A Tale Lead by Fate.

by TheChosen1

First published

A typical RPG-ish story that follows the main character through adventure, dungeons, and wacky times.

A deal between gods that is left up to fate to decide the outcome. Our protagonist starts out with no memory, an unknown quest, and lots of epic loot to claim dibs on. You will get a TableTop RPG feel to it since I am writing this story as such. Has all walks of life in genre from gruesome combat scenes to hilarious bar fights to deep character developments. I am writing this for those who wish to enjoy a good story that has many aspects that they like. Fate writes this story and fate is a dick.


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The stage curtains open up and out walks an old pony. His faded grey mane is cut short to keep out of his eyes, while he peers over the audience over his half moon glasses. Upon his flank is an open book that lets everypony know this is the storyteller.

“Good evening fillies and gentlecolts! My name is Mr. Lorekeeper, I will be your storyteller for today, and my do we have a special one! This is a tale about a pony who came from nowhere, had no name, and became the hero. He fought many monsters, made friends, and battle against challenges he never knew were possible.” Mr. Lorekeeper took a moment to look at the awe faces of his audience.

“The story begins many moons ago before our dear Princess Luna’s fall to Nightmare Moon where the evil villain known as Discord approaches the two Princesses to discuss his supposed surrender…”

The sun sat high in the sky. A wind blows through the grass and trees rustling the leaves together. Two sisters clad in armor landed in front of a mismatched creature. He stood there with his arms behind his back as if he had been waiting for a long while.

“Ah! There are my two favorite ponies! I assume you are here for my surrender, yes?” Discord looked between the two sisters waiting to see who speaks first.

The eldest Celestia stepped forward “Discord We are quite surprised at such a claim from yourself. We never expected something from you. May you tell us why you would do such a thing?”

The younger sister sat still and silent watching between her beloved sister and their foe.

“Yes, I suppose a reason is needed. I promise my full surrender in our battle if you allow me to play a game. See, I’ve seen many things with this land, and well its seems lacking in the hero department. You two sisters take care of pretty much everything for your mindless citizens.”

Luna looked aghast “THEY ARE NOT MINDLESS YOU MINDLESS CREATURE! Sister we should just strike him now before he gets away! Again!”

Celestia held her hoof out. “Wait Luna, we must abide by our laws, if he wishes surrender we must hear him out.” She motioned for Discord to continue.

He glared at the blue one, then returning his gaze to the sun princess. “I suppose a challenge! A new pony will appear in this world, and will eventually face me at the end of his journey. How he gets there, what he fights with or even whom is up to fate. As are the when and why. The where however is to be determined when he is ready. The only rules are that you two are not allowed to intervene at all. You may not tell him of this grand quest, nor are you allowed to help him in the final battle.” He held out his paw and a pony with a yellow coat stood stagnant in a small bubble.

Luna looked over to her sister waiting for her to respond. Celestia simply stayed quiet waiting for Discord to finish.

“I promise you he will be able to kill me so long everything goes correctly in his favor par fate of course. Fate is tricky but hates me since I have a knack for ruining things for him, but that’s a story for another time.” A grin spreads across his face and he holds out his lion paw that held the pony. “So what do you say? Deal or no deal? I have all….forever? Yes I have forever, though I don’t think you two do. Still several evil beings running amok I left here and there for fun. I'm sure our hero here could even slay a few for you.”

Celestia looks at the yellow coat and red maned earth pony held out in front of her. She looks over to her sister who once she looks at the elder sister's eyes spoke out “You are not considering this Tia are you? There is an underlying fact we do not know of, he always does this to us!”

“Lulu, this is our only chance to finally end Discord! It is a small chance but gives us time to come up with a plan to end Discord should he fail. Please understand the pros outclass the cons by far.” Celestia reach her hoof out and touched the bubble. Upon contact the bubble shined brightly floated up in the air then zoomed away.

“Thank you both. Thank you both very much!” Discord started laughing as he faded away into nothing.

“Celestia what have we done. I hope that pony is going to be enough”

The two sisters flew away back to their castle to wait and hope the hero can help them.

Mr. Lorekeeper walked toward the rear of the stage. “And that is all for today, come back tomorrow to hear more. I thank you all for listening and can not wait to see you all again to continue this story!”

The curtain closed and the audience dispersed. Locking the door behind him he headed home. Along the way he saw the many faces of the small town he lives in. All so young and innocent of the past. If only the knew half his stories he told were actually true! At the edge of the town his old house stood waiting for him as the night sky shines bright showing him the door.

Mr. Lorekeeper closes the dark wooden door and turned on his lights. Lighting the fireplace he sat down in his rocking chair and smiled at the memories of his friends and adventures. He looked above the mantle at picture of himself and his five other friends. One of which had a yellow coat and a red mane.

“Well friends, I might be old, but damn it I will make sure our legacy lives, and I swear Magus I still remember you owe me 10 bits!”

Crash Landing.

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Two ponies walk along the Tail Trade Road, the main trade road that runs across Equestria and connects to all the major cities. One pony wore simple robes, covering the light blue fur. A horn protruded from uptop having a glow around it showing magic was currently in use. Said magic was used to hold a map out in front of the pony. The pony blew it’s grey and violet striped bangs out of the way. Upon further examination the pony appeared to be female. She turned to her companion. “We should come to the next town within an hour or so.”

Next to her stood a stocky earth pony. Across his back was a large hammer. Covering his body was white fur. Uptop his head was a bubble gum pink mane. Upon his flank you can see his cutie mark depicting a hammer similar to the one on his back. “Tessy, you said that an hour ago. Are you sure we are not loss?”

“What! Us? Lost? Pft as if, we have the map right here!” She holds the map up to his face.

The white stallion looks at the map and begins to laugh. “Tessy, the map is upside down.”

Tessy took the map back and looked at it. After a moment her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Oh. Uh. I was just testing you P-!” The stallion put his hoof up in her face to stop her talking.

“And if you call me my old name again I will make sure that map isn’t the only thing upside down, you know to only call me either ‘Him’ or Breaker.” He glared at her before breaking his blank stare with laughter. “Now let's see if you really weren't holding that map upside down”

Suddenly a flash of light streaked across the sky and crashed into the forest surrounding the road to their right. Upon hitting the ground a small rumble shook the ground causing wildlife to flee from their homes and scream in fear.

Startled Tessy said “What the hay was that!”

“I have no clue, but we need to get to town, we can leave it alone and forget it.”

“Breaker, we have to check it out! It could have been a pegasus in trouble!”

“May I remind you of the last pegasus we helped out? He not only stole half our money but almost seriously injured you in that drop.”

Tessy simply stared at the ground kicking a small rock. “But...that was just once...and he would have gotten all our money if I didn’t jump on his back!”

“And we spent a quarter of that half to pay for the extra stay at the nice healer's house. So without further or due off we go to Filliesgroove.” Breaker began to walk down the road.

Tessy simply stayed put looking into the forest.

Breaker stopped and sighed. “Fine we will simply LOOK! If he is seriously injured we will help, but I swear if it is the same guy I am going to show him why my name is Breaker.”

“But your name isn’t Breaker it’s- EEP!” Suddenly Tessy was upside down.

“Told you” Breaker smiled putting her back down, and they walked off toward where the light crashed.


In the woods west of the Tail Trade Road a new feature in the terrain appeared. A large crater caused by a falling bright light. In the crater was a pony. Unconscious to the real world, but still heard a single voice. “Thunder Mark, you have a great destiny given to you. I will guide you best I can, but I am not allowed to play favorites. Good luck.” The voice faded away leaving Thunder a feeling of at ease. His mind was grabbing at every little detail to figure out what was happening to him.

“Hey buddy you okay?” A voice called out muffled by an unknown force.

Am I okay? I honestly do not know. I think I am?

“Breaker he looks horrible, we have to check to see if he is even alive.” A softer more feminine voice said. Last I checked I am alive. Look at me breathe!

The pony in the crater coughed and groaned.

Okay that did not work well. Come on body work with me. All we need to do is a simple ‘yes’.

Another groan a bit louder came out of the pony in the crater. “Breaker I think I heard him say something. Get your big butt down there and check on him!”

“Why me?” He looked at the steep incline of the walls the crater had. “Never mind.” Breaker slid down the walls to check on the yellow unconscious body. He looked over the badly injured body. Bruises covered him showing even through his fur. A few cuts still bleeding. And his front left leg looked broken. “Ooo damn kid, you sure did yourself a bad one. Tessy, he is seriously injured. I can get him out, but I do not know with our supplies if we can even treat his broken bone let alone stop his bleeding.” He threw his hammer back up top and picked up the pony.

“GurgleGurgleGurgle” The pony said after being lifted.

“Easy there buddy, I got you. Stay in slumber land a little while longer.” Breaker began to climb out slowly.

Once out of the crater Breaker sat the unconscious pony on the ground. “What do you think Tessy?”

Tessy scanned him over with her magic. “I only know very minor healing magic. His leg is definitely broken. His cuts we can bandage easily. The bruises will heal over time. The only problem is infection. If we do not get him to a healer soon his leg will not heal right and the risk of infection in the open wounds increase.”

“Well wrap him up best you can. Grab my hammer and I will carry him. I hope to the Two Sisters that the town is close.”

Tessy took her top robe off revealing her flank showing off a twisted tree branch and a bloomed violet flower. “Ugh and I loved robe. Hope he has an idea what happened to him. Be nice to catch the pegasus who dropped him.”

“Think it was the same guy from a few weeks ago?” Breaker looked into the air above to see if anything was flying overhead.

“Perhaps. Okay that should hold him over till we get to town. Lets get out of here” Terry grabbed the hammer with her magic and lead the way out. Breaker picked up their new friend and followed behind.



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In the town of FilliesGroove…

The town is getting ready for night time. Stores are cleaning up from a busy day. Counting money and taking stock. Families eat dinner sharing the details of their day. The local guards change shifts from day to night. Lamps start to turn on one by one as the Celestia slowly lowered her sun, and Luna raised her moon.

Three figures was seen at the edge of the guards view. A smaller one carrying a hammer, and a larger carrying the third on his back. The guard told this to the other and sent a guard out to meet up with them to see who they were.

“Halt! My name is Private Armor. I am a guard for Filliesgroove, I ask you both to reveal your identities and business in the town.

The smaller spoke “My name is Tessy, the big guy is Breaker, and the unconscious guy is...well we have no idea. We found him along the way in a crater in the forest we believed caused by a light or pegasus. He is badly injured and needs medical care immediately. Myself and Breaker are travelers in search of work.”

Breaker just breathed heavily from their far walk. It was longer than an hour.

Private Armor looked them over then nodded, “Of course, follow me.” He began walking them toward the gates. “We have simple laws here. The biggest is though no weapons and no magic other than the basic telekinesis” He looked at Terry.

She nods “We will abide these laws, may I ask where the hammer be kept?”

“In the armory. We will tag it with your name and a code. Give the tag to the guards at the gate if you decided to leave and we will retrieve it for you.” Terry nodded at this, a typical law in most towns. They were used to it.

At the gates Private armor saluted another stallion, “Sir these two are travelers looking for work, the third unconscious member is injured and needs medical help.”

The stallion nods “Take the white one with the yellow one on his back to Mr. Needles. He is the night medic. Miss, I ask you to follow me to lock away the hammer.”

The private saluted again and lead Breaker to the medic. The town was a nice open place. The houses were spaced enough that you can see backyards. A few lights were still on showing families getting ready for bed.

“Mr. Needles is one of our best healers. He trained in Canterlot actually.”

Breaker didn’t say anything.

“The silent type aren't you? Fine by me. The clinic is right around this corner.


Terry followed the commander inside the guards barracks. “So nice town you have here. Is there any lodging my friend and I can stay? It will only be a couple nights.”

The commander kept walking down a flight of stairs, “Sure, we have a tavern not far from the clinic. You can keep an eye on your other friend easily.”

At the bottom of the stairs a padlocked door was there. The commander took out a set of keys and unlocked it. He motioned for Terry to follow him inside.

Once inside standard weapons lined the walls. On one wall was a set of lockers. The commander opened one up and put the hammer inside. “Locker 4. When you leave ask any guard and they will retrieve it.”

Terry looked at all the weapons, “Why does such a small peaceful town need so many weapons? Kinda defeats the whole ‘peacefulness’ part of it.”

The commander stopped and looked at her, “For someone who is just stopping for a day or two asks too many questions. Come on I will take you to the clinic to find your friends” He continued out the door and waited for her to leave.

Taking one last look around she shrugged and followed him out.


The private opend the door for Breaker, “Mr. Needles, we got a live one for you!” After Breaker entered he closed the door and showed Breaker where to put the yellow stallion.

“Oh is there? Hold on let me grab my bag.” A older voice cried from the back of the building.

A few moments later an older unicorn with glasses on came out. He had a doctor's coat on and a bag in his magic. “Well let's take a look see shall we?”

Mr. Needles sat his bag down next to the yellow stallion. He pulled out a stethoscope and listened to him. After a few more examinations he put his equipment back in his bag. “Good new is he is going to live, he has several bruises and that foreleg has a clean break. I can cast that easily. Only problem is I don’t know how long he has been or will be unconscious.”

Breaker sighed, “Thanks Doc, patch him up good will you?” Breaker sat down in a nearby chair.

The private moved to the door “Well I better be back at my post, night.”

Mr. Needles nodded to the private and returned his look to Breaker as he bandaged up the unconscious stallion. “So what happened to him?”

Breaker scoffed, “Honestly Doc? No clue, found him like this. Think he got in a fight with a pegasus and dropped from the sky by him or her. Surprised he is alive honestly. Left quite a bit of damage behind him.”

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, then Terry stepped in. “Breaker you in here?” After seeing her friend she smiled “Good to see you are here still. There is a tavern a couple buildings over. Let’s leave mystery stallion to the medic while we get some rest okay?”

Breaker nodded, “We will return tomorrow to check up on him Doc. Night.”

Mr. Needles waved bye, “Sleep tight you too, don’t let the bed pixies bite!”


“What do you mean you only have one room left open? There are at least seven up there no way six are used. No offense to your town, but it isn’t the biggest tourist attraction.” Terry was getting a bit heated with the tavern owner.

“Miss I appologize, but just a few hours ago six ponies showed up, asked for 6 rooms, and gave me extra bits for no questions asked. I’m sorry but I am sure you two can share a room for one night?” The owner was trying to calm her down. Breaker just sat at the bar drinking some cider.

“Well I guess it will do, what room is it?” Terry pulled a bag of bits out to pay for the room and Breaker’s cider.

“The couple's suit of course!”

Breaker spat out his drink over the bar. “Nope, I will sleep down here, Terry enjoy the bed.” Breaker walked over to a corner table and sat down to get comfy.”

Terry’s cheeks blushed red slightly, “Umm thank you sir...here's the bits, I will go to sleep now. Breaker you know where to find me I guess.”

The room was super hearts and hooves day themed. “Dang it Breaker, way to be cool. Least I get a whole bed to myself hehehe” Terry jumped into bed and let sleep take her over.


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As the moon climbed the sky Thunder Mark was dreaming. He saw a mare running after him, yelling something but he couldn't hear her. He felt the feeling of falling, he kept falling for what seemed like a whole day. Then suddenly he hit the ground. Upon impact he sat up in the dark room gasping for air and sweating. He looked around the moonlit room. He noticed some left over medical supplies on the bedside table along with his casted leg. He saw a glass of water next to him and began to drink it quenching a thirst he did not realize he had.

Suddenly a list candle floated in his room, a voice followed after “Easy there boy, you had quite the injuries.” The doctor sat the candle on the table next to the bed and did a few vitals on his patient. “You were lucky, two travelers saw you land and brought you here. If weren't for them you would be timber food about now I bet! Now you go back to sleep. Here is some pain medication to help you sleep. Your rescuers will be here in the morning. You can thank them then.”

With that the doctor left Thunder alone. With nothing better to do, he took the medication and tried to go back to sleep. Hopefully his questions will be answered in the morning. After flipping his pillow over to the cold side and rolling to his side he let sleep take him over naturally.

After the sun rose Terry and Breaker walked back to Mr. Needles house to check on their rescued stallion. Upon entering the house they saw him awake and talking to the doctor. Terry smiled seeing the yellow stallion was awake. “Well morning there sunshine. Glad to see you are awake after that fall.”.

Thunder smiled at her “Yes, and according to the great doctor here I have you two to thank. So thank you both.”

Breaker just nodded “Sure thing kid. Terry now we know he is better we best be going.”

Thunder looked confused, “Going? Where you two off too?”

Terry look at her brother “Awww Breaker we can stay another night. I want to at least look around town! I bet we can get a job here for a couple of months.”

“No Terry, you knew the deal. I get to pick the next town. Sorry there Yellow, Terry and I have to get going if we want to make it to the next town over. Best luck getting healed up. Say do you remember the pegasus who dropped you?”Thunder looked confused, “No there was no pegasus, I fell down from a cliff I think.”

Both Terry and Breaker looked at each other just as confused now, “Ummmm I don’t know how to tell you, there wasn’t a cliff for hours from where we found you.” Terry looked at Thunder “You must have really hit your head….ummm...I just realized we never got your name. I’m Terry, this nice guy here is Breaker.”

Thunder smiled “I’m Thunder Mark. Nice to meet you.” Thunder held his hoof out for a handshake but realized it was casted, so he held the other one out instead.

Terry and Breaker shook his hoof. “Okay Terry we really need to get going. Say bye to Thunder and let’s go before the morning dew dries up.”Terry gave a heartfelt goodbye to Thunder and hoped to see him again. WIth that Terry and Breaker left FilliesGroove.


A few weeks passed for the bedridden Thunder Mark. He was the best patient Mr. Needles and his better half Mrs. Needles ever had. Once he was able to take the cast off he began to explore the town of FilliesGroove. He learned that for a small town it had a lot of history. Apparently many years ago a knight of the sisters came here to set up an outpost. While here he married and had a wife and child. Sadly not long after the child was born both the mother and child disappeared in the middle of the night. The knight distraught with despair killed himself by going out into the forest and killed anything and everything till he died from exhaustion. His body is buried in the local cemetery. Sadly though Mr. Needles does not give out free casts and care so Thunder had to find work to earn some bits to pay back his hospitality. It started off as doing odd jobs for the locals. Repairing a leaky roof, and delivery some milk when the milkmare was sick for a day. It allowed him to really know the town. After a month of being free he landed a job with the Tavern. Working five night a week and sleeping during the day wasn’t bad, it just made it hard for him to meet some of the locals who he was getting to know really well. During his second week a group of 5 ponies came in and requested separate rooms. They paid extra for each their own room, as it was policy to bunk up if possible in case more came through during the night. While cleaning some tables he heard them talking.“What do we do without a sixth?”

“It doesn’t matter, we keep going with the plan”

“She specifically said six. We need a sixth!”

“And do you suppose we are just going to find one in this dump of a town? I mean it is nice and all, but I doubt they will have who we are looking for.”

“Well….we are in a tavern. Ask the bartender?” Thunders ears dropped when they mentioned him.

“Hey yellow! Come here for a second.” Thunder walked over, “We are looking for someone who could possibly join us on a small adventure. See we heard a ghost haunts these woods of an old knight. We need a sixth to help us. You know anybody who would be willing”

Thunder look at the group of ponies. Ghost? He never heard anything about that before. “Sorry, if anyone it would be the guards. Also I should mention there is not a ghost near by, I would have heard of it by now if so.” What the ponies did not know was that no one ever leaves the town that lives here. So of course he wouldn’t know.

“Bagh, useless bartender. Your suppose to know everything!” Thunder already did not like that one. “Forget it we go as five. We leave tomorrow evening. The ghost comes out at night so sleep in some” The ponies got up and went into their rooms.Thunder cleaned their mess up and then when the shift change happened he returned to bed to sleep.


Two days later. A storm began to brew. Rain was pouring during the end of Thunders shift. At the last hour the door slammed open. A badly injured and wet pony collapsed on the floor. Thunder rushed over to help him. “GASP! He still haunts the woods! He….he comes for me! My friends all died. He wants me too!” Then he passed out. Thunder knowing just who to take him to began to carry the injured pegasus to his favorite doctor. Opening the door and playing the pegasus on his old resting bed he called out for Mr. Needles. “We got a half live one. Blood everywhere!” Mr and this time Mrs Needles came rushing to the front room, and began to check over him. Their hooves working together to bandage where the blood was coming from and cleaning up any dirt or mud from his fur. After several minutes of this they finished. Mr. Needles looked over their hoof work, “Well Thunder it was good you brought him when you did, he lost quite a bit of blood. Did you see what happened to him?” Thunder looked at the doctor, “I have no idea, he was with a band of other ponies who claimed something about a ghost and needing a sixth just two days ago. At the end of my shift he barged in claiming ‘He’ was going to claim him just like his friends.” Mr Needles looked at his wife with a grim face.

“Thunder, do you know the story of the knight?”

Thunder nods, “Yes why do you ask?”“Well you see” Mr. Needles sits down next to his wife “His spirit still haunts the woods near by. He doesn’t come near town anymore luckily, but if this lad here means what he says, then we will be seeing him soon.”Thunder looked at the doctor with a crazed look “With all respect, how come I never heard of this? Who do we call? A ghost hunter? Is there one near by?”

“Sadly not, you will need to go tell the guard this now. I expect this night to be eventful.”

Thunder nodded and began to head for the door, “If he wakes up get as much information from him so we can let the guards know. I hope we can stop the ghost.” Thunder then began to head for the guards of FilliesGroove to let them know of the knighted ghost to return.

Preparing For An Eventful Night.

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As Thunder hooves runs through the small town he started calling home toward the guard barracks, he noticed the rain started to come down more. Passing the tavern toward the west end of town he came upon the barracks. Pounding on the door yelling to whoever is inside “Hey! Anybody awake in there?”

After a few moments with only rain and the rumble of thunder, the door opened up to a tired looking pony. “Hey kid, ponies are trying to sleep what is the -”

“Look,” Thunder interrupted him “we have a badly injured pony with Mr. Needles, looks like he was attacked, and not by wild animals. Did you guys see him come through the gates before they closed?”

“Look, we closed those gates over an hour ago, back when the storm started. Only ponies who came in today were those that came in today, were the people who already live here who go out and explore the wild.” The guard let Thunder in out of the rain. “Was the pony a pegasus?”

Thinking back to only a few moments ago. “Yes, one of the ones who was in the tavern the other night. Went out looking for this ‘ghost knight’. He said all this friends were killed, and the ghost is coming for him next.”

A few other guards awake now due to their conversation. One of the few unicorn guards spoke up “Thunder, that is an old foals tale. There is no ghost in the woods.”

Thunder shook his head, “I never believed it either, but he was attacked by somepony. Those wounds are not ones a wild wolf or bear makes. Plus both him and his buddies were well equipped. I doubt they would get over taken by a bear or a pack of wolves.”

The head guardsman stepped forward, “Thunder, look, we will form a small band of volunteer ponies to look around the area to see if we can find his buddies, but not till after the rain.”

Soon as he finished speaking a loud high pitched scream was heard. All the ponies grabbed their ears trying to block it out, but it was as if the scream pierced their skull directly into their brains.

“Okay on second thought….guards gear up and get ready. We are under attack! Whisper, I want you to send a distress call to the nearest city yesterday! Private Armor I want you to take Thunder to the armory, get him a weapon, we need all the hooves we can get.”

The head guard started barking orders left and right as Thunder Mark and Private Armor headed down to the armory with the other guardsmen.


Mr. Needles finished bandaging up his newest patient. “Don’t worry lad, you are safe now. Thunder went to talk to the guards.”

As Mr. Needles started packing up his tools a high pitched scream was heard. Grabbing his head to block out the noise he knew what was about to happen. “Oh dear….honey! Get my other set of tools out, I fear tonight is going to be more than eventful!”


Thunder looked over his set of armor he just finished putting on. Private Armor just finished putting his on also and then started looking around. “Curses, forgot we had no spare weapons. You don’t by any chance know how to use a crossbow do you?” Thunder shook his head. “Buck it. Going to break protocol here.”

Private Armor walked over to the locked area where Breakers hammer was kept while they were here. He unlocked one of the lockers and pulled out a sword. “Here, we keep weapons that visitors have, these are the ones that either they forgotten about, or they died while here and their next of kin never claimed them.”

Thunder Mark looked at the dark steel blade. To him it looked like any other sword so he strapped the scabbard on and followed Private Armor back upstairs.

Upstairs the once sleeping area for the guard ponies was turned into what Thunder could imagine as a war room. The captain had a map of the town drawn on a bed sheet and had areas marked off with numbers. “Perfect, looking good Thunder, now both of you are going to Area 4, that’s on the East side of town. Stay there, stab anything that tries to stab you. We have 5 hours till help arrives from the closest city. The storm prevents any pegasus from flying in the fast way.”

Both of them nodding Thunder and Armor trotted over to their area, the town looks different than before they went down stairs. Lights were a lit with magical light. Ponies who Thunder have grown to know seem to suddenly have weapons and armor on. It’s as if these nice wonderful ponies suddenly turned into warriors in the span of a 30 minutes.

Passing Mr. Needles home Thunder took a look inside, he saw the injured pegasus on the bed, but no Mr. or Mrs. Needles was seen. He hoped they would be alright. He also hoped that they weren't really under attack.

Arriving at their designated area, Thunder saw two other ponies with him. One was the local baker who had a mace on him. The other was one of the few guard pegasi, he had a crossbow and a couple daggers on him. Giving each other nods, Armor spoke up. “Captain said 5 hours to hold out. You both know protocol. Loafy, you stick next to Thunder, Wendy, you are our eye in the sky. Thunder, just stay back and get anything we miss got it?”

The same high pitched scream from before returned, every poony grabbing their heads trying to block out the sound. Just as sudden as it started, the screech stopped. Looking to make sure his friends, he suddenly realized something.

“Hey, you guys hear that?” Thunder asked.

“Thunder, I don’t hear anything, I am pretty sure I can hear less because of it!” Loafy said.

“No that’s the thing, listen. There is no sound at all, you don’t hear the storm, or the normal sounds from the woods.”

Suddenly realizing he is right they all looked up over the wall. Looking into the darkness they saw nothing but falling rain. Looking at each other tensions high they heard it. No, a lot of it, more than one singular it. The sound of a thousand pairs of wings flapping. No, wait, a thousand pairs of wings buzzing.

Private armor put the face of his helmet down drawing his falchion. “Here they come guys, stay frosty!”

Suddenly a wave of black and green came over the wall and Thunder Mark knew without a doubt, tonight would be an eventful night.