Diamond Tiara Takes Over Equestria

by PaintedNovel455

First published

Diamond Tiara is a killer. She always had been. But now things are taking a dark, sadistic turn. And nopony is safe.

AN UNOFFICAL OFFICAL SEQUEL TO DIARY OF A BULLY: Princess Celestia had a silly, light-hearted raffle, to turn a random foal into an alicorn into a day. However, Diamond Tiara is no ordinary foal. She spends her time killing other foals and she has no regrets. So when she has the chance to become an alicorn, she takes. Oh Celestia, the world is in peril.

Contains(Pretty Much Everything I Said I Would Never Write): Rape, Slut, Necro, Mind Break, Mind Control, Bondage, Extreme Gore, Futa, Impregnation, Public Sex, and Fighting.

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Diamond Tiara Takes Over Equestria

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Diamond Tiara smiled, tossing the dismembered body parts of her classmate, Sonic Bullet in a shallow grave. She lifted her saddlebag onto her back and trotted toward the Town Hall building.

Aside from Missing posters nothing had changed. Mayor Mare stood behind a table. Today, was a special day. A week ago Princess Celestia promised to let ONE foal become an alicorn for a day. Next to Mayor Mare there were five other foals, who had one raffles in their own cities.

Each day, a foal from each city would win the raffle. Then at the end all of the previous winners would compete against each other. Now it was time for Ponyville to choose a representatives.

Diamond had rigged the raffle so that she would definitely win. Diamond truly was smarter than she looked.

“And the raffle number is: One, Five, Two, Two, Three, Four!” Mayor called. The crowd let out a collective, “awww.”

But Diamond strode onto stage, she tossed her mane behind her shoulder. “That would be me!”

Mayor Mare shook her hoof, “congratulations, now a second raffle to see which one gets to be the alicorn.”

Diamond Tiara had rigged the second one as well. So she definitely one. Diamond took note of all the other foals on stage.

“YOU WON DIAMOND TIARA,” Mayor gleamed. “Any words!”

“I’m so excited!” Diamond lied. “I can’t wait to go to Canterlot!”

“There would be no need for that,” Princess Celestia stated, landing on the stage. “I heard enough.”

Diamond gulped, her plan was good. But was it good enough? “I-I’m the winner. TURN ME INTO AN ALICORN!!!”

Celestia giggled, “in due time. But come with me, the other princesses want to meet with you.”

Diamond grinned but it was evil, “great.” And she hopped onto Celestia’s back.

Celestia landed in a large meeting room. At the table sat Princess Twilight, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Princess Flurry Heart, who rocked in a crib nearby.

Princess Twilight stood up, “wow, Diamond Tiara you won the contest!”

Diamond stuck her nose in the air, “yep. I’m gonna change the world!” It was true, Diamond was gonna change the world, but not for the good of the world.

“Aww,” Cadence stated. “Want to meet Flurry Heart?”

“After I’m an alicorn,” Diamond jumped up. “So do it! Do it!”

Celestia giggled, “alrighty.” Celestia placed her horn against Diamond’s ribs, right where her wings would go, than the top of her head, right where her horn would go. Diamond giggled, wings sprouting from her back and a horn on her head.

Diamond Tiara rushed over to Flurry Heart, “look I’m an alicorn just like you!” Diamond focused her magic in secret. Flurry Heart was very powerful, for her magic was unstable. As Diamond drained Flurry of her magic she sang to her. Then Flurry went limp, having had her life force taken from her as well.

“She fell asleep!” Diamond gleamed, power coursing through her veins. Diamond light up her horn, magic wrapped around the princesses horns. “And you will join her!” Diamond began to drain the alicorns of their immense magic.

“Why,” Cadence forced out. Her cutie mark disappeared from lack of any form of magic.

“Let me spell this out for ya. I’m a killer. I’ve been one since I had nine and I’m twelve now. I’m gonna take your magic and then take over the world. Nopony is as strong as you guys.

“Wrong.” Cadence sneered, “all our maic equals all of Equestria’s magic.”

Diamond slapped her, “you mean, you, Luna, Celestia, and Twilight. But now I have Flurry Heart’s magic. And it’s MUCH more powerful than your’s, since it’s raw magic.”

“You won’t get away with this…” Twilight stated.

“Oh,” Diamond smirked, getting ready to steal their life force. “I already have.”

Diamond strode confidently onto the balcony, overlooking the entire city of Canterlot. In fact the entire population of Canterlot were there, having being gathered to be introduced to the winner of the Alicorn contest. Diamond levitated the princesses served heads into the air for all to see.

The crowd erupted in screams, some crying, some vomiting, some seriously turned on.

“SILENCE!” Diamond shouted in the Royal Canterlot voice, but it was much louder due to her power. “I HAVE TAKEN THE MAGIC OFF THE PRINCESS! AND I PLAN TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! BUT FEAR NOT, I WON’T BE KILLING ANY OF YOU PONIES….JUST YET!” Diamond placed the heads back into her saddlebag.

“THAT IS ALL FOR NOW,” Diamond strode out of the balcony, feeling elated. But first she had to cut her ties with her friends and family back home. Diamond casted a spell on herself to make herself the height of somepony in their late teens.

She turned to her guard, Sharpshooter, “find a chariot for me. And arrange for Silver Spoon, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and my parents to be in one room.”

Sharpshooter nodded, he found Diamond Tiara to be terrifying now that she was queen. Diamond Tiara turned to the maid, “have somepony make a crown for me out of pure silver.” She pointed to the one on her head, “this isn’t enough.”

Diamond looked to the second guard, “get wing dye. I feel like dying my wings the way Cadence did. Make the color grey.”

Diamond looked to the garbage pony, “you carry me to my room.”

Diamond Tiara decided to live in Celestia’s room. Using her magic, she made the walls a soft pink and the carpet a slightly dark pink. She turned the tapestry to pictures of her. And the bed became a king sized one, with transparent pink curtains covering it.

It was the room Diamond always wanted. Diamond summoned a bookshelf into existence in the corner of the room. It was filled with many magical spells. Her plan was to kill all the neighboring species, than kill most of Equestria. And whoever managed to survive the slaughter would be forced into slavery. It was a perfect plan. Diamond Tiara would throw the world off it’s wack.

Diamond sat a comfortable armchair that she created, and began to read Starswirl’s spell book. Most of them were unfinished, but Diamond simply used her magic to finish them. It was an interesting read and Diamond learned so much.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Diamond sighed, and fastened her saddlebag over her back. She then opened the door.

A maid stood nervously at the door, “y-your r-ride is ready. PLEASE DON’T KILL ME!”

Diamond grinned, “thank you.” Diamond strutted down the hall and toward the awaiting chariot. She sat down, “ugh. This chair is uncomfortable! I’m gonna kill however made it!”

However, she still allowed them to take her to Ponyville. There she was lead into a room, with all her friends and family.

“DIAMOND WHY ARE WE TIED UP! WHY DID YA KILL THE PRINCESSES!” Apple Bloom asked, who was tied to a chair, along with the rest of them.

“Diamond, dear untie us.” Her Mother stated calmly.

“Fuck no,” Diamond sneered. “There’s so many nasty things I wanted to say to you, and now I can!”

“You’re being a bully,” Scootaloo whined.

Diamond let out a mirthless laugh, that was absolutely chilling. “THAT’S WAS POINT FROM THE START! I’m so glad this is happening, I always wanted to tear the world apart, just like how I teared Rainbow’s adoption papers apart.”

“What,” Scootaloo was crying now.

“She tried to adopt you once, but I destroyed her papers!” Diamond laughed. “And you Sweetie Belle!”

Sweetie was sobbing, the ropes digging deep into her flesh. Not only that but her horn was served.

“I’ll make your death long and painful,” Diamond stated. “And Father! You were to busy to spend time with me, but now I’ll torture you more painful than Sweetie Belle, then I’ll revive you and do it again!” Diamond dropped her saddlebag and pulled out a knife, she started toward Scootaloo and sliced the rope holding her down.

Diamond than pinned Scootaloo to the floor, and began to hack her wings off. Blood splattered Diamond’s face and body. Her horn sparkled and a long cock appeared between her legs. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle gagged at the sight. But they were crying heavily, so they couldn’t see much.

Diamond rammed her new cock into Scootaloo’s virgin cunt. Making sure to be as rough as possible. Diamond left one of Scootaloo’s legs up, giving her prisoners a great view. Diamond picked up her speed, going so fast Scootaloo started to bleed.

“STOP IT! STOP!” Scootaloo whined.

Diamond stood up, cock still deep inside Scootaloo. “Silver Spoon, you’re my best friend! Do you want to rape anypony?”

Silver Spoon gulped. What Diamond Tiara was doing to Scootaloo had been one of her deepest desires.“YES! Please, make me an alicorn and give me a cock!”

Diamond shook her head, “you have to earn being an alicorn.” Diamond’s horn glowed, and Silver’s restrains disappeared, and a long cock appeared between her legs. However, she also grew to be the same height as Diamond Tiara.

Diamond grinned and turned her attention back to Scootaloo. Silver Spoon undid the rope around Applebloom. “No, don’t rape me. Ah won’t bother you guys, Ah’ll live in ta Everfree Forest and never come out!”

Silver shook her head, “then I won’t get off in your perfect plump ass.” Silver Spoon spun Apple Bloom around, who was sobbing loudly. Silver Spoon aimed her cock at Apple Bloom’s ass.

“NO! Not there,” Apple Bloom knew enough about sex to know it’d hurt like hell to be raped there. However, Silver Spoon ignored her. She rammed her cock deep inside Apple Bloom then pulled out. Only to ram it back in with great speed.

Diamond had finished Scootaloo’s ass, but she intended to get Scootaloo pregnant. Diamond flipped Scootaloo onto her back, who had given up on fighting. Diamond forced her way into Scootaloo again. And she began to pound the orange cunt once more.

It was several hours later, and everypony in the room had been raped, some more than five times. Diamond and Silver laid in a puddle of cum and blood. Silver Spoon was an alicorn know, having proven her worth.

Diamond stood up, she picked up a few collars with long chains attached to it, the chains lead to a leather grip. Almost like a leash. She attached them to the necks of Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, her mother, and an unlucky female guard.

Diamond poked Silver Spoon’s ribs, “Wakey, wakey. We have a great, exciting life ahead of us. We’re gonna take over the world. From now on ANYPONY alive or dead will be our cock socks!”

The Elements Are Finished

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Ever since The Diamond Takeover, as ponies refer to Diamond Tiara’s successful takeover of Equestria, the castle had been more busy than it had in centuries. Maids cleaned like their lives depended on it, which it did. Chefs cooked meals fit for a queen.

Equestria was fully aware of DT’s acts, and they knew she would try to attack the elements, giving that Rarity had killed herself and her family. Saying, “it was for their protection.”

Anyway, they had a special room, where their rape prisoners were kept. Diamond grinned and tugged at Scootaloo’s leash, who was showing obvious signs of impregnation. “We have to keep you well fed. I don’t want my kid to be born weak! Like you. Your lucky I cut off your wings. They were just excess weight!”

“Maybe I’ll have the chef prepare some daisy sandwiches for you,” Diamond paused. “But knowing him, he’ll just rape you. I swear, if your foal belongs to him, I’ll torture him in ways he never thought possible.”

Diamond dragged Scootaloo toward Silver Spoon’s room. She knocked twice and Silver Spoon came to the door, an excited grin on her face.

“What are we doing today,” Silver asked excitedly.

“We need all the magic we can get. So we’re going after Discord and The Elements of Harmony,” Diamond smiled.

“RAINBOW DASH!” Scootaloo said, suddenly.

“Yep, that’s exactly who you’re gonna be rapeing,” Diamond stated firmly. “Anyway. Let’s go!”

They arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage an hour later. Discord and Fluttershy were chatting and eating cucumber sandwiches.

Diamond Tiara burst down the door with her magic. Fluttershy flinched, “you’re still an alicorn?”

“Yep. And I will be for a long time. Twilight’s dead. And so are the other princesses.” Diamond stated.

Fluttershy gasped, tears immediately streaming down her her face. Discord growled, nopony makes Fluttershy cry. However, before he could react Diamond’s magic filled his head. Making him think the way she did. Now he wanted nothing more than to rape Fluttershy.

Silver Spoon stepped forward. “Do you want to rape her, Discord?”

Discord nodded, “yes.”

“Do it,” Diamond stated, filling his head with more magic, a band of magic wrapping around his head briefly. Discord stalked forward, toward the cowering pegus.

“Discord, you don’t want to do this!” Fluttershy begged, as more magic filled Discord’s head.

“I do,” Discord snatched Fluttershy up and turned her around. He buried his muzzle in her cunt and took long sniffs. His forked tongue slithered deep into her folds. Lathering her vulva, labia, and everything else in thick layers of spit. Fluttershy moaned loudly, she cummed right onto Discords tongue and he set her down. His two cocks throbbed wildly. He buried them deep in Fluttershy’s ass, she sobbed.

“DISCORD IT HURTS!” She cried out.

“That’s the point,” Discord moaned, as he began fucking her. He’d push himself in, her labia stretching around his cocks, then push up and out. Fluttershy’s walls clenched tight around his cock as he pulled out. Discord rammed his cocks back in, his body began to grind against her body, and his cocks against her cervix painfully until they popped in.

Diamond Tiara couldn’t help herself. She grabbed Silver Spoon’s flanks and rammed deep inside her. Silver Spoon squealing loudly.

Discord grinned at the two as he picked up speed. His rams making lewd wet slapping sounds. Fluttershy sobbed as Angel bounded in front her. Suddenly, he grew to the size of a colt and rammed his cock into her mouth, her neck bulging outward.

Fluttershy tried to push her tongue aside, but only succeeded in giving Angel an unwilling blowjob. All at once, Discord and Angel came. Cum surged down her throat and filled her stomach and womb with cum. Angel yelped and ran away, seeing that look in Discord’s eyes.

With a loud snap, Smooze, a large slimy blob appeared in front Fluttershy. Discord placed Fluttershy on his lap and forced her jaw open. In a torrent of green slime, Fluttershy was inflated like a balloon. Slime filled her stomach and mixed with the cum that was already there. Fluttershy gagged and began to vomit, which rushed up and was forced down by the slime.

Discord pulled out of Fluttershy, pushing her aside, the slime splattering against his chest and face. He relished his afterglow, cock throbbing hard as he mastrubated.

Diamond sneered. “Anyway, I’m gonna need your magic.”

Discord took a step back as Diamond drained him of his magic. It was just enough for him to feel regret for what he had done. “NO!” Discord rushed to Fluttershy. Discord was interrupted by his own wails. “I’m sorry Fluttershy, I’ll fix you-”

Diamond laughed at his cries, and drained him of his chaotic magic. Half of it went to Silver Spoon. After they were down, they could create things out of thin air. Diamond stood behind Discord. She wrapped her front hooves around his waist and pushed his legs apart.

Grinning evilly, she penetrated his ass. One hoof on his still-hard cock. “You feel good… former king of chaos. But that title goes it me, and soon every other title you give to somepony of power. I’m changing the world.” She pulled back and rammed back in, biting into his neck, as she began to hammer Discord. Her legs trembled. And she couldn’t hold back the torrent of pleasure that escaped her cock. Diamond created a knife, in a pink glow of magic, inside Discord’s heart and he was gone.

She turned to Fluttershy and grinned evilly.

Diamond stood back, blood staining her fur as she licked her lips. Silver Spoon right next to her. “Who next?”

“Applejack,” Diamond Tiara stated. She teleported Apple Bloom in front her, who was covered in dried cum and blood. “Hello, Apple Bloom. We’re gonna see your sister.”

The trio came to the apple farm moments later. Applejack rushed to Apple Bloom as they walked into the kitchen. “What? Why are you tied up?” Applejack attempted to untie the chains leading to Apple Bloom’s collar. Which said, ‘Cock Sock.’ But it gave her an intense shock that stunned her, making her paralyzed.

“What the- Ah can’t move,” Applejack yelped.

“Duh,” Diamond stated. She towered above Applejack. “You better enjoy this.” Diamond Tiara spread Applejack’s legs apart.

“What in tarnation are ya doin’,” Applejack screamed. Diamond ignored her and penetrated her dry pussy. Her labia stretched wide and Applejack’s cherry popped painfully. Her whole body convulsed as she began to sob.

“This is wrong,” Diamond admitted. And Applejack gave a relieved sigh. “We should do this in public.” Applejack didn’t have time to scream as they were teleported into the middle of Ponyville market. Ponies screamed, but any who charged the pink foal were put down by a blast of magic to the chest, delivered by Silver Spoon’s horn.

Diamond lifted both of Applejack’s legs, and began to pound her at different angles. Soon Diamond was pounded against Applejack’s cervix, and she pushed through and into her womb. Blood drooled out and pooled onto the floor.

Anypony who had passed by, ran away. And quickly there were police on the scene. But not even they bothered to help the poor farmer. Diamond Tiara grinned and viciously bite Applejack’s hoof, she tore away a piece of fur, she spat it to the ground and moved to eat Applejack’s flesh.

Applejack wailed, not being able to even writhe. Diamond Tiara ripped more flesh away and swallowed it whole. As she did this, her cock doubled and was know ramming painfully into every hole on Applejack’s clit and ass.

“STOP!” A mare yelled from the sideline. Silver Spoon ground her teeth and advanced on the mare, who began to cower. Silver yanked the mare’s tail and pinned her to the ground. She lined up her cock perfectly, and anally raped her. Her silver cock pounding in the mare’s unwilling anus.

Diamond finally finished in Applejack’s sore womb, but she kept going. Her cock head hammer the sensitive flesh of Applejack’s wound. Cum and blood drooled out and mixed in a puddle below. Diamond twisted Applejack’s limbs in her magic and ripped them off in a shower of blood.

Quickly, Diamond casted a spell on Applejack so that she wouldn’t bleed out. Diamond cummed a second time in the convulsing mare. Applejack was now gasping for air after Diamond began to strangle her. Diamond’s hooves crushing her esophagus. Applejack choked on her own tears, which Diamond leaned down to lick playfully.

Suddenly, her cockheads became razorsharp and tore at the inside of Applejack’s womb, cum stepping into her organs. Applejack wailed and writhed, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. Diamond pulled out and motioned for Applebloom to come closer, Applebloom hung her head.

“Ah’m sorry sis,” Applebloom she leaned down and began to sick her sister’s sore clit. The salvia stung Applejack’s flesh. Her tongue wiggled into Applejack’s shredded labia, causing a great deal of pain. Applejack screamed, which made Applebloom jerk herself backward.

“Ah sorry sis,” she wailed. Diamond slammed Applebloom’s muzzle back into her sister’s cunt, Applejack flinched.

“Don’t do dis,” she groaned. “Let Applebloom decide!”

Diamond grinned, “okay. And if she doesn’t choose you, then I’ll fuck you with a cock made out of barbed wire.”

Applebloom whimpered, “Ah’ll do it,” and she reluctantly began licking again. Her tongue dug deeper and deeper in Applejack. With lewd slurps, Apple Bloom ate out her sister. Torn flesh was accidently swallowed down in gulps of blood.

Applejack ground her teeth against the pain she knew was coming, but it didn’t. She looked around shocked.

“What? Even tyrants are honest,” Diamond Tiara chuckled.

Silver Spoon wrapped a leather collar around Applejack’s neck, she then used her magic to heal Applejack for now. And with a mighty flap of their alicorn wings, they took off. Leaving the carnage behind. Applebloom and Applejack began dragged along below.

At this point all of Ponyville was aware of Diamond Tiara’s ramage. Because of this, ponies hide inside their homes. However Pinkie Pie wasn’t aware so her bedroom door was wide-open. Silver Spoon entered, a wide grin on her face, and she was sporting a healthy cock.

“Silver Spoon, what are you doing here,” Pinkie’s smile fell. “Why are you so tall? And why...do you have...that!?”

Silver grinned, she was standing over the party pony now, “I love raping ponies. It feels amazing.”

“Don’t hurt the Cakes,” Pinkie begged. Silver chuckled, she hadn’t even thought about them until now.

“Oh I will,” Silver laughed. She trotted over to Pinkie’s dresser. She found a case full of aerosol whipped cream. She took one in a silvery glow of magic. Silver trotted back over to the stuck mare. She pushed the tip of the can into the pink one’s cunt and pushed down. Whipped cream filled her pussy.

Pinkie moaned as Silver pushed the bottle deeper. Pinkie Pie’s walls clenched the bottle as it was slowly rammed into her. Eventually, her womb expanded as it was filled with cream. The bottle emptied and was ripped out of her.

“Keep going,” Pinkie Pie moaned. Silver stroked her poofy mane.

“Later,” Silver Spoon trotted downstairs, knowing full well Pinkie Pie would not leave. Downstairs, the Cake’s were in the kitchen. Their foals in a playpen nearby.

“You two come with me,” Silver snapped.

“What?” Cup Cake asked.

“Come with me, are you deaf?” Silver asked. The Cakes shared confused glances before following Silver Spoon back upstairs, the Cake Twins on Carrot’s back.

Cup gasped as she saw Pinkie Pie, she rushed to the party pony. “What did she do to you?”

“Get away from her,” Silver snapped. Cup Cake felt truly scared, she rushed to hide behind her husband.

Silver pointed a wing to Carrot Cake, “on the bed.” Carrot Cake hurried over to the bed as ordered, he leaped up and spread his legs for the gray alicorn. “Be gentle.”

Silver grinned and advanced on him, “I won’t be.” Silver Spoon pushed between Carrot’s leg and into his ass. Silver began to ram into him and various angles, diving deeper with each thrust. She caught his limbs in her magical grip and ripped them off effortlessly. Cup Cake and Pinkie began to scream and sob. However, Carrot Cake grounded his teeth, his breathing staggered. Silver picked up speed, ramming into his sensitive flesh. Shortly after she blew her load, cum dripping out his ass as she pulled out with a loud slurp.

“Who’s next,” Silver asked, now everypony was cowering in fear. “Nopony want to volunteer? Pound Cake! You’re next!”

“NO, TAKE ME!” Pinkie shouted.

“Alrighty,” Silver giggled, she trotted over to Pinkie and grabbed her pink FLAT mane. She dragged her to the window and in her magical glow, she levitated a garden house into the house. Silver rammed the hose into Pinkie’s wet cunt and turned it on, water filled her womb. As it did, Silver went behind her and mounted, ramming wildly into Pinkie’s tailhole.

The foals were sobbing loudly, which only made the torture much more hot. Silver wished Diamond Tiara was here with her, her dominant and spicy attitude would make this amazing.

Meanwhile, Diamond Tiara was rocketing through the clear blue sky. She could see the Wonderbolt Headquarters, she grinned to herself, already getting hard at what she had planned. Diamond stepped through the open window in the locker room and found Rainbow Dash taking a shower.

Rainbow Dash was humming a song from a foal’s show and her eyes were closed. Diamond carefully moved behind the blue mare, her body pressed against her back and her legs opened wide, cock inches from her ass.

Rainbow stiffened, “Soarin’ get off me!” She began to turn off the water.

Diamond pouted, “you think I’m Soarin’?”

Rainbow Dash spun around, “Diamond Tiara!?”

“Sssh,” Diamond stated, she pulled off her saddlebag and dug around for a simple black bowtie. “I have an offer for you.”

“What kind of an offer?”

“I’m killing off the Elements of Harmony.” Diamond let her words sink in and when they did, Rainbow gasped. “But I like you. Your tough, and you do what you want. But you let your element cloud your judgement and stop you from getting everything you can have. Forget your friends, and belong to me. And I’ll let you live and torture your enemies.”

Rainbow Dash pondered this, then a crazed smile stretched across her face, “is Applejack still alive?”

“Yup, you can have a go at her after me,” Diamond stated. “And put this on.” Diamond tossed the bowtie to Rainbow Dash, who tied it around her neck. Little did she know as long as she had it on, she was slowly morphing into a sadistic, pain-loving slut.


“Great,” Diamond said, and a hot branding iron appeared under her wing, it was molding into a D and T. “Now, I need to mark you as my own. Then we can have fun!”

Rainbow Dash grinned, the effects of the collar making her cunt grow damp. She raised her rump into the air. Diamond smiled kindly and pressed the brand into her flank. Rainbow groaned as the iron sizzled at her flesh and burned her fur, steam rose from her flanks was the water was evaporated.

Rainbow moaned as released a torrent of fresh cum, that dripped down her thighs. Diamond Tiara moved to the next flank, pushing much more firmly due to the loss of heat. Finally, the label DT was bold on Rainbow’s flank, distracting from her actual cutie mark.

“Great, now who here do you want to torture?” Diamond stated, moving a hoof to calm her throbbing shaft.

“Lighting Dust. They said she was gonna be kicked out, but the very next day they let her back in!” Rainbow Dash grumbled, “I also want Spitfire, Fleet Floot, Storm Chaser, and Soarin’ just to torture him.”

Diamond giggled, her horn glowing brightly. Suddenly Lightning Dust was teleported in front her, it seemed like she had been flying. “Wait, what?!” She sputtered.

Rainbow Dash began to circle Lighting, “I always envied you from afar. You were so good. I knew you would replace me in a matter of weeks.” Suddenly, Diamond Tiara moved behind Dash, pushing her cock into her anus.

Rainbow ground her hips against Diamond Tiara as she continued on, “mmm...I’m gonna fuck you so hard. You’ll be my cock-sock for eternity. I’ll ALWAYS be on top of you.”

Sadly, Diamond pulled out. “I have a stretch spell that we can put on her. Then we can slide into her womb no problem. It will be like we’re fetuses again.”

RD licked her lips excitedly, Lighting bolted for the door but was quickly brought down by the same spell Applejack got, which paralyzed her. Rainbow Dash dragged her back and forced her legs apart as Diamond Tiara casted the stretch spell on her.

Rainbow kissed Diamond Tiara deeply, before crawling toward Lightning’s pussy. She pushed her hoof into her pussy, which stretched around her hoof, she then pushed her head in, Lighting groaning in pain. Rainbow pulled her hooves in front her and pulled her cervix to either side of her and slide inside. Finally, Rainbow was finally inside her womb.

Diamond groaned and moved forward, however she didn’t enter right away. She rammed her cock inside Lighting’s pussy, fucking Lighting, and Rainbow Dash all at once. Diamond moaned as she rolled her hips, eyes locked on the terrified mare.

Diamond Tiara blew her load onto Rainbow Dash’s back and flank before pushing herself inside. They could still breathe the blood and cum as if it were air so they didn’t have to worry about that.

Diamond kissed Rainbow deeply, their tongues meet in a tight embrace. They felt so warm in Lighting’s womb, it was like they were wrapped in a blanket. Rainbow lifted one of her legs to wrap around Diamond’s hip. In turn Diamond thrusted into her, making sure to be as rough as possible. Not only to hurt Rainbow Dash, but to cause unpleasant movement in Lightning’s womb.

“I’m gonna get you pregnant the same way I got Scootaloo pregnant,” Diamond began, finding that Rainbow Dash was too far gone to care for anypony, unless Diamond told her to care. “She’s about to pop any moment now. In fact, I bet her water broke right now. I’ll put a charm on her to make her even more sensitive.”

Rainbow Dash only moaned louder, as Diamond’s pink cock pushed through her cervix, depositing a load of cum. Her stomach swelled as magical fertile cum filled her womb past it’s limits. Diamond then pulled out and filled Lighting’s womb with the same cum.

Next, they slide out with a lewd slurp, covered in blood and cum. Rainbow gasped, sucking in the cold crisp air, she loved breathing blood but air was much better. She then shivered, no longer in the warmth of Lighting womb.

In fact, Lighting was a mess. Her skin was wrinkled and stretched out, which laid out flat on the floor next to her. Blood and cum dripped out of her wide pussy. Suddenly, Spitfire screamed for she had just walked in, Fleet Foot close behind.

Rainbow rushed over to them and punched them in the face, stunning them briefly so that Diamond could paralyze them with her magic. Again, Rainbow Dash dragged their bodies over to Diamond Tiara.

“Who do you want,” Diamond asked kindly.

“Spitfire,” she stated. Spitfire screamed, but a ball gag was rammed it her mouth, created by Diamond Tiara’s chaos magic. Rainbow Dash licked her lips and positioned her new cock over Spitfire’s pussy, she pushed the tip inside, popping her cherry. Spitfire attempted to move, to struggle, to scream, but all to no avail.

Spitfire was the lucky one, for Diamond’s cock had a sharp tip and was being rammed into Fleet’s three holes. Fleet was sobbing, her cervix had been shredded and her womb was next. She was being raped by a FOAL, who may look like she was 24 was only 11.

Fleet wailed as Diamond’s cock pierced her womb, “please stop!” Diamond licked her tears, spit coating her eyelashes.

“I think I won’t stop,” Diamond stated.

“You’re a killer!” Spitfire spat.

“Even before I won the contest and took over Equestria I was a killer...hmm, I wonder if I didn’t win the contest, or the contest never happened what I would be doing right now. Maybe I’d move on to adults, then to Canterlot, THEN to the princesses.” Diamond grinned as she jabbed her cock at her labia. “Or maybe...I messed up...got caught...and….executed.” She let out a slow and soft laugh, however she threw her head back and continued to laugh. Only much more loud and mirthless.

Fleet squirmed as a thin line of cum squirted out Diamond’s cock. She aimed the cock at her throat. “Or! I escaped,” she stabbed Fleet’s throat, “prison,” another stab, “went after the princesses,” stab, “took over Equestria,” two stabs, “and the rest was bucking history! HAHAHAHA!”

Diamond created a knife in her magic and began stabbing it at Fleet’s exposed flesh, relishing in the crimson blood staining her fur. She swiftly sliced Fleet’s chest open and covered herself in guts and organs, still laughing insanely.

She suddenly yanked Rainbow by her collar and stabbed her flank to the hilt. Rainbow Dash moaned as she was stabbed, her charred flesh peeling away. Diamond huffed and stared at the horrified Spitfire.

“Let’s check on...Silver Spoon.”

It was about an hour later, Pinkie’s womb swelled with water, cum, and whipped cream. Silver moaned as she unloaded painfully inside the party pony for the umteenth time, it hurt but she just couldn’t stop.

There was a sudden flash as Diamond Tiara and Rainbow Dash teleported forward. Spitfire having the same collar around her next that Rainbow had, expect if she got out of the vicinity of Diamond Tiara a powerful electric shock through her head and neck.

Silver smiled wide, she felt exhausted yet satisfied. “You’re back!” Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon shared a loving hug.

“Yeep, now that the elements are picked clean. We need to bring their corpses so that I can take their magic.” Diamond turned to Rainbow Dash, “get your friends corpses. Bring them to the Rape Dungeon in the Castle.”

Rainbow Dash shoot into the air without question, leaving a gust of wind. Diamond looked to Cup Cake, her brain had been removed and her head was now a cum bucket. Carrot’s cock had been ripped off and had been shoved into Pumpkin Cake’s cunt. And the foals were covered in cum tinted red.

Diamond Tiara turned back to Silver Spoon, “you must have had a fun day.”

“I did,” Silver laughed. “We should head back to the castle. Scootaloo is due anytime now.” no more was said as the two alicorns took flight, flying towards the setting sun, which with Diamond’s magic moved on its own.

Fight For Me

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Diamond Tiara trotted happily down the hall. Why wouldn’t she be happy? For Rainbow Dash was waiting for her in the dungeons with all five of her friends, the element bearers, corpses. Diamond’s horn glowed as she levitated the doors open, the room was dim and in a circle were the corpses of Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash stood excitedly in the middle.

Diamond stabbed Rainbow Dash with a knife she created, Rainbow squealed as she died. Diamond snickered and dragged her fuck slave to its spot in the circle. They all had their own elements wrapped around their necks and choking off any oxygen.

Diamond’s horn glowed a bright pale pink. The room was lit up to expose blood stains and dried clumps of cum. Swirls of magic shot out of the elements, red for Rainbow Dash and pink for Pinkie Pie. Diamond grinned as she devoured their souls, each having a unique flavor.

Rarity’s was chocolate mint while Applejack's was caramel.

Diamond moaned, her first orgasm of the day rocketing through her, causing her pussy to clench as it dripped cum. She devoured the soul of Twilight Sparkle, she could feel magic prick her horn and wings as she grew taller. Almost the height of Celestia.

Diamond Tiara was panting heavily by the time the spell was done, juice drooled down her thighs. She looked to Twilight Sparkle, hunger in her eyes. Her horn glowed again and Twilight convulsed with life.

“Huh,” Twilight groaned, “oh, I remember!” She suddenly leaped forward and charged her horn. An intense blanket of magic wrapped around her, cutting off the flow of her magic.

“You remember what,” Diamond asked.

“You took off Equestria. You killed me and the princesses….bu-”

“But you're alive. By my will,” Diamond snicker, chest high. “I can snuff you out, anytime and anywhere.”

Twilight squirmed, “What do you want?”

“I want classified information, the nuclear codes would be nice,” Diamond Tiara said, her horn glowed and a thick sheath formed between Twilight’s legs.

Twilight groaned, the new appendage causing great pain. “I don’t even know them! You think Celestia would tell me that?!”

“Maybe a look through your memories is in order, and I doubt that would be pleasant,” Diamond snickered.
“I don’t know,” Twilight pleaded.

“I know you don’t know. You’re just a worthless piece of trash, Celestia only kept you around because all her other friends die eventually. Once you lost your luster, I bet she’d snuff you out,” Diamond positioned her muzzle over Twilight’s sheath. She licked it playfully as it began to harden, her purple cock pushing past.

“Stop that,” Twilight said, but couldn’t help but moan, her cock flopping out. Diamond gave it one last lick and moved to stand over Twilight.

“Get ready-” there was a sudden rapid knock at the door, Diamond rushed to it and swung it open. It was a guard, tried and panting.

“Scootaloo is giving birth,” the guard wheezed.

“What!?” Twilight shouted, however, the door was slammed behind her.

“She is, that’s great,” Diamond stated, beginning to gallop alongside him. “They haven’t given her any pain meds, right?”

“Not that I know of,” the guard said firmly. Within seconds they were in Scootaloo’s hospital room. And she was indeed giving birth, her stomach was swollen and her hind legs had been spread wide. Blood and chunks of flesh were being pushed out her tight pussy.

“Cool,” Diamond said, stepping forward to join Silver Spoon.

Nurse Redheart approached her, eyes filled with worry, “she needs pain medication.”

“No way,” Diamond Tiara giggled. “We’re doing this natural birth.”

“But she’ll die without these,” Redheart pointed to a cart with the bottle of pills on it.

“And you’ll die wishing you had those if you don’t shut up,” Diamond sneered. “And as soon as that baby is born, Silver Spoon is gonna knock her up again.”

“Really,” Silver beamed.

“Please...let me have the meds...it hurts a lot,” Scootaloo cried.

“Anyway, didn’t she conceive a week ago, how is she in labor now,” Doctor Stable asked calmly.

“In every drink she had, there was a ground-up pill that would speed things up for the sake of time,” Silver explained. Suddenly, Scootaloo screamed as the foal snaked out of her cunt and flopped onto the ground. The nurses cleaned the foal and wrapped it in a warm cloth.

“It’s a filly!” Doctor Stable said proudly.

The foal was a light gold yellow, with a tiny horn, and teal eyes. Diamond cradled her foal, feeling a sense of pride.

“What should we name it,” Silver asked, her tail swishing side-to-side.

“Its name is Plastic Crown,” Diamond stated.

Silver Spoon arched and eyebrow, “plastic?”

“Yes, Scootaloo is just as worthless as a mud pony, and so is her offspring,” Diamond stated, sitting on her haunches. Her cock throbbed shamelessly as Diamond lowered the newborn onto her cock, the underdeveloped pussy stretched wide until it ripped, blood dripping onto the floor.

Diamond moaned as she rammed the worthless foal onto her cock, the head hammering into its sensitive flesh, and into its soft womb. Cum squirted out Diamond’s cock and into the tight rape tunnel, filling it cum in a few short ropes of cum.

Diamond nuzzled her for one last time and placed her back into her crib, “nighty-night my rape foal.”

Meanwhile, Silver Spoon trotted up to Scootaloo. She felt somepony poke her flank, it was Doctor Stable.

“May I,” Stable asked.

“Sure,” Silver Spoon said, posting her cocktip against Scootaloo’s well-used cunt lips. Scootaloo attempted to beg, but her pleads turned into sobs as Silver’s cock slide inside. Scootaloo’s walls clenched her cock as Silver thrusted into her, bellies smacking loudly. Scootaloo bite her lip, trying hard to not show how much she liked it.

However, it was too much. She let out a loud moan and arched her back, she went all the way. “FUCK ME! YES!”

Scootaloo grinded herself against Silver Spoon, “knock me up! I want to have your children over that pink-fuck.”

Silver grinned and plunged deeper into Scootaloo. Finally, a fresh torrent of cum escaped her cock, flooding her womb and ovary. “Your such a cock-whore. I knew it.”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon exited the room. Each having very erect cocks. “Who are we raping next?” Silver asked.

“Nopony. But I do need a personal guard, somepony to fuck me. I would choose Twilight but that would cause problems after I fry her brain,” Diamond said nonchalantly. “I’ll have five colts fight to the death for me.” She said, as they continued walking.

“Who,” Silver Spoon asked.

“Button Mash, Snips and Snails, Featherweight, and Rumble Storm,” Diamond blushed.

“Rumble? That colt you had a crush on,” Silver laughed.

“Whatever, he might not even win and I can have fun raping his corpse,” Diamond said.

When Diamond Tiara said they would fight, she wasn’t kidding. The arena was actually a large dome with solid crystal floor. First was Snips against Snails. Each was armed with a longsword, but neither wanted to fight.

“Oh come on,” Silver yelled. Her horn glowed and Snips’s sword was levitated into the air and toward Snails, making it look like Snip’s was attacking him.

“Stop it Snips,” Snails whined, he spun around and his own horn radiated, the sword was knocked into the air and clattered five feet away. He then fired a bolt of magic at Snips who barely dodged.

“I didn’t do that,” he ran around in circles to try and dodge all of Snails’s magical attacks. However, he couldn’t avoid the most powerful blast. It collided with him, sending shivers down is spin as unbearable bitterness took hold of him. Ice froze his joints together.

Snail’s stood over his brother, he was crying, “I can’t believe you would kill me. You are now worthless to...me.”

“Snail…” Snips whined, he watched as Snail’s sword levitated toward his cock. Diamond Tiara casted a spell on them to give them permanent erections.

And though the fight barely began it was over. Snail sliced off his brother’s cock off and rammed it into his mouth. Snips horn glowed for a split second before it exploded, shards of bone whizzed all around. Snails blew air at his smoking horn, and pushed himself into his former friend’s juicy ass.

Diamond rubbed her throbbing cock in both her hooves, precum shotting out and landing on the dome.

Snails finally came as well, cum flooding his brother ass. He grunted and pulled out with a sickening slurp. “You tried to kill me. What happened to your smart idea to join The Coming Dawn?”

The Coming Dawn? Diamond thought. It was probably some rebellion that was forming soon. Good to know.

“I didn’t,” Snips whined, spitting out the severed dick.

“Shut up,” Snails cried, he tightened his hold on his brother’s neck.

“I love you,” Snips said.

“Faggot-ass,” Snails snickered, watching his brother and friend’s eyes gloss over. He finally let go after breaking his neck. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

“Good job,” Diamond clapped, her horn glowed and a set of gold armor appeared in the ring, as well as a gold sword.

“Fuck off,” Snails said, adjusting the armor around his skinny form. Meanwhile, Button Mash and Featherweight were facing off.

Button Mash held his sword in his mouth, he had a lot of training and practice with a sword before any of this Diamond Takeover started. He attempted to stab Featherweight however he hovered into the air, armed with a bow and a quiver full of arrows.

“Get down here you coward,” Button yelled, rolling to the side to dodge an arrow attack.

“That is not nice at all,” Featherweight swooped down and yanked Button’s sword from his teeth. How could he do that? Apparently, Featherweight was agiler than he seemed.

“Hey,” Button snapped, now he was weaponless and armorless.

“You’re gonna die, and I’ll be living.” Featherweight said, “It’s a shame you can’t help with The Coming Dawn. if that so called ‘rebellion’ even exists.” Featherweight pulled his bow back, taking his time as he aimed, he finally let go and the arrow pierced through his chest.

“NO!” Applebloom yelled from next to Diamond Tiara...well more, on Diamond’s cock.

“Shut up,” Diamond said, slamming her perfect hips into Applebloom.

“Good job, Featherweight,” Diamond winked, giving him the same armor Snails got. They were instantly teleported into the same arena. “Fight!” She yelled, happily.

Snails were sobbing, feeling regret for what he had done, nonetheless, he charged Featherweight, who split into the sky. Using his gilded bow and arrow to rain arrows down on Snails. All of them bounced off his armor with a loud CLANK! And all Snails had to do was turned his head to avoid getting hit in the face.

Snails fired every spell he knew at Featherweight until he gave up on being fancy and just levitated his head forward and his hind legs back. Featherweight groaned, feeling himself being spilt in two.

“Stop!!!” Featherweight cried before his body was ripped in half, blood and guts fell towards the ground.

Snails’s was actually maustrbating to all this gore, his cock throbbing wildly. “Oh, my Fuck Goddess Diamond Tiara.” He moaned. “If I win I’m going back to Ponyville and I’ll become a little Fuck God. I heard Screwball is already doing that.”

Feather’s top half fell to the ground ad splattered like a rotten tomato. While Snails caught her bottom half, he positioned above it and rammed into the hole. Feather’s body was still warm and bloody, Snails moaned, despite this, he was still crying, almost sobbing.

“I guess we now who is gonna win,” Silver giggled.

“Rumble will still win, I’ll make sure of that,” Diamond said, her horn glowed, and Rumble appeared, his armor was indescribable blue diamond and his sword was a long razor.

“That’s not fair!” Snails moaned, jerking off. “I love it.” His horn glowed and Rumble levitated into the air, his razor sword was pulled away from him. Diamond Tiara levitated Rumble’s sword out of Snails’s magical grip.

“What the hell,” Snails screamed. Rumble landed on the floor with a loud CLACK he then took off, his sword swinging. Snails ran away, his skinny legs allowed him to duck and dodge, nimbly weaving through the dome.
Rumble soared into the air and back down, landed on Snails back. Snails spun around and bucked him off, while his legs were exposed Rumble slashed at them. Blood oozing from the wounds. Snails moaned, his cock firing cum at the new source of pain. He suddenly realized how much he liked pain.

“Kill me,” he said.

“What?!” He said.

“Kill me and make it painful!!!” He screamed.

Rumble grinned, he sawed at Snails’s horn and picked it up, ramming it into his ass.

“Fuck yes, oh god!!!” Snails moaned, bucked himself back against the horn.

“You’re such a pain slut,” Rumble used one hoof to ram the horn in Snails’s ass and the other to saw his limbs off. “I can’t wait to fuck your corpse.”

“Please, do,” Snails groaned, feeling his hooves come free, his chestplate was pushed aside. Rumble ripped the horn out.

“Time for the MANE event,” he laughed, pushing his dick inside, blood was a natural lube as he thrusted in and out. He leaned forward and kissed Snails deeply. Their tongues met, and their lips pushed against each-others.

Rumble stuffed his dick deeper, his balls clenched as the released jets of cum through his cocktip. He groaned and collapsed over Snails, with all his energy he picked up his sword and hacked at Snails’s neck until his head fell off.

Diamond Tiara giggled hopping about as she teleported Rumble away. “He won!!!” She put on long black fishnet stockings, he cock shrank into a perfect pink virgin pussy. And a collar on her neck read ‘Rumble’s Rape Slave.’ Silver Spoon rolled her eyes as Diamond Tiara teleported away.

She appeared in front Rumble, her cheeks turning scarlet. Rumble grinned, “sexy.”

“Thanks you. You know I always had a crush on you,” Diamond said.

“Pfft, everybody knew,” Rumble snickered. “Now bend over for me.” Diamond Tiara obeyed, raising her rump into the air. She squealed as she felt his hot member push through her pussylips. Her hymen stretched around his cock before ripping in half, in steady thrusts her pushed in and out of her.

Diamond Tiara moaned, grinding her hips against him. “I love you!” She felt one of her legs begin to be lifted, his thrusts picked up speed, blood dripped out her whole. “Knock me up! Please!!!”

“Beg,” Rumble stated.

“Knock me up, please!!! Let me have your foal,” Diamond Tiara groaned, ramming herself against Rumble as hard as she could.
Her tunnel convulsed as it clenched Rumble’s cock hungrily, milking his shaft.

His tip slammed against her cervix, “I’m gonna cum.” He pushed into her womb, and painting the inside white, he rubbed the tip against her walls. Diamond Tiara moaned, feeling her own cum drip down her thighs. He finally pulled out slowly.

Diamond Tiara grinned, “mmmm,” she placed her horn against his shoulders. “I dub thee my Personal Royal Guard.”

“What do I do,” he asked.

“You protect me and make sure that I give birth to your child,” Diamond Tiara stated. Rumble moved behind her again, pushing himself up and into a mounting position.

“Well let’s get started!”

Date Night

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Diamond Tiara groaned, shifting on her corpse-bed, a fuzzy blanket that was stiff with blood and cum clung tightly to her and Silver Spoon. All the ponies in the bed were their favorites; their decomposition slowed to a crawl so that they can be enjoyed over and over again. Silver Spoon was more of a corpse-slut than Diamond, whom was usually stuck to Spoiled Rich’s corpse as her favorite.

Early in the morning, a week later, Diamond Tiara prodded Silver Spoon awake with her wing. “Wakey, wakey,” Diamond teased. Silver blushed, a smile playing her face.

“Good morning DT,” Silver Spoon stretched. “What are we doing today?”

“Something special,” Diamond Tiara smiled, standing up and stretching her own wings, which then fluttered her down to the ground. “Just the two of us.”

Silver Spoon blushed, swooping down to the door and levitating it open. The pair trotted into the Breakfast hall, cooks trotted in and out of the kitchen door, each one carried a platter of food. The long table already had enough food for fifteen ponies.

Diamond Tiara settled into her seat, she levitated a piece of toast to her mouth but dropped it. “Hello, you!” A mare stopped quickly, rushing over to Diamond Tiara immediately.

She bowed, “yes my fuck goddess, my pussy, and ass are yours to have.” Each cook, chef, maid, or butler were required to say that; pussy and dick being used interchangeably.

“Feed me,” Diamond said proudly.

“Uh,” the mare said, picking up the piece of toast and holding it in front Diamond’s mouth. Diamond’s pink lips curled over the toast and she happily munched on it. Not so sadly, the mare wound up dead because she spilled some orange juice on Diamond Tiara.

They headed to the larger balcony where the chariots were held.

“What do you mean something special,” Silver Spoon asked, watching Diamond toss popcorn, sandwiches, juice pouches, and chip bags into a picnic basket along with other things.

“Just a little picnic, and then something more our speed,” Diamond Tiara laughed. Silver Spoon kissed Diamond Tiara’s cheek, causing Diamond’s leg to quiver.

“This is gonna be fun,” Silver Spoon said, hopping into the gold and diamond chariot.

Diamond slide next to her, “how about some pie?” She asked, conjuring up a slice of cherry pie.

“You know me so well!”

Rumble paced the stages, addressing the entire royal guard. “Weak, weak, weak. All of you. Discord comes and you’re as helpful as a blade of glass.”

He flew into the crowd, kicking a stallion in the chin. “Let’s get down to business, to defeat the griffons.”

“Did they send me fillies, when I asked for colts!” He sang. “You’re the saddest bunch I ever met. But you can bet before we’re through. Mister I’ll, make a stallion out of YOU!!!!”

Diamond Tiara landed on a large cloud, creating a picnic blanket, and placed the basket on top. Silver Spoon snuggled next to her. “Thank you for doing this.”

“No prob-”

“No, I mean, taking over Equestria. To be honest. I always really wanted to rape and kill. But you were living my dreams and never told me! All this time I could have been-- WE could have been raping and killing ponies.”

Diamond Tiara kissed Silver Spoon, “it’s fine, we have countless centuries to make up for it. And no matter what we do, we’ll do it together. You're my best friend Silver Spoon.”

“You’re my best friend too,” Silver Spoon breathed.

Rumble drew his sword, stabbing it into the ground, “Tranquil as a forest but on fire within. Once you find your center, you are sure to win. You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot. And you haven't got a clue.”

Rumble soared into the air. “Somehow I'll make a stallion out of YOU!!!!!”

Diamond picked up a plastic fork which had a full slice of pie on it, she carefully placed it into her mouth and chewed it. She washed it down with a mug of cider.

Silver Spoon stared down at her slice of pie, her grayish blue magic took hold of the spoon, she carved off a piece and licked it off the spoon, her magic dropping it after. “DT?”

Diamond Tiara looked over, her cheeks stuffed, “yes?”

“I’m bored,” Silver Spoon looked over the edge of the cloud, there was the sexy Fleur de Lis. “How about her?”

Diamond Tiara gulped and stood, looking over the edge, her horn glowed as a sinister smile played her face. Fleur was levitated up much to her surprise, then horror when she saw Diamond and Silver Spoon.

“M-My Goddesses of Sex and Death, please spare me,” Fleur whispered.

“No, no, no,” Diamond pouted, setting Fleur on the cloud after giving her the ability to walk on clouds. “If we like you go we couldn’t have happy rape time. You shouldn’t have been outside at night. Don’t you hear the stories? Seen the movies?”

Silver Spoon couldn’t wait, her horn glowed and a thick cock spurted from above her pussy. She pushed Fleur’s legs open, the tip pushed into Fleur's slit. She was not a virgin due to her constant nights spent with Fancy Pants.

“Please no! This is RAPE,” Fleur cried.

“We know, that’s what makes it hot,” Silver Spoon moaned, pushing it deep on the first thrust, going balls deep. Silver Spoon pulled out slightly then rammed back in, making progress toward her orgasm.

Diamond Tiara gave herself a juicy cock and slide behind her marefriend. She pushed herself in, much to Silver Spoon’s surprise and delight.

“Wait! At least use a condom,” Fleur asked.

“We never use condoms,” Diamond Tiara stated.

“Not even when we’re together,” Silver Spoon added, her belly making loud smacks as she slammed into Fleur’s body.

“Tonight you’ll be carrying our twins, that you WILL give birth to.” Diamond Tiara snarled, picking up speed, her hooves holding out Silver Spoon’s flanks.

Between the wet grasp Fleur had on her, and Diamond Tiara behind her; Silver Spoon couldn’t keep her orgasm inside herself. Silver moaned ramming herself against Fleur’s cervix, feeling in give away.

“No! Please no!” Fleur sobbed, she could feel a massive pound against her womb followed by a ripple of agony. Precum dripping in her womb.

“Yes! Please yes!” Silver said, slamming back against Diamond Tiara then forward at Fleur. Her cock fired of, thick ropes of cum flooded Fleur womb. Silver’s magic pumped her cock, keeping the cum coming.

Diamond Tiara was right behind her; in more ways than one. Her cum filled Silver Spoon’s womb, however, it wasn’t fertile. She didn’t want a mini Silver Spoon running around yet. The cum traveled through Silver’s tip and added to the thick goo in Fleur. Making good on their promise to give Fleur twins.

Diamond Tiara huffed and slide out of Silver Spoon, and Silver Spoon out of Fleur. The unicorn sobbed and curled up in a ball. Cum drooled out her rape-tunnel.

Diamond Tiara hugged Silver Spoon, they spent about five minutes snuggling together. Finally, Silver Spoon rose, dragging Fleur toward them for more rape time.

Rumble lead the troop down the halls, in single-file lines.

“I'm never gonna catch my breath,” Sharpspear whined.

“Say goodbye to those who knew me,” Strong Bone complained.

“Damn, was I a fool in school for cutting gym,” Wooden Arrow cursed.

“This guy's got 'em scared to death,” Axe Blade added.

“Hope he doesn't see right through me,” Iron Maiden frowned.

Now I really wish that I knew how to fight,” Sharper Tip sang.

“BE A STALLION!” They shouted.

“We must be swift as the coursing river!”


“With all the force of a great typhoon!”


“With all the strength of a raging fire! Mysterious as the dark side of the MOOOON!”

“That was fun,” Diamond said, lowering a cum soaked Fleur down to the ground.

“What’s next,” Silver Spoon asked.

“I was planning on going to a ball,” Diamond Tiara smiled.

“A ball?” Silver Spoon said.

“Yup,” Diamond Tiara took flight.

Silver Spoon took an almost attack position, her wings spread as she took off. She leaned to the side and tore after Diamond Tiara.

“Wee!” Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara said ducking and diving through clouds, and dashing in the sky. The pair landed in front the ballroom, two guards standing at the door.

“Hello miss,” the guard said but paused feeling his co-worker prod him. He opened his eyes to see Diamond Tiara in tight sparkled red dress, and Silver Spoon in a longer, flowier flat gray dress. The two guards bowed.

“My Goddesses of Sex and Gore,” the first guard said. “We are honored to see you.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes and strode past, Silver Spoon harrumphed and followed behind turning up her nose.

Octavia played a sorrowful sonata on her cello. Her eyes closed in concentration.

Diamond Tiara bit her lip, eyeing Octavia. “How about Octavia?”

Silver Spoon looked up, she looked at Octavia. Her beautiful curves were matted with slight sweat, and her purple bowtie had neat and narrow gold writing: Vinyl’s Bae. “Of course.”

“Everypony shut up!” Diamond Tiara shouted, the ballroom instantly got quiet. “Octavia get your sexy rump down here!” Diamond said not trying to be discreet. “And nopony leaves until we’re fully sated.

Octavia blushed and trotted toward them; She wasn’t afraid of rape. In fact, she enjoyed it. She spun around presented her rump to the goddesses.

Silver Spoon leaned forward, the orange tongue lapping at Octavia’s sweet nectar. She tongue wiggled against Octavia’s labia, sucking out the sweet sweet honey. Octavia moaned as Diamond Tiara moved in front the cellist.

She pushed down on her shoulders, her cock hanged hungrily. Octavia opened wide and took Diamond’s cock by four inches. She bobbed her head down, her tongue slide down the underside and her teeth gently bite down.

Diamond Tiara thrusted into the gray mare’s maw, feeling her tight throat bulge around her impressive length. Her tip flattened against the back of her throat.

Silver Spoon continued eating Octavia out, her lips never leaving Octavia hindquarters. The crowd watched with disgust but didn’t dare leave.

The mares finally pulled away, “enjoy that cause now it’s time to die brutally!”

“What,” Octavia tried to run but was flung into the air by her tail and slammed into the ground. The mares trotted over where she landed.

“Chainsaw,” Silver Spoon said, suddenly holding a chainsaw. Octavia struggles anew, however, Diamond sat on her face, her pussy stretched around Octavia’s muzzle.

Silver Spoon turned on the chainsaw and sliced through Octavia’s crotch, enjoying the sounds of bones as they cracked and as the flesh was torn and sliced by the penetrating bones. Blood splattered Silver Spoon’s face and neck as she sawed through the mare’s pelvis.

Octavia’s scream went up an octave as Silver Spoon reached her most sensitive organs. The sound vibrating through Diamond’s cunt. As the chainsaw reached her neck Diamond Tiara flew upward and landed next to them, almost getting the tips of her tail sawed.

The saw sliced open Octavia’s skull, causing it to creak and splinter, brain matter was pushed through the cracks. Unbearable agony washed over Octavia, her soul was ripped out of her and gobbled down in all its tart raspberry-ness. Silver Spoon joined in, ripping scraps of her soul of, which added to their immense power.

Suddenly, the walls became cold hard metal, locking everypony inside in. “Let’s play a game, Silver Spoon,” Diamond said creating a sharp knife in her mouth.

Silver Spoon made her own that floated in her magic, “you mean Tag?”


The crowd began to run, fly, or teleport their way out. Any magic used drained their energy, and they could barely lift themselves off the ground.

Silver Spoon darted to the right, most of the rich folk never ran a day in their lives, so they were easy to catch up with. “TAG!” She exclaimed as she slit their throats and guzzled their blood before tossing their body aside.

Diamond Tiara flew into the air, bolting down to her next victim, she would crush their spine as she landed on their backs. And slit their throats. She gobbled up their souls, one was sweet like pumpkin pie.

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara rushed toward the last pony alive, who had survived by darting back and forth. Silver Spoon ran in front of him and grabbed his shoulders, pushing him to the ground. Diamond Tiara leaped on top of him. His soul was ripped to shreds in the mares greedy lust for power.

“I win,” Diamond Tiara smiled.

“That was fun,” Silver Spoon said.

“Let’s get out of here,” Silver Spoon added.

“Wait, one last thing,” Diamond Tiara bowed. “Silver Spoon, I’ve known you since kindergarten and you always were my best friends. Even when I took time off to be a serial killer. Now that we’re immortal, I want to spend the rest of my life with you-”
“Wait, what-.”

“Silver Spoon, will you marry me?”

Silver Spoon gasped, tears whelming in her eyes. She cared for Diamond Tiara and even had a crush on her at times. “YES,” Silver Spoon hugged Diamond Tiara tightly, resting her forehead on hers.

Rumble overlooked his newly formed army, each working hard. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked inside. Each looked pleased.

Rumble bowed, “m’lady. How was your date?”

“It’s was great,” Silver Spoon said.

“And we’re about to get married,” Diamond Tiara said.

Rumble grinned, “I assume you're gonna meet your soon-to-be in-laws?”

“Of course we’ll have time for that,” Diamond smiled. “Now if you excuse me, I have some Rainbow Pie to indulge in.”