Nova and The Doctor

by anonymous17

First published

After Derpy is badly injuried the Doctor gains a new comapion

After investigating a tragic lumber hostage situation Derpy is seriously injured and has to take five weeks off of time travling. During these five weeks the Doctor meets Alicorn Princess Nova daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Cappuccino. This is their adventures together.

NOTE: This is not a shipping fic between the Doctor and an OC. They are just pals in this.


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Derpy struggled against the bounds that held her in place. She felt the weight on her chest grew heavier as she was moved closer and closer towards the huge vent. It’s spinning blades cutting through the materials before her that were fed into it to bits. She screamed out for her Doctor as the black spots from the light danced over her vision which at the moment seemed somewhat focused. She closed her eyes as hot tears fell from her face to the metal below. She would never see her Muffins that she loved so dearly again. What would happen to them? What would happen to her Doctor she loved so dearly? She began sobbing as the slicing sounds reached her ears. She took in a deep breath and looked up to the sound of a muffled cry. She saw him, her Doctor and felt joy rise into her heart only to be stopped abruptly when she felt a tug on her tail. She looked down and saw what she wished wasn’t true. The blade tore up her tail quickly causing her to scream in pain when it reached the tendril her tail came from. She looked back up and saw the Doctor used his Sonic to stop the machine. Once he did that though the guards that had been watching her slow demise only seconds before went after him. She was lying there vertically and could feel gravity staring to take its toll on her body as the straps that had held her in place started to loosen. She tried shaking her wings free but they still were strapped tightly to her body. She felt tears come over her again as her left front leg fell first. She tried moving it to stop the others, but her movements were clumsy and slow at best. She felt her back legs fall next as her breathing quickened and tears fell to the waiting blades below. Even if they had stopped moving they still were a big danger to her if she fell on them. Her right front leg tried desperately to hold on but it was already too late. She looked up and saw the Doctor fighting off the guards. She felt cool tears run down her cheeks as she called out for him again. He looked down and they made eye contact before she feel and the world went black.

Derpy woke up with a sore head. She opened her eyes only to have two fillies fling their arms around her neck. She heard them both shout Mommy and she knew exactly who they were. She had been wrong; she was able to see her muffins again after all.
“Muffins! Oh how mommy missed you!” She hugged them back even if she was still a little sore. They pulled back and Derpy could tell they had both been crying.
“How are you mommy?” Derpy turned to her youngest
“I’m fine. I’m just happy I get to see my muffins again.” She responded as tears of her own feel down her cheeks. Then it hit her “Dinky where’s your father?”
“I’m right here.” A voice responded from the doorway. Derpy turned expecting to see her husband smiling but instead he wasn’t. Something about him seemed off.
“Sparkler, why don’t you and your sister go tell the Doctor I’m awake ok?” Sparkler nodded as she and Dinky turned to leave the room. The Doctor came in to sit beside Derpy.
“How are you feeling?” He asked her.
“I’m fine. How are you?” He looked up at her.
“I thought you were dead… I killed them. All of them and brought you here thinking maybe they could do something, that’s when I found out you were still alive.” Derpy felt herself gasp.
“A-all of them? Doctor they still had other ponies trapped a-and you…?” She couldn’t bring herself to finish. He didn’t respond and they sat there in silence for a long while.
“I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault this happened.” He said looking up at her. She almost burst into tears again as she wrapped her forelegs around her Doctor’s neck, hugging him tightly. He hugged her back.

A week later…
“Ok now you better promise!” Said Derpy sternly but jokingly at the same time “Five weeks time and I want you back here.” The Doctor nodded his head. He had spent the last week with Derpy at the hospital and now that she was back home she had insisted he take the five weeks she needed to rest off.
“I promise! I’ll be back in time for supper.” She smiled waving him off as he disappeared into the TARDIS and it disappeared with the whirring noise as it always does.

First Meetings are Always Fun (part 1)

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Nova stretched her wings outward then let them settle at her sides. She breathed in the cool summer night air as she looked out at the stars. They felt so close to her heart but yet so far from her body. She was suddenly pulled from her ‘day’ dreaming coming from below in the garden. She looked down and was surprised too see a large blue box with the words ‘POLICE BOX’ written on the sides all along the top. She glided down looking it up and down. She knocked on the door only for it to creak open. She peeked her head inside and was soon drawn into it.

The Doctor ran as fast as his hoofs could carry him. His sonic was buzzing in his mouth as he kept turning back trying to get a clear shot at the rapid skeleton dogs chased after him. Finally he got a clear shot at the leader only for another to take it place. He looked forward and saw the TARDIS. He pushed himself to his limits reaching the TARDIS just before a skeleton dog launched itself at the closed TARDIS doors. He breathed a sigh of relief as he set down an oddly shaped and glowing object. He moved over to TARDIS control and set off again the whirring sound ringing out clear as outside the TARDIS faded from that place in time. The Doctor sat down on the sofa like thing that was on top of a spring. He sat peacefully letting his hearts calm down when a head peek out from behind the other side of the control panel of the TARDIS. At first he didn’t notice but then a clanking sound brought him back and he was surprised to see another pony standing a little bit from him. His eyes went wide with shock “What?”
“Hi…” She replied sheepishly “Sorry I snuck onto your… box. Hey how are you able to get it to be bigger on the inside. I’ve never heard of this kind of magic before.”
“B-but… What?”
“Excuse me, sir?” Finally he snapped out of it.
“How did you get on here?”
“Well your box was parked in my garden so I decided to take a look.”
“Ok… Hi I’m the Doctor.” He said regaining his composure and happy attitude.
“Doctor who?”
“Just the Doctor and you are?”
“I’m Nova.”
“Nice to meet you Nova.” He extended a hoof in greeting Nova taking it cautiously.
“You too and mind telling me what is that?” She said arching an eyebrow and pointing with a hoof towards the glowing object.
“Oh that. Not sure really but looks interesting doesn’t it?”
“Yeah I guess but why would you just take it?” She asked. He seemed to take a pleasure in all of this, taking an object without knowing what it is. She had never met anypony like this one before.
“Well about a day ago the TARDIS, this thing your standing in right now, had detected a single coming from here. And guess where the single was coming from?” He said enthusiastically picking up the object with his hoof before setting it down on the control panel of the TARDIS “This thing right here!” He yanked out his sonic screwdriver and held it in his mouth as he began to scan the glowing object.
“Uh what’s that?” He looked up.
“Oh this? It’s my sonic screwdriver.” He replied while still holding the sonic screwdriver in his mouth. He turned back and finished his scans on it only for it to make a beep. He spit it out into his hoof only to shot “AHA!”
“What? Do you know what it is?” Nova asked flowing him as he moved to the other side of the control panel flicking up two switches and turning a lever.
“Why yes I do Miss Nova. It’s an egg!” The TARDIS shook violently as the two held on for dear life.
“An egg but how!”
“OH just you wait Miss Nova! Cause we are taking this egg back to its source!” She groaned in reply.
“Oh joy!”