Peeping Belle

by Acsio

First published

Sweetie made a promise to Rarity not to engage in sexual activities until she was married. So when Sweetie catches her elder sister in bed with a mysterious Stallion she is forced to question her promise.

Sweetie made a promise to Rarity not to engage in sexual activities until she was married. So when Sweetie catches her elder sister in bed with a mysterious Stallion she is forced to question her promise.

.....Oh, and she does what any teenager would do and watches.

Chapter 1

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Sweetie Belle, who had spent the better half of the past three hours tossing and turning in bed threw off the covers in disgust and glanced angrily at the clock on her bedside table. It was just past ten thirty, and just past three hours of wasted time the young filly could have been dreaming about climbing mountains made of Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream, or making out with Button Mash. Feeling a familiar feeling of pressure between her thighs Sweetie rolled her emerald green eyes and hopped out of bed, making her way to restroom to relive herself.

After washing her hooves and closing the bathroom door as quietly as possible so as not to disturb Rarity, Celestia forbid she had to forgo another lecture about the importance of beauty sleep. Sweetie had gotten plenty of those already the past month given her bout’s with insomnia, that plus given the fact Rarity had been busy with several VERY IMPORTANT orders’ from Princess Celestia and her royal court for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala, Rarity had been very easily irritated as of late. Mostly choosing to vent said irritation toward Sweetie Belle every chance she got. Yelling at her for arriving home five minutes before curfew, eating too loudly, showering for longer than two minutes, breathing too loudly, and just being a general nuisance by simply existing. Sometimes Sweetie Belle wished her parent’s wouldn’t keep dumping her at Rarity’s so they can keep going on vacation after vacation. Or at least they could take her with them. Sweetie never understood why her parent’s and older sister insisted on her getting an education when everypony with half a brain knew it was your Cutie Mark that undermined your life’s destiny, not some stupid piece of paper signed by some highly over paid schmuck who probably spent most his time touching himself while watching Dora the Explorer.

Sweetie’s ears perked up as a familiar sound interrupted her thoughts. It seemed to be Rarity’s voice, and if she was hearing correctly it sounded as though she was moaning. Slightly concerned Sweetie quietly creped along the hall toward her elder sister’s master bedroom. Pausing at the door she pressed an ear against the cold wooden surface trying to listen.

“Ah….Ahhhh!!! Oh my, you’re a big one!!”

“Heh, I warned ya I might be too big for ya to handle.”

“Oh please darling I’ve rode Symbian’s the size of an Ursa Major, I assure you I can more than handle you!”

Sweetie blinked, what the hay was a Symbian? More importantly who was this other pony in Rarity’s room? Ever since Sweetie Belle has turned fore-teen Rarity had made it VERY clear Sweetie Belle was never to invite a Colt into her bedroom as it was not very lady like, especially at night. At least until she was married. Yet here was Rarity with what was definitely a colt, or Stallion rather in her bedroom with her. And last Sweetie had checked, Rarity was definitely not married yet.

“Er, Ah should probably ask if you are on Protection or not….”

“As if a proper lady such as myself would indulge in such activities without any! I’m on birth control, AND I had my friend Twilight cast a spell on me for infertility…... Temporarily of course!”

Sweetie’s felt a blush spread across her face as she pressed her ear harder against the door. Were they about to do what she thought they were about to do?

“Now as much as I love chit chat I believe we should get down to business, although we need to keep quite so as not to wake up my little sister. Celestia forbid she were to walk in on us….”

Sweetie Belle half wanted to turn back around at that and head back to bed, she knew she shouldn’t be intruding her sister’s privacy. However, curiosity was getting the better of her. Noticing Rarity had left the door cracked open Sweetie pushed it a smidge further and peered inside. Rarity’s room was dark, lite only by a single candle on her bedside table. On the bed Rarity had her curtains shut tight, but the candle light created clear silhouettes of what appeared to be a tall bulky stallion standing on top of Rarity. The stallion picked up Rarity’s back hooves with his front hooves and pulled her hips closer into his own. Suddenly Rarity gave a loud shriek of both pain and pleasure as her hips shot forward off the bed. The stallion then pulled back and thrust back in again even further causing another moan of pure bliss from the young fashionista.

Sweetie Belle for her part was starting to feel a little hot, despite the fact it was currently mid-winter and below ten degrees’ outside. A familiar pressure between her hind legs resurfaced, only this time it was not from drinking three tall mugs of Hot Chocolate before bed. Sweetie felt a hoof subconsciously snake down her taught belly between her thighs as she pressed harder against the door.

“GOODNESS you’re an……. AH!...... Rough one……… OOOH!!

Rarity’s bed began to shake with every thrust, the entire room and hallway was soon filled with the sound and aroma of love making. Sweetie swore she could also hear a third voice moaning only to realize it was her own, quickly shoving her free hoof into her mouth so as not to be overheard. Rarity would probably kill her if she caught her outside her door.


The entire room now seemed to be shaking as the young stallion increased his thrust. Sweetie Belle was getting near climax herself, her hoof was slick with her own excitement as she panted bracing herself against the door. She ran her hoof in circular motions over her slick opening, occasionally grazing her clit with her hoof’s edge and sending waves of fiery fuzziness through her body and down to the end of each limb.


Rarity gave a final scream as she plunged into her first orgasm, her silhouette wreathed as she rode out wave upon wave of pleasure. At the same time the Stallion was nearing his own climax. With one final thrust he let out a low moan as he shot load after load of his warm spunk deep into Rarity’s depth’s. The feeling of his seed inside her sent Rarity immediately into her second orgasm, her walls clenched against the stallion’s hard shaft begging for more.

The sight of her sister getting fucked so thoroughly sent Sweetie Belle over the edge. She clenched her eyes, she was getting close now, the warm tingling in her body building towards a crescendo that threatened the burst the seams of her mind. And with a final flick of her hoof across her clit, she began the plunge, her back arching as a low gasping moan found its way around her hoof. Sweetie Belle felt her pussy spasm out of control as a decent amount of fluid spilled around her hoof onto the floor. The sensation was so intense Sweetie lost her balance and found herself falling as the door gave against her weight, landing with a resounding thud on Rarity’s Prench hoof stitched carpet.

“Wait, what was that?”

Sweetie Belle froze for a second before quickly and quietly tearing out of the room, making it around the corner and out of sight just as Rarity threw aside her bed curtains. Sweetie shut her door as quietly as possible and leapt into bed, quickly pulling the sheet’s over her head. She placed her hoof around her mouth to silence her heavy breathing, only to get a decent whiff of her filly juices.

A moment later she heard her door open as Rarity peered inside.

“Nope she’s fast asleep, I guess it was just the wind!”

“What about the puddle of water on the carpet?”

Sweetie Belle silently swore

“Who knows, maybe I dropped some of my tea on the way in, I do tend to be a bit clumsy when I am so turned on!”

“Something we apparently have in common” Sweetie thought to herself rolling her eyes.

Rarity quietly closed the door and Sweetie Belle lowered the sheets from her bed giving a low sigh of relief. She was sure she was dead after face planting on Rarity’s floor, good thing Rarity had her curtains closed or she would have been found out instantly.

Sweetie Belle turned to her side staring at the wall of her dark room. A thought occurred to her about her promise to Rarity. Technically Rarity said she too had promised their parents she would not engaged in such vulgar activities, and wait to have sex until married. However, SHE apparently had opted to break that promise tonight, and Luna knows how many other nights. Sweetie being now a teenager had often battled with her own raging hormones in school, and now a day’s on dates with her boyfriend Button Mash (Although the two were currently keeping their relationship a secret, even from Apple Bloom and Scootaloo). After many a night of lustful dreams involving role playing, fore play, and other things she hoped Luna would never catch her dreaming about, Sweetie longed for the day she could turn her dreams into a reality.

Sweetie Belle closed her eyes and began drifting off to sleep. Her mind set to use Rarity’s upcoming trip to Canterlot as a way to invite Button Mash over for a little intimate get together.