> Alone with Queen Chrysalis > by Snowballin22 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Captured > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Anon, and you had to admit, though you were used to waking up in unpleasant places before, this was just fucking ridiculous. Yes, you have gotten used to living in a bizarre pastel world ruled by sentient small equines, but THIS was officially the weirdest place you have ever greeted a new day too. Examining your surroundings you have come to the brilliant conclusion that you are, in fact, not in your comically pony sized bed, but instead suspended upside down in what appears to be a transparent green cocoon. “Eh! Who’s takin’ the piss with me now?!” You kick the wall of your jelly-like capsule causing yourself to wobble slightly. “EHCH!” you kick once more this time with more force, your cocoon swaying more violently. You immediately regret your decision as your prison breaks lose from the ceiling, and you come crashing to the floor on your back. “Ugh! God damn it!” you yell as you flail in the green goo of what once was your viscose confinement. You scramble to your feet brushing the remaining gunk off your already gritty T-shirt. Looking around you discover you are in some sort of cave with various holes scattered about the entire room. Upon closer inspection you notice they are constantly closing and reappearing about the chamber. “ Trypophobia is kinda’ kicking in right now…” You shudder. Well, guess you should figure out were you are and how to get home or some shit. You pass through a door appearing at your level. It doesn’t take you long before you realize that trying to navigate an ever-changing hive/cave thing is a terrible idea. Before you know it you're completely lost…. and angry. “Well fuck me sideways, how the hell does this shit work? Who or what is supposed to live here?” Come to think of it you haven’t seen anyone here, no pony, no Minotaur, no griffin, not even any wild animals like Timberwolves or a basic bear. Or do Timberwolves only live in the Everfree? You stop and ponder this. Unbeknownst to you an opening appears behind you and a large, black bug-like horse has trotted within breathing distance of your neck. You’re perplexed look shifts to one of realization that you are no longer alone. Your head shifts slowly and as cliché as possible as your eyes slowly meet with the emerald reptilian pair currently glaring down at you. “Well now what do we have here? How has my prey managed to free itself after I spent a deal amount of effort making sure its containment was as comfortable as possible?” This strange pony speaks with some sort of reverberation in her voice intimidating you even further. Did she say prey? Oh shit she did say that didn’t she? Like, ‘I’m gonna’ vomit digestive acid on and devour your melted remains’ like prey. You stare back at the obsidian black mare for a couple more seconds before your legs turn back on their own and you road-runner the fuck outta’ there. No longer paying attention to which entrance you pass through your only focus is only forward and onward to what you hope will be freedom. You stumble into a larger chamber, head darting about the room looking for another exit. A door opens before you and the arachnid horse is standing at full attention and begins fluttering towards you with her gross-but-kinda’ cool bug like wings. You sprint around the room attempting to loop around the creature only to find you are now locked in place shrouded in a green aura. “Oh, hell naw, not this gay magic shit again.” You lay down some sass. So this bug pony thing can use magic too? Man this just isn’t fair, you think to yourself. You feel yourself being pulled back towards the pony/insect hybrid while you franticly flail and wail in a feeble attempt to escape but of course to no avail. You can here the maniacal laughter of your assailant as you draw closer to your probable doom. “Nononononononono, you can’t eat me I’m an a endangered species here! Like only one of me in existence kind of endangered!” You began crying openly. You are now at eye level with the jet-black monster staring at you with her cold teal eyes beneath a ratty mane to match. She gives you a once over, circling around your floating form. “Now why would you think I would do such a horrid, disgusting thing? Why only a monster would do something so savage. Are you insinuating that I, Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the Changeling kingdom, am a monster ape?” “...No..” you say, almost in a whisper. The Green aura surrounding you vanishes and you plummet to the ground once more this time landing on your ass. “ ..ow ” you grunt. Without so much as a helping hoof, Chrysalis wastes no time interrogating you on the spot. “ Explain! Who are you, what are you and how did you break free of your chrysalis?” “ Hey hey hey! Aren’t I the one who should be asking the questions? You kidnapped me!” The queen’s jagged horn lights up to that unsettling green, making it clear she is the one calling the shots. With a sigh you rub your temples and gather your thoughts. “As for who, the name is Anonymous, don’t bother with clarity. As for what, I am a human not an ape. Millions of years of evolution weren’t for nothing you know, and as for how I escaped? Well, I dunno, maybe you just suck at holding people captive.” Why did you say that? Why did you say that to someone who has no value for your life whatsoever? “You best watch that tongue of yours, Anonymous the hue-man, lest you feel the wrath of the mighty changeling queen!” “Yeah about that, you say you’re a queen? I know a few princesses and they seem to have more to their name than you. If you really are a queen where’s your castle? And uh, … subjects?” The queen now has a stoic expression on her face. She even seems kind of hurt. She then looks down to her hooves. “ I….uh, well….I Don’t , have anymore, anypony any..more, subjects I mean. Those ungrateful vermin abandoned me for a new ruler and left me here to rot away in the ruins of my kingdom. ” Oh wow. Well considering the past few minutes you’ve known her for it doesn’t seem to surprising. This bug pone’s demeanor seemed more akin to a tyrant than that of a queen. However you kind of feel bad for this Chrysalis character and decide to try a more friendly approach. “So… your all alone? ” “Yes! That’s what I’ve already said you fool! Was I not clear enough already?!” You immediately throw your arms up in defense for what ever may come your way. “All right, all right, no need to snap at me, I’m sorry.” The queen seems to calm down and take a deep breath. She begins to pace past you sulking slightly but making sure you are unable to see the vulnerable state she is in. “ Seems the loss of my empire has taken a bigger toll than I could have imagined. I can’t even capture something as simple as a magic-less primate on my own anymore.” The queen stomps a hoof in frustration. “This is all that Starlight Glimmer’s fault! if it hadn’t been for her…. my kingdom… And of course… Thorax.” Queen Chrysalis grinds her teeth in anger. Letting out and enraged howl, she begins to fire bolts of green magic throughout the chamber, lighting the walls in a green glow which caused you to make a bit of magic of your own. You gulped hoping this scorned equine won’t be using you as a punching bag. Thoroughly exhausted and wheezing the queen begins to calm herself down as she slumps to the floor. “ Not… Not enou- enough…. Not enough love..” She’s panting harder now, “ I can’t… I need more…. more love! I can’t live like this anymore!” Wow this mare’s not looking to swell. Can’t say you blame her though, this place looks awful and if what she says is true then she’s made some enemies who really fucked her over. “When I get my hooves on them, on all of them, they will pay dearly!” Chrysalis struggles to stand but collapses back onto the ground. Well, time to be a gentleman n’ shit. “Hey now, take it easy, you shouldn’t try to stand you look kinda’ sick or something.” “ Fool… do you know nothing of Changelings? I am simply starved of love. Changelings require positive emotions, especially those as powerful as love in order to properly survive… or at least…. That’s the way it was SUPPOSED to be.” You have to admit to yourself you have no fuckin’ idea what she’s talking about but you won’t interrupt her due to respect and mostly fear. “ Ever since that traitor Thorax poisoned the minds of my subjects, they have decided to share love with the crystal ponies rather than simply taking it. Quite frankly it’s rather disgusting and unnatural to me.” You nod, pretending to understand what you’re being told. Queen Chrysalis sighs and gathers herself. “Why don’t we introduce ourselves properly?” > Give me your love... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A couple hours pass and you and the Changeling queen have learned more about each other. You tell stories of your home back on earth as well as your arrival in Equestria. You tell her about how a few ponies helped get you on your feet and taught you the fundamentals on how to survive in this world. The queen, in return, explains her previous attempt to take over the crystal empire only to be thwarted by Princess Cadance and Twilight Sparkle. She then tells of her recent defeat at the hooves of the princess of friendship’s apprentice Starlight Glimmer as well as one of her own drones Thorax while trying to kidnap the princesses as well as the elements. “Then Starlight, in her euphoria of victory, actually tries to tell me how I should be a queen and leader to my people! Who in Equestria does that mare think she is?" “I dunno I think she was only trying to help you, you know, with friendship and junk. I don’t want to tell you how to be the queen of Changelings or whatever, but maybe odds will start to shift in your favor if you stop being uh, well a dick.” “Oh my- not you too! Don’t bother trying to poison me with that filthy friendship garbage! I NEED love, I must have it, to take it, to consume it whole. That’s what it means to be a Changeling! I will not allow myself to be denied what is rightfully mine! Queen Chrysalis is staring at you now, a demented hunger evident in her obsidian face. A forked tongue slithers from her maw, coiling and twisting in the air. Yeah, you’re starting to get a little uncomfortable now. What was she planning on doing to you? You take a couple steps back as she steps forward, hissing and wheezing at you like a wild animal. “Hey, uh, you all good there? You mind not staring at me like psychopath?” You practically whimper. “It’s been to long, I must feed, weak as I may be there’s still no possible way you, a simple magic-less creature can overcome me. That’s why I chose you. I must have love; I WILL have love, Even if I must tear it from your withered body!” Chrysalis seethes through her teeth. Ok, now, you’re starting to panic. You don’t know what exactly this ‘draining love’ shit does but you’re pretty sure it means you’re gonna’ have a bad time. Once again your arms are up in defense. “Listen Chrys, while I know you have your needs and whatnot, there’s just one problem with your plan.” Chrysalis simply chuckles “Oh? Really? Well then, humor me Anonymous, what is my short coming?” “Well if its love you want from me I can assure you that I don’t have any. See as the only member of my species here, I have been unable to formulate any means of an intimate relationship with any other living thing. I am alone, unable to be truly understood on a pure, emotional level.” You finish with a cheesy anime fist clench. Chrysie should be careful not to cut herself on the pure, unadulterated, EDGE. You find the queen isn’t fazed as she cackles wildly sucking away any possible badassery you were trying to have. “ Foolish fool! You know not of the extent of my magical prowess!” She stomps her hoof on the ground to make her stature even more intimidating. You are sweating profusely. “Oh dear sweet Anon, you fail to realize that when it comes to the magic of love I am the absolute master. Even the prowess of that goody-two-shoe Princess Cadance pales in comparison! You see my extent in manipulation of love magic goes beyond the emotional. I can also acquire love through more, physical, means.” “Uh…” The bug pone laughs in a more softer, lighthearted tone as she begins to saunter closer towards you with a light sway in her hips. “It’s been to long since I’ve once felt like that… perhaps it’s time I spoil myself in that feeling once more. hmhm, oh yes, normally I wouldn’t resort to this method if I weren’t as desperate as I am now, especially with another species but, there is also some sort of, exoticism, in sharing the experience with a foreign creature.” Chrysalis speaks more smoothly, causing a tingle to run up your spine. You’re starting to feel… warm? Oh boy, it shouldn’t be this warm in a stone cavern. Your attention is back on Chrysalis who is now within breathing distance of you face. You feel a lump in your throat as the queen licks her lips, looking you over once more and then giving an approving nod. “Yes, I think you’ll do fine” You are suddenly, once again, incased in a green aura, hovering along side the Changeling queen. “Let us find more fitting chambers so we may both be more comfortable, hehe, my dear Anonymous.” There is a sudden flash of light that incases the both of you, and in a near instant, you are both in an entirely different room. Though it looks rather rough around the edges you are able to deduce that you are in some sort of bedroom. The room, much like the others you’ve seen, is completely circular in design, a few open ports about the walls, which seem to be windows with anonymous green hues of light bleeding through them. Directly across from you, you see a smaller circular formation covered in deep green blankets with a pair of pillows of the same colour placed at the top. It didn’t take much for you to figure out what the queen had planned for you. This bitch wants to fuck, and you have a feeling, your opinion doesn’t matter to her. You find yourself sailing through the air and land chest first into the bed, which you are thankful is not made of rock like everything else in this place. You quickly flip on your back to find Queen Chrysalis slowly making her way to you, hips swaying in a hypnotic matter, head tilted, with a smug smile stretching across her face. “You won’t get it up.” you say clearly with false confidence. “Hmm, You forget human, I am the mistress of love itself, I think I won’t have any trouble with you.” She snickers back. “Well I’m not exactly attracted to ponies, let alone ponies that are half bug apparently." You say, some slight snarl in your voice “We will see how confident you are when I have you howling like a lust driven animal before me. She practically whispers in an erotic manner. Well, that threat kinda’ gave you a chub, but your resilience still stands. You firmly cross your arms making your final stand… well technically you’re sitting but whatever, you’re not fuckin’ sticking your pooter pounder into a crazy bug horse. Chrysalis stops in front of you and hops onto the bed you then scramble slightly backwards. (So much for a final stand) The queen giggles, not a in a maniacal manner mind you, but a in a ‘aw, you’re sort of cute’ kind of way. The Changeling’s horn alights in that all to familiar green glow as you are dragged towards her, closing the distance between you two as she brings you into a aggressive kiss which for a moment, had you worried that she was trying to swallow your whole head. After a few short moments of the Changeling queen assaulting your throat with her tongue, she breaks the kiss, only a string of saliva connecting your lips as you look at the obsidian mare with a awe-struck look, the lower half of your face soaked in the queens spit. “Well now, You said I wouldn’t be able to get you up?” Chrysalis mocked, looking to your crotch with a smirk. “Did I also say I can be weak-willed?” you answer. Chrysalis chuckles, pushing you onto your back while she climbed on top of you bringing herself to eye level with you before locking lips with yours, this time with softer passion. You didn’t think you would be into bug-like equines, but truth being told; she wasn’t the only one who’s been getting desperate. Your sole release since your arrival in Equestria has been thanks to your right hand. Hell, it’s been your frequently used method back on earth. You guess a few years with no sexual contact can make anything beautiful to a lonely man so long as it looks somewhat feminine. Breaking the kiss once more, Chrysalis takes another gander down at your waist. “Mmmmm, in case this isn’t getting you in the mood, perhaps this may help change your mind.” The queen moves along your chest, down to your pelvis, her riddled front hooves slowly following down your sides until her muzzle meets the bulge in your pants. “Lets see” Chrysalis inspects your garments before she finds your zipper, electing a grin from the Changeling queen. Taking the tip of the zipper in her mouth, she slowly unzips your jeans, unbuttoning the top and slowly drags the hem of your garments down your hips exposing your boxers. The mare grunts in annoyance. “What is with all these layers? How many do you need?” Having had enough of your species clothing choices, Chrysalis’ horn lights up, and in a quick, and also slightly painful motion, she rips both your pants and underwear off your body altogether, now having full observation of your semi-erect cock. She inspects it closely, batting it around in her hooves and giving it a tentative sniff. “Rather odd in appearance but not at all unpleasant to the eye. It is certainly much different from a stallions. ” You begin to blush at having this Changeling queen critique the quality of your manhood. You take a peek down at the mare in curiosity. At the same time her eyes meet yours and a she gives you a rather sweet smile. Slowly but surly, her snake-like tongue slithers through her lips and begins to wrap around the head of your member. You grunt in surprise at the new sensation of the soft wet appendage dancing around your cock. Chrysalis’ tongue spirals down your shaft occasionally giving short squeezes while doing so. Wow. This. Feels. Amazing. If this is what she can do with just her tongue god only knows what the rest of her mouth is capable of. Its just then you notice her large, fucking fangs that could give a vampire a case of penis envy. Chrysalis notices your fear before quietly giggling to herself. “Need not worry Anonymous the human, I’ve done this a plenty before to prevent myself from accidently harming my partners. Just relax.” Oh, well that was nice of her. Chrysalis continues to work your shaft letting out a few cute slurps while she does. Finally bringing her head to the very top of your member, she plummets down engulfing your erection in one gulp. You jolt again at the sudden enthusiasm the queen seems to be showing on your manhood. Her surprisingly soft black lips and throat massage you with fervor, pumping in quickening rhythmic motions. As the Changeling queen continues working on your shaft you feel a rising sensation churn in your loins. “Uh, uhg, mmmm, chrys, I- I’m going t-” Before you can finish you sentence Chrysalis pulls herself from your member with a satisfying pop and you look up confused. “W-wha?” you stammer. “Oh no, we can’t have you finish yet, especially before your queen does. You have much more work to do first.” She chuckles once again. The Changeling then sits upright on her haunches before continuing to lie down, this time on her back, while spreading her hind hooves giving you a look at her now winking clit. You sit there for a few moments drinking in what you’re currently looking at. The mare looks at you with a playful but also impatient expression on her face. “Well what are you waiting for peasant? It is now your turn to serve your queen.” You fumble at her sudden order, still taking in everything that is happening right now. The queen just sighs and rolls her eyes. “Oh for goodness sake, must I spell it our for you? Stop staring and get over here and kiss on my royal Changeling sex!” A clump of your hair is scrunched up in green energy as your head is forcefully pulled in between Chrysalis’ legs. Snapping out of your stupor you find your lungs are now flooded with sweet but also rather earthy scents of the queens already wetting marehood. You begin working your tongue around the queen’s sex, lapping at the juices that follow while drawing quiet gasps from her. You savor her taste, its obviously a bit tangy of course, of but also a bit sweet. You feel a hoof press on the back of your head urging you to continue, so you do. You continue to kiss and suck at her winking clit, as it brushes and pokes against your tongue. "Mmmmm yes that is more to my liking, continue doing that my subject.” You comply, continuing your efforts with more vigor, kissing on the queen’s pussy, her legs twitching and eyes rolling back at the stimulation. Suddenly a second hoof is now on the back of your head pushing you even more forcefully into the changeling love tunnel, making it impossible for you tongue at, or even breath for that matter. You feel her pussy moisten more and get even warmer. “Ugh! Uggh! Y-yes! Ooooh! I’m-I’m!” She screams while beginning to shake. You feel Chrysalis begin to buck against you face as one squirt, then two, and then a steady stream of mare cum begins to soak both your mouth and noise. “Yes! Drink it! Do it now!” the queen gasps. You open your mouth drinking in as much of her orgasm as you can, while some of it beings to run down your chin. As soon as you feel her hooves leave your head, you pull yourself immediately from her groin all the while hacking and coughing on her fluids. “Oh, my…” the Changeling queen marvels at the mess she has made. “I had no idea how restrained I was, to release like this so suddenly…hmm.” She gently kneads at her dripping snatch before looking up to you. “But do not think I’m even close to being satisfied. She grins. "This queen needs to be thoroughly pleasured should she truly have her hunger quenched.” The queen slowly adjusts herself back on her plot while you sit there still dazed from the lack of oxygen. Chrysalis scoots towards you, her face meeting yours, still plastered with a dumbfounded expression. Once your eyes finally find hers, she locks her lips with yours once again. You begin to notice that your feeling rather strange, like something was slipping from your consciousness. “Get on you back.” Chrysalis orders. “Umm… Ok, sure.” You find yourself to be shockingly more compliant then before. Eh, whatever, you can’t think too hard right now so you just do what your told. You position yourself on your back as the queen loams over you, her half-lidded emerald green eyes peering down at you with lustful desire. “I hope you can handle me Anonymous, I can be quiet rough when I’m hungry.” Chrysalis positions herself over top of you, lining up her genitalia with yours. Bringing herself down slightly, she tests the waters, dipping her pussy just past the helmet of you penis while moving ever so slightly. You hold your breath at the feeling of the warm embrace of her folds slowly encompassing you. You begin panting slightly, and look to your queen. “Lets uh, let’s just take a moment so I can catch m-“ Once again ignoring your pleas, Chrysalis slams herself down to your waist hilting you instantly. “Breeeaghuh!!! Ok!” you blurt out. Chackling wildly, the Changeling queen begins to pump up and down on your shaft, not wasting any more time with small talk or foreplay. Before long you are locked in a bizarre trance seemingly losing control of your own body to your instincts as your hips buck along with hers. The dark mare above you throws her head back, her tattered teal mane whipping behind her, while she wails into the air in sexual bliss. “Ah! Ah! Yes! Yeeeeees! That’s it! Ugh BUCK ME HARDER YOU DAMN DIRTY APE!” You are temporarily pulled from your euphoric emersion, chuckling to yourself, remembering were you herd that quote before on earth. Only temporarily, however, as the queens moist warm cavern continues to massage your cock bringing back your attention to the situation at hand. Leaning forward, Chrysalis places her front hooves on your chest, balancing herself, while she pumps her rump harder against your waist. “Yeees! I can feel it! The love! Oh how I’ve longed for this feeling once more! Ohhhhh! More! MORE!” A sharp pain pierces through your chest as the edges of the queen’s hooves dig into your skin. You look up only to see Chrysalis’ face twisted into one of a stupidly pleasured mare, her eyes are in the back of her head, with her loose serpentine tongue hanging out at a incredible 10 inches just touching the top of her belly. You too begin to lose yourself to the incredible euphoria washing over your body, the building pressure in your loins rising once again. As you drift into what is almost a certain orgasm, you feel something around your dick, obviously her pussy (hur hur hur) but also something else, like a actual hand gripping your shaft from inside the mare. “What… what the f- Ughhh!“ Your partner giving you a good slam from above interrupts you. “ Ah! Ahhhh! Yeah! I’m getting close! Just a little bit more!” Chrysalis yelps. You attempt to raise your concerns through Chrysalis’ euphoria as well as your own but are unable to as the pleasure keeps you from forming any coherent sentences. A couple more minutes of primal lovemaking and both of you begin to reach your climax. “O-oh Yeah! Don’t stop Anon! I’m about too-“ that griping feeling returns, this time with much more force, almost feeling painful. “Uh C-Chrys, wha-what is-” this time you interrupt yourself as your long awaiting orgasm breaches the surface. “Oh fuck!” you grunt, clutching the sheets beneath you. “YES! DO IT NOW! I’M, I’M CUMMING!” Chrysalis roars almost blowing out your eardrums. You grunt, eyes scrunched shut, as the first rope of cum spurts from your cock while the gripping sensation turns to a jerking motion. Your eyes widen at the sudden added sensation of your current orgasm causing you to scream in pleasure. Chrysalis lets out a sharp whiny, signaling her own climax as she drops to your chest. You both lay there, riding out your orgasm, breathing heavily until Chrysalis rolls to your side allowing your cock to slide out from her slobbering winking sex. W-Well… I’ll be damned… Not to bad, for a, uh, Changeling…pony” You struggle to say between gasps. Who never would have thought fucking a bug horse thing would be one of the best sexual experiences you ever had. “Shut up, no talking.” Chrysalis spits. “Well all righty then.” A few moments go by and the bug mare turns to give you a sensual kiss on the cheek. “That was satisfactory I guess. You should consider yourself honored to be my mate Anonymous.” Well she’s still rather rough around the edges but that was her honest attempt at being sincere. You on the other hand, feel rather weak, so much so you can’t even sit up. The Changeling queen simply scoffs at your pitiful attempt to move. “You won’t be up and about for a while my dear sweet anonymous. Having one’s emotions stripped from their body tends to have them immobile for a few hours so you’re going to be stuck there for a little while longer, But don’t think you’ll be able to leave this place once you are able too. You’re mine for life. Chrysalis whispers. “Huh” you lay there reflecting on your situation once more. “Don’t know if I should feel afraid, exited or angry.” To be honest you can’t really feel anything right now. “So umm, earlier, with the grabby thing?” Chrysalis looks over at you, confused for a second before realizing what you are talking about. “Oh, those? They are just my feelers.” She says nonchalantly. “Your what?” you ask for clarity in a cautious tone. “Inner claws within my vagina which help milk my mates phallus.” She clarifies blunt as possible. You look at the ceiling for a few seconds. “Hm, Feelers… cool.”