> Fallout Equestria: Rogue justice > by einstein_tesla > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > chapter 1: roll call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Anastasia? (here) blits? (here) Gem Dust? (here) jade? (here) justice? (here) sylvia? (here) well it looks like everypony is here. Let's get on with the lesson Several minutes pass. As the teacher drones on justice becomes bored and starts thinking of the surface. "Hey what do you think the surface is like now?" whispered Shining Justice, as the teacher was giving her lesson on photosynthesis. He was a young, pegasus, with a black coat and a blue and white mane. His cutie mark was a pistol and a gear. "I don't know, but you need to pay attention to the teacher. You don't want to get in trouble again do you?" replied Blits Star, trying to look interested in the lesson. The young stallion, was an earth pony, with a bright blue coat and an orange mane. He had a book with a pair of glasses on the cover, as his cutie mark. "What does it matter? We're going to be stuck in this bunker our entire lives. Who cares if we know how a plant makes food from the sun by converting it into sugars?" muttered Shining Justice. "It amazes me how you can not pay attention in class, and yet, remember everything." Blits Star responds, finishing his notes. "-And that is how the plants make food for themselves. Well class that wraps up our lesson today! Remember to do your homework and study for the quiz on Friday. Class dismissed!" the teacher spoke to her students. "Ugh, finally. Hey, we should go get something to eat in the Atrium." added Shining Justice. "Okay but don't do anything stupid on our way there; we've been in enough trouble because of your shenanigans" said Blits Star in a concerning tone. "You need to lighten up, you know my ‘shenanigans’ are awesome." said Shining Justice, as he playfully punched his friend "You mean like the time you broke your leg, because you were trying to run against the wall like in those games" said Blits Star as he glared at his friend. "Ok maybe that wasn't my best idea, but I do have my moments of awesomeness, like the time I fixed our transceiver to allow us to get music from the wastes" said shining star proudly. "Still don't know how you did that or where that music comes from but that was pretty awesome". said Blits Star. “We’re here. Go get in line, while I find us a table." Shining Star points towards the line to the kitchen. "Okay just wait there i'll get us some food." Blits Star replies as he trots to the line. "Hey Justice, what's up?" A mare pops up behind Shining Justice. She was a dark gray unicorn with a mane of red and black. And on her flank, was a question mark. "AHH!! Jade you know I don't like it when you sneak up on me!" Justice explained. "It's just funny seeing you flip out." Jade Moon laughed. "Huh.. Anyways Blits is just getting some food." He explained. "That’s nice. So, you ready for training later?" "I was born ready! But, I’m sure you knew that." He puffed out his chest with pride. "Hey guys. What are we talking about?" Blits said, whilst holding food. "Oh, just how Justice is ‘the best at training.’" Jade teased, as she did air quotes. "Hey you know it's true! I've held the top mark for 9 years!" Justice replied defensively. "You two always do good. I'm almost always last in training." Blits groaned. "Well.. you do the best in survival and planning! And that’s something to be proud of!" Shining Justice chimed, doing his best to make his friends feel better. "I guess that’s true. Anyways, what do you guys want to do after training?” The others shrugged, “Maybe we could go back to my house, listen to the radio ,and play card games?" Blits proposed. "Sounds good to me" Both ponies nodded their head in agreement. “Well we should probably get to training; we have to stop by the armory first remember?” “Alrighty, let's go.” “So what do you think training is gonna be today?” Jade pondered to her friends. “Probably something about defending your base.” replied Blits “Why would you think that?” Justice said. “Well we've been learning about farming, building, and the proper layout of a home in the wastes.” “Hm... I think you'll do good in that Blits. It seems right up your alley.” replied Jade. “Hey maybe I'll even beat you guys at something for once.” He joked. “Hey don't cut yourself short, you're much better at survival tactics than us.” said Justice. “Says mister perfect score on your firearms exam...” Blits shot a glare at justice. “Touche. Point is you'll do good on this test if its what we think it is.” He encourages him. “I’ve always wondered, what weapons are you the best with?” “Well i prefer silent weapons like knifes and such, but I'd use silenced rifles if I’m in a situation where I need to attack from afar.” responded Jade. “Well I prefer intricate weapons, such as sniper rifles and revolvers. They require being able to observe and lock on your targets quickly.” said Blits getting lost in his own explanation. “Well me, I love machine guns, pistols, and shotguns.” said Justice proudly. “Oh believe us, we know, we can hear you from the other side of the training room.” Jade rolls her eyes. “You know, if we were to combine all our skills, we could make a pretty good team.” Blits observed. “Guess your right. Who knows maybe we could even take over the stable.” joked Jade. “Yeah right. There's enough security turrets in here to take down a flock of dragons!” Justice exaggerated. “Besides why would we want to take over the stable anyways.” said Blits. “True. Well, let's go and get our stuff then meet up at training.” said Justice, running into the armory. An hour passes by and they are all standing like soldiers, awaiting for their teacher to instruct them on what to do. “Alright class today in training we are going to be doing something different.” The teacher addressed his students in a gruff voice, “You may have noticed that your usual weapons have been replaced with airsoft variants. Well that is because today you will be facing each other.” The class stared at him, puzzled, “As unlikely as it is, there is a small chance that you may encounter other ponies if you are to leave the stable and go to the surface. And chances are these ponies, or whatever mutation of them there are today, will be hostile. You will need to be prepared to fight them. So, to prepare you, you will be released in teams and you will have to fight each other. Last team standing wins the challenge. And to give a little incentive to try, the winners will get the next week of class off and will each be given a Sparkle Cola Rad whether you live or die.” The students faces switch from confused to exhilarated, “You will be allowed to choose your own teams. You must be in a team and you can't have a team of more than 3. When everyone is ready you will be released and training will start.” The teacher wrapped up, and walked away. “You guys know what this means right?” said Jade. “That there's going to be a lot of screaming, and ponies freaking out.” said Blits in a monotoned voice. “No. That we can see how good of a team we would make!” She cheered. “Hey, I guess you're right. Let’s try and get into one of the buildings so we can build a defense.” said Justice. “Let's go to that tall one it will allow us to get a scope of the training ground and it will be easily defendable” He responded. “Me and Jade will be in the tower while you man the floor that way nopony can sneak up on us.” said Blits obviously thinking very hard. “Well let's do this thing.” Justice ran to the field “Why are you in such a rush?” said Jade “yeah the round hasn't even started yet.” said blits. “Well we want to get to our position before someone sees us right?” said Justice. “Good point. The fewer ponies that know about our position the more likely we'll survive.” said blits quizzically. “Alright. Jade you take up the north window i'll take the south window. Justice you patrol the area and make sure nopony gets through the entrances, try blocking them off with some filing cabinets.” said blits. “So what's the plan? Are we going agro or tower defense strategy?” asked jade. “Lets try and let them kill each other off first. Never make yourself a target right out the gate. You want them to underestimate you or wait until there's few left, then strike when they are weak .” said blits setting up his sniper's nest. “Awwww, So we have to wait to shoot things?” said justice sadly. “Unless you want to die. If you make yourself a big threat then ponies will want to come after you.” said blits. “I know. I just like shooting things. Well i'm gonna go get used to these guns, i suggest you do the same.” said justice. “Yeah that's probably a good idea. The these won't be like our normal guns. They will have less recoil but the bullets will change course much more due to their weight.” said blits. “Okay well let's make sure not to draw attention to ourselves, don't want to become a target.” said jade loading her rifle. After 10 minutes of practicing justice blits and jade had become accustomed to their new weapons and were ready to fight. as they waited 8 of the 12 teams had been eliminated and 2 were closing in on justice and his friends. “Okay i'll pick off the team coming from the north, blits you pick off the team coming from the south.” said jade. “Ill defend the stair well so they don't back us into a corner.” said justice. “Okay i got one of them. JUSTICE THERE ARE 2 COMING UP SET UP A TRIP WIRE!” yelled jade in worry. “ON IT!” said justice as he rigged the door with an airsoft grenade. A small explosion is heard “AHHHHHH” yelled the two ponies coming up the stairs as fell to the bottom floor. “HEY. ARE YOU ALRIGHT!? Yelled justice in concern “ yeah just a little banged up. Good job with that trap. We'll have to check doors next time.” responded one of the ponies that fell. “Hey blits how are you doing”said justice. “ I got two of them who were trying to come in the building but the third disappeared.” said blits confused “i'll check the rest of the building.” said justice as he went down the stairs. “ hey do you think that we'll ever get out of here?” asked jade. “What do you mean?” asked blits confused. “Well, i mean will we ever leave the stable and see the surface?” asked jade. “ i don't know, no one's ever left the stable, i don't even know if the stable door can open anymore.” said jade sadly. “Hopefully one day. I want to know what happened, what's out there.” responded blits as he looked out the window. “GOTCHA” yelled a pegasus mare as she pulled blits out of the window. And pulled him to the ground. “BLITZ!” screamed jade. “DANGIT!” yelled blits disappointed he was out of the game. “AVENGE ME!” said blits jokingly. “GOT IT” said jade readying her rifle. “HEY FEATHER BRAINS.” yelled jade “hmm?” said the pegasus as she turned to jade “gotcha” said jade as she shot the pegasus “all cease fire. Exercise over. Winners are as follows: shining justice, jade moon, blits star.” said the teacher over the loudspeaker. “WE WON YES!” yelled justice excitedly as he and his friend went into the briefing room. “Congratulations you did very well with this exercise and will be rewarded accordingly.” said the teacher as he gave justice and his friends the sparkle cola rad “sweet. This is going in the collection.” said justice putting his new soda in his saddlebag. “I'll never understand your obsession with sparkle cola.” said jade. “Its delicious and it's so interesting how it just exploded in popularity,” said justice defensively. “Well let's go back to justices house.” said blits. “Speaking of justice, how did you get your name? It isn't a typical name.” said jade “ one of my great grandparents name was shining justice, apparently he fought in the war and saved a bunch of ponies lives. My parents named me after him because they thought i was going to “go to the surface and rid equestria of its evils.” yeah like that's gonna happen.” said justice. “Hey if they would open the stable door maybe we could.” said jade. “Well until we know what's up there they won't let us up.” said blits. ”speaking of which. If we saw that we make a pretty good team. But if we want to survive we cant have discussions in the middle of a fight.” said jade. “Yeah we saw how well that turned out, it got me killed.” said blits. “Hey we're here.” said justice as they arived at his home. S.6 P.5 E.7 C.5 I.4 A.5 L.4 footnote : level up Status update: trap master: gain +25% skill when setting or disarming traps