A Galaxial Endeavor

by Prince Galaxy

First published

How does one handle a situation when in such power, the old holds powers, however the new can be megred, secrets left to be unfolded.

How does one handle a situation when in such power, the old holds powers, however the new can be megred, secrets left to be unfolded.Buried under millenias of soil, knowledge is not the only key, scientists can think, but they need engineers to carry out the ideas.

Thank god for editors!(Chrome Masquerade)

This is a multipart, and it is technically in the same universe as our ponies.
A very diplomatic story at the moment.
Some comedy.
Mature is not very appropriate yet

The Planes Of War

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Introduction:The Planes Of War
By:Prince Galaxy
Edited By:Chrome Masquerade
Proofread By: ...

While having lunch, Twilight and her friends noticed something flying by. It was in a shape of a large bird, reflecting a little bit of light, for that
matter. Twilight flew upwards to get a closer look while her friends chatted about what it could be.

"It's a giant balloon!" said Pinkie while jumping around casually, like always.

"It could be an animal," whispered Fluttershy.

"Wow! It flies!" said Rainbow before she added "Not as fast as me, though."

"It looks quite fashionable, especially with a star at the back." Rarity noticed perceptively.

Twilight took a quick look, hardly keeping up with the thing, for that matter. Inside were ponies, at first she thought dead, but after thinking more carefully she came to the conclusion that they were sleeping,

She examined the body of the object, only seeing the back of it before it flew out of view. It had four things that propelled the thing, she assumed. The objects described were placed symmetrically on both wings and also had an star emblem at the end saying "Galaxial Airlines" as a name, and a slogan below. "Our future lies in the sky". Quite intriguingly, it was also made out of metal. She flew back to her friends to tell what she saw.

Her friends, after listening carefully, stared at her in disbelief, curiosity and a whole mess of other emotions. A stunned silence started and was only interrupted by the breeze, until one of them broke the silence -more precisely, Rainbow Dash- saying, "Shouldn't we tell the princesses about this?"

They all agreed on such and went to the castle, not in a rush, but not taking their sweet time either.

When they arrived they were let in instantly and directed to Princess Celestia. They told her everything down to the slightest detail. Unfortunately for them she was oblivious on the matter. They let the matter go and went to bed, just to be greeted in the morning with more of the objects, about one every hour.

They let it slide. which was not such a good decision as they were greeted tomorrow with the same amount of objects, just that in the afternoon the amount would double with different emblems, like "Star Airlines" that had the slogan "The sky is the limit" or "Light Air" with "Reach the sun with us" and so on.

Action had to be taken and it was. The Princess ordered them to arrest those objects, and if they did not comply, to take them down, and so they did.

The first objects didn't comply, as a spear pierced through the left wing a liquid came out, but quickly stopped with an engine, the way Twilight described it.

Another one shut off, which caused the object to slow down before slowly descending, finding a landing zone. Some did not comply and activated an electric field that could detect any pony and direct a zap towards them, also activating backup engines and contacting their airport, which contacted the nearby military vessels. Some planes complied, some crashed and some didn't. The zone was chaotic with planes (if you didn't notice the similarities) desperately evading the guard, waiting on the military, others would crash down, leaving no survivors or the ones that did that were soon found either ran or armed themselves, mostly staff trying to help the passengers.

They had a technological advantage, but were outnumbered, Equestrian Pegasi were most harmed as some planes crashed right down onto Cloudsdale and many other cities, for that matter. The military had to hold back as all vessels were too far, and upon arrival their efforts would be in vain, they contacted their respective governments for plans of action.

The countries that had those airlines (yes there are places beyond Equestria) were alarmed and they all met. Conclusions had to be made. The meeting was rather long.

"They shot our planes down! We need to strike back!"

"Shouldn't we negotiate first?"

"What should we do?"

"Terrorists, I'm sure if it."

And so on. That was the discussion until the news came in:

"Sir, some of the planes were hijacked and are heading straight for us with armed guards. They seem oblivious of our technologies and the pilots are taking it slow to buy some time."

"Good ponies, they are. It's settled. We strike back in unison."


And it all went down.

The plan was made. They were launching an operation named "Counter Strike: Intergalactical Offensive" (for short, CS:IO (Hopefully you caught the reference)).

They were a group of highly -and by highly I mean unbeatable- trained soldiers you would have soldiers capable of rivaling Celestia in magic.They were Alicorns, they were slightly less rare beyond Equestria, and let's not talk about the soldiers trained in combat. They could single handedly -or rather single hoofedly (Bad jokes)- take down the entire army of Equestria.

Unfortunately they were not the only ones that formed a pact. All the known countries in Equus (So the island is supposed to be called) became allies and also had a task force, trained in magic only. The fiercest undercover operations were about to begin. Spies were sent to Equestria. They were good at hiding but did not go unnoticed as scrolls and books disappeared from the royal archives. This was a war that started, not a conventional one nor a nuclear one but one where every piece of information counts. The first mission was to get the prisoners out of the dungeons for questioning, and to stop the hijacked planes as a second.

The Equestrian task force -named "Starswirls"- was soon dispatched, and the international task force -"CS:IO"- and was also dispatched.

My Lady...

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My Lady...
By:Prince Galaxy
Edited by:Chrome Masquerade
Proofread By: ...

"Ugh. Why did they have to do that? Dear Ianite, help me..." I thought to myself. "I don't want to bring in the Galaxial or Universal or anywhere beyond that of elements. *Sigh*. Just my life."

Hey, I'm here. Don't worry.


Who else?

"I didn't think that you would respond that fast, my lady."

Drop the formalities. It's irritating.

"But my lady, you are the one goddess I love and believe in."

Getting romantic now, are we?


What did you call me over for? Aside from comforting you.

"Can you go over and help Equestria with there endeavors?They had quite the rebalancing."

Good. I'll go see. I prefer having places with balance. Being the goddess of neutrality and balance, myself.

"They have a belief that Alicorns are gods, and apparently they raise and lower the sun and moon. Don't ask me why. So try to hide yourself or I'll have to come help you. I don't want them to hurt you. I don't know how they would react to other Alicorns. From the CSIO operation, they react quite weirdly."

Thank you for the warning. I'll be careful.*kiss*

"Safe travels!" She is just the best pony I have met yet...Just thinking of her makes me blush."*sigh* Better make my way to Yveline."


"Twilight? Is that you?" I asked, rather afraid.

"Yes. I have had quite the reformation." Twilight said with a smirk.

"Twilight! That isn't you!" I said, desperately trying to get the Twilight I know out of her.

"Oh, it is me. Just reformed." she said, her smile growing.

"No... no... please, no..." I said, as I broke into tears.

"Don't cry. You should be happy for me. I'm much more happy. -pause- And more powerful. I've always thought that Equestria needed new rule... You know what I mean?" her smile as big as it could be.

"Twilight, I don't want to hurt you, but if it is for Equestria, I will have to! Luna! If I don't come back, alert our allies. We need their help!"
Adrenaline was rushing through my body, I was ready.

"Yes sister!" Luna responded, and she quickly rushed out.

"You're underestimating me. Come peacefully or I will have to resort to violence." Twilight said.

"Never!" I replied. It was faster than I had ever thought; one spell was all it took. I fell, all my magic drained. It was all so fast...

"So, do you agree to my rule?" she said.

I didn't want to say yes, but my body just said, "Yes, mistress." I was defeated, completely. My sister would never stand a chance. I doubt my allies... This couldn't be...

"Lick my hoof to show me that I am in complete power, in public." she was enjoying this a lot.

"Yes, mistress" I said, responding against my will. My body was out of my control. It obeyed every order without objection. I teleported us into the middle of Canterlot, and I was going to kill myself for what I was about to do...

"Equestria is under new rule! Celestia will prove it by licking my hoof clean." she roared. I did every step of it without objection. Tears fell down my cheeks. I could hear gasps from all the crowd. Why did she do this...?

Guards submitted themselves to her, even the most loyal. There was nothing I could do. "Wait, is that... No!"

Luna heard my screams of agony. I was dreaming, and she saw it... "Luna, please," I pleaded inside of my mind. Just as swiftly, she was taken and joined me.

What? That's Galaxial technology! Why is that pony armed? Are those spies? I understand the world war but... They're fighting back! Yes, there is hope!"Fire!" he roared. A chain reaction; Thirty ponies ran for cover and fired their weapons. They were taken too, but differently. Every time Twilight tried to control them, a shield would appear. Oh, thank the Maker... But they were still going to get captured, and tortured. I can't bear thinking about that... Huh? What are those pills?

"Nice run, boys, have a nice one in heaven. See you there." Tears were streaming down his face. They were committing suicide! Oh my. They fell instantly, cold and dead on the ground.


"Aw... Shit. Redirect me to Orly Airport; straight to Equestria; confidential!" I said. We had a certain frequency that would alarm us if any spies died. Very complex."Aw, shit! Ianite!" I sent her a signal too. She needs to stay put.

We soon arrived and were directed to the private plane -A military grade jet- escorted, too. I made my way on board. Quite luxurious. One wouldn't think that this plane flew at a maximum of five Mach, equipped with normal and supersonic engines, g force regulators, and the rest is just adapted. The hull could resist a direct hit from a missile or a 340 caliber bullet.

On are way there, Ianite just floated into the plane. She was waiting outside. We had a nice chat. It was a nice flight. Our new planes had the more advanced pressure regulators. You would experience the same pressure as on the ground.

We landed on Galaxial One, Orbit One. Closing in on Equestria was not available. We were taken to the shores and made our way to Ponyville. Every pony was hiding.

"Huh. This is quite the sight." I said, looking around.

"Indeed, one would think that in a land of friendship, every pony would be running around." Ianite said.

"Stay sharp, CS!" I said, looking around once more

"Sharper than ever." Light responded

"Lighter than ever, you mean." Rose said, pun intended.

"You deserve a demotion for bad puns." I said.

"You can't do that!" She responded.

"I'm afraid you didn't read the contract. It was actually included. I'm not even kidding. It states - "The said person must either make good puns or not make any, making bad puns can be punished by a slap or a demotion"." I said.

"Oh my god..." she said.

"It's OK. You're already at the lowest level." I said.

"Plwase, no." she said.

"Pun Recruit." Light said.

"What...?" she said.

"Yep." I said, giggling to myself.

A couple guards walked by, with a Twilight emblem.

"Aaah! shitthatscaredtheshitoutofme!" Rose screamed.

"Ah, lol. Hold your fire, but keep your aim." I ordered.

"I see your soldiers are quite skilled." Ianite said, sarcastically.

"Stand down in the name of queen Twilight!" One of the guards said.

"Fuck her, and you." Vesuvio said.

"Also very cocky." Ianite added.

"I agree fully, and there goes our chance of negotiation." I said

The guards were ready to jump at us. "I repeat, stand down in the name of queen Twilight or you shall be sent to the dungeons!" He said

"A direct pass to their leader? Don't mind if I do!" Light said

"Alright, let's stop fooling around. You guards, if you engage we will KOS every single one of you." I said

"IN THE NA-" he said, but was interrupted.

"A couple suppressed shots always do the trick." Rose said

We travelled to Canterlot, shooting every guard. We arrived in front of the castle.

"Well, here goes nothing." Ianite said.

We entered the castle and being a pony of my word, we shot every single guard we saw. Until we arrived at the Throne room. What we saw, must never be seen again.

"I call dibs on putting this scene on Ponybook!" Rose said

"Chill. This photo will be... How to say... Rapey, weird and sensual - and probably the media's next target... But, I want to see the look on their faces when I show them this! So YOLO!" Vesuvio said

"Posted." She giggled.

TACTICAL RAPE SCENE INCOMING...10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1...

Let me describe this scene for you, the two princesses -in collars, of course-, Twilight with a smirk looking at the two princesses. Oh, god. I'm going to go get my brother. I was not prepared for this scene! "Oi!Get your ass over here! Your job!"-pause- OK, let me prepare myself mentally...

So, they had a white liquid coming out of their... (Meditation is key...)Marehoods and were shivering. Their faces were red. You can clearly see -WHAT THE FUCK!- well, that defies science in every way. Oh god... A member in between Twilight's legs... It was... humid. Oh thank god that description is ov- "Mistress, c-c-can we do that again...?" Celestia said. OH, WHAT THE FUCK?! THAT IS SO MESSED UP, MAN! WHAT THE FUCK! LIKE I WAS NOT PREPARED. *deep breath* My sanity... WAIT, there is a puddle. Fuck me dead. I can't even die! why cruel world!? End me!


"That was... quite the scene." Ianite said with a blank expression.

"I'm twelve, I am not supposed to see this, even if I'm overly mature." I said.

"And you posted that!" Light said.

"Welcome. Make yourselves comfortable," Twilight said. Turning back to Celestia, she said, "I'm sorry, we have guests, maybe another time."

"How does one make him or herself comfortable with such a sight exactly?" I rhetorically asked.

"Ponies don't have the same opinion on things- On second thought, we can do it here Celestia." She said, smirking.

"Awww, hell no." We said in perfect synchronization.

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" She asked, before adding "I mean, who rules when he's twelve plus, kiddo? I should take control of your empire. Where are your parents. Hmm?"

"I'm going to kick your fucking sorry ass." I said, rage building up.

"Sir..." Light warned. Very rarely do I get angry, but when I do, shit hits the global climate. And they know that.

"How are you going to do that?" she answered, noticing my anger, adding "Without your parents? Awwwww, so sad."

"Cutting off your dick, shoving a stick in it, and shoving it up your sorry ass." I said. nukes we're about to go off.

"RUN FOR THE HILLS!" Light said, everybody following his order.

"I don't think your parents would like that. Oh, you don't have any. You didn't deserve any!" she said, oblivious to what was happening.

"Repeat that and you're fucked." I said. 3, 2...

"You. Didn't. Deserve. Any." she did so.

"YOU BET YOUR FUCKING SORRY ASS THAT YOU ARE FUCKING REKT, YOU BITCH! YOU DO NOT FUCKING SAY THAT YOU FUCKING CUNT!" I roared, reared up and slammed the ground. The result was an earthquake. I was so triggered.

"Holy shit! Well, enjoy the fireworks." Light said.

"Personally, I never saw that side of him before." Ianite said.

"It's more than fireworks." Rose put in.

Meteors were redirecting, black holes were getting ready, white holes ready to fuck shit up, the whole universe herd that. They were going to obey my every command. The elements of the Galaxy rushed to see the show with the group. Shit didn't only hit the global climate, it hit the universal climate. There is a reason my name is Galaxy.

"Calm dow-" she quickly activated a shield as a 10 meter wide meteor - going at half the speed of light(149 896 229 m/s)- slammed right on to her. That part of the castle was a lost cause.

"Y-O-U. A-R-E. F-U-C-K-E-D." I said.

She launched a spell at me. immediately a black hole absorbed it and dissolved. I counter attacked; a white hole appeared and she put a shield up and it still blew trough the mountain. She unleashed the power of the Sun and Moon on me.

"Are you kidding me!? I control the Galaxy and you launch the power of a star and a natural satellite? Please, spare me the fun." I said.

A massive wave came up to me, that one was absorbed by a black hole. Giant fireballs came down at me, but they were disintegrated by a white hole.

"Wow, I REALLY never saw that side of him." Ianite commented.

"Never saw those moves yet. Wow." Dark Energy said.

"He rekt her, so hard!" Light agreed.

A meteor shower rained down on her, crippling her. Tornadoes formed, earthquakes began, volcanoes erupted, meteors fell. She barely held a shield up. She was exhausted. It was tens of billions times more powerful than the sun and moon combined.

Then I launched one of my best attacks; A beam of white light came down and covered both Twilight and me. It left the princesses outside. This beam could be seen throughout the universe. It even shed some sparks in the multi-verse.

"Not so rude now, are we?" I said, smiling at my victory.

"Fuck you!" she attempted to shoot a spell at me, but she didn't have enough energy.

"Back to the main plan. So... How am I going to do this?" I pondered.

Twilight separated in to two beings, one that ran away, it had a darker coat than Twilight's. The other just fell instantly.

"Whaaaa... Oh. Shit." It was at that moment I realized: I had fucked up.

The beam of light disappeared leaving a tunnel through the mountain and a broken castle. You would be surprised how efficient black and white holes are. No collateral damage. None.

"Well that was the show." Dark Matter said.

"I agree." Dark Energy said, nodding.

"One more reason he's a really good follower." Ianite put in

"Gg, no re." Light said


"Go get some medics!" I said.

"On it!" a guard snapped to, saluting.

All the princesses were knocked out and a few castle employees injured. Not much otherwise.

"Um, sir? We have a problem."

"Yes?" I responded

"The Dark Federation has taken the administrative buildings at Manehattan hostage. Our spies got that information."

"Oh come the hell on!Assemble the GCTT and get them over here!" I ordered

"They're arriving in ten minutes sir!"

"Get me to Manehattan. Tell the princesses their country is in DEEP shit." I said.

I decided to fly there instead. There I found the Galaxial Counter-Terrorist Team. They saluted me. Usually our soldiers are chill. I don't ask for too much discipline, but in these cases, discipline is key.

"Let's go!" I said.

We got in a couple of armored cars.

"What's the case?" Chrome asked, Spetsnaz leader.

"Hostage." I said.

"Anything else?" Chrome asked

"High value assets, they're locked tight." I responded.

"God fuck these bitches." He responded

"I wish." I answered

We soon arrived, welcomed by guards and a crowd running away from our cars.

We walked up to the door and the guards -still Twilight guards- greeted us rather coldly.

"Get away or get killed." One of them said.

"Fuck you." I said.

"Say that again."

"Fuck. You." I shoot every single one of them, still obeying my promise. The crowd was gasping. Not surprising.

"Charge?" I asked.

"Covered." she placed an explosive charge on the barricaded door.

"Get in position!" We got in a defensive position, shields up, front assault back, and further back support.

"Breach!" We unleashed a barrage of bullets and explosives, the crowd looking at us.


"Ugh, where am I?" I asked.

"Misses, you're on the Orbit One medical bay." the voice of a mare answered.

"What?" I asked, oblivious to this... "Orbit One".

"You're on a military base." she answered

"What!?" My sister and I exclaimed.

"Oh yeah. The Manehattan administrative buildings are under a hostage situation; we've got it under control." she said.

"WHAT?!" This time all of us said it.

"We need to get The Coming Dawn on this!" Shining Armor said.

"In your sweet dreams. Look at these screens." A few videos were displayed. they represented the GCTT perspectives. you could spot The Coming Dawn, cold and dead on the ground.


"Not our top priority. We need to get the civilians out safe."


"The second best counter terrorist team: the GCTT. The first is the ICTT. They have all the other counter terrorist teams, SAS, GIGN, FBI, SWAT, GCTT, GSG 9, SPETSNAZ, WHITE TIGER, and so on. Want to see you do better."

"WHAT ARE ALL THOSE LETTERS SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" Shining said, clearly going mad.

The mare rolled her eyes. "The ICTT is a counter terrorist team, composed of the best of the best. I'd like to see your team make it through one month of training.The ICTT is more commonly known as the Rainbows." she said. *wink*.Hope you caught the reference.


"Go!Go! Go!" Chrome roared.

"Get some drones in there." I said.

After a couple minutes, we had all the information we needed.

"You! On the roof! We meet at the first hostage room. We'll create a diversion and you'll jump down." I said.

"On it."


"Shining, calm down." I said.

"How can you be calm when our best ponies are dead!?" Shining said.

"Because sompony else is on the field." I said.

"THEY. ARE. GOING. TO. DIE!" Shining said, emphasizing each word.

"They're already further than The Coming Dawn went." I said.

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry for overreacting." Shining said, taking a deep breath to calm down.

"Good. Sorry, miss." I said.

"It's fine. You had quite the beating, the draining and all. You're going to have to stay here. Don't worry, we have an array of luxuries." She said.

"What about Equestria?" I said tensing up.

"We can redirect diplomats and such to a safe location. We can also send a regency to cover. Choose the type of rule and we'll do it." She said

"Redirect them to me." I said... I could use a break though... "What are the regencies, exactly?" I asked.

"Celestia..." Shining said.

"We have spies, no offense. We know all about how you rule. We can reproduce that. in case of emergencies we will alert you." She responded

"I'll take it." I said happily, telling myself I could get a break.

"Okay, and you will be taken to a complex that we built on your grounds. Again, sorry. It has all you need. This is a medical ward for very high cases, or in your case, high value "assets"." She said.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed

"We haven't had a holiday for a long time, sister!" Luna said happily.

"I agree." Cadance put in.

"Meet us at twelve o'clock. We'll be waiting." She said.


The operation went on without any interruptions. Medics were sent and the city was informed.

The information was sent. I decided that this could be an opportunity to improve relations with Equestria and get a holiday myself.


We joined them at the deck of the base. It was a sight to see these ponies so productive but so relaxed at the same time.

"Unexpected news. Galaxy will be joining you." she said.

"Never met him or her before." I said.

"Her, at the moment." She said.

"Ok... Sure!" I said.


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"Sir...Nebula... It's real." One of my guards said.

"Please don't tell me it's in the grasp of the enemy." I said.

"That's the problem, sir..." He continued.

"Well, what the fuck are you waiting for!? Get it in our hooves before they know what to do with it!" I ordered, before he said...

"They already know."

"Oh god... All we can do now is pray, but we're on our own." I said, worriedly.

"What about the ICDO?" He asked.

"All our allies and dearest friends are screwed. They WILL betray you, I'm telling this now: you still have time." I felt its aura.

"I think it's all a myth, sir." He said.

"You don't have time." I corrected myself.

"Oh sir, stop being irrational." He said.

"Dismissed." Oh, god... only the most loyal will survive. He walked away.


"What's your name?" I asked.

"Mori, miss." She answered.

"Thank you." I made my way to the car, I felt something washing over me. It was trying to grasp me...

It soon made their way to the complex... Its reach expanding...


"I need to speak with you." I said with serious emotion.

"Ok?" Celestia answered.

"In private." I added.

"Ummm... ok?" Celetia answered again.

We walked over to a corner, the others chatting.

"Did you feel it?" I asked.

"The aura?" She answered with a question.

"Yes." I replied.

"Yes, I did. it was trying to take hold of me. Do you know about it?" She responded.

"It's the nebula; a relic from Nipheria. It has the power to corrupt any friends that you have that could betray you. It takes one year to take complete control. Pay attention to behavior. Don't trust anybody until the time's up, even me. But for the moment the ponies here should be loyal and strong, including yours. I went there once, Nipheria. it's a masterpiece of a city. I don't know how I got there, but I got a relic. It was a golden knife of sorts.

All relics have a description. this one had the power to vanquish any soul. You can kill one, but he can come back. Even the most powerful relics can't revive one that has been slain by such a weapon. I infused my sword with it, added a couple of unbreaking gems, as I like to call them, and I have infinite uses of its power. My empire usually can keep itself afloat in these times, but we still have to set laws, curfews and such, I hope yours can too." I said

"Well, thank you..." she said.

"Well, for the moment don't think about it too hard. Enjoy the holiday. You've already been destroyed." I said.

"Sir!We have the Federation at bay and we are ready to attack!" His name was Steel Swift, best of his league.

I thought about it but..."As George Patton once said, the object of war is not to die for your country, but make the other bastard die for his.So no, we have the advantages in defense, at least more than in attack.Especially with more troops on the borders." I said