> Hot Coffee Quickies: Sunset Gym > by Fabulosity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > HCQ: Sunset Gym > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It probably wasn't the biggest gym in the town, nor the most well-equipped and fanciest, but it'd been around long enough for everyone to know, and certainly it didn't lack motivation or character for guests who wanted to come shed a few pounds, or be able to run up some stairs without panting. "Remember friends, take advantage of the Unbreakable Iron Will gym membership now, lasting a whole year! And today's advice is, don't be shy, look 'em in the eye!", boomed a familiar, and decided intense pre-recorded message over the gym loudspeakers as an interruption to the general radio stations that were played throughout the facility. And while today wasn't incredibly busy at this hour, the gym seemed plenty populated already with dozens of guests doing anything from taking laps in the pool or on the indoor track, to pumping weights on the machines or with barbels, to doing squats, push-ups, and stretches on the large padded mats, there'd be a little something for everyone. It seemed like a broad spectrum of the town was here as well, ranging from younger high schoolers and college students looking to get ripped before summer swimsuit season, to middle-aged gents trying to keep the weight off and keep sight of their toes, up to older, but dedicated citizens making the best of their twilight years. The only oddity here however might be that there was only one female client in attendance today, and already she was quite an eyeful to watch at work. Wait, make that two female visitors. The front desk receptionist didn't even notice the short, rather slender hoodie-clad figure darting in behind a pair of chatty college students, and quickly slipping aside into the 'Employee's Only' entrance. Indeed Sunset was the only girl in attendance within the gym, though some didn't bother shooting a glance in her direction. While afew others did, infact, send a glance or two. The fiery haired beauty was wearing her gym gear; which consisted of black leggings, reaching down to her feet and wrapping nicely around the bottom of her waist. Equipped with that she was wearing her sports-bra, a matching black one; which showed off her impressive teenage bust quite nicely. Her mid-section was on full reveal, showing off her nicely toned stomach and waist, as well as those nice lines leading down into her most womanly of areas. Sunset's mane was tied up into a dangling ponytail, swishing left and right as she was running the treadmill - working up quite the sweat. Beads of sweat dribbling down her face, as she panted, running toward her tenth mile. "Aaah-aaah-aaah-aaaaah!" While girls like Rainbow Dash or Applejack might certainly be in constant competition for who might be the strongest or fastest or otherwise most fit, Sunset Shimmer no doubt had been training long and hard enough to give either a girl a run for their money, just taking a look at her. But then again, it wasn't too often that one found a Renaissance woman around here in the likes of the fiery-maned high schooler, gifted in so many ways to make one awed in her presence. Or envious, at worst. But then again, Adagio had far more reason to hate the talented student than most, and it was mostly for fucking with her and her sisters' plans. That sort of motivation helped fuel her hours of trial-and-error (with a few interesting side results at least, and fun spent with her sisters) before she'd come up with a particularly potent, distilled 'sample' of a potion most closely resembling their own magic. Not utter mind control or domination in this case, but certainly something that turned off those bothersome little limitations like shame, guilt, social standing, and gave a little nudge to other parts of the mind like greed, lust, desire. No one was exactly keeping a close eye on a fitness gym after all, so it was an easy matter to find the maintenance room where everything from electrical systems to plumbing and security feeds ran, and for a moment, Adagio stopped and pushed her hoodie down (huge pomf of hair inexplicably pooling out from beneath the enclosed space) to watch one of the monitors at how Sunset was making her figurative dash across the finish line. Gleaming with sweat, ample chest lightly bouncing and heaving despite the tight hold of her sports bra, and a defined musculature that was quite different from even Sonata's more softer, curvy figure... she wished dearly she could yank that bitch's head by the ponytail, spit in her face, slap her tits around, shove her panties into her- Wait, too much of a distraction. She could feel her teeth grinding already, and knew she at least had a good vantage point to watch what was going on. A quick stop by the machine that was keeping the air at a constant temperature and humidity throughout the gym to mitigate the smell of sweat and musk, and all she had to do was open up the small glass vial from her pocket, and upend it by the intake fan. A small puff of dull pink expanded instantly, glittering faintly and smelling of berries, before swelling even further as it filled the air vents, and dusted throughout the main gym area all at once. Anyone else would just catch that hint of berry and vanilla, before the temperature started to slowly, but constantly rise. But anyone else might also notice the glimmering dust, if they were cautious or experienced with magic... The timer was quickly going on that treadmill and Sunset was coming ever-so close to completing her ten mile run. Staring at herself in the mirror, she was admiring the figure she was working hard toward, turning out great. So far she'd received many compliments from the staff here, as well as other gym-goers. Not to mention her close friends. As the tenth mile bleeped on the machine, the belt started to slow down and allow her a walking cool-down period. "Phew... wow... that was tough!" Sunset chuckled to herself. Suddenly however, a faint scent of berries could be smelt within the air and that alone caught her attention. "Mmn? What's the smell... it smells pretty good." The fiery maned teenager would say, gazing around and looking for the person that perhaps owned it. Seeing nothing however, she continued to breathe it in and blinked suddenly, having caught the slight odour roaming within the air. "...Huh?" Clearly the girl was confused, and when the treadmill finally came to an entire stop - she would step off, grabbing her towel and dabbing her face, neck and exposed upper chest down from the sweat. "...It suddenly feels hotter in here, wow... someone used too much of that stuff, but why is the air... different?" Clearly the girl was confused, but reached for her bottle water and started to take multiple large gulps, as she leaned back doing so. She wasn't the only one who was having a curious time at the moment. She could see, hear people breathing heavier around her, from those who were in the middle of their routine to those who had just started, and a noticeable blush of heat started to rise in the cheeks, faces around her. Confused expressions making it clear that the other guests here were noticing something was amiss as they started to draw to a close, slowing down on the treadmills or setting barbels aside. Water gulped down, faces slapped lightly, heads shaken to try and overcome that oddly cloudy feeling in their heads...but after a moment, it wasn't too unpleasant really. Small, slow smiles starting to appear upon some of the faces around her, many of which were glancing about before setting their sights on her. The look was... dreamy, perhaps? She'd feel an odd tingle herself through her youthful body, warming from her already heated core muscles, and spreading to her limbs, her loins, her head... and for some reason, it wouldn't be quite as upsetting to find a tall, dark-haired college student wearing a black tank-top and grey gym shorts standing beside her a moment later, his eyes evidently scanning along her athletic figure. "Had a good run? You look like you could use a partner for some cooling down stretches..." "Maybe someone to scrub your back in the showers?", came another voice from a middle-aged gent with a salt-and-pepper moustache and decidedly heavier-muscled physique beneath his T-shirt, despite being old as most of her classmates' dads. Despite these strange, impolite advances from men whom she didn't know, some of whom seemed to have rings on their finger, no one was speaking out against it. The air in the room was quickly heating up, and Sunset was starting to feel rather strange just standing there. It wasn't a bad feeling, it was one of those feelings that she had around Twilight and afew of the others. Though this same feeling, was heightened. When the others started to slowly stand around her, she'd place her water down and wrap that towel around her neck. Sunset turned her head toward those that spoke to her and she'd smile slightly, her body, her mind not entirely saying no; or getting upset that they approached her so forwardly like this. "Heh... thank you for the offers boys. But... but I think i'll just go and get a shower. See you guys later." The fiery maned teen would merely state, waving at them gently as she left the gym's main area; heading now toward the ladies changing room. Upon walking through the door, she tossed her towel aside and took a seat on one of the many benches and leaned forward, arms resting on her knees as she sat like this. "What... what in the name of Celestia is going on... my body feels so warm and tender, and my head... ugh... feels like a headache." She'd allow her head to drop down, ponytail going with, as she stared toward the ground. "Atleast it's just me in here..." "Or is it?" Came a sultry, sweet-song voice from behind her that'd be all too unwelcome and familiar. And yet the moment she'd spin around to confirm what her ears were telling her, there'd be another soft puff of pink dust blown into her face, the last dregs of the vial settled upon Adagio's open palm before blowing a kiss, and that potent mixture, right into the blushed girl's features. While it wouldn't hit her all at once, just like the Siren's song, the effect would prove to be potent even for someone with the sort of willpower and knowledge the Sunset had. "Oh sorry about that, a little smoke in your eye? Well that'll be the least of your worries in a moment." The orange-and-yellow maned damsel would chuckle knowingly as she stood there with her hands upon her shapely hips and eyes narrowed in vengeful anticipation. "Hope you've still got energy left in you for some cardio, because this stuff lasts for awhile. Probably should call your friends, right?" Full lips slipping into a wide grin as she slipped out a familiar cellphone from her hoodie pocket, decorate with a little sun and moon sticker on the back... Sunset's own, to be sure! But attention would be drawn to the sound of the doors opening, footsteps clambering in, and the snickering Siren darted back behind the rows of lockers. "Don't mind me now..." Blowing one final kiss goodbye before suddenly a half-dozen, a dozen men were crowding into the room, eyes focused upon the single girl that they could see, gazes hungry and lips licked in anticipation. Sunset perked up the moment she heard that voice, her head turned and those eyes locked upon the small siren girl. "Adagio!" Though just as Sunset spoke out, she coughed having received a face full of that dust, that powder that Adagio had created. "Ugh! Urk... what... what did you just...?" Sunset shook her head and gasped deeply, feeling her entire body shake with a massive wave of wanted pleasure. The fiery maned teen would attempt to sit up, though her legs wobbled and she sat right back down again. "M-My legs... I feel so... hot... I can't even think straight... ugh." Sunset mumbled and listened to everything that Adagio had to say, even spotting her phone that was in the girls hand. How did she get it? When did she get it? Though it mattered not. When those doors opened, Adagio was no-where to be seen and her head quickly jolted back toward those half-dozen men that had just surrounded her. Sunset couldn't help but lean back slightly, using her arms to support her body, even with her legs slightly parting. Of course the girl was still sweating, her entire features flushed and her body completely betraying her, she merely smiled up at them. "...Aha, girls... need their privacy you know.~" Sunset teased. It'd take a moment for Sunset to probably figure out what a deer surrounded by a pack of wolves felt like, though just like such a situation, it couldn't be helped that such a feeling was in their nature. Beneath all those social trappings and civilised pretences, she was a young, beautiful girl who deserved the attention of so many men around her, with a body that just screamed to be used, taken with how much work she put into it. But the last vestiges of etiquette fell away when a younger boy, probably around her age and built tall, lean like a runner, darted in while breathing, mumbling. "Can't wait anymore...!", and with a quick, if rather clumsy yank, her form-fitting sports bra would be yanked up to allow that heaving, generous tit flesh to spill out into view. Eyes widening, jaws dropping at the ample size of those tits hidden away until now, but it didn't take long before she'd find more hands suddenly molesting, squeezing, rolling her mounds about, and other hands grasping at her legs to spread them apart while she'd be pushed back along the length of the bench. Firmly, but gently holding her in place as a palm rested atop her thinly-covered sex, grinding and stirring into her barely-hidden pussy, fingers untying the waistband. And while she might've had time to cry out at first, it wasn't until the middle-aged, but nonetheless fetching gentleman she'd seen earlier tilted her head aside to press a deep, hungry kiss onto her full, plump lips, moustache lightly tickling her upper lip even as his tongue sought out her own in a squirming, twisting dance. "Uh!" Sunset gasped out suddenly when she felt that hand coming straight out toward her, grabbing her sports bra and yanking it up and over her breast - allowing that orb of womanly flesh to come into light. It was the start of many, many hands coming into contact with her body. Those palms kneading her flesh, sampling her curvy body and with each touch - it made her gasp and moan out with delightful. "Oh! Oh... yes.. you need... to touch me harder, that's right - like that!" Sunset couldn't believe what she was saying, her body was in full control right now. Her brain was on the back-burner, spectating. All those hands continued to roam over her body, spreading her legs and even positioning her back against the bench. But before she could speak out again, her mouth was taken and held hostage by the older gentlemen that was quickly upon her. "Mmmmnn!" A thought in the back of her head, knowing, that Adagio was watching. Hands roamed and molested her youthful figure, tongues licked over her soft, sweat-damp skin as though she were a delectable morsel, and her clothes, morals were entirely disregarded as her voice sang out in such a beautiful tongue in the middle of this growing crowd. Ample mounds kneaded and rolled greedily, while those pink, hardening buds were teased and pinched mercilessly, hands stroking even over her flat, firm abdomen until her skin-tight leggings were finally dragged down from her curvy hips, down those toned thighs, and stretched, yanked off her sneaker-clad feet, though no one thought to remove those right away. It seemed almost cute to leave them on at the moment, though with no underwear at the gym, many hungry eyes found their way to gaze upon her nethers spread wide and vulnerable to them all, even as she'd find her head being pulled aside and having another deep, eager kiss pressed against her lips by a college student who looked easily twice her weight in muscle and mass alone, the brute hungrily licking into her mouth before allowing her to breath. She'd probably need the air with the crowd closing in around her, and soon someone was pushing their lips against her exposed mound, licking and cleaning the sweat from around her nethers before focusing his attention upon those soft nether lips, hands massaging her thighs and calves while they were held apart and high. And of course others were getting their clothes off, shorts coming away to bare rock-hard cocks all around her, the shower and ladies locker room filled with that sickly-sweet berry scent that was getting them all, and Sunset, so riled up. The young teen felt her leggings coming down her legs, over her sneakers - as they were kept on. It seemed those hungry males didn't want to remove them, atleast yet. Her naked womanly garden on full display, though it was when her legs were brought back and held high, that she could feel that mouth upon her sex. When they began cleaning and swabbing at her damp sex, she'd squeal out in sheer pleasure. Her body was simply enjoying this, it was driving her crazy this feeling of desire and lust. Secondly her mouth was brought out, exchanging with another males - enjoying a deep kiss with him now. "Mmmpph!" The fiery teenager was deep in lust, her sex under attack - her breasts under attack, her entire body was under attack. Out of desire, one of her hands reached outward to grab one of the men by his firm cock, stroking him up and down and firmly too - making sure to rub her thumb over the head of his cock upon jerking her wrist to the top. "Mmmmnn!" She mumbled. It'd be hard to hear Adagio's giggling, but if Sunset might be able to just get a glimpse behind a pile of towels, she'd possibly spot the flash of bright orange and yellow pom-pom hair poking out. And a little red light, as the vengeful Siren used Sunset's own phone to record some fairly distant, blurry, but still perfectly visible video of the athletic student being surrounded, molested, and utterly enjoying every moment of it based on her muffled moans and squirming body. A low grunt uttered as her hand found its way around a fat, twitching cock belonging to a student who could probably be her own age, though at least she didn't recognise him as he groaned softly and pushed his way forward, her kiss broken just in time before the business end of that fat fuckstick was introduced to her gasping, panting lips. He was hardly alone either, as an older gent was pushing his own thick, sturdy pole against her blushed cheek, leaving a trail of moist pre-cum behind, her slender wrist pulled up to wrap around it. "C'mon, fuck her!" "Mmmf, she really wants some cock... give the girl what she wants!" Voices rang out, confident and playful even, and the warm air filtered around her momentarily-neglected sex for a moment as the crowd parted, no one fighting at least as an older, stoutly-muscled man who could possibly be her granddad (albeit very well-preserved at least!) lined up that perfectly-functional, throbbing fuckstick against her slick, blushed nether lips, slapping the fat pole upon her mound teasingly. Grunting softly as he gave her only the blunt tip and first inch or two slowly, tormentingly pushing into her glove-tight sex, spreading and stretching her under-aged pussy over that much more mature cock while her mouth and hands were busy, though she'd feel cock-tips circling and rubbing at her breasts, nipples as well. Once more her mouth was broken away from that previous kiss, she could feel that cock pushing against the tips of her lips. "Mn!" Sunset blinked, alittle confused at first - but she didn't turn away, instead, she allowed it's safe passage into the warmth of her oral cavity. Those tender, sweet and full lips wrapping around that shaft wholesomely and keeping a nice, firm and tight seal upon the girth of that heated mass. Sunset began bobbing her head back and forth lightly at first, gradually picking up speed as she suckled him off happily. Making such cute and groaning noises as she did. Her other hand still wrapped around that other cock, jerking him too, at a nice and quick speed. More of those eager pricks, poking and stroking around her body; swabbing her nipples, her breasts and even her cheek. But when that cock poked and penetrated her sex slowly, she'd groan deeply against that cock in her mouth - shivering as her lowers grabbed and accommodated that fat girth, as it made entry within her tightly, heated hot-pocket. Despite the sheer heat, lustful fog and intense sensations coursing through her body and mind, there might be some part of her thoughts that realised this wasn't some porn scene being shot, but rather, a strange group of men being compelled to surround and fuck this young, welcoming high schooler without a care in the world. Not only that, this all being recorded, so in a sense, it was a porn! Capturing shots of her being surrounded by a half-dozen cocks prodding and rubbing against her tanned, blushed figure, her head pulled off that twitching, salty pole and tilted up by the base of her ponytail, making her watch with lust-hazed eyes that fat, unprotected member disappearing quickly into her heated snatch at this point, the older man grunting as he plunged balls deep into her loins and she'd feel his blunt tip throbbing hotly at her innermost wall, his heavy cum-filled sac pulsing against her spread nethers. "Rrrrgh, fuck...! Been ages since I fucked a whore like this one..." He'd grunt before delivering long, powerful strokes into her sopping-wet little snatch, her generous tits bouncing delightfully while she was made to jerk, hold onto those fleshy rods for support at first, and if she were to glance aside, the mirror revealed the entire scene before her with the strange men using her body for their pleasure, while she'd get more than a bit of her own. And while the sensations and arousal might remain as intense as ever, that fog upon her thoughts would start to clear a little faster than it would for these men so entirely inexperienced with magic. Indeed Sunset's thoughts were starting to slowly return to her, though it was her ability with magic that was helping. However it made no difference, for the moment she was still being fucked by these strangers. As her head was brought up, she could stare down past her bouncing tits toward that fat cock, that was beating into her over and over. "Ugh! Uh-Uuuaagh!" The poor teen would release various groans and moans, as her pussy tightened around that shaft as it drove forward over and over. Even her hands held tightly onto those pricks, for support. Her body was bouncing up and down, doing her best to hold in place. Though those other men were still getting off on her body. Using her for pleasure and abusing her supple, young body. The fiery haired beauty could see herself in the mirror, watching everything that was going on - it was gladly the hottest thing she'd seen in her entire life, though that was the lust in her head thinking. However, Sunset would quirk and feel a swelling in her body, a pressure from down below and suddenly she'd squeal out loudly and feel herself squirting a messy orgasm, back upon that invading cock. "HNN-UUAGH!" Sunset squealed. No doubt a few of these gents were probably pent-up, and most of them had probably never gotten to touch a girl as beautiful as Sunset Shimmer, let alone get a chance to enjoy her body like this. It'd be no wonder that pre-cum was dribbling down onto her bouncing, supple body as her 'lover' rammed his fat cock into her silken, squelching folds, groaning heavily at the feeling of her pussy spasming and clenching around his pumping cock. Balls slapping loudly, hotly against her snatch as he impaled her over and over again without regard to stamina or pacing, simply too caught up in the need to cum, empty his seed into this moaning, writhing young slut, and everyone else around her was either enjoying the sensation of her hands or tits, some even jerking off with her discarded leggings or ends of her hair, but it certainly wouldn't take long to hit the next messy step. "Fuck, gonna cum! Shoot it right inside...!", he'd growl out in declaration, slamming her hips down against his lap even more furiously, though even before he finished, she'd feel, hear the others around her climaxing messily as twitching cocks erupted all around her, and soon the gleam of sweat that had glistened around her body would soon be glistening streaks, gobs and clumps of thick,sticky nut splashed across her bouncing, generous breasts, over her taut abdomen, and of course, all over her blushed, moaning face, a few aiming for her open mouth to get some of that salty nut in and onto her tongue. One pushing her head onto the tip of his cock so as to feed her the full hot, chunky load he had to offer, only moments before that fat impaling organ in her cunny buried itself fully, and with a roar, thick gouts of heated baby batter surged into her young, fertile womb over and over again, filling her inner core with such warmth and desire as he emptied his balls thoroughly. There was a wet, dripping squelch as he withdrew his spent cock, and her V-shaped legs would drop down from his shoulders to leave spread out across the sides of the bench for all to see her slightly-gaping, cum-filled pussy along with the rest of her tan skin soaked in milky-white, a few of them getting their own phones out to snap shots of as Adagio giggled and kept her distance, one hand down in her panties to gently stir and caress as she watched her hated rival being soaked, filled with jism. "Alright, get her over...fuck this bitch from behind, someone!" Sunset was still in full bliss, having her body orgasm and release multiple squirts back against that poking fat dick. But the fun wasn't over, it seemed the dust was making everyone experience an orgasm at the same time - more or less. Thankfully some of the men had decided to use items, such as her sports bra, her leggings and even the ends of her soft, silken fiery mane to get themselves off. However, her sex was just ruined with that male orgasm. He blew off right inside, filling her up like she were car needing a refill after a long journey. Sunset hissed deeply, feeling the sheer surge of head coming from within, thanks to that exploding man-rod. Even the male next to her, managed to shoot off within her open mouth, that tongue lashing across that cock head - swiping clean that white glue, cleaning him as he emptied upon her face. Others took the opportunity to eject over her breasts, her flat tummy and some across her toned thighs. The poor girl was covered in globs of white sauce, patches of silky glue dotting across her sweet, sweating body. The aftermath of this was clear as crystal under the locker-room lighting. When her legs dropped, either side of that bench - she remained still, panting and regaining much lost oxygen. It was when one of the men spoke out, asking for someone to come behind and fuck her - that made her eyes widen slightly. "Oh, yes... fuck me some more... please!" Smiling and performing 'v-sign' poses for those camera phones, now completely unaware that Adagio was still watching and also enjoying herself. When her tiny waist was gripped, her body lifted up and placed on her knees - body over the bench and her legs parted. She was quickly being mounted, squealing out in further pleasure. "Ooah! Fuck me like a diamond dog, like an animal!" Sunset begged. It would be from this point onwards, that she'd continue to get fucked until their senses returned... though for Adagio? She got everything she needed. Perhaps in the close future, she'd call upon Sunset again, for further assistance.