> Sombra's Poor Nuts > by headless_rainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Snap, Crackle, and Pop > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After many years, the Crystal War had ended. The Crystal Kingdom was back in the hooves of sane rulers,the ponies living there finally free of King Sombra’s control. The princesses and other high-ranking officials didn’t bother coming to gloat or laugh in his face. The Princesses and others were off celebrating victory with a booze-laden orgy. No pony there wanted to bother with Sombra when they were busy with their fun. Besides, being discarded and ignored was the best punishment for the proud tyrant. Instead, low-ranking soldiers were chosen to deal with him, increasing his humiliation. Two Equestrians were assigned. Rock-trooper Maud Pie still wore her uniform sans helmet. She could have had more rank, but she had declined; the grunts had more fun. Speaking of fun, she was sporting a saddle bag full of torture accessories. There was also Trixie, who wore only her favorite cape and hat. She had once been higher rank, but things exploded when she was in charge. There were also two crystal ponies, allowed to help as a symbol of future cooperation. One was Crystal Hoof, who wore a simple gray garment over his front half, having been one of the slaves producing supplies for the crystal troops. Second was Scarlet Heart, wearing crystal battle armor, without the psionic helmet of course. She had a saddlebag of goodies, having raided the abandoned fetish shop. She wasn’t built like a warrior, but as her special talent, prostitution, hadn’t been useful to Sombra’s war effort, she’d been marched out with everypony else. Sombra did not have armor on for once; it was the first time anypony aside from rape victims had seen him nude. His cutie mark of black crystal was bared, but matched his fur so well that many in the crowd were calling him ‘blank flank’ in addition to myriad other insults. He was fitted with a horn restraint to forbid magic, but he was so drained that it was barely needed. Sombra stood silently next to an anvil of all things. He looked slightly upward to avoid looking at the crowd or the ground, with his eyes were shut tightly, trying to block out the sounds of celebration. He stood at the Crystal City gate, but would need to go through the city to the palace dungeon. A lot of ponies were on the path to watch his humiliation, but he was confident that he would keep his composure. “Trixie has mapped out the optimal route through the city,” announced Trixie, holding up a map. Obviously optimal didn’t mean short, because the path she’d chosen circled the city several times before finally arriving at the palace, more of a parade route than a path. “The enemy has infiltrated our squad,” Maud mentioned calmly, looking at Crystal and Scarlet while retrieving a jagged rock from her rock pouch, “Shall I destroy them?” “What? I’m not a spy!” Crystal spouted defensively. “Calm your murder-boner, compatriot,” Trixie held out a hoof before Maud attacked, “These shinies are here to assist, Crystal Hoof and Scarlet something. Trixie requests that you also not massacre the celebrating crowd.” “This is unfortunate,” Maud hesitated, but put the rock back. “I shall attempt to comply.” Scarlet wasn’t even listening. She was standing behind Sombra, smacking his balls with a hoof and watching them swing as he flinched with each impact, growling but still attempting to remain composed. “Shady doesn’t wanna go on his walk,” Crystal chuckled. “Trixie has devised a solution for his defiance,” announced Trixie, letting them assume it was her idea despite having been given it by General Starlight. Trixie held up what looked like a horn cap and a blacksmith hammer covered in runes. “The hammer is enchanted for breaking horns. This will be required in order to fit the device upon the stub.” Trixie floated the hammer to Maud, who she knew loved to break things. Maud grasped it with a sticky hoof as her stare moved to Sombra. Scarlet continued to ignore them. She slid beneath Sombra from between his hind legs, making him jerk with surprise and finally opening his eyes. Scarlet dragged her back against his underside, smiling as he tensed and growled. Her armor dragged across him sheath to chest before rubbing her plot against his sheath with mocking affection, making him clench his teeth in an effort not to respond. “You,” Maud aimed her dead expression at Scarlet, “Cease pleasuring your master or I will be forced to eliminate you.” “I wasn’t gonna fuck him or anything,” Scarlet paused, “They did tell you the war is over, right?” “Relax, my deadly colleague,” Trixie assured Maud, “Horn trauma of this magnitude turns virtually any sensation into agony for at least a day. Fucking the shiny whore will feel like he stuck his dick into a bear trap.” “Oh…” Scarlet perked her ears, “Maybe I am gonna fuck him!” Sombra tried to stand steady, but was helpless against Trixie’s magic, which grasped him by a hind leg and yanked it outward. He tumbled onto his side against the pavement as Trixie twisted his leg further and left him lying upon his back. Trixie dragged him by his head to place his horn onto the anvil. For the first time, real fear entered his expression. He knew how much horn damage hurt. “We’ve fucked before, Shady, remember?” Scarlet asked as she followed and seated herself atop him to straddle his midsection, slowly grinding her slit against his stomach fur, “I was your rape toy for a night. I remember because you removed my helmet and cleared my head so I could properly sob.” “That sounds rude,” said Maud, “We shall extract sobs from him on your behalf.” “I shall never sob,” Sombra spoke, but the shakiness of his voice betrayed his uncertainty. “Good,” said Maud blandly, “I love a challenge.” “He said he’d cum in me until I was raw,” said Scarlet, “But then he only came once.” “Unsurprising,” Maud dead-panned, perhaps sympathizing with Scarlet enough to not want her dead now, “Only shit lays need resort to non-consenting partners.” “Trixie and her companions will make him cum until he is raw,” Trixie smirked. Sombra’s sheath was barely plump, which was strange with Scarlet grinding on his belly. It glowed with Trixie’s magic, however, and spilled free, shaft soon throbbing. Surprisingly, it was extremely underwhelming; saying it was small gave it too much credit. Scarlet twitched her tail up and undulated her hips, grinding on it a few times before her ears perked and she pulled forward again. She looked back around and laughed. “It wasn’t that small before,” laughed Scarlet, “You were using magic to hide your tiny dick! You had to because forcing that on me would hardly be rape at all!” “Trixie had to use magic to get him hard at all,” Trixie smirked. “Wow,” said Crystal, “This whole war was just compensation for your limp dick? Being a dick doesn’t give you a bigger one, Shady.” The crowd loved the conversation, laughing hysterically and adding a flurry of new insults to their screams. The whole empire would know how underwhelming their ex-ruler was before the night was done. What a thing to be remembered for! “Silence!” screeched Sombra, finally unable to hold his dignity, “I swear I will-“ He trailed off as he remembered that his oaths meant little now. “I too am amused,” Maud informed them. Maud brought the hammer down hard, Sombra almost screaming before he clenched his teeth to stave it off. The enchantment worked, cracks forming along the length after several powerful strikes. She was careful to start at the tip so he could feel each chip break free. His previous horn restraint shattered, but that hardly mattered. The only respite he got was when Maud paused to put Boulder on the anvil. ‘Boulder will demean the shards,” Maud explained to the others. Trixie didn’t question it and the others were afraid to. Sombra couldn’t keep himself from screeching openly soon enough, eliciting cheers from the fans. Each time he gritted his teeth, determined not to scream again, but each impact sliced right through his resolve. Soon the mighty tyrant had the first of many tears rolling down his face, every blow igniting his entire nervous system. Trixie’s magic was holding Sombra’s head still, so Maud reached one of her front hooves down to unzip the crotch of her uniform. Her face remained emotionless, but juice drooled down her hoof as she casually masturbated to her victim’s screams. Justice made her hot. Despite the tremors of pain wracking his body and barely being in control of his flailing legs, Trixie’s magic kept him hard. Scarlet enjoyed sliding her slick mare-parts against him regardless of size, especially knowing it would cause him agony. Not to mention the delightful squirming. He didn’t last long though, his shaft splurting pre for several seconds before splattering her slit and belly with spunk. He arched his back and wailed at the combined pain of his horn breaking and feeling like his dick had acid running through it. “Trixie didn’t force that one,” Trixie said, “Shady is apparently a hair-trigger.” “If I were still a whore,” panted Scarlet, “I’d have felt bad and given him half off.” Not to be left out, Crystal retrieved a paddle from Scarlet’s saddlebag as it bounced with her. It was metal with spiked ridges along the surface and a hollowed out heart shape in the center. A regular paddling wasn’t enough though; his target was Sombra’s nuts. He stuck the paddle to one front hoof and reared up on his hind legs before coming down to smash his target. The tyrant bucked like an apple harvester on crack beneath Scarlet when the first impact fell. Sombra’s scream sounded less like a tyrant and more like a filly guide. Crystal enjoyed himself as he continued, though it was less of a spanking and a more repeated stomping. For Sombra, it as like the pain from either end was colliding and building exponentially upon itself. Under normal conditions, Sombra wouldn’t have noticed when Scarlet pushed her slit down over his shaft, but he noticed it now, his muddled nerves making it feel every bit as bad the stomping on his balls. Scarlet savored the feeling of dominance over her former tormentor and rolled her hips against him. Her love canal squeezed, but her warm wet flesh felt more like vinegar soaked sandpaper to Sombra, who was now opening screaming in pain and panic. Despite that, his cock pulsed and drooled inside of her, soon hosing down her insides with a white coating, a lot of it due to Trixie’s magic. The feeling of fluid being forced from his bruised balls made him howl. “Sob for me, slut,” Scarlet mimicked Sombra’s words to her as she began licking the tears from his face. Maude was finishing her task. Most of Sombra’s remaining horn shattered, eliciting a delightful howl from Sombra. It left only a single shard where his horn once was. Maud looked at the shards and then at Sombra. She gathered up the shards with the hoof she’d been masturbating with, then rammed the hoof into Sombra’s maw. He gagged as he both got a taste of his tormentor’s enjoyment and was forced to swallow what was left of his power. He choked as he felt the craggy bits tear down his esophagus, and since the material didn’t digest, it’d hurt as much or more coming out. “I’m done here,” panted Scarlet as she pulled herself off Sombra with a slurp. “His cock is boring.” “It is time to start anyway,” Trixie said, yanking Sombra’s head with her magic and pulling it upward, forcing him to stand with a moan. Trixie moved her horn cap and clamped it down upon the last bit of horn, making Sombra spasm as if he’d been hammered again. Trixie smirked and continued, “This device will cause you excruciating pain if you stop OR move too fast. It will both keep you moving and make sure all your former subjects get a look at their disgraced ex-master.” “That’d be useful for parades later,” Crystal commented as he reared up on his hind hoofs. He came down to smack Sombra’s plot with one hoof as the paddle-hoof smacked his bruised balls again. “Giddyup!” Maud put Boulder back in his pouch and then turned to Crystal. “Blue shiny,” she said, tugging a sack out of her saddlebag and offering it on one hoof, “Salt.” Crystal was reluctant to get near Maud, but grinned widely when he realized what she was offering. “Oh um, thank you!” He coated the paddle with salt, while Trixie cast a quick spell to make sure it didn’t wear off. Teamwork! Sombra shrieked as the horn device started, which was even more painful than his previous situation. He ran forward at first, but the speed made it even worse. He was sobbing in agony by the time he figured out how fast to go to minimize the pain. The result was slow enough that a newborn foal might have passed him. “If you are wondering why the incredibly fuckable Trixie is not yet pleasuring herself,” Trixie said, “It is because she is saving her cock for Shady’s behind.” The others glanced over as she clearly didn’t have one of those, so Trixie added, “Trixie has magic to make this possible.” “Neat,” Maud observed. “I could use that on my sisters.” “Seems like that’d be painful,” commented Scarlet. “Excruciating,” Trixie assured. “But not for long.” Crystal began walking behind Sombra again, deciding his spanking wasn’t done. He repeatedly reared and brought it down against the back of his balls. “I should have counted; I bet we’d be well over 100.” Sombra was forced to lean back against the impacts lest they push him forward too quickly and cause even more pain. He was forced to assist his torturer as his balls became more bruised and swollen. All the time Trixie continued to stroke him, so his balls felt ready to burst in more ways than one. “Trixie could floss with that,” commented Trixie as she got a good look at the shaft she was stroking. She made sure to stand so that the crowd on either side could see it well. They certainly got a show, as Sombra wailed again as his shaft throbbed and damaged balls tensed up, his enchanted cock expelling at least a liter of cum onto the pavement. The glee from the crowd was enough to ring in all their ears. Maud unzipped her uniform more and kicked off the back side, folding it dutifully and placing it with her saddlebag. Now the slickness of the cunt honey drooling down her thighs was very visible. Her hips swayed a bit sensuously as she walked in front of Sombra, then stopped. Sombra gritted his teeth and tried to move around her, but she stepped to the side and kept him there. “No no!” Sombra begged as his whole body burned in anguish from standing still, “Please let me go! Please!” His begging got a hysterical laugh from the crowd. “Eat it,” Maud said as she began to walk again, hiking her tail upward, “If you displease me, I stop again.” While he was still, Scarlet made his path more difficult by hefting herself up upon his back, straddling him two-legged creature might, giggling as she began to grate her slit against his fur. Sombra cried out at the extra weight, legs trembling as he almost fell, but he screamed and forced himself to move less the horn cap punish him again. Scarlet lay with her forelegs about his neck as she began to rip out muzzle-fulls of hair with her teeth, leaving a trail of it behind them as she continued. Maud must have thought Trixie looked left out, because she retrieved a club from her own saddlebag to toss it towards her comrade. It was a lightweight weapon, but was covered with grates to make sure it tore at flesh effectively. It appeared to have been actually filled with salt, which trickled through the grates as it was used. “Trixie is glad you were on her side, psychotic confidant,” Trixie said as she caught the club. Trixie began to assist Crystal, slamming the club into his sack from the front, soon using Sombra’s balls as ping-pong balls in a sadistic game with Crystal. They were so swollen on one side that they were barely recognizable as testicles, so she helped even them out. Trixie didn’t let up with the stroking either. In fact, she formed half a dozen hands at once, each one stroking him at a different rate, flesh tugged back and forth painfully as different strokes played tug-of-war with his sensitive flesh. Plenty of stallions and mares would love to get a lick at Maud, but Sombra looked disgusted at having to submit to a mare in such a fashion. The threat of stopping again was enough to make him do it though as he began to lap slowly at her sopping wet lips. Maud had been fighting in constraining clothing a lot over the last few days and hadn’t had time for a shower, so Sombra gagged in disgust at the rich taste. “Enthusiasm please,” Maud said, stopping for just a moment in threat. Sombra pushed his muzzle against her then, digging his tongue deep, rubbing his muzzle about her silky labia and grinding against her clit. It turned out he wasn’t too bad at pleasuring a pussy, since he knew all the sensitive spots from his torturing of them. Maud didn’t grind her hips or even twitch though; the most she did was sway her hips more than usual, but for that was the equivalent of violent thrusting and moaning for her. There was so much to concentrate on now. Sombra twitched with each pain and impact. The slamming of his balls back and forth, salt digging into his wounds, the sting of Scarlet ripping his mane out, and even the agony of the magic stroking him off; none of it ever became numb. Each impact felt as painful as the first. In fact it was even more so. “I need to urinate,” Maud casually informed Sombra, “If a single drop touches the pavement, I will make Tartarus jealous with what I do to you.” Sombra took the sadistic patriot’s threat seriously, eyes widening as he moved his muzzle down, trying to cup his maw tightly over her vagina and continuing to lick for fear of what might happen if he stopped. “Watch for it,” Maud said to Trixie. “Trixie is busy watching your plot,” Trixie said, “But Trixie shall multitask further.” “Later,” Maud said to Trixie before facing forward again. Maud relaxed and Sombra felt the first trickle, frantically swallowing as his expression alternating between pain and revulsion. Panic filled his eyes as it came faster, swallowing gulp after gulp as fast as he could. He might have succeeded too, if not for his magic shaft choosing that moment to go off again, that now-familiar surge of pain thrusting up through him, wailing and spluttering, urine rolling down Maud’s legs and to the pavement. He sobbed in frustration, but all the same didn’t stop consuming her urine, afraid that it would only get worse if he didn’t. His despair hit new depths though, sobbing like an infant against Maud’s slit. “I will deliver on my promise,” Maud assured calmly, continuing to face forward. Apparently she would deliver on it later, however. At the moment her legs and guts tightened up, eyes twitching as she breathed heavily and even let out enough of a grunt to be heard over the crowd, if only for a second. The vibration of the completely-broken Sombra against her pussy was everything she needed, and Sombra’s face was bathed with orgasmic bliss. It burned his eyes as it splattered his face, but he only frantically tried to drink as much as he could. Meanwhile, Scarlet had pulled out most of his mane, only a few clumps left, which she left as she turned herself around atop him. Crawling to his other end, she instead began to grasp mouthfuls of his tail hair, determined to deprive him of that as well. Her weight finally caused Sombra to collapse completely, wailing in agony as the horn cap lit up. Scarlet held tight atop him and they waited for him to get up, but after several attempts, he seemed completely incapable. In desperation he began to crawl, desperate to sate the pain. His shaft dragged across the pavement, and even then Trixie was stroking him off. He wailed as he even creamed himself again, cum bubbling out from each side and trailing behind him to the amusement of the crowd. Not to be deprived of their play, Trixie grasped his balls with her magic pulling them out and up enough to reach them, and continuing to bat them with the club. Crystal smashed them from the other side with the paddle, adding agony onto agony as the sides were battered too. Finally, they were at the gate, some hope filling Sombra’s eyes when he saw they were there. They left the crowd outside to continue their celebration, but Sombra’s wasn’t finished for the day yet. “You, shiny whore,” Trixie said to Scarlet, “Were you placed in a dungeon during your rape-visit? If so, can you lead Trixie to it?” “Do not refer to her pain so lightly,” warned Maud quietly. “Trixie…” Trixie wilted a bit, stuck between her ego and her desire not to piss off Maud. “It’s okay, and I can,” Scarlet said. Trixie grasped Sombra by the head, dragging him along behind them. Not having crowds to amuse, they walked through the castle at a normal pace, which meant Sombra spent the whole time with his horn cap blasting pain through his bones at full throttle. His screaming brought a number of guards, though they only smiled or laughed when they realized who it was. They arrived at a dingy cell near the back of the dungeon. These hadn’t exactly been kept up, so the whole thing smelled pretty rank. That didn’t bother them too much, since war in general had gotten them pretty used to disgusting smells. “Trixie will turn this off,” Trixie said as she tossed Sombra’s limp form into the center of the cell, “If it burns full blast for too long, we risk numbing him.” That and he wouldn’t be able to feel anything else they did to him beneath the torrent he was already feeling. “I have stuff for this,” said Scarlet, opening her saddlebag. Scarlet tossed a pair of spreader bars beside Sombra. Maud picked one up, carrying it as she straddled Sombra’s back. She pulled his hind leg behind him, bending it backward unnaturally. In order to pull it all the way back, Maud had to bend and break it near his flank. Flesh tore as it gave to her pressure, audibly as blood began to drool down. As Sombra squealed, she did the same to his other hind leg, pulling back and twisting to break it, before connecting the spreader bar to the ankles. Maud turned to his front side, Sombra frantically shaking his head for mercy, but she gave none. With her expression still indifferent, she twisted a front leg back, though in this case they bent enough that breaking bones wasn’t required. She casually fitted his front ankles with the second bar. Scarlet watched Maud and though. She saw hooks on the ceiling, probably for just this sort of thing, so pulled some rope from her bag. Trixie got the idea and assisted, magically looping the cable through several hooks. She tied one end to the rear spreader bar, sealing it magically so it wouldn’t slide about. When Trixie yanked up the other side of the rope, Maud was still atop him working on the front legs, but that didn’t stop Trixie. She lifted Sombra’s writhing front end with her magic, cutting off the rope at the needed length before tying it the same way around the other bar. She left him to hang by his twisted and broken limbs, and at the perfect height above the floor for either end to be mounted. “Please kill me,” Sombra asked between sobs. Trixie laughed, “We have no intention of ending your miserable life.” “Please!” Sombra face twisted in abject terror at the thought of surviving. “I will do ANYTHING!” “Yes,” Maud agreed, “You will spend the rest of your life as a cocksuck.” She then looked at Trixie, “I desire a penis… On me, not in me.” Trixie’s horn glowed as she cast the gender-bending spell. First she used it on herself, clenching her teeth, since the process of reshaping one’s flesh was painful for non-changelings. She recovered quickly, at least, and cast it on Maud as well. Maud didn’t even flinch as her clit bloated into a throbbing member and thick orbs sprouted behind it. She looked beneath herself and stared at it. “I’ll pass on that,” Scarlet said after watching Trixie’s face during the process. Maud placed Boulder on the floor so he could ‘watch’, but wouldn’t mount Sombra’s head yet. Instead, she retrieved a tool from her saddlebag that looked like a cross between a chisel and a periodontal probe. She held it in her muzzle and rammed it against Sombra’s gums, digging until a tooth popped out onto the floor, leaving a trail of blood. Sombra screamed, or tried, but the dental procedure made it difficult. Trixie kept Sombra’s maw open for Maud as she walked behind him, licking her lips. Crystal had the same desire, however, and they came face-to-face at Sombra’s plot. There was no contest, so Crystal backed up, but Trixie smiled at him instead. “Trixie can use magic to hold herself steady beneath him,” Trixie offered, “You may climb atop Shady and share. Nothing vital will rupture, probably.” “Sounds good!” grinned Crystal. Trixie placed her clothing aside, then magically carried herself beneath Sombra, her shaft throbbing against his balls, making him writhe in his restraints from the barest touch against his ruined cum depots. She pulled herself higher, grasping her hind legs around him and pressing against his pucker. From her vantage she could see Sombra’s teeth clatter to the floor every few seconds, his sobbing sounding wet from the blood pooling in his maw. Crystal climbed eagerly atop Sombra, Sombra’s hind legs on either side of him. Rather than simply mounting, Crystal pulled himself higher, bracing himself on Sombra’s flanks and lifting his hind hooves off the floor. He made Sombra bear his full weight as he pushed his tip against the hole as Trixie. “Trixie is impressed by the size of your natural member,” Trixie commented, “Perhaps you will join the lascivious Trixie afterward?” “Sure!” Crystal stammered. “And yeah, 100% natural!” It was a good thing they had magic at their disposal, because there was no way it would have worked without. Trixie’s magic grasped the cocks together, producing magical lubrication as she did. She then forced them against Sombra’s tight sphincter, slowly spreading it. Sombra screamed in frustration through Maud’s dental procedure, as if getting ass-fucked was one of the worst humiliations the proud unicorn could suffer. Too bad, because it was one he’d often suffer for the rest of his life. That made it sweeter when it finally did give way, both shafts sliding in together, and continued until they were belly deep. Crystal smacked against Sombra’s behind, but Trixie crushed Sombra’s ravaged ballsack. They shoved together, in sync to make sure they both stretched his tight ass at once. It worked; Trixie could feel a bulge on Sombra’s belly as they invaded him. Scarlet was included, pulling Sombra’s shaft out from where it was pinned between Sombra and Trixie. Trixie moved her body to let Scarlet access it, and did so just in time for him to blast his load again. Scarlet didn’t mind; she cupped her lips over his tip, guzzling the seed as she felt Sombra shaking violently, savoring that this juice was causing him so much pain. “Do whatever,” Trixie encouraged, “Trixie can keep him alive.” Trixie’s suspicion was correct. Scarlet bit down on Sombra’s tip, twisting it back and forth to try and yank it free. Trixie held Sombra’s cock still to assist, but even then it took a long time to rip the tip from the squealing tyrant. Scarlet rolled the tip around with her tongue as she nursed at the blood now flowing like a faucet. She hungrily swallowed the first bit before chewing upon the whole length like a dog with a bone. Sombra started to beg again as Maud pulled out his last tooth, but was muffled as Maud mounted his head, forcing herself into his throat. She thrust violently past his throat, enjoying the feel of her enemy’s gagging against her new shaft. If only she had this thing on the battlefield. Maud didn’t stop there. She rammed the tool into his left eye, Sombra’s body convulsing with surprising energy still. She dug into the socket, pulling his eye out and leaving an optic nerve hanging. She forced him to look upward with his good eye to see her casually licking it. She suckled it into her maw and chewed it like a grape before swallowing. His other eye was quick to follow; Sombra not seeing didn’t keep her from eating that one too. The team took their time. Trixie even used her magic to ensure that they could all hold their orgasms, giving him the long rape he deserved. Trixie decided that they should wait until Scarlet was done. Scarlet took her time, ripping off tiny bits of flesh, rolling them around her maw before swallowing. When she got to his belly, she eyed his balls. They were bruised beyond repair and throbbing with each touch and movement; she took a teasing lick in anticipation. Scarlet then pulled one of Sombra’s orbs into her maw, chewing on it as she had his shaft, earning new squeals with each nom. It gave Maud a massage as she continued to ram his throat. Scarlet only ripped it free when it was flattened. She happily pulled the other into her maw to do the same. Trixie saw Scarlet finishing, so released the spell on herself and her comrades, causing all of them climax simultaneously, and more intensely than they ever had. Trixie groaned and let the feeling rush through her, a torrent of pleasure invading her mind as she expelled her load into Sombra’s anal cavity. Crystal did as well, squealing happily and continuing to thrust, rubbing against Trixie’s shaft in the process. Even Maud smiled slightly as she grasped his head and unleashed her load down his throat. She pushed deeper, forcing Sombra’s muzzle open wider until his jaw bones cracked, leaving him unable to close his muzzle at all. “I enjoyed that,” Maud looked at Scarlet, who had Sombra’s blood covering her, “You. Would you like to find somewhere to have fun before my cock wears off?” “Sure!” giggled Scarlet. “Good,” said Maud, “I’ll finish this.” Now that everyone had moved away, Sombra hung limply, thinking it to be over. But Maud had to ensure that she made Tartarus jealous, as she had promised. She did this by releasing his restraints. She ‘released’ him by wrenching a front leg as hard, twisting it painfully around as he screamed, not stopping until it broke free. She repeated this on each limb, taking her time so that she could listen to the crackle of bones, in synch with fresh moans. Finally, his body smacked the blood and cum covered floor. Sombra wasn’t screaming anymore; he was blank-faced and broken, lying in a puddle of his own blood and cum. He had quite a future ahead of him, now nothing but meat with a few holes to fuck. Mercilessly, Trixie closed up his wounds enough so he would not die. His tormentors left Sombra in his new home before pairing off for their own lewd activities.