> Jason takes Equestria > by Vasto Lorde > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Necronomicon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight woke up gasping for breath. She was breathing like the air was taken form her very lungs. She had awoken from a strange dream. Her sheets were stained with sweat. "What was that thing. Where did it come from." After Twilight finished her sentence she got out of the bed. She then headed over to her desk and took out a quill and scroll. She began writing. Dear princess Luna I had a very strange dream last night that I would like to discuss with you when you have the time. Sincerely Twilight Sparkle. Twilight finished her letter and put a moon pin on it. She then went down to Spikes room. She walked down the hall to his room. It wasn't that far from her room. It was at least three doors down. She reached Spike's door and opened it with her magic. As she opened the door she peeked her head in to see if spike was there. Strangely enough he wasn't. "Hm he's usually still sleeping." She left the room and headed to the kitchen. She went down stairs and headed to the left. In the kitchen she found Spike preparing breakfast. She started too sneak up on him. "BOO!" screamed Twilight. The response she received was exactly what she thought it would be. "Ahhh!" yelled Spike. "Twilight why would you do that" "Sorry Spike." apologized Twilight."But before you start cooking again do you think you can send this to Princess Luna?" "Sure thing Twilght." After that he grabbed the letter and sent it off in a blue flame. After breakfest in Twilight's study Twilight was working on some work given to her by Celestia. Twilight had one more sheet to do and she decided that she would take a break. She thought to herself about what she should do while relaxing."Hm what should I do? Go see Pinkie? Take a walk around town? Or maybe go visit Rainbow and read some Daring Do?" Twilight walked around the room while she was pondering her question. "I know i'll just read a book." She searched the shelves of her study to find somthing to read. All she had there were a couple of basic spell books and some personal books that only she could read. She then gave up the search in her study and headed to her library. When she reached her library she opened the door walked in and continued her search for a book to read. She searched the first four columns and then decided that she would look at the books from A-Z. For about half an hour she searched and found nothing to read. "I really need to get some new books." Then she heard a whisper. Twilight. said the voice in what seemed a ghostly wail. "Who...who said that?" Come into the Everfree forest there you find the thing you seek. "A new book?" thought Twilight. "I mean I do need somthing new to read. But what is the voice and where is it coming from and why was it talking to me? It's very strange. Oh whatever it's somthing new. Who knows what I could learn." Go beyond the castle of the two sisters and then head left. There you will find a statue. When you find the statue make another left and then you'll find what you seek. "Oh this is going to be exciting." Twilight said as she rushed down the stairs and to the door. " I'll be back soon Spike." "Ok Twilight see you later." The Everfree Forest at the statue. "This must be the statue. The voice said take a left." The statue she was standing in front of was a little broken with a couple of vines on it. The statue looked like an alicorn with a flowing mane and tail. It even had a cutie mark . But the mark was unlike anything Twilight had ever seen. It was the Galaxy itself. "What is this statue even doing out here. Also why does it look like an alicorn. Hm I'll go talk to Celestia after I find this book." Twilight walked a couple more miles until she came to a gate. The letters on the gate said STAY OUT Twilight broke the lock with her magic and entered. Inside the gates there was a small building. Twilight entered the building. The inside of the building was as disgusting as the outside. The house was filled with mold and cobwebs. Twilight walked forward with her hooves making a echoing sound as they hit the stone floor. "Rarity would have a fit if she saw somthing like this place." Twilight walked forward a couple more steps. She was about to walk through a doorway when the floor gave out and she fell down the hole. Inside the hole was a damp cave with the smell of somthing that had died in there. As Twilight lifted her head she saw a cloth that looked like it had somthing covered up. She got up and removed the cloth. As she did this she started to hear the strange whisper again. Only this time it wasn't speaking words. Sh ha nun shi hun lun ninmo ligentes phi mores ka lin na bla mu sha thosk. These same words were continued as she continued to unwrap the item. When she finished the whispering stopped. She looked at the face of the cover. The cover of the book had a strange face of it. The face was scary looking the eyes were mad and the mouth looked like it had jagged teeth. She lifted the book with her magic and read the tiltle "The Necronomicon." In Canterlot Celestia woke up with her face full of fear. "No no someone's discovered it!" She hoped out her bed almost stumbling and falling but she quickly recovered. She walked to her window and looked over at the Everfree forest. She then put on her sandals,crown and neckplate then ran out her room. She was running down the hall quickly to Luna's room. "Morning Princess Celes..." A guard said but before he could finished Celestia ran pass him with great speed. "Wonder what's got her in such a hurry. Celestia ran through the many hallways and corridors until she ran into one of Luna's bat guards. "Where is my sister." she asked the guard. "She should be in her room. I was making my way back to her room when you stopped me." replied the guard. "Good please when you get to her room tell her that I need to talk with her." "Will do Princess Celestia" said the guard with his hoof to his head. "Tell her to meet me in the dining hall." Celestia and the guard then went there seperate ways. A couple minutes later Luna entered the dining hall. "Sister pretell why thou hast requested us. "Someone has found it." said Celestia. "You don't mean that do you?" "I'm afraid that is exactly what i'm talking about. Someone has found The Necronomicon." "Then you know what we must do?" "Yes we must find them before they bring something horrible into the world." > Here Comes the Slasher > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight had just returned home from her trip to the Everfree. It had just turned to night. "Spike i'm back." Twilight said as she entered and closed the door behind her with her magic. "Welcome back." Spike said."Hey where have you been? You were kinda gone for a while." With some quick thinking she came up with a lie. " I was hanging out with Rainbow. I wanted to see if she had any new Daring Do books." Said Twilight. "Uh don't you give those books?" Spike said. Twilight had to think of something to say as the gears in her head were turning. "What to say" she said mentally. Before she gave her answer a blue flame erupted form the young dragon's mouth. Luna had replied to Twilight's message. "Oh finally." Twilight said. Dear Twilight Sparkle I have read your letter and I think we can meet sometime next week. As this week I have an urgent matter that must handled. Send me a letter so that we can have a place to meet and also the day of the meeting. Until then See you soon. Sincerely Princess Luna. As Twilight finished reading the letter she asked Spike to go get his quill and paper.A couple seconds later he returned with the items in hand. Dear Princess Luna Thank for responding to my letter. I believe that next Tuesday will work as I have nothing to do that day. I'll meet you at Donut Joe's in Canterlot. Hope that is a good time for you as well. I'll be awaiting your reply. Sincerely Twilight Sparkle. After she was done she put the moon pin on it and asked Spike to send it to Princess Luna. Spike grabbed the letter and sent it off in a blue flame. "Well now that that is finished lets go eat dinner." Twilight said. After that both her and Spike went to the kitchen. Spike had already set up the table. He just had to finish cooking. After Dinner In Twilight's Study Twilight was sitting in her study looking at the strange book she now had sitting in front of her. She was still pondering the question as to why the voice had chose her. She started reading the title once more. " Should i even open this?" She asked herself. "If someone went through the trouble of hiding this should I even read this? What if they had an important reason for hiding this? What if this is a very dangerous object that needed to be hidden?" There were just too many what ifs. She was trying to think about what she should do. She had been sitting in that same room for hour contemplating what to do with the book. What are you doing open the book and read its contents. "Who are you?! What do you want from me? Just leave me in peace. Why is this book so damn important? Just why do you want me to read it so much just tell me you thing or whatever you are?" Twilight yelled at the voice. Young Twilight Sparkle Princess of Friendship, Element of Magic, Student of Celestia you are the most talented mare in all of Equestria. You have the skill to rival all three of the Princesses. You could destroy them with ease and yet you stay loyal to them. You can be so much more.All you need to do is open the book and your eyes shall be opened. "Your crazy." Twilight said to the voice. " Why would I want to overthrow my fellow Princesses." Because Twilight you desire power. Ever living creature wants to be more powerful than the others in their lives. "What? The desire to gain more power. Why would I want more power?" There is a prophecy that you must fulfill. You are the chosen one Twilight Sparkle. You are not only the Element of magic and a Princess of Equestria. You are a goddess of the universe. Twilight's face was full of shock. "A goddess." Yes Twilight a Goddess. A very powerful one at that. In fact you are the very creator of the book you now sit in front of. Twilight was filled with disbelief." How come I don't remember this book? This is the first time i've ever seen somthing like this before. How could I have created it?" Twilight you are the Goddess Of Magic. Your power has been around for millions of centuries even before the Princesses were born. You are an eternal entity. Your power was taken from you. " My power was taken. What is that supposed to mean? Who took it from me? The parents of the very ones you look up to. The rulers of Equestria. If you remember the statue you saw that was you. You Twilght Sparkle were the first Alicorn the first Goddess in all of the world.You should be ruling. It is their parents fault that you are not what you use to be. "Celestia and Luna's parents." Yes their parents. King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia. They live in a far away land that they rule. The island on which they now live was the very first land you created when you got here on this planet. You called the land Fraterna. You planed what you would make the rest of the planet look like. You also thought of what you would make the creatures of the world you created would look like. You put so much thought into this world and then you were destroyed. Twilight's mind was working overtime to try and process this information. Her being an eternal being. It was just too hard for her to get her mind around. " I just don't understand. How could I have lived all those years ago. Also if I was destroyed how come i'm here today." Twilight asked the voice. Before the voice could answer Spike knocked on the door. " Twilight Princess Luna sent you a letter." Twilight opened the door and grabbed the letter from Spike. Dear Twilight Sparkle We believe that we are free that day. We can meet thee at Dounut Joes at 3:00 pm. Hope to see you there. Sincerely Princess Luna " Thank you. "Twilight said to Spike. "Your welcome Twilight" Spike said as he headed twords his room. Twilight was onece again left with her thoughts. " Voice are you still there?" Twilight asked the empty room. She had no reply. She waited there for a couple more minutes before she decided to stop trying. "Guess it's gone." Twilight said as she yawned. "Guess it's time to get to bed." Twilight was about to leave the room she remembered the book. " Better put this somewhere safe she said as she opened a secret door in her desk. After that she left the room. Canterlot Next Tuesday Dounut Joes 3:00 pm Twilight was wating for Luna to arrive. She was thinking about the voice and what it told her. "Are you deep in thought?" Luna asked "Huh oh yeah sorry about that." Twilight said. She motioned over for Dount Joe and he came. "Afternoon your Highnesses what can I get for you?" he said with a cheerful smile and bow. "Just the usual." Twilight said to Joe. "Alright that is one mocha latte donut. What would you be having Princess Luna?" "I'll have a..... a donut with the cream filling and the chocolate on top!" Luna said with much enthusiasm. "Alrighty then your orders should be out soon." "So Twilight you said you wanted to talk about the dream you had is that right." "Yes that is right." "Alright start at the beginning." "Ok. So the dream begins with me sitting at my desk. Then outside I hear screaming. So I ran out to see why the towns ponies were screaming. They pointed to a house the had the door smashed in. As I walked I had almost slipped on somthing on the floor. As I looked down I saw...blood. That wasn't the only spot though. There was a trail leading into one of the rooms. As I opened the door I almost vomited at the sight. There were body parts all over the room. I walked into the room. I had bumped into a body. I looked down to see that Lyra had her guts ripped from her stomach and she had a huge cut on her throat. Then I looked over to the right and saw that Cheerilee cut in half. Next to her was Octavia who had her head split apart right down the middle. I ran out the room into the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom I saw Vinyl with her head in the toilet. She was drowned. I had to leave the room. I had just went into the living room when I heard a sound from behind me. I turned around to see what looked like one of the beings form the other world through the mirror. Except this one was almost as tall as Discord he would come just below his head but his head would go pass his beard. In his hand he had a machete with blood on it. He swung at me. I dodged to the left. I didn't expect his swing again and he caught me in the flank. The weird thing about it though is it actually hurt. I blasted him with a powerful spell and he went flying through the back door. I walked out and saw him on the ground. I walked over. His chest wasn't moving I thought I had killed him. I backed away . Then he sat up. I jumped back. He stood up and grabbed me by the throat. He easily overpowered me. He held me in his grip and chocked me. I tried to escape his grip but he was too strong. I felt like my lungs were about to blow up. Everything was getting dark and then I woke up. When I woke up my neck was still hurting." "You said you felt pain in your dream?" Luna asked. "Yes I did ." Twilight replied. "Hm that shouldn't be possible. I'll have to do some thinking as to why that happened. " "Ok" Twiligt said. " I wonder if I should ask her about the book or maybe about the voice." " I can sense that there is somthing else on your mind Twilight?" Luna asked. "No" Twilight lied. "Your donuts your Highnessess." Dount Joe said. "Thank you Joe" Twilight said. The two Princesses enjoyed their donuts and then went their seperate ways. Ponyville Friday the13th Twilight's Castle. It had been raining for three straight days after Twilight's meeting with Luna. Twilight spent those days trying to get in touch with the voice but she had no luck. Twilight was reading over her plans for next week when the voice came back. You still aren't reading the book why? " Well you never answered my questions the last time we talked." Like I said open the book and all your questions will be answered. " No I want you to tell me!" Twilight yelled at the voice. "Answer my questions and then i'll read the book." She told the voice in a authoritative manner. Fine. I will answer your questions. "Good. Now what are you?" I am the voice of your past selves. The voice of all those that came before you including your original self. "Well that explains why you chose me. Alright here's another question if I lived all those years ago how am I alive today?" Before your original body was destroyed you were able to slip your life force into another body. You did that to survive throughout your life. When you were born we were originally aiming for your mother. But the original you had other ideas. She knew that you were special. "Ok that's that answered. Now for my final question why wait till now." We wanted you to grow stronger. We waited and watched as you overcame everything that you faced. We watch you fight Nightmare Moon, Tirek, Trixie, your insecurities, and many more challenges. We never imagined that you would ever become an Alicorn. That was a surprise to all of us. Your magic combined with your friendships also with your Element you are the strongest pony out of any in the world. You even rival Discord. If you open that book your full power will be unleashed. Think of it as the time you held all the Alicorn magic in Equestria multiplied by 100. That is how much power you will have. Twilight was amazed at how powerful she could become. By just opening a book. She walked over to her desk and pulled the book out from its secret compartment. She looked over it and then she opened it. The wind outside started picking up. The rain that was falling suddenly stopped and went in the opposite direction back towards the clouds. Rainbow Dash just happened to be outside when this started happening. " What the buck is going on" she said as she watched the rain go back towards the clouds. Back inside the castle the lights were flickering and the candles were blown out. The hallways were filled a loud noise and bright light. Inside the study room Twilight was floating in the air with her mane waving in a nonexistent wind and her eyes glowing. A couple second later everything went back normal. Twilight opened her eyes to see that she was standing taller than she had before. She went over to a mirror she had in her room. She saw her mane and tail were now waving in a nonexistent wind. She also saw the her fur was a little bit darker and her irises were now a deeper purple. She was as tall as Celestia. "Wow is this how I originally looked?" she asked the voice. Yes it is. "This feels so amazing." She said looking over her new body until she came to the cutie mark. Instead of there being her normal stars there were now millions of tiny little ones and one big starburst in the middle. "Wait can I change out of this form?" Afraid not. This will be your form for the rest of your life. So really your stuck with the form forever or until you are killed or destroyed. But you can cast an illusion spell that even Princess Luna would not be able to detect. "Ok. So an illusion spell." Twiligh's horn started to glow and she cast the spell. She now looked like her old self. "What am I to do now?" She asked the voice. You should read more of the book. Learn a couple more spells and things. " Sure sounds like a good idea." Twilight grabbed the book with her magic and preceded to read it. A couple hours later Twilight was only halfway through the book. Instead of continuing to read she decided that she would try out one of the spells. "Hm which one to use." she flipped through the pages until she found one that she would like to try. "I think i'll try this one." Twilight's horn lit up. The room was plunged into darkness as she tried to cast the spell.After much concentration she was finally able to cast it. She sat there a minute and nothing happened. " All that power for nothing." Twilight said a little frustrated. " "That was just a waste of time and energy. " she said as she left the room. Camp Crystal Lake The counselors ran into one of the cabins and locked the door. "Block the windows with something." one of the male conselors said. They all worked hard to block ever door and window. "Everybody grab anything that we could use as weapons." a female counselor said. They all scattered throughout the cabin and returned to the main room with knives,pokers,planks, and a couple guns. "This is everything we could find." another female said. As they were all grabbing their weapons the barricade against the door broke apart as Jason entered. One of the counselors were too scared to move and was hacked to pieces. The other counselors tried to fight him. One of them ended getting a machete to the head. Two other counselors attacked but they both got thrown through a barricaded window. There were only two counselors left. Jason grabbed his machete He was about to slash them when a bright flash happened. Jason looked around the area he was now in and he noticed a sign that said Welcome To Equestria. > News > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The days went by normally. Twilight had her interactions with her friends. Her and Rainbow had a talk about the crazy weather that happend last week. She asked if Twilight had anything to do with it. Rainbow looked at Twilight's eyes look all over the room they were in . With a nervious smile Twilight said " What weird weather I didn't see anything or have anything to with it." She then fled from Rainbow's house down to Sweet Apple Acres. "I swear that pony gets weirder every day." Down at the farm Twilight searched around for Applejack. Of course she found the orange earth pony working. Applejack was bucking apples which is one of her many chores throughout the day. Twilight sat back and watched her. She really admired how much care Applejack put in her work. "Heya Twilight." said Applejack. "Hi Applejack." "What brings ya down here to the Orchard?" "Oh nothing just wanted to come see how my friend was doing" "Aw shucks Twilight that's mighty nice of ya. We're doing fine out here." "I see you put a lot of TLC into these apples this year. Is it for a special event or something?" "Sure is. The Apple Family Reunion is coming up." "Oh really. It's already time for one of those?" "Yup sure is. This one gonna be bigger than the last one." "Well let me know if you need help with anything. I'd be glad to help." "Much obliged Twilight but I think we got things handled. Hey I was wondering if you knew what was going on with the weather last week?" "The weather last week. Nope don't know anything about it. Oh would you look at the time gotta get going. I got things I need to do and I got laundry I need to do so uh nice talking with you and..... BYE!" with that Twilight was already halfway to the gate. "Hm she hiding something. I need to get the rest of the girls together so we can talk." Twilight's Castle Twilight walked on her way to her study. She had just got back from visiting all her friends. She had to leave and come up with different reasons on why she had to leave. Everything was going fine until they asked her about the weather last week. She was surprised that Spike didn't ask her about the bright lights and other things. But then she came to the conclusion that he must have been sleep. It takes a lot to wake that little dragon. Twilight reached her study and opened the door and walked in. She walked over to her desk and took the book from the secret compartment in her desk. She then flopped down into her chair and went to her book marked page. She had learned a lot more spells since last week. She learned a spell that could make it so you can walk on water. Another one is a spell that allows a pony to stay under water without having to come up for air. One spell allowed a pony to manipulate gravity.Another even showed a pony how to revive a dead pony.Also there was a spell that allowed her to teleport greater distances with heavier objects. There were so many spells she learned over the weekend. She was still disappointed that the first spell she tried didn't work. She also learned more about her past self. The original her. She learned that her name was Goddess Galix Star. She also learned that Celestia and Luna's parents were her first creations. They helped her shape the other many lands. Also they helped her create the other many creatures of the the world. They helped her decide what they would look like and they helped her with the names of each species. Twilight also asked the voice if she every had any mates. The voice told her that the original self never had any mate. It did tell her that a couple of past selves did have mates. Some having more than one. That sounded kinda unreal to Twilight. But when she really thought about it in the past it wasn't uncommon for a stallion to have more than one mare. Twilight looked through the pages of the book until she heard a knock on her door. "Who is it?" asked Twilight. "Your friends darling" said Rarity. "Oh crap!" Twilight said mentally. She hopped out her chair and put the book back in its secret compartment. She ran back over to her seat and fell over. "You all right in there sugarcube?" asked Applejack. "Yeah. Yup everything's fine in here." Twilight jumped back into her seat and told her friends to come in. Her friends came in one at a time and formed a circle around her. "Uh what are you girls doing?" "Oh nothing Twilight. We're just forming a friendship circle around so you can't run away again." Pinke said. "Yes darling we're just standing around you so you don't try to run away again." "Why would I run?" "Well because each time each one of us asked you about the crazy weather last week you ran like you were late for a test or something and you came up with a whole bunch of different excuses and stuff." "What no no those weren't excuses I actually had to do those things." "Twilight do ya honestly think you lie to the Element of Honesty?" "Uh.... shoot your right." "Twilight why have you been lying to us." "Yeaaaah why have you been lying?" Pinkie said giving Twilight a suspicious eye. "So uh Twilight did you um have anything to do with the scary weather last week?" Fluttershy asked. No Twilight don't tell them anything. They will notify the Princesses you have to keep this secret it is of much urgency! " I can't hide anything from them. They'll find out one way or another. I have to tell them." "Uh sugercube who ya talking to" asked Applejack "Guess it's time to come clean. Yes it's true I haven't been honest with you girls." Said Twilight in a defeated tone. "So why have you been lying to us?" asked Rainbow. Twilight lit her horn up and her friends got ready to grab her if she tried to teleport. Twilight body was encased in her magical aura and her illusion started to dissipate. Her friends stepped back and stared at her with unbelieving eyes. Fluttershy was hiding behind her mane. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were standing in a fighting stance. Pinkie was standing with a half confused surprised face. "Twilight is that you?" asked Rainbow "Yes girls it's me" Twilight said in a voice that did not sound like her original voice. "You don't sound like Twilight nor do you look like her. Prove that your her." Said Rainbow. "Please just give me time? There's a lot you need to learn if you want to understand why I look and sound the way I do." "Well you better start explaining very bucking fast" said Rainbow in an angry tone. "Alright it all started two weeks ago I was doing some work and then I decided to take a break. I was looking for something to read when I heard a voice call my name. I was the only one in my study at the time so I was a little freaked out. Then the voice stated telling me about a book that was located beyond the castle of the two sisters. It sounded kinda weird to me but I went anyway. When I got to the statue the voice told me about I took a left and found an old building. The inside of the building was all run down and broken. I was walking through a door way when the floor gave out. I fell inside and blacked out to a second. When I came to I saw that I was in a damp cave. The cave had an awful smell to it. I looked around and saw a white cloth. I unwrapped it and found a book." Twilight's horn lit up and she opened the secret compartment in her desk and lifted the book over to the group. " This is what I found." Her friends looked at the book with horrified and confused faces. They saw how the cover of the book had a face on it. Fluttershy hid behind Rainbow because it looked like the books eyes were following her. "After I got home I brought it to my study and asked myself many questions. Then the voice came back and told me more about the book and its origins. It also told me that I was the creator of the book." "Whoa whoa whoa hold on a sec you're the creator of that scary looking book?" asked Pinkie. " How would that even be possible darling? That book looks like its been around longer than you have." "Actually it's exactly three-million five-hundred thousand and nine-hundred ninety-eight years old." said Twilight. "Wait how can that book be that old and still look relatively new?" asked Fluttershy peeking out from behind Rainbow. "I put a preservation spell on it." Twilight said. "That one thing answered but um if that book is that old how would you have been there?"asked Rainbow Dash. "Well it wasn't me. Well actually it kinda was me in a way. But he was a very smart stallion." "HE!" her friends all said in unison. "Oh yeah Krinkle Sticks was a very smart stallion. Oh did I forget to mention that some of my past selves were stallions?" "No you didn't even mention anything about past selves." Rarity said. " Yeah that's what the voice is. The combined life forces of my past selves. That were I learned about this book and other things. You don't want to know how much I learned. New spells, history , facts, custo...." Twilight looked up to see her friends giving her the one look whenever she started getting lost in her own little world. "Oh sorry." "You know I think we just got prof that this is indeed our Twilight." said Rarity. "Agreed." the rest of Twilght's friends said. "So uh anything else you girls would like to know?" " What do we call you in this uh form here?" asked Applejack. "Well this is what my past original self looked like. Her name was Goddess Galix Star. So I guess you can just call me Galix." " Did you just say GODDESS?" Rarity screamed. "Yes I did. It turns out that my original self was a Goddess. Also the creator of the world." All of her friends jaws dropped to the floor with the exception of Rarity who had fainted. " I just have one thing to ask of you all." "Sure thing Twilight." Applejack said. "Please for the love of Celestia don't tell the Princesses about this." "Cross our hearts hope to fly stick a cupcake in our eye." all her friends said. " Thank you girls " Twilight said bringing her illusion back. "Come on let's get out of here." They all left the study and headed to Sugar Cube Corner. Canterlot Castle Throne Room Celestia was sitting on her throne looking through some of her notes for the day court when the doors burst open. "Princess Celestia urgent news from Eastern Equestria!" a guard said. "Yes what is it?" "There's been a murder in Manehattan!" "A murder. Thank you find my sister and ask her to come to the throne room." With that the guard saluted and left the room. Celestia took out her scroll and started writing. Twilight's Castle Friendship Throne Room Twilight and her friends were sitting in the throne room of friendship as Pinkie called it talking about random things until the door opened. "Spike what brings you here ?" "You got a letter from Princess Celestia." " Thank you Spike." Twilight said as she opened the scroll. Twilight's eyes widened." What is it Twilight?" Fluttershy asked. " The letter says that we are all needed in Camterlot." > Mission to Manehattan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and her friend left The Throne Room of Friendship and went their separate ways to prepare for their trip to Canterlot. Twilight went to inform Spike that her and girls were going to Canterlot for a while and headed for her room. She packed quills, paper, and lots of books, also some flashcards into her saddle bag. She ran out the room into her study. She looked around the room for The Necronomicon. She found it on her desk sitting on top of some other books. She cast a spell to make the book invisible. She wasn't sure how Celestia would react to seeing a book with such a sinister looking face on it. She put the book in the saddle bag and closed it. After that she left her study. She ran down the stairs and out the door and closed the door with her magic. Before she left she cast another illusion spell to make it look like she had the saddle bags on the illusion her's back. While her real ones were on her real bodies back under the illusion. Her and her friends decided to meet each other at The Ponyville Train Station. " Come on girls where are you?" Said Twilight. She looked to her left to see Pinkie and Applejack coming towards the station. "Sorry we took so long. Pinkie here decided to stop for ice cream." Said Applejack. "Whaaat.? I can't help it. I need my sweets." Said Pinkie. Just then Rainbow Dash landed in front of Twilight. "Sorry girls had to feed Tank." Rainbow Dash said. Then Rarity and Fluttershy came from the right. "Alright everyponies here. Come on girls." Said Twilight as the train arrived. The six friends stepped in and took their seats. Twilight sat next to Rarity. While Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie sat behind them. Rainbow Dash and Applejack sat across from Twilight and Rarity. The train started moving and Twilight looked out the window. The train ride to Canterlot was very uneventful. Twilight sat and looked out the window. She was enjoying the view she had seen on every train ride she ever took. Why are you going to Canterlot? "Princess Celestia summoned me and my friends. I don't know why though all the letter said is that it is an urgent matter."Twilight said. Is it possible that one of your "Friends" contacted the Princess and told her about us. "What no the girls promised they wouldn't. It was a Pinkie Promise at that. We never break those." Twilight told the voice. Are you sure about this? "Yes I am 100 percent certain." If you say so then fine. The voice said and then put an image of a frown in Twilight's head. "Hey how did you do that?" Twilight asked flabbergasted. It is another one of our skills. You can learn about it if you read further in the book. "I'll read more when I get the chance alright." Twilight turned around to see all her friends looking at her with worried expressions." What?" "Who are you talking to darling?" Asked Rarity. "The voice remember. Sometime me and it have conversations." Said Twilight. "Riiiight the voice." Applejack said. "And just what was this voice asking about?" "It just wanted to know why I was heading to Canterlot."Twilight replied. "Okay well can you stop talking to it. It's kinda making us uncomfortable. You know seeing you talk to nothing and all." Said Applejack "Oh...sorry girls." Twilight said with a sheepish smile. The train pulled into The Canterlot Train Station. The six friends stepped out and started making their way towards the castle. A couple moments later they reached the gates. The guards outside the gate saw Twilight and opened the gates for them. They entered the castle and made their way though the castle corridors and entered the castle throne room. Inside they saw Princess Luna and Princess Celestia talking to each other. They looked over to the door and saw the Mane 6 walking in. "Ah Twilight you made it." Said Celestia. Twilight's friends bowed and so did Twilight out of habit. Celestia chuckled at this."Twilight you don't have to that anymore remember." "Oh right." Twilight said as she got up. "So why have you called us here?" "The reason you were summoned was because I need you to assist Luna with an investigation." Celestia said. "What kind of investigation?" Twilight asked. Celestia paused for a little. "There has been a murder in Manehattan." Said Celestia. There was a collected gasp from the Mane 6. "A murder. Who would do such a terrible thing? " asked Rarity. "That is why I asked Luna to assist you in this matter." Said Celestia as she looked towards Luna. "Your train to Manehattan will be leaving in an hour. "Luna will be arriving by chariot." "Why will Princess Luna be coming with us?" Rainbow Dash asked. "We have experienced this type of tragedy before.Though it is not common in this time, it happened often in the olden times. We assist you because we have ways of locating the murder." Said Luna. "Oh okay." Said Rainbow as she flew to the ground. The ponies in the room said there farewells and then went off to prepare for the trip to Manehattan. One Hour Later The Mane 6 headed back to the train station and got on the train heading to Manehattan. The six took their original positions from their previous train ride and started talking with each other,besides Twilight who was reading The Necronomicon. She had cast an illusion spell on it.The book now had a red cover with gold on the spine of the book. The title now read Starswirl The Bearded's Guide to Defensive Magic. She was on page 1045 of the book. This section of the book dealt with powerful detection spells. Once she was done with the page the next spell dealt with transformation spells. The next page dealt with more teleportation spells. The next one transmogrify. Rarity looked over to Twilight. "What you reading there dear?" Rarity asked. Twilight turned towards Rarity and held up her book. Rarity looked at the book and gave an approving smile."I glad you stop reading that other horrible book you found." Twilight put the book down and spoke. "Yup no more of that book." She said and gave a sheepish smile and Rarity turned back around to talk with Pinkie. Twilight picked the book back up and started reading again. She flipped the page and saw the spell the voice had told her about."Ah here it is." Later In Manehattan The train pulled into the station and the six friends exited. There were three Royal Guard waiting for them. The guard saluted when the saw Twilight. "Princess Twilight,Princess Luna is waiting for you at the murder sight. She has asked us to escort you there where she is waiting."Said a guard with a white coat and black mane. The three guards escorted Twilight and her friends to the sight. They entered a tall blue and white building. The inside of the building was nicely decorated. There were plants that looked like they were well taken care of. The floor was a nice tile pattern of black and yellow and the walls of the building on the inside were white. Twilight and her friends were led to a room on the first floor. There were six more Royal Guard standing outside the room and they stood on either side of the door. The three escorts moved to the side and let the Mane 6 enter the room. What they saw horrified them except Twilight for some odd reason. The walls of the room were stained with dried blood,the same is said for the floor. Rarity and the other gagged at the sight except for Twilight. Fluttershy almost screamed at the sight and hid behind her mane. Princess Luna stood of to the side and addressed the six. "This murder happened at least three days ago.if thou wish to leave now would be the time." Luna said. All of Twilight's friends had decided to leave the room while her and Luna stayed. Luna closed the door with and magic and turned towards Twilight. " Why dost thou wish to stay Twilight Sparkle?" She asked. "This sight should have made me hurl when I saw it,but i wasn't phased at all. I...I think it might have to do something with the dream I had."Twilight responded. Luna gave a nod and asked Twilight to follow her. She led Twilight to a closet. She opened it and the smell of death hit Twilight's nose. She hardly even reacted she only stared at the body. The body had been sliced in half. Then Luna led her to the bathroom.The bathroom door was smashed in. Inside there was two other bodies one had his head smashed into the wall. The other one had her intestines ripped out and around her neck signaling that she was strangled. Again Twilight was not phased. Luna had a concerned look on her face. Twilight broke the silence. "The way these ponies died seems all too familiar. Wouldn't you agree Luna?" Luna was now confused. Why would the way these ponies died be familiar to her? "What dost thou mean?"Luna asked "Remember when I told you about my dream. Remember how the ponies I found were killed in a brutal fashion? These ponies looked to have been murdered the same way." Twilight explained. "Yes we remember,but that was a dream. A pony did this."Luna said with a little retortion in her voice. "A pony or something else. Think about the stallion that had his head smashed into the wall. A pony does not have enough strength to do that, even if it was an earth pony it would take more that one strike. Also the height of his body is similar to the height of discord. The murder could have been a unicorn but there is no previous magic signature. Even though it has been three days the signature would still be in the air.You would have been able to sense it. It is also possible that it could have been a minotaur. But why would a minotaur have a grudge against a pony so bad that it led to them killing the pony and two others. Also think about the mare that had her intestines ripped out and then strangled with them. A pony would have to be pretty strong to rip through the flesh and muscle. A minotaur could have probably done it. That now brings us to the mare in the closet. Minotaur's wield weapons but those mostly consist of clubs. Some have sharp edges but they are usually very dull. The cut was clean and precise. You can also tell that There was a lot of power put into the swing. My guess is the pony was cut in half and then crawled into the closet. That would explain why there was blood on the ceiling and floor and the walls. The murders had been committed by the same pony. Only the murder is not a pony,a minotaur, griffon,or zebra,nor is it a monster." Luna was thinking over what Twilight had just said. "Ho...how did she?"Luna thought mentally. Twilight looked towards Luna. "Are you alright Luna?"Twilight asked. Luna looked towards Twilight. "Yes we are fine. How dost thou knowest of these details? Are thou a expert on this type of matter?" Luna asked. "I've studied under you sister for most of my life. I have learned almost about every langue of every tribe and nation on Eqquis. I know almost every species to live on the planet and I know their physiology." Twilight said with hint of pride that went unnoticed by Luna. "We had no idea of thou's vast knowledge." Luna said. Twilight then lit her horn and the room around them started to change. The blood from the ceiling and floor disappeared. Luna looked around the room was now clean. She was about to walk towards the bathroom when the door opened. She looked towards it to see the stallion and the two mares walk in. The stallion walked over to the bed and layed in his back. The mares walked up. One of them walked up and grabbed the stallions member and preceded to give him a hoof job. The second mare walked over and started licking the stallions sack. The first mare now placed her mouth over the members tip. The stallion moaned as the mare gave him a blowjob. A little while later the first mare allowed the second mare to get her fill of the stallions member. After that the stallion got off the bed while the two mares hopped on the bed. The stallion stood back and try to decide which one he would do first. The stallion went with the mare with the yellow for and red mane. The stallion went up to her and inserted his member into her vagina. The stallion started slow and then fastest and faster. The mare screamed at the top of her lungs. She screamed "Yes" over and over again. The second mare rubbed her clint while she watched. The door was suddenly smashed and the three ponies stopped. They turned around to see a bipedal creature holding a machete in its hand. The first mare screamed and tried to run out the door. She thought she could push past it but instead it grabbed her by the tail lifted her up and sliced her clean in half. She fell to the floor and she crawled over to a closet. The remaining ponies ran to the bathroom and closed the door. "What are we gonna do?" The mare asked. "I...I don't know." The stallion responded. The creature smashed through the bathroom door and turned towards the stallion who prepared to fight. The stallion charged the creature and was going to buck it. Instead the creature dodged the attack by side stepping. The creature grabbed him by the neck picked him up and smashed his head into the wall with one powerful thrust. The mare backed against the wall as she watched the creature. It turned towards her and walked her way. It stopped in front of her. It looked at the mare and it grabbed her. It held her in the air. She struggled but it was all inevitable. The creature thrust it hand into her stomach and ripped out her intestines out. It then wrapped them around her neck. One side was around her neck and the other side in the creatures hand. The mare hung in the air. She was dead the creature dropped her and picked up its machete and left the room. The room returned to normal and Twilght horn died. "How did thou do that. Even our sister is not capable of such a feat. We are not sure even our parents could do that. Luna said. "That is not important right now. We now know what is responsible for this murder. The being from my dream is real and it it here in Equestria." Twilight said as she turned to leave the room. Luna stayed behind and was in complete bewilderment. She headed out the room and followed Twilight out the building. > We Meet Again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Luna made their way down the hallway. Luna was still in complete bewilderment from what Twilight did. Not only did she discover who the murderer was but she also some how managed to replay the entire event of the murder that took place. Luna just couldn't believe it. The two entered the main lobby where the guards and Twilight's friends were waiting. Rarity was the first to see the two Princesses. "There you two are. Did you find out who caused the murder?" Rarity asked. "Yes we did." Replied Twilight. "Who did it?" Asked Rainbow. "Twas something not of this world." Luna said. The ponies gave Luna a confused look. "It's more like not from this dimension." Twilight said. Again the gathered ponies shared a confused expression. "What'dya mean not this dimension Twilight?"Applejack asked. "I mean he is not from here. I think I know how he got here though." Said Twilight. "How do you think it got here?" Asked Rainbow. Twilight looked at everypony in the room and sighed. "I brung him here." Twilight said with her head hanging low. The gathered ponies gasped including the Royal Guard. Luna only stared. "How dost thou knowest this?" Luna asked. Twilight looked towards her. "Can you keep a secret?" Twilight asked. Luna nodded . With another sigh Twilight lit her horn and she dropped all her illusion spells. Luna looked at her with complete bewilderment. The guards in the room had their spears at the ready and pointed them towards Twilight. Luna took a few steps back. "Ga.... Galix Star?"Luna said with the fear easily detected in her voice." How can this be? Our...our parents destroyed you." Luna said taking a few more steps away from the ancient alicorn goddess. "Guards detain her!" Luna shouted and the guards ran towards Twilight only to be stopped by Twilight's friends. The guards stopped in their tracks. "Out of our way!" One of the guards yelled. "No way." Rainbow Dash shouted. "Either you move yourselves or we'll do it for you." Another one of the guards said. "Over our dead bodies!" Applejack yelled. Luna stayed behind and watched the ponies argue. She looked over at Galix and started shaking. "She shouldn't be here. How is she here!" Luna screamed mentally. " Have to call Tia." Luna lit her horn and sent a distress spell to Celesta. Canterlot Caslte,Throne Room Celestia was sitting on her throne looking over some papers that needed signing when a wave of magic hit here. She instantly recognized this as one of Luna's distress spells. The papers fell from her magic and she stood at her full height. The guards in the room stood confused. "I will return shortly. I need to go help my sister." Celestia said as she lit her horn a dissapeared in a golden flash. Back In Manehattan The guards and Twilight's friends had started fighting. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie were fighting while Fluttershy stayed behind with Twilight or in this case Galix. AJ connected with a hoof to one of the guards stomach and then spun around and bucked him into next week. Rainbow flew overhead so fast that not one of the unicorn guards could catch her. She swooped down and hit one of the guards in the face. Which sent him flying into another guard and they both went down. Rarity fired stun spells at the guards. The guards were dodging all of them. She finally hit one and he fell to the ground out cold. The other guards that were dodging the spell all got a face full of confetti and were pushed back. Pinkie Pie popped out from behind her canon and yelled "Surprise meanies." Fluttershy and Galix stayed behind and watched. " Why did they start attacking each other." Galix asked. Fluttershy looked up at her and said " Applejack hit one of the guards when he tried to get past her." Just then one of the guards came running towards them. "Fluttershy look out!" Galix yelled as she pushed Fluttershy out of the way. The guards dug his spear deep into Galix. She shouted in pain as the spear went through her right side. She fell to the ground in pain. All her friends looked towards her. "TWILIGHT!" They all yelled in unison. The guards tackled them all to the ground and held them down. Then there was a golden flash of light and the Sun Princess appeared. She surveyed the room and saw Luna standing against the wall. She ran over and embraced her with a hug. "Luna what happened, why did send the distress spell?" Celestia asked and Luna pointed her hoof over at the injured Galix Star that was surrounded by the guards that weren't holding Twilight's friends down. Celestia walked over and gasped as she saw Galix. " Galix Star but how is this possible you were destroyed." Celestia said as she looked over Galix and saw the spear in her side. " How did you come back?" Celestia asked as Luna walked over. "She was posing as Twilight." Luna said as she looked at Celestia. "Twilight. Where's Twilight?" Celestia said as she looked back at Galix. "What did you do with Twilight!?" Celestia yelled with her eyes filled with rage. Galix looked up towards her. " I am Twilight." Galix said. " Just give me some time to explain." " You don't look like her. What have you done with her!?" Celestia yelled again. " Princess ya have ta give her sometime to explain." Applejack said. " Do not listen to them sister. She has most likely brainwashed them." Luna said. Galix looked around for anything she could use. " Where's the voice when you need it." She said mentality. She lit her horn a me teleported behind the alicorns and guards. The guards on top of her friends were lifted off of them in Galix's magical aura and were thrown against the wall and knocked out cold. " You alright girls?" She asked her friends. They all nodded. Galix looked at the two other alicorns and spoke. " Please let me explain." Galix said. "Never." Was all Celestia said as she flew straight for Galix and uppercutted her. Galix was sent flying through the air and landed on her back hard. The pain was even worst with the spear still stuck in her side. She got to her hooves in enough time to see both Luna and Celestia flying towards her.She ducked just in time. Avoiding the two alicorns who flew fast enough to knock someponies head off. Galix got up again and looked for the two. Luna came from the right and hit the spear in her side, which caused her to scream in pain. Galix wrapped the spear in her magic and pulled it out. She then healed the wound. Celestia came in from the left and punched Galix right in the face. Luna came in from the right again and deliver a kick to Galix's side. Galix fell to the ground. Both Celestia and Luna flew into the air and came straight down with enough force to crack the floor beneath them. Galix lay stuck in the ground. Luna fired a beam straight into Galix's chest and caused a small crater to form. Both her and Celestia landed beside the crater. "Do You Yeild!?" Celestia yelled. Galix coughed as she stood up. Blood dripping from her nose and mouth. She fell to her knees in defeat. The two sisters walked down into the crater and stood in front of the defeated Goddess. "I yeild." Galix said in a defeated tone. The Royal Guard moved into the crater and placed four inhibitor rings on Galix's horn and tied her wings to her sides. " Take her back to Canterlot she has some explaining to do." Celestia said as she walk d over to Twilight's friends. Luna stood and stared at Galix being led out the door. Make sure to find Jason Luna you know what he looks like. Galix's voice said in Luna's head as an image of Jason appeared in her head. Luna stood puzzled as to why Galix would want her to find "Jason". She was walking over to her sister when her hoof hit something. She looked down to find a book with a red cover and gold on the spine. Luna picked the book up and opened it. She read the first page she saw over and dropped it with a gasp. Celestia saw this and came over. " What's wrong Luna?" Celestia said with a concerned look. "She has it."Luna said pointing a hoof at the open book on the ground. Celestia walked over to the book and read the page it was on which was page 2045. The sections title read "The Beginnings Of The Dark Arts." If Galix is who she claims to be then she can explain why she is reading this. Manehattan Train Station Galix and the Royal Guards stood at the train station waiting for the Princesses to arrive. Galix stood still not moving trying to concentrate on finding Luna. Luna,Luna are you there? How art thou in our head? I'm using my magic. But how the inhibitor rings should be stopping you. These rings aren't strong enough to work on me. If you wanted to stop me using magic you would have to go back in time. Any ring powerful enough to stop me has been destroyed. If you can use your magic why didn't you escape when we put them on? Luna it's because i am Twilight. Prove it. Very well. Remember your first Nightmare Night? Yes I remember. Remember how scared the towns ponies were because they thought you were still Nightmare Moon. Remember I helped you become liked. Remember when Pinkie told us that it was fun to be scared.Luna thought for a moment. Yes that all did happen but how do I know that you haven't been spying on Twilight since her filly days. Well I see you still don't believe me huh.I will tell you and Celestia more when you come visit me in the dungeons in Canterlot. Very well see you then Galix. After that Galix stopped concentrating and opened her eyes. She looked up to see her friends and the Princesses arrive. Celestia walked towards Galix and the guards. The guards turned around to salute to The Princess. Celestia turned her attention towards Galix. " If you are who you claim to be then explain why you have this book in your possession." Celestia said as she brung the book up to Galix's face. Celestia broke the illusion spell around the book. The book now looked like itself once more. Galix only stared at the book. Celestia strted getting a little angry."Well what's your answer?" Galix still only stared. " ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!" Celestia yelled in the royal canterlot voice. Luna was surprised to hear her sister curse. Still Galix stared. Celestia sighed. " Fine it doesn't matter well talk back in Canterlot." "Very well Celestia." Said Galix. Celestia sighed again. The train arrived and everypony entered. The Princesses also got on. Nobody noticed the tall figure in the shadows also enter the train. Twilight's friends sat in their same positions. The Princesses sat close to Galix who sat in the aisle surrounded by the guards. Galix was sitting still when she noticed a different presence on the train. She lifted her head and looked around. Nopony else was on the train but her, her friends, the princesses, the guards, and the conductor. Also this presence felt so different from anything she ever encountered. The closest thing the presence resembled was one of the beings from the other world." Oh no" Galix said in a whisper. She closed her eyes and concentrated on Luna. Luna he's on the train! Galix told her. Jason is on the train. How do you know. I can feel his presence. Its towards the back of the train. Tell Celestia that you need to use the bathroom that's located near the end of the train. Alright. This still dosen't prove anything. If this is a trap of some kind there will be consequences if I escape. Understood. Galix stopped concentrating and opened her eyes. She looked over at Luna who was talking to her sister. She soon got up and headed to the back of the train. As she walked by Galix mouthed "Take a few Royal Guards with you." Luna nodded and made sure her sister wasn't watching. She asked for four of the Royal Guards to follow her. The guards saluted and started following her. "Good luck." Galix whispered. Luna and the four guards slowly and carefully made their way towards the back of the train. Luna was in the lead and lieutenant Carfulhoof was behind her. The lieutenant insisted on coming. Luna agreed he was one of the best fighters she's seen since her return. They were about to enter the last cabin before one of the guards looked back and saw one of them was missing. "Hey where did Iron Chest go." The ponies looked behind to see that indeed one guard was missing. The guard the noticed Iron Chest was missing walked forward far enough to receive a face full of machete. The top half of his head was gone and his body fell limp to the ground. The ponies stared in horror. Jason the stepped out of his hiding place. Galix was right he was a tall as discord. Jason stared at his prey for a minute. One of the guards ran towards him with his spear. Jason grabbed the spear and lifted the pony up and swung the spear side to side causing the pony hit either sides of the train car.After a while Jason let go of the spear and the pony fell to the ground with a thud. Jason then walked over and stomped on the ponies head. The head exploded with an audible crack of the skull. Luna charged her horn and fire a beam at him. It him him square in the chest and he went flying backwards. He landed on the ground hard. Luna and the two remaining guards slowly made their way towards him. Luna looked at Jason's chest,which wasn't rising or falling. Then as the guards approched him Luna remembered when Twilight told her about her dream and when she encountered Jason and shot him. Luna eyes widend . "Stop get away!" Luna yelled at the guards. It was no use as Jason quickly rose and sliced the legs of the guards legs to the left of him. The Lieutenant quickly backed away as Jason rose to his feet. Towards the front of the train Galix felt the presences of the guards with Luna disappear." I have to do something. If I don't Luna will die." Galix said as she stood up. The guards surrounding her look back as her shadow went over them. "Stop right there don't move prisoner!" One of the guards yelled . Celestia turned and got out of her seat. "Galix what are you doing? There is nowhere you can go." Celestia said. "I'm afraid that is where you are wrong Princess." Galix said as she lit her horn and broke the inhibitor ring on her horn. The guards stood in complete shock. How was she even able to do that? Celestia only stared." Now if you excuse me somepony is in danger." Galix said as she broke the rope around her wings and lit her horn and encased herself and Princess Celestia in her magical aura."Celestia you might be needed. Be back soon." Galix said as her and Celestia teleported to the back of the train. In the back of the train Luna and CarefulHoof had their hooves filled with and undead slasher. Luna had put a shield over her and the Lieutenant. Jason slashed and slashed at the shield. The shield started to crack. "I don't know how much longer I can keep the shield up." Luna said with sweat dripping from her brow. Just then Galix and Celestia appeared behind Jason. Galix gave a quick whistle and Jason turned to face her. "Well well well we meet again Mr. Voorhees. " Galix said. Celestia looked behind Jason and saw her sister and a guard under a shield. Galix flew towards Jason and gave him a quick uppercut which connected. She the flipped in the air and shot a small magical blast at Jason. She landed on her hooves. As the small blast made its way towards Jason and when it got close enough it grew into a larger blast. It hit Jason and he flew backwards over Luna's shield and hit the back wall of the train car. Galix walked over to Luna as she dropped her shield. Luna collasped as the shield went down. Galix flew over and caught her. "Are you okay Luna?" Galix asked as Luna closed her eyes. " She had a burnout. Lieutenant get her back to the front of the train." The guard nodded his head as Galix put Luna on his back. He started making his way back to the front of the train. "Oh don't think I forgot about you." Galix said as she turned around to see Jason was back on his feet. Jason made his way towards her. Galix did the same. Jason was about to swing his machete but Galix grabbed his hand in her magic. He tried to get his hand free but Galix lifted him up and then slammed him to the ground repeatedly. Galix then bucked Jason back into the back wall. "Good riddance." Galix said she lit her horn and fired a powerful spell. The spell was so strong that half of the train car was blown off." Looks like we won't have deal with him for a while." Galix said as she walked over to Celestia. "I have alot of explaining to do don't I? "Yes Galix you do . Yes you do. First lets start by why you helped us stop that...whatever it was?"Said Celestia. " I helped because it is my fault that he is even here." Galix replied. "Your fault how?" Celestia asked with an rasied eyebrow. "It was a couple of weeks ago. I was reading over the documents for the mine Las Pegasus that you sent me Twilight." Galix said pointing a hoof at herself. " After I looked at the documents I wanted to take a break. A couple hours later some weird voice was out to me. I told me about The Necronomicon. After a while I went to old abandoned house in the Everfree. I walked in and fell through a hole in the floor. I blacked out for sometime. I woke up and found the book wrapped up in a white cloth. I was gonna ask you about it,but before I could the voice talked to me again. After the talk I opened the book and now I look like this for the rest of my life. I'm now Twilight Sparkle and Goddess Galix Star in one body."Galix explained. Celestia only stared as the gears in head turned. "Here is a way you can see that I am Twilight. Look at my magic signature. Celestia was unsure about this but she needed to know if this was Twilight or not. She closed her eyes and focused in on Galix she looked through her magic signature. Not only was Galix's signature there but there were many other ones. There was one that gave her a chill down her spine as she recognized this signature belonged To the King of Shadows, King Sombra. Underneath all those other signature she found Twilght's and that brung a smile to her face. "It really is you Twilight." Celestia said with a hint of embarrassment in her voice. "See told you." Galix said with a smile. " Come on let's go check up on Luna." Celestia nodded and they both made their way to the front of the train. At the bottom of the tracks Jason layed impaled a piece of the train stuck in his chest,with his eyes closed. Get up Jason you can never die. Go find them Jason. Make them pay for hurting us Jason opened his eyes. A little while later he was following the tracks making his way to Canterlot. That's my special special boy.