> Bun in The Oven > by The Blessed One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Preheat to 375°F. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You had never really considered yourself to be a morning pony. Crafting breakfast from a very limited array of foods most had labeled as day-starting ingredients made variety a difficult thing to manage, but if one were only to ask the opinion of your housemate, you were a true master chief on a regular morning in Ponyville. Being what some rather uncouth pegasi and earth equines would call a "dickhead" made multi-tasking all but second nature to you, and though you preferred being called a unicorn, the would-be offensive slang never failed to make you smirk as you looked up at the small horn tip peeking from the top of your vision. Still, suppressing your grin, you tore your attention away from the small protrusion and refocused on the task at-hoof; starring at your own horn always seemed to give you a headache. Besides, you had always remembered hearing the fictitious notion that if one made a facial expression long or often enough, it would stay that way, and figuring the slot for wall-eyed citizens in Ponyville had already been filled by the town's beloved mailmare, you saw no need to make an addition to it. Forcing immature thoughts (that were most likely caused by your housemate's manner of thinking) aside, you set yourself to work like you did every morning. Brew the coffee on the far-right side of the kitchen counter, ensure the hash browns and fried eggs didn't over-cook on the stove to the left, keep a close eye on the waffle maker right in front of you, neatly set the table behind you, and last, but certainly not least, squeezing the half a dozen oranges that sat next to the waffle maker by hoof. If your morning routine was used as an exam for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, you were willing to bet a substantial amount of bits that Twilight Sparkle would've had even more trouble graduating than originally recorded. Telekinetic levitation was a very simple spell, but to split both one's magic and one's attention evenly was quite the challenge to ponies who were not arch mages. All of that incredible skill and precision, and you used it to make a meal that you'd made precisely five times in the last month. That fact summed up your life perfectly. You could have been so many things over the course of your young life, yet you somehow found yourself content to wait tables at the local diner of the town you'd traveled to, intent on seeking adventure. Epic tales of the Elements of Harmony defeating endless waves of Godlike monsters that sought the destruction of all Ponykind had beckoned you to Ponyville, their heralded residence, only to meet six rather ordinary mares whose only interest seemed to be forming bonds of friendship with anypony they felt they could. It was a sobering, almost disillusioning experience, but one for which you were thankful to this day. Wandering adventurers were in no short supply in Equestria, especially since the Elements' legend or the rise of Daring Do to fame, but a pony who acted as a sturdy foundation for another was as precious as gems to a starving dragon. Giving your head a shake, you again refocused on your multiple tasks. Your mind always seemed to enjoy the company of itself, and often wandered away, leaving you in what many would describe as a trance. You were told it was common for a unicorn who had yet to find his calling to overthink everything, so you did your best to brush off such an unproductive habit. You would zone out during lulls at work, and sometimes it would impede your five senses from doing their respective jobs. "Morning..." Case in point, it had just blocked out your hearing. Normally, your flatmate's hoof-steps were slow and heavy, and you could easily tell when she was approaching. Thanks to your brain's attempts to amuse itself, you gave a barely-suppressed jump at the groggy mare's quiet voice. You heard her intake a very large breath through her nose, and you you could practically sense her saliva glands jump-starting. "You shouldn't be up so early." You calmly mumbled. You knew that pegasi, especially weather ponies, were always up with the morning birds. However, the mare hadn't gone to work in two months, (per the doctor's orders) so she should have been sleeping as much as she could. The pegasus gave a pleased moan as she gulped in another lungful of the scent of cooking food, and you could feel the pony swaying on her hooves from the sound of her voice. "How's a girl supposed to sleep with a smell like this?" Her voice was still coarse from the satisfying night's rest, but it still maintained that ever-present dissipated tone, as impossible as it seemed. You saw a dark lilac hoof slyly extend past you towards the coffee maker, trying with what it could to keep out of your line of sight, but your magic quickly, if ever so gently, snatched it and moved it backwards to the counter's lip. "I'm almost finished with the juice." You said, showing little sign you'd even caught her in the act.... again. "Oh, come on... please?" The mare pleaded, her innocent hoof now resting on your shoulder, and her warm breath brushing the right side of your face. A minty freshness hitting you, you'd inferred she'd remembered to brush her teeth; you were impressed, but you held little audience for her begging. "Doctor Stable clearly stated it's best to eschew caffeine all together until the due date. It was bad enough you managed to sneak out of the house to get some last week." You chided rather emotionlessly, not bothering to take your eyes away from the orange squeezer, a thwarted groan gracing your ears. "Ugh, Derpy said she had coffee regularly, and Dinky turned out fine..." The mare argued halfheartedly, but the guilt easily came through in her voice. "You aren't Derpy." You said simply, ending any debate from the lethargic pegasus. You heard the mare's back legs lower her to a sitting position, obviously to await her alternative beverage. For some reason or another, you felt a bit bothered by the silence you'd just instigated, considering the possibility that you might've been unreasonable in your curtness. "....." For the first time in an entire minute, you glanced briefly away from the squeezer toward her, only to return your attention to it a split second later. "I could go purchase some decaf from the market later if you'd like." You offered, contented that you'd solved your problem as you finished straining the pulp from the orange juice, discarding the hollowed peels with your magic. ".....It's not the same." She responded with an adorable pout. "Besides, I probably need this stuff more anyway." What she said was true; no harm ever came from a little extra vitamin C. Though you could've just used your telekinesis to give her the orange juice, you felt the gesture would be better received if you put some sentiment behind it. You hardened your mental focus on the foods that still required your attention, and turned around carefully with the tall clear glass in-hoof, looking squarely at her for the first time that morning. Your flatmate was described as many things: Attractive, beautiful, gorgeous, cute, none of those words did Cloudkicker any justice at all. The pegasus mare who was now in front of you was a marvel to behold. Her fur, a majestic shade of lavender, and was as pristinely tended as it could be, for the feeling of her coat was as tantalizing as the taste of the finest chocolate. Her mane, two amazing shades of vibrant blonde, cascading down her neck to fold over and frame her side profile. Then there was her body in general, which no mare could ever hope to match in any regard. Her forelegs were toned, yet smooth to the touch, her chest as fluffy as a cloud, and soft of skin under her fur. Her wings were gifts from the angels on high, preened until they shined in the sun's rays as they cradled her sides. While her front half was a blessing to one's eyes, it was her back half that truly stole the show for most stallions who looked her way. Her barrel had the healthy plump of an earth pony, and her foal-bearing hips that held her cloud-and-sun cutie mark were never an unwelcome sight. The barrel and hips for the perfect mother figure was only aided by her flank, of which many believed Celestia herself would be envious, not due to size, but sheer anatomic sculpture. Cloudkicker's rear was yielding to the touch of any hoof, and while decently sized, matched her body like a masterfully-fitted puzzle. She was an Olympian Goddess in mortal pony form, and a privilege to behold. Of course, then there was the middle of her belly, which was currently three times its normal size due to the small, precious life she was now carrying. The Heavens had blessed Cloudkicker with the body of the planet's greatest mother, and she was now making full use of that gift for the very first time, granted more by a measure of carelessness than any legitimate choice. Were you the father? No. The father was - and most likely always would be - a mystery to you, the mare before you, and the foal within her. "Thanks..." Kicker mumbled as she took the glass from you. Taking a few bountiful gulps fairly quickly, her face twisting into a soured grimace as the tart juice washed over her unprepared taste-buds. It was a face you'd seen her make dozens of times, but it was one that never failed to make you smirk. She also punished your grin with an effortless punch to your foreleg, another thing you'd experienced dozens of times, only turning your smirk into a smile. "You're such a jerk." Kicker giggled, tilting her glass all the way up, making short work of its remaining contents. A few moments after polishing off the juice, she extended her hoof to be helped up from her decidedly uncomfortable seat on the kitchen rug. Still managing the food all around you, you unceremoniously grasped her entire back half in your aura and took great care in lifting her until all four of her hooves were standing straight, then refocusing on the food - more specifically the waffle maker - without a word. You and the act of speaking had always had a distant relationship, but after sharing a house for near of a year, Cloudkicker knew you didn't like to talk that much, and though she once exclusively preferred the gossip she would always share with her coworkers on the weather team, she'd definitely grown to cherish your soothing, peaceful presence in contrast. Closing her eyes as she sat at the table, nothing but the sounds of distant birds outside the window and the sizzling of breakfast, she began to hum. It was another of your more quaint mannerisms as an introvert: You had always found a placating solace in the sound of other ponies' voices. This was something Cloud also knew, so as she sat there, humming her soft tune as you went about your tasks, you knew she meant it for you. You had never really considered yourself a morning pony, but who can define what exactly a morning pony is? If it entailed cooking breakfast for a mare and her foal on the way, then you were most happily qualified for the title. Being a unicorn had many commonly unknown perks to other races. Your kind's ability to gain a full stomach from a relatively small amount of food was one of them. While a single waffle held you over until lunchtime, a hearty earth pony, or in this case, a pregnant pegasus, was not satisfied until they had eaten half their body-weight in consumables. It was incredible to watch Cloudkicker slowly but surely clean multiple plates til they shined, all up until nothing remained except a tiny dish of hash browns, which the mare finally pushed away with drooped ears and a guilty sigh. "I hate feeling fat..." Kicker grumbled, her hooves gently wrapping themselves around her midsection, rubbing at it self-consciously. "You're eating for two. You aren't fat." Your dry tone hurt your own ears, and you fought to hold back a grimace at the words. You didn't enjoy speaking for that very reason, as it seemed none of your words ever carried much emotion or passion behind them. It would always lead you to question anything you'd say, as if you had said something incorrectly or insensitively, afraid to say too much or not enough. It would always feel awkward, at least for you. Still, you always made up for it with actions, for that was where you were always told it really mattered. Even so, some days you still found yourself wishing that you were, for lack of a more apt term, normal. Thankfully, as she usually did, Cloudkicker seemed to ignore the ever-present emptiness in your words, focusing rather on the words themselves. "Yeah well, most ponies aren't as big a sweetheart as you are." You had grown so tired of blushing since you'd first met Cloudkicker, but developing an immunity to the heat in your ears and the glow in your cheeks felt forever out of reach. Pet names usually reserved for lovers were used on you so very often, despite you making it clear that you'd borne no interest in romance at the time you'd moved in with her as her flatmate. You'd always remember the way her eyes lit up when you informed her of your decision, the decision you made in the face of the obvious temptation that came with it for any normal stallion. You would also remember the day everything changed for both of you. Kicker had come a long way since the morning she'd woken you up with a terrified shriek from the bathroom of the home you shared. Partaking in multiple sexual partners was as easy as breathing to the old version of the mare across from you, but it was that same habit that had transformed her life in an irreversible way. The transition from the hedonistic life of the midnight party to the responsible life of a mother-with-foal was impossible for many, but it was that same day at the doctor's office, where the new life inside her was officially confirmed, that she decided to try her hardest to accomplish just that... with your help, of course. You being in that room with her, squeezing her trembling hoof and agreeing as ardently as you could to be there for her as long as she needed, had definitely helped the wreck of a mare. Try as you might to forget it, you still remember Cloudkicker's hysterical whimpering as she leaned on your shoulder, her tear-stained face as she looked away from you in shame. Diminished was the mare who teased and flirted with you almost every minute of the day, the mare who brought home a new stallion nearly every night, hindering you in your efforts to get a good night's sleep. The maturity and courage she had shown since then had rubbed off on you, and now you were as invested in this new life of her's as she was. It was foalish, but you had truly become attached to a pony who hadn't even taken its first breath yet. When you were not at work, you were home making sure Cloudkicker was as comfortable as possible, and as you had just done, you made sure both she and the baby were well fed with wholesome bounty. You had come to Ponyville seeking a sense of fulfillment, a sense of self-worth and accomplishment, and despite how temporary it would be, Cloud and her unborn child had indeed given it to you, if only for eleven months. It was then you realized that you'd been staring at your only plate of food on the table in silence since her last statement. You were certain at that point that Cloudkicker knew that your brain had once again chosen to confide in itself over any outside force, but you attempted to hide your obvious quirk nonetheless. Pulling the plate of lukewarm hash browns over to your side, you idly poked and prodded at them with your levitating fork before taking a minuscule bite for sake of appearances. Content with your thin guise, you continued talking to the mare that simply stared at you with a groggy smile. "The pony who lives by the opinions of others, will never truly live their own life." Your words may have once again sounded like a hollow bone, but they at least carried deep meaning this time. "Don't bother caring if others aren't like me... the judgement of anyone other than yourself shouldn't matter." Had you conveyed that right? You couldn't be positive, as her face gave no clue other than a thoughtful scrunch. "That's a really nice way of saying 'buck everypony else's opinions...'" You had conveyed it right, yes, but Cloudkicker had missed the point of the sentiment entirely. She was smiling, yes, but it felt forced. It was apparent that the idea of her thoughts meaning nothing to you had stung the mare. Grimacing, you did your best to counter the thoughts you knew were running through her head. "If I had listened to what others suggested I should do, I'd have never come to Ponyville in the first place, or chosen to stay with y--" Your eyes enlarged and you bit your tongue for its treachery. Maybe if you had finished your sentence, she wouldn't have noticed your damning choice of words. You would never know however, because she definitely noticed. "Wait... what do you mean 'chosen to stay with you?'" She paused, a perplexed look quickly over-taking her features. "Why would you have left because of something somepony else said?" You were a terrible liar, not to mention that you hated having to resort to such deception, but you were now torn. Many ponies that both you and Cloudkicker called "friends" had spoken to you privately after her pregnancy had been discovered, some to offer you advice, advice directed against the shattered mare whose back they spoke behind. They had told you to get out of the house as soon as possible, to get as far away from such baggage as you could, some had even offered their homes to you, all under the delusion that you had wanted nothing to do with Cloudkicker's new "problem." You'd never viewed the conception of a new life as a problem, and it sickened you that so many in a seemingly innocent town would, especially in such a judgmental fashion. You had made sure to reject all offers politely, but if you were honest with yourself, you had a few less friends after all was said and done. All of this flashed through your mind in only a second. The last thing Kicker needed to know was that others had been attempting to pull the only stability she had left out from under her, but if you were caught lying - and you most likely would be - it would make everything that much worse. You ultimately decided that the truth would at least set you free, and that doing damage control was better than a successful lie. "As you said, other ponies aren't like me." You mumbled, quickly taking a gulp from your coffee cup, again for the sake of appearances. The drink did very little to sooth you, and Cloudkicker only seemed to become more flustered by you attempting to end the conversation. "That didn't answer my question; what did other ponies say to you that would make you wanna leave?" Kicker's tone was much harsher than before, and her wings gave agitated ruffles at her sides. That wing gesture was one you rarely ever saw her make, but when she did, it was never a good sign. Still, even with the body language and change in her voice, you attempted to keep things calm. "I was dealt an offer or two to move in with somepony else. Whether they offered out of freed-up space, or them believing that I would want out of the house due to stress, I don't know." You paused, carefully checking both your tone and your choice of words. "The underlying intentions of those offers were none of my business, and it isn't your's either." You just wanted this to end, but if Cloudkicker suddenly slamming her hooves onto the table was any indication, she wasn't about to let you slink away just yet. "My flank it's none of my business!" The pegasus screeched, both her hooves shooting to her head immediately thereafter, regretting the action. She gave a shaky and pained moan as she rubbed at her temples, but as you went to get up to help her, the mare's eyes fixed to you with a glare you had never seen her give anyone. While the rational part of your brain was telling you that her newfound anger was not directed at you per-say, merely at the subject of conversation, the other part felt both threatened and hurt by the look she was giving you. "Who was it that offered it to you?! And don't you dare say you don't remember, because you brought it up!" You had an impulse to massage your now-aching ears, but with a shake of your head, you ignored it. She was right; you did remember those who'd offered you a place with them. The three flower girls, Cheerilee, Bon Bon, Berry Punch, and even Rarity had made the list amongst a few others. While Rarity had offered for the sake of protecting you from undeserved drama, even going so far as to offer you a part-time job as an assistant in her trade, most of the others had made the offer for more personal reasons, each one ranging wildly in separate directions from what you could tell. Even though you'd have really liked to, you were not about to throw any of them under the train this time. "That truly is none of your business, Cloud." Being unable to convey emotions well through words had a lot of downsides. Not being able to sound intimidating or any firmer than your usual was one of them, and it had definitely come up to take a chunk out of you now. "So ponies trying to yank you away from me when I needed you most isn't my business?! If that isn't, then what is?!" Kicker's raise in volume was not just hurting you, as her voice cracking and faltering at the end had revealed. You needed to end this quickly for both yourself and for her, but you had little to no idea how to calm the angry pegasus down, whose wings were now fully extended and quivering like the leaves on a tree. That was, until you replayed her extremely possessive words over in your head. You hadn't thought Cloudkicker was the type to covet something, let alone another living thing. In fact, as her previous life-style had heavily indicated, she always made a point never to attach herself to anything, and yet here she was, clutching at you as fiercely as a dragon defending its hoard. It gave you a very uneasy feeling, and only gave you a powerful desire to leave the room. The ponies who say only pegasi have a fight-or-flight instinct were dead wrong, for at the moment, you had an urge to take the flight option. Still, you had to at least try to resolve this. "It doesn't matter, Cloudkicker. I'm here, not with any of them. There's no point in continuing this." Any would-be sternness in your voice was lost in those words, replaced by something close to begging. For your best efforts, Cloudkicker's angry and almost panicked expression remained on her muzzle. This pregnant mare, whose hormones had already been going ballistic for a long while now, was not about to take this lightly, and she made that clear as crystal with her next choice of words. "How is that supposed to make me feel better about this?! Ponies have gone behind my back to try to get you to leave, ponies who would claim to be my bucking friend, and if you have your way, I'll never know who they are!" She fumed, on the verge of screeching again. "Cloud, please, you wouldn't name names if our positions were switched, and you know that." You did your best to plead you case to her, but the mare had seemingly already made up her mind on the subject. "I would too!" The response was instant as she banged the table again, causing the dishes to clatter. "I'd tell you as soon as they offered! Those aren't friends; those are conniving little sneaks!" The mare fumed and panted, her wings giving unsynchronised flaps as her feathers continued to flare out in agitation. Pegasi were easy to read in terms of body language, and Cloudkicker's was telling you she was nothing short of furious. You opened you mouth to give a retort, but she had recovered enough to continue. Closing your eyes, you knew there was no stopping her at this point; you were just along for the ride. "What would I do if one of them offered again tomorrow, and because of this, you took it? Where would that leave me?! I can't work, I can't pay the bills, and I can't...!" Cloudkicker's voice hitched violently in her throat, causing you to look back up at her. Her hooves had quickly covered her face as you heard her breathing grow more erratic, sounding like a panic attack. "I can't do this..." Before you could even think of a way to respond, Cloudkicker bolted from the kitchen with enough speed to knock her chair to the ground, and all you were left with was the sound of her bedroom door slamming shut. For your part, you were dumbstruck. Even after a full minute of just sitting there, staring blankly at where the mare had been, you could conjure no legitimate response or reaction. All you could do was bring a hoof up to rub at your muzzle as you sat there, the morning birds your only company. It took a few minutes but your body finally took over for you, going into its routine. Without a single thought, you gathered up every plate, cup, bowl, and condiment on the table and placed them neatly into the sink. You didn't even bother getting up from your seat at the table, simply allowing muscle memory to run your horn as the dishes all but washed themselves, and the chair was neatly placed upright. It was Saturday, so you had no work to flee to after morning chores. Unfortunately for you, you were left to replay every word Kicker had shouted, without any outlet to distract you from pondering their every meaning. Were you really that important to her? Was it you she was angry at, or was it those whose names she didn't know that had earned her ire? Was all this just hormonal, a chemical-induced hurricane of uncontrollable emotion, or would this continue unabated until it was fully resolved? What did her last words mean? You had endless questions, and no answers to go with them, no means of seeking them. You were never any good at understanding, never fluent in the language of other souls, even those whom you knew well. Your whole life, you would always seem to dwell on a different wavelength from everyone else, and it was driving you mad now more than ever. Still, it wasn't as if you and Kicker hadn't argued in the past. It was by no means the first time. You two had butted heads on more occasions than you believed most school foals could count. Some were over simple things, never to stand in long-term, such as treating the floor like a laundry hamper. Others, were about more deep-seated habits and philosophies, conflicting like night and day. You could remember most, and a few of them could have been called as bad, if not worse than this one. Your hooves drew slow, circles around each other as your horn was hard at work, your mind deep within its own recesses once again. No, there really was no reason to worry too much about this. You two had clashed before, in ways much more brutal than this time. Normally, you both would give each other a few hours of alone time at opposite corners of the house, and whenever she came around to apologize, you would beat her to it. The only thing different and more painful to you about this time, was that you felt you hadn't really done anything wrong. You hadn't insulted her lifestyle, (Which you were guilty of doing on multiple occasions) and you hadn't nagged on her housekeeping abilities. No, you had only defended the dubious actions of ponies who were not present to defend it themselves. Your brow furrowed, a feeling of unjust resentment coming over you. She had been so angered for what you saw as no reason. Yes, ponies had offered to house you for the duration of her personal "problem," but why did that matter when you had refused them all in the end? Digressing, you decided that this little feud was not going to ruin your day, especially since it had literally just begun. She would come around to apologize when she felt ready to do so, and until then, you intended to follow your usual routine, with one small exception. You most certainly were not going to say you were sorry first this time. That little feud had ruined your day. A sigh of frustration and idle boredom escaped you as you lounged in the latest edition to the home's living room: A pregnancy gliding chair. While not very pleasing to look at, considering the amount of mechanical inner workings that showed below its cushion, it functioned perfectly as intended. It was fairly large, designed so that a mare could lay on her side with her head and back hooves resting on each of the chairs arms. The reclined position would allow a foal to lay against its mother's belly, providing ample access for breastfeeding anytime, so long as the mother remained on her side as she was supposed to. The only reason it was called a chair, and not a rocking love-seat, was because it had a tall back, of which you were currently making use. So, there you sat, in a two-hundred bit piece of equipment meant for a pregnant mare, wasting your weekend away reading irrelevant nothings from the Foal Free Press. The raw irony of sitting in a pregnancy glider while reading something called "Foal Free" would've been comical, had you even noticed. Yet, rather than thinking about puns and jokes, your mind lingered regretfully on what you should have been doing today. Being eight months in with three to go, and the center of one's body mass having been beset by such weight, there was much strain to be had on a pegasus, even more so than any other race. Being airborne creatures, pegasi were naturally light and swift, and most found it difficult to gain any weight, be it body-fat, or bulking muscles. Cloudkicker was not used to carrying around such a burden, so with you around, she'd stopped going out on her own a little over a month ago. The point to all your reiterations was that weekends were her time to finally get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air on the town, all with the security of having you by her side. If she began to feel weak or winded, you would find a hoof and a wing resting on your withers, not that you minded in the least; it was what you were there for. Another change you noticed in Kicker's behavior lately, had been an increase in her paranoia, though you were quite confident it was thanks to hormones. While by no means common in new mothers, a grounded pegasus was sure to feel insecure without help, even distrusting. Tack on the maternal instincts she was no doubt beginning to adopt, and you had yourself a mare who flat out detested going outside without a companion she comfortably trusted. At first, she would often go partying with her friends, not unlike how she used to club-hop around town all evening, always including more ponies in her escapades than you could keep track of. Then it slowly became more exclusive, mainly you, Rainbow Dash, Blossomforth, Cloudchaser, and Flitter. By the eighth month, only you remained. Cloudkicker would never tell any of her friends - or even you directly - about this change, choosing instead to hide her reclusive actions with excuses not to leave the confines of her home. You had seen her talking to the aforementioned ponies at the door many times, with them always asking her to join them for a luncheon or an early-evening club-raid. It would always be that she was just too tired, or wasn't hungry, or was feeling sick that day. Then, not a minute after the door had been closed and her friends sent away, she would pounce on you, asking what lunch was going to be, or if you could go for a stroll in the park with her in a few minutes. Despite how special her actions made you feel, you couldn't help but wonder why they were what they were. The newspaper you had pulled up to your muzzle went completely ignored, your mind keeping itself company in all those vast memories. While the recent argument had wasted most of the morning, the afternoon had just rolled around. You were certain you wouldn't have to wait much longer for the inevitable apology fest from the both of you, because Kicker was most likely already hungry again by this point. While you began contemplating what you could fix for her brunch, or "second breakfast" as you two affectionately called it, your ears heard a rather squeaky door, opening cautiously. Taking a deep breath, you began to actually read the paper in front of you, preparing to say you were sorry once she had spoken her peace all the while. Your eyes read the words of the page intently, but you focused primarily on your peripheral vision, which could still see the living room doorway. You didn't hear a single hoof step, but trying hard enough, you started to hear her breathing. She was listening, same as you. After a whole suspended minute of eerie silence, the suddenness and volume of clopping hooves made you jump, nearly losing your grip on the newspaper. You had time to regain your composure as Cloudkicker stopped in a room off the main hallway, presumably your own, throwing the door open. She only stayed there for a few seconds before barreling into the kitchen to stop again, her breathing growing louder, more erratic. She was panicking, looking for you. You were just entertaining the idea of getting up to meet her halfway in her frantic search when she galloped through the kitchen and into the doorway of the living room, her eyes finding you immediately. Breathing an inward sigh, you quickly returned to reading, making a point not to return her gaze, and though you couldn't see her directly, you could definitely make out what she was doing. Still looking at you as she gave out a much bigger, more literal sigh of relief, you could see her move a hoof to her chest as she hung her head, closing her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. She thought you'd left; that much was clear. Why had she been so panicked over it? Whatever her reasons, you were glad you'd decided to stay and wait to make up with her before going anywhere, even if it were for something quick like groceries. You didn't want to know what would have happened had she found the house empty, and - Celestia forbid - gone out looking for you. Ponyville was a very safe town, of course, but you simply didn't like the idea of Kicker out running around, potentially hurting herself or her child with all the running and possible anxiety. "...Hey..." Cloudkicker's voice, soft as Saddle Arabian silk, reclaimed your mind's eye, bringing it back into the realm of reality. You weren't sure how long she had been standing in the doorway, awkwardly staring down at her own hooves, hesitant to look at you, but it was long enough for her to want the tense silence broken. You on the other hoof, really had nothing to say, not yet anyway. The lavender pegasus gave a dejected sigh to your empty abstinence, but pressed on nonetheless. "Listen, I-" Her breath hitched, and she gulped, trying to take another deep breath to calm herself. You were so sorely tempted to look up at her, to see if she was alright. It felt cruel, but your mind was ever stubborn, and kept reminding you sternly that you owed her no form of apology. Your heart ached from leaving her to hang and do all of the talking, but even had your mind allowed you to respond, your had no idea what to say. "...I just want us to forget about this, okay?" Cloud's insecure question was answered only by more cold silence. No, you didn't want to just forget this just so it could happen again without you knowing the cause. You wanted this resolved, not swept under a rug. "Please... Just say something." There was so much emotion in Cloudkicker's words; it sounded like she was about to break down. You quickly began the struggle to come up with what she was begging you for, and in your scramblings, it all boiled down to just one simple word. "Why?" There was the brief sound of rustling wings before you heard her voice again. "...W-why what?" Kicker stammered, shuffling in place, her eyes like saucers, fixed on you. "Why did you care about it, any of it? Why did you say what you said?" You still hadn't looked at her as you finally lowered the facade of the newspaper, but the corners of your eyes were still your focus. The desperate mare fumbled, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly, her feathers showing her discomfort as they flexed out of line. Again you fought with the instinct to go to her side as you so usually did. Cloudkicker's body language was as expressive as a painting. It had always left you in wonderment. Her body told you things she never would, and right then, it was telling you she had too much to say, in too many ways she could say it. Kicker ended up saying nothing as she trotted up to the chair. You finally looked up at her, just in time to feel her muzzle rubbing against your own. To a pony, nuzzling could mean dozens of things, and while you hadn't the slightest idea what this one was for, you returned the gesture, lightly pushing back against her. The mare hummed feebly in appreciation, pushing her snout into your cheek all the more. At first, you were kind of glad that she seemed to take comfort in your returned affection, even if it was a bit stiff, but that feeling all but disappeared as you felt a dampness in her fur, and heard her sniffle softly. Crying...... she was crying. You had absolutely no idea how to deal with a crying anything, let alone your closest friend. Still, in lieu of etiquette, you let logic dictate your actions, finding your hooves guiding the mare to sit down beside you. Cloudkicker, giving up on nuzzling you, wrapped her fetlocks around you in a tight hug, burying her face in your chest while her weeping only seemed to worsen. What had you done to cause this? Was she crying because of something you had said or asked? Was it really just the argument earlier? The entire situation was beyond you. These weren't the riddles for an introverted mind, and you simply found yourself holding the mare as she bawled her eyes red, her forelegs squeezing your midsection while her back half took up the rest of the chair. You were glad for the size of the glider, for it allowed her to be comfortable as you took up the corner. Sure, you sort of looked like Lyra when she sits anywhere, but it was not entirely uncomfortable for you. Even if it were, you doubt you'd have cared. Time passed you by without notice. It might've been a minute or two; it might've been an hour. You knew not; What you did know was that Cloudkicker had been holding something in for far too long, and this morning had finally broken the dam. While you weren't very "touchy feely," as most would call it, you found that you didn't truly mind the contact. Of course, the fact that Kicker evidently needed this helped, but you found a comfort of your own in the softness of her coat and the down of her feathers. Her mane's natural scent filled each breath you took, reminding you of wild berries as you softly stroked her back with a hoof. You had rested your chin on the top of her head a good long while ago, and though you could hear and even feel her sobs, her wings had embraced you, showing you she appreciated what you were doing. Though you hated hearing Cloudkicker's muffled cries, you found yourself missing her warmth and touch as soon as she pulled herself upright, sniffling and rubbing at her eyes with a forehoof. As someone who'd felt no previous interest or curiosity in another's physical touch, It left you bewildered that she could do such a thing to you. That however, paled in comparison to how clueless you were as to why this had happened. You couldn't settle for ignorance any longer; you had to have at least some answers from her while she was able to speak. "What was that, and take your time telling me." Your eyes nearly widened at the sound of your own voice. To your amazement, your tone had softened, and had actually conveyed your words with feeling. Cloudkicker didn't seem to notice, being too busy drying her muzzle. "I'm sorry... I-I know you don't like handling stuff like this." Cloudkicker worked to get her words out, a few late tears falling from her puffy eyes. You wiped them away yourself before they could fall, and kept her hooves firmly in your own to encourage her. "I can't lose you... You don't understand how much I can't lose you!" Cloud's voice raised and she squeezed her eyes shut. The pegasus mare shook her head and hung it as her sobs found renewed life. Your mind was racing to keep up with everything, trying to figure out the best response to her actions. Drawing a blank, you let whatever felt natural take you over, and you pulled the mare into another hug. "I'm not going anywhere." It was all you needed to say. Cloudkicker's body spoke for her, her wings and hooves tightening around you as she fought to get as much of her body to touch you as possible. You'd never experienced anything like it as you turned to fully embrace the mare. As Cloud tried to calm herself again, taking in a deep breath, you were reveling in hundreds of new sensations. So much of the mare's body was in direct contact with you, and you had to admit it: You were beginning to lose yourself. Her neck and cheek pressed back against your own. Her taut tummy pressed yours until you yielded to her form, slouching so that both of you could feel the other's chest. All you could smell, all you could feel, all you could even see was the mare you had in your hooves, and you knew you'd only be deluding yourself if you claimed you didn't want more. You had only ever seen her do this once before, in that hospital room upon that pivotal day, but that was for herself. This was for you. It made you feel so different, like you'd been a stone statue all your life, and Cloudkicker had just undone every piece of it, bringing you to life. "Is this why Cloudkicker lived the life she did before? Did it truly feel like this all the time?" Your thoughts questioned to themselves, running over your memories. In your youth, your family had hugged you and shown you their love, yes, but this was so very different in so many ways. You had no words to describe it. Did Kicker's lifestyle really give this feeling whenever she was with another pony? "No...." It couldn't possibly feel exactly like this; This wasn't just some one-night stand. This was different, and it held so much more meaning. You couldn't be sure; you were never the kind of stallion to rely solely upon a hunch, but somehow, you knew you were right. Just then, a small hoof kicked you, a hoof from within the belly of the mare in your hooves. "Oww..." Cloudkicker seemed to have regained control of herself, at least enough to voice her displeasure at her tiny passenger. The mare gingerly broke your hug to place her hooves on her stomach, attempting to either calm the baby, or sooth the spot of the under-sized punch. Without even thinking, your hoof found the spot where you had felt the kick. Surprisingly, your normally over-thinking brain did nothing to stop you or render your action inconfident in any way. It was just something you did all the sudden, something you had never done before, and just like that, you felt your touch returned. The baby had its hoof where yours was, returning your touch. It affected you to your core. That moment, that one brief moment, was so special, so precious, and so intimate, you couldn't help but grin, entranced by the intention of this unborn child. "Hey." You whispered, bringing your head nearer, as if listening for a response as you tenderly caressed Cloud's belly. Your touch earned a visual shiver from the mare, breaking you from the trance the baby had placed you under. After a moment's hesitation, you withdrew your hoof and straightened your posture as you looked back up at her. She was staring at you, and you could guess she had been the whole time. "...I think he likes you." Kicker said, her soft tone and gentle, almost permanently voluptuous voice returning to her slowly and surely. "Well..." You spoke absentmindedly, scratching at the back of your neck, where a spontaneous tickling sensation just wouldn't seem to leave. "At least He'll have a good mother to teach him to be a better judge of character." Your tone failed to convey your self-disappointment, but you casting your eyes to the chair's cushion in conscious embarrassment more than delivered the message. "Yeah, I guess you're right..." Cloudkicker spoke thoughtfully, almost comically so. Her hoof snaked its way back to grasping yours, and you returned the small pressure she placed on it. She was silent for a few seconds, both of you looking up to simply stare at one another for an abnormal amount of time. You opened your mouth, but found yourself lacking anything you needed to say. The itch on the back of your neck had returned, but you felt paralyzed in her gaze. It frightened you it was so real, so knowing. For nearly a minute without a sound from either of you, all she did was hold her eyes to yours. Then, the silence was shattered by her intake of a deep, shuddering breath, and the sigh that followed. She closed her eyes tightly, giving head a tiny shake before locking eyes with you again, daring to let a smile tug at her lips. "You're so right. Because if it weren't for my awesome judge of character, I wouldn't have shacked up with you, and I wouldn't be carrying this..." She paused, searching for a word that you found instantly. "Blessing." That was it. In the time you took to blink, hearing her shift in the split-second your eyes were closed, you reopened them just in time to have her muzzle completely locked with your own. Your mouth hadn't even had time to close from your last uttered word, and Kicker took full advantage of it. It was a full-blown kiss if ever there was one, her tongue passing your lips and darting between your teeth in an instant, worming its way underneath your own, pleading with you to return her brash actions. Her hooves and wings had also sprung into motion, wrapping around you with the full intention of entrapping as much of you as possible. These sensations were all so new to you, that despite how much you wanted to return this newly shown love, your body turned into a block of wood, refusing to acknowledge any order you gave it. All you could do was sit there dumbstruck as Kicker continued to breathe into your paralyzed body. Your eyes were as wide as mangoes, allowing you to fully take in Cloudkicker's mood changes, despite her never opening her own eyes. At first, her expression embodied how passionate her kiss truly was, with only the slightest amount of tension in her cheeks with how she was pushing her tongue against yours, but as your stupefied body doddled away the precious seconds, you saw the passion grow more inconfident, more frustrated as a furrow took hold of her brow. You felt her wings and hooves squeeze you all the harder, imploring you to respond to her. Try as you might, your body had shut down. Cloud's expression going blank, she timidly broke the kiss by bowing her head. Your muzzles hadn't been allowed time to close before the break, and you shivered as her tongue slid across your lips. The mare's head rested with the tip of her nose just barely brushing your chin as you took in your first breath since the surprise. Getting air back into your lungs seemed to give you control over yourself again as you blinked the dryness from your now-stinging eyes. You had no idea how long CloudKicker's mouth had been pressed against yours, but it was evidently a fair amount of time. "I'm sorry..." The mare who had yet to unwrap you from her multi-limped hug brought you out of the memory of her lips with her voice, but you didn't want to stop reliving it. Her touch, her taste, her gentle moans, you wanted it again; you needed it again. You needed it more than anything in your life. "I know you said t-that you didn't wa--" Your hooves shot around the pegasus' back, and you pushed her head up with your cheek before your muzzle was once again pressed against hers. Cloudkicker gave a small gasp, and her grip on you became so strong it was almost painful. You shut you eyes tightly, utterly surrendering yourself to the mare you didn't know you'd been waiting for your whole life. Getting out of a chair and moving down a hallway was not a task you would've ever considered difficult. That opinion changed drastically when you had a frisky pegasus doing her very best to lovingly devour your muzzle. Your legs quaked both from anticipation, and the amount of weight Cloudkicker was leaning onto you. You were at least on par in terms of fitness for unicorn, but seeing as how Kicker was not entirely alone, her naturally-light frame had been almost doubled. It was only in that very moment that you fully understood why she had opted out of flying most days. With the mare's front hooves still hooked around your neck, and her wings spread out rampantly to keep her balanced on her back legs, you needed to be on all fours to comfortably follow her to wherever she was leading you. There was only one problem with that: She held your right fetlock securely to the back of her head, and you knew why. She wanted to keep this kiss as deep as possibly. So, with only three legs supporting you, you followed Kicker down the hallway, fighting to take small breaths as her mouth thrashed against your own. You wittingly ignored the burning in your lungs and the weakness in your legs; you had better things to focus on. Her tongue dancing around in your mouth, her angelic fur rubbing all over you as she lead you on, her moist hot breath against your face, you wouldn't part with a single sensation, even if it did mean passing out. Your eyes had been shut tight ever since you had returned her love in the gliding chair, yet as you whisked each other blindly away down the hall, you knew the house by heart. Your shoulder had just brushed the door frame to the end-room when the door slammed closed behind you, and your body was playfully pressed up against it. Cloudkicker's push had forced both your forelegs up, so there you stood, upright just like she was. Her face pressed the back of your head into the door, and with nowhere for you to move, her kiss was made even deeper. Her tongue nearly gagged you as it slithered down the first inch of your throat, her hooves pinning your own above your head, and her taught, round, eight-month-pregnant belly forcing you to slouch once again. Kicker had permeated you on a total level, and you were loving every second of it. Always with trouble in paradise however, Cloud's rather powerful love-tackle had knocked what little air you had left in your lungs out. You needed to breathe, and Kicker wasn't budging. You tried again to take a breath, but were left fruitlessly gasping as her marauding tongue found your throat yet again. You were only a few seconds away from blacking out when you shoved off from the door with your back leg, flipping the positions on her, and pulling your head away to refill your lungs. Cloudkicker herself took a second to breathe, looking as though she'd shown the exact same willful ignorance as you. She took in a gasp of air only to exhale it in a sensitive moan as your muzzle dug into her neck. To say that you had no idea what you were doing would be an embarrassing understatement. Yes, you'd watched flicker-shows with romantic scenes on occasion; you had even seen this act done before by both stallions and mares, but you couldn't be one-hundred percent positive of what exactly you were supposed to do. With the first inkling of logic you'd used in what seemed like forever suddenly sparking to life, you began to rely on the sounds Cloud made to judge her approval, and she seemed to enjoy you lavishing her throat with tender kisses and peppering pecs, her flapping wings and breathless gasps revealing her preeminent love for your tongue. Her fur was as downy as ever to you, and feeling her hooves exploring your body while you licked at her neck was making you feel lightheaded. You had never done anything remotely like this before, and to be perfectly honest with yourself, you were afraid of letting that fact show. Every movement, down to the most infinitesimal, was sending shivers up your spine like crazy. While you had successfully caught your breath through your nose as you worked her over, Cloud was losing her ability to keep standing, if her trembling back legs were of any indication. So, showing the beladen mare some mercy, you released the skin you'd been suckling on with a "pop" as you withdrew, allowing her to get all four hooves under her. Cloud's panting once again washed your face in warmth as she nuzzled you with more than a little extra force. The driven pegasus then gave you a slight usher to direct you towards the bedroom's namesake, the very sight accelerating your heart-rate impossibly further, bidding your forehead to bead as Cloudkicker trotted to her destination. Cloud used her wing to keep your side pressed snugly against hers as she sashayed to the bed, and even with the make-out session seemingly over, the sensual tingling you were feeling didn't let up at all as the mare rubbed her cheek against yours. Once there, you could swear your heart came to a complete stop. You had already been sweating, but the redness of your face was now much more noticeable, and it felt like it was on fire. You attempted feebly to speak, but all that came out was a choked stammer and broken quarter-words. She took notice of your extreme contrast in demeanor as she sat down on the bed's edge, her wings stretching out to enclose your sides as her hooves took hold of your face, slowly guiding your form over hers. "Hey," She murmured as she stroked the raging inferno that was your cheek. "you're not getting cold hooves on me now, are you, hun?" You'd heard Kicker speak in the manner she had just used before, but it had never been directed at you. It was low, husky, seductive, and almost demanding. Many stallions and even a few mares had heard that voice before, lilted in their ear, and it was that same fact that cracked your composure. How would a pony who was as introverted, shy, and inexperience as you, measure up to the so many who had been with this angel of pleasure? The last thing you wanted was to disappoint her, or for this feeling in your chest to fade. "I... I haven't... I-I've never..." You once again failed to force the intended words from your mouth, and that failure made you sick to your stomach. Here you were, poised to make sweet, lasting love to a mare whom you've cared for for so long and who had so irrevocably become your world, and your ever-present inability to express your feelings was sinking you like a rock in the sea. There it was again, that knowing gaze. "Shhh... It doesn't matter." She soothed, still stroking your cheek with the silky frog of her hoof. "Whatever happens, It'll be just fine." Eye-to-eye with her, you felt your brow furrow in determination, nodding silently as you drank in the confidence she'd granted you. Cloudckicker had always aptly described you as a pony whose actions spoke much louder than his words. So, running almost entirely on instinct, your horn sparked to life as you got the party rolling. "AAAAAAHHHEEEEE!" The scream that quickly devolved into a high-pitched squeal was most definitely not what you were expecting. You'd taken anatomy class just like any other twelve year old colt in puberty, and you knew a mare's most sensitive points. The very second you had unleashed your horn's magic, it chose its target without hesitation, barely allowing you time to know what your magic had latched onto. Kicker's body shook violently as your aura played with her button and its surrounding area, "Ah! That's more like it!" She cried out as her wings and hooves threw themselves around you, her body falling backwards to fully hit the bedspread as your aura reached deeper into her. You were grateful she'd gotten those words out; you were beginning to think you'd started things off too harshly. Relieved at your appreciated efforts, you buried your face in Cloud's tremoring chest fluff, showering it with kisses as your midsection was pressed carefully against the mare's belly. By the time your magic withdrew from her, Kicker was left a trembling mess of sweaty fur and ruffled feathers. Always the curious colt, you raised your head to look at her face, seeing a mare who was not capable of cohesive thought at the moment. Her tongue had escaped her mouth as she gasped for breath, her chest and large tummy rose and fell in rapid succession, her cheeks were as crimson as beets, and her eyes were glazed and unfocused. You couldn't help but snigger at the spectacle. Truly, you were a bit worried at first, mainly because you'd never heard Cloudkicker make that noise before, even a few doors down as you tried in futility to get some sleep, but you now saw that as something to take pride in. You weren't entirely sure if she had reached climax from it, but even if she hadn't, you felt this was a good start. You had to be careful though, especially once this came down to actual intercourse, but that was a problem you wouldn't need to worry about until you were upon it. Foreplay was going to be interesting, considering you were secretly determined to stand out. With Kicker's grip on you slowly softening, you began retreating from your position on top of her. You took your time, enjoying her breathlessness as you resumed kissing her thumping chest. Reaching her stomach, you gave it extra attention, grooming her fur as you went along the rigid skin. You could hear her breathing, her heartbeat, and though it was most likely your imagination, you could swear you heard a smaller thump right alongside her own. "W-where... where d-did you learn... to do that?" Cloudkicker spoke through her panting, still failing to fully regain her calm. You said nothing, as you really weren't quite sure of why you had done what you did. Though, being honest, you had to admit that a sense of competitiveness was driving you forward. You wanted to be the best possible partner for her, in both everyday life and the bedroom. You liked to believe you had gotten a solid head-start on the former, now you needed to achieve the latter. You decided to opt out of answering, choosing instead to continue grooming Cloudkicker's coat as you traversed down her stunning body. Her scent filled your lungs with each heavy breath you took, her fur's scent of rain clouds and her recent arousal mixing together as you savored the mare with all five senses. Her soft coos and the hoof rubbing away at your ears told you you were doing well. In fact, the whole thing was going surprisingly well, especially for you having no experience in this beautiful art. You were so caught up in smooching down her baby bump and her fondling your ears, that the only way you noticed a delightful new discovery was Cloud going haywire, her breath catching for a second before a very feminine groan escaped her. Your eyes snapped open to her exposed teats sitting right in front of your muzzle, all perky and tumescent. Motherhood had been very kind to Cloudkicker in the terms of feeding a newborn. They were impossible to miss at this point, both of them finding a snug fit between her legs, especially so excited. Dragging your tongue agonizingly slowly over her left breast, you knew you were teasing her, and considering how her thighs closed on your head like a vice, you almost regretted it... almost. The discomfort was brief, and a bit humorous when you thought about it. As she freed you from her hips' head-lock, her hoof clasped your ear and gave a small tug to pull your mouth back towards her mammaries. Smirking eagerly to yourself, you got the message, and gave both of her nipples a quick kiss, applying an ever-so-light suction to them. Kicker's hind leg muscles went on full display, flexing haltingly so as to not smush your head again. Your hooves ran up and down those perfect thighs, worshiping them with your touch as she sighed above you. It seemed to calm her, until you gave her yet another tantalizing lick. You were only allowed to keep that torturous rhythm for about a minute before Cloudkicker gave out a comically frustrated whine, giving a sharp pull on your ear as she slammed her free hoof into the mattress. The pegasus struggled to speak, but the one word she forced from her panting mouth told you all you needed to know. "H-hard.... H-harder!" Cloud begged as she sunk the back of her head into a pillow. Chuckling impishly, you readily abandoned your careful approach, pulling her left teat into your mouth before giving it a firm suckle. Your ears nearly lost their hearing as Cloudkicker shrieked from sensory-overload, echoing through the room, house, and maybe even the street outside. You felt your lower neck and chest swiftly dampen as Cloud's ground her flanks into the bed. You then knew just how sensitive this mare was. Your magic trick from before had indeed pushed her over the edge, and now so had your ministrations to her teats. Again, you grinned, giving the nipple in your mouth a feisty nibble. Your ears still ringing as her back arched obscenely, you kept at it, spoiling her teats with your breath, tongue, and teeth alike. Cloudkicker sounded like she was on cloud nine, and still going up, her lustful moaning and bitten-back screams to encourage you, doing wonders to build your impetuosity, not to mention your arousal. You gave her right breast another pinch between your teeth, suckling at it afterwards, and Cloud rewarded you not only with an adorable *Eeep!*, but a very sweet-tasting treat hitting your taste buds. You knew exactly what that was, and you wanted more, the mere concept driving you wild as you drank more of her greedily. Still, as with all good things, it had to end sometime. Cloudkicker's breathing was becoming less and less frantic, and after your lower chest was matted in her culminations for a second time without a single sound from her, she pulled on your ear with a shaky hoof to get you to back up. While she remembered how to breath properly, you rolled the last of her milk around in your mouth, savoring like wine, before swallowing it down, resting your face on her inner knee. Kicker soon regained her composer, whilst you amused yourself by peppering her toned legs with yet more kisses, reverently inhaling her honeypot's sweet, musky scents. "Can... can we buck now?" Cloudkicker's sentence was somewhat choppy and broken-up, but you got the idea. Assuming you hadn't understood her, she once again used your now-sore ear to direct you back up to eye-level with her. The mare's glazed, lidded eyes stared back up at you with an amount of love you'd never seen in another pony before, and the sight made your heart flutter. After you barely managed to nod, she gave you an excited smile before rolling onto her side with a huff. This position allowed her to take the weight of her belly off her back, and it also allowed her messy wings to spread out over the bed's other side. She turned her head back towards you, tucked her forelegs to her chest, and raised her back leg. It was only then, seeing her expose herself to you, seeing her giving you her body, did your own remind you of your "needs", your member giving a powerful throb at the sight of the pregnant mare accepting you as her new lover. Despite the amount of first-time jitters you had felt, you had latched onto the confidence Cloud had been building within you, and there was no going back. Your left hoof alighted just above her relaxed wings, your right hoof above her forelegs, letting them both sink into the mattress on either side of her, propping you up over her. Her own forelegs moved with yours, one snaking up to wrap around your shoulder. You shivered at the dozens of sensations you couldn't even begin to name, your shaft brushing Cloud's cutie mark as it rested on her rump, her warm breath on your face, her soft, velvety fur tingling you at every point of contact. Your body trembled and shook like a leaf in a storm, but before you could even think about losing your nerve, the hoof on your shoulder moved up to the back of your head, Kicker pulling you into the deepest kiss yet. Kicker's tongue slithered freely in your mouth, unchecked and unchallenged by your own, for you enjoyed the moment too much to dare moving, fearing you'd change it. The mare's lips broke from yours relatively quickly, her tongue retracting with them, gliding across the roof of your mouth. The expression on your face must've been silly, because Cloudkicker giggled when she looked at you. "Mmm... I'm glad you liked my milk." Cloudkicker's seductive voice was back in full swing as you blinked away your stupor, grinning at her. "I loved it." You hummed back to her, to which she giggled again. "Just remember to s-save some for the baby." Her hooves tightened their grip on you as one of her wings took a hold of her raised leg, spreading her lower lips even further for you. Her flower still glistening from your previous exploits, you gave your dry lips a lick at the sight. "I've wanted to give you this since the day I first saw you..." A needy groan punctuated her romance, her whole body giving an impatient flex. "Come on, take me. I'm yours; just take me!" She growled with piercing eyes and a salacious fervor that would forever be burned into your memory. You had kept the lady waiting long enough. "Haah! Yesss!" She hissed as you gave your first thrust, your love consummated, your purity happily given to the mare who had waited for it longest. You had only pushed the first few inches into her, and already she was going crazy, a dopey grin on her face as her eyes rolled up to their lids, her legs shaking like vibrators. You felt your whole body grow hotter at the contact between your most personal parts, and Cloud's body had become like a furnace to you, a tight, heavenly furnace. It was your first time doing anything even remotely similar to this, and already it was overwhelming you. The heat from both your partner's insides and her fur-covered skin was incredible, so addictive, and in direct spite of her infamous reputation, she was tighter than you thought possible. Dare you say, it was difficult to move. The feeling of her folds parting to allow you inside was a something you had no words to describe, not that you cared as mind-numbing pleasure harassed you beyond thought. Her tunnel was fully within her control. It had to have been, and she proved it by each individual muscle pulling at you to go deeper, undulating in perfect, painfully pleasurable harmony. She was so vocal, her sounds became intentionally unrestrained, as if she knew that those angelic vocalizations used to keep you awake at night. Now she was making them for you, and no one else; a fact that made your heart sing. Combining both Cloudkicker's lewd cries and the onslaught of blissful waves, you knew you didn't have the stamina to hold out. How could you? This had surpassed any form of expectation you'd had for the primal act. You slowed your thrusts, spreading them out farther, desperately trying to make this last as long as possible, but Kicker flat-out refused to allow it, as she put every ounce of strength she had into pulling you deeper and deeper into her, using both the hoof on your shoulder and the vice-like grip of her inner folds to get the job done. Sweat stung your eyes as the heat just kept on building in the small bedroom, and before you could even blink sight back into your eyes, you were hilted in your lover. Breathing heavily, attempting to cool yourself, a husky purr from deep in Cloud's throat stole your attention, its pitch rising as her hoof pulled your head down to brush muzzles with you. "C'mon! Rut me like the horny stud I know you can be, hun! Give it to me!" Kicker's impassioned words hit you like an anvil as her eyes bore into yours again, all but growling in her feral lust. You would've looked shocked if you weren't so focused on whole-heartedly obeying. Trapped in her spurring stare, her hoof under your chin to encourage you forward, keeping you face-to-face. You gulped, set your legs, pulled yourself back, and gave the hardest buck forward you could. An orgasmic wail was hardly what you'd expected right off the bat, neither the plentiful and rhythmic bursts of juices coating your entire pelvis, but as her mindless orgasm-face had you mentally beaming with satisfaction, you considered it a good thing. You couldn't have been doing so well for your very first time, or so you thought. Perhaps it was her pregnancy or the hormones that came with it which made things different for her. In fact, granting it barely a flicker of contemplation, knowing she'd never had sex with anyone during her pregnancy, you began to see that it must have been the game-changer. It mattered not; a fire was kindled in your chest, demanding you repeat the process with or without the Celestia-sent edge, and so you did. Again and again you pulled from Cloudkicker's scalding depths only to plunge back in with merciless gusto. The sounds of wet hips clapping filled the house along with Kicker's carnal moans and blissful cries as you finally let your instincts kick in, your overactive mind - for once - taking the backseat. Thrusts began to blur together for you as you worked them faster and faster, and Kicker's multiple climaxes had her fighting just to breathe. The bedding had become soaked as the bed springs creaked their backdrop to your love-making, your hips' bucking growing more shallow, barely leaving her writhing, twisting passage. Cloud wrapped her free forehoof and wing around your back and neck, the two of you breathing in the other's exhausted panting as she eagerly awaited your finale. Your mind had no say or influence over you by this point, and the powerful flare of your head told you this had reached its end. Ready and yet not, preparing for the inevitable as you wrenched your eyes shut, you slammed into the pegasus for one final time. You heard yourself give a cry of your own as you pumped your essence as deep as you possibly could into Cloudkicker, the mare below you rewarding your gift with a sharp gasp and clenching walls around your member. The power Kicker put into holding you close to her as you filled up her insides was astounding, but you couldn't have wanted it more. Why shouldn't you have given her everything of your first time? You could think of no other mare more deserving of it. You were locked in perfect union with her for what felt like an eternity, pouring yourself into her, but as the adrenaline coursing through your veins slowing faded, your more primal side beating a gradual retreat, you were left merely as a unicorn on extremely weak legs, covered in sweat and your mare's ejaculate. Still, you didn't want to just collapse on top of her or the baby, so you instead merely let your bottom half rest as your forelegs shifted your weight to their elbows, bringing you ever closer to her as she pushed her muzzle into your neck, her soft pants patting your damp fur. "That... that was... p-perfect." Cloudkicker managed to squeak out, complimenting you whilst regaining her breath. Even though you didn't feel like talking anyway, only basking in her warmth, you felt the need to tell her why you were still there, fearing she might be uncomfortable. "I-I'm st... I'm still--" "Shhh," She soothed to you again through a thoroughly satisfied smile, sounding a bit more calm. "Just leave it in, handsome." Never one to argue, you contently did as suggested, the giddy mare lavishing up your neck in light pecs until she got to your lips. There the two of you stayed for several whole minutes, necking indulgently long after you'd leaked the last of your pent-up gift inside her. Again though, all good things have ends, as your front hooves simply didn't harbor the strength to support you any longer. Slowly and ever-so-carefully, you started to withdraw from her, Kicker mewling almost disappointedly as her passage reacted involuntarily to the movement, making you tingle from the stimulation. You had no idea just how long you sat insider her, content in your post-coitus make-out session, but evidently it had been long enough for some semblance of life to return to your loins. You made this surprising discovery when you withdrew to find yourself still rather stiff, having barely lost any of your stature. Buckling to your left, flopping over to your side, you wrapped your hooves around her, pulling her into a spoon as you snuggled up close. The voice of the mare you now held softly in your hooves as she hummed in her afterglow was enough for you, even if another part of you disagreed. Though your member twitched teasingly in the comparatively-cold open air, somehow still raring to go, the rest of you hadn't the energy to move, let alone partake in another round. It was a dilemma to be sure, but in the end, you erred on the side of the slothful, choosing to ignore the minor annoyance in favor of some much-needed rest. Kicker didn't really respect that decision. "...Looks like somepony wants a little mooore." With how worn-out you were, Cloud's sing-songed comment had only just registered when something soft and fuzzy engulfed your member. Apparently she must've felt your little dilemma poking her in the rump, and had thus reached back to snag it with a hoof. You gasped at the unexpected feeling, prompting the appendage that had a smothering grip on your stallionhood to begin sliding up and down. The mare giggled sportively as your breathing picked up its pace, nuzzling her cheek against yours as she scooted around on the bed to face you, making sure to keep her hoof glued to her prize as she pushed you onto your back. Every muscle in your body (Apart from the one currently receiving attention) was utterly sapped of energy, leaving you at the mercy of whatever adventure Kicker had in mind. Still, even with the up-and-down rhythm getting faster, vying for your singular focus, your curiosity was too much to shake. Your horn sparked to life, lifting the back of your head and - accomplishing what your neck could not - propping it up so you could see down your huffing form. Cloudkicker took the opportunity to lock her lips on your own, her tongue easily pushing into your mouth to toss yours around like a limp dish rag. Your eyes drifted shut as you flowed with her kiss, the grunts Kicker was forcing from you with her treatments only seeming to fuel her passionate muzzle-lock. This carried on for well over a minute, another of her appendages joining in the fray, stroking you without clemency. The two of you shared your breaths until Cloudkicker finally broke away with messy results, not that you cared at by this point. Your newly-opened eyes immediately shot to your pelvis, and just the mere sight almost sent you into another climax. Cloudkicker's beautiful, pristinely preened left wing had now taken full hold of your length and was pumping it for all it was worth. To add to the breathtaking stimulation, the frog of her hoof was placed on your tip, massaging the most sensitive part of you. Kicker's tongue snaked its way into your ear while your attention was on her wing, and the odd, indescribable feeling of her muscle slithering around only added to your aching arousal. "What kind of marefriend would I be," Another lick lashed you in only a brief pause. "...if I left my stallion hanging out to dry after he did such a good job, hmm?" Her voice echoed through your head, followed by a lecherous titter. You couldn't even answer; that voice was just another ingredient to the roiling cauldron of your soul. The pegasus' downy feathers and silky hoof increased their speed, forcing yet another groan from your throat before you could stop it. Your member was burning up with painful need, and your vision was once again going fuzzy. You were as close as possible, well past the point of no return, and Cloud only kicked it up a notch. "That's it, sweetie... Let it allll out." Cloudkicker's depraved words were all that filled your mind. The mare's wing becoming a blur of speed, her gentle frog rubbing your tip furiously, her sweaty fur as she ground her body against you, it was all beyond what you could take as your horn fired off unstable sparks from the depths of your sundering brain. A wave of unbelievable tingling shock washed over your entire body as Kicker's jerking wing impelled the orgasm from your sore shaft, your hips thrusting uncontrollably into the nest of feathers holding your pulsing head. Your seed shot out in blinding pulses to coat both her wing and your own chest, the wing milking away at you for longer than you could keep track of. Once more the bed and your fur was made a mess, and you lay utterly spent. Your magic finally sputtered and died, your head consequently falling back against the sheets. You were fighting to calm your heart-rate and ignore just how stained and disheveled your fur now felt when you heard yet another of her titters. You looked to see Cloudkicker still laying there to your right, giving you a mischievous simper as she "preened her wing." You raised your brow at the shameless action, trying to blink clarity back into your eyes, and it only made her grin wider as she cleaned away with her mouth. With the invoking look still on her muzzle, she crawled over until her torso was over yours, chest-to-chest. Kicker's smirk turned even more lusty as she rubbed her fur into yours, coating it in your warm virility. She moaned still-longingly at the feeling, never taking her eyes from yours as her hooves and wings latched onto you, making sure you weren't going anywhere, even if you had the strength to do so. When she was finally satisfied with how lewdly sticky her chest and belly fluff was, she sighed with contentment before your blank expression earned you the most genuine snigger you'd ever heard from her. It gave way to full-on laughter as you enveloped her in a hug, squeezing her affectionately as you joined with a chuckle of your own. She quieted down soon after, and the two of you could only stare into the other's eyes for the longest time. It was beautiful, so uplifting and so pure. Amongst all the complicated muck of the world, you could've stayed there for eternity. As she cast her eyes down however, looking bashful for the first time since you met her, you got the sense she wanted to say something. You booped her nose with yours, encouraging her to lift her eyes, asking with yours what it was. "I... I love you." Cloudkicker could only whisper the words, but you heard them clear as crystal. She'd sounded so different when she spoke those three words you would never forget, and for the first time in your life, you allowed yourself a full, beaming smile. "I love you too." With pure joy in her misty eyes, Cloudkicker pushed her muzzle into the crook of your neck and got comfy for the afternoon, and as impossible as it seemed given your current state, a nap sounded wonderful to you as well. You weren't sure how long Cloudkicker had been in love with you, or how long she wanted to tell you. You also didn't know how much would change once the baby arrived, or if it would ever ultimately accept you as its father, but for once, the multitude of unanswered questions didn't bother you at all. You didn't care what it was; you would make it work. All that mattered to you was spending the afternoon keeping your new marefriend, your new lover, your new everything, safe and warm. It was there you stayed, steadily dosing off as she hummed in delight, recalling her intense moment of harmony with you. "Yeah.... we're gonna be doing this more often."