whimpers. Celestia plunged the fake stallionhood to the hilt one last time, then she let her magic dissipate, Cadance’s walls still clenching down on nothing. Celestia had a look of pure lustful hunger on her muzzle as she watched Cadance panting before her, her stallionhood beating angrily against her belly, demanding attention. She knew she shouldn’t, she had promised Cadance, she had a deal with Luna… but she couldn’t help it. Snorting like a feral stallion, Celestia jumped off the bed, her massive cock bobbing under her. She then magically dragged Cadance to the edge of the covers, turning the half-unconscious mare on her belly. Cadance’s eyes fluttered open just in time to feel her rear legs plopping down on the floor, then she squealed when a shadow fell over her; Celestia lost no time in mounting Cadance, her hooves on each side of her lover, her hips already humping as she aligned her cock. “What are you doing?” Cadance hissed, trying to crawl away; a white hoof hooked around her shoulder, keeping her still. “I told you, no sex!” “What about Shining Armor’s wish.” Celestia panted, pressing her muzzle into Cadance’s ear. “He asked for a lot of new foals… Isn’t this the whole point of sending our daughter and Shining Armor away for the weekend?” “Oh… Yeah…” Cadance shuddered as she felt Celestia’s tip probing her slit, looking for her entrance “Wait wait wait, what about Luna!” “She can have the next foal.” Celestia snorted angrily, her front legs clamping down around Cadance’s body possessively. “That is, if I ever let her...” Celestia nibbled on Cadance’s ear, inhaling deeply in her mane. “If I keep putting my semen in you… If I make sure I put my foal in your belly before her…” Celestia pressed her flare against Cadance’s pussy, precum already flowing from her tip. “I was the Goddess of Fertility, she was but the Succubus of Pleasure, her seed cannot hope to compete with mine...” Cadance could only babble incoherently when faced with this much lust, this hunger for her body; it was both flattering and terrifying. She felt the massive flare pressing into her folds, Celestia’s hooves holding her possessively, her cock bending as she pushed against Cadance’s tightness. With a sudden lurch the girthy stallionhood finally popped between her tight pink lips, a deep moan echoing around the room; neither Celestia or Cadance could tell who had cried out, perhaps it was both, it was of little importance. “Yeees…” Celestia’s eyes fluttered, a look of utter bliss on her muzzle. “After so long… After so much teasing…” Her hips jerked erratically, the alicorn unable to control her long-denied lust. “I can finally do THIS!” Celestia rammed her cock into her lover, her thighs slapping against Cadance’s rear as she savagely hilted into her mare. Cadance cried out, both in pleasure and pain; it was a pleasurable kind of pain, the discomfort of being stretched to her limits, filled to the brim. Celestia was so big, her length pressed so deep, her pussy almost too small for the massive member. It had been more than a year since she had last allowed Celestia inside her, and she had forgotten just how much of a tight fit it had been. Celestia pressed her hips against her rear, enjoying the embrace of her snug cunt, her breath tickling Cadance’s ear. Cadance could feel Celestia’s flare crammed against her depths, a steady flow of precum seeping through barrier, the syrupy liquid already pooling into her womb. “Mine…” Celestia whispered fiercely, hugging Cadance close. “You are mine…” Celestia’s hips quivered, ready to begin rutting her lover, ready to claim her once again. “My broodma…” “And then ponies have the audacity to call us jealous and possessive.” A voice rang in the room, terrible and dark. “Hath thou no shame sister?” Celestia and Cadance froze, their hearts stopping in unison. Dread filled the two lovers as a shadow started to spread on the wall facing them, darkness swirling like ink in water. The shadow quickly formed a doorway, black as the night, and from the gloom first appeared a pair of glowing eyes, the cyan pupils twinkling dangerously, then two sharp fangs glinted under them. In the next instant Luna stepped from the dark portal, a grimace of pure anger deforming her features; the enraged glare sent a bolt of terror into Celestia’s heart. The Lunar Princess slowly stepped closer to the bed, her eyes flicking from Cadance’s cum covered face, to Celestia’s dear-in-the-headlight expression. “Celestia…” Luna’s voice rumbled like a storm, making the two mating alicorns whimper. “Once again you dare to take what is rightfully mine.” Luna’s mane billowed out, her coat slowly turning black; Celestia felt her heart stop at the sight, what had she done! The Lunar Princess slowly turning Nightmare stomped closer, making them cower in fear. “Thou will pay for this!” Luna stopped just in front of them, her eyes narrowing dangerously, her mane darkening ominously, fangs glinting in the light. Celestia was frozen in shock, her mind completely blank; had she pushed her little sister down this path again? Luna’s horn shone, Cadance covering her face, the dark alicorn preparing to lunge at them… before an amused snort escaped her dark muzzle, a smile appearing on her lips. Celestia blinked, her mouth falling open as Luna started to laugh, and it finally clicked. “LUNA!” Celestia exploded, pointing at her sister accusingly. “You scared me half to death! I told you to NEVER do this again, pretending to turn back is not okay!” “Peace sister.” Luna chuckled, holding up her hoof in a soothing gesture; her mane and coat were quickly returning to normal. “Twas but a prank, as you love to say. And really, I do not think you are in the best position to complain about fairness.” She smiled cockily, looking at Celestia swelling like a bull-frog. She then gave a confused Cadance a glance, her smile revealing her fangs once more. “Do not worry young Cadance, we are not vexed by your actions. You can proceed with your debauched fornicating, we do not mind waiting our turn.” That threw Celestia for a loop, the alicorn blinking in surprise. She had half expect Luna to try and throw her off her mate, or just lunge at them to stop her; Luna could be a little intense when it came to a competition between them. Celestia couldn’t understand why Luna was giving up her turn at claiming Cadance so easily, and she tensed slightly when Luna’s wings shot open, the dark alicorn leaping gracefully on the bed, landing in front of Cadance. Celestia shifted her hips, her cock grinding against Cadance’s depths, making sure she was firmly hilted in her mate, but Luna only leaned down, bringing her muzzle next to Cadance’s. “By the moon…” Luna inhaled deeply, sniffing at Cadance’s cum covered face; the pink alicorn turned bright red. “Such potent odor, such virility.” Luna licked her lips, the sight making Celestia shift uncomfortably, not sure how she should feel about her own sister praising her seed; her cock had no such qualms, Cadance squeaking cutely as the sallionhood in her pussy somehow managed to grow even bigger. “Reminds me of the stink that emanated from your room when thou first discovered the joys of self-gratification.” Luna shot Celestia a heated glance, the two sisters locking eyes, one confident and strong, the other unsure and hesitant. “That’s enough…” Celestia mumbled, wondering just how far Luna was willing to with her little prank; there was no way she was actually planning on staying while she rutted Cadance… was there? “If you think I will stop just because you are watching, you are sorely mistaken. I will keep going until I spill my essence into my mare, and there is nothing you can do to stop m…” “Stop thee?” Luna’s eyes twinkled in amusement. “Oh, but I count on it sister.” Luna smiled wide… then she leaned closer, her tongue slipping from her fanged mouth, only to place a long and sloppy lick across Cadance’s cheek, collecting a generous helping of incestuous semen. Luna hummed in appreciation, gulped it down, then went for seconds. Cadance whimpered, half aroused and half disgusted as Luna’s tongue brushed against her fur, cleaning it of Celestia’s spunk but leaving her coat sticky with saliva instead. Celestia watched her sister lick her thick semen quite eagerly, the dark alicorn clearly savoring each sample, the Solar Princess completely taken off guard once again. The spectacle was so depraved she didn’t realize she was thrusting her hips until she felt her thighs collide with Cadance’s rear, the pink princess opening her mouth to cry out… only for Luna to lock their lips together. Cadance’s muffled moans quickly devolved into submissive squeals as Luna instantly took control of the kiss, her lips pressing against Cadance’s until the poor princess had to lean her head back, but still the dark alicorn followed. Celestia had to shuffle her front legs to the side as Cadance arched back, although she made sure she kept hilting into her pussy. She could see Luna’s tongue pressing against the inside of Cadance’s cheeks, her technique both skillful and savage at the same time; where Celestia kissed with love and kindness, Luna was aggressive and dominant, her dangerous fangs clashing against dull pony teeth, Cadance unable to compete with the stronger mare. Cadance found herself pushed shoulder to shoulder with Celestia, her head pressed against her white neck, and Luna still kissed her with terrifying intensity, her tongue coiled around her own, her lips never leaving hers, stealing her breath away. The pink alicorn could not retreat anymore, and she was even pushed against Luna’s dominant form by Celestia’s incessant thrusts, the sounds of the massive stallionhood plunging into her wet cunt making her whimper. Luna’s eyes flicked to the side and found Celestia’s; the two sisters held gazes, Luna’s tongue almost slipping down Cadance’s throat, Celestia ramming her cock into the tight pink pussy. Suddenly the dark alicorn unceremoniously let the kiss end, Cadance finally able to escape Luna’s lips; she ducked down, breathing desperately. This left Celestia and Luna staring at each other, their noses almost touching, Celestia’s panting breath washing over Luna’s face as the Solar Princess humped into her mate, almost distractedly. After a few moments Celestia couldn’t take the stare down anymore, and started to inch closer, her lips trembling as she leaned towards her sister, anticipation growing in her heart… only for Luna to smirk and turn away. Celestia blushed red, realizing she had just tried to kiss her sister, but Luna didn’t pay any attention to her. The Lunar princess roughly grabbed Cadance’s head, and one none-too-gentle tug later she stepped over the pink mare, bringing Cadance’s muzzle close to her belly. Cadance could do nothing against Luna’s strength, her body rocked by Celestia’s thrusts; she was totally at the mercy of the two alicorns, something very new to the usually domineering mare. She found herself nose to nose with Luna’s sheath, the usually invisible organ now on full display, and she was there just in time to see Luna’s dark blue stallionhood start to emerge. Luna’s cock slithered free from her sheath in front of Cadance’s nose, the princess’s eyes darting back and forth between the tip and the base, watching it grow longer, longer and longer still. Cadance gulped in dread as the limp cock surpassed Celestia’s length, and still it continued to grow. When Luna finally signed in contentment, her cock fully exposed, Cadance’s eyes were bulging out of their sockets; it was huge, much longer than Celestia’s! And then it started to grow hard, and Cadance wanted nothing more than to run away screaming. She might have, if Celestia wasn’t holding on to her hips, still hammering away with deep, slow thrusts that rocked her closer to Luna’s shaft. Luna’s cock grew in jerks, blood pumping into the long organ at the rhythm of her heartbeat, every throb leaving it harder than before. And behind her shaft, Cadance could see a pair of massive navy testicles, as big as Celestia’s, maybe even bigger. Cadance whimpered, watching the blue cock rise, veins pulsing under the surface, a few drops of precum dripping from the tip. It was not as large as the shaft currently railing her pussy, but where Celestia won out with girth, Luna easily compensated with length. Luna’s cock was slender and elegant, her flare a lot less pronounced than her sister’s; it made Celestia’s stallionhood look stocky by comparison. And Luna seemed quite impatient to use it. Cadance didn’t try to fight Luna’s imperious hoof as it hooked around her head, keeping her still as the alicorn pressed her cock against her lips. Cadance quickly took the slender flare into her mouth, eager to please Luna; maybe if she showed she was willing, Luna would treat her more gently. She started to suck and lick with expert ease, the constant thrusting in her cunt only marginally slowing her, and she smiled confidently as she heard Luna moan overhead. She bobbed her head enthusiastically, happy to she was regaining some semblance of control… But Luna chose that moment to brutally thrust into her muzzle. Cadance gurgled in surprise as Luna’s cock plunged down her throat, the alicorn shuffling over her until her nose was pressed against Luna’s sheath, chin bumping against her enormous balls; the pink princess whimpered in fear, it felt like Luna was all the way down to her stomach, so long was her stallionhood. Behind her she felt Celestia hammer into her cunt even harder, the alicorn apparently enjoying watching her sister deepthroating her lover. Cadance mumbled around her mouthful, trying to ask for mercy, her neck bulging with the outline the long stallionhood. Unconcerned, Luna started to hump into her muzzle, one hoof keeping her head steady, her cock thrusting up and down her throat, but never leaving it completely. Cadance sputtered, almost choking on her own saliva, but thankfully she could swallow around the slender shaft, even take shallow breaths. Cadance thanked her lucky stars for the fact that Luna was not as large as her sister; she wasn’t sure Luna would be as careful as Celestia if she was to pass out. Retching and choking, Cadance endured the double assault, both her throat and pussy stuffed with alicorn cock. Luna exhaled happily, her hips giving shallow little thrusts, quite happy to remain hilted down Cadance’s throat. She gave a sidelong glance at her sister, the two of them side by side as they spitroasted the mare underneath. Celestia was still blushing, her expression torn between shame and excitement, and a little disappointment. The Solar Princess was now pounding into her lover with wild abandon, but her attention was completely focused on her sister; Luna almost pitied Cadance, to be used in such a way by a distracted lover. Luna had always known Celestia harbored a secret and immoral lust for her body, she had caught her eyes lingering on her rear more times than she could count. Celestia always looked away, ashamed of her interest, and Luna thought nothing of it; after all, they had both been sexual goddesses in their youth, creatures focused the pleasure of the flesh, it was inevitable they would become interested in the other. Luna even occasionally flicked her tail to the side, giving her sister a few glimpses of the one thing she could never have. It used to be a naughty little game, nothing more. And now here they were, their sides pressed against one another as they shared the same mare, their gazes locked together, the taboo of their mutual attraction lifted. Luna smirked toothily, her fangs glinting, her eyes twinkling in open invitation; she had not planned to do anything quite so indecent with her sister, but they had come so far… why not go a little further? Celestia hesitated, careful as always, her mind in turmoil as she tried to reconcile her chaste sisterly love with the overwhelming lust coursing down her veins, her hips slamming into a gurgling Cadance, her tight pussy clamping down on her cock, making it hard to withdraw. After a few more instants of indecision, Celestia started to lean towards her sister, slowly, hesitantly, second guessing herself with every little movement. Luna was not so patient. Luna threw herself at her sister, half kissing and half biting Celestia’s lips; there was no blood drawn, but the Solar Princess felt a stab of pleasurable fear as her sister’s fangs pressed into her flesh, a burst of precum traveling down her shaft as Luna’s tongue invaded her mouth. Luna was even less gentle than she had been with Cadance, saliva dripping down their chins as they deepened the sloppy kiss, but they didn’t care; all that mattered was the forbidden love they felt for one another, the intense kiss the only thing they needed to convey their feelings. Jealousy, sisterly love, lust, old wounds, desire… They shared it all, Luna dominating the kiss, Celestia happily surrendering to her sister. They both thrusted into Cadance’s respective holes, the poor princess jostled from all sides as she was used as a receptacle for their incestuous lust, her weak pleading gurgles going completely unheard; there was no mercy to be found in the two alicorns rutting her silly. The two sisters separated, both thrusting away, both imagining they were fucking the other, a trail of saliva linking their lips as they stared at one another with naked hunger; Luna smiled hungrily, Celestia gave a pleading mewl. They were back to kissing each other in the next instant. Celestia’s thrusts soon became erratic, her cock plunging into her mate without rhythm, the alicorn escaping the heated kiss to pant raggedly, her release growing closer. Cadance gave a muffled whimper under them, knowing there was nothing she could do to stop Celestia from spilling her seed inside her. She could feel her flare growing larger and larger, pushing against her tight cunt, stretching her cervix open; she would undoubtedly carry her foal again if she kept going, Luna would surely stop her? But instead of doing anything to stop her sister, Luna began to hammer into Cadance’s throat with new vigor, her thrusts precise and elegant, using her full length as she went balls deep into her muzzle, her heavy testicles slapping against her chin with every roll of her hips. Luna tried to take Celestia’s lips back, but the alicorn leaned away, still trying to regain her breath. Enraged at being denied, Luna growled, her lips curling back into a snarl, her eyes focused on Celestia’s neck. Luna struck like a snake, her fanged jaws closing around Celestia’s throat, the wicked canines pricking her coat without actually injuring her. Celestia screamed in both fear and arousal, the submissive alicorn feeling like a rabbit trapped in the jaws of a wolf, her cry melting into a guttural moan as she felt her balls clench, her seed rushing down her shaft. Celestia gave a few last desperate thrusts, throwing Cadance into Luna’s cock, and she hilted hard enough to redden Cadance’s flanks. She remained pressed as deep as she could, flare mashed against Cadance’s cervix, medial ring quivering against her folds, marveling at how perfectly matched she and her lover were, and with a strangled cry she came. Jets after jets of thick alicorn spunk fired into Cadance, Celestia’s magic washing over her barren womb, making it fertile and ready to carry their second foal. Cadance instantly went into heat, her body releasing an egg to be fertilized, Celestia’s cock spurting more and more baby batter into her mate, making sure she was the one to claim her. Celestia’s release surged on, helped by the abject fear she still felt as Luna kept holding to her throat, those wicked fangs pressed squarely against her jugular; one little bite, it was all it would take. Her balls rumbled, emptying their load in a rush of survival instinct; as far as her body was concerned, she might get killed at any moment, her instincts to leave behind an offspring running wild, her sperm heavy semen ready to plunder Cadance’s womb. But, strangely enough, no matter how much Celestia came, she didn’t feel her release pushing back against her tip; by this point Cadance’s womb should have been sloshing with her seed, filled to the brim, the excess leaking around her flare. Celestia whimpered, her eyes darting back and forth in confusion… until her gaze fell on Luna’s horn; the dark blue aura shone brightly, betraying the power of the spell Luna was using. Celestia watched the magical display in confusion, wondering what Luna was up to; she then heard a splattering sound coming from behind her, and she carefully twisted her head around, looking for the source. There, floating over her rump, was a dark portal surrounded by Luna’s magic, and bubbling in the dark blue field, was a huge blob of what could only be her semen, all of it. One last burst of seed traveled down her length, and she saw the spurt traversing the portal as her cum left her tip. Celestia cried out in protest, but Luna held her neck with a warning growl, an amused smile appearing on her lips. Celestia couldn’t believe it. She had been had. Luna chuckled darkly as Celestia’s cock started to go limp, a little pathetic whimper escaping the Solar Princess’ lips. She finally released her neck, taking a moment to admire the lasting mark she had left on Celestia’s coat, a burst of pride making her cock throb inside Cadance’s throat. Celestia stumbled back, dazed by the intense bout of mating and kissing, her cock slipping from Cadance’s oozing pussy messily, a dark portal still firmly lodged against her tip, making sure no drop of seed entered Cadance. Celestia collapsed on the bed, heaving, and Luna threw her hips back with a grunt, her still hard cock bursting from Cadance’s lips with a shower of precum and saliva. Cadance coughed desperately, the poor princess taking great gulps of air, mixed fluids running all over her muzzle; she laid down next to Celestia, her chest rising frantically, her eyes fluttering. Luna titled her head, watching her wheeze like she had run a marathon. It seemed Cadance has been on the verge of choking on her cock, she expected better from the Love Princess honestly. Still, Luna wasn’t interested in her mouth, and her cock was still primed and ready to breed her, now that she was in heat and fertile, courtesy of her sister. She just had to take care of something before claiming her mare… ******************* After a few moments of desperate panting, Celestia stirred, looking at her sister with an accusing expression. “You… you tricked me…” “Verily.” Luna nodded, smirking at her. “How else did you expect me to fertilize Cadance? I needed her to be in season and fecund. My skills lie in the pleasures of the flesh, I do not possess your powers, miss Fertility Goddess.” Luna sing songed Celestia’s old title, then her nostrils flared, her eyes widening. She took a deep breath, her cock slapping against her belly, her hips quivering. “Hmmm, yes, perfect.” Luna stared at Cadance, licking her lips. “Nothing is quite as delectable as the scent of a mare in heat, ready for breeding, don’t you agree sister?” Celestia sighed, admitting defeat; Luna had played her like a fiddle. “… Was all the kissing part of your plan too?” Luna blinked, hesitating for the first time, her eyes darting to the side to avoid looking Celestia in the eyes. “… No.” “… Do you regret it?” “You know I do not.” Luna’s eyes flicked back to Celestia, but this time it was the Solar alicorn who avoided her gaze. “… Do you?” “… No.” “…” “…” “… Sister this is really awkward.” “Well,” Celestia gulped, biting her lips. “as long as we do not go any further…” “Aye, twould be most unbecoming if we went further.” Luna nodded. “Hmm, it would be awful.” “Awful yes.” “Yes.” “Oh will you two just have sex already.” Cadance grumbled, her throat still a little raw from the brutal pounding she had received. “Perverted, AND incestuous, I can’t believe I got myself into this…” Celestia blushed deeply, the alicorn flinching back, but Luna only raised an eyebrow, giving Cadance a deadpan stare. “And what of thee? Princess of Love, and infidelity? Thou are hardly in any place to give lessons on morality.” “I love my Shiny.” Cadance growled, avoiding Luna’s glance. “I just did what I needed to…” “Nonsense.” Luna snorted, her cock slapping on her belly in agreement. “What if you are unable to bear a foal? Well you could have adopted. You wanted to have a biological child and needed Celestia’s help? Well you could have just told your husband.” “I couldn’t…” Cadance looked down, pouting stubbornly. “I was afraid he would leave me…” “You do realize that is quite ridiculous?” Luna tilted her head, watching Cadance curiously. “Your dreams have always been closed to me, so I do wonder, what made you so afraid of losing your husband?” Cadance hesitated, then she mumbled, barely audible. “The wedding.” Celestia and Luna shared a glance, before they focused back on Cadance. “Chrysalis locked me up in a cave, she took my place, she wore my bridal gown, she went down the aisle before me… and she stole my husband in every way.” Cadance shuddered in disgust, a wince crossing her muzzle. “The smell of that… mare, it was all over him when I got my Shiny back. It was impossible to wash off, clinging to his coat, his mane… our bed.” Celestia cringed in sympathy, and even Luna inclined her head in acknowledgement. Cadance went on, speaking in a monotone voice. “I had to tolerate Chrysalis’ scent during the wedding ceremony, I could smell her on his breath when we exchanged our vows, I could taste that monster on his lips when we kissed… and I found bite marks all over his body during our honeymoon. Not the bad kind… the playful kind.” Luna’s eyes flickered to the bite mark on Celestia’s neck, it was a signature, of claim of possession; Chrysalis had been thorough in her enjoyment of her stolen groom, more than she had ever thought. “She didn’t bite him deep enough to actually injure him, but her fangs still left clear scars on his neck, legs, thighs… even on his stallionhood. Especially on his stallionhood.” Luna signed, her curiosity sated. She now understood. Each bite mark had been like a personal insult, reminders that Cadance’s husband had been claimed by another, one last jab by the changeling queen. It had probably driven Cadance mad with jealousy. “I never blamed my Shiny for it, he was innocent, she had brainwashed him… but it still hurt like Tartarus.” Cadance turned a resolute stare towards Luna, the princess slowly rising to her hooves, ready to do anything to keep her marriage safe. “He’s my stallion, my Shining Armor, and I would do anything and everything to never lose him again.” She set her jaw, flicking her chin up. Luna’s eyebrow rose, then she turned to Celestia. “Do you think being completely mad is a trait for young alicorns?” Luna asked her sister, completely serious. “Because between my past lunacy, the sexual craze you exhibited as a teen, Twilight’s neurosis and Cadance’s obvious insanity…” “Luna!” Celestia scolded, her wing opening to hug Cadance close; the pink princess snuggled into the feathery embrace, looking like a baby swan trying to hide under her mother’s wing. “We should try to help the poor dear, not judge her…” “Oh, but I am helping her.” Luna smirked. She then turned to the still open dark portal she had used to get into the room, and she spoke to the shadows. “So, what do you think?” To Cadance and Celestia’s great horror, a new form detached itself from the darkness, the white fur and electric blue mane making him stand out against the shadows. He stepped into the room, his eyes betraying no emotion as he looked at Cadance’s panicked expression, his lips drawn into a tight line; Celestia looked just about to faint, while Cadance was starting to hyperventilate. Shining Armor’s gaze flicked to Celestia, then Luna, before turning back to his terrified wife. He took a deep breath… and a big grin spread on his muzzle, his eyes twinkling, not a trace of anger or sadness in his happy expression. “Well, I think you should always share with the people you love.” Shining Armor declared, still grinning wide. He gave his unbelieving wife a reassuring nod, just to make sure she knew everything was fine, Cadance’s eyes brimming with tears of relief. His gaze then turned to a shocked Celestia, and his eyes twinkled with mischief, and just a hint of lust. “And I do looooove sharing.” > Chapter 2: Sharing Your Sister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia was stunned, her mouth hanging open as she tried to process what was happening. She watched in a stupor as Cadance left her side, jumping from the bed like a jittery filly, leaving her behind, still frozen on the bed. Cadance ran to her husband, babbling apologies, the mare tackling him to the ground in a flurry of pink feathers, Shining Armor still wearing his coltish grin as he went down. The stallion embraced his wife, murmuring soft words of reassurance, chuckling as she covered him in kisses. And Celestia stood still, completely flabbergasted by the turns of events. Shining Armor was in the room. Shining Armor had been watching them. Shining Armor had seen it all. Not only had he seen her rut his wife, with all the intents of impregnating Cadance again, but he had seen her indulge in a truly debauched incestuous kiss, her little submissive squeals still echoing in her ears. Celestia’s cheeks went crimson, and she promptly tried to teleport herself far, far away, lest she die of embarrassment. Her horn shone like the sun, almost as bright as her cheeks, but before she could cast her spell a familiar aura took hold of her magic, snuffing it out. “Where do you think you are going, sister?” Luna smiled sweetly, her own horn shining with dark energy. "I still need you to uphold my part of the deal.” Celestia struggled for a few moments, but she was too panicked to offer any real resistance. “Uphold your deal?” She turned to her sister, trying to sound indignant, which was admittedly hard given the situation. “You already broke our agreement!” She gestured to the stallion in the room, Shining Armor hugging his wife close, he and Cadance deep in a whispered conversation. “You told him about us!” Luna quirked an eyebrow. “Why are you angry? You wanted him to know, did you not?” “Well, yes… but… I… Cadance didn’t and I…” Celestia sputtered, trying very hard to hold on to her righteous indignation, a hard feat since she was drowning in shame at the moment. She usually made a point to never bed a married pony without the consent of both partners, and only her unrepentant lust for Cadance had kept her from stopping their illicit relationship. Still, she had tried to convince her lover to tell her husband, but now it was too late; he knew, and she had been caught in the act. Celestia clung to the only point she could grasp at. “You promised you wouldn’t tell him!” “Aye, and I upheld that vow.” Luna smirked, letting her fangs glint in amusement. Celestia opened her mouth, confusion clear on her muzzle, but the Lunar Princess cut her off at the last moment. “He already knew.” Celestia’s mouth closed with a *click*, her eyes going wide. “I visited him, the night little Flurry Heart was born,” Luna chuckled, her cock drumming against her belly at the memory, “his dreams were… enlightening.” Celestia stood frozen in shock, thinking back to all the times Shining Armor had given her a strange look, or when he had watched her from a doorway as he left; he often had seemed almost expectant, as if waiting for something… Was he waiting for her to invite him to join them? “But that is not the deal I was referring to.” Luna sauntered closer, her cock throbbing with unrepressed lust. She pushed her muzzle into Celestia’s mane, taking a deep whiff, before she put her lips to her sister’s ear. “I made a deal with Captain Armor,” she whispered, making Celestia shiver, “I get to enjoy his wife, a chance to get an heir from her…” Luna nibbled on her sister’s ear, a little high-pitched moan escaping Celestia’s throat. “And he gets to enjoy you in return, with all that it entails.” Luna drew back, looking into her sister’s shocked eyes. “The poor stallion deserves to have foals of his own, don’t you think.” She smiled sweetly, the picture of innocence. “You are not stranger to bedding married couples, after all.” Celestia’s mouth opened and closed, her lips moving, but no words came forth, just strangled noises. True, she did enjoy joining ponies in their bedrooms, it was always nice to bask in the deep bonds between married ponies, be part of their herd if only for a night, and she had taken and been taken by more stallions than she could count. She had both fathered and given birth to untold numbers of foals, and she had loved each and every one of them, like she loved all their descendants; when she addressed her nation and told them she loved all her ‘little ponies’ like her family, she wasn’t being hyperbolic. But that had been ages ago, when she was young and cared not for her image as a ruler, when she could be herself without care for secrecy. Now… “Pray tell,” Luna’s magic left her sister’s horn with one last playful flick, knowing Celestia wouldn’t try to run away anymore. “How long has it been since you’ve lain with a stallion, without fear of letting nature take its course?” Too long… Celestia thought, watching Shining Armor with new eyes, her mind wandering, considering… No, she couldn’t risk getting pregnant, by sleeping with a married stallion no less; the courts would riot! But, he did have a nice firm bottom, and Luna had said her deal was for her to give Shining Armor a good time; nothing said she had to be the one… receiving. His muscled flanks probably would feel quite marvelous to thrust against. Her inspection didn’t escape Luna’s gaze, and the Princess of the Night smirked. “Can we assume you agree then? Do we have an accord?” Luna tilted her head playfully, giving out her hoof to shake. Celestia blushed and looked away, trying to hide her thoughts, but still she took her sister’s hoof, sealing the deal; Luna snorted in obvious satisfaction. “Most excellent.” She licked her lips, and her horn flared with dark energy. Celestia gasped, a strange sensation engulfing her limp stallionhood. She rolled on her side, staring in disbelief as the dark portal glued to her tip started to swallow her shaft, and before long her male genitals were gone, balls and all. “What are you…” “You will not be needing this.” Luna chuckled, waggling Celestia’s disembodied cock in her magic, the organ pulsing in time with Celestia’s galloping heartbeat. “I know you were dying to plunder Captain Armor’s rear, but for once you shan’t be the one on top.” Celestia tried to appeal to her magic to get her cock back, but one threatening squeeze on her balls made her squeal in submission, her horn sputtering out. Luna had her by the balls, quite literally. “Do not worry, I am sure mister Armor will be a fine sire for my nephews.” With one last chuckle Luna turned away, marching towards the kissing couple, hauling Celestia’s cock along with her for safekeeping. Shining Armor and Cadance’s embrace was slowly becoming more sensual, their lips never parting as their bodies moved together with practiced ease, Shining’s cock almost aligned with Cadance’s dripping tunnel. The Lunar Princess unceremoniously plucked the stallion away with her magic before he could thrust in, Shining’s legs running in mid-air in a cute display. “My sister has agreed to our bargain,” Luna glared at the stallion, peeved at him for almost going back on their deal; he would get all the chances to get a foal with his wife later, now that he knew she could be made fertile. “Celestia is yours for the night.” She felt a strange sensation as the words left her lips, it almost felt like… regret. “Great!” Shining Armor beamed, clopping his front hooves together like a young colt receiving a Hearth’s Warming gift. He gave his wife a glance, Cadance looking a little apprehensive as Luna watched her with naked hunger, her enormous stallionhood leaking precum like a broken faucet. “So, are you sure you don’t mind sharing me, honey?” “Hmm, I…” Cadance hesitated, but Luna stomped her hoof, making her flinch like a startled filly. “Armor!” Luna huffed, waggling Celestia’s dick at the stallion, like a teacher scolding a colt with a ruler. “Stop being so nice, this is supposed to be a punishment for my sister and your wife’s indiscretions!” “Oh, right.” Shining cleared his throat, then gave his wife a mean glare… or at least what he thought was a mean glare; he just looked goofy and adorable. Cadance snorted with amusement, her cheeks puffing out as she tried to hold her laughter down, and Shining was clearly fighting off a large smile. “Oh for heaven’s sake…” Luna grumbled; the stallion was ruining the aura of darkness and danger she had strived for; now she just felt silly for wearing the fake fangs from her Nightmare Night costume. “Away with you!” She shooed Shining Armor off, the stallion skittering away with a coltish laugh, ducking under Luna’s halfhearted swing, the Lunar Princess using her sister’s cock as a club. Luna snorted, half amused and half annoyed, before she schooled her features and turned back to her prey. Cadance gulped, all humor leaving her features. Shining Armor might have assured her he forgave her, under the promise to never do it again without inviting him first, but she knew she would not get away with it scot free. The ravenous lust and fanged grin Luna was sporting made it clear: the Lunar Princess was not going to be tender with her, but deep down, she knew she deserved it. Cadance gulped, squared her shoulder, and flicked her messy mane back. She thought about what she could say: should she be proud and defiant with a nice Do your worst, or act meek and submissive with a Please be gentle… Both options had their upsides, but before she could choose Luna made the decision for her. Cadance could only squeal in fright as the dark alicorn pounced on her with a snarl, her fanged maw snapping at her neck, her vision dominated by a flurry of navy blue feathers, wicked sharp teeth and grasping silver clad hooves. She suddenly realized she was but a rabbit in the claws of a dark bird of prey, and she was about to be positively devoured. Her terrified scream turned into a panicked gurgle, something huge and veiny shoving its way past her lips, before the throbbing intruder plunged down her throat, robbing her of her breath. Cadance gurgled in fear, knowing she was in for a rough ride. And Luna’s punishment had only just begun. *** Shining Armor pranced towards his prize, his kind smile growing as he approached a blushing Celestia. The alicorn straightened up on the bed, shame radiating from her like a halo, and she inclined her head once the stallion had reached her. She hesitated for just an instant, her lips slightly parted, then she took a steadying breath. “Shining Armor, I…” She didn’t get to say more, the Prince boldly jumping on the bed to press his lips to hers, Celestia stiffening in surprise. The kiss was so gentle, Celestia’s train of thoughts completely derailed, her mind going blank. She could only melt against him, tension quickly leaving her as the strapping young stallion pressed his muscled bulk against her soft form. Their lips parted after what felt like an eternity, his azure eyes locked with her violet gaze, Celestia’s breath unexpectedly short after such a loving display. “You have no idea how long I’ve been dreaming of this,” Shining Armor said with a gentle smile, leaning closer to place a quick peck on her nose. “You… you have?” Celestia stuttered, her blush returning with a vengeance, though this time not because of guilt. “Hmhm,” Shining hummed, nuzzling his way down her jaw. “I think all of your royal guards get a crush for you at one point or another. When they start training, when they serve, the first time they meet you; I was no exception.” He chuckled, slowly sliding next to his Princess. “Friendly advice, don’t look under their beds in the barracks, there are pictures and pieces of… literature about you that would make you faint.” Celestia shuddered, whether at the thought of her loyal guards lusting after her, or because of Shining’s tender lips dancing at the base of her jaw, she didn’t know. “B-but Cadance…” “Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love my Cady more than anything, but…” Shining Armor’s chest rumbled with a manly grunt, his frame leaning against Celestia’s, the alicorn inhaling sharply as she felt his rock-hard stallionhood pressing against her belly. “This is one fantasy I’m glad I get to live out.” Celestia licked her lips, her breath quickened, her nethers on fire. She had never thought of her guards as anything else than her faithful knights, always there to protect her, but at the moment she couldn’t banish an image of herself, buried under a pile of virile armored stallions, all her holes stuffed with as many cocks as she could handle. She gulped, her sides quivering as Shining started to grind his stallionhood against her fur. “Tell me more…” She whispered softly. “Hmmm?” Shining hummed, his muzzle buried in Celestia’s flowing mane, his lips gently tugging at her nape. “What are their fantasies when it comes to… bedding me?” Shining chuckled, his breath sending Celestia’s mane fluttering, his cock leaking generous amounts of precum on Celestia’s fur, smearing it around. “Are you sure? Some of it is quite…” He pressed his lips to Celestia’s ear. “Naughty.” Celestia’s tail trashed behind her, the ethereal hairs damp with her own arousal, spreading her scent around. Shining leaned back, sniffing the air, a big smile on his lips. She didn’t have to say anything, the smell said it all. “Well,” he began, slowly crawling over Celestia’s bigger frame, “the less perverted among us dream of touching your cutie mark.” His hoof strayed downwards, tracing slow circles over the sun adorning her flanks, sinking into her soft flesh. “Some want to kiss it, but others…” Shining’s hoof rose, Celestia holding her breath in anticipation. “Others want to do this!” The slap echoed around the room, along with the high-pitched moan that escaped Celestia’s lips. Shining Armor watched as her plush rear jiggled from his slap, a faint hoofprint now visible right in the middle of the sacred sun. His cock jerked against her belly, letting loose a strong spurt that arched over her back, marring her pristine fur. He shuffled behind Celestia’s prone body, looming over her voluptuous flanks, his cock dripping all over it. “You see, since the guards are always following you, they are always watching you from behind, and they get a view no other stallion can enjoy.” Shining gently started to knead Celestia’s plump rear, licking his lips, swallowing to avoid drooling. “Even the stallions that are usually interested in wings, or teats, will end up dreaming about your ass, Princess. Making us watch every day as you walk by, your flanks swaying just in front of us, just outside of our reach… It’s enough to drive a stallion to madness.” “I didn’t know…” Celestia panted, before squeaking as Shining Armor pressed his throbbing stallionhood between her ass-cheeks, his hooves holding her plump rear spread open. “So many of them dream of doing this….” Shining whispered, smiling as his cock was smothered by Celestia’s soft flesh. “They just dream of mounting you, sliding between them, and thrust until they spurt all over your back.” The Prince started to rock back and forth, hotdogging the object of his teenage fantasies, a large smile on his lips. “If they knew how debauched you are, how much you crave sex, you wouldn’t be able to take a few steps around the castle without a stallion climbing on your back.” Celestia’s body shook as Shining’s hips slapped against her generous rear, the slapping sounds mingling with their quickened breaths. She could feel his balls, fat and impatient, bouncing against her pussy lips, her juices splashing everywhere. She moaned in need, shaking her hips, getting into rutting position: her back arched, legs tucked under her, rear sticking out, begging to be fucked silly. But Shining had other ideas. He grunted as he threw his hips forward one last time, a spurt of precum squirting all over Celestia’s back, some even getting into her mane. He withdrew his cock, leaving a trail of arousal between her ass-crack, then he leaned down, bringing his muzzle next to Celestia’s dripping cunt. “Others just want to worship you, please you, taste you.” Shining breathed deeply, taking in Celestia’s scent, her slit gushing with fragrant mare juices. “Your tail is always floating around, covering very little, so we often manage to get a few peeks at your marehood, you know.” Shining licked his lips. Celestia’s most sacred parts were as pure as the rest of her body: her folds were plump and engorged, surrounding a tight slit, her pink flesh peeking out as she winked constantly. It was an open invitation. “Don’t mind if I do…” Shining chuckled, leaning forward. Celestia’s body quivered as his tongue brushed against her engorged pussy lips, her eyes going wide. It had been decades since a stallion had been allowed to touch her marehood, much less pleasure her in this way. She tried to put her thoughts back in order, but Shining’s second lick sent bolts of pleasure up her spine, her sensitive folds opening in a vulgar display of lust. The stallion didn’t hesitate, his muzzle pressing into her pussy, his tongue lapping at her engorged clit. Celestia moaned out loud, her hips shifting back to press against her stallion suitor, the first in too many decades. She would have to thank Luna for her idea later. *** Luna’s ears perked up as she heard her sister moaning like a whore, her gaze drawn to the sight of Shining Armor’s muzzle buried into Celestia’s gushing folds, fluids dripping all over his chin. The Lunar Princess scoffed; she knew Shining couldn’t be trusted to give a proper punishment, he should be taking his pleasure, not giving it! Her thoughts didn’t stop Luna from thrusting her hips like a jackhammer, the sounds of desperate gurgling making her smirk, her gaze turning back to her own mate. Cadance was lying sprawled under her, the pink alicorn’s eyes wide and imploring, her makeup completely ruined as her mascara ran down her reddened cheeks. The poor princess was squirming on her back, trying her best to push Luna away, her hooves straining against her blue fur. But Luna was much too strong for her, her hips coming down like a hammer, her balls bouncing against Cadance’s chin. The Lunar Princess kept her fevered pace, fucking Cadance’s mouth into submission, her hips hunched to keep her cock hilted at all times, deep into the poor pink princess’ throat. Luna only let Cadance breath when she was on the verge of passing out, her long stallionhood plunging back down her throat as soon as Cadance had had enough. Barely. “Seems your husband knows how to please a mare.” Luna quipped, Celestia’s moan punctuating her assertion. “You are quite lucky,” she smiled toothily “maybe I should borrow him afterwards, what do you think?” “*Gluck* mmhm!! *Hurglk*” “Really, whenever I want?” “HRRRM!” “Why that is very generous of you, dear Cadance,” Luna chuckled, before wincing, a hiss escaping her lips. She drew her hips back, her cock slithering out of Cadance’s throat, bursting from her lips. Luna gave her stallionhood a quick glance, the lengthy pole glistening with saliva, her eyes narrowing as she saw the clear bite mark near her medial ring. Her baleful gaze turned towards the sputtering and coughing Cadance, the pink alicorn trying to crawl away on her belly, her tail tucked firmly between her legs. “You are going to regret that.” Cadance squeaked, trying to crawl faster, and she cried out as Luna yanked her back by pulling on her tail, without an ounce of care. She felt Luna step over her, something sticky and hot dripping on her rear, and she tried to struggle, knowing what came next. She had her breath knocked out of her when an imperious blue hoof pressed on her back, pinning her to the ground, and she whinnied in fear as Luna’s magic raised her ass, keeping her tail to the side. She heard Luna’s hooves shuffling as she took position over her, precum dripping over Cadance’s thighs as she brought her cock to bear. Cadance whinnied, shaking her hips against Luna’s magical might, doing her best to resist; if Luna wanted to dominate her, she wouldn’t go down without a fight. Luna frowned, her ears folded back as Cadance’s shrill cries filled the room, a grunt escaping her throat as she tried to thrust into her mate, only to have her blunt flare hit Cadance’s inner thighs. The mare was putting up a good struggle, she had to admit, her shrill whinnies and hips swaying truly annoying, but thankfully she had a remedy for both issues. Cadance opened her mouth to let out a new whinny, and Luna carelessly shoved Celestia’s disembodied cock past her lips, the massive girth completely gagging Cadance, the pink alicorn’s eyes going wide. Luna smirked in satisfaction, her hooves taking a firm hold of Cadance’s foal bearing hips, preparing to thrust inside. *** The shrill desperate whinnies of his wife made Shining Armor quickly lean back, strings of saliva and mare cum linking his muzzle to Celestia’s cunt. He watched with interest, and a hint of worry, as Luna clambered over Cadance, the mighty Lunar Goddess easily dominating the lesser Princess. The dark alicorn’s long scepter stood painfully hard, bobbing under Luna as she tried to align herself with his wife… and failed. He felt a surge of love for his wife as he watched her resist; she sure could buck like a rodeo pony when she wanted, he knew very well. “Why did you stop…” came a breathless whimper. Celestia panted before him, her eyes lidded and unfocused, the alicorn having lost count of how many times Shining had made her cum with his expert tongue. Shining nodded towards his wife and Luna, watching in fascination as the Lunar Princess did her best to try and claim his wife. Celestia blinked in exhaustion, before finally remembering she wasn’t alone with Shining Armor in the room. She blushed deeply at the sight of her sister atop her lover, and felt a thrill of jealousy, though she couldn’t say who she was more jealous of… She felt her cock throb powerfully, Luna giving it a look… and a smile blossomed on her muzzle. She had just the time to wonder what Luna was planning, before she had her breath taken away as her cock plunged between Cadance’s lips. She felt everything, the sensations coming through the portal unimpeded: she felt Cadance’s throat bulging around her girth, her lips straining to contain her, the convulsions as she tried to breathe… It was too much. *** Luna was about to thrust into Cadance’s honey pot when she felt a powerful magical surge traverse her portal. She watched with interest as Celestia’s balls pulsed against Cadance’s lips, the mare gurgling in panic as the massive stallionhood swelled, flare distending her throat. The surge of spunk shot down Celestia’s pole, Luna feeling her sister’s seed pushing against her aura; the dark alicorn suddenly felt her throat become very dry. Luna gulped just as Cadance’s eyes went wide, thick alicorn spunk exploding from Celestia’s tip, the gush long and powerful, like a fire hose. Luna had to fight the urge to withdraw Celestia’s cock to get her own serving of incestuous seed, and her hips suddenly lurched ahead, completely overcome with lust. Luna’s slender shaft pried open Cadance’s pink slit, her flare slowly sinking inside before the tight alicorn’s pussy stopped her advance. Cadance screamed around her mouthful of spunk, her eyes rolling back; Luna was not as big as Celestia, but she was still bigger than any other stallion she had bedded, and she had a lot of cock left to bury inside her. Snorting like a bull, Luna grabbed Cadance’s hips and heaved, her stallionhood plunging deeper, Cadance’s tightness overcome by Luna’s raw strength. Then she shuffled her hooves, and gave a second powerful thrust. The Love Princess gave a strangled moan, her back hooves leaving the ground as she was fucked into the carpet, Luna’s interminable length still snaking its way deeper into her, Celestia’s massive cock spurting without pause. Her stomach already felt bloated with warm spunk, her lungs were screaming for air, and her poor little pussy gave one last token squeeze of resistance, before Luna surged into her with animalistic intensity, finally bottoming out against her deepest barrier. Cadance saw star dancing before her eyes; she would have collapsed if her back hooves weren’t dangling in the air, her rear supported by the spire of meat in her pussy, the two alicorn cocks spitroasting her into submission. Luna gave a grunt of annoyance as her flare mashed against Cadance’s depth, the solid barrier in sharp contrast with the softness of the clenching walls surrounding her cock. She tentatively pumped her hips, trying to cram more of her cock inside, but Cadance’s body shifted with the thrust, the poor mare whimpering under her. Luna craned her neck back, looking at the portion of her stallionhood remaining outside with a frown; since Cadance had been able to take her sister to the hilt, she had hopped she could finally do the same, but alas, the pink princess had failed to take the last few inches. This deserved punishment. Luna tightened her grasp, her hooves digging into Cadance’s side, her hips shifting, ready to plow into her mate. In an afterthought, she carelessly wrenched Celestia’s cock free, spunk gushing from Cadance’s mouth and nostrils as she did so, the pink princess getting blasted in the face as the large flare popped out from between her lips. Cadance inhaled sharply, on the verge of passing out, taking big grateful gulps of air, but Luna hadn’t done this for her sake; she just wanted to hear her scream. Grinning toothily, Luna shuffled her hooves, ready to plow the cheating whore into the ground. *** Celestia’s body shook in orgasmic bliss, the phantom pleasure from her disembodied cock scrambling her mind; the bulge of her cock on Cadance’s throat was quite a sight to behold. She was just about to finish coming when Luna yanked her stallionhood out, a sharp cry escaping her lips as her balls unleashed the last of her thick release in a rush. She watched her seed splash on Cadance’s muzzle, more than a few drops landing on her sister’s coat, and she idly noted how beautiful her thick white semen looked on Luna’s dark coat. She hissed in discomfort as Luna simply discarded her softening length, letting it flop against the ground like a fish. Luna then withdrew her hips with hurried jerks, before letting a snarl as she positively slammed into Cadance, the poor mare howling in surprise. Celestia was entranced by the sight, watching her sister ramming into her lover like a wild animal, Cadance’s face twisted with both pain and pleasure, and she was startled when a pair of hooves landed on her rear. She shot Shining Armor a curious glance, the stallion clambering up her voluptuous flanks, his cock leaking pre abundantly all over her tail. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” Shining smiled with his coltish grin, nodding towards the mating couple. “I’ve never seen Cady being dominated quite like that, it’s… well it’s really hot!” Celestia gulped, watching his quivering flare bobbing above her dripping entrance, his balls swaying, full and heavy. She remembered what Cadance had said, a year ago: Shining did some tests, we know he’s not the issue... This was a young and virile stallion mounting her, his cock free of any condom or magical portal, and she was in no position to ask him to pull out. And the glint in his eyes suggested that he had no intentions of shooting his seed anywhere but deep inside her. A shiver of excitement ran down her spine. She was about to be bred by this cute and kind stallion. Celestia’s body suddenly grew hotter, her breath shortening, sweat forming on her brow, drops running down her flanks. Her womb tingled with magic, Celestia giving a short moan of pleasure as she distinctly felt her ovaries letting loose a few eggs, ready to be fertilized. Her royal slit opened wide, letting loose a river of mare arousal, her tangy scent swiftly spreading around the room, overwhelming every other smell, even Cadance’s. Shining Armor’s nostrils flared wide, his eyes going round as he inhaled deeply, greedily, his stallionhood swelling with uncontrolled lust. He grunted in surprise as his flare mushroomed out unexpectedly, hurried spurts of cum gushing from his tip, the creamy load landing all over Celestia’s flanks, back and wings. He tried to aim his jerking length down, trying thrust into her winking slit, but he was too far gone; his seed squirted against her cunt, a few drops perhaps managing to slip inside, but the rest flew all over the place, giving her sun cutie-mark a healthy glazing of cum. After a short while he just gave up, letting his cock spring up against his chest, his powerful spurts managing to reach the Solar Princess’ face. Celestia smiled, closing her eyes as the warm stallion cream covered her dainty features; she couldn’t blame the poor colt for his premature orgasm, being blindsided by the scent of a fertility goddess in heat could knock out an unsuspecting stallion. “Did… ah… did you just suddenly go into heat?” Shining panted, his gaze somewhat unfocused, his hips jerking instinctively as he humped into nothing, his release tapering out. “Oh horseapples it’s so strong…” Celestia didn’t respond, she just craned her neck back and promptly took Shining’s flare into her mouth, humming in appreciation as his semen splattered against her tongue. The stallion cursed under his breath, his body seizing as he instantly came again, his balls working fervently to answer the call of a mare begging to be claimed, Celestia’s pheromones making it clear she was ready for a good, hard, long session of animalistic breeding. Celestia gulped down load after load, greedily swallowing straight from Shining’s tip, her tongue dancing around his flare to coax more from him. Her horn was shining brightly as she massaged his rumbling balls, making sure she received everything he had to give. She only released him when he was truly spent, the stallion stumbling back on his backside, his still rock hard cock slapping Celestia’s flank as he went down. Celestia smiled her motherly smile, watching the handsome stallion trying to regain his breath, his eyes unfocused and wild. He tried to talk, but his panting only allowed him to give out a cute little wheeze. “There there, don’t worry my dear,” Celestia cooed, nuzzling his cheek, “just take your time, we don’t want you hurting yourself, now do we?” Shining nodded dumbly, his mind still racked with pleasure, but his eyes managed to follow Celestia as she climbed down the bed, standing with her back towards him, leaving her rump just at the right height for him to mount. She looked back at him, her gaze smoldering with lust. “And as soon as you are ready, come and claim your prize.” She shook her hips, juices squirting all over the bed. “Don’t leave mommy hanging out too long, hmm?”. Shining Armor was clambering up to his hooves before she had finished her sentence. *** Luna was in heaven. Of all the mares she had bedded, Cadance had, without a doubt, the softest and snuggest cunt she had ever ravaged. No matter how hard she rammed into her, Cadance’s velvety walls clung to her cock, making it hard to thrust inside, and harder still to pull out. And her cries of pleasure were music to her ears, the notes of mild discomfort when she pounded against her very core only adding to the symphony of depravity. Not wanting to be too cruel, Luna had already unleashed her own brand of carnal magic on the unprepared mare, turning her whole tight tunnel into a sensitive sheath of bliss; if Celestia’s powers in bed revolved around breeding, hers revolved around pure, raw, unadulterated pleasure. Every scrape of her flare sent bolts of pleasure up Cadance’s spine, every time her balls managed to brush against her quivering clit the pink alicorn howled in pleasure, and any hint of pain from her rock hard flare bludgeoning her sensitive cervix was transformed into lances of pleasure. Luna grinned wolfishly, her frenetic pace going faster still. Before long Cadance had been reduced to a twitching and moaning pile of flesh and fur, completely subjugated by Luna’s might, hers to rut as she pleased. Luna was considering letting Cadance rest, if only to break her once again, when a powerful scent washed over her. The perfume of a mare desperately in heat hit her like a physical blow, and she almost blew her load right there and then, her flare growing hugely deep into Cadance’s tight pussy. She barely managed to hang on, her balls quivering right on the verge, and she looked wildly around, searching for the source of the heavenly scent. She zeroed in on Celestia, her nostrils flaring wide, mouth opening to taste the air. If Cadance’s scent had been mouthwatering, her sister’s was absolutely maddening, like a gulp of cool water for a pony dying of thirst. Without realizing it, Luna took a step towards the bed, her eyes filling with cold fury as she watched Shining Armor spurting his seed all over Celestia. She knew she had been the one to propose this arrangement: he enjoyed her sister, she got to mate with his wife. But at the moment she couldn’t help but regret her deal. She felt a surge of irrational jealousy as the stallion marked her sister in such a primal way, her cock swelling dangerously. Cadance mewled helplessly, her limp body getting dragged along the floor as Luna advanced towards her husband, Luna’s flared stallionhood lodged snuggly against her depths, making it impossible to pull out. How the alicorn hadn’t flooded her womb with cum yet, she had no idea, and every jerk from the enormous pole sent her into a storm of pleasure. In fact, she was just about to cum for the umpteenth time, she had lost count after the first six. The surge of pleasure hit her like a runaway chariot, her walls clenching around Luna’s cock, and a loud moan rose from the depth of her throat. She was about to cry even louder when Luna glared at her, and the next second she had her mouth filled with Celestia’s meat once again, the soft length growing to full mast in a heartbeat. Luna grunted in satisfaction, then turned back to her prey… and she was just in time to watch Shining Armor bury his cock into her sister in one virile thrust. *** Shining Armor thanked his lucky stars he had just been drained, or he would have lost it right there and then. Coming on the first thrust would have been mortifying, and he wanted to enjoy Celestia’s pussy for as long as he could. If her royal slit had seemed narrow and soft, it was nothing compared to the tightness of her inner walls. Celestia’s pussy pulsed around his cock, drawing him deeper, he didn’t even have to move, her oozing tunnel pressing on his stallionhood from all sides. She was so soft, so wet, his cock jerked and flared, trying to cum, but his empty balls were only now beginning to refill with a new batch of seed. Celestia bit her lips, smothering a loud moan, her flanks quivering as her long neglected pussy was filled. Shining Armor was far from big enough to reach her depths, but her clenching walls made sure he was nice and snug inside, his sheath crammed against her slit, trying to get him as deep as she could. Shining moaned against her neck, and Celestia shuddered in pleasure; yes, she had missed this, the weight of a stallion draped over her back, his hot breath ruffling her mane, cock buried in her core, thrusting away… She nickered as Shining, as if reading her mind, started to thrust against her, his hips slapping against her fat rear, the loud slaps making her blush; maybe she ought to take it easy with the pancakes just a bit. Shining was too excited to control his pace, and he was pounding into his new mate in a matter of seconds, forgetting his usual slow and steady rutting, going straight into frantic hammering. Still, he did his best to please the future mother to his foals, his lips placing gentle and loving kisses all over her back, his hooves caressing her form tenderly, eliciting gentle coos from a panting Celestia. But no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t hold back his oncoming orgasm any longer. He felt his balls, heavy and full once again, slapping against Celestia’s plump backside. Celestia obviously felt them too, as she turned to him, her gaze boring into his. “Give it to me,” she whispered hotly, her cunt clenching around him almost painfully, “fill me with your seed, make me a mother once again.” He yelped in surprise as she raised her rump, making him cling to her ass to avoid falling. “I want everything you can give me, nothing can spill out.” Shining Armor was all too happy to oblige, his pace quickening until his hips were a blur, Celestia’s white flanks turning red from the copious slapping, her rear jiggling merrily as she prepared for her reward. She felt her womb throb, waves of magic bathing Shining’s cock, making it grow, his balls swelling at an alarming rate, her walls milking him urgently. Shining whinnied victoriously, his hips drawing back one last time… “NO!” Dark magic exploded between the mating ponies, Shining Armor getting plucked out from Celestia’s tight depth before he could cum inside her. He yelped in surprise, his cock throbbing angrily at being denied, his blue balls screaming for release. Before he could do anything, he was pounced upon by a snarling Princess Luna, the alicorn pushing him against the bed with a silver clad hoof, her eyes glowing with power. “We have reconsidered our deal!” she growled, barely contained fury making her voice shake. “Thou can have thine wife back,” Shining squeaked as Cadance was thrown next to him, the pink princess gurgling around the fat white cock still lodged deep in her mouth, “and we shall retrieve our sister. Agreed?” Shining gulped as he watched Luna bare her fangs at him; he knew those pointy teeth were fake, but by Equestria they made for a good fright when they were a breath away from his jugular. He could only nod frantically, and Luna snorted at him, hard enough to blow his mane away. The maddened alicorn then jumped off the bed, marching towards her confused and blushing sister. “Luna, what the… hey!” Celestia yelped as Luna simply bit down on her neck, dragging her away from Shining and Cadance, towards another bed. The Solar Princess sputtered and struggled, but Luna didn’t let go, only grunting and pulling. “What was that about…” Shining mumbled, dazed. “*Glurk*, *Hurglhuurg*” “Oh right, sorry.” Shining quickly pulled Celestia’s cock free of his wife’s throat, jerking back to avoid getting blasted in the face by the spurting length. He held the massive stallionhood in his magic, wondering what to do with it, before he simply shrugged and tossed it at the struggling sisters; they would know what to do with it. He ignored the sudden *plap* sound, along with the indignant shout that followed, and turned his attention to his wife. “You okay?” He pushed a lock of cum-heavy mane out of Cadance’s eyes, his wife panting deeply. “That looked a little rough back there.” Cadance whispered something, her ragged breath making it impossible to make out. “I didn’t quite catch that, what did you…” “MINE!” Shining Armor squealed like a little filly as Cadance suddenly threw herself at him, her eyes crazed and wild. Faster than you could say “safe word”, he was on his back, hooves locked by azure locks of magic, and Cadance was looming over him, a wild smile on her muzzle. Shining stared at his wife’s flaring nostrils, her wide eyes, and her demented smile. And he suddenly realized he probably smelled of Celestia’s scent. A lot. “Oh!” He understood then. Him smelling like another mare. Cadance couldn’t accept it. “Oh.” She was about to claim him back. Thoroughly. “Ooooh…” He felt her magic roughly take hold of his cock, his length still dripping with Celestia’s arousal, and Cadance quickly positioned herself over him, her dripping pussy aligned with his tip. “… Mercy?” Cadance was bouncing on his lap in the next second, the sounds of their hips colliding drowning out his squeals. *** “Ouch, stop, Luna!” Celestia winced, Luna’s fangs prickling her neck. “It hurts!” In truth the way she was being manhandled made her more excited than ever; she could feel her cock, wherever it was, shooting a new bout of seed. “What are you…” She squeaked in surprise as she was shoved onto a new bed, her wings ruffling as she rolled on her back. She tried to stand back up, but Luna was suddenly above her, her panting breath ticking her fur. “Luna…” Celestia was transfixed by the intensity of her sister’s stare, Luna’s eyes fixated on her own with a predator’s focus. It sent a thrill of fear, and excitement, down her spine, for she knew what was driving Luna to drag her away. She could feel it throbbing against her stomach, leaking copious amounts of precum all over her. “Sister…” “Mine…” Luna whispered, shuffling her hips back. “You are mine…” Her eyes betrayed no thought other than desire for conquest. “Oh dear.” Celestia gulped. Her sister had simply lost her mind to lust, probably overcome by her scent; her heats were powerful indeed. “Luna, I don’t think…” Celestia yelped as Luna’s tip brushed against her dripping slit, her sister rushing to press her cock against her entrance, just shy of plunging in. “SISTER!” Celestia didn’t know if she wanted to push Luna away, or just let nature take its course. The Lunar Princess was too far gone to be reasoned with, and quite frankly Celestia wasn’t sure she wanted to make her stop. She felt her heart fluttering in her chest, pinned down by her sister as she was; she loved it. She gazed back at Luna’s feral stare, her breath becoming short as her sister started to push inside, slow at first, then with insistence, trying to overcome her tightness. Celestia squirmed, stifling down a moan, her belly fluttering as she felt Luna’s flare press against her slit, it was about to enter, there would be no going back… wait, why did it feel like her stallionhood was flying… Luna gave a strangled cry of surprise as she was soundly slapped in the face by Celestia’s disembodied cock, and she shouted in outrage as she was blasted by a powerful burst of thick semen. “*Wharrgarbl*!!” Maybe she should have kept her mouth closed. Celestia exploded with laughter, her giggles not diminishing in the least when she was sprayed with her own spunk. She carefully took hold of her floating cock, putting it out of sight, still chuckling away. She had the good grace to look guilty as Luna glared down at her, the impromptu shower apparently snapping her out of the trance she had been in. “Dish ish nof funneh.” Luna growled, gulping down the thick sludge swirling in her mouth. She flicked her mane back, the starry field flopping heavily against her neck, soggy with Celestia’s production. “It will take hours to clean my mane!” “Yes, so I’ve been told.” Celestia smirked. Her smile slowly melted, replaced with a careful frown. Her sister was still pressed against her entrance. “Luna, are you sure you want to do this?” “If you refuse, I will stop.” Luna tilted her head, looking down at the mare she loved; it had taken watching a stallion rutting her sister for Luna to realize just how much she desired her, but now she knew for sure she wanted Celestia, more than a sister should. “So, do you object?” “No, I don’t, but… AH!” “Good.” Luna grunted, ramming her hips forward. Luna’s stallionhood sunk between Celestia’s folds, her flared tip welcomed by the grasping walls. Both sisters moaned out loud, their minds going blank as pleasure overwhelmed them. This was the line they had never dared cross, or even consider, but here they were. Luna’s length steadily pushed deeper, the alicorn marveling at her sister’s tightness, her muscular pussy grasping and clenching rhythmically. Luna’s hips pushed deeper, and deeper, her eyes widening as more and more of her lengthy pole was swallowed by Celestia’s honey pot. She gave a strange cry as her hips slapped against Celestia’s plump rear, just as her flare reached her depths. For the first time in her life, Luna had managed to hilt in a mare, and for the first time, Celestia was filled to the brim. The two royal sisters stared at each other, eyes wide, words failing to convey what they felt for one another. So they chose to show it. The kiss was sudden, passionate, Luna and Celestia abandoning all pretense as they mashed their lips together. Celestia shyly poked her tongue out, trying to gain access to Luna’s mouth, and the Lunar Princess allowed her entry, a moan escaping throat. Then, Celestia paused, her tongue retracting. Luna gave her a curious look, wondering why Celestia was frowning at her, then she got it. With a huff, she spat out her fake fangs, letting them plop down on the floor, and she gave her sister her usual fangless smirk. Celestia smiled, extending her tongue again, but her face twisted into surprised pleasure as Luna suddenly rammed her hips forward. Celestia tried to put on an angry face, but couldn’t mask her bliss as her sister started to pound impatiently into her, her overfilled balls slapping on her rear, eager to be emptied. *** Cadance was completely lost to pleasure. Luna’s spell was still in effect, the slightest brush made her quiver in bliss, and she was constantly coming. She rode her husband like a dirty cowgirl, her hips slamming up and down without restraint; she was going to be sore in the morning, but she couldn’t begin to care. She could feel his overfilled nuts bouncing against her rump each time she hammered down, and she was deeply aware of the fire in her womb. She was fertile. Her husband was full of virility thanks to his rump with Celestia. They had been both gifted by the goddess of fertility. She was finally going to get what she had always desired: a foal with the stallion she loved most. Cadance bounced faster and faster, dimly aware of another set of moaning voices, coming from another bed; but she didn’t care. All she cared about was her husband. She watched him moan and writhe under her, his face contorted with pleasure, his vain struggles stocking the fires in her belly. Now that they knew how to make her fertile for him, she was sure the crystal empire would be quickly overrun with little princes and princesses. She would love each and everyone of them, like she loved her Shiny, like she loved her Flurry heart… and like she loved Celestia, she begrudgingly admitted. They would all be family, united by love. “Cady…” Shining’s grunt distracted Cadance from her dreams of days to come. “I’m… I’m getting close.” Cadance’s eyes widened, and she accelerated her humping, her pussy gripping her husband’s cock tightly, milking him, begging him for his seed. Shining gritted his teeth, the stallion somehow overcoming her magical bindings, the shackles breaking apart as Shiny grabbed her foal-bearing hips and started to thrust to meet her humping. She could feel him flaring hugely already, his balls overflowing with virile seed, the thought of her stallion’s cream filling her pushing her over the edge. She shouted, going limp, her strength leaving her, but Shining was all too happy to take over. He brought her down against his lap one last time, and his whole body arched as he tried to bury his cock as deep as he could, a surprised grunt escaping his lips as he felt his tip brush against Cadance’s depths. Making a note to thank Celestia and her magic later, Shining whinnied without restraint, his balls jumping against his thighs. The surge of life giving cream traveled up his length, the sheer volume making his already swollen cock bulge out, Cadance giving one last eager whimper. A thick jet of spunk erupted from Shining’s tip, the spray splattering against Cadance’s last barrier, a pool of genetic material forming between her cervix and his flare. Grunting manfully, Shining crammed his cock deeper still, his flare forming a cork for his seed, and his second release thundered inside his wife. With no other place to escape to, his cum pushed against Cadance’s barrier, and it quickly passed the seal, first a trickle, then a torrent of thick semen gushing into her very womb just as his third shot pulsed in her overstuffed pussy. Cadance howled in pleasure as her fertile grounds were bathed in virile sperm, her pregnancy all but assured thanks to Celestia, and a gush of mare juices exploded around Shining’s cock, washing away any other scent. On and on Shining’s release kept going, his magically enhanced balls producing more and more, his stallionhood spurting more and more into his wife. Cadance slowly gyrated her hips in a bid to make sure she milked him dry, a smile never leaving her lips as she felt her womb overflow, the small space completely bloated with Shining’s seed. She felt her belly grow, her overstuffed womb ballooning out with the amount of love Shining was pouring into her, and still she shook her hips, and Shining held on, wanting more. She watched her stomach swell like a mare already far along her pregnancy, and wondered just how much Shining could possibly produce. *** Luna was in a state of complete bliss. She couldn’t believe what was happening, but as she looked down at her sister’s drunken expression she knew this was no dream. She was repeatedly hilting into Celestia, each thrust ending with her balls deep into the mare she loved most, the mare she was about to claim as her own. Her dominant position let her see every little thing her sister did, the way she bit her lips to avoid moaning, the cute way her ears laid down when Luna pounded exceptionally hard against her fat flanks, her blushes, her imploring stares… A part of her wanted to rail her sister into the ground, to stop holding back and truly pound her until she lost herself to lust, but she held on. This was no common whore to be broken, inseminated, and tossed aside. This was her sister, and she would treat her with the respect she deserved: Celestia would be her lover, her personal breeding ground, her own broodmare to carry countless heirs, again and again and again. She would finally replace the useless nobles with her own blood, siring a whole generation of alicorns, like she had fathered the bat-ponies eons ago. Luna grunted as her flare grew larger, her balls contracting; she was close, too close to hold back. She changed her pace, her hips going from frantic humping, to slow and powerful hammering, her thrusts making Celestia’s plump figure shake. “Are you ready sister?” Luna panted, looking down at her sister. “If you have doubts, say so now, and I will withdraw, otherwise…” She hilted with unbridled passion, her cock pressing against Celestia’s womb. “I will claim you as my own, forever more.” Celestia squirmed, her hoof sliding between them, pressing against her womb. She wondered how many eggs were swimming around her fertile grounds, after such a pounding; she knew that no matter how many there were, they were all going to be swarmed by Luna’s virile sperm, there was no doubt her belly would soon swell immensely with a little herd of little alicorns. No matter, she knew she could easily carry a lot of foals at once; she had experienced it before, when she didn’t care about bedding several stallions at once. But never had she dreamed about carrying her sister’s foals. The idea was both terrifying and thrilling. After a few moments of hesitation, she made up her mind. “… Go ahead.” Celestia said gently, her motherly gaze locked with her sister’s eyes, “I will bear your foals, sister.” Luna snorted eagerly, her cock throbbing. “I will give you so many…” Luna panted, her eyes wild, hips slamming down imperiously. “Every waking moment I will spend rutting you, making you mine, putting foal after foal in your belly.” Luna hunched down, giving her last few powerful thrusts, starring possessively at her sister. “You can use your cock on whoever you choose, but your marehood is mine, at least until I’m sure you are full with my brood.” She smirked, eyes blazing with lust. “Then, when you are fat with foal, I might just chain you in the barracks, let my bat ponies have their way with you… Or not.” She hammered home, growling. “You are mine, mine to do as I please, understand?” “I understand.” Celestia smiled, her brow covered in sweat, her mane in disarray. Luna had never seen a more beautiful sight. “So kind of you to let me keep my duties towards all the poor foaless mares in Equestria.” Celestia licked her lips, looking at her sister hungrily. “So very kind indeed”. Alarm bells rang in Luna’s mind as she watched Celestia’s smug expression, but she was too far gone to care. She felt her balls draw up, and she pounded into her broodmare one last time, cramming her flare against Celestia’s cervix, easily prying it open. Celestia’s pussy suddenly clenched around her shaft, her tunnel undulating with powerful milking motions, her thirsty womb just begging to be filled. Luna threw her head back, whinnying like a feral stallion, shouting her claim upon the Solar Goddess to the world, and her balls pulsed against Celestia’s rear. Celestia’s body quivered as Luna’s length jerked powerfully deep inside her, the jet of thick alicorn seed shooting down her length like an arrow, and the white alicorn screamed along her lover as her womb was bathed in a torrent of semen. Surges of magic flooded the both of them, Celestia’s fertility magic and Luna’s pleasure powers clashing, before the two forces combined, forming an all powerful wave that sent the two sisters into a storm of orgasmic bliss. Celestia moaned at the top of her lungs, uncaring if anyone heard her calling her sister’s name, her whole being focused on the sensation of warmth flooding her womb. Luna snorted and grunted, her eyes clasped shut as her release surged on, her overfilled balls emptying in one long constant ejaculation, her tip squirting like a fire hose directly into her sister’s fertile grounds, her thick sticky seed clinging to her womb, filling every crevice with her baby batter. Celestia’s latent magic took hold of her sister’s breeding equipment, renewing her reserves, making her semen thicker, her heavy glue-like seed brimming with sperm. There was no doubt in her mind, Celestia was already impregnated, but still Luna came, her endless release making her sister’s womb swell. Luna watched with a burst of pride as her sister’s belly expanded, her soft white fur stretching to accommodate Luna’s production, and her future foals. “More…” Luna murmured, her hips giving a weak hump. “More.” She rammed her cock against her sister’s overflowing womb, cramming more seed inside her lover. “MORE!” Celestia’s head was jostled from side to side as Luna started to pound into her rounded form, her swollen belly sloshing audibly, each thrust sending ripples around her stretched coat. “Luna, enough…” She gasped, Luna’s cock somehow growing in girth, stretching her to her limits. “I can feel it, you’ve already impregnated me… oh heavens there are so many…” A new thrust, harder than before, took her breath away, and she panicked as she felt her womb release a new batch of fertile eggs, all of them instantly swarmed by Luna’s sperm; she felt a jolt of bliss as each one of them were fertilized, new life blossoming inside her, joining the multitude already nesting in her womb. “Stop I’m already full!” Luna, clinging to Celestia’s growing belly possessively, snorted and kept on thrusting like a mare possessed. “No, not enough, I want more heirs, and you will give them to me…” She snarled in annoyance, feeling her exhausted balls approaching their limit. “I want more!” She kept on pounding, even as her release tapered out, trying to stuff her sister with more sticky seed, but her balls were almost empty, and Luna finally collapsed against Celestia’s enormous belly, the mass sloshing like a water balloon. The Lunar Princess groaned as she pulled back her hips in jerky motions, her cock still gushing with the last of her seed, and she sat back on the bed, holding her length in her hooves. She panted with her tongue out, using the last of her strength to beat herself off, her seed splattering all over Celestia’s body, the thick sludge oozing down her rounded belly, covering her blushing features, sullying her mane. Luna wasn’t sure if she had overwhelmed all of Shining’s scent, but she knew she would have a lot more occasions of claiming her sister. With one last gasp she fired the last of her semen on Celestia’s muzzle, covering her blushing cheeks, and she passed out, falling forward like a tree. The last thing she saw was Celestia shooting her a glance, her white cheeks flushed, sweat and semen oozing all over her face. Then, the Solar Princess grinned hungrily, a shiver running down Luna’s spine, and she knew no more. ******************* Sunlight. Cursed sunlight, nagging her into wakefulness; had she forgotten to close the blinds? Luna groaned, wincing as she shifted on the bed; she felt sore all over, her hips in particular felt like they were about to fall apart, and her insides tingled with strange warmth. She experienced a moment of disorientation, realizing she wasn’t in her room, lying on her own bed, before something fuzzy and soft moved besides her. She blinked against the blinding morning sun, grumbling under her breath, before her gaze fell on the loveliest sight she had ever beheld. Celestia, her beloved sister, was sleeping quite peacefully, snuggled against her, muzzle tucked into the crook of her blue wings, her regal horn glowing softly as she raised her sun without waking. Luna’s breath caught in her throat, suddenly remembering the day before. As gently as she could, careful not to wake her sibling, Luna leaned over Celestia, her heart beating against her chest as she gazed at her white belly. It wasn’t nearly as big as she had left it, but a bump was clearly still visible, proof she had really claimed this beautiful mare as hers. She felt a surge of pride, her wings fluffing against her sides, a few feathers tickling Celestia’s muzzle. The Solar Princess scrunched her muzzle cutely, her ears twitching as she woke up, a grumpy frown appearing on her muzzle. Celestia had never seemed more beautiful to Luna, and with a jolt she realized she would be waking up to this sight for the rest of her life. Her chest fluttering with joy and love, Luna rushed to press her lips to Celestia’s, the alicorn startled at first, before she responded in kind, a throaty sigh rising from her throat. “My, what a lovely way to say ‘good morning’.” Celestia smiled serenely, brushing her nose to her sister’s. “I could get used to this.” “You should.” Luna pressed her muzzle against Celestia’s neck, peppering it with kisses. “For you will be sleeping in my bed from now on.” “Humph.” Celestia pouted, shivering as her sister nibbled on the crook of her jaw. “Why can’t we stay in my room?” “Mine is better.” Celestia snorted. “Fine, I’ll bring my toothbrush then.” She chuckled, but her mind was already racing with plans for the future, already thinking about the new bedroom she would build for the both of them, big enough for the herd of little foals already on their way, how they would announce the news to her little ponies, if they should keep their relationship secret, the color of the linen for their nuptial bed… “Stop that.” “Hmm?” Celestia was startled out of her thoughts, Luna wearing a grumpy expression as she stared at her. “Stop what?” “Overthinking things, like you always do.” Luna frowned. “I know you, I’d bet my horn you were already planning things way ahead of us.” “No I was not!” Celestia feigned outrage, all the while trying to shoo away thoughts about the wedding dress she would commission from Rarity; it would be fabulous! And Luna would look stunning in a tuxedo, Twilight would be her maid of honor, Cadance could preside, they would spray the whole castle with changeling repellant… Oh dear she was doing it again. “Hmm… I mean…” Luna placed a gentle hoof on her sister’s lips. “Just enjoy the now. Worry about the future later.” She leaned forward, eager for another kiss, but a groan from behind her made her freeze. Slowly, Luna turned her neck, remembering they were not alone the night before. Shining Armor and Cadance were sleeping on the bed next to them, the couple intertwined closely together, Shining spooning his wife lovingly. Luna’s gaze travelled to Cadance’s belly, the mare’s stomach huge and round, the contents sloshing and gurgling as she snored softly. The whole thing rippled as Shining Armor’s cock, still hilted deep inside his wife, pulsed lazily in his sleep, his relentless balls still hard at work. “Oh my.” Celestia chuckled, sitting up with a large smile, watching what had become of her dear Cadance. “And I gave everypony a good shower yesterday, tsk tsk.” “Ah, that would explain why I do not reek of sweat and the lack of, ahem, covering on your fur.” Luna’s wing brushed against her sister’s belly, remembering the way she had glazed her white fur with copious amounts of semen, almost disappointed it was gone. No matter, she could still smell herself on Celestia, her claim would be announced loud and clear to all who approached her. Luna smiled proudly, sniffing her mate happily, then she blinked in confusion, turning to her own body. Why did she smell like Celestia… and… Shining Armor? “What in the…” “Oh, look at the time, we should get going or the staff will begin to suspect something is amiss!” Celestia jumped out of the bed, her flanks jiggling enticingly as she did so; Luna completely forgot her train of thoughts, captivated by the sight. She still couldn’t believe this literal goddess was hers. She felt her loins stir as Celestia’s large hips swayed as she made her way to the bathroom, her tail covering very little as it fluttered in a non-existent breeze. Celestia looked back just before disappearing through the door, a coy smile on her lips. “I’m taking another shower. Care to join me sister?” She shook her voluptuous rear, and Luna was scrambling after her without a moment’s hesitation. Luna could already feel her cock slithering free of her sheath, her mind completely focused on what she would do to her sister’s outrageous behind. She raced with indecent haste after her lover, too preoccupied with lust to realize her own belly was visibly distended, a thin trail of thick white cream running down her thighs. > Chapter 3: Sharing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well, this could have gone better.” Luna snorted, her ears twitching as Celestia chuckled at her own joke. They were standing side by side on their private balcony, watching Canterlot descend into madness. Ponies were running around like headless chickens, screaming of doom and armageddon, a sweet shop was being looted... Yes, things could have gone better indeed. It had been a few weeks since Luna and Celestia had consummated their love in the Crystal Empire, and today had seemed like a perfect day to declare their intentions of marriage; they couldn’t wait much more, with Celestia’s pregnancy starting to show. The news had spread like wildfire after the press conference, and soon everypony in the country would know their two rulers were engaged to one another. Celestia and Luna knew the declaration would cause some waves, they had prepared for it, but they had never expected this much chaos. Speaking of which… “HAHAHAHA!” Discord flew past their balcony, laughing like a madman, completely in his element. Behind him fluttered a giant banner, where the words ‘Princest is wincest!’ glittered with multicolored lights, much to Luna’s aggravation. “WHEEEEE!” He rocketed into the sky, where he exploded into fireworks, the glowing heads of Luna and Celestia appearing amongst the clouds, a giant heart shining around them. “Oh, how nice,” Celestia beamed, watching with a giddy smile as the two heads in the sky began to smooch, little pink hearts bursting around them, “I’ll have to thank Discord for his support after things settle down…” “That wretch deserves no such gratitude,” Luna grumbled, her ears flat against her skull, “he has done nothing but poke fun at me since we’ve told him, making salacious jokes at the most inopportune times.” She flicked her tail, aggravated. “At least young Twilight Sparkle was supportive of our union, once she got past her shock.” “Hmm, I worried about her when she fainted, but she could not be more excited when she woke up.” Celestia nodded sagely. “She may have gotten a few too many habits from dear Rarity.” “Oh, yes, the white unicorn seamstress. I thought she was about to explode when you asked her to design our wedding attire.” Luna snorted, a little humor returning to her. She then frowned. “Though I do not understand why she refused my request for a tight-fitting garment, insisting my dress design matches yours.” Luna gave her sister a glance, her eyes naturally drawn to Celestia’s belly, a slight bump starting to become noticeable; it was early for Celestia to start showing, but considering how many foals Celestia was carrying… They would have to marry quickly, as Celestia would soon be unable to move, much less walk down the aisle. “It is you who will be growing in width, not I.” Celestia coughed, looking away innocently. “Ahem, yes, Rarity is nothing but observant, I will give her that.” She then grumbled under her breath, “perhaps a little too observant…” “Pardon?” Celestia cleared her throat, fidgeting on her hooves. “Luna, my love, dearest sister… I have to admit I have done something that might vex you.” She gulped, her eyes flicking to Luna, or more precisely her midsection; the Lunar Princess frowned, wondering what was that about. “Tell me… have you been feeling, ahem, different these past few days?” “Some nausea in the morning, yes, but that is to be expected with this date coming near.” She nodded to the pandemonium in the streets, ponies running to and fro in a panic. “And, I admit I feel father sickly…” She leaned back, ears perking up in concern. “Oh heavens, is it the plague?” She took a few hurried steps away from her sister, covering her mouth with a wing. “Stay back, I do not want to contaminate our foals!” “Ah, yes, this is your first time.” Celestia smiled sheepishly. “You’ve never felt the symptoms yourself.” She slowly came closer, despite Luna’s protests, and gave her sister a loving hug. “Don’t worry Lulu, I will be here to help you all the way.” “What are you…” Luna froze, feeling Celestia’s hoof petting her belly, the warmth that had never left since the night she had claimed her sister flaring up, responding to Celestia’s presence. She slowly added up the pieces, her mouth falling open. “Oh my stars, while I was asleep, you didn’t…” “Yes, I did.” Celestia wore a playful smile, batting her eyelashes at her stunned lover. “You did say you wanted me to give you more heirs, did you not?” Luna felt her heart thundering in her chest, conflicting feelings battling in her mind. One side of her was livid Celestia had taken advantage of her vulnerability as she slept, another was glowing with the knowledge she was carrying her sister’s foal. But mostly, she just felt fearful. “Sister, I have never… what if I can’t…” “I’ll be there for you Luna.” Celestia hugged her sister closer, feeling the warmth of new life blossoming in her lover’s womb. “You will be a great mother.” “Mother…” The word rolled sweetly on Luna’s tongue, a small smile appearing on her lips, before she clamped down on her emotions. With a growl, she pushed her sister away, putting on an angry scowl. “You dare impose your offspring on my divine body?” Celestia, well used to her sister’s theatrics, only laughed and skittered away, running into their giant new bedroom, Luna in hot pursuit. “You dare sully my purity?” As carefully as possible, Luna pounced on her sister, taking great care of not jostling Celestia’s gravid belly… or her own. “What makes you think you have the right to make me bear a foal?” “Foals actually.” Celestia smiled sweetly, chuckling when Luna’s eyes widened. “Oh, come now Luna, you can handle two. Do you have any idea how many I am carrying?” “Twins…” Luna said dreamily, gently laying down on top of her sister, belly to belly. “I am going to have twins…” “Well, false twins.” Celestia corrected, clearing her throat awkwardly. “All the same, two foals from my sister.” Luna smiled, despite her desire to stay mad. “Two little alicorns of night and day…” “About that.” Celestia avoided her sister’s gaze, biting her lips. “One of them will probably be a unicorn, not an alicorn.” “What?” Luna blinked, confused. “Why is that? We are both alicorns, the only way I would have a unicorn is…” Luna’s eyes went round. “… no, you did not…” “You have to remember, I am a very sharing pony by nature…” “What did you do?” “Well, you see, after you passed out…” ******************* Shining Armor groaned in pain as he crawled out from underneath his wife, the sleeping princess snoring cutely as she rolled on her side, her rounded belly burbling with his seed. He stretched, wincing as his poor hips popped and ached; he was no stranger to Cadance’s intense love making, but he had never been so sore before. Even when she broke out the leather gear, whips and candles, he never felt pain afterwards. He did smile at Cadance’s swollen belly; she looked like a mare at least five months into her pregnancy, and there was no doubt in his mind she would soon be with foal once again, and this time it would be his own doing. He nodded, quite proud of himself, then he turned towards the other two princesses, and he froze. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, and stared again. No, he wasn’t just seeing things, Celestia really was sporting a truly massive belly; it was almost bigger than him for pony sake! He looked back at Cadance, pouting cutely as he compared Luna’s production with his own: he couldn’t even hope to match hers. His ears perked up when a low moan came from the other bed, and he trotted closer, hoping no one was hurt. He had to go around Celestia’s rounded belly to get a look at her, the Solar Princess apparently exhausted, but bearing a large smile. “Princess.” Shining nodded, grinning playfully. “Seems we all got what we wanted, in the end?” “Yes,” Celestia whispered, her breath short, “even if some of us went a little…” she groaned, trying to move, but the mass of blubbing semen trapped in her womb was too heavy for her, in her exhausted state, “… overboard.” “You want some help with that?” Shining proposed, nudging Celestia’s stomach; it rippled and sloshed under his touch. “I could, you know,” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, “unplug you.” Celestia snorted with humor, giving her captain an amused look. “Unfortunately, my sister is not keen on sharing me with anypony, so we better not, at least not without her permission. You wouldn’t want to be turned into a rug.” She glanced between his legs, smiling kindly. “And besides, I do not think you would be able to do much at the moment.” She nodded to his soft stallionhood, the length slowly retreating into his sheath, utterly spent. “Hmm, maybe not.” Shining pouted, looking at his cock accusingly. He then perked up, his horn flaring to life as he plucked something from the ground. “How about this?” He pretended to be deep in thought, waggling Celestia’s disembodied cock around, the length bobbing at half-mast. “Do you think it’s big enough?” Celestia chuckled, shaking her head. There was no way she would ever consider getting fucked by her own cock; who knew what would happen. “No, I think I will pass.” She suppressed her laughter, seeing Shining throw his hooves in the air in mock exasperation, her cock flopping next to Luna’s head; that stallion really was the cutest thing, she wondered if Cadance would agree to share him again. “I would much rather get rid of this excess weight and refresh myself.” She made a show of sniffing the air, and her magic quickly opened the windows, letting the fresh night-air in. “The room reeks of semen and sweat.” “Yes, it does smell a little ripe.” Shining chuckled, giving out his hoof to help Celestia get up, groaning as he tried to haul her burdened bulk. “Oh, ponyfeathers you’re heavy…” He blinked, realizing what he had just said. “I mean… you’re obviously rounder than usual… not that you are fat… just the right amount around the flanks…” “Shining Armor,” Celestia smiled kindly, “not an hour ago, you were on top of me, thrusting like a wild rabbit.” She fluttered her long eyelashes seductively. “I believe I have a good understanding of your appreciation for my curves; my flanks still sting from the pounding you gave me.” “Oh, right…” Shining chuckled sheepishly, tugging harder. Celestia didn’t so much walk to the bathroom as she rolled there, helped by an amused Shining Armor. Getting her past the door was a nightmare, but at least the communal bathtub was perfect for her needs; it was the size of a small pool, large enough to accommodate a dozen ponies, or a few inflated princesses. Perched on top of her huge belly, Celestia carefully reached inside herself, little short moans escaping from her lips as her magic brushed against her tender insides. Shining Armor, shower pommel in his hooves, looked at her with undisguised interest, the stream of warm water washing away the sweat from his fur. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?” He asked eagerly, his sheath twitching with renewed vigor. “No, thank you, my little pony.” Celestia bit her lips, her magic poking at her cervix, trying to nudge it open. “Hmmft, strange… It’s almost like… Luna’s semen is acting as a cork… Solidified at my entrance... Luna must have used a spell before passing out.” Celestia huffed, her horn shining brighter. “I’m going to have a few words with her, I am not a sow for pony sake.” She poked at the solidified semen, the plug keeping the gallons of alicorn foal batter trapped in her womb, before finally clearing the way. “Oh, thank the heavens…” Her voice was drowned out by the sudden gush of thick spunk that exploded from her pussy, the spray splattering against the far wall, painting everything white. Shining Armor yelped as he tried to avoid the white tide, using his shower pommel to redirect the flow towards the big drain in the middle of the communal pool. Celestia held her lips between her teeth, silencing a few moans, her cheeks burning crimson as she slowly started to deflate. Luna’s seed clung to her walls stubbornly, the gooey mass clogging the drain, too heavy for the stream of water to wash off entirely. On and on the river of spunk kept flowing, Luna’s impressive production now swirling down the pipes, Shining Armor whistling as the endless stream finally started to taper out. Celestia groaned as she pressed on her distended belly, trying to get it all out, heavy clumps of semen oozing from her depths. She gave up a few minutes later; her stomach still sported an impressive bump, but at least she could walk again. She sighed, taking hold of her own shower-head, eager to be rid of the layers of semen glazing her coat. “That was…” Shining tried to find the best words to describe what he had just seen, and came up short. “… wow.” “Hmm, I do hope my sister doesn’t plan on doing this every night.” Celestia stretched her back, the warm water doing wonders for her sore hips. “The maids would throw a fit.” “Maybe you should think about inviting them to share the fun.” Shining joked, his eyes never leaving Celestia as she washed away the thick strands of semen covering her fur; some of it was his after all. He gulped, a certain part of his anatomy quite appreciative of the spectacle: Celestia’s mane hung wetly against her body, the ethereal hairs clinging tightly to her shapely form, highlighting her beauty. Having a shower with the Solar Princess was something out of a dream for him; a very dirty dream. He couldn’t help himself, his hooves moving to his hardening stallionhood. Celestia kept on scrubbing her soiled coat, applying soap and shampoo to wash away the stench of semen, even if she wouldn’t be able to get it all away. She would carry her sister’s scent for quite a while, and if Luna had her way, she would probably wear this particular perfume for the rest of her life. Not that she minded. Celestia hummed a little song as she washed her mane, pointedly pretending she wasn’t aware Shining Armor was furiously masturbating as he watched her bathe. If anything, she was quite impressed by his stamina, and a little flattered. “Captain.” Celestia hid a smirk as the stallion squeaked cutely, her eyes staying closed to avoid the shampoo’s sting. “Since you have obviously finished showering,” another squeak, “would you be so kind as to bring my sister and your wife? They also need a good shower.” He mumbled something back, his steps strange and awkward as he tried to walk without tripping over his own cock. Which reminded her. “Oh, and please fetch my penis, there’s a good lad.” Celestia couldn’t help but peek, almost laughing out loud at the expression on Shining Armor’s muzzle. She sighed contently, aiming the shower head at her rear, washing away the layers of semen clinging to her coat, some of it still trickling from her plump folds, leaking down her thighs. She was still scrubbing away when Shining Armor came back, the stallion almost tripping over his own hooves as he saw her pressing the shower pommel into her pussy, milky water spurting from her insides. He shook his head, his cock slapping against his belly, and he resumed his task. He carried his wife on his back, Cadance grumbling in her sleep as he carefully lowered her into the pool. Celestia smiled at him, then started to wash the pink mare, like she had done so many times before. She carefully cleansed Cadance’s fur, her nose twitching: she could smell the combined scent of Shining, Luna and herself on the exhausted princess. She hesitated, then decided against draining the bloated pink princess, preferring to leave Cadance with a token of her husband’s love; the bulge wasn’t that big anyway, her own was still bigger. Next came a snoozing Luna, draped over Shining’s back, the stallion hauling Celestia’s member in his magic. “Can you wash my sister please?” Celestia said innocently, taking hold of her disembodied cock. “I will need some time to break this spell.” She tilted her head, examining Luna’s portal. “Quite impressive, I must admit.” She watched the strands of semen running down her length, the shaft soft but nowhere close to retreating in her sheath. “Hmm, I really should clean it, it’s filthy.” She smiled, closed her eyes, then placed a long lick on her own cock. She shuddered as the strong flavor of her own virility exploded on her tongue, her hips shuddering from pleasure. She began to nonchalantly suck on her tip, drawing any remaining juices from her cock, the length quickly starting to stiffen. She had often indulged in such self-gratification, straining her neck back as far as she could, but she had never been able to push her own cock quite so deep down her throat. It was an interesting experience, and before long the bulge of her growing flare traveled down her neck, her throat swallowing around her cock. Shining Armor stared at the lewd display with wide eyes, completely forgetting about the snoozing Lunar Princess at his side. A questioning look from Celestia startled him into action, his hooves scrambling to grab a bar of soap, his magic holding the shower head over Luna’s body, and he started to scrub his sleeping ruler. He gulped; Luna’s coat was incredibly soft, but he could feel the wiry muscle underneath. The powerful alicorn radiated strength, even in her unconscious state. He tried to think unsexy thoughts, anything to keep his stallionhood down, but it was next to impossible with Celestia noisily deepthroating her own cock a few paces away. He tried to wash his ruler as fast as he could, even scrubbing Luna’s long horsecock with a soapy hoof, eliciting a sleepy groan from the Lunar Goddess. He was just finishing up when his tip brushed against Luna’s flanks, Shining inhaling sharply as his eyes darted back to Celestia, hoping the Solar Princess wasn’t mad. To his confusion, Celestia was smiling around her mouthful of cock, watching him struggle with amusement. She slowly pulled her enormous length from her throat, the pink shaft slithering between her lips with a noisy *slurp*, and she gave a satisfied sigh as her flare popped from her mouth. She admired her handy work, her cock now glistening with saliva, not a drop of semen on sight. She gave her cock one last playful lick, the meaty pole jerking under her touch. “You know,” Celestia said casually, “unlike my sister, I have no issues with sharing my mates.” She gave Shining Armor a glance, eyes twinkling with mischief. “And it seems there is still one place you need to clean.” She took hold of Luna’s body, placing her sister in a very compromising position, her face resting on the ground with her back arched, rear sticking out in the air. Shining Armor gulped, Luna’s illusive marehood now a breath away from his muzzle; he could smell her lingering arousal, drips leaking from her tight slit. Luna’s folds were almost black, standing out from her cobalt fur, slender and elegant. If he didn’t know any better, he could swear Luna looked even tighter than his own wife, but that was impossible… or was it? He was very aware of Celestia’s gaze, and he hesitantly brought his hoof forward, bar of soap trembling in his grasp. A halo of golden magic took hold of his leg, bringing it back down, the soap clattering on the ground. “No captain,” Celestia whispered, slithering behind him, “my sister has very sensitive labia, soap just won’t do.” She pressed her muzzle into his ear, her hot breath making him shudder. “Use your tongue.” “Uh… Are you sure Princess Luna won’t be mad at us for this? What if she wakes up…” “She is a very heavy sleeper, not even a changeling invasion can rouse her, remember? I can assure you a few licks won’t wake her.” Celestia leaned against him, her soaked fur clinging to his. “Now, clean her.” Celestia placed her hoof on the back of his head, pushing him closer to her sister’s rear. Shining Armor, trained by countless hours of pet play with his wife, instinctively stuck out his tongue, his hoof straying towards his throbbing member as his nose pressed against Luna’s firm backside, and he gave his first lick. Luna’s tangy arousal made his cock twitch, his tongue darting back to get a second taste. He had now partaken into both Celestia and Luna’s nectar, he was sure no other stallion had ever been so lucky. While Celestia tasted sweet and inviting, Luna’s arousal was spicy and strong, the flavor tingling on his tongue; she was delicious. He pressed his muzzle closer, trying to get deeper into Luna’s cunt, but her slit remained stubbornly clenched, leaving no room for his tongue to explore her insides. “Very good,” Celestia praised him, her hoof leaving the back of his head, traveling down his back, crossing over his ribs to reach his belly, “you deserve a reward.” Shining gave a strangled yelp as Celestia gently pushed his hoof aside, the alicorn taking hold of his throbbing length, her grasp gentle and attentive. She put her extensive knowledge to use, her hoof brushing against all the right spots, alternating between slow caresses, to fast and powerful pumping. Shining tried his best to keep dutifully slobbering over Luna’s folds, desperately trying to push past her tight slit, but Luna’s pussy never unclenched, even as rivers of tangy arousal escaped from her depths. “This filly is so uptight, wouldn’t you say Captain?” Celestia mused, her hoof tracing circles over his sensitive flare. “She fathered countless foals back in the day, but it has been so long since she had her last lover. The poor thing was obviously desperate earlier, who knows when she last laid with a mare.” She squeezed his cock, just under his tip, a muffled moan escaping from his lips. “What’s more, she has never once known the happiness of being a mother herself. She has had stallion lovers, but never one she considered worthy enough of claiming her; a silly notion, don’t you think?” Shining Armor could only nod, his tongue too busy to respond, savoring Luna’s flowing juices. He whinnied in protest as Celestia pulled him back with a gentle but powerful hoof, her other still jerking him off. The Solar Princess hugged him from behind, her cheek pressed against his, watching her sister’s dripping cunt. “Shall we help her see the errors of her ways?” “Princess?” Shining held his breath, scarcely believing what he was hearing. “Do you mean… I get to… With…” “Yes, my dear.” Celestia shifted, and Shining squealed as he felt her large rod, now reattached to her body, pressing against his back. He tucked his tail between his legs, covering his bottom; Luna had warned him about Celestia’s kinks when it came to stallion booty. “We have all thoroughly enjoyed your wife, but you could only lay with me for a short time, not even getting to climax.” Celestia used her magic to tease her sister’s opening, slowly parting her stubborn slit. “That is quite unfair, don’t you think? And, you cannot have me again unless Luna agrees. She was very clear, I am hers. Hers to breed, hers to guard jealously…” Celestia’s horn flared, and Luna’s pussy suddenly gaped open, revealing her pink depths, her rippling walls clenching against Celestia’s magic. “And that means she is mine in return. Mine to enjoy, and mine to share.” Shining stared at Luna’s tight pussy, her flesh tantalizingly wet, so inviting. Every instinct in his body were screaming at him to rear up and claim this unspoiled mare… But he shook his head, his cock slapping against his belly angrily. “I can’t, I have to ask Cadance first.” “How noble.” Celestia smiled wide, hugging him tighter. “You are such a rare gem, Shining Armor, Cadance is lucky to have you.” She then turned, her embrace loosening. “So, what do you say Cadance dear?” Shining Armor squeaked again, squirming in Celestia’s hooves to look at his wife, the freshly awakened pink princess wearing a pensive expression. Cadance flicked her soaked mane back, her swollen belly jiggling under her, and she cleared her throat. “Well, normally I admit I wouldn’t allow it, but considering how far we’ve gone…” Her voice was rough, her throat still raw from the brutal deepthroating Luna had given her. She fixed her husband with a meaningful glance, her lips tightening. “She wasn’t very gentle with me, you know.” She shifted her hips, wincing visibly. “Shiny,” she narrowed her eyes, “don’t hold back on her, rut her into the ground, and don’t pull out; understood? Give her something to remember us by, so she thinks twice about being so rough with me next time.” “Yes ma’am.” Shining Armor nodded, his eyes wide; was this really happening? Not only had his wife agreed to sharing him willingly, but she was thinking of a next time already? “Marvelous!” Celestia clapped her hooves, sitting on her haunches, wearing her usual kind smile; the gentle expression was strange, given the raging erection sprouting from her loins. “Now, who goes first?” Shining licked his lips, wondering if he should call dibs or not, but Cadance spoke up before he could. “Shiny first, then you.” She tsked, glancing at Celestia’s massive stallionhood. “She won’t be as tight once you’re done with her.” “Quite right.” Celestia nodded, getting to her hooves. “Plus, he’ll need a head-start to make the competition fair.” “C-competition?” Shining Armor stuttered, his legs trembling as he got up, gaze flicking between his wife, Celestia, and Luna’s rear. “What competition?” “Why, first one to impregnate my sister wins, of course.” Celestia said brightly, trotting around Cadance. “She’ll go into heat as soon as I spill my seed inside her, so make sure you shoot your load deep inside!” She stopped behind Cadance, the pink alicorn shooting her a confused glance, Celestia smiling wide. “May the best pony win!” “What the… HEY!” Cadance shouted, her tired legs buckling as Celestia suddenly jumped on her back, white legs taking a firm hold over her sides, hooked around her shapely hips. “What do you think you’re doing!” Cadance shot her husband a frantic look, visibly scared of his reaction. “Celestia, he’s right there!” “I can see, my dear.” Celestia grunted, hauling her bulk over her lover, her cock slapping against Cadance’s thighs, searching for her entrance. “Shining Armor,” she called casually, “mind if I have a turn with your wife while you enjoy my sister? I can assure you she is already pregnant with your foal.” She shifted her hips, her flare pressing into Cadance’s folds, making the princess shudder in anticipation. “And besides, I will be keeping most of my release for my sister, a few drops won’t hurt.” Shining Armor’s cock slapped against his belly, the sight of his wife squirming under Celestia sending his blood pumping; if there was one thing that made his marriage to Cadance more enjoyable, it was the thought of having to conquer her again and again, having to reclaim her after she was done rutting with her lover. He looked into his wife’s eyes, seeing the conflict there, her love for him clashing with her lust. She obviously wanted this, but felt too guilty to admit it. “Cadance,” he said calmly, watching his wife carefully. “do you want to have sex with Celestia?” He tilted his head as Cadance avoided his gaze, her ears twitching. “Cady, I won’t be mad, just tell me.” “… Yes.” Cadance whispered, looking at the ground shamefully. “Do you want to do it again afterwards?” “Yes.” “Ok, just don’t hide it from me, and it’s fine.” Shining grinned, nodding to Celestia discreetly. The alicorn grinned wide, shuffling her hooves on the tiled floor. “But that means I get to fool around with Celestia whenever I want as well, ok?” “Ye… Wait what?” Cadance looked up, an angry look blossoming on her muzzle. “Hey I didn’t say… AAAH!” Celestia moaned throatily as she suddenly hilted into her lover, her powerful thrust sending Cadance rocking forward, her eyes rolling back from the strength of the impact. Only Celestia’s hooves, holding to her hips, prevented Cadance from falling on her face. The Solar Princess pulled her back, holding her close, only to thrust into her once more. Celestia whinnied loudly, glad she would now openly join this happy couple in their most private moments, becoming part of the family. Cadance grit her teeth as she was stuffed full, trying not to compare Celestia’s cock to her husband’s, and failing miserably. It wasn’t her fault Celestia completed her so perfectly, it wasn’t her fault! Celestia hilted with reckless abandon, and Cadance couldn’t hold back her cries of bliss anymore, her voice resonating around the bathroom. Shining felt his stallionhood jerk against his belly, Cadance’s cries music to his ears. He would make sure to make her shout his name later, try to make her squeal even louder, the thrill of competition making him snort in anticipation. He turned to Luna’s tight pussy, Celestia’s magic still holding her slit open; he could see deep inside the Lunar Goddess, all the way to her depths, where he would soon be spilling his seed. Luna had robbed him of the chance to put a foal in Celestia’s belly, it was only fair she returned the favor. His cock slapped against his belly once more, and he was rearing up on the next heartbeat. Cadance felt full to bursting, her mind overwhelmed by the situations: she was being rutted silly by her lover, her womb swollen with her husband seed, a foal already growing in her belly. She was complete. Whinnying loudly, she gave herself to pleasure, throwing back her hips against Celestia’s wild pounding, her tail coiling around the alicorn’s body, begging for more. Her ears twitched as a manly grunt echoed around the bathroom, her bleary eyes focusing on her husband’s form, mounting a still sleeping Lunar Goddess. She felt a twinge of jealous possessiveness, but it was buried under a mountain of pleasure and eagerness: Luna had treated her like a cheap whore, she would enjoy watching Shiny plowing Luna in return. With a breathless moan, her horn ignited, her magic grasping at her husband’s cock. Shining Armor hauled himself over Luna’s firm behind, standing on the tip of his rear-hooves; Luna wasn’t as tall as Celestia, but she was still a challenge for him, even in her slumped state. He grunted loudly as he mounted, his hooves holding-on to her muscled flanks, his stallionhood jerking frantically as he tried to find her entrance. He gasped as a familiar aura took hold of his length, Cadance’s magic steadying his throbbing cock, bringing it to Luna’s slit. He shivered in pleasure as his blunt tip found its mark, Luna’s dripping cunt oozing all over his flare, Celestia’s warm magic welcoming him home. Cadance’s aura rippled along his length, grasping at his swaying balls, squeezing him lovingly. All three alicorns were servicing him in a way, and Shining Armor felt like the luckiest stallion alive. He shuffled on top of his new mate, Luna grumbling in her sleep as his weight descended on her back, his hooves finding solid footing. With a sharp snort he drew back his hips, Celestia’s magic stretching Luna’s entrance further, Cadance spurring him on, and he gave a powerful thrust, intent on hilting on the first try. Luna’s body shook, a groan escaping from her throat, but she didn’t wake. Shining’s cock rammed past her stretched slit, plunging into her wet tunnel, a burst of mare arousal spraying around his length. The stallion nickered in surprise, his momentum coming to a halt as Luna’s walls clenched around his flare, squeezing from all sides. He had put all his strength into his thrust, and yet he had barely sunk into Luna’s tight cunt. He closed his eyes, burying his muzzle into Luna’s flowing mane to hide his stunned expression; he couldn’t let Cadance know he had found somepony tighter than her. Luna’s insides were almost painfully snug, her muscled walls rippling with power; even in her sleep she was fighting to dominate him. He hissed, his length jerking in the tight fleshy sheath, taking solace in the gentle squeezing of his balls, Cadance encouraging him forward. He snorted, not ready to give up, and started to push his hips forward, slowly conquering Luna’s narrow pussy. Celestia paused in her thrusting, watching with interest as Shining Armor struggled to stuff his cock into her sister, her flare twitching against Cadance’s womb. She could feel Shining’s seed trickling around her tip, escaping from Cadance’s overfilled foal maker; it made her balls clench angrily, demanding she reclaim her lover. Celestia managed to keep still, but she grunted as Cadance unexpectedly threw her rear back, her shapely ass colliding with her hips. In a surge of blind lust, she started to hammer into her mate, Cadance throwing her head back with a blissful scream, which turned into a surprised shriek as Celestia bit down on her nape without thought. The two alicorns rutted like animals, completely giving in to their baser instincts. Amongst the concert of grunts and whinnies coming from his wife and ruler, Shining gave a sharp gasp as he finally managed to hilt, his hips pressing into Luna’s muscled flanks. He hugged the sleeping mare close, panting into her mane, barely holding on as Luna’s walls rippled around his stallionhood. Cadance had asked him not to hold back and rut the Lunar Princess into the ground, but there was no way for him to thrust when she was so tight, let alone rut her silly; he could only stay hilted, letting Luna’s cunt work his shaft, squeezing him into submission. He whined pitifully, already feeling his flare growing, squished between Luna’s powerful walls. He shuddered as Celestia’s magic suddenly pumped over his length, from tip to base, before mixing with Cadance’s aura, cupping his overfilled balls, gauging their tautness. “It seems my sister is too much for your husband.” Celestia quipped, her voice shaking as she kept hammering her hips, sliding in and out of Cadance’s depths. With a wave of magic, she pushed Luna’s mane away, revealing his silly expression: eyes unfocused, tongue lolling out, a goofy smile on his lips. “Oh my, he seems to be enjoying himself!” She punctuated her playful jab with a vicious thrust, Cadance’s rear-hooves leaving the ground, speared around her length. “*Hrnnn*!” Cadance grunted, gritting her teeth. A part of her wanted to be mad at her husband, but it was hard to feel anything but pure unadulterated pleasure with her lover’s huge flare crammed snugly against her depths. “I… I’ll give him a lesson later…” She mumbled distractedly. She was on the verge of another orgasm, she could feel it springing up in her belly, ready to be released. She held back, waiting for Celestia to get going again, a high-pitched moan escaping from her lips as Celestia started to withdraw, slow and steady. She noticed her husband’s balls expanding in her magical grasp, his ears twitching as her cry bounced off the walls, and she moaned louder, Shining’s gonads swelling further. Celestia felt it too, and she smiled hungrily. If Shining liked to hear his wife moan, she would make her scream. With a snort Celestia dug her hind hooves into the ground, tightened her hold on Cadance’s hips, and let go of any semblance of self-control left in her. Cadance could only shout in bliss as her cunt was stuffed with the huge alicorn shaft, Celestia pumping in and out without pause, hammering into her mate with all her strength. Cadance shuddered, her body going rigid as she came, her cunt spasming around Celestia’s stallionhood. Uncaring, the Solar Princess kept railing her without mercy, delighting in her loud whinnies of bliss. The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh blended with Cadance’s desperate screams, the smell of sex heavy in the air, overwhelming any flowery soap with its tangy scent. Shining whimpered atop his mount, hugging Luna for dear life, listening to his wife’s cries. His cock throbbed deep into the Lunar Goddess’ tight pussy, hips grinding against her toned ass to try and reach her depths, but to no avail. He was as deep as he could possibly go, Luna’s cunt squeezing him relentlessly, the dual magical massage on his balls pushing him to the brink. With a mighty show of will, he resisted the urge to let go, and spill his seed right there and then. Grunting like a workhorse, he strained against Luna’s grasping flesh, his hips drawing back in small jerks. Luna’s cunt squeezed him harder, trying to crush his length, keeping him from thrusting back inside. Unrelenting, Shining didn’t pause until his flare was sitting just at her entrance, his shaft throbbing dangerously, balls bloated with cum. He looked down at the sleeping alicorn, taking in Luna’s ageless beauty, his hooves holding on to her firm rear; he was about to claim this gorgeous creature, the first stallion to give her a foal. With a grunt, he rammed his hips forward, as hard as he could, and in one thrust he managed to overcome Luna’s tight flesh. His balls swung heavily as he hilted, bouncing against her own orbs, the impact pushing him over the edge. Shining’s eyes rolled back into his skull, a croaky moan rising from his throat, and his whole body jerked as he came. His swollen balls tightened, a surge of thick seed traveling down his length, spurred on by Celestia and Cadance’s magic. He crammed his hips against Luna as hard as he could, trying to get deeper, then his mind when blank. Celestia paused in her manic thrusting to watch Shining Armor spill his seed deep into her sister, her shaft swelling with her own release, flare growing hugely. She could feel the surges of spunk bursting from his balls, the underside of his cock bulging with every spurt, delivering his load deep into her sister’s pussy. His hips kept grinding on Luna’s flanks, keeping himself hilted; he was obviously focusing on breeding her sister, every spurt ensuring he would succeed, and it was making her mad with lust. She gave a weak thrust, jostling the poor princess impaled on her stallionhood. Cadance was lost to the world, her eyes unfocused, her mind overwhelmed by pleasure; she had climaxed the moment Celestia had started to thrust, and the alicorn had fucked her through her orgasm, leaving her in a state of absolute stupor. She slumped forward, completely out of it, her velvety walls holding on to Celestia’s shaft as it slipped out. The Solar Princess rammed her hips forward instinctively, her blunt flare mashing against Cadance’s cervix, and her shaft jerked mightily, her massive balls jumping up. Cadance stumbled onto the tiled floor, completely exhausted, her consciousness leaving her just as the first gooey spurt flooded her pussy. Celestia grunted as her cock jerked in tandem with the pulsing in her balls, her thick semen spraying from her tip, making a mess of Cadance’s insides. She humped without thought, trying to stay hilted, but her shaft inevitably slipped out of Cadance’s sloppy hole, the mare slumping to the ground in a heap. Her flare popped out of Cadance’s tight cunt with an explosion of cum, her stallionhood shooting her white gooey load all over the Love Princess’ shapely flanks, the strands clinging to her coat stubbornly. Panting for breath, Celestia managed to hold her release back, a few last squirts of jizz landing on Cadance’s back, staining her pretty wings. Eyes bleary with lust, Celestia shuffled towards her sister, her cock throbbing with barely restrained hunger, leaving a trail of syrupy semen on the floor. Shining Armor groaned, feeling the last of his release traveling down his length, his tip swimming in his own spunk. He shuddered as his stallionhood began to shrink back into his sheath, his seed following, some of it already dripping down Luna’s thighs. He tried to thrust back, wanting to keep his load in, but he was completely spent. With a grunt, he felt his soft flare pop out, a spurt of warm cum bathing his belly, covering his sheath and balls. He let himself slid back over Luna’s rump, his legs giving out as he dismounted, falling on his rear as he went down. He watched with wide eyes as his cum started to flow freely from Luna’s cunt, her tight walls convulsing to expel it all; Luna’s body had obviously found him unworthy, and his seed was now plopping on the tiled floor uselessly. He was lamenting the waste when he felt someone breathing behind him, and he barely had time to blink before Celestia had reared up over him, mounting her sister without hesitation. He had to dodge out of the way to avoid getting slapped in the face by Celestia’s rock hard stallionhood, scrambling to avoid being trampled by her impatient hooves. He stared unabashedly as Celestia’s massive flare pressed against Luna’s tight slit, completely obscuring her folds, keeping his cum from leaking out. Luna’s pussy looking so small next to her sister’s massive cock, there was no way she was going to fit… Celestia put all her strength into her thrust, her hooves holding to her sister’s unresponsive body as she rammed her hips forward. Luna groaned in her sleep, her pussy straining to resist the massive intruder, her tunnel tightening up… and Celestia whinnied in pleasure as she slammed her cock inside, overwhelming Luna’s flesh with her throbbing meat. Luna gave a sharp cry, and for an instant Celestia feared she would wake; the Solar Princess remained still, her cock halfway buried into her new lover, waiting… But Luna didn’t stir, still deep in her imperturbable slumber. Relief flooded Celestia, but still she remained where she was, enjoying her sister’s heavenly cunt. Luna’s walls, stretched by her massive girth, rippled around her cock, squeezing it from all sides. Celestia inhaled sharply when Luna’s grasping tunnel relaxed and started pulse, like a throat swallowing, dragging her cock deeper. Luna’s body had accepted her as a mate, and Celestia was all too happy to oblige. Shining watched shamelessly as his ruler started to pull back, his eyes focused on Luna’s stretched folds. Her pussy looked like she could barely handle her sister, and he could see the bulge from Celestia’s flare on her belly, distending her navy coat as it traveled back to her entrance, only to suddenly plunge back towards her navel. He distinctly heard the sloshing sound of his seed as Celestia crammed his release against Luna’s depths, her flare too large to let even a single drop escape. He saw Celestia’s hips straining, trying to push deeper, the mass of his semen trapped between her tip and Luna’s cervix... then Celestia’s cock lurched inside, hilting in one thrust. Shining gulped, realizing what had just happened: Celestia had pushed his seed all the way to Luna’s cervix, cramming his foal batter into her waiting womb. He gave his ruler a glance, and he wasn’t surprised to find her looking back at him, a kind smile on her lips. “I thought I would give you a little help,” Celestia mused, her eyes twinkling, “since you don’t have my reach.” She gave a mighty thrust, her balls slapping against Luna’s gonads with a meaty *smack*. “Hmm, so good, and… oooh, so tight…” Celestia moaned, her hips gyrating as she molded her sister’s inside to fit her girth, the bulge on Luna’s belly expanding as she tried to push her full length inside. “So close…” Celestia panted, giving shallow thrusts. “Seems my dear sister is just a little too small to take me fully.” She snorted, planting her hooves firmly on the tiles. “We’ll just have to fix that.” Celestia took a steady rhythm, her cock plunging in and out despite Luna’s clenching walls, her slow thrusting slowly up taking speed, sweat running down her flanks as she threw her hips forward. Shining Armor stared at her voluptuous rear, then noticed the streams of mare arousal running down Celestia’s thighs, drenching her swinging balls below. He gulped, giving his ruler a glance, but she was much too busy pounding into her sister to notice him slithering behind her. He stared at her backside, her plump buttocks surrounding her engorged folds, her pink flesh constantly winking at him, inviting him in. He couldn’t help it. Luna’s scent was driving Celestia mad, her muzzle pressed into the Lunar Princess’ nape, inhaling deeply. She licked Luna’s coat, her tongue tingling with the taste of the sleeping alicorn’s musk, making her marehood gush with need. She was considering invoking a magical dildo into her cunt when she felt a weight scrambling up her legs, heavy breathing washing over her backside. She blinked, stilling her wild humping, and looked back over her large rump. Shining Armor was hauling himself atop her much taller frame, his eyes twinkling with purpose. Celestia’s quirked and eyebrow. “Captain, what are you doing?” She shook her hips, her cock twisting around Luna’s tight cunt, but Shining held on; he even took her tail between his teeth, using it as a rope to climb atop her. “I told you, Luna has staked her claim upon my mare parts, and she is very possessive of her property.” Celestia stifled a moan, her cunt gushing with arousal as he pulled on her tail, stirring her submissive side. “You should climb down before you do something you’ll regret.” She tried to sound stern, but at the same time she was already arching her back, sticking out her croup to make it easier for him to rut her. “Did you forget, your highness,” Shining panted, finally sliding his chest over her generous rear, his hooves latching on to her foal-bearing hips, “Luna agreed to share you with me tonight, as did Cadance.” He smiled cheekily as he clung to her back, his back legs dangling far from the ground. “They won’t mind.” Celestia shuddered as she felt his cock, still limp and barely beginning to harden, brush against her swollen folds. She considered Luna’s reaction, Shining’s words, and the fire still raging in her belly; it was an obvious decision. Her horn flared up, sending a wave of golden magic towards the panting stallion. Shining Armor squeaked, closing his eyes, expecting to be thrown off… but the warm aura washed over him, giving him strength, replenishing his stamina. His eyes widened as he felt his stallionhood go completely stiff in a few hurried heartbeats, his balls swelling with a new batch of virile sperm, going from empty to bursting in a matter of seconds. His cock suddenly sprang up, slapping against Celestia’s fat balls, nestling between them. As his thoughts were muddled with worried thoughts —it’s not gay if she’s a mare it’s not gay if she’s a mare it’s not— he gave Celestia a questioning glance. “Just make sure you don’t cum inside me, if you please.” Celestia smiled, her magic helping him find a more comfortable position: nestled between her two large flanks, his cock poised at her entrance. “I am already full to bursting, but I am still fertile.” She wiggled her hips, teasing him. “And my sister might not be happy to have her brood sharing space with another male’s progeny.” Shining nodded, too eager to get started to say much else. He moaned out loud as his cock slid into Celestia’s oozing pussy, her sloppy tunnel oozing with Luna’s seed, a steady flow trickling from her bloated womb. While Cadance’s tunnel was tight and slick, and Luna’s muscular and powerful, Celestia was soft and warm, inviting him deeper. He melted on top of her, Celestia’s fluffy rear making him feel like butter on pancakes; the comparison made him grin, his goofy expression remaining as he started to thrust into Celestia’s honey pot. The Solar Princess graced him with a motherly smile, then she turned back to the mare she had yet to claim. She snorted, then gave a mighty thrust. Celestia heard Shining Armor yelp as she bucked under him, his cock sliding in and out as she rammed her hips forward. He dug his hooves into her soft behind, like a rodeo pony clinging to a bucking bull, barely hanging on. Then Celestia really got started, and he almost went flying. She hammered into Luna’s sleeping form, her hips a blur, Luna’s arousal squirting all over their thighs. She hilted without restraint, knowing her sister could take it, her cock gaining ground each time she battered against Luna’s depths; before long Luna’s cunt would be stretched to her dimensions, and she would spend her nights making sure Luna stayed this way. With every thrust she could feel Shining Armor’s cock slamming into her own marehood, sending bolts of pleasure down her spine. He wasn’t nearly as big as Luna, but he could really hold out his own; though maybe he could use a little help… Shining had found his rhythm, thrusting his hips in time with Celestia, matching her crazed pace. He could feel her plump ass rippling under him each time he slammed home, his cock reaching deeper and deeper into his mate, the third alicorn he had bedded tonight. He snorted, feeling a surge of pride at the thought; he had now rutted all three alicorn princesses! The fourth was out of the question, of course, but no other stallion, alive or dead, could claim the same. He could almost feel his stallionhood grow as he glowed with pride, his girth stretching Celestia’s walls… He nickered in surprise as he felt something bump against his tip, and on the next thrust he realized what it was: he had reached Celestia’s depths. He snaked a hoof around Celestia’s sides, touching her bulging belly, and he was astounded to feel the clear outline of his stallionhood, bulging out against her coat. He was positively massive, no wonder Celestia suddenly felt so tight! He gave the alicorn a glance, and Celestia answered with an amused wink, before she went back to plowing her sister. Not wanting to be outdone, Shining grabbed her sides, and started to ram his enlarged cock into her tight cunt, his girth now stretching her walls snugly, his flare smacking against her cervix with every thrust. Celestia bit her lips, cooing happily as she was filled once again. She wasn’t in the habit of altering her mates in such a way, but after Luna’s passage, Shining’s usual size just didn’t fit the bill. She was overwhelmed by the dual sensations of having her pussy stuffed with stallion meat, just as her cock boldly rammed into the tightest cunt she had ever enjoyed. She hugged Luna close, love overflowing for her sister, lover, and most probably soon to be spouse. Celestia had always been a libertine, she shared her body and her seed with all, but never before had she wanted to share her life with somepony so much… she had found her soulmate, at last. She kissed her sister’s nape, almost crying with happiness as she pounded into Luna’s sleeping form, her cock now hilting completely with every thrust. She felt her orgasm build, her balls expanding, her cunt overflowing with arousal, pushed to the brink by Shining’s wild thrusting. And judging from his flared tip, he wasn’t far behind. “C-captain…” Celestia panted, her hips slamming frantically, losing her rhythm. “Re-remember to…” she closed her eyes, her balls tightening, stallionhood expanding, “p-pull… o… ou… AAAH!” With a high-pitched cry, Celestia came, her seed exploding from her overfilled balls, shooting straight into her sister. She rushed to hilt, her cock pulsing with surges of hyper-virile semen, and her first spurt blasted against Luna’s depths, painting her insides white. Celestia crammed her tip against Luna’s cervix, and the next blast shot directly into the Lunar Goddess’ womb, mixing with Shining’s release. The wave of fertility magic washed over Luna’s insides, sending her into an urgent heat, her womb releasing two eggs at once. Celestia felt the two orbs of life drifting closer to the pool of mixed semen, her own release quickly drowning out Shining’s comparatively feeble production; it wasn’t even a question that she would win their little contest. But Celestia was nothing if not fair. She frowned in concentration as she kept filling her sister, her magic carefully separating Shining’s cum from her own, letting the two eggs fall into the two separate pools of virile sperm. She managed to hold her concentration for a few seconds, letting nature take its course, then she could no longer control herself. She let go of any rational thought, then threw her head back, moaning as she let her balls drain into her new broodmare. She was too lost into bliss to realize Shining Armor still hadn’t pulled out, his cock dangerously swollen. Shining grit his teeth, trying his best to pull his massive stallionhood out, but Celestia’s cunt was now much too tight, his swollen shaft squeezed from all sides as the alicorn came under him. He jerked his hips backs, to no avail, his hooves straining against Celestia’s pudgy flanks… until he gave up. With a throaty moan, he let go, his hips slapping against Celestia’s ass as he hilted, his tip peeking through Celestia’s cervix, and a powerful spray of foal batter gushed into the Solar Princess’ already filled womb. Shining could feel Luna’s seed swirling angrily around his tip, the alicorn’s sperm mixing with his own, his release thick and virile thanks to Celestia’s magic. He slumped on top of his mate, letting his cock pulse below him, stuffing his third alicorn of the night full of his seed. Luna’s body shook with each powerful jerk from Celestia’s pulsing shaft, every throb sending a new batch of thick cream into her womb. Her toned belly quickly began to grow, her own cock slapping against her expanding stomach. Celestia kept coming, dazed, her hips humping with shallow thrusts, cramming her enormous load deep into her mate. She didn’t notice her own womb swelling once more, Shining Armor still buried into her, his shaft bulging with powerful bursts of seed. Alicorn and stallion surrendered to their breeding instincts, their whole beings focused putting a foal into their mates; before long their release was leaking around their shafts, falling in clumps on the tiled floor. Celestia slowly came down from her high, her cock still jerking into her sister, ensuring she would carry at least one foal of hers. She smiled, happier than she had ever felt, her release starting to taper out. She gave a few last playful thrusts, packing her generous load deep into her sister, then she slowly pulled out, taking care of filling Luna’s cunt as she withdrew. Her cock popped out sloppily, and she walked over Luna, showering her blue coat with her thick white seed, marking her thoroughly. She didn’t mind sharing her sister, as long as ponies knew she was ultimately hers. She took great care to spurt a few good strands all over her sister’s muzzle, covering her sleeping face, then her cock finally went limp, spent. It was only then that she realized her womb was strangely warm, and, impossibly, expanding again. “Captain!” Celestia cried, looking back. Shining Armor was simply passed out on her back, his cock still spurting surge after surge of thick, magically thickened semen straight into her womb. “Shining Armor, stop!” The stallion mumbled something about pancakes and syrup, but otherwise didn’t stir. “Oh for pony sake, please don’t tell me…” She groaned out loud as she felt her womb awash with magic, her ovaries working overtime as they released more and more eggs into the pool of mixed semen filling her core; even her tubes were full. With a grunt, she pushed Shining off, the stallion falling on his butt, his spurting cock shooting long strands of thick seed all over Celestia’s thighs, some landing on Luna’s body. Celestia tutted, levitating the stallion away, lest he overpower her own scent, and mark Luna as his. She looked around, trying to find someplace to put the stallion and his spurting length… and her eyes fell on Cadance’s sleeping body. Celestia blinked, then shrugged, and she simply placed Shining behind his wife, sliding his cock into her leaking pussy. The stallion immediately started to lovingly spoon his wife, his stallionhood, still oversized, sliding into her depths, spurting more and more. Celestia rolled her eyes, unconcerned; it would wear off soon enough. She turned her attention inwards, her magic exploring her flooded womb; she winced, counting the number of new lives now blossoming in her fertile grounds, but in the end, it could have been worse. Much worse. Considering Luna’s virility, she would most probably only end up with alicorn foals anyway. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully. “Oh dear…” She sighed, already making plans for the future as she washed the sleeping ponies around her, trying to figure out the best way to tell her sister about all this. She could probably get away with it if she told Luna after a most joyous occasion, maybe after they announced their union to Equestria? Yes, Luna would be too distracted by the inevitable riots that would break out, she would already be mad with Discord for his predictable reaction to the chaotic news, and if they told him beforehand he would be insufferable, maybe enough to distract Luna. Yes, Celestia would just smile, tell her sister everything, then say… ******************* “I’m sorry?” Celestia grinned sheepishly, watching the stunned expression on her sister’s face. “…” “Luna, please say something.” “…” “At least promise me you…” “WE ARE GOING TO GELD THAT STALLION!!!” “… promise me you won’t do that, yes.” Celestia sighed, watching Luna sprint away. The dark alicorn launched herself from the balcony with a cry of rage, her hooves hitting the stone railing so hard that it shattered into pieces. She flew into the sky like a black rocket, screaming like a windigo, adding to the general panic in the streets. Fireworks exploded in Luna’s path, the glittery words reading “congratulation mommy Lulu, it’s twins!" Ancient equestrian curses echoed around Canterlot, Luna’s choice of words to describe Discord’s ancestry thankfully lost on the populace. The alicorn veered off course, turning away from the crystal Empire, choosing instead to chase a cackling Discord into the clouds. Pragmatic as always, Celestia watched the explosions illuminate the sky, then she trotted to her personal desk, opening a sealed drawer to take out a few scrolls. “Hmm, let’s see,” she looked over the sealed scrolls, each one bearing a number, “murderous rampage, Discord distraction successful, so angry she forgot she could teleport… Ah, option five.” She snatched the correct scroll in her magic, and promptly sent it to the Crystal empire, where Cadance was waiting for the outcome of her little chat. The mare had been surprisingly fine with her husband having possibly impregnated the three of them at once, mostly because she wanted to give Luna a little taste of her own medicine. But now, she had to prepare for the arrival of a very angry alicorn. Not that Luna would really do anything too bad, she was a lot of bark and just a tiny bit of a bite. She would probably calm down soon enough. Hiding Shining Armor on the other side of the planet was just a precaution really. Celestia carefully lowered herself on a cushion, taking great care not to jostle the precious cargo in her belly. She didn’t know if she really was carrying a few unicorn foals, the little lives growing in her womb so numerous she had troubles counting them, but she had a feeling Shining would get his wish of being a dad, and then some. Celestia watched the sky, smiling serenely, for once not worrying too much. After all, she had never felt so happy, and more confident in the future. Her family would grow, her love for Luna would never wane, and Equestria would grow under the rule of a full herd of alicorns. She closed her eyes, ignoring the distant sounds of furious aerial battle, and focused on the dozens of little lives growing in her womb. She would share her happiness with the world, forever and ever. > Epilogue: A Wedding to Remember > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Will you stop fidgeting?” Luna grunted in response, shifting in her poofy dress. “Simple words, for one that is merely presiding over the ceremony, while I await for my bride.” She shot Cadance a dirty look, the pink princess standing above her at the altar. “I’m certain you were a mess at your own wedding…” “No, I was completely calm; well, except for the whole changeling invasion of course. You would know, if you hadn’t slept through the whole event. Oh, don’t look at me like that, I heard the changelings even got you in a cocoon, and you still kept sleeping like a log; like that story about a mare who only wakes up when kissed by true love.” Cadance smiled that smug and most infuriating smile of hers, one that Luna was growing to know all too well. “Tell me, do you wake up when Celestia kisses you in the morning?” She chuckled, then added in a whisper, “I know you don’t wake up when she pounds you like a piñata at least…” Luna growled in warning, an unwelcome blush blossoming on her cheeks. “Cadance,” she whispered back, baring her teeth, “will you try to pretend to have but a shred of decency?” She gave a pointed glance to the other side of the altar, where a smiling Twilight stood with her head tilted, looking at them with a curious expression, her ears perked as she tried to hear their whispers. Luna gave Celestia’s maid of honor a fake smile, and Twilight responded with a radiant and innocent grin, bless her heart. Cadance’s lips quivered, probably dying to poke some more fun at the anxious bride-to-be, but she held her tongue. She knew full well not to push her luck with Luna, the faint bite marks on her nape a good reminder of what happened when she angered the alicorn. Actually, Luna decided that the first thing she would do when returning from the honeymoon would be to visit the Crystal Empire and punish the impudent mare once again; not that Cadance would mind. Luna was sure Cadance always angered her on purpose at this point; the pink princess had even created a room in her crystal castle just for Luna’s visits; the dungeon she called it, filled with whips and bridles and a truly frightening array of adult toys… that mare was a piece of work. “At least try to smile a little,” Cadance teased, apparently unable to stop herself, “we had to wait so many months, you can’t break down now.” “Actually, as far as royal weddings go,” Twilight piped up, “yours has set a record for fastest planning and execution. Even if you count the few days of, ah, chaos after the announcement; I had never seen Discord that happy before.” “Do not speak of that wretched worm,” Luna spat, eyeing the crowd of ponies watching them, “it’s already bad enough that Celestia invited him.” She growled silently as Discord waved from the back of the room, as if he knew they were talking about him; and he probably did. “That knave did nothing to help while the kingdom fell into anarchy, he only fanned the great panic.” “Yes, but only so ponies could get it out of their system faster.” Twilight beamed. “You can’t argue with results, it worked!” Yes, no matter how infuriating the draconequus was, Luna had to admit his shenanigans had certainly helped. It was mindboggling how fast ponies went from panicked screaming to total acceptance, pitchforks replaced by flowers and well wishes from one day to the next; even those that had distrusted the mysterious dark alicorn had completely changed their minds. Truth be told Luna was a tad miffed that it took her having an incestuous relationship with her sister for ponies to start trusting her. Ponies loved Celestia that damn much. “Oh, it’s starting, here she comes!” Twilight squealed happily, the fanfare starting to play a melodic rendition of ‘Here comes the bride’. The young alicorn was grinning from ear to ear, her wings buzzing like a hummingbird. “Shiny, do you have the rings? Is everything ready?” “Of course,” Shining Armor said happily, holding a velvety box in his magic, “oooh, I can’t wait! This is going to be so great!” Luna’s eyes twitched, trying very hard not to glare at the unicorn standing at her side; she knew full well Celestia had made him her ring bearer and stallion of honor just to get under her skin. Not that she hated the stallion, she even let him join in the ‘dungeon’ whenever she visited; to be on the receiving end, of course. She had quickly calmed down after her initial freakout the day Celestia had confessed her deeds, but still: it was hard not to feel spikes of jealous possessiveness when she knew her sister was carrying a few unicorn foals; the magical scans had been formal. Not to mention… As tenderly as possible, Luna ran a hoof over her round belly, her airy white nuptial-dress expertly tailored to showcase her pregnancy. As Rarity had said, there was nothing more beautiful than motherhood, and the seamstress had created dresses that drew attention to their bellies, rather than cover them up. Luna had felt it was much too revealing at first, almost too… lewd, but she couldn’t argue with the result. She glanced at Cadance’s own vanilla colored dress, the pink princess’ baby bump proudly displayed for all to see. Luna couldn’t help but compare their pregnant bellies: her own was much bigger, Cadance only having one foal while Luna was having twins —from two different fathers… what would her mother think!— and Cadance’s beauty had only been heightened by the elegant new curve to her buxom frame; it was as if she had always been meant to sport a rounded belly. Luna couldn’t blame magazines all around declaring Cadance as the sexiest mare alive. Luna’s belly on the other hand, was large and full, her belly button popping out to her great embarrassment, the bulge only highlighting her strength rather than her beauty. Her powerful and athletic body carried her precious cargo with little strain, and strangely enough her image as a powerful dark creature had been softened by an aura of protective motherhood. If Cadance had the air of a pretty mother cat, showing off her future kittens to her subjects, Luna seemed like a black panther, ready to bite off anyone who threatened her offspring. Her new image completely changed the way ponies reacted when she appeared in their dreams; no longer did they cower before her, no longer did they think she was a part of their nightmare. Whenever she appeared, one look at her rounded belly was enough for them to know she was there to help them. The Mother of Dreams they called her now; Luna couldn’t help but smile at the memory. Of course, neither her nor Cadance could hope to compete with the pony that had just entered the large ceremony room, to the hushed whispers of everypony present. Luna felt her heart flutter madly as her sister started the long walk down the aisle, and suddenly she could no longer care about anything else. Celestia’s belly was immense, perfectly round, her long legs barely able to keep it from touching the ground. They had been right to rush the wedding, in a couple of weeks Celestia would be simply too large to walk on her own. Already, she had to walk slowly, her burdened frame swaying from one side to the other, ponies all around awed by the aura of a true goddess of fertility. Her inflated sides almost took the whole width of the aisle, and Luna bristled as she spied a couple of ponies reaching out to almost graze the royal belly as it passed next to them, their hooves hovering close but never having the nerve to actually touch the taunt white coat; all were worshiping Celestia’s pregnant form. Luna felt her sheath stir at the sight: Celestia’s bulging belly was proof of her virility, her claim over this literal goddess, and she had to strain to keep her member from flopping out in plain view. Now that everypony knew about them, they no longer kept their genitals hidden, but she didn’t go out of her way to display it either: she couldn’t just pop a hard-on in the middle of the ceremony, no matter how much she wanted to pounce on her sister and make love to her in front of all the ponies present. Her thoughts must have been very apparent, because Celestia gave her a playful wink, mouthing the word later discreetly. The heavily pregnant mare shuffled down the aisle, agonizingly slow to Luna’s taste, but she couldn’t blame her: she had a great burden to carry. So many lives growing in her belly… It had taken hours for the nurses tasked with counting how many foals Celestia was carrying to reach a final count, and they had burst into tears when Luna had requested a recount, just to be sure. Celestia’s spectacular pregnancy had solidified her image as the mother of all ponies, the alicorn becoming more beloved than ever; and to think she was not even half-way into her pregnancy… Finally, Celestia reached the altar, and Twilight rushed to help her mentor climb the steps, Celestia nuzzling the little alicorn affectionately. A few instants later, Celestia was standing in front of her sister, her radiant smile making Luna’s heart throb with desire. Cadance began her speech, but Luna didn’t hear any of it, too busy watching her soon to be wife, her eyes roaming all over Celestia. From this close, Luna could smell her sister’s perfume, the flowery scent reminding her of a sunny spring day; but she could also smell herself on Celestia. No matter how much Celestia complained about the mess, Luna always took great care to cover her mate with her abundant and sticky love, particularly Celestia’s bulging belly. “I do.” Luna was startled from her heated thoughts as Celestia spoke, the buzzing in her ear preventing her from hearing Cadance’s speaking. She glanced at the pink princess, waiting for Cadance to ask her the question, and she rushed to answer. “I do.” Cadance beamed and began to say something, but Luna just couldn’t wait anymore. With a hungry growl she took a step towards her wife and angrily pressed her lips to her sister’s, Celestia’s surprised expression all too delicious. The kiss was much too aggressive for a simple wedding kiss, but Luna didn’t care. She didn’t care about the scandalized whispers from the crowd, she didn’t care about Cadance’s smirk, she didn’t care about the strand of drool hanging from Shining Armor's open mouth, and she didn’t even care about Twilight’s shocked expression, the poor little alicorn blushing like crazy: Luna didn’t care, she was here to show who Celestia belonged to, and she would do so as she pleased. Luna pressed closer, almost pushing Celestia to the ground, the Solar Princess’ muffled submissive squeals making her blood race, her sheath throbbing mightily. Maybe she should take it down a notch, before her cock made its first public appearance in eons… but Celestia’s panting breath was so delicious, she could feel their bellies rubbing together, and she could smell Celestia was as excited as she was, Luna tried very hard to keep herself sheated and… The public suddenly inhaled as one, a few ponies shrieking, and several shouts rang from somewhere in the front row: ‘Wow ponyfeathers, look at that thing, it’s huge!’, ‘Land’s sake, AB, cover your eyes!’, ‘Oh my stars… Do you think they are looking for a concubine?’, ‘Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness…’, ‘Wooowy, I didn’t know Princess Luna had a party canon too!’ … oops.