> A Good Book > by scribe-feather > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Good Book By Scribe Feather “Come on! Come on! It’s this way!” Thunderlane exclaimed excitably as he guided Spitfire down Ponyville’s main road. “Yeah yeah, I’m coming,” Spitfire was embarrassed to be seen around the stallion and kept her head lowered. She made extra sure to keep her distance as if that would somehow hide the fact that they were together. Thunderlane was quite the sight to behold, eagerly bouncing from hoof to hoof as he trotted across town as Spitfire’s guide. He had a childlike, spritely step to his gait that was so loudly emphasized with some plastic crinkling. Around his waist was a thick, adult diaper as fluffy as it was soft. The childish garment would humiliate even the toughest of stallion’s, but Spitfire seemed more embarrassed about it than he was. Everypony stopped to stare at the diapered pony who openly flaunted his thick padding as he eagerly dragged his friend along. Spitfire kept her head down, resisting the urge to shoot off into the sky and flee the embarrassing scene. Her wings tingled, but she did her best to ignore them. Whatever Thunderlane needed to show her, it was something very important. The diapered stallion led the yellow mare across town, seemingly taking the most public route possible as he trotted proudly ahead of her. Anytime she thought to look up to her guide to make sure she was heading the right way, she could always expect to see Thunderlane’s thick diapered rump bouncing ahead of her. After what felt like hours of second hand humiliation, Spitfire and Thunderlane arrived at a typical bookstore. Instead of pausing to look at the window display or anything of that sort, Thunderlane eagerly rushed in, pulling Spitfire inside. The bookstore was a quiet room with a tall ceiling and the smell of old books floating in the air. Beyond the front counter stood dozens of bookshelves, all chock full with tomes and books of various topics. For today, the front most bookshelves were pushed aside, opening up a large area by the door. The area was big enough for a nice living space to be added, but Spitfire noticed no seat cushions or coffee tables. The only thing decorating the new open area was a single, square area rug Thunderlane happily calling out into the quiet bookstore with a happy chirp. “Mommy! Mommy! I’m back!” A peach colored mare with a light purple mane came trotting out from the back of the room. A stack of books cloaked in a forest green magical aura floated behind her. “Ah Thunderlane. So lovely to see you again,” the mare smiled, gently placing the books on the nearby counter. She then turned to Spitfire with a more reserved smile, “and you brought a friend.” “Uh huh! Just like you asked!” Thunderlane exclaimed, hopping in place like an excited toddler. “This is Spitfire! Spitfire, this is Mommy.” “Mommy?” Spitfire jerked her head backwards with a narrowing of her eyes. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Spitfire,” the bookstore pony said with an idle wave of her hoof. “Wait a minute. Thunderlane, I’ve met your mom. She looks nothing like her!” Thunderlane just blinked, innocently looking at the other pony. He resembled a child, unable to comprehend the confusion that the bookstore pony was his mommy. It seemed like a simple enough answer. He only stared at Spitfire of a moment or two before his head snapped up to excited attention. “Story time, mommy?” He eagerly asked. “Oh I don’t know, Thunderlane,” the bookstore pony answered with a tap of her chin, “are you sure you want her?” Thunderlane hopped in place a couple times, “yeah yeah! She’s perfect!” “Perfect for what?” Spitfire chimed in, “what’s going on?” Failing to answer her question, the bookstore pony simply levitated a book off one of the many shelves behind her. The dark blue leather cover was blank and had a narrow paper bookmark sticking out of the middle. It couldn’t have been more than fifty pages long. The book was carefully opened up to the bookmarked page as the bookstore pony adjusted her chained glasses on her muzzle and cleared her throat. “The big baby was very excited today.” The peach colored pony read, speaking with an exaggerated voice like a preschool teacher. “Today his favorite babysitter would be coming over to watch him. He really liked his babysitter.” Thunderlane hopped in place with a big grin. He really liked storytime and was deeply enthralled. “When the babysitter arrived, the big baby made sure that she had a big wet diaper to change.” Spitfire had no idea what was going on. She could only stand there puzzled, strangely unable to turn around and leave. She could only watch the events unfold in front of her. Thunderlane suddenly became stiff, standing absolutely still for a few minutes. His head lowered for a second or two before a loud sigh slipped out of his mouth. A loud hissing splashed against the inside of his diaper as a yellow torrent filled up the white padding. His bladder released full force into the waiting diaper, causing it to swell up thickly as Spitfire’s eyes grew wide with shock. The stallion wiggled happily as the calming warmth enveloped his waist. When his bladder finished, Thunderlane took a moment to look down at the soggy diaper that sagged between his legs. Just the sight of the heavily used, yellow diaper made him wiggle a little bit in excitement. The bookstore pony continued, “the big baby was so excited that he laid down on the ground the moment his babysitter arrived. He loved it when she changed his diapers.” Thunderlane followed directions the moment they were read to him. With haphazard abandon, he plopped onto his back. His soggy diaper loudly slapped against the wooden floor as the stallion instinctively curled up his forehooves. Spitfire looked at the sight with disgust, hardly able to look away from everything that was happening. How could Thunderlane so eagerly wet himself and crawl around like a baby? And despite the growing displeasure she had towards it all, Spitfire couldn’t seem to look away. Now whether that was because she was just so stunned about it all or under some sort of spell, she continued to stare in revulsion. A sudden tug at her shoulder caused her to snap out of the stare. Out of nowhere appeared a large, light blue diaper bag weighed down with a large stock of baby supplies that teemed out of it’s single zipper top. Little cloth clouds and sunshines were embroidered on the bag’s sides, further driving the point home that it was a diaper bag. The entire bag hung off of Spitfire’s shoulder by a single, thick strap. “The babysitter arrived with her diaper bag, fully stocked with everything she would need.” the bookstore pony could be heard continuing. “Smiling down at the diapered big baby, the babysitter said-” “Looks like some diaper butt couldn’t hold his juice!” Spitfire loudly exclaimed before shutting her mouth with her hooves. She was shocked to find herself saying all that, compelled to do so by some unseen force. Thunderlane giggled at the premium dialogue, noticeably thrilled by the teasing. The store pony only smile, quietly enjoying the little play before her. “The babysitter pulled out her powder, her wipes, and the thickest diaper she could find, ready for a diaper change.” Spitfire’s body no longer listened to her brain as it moved on it’s own accord. As if watching somepony else move her limbs, Spitfire’s arms began pulling out the needed supplies, one by one in the order that the story called them out. She placed the supplies beside the diapered stallion in a nice neat line, baby powder, moist wipes, and a thick diaper. She then began to reach for the yellow diaper, baffled by her disobedient hooves that moved without her command. “What the hell is going on!” “Isn’t it obvious?” the book store pony smirked, walking around the pair with a cocky stride. The blue book floated beside her, kept at just the right distance for reading. “The baby needs a diaper change and you’re going to change him.” “Like HELL I am!” Spitfire struggled, pulling at her extended hooves that refused to listen to her. “I’m afraid you don’t have a choice,” the book store pony answered, the book floating down in front of Spitfire’s eyes. Written in loose handwriting was word for word of what was happening. The black ink in the book seemed to shimmer a faint green when the light hit it just right. “See here? It’s already written that you’ll change his diapers. That’s how Thunderlane wrote it and that’s how it’ll happen.” “Thunderlane wrote it?!” “You should be flattered. Out of all the ponies he could have wrote about, he chose you,” the peach pony grinned before adjusting her glasses, clearing her throat, and continuing with the story. “The babysitter knew how much the big baby loved his diapers. She made sure to give his diaper some rubbing.” Spitfire continued to struggle, but her hooves slowly lowered to Thunderlane’s swollen diaper. Before reaching for the tapes, her hooves began to rub gentle circles into the yellow diaper. She could feel her skin crawl as she felt the still warm padding squish under her touch. “What a soaked little diaper we have here,” Spitfire suddenly found herself saying, quickly spitting to the side as if the words were poison, “why did I say that?!” She was visibly put off by the diaper change. Thunderlane, on the other hand was enjoying himself. The stallion squirmed and moaned as Spitfire rubbed his padding. His stallionhood grew stiff underneath the thick padding, throbbing with pleasure. Spitfire gagged at the sight as her hooves moved elsewhere. She continued to pull at her own hooves as they began to untape Thunderlane’s diaper. The heavy padding plopped open once released from the tapes, releasing a waft of fresh urine. Free from its warm prison Thunderlane’s stiff cock sprang up into the air. The member reeked of urine. Spitfire turned her head away from the vulgar sight. “Thunderlane! You LIKE this stuff?” “It would seem so, wouldn’t it,” the bookstore pony smirked, “now...where was I...The big baby was so hard after his babysitter teased him in his diapers. He let out a little whimper from the intense arousal.” As if an actor on a stage, Thunderlane let out a pathetic whimper, looking up at Spitfire with puppy eyes. “C-can’t let the baby boy be fussy,” Spitfire unwillingly said, feeling dread fall over her. Just what was the book going to make her do? “The babysitter knew just what the big baby wanted and she was happy to oblige.” the story continued as Spitfire felt herself licking her lips. “The babysitter would suck on the big baby’s stiffy.” Spitfire gagged, but still felt her head lower closer to Thunderlane’s throbbing member. The smell of pee intensified as she inched in closer. Her mind screamed, but her body wouldn’t listen. Even as her mouth slowly opened, she couldn’t resist. First her tongue lulled out and gave the stiff stallionhood a good lick from the base of its girthy mass to the flared out tip. The taste of salty urine coated Spitfire’s tongue, making her face grow green with disgust. Then her muzzled lowered onto the member, encompassing it like a lollipop. Thunderlane wore the biggest smile as he leaned his head back on the ground. He moaned pleasurably as he subtly bit his lips. His forehooves took hold of Spitfire’s head as she unwillingly bobbed up and down around his cock. Spitfire could only wear a look of disgust as she bobbed up and down around Thunderlane’s throbbing erection. Her body refused to listen despite how much she mentally screamed at it. “You know, normally I don’t stick around in a town this long,” the bookstore pony chimed in as Spitfire serviced the horny stallion, “but Thunderlane is such a gem to play with. So...well...the polite term would be impressionable.” The unicorn had a little pleasurable chuckle. “Where most ponies would run away filled with regret, Thunderlane came back,” she grinned at the moaning stallion, “I’ve taken a liking to him.” Spitfire had a million things to say. She wanted to ask what the store pony’s plans were, what she thought she was gaining from all this, even who she was or what she was. She also wanted to throw a couple insults in there for good measure, but none of that was possible. The big cock in her mouth prevented a single word from materializing. Thunderlane was quite pleased with himself. Not only did he write such a wonderful book, but now he had a sexy babysitter changing him and sucking him off. A big grin never left the cocky stallion’s face except near the end of the blowjob where he opened his eyes and looked up at the store pony with a whimper. The peach unicorn paused, blinked, before realizing what he wanted. After such a sensual sucking, he was desperate for release. The store pony was so engrossed in the delicious scene, the thought had slipped her mind. “Ah yes, almost forgot,” she said, pulling the book over to her eyes again, “finally the big baby moaned loudly, bucking his hips, and exploding in his babysitter’s mouth.” Spitfire’s eyes grew wide hearing this and in one final aggressive motion, Thunderlane pulled his hips upward while a loud moan oozed out of his muzzle. Spitfire coughed as a thick load of cum sprayed into her mouth. She found herself compelled to swallow the huge globs of cum as the store pony stood there with a cocky smirk. Thunderlane collapsed to the ground when he was finished. An intense and contorted smile hung on his face as his hips plopped back to the ground with a wet smack against the cold diaper. He let out a content sigh as his body became drained of energy, exhausted from the orgasmic ordeal. Spitfire needed all her strength just to pull her muzzle off the stallion’s deflating cock. She craned her neck upwards as if gasping for air. The foul taste of Thunderlane’s seed could still be felt on her tongue, making her gag and desperately try to scrape the flavor off her tongue with her teeth. When she looked back at Thunderlane, she saw a stallion comfortable where he laid. He continued to wear his cocky smile despite her scowling at him. “I th-think we can trust the big baby and let him walk around without a diaper for a little while,” she was compelled to say out of the blue as she grabbed the plastic tub of wipes. Thunderlane was almost completely useless at this point, slipping into a daze like nap. Spitfire was forced to do everything by herself, lifting the stallion’s legs into the air, wiping him clean, and even rolling him onto his belly so that he could finally stand up. The gentle scent of baby wipes clung to Thunderlane’s inner thighs as everything was rolled up into the diaper and discarded into a nearby trash can. “The big baby was super grateful for the diaper change. When his babysitter was done, he made sure to give her a big hug.” Thunderlane responded in kind, hopping up to his feet and nabbing Spitfire tightly in his grasp. He squeezed the mare in a loving hug. “Thankies for the diaper change!” He happily chirped, kicking up a waft of baby wipes as he moved. “Don’t mention it,” Spitfire grumbled, this time on her own accord. Once Thunderlane was finished hugging her she was quick to shove him out of the way, hardly able to bring herself into looking him in the eye. The bookstore pony grinned devilishly as she loudly snapped the storybook shut. “And they lived happily ever after. The end,” she smirked, “did we enjoy the story?” “Hell no! You forced me to change Thunderlane’s diaper! The moment I get out of here, I’m gonna-” “Of course you will, sweetie,” the bookstore pony interjected with a bored expression. She passively looked at her hooves as her horn glowed and the storybook floated up to a top shelf and slipped in place. “Well this was all wonderfully entertaining, but I do have quite a bit of packing to do.” She took a quick lap around the storefront as her magic brought various objects to life. Stacks of books floated off of tables and countertops as one glowing cloud as each one drifted up to their designated bookshelf and inserted themselves into the slots. She ignored the furious Spitfire which seemed to only frustrate the pegasus mare even more. She then turned her attention towards Thunderlane. “You are quite the writer, Thunderlane,” she smiled, “I’m so proud of you!” “Really?! You really liked it, mommy?!” Thunderlane was ecstatic to hear such wonderful news. “Of course I do! And I knew you’d do me proud,” she gave the stallion a condescending pat on the head, which only led to Thunderlane smiling some more, “that’s why I let you write in my special book!” “Special book, mommy?” “Why yes, whenever I get a good story written for me, I allow it in my little blue book to be read for later.” She did some cleaning around the room as she continued, “perhaps I’ll let somepony else read your cute story in the next town.” Thunderlane paused and acquired a puzzled look on his face. He was excited, ecstatic even, to think that his story would be read by somepony else one day, but the mention of a new town had his child like mind worried. “Mommy?” “I’ve spent too much time in this town as it is. Even though I had you to play with, the rest of the town has gotten quite...boring...” “You’re leaving me, mommy?” “Oh don’t cry, my little diaper toy,” the store pony cooed with another series of head pats for Thunderlane, “once I leave everypony will forget all about our little...adventures. They’ll just have a little ‘off day’ and everything will return to normal.” The store pony continued to muse as she looked up Spitfire, “even your little babysitter friend Wildfire will forget all about it.” Spitfire scowled at the cocky remark, there was no way she was going to forget about any of this! She was going to tell everypony the moment she got out of this freakshow. The instant she got a chance she’d expose this hypnotising unicorn and bring her to justice. As Spitfire steamed near the store’s front door, the store pony finished with Thunderlane. “It was a pleasure playing with you, my diaper toy,” she smiled with a few more head pats, “now run along now!” “Okay, mommy!” Thunderlane chirped before charging out the front door, nearly running into Spitfire in the process. “We’ll just see you get away with this,” Spitfire scowled as she turned around and followed the stallion out. Already her mind stratified her next move. She knew just the ponies to talk to, just the things to say to them, and could tell them, in vivid detail where to find this hypnotising unicorn. She was on a mission and marched out of the store with a sense of duty and justice in her mind. She quickly met up with Thunderlane outside the store. He wasn’t in his right mind, but any kind of witness would help shed light on what they just witnessed in that funhouse of a store. Unbeknownst to the two pegasi, the store began to disappear from it’s location. All as one entity, the building began to shrink, desaturate, and then fade out of existence. Silently the bookstore faded away, leaving behind an empty lot with grass and flowers growing in it. No foundation or signs were left behind. It was almost impossible to know a store once stood there. Thunderlane took only a few happy trots forward before he stopped. He quickly shed his spritely facade and seemed to relax into normality, now wearing a confused look on his face. He turned to Spitfire, “what...what were we doing out here again?” Spitfire opened her mouth with confident. She knew very well why they were out there. Only the words didn’t come out as naturally as she hoped. The more she thought about it, the less she actually knew the reason. It was like the idea was there, but suddenly forgotten like a barely remembered dream. “I...don’t remember...” she answered, just as puzzled with her answer as she was surprised. Thunderlane scratched his head in confusion. He could recall vaguely that the two set out to do something in town today, but he could hardly put his hoof on it. It seemed like the more he put thought into it, the farther the idea became. He had faint, hazy memories of bookshelves and, oddly enough, his mother, but beyond that the whole reason they were out here was a complete blur. Spitfire dwelled on the thought for a few minutes before giving up. She then shrugged, “eh, whatever, I’m sure it’ll come to us eventually.”