> Fashion Faux Pas > by headless_rainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Lady's Best Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity arrived at Canterlot Carousel early. She wanted to review the shop's progress before an important meeting with Princess Celestia and Luna, who needed to be fitted for dresses. Rarity was looking forward to working with royalty again, as well as showing off her rather large baby bump. Sassy, who now lived at this boutique, wasn’t awake yet, so Rarity had time for one of her favorite things: admiring herself in the mirror. She slowly slid a hoof over her swollen belly, enjoying the firm contour of her tightly stretched flesh. She leisurely turned in front of the mirror, adoring every detail. Her gut was getting large, probably weeks or even days from delivery. That was a pity in a way, because once she had it, it would take a while to get big and beautiful again. Normally, Rarity would have terminated such a pregnancy before it showed, but that was when thin was in. Now pregnancy had become fashionable. The reason for the trend was that Countess Coloratura had been impregnated by Big Macintosh of all ponies, probably when the Apples got into the cider after Coloratura’s concert. The diva didn’t mean to start a fashion craze, but it led to a chain reaction of other famous ponies deciding to follow, even before Coloratura herself looked pregnant. Rarity stopped with her plot facing the mirror, looking over her shoulder as she reached a front hoof around her belly to press against her swollen breasts. She raised her tail and licked her lips as she massaged them, feeling and watching how the spongy flesh squished around her hoof. Her gorgeous slit was visibly moist, glistening with excitement from adoring herself. This was the mirror that she had been admiring herself in the day she purchased this shop, though she wasn’t only admiring herself at the time, and it was prior to the reason for her swollen tummy. “Oh, this is just perfect!” Rarity said excitedly as she strutted through the empty shop. “The perfect location, the perfect interior, and I could have it open in time for the Royal Garden Opening!” “Ah, it is a delightful location, to be sure,” Fancy Pants chuckled politely, “Though I’m afraid there are several others that requested this spot prior to you.” He cleared his throat, “Though come to think about it... I haven’t informed them that they were first as of yet.” Rarity didn’t have to ask what Fancy Pants was playing at; it was no secret among the elite that Rarity was a fashion whore in a literal sense. Sure she was classy, but there was no shame in a lady using her body to get what she wanted. “Oh? Well that’s too bad,” Rarity smirked, strolling to the mirror and eyeing herself as her rear faced Fancy, her tail slowly hiking up into the air to show the slick crevice that so many stallions did her bidding to get inside. “I don’t suppose there’s anything I could do for you to tell them that I was the first to come?” “Indeed there is,” Fancy smiled as he slid a hoof over her rump and down between her thighs, sliding across her slit. She wasn’t perpetually drenched like Pinkie, but she did juice up quickly. “And from the feel of things, you know exactly what.” Fancy coaxed her to turn so that her side faced the mirror, which made it easier for him to watch their lewd act. She moved, quickly pulling her clothing off, folding them neatly beside them. It wasn’t needed, since the skirt did more to frame her best bits than obstruct them, but she didn’t want the outfit to get dirty, and liked watching her perspiration soaked body undulating against a stallion’s. It was the only time that she enjoyed sweating. “Is this why you didn’t bring your wife?” Rarity asked, smiling over her shoulder as he leaned down to breathe her scent. “You didn’t want her to see our vigorous negotiations?” “Indeed so,” Fancy grinned himself before taking a long lick from breasts to pucker, sliding between her folds to taste her and finding her already moist, matching his own goods which were spilling from his sheath, “She is certainly the jealous type.” “That’s a shame,” Rarity said as she flexed her hips, rolling against his continued laps, “I certainly wouldn’t mind some sapphic passion with such a beautiful mare.” Even unfaithful politicians appreciated their trophy spouses being complimented. “Oh I quite prefer it this way,” chuckled Fancy, sliding his head over her rump, pushing himself slowly atop her and grasping her midsection, “I couldn’t very well indulge an infidelity fetish with an accepting wife, yes?” “You make a valid point,” Rarity said, speaking as if they were having tea despite his throbbing member now prodding her slit. “I’d enjoy time with such a handsome stallion as you regardless, but the marriage does make it all the more exhilarating.” Rarity pushed herself back against him as she felt pressure against her slit, sighing blissfully as she was stretched open and penetrated, feeling the tight lips glide over the length and popping across the ridge. Soon the shop was filled with the slap of flesh and wet squishes as her inner flesh was pushed open with each thrust. Rarity watched the mirror, letting him think she was watching him, but she was actually adoring herself, watching how her sleek fur became damp as their bodies continued colliding, muscles flexing with each movement as their motions became faster. “Inside, darling,” panted Rarity as Fancy began to tense up more, not that he needed instruction. Rarity looked forward to being ‘in style’, as well as being able to grin inwardly when Fleur complemented Rarity’s figure. She wasn’t on foal control, as such a thing didn’t exist. They were magical horses after all; getting sperm blasted into her could get her pregnant regardless of what other precautions were taken, magical or otherwise. She felt her orgasm approaching and shivered, slamming her hips back firmly until finally her pulsing pussy convulsed. She milked his shaft ardently, sucking the seed from him as he went off with her. He grunted softly as if trying to remain dignified, but blasting a coating of semen all over her foal canal made that challenging. “So about those other ponies ahead of me in line...” Rarity smirked again, sliding her tail to tickle at his drained balls. “I don't believe I remember any ponies being ahead of you,” panted Fancy with a sly smile. “Ah there you are Rarity,” Sassy said as she arrived from the back of the shop. She spoke casually despite having trotted in on Rarity obviously masturbating in front of a mirror; it was a common occurrence. “I certainly am,” Rarity smiled, calmly ceasing her fantasy and licking her hoof clean before turning to Sassy. It was at this point that Rarity noticed something different. Sassy was flat-bellied, which she hadn’t been on Rarity’s previous visit. Sassy hadn’t been as far along, so it was unlikely that she had given birth. “Oh,” Rarity tilted her head, and slid a hoof along Sassy’s underside as she drew close, “You’ve adopted a new fashion?” “Oh it’s hardly new,” laughed Sassy, “Didn’t you know? Countess Coloratura disposed of her own plumpness almost a month ago. I took a clothes hanger to mine the moment I found out.” “Oh dear,” Rarity gasped, mortified that she had been out of fashion for an entire month without knowing, “I was under the impression that she was going to carry it to delivery.” “I believe she was,” nodded Sassy, “But she had a falling out with the father’s family and eliminated her pregnancy as reprisal. You really didn’t know? I thought it was strange for you to be so... “ She whispered as if swearing, “...tacky.” “Applejack,” Rarity rolled her eyes. She liked Applejack, but she was so uncouth. Rarity was sure Coloratura had been justified in her actions; leave it to Applejack to ruin a fashion trend. Rarity would have to tell Applejack what she thought about it when she returned to Ponyville. Rarity was mortified that she had been unfashionable for weeks. She couldn’t imagine how many customers or friends had been silently judging her. One thing was for sure: She couldn’t be seen by customers in such an unfashionable state, much less by the princesses. There was no way she could wait a whole week to have it; she had to take care of this now. There was no time to waste as Rarity grabbed a plastic bag from the register. She turned around to find that Sassy had already helpfully floated a wire clothes hanger over to her. “There you go, a lady's best friend,” smiled Sassy, “Take your time; I’ll watch the shop while you get flat-bellied and fabulous!” “Thank you, Sassy, you’re such a good friend,” sighed Rarity, relieved, “May I borrow the Stud and your bath tub?” “Of course. The Stud is in the bathroom, actually,” Sassy smiled as Rarity took the wire hanger. “Perfect! Thank you again,” Rarity said, trotting quickly into the back. Rarity hummed as she strolled through Sassy’s room and into the bathroom that was adjacent to it. She shivered as she passed the mirror, her plump form now ugly to her eyes. Still it wasn’t all bad. She could enjoy a nice soak and relieve tension. So many stallions got to enjoy her body, so she should as well. It helped that Sassy’s bathtub was a jacuzzi that fit four ponies. With just one pony, Rarity had plenty of room to splay out and relax. She filled the tub with water as hot as she could bear, using scented bubble bath to fill the room with steam smelling of caramel and strawberries. She eased into the tub when it was half full, sitting against the edge. The weight of her massive belly slowly tugged her further into the tub. She spread out her hind legs as her front legs slid over her domed belly, squeezing the firm plumpness, magic pony flesh stretched tightly around her swollen womb. She sighed as warmth surrounded her, shivering as she magically pulled her puffy nether lips apart, allowing added warmth to flood into her impregnated money maker. For a moment she relaxed, lying on the bottom of the tub as the jets began to send funnels of water across her. She formed a magical bubble around her muzzle so that her whole body could be submerged. Almost all of it, at least, as her giant belly protruded, her flesh an island in the middle of the water. Her horn glowed brighter, heating the water as much as she could as her body adjusted, and she wondered briefly if this was what it felt like to be a fetus. This tub was almost as big as Rarity’s, and being there brought back memories of things that she’d done in her own, and would certainly end up doing in this one at some point. She thought back to the first time she used her own for such purposes. Rarity had just sent her friends home after a successful retry at a fashion show for Hoity Toity, but he was still there, seeming slightly impatient. Rarity finally got the last one, Pinkie, to leave by telling her that filly guides were selling cookies down the street. Even then, the pink slut insisted on giving Hoity her address. He tucked the paper she wrote it on in his collar and turned to Rarity. “I assume you realize why I returned,” Hoity said to Rarity once they were alone, “Even if I was impressed by your show, I do expect the payment promised.” “You’ll get everything you were promised and more,” winked Rarity, motioning him towards the back, “When you declined my offer after the fashion show, I feared you wouldn’t return.” “I'm sure you understand,” Hoity shrugged, nose conceitedly tilted upward, “I can’t risk somepony overhearing such conversation. There are many things I’d like to be known for, but consorting with hussies isn’t one of them.” “Of course,” Rarity normally might have spin-kicked him for that comment, but this was business, so she merely eye-twitched, “How about we sample my new bath? I’ve been meaning to, but hadn’t had any business proposals come up.” “That will be adequate,” Hoity said, proper even now, but unable to hide that his shaft was hanging fully erect. Their clothing neatly folded on her bed, Rarity entered the bathroom and turned on the water. Hoity had had enough of staring at her drooling slit though, so coaxed her forward into the tub as soon as she turned the water on. At that point, his gentlecolt demeanor evaporated with passion, and he compelled her onto her back at the bottom of the tub. Rarity spread her legs and grinned as she felt his shaft flop against her belly fluff, dragging downward to nuzzle her opening. She shivered as he pushed, feeling her gate slip open, slick flesh sliding over the shape of his cock. He didn’t stop until his belly smacked wetly against her own, and then began thrusting heavily. They ignored the water as the level rose and splashed about their movements. Usually stallions bent Rarity over the side when banging her in a pool, but she was fine with a change. She’d give whatever the client wanted for what she wanted. She rolled her tunnel over his flesh as he filled her, the lewd suction growing quieter as the water muffled it. Rarity's head floated up with the water, but apparently Hoity had a fetish that she hadn’t been aware of. He smirked before pushing her head under the surface, holding her beneath the water as she squirmed for a few more moments before tugging her head above the surface for barely long enough for her to get another breath. It was easy enough for Rarity to form a magical bubble around her muzzle when he pushed her under, but she struggled enough for him to enjoy his ‘dominance’ over her, kicking her legs about either side of his hips each time she went under and taking a frantic breath when allowed to surface. Rarity enjoyed stallions attempting dominance, even if she was always the one in control. She rolled her hips against him more violently as he hammered his own. She tried to last as long as she could so he’d get his money’s worth, but the humping frenzy and attempted drowning set her off sooner than usual. She climaxed while her head was under, the distraction collapsing her air bubble as she moaned and resulting in her getting lungs full of warm water. Her love tunnel clenched, squirting a cloud of femme cum into the already misty water. He yanked her head up from beneath the surface when she started convulsing, getting a spray of water over his face as her body expelled it. He grinned, nuzzling into a long kiss, her expert tongue sliding about his own playfully. Seconds later he blew his load all over her fertile insides, pussy slurping at his seed just like her muzzle was slurping his tongue. He pounded it deep, groaning before finally slowing. Both shivered against one another as if they were frigid despite the steamy bath. “It was a pleasure doing business with you,” panted Rarity as she turned off the water, which was now overflowing. Rarity pulled her head above the water as she continued to fantasize on past conquests, longing to feel some fleshy girth spreading her out. She pulled ‘The Stud’ from its place on the shelf. It was a large dildo toy, thick and even longer than Big Mac, probably not made with the intention of it being taken to the base. The toy had a tube running from base to tip, with a small hose connected to a squeezable ball, made so that a pony could make the toy literally ejaculate into them. Rarity filled this with her favorite lube, an expensive mix made to feel like real sperm, because it mostly was real; it even had a pregnancy warning on it in the ‘rare case’ that it might not have been properly sterilized. As she did so, she moved her forehooves around her belly, sliding against her mushier breasts, swollen with nutrients for a foal that would never nurse. She pushed around her nipples in circles, grinding against the perky faucets, shifting the spongy flesh about. She made a magical bubble so that she could bring some of the milky goodness back to taste, licking it from her hoof. As she licked one hoof, the other continued rubbing, enjoying the firm roundness of her gut pressed against her leg. She moved the toy down into the water, dragging the tip around her plump puffy pussy, grinding it against her clit before pressing between her pink gates. She pushed the tip slowly so that she could feel every movement as her labia spread, gnawing her lower lip and arching her back. She hugged both forelegs about her thick belly as she relaxed further. A professional lady like her could accommodate the girth, but it was a tight stretch. She moaned as the length slid into her foal mine, inching along to spread deeper flesh apart, feeling every bump and molded vein. Her fat lips caught against the medial ring, pulling inward and popping back, eliciting a squeak of delight from her. The Stud had a warning on the packaging that it wasn’t made to be fully inserted, but a true lady couldn’t let safety get in the way of pleasure. She didn’t stop until the base was snug against her lips, squishing them against her belly as she pressed it as deeply as she could. The tip was lodged against her cervix, which gave slightly to the pressure. This toy wasn’t too big; it was the perfect length. Though this did put Rarity in mind of one stallion that actually was big enough to scrape her cervix, though damned if she could remember his name. Oh that’s right; she never asked him his name. The waters were getting choppy. Rainbow Dash’s tactics were, well, horrid. It was time for another approach. Rarity’s method of getting information from the palace guards would ruffle a few of Rainbow’s feathers, but it would work. “Perhaps I should take it from here,” Rarity called from behind Rainbow. Rainbow turned, but only stared at Rarity in a red leather coat that somehow made her look sluttier than if she were nude, draped across the fainting couch that she brought everywhere she went, her outfit complete with a head piece. While Rainbow’s stare was more ‘what the fuck?’, the three guards had stares that indicated something was twitching beneath the table. “You guards have such a difficult job,” Rarity said as she slowly slid from the couch, strutting to the first guard, a tan stallion. She leaned so her lips were almost touching his ear and slid one hoof towards his thickening sheath, “I’m guessing that at times it can be rather... boring.” Before he could answer, Rarity grasped the guard by the collar of his armor, yanking him onto the table. Rarity wasn’t strong, but stallions tended to go limp when she grabbed them. The stunned guard was tugged onto the table, where he was pinned upon his back. Rarity nuzzled at his fat balls, admiring the unusually large beauties via her muzzle. She slurped as much of one into her maw as she could, bathing it in her saliva, then slid her tongue to his sheath tip. She pushed her tongue inside and literally pulled his shaft out, which quickly hardened as her throat worked the tip. After a few swallows, she moved upwards. She ran her tongue up his shivering belly, over his chest to his neck, finally arriving at his muzzle. Once she was there, her sopping wet slit, barely concealed by her fabulous outfit, was grinding against his erect shaft. It was then that Rarity’s eyes widened, realizing that this guy wasn’t just larger than average; he was bigger than her biggest toy. It was a wonder he hadn’t passed out from blood loss when he got hard. “It is boring,” panted the guard, sliding his hooves to grasp her hips, grinding in return, “All I can do is count tiles, then I get home late and usually get bitched at by my husband.” “He does nothing to help your... stress?” Rarity asked, “He must be insane, letting a beautiful monster like this go to waste.” She glanced at the brown and green guards, “Come here darlings, you all get a turn fucking this sopping wet cunt.” Guards typically loved such talk. The guards unquestioningly obeyed, tripping as they crawled onto the table. They sat on either side on their haunches, two respectable shafts throbbing at her hooves. She slid a hoof over each shaft, feeling the pulsing flesh, then moved her muzzle to give the green one a slurp from base to tip. She then moved to the brown one, back and forth, keeping them ready for their turn. The guard beneath her groaned and shook violently as she pushed herself down upon him. His groan got louder when the determined mare pushed farther than he expected, determined to take him fully. She felt herself stretched more than she ever had, her whole love canal convulsing near bliss already from the fill, and didn’t stop until her rump settled against his balls, tip slamming her cervix and threatening to breach it. “Holy fuck,” drooled the tan guard beneath her, “No one has ever... the whole thing...” “Rarity!” Rainbow pulled herself from shock enough to speak, “We don’t have time for you to slut yourself all over them! We’re running out of time!” “I’m not being a slut, darling, I’m being a whore,” Rarity groaned at Rainbow, “There is a difference, and I’m sure these handsome guards will be happy to speak with us now.” Tan opened his muzzle, but only spouted gibberish. He groaned again as he grasped her hips and began hammering more violently, bouncing her atop him and making the table creek. It didn’t help when Rarity creamed all over him, the stretch of his fat cock and the knocking at her womb’s door too much for her to take for long. Her love sap poured down his balls and splashed far enough that Rainbow had to wipe her face off. “He’s not very talkative,” moaned Rarity, “Maybe I should stop before I get to the others...” “Wait!” said Green, panicked that she might stop before his turn, “We usually stay at our post, but last night somepony did leave a cake for us.” “So we did take one break when we ate that cake,” added Brown. The conversation paused as Tan groaned and arched his back, slamming his tip through her cervix with a powerful thrust, a stream of his spunk exploding into her womb. Rarity groaned against Green’s shaft, then moved to Brown’s to let him get a bit of the moan as well. “What kind of a cake was it?” Rarity asked as she tugged herself free, an absurdly long slurp filling the room. It was so deep that standing wasn’t enough, she had to hop a bit to get the rest out, which flopped against his belly stiffly. “Cherry with a custard filling!” Green said as he was pushed down onto the table next, grinning widely as he watched and felt her cum-drooling snatch sliding against his shaft on its way to his tip. “Your cherry is about to have a filling of my custard!” “Naughty boy,” grinned Rarity as she slid over his tip. He wasn’t massive, but he was still plump, his firm hot flesh felt wonderful as her lips slid down the length like a hungry mouth. “Was the filling vanilla or chocolate?” she asked Green as her wet belly smacked against his and she began steady thrusts, bouncing herself with practiced strokes. “Chocolate!” Green squeaked as his eyes rolled back. He groaned at the warm wet glove now clenching him, banging the table with his hips with each bounce of the crazy mare atop him. Once again the room was full of the lewd sounds of their bodies together. “Hey, does Miss Rainbow want a go?” Brown didn’t want to wait, reaching for Rainbow. “I bet an athletic mare like you could-“ “Touch and you will draw back that hoof a stump,” Rainbow made clear, “These holes are ‘Wonderbolts Only’.” She sighed and laid her head on the table as Brown wisely turned his attention back to Rarity. Rarity got Brown’s attention again by grasping at his shaft with a hoof, then with her lips, adding another layer of her saliva as her tongue rippled against him. Tan moved to the other side, and she began going back and forth again, keeping Brown ready and cleaning Tan. She loved the taste of her own lady liquor, it was absolutely divine. “Was the base... of the cake... decorated with... buttercream rosettes?” Rarity asked her question between slurps on either shaft, clenching harder on Green with each stroke, driving him rapidly towards climax. “Ah yeah,” Brown groaned, “It was.” “Ugh, who cares how it was decorated?” asked Rainbow, sliding her seat further away to avoid splatter. “Patience darling,” Rarity told her, “I have what we need... and they won’t... last for long.” Rarity was taking their whole shaft into her muzzle as she alternated, enough to swallow against the tip with each pass. Green groaned and shook violently, expelling his load to mix with the first that was still drooling through her cervix. Rarity gave him time to finish like the lady she was, milking him until the last splurt loaded her stuffed pussy. Brown didn’t need pushed, as he lay on the table as soon as he saw Green getting off. Rarity yanked herself off of Green, letting his pleasure pole smack his belly. Now that she had what she needed, she was quick to slide onto Brown, purring as her slick well-used hole surrounded his length. He reacted with such surprised bliss that Rarity assumed he was a virgin. He looked ready to pass out, and rammed upwards in a flurry of uncontrolled thrusts. Rarity let him have at it, not bothering to try to keep time with his spastic movements, but instead simply pushing herself firmly down against him to provide resistance for his throbbing lust. Rarity creamed a second time, moaning and clenching her tunnel harder as her juice splattered downward onto the stallion beneath her. The stallion reacted to the convulsing flesh around his shaft by going off sooner than the other two, though he didn’t care as he squealed in delight. “Thank you boys,” panted Rarity, “I’m glad we could come to an understanding.” In reality, Rarity was enjoying a toy, but masturbation could be more enjoyable than sex. She drew the thick length back, letting her puffy lips slide over the whole length, then slammed it back inside. She made wide thrusting motions, all the way to the tip and then back to the base, each time slowly on the out-thrust, letting her lips tug gently against its surface, but then ramming it back hard, slamming against the door to her womb with each stroke. She worked her milky breasts, forming magic hands that squished and twisted the bulgy teats, milking herself, a white cloud of milk joining the white-ish cloud billowing from her pussy. Her lower lips continued to slide across the length, puffy flesh pushed flat on the in-stroke, then stretching as they glided against the surface on the out-thrust. She formed more magical hands to slide over her belly, digging ‘fingers’ against her tightly stretched flesh, which yielded slightly. It felt amazing, not leaving an inch of her bloat without pleasuring strokes. She squeezed her breasts the tightest as the dildo impacted her cervix, twisting them a bit further over time, feeling the water jets flow against them. Her belly massage was more chaotic, hands and fingers clenching and dragging randomly, always half of them pressing against her while the others felt the inflated skin puff out from the pressure. Her cervix began to give with each impact until she felt the tip of the toy pop past the barrier. She moaned at the absurdly deep penetration before pulling back again, but continued her heavy thrusting. The tight opening shut tightly on each outstroke, but it was certainly loosened. Every moment was bliss, and soon it built towards a climax, her foal funnel twisting and squeezing inside, clenching harder until it was difficult to move the toy. All four legs kicked and she arched her whole body, moaning. She lost control of herself, her whole body convulsing as she creamed with such vigor that there was a geyser of femme juice spraying out of the water. The force being pushed out of the ridiculously tight packing provided plenty of thrust. She squeezed the spunk-filled ball so that the toy jetted a blast inside her, warm like the real thing as it had bathed in the hot water with her. Much of it pushed past her cervix to make the foal’s bath as foggy as her own. As she slowly came down from her bliss, and pulled the Stud slowly out, shivering as her lips traced over the surface once more. She began to drain the tub, quickly using magic to clean the toy she had used before returning it to its container. As the water drained, she reached for a new toy: the wire hanger. She unfolded it into a straight line, smiling as she sat up against the edge of the tub and spread her legs. She had gotten very good at this. She’d even instructed others in the process, including Applejack, who needed to spit out the occasional incest foal and didn’t want to go to the hospital lest somepony ask about the father. AJ really did love her family; in fact there was only one time Rarity knew of that AJ had it with non-family, and Rarity was responsible for that. Selling herself was easy, but selling a friend was more difficult. She wanted Trenderhoof to give her boutique first prize for most trendy small-town boutique, but he wasn’t interested in a Rarity; he wanted Applejack. Applejack wasn’t easy to convince, but everypony wanted something. After Rarity agreed to ‘persuade’ the largest bakery in Canterlot to import from Applejack’s farm, and after Rarity assured Applejack that Trenderhoof would not stalk her because of this, she agreed. Applejack didn’t want her family to know, so she took them to a barn and locked all the doors. Trenderhoof seemed to rather like the setting. “Okay,” Applejack shifted her hooves, “How we gonna do this?” She looked at Rarity, “You got that most experience bein’ a whore.” “It’s the same as you would at any other time,” Rarity smirked, “Pretend he's related if you must.” “Oh incest, so very risqué,” Trenderhoof wasn’t bothered, but also wasn’t stopping for conversation, already behind Applejack and nuzzling beneath her tail. He breathed her scent before eagerly sliding over her plot to mount, “I wish I had a sister.” “Sure,” sighed Applejack, seeing no point in fussing. She grumbled as she felt his tip jabbing haphazardly at her nethers. She pulled herself up on a nearby hay bale to brace herself, hiking up her tail and spreading her hind legs wide. Despite her reluctance, Applejack still groaned as the felt his shaft find its mark, pushing her rump back as her country pie slid wetly around his shaft, wrapping her tail about his hips to feel the twitch of his muscles. Not only that, but she was drenched, her juice rolling down Trenderhoof’s balls from the first thrust as they smacked her belly. Rarity, unwilling to be left out, nuzzled at his balls, slurping one and then the and repeatedly cleaning off AJ’s pussy juice, sliding her tongue around the penetration to feel how fat lips were stretched about the pulsing thrusting shaft. The added stimulation made AJ groan, and also blush red from head to hoof. The stallion didn’t last long, his legs squeezing at Rarity’s head as he blew his load into Applejack. Applejack groaned in returned, slamming her hips back, then growled in disappointment when Trender slowly stopped his movements short of getting her off. As Trender was pulling his cum-slickened shaft from Applejack’s sweet pie, Rarity pushed her head in between the two fun bits. She pushed Applejack forward atop the hay bale until her hips were even with the edge, while sliding her back side against Trender’s front, chrring at the wet warmth of his shaft dragging down her backside. This was the first time Rarity had sincerely wanted a stallion she was with, so she was glad when he cooperated by sliding his front hooves about her hips. Her expert body pushed against him, grasping hold of his slick shaft and pulling it within her. His eyes widened as Rarity quickly displayed her superior technique, milking and encouraging him. As he began thrusting once again, Rarity tried to give Applejack what she wanted, pushing her mare friend’s legs apart again and diving for her muff. Rarity felt the puffy lips press against her and forced her tongue within, literally scooping out the spunk that she so wanted to taste. “Ah don’t really swing this way Rarity,” Applejack panted, wrapped her tail against Rarity’s head and began rolling her hips, “But maybe ah kin make an exception.” Rarity magically grasped Applejack’s breasts to squeeze and work them slowly in time with her lapping, pushing her muzzle firmly against Applejack’s snatch until her lips stretched wide enough for Rarity’s muzzle to pop past it, the warmth taking Rarity eye-deep as she continued to lap. All the while she pushed herself back against Trenderhoof, though the stallion only lasted a bit longer even on his second go. It was enough for Rarity, who was creaming herself practically from the first time his belly smacked her behind, milking him violently until she practically sucked the sperm right out of him, her hungry womb taking it all. At the same time though, he was a bad lay compared to many other stallions. Maybe it was best that he hadn’t cooperated with her crush on him. As he slowed, he leaned forward to get a better look at Rarity’s eager eating of Applejack, though the farm pony didn't make eye contact with either of them. Finally Applejack hit her peak too, grinding firmly against Rarity as her juice washed over her face. Trenderhoof leaned down over Rarity to lap at the juices as they escaped. “Ya’ll better not tell a soul,” panted Applejack. Rarity gnawed her lower lip as she turned the stretched-out wire into position. She magically parted her nether lips and relaxed as she pushed it within. She shivered as the cold metal pushed through her, taking it slowly so that she could enjoy every moment. Just the thought of her actions was keeping her as wet as she had been when the tub was full. She jerked as it poked against her cervix, arching and blissfully purring. She casually let the tip encircle the opening before pressing into the middle, easily prying open the battered door to her foal factory. “Oh yes,” she moaned, “Time to be eliminated, you coarse little parasite.” Rarity twisted the wire, tip now pressed fully through her cervix, giving it one last pry before her body contracted, inner gate loosening to allow a flood of her foal juice to flow through her canal and into the tub. She moaned as she felt her body shove the foal against her cervix, stretching out her tunnel more than any shaft could, pleasure invading her body in response. She immediately orgasmed violently, much more intense than her first. She rode her bliss as the tacky thing was shoved further down her pipe. Her belly slowly deflated, elastic flesh returning to its previous state as the bump was pushed further down. Rarity continued to work her body as she stroked the bulge, convulsing with pleasure with each contraction, sliding it further towards its exit from both her body and life. Finally she felt her lips stretch once more as its head pushed outward, distending before it finally gave, sliding across its head and grasping its neck for a moment. She was moaning and shaking uncontrollably as she pulled it from her body, feeling her still orgasmic tunnel lick at it one more time. The fresh foal was already wailing as she yanked it free, but as her climax reached its own climax, it was soon choking on the blast of femme cum from Mommy’s snatch. Rarity gave one more moan, arching her back and finally coming down. Once she was done, she turned her head from the crude foal as it squalled for its mother’s attention. She turned her nose up as she would to a peasant, then gave it the only attention it was going to get from Mommy. She grasped its head tightly with her magic, squeezing hard until the crying was cut short, the newborn’s body spasming as its fragile skull was crushed, continuing to twitch even after it had met its fate. “An end grossly deserved, you uncouth little thing,” hmmphed Rarity in disgust as she squeezed the life from it. She looked as little as possible as she pulled a plastic bag over the remains, tying it tightly and then dropping it into the waste bin like a used-up roll of toilet paper. “That will teach you to ruin a fashionista’s fashion.” Rarity slid her hooves over her belly once again, which had returned to its petite glory. Since her milk didn’t need to be wasted on that filthy thing anymore, she doubled over in the tub, running her tongue over one breast before wrapping her lips about her own nipple. She squeezed it firmly, mmm-ing at the taste of her own milk. She continued to nurse herself as she used her magic to dry and fluff her fur once again. After having drained both breasts, she finally stepped out of the tub, looking at herself in the mirror, smiling at her dainty form. She was sexy, fashionable, and ready for business in the big city.