> Years of An Immortal > by Night Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Foal Sitting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though it has been 20,000 years since the death of the last element of harmony, Pinkie Pie, died, I still miss them. I remember their youthful and adventurous years, and their relaxed, quiet years as well. I remember each of their weddings, and their foals. I was an aunt, and still am. There was Rainbow’s foals Cloudkicker, Ace Swift, and Blitz. Apple Jack’s foals: Apple Cider, Apple Tree, and Red Delicious. I remember Pinkie Pie’s foal Cup Cake. I remember Rarity’s foals Amethyst and Jewel. I remember Fluttershy’s foals Flower Breeze, Morning Dew, Angel, and Sweet Bloom. I remember Jewel taking over Rarity’s business and Amethyst becoming a nurse for Ponyville Hospital. I remember Cloudkicker and Blitz becoming Wonderbolts and Ace Swift becoming Manager of the Weather Team in Ponyville. I remember Cup Cake expanding Sugarcube Corner throughout Equestria making it the most popular sweet shop ever. I remember Apple Cider taking over the farm from Apple Jack and Apple Tree being the first Apple to graduate from higher education and become a professor at E.U., Equestria University. I remember Red Delicious becoming my first employee in the castle. And therefore becoming head of staff. I remember Angel and Morning Dew taking over Fluttershy’s chores, Sweet Bloom becoming the teacher at the Ponyville school, and Flower Breeze becoming a Wonderbolt. I remember them finding love and having foals of their own. I remember all of their tears when Rarity died of a heart attack. I remember all their tears when Rainbow Dash, stubborn as she was, died from frostbite working Winter Wrap up five years later. I remember their tears when Apple Jack died in her sleep seven years later. I remember their tears when Amethyst died from suicide, Apple Jack and her being really close. I remember their tears when Fluttershy died in her sleep a year after that. And I remember their tears when Pinkie Pie died from Arthritis four years after that. I cried too, but I don’t like to remember my sadness. 20,000 years can sure change a town. 14,00 years ago, a huge expansion of the city got built and Ponyville was now too big to be a town, so I declared its new name, Haywood City. 13,08 years ago, one of Rarity’s descendants, Smarty Dreams, reinvented the television set, making it color instead of black and white like it was 10,67 years previous. 10,20 years ago, one of Rainbow Dash’s descendants, Dreaming Sun, invented the first ever cell phone. And only sixty seven years ago, I introduced the first government. Instead of a monarchy, there is now democracy. But I am still apart of it. I’m just not in charge. Instead, President Snow Glass, unicorn, is in charge. The only thing I do that is at all ‘royalty bound’ anymore is raising the sun and moon. Though, Celestia and Luna argued with me about this decision, almost eighty years ago, they died shortly after and Cadence agreed with it. Saying, “It would be nice to just relax and be a common pony after all these long years.” Though we are still Alicorns, and still live for thousands of years, we are treated and addressed like any other unicorn, earth pony, and pegasus. I am the Secretary of State in Equestria, Cadence is a daycare provider in the Crystal Empire, and Flurry Heart is a wedding designer in Canterlot. Today is Nightmare Night, an annual holiday for everyone. A paid holiday, I should specify. I am walking towards One of my friend’s houses, Valery Heart, Unicorn, to go out drinking at Salt Lick a new bar that opened up this weekend. I was hoping to rope in our other friends, Luscious Luck, Unicorn, and Apple Sweetie, earth pony, but they had plans with their families. “Twilight! Oh, thank the Celestials I found you!” I hear, and I turn to see Rainbow Shine, pegasus Rainbow Dash’s descendant. “What is it, Rainbow?” I ask. “It’s Daisy, she’s too young still to go out tonight, and I have to take Fire Flash and Fleet Foot out tonight, would you mind babysitting?” she asks. Rainbow Shine, recently divorced, works two jobs to keep up with rent and barely get’s enough time to be with her sons Fire Flash and Fleet Foot and daughter Daisy. She’s asked help from her brother Coach, earth pony, his wife Chocolate Swirl, earth pony, and their sons Cardinal Flight and Rainbow Soar, pegasi, but they’ve been estranged since they were foals and he didn’t want anything to do with her. “Of course, Rainbow. I’d be happy to look after Daisy for you,” I say. “Oh, thank you, Aunt Twilight! Thank you!” She says, hugging me tightly. “No problem at all, Rainbow Shine!” I say, gasping for air. “They should be finishing school soon, do you mind coming home with me?” Rainbow explains. “I don’t mind, I was going to ask my friend if she wanted to have drinks with me, but family is far more important,” I explain. Rainbow Shine has a sky blue coat, brown eyes, and a red, blue, and purple mane. Her cutie mark is a pink heart with a band-aid on top, she wanted to be a nurse, but she wasn’t able to finish school on account of Fleet Foot being an unplanned circumstance and she had to marry Red Roads, pegasus, quickly. Fleet Foot is dark purple with a straight black mane, similar to Rainbow Dash the 6th mane style, and his eyes are faded green like his father’s. His cutie mark is a hoof saw, he wants to be an architect. Fire Flash is orange like his dad with his mom’s mane color, if a shade lighter, and his father’s faded green eyes. His cutie mark is a pair of fireworks, he wants to be in pyrotechnics when he’s older. Daisy is light pink like her grandma with her mom’s brown eyes and grandma’s brown curly mane. Fleet Foot is twelve, Fire Flash is eight, and Daisy is four. Coach is an earth pony like his mother. He is dark brown with a thick dark green mane and his eyes are brown too. He works as a business pony in Manehattan, his cutie mark a briefcase. His son Cardinal Flight takes after his mother. He is a deep red with pink eyes and black mane. Cardinal’s cutie mark is a flute and black music note. And Rainbow Sour, named after his grandfather, is dark brown and has an orange, green, yellow and violet mane and brown eyes. His cutie mark is a pile of three red bricks, he wants to become an architect. And then there’s Ocean View. Ocean View is the third and youngest sibling of Coach and Rainbow Shine. I haven’t seen her since she moved to Coltifornia when she was seventeen. The similarities to her and the original Rainbow Dash are impossible. The only difference is the mane color. Her mane is teal green but that’s all the differences they have. We quickly reach the house and Rainbow let’s me in. The house itself is run down, but inside it’s actually really nice and well put together, though very small compared to the other houses on the block. She unlocks the door and leads me in. “How have you been doing, Rainbow? How are your jobs?” I ask, walking in. “One job.” she says. “Huh?” I ask, wondering how I could mess it up. “I got fired from the pharmacy today,” Rainbow explains, sadly. “Oh! I’m so sorry to hear that, Rainbow Shine. But the restaurant job is still going well?” I say. “Yeah! Super well, actually. Tender Hooves, the stallion I was talking about the other day, he asked me out on a date yesterday!” Rainbow explains excitedly. “Wow! Rainbow! That’s amazing! When are you going out?” I exclaim. “He bought us tickets to see Ponies the Musical on Broadmare!” “That’s in a couple of months, isn’t it? Do you need someone to babysit the foals for you?” I ask. “Yes it is, but no. I have a friend that promised to take care of them for me,” Rainbow Shine explains. “What friend? Do I know them?” I ask, curious. “Well, I say ‘friend’ but I really mean Riot. She is bringing over Twilight Skies and Zap Speed and they are taking care of the foals,” Rainbow explains. “But, Twilight and Zap are too old to be expected to drop everything and take care of a few foals for the night,” I explain. “Oh, they love Fleet, Daisy, and Flash,” Rainbow says mindlessly. Riot, descendant of Fluttershy, is a pegasus red with a golden mane and dark purple eyes. Her cutie mark is a mega phone her job is an announcer at sport events. She married Knight Blade, pegasus, and had two foals. Twilight Skies is grey blue, like her dad, and has light purple eyes. Her mane is gold like her mom’s. Twilight’s cutie mark is a storm cloud, she is a weather worker in Haywood. Zap Speed is a spitting image of his mom, the only difference is his electric blue eyes from his dad. His cutie mark is a checkered flag for his love of racing. Both Twilight and Zap have stable jobs and both are planning on moving out of their home soon. Zap basically doesn’t live at home anymore anyway, his racing career takes him all across Equestria so he’s barely at home. Riot is sure to be available though, so there is no worries about that. “Twilight?” Rainbow asks. “Yes, Rainbow? What is it?” I ask. “Well, last night, I was thinking of those stories you used to tell us when we were young and tell our foals now,” she starts. “Which ones in particular?” I ask, curious as to where this is going. “Well, the one I was thinking about was when you turned into an Alicorn. You see, I just don’t know if it’s true or not. I mean, you mastering an ancient spell like that, and putting your friends memories back in place, that’s just something you made up, right?” Rainbow Shine says, and I stare at her in confusion. “My dear Rainbow Shine, why in Equestria would I make something like that up?” I ask, in the tone that Celestia always used on me when I asked about something. “Are you saying it’s true?” She asks, this time she’s the confused one. “Everything I tell you is the truth. I would never lie to you or any other family member. I promise you, Rainbow Shine,” I explain, showing how old I really am. I am almost as tall as Princess Luna was and my mane is slowly becoming more flowy and stary. It has gotten much longer as well, if it didn’t move, it would drag on the ground. Cadence, too, has gotten taller and a flowing, mane. She is the exact height of Princess Luna, maybe a bit taller. Flurry Heart is not quite there yet, she is about as tall as a full grown mortal mare right now, and no sign of a mane like mine or her mother’s. Her cutie mark is the crystal heart, but tied up in a white, bridal bow. Rainbow Shine looks like she is about to say something, but is interrupted by the door opening. “Mom! We’re home!” Fleet Foot calls. “Daisy tripped in a gopher hole again! That’s why we’re late!” Fire Flash complains. “Mommy! He’s lying!” Daisy says, clearly favoring her left forehoof. They all are in such a temper that they don’t see me standing in the living room with them. “Oh, Daisy, it's okay that you tripped in a gopher hole. Let’s see that hoof,” Rainbow Shine says. Fleet Foot and Fire Flash just stand there angrily watching their sister be tended to by their mom. “Do you want me to look at it?” I ask, and all eyes finally land on me. “Auntie Twilight!” they all yell and run over to me, Daisy too steps away from her mother and limps towards me. “How long have you been here?” Fleet asks. “Did you buy me gifts?” Flash asks. “Are you here for Nightmare Night?” Daisy asks. “Yes I am here for Nightmare Night, I have been standing here for two minutes before you three walked in, and Fire Flash, your birthday isn’t for a few days. Why would I buy you a gift now?” I say. “Because I’m your favorite?” he implies. “Flash, I have at least 21 nieces and nephews, not including your parents. Why in the celestial’s name would I have only one favorite?” I explain. “Because my birthday is in a few days?” he asks. “Nice try, Fire Flash. But I love you all equally and without competition,” I explain. “Now Flash, stop pestering your aunt and get your costume on for tonight. You too Fleet, okay?” Rainbow interrupts. “Me too, Mommy?” Daisy asks, excitedly. “No, you’re staying here with me tonight, Daisy,” I say. “Oh, okay,” Daisy says, defeated. “Hey, what’s with that frown? We can watch t.v., read stories, I could even tell you of some of my adventures when I was young,” I explain. “Can you tell me my favorite story? The one with the dragons and Uncle Spike?” Daisy asks, hopeful and no longer sad. “Of course! We’ll start with that one,” I explain, winking at her. She cheers and races to the table where they often eat what little food Rainbow can afford that month. “Alright, settle down, and let me tell you about Uncle Spike’s first Dragon Migration,” I say. As I tell the story Daisy get’s more and more excited. She has heard this story so many times, and yet, it’s like she’s hearing it for the first time every time I tell it. When I finish, Daisy looks at me starry eyed and she doesn’t even realize Rainbow and her brothers are gone collecting candy. “That was amazing, Auntie Twily!” she explains. "I'm glad you liked it!" I say, giggling. "Another one!" Daisy demands. "Another one? Which one?" I ask, curious. Her face scrunches up which suggests that her little brain is thinking. After a minute, her face brightens up and says, "A new one!" I blink in surprise. "A new one? But I told you so many that I can't remember which ones I haven't told you," I explain. She looks up at me sadly with her little brown eyes and I can't help but to oblige. "Alright, Daisy, have I ever told you the story of how Trixie and Starlight became friends?" I ask. She shakes her head confused. "But youdo know who I'm talking about, right?" "Yeah, Starlight used to be your student, and Trixie was mean to you," Daisy explains. "Good," I say, and clear my throat to tell her the story. It is a shorter story, which is good because I still have to feed her, but even so, when I finish the story, Daisy once again looks star struck. "Wow! She jumped into a Chimera's mouth?" she asks. I giggle. "Weren't you listening at all? She used a canon to shoot herself into a Manticore's mouth," I explain. "Like the ones in the zoo?" she asks. "Well, yes, but all of the animals you see in the zoo were all wild and attacked ponies who went into the Everfree Forest. Now, what do you want to eat?" I say. Her face scrunches up again and it seems like she's thinking really hard. "Soup?" she asks. "Soup it is!" I announce. I pour water into a pot, start boiling it, and get the the fridge for the vegetables. "What do you want in it?" I ask. "Carrots, onions, brussel sprouts, and potatoes!" She announces excitedly. I take the items out of the fridge with my magic and place them on the counter. I then trot over to the cabinet to grab the potatoes. I chop each vegetable quickly and expertly, giving Daisy a bit of a show by levitating each chopped vegetable and making them dance in the air before putting them in the pot. She giggles and claps each time. "Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?" I ask while we eat our soup. "I don't know, I like flowers, and I like eating food, and I love stories, but I don't know what I'm good at," she explains. "Well that's okay, Daisy! You know your cousin, Twilight? She didn't get her cutie mark until she was thirteen! And Flash didn't get his either until he was ten!" I explain. "There's no rush, I was just curious," I add. "I didn't know that," Daisy admits. "Now let's see who can eat our soup faster without spilling!" I challenge. She is up for the challenge. They maybe completely different ponies, but none of Rainbow Dash's descendants ever lost her determination at winning something. Whether it be a weightlifting competition, or a soup eating contest, they are all up for the challenge and strive to be the best. I won, but that doesn't mean it was an easy win. Daisy is a fast and clean eater, that's for sure. But I'm sure if I challenged her brothers, or even Rainbow Shine, they'd be the same way, and probably win too! I levitate the bowls to the sink and levitate Daisy to her room. "Hey! Auntie Twilight! What are you doing! I want a rematch!" Daisy complains. "Some other time, Sweet Pea, it's almost 6:00 which means we need to get you off to bed!" I explain. "Awe, Auntie!" she complains. "Sorry, I didn't make the rules, your mom did. And if it helps, your brothers got the same bed time when they were four," I explain. And so, I get Daisy ready for bed. I run a bath, I clean her up, I dry her off, I dress her in her pajamas, I tuck her in, and I'm about to turn off the lights and leave when she stops me. "Wait! Auntie Twilight!" She says. "Yes, Daisy?" I ask. "Uh," she looks shy and awkward. As if she's trying to come up with an excuse for stopping me. "Uh, Auntie?" she asks. "Yes?" I respond. "Nevermind," she says, and I nod, turning off the lights and shutting the door behind me. Later, about two hours, I hear the door open and two grumpy colts stomp through the door with a very stirn Rainbow Shine behind them. "Rough night?" I ask Rainbow. "Flash thought it was a funny idea if he threw some of his candy at other foals and the ponies that gave him treats. Fleet, on the other hoof, started going way too ahead of me and I had to keep on shouting at him to wait. I had enough of both of their behaviors, so I decided it was time to go home," Rainbow explains. "I see," I say sternly, looking at each colt. "So here!" Rainbow exclaims, giving me a bag of candy. "That's Flash's bag. He no longer get's any because of his behavior. You can give the bag back when you've finished," Rainbow explains. "And Fleet's bag?" I ask, still very angry at the colts. "It goes to Daisy. And both of them know fully well what will happen if either of them take even a mini chocolate bar," Rainbow says, raising her voice, saying that mostly to the colts than me. "Thank you so much for your help tonight, Twilight, you can go hang out with your friends now. Boys! To your room!" I close the door, bringing the bag with me as I leave. > Dreams of the Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Celestia?" I ask. I am walking down a corridor of the old Canterlot Castle, now renovated and renewed into the Government House of Equestria. "Luna?" I try. The familiar echo of my hooves on marble comfort me. I may appreciate what Cadence and I did, but the castle is something that I miss dearly. It is nighttime, and the moon is full, and the stars are sparkling brightly. I suddenly stop and see something up ahead that I don't remember being there. A mirror. I get closer and see a pony looking back at me. Yes, she did look like me, but her mane wasn't flowing, and her wings were missing, and her height depleted. I check myself and I match the mare in the mirror. "Celestia? Luna?" I ask, more urgently. I start running to the end of the corridor. There is a door, and I teleport through it. I get in the room, and it seems like a party. "Twilight, there you are," Celestia greets. "I was about to send the guards to look for you," Celestia adds, with a smile. She pulls me into a hug and the warm sensation is far too much for me. I wrap my hooves around my old teacher and a tear falls gently from my eye. "Come now, Twilight, no need for tears. After all, it's Rarity's wedding! Leave the tears to her," Celestia explains. "Wait. Her wedding? But, I was only a unicorn before I entered. How can it be her-" I spin around in a confused manner and sure enough, I see wings. My tail isn't flowy yet though. I look past Celestia and I see Rarity dancing with Fancy Pants, Pinkie dancing with her boyfriend, Cheese Sandwich, and Apple Jack dancing with her fiance Ever Green. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are at the dessert table. It is exactly how I remember it. "How can this be?" I question. "Well, maybe it's because this is a dream," I hear from behind. I turn to see who spoke and the scene blows away like dust in the wind. I am left in empty blackness. "Hello? Who's there?" I can tell that I am back to the height I am, and I see my mane back to normal. "I said, 'who's there'!" I demand. I see two eyes, only eyes. They are purple swirls, and my stomach goes un easy. A smile is added underneath the eyes, and I know what I'm in for. "Hello, Twilight!" the mouth says, and then they all vanish. "Screwball." I say, angrily. A full grown mare pops up. She is pink with a mane that matches the eyes I saw earlier and a propeller hat ontop. "Miss me, Twilight?" she sneers. "No. I thought when we sent you to the Chaotic Dimension you'd stay there forever!" I spit at her. Screwball, the daughter of Discord, had turned out exactly like him. Even tried to take over Equestria. But after the elements sent her away, I thought we wouldn't see her again. I was wrong, of course, oh so very wrong. "Oh, Twilight, the Chaotic Dimension was fun, no doubt, but you really didn't think that powerful lock spell would keep me in there forever, did you?" she asks, stepping closer to me. I resist the urge to step back. "We did what we thought was best, Screwball. Even your own father said that you had grown to wild for you to stay here! You're lucky the elements didn't turn you to stone!" I say, raising my voice. "Discord was a traitor. He never believed in me. He could never control me for long, it was inevitable. But now that I'm free, I can take out my revenge on him and Equestria," Screwball explains, laughing. "I'm afraid that Discord died around the time we sent you to the Chaotic Dimension. Though he was one of the ones that sent you there, his heart broke and died the morning after that night," I explain. That is when I wake up. In cold sweats, I must add. "Is that real? Did I just see Screwball?" I question out loud. I go straight for my phone that is plugged into the wall and I send a text to Cadence. Had a dream about Screwball. Call Flurry. Make sure HE is safe. Come here ASAP! Sent. I get up out of bed and walk outside to the clearing I raise the sun in. The sun used to take an hour and forty five minutes to raise, because it was so heavy, but after it reached about the two thousandth mark, it got much easier. "Good morning, Twilight! It's a beautiful morning, and I must say, good job on last night as well," Missy May, an elderly Earth Pony mare, complements. "Thank you, Missy May, as always," I say, raising the sun the last little bit. Missy May is grey with a dusty pink mane and tale and her eyes are light blue. She is always up before dawn to complement the morning and evening, it's been that way since she moved here when she was twenty, and she has never missed a day, not even if she was sick. I was even invited to her wedding and baby showers. She has three foals which now have foals of their own. So, I'm basically like a grandma to them. "How was your sleep?" she asks. "I was fine, and you?" I ask in reply. "It was good too. I dreamed I was a young pegasus and flew with my cloud friends," she explains, and I giggle. "I'm glad you had fun, but if you'll excuse me, I promised I'd get to work early today," I explain. Oh, of course! Don't let an old mare like me slow you down," she explains. waving her hoof for me to leave. "Missy, I'm older that you, by thousands of years," I point out blatantly. "Oh, but you look and sound much younger than me, so I don't think it counts," she chuckles. I playfully push her shoulder and giggle at the absurdity. I then say goodbye to Missy May and walk in the house to get my saddle bags and phone. I check to see if I got a reply from Cadence, I did. HE is safe. Flurry and I are waiting in the Government House. Perfect. Teleporting there now. I reply, putting my phone in my saddle bag and do just that. I am in a large room with beige walls and a round, wooden table with computers and tablets with a few pens and pencils scattered on it too. This is the meeting room, once Celestia's room. I now shudder at the memory of tearing the room apart and rebuilding it to fit the needs of the government. I look around me, and I see the very confused faces of Tax Return, secretary of treasury, Mayor Standing of Coltifornia, and Green Bay the assistant City Manager of Coltifornia. At the far end of the room I see Flurry and Cadence looking at me concerned. "Leave us," I say. "What? Why?" Mayor Standing asks. "Because something has happened that we as alicorns must attend to," I explain, harshly. "You don't have that kind of power, Ms. Sparkle!" Tax Return points out. "This is a manor of the state, Mr. Return, I have all the power right now," I explain, getting a bit angry. "Then what are they doing here?" Tax Return asks, pointing at Flurry. "They are the only other two ponies that understand the severity of the situation!" I explain, getting frustrated. "How severe?" Green Bay asks. "Do you know the story of Screwball Draconequus?" I ask, seriously. "You mean the scary story parents tell their foals to behave and listen to authority?" Mayor Standing asks. "She's not a story. And I have reason to believe that she has returned to Equestria. But under Ancient Law, I ban you from speaking a word about this to any pony. At least not until we have confirmed it," I explain. "A-Ancient Law?" Green Bay studders. "Y-you wouldn't!" he bags. The Ancient Law is a spell I created for just such emergencies. If there was any kind of threat to Equestria that I knew the government couldn't handle, this word binding spell that works as a contract that once cast, ponies are sworn to do as I say under punishment of my choosing. I never thought I'd use it, but everypony knows of the Ancient Law spell, so the stallions in the room know how serious this is. "It is casted, now all you three have to do is agree," I explain, my old authority coming back to me. "I agree," Mayor Standing says. "I agree, Twilight," Green Bay says. Before saying anything, Tax Return bows his head, "I agree,". "Good. Now wait outside the door and keep anypony who wishes to enter out until we exit. Under oath of the Ancient Law," I demand, and the stallions leave. "Twilight, you promised to never use that spell again!" Cadence says, worriedly. She is hovering her hoof over her mouth and her eyes show shock. Flurry Heart just looks at me saddened and disappointed. "I know what I said, but... they wouldn't have left any other way," I say. "But Twilight, my dad," Flurry points out, and a pain enters my heart. "I remember. And I regret it, but I had no choice back then either," I explain, holding my chest in sadness and pain. "But we're not talking about that right now, we're talking about the threat that lies in Equestria even as we speak," I segue, trying to change the subject. "Yes. My mom and I went to his layar ourselves to confirm HIS safety. And we even cast the spell on him to confirm who he was, and that was in fact HIM that we saw," Flurry explains. I nod. "We'll send Dawn Gaze, Red Delicious, Lily Scotch and Gemstone down there to stand guard just in case," I explain, they nod in agreement. The four ponies I just mentioned is the Secret Guard. They go and do whatever we order and obey only me, Cadence, and Flurry. Think of them like government spies. But only we three know them as the descendants of Fluttershy, Apple Jack, and Rarity. They are highly trained, and highly dangerous. I only use my Secret Guard for situations like this. Starting with the very first time I started this program. Only they were Fluttershy, Rarity and Apple Jack's grandfoals. How ironic that the next time I use them is for the very purpose I trained them. Gemstone is disguised as a fashion designer in Haywood, Dawn Gaze is disguised as a janitor in Canterlot Elementary School, Lily Scotch is disguised as a bartender in Apploosa, and Red Delicious as a bum in Dodge Junction. I told them where to go, they decided their disguises. "I'll send some pony for them," Cadence says, who has her own ways of getting around. "What about Screwball?" Flurry asks. "I'm afraid it's just going to have to be a waiting game until she shows herself," I explain. "Just like last time?" she asks, fear rising in her throat. "Just like last time," Cadence confirms, grimly. They hug each other for solace. After all, the last time Screwball was rampaging, she killed Cadence's husband, Flurry's father, and my brother. But we can't dwell on this if we want to beat her once and for all. This is the start of a war. And it's one that we are winning again. No matter the cost, we must keep fighting. "For Honesty, for Loyalty," I start. "For Laughter, for Kindness," Flurry adds. "For Generosity, for Magic," Cadence joins in. "For Equestria and the Nations we defend. We will honor these, just as we do our lives. We are Ponies, and we stand strong!" We finish together. This is our code of conduct written by me when my brother died. It was actually his idea. And it was the last thing he said before he was killed. That concluded the meeting, and we left. I just hope this doesn't end up destroying us like it did in the past.