> Love Me > by Mochas Dungeon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Make love to me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recall my life before I lived in this one story house with my wife, Silica Gel. A mare, obviously, in the outskirts of Ponyville. What a name, Ponyville. It fits, though. And it is the friendliest place in the realm. There’s a pink mare named, get this, Pinkie Pie, that keeps the local’s spirits high, and mine, too. I was a barber. I’m not one here, because manes and tails are too much to concentrate on, but there I was great at what I did. I could give anyone a ‘do that’d get them whatever they needed. It was a warm spring evening when I was done with my workday and left the shop and took in the mall around me, then all I heard was a pop sound, and then I was here. I had a headache for days, I assume I was shot in the head and this’ my afterlife. When I get down to it, my life wasn’t that great before. But the life I tried to carve out here was way worse. I started in the far west, by the Catlands, and it took me a week before I gathered a gang of any that would follow me in an effort to usurp the current feline in charge. Took a day before I was captured and branded on my leg as a terrible person and banished from ever entering their lands. I went through Diamond Dog territory, but they weren’t used to their prey fighting back, so they gave up after a couple bloody muzzles and lost teeth. Finally I came into the Everfree Forest, that was the real challenge. Making it through that hell hole and surviving. Everything is out to get you in that place. From the plants to the trees, even critters were nipping at my ankles! After a day of running, hiding, power napping, and crawling like a worm, I found myself at the edge of the Apples’ farm. They took me in and helped fix me up before I went to see a doctor and get checked out for real... “Honey,” Sil called to me, “stop writing your book and come to bed.” “I know, but it’s not just a book,” I sighed as I stood and stretched my arms. I looked back to see her eyeing me in that way. “It’s my autobiography. Ponies will read this for ages and know that the few humans here aren’t all bad.” “I know, but I want a bad person in my bed tonight,” she looked at me with lidded eyes as I moved from the desk to the bed and the waiting mare in the sheets. I was naked from the waist down, as had become the custom for me around town, it seemed. I’d worn through my clothes pretty quickly surviving and Rarity, the town seamstress, wouldn’t let me wear what I had on, so she designed me a long shirt. I’ve been wearing them since, and there’s a sense of freedom to be had with not wearing pants and letting everything dangle freely throughout the year. Except winter, that’s when it sucks and I have to buy pants at a premium. Element of generosity, indeed. Getting into bed she scooted back to her side more as I climbed in and I couldn’t help but admire her pony body. Sure, it’s not even close to a human woman’s body, but something about being able to eat out a mare and pinch her nipples without having to stretch my arms to an extreme is really nice. I leaned in and we kissed, she has such soft lips, and a long flat tongue that drives me wild. She almost always turns to her belly first because that’s how ponies make love, doggy style, er, pony style, I guess. It took a few tries to learn how to make it work between us, but now we do it all kinds of ways. I can’t help but feel proud of myself, too. Ponies only last a minute, at best. Everything after that is pure lasting orgasm, and my fifteen to fifty minutes is enough to make her pass out when I’m done. Every mare in town wants to experience me, but I’m not into herding, as they call it. Having several mares to bed whenever they’re in the mood, or I am. Especially since I can’t procreate unless I let them turn me into a pony, even for a little while. I climbed on top of her and she rolled to her side and grinned at me. “You’re gonna start sideways? Naughty, human.” “Naughty wife, letting me,” I said as I straddled her hind leg and lifted the other with my hands. She inhaled sharply as I gripped her leg with my left and let my right hand slide to her dock. I easily found her wet entrance and grabbed my cock with my hand and slid it against her pussy from back to front before I lined it up and moved my hips to let it slide into her. I love how she snorts as I penetrate her, it’s so… animalistic. I grab her tail near the base and tug it, making sure it’s out of the way before I begin the fun part of pressing deeply into her until my hips are grinding against her rump. She loves it, and she’s actually getting better tolerance to the time it takes me. Not by much, but something is something, right? She whimpers and bites her bottom lip as she reaches for my pillow to hold to herself as I ravage her. I grunt and growl slightly and it just makes it better, because she clenches tighter around me, fear of predators is great sex play. Pulling her leg to the right I roll her to her back and let her leg free of my weight as I pull my long shirt off and toss it to the floor beside the bed and let myself fall over her with my arms to keep me propped. She’s already wiggling herself into position for me to reenter her but I wait. “Make love to me,” she whispers, “please.” “I will, but I want you to know that I love you for the mare you are, not just because of this.” She looks at me wistfully and leans up to kiss me. “I know you’ve loved me for me since I first ran into you.” We share a laugh at the memory of her literally running into me while playing with some other mares on the main road. I fell over and she got a good look at my penis and blushed deeply enough to turn her fifty shades of red. She bought me supper to apologize and now here we are, two years later and I’m penetrating her again. Her eyes widen as I slowly enter her, going as deep as my body will allow until I’m buried balls deep inside her. She’s still holding the pillow between us but fights to shove it away. Hooves aren’t very useful during sex and I laugh, take the pillow in my mouth, and move it away. “Thanks,” she mumbles and places her hooves against my chest and rocks her hips up and we both gasp as we feel me slip at least an inch deeper inside her. The sensation is beyond words, but I do my duty and begin grinding against her, staying so deep it feels like we’re trying for a baby. If she were human, yeah, I’d be a daddy a couple times by now. I feel her cervix and before I know it she’s beginning to come. She hooks her hooves over my shoulder and her rear legs are curled up, hooves pressing against my lower belly as she rocks. Her tail hairs brush my ass as she leans up and bites me on the neck and whinnies like crazy as the first orgasm flood her body. She tightens her grip around my shoulders and stops biting me to let her head fall to the pillow and she screams like a woman now. She knows to move her hind legs now or else she’ll push me off the bed with a mighty buck. I feel her contractions, her body trying to milk me as though I were done. Her body is in for a bit of a shock again. I stop and wait for her to stop shaking and kicking her legs so much before I start again. It’s been a long day and I won’t last much longer, but I won’t let her know that. “Oh, horse apples, please, come in me! Right there, that’s it, right?” she asks. I nod as I lean in for another kiss. “Yes, that’s it. Do it for me you mighty stallion!” I’m her stallion. Not a man, or anything else. I’m a stallion to her and she’s the woman of my dreams. I imagine her as a human. Large breasts, fair skin to contrast my cinnamon tone, and a pussy as tight as it is now. I feel the feeling. It’s growing from the tip of my cock and gliding its way down to the base. “Turn over, I wanna finish in you the right way,” I tell her. She’s sweating a lot, and I see tears in her eyes from the emotional weight of release, and I see a smile on her muzzle. I lean up and she scrambles, carefully now, to turn over. Her tail moves to the side and I grab her cutie marks as my grip. I learned that ponies don’t have hips for grabbing, not the way I’m used to, anyway. So, I don’t waste any time and I reenter her. She buries her face in her pillow and I let my left hand grab her mane and I pull as I begin to ride her in the way only lovers can. She really wants to watch me have sex with another mare… I think I’ll give her the pleasure of doing that, but not this week. This week is about us, this moment is about us. I feel it tickling in my hips and cock. “I’m gonna come soon. Inside you, baby!” I grunt as I start the slapping sounds from her wetness that’s getting worse and my enthusiastic efforts. “Yes, inside me, all of it! For our foals, please, inside me!” she pants as she raises and lowers her rump in stride with my motions. Then, without much warning, it happens. I dig my fingers into her flanks and grunt long and hard. “I’m coming… inside you… so much and so deep…” I feel my body tense as the rush of come flows from my cock into her body, then a few seconds later, I breathe again and fall onto her, panting faster than she is. She whimpers and sniffles and her ear smacks me in the eye. I chuckle between panting breaths and start to pull out of her. I love when she trembles as I leave her body. Free, we both collapse into our sides of the bed, I have to move my pillow to my head, but I fall over and look at her. “I love you,” I whisper. She blinks her eyes clear and kisses me. “I love you, too. That was amazing,” she says softly as I place a hand on her side and let my fingers drag through her coat. She looks at me seriously as my fingers continue back along her body. She slaps my forearm with her tail. “No, bad! No more, it’s closed for the night,” she huffs a heavy snort of nose steam at me. “I know, but I was hoping for a late night snack from the deli.” She rolls her eyes. “Everything’s closed until tomorrow, the last customer made quite the mess and it has to be cleaned up, by our very exhausted staff.” She smirks. She thinks she’s so clever. “Well, I happen to have a staff that’s not very exhausted and can help you out with that problem, back there.” She shoves me with her hoof playfully. “You’re awful! Just, let a mare recover before you even try that again, okay?” I feel my cheeks hurting from smiling. “I know, just messing with you. I won’t take advantage of you, until you’re asleep.” “If you do that again, I can’t promise I won’t buck you out of bed again.” “I can’t promise I won’t climb back into bed and get right back to it,” I replied as I pinched her eartip. “No, sleep now, sex tomorrow. Too sleepy, you mated me to sleep. See, me sleep?” “Ah, I see what I want,” I said as I let my hand trail down her body again. Another slap from her tail and I knew she wasn’t having it. “I love you, Sil. I’ll dream of you, okay?” She sighs lightly and is almost asleep. “I really have to pee,” she whines. “Yeah, I hit your ‘pee’ spot. It’s right next to your ‘g’ spot! I get confused.” She rolls out of bed and stumbles on her hooves as she makes her way to the bathroom. “A year and a half and you hit them both every time,” she jokes. I love her in a way I never imagined love could be, not for one like me. I feel her climb back into bed and kiss me on my nose, she whispers something softly, and then silence. I don’t know when, but I fell asleep while she was leaving the room. I really like this world, and if I had to choose, I’d never go back. > I shouldn't... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up and inhaled the scent of Sil. She smells like a horse, but one that uses strawberry shampoo and conditioner. I never thought beastiality would be the best thing in my life, but here I am, married to a pony in a world that isn’t mine. I keep a healthy distance from the other humans around the world. I guess there are about two hundred of us scattered about. There was talk about starting a human town, but none of us want to repeat the sins of the past, so we just blended into the places we were at. I know some mares, uh, women, are in long term relationships with ponies and one is with a gryphon. Good for them. I kiss her forehead and brush her forelocks from her face, looking at her fluttering eyes behind their closed lids. She sleeps so soundly and it’s cute when she has a dream she’s active in, because her legs move like she’s trotting. Even with hooves, though, she doesn’t hurt me when she connects hoof to flesh. She keeps them taken care of in a way I’ve never been able to with my finger nails, and it doesn’t help that I have sharp teeth and bite my nails. Ponies can’t do that. Plus one to ponykind. I will be honest though, as I look at her sleeping soundly, that she scares me too. Have you ever been married in the first place? Take your life partner and give them three times your strength in their body and a kind, off-putting nature, and see what happens when they get mad. And for ponies, it’s easy to make them mad, in certain ways. Start gossip about one of their friends, fine. Start gossip about any member of family past first cousins? Have bandages ready. I got a few lacerations on my forearms from a mare that thought I was gossiping about her sister! Imagine if I really was? I might have been hospitalized. And let me tell you that when you’re insulting a pony and they turn away, even a little, it’s not because they’re feeling defeated or leaving, it’s because they’re getting ready to buck you. Two high powered legs, flying at you at the speed of a striking snake, with the intent of getting you away from them. Yeah, cracked a rib when that happened to me at a local pub. I just wanted to tell this colt he was being a dick to the mare he’d brought. Being a dick can be seen as flirting here just as much as back home, but I didn’t know biting was part of it. So, I’m there, trying to explain how to treat a lady, and boom, one to the chest, one to the gut. Bad week of recovery began. But, that was years ago, now. All I care about are the past two and a half, since Silica entered my life. All the love we’ve had and shared more than makes up for the few fights we’ve had. Mostly verbal, but when it got physical, holy crap can we both take a beating. And not a pony in town was upset with us for fighting! It’s totally normal for mates to fight at times, as long as it isn’t serious, then it’s just seen as a quarrel over territory or something. I don’t get these creatures sometimes, yet who am I to judge? I move back and roll from the bed, picking up my shirt and pulling it on. I move to the desk and begin to write more of my story when I hear her moan and yawn. “How’s my chocolate bar today?” I smirk. “How’s my creamy donut?” I retort. She moves out of the bed and comes up behind me, rears and holds onto the back of the chair, then nuzzles my cheek with hers. “I smell like you so much, every mare’s gonna be so jealous.” “I know, but they’ll never have the real thing, only you will,” I say reaching back and holding the crown of her head. “Honey, you know I want to start a family with you, right?” I roll my eyes and sigh, I know where this is going. “Look, you just need to be a pony for an hour, tops. I want your foals…” here it comes, “don’t you want to have some with me? Don’t you love me enough?” “Yes,” I reply gruffly, “and you know I don’t like you guilting me into things.” “If I didn’t, we wouldn’t be together, would we?” she teases me with words that make my mind reel in memory. “Fine, I’ll think about it,” I state firmly. She jumps in place and does a two legged dance before landing on all fours and climbing onto my lap. The grin she’s wearing is enough to get me to give her a hundred bits to go shopping… what power will our children hold over me? “That’s all I request, my love.” We kiss and she curls up on my lap as best she can. I pet her and we both love it, until the chair creaks. She gets off and moves to the doorway. “Breakfast of hay and oats?” “Oh yeah, you know I love ‘em,” I reply. She smiles at me and leaves. We, and most ponies know, I can’t eat hay. Not if I want to avoid constipation issues, anyway. We joke about things the other can’t eat often, but won’t force the other to eat them, not anymore. Bacon is a beautiful thing, and ponies think so too. That is until they eat about a pound of it and then spend the next two days in the bathroom, cursing everything about life. I can’t ever apologize to her enough. I hear a log being tossed into the oven and smile. Fire is a beautiful thing, and it makes cold foods hot, and they’re so much better hot. You haven’t tried anything until you’ve had ah’slani with fva’ein cold, then hot. It melts me to my core, and she knows it. I’m fortunate to have such an amazing wife, such an amazing pony in my life. I can still remember what I did in the Everfree Forest to survive, the lives of ponies I took before I knew they were sapient. The goods I’d stolen and hoarded in hopes to come across another human to trade with. The blood these hands spilt in ignorance will never see the light of day beyond my own repressed memories. I have to set a better example, for the children we’ll have someday. I enter the kitchen and sit at the table, crossed legged on the floor, before she’s done setting it. “Good morning, my love,” I tell her. She places two plates on the table and kisses my cheek. “And thanks for last night,” she tells me as she turns and returns to the stove, her tail swaying a little higher than normal, giving me a clear view of her nethers and the scent, oh, sweet Celestia we smell great together. She says it smells like buttery popcorn, but I say it smells like wildflowers by the ocean. We both have our own experiences, I guess. Herbivore versus omnivore, and all that, we taste and smell things differently, it just is. “You’re lost in thought again, husband,” she says placing a cup full of apple juice by my plate. “Yeah, just thinking about how much I love you and can’t live without you,” I look intently at the juice. “You’re adorable when you’re like this, but what aren’t you telling me? Is it about your book?” “Kinda,” I shrug, “and apple juice again?” “You know it’s the cheapest in town, and with the season just starting we need to save the bits until the harvest grows.” “Yeah,” I sigh and take the drink in my hand and sip it lightly. Sour, damn it. “Oh, I’m sorry, they only had green apples on sale when I bought them, is it too sour?” “No, just right,” I muse as I set my cup down and away from me, more toward her place. I glance sideways at her and she’s wearing a frown. “If you don’t want to save then go buy some oranges or watermelon and I’ll make a different drink for you.” “Hey, what about coffee? That’s always in season,” I snark back. “You know it makes my stomach turn to smell it. Why not tea? It’s cheap and good for you.” “Why not just splurge and go out for breakfast, then? You go to your cafe and I’ll go to the burger joint!” Why am I getting upset over this conversation? “So, you want to eat out? Then go out and eat, I’ll make breakfast for myself! I don’t need to have your criticism this early!” “Don’t raise your voice and threaten me,” I’m losing my temper, why don’t I let it go? “Or what? You’ll do to me what you did in the Everfree?!” I stop and my breath hitches. She swore she’d never bring that darkness back to the light. I stand quickly and feel the fuming anger building in my chest and inhale, ready to shout her into her place at the bottom of the food chain, and turn, stomping to the doorway. “Wait, I’m sorry-” she says in a pleading voice, but I’ve already slipped on my sandals and am out the door with a slam. I growl to myself and kick a foot worth of pebbles from the walkway further down the path and start to jog away. The door opens and I hear her shout after me, but I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hurt again, this time myself. I was a monster then, and my heart aches when I recall what I’d done, and for her to bring it up during a casual argument kills me inside. The fact that I didn’t blow my top is something good, though. I know who I have to see, my confidant. The one mare in town that gets me, the weirdo! Amber Cupcake. Her cutie mark is an amber colored cupcake and her coat is, well, Amber, and her mane is black with amber highlights. If there was a pony that fit her name, she’s it! Sil isn’t following me, she knows better than to leave a burning stove alone. Fires aren’t taken lightly in small hamlets like this, and all our stuff has too much meaning to risk burning. Once I’m calmed down, I’ll go back and we’ll talk this out. Lovers argue, it’s normal. Right? I arrive at Amber’s house and knock on the door, greeting ponies as they pass by name. I know almost every pony in town now, and they know me. They also know to not take me lightly. I am a fierce fighter and passionate lover, so the rumors go, and who am I to tell them otherwise? I certainly hope to never have to fight, because my training would leave a person with broken bones and in a hospital, what would happen with a pony if I were to fight them like it mattered? Amber opened the door and smiled at me. “Hey! I didn’t expect to see you for a couple days. I’m just starting breakfast, have you eaten yet?” “No, I kinda got into an argument with Sil and chose to leave before it got too bad.” “Oh? Well, come in, please. Just, take your shoes off and sit at the table, I have coffee and potatoes started and I’ll throw on some eggs, as well.” “Your kindness is heartwarming,” I tell her as I duck so I don’t bump my head as I enter her house. I slip my shoes off and sniff the air, it smells good. “So, what’re you doing today? Any big plans?” “No, just sit around and take care of the house. I don’t work for another two days, so that means I have time to myself,” she uses her magic to stir some stuff on the stove, “so I guess you showing up is the start of a great couple days off.” “Yeah, I hope so. I have to get a job soon, because Sil’s making enough, but it’s just enough.” “Ah, and you don’t wanna live bit to bit? Who does?” I smile weakly. “Exactly. And I can’t drink apple juice for breakfast every day.” “Eeyuck, who can? Here, have some pear and orange juice. I made it yesterday for some drinks with friends, there’s no alcohol in it, don’t worry.” “I’m not, Amber. Thanks,” I say taking the drink from her magic and smiling. I like how magic feels as I pass through it. I sip and the sweetness has a slight tart to it. “That’s really good. You should give the recipe to Sil, she needs it.” “Oh, hush, it’s not that good. And, what were you two arguing about this time?” she asks putting a plate in front of me. “Nothing. Almost literally. Nothing. It was stupid and she said something that really hurt me and I left. Now I’m here.” “All that? Well, it’s a good thing you ran here as quickly as you could,” she joked as she took the plate she’d just set in front of me back to her and gave me some food, “so, what’s your plan then? Hide here until she comes to get you?” I grin as the plate returns to me and I grab for a fork that isn’t there. “Fork, please? And I guess. She should worry a little about me, after what she said.” I took the fork she quickly passed me and began to eat. “What did she say that was so mean?” I swallowed and looked at the mare. “Just, things from my past that she said she wouldn’t bring up.” “Oh,” she hummed as she took her seat and a spoon to her food, “so, would you like to help me out?” “With what?” “I’ve gotta spiffy up the house and my bedroom is a mess and I could use help with it. There’s also the backyard that needs some care before I can plant some food and-” “Woah, okay, okay, what about starting simple. I’ll help you clean up and we’ll go from there. Sheesh, you’re lucky I’m such a nice guy.” “Yeah, I’m jealous, too. Silica gets the best man in the world and I get one night stands,” she pouts. “Well, maybe I can talk Sil into herding,” I joke. Big mistake. “Oh my gosh! Really?! I’d be so happy to be with you and I’d treat you right and love you as much as you need!” I lean back as she jumps from her spot and to me in a single bound and climbs into my lap. “Woah, I didn’t mean-” “And I’d do anything to make you happy, like cook and clean and I’d never hurt your feelings,” she rambles before she kisses me. Her tongue slips into my mouth and I shudder, a wave of pleasure vibrates from my groin to my chest. “Sil told me you liked when she did that, I’d do that as often as you’d let me!” I suppress the sudden desire that spiked and grab her by the shoulders. “No, I can’t just bring you over there and offer you to our family.” “Why not?” she asks innocently. I forget that ponies can enter other relationships at the drop of a hat. I exhale and gently push her off and lean back, with my arms as supports. “Because,” I finally start, only to feel a sudden sensation on my cock. “What?!” “I see you’re unsheathed, so I’m just saying hello to it,” she winks and looks under my shirt. I sit up quickly but she uses her magic to do something I can’t describe to the underside of my penis and my balls. It’s a great feeling, to say the least. Then she whispers softly. “Just lay back.” I can’t stop myself as I do just that. I think she’s casting a spell on me, because I’ve never even thought of doing this with her. Well, maybe a few times, but it was a while ago! What the pluck is happening? Why’d I say those stupid words and then she kissed me and now, holy crap, she’s putting her head under my shirt. She takes me into her mouth and I know better than to worry about biting, since they have flat teeth. Her tongue and magic wrap around me in alternating strokes and she slurps as she goes. “Wow, it’s bigger than I thought it’d be,” she says in a muffled voice as I watch her horn pitch a bobbing tent under my shirt. I lay back and moan as she goes to work like a professional. She’s way better than Sil, but I’d never say that to either of them. She giggles as she slows down but keeps the pressure on in the right ways. I feel it encroaching, climbing from my inner pelvis like thick molasses rolling to my cock. “Ah, no… don’t. Stop,” I mumble drunkenly. It feels so good I can’t form a solid sentence. “Don’t stop? That’s what I like to hear,” she says between slurps and starts rolling her tongue and using her magic in ways I haven’t felt since I was younger and back on my earth with women. “Ough, gah, no, I can’t…” “Do it, let me taste it,” she says as I lose what little control I had and let it shoot into her mouth. Only a few squirts, but I hear her swallow them all as she gently caresses my balls, giving a final squeeze before letting me go. She stands up and looks at me proudly. “Hmm, salty with a hint of sweetness in the aroma. I like it! More?” she drops her head and I scramble back. I feel so bad! What just happened? How can I explain it to Sil? Why do I want more, even though I violated my marriage agreement to my wife. Amber prances to me and presses her lips to mine, letting her tongue enter my mouth again. She’s right, I am salty. I lose it again, my body takes over and I grab her cheeks and kiss her back. “Are you sure you want to do this? There’s no going back,” I tell her. Sil’s been wanting me to get with another mare for over a year, and here’s a mare I know and trust, so it’ll be okay! “Yes, please, I’ve wanted you for a whole year, since you turned me down last spring. No colt turns me down,” she giggles. Yeah, she’s a slut, that’s why she’s the weirdo in town. Mating whenever it suits her with anypony. I push her to the ground and she giggles, rolls to her belly, and moves her tail. “No, that’s not how I do it, unless I wanna finish quick. We’re going to your bed.” She stands and trots to her room with me in close behind her. She lays on her bed again, tail aside as I climb beside her and push her over. “Ouch! I thought you wanted to have sex,” she huffs. “I do, my way. Lay on your back,” I tell her. She looks at me and her eyes widen slightly as a grin forms. “Yes, master! I’ll do whatever you want.” I roll my eyes. “It’s the easiest way to have sex between us that’s going to work without days of practice. Now, lay on your back.” She looks puzzled, but rolls around until she’s on her back, her forelegs covering her barrel as though to keep her safe. I take off my shirt and toss it aside to the floor by the door and lay parallel to her. I take her left hind leg and move it between my legs and let her left leg rest on my right hip. “Ready?” I ask her. She looks down at me and shrugs. “Sure? What’s this going to do? It’s really weird.” I reach my right hand down and place it on her teats and gently massage the closest one to me. She lays her head back and moans softly. Mares and women love tit play! I let my hand slide down more and back a bit until I feel the heat from her pussy on my hand, then I start to finger her. She sits up slightly at the new sensation. Fingers are way better than hooves at sex. I swirl, I press, I let my index finger slide into her and wiggle around, just to get a feeling for her before I move my hips closer and, using my finger as a guide, slowly penetrate her body. She gasps and sits up, looking down at our crossed legs and then to me, then back to my cock as it disappears inside her body. With a slow motion I’m all the way inside her and she nickers in delight. I tighten my legs around hers as an anchor and begin to fuck her like the naughty pony she is. I press deeply inside her and pull out almost all the way, then slap back into her again and again. I feel her clit just inside her pussy lips with my finger and start to rub her like I was making love to a woman, like I was making love with Sil. I press slightly and make circles at her nub, then let my middle finger slide inside her while I’m pulling out and alternate my cock for finger so she’s always getting one or the other. I feel her start to wink, which is a dead giveaway that she’s going to come soon so i keep the pace. She’s moaning, nickering, pawing at the air like she’s trying to knock a balloon away, or something. She comes within a minute, true to pony nature. She screams like a woman and it turns into a whinney as she does a few sit-ups as she orgasms, then falls flat to the bed, exhaling a laugh. “Wow, that was great,” she starts but stops as I continue to have sex with her. “What, what’re you doing?” “Just getting started,” I say as I grab her right hindleg and use it to pull myself closer to her body, sliding deeper inside her. Now that she’s come her body is inviting me in. I can go deeper than before and keep at it for longer than she can handle. She shouldn’t have sucked me off first. I grind my hips against her body as I go and she can’t seem to decide how to handle the situation. I’m in total control so she can’t stop me, and I don’t think she wants to. Not yet. We’ll see how she fares in due time. I keep at it for several minutes. I don’t finger her like I was, but I use my first two fingers to spread her pussy open and to press against the sides of my cock as I enter and leave her body until I start to get tired. My lower leg’s cramping so I release her and she starts to weep. “Are, do you, better now?” I chuckle. “Half way there, stay on your back and don’t roll over.” She looks at me intently, almost on the verge of crying, but she nods.” “Yes, Master.” I climb on top of her and grab her hind hooves, pushing them closer to her head than she’d like as I look at her winking pussy. Her lips are amber, like her name, but she’s bright red inside. I watch for a few seconds and then I line up my cock again and without care or caution I let myself fall into her. She gasps and whimpers, kicks her hind hooves. I’m experienced enough to keep a grip and guide them away from me as I stay deep inside her and begin to gyrate my pelvis against her dock. She’s whining, moaning, tears are spilling from her eyes. We’re both loving this! She’s starting to get creamy. That’s what I call it when multiple orgams happen in a pony. She’s making all kinds of fluids and they’re discharging all over my belly and thighs. Every few seconds of squishing yields a new squirt of perfumed juices against my body. I’m going to have to explain this carefully to Sil when I get back. Amber looks at me and leans up, her muzzle is more than long enough for me to reach and I kiss her, letting our tongues dance in each other's mouths as I enter and exit her body. I feel it starting. It’s going to happen and I’m going to come inside her and it’s going to mark her as mine, a member of my herd, if she wants to join. I stop kissing and fucking her. “Are you sure?” She nods slightly, too tired to speak and too orgamsic to care. “Turn to your belly, I’ll finish the normal way.” She inhales deeply as I leave her and in one motion rolls to her belly, spilling her juices across her bed and legs as she does. I grab her cutie marks and reenter her. It’s better this time. Her winking pussy is moving in time with my thrusts and it’s massaging me just right. Fuck magic, everything about this mare is amazing. I grunt as I usually do when I’m getting close and start pulling her in rhythm to my motions. I feel my legs getting wetter and wetter as she comes again. Her face is buried into her pillow and she’s screaming in ecstacy. That’s it, the last straw. “I’m coming in you!” I grunt as I dig my fingers into her cutie marks and thrust as deeply as I can. I call her name with each squirt I give her waiting womb and then fall onto her back and roll off. I laugh as she lets a pussy fart go and falls to her side. “I’m covered in you.” She’s asleep and her whole body is trembling. She’s pawing her hooves at nothing and she’s weeping silently. I grin at a job well done and use her comforter to wipe myself off then roll to my feet and freeze. “Sil, I can explain,” I say quickly to my wife, who just saw, Celestia knows how much, before she leaves the room. > ...love this so much. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How’d it come to this? Why’d I agree to do this? Why… am I enjoying it so much? I guess it’s fate that’s made this happen, since I was the one who would punish my lovely wife for longer than a pony should have to suffer through sex that now I’m on the receiving end. Remind me to write in my book that Princess Twilight can suck my teats. We got into a little fight and I ran away before it got worse and slept with my friend. Should have been a simple talk or twelve and we’d be back to where we were; happy and in love. But she had to run muzzle to chest into Princess Twilight who looked at my naked body and the mare crying, galloping from the house, and made a poor judgement call and turned me into a mare. An earth pony, like Sil, but a freaking mare?! ‘The spell only lasts a half day’, she apologized. Like that would bring my body and penis back to me. But then, to make things fair, she granted Sil’s request to be a stallion for the day. Kinky shit, yeah. I stumbled home like a heart broken drunk and once I was inside she stopped laughing at me, along with a third of the town that sang a song about fairness and equality, harmony and balance… whatever the shit. I had no defense against Sil when she nipped my ear as she was helping me up. She sniffed me several times and I felt the urge to pee, so she gladly helped me to the bathroom and all that… then she sniffed my crotch, or plot, now. She shivered like I used to, had only a couple hours ago before I dove, balls deep, into Amber. Then she said the words I never thought would terrify me in my life. “You’re in heat, honey.” That was it. We both lost sense and started kissing. I was on pure animal instinct, using my muzzle and tongue to send shivers through Sil’s stallion body. The scents we were making, I was making, was driving her, him… him mad with lust. Was I so bad when I was turned on? I looked to my wife/husband’s tail and saw it swing beneath him. A huge pony cock. I was repulsed and intrigued at the same time. I could feel a throb in my rear area and the thought of what I had and was probably going to get scared me on a male level yet, there was a burning desire to know what it felt like for a mare in heat to be fucked. Sil pushed my withers down and I collapsed to the floor and was face to flared head. “You’re my mare, now. Suck it,” Sil told me. I closed my mouth and clamped my teeth shut, but she started poking me in the nose with it. “You owe it to me, so be a good wife and do your job.” Shit, I said that to her a couple times while we were role playing, now she’s making me do it? It’s not fair! I feel defeated in a new way and let my lips part as she looks down at me and presses her cock to my lips and I let it slide into my mouth. It’s soft, yet hard. Salty and musky. And it’s, Celestia forgive me, delicious. I feel like it’s a salt-lick taffy stick and I want the filling in the center. I lick and suck her and realize that ponies have no gag reflex as she pushes deeper down my mouth into my throat and I start to choke from lack of air. “Oh, sorry! I forgot, please, don’t be mad,” Sil apologizes as she pulls back and out, leaving me gasping for air. “Put it back,” I whimper. I don’t even know who I am anymore. I’m a man who’s solvently heterosexual, yet a mare who’s craving cock like a horny slut. Oh, god. I’m Amber! She asks me if I’m sure and I open my mouth and don’t say anything. She obliges my desire and this time I do the work of giving her my first blowjob. I swear, this isn’t homoerotic, it’s just a mare who was a man performing fellatio on a stallion that was his mare. Totally normal sex stuff that my readers will understand, right? She moans and I know that moan. I have no desire to taste the seed of life so I reluctantly stop and swallow the massive amount of saliva I’ve got going and move to stand, only to have her press my withers down again. “Finish, I’m almost there as a stallion and I want to know what it’s like.” Holy crap she’s really bossy. It’s such a turn on to be commanded by such a strong stallion. I nod and resume my oral attack, while in the back of my mind I’m fighting myself. I shouldn’t be loving this so much. I shouldn’t be trying so hard to please Sil, but I feel it’s my job to make him happy, plus it feels good, somewhere in my chest I feel like I’m accomplishing something by making Sil come. I take in a deep breath and take the black and white cock as deep as I can and hold my hooves to the floor as he thrusts once, twice, three times into my mouth. I feel his sperm in my throat, thankfully past where I can taste, and then I back up quickly so I can breathe again. I’m not so lucky as Sil squirts one last load onto my muzzle and left eye. I cough and some of his seed flows into my mouth, making me taste it. It’s just like Amber described. Salty, with a hint of sweetness. And, oh no… I do want more. I swallow and lick my muzzle like mad. This is horrible. I’m fighting to please my wife and loving every second of it. Is this what it’s like for her? I want to ask but I’m too busy whimpering. My new pussy is aching for Sil, and I see that grin on his broad face. He knows it. Shit does he know it. “Turn around and lay on your back.” I look up and nod to him. I’m his mare, I’ll do as I’m told, as long as it’ll make him feel happy and fill my burning desire to come. I lay back and curl my legs to my body, my tail aside as instinct commands, even though I’m totally exposed. It’s actually tingling so much it hurts a little. I need to release this feeling. Then Sil lays on his belly and licks my nipples. Oh, it feels good. He presses a hoof on one and leans down, sniffing my aching area. Crap, I didn’t expect to actually have to be penetrated with that dangling participle! Oh my… That’s what it feels like to be eaten out? I’m gonnado this more often once I’m a man again to her. Oh wow, it’s totally good. “Right there,” I moan as Sil knows exactly where to lick and where to apply pressure. One hoof on my teat, one on my pussy lips and pressing where my clit is, pushing it to her tongue. His tongue. Celestia, I don’t care what the vernacular is, just let me come! I can’t help but move my hind legs as s/he licks deeply inside me and I feel the pressure of that tongue entering my vagina. With a mighty swallow Sil stops and in a deep voice, whispers to me. “Am I doing good?” “Don’t fucking stop!” I say in a threatening way. I now notice how feminine I sound. It turns me on a little more to hear that and to see the smile on Sil’s face as the licking and hoofing resumes. I feel it in my pelvis and growing to my belly. This’ way more than I ever felt as a man. This’ intense and it’s growing in strength. I can’t stop moaning in my soft voice, rocking my hips and moving my legs as the warm tingle grows and I feel a soft pressure inside my pussy. Sil knows it’s coming and keeps doing the same thing. I’m crossing the threshold! “I’m coming, oh gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh,” I squeal and I sit up and the rush of orgasm flows through my body, “my,” I grunt as I fall back and sit up again during the next wave, “gosh!” I scream and whinney as I fall back, spent. The tingle now is across my hind legs and in my loins, my winking pussy. I can feel it winking and it’s just pushing the orgasm on. I feel the urge to scream and cry, in a good way. This’ what it’s like to be a mare, a woman, a female orgasming? I think I can do this more often. The world turns fuzzy as my eyes water and Sil lays next to me. “That…” is all I can say before he pushes me over. “Was amazing? Now you know why I love it so much when you do that to me. Now, my turn.” “Again?!” I ask weakly, but in surprise. I’m on my belly and spent. I can’t resist as he mounts me and my hind legs move under me, pushing my rump up as I fight the urge to yawn, to sleep. I feel him poke at my leg, then slide along my underbelly. “You need to work on your aim,” I tease. Then it hits home. I squeak in pain as he pushes inside me. Forcing my virgin hole to take all of the meat he has to give. It’s more than I have to offer as a man, to be sure. Sil nickers and stops halfway. “Are you okay, honey? Does it hurt? Do you want me to stop?” His deep voice vibrates my ears and I clamp tighter around his cock. I shake my head. I know it’s bad to lie, but I need to make him feel good. It’s my job as a wife to please my stallion. What the hell am I thinking?! He slowly pushes deeper inside of me and it kind of burns, but feels good in a way, too. I’m really glad Sil’s a pony and not a human, because seven times, in and out, and he comes in me. It stings and I can’t wait to be free of him, but I smile as he whimpers and whines at how good that felt. Before I know it, I feel alone. Like, a part of me was taken away, and I kind of want Sil back inside me. For a first time, for both of us, it was really good, overall. I kiss the stallion beside me and nuzzle him as we both yawn and begin to fall asleep. “If you got me pregnant, you’re in so much trouble,” I say. He snorts a laugh. “Then it’ll be our family secret, okay?” I feel sleep grabbing me and pulling me into itself. “Yeah, okay,” I whisper softly. If this is what females feel when they come, I can do this gender swap thing more often... > Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I entered the castle, following Spike, her dragon pet, assistant, thing, to the throne room. There sat her highness, in her crystal throne with a scroll to her left, her new student to her right. A cute colt with blue fur and a white mane. She likes to start young? I thought and supressed the mental image of her and this colt, just past his cutie mark, getting it on ‘for reasearch’. “Princess Twilight?” I asked meekly, keeping my tail low and slouching as I entered the room. The marathon sex I’d been having the past two days was amazing and I didn’t know mare on mare was so normal here! I had three partners in a day while Sil watched me. I had more variety vegetables inside my pussy than I think I’d ever eaten as a human over the past two days, and I was sore. I was tired. I had cramps and pains that no man should ever have. Worse, was that I wanted more sweet snacks than I’d ever craved. I couldn’t eat enough cake or candies, and when I did I’d cry over them until Sil and Pinkie Pie pulled me away. I now know, intimately, why females love candies so much, and I can never explain it in a way a man will understand. That saddens me for some reason. “Yes, Miss?” “Uhm, I’m actually a mister. I’m sorry for what happened, but can you change me back? I’ve kind of grown tired of being a mare.” Her eyes widened and she stood on her throne and she looked at me. “You’re that man? That I,” she paused to blush and think her words through, “I’m sorry about what happened. I didn’t get a chance to explain it to you, but I was showing off my metamorphosis spell to my pupil here,” she looked at the colt, “and your mare ran into me. “I looked at her and my mind changed from a frog, that I was going to change an orange into, to a mare. Then I looked at you, naked and covered with mare around your,” she paused and blushed slightly. “Penis, your highness, which I’d like back,” I said, with a hint of eagerness. She cleared her throat and teleported beside me. I hopped and yelped at the sudden change in her placement, but she didn’t even seem to notice as her horn lit up and I lifted into the air and was briefly examined. Yup, they were still missing when I was let down, and mare, let me tell you about let downs. “You’re pregnant,” Twilight said matter of factly. Like I just asked her what color her coat was. She didn’t titter or giggle, nor did she seem proud or upset. “The spell has a failsafe built in where, among other things, that if the subject is impregnated, or otherwise has something in their body, that the spell won’t disenchant until the object is removed.” I felt my four legs wobble under the weight of the casual words she used as she moved back to her throne. “Then, then take it out! Give it to Sil! She’s wanted a foal with me for a while, now she can have one!” My voice cracked as I practically pleaded with the mare. “No, I’m sorry. That’s not how magic works. Babies can’t just be moved between parents, at will. It’s an arduous process that carries too many risks. You’re a mare now, and you’ve chosen to have your fun. These are the consequences that all mares face this time of year, and now you’ll have a better understanding of what it means to be a mare than most males ever will. “Don’t think I’m being callous,” she said as she wiggled her rump into the cushioned throne, “but there are more pressing matters that I have to attend to, and unless you have a friendship problem, I really can’t help you until you deliver.” My forelegs gave out and I fell, barrel to the floor. Tail up, everything displayed for the dragon behind me to see. He groaned and made some comment, but I didn’t care what he said. “D-d-deliver? I, I can’t be a mom! I’m barely ready to be a dad,” I hiccupped and felt my nose leaking snot. I’d started crying but didn’t notice it until then. “What, how… I mean-” Spike grabbed my tail and started dragging my mumbling and incoherent self from the room. I couldn’t think, talk, or do anything besides blubber like a fool. “Look, I didn’t catch your name,” Spike said once the doors to the throne room had closed and I was dragged into the main entrance hall. “I-I don’t, h-h-have a p-pony,” I paused to swallow before I bawled like a crazy mare, “pony name!” “Sheesh, you’re not the first mare to get pregnant,” he snarked. He was right, but I wasn’t a mare! I was a proud man with an average sized dick and I could use it like a Jedi wields a lightsaber. I was going to have to carry a baby inside my uterus for almost a freaking year. What the hay was I gonna do?! *** We were on our bed, in our little home, on the outskirts of Ponyville. Sil hugged me to her chest and let me cry into her fur. She understood what I was going through and told me, while she was guiding me home because I couldn’t see right, that she was going to miss having sex with her stallion, but then again, there’s something to be said about being female and pregnant. I looked up and kissed her, she let her soft lips part as I slipped my tongue into her mouth and it sent a wave of warm fuzzies through my chest. I sniffled and pulled back to wipe my nose on my fetlock before I pushed her back. We were alone and didn’t care when I climbed on top of her and kissed her again. It was far less awkward this time than the first, since she had to teach me how to move on a bed as a pony. Ground is easy, it’s hard, like my penis often was. Beds are soft, like my… you know what, I give up. I let my right leg brace my weight as my left moved along her legs and beneath her tail. She gasped then giggled at my move. “Naughty filly,” she whispered to me. I don’t know why, but I loved when she started calling me pony names, and I pressed against her vulva. She hummed contently as I pressed again and kissed her, only to have her push my sides lightly with her hooves. I relented after the third press and began to kiss my way down her underbelly. Her chest, her belly, her teats I stopped at and licked and nipped at, getting a sharp squeak and gasp from her, before she knocked me on the top of my head and mouthed ‘no’. I moved back more and fell flat, letting my forelegs slide under her rump, as support. I looked at her dark labia and swallowed. I loved this as a stallion, I mean man, but this just feels, less than it did. I move my nose to her folds and rub her lightly before letting my tongue slip out and into her body. She tastes sweet, like chamomile, and smells like root beer. I can’t explain it, but it’s better than when I was a man. It drives me wild for a moment as I let my long, flat tongue penetrate her folds and I feel her tense. She lifts her hips in time with my cunnilingual assault and I move with her, riding her as she rides my muzzle… then I heard a knock at the door. We both cursed but tried to ignore it, but whoever it was just knocked louder. I was a mare that was super horny and not in the mood for this crap, so I pulled free of Sil, climbed off the bed, and marched my way to the door, bit the handle and pulled it open, ready to tell whoever it was to buck off, but it was Spike. The dragon butler looked at me and started to apologize for Twilight’s behaviour. I reached a hoof out and locked it behind his head, pulling him into a kiss. He has more of a beak than lips, but it was hot as hell. Whenever I became so open to sex, I don’t know, but I needed something Sil couldn’t give me. Cock. I ached for it. My loins tingled for it to be inside me, even if it was going to be a weird reptile’s. He protested, but every time he started to say something, I’d kiss him and I kept pulling him to the bedroom. We made it through the kitchen before Sil asked me what the heck I was doing, and then I let my hoof drag along his underside, when I felt it. Or, should I say, them? Two, freaking, dicks. I was floored, almost. The thoughts of what I was going to do raced through my mind while Sil was rambling about how we can’t just let anypony into our sex lives. He was uncomfortable, she was uncomfortable, I was a pregnant man in a mare’s body. I win the uncomfortable challenge. I pulled her into a kiss and our eyes locked. It was going to happen, right there in the kitchen. I let my eyes dart down his dragon body and, in unison, we both lowered ourselves, while kissing, to his bright red dicks. I never thought of anything like what I was about to do as being sexy, but I took one, and Sil took the other, and started sucking. He wobbled and placed his hands, sweet Celestia, hands onto our heads to keep balance while I slurped and licked mine like it was a melting ice cream cone. I kept looking at Sil, and she was more methodical in her actions. Having a lot more experience with blowjobs than I, I slowed and tried to copy her motions. I’d lick the base and let my tongue slide to the tip, then take it into my mouth. It was so warm and soft, I was so glad I had flat teeth, because I could feel every ridge and bump against my teeth and lips as I sucked all my spit back into my mouth. I looked at the dragon and the blissful look on his face and felt happy, complete in a way. “This’ what it’s like?” I asked Sil as I put his cock back in my mouth. She hummed and nodded, knowing what I meant, fully. The dragon, for some reason, seemed to be getting bigger in my mouth as we sucked him. I tasted something spicy and salty and kept the pace. I didn’t know what dragon cum was like, but I was going to find out, and so was Sil. We started quickening our pace. “Turn around,” he said. His voice was a little deeper than it was when he was at the door, but we swallowed our mouthfuls of precum and saliva and grinned. We were going to get some action, after all. We got to our hooves and started to turn when he shoved us toward the room. “Over the bed,” he grumbled. I rushed, almost raced Sil, to be the first with my barrel over the bed and my tail moved aside. I felt his breath as he sniffed me, then I heard him sniff Sil. He pushed us together with surprising strength and I felt him grab my tail, at the base. His leg went between mine, and I was so happy he chose me first. I was aching for it, I deserved it, and I still had to tell Sil I was pregnant, so this’d be a great ice breaker. I felt him let my tail go as he grabbed his cock and guided it into me. It was bigger than I thought it’d be, for such a small dragon, then I looked back and yelped. He wasn’t a small dragon anymore. He was easily seven feet tall, and chunky. His cocks were as long as my foreleg and one was going into each of us. Sil looked intently at me, she knew this was going to be an experience. With a beastial grunt that sent chills down my back and through my legs, he penetrated us. At the same time we gasped. His cock was hot, and it was big, and it was so fucking ribbed. It felt amazing, and he hilted in us with inches to spare. Sil begged him to go all the way, and that was all he needed to give us the last inches. It stung, but it was so good. I felt him pop inside me and then pop when he pulled out. Pop. Pop. Pop. Every thrust sent waves of uneasy pleasure from my pussy to a tight knot inside my body, each wave tightened that knock a little more until I realized what it was. He grabbed my mane and tugged hard, it hurt so good that I giggled breathily as his cock got bigger inside me. I quickly felt that knot of his popping inside and out of me rubbing my clit just the right way. I was full of dragon cock and when I looked at Sil, she was already on the verge of orgasm. I’d seen that face so many times I knew it in my sleep. She smiled at me. “You’re, almost, there, too,” she said. She was right, but this was different. I felt something inside me, at the back of my pussy, like a rubber band, stretch and get hot, then a flood of wetness washed down my legs. I screamed as he came in my wet pussy and I felt that knot inside my body snap in a new way. I lifted and lowered my hips in a primal way, riding his cock as colors danced in my vision. A sharp wave of electricity shocked through my body as I came, harder than I ever had before. I felt my whole body curling as I clamped tight around his cock, keeping his knot inside me, milking it for all I could as only one thing went through my mind and lips. “I”m pregnant with your baby, Sil!” She screamed in ecstasy after I said that and the world turned white as I peaked. I felt him pull out of my pussy and then start raining cum across my back. I felt his seed leaking from me, running down my legs. He finally stopped coming and I heard a couple thuds. I slid off the bed onto my rump and fell onto my side, looking at a baby dragon with a smile on his mouth-beak. I heard Sil laugh, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stand up. My legs were shaking too badly, so she slid from the bed, too, yellow dragon cum across her back and in her mane. “That, was the sexiest thing I’ve never even heard of.” I gulped and realized how dry my mouth was. “Don’t tell Twilight,” baby Spike whined as he curled up and fell asleep. Sil and I shared a laugh, the feeling of cum oozing from my body with each chuckle was something I’ll never be able to explain, but it was nice. Fast forward a year later. Well, my book tanked. Apparently, another person wrote a book called ‘The Never Ending Story’ and it published at the same time as mine. If I knew I was allowed to rip off science fiction I’d have been the original Obi Wan. The other book? It was a hit, and it put humans on the map as adventurers. My book, you ask? Bargain bin smut adventure, starring a human that loves to have sex with ponies, and nothing else. Forget my adventure and growth as a man. Forget that I was turned into a mare. The best thing that came from the whole ordeal was our little baby. She’s got both her mother’s features and is cute as a button. The process of giving birth has made me respect all females more than anyone can imagine, and even though I try to explain that I’m the father of the two month old filly we named Night Light, they don’t seem to understand that I birthed her. It’s beyond comprehension to them and I can barely explain it in a way that doesn’t paint me as a fetishist. Granted, I am, but I digress. I changed back into a man a few hours after I delivered Night Light and a month later I was turned into a stallion just to get Sil pregnant. She's as horny as I was, only once every few nights, a little dragon comes by to release the tension of working for a neurotic mare by coming in my wife's pussy and ass while I watch… and I wouldn’t have it any other way. To be honest, I really don't prefer sloppy seconds, but it's not so bad when it's still warm and running down her legs and onto mine. The smell isn’t the same, though. It’s like black pepper mixed with salt and hot sauce, I often salivate while I fuck my mare after the dragon finishes with her, all the while imagining food and, the poor mare, has to suffer while my orgasm is extended by that much longer… But we’re a happy family and I don’t see any changes in our near future, right? Fin