Dark Nights

by Ocean Heart

First published

"Do not mess with the affairs of vampires, for you are delicious and entertaining to watch squirm." This is Twilight's turn to lean this lesson.

Fluttershy has a reliable series of 'Vampire' episodes that Twilight has the foresight to observe and record the reactions and find a way to cure her friend...but what if she didn't want to be cured? What if the condition is much more advanced than she ever predicted...? And what if it made her wildly horny...?

Find out tonight on "Contrived, but sexy writing!"

In The Dead of Night

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The Everfree.

A shadowed and hostile land at best of times; at worst it holds fears like wolves, monstrous swamp creatures and horrible, mutant chicken.

Still, there are those that find peace in the forest, those who desire solitude and secrecy over safety; those whose desires lead them to live in this always changing land. Deep fogs hiding adventure and history behind foreboding willows. The excitement of this; the absolute curiosity it exudes is what really draws its visitors and leads to its reputation. Of the known regulars, we have few; A zebra, an alicorn, and a pegasus. One for seclusion, one for science, and lastly for kindness.

Fluttershy stepped her way through the soft grass and moss mixed soil, her gown rustling in the air, the light green color and white butterflies giving a ripple in the chilly wind of the night. Once again, her kindness draws her to the forest to find her lost pet. It was always on a full moon that he insisted on running out and dashing into the forest! The brat always enjoyed her suffering...as long as it stayed as a game.

The Everfree was no game, and she called out so softly that on the grasshoppers at her feet could hear her over the sound of night life. Birds of prey crushing meals in their talons, the occasional brush rustling with some horrible creature by her own imagination...

Wings fluttering lightly against her back and eyes wide as plates, she kept whispering out her call to the pesky pet. Why always the full moon? Any other night would be ten times less spooky to the mare! But as with many things involving her, she is completely clueless.

She got to the clearing only thirty yards into the forest; the sun was completely set, and the nightlife was in full swing. The clouds parted rather dramatically as a dear friend helped stay off the inevitable until the scenario was set.

In truth, Fluttershy was very sick...

Never properly recovering from that ‘batty’ little condition of hers, her friends did their best to keep it controlled when it does occur, and keep her as unaware as possible. All, of course, in the name of science.

The full moon shone down on her, the effect was immediate. Fluttershy doubled over and clutched at her stomach, a peep of shock and whine of fright became a growl, a snarl, a hunger. The yellow turned dark, her perfect hair fell out of shape; Fluttershy let out a sharp cry as she threw her head back and showed her friends watching from the shadows what they saw every full moon.

Her hand was three fingers deep into her exposed cunt. Her other hand flying to her chest and jaw hanging open as fangs shove their way into her teeth and drool beaded at the corner of her mouth, creating a sticky connection between her pillowy lips and sharp tooth when she dragged her tongue across them and let out a feral grunt of pleasure.

Her wings cracked and stretched themselves to full length, the feathers falling out with each flutter until the bat like skin remained, her body an inch in the air and now a full fist buried between her legs and red mound. The dress was already off her shoulders, sliding down but stopped by the wings. She removed her hand and looked around as she always did, her memory gone and need to feed taking over.

Normally she flew off.

Normally she would terrorize a few monsters, a group of timberwolves or try after Zecoria again...

This wasn't normal. Fluttershy stood in place and stared right at her...Right where Twilight was hiding, licking those fangs again and stretching her jaw in a show of power. Those red eyes that pierced the veil for the first time...they knew...she knew!

Twilight was about to bolt into the air and flee, or her friends would tackle Fluttershy down and try to sedate her. It would destroy her to know she was still this way...But there would be no other option!

It was hardly fair that Twilight found herself unable to break that red gaze. Her body refused to move, her panic set in and she tried to focus a spell. No use...Her whole body was frozen in horror at the sight of those red eyes...

A feral hiss escaped her friend, the sight of her friends nowhere to be found unsettling her more than anything.

Slow, careful steps. Fluttershy took slow, precise steps, her hips swaying, her bust jiggling and swishing with nothing to hold it back the moment her nails dug into the fabric and ripped the dress off. Twilight flushed with hot embarrassment, but she couldn't look away, no matter how much she wanted. Even as Fluttershy cupped the alicorn’s chin in a delicate hand, a second, darker orange hand falling over her shoulder, a third muted pink on her cheek and a last a dark blue hand grabbing her hair to yank her eyes back, tearing her gaze from Fluttershy to look back at three new vampires...Applejack, Pinkie, and Dash...

Her mind was racing, but her body still wouldn’t move under the spell the vampire’s gaze held.

How is this possible?! We recorded every result and- Thought over every outcome-! I shouldn’t be here!!! She screamed in her head.
She was shoved back by Flutter, hitting the soil like a ragdoll and gasping shortly as a foot from her three friends fell on her wrists and the center, Pinkie Pie, glared down at her with her own red eyes, drooling over her as juice liberally falls down her squishy thighs. The girl went to her knees and dropped her chubby slit right onto her face, particularly focused on using her horn as a faux cock...

This is humiliating...

Her thoughts slowed down to focus on what was happening, her friend’s were somehow corrupted into vampires. Yet the only vampire in Ponyville was...Fluttershy. Somehow she had transformed without the full moon and infiltrated herself into- “Ahhk!” she shouted.

Twilight squirmed hard, but Pinkie Pie kept her head still, even as her nose was soaked in fem juices. Fluttershy had sunk her fangs right into her veins! If her anatomy was right, at least...

Too much thinking...

Everything began to slow down.

The world melted around her...

The writhing pink cunt above her was so sweet smelling...

Twilight opened her jaw and reached her tongue out to slurp, to drive her tongue into that sopping wet cunt. Her eyes were blinded completely by the pleasurable smelling pussy above her, so she hardly had a mind to notice how dark her fur was turning.

It’s hard to think when you’re pleasuring as friend. Sister...

Fluttershy. Queen. Closed her eyes and drained out that pesky egg head of her free will, and a lot of her blood. She wanted to drive her to the edge of consciousness, where conditioning was best served. The cute little paralyzing trick was only so strong against the strong willed, but as that will eroded, it became pleasurable to be without control. To find herself tongue deep in her Sister and at the mercy of those better than her. After all, she was new to the family. And had to earn her place.

Twilight was happy to be used by her sisters and abused like so. Fangs sprouted from her jaw and she was sure to keep them from hurting Pinkie. She knew that at a whim, Fluttershy could say what she could use to pleasure, and this night was the same as every other. The feeding, as Applejack takes the spot at her neck, Dash at her head after Pinkie’s climax soaked the purple alicorn in musky femcum...and so goes the whole night.

Twilight was immortal, after all. Her sisters could feed endlessly on her, and she was the grand target of her Queen, Fluttershy for months...Working her way into her best friends to make sure she had every advantage before taking the simple egg head on.

Now as Dash found her high and screamed out a climax, the only one of the group whose cum held a rainbow tint to it, but Applejack was happy to end her turn by dragging that bloody tongue up Twilight’s cheek and lick the mixed cum, standing up, and letting the chubby Pinkie have her turn.

The night waned, the moon sunk under the horizon and the group woke up the next morning in utter shock as they all woke up in a nude pile, poor Twilight absolutely soaked in femcum from her head to her stomach. They vowed to not speak of the event again, and Twilight never wanted to notice the bite marks all along her neck...that way next time Queen calls, she can be there serve...