> The Fastest Girl Alive: Conquest > by Nightmarity19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 Miss Hyde > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A whoosh of wind whizzed past people getting home as Pinkie raced back to Chicago just to see if there is anything she needed to do. All she could see was cars going to and from certain intersections, nothing out of the ordinary so far. That is until a woman without an arm stumbled into the speedster requesting for help. "Don't worry miss I'll get you to a hospital" Pinkie vowed as she carried the injured woman on her back then raced to the Chicago Medical Center in a short amount of time. It didn't take long for doctors to notice her and take the poor woman into the Emergency Room leaving Pinkie behind. I wonder where she came from and how did she lose an arm? Pinkie wondered. Meanwhile across the street Indigo Zap wearing a leather jacket and a open armed sweater, skinny jeans and her classic winter boots watched at Pinkie Flash dashed off to her college to finish her major in business so one day she could own one to call it hers. "Master it would seem this Pinkie Flash has gotten one of our test subjects" Indigo said. "I know that Indigo I can see that. Do not worry we will handle this just head back to Crystal Prep here in Chicago" her master said on the other side of the call. "Understood" Indigo said hanging up the phone and returning to a black Cadillac. "How did he take it?" Kate asked cutting on the engine. "Not as gracious as I originally anticipated but all in all he'll see at the Crystal Prep base here in Chicago" Indigo recalled. Kate nodded in approval, driving back to their HQ where her master can inform them about details going into this Pinkie Flash situation. Taking off her uniform and into normal civilian clothes, the party girl stepped into her college to renew or finish her courses when out of nowhere Twilight's brother Shining Armor walked by until he noticed her standing there. "Pinkie Pie long time no see" Shining said. "You too" Pinkie said hugging him. "So what have you been doing lately?" Shining asked eager to hear. Pinkie knew she couldn't tell him that she's a superhero alongside the others. With Twilight as our leader would send Armor into a tirade of worry so she had to work on a lie. "Well I toured Metropolis City with all my friends and we had a lot of catching up to do" Pinkie lied while internally screaming. Shining smiled. "That's good to hear but did you hear about the Power Heroes taking down the Maniac?" Shining asked showing her a newspaper headline that read: HEROES CUT MANIAC'S HAIR RAISING SCHEME. Wow I never knew it would make a national headline but it's pretty cool to see Pinkie thought reading the captions underneath the headline. "It's cool right? And between you and me I really like Masked Matterhorn for her outstanding leadership then Zap threw down the coolest lightning blast ever" Shining said not being able yo contain his excitement. Glad to know he's a fan Pinkie said. "Still it's great to see you again" Shining said again changing the subject. Pinkie nodded and they both walked up the stairs catching up on old times. Indigo walked inside the base where Sour Sweet sat on a wooden chair and another girl with long red hair and red eyes, wearing a stylish top hat and a white shirt underneath her suit, a black skirt with two swords intersecting each other and had on long black low heeled boots. "Hey Sour who is she?" Indigo asked. "Oh this is Genevieve...now you have anymore stupid questions?" Sour said. Jenna wasn't even paying attention to them. My me she has an attitude problem, either that or a multiple personality disorder she said to herself. Indigo walked up to her but stopped in front of her. "Well you must be Indigo Zap from Crystal Prep. It is an honor to meet you and Miss Sweat" Jenna said shaking her hand. "Likewise....don't get too comfortable girly because I can be a real pain" Sour Sweet responded. "I dare you to try" Genevieve mumbled under her breath. Indigo was hoping Sour did not hear that, she had to break up 27 fights because of sweet nature turned sour in less than a minute. Lucky for her the sour girl didn't hear Genevieve's mumble. Phew that was close...to close for comfort Indigo sighed in relief. "Anyways we got to take care of that speedster named Pinkie Flash before something happens....and that scares me" Sour explained turning her attention to Jenna and Indigo. "Well from what master told me we can lead her into a false sense of security we can nab her before anything else happens" Jenna said tapping her purple gem on her pendant. "How would we lure her?" Indigo asked. With a devious smirk Jenna dragged out a tied up Princess Cadence with tape around her mouth. "Aw she's all tied up but that doesn't really help our case here!" Sour shouted getting in Jenna's face. "It's simple: I will entice Cadence to attack the students at Pinkie's college, leading her to us and then we capture her then end her life" Jenna explained with a scary devilish grin. Indigo and Sour Sweet liked this plan already. > Chapter 2 Musical Note > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jenna's pendant glowed brightly making Cadence's eyes turn green to hypnotize her. At first she tried to fight it but Sour Sweet forced Cadence to look and her eyes flashed green as Indigo removed the tape slowly. "What does master require of me?" Cadence asked obedient to Genevieve. "I want you to head over to that college Pinkie attends and cause as much mayhem as you rightfully desire" Genevieve commanded. Cadence nodded and walked out to the college. Wow that actually worked to perfection Sour Sweet thought. This also begged the question about what kind of power Jenna possessed and Sour was scared to find out. Pinkie awoken from a long awaited nap free from fighting any insane criminals not that she was complaining or anything but sometimes even super heroines need sleep as well. Slipping on her fuzzy slippers Pinkie opened the door and walked into a room where a Keruig 2.0 was present with cabinets full of K cups and different kinds of creamer and sugar. She poured herself some then proceeded to head back into her dorm but a shrill scream stopped her dead. What could that be? Pinkie wondered drinking her coffee quickly and raced towards the source of who was making that scream. She arrived in the college dining hall...or what's left of it anyway. Walls had burn marks all over it, tables and chairs flipped over or destroyed completely also people out cold from what just happened. One woman was hiding under a table shaking violently like she saw a ghost. "Excuse me miss can you tell me what happened here and who did this?" Pinkie said in a calm tone. The woman slid from under the table and was able to talk. "Cadence one of our professors on Human Behavior came in just tearing up the place like....like...she was possessed or something. That scared me to death" her voice trailed off a bit in sheer terror and who could blame the poor woman after all she'd gone through. "Ok where did she go?" Pinkie asked kindly, keeping her calm tone. The woman pointed to another hallways not too far from where they were. "Remain here until help arrives" Pinkie commanded. She nodded and stayed hidden as the speedster walked to the main hallway where Cadence stood with bright green eyes staring at Pinkie. "Pinkie Pie you must be eliminated for my master Genevieve" Cadence said readying her magic for a fight. She's under a siren's mind control so I have to be careful with my attacks and not hurt her too badly Pinkie planned in her mind. A glowing dark pink twin daggers appeared on both sides of her hands as Pinkie transformed into her super heroine persona. Cadence came at full speed and began slashing her daggers at Pinkie, she grabbed her right arm then kicked Cadence right in the left side of the skull where she spinned around for a couple of seconds before hitting the ground. Behind a wall, Shining Armor could see Pinkie Flash standing over Cadence to check if she's ok. No way Shining though in disbelief. In a few moments Shining walked out of his hiding place and stood next to the speed super heroine looking down at a knocked out Cadence who was flat on her back. "So what do we do now?" Shining asked. "I want you to take her to a medic and stay by her side no matter what do you understand?" Pinkie commanded, picking up Cadence bridal style before handing her to Armor. He nodded, taking Cadence to the nearest medic in the college so she could get some medical attention. She mentioned someone named Genevieve so that's the next one I need to do some research Pinkie raced off in a flash dodging incoming traffic. Genevieve watched Pinkie dash down the street before stepping out of her hiding spot smirking. "So the fastest girl alive seems to have a soft spot for other people. How sweet...too bad your going to die horribly" Jenna said in a sarcastic yet sinister tone. "Pinkie's a great heroine IF NOTHING HAPPENED" Sour said standing beside her. "That's why Sour my dear we take Shining Armor's life away as in his energy" Jenna said making a snake like tongue and fangs. Sour Sweet had nothing to say and just vacantly nodded feeling a little scared about what she just saw. "Don't be afraid of me darling I only want the death of Pinkie Flash for my master" Jenna said putting on arm around Sour Sweet. Indigo walked into a library, watching Pinkie go on a computer search engine and look up some research. She watched intensely from a book shelf, Pinkie jotting down some notes before putting her notes in her bag then leaving the library with Indigo Zap following behind the speedster from a distance being careful not to get caught. She has information about something and I want it or I'll have to kill her Indigo thought getting close until she eventually ran to surprise attack her. As if Pinkie has eyes behind her she round housed kicked Indigo as a defense mechanism. Indigo fell to one knee and fired a smoke blast that backed Pinkie into a glass window shattering through it. "Your going to die Pinkie Flash" Indigo said jumping into the broken window. Pinkie rushed her very quickly, a little too quick for the shadowbolt to comprehend. A fist was made and connected with Indigo who was pushed into a hard concrete wall back first, she felt pain up to her spine. Indigo howled in pain trying to block out her pain but not having much luck. "Please Indigo I don't want to hurt you" Pinkie pleaded. "What's the point? I tried appeasing that crazy siren and her psycho partner and now here I am with my back against the wall literally. You might as well kill me just to get it over with" Indigo said holding her head down not looking up at Pinkie. When she looked back up again she saw officers pick her up and arrest her with no fighting. Pinkie stood on a rooftop as the Chicago Police Department took Indigo to prison for destroying public property. I am very sorry Indigo but finding Genevieve is more important right now Pinkie walked off. > Chapter 3 Snake Trail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Poor Indigo left us it is quite a shame" Genevieve said looking down a severed head of Sour Sweet. It was too bad she had to kill Sour for not contributing to her cause to murder Pinkie Flash. Kate walked in with Kassidy who was wearing a black sweater jacket, she noticed the severed head of Sour Sweet and it put a smirk on Kassidy's face. "Seems like you had some fun Genevieve" Kate said spotting Sour's disembodied head sitting on the table dripping blood. Jenna nodded feeling very proud of herself and rightfully so. "Now then we should discuss-" she was cut off when Pinkie landed in front of them a few feet away. "Ok look what the cat dragged in....a pink traitor! Still, I can't wait until we fight again Pinkamena" Kassidy said with malice in her voice. Kate hushed her. "Miss Pie if you think that you'll win this fight then your sorely mistaken" Kate said making a point. Pinkie said nothing and only transformed into Pinkie Flash which excited Kassidy more than anything even though Kate gave her specific instructions not to attack until the time was right and this wasn't the time. "Come on Kassidy we have other business to attend to" Kate said motioning her to follow. She reluctantly did so, giving Pinkie a Until next time expression on her face. Right now Pinkie's focus on Genevieve as she rushed her and tried to attack her but she stopped her attempt, then punched her in the ribs cracking them. It sent Pinkie flying upward before Jenna sent her barreling downward making a dust cloud but when it settled, Jenna saw nothing but a crater. Where did that pink idiot go? Jenna looked around. A streak of pink lightning zoomed past her and punched the siren hard cracking through a wall hard tumbling onto solid unforgiving ground. "Give up Genevieve or you'll be in a world of hurt" Pinkie warned. Jenna got up, dusted off any dirt she had on her suit and activated her gem to glow brightly. Her eyes glowed bright red, her body turned snake like along with her tongue as she fully morphed into a snake siren. Whoa that is one big reptile Pinkie thought. Jenna whipped the scaly tail in her direction almost barreling Pinkie into a house. She ran circles around her creating a tornado before punching her face in knocking Genevieve to the ground with a slight shake motion that shook half of Chicago. She slithered away when Pinkie wasn't looking and disappeared from view, reverting back to normal. "Kate I'm ready to begin Phase 2 of our plan" Genevieve said entering the car. "Yes of course" Kate said driving off on to the highway. "Genevieve you did a good job gathering data for me during your little scuffle with Pinkie" Kate's boss said. "Not a problem sir and I hope Pinkie Pie in the vampire city dimension will enjoy those speed powers as well" Genevieve said smirking. He smiled a wicked sinister smile. "Good I want you both to keep me posted" They both nodded and he hanged up. Morning came as Pinkie ate a bacon egg and cheese sandwich and grapes rather slowly, thinking about Genevieve's sudden transformation which stuck with her for a while. Shining Armor sat down next to the party girl smiling and setting his plate on the table. "Hey there" Shining introduced. Pinkie gave a slight nod and a reassuring smile. "So how is Cadence doing?" Pinkie asked. "Oh she recovered quite nicely and will be back working probably tomorrow" Shining explained. "Well thanks for your help Shining I mean really...you were helpful today" Pinkie said blushing a bit. Shining gave a reassuring smile and gave Pinkie a warm hug before leaving. Man he's one cool guy Pinkie thought blushing even more.