> A Queen in Marigold > by Rouki Royal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: A Troubling Prelude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is this some sort of cruel twist of fate? Am I truly destined for such torment? Is that how this is ... Celestia? In a remote village, hidden away in the nooks of the Equestrian mountains, Princess Celestia touched down at the center of it, escorted by her personal guard. She smiled, casually trotting forward as many of the citizens looked upon her in expected awe. Many of them bowed as she trotted down the dirt path before them, and made way for an orphanage deeper into the village. Princess Celestia glanced back at her guards, still with a soft radiant smile. "My dear guards, has the carriage already been set? This one is a bit younger after all." The guards saluted, as one motioned behind him. "Yes Ma'am! It has been readied and prepared for our journey back." Princess Celestia closed her eyes, nodding to them before proceeding forward again. "I can always rely on you, thank you." Was this the sadistic plan you had all along? Are you so cruel that you would even subject me to this torment? As Princess Celestia arrived at the orphanage, it was a well kept place, and looked more to be a luxurious cabin inn. She always enjoyed the natural fragrance of wildwood that seemed to be found here. As she took a second to get a casual whiff and exhale, she made her way through the front doors, only to be greeted by the uproar and cheers of foals and colts, as well as hoof stomps all around. Princess Celestia felt flattered by the adoration, as she chuckled in embarrassment. "Why hello to you too children, it's so good to see you all again. I do hope all has been well. Though I expect no less from your esteemed headmistress." She looked towards a mare in the background. The headmistress of the orphanage was a bit older and more frail, as she bowed her head to the princess. "Why yes Princess Celestia, thanks to your generous donations, we never have any issue keeping life as comfortable as possible for the children here. We thank you again for your generosity, and it is always a welcome sight to see you again." Her, as well as all the children of the orphanage bowed then, before rising up after a brief moment. The headmistress continued, in fair curiosity. "But if I may Princess? What does bring you back here?" Princess Celestia felt a bit aloof from the question, as she expected it'd be a bit obvious but she recovered, and responded promptly anyhow. "A-Ah yes, well I am here to discuss the status of Marigold, Headmistress. I was hoping you could update me with some news?" There was a deep and ominous silence at the mention of the name, Marigold, as even the children fell quiet. Now it was the Headmistress who seemed aloof, but also attempted to do her best to aid the Princess. "Right this way Princess Celestia." She motioned with her hoof, as Princess Celestia soon trailed behind her, the children all frantically stalking them as they proceeded further into the orphanage. The Headmistress seemed quite troubled. "As you know, Marigold is quite talented, but complicated." And deep within the bowels of a deep hidden away cavern, Queen Chrysalis herself trotted frantically throughout its stone halls. A voice echoed deep within the caves, childishly giddy. "Mooomma, ready or not, here I cooooome~." As Queen Chrysalis looked back, sweating frantically, she ended up bumping into stray diamond dogs with an abrupt "Oof!" One of the diamond dogs rubbed his head and looked at her grumpily. "Hey! Watch where you're going! Uuuh... whatever you are!" Queen Chrysalis still trembled as she gritted her teeth. "I do not have time for this you fools! We need to run now!" The second of the diamond dogs glanced at his pal, before looking inquisitevely at Chrysalis. "Run? What'chu talkin bout?" And deeper into the cavern, the sound of merry humming echoed, becoming more apparent as seconds drew on. Princess Celestia nodded to the Headmistress in acknowledgement. "Yes Headmistress. Throughout Equestria's history there have been ponies who've possessed unquestionably great potential. It is nothing to be ashamed of, tempering such magical power takes the work of professionals. Even Princess Twilight was such a pony at one point. Had I not stumbled upon her entrance exam, there is a likely chance her untapped potential could've gone unchecked, and resulted in devastating consequences." She looked ahead seriously, "Which is why I don't take such cases lightly. It is better ponies like Marigold are mentored properly under a strict magical regime. A young and powerful unicorn can be a dangerous thing, in the rare occasions they go rogue and use their potential to do harm." She closed her eyes and smiled, "Which is why I can assure you that she'll be surrounded by ponies just like her, and grow to find her destiny in a well structured manner." The Headmistress paused before a particular room. "Which is why I trust your judgement fully Princess Celestia." She then opened the door, revealing a nicely kept room filled with posters of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and The Great and Powerful Trixie as well. Scattered about the room were wands, Twilight dolls, golden capes and pointed hats, and a multitude of books on various different schools of magic. "As you read in her file, Marigold is a very huge fan of your protege, Princess Twilight. She has always adored the finer workings of magic, and has been very studious in showtime spells. She always spoke of how she wished to embark on adventures like Princess Twilight and her friends but ... " she frowned in deep worry as she raised a hoof to her muzzle. "There were also many complications with that filly." Princess Celestia casually picked up one of the dolls, looking it over. "You mentioned she had trouble making friends, yes?" The Headmistress nodded, "Yes Princess but ... it was a bit more than that. Marigold, being an orphan, suffers much from what many children without parental guidance often do. The lack of somepony who inherently understands them. Many of the children couldn't help but avoid Marigold. Due to her knack for magic, her playing could often be considered roughhousing. It was far too dangerous to allow them to play together." She looked down guiltily, "And even us adults had trouble keeping up with her antics, it was all very very exhausting." Princess Celestia smiled at her, tilting her head slightly. "Which is why I've reached out to you Headmistress." She looked over the doll for another moment before looking back to her again. "Marigold must learn the importance of control, it is actually quite common." The Headmistress seemed only more puzzled as she raised a brow at Princess Celestia, inherently confused. "Princess Celestia ... um, I do not mean to question you but, you seem quite knowledgeable on the subject. Might I ask why you decided to return here then?" Princess Celestia blinked a few times. "Huh? W-Well to see Marigold of course Headmistress. I have yet to meet her." The Headmistress continued in further confusion. "But you were here just the other day to retrieve her Princess." Princess Celestia fell silent for quite some time as both she and the Headmistress just stared at one another. "Huh?" She repeated. Meanwhile, deep in the hidden cavernous depths, Queen Chrysalis gripped one of the diamond dogs. "Did you not hear me fool!?" The diamond dogs each looked at one another, before looking back to the Queen in utter bewilderment. Queen Chrysalis snarled. "If we do not run now, we will all be subjected to torture beyond your imagining!" "Momma. There you are! Found you found you! You run kind of fast! It's soooo cool! Mhm mhm mhm!" Queen Chrysalis immediately froze, as sweat drizzled down each side of her head. She hesitantly, glanced back. And suddenly turning the corner from out the shadows was a small golden filly, adorned in both a cape and pointed hat. "Are ya gonna teach me the transform spell!? Are ya!? I haven't even finished reading you all my books yet! And we still need to play Magic Duel!" Queen Chrysalis shrieked as she trotted back while trembling. "D-Didn't I tell you to go find friends first!? Then your stupid games!" The diamond dogs only began scratching their heads, as they couldn't make sense of what was happening. The golden filly scoffed as she gave Queen Chrysalis a bashful wave of the hoof. "But Momma! I found the most important friend!" Queen Chrysalis nose wrinkled in both disgust, angst, and deep worry. W-What is this pulsating, radiating amount of love!? The golden filly scrunched up her posture and blew kisses to the Queen as she muttered in delight. "You~" Queen Chrysalis let off a horrified scream as she turned tail and ran further into the cavernous network! "Eyaaaaaaah!!" The diamond dogs just stood there quietly, glancing back and forth between the two, lost beyond words. The golden filly chuckled, "Oh! Okay Momma! 30 more seconds! And I'll catch you one last time okay!" She blinked a few times before staring blankly at the diamond dogs, who stared blankly back at her. Suddenly she gasped in magnificence! "Puppieeeeeeeeees!" The diamond dogs each looked at one another again. "Did that runt just call us puppies? What does she think this is?" But then, each of them found themselves practically frozen by gold telekinetic aura, unable to move. The other diamond dog struggled to budge an inch. "W-What!? What just happened!? I ... I can't move!" And followed by being frozen, a giant comb soon manifested itself over the two of them. Each of the diamond dogs looked up in complete horror, realizing a comb so big would practically rip their coats off! They both looked to the filly in the distance, as one questioned her in panic. "Wait! W-What're you doing!? Are you insane!?" The filly smiled in adoration. "Momma was nice enough to get me puppies! How can I be so lucky!?" And as Queen Chrysalis continued to race for the caverns exit, all she heard was the echoed screams of the diamond dogs. Are you such a monster that you would purposely hide such a hindrance!? Celestia! She closed her eyes tight and let loose a scream. "Curse you! Curse you curse you! Curse yoooooooooooou!!!" And she continued to make the most of these few precious seconds to the fullest. > Chapter 2: Wasteland Blues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia, you took everything from me. You are the root cause of all I've endured. If it weren't for you and your meddling proteges, I wouldn't have to deal with all this in the first place! Yet still you arrogantly sit atop your throne, while I am here suffering alone. Queen Chrysalis sighed as she stood in front of one of the many supposed exits to leave the cavern. But instead of an opening all she found was a magical barrier spell. Truly? Now this is just starting to get ridiculous. Queen Chrysalis poked at the barrier with a hoof as she sluggishly turned around to head down another root of the cavern. I cannot even grasp the ludicrousness of it. It's asinine. Utterly so. "Momma! Momma! Momma!" Exuberant and filled with energy, the golden filly turned the corner, blocking Queen Chrysalis' path. Queen Chrysalis was only slightly startled, before she eyed the filly with utmost annoyance. "Wait! Did you know I went down this route the entire time? Just ... you know what? Forget it!" She then stomped past her in irritation, making way deeper back into the cavern. The golden filly eyed her the entirety of the time, filled with glee. "Momma are you giving up? Does this mean I passed my lesson?" Queen Chrysalis at the end of her patience snapped fiercely at the filly. "No! No it doesn't! You haven't passed anything of mine you diabolical, mischievous, foul, insane filly! You are more treacherous than I am! What are you going to subject me to next hm? Do I even have a choice? Do you even understand how hard I am trying to get away from you? You clueless savage deviant! You are a monster!" A heavy silence filled the area of the cavern they were in as the golden filly only lowered her head and her face darkened. Queen Chrysalis was piqued with surprise. Wait ... d-did that actually work? Did I actually manage to affect her finally? Queen Chrysalis couldn't let up. She had to build upon this momentum. "A-And you know what else? That outfit looks quite stupid too!" The filly's lower lip began to quiver and tremble with each word she said, as her golden hat hid her eyes from the Queen. Queen Chrysalis smirked as she raised her head slowly and her confidence rose exponentially. Ah this is good yes, but I cannot allow myself to lose focus. All I need is to establish further control now. Perhaps all is not lost yet. Ohohoho, Celestia ... you fool, now I see how you forced that meddlesome Twilight Sparkle to succumb to your every wish. Breaking them is a necessity first. What an appealing tactic. But as she stood there ... Queen Chrysalis also felt the amount of love coming from the filly was still abnormally radiant. Something still wasn't right, but she did her best to ignore it, riding on the hope that everything was suddenly going her way. "So, lose those barriers and-" The golden filly then exuberantly raised her head with childishly hysterical laughter! "Bwahahaha! You're so clever Momma!" She looked seriously up at her as her tone lowered mischievously. "But the very awesome and amazing Marigold would never fall for such obvious tricks." She pointed a hoof defiantly at Queen Chrysalis. "Friendship Lesson 104-8 Momma! Sticks and stones are scary but words will never hurt me!" She then clapped her hooves together. "So I win again Momma! Are you proud!? What's the next lesson? Oh oh I-" Queen Chrysalis simply shrieked in despair due to utter disbelief. "What? How do you even come up with such nonsense! No ... No it wasn't a lesson! I am scolding you! I am disappointed in you! You aren't listening to me you insane delusional child! Enough of this!" Queen Chrysalis poofed back before her horn started to ignite and she glared menacingly at the filly. "You will listen to me! You will understand your place and stop twisting it to fit your childish agenda even if I must do so by force!" She growled, "Do you understand me!?" Then in a mere instant, Marigold blinked at the Queen yet again with no expression as she poofed right in front of her. Queen Chrysalis stumbled back out of instinct which left her feeling insulted. Wait ... d-did I just? A sweat drop coursed down the side of her head again as she glanced down at her own front hooves. Why did I retreat? I am a Queen yet ... I instinctively drew myself back? Marigold continued to smile up at her as she patiently observed Queen Chrysalis' actions as if analyzing and learning from her. Queen Chrysalis gritted her teeth. Is she testing me? The Queen's face darkened as she snapped fiercely at the filly. "How dare you! Fine! If you wish to invoke my wrath then you shall have it in full! When I am done with you, you shall be begging to return to that orphanage!" Queen Chrysalis in her rage dug deep within herself, using the sudden burst of power from the love given to her to unleash a devastating spell which tore as a spiral straight throughout the cavern. Lost in her belligerent rage, she lacked the insight of calmness. Marigold was now behind her as she tapped on the Queen's flank. "See! I passed again Momma! Teleportation is easy!" Queen Chrysalis flinched as she turned with haste. How? Her expression sunk dramatically as she cried out. "What are you!?" A giggle escaped the filly as she tackle hugged the Queen and then suddenly the two poofed outside the cavern itself and found themselves on the surface of a barren dusty wasteland. As they were outside, she nuzzled her cheek into the Queen's chest. "Your special somepony duuuh. Don't worry Momma ... I'll take care of you forever and ever. Then we'll go on so many adventures and have lots of fun." Queen Chrysalis was now sweating profoundly as she shoved the filly away and took a few trots back. She glanced around noticing they were now outside as she needed to slow her breathing to calm herself. Calm down Chrysalis ... y-you've been through far worse. Marigold ... unaffected by the shove only watched the Queen again observantly, analyzing her with a smile of adoration. Queen Chrysalis needed a moment as she gulped. So these are the ponies you keep to yourself hm Celestia? I see. You have grown masterful in taming such beasts in your old age. She squinted her eyes, concentrating fully on the filly before her. But I too refuse to accept defeat. Queen Chrysalis now realized how dire the scenario she was in as her survival instincts became apparent even to her. I will be subjected to more lunacy than I can handle if I do not find a solution to this soon. Queen Chrysalis continued to sweat as she observed her surroundings yet again. Her magic is powerful yet wild. So my dear nemesis ... what would your next course of judgement be I wonder? Marigold yawned as she tilted her head to the right. "Well I'm getting bored Momma ... so here I come!" She lowered her frame and waggled her rear end before prancing in a couple of circles. "I will show you one of my favorite spells! The Bully Breaker Boom!" Queen Chrysalis gritted her teeth. I must think like you do! And she pointed a hoof at Marigold. "W-Wait right there! Dear." Suddenly Marigold looked quite intrigued as she stopped and stood straight, staring curiously at Queen Chrysalis again. Queen Chrysalis continued to keep her composure. Fluffiness has always been a severe pony weakness. Perhaps with an untamed unicorn protege, more so. Pony children thrive off this ... do they not Celestia? "Mother ... would like to play a special game, okay?" Marigold then sat as her entire demeanor had changed and she looked up at Chrysalis with even wider more observant eyes. Queen Chrysalis' nose scrunched up in slight disgust. Ugh! This tone I'm using is disgusting yet ... why does it have such affect? Marigold suddenly became quite desperate and even hesitant in her approach. "Momma, I want a hug! Can I get a hug please?" Queen Chrysalis' surprise only grew as she felt astounded. S-She never asked me before! Why now? This makes no sense! "Why?" Marigold seemed a little nervous as it was apparent in her expression and she lowered her head some. "Because we aren't playing right now Momma and I really want to give you a hug since we're taking a break." She became flushed, "I promise it'll be amazing!" Queen Chrysalis, still astounded, then smirked while quivering some due to disgust with herself. Nonetheless she felt a little more confident yet again and understanding of the situation. I see Celestia ... I see. She spread her hooves. "Why of course Dear." I see now. Marigold trotted casually up to the Queen in exuberant delight again as she embraced her tightly. "I love love love you!" And Queen Chrysalis felt as if she'd just dodged doom in mere moments. So this is how you survive with such creatures of power.