> Bubble-Taboo [Disposal] > by Septia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Bubble Taboo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bubble-Taboo (The conclusion to the titular series.) Written by Septia. -Buhoourl- A bleached pegasi feather flew out through Twilight's maw, quickly carried away by the winds around the soaring chariot. She let out a brief giggle. Whilst Manehattan wasn't that long of a trip to meet somepony for royal business, the pegasi stallions carrying her were heaving and grunting with exhaustion already. -Groougrlbm- Though, she was carrying a bit of extra weight, after all. They brought her down for landing on Trotters' Street, shaking and wheezing moments before collapsing on the ground. Her belly bounced with a rumbling -Bwound- as she stepped down, the rather smooth half sphere supported by some chubby rolls of flab. ”Thank you sirs,” she said and wiggled her padded rear to them, ”here is a small gift expressing my royal thanks.” -Phrrlttoth- The flatulence steamed out in a stinky faint cloud over the exhausted stallions. ”If it isn't the princess of twilight.” She looked up to see a pale royal stallion coming towards her. ”It has been a little while Vladim-.” -Phffrrth- Her own gas interrupted her, Blueblood's face briefly contracted in a variety of repulsed emotions. Coughing courtly before resuming. ”It... certainly has. All too long... Cadence must have already informed you about the matter at hoof, correct?” He said whilst daintily holding his muzzle to avoid the smell. ”Shall we?” This early in the day, the dance club had very few patrons about, which did make it a splendid location to discuss some sensitive matters, hidden away in the VIP section. -Brooumffthhhd- Flatulence bubbled out but was smothered by the booth's seat. Twilight shook gently, starting to enjoy the puffs of colon exhaust. With gentle motions she mushed her flanks down to feel just how pillowy and comfortable they had become since yesterday. ”Ahem.” Blueblood said, catching Twilight's attention again. ”Apologies, I am still adapting to my new diet.” The stallion seemed to mask his true feelings, responding curtly. ”I did notice, never you mind.” Twilight blinked as a notably tubby white mare walked up to their table, brushing aside her green mane and leaning in towards the stallion. ”It is dull sitting on my plot waiting, you know.” Blueblood nonchalantly produced a sack of bits. ”This will take a while, why don't you enjoy some pastries.” The mare gave him a smooch after snatching up the bag. ”Much appreciated, and you get to enjoy them later tonight.” Twilight blinked as the mare walked away. ”I thought you had something going with Fleur?” Blueblood scoffed. ”Had, as you put it, is rather appropriate. However, I remember seeing you at the last gala.” Twilight rubbed and pushed her groaning belly down beneath the table and giggled. ”Right, ahem.. Apologies for my -Pfrruuurlth- friends' behaviours.” Blueblood was leaning further back at each puff. Twilight felt her gut grumble, her rear jammed already. Blueblood shook his head. ”Never you mind, it brought some colour to the whole event, my grandmother always said that every shade has a-.” -Brouulsffr- The shaking rumbling burst left streams of gas oozing out around her purple posterior. Twilight gritting her teeth in an awkward smile. ”Ehm, if you could excuse me for a moment.” She said, sliding out of the booth and hurrying off, leaving a trail of stench towards the bathroom. Blueblood shook his head. ”Some apparently think that their position can excuse all manner of crude behavior.” A waiter placed a bowl in front of him. ”Special order for Breezies in Gorgonzola.” Blueblood dismissed them with a curt thanks before shovelling in a mouthful of wiggling Breezies covered in delectably cheesy sauce. ~ 1 ~ -Grooungl- The stuffed tummy rumbled jovially, having gotten a good amount of time to process its sizable meal. It had already diminished to the point that it looked like the mare was wearing a bottom heavy pillow on her torso. She gently rubbed over it and giggled. ”Aaah, just about done now, that is another one for the books.” The club bathroom was quite a good location: In the day it was a ghost town and these throan seats were luxurious in capacity. She did want to savour the moment of feeling stuffed just a little bit longer... -Swchamn- She looked up to the bathroom door, seeing a panting, purple alicorn. Pacifica's eyes went wide. Twilight, here? Now? -Phrooulbth- The princess let out a burst of beefy odored gases, Pacifica gulping nervously. ”Oh, apologies.I didn't expect anypony in here.” Pacifica heard Twilight say this, but was she serious? Did she not recognize her? She quickly pulled her bangs over her face, trying to hide behind the pink veil. ”A-ahha, not me either, barely any ponies in thes-. On these toilets.” She stammered out with a shaky voice. Twilight was rubbing over her, rather massive, gut. Pacifica putting two and two together. ”That is a plus, I have to go pretty badly and don't want to well... disturb anyone. You won't mind? It could get a bit messy.” Pacifica shook her head and tried to cover her necklaces and chest. ”No no, I have to go super bad as well,” she chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her head, ”ooh I can't stay here and chit chat more actually.” She inched herself to a stall while she spoke and jumped inside closest one, hastily locking. On the toilet was another mare already, currently braiding her mane. The mare was about to open her mouth to speak. Pacifica acting on pure instinct as she plunged her slobby shaft inside the mare's mouth, clutching her head close to her crotch to keep her quiet. Feeling how it slid up to tits glow stick ring in the mare's maw, bulging out her cheeks with the thick mare meat. The shaft showed down all the way to her glowstick-Cockring. ”Shh...quiet..” she whispered nervously. Only a few muffled gags escaping the unfortunate mare, who was had slumped flank first into the large bowl with Pacifica weighing her down. Twilight hadn't recognized her, yet. It was the yet that caused her worry. ~ 2 ~ Shaking off the feeling that she had seen the pink mare before, Twilight took her seat in the stall next to her, her doughy flank gracefully supporting her with its soft padding. Twilight cooed and rested her head against her plump stomach. She thought of Quilt, and how the mare could now always support her as particularly personal pillow. The more she pondered on this eating ponies matter the more accepting she felt of it. Her purple rump billowed out like a growing bud, blossoming out into a gaping expanse around the thick loaf of mare sludge. -Sliilgrtht- A matte, earth toned loaf of colon chocolate glistening with layers of viscous colon fluid gave its exit a distinct crackle. The length broke off early, slumping into the all too small puddle in a swampy -Sjhlud-. Moulding over the blank polished bowl like newly opened clay. Chunks being able to drop off from the billowing mass reflected the brash digestion, along with the varying density of gunk throughout its segments. A gradient of cocoa nougat shifted into murky coffee within the sprouting fissures covering the steaming fudge. Willowy crevices highlighting where chubby clumps of chyme had been cobbled together by the mare’s intestines. -Phrrourth- Bassy flatulence slithered past the rugged tube of butt fudge, the airy burst bubbling out into the echoing bowl while sludgy bile filled the toilet. Fat loaves came coiling in over each other with denser slabs sunk slightly within the surrounding merging muck. Twilight felt jolts from her stretched pucker course through her whole spine, cradling and squeezing on her belly whilst her behind disposed numerous kilos of dung. Barely any traces of the past meals could be seen, save for the occasional knob that could have been a slop caked bone. With weight and pressure from all around several of the course cracks and gaps spread wider to reveal the grimy insides of the manure, while most were pinched into slender pencil strokes. Neither outcome stayed long before creamy dung smothered it. Longer lengths tore and plunged into the muck sloppily, tangling mounds of gruel adding to the expanding heap, a reservoir of fermenting waste from a royal gorging. With a wheezing coo a warm trickle came to accompany the gunk. The torrid stream of turbid urine came rushing out of her marehood. Twilight made a mental note of interest relating to just how much liquid was produced from the maids. The numbers might be a little muddled by the relieving sensations spreading through her whole form. Twilight’s plush pucker throbbed over broad slabs, caressing them and providing some taboo stimulation. -Thunglshd- -Thouuld- The moist, firm slabs smacked against equally humid mud. Twilight cooed and twisted her large rump over the expansive sea. Her belly suddenly trembled. -Brooauuorph-. She leaned back at the bubbling belch, tumbling out with the gas was a drenched maid top, flung over her chubby belly and landing with a wet -Spludsh-. Twilight fished out a soggy headband had gotten stuck in her teeth, moaning tenderly, all while her back chute clenched out crackled hunks of manure. “S-smooth all throughout, you girls feel spectaculaammn....” Twilight heaved out in between her pleasured pants, hugging and squeezing her stomach to really feel the mulch’s journey through her stocked gutter. ~ 3 ~ Pacifica was balancing on a thin edge. Her shaft full and thick in the pale mare’s throat and her heart palpitating rashly. It hadn’t taken long for Twilight’s moans and filthy gas to tickle her fancy, and it wasn’t the fun kind of tickle, it was downright tickle torture. And as if that wasn’t making her sweat enough, her rump was putting her under a much more stuffy kind of torture. Balancing both needs was getting difficult. At a bassy -Phrootruth- From the stall next to her she looked down to the mare. “Nngh… I know this is a weird question but can you suck me off right now?” The mare muffled by her cock meat mumbled out something with a shake of her head. Pacifica biting her lip. “Then I am going with plan B.” she groaned out silently and humped the mare deeper into the toilet-bowl, so that just her four hooves were jutting out of it. The bowl-mare was quickly switched from having a shlong stuffed in her face to being smothered by Pacifica’s plump rear. After this Pacifica gave off a shaking moan and with a trembling -Phroourtltbth- blasted out a tart flurry over the mare before her pucker parted for her meticulously processed load. It was a relief just to stop clenching her back valve shut, the initial bulk of chunky batter slapping onto the mare below her.”You have to stay quiet so she doesn’t suspect me.” Pacifica groaned out in relief and bound her flank down decisively, cramming the mare deeper into the bowl while her doughnut served up mushy dough to slather and cake the shaking mare’s head. Raising her rump slightly and spreading her right cheek aside on the toilet rim allowed for a massive haul of brown, bog green tinted sewage to ooze over the weakly thrashing mare. The dense pats of manure pinned the mare’s head down in the toilet, allowing Pacifica to relax further for her rear to dispense the mire slick mulch in porous loaves. Any noise from the mare was quickly damped beneath kilos of colon sewage, steaming columns stretching down and coiling up over her head and down over the mare’s chest. Through the sloppy serve a fair few puttering -Sphrrulth- and -Frroourr- burst out, the warm gas reeking of spoiled produce intermingled with the butt fudge’s steaming fermented tartness. Pacifica allowed herself a deep inhale before closing her hooves over the toilet and squirming mare to keep the reeking odor confined. Fearing to be noticed she bit down firmly on her left ponytail. ”You could have come at a better time, Nessy,” she panted weakly around her mane, hearing the soggy waste slapping down -Sluultch- like compacted creamcheese, ” though I didn’t realize how much bubblegum smudge missed you.” Her shaft pointed up stiff with her sack clutched up by her tight thighs, slick pre dripping from her tip. The vibrations from the mare getting buried by her cascade of filth made it hard to keep her mouth closed. The relieving sensation of dropping this cascade of gutter dough and the stench in the air from both stalls clouded her mind in pleasure. Her whole body filched momentarily every time a larger chunk of bone passed through her pucker, baked in to a profane amount of sickly brown butt batter. She bit down on her mane harder, quenching her grunts as she struggled with a particularly dense chunk dwelling on the edge of her pucker. Pacifica gyrating her hips against the seat, shaking her rump to feel her stretching rim loosening around the fat umber clog. With a muffled howl she managed to dislodge the hefty mass, sending it smacking into the soft heap of waste, the hooves around her flailing at the sudden volume. “Mm, tucked away under my smudge.” Pacifica panted heavily, the sensation of burying the mare exhilarating to her. Reaching towards her aching member. -Phrooourth- “Ooommn.” At the foul scent and eager moan she reeled back, shaking her head and focusing on the sensation of her doughnut pulsing around slobby mound of waste. “N-not now. She would find out. Why do you have to feel so good down there.” Pacficia complained through the muffling mass of her own hair, as she twitched and twisted over the toilet, her musky waste drooping over the mare in tubby rolls of tepid grime. ~ 4 ~ -Fffrroouurtlh- The air around her had started to become rather opaque with the fumes lingering within the enclosed stall.”Mmnngh, you are a noisy bunch for being maids, isn’t it supposed to be seen but not heard?” Twilight whine playfully with a satisfied smile. Now standing up from the seat and letting the clay like manure amass around the seat. A crackled, tangling mess of intertwining coils jammed the toilet, packed above the edge and creamy dung was still slumping on top. -Spluuthd- Waste flabs dropped over the edge and onto the relatively clean floor below, stacking into smaller heaps. The coils furled out slower through her system, often accompanied by pressure soothing -Phrrooullfth-, slowly helping the slick columns out. -Clriislh- Strains of intestinal fluids dragged along with the smaller mounds crackling out from her read, adding onto the massive mound of manure over the toilet, muddy dunes of the mess trudging down along the heap. Twilight lifted up her left hoof and let out a rather windy -Fioourrth- over her mess. The princess exhaled with a pleasing sense of exhaustion, playing and kneading on the pudge still on her stomach. “Aaa, lovely service in my colon. Your princess appreciates your dedication,” with no nearby tongue to wipe her pucker she brushed off her crack with the scrunched up maid top, “sorry to say I didn’t catch your names.” Levitating the paper on top of the clog, she watched as it soaked up the grimy liquids of the heap. The pile almost looked cute, which did make her feel a slightly tinge of remorse. Before heading out to resume the meeting. Pacifica finally let go of her mane when the door to the club shut after Twilight. Heaving out heavy breaths with her sewage chute shovelling out some particularly green fudge slabs. Strands of green hair soiled up brown by the enveloping mud. She stood up on the rim and stretched out whilst breathing heavily, fuelled up with frightened adrenaline. A couple of mushy dollops of Minty-fresh fertilizer. -Spluurdh- Some messy, gassy farts bubbling out with them. Dunes of filth rolling down on the nearly stocked toilet, the four hooves still sticking up from the brown mess. The pink pony peeked over the top of the stall with her legs quivering. When the coast was clear she slipped out quickly and crawled out through a street level window, escaping the stench and the utterly decimated stalls. ~ 5 ~ On her way home she giggled. At her door she chuckled and by the time Pacifica threw herself onto her messy, take out box cluttered bed she was laughing madly and happily. “I-I made it.” She burst out like she couldn’t even believe herself. Her hooves were shortly made busy with working on her twitching, pulsing member. Pumping it while relieved in thinking of how she was still home and not discovered by Twilight, coupled with the stimulating tingling of actually having buried a pony whole beneath a former pony. Inhaling heavily to feel the smell and warmth still lingering within her rump, she howled out with incredible pleasure, her shaft almost bouncing against her belly with its thick throbs, gushing out white streaks of spunk. It felt like her length was a cannon erupting with a complete, albeit slimy, party. Her cum lunged out over her chest, staining her bed with more lust. A long while passed with the mare laying still, absorbed with relief. Then the rush gradually settled. The exhaustion of galloping all the way home coming over her. In the pleased fatigue the partying mare collapsed into a mid day slumber.