> Twilight Is Overheated > by Wendy A Crescent > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a lovely, sedate summer evening in the village of Ponyville, the setting sun casting a few last warm rays as it lowered over the horizon and soft moonlight had started filtering into Twilight's study through the open windows. The light blow of warm winds filled the room with the lovely scent of the many cultivate and wild flowers from across ponyville, creating that ideal atmosphere of late afternoon summer air. The room’s sole occupant loved evenings like this. They were perfect for working, the heat wasn’t as oppressive as it was during the day, instead being a soft and gentle companion that would warmly encourage one to continue. The moonlight gave her the perfect light to read by, while the candles scattered about her room did help with that, they only supplemented its gorgeous light. Twilight Sparkle could for once in far too a long time, relax without having to fuss over any world ending disasters. For a moment, Twilight prayed that it would stay that way for a while longer. Looking up from her book she cast her gaze out of the window with a smile. She could see the first stars of the night glistening clearly from her room without the lights of a city outshining most of them. It was one of the reasons why she loved Ponyville as much as she did. The other reason being it was simply so peaceful at night, with the only thing to be heard being the crickets chirping and the intermittent rustling of trees in the wind. An errant draft of wind brushed past her ear caressing it before noisily disturbing the calendar and dragging her attention to it. She gazed at the fourteen days that had been marked in red and let out a deep, shaky sigh. Grimacing Twilight was quite rudely reminded by that nagging voice in the back of her mind that it was almost ‘that’ time of the year for her. She was not looking forwards to those ominously marked days. She had been trying to forget that little fact about pony biology that kicked in at this time of the year, especially now with the weather so nice it was almost as good as the books she had been reading. For the past week, Twilight, had been burying herself in the most advanced magic texts that she had available in her library along with any catalogue of scientific material that offered a hint of hope. It was all for naught though as it painfully dragged her back to the fact that only two days from now, most of the mares in Ponyville would be deep in heat. Every time her mind wandered to the thought of mares in such a state, her imagination filled her head with vividly lewd imagery; the past few days the images even came when simply trying to mull over what she’d read. The thought of a mare below Twilight, bent over her hard-oak desk with her muzzle buried in recently crumpled papers from being dumped among them. Panting and mewling for her as she simply ravaged her into a blissful mess permeated her mind across all her senses. It was the most common of those flashes, her cruel imagination always putting her in the role of a teacher re-educating, punishing or even rewarding her students. It was horrible to her. Becoming an Alicorn hadn’t only meant she had to deal with the infamous wing-boner every pegasus had to deal with. No, she had won the proverbial cosmic lottery of things that throw your life upside down and take you for a very uncomfortable ride. Not only had she become an Alicorn but she, like all Alicorns, had been blessed with a stallion’s equipment and an impressive set of it at that. She let out a long-suffering sigh as she looked down. Much like all the other times just thinking of those mental images, even objectively, had prompted it to stand at attention in but a moment. Twilight had never been all that sexually active. Sure, she had masturbated at times, in a completely professional and experimental capacity, of course. Thinking back to her time in Canterlot she had always considered having a lover as frivolous time wasting pursuit and a distraction to her studies. It was from what she could have gathered back then, a covertly deviant obsession that only served one thing at its core: to satisfy a pony’s baser instincts for carnal pleasure. Something that was beneath her. She was Princess Celestia’s personal student after all, not to mention a talented and intellectual scholar. Moving to Ponyville had opened her up to the idea of taking a romantic partner, considering now she recognised it as a far deeper and more intimate variation of platonic friendship. However, the past year hadn’t really left time for Twilight to consider a stallion, or let alone a mare to court properly! With all the insanity that had been going on, from old gods of chaos to everyday dilemmas all culminating in her ascension to becoming an Alicorn she had been left surprisingly short on time. Now everything was different. There had been so much free time to think and consider her options with her new equipment providing a painful reminder as to how she had changed. Not just physically but also the new instincts that came with it. Instincts that were pushing her to think about one thing: breeding a mare. She had hated it at first, still did at more inconvenient moments. It had gotten in the way more than once creating some very awkward situations and rapidly wrapped up conversations. Not to mention it was annoying to have to start the day with casting a ‘modesty’ spell on herself to avoid flashing every pony with her new shame. Shame, that was how she saw it at the start and in part she did still think of it that way. A mare shouldn’t have a phallus. That was the more conservative side of her mind's reasoning, the other part had a very different opinion to the matter. It had been a constant tug of war between both side for the first few weeks since it’s appearance. Over the past weeks however, especially the one that was coming to an end, she had become a lot more comfortable with the idea of having a penis. Her right hoof idly slipped down off her desk to wrap around her pride, she didn’t register it as her hoof pumped rhythmically up and down along her throbbing cock. Her mind was preoccupied with the thought of another mare, or more specifically breeding another mare. Holding her close and rutting her solidly until she could be sure that she had impregnated her with a torrent of fresh hot seed. She let out a low coo, a shiver of delight shooting up her spine like lightning. Twilight had learned early on that fighting nature was a losing battle, so she had learned to simply embrace and enjoy it. Closing her eyes, she let go. An act that still somewhat scared the young Alicorn but helped her deal with moments like this. She panted lightly as her mind eagerly worked to conjure up tonight’s fantasy. Her thoughts didn’t fill with just a single mare like it normally did. No, tonight her mind had settled on an idea that in part shocked Twilight. She licked her lips slowly as the image took shape, it was an appealing thought to have a harem, she recognised all the mares of course. Her fantasy had populated her new royal harem with familiar faces from all around Ponyville. They were hers to ravage. Hers to breed. She could do anything to them, they belonged to her. Property of her royal highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Mewling lightly, she couldn’t help but stroke herself a little quicker. She felt naughty, dirty even for thinking of ponies like that. She loved that feeling and simply pounced the first mare that she could, relishing in the cute squeak that her selected mate produced as she pinned her into the soft velvety sheets. Moaning out lustfully as her mind filled in the mare, a soft, buttery yellow coat with a cherry blossom pink mane and the most adorable, begging and needy, if slightly timid, cyan eyes. The mare had been bound with intricately woven red ribbons. The lower part of her hind-legs bound to her thighs forcing her into a lewd presenting pose with only a loosely tied bow to cover her modesty. Wings splayed out on the sheets and held there by more ribbon carefully woven through her primary feathers. Forehooves bound together behind her back with another, far tighter, neatly tied bow. It the absolute best gift Twilight could imagine. Fluttershy looked so adorable, that lustful look in her eyes sending a shudder down Twilight’s spine. She ripped away the bow covering her nethers, leaving the mare on full display, the fur on her inner thighs was matted down with arousal. She couldn’t help herself anymore she dived in, pushing Fluttershy into the sheets mounting the mewling mare, wasting not a second she drove herself into the needy timid whore, growling out lustfully now finally able to have her way with the mare. She stroked her shaft up and down ever faster, imagining herself downright ferally rutting her friend, a fact that in the hazy moment hardly even registered to her. Panting and crying out in pleasure she could almost feel Fluttershy squirming under her, nuzzling into her chest and wailing in absolute pleasure. The cute and adorable cries she coaxed from Fluttershy sent her over the edge with ease. She came, screaming the mare’s name in a shrill and high pitched voice. The sensation of pure bliss that washed over Twilight was thoroughly intoxicating. She hadn’t experienced many climaxes and yet she didn’t understand how she survived without them before, at least in that moment. The following moment however, when her mental faculties started to return to her shakily she shot up, the full implication of the fantasy finally registering in her mind. “NO! Bad brain, bad!” she shouted at herself as she slapped a hoof to her head, for a moment thankful that Spike was at a sleepover with the crusaders. Thinking of the young drake brought a quite random thought to her mind. She probably needed to have ‘the talk’ with him sooner or later. Her cheeks burned almost painfully with shame, she shook her head to get the image of Fluttershy’s lust drunken face from her mind. Everything had started to cascade out of control and it was terrifying. How could she think of her friend like that? How could she even do that to another pony let alone one of her closest friends!? Just savaging them like that. She shuddered a little at the thought of doing it to one of her best friends… friends she considered to be as close as sisters! She stumbled away from her desk. Whimpering slightly as her own mind spiralled from bad scenario to worse, she was soon at the point where the thought of simply jumping at the first mare she saw and having her way with them came up. The idea of simply rutting a pony regardless of their consent horrified her, she silently resolved never to do that. She wouldn’t if she could help it. She didn’t want to devolve into a lust crazed sex machine. That thought horrified her more than even the idea of sexually ravaging one of her friends. She was ashamed to admit it, but a sick perverted part of her loved the idea. ‘Just mount a bitch, have her! It’s your royal right’ it seemed to scream at her. She’d read about such things once, kinks. She shook her head furiously. “Nope, nope, nope! That is not happening!” she screamed and with a flash of purple light she found herself in front of the door to the basement of the tree library she called a home. “It's only fourteen days. Spike can bring me my dinner, he won’t like it but it wouldn’t be the first time… I’ll get a nice treat for him to make up for it. This is for the best, locked down there for those few days I am not going to doom any mares with this ridiculous libido!” she mumbled to herself and locked the door firmly behind herself. ****** The next morning Spike walked into the library with a wide yawn that was far louder than it had any right to be. He simply went through his normal morning routine; putting the coffee on and going upstairs to wake up Twilight who, as he assumed, had fallen asleep at her desk once more. Instead he was shocked to find her study empty. “You’re kidding me, she went to bed for once?” he muttered to himself in disbelief. The hope was dashed though as he saw the state of disorganisation spread across her desk and noticed the drying stains scattered on the nearby floor. He let out a long-suffering groan and turned on his heels to head back down stairs again. This was becoming a really bad habit of Twilight’s he decided. “What’s wrong this time, Twilight?” Spike asked broadly through the basement door. “Okay, listen Spike, this is very important. I should not be out of this basement at all for the next fourteen days,” Twilight said with a dead serious tone, resolve as solid as stone. He however, simply rolled his eyes as she continued. “I know you’re rolling your eyes but I mean it. It’s that time of year and the last thing I need is to, well mare stuff…” Spikes dead pan stare did not waver for the awkward, if firm, statement. “You know I am not a little kid, right? I know it’s heat season and I also know it’s totally natural.” The young drake huffed a little. “This should be what? Your sixth or seventh time going through estrus? If you didn’t need to lock yourself up before you don’t need to now.” “I know it’s natural but- wait how do you know all this!?” Twilight demanded to know, a little worried given she was the guardian of the young drake, not to mention potentially miffed at the pony who had gotten chatty over the subject without thinking. “First of all, I am not a child, not by pony standards anymore at least. Second I heard it from the Crusaders, who were discussing it from their class from yesterday,” he commented. “Seriously, it’s what all the mares seem to be doing.” There was an awkward silence between the two. Twilight simply stood tottering on the top step, staring at the door in disbelief at Spike’s words. She moved her muzzle but didn’t manage to produce any discernible sound from it as she sat there dumbfounded by the fact her little brother didn’t even need the talk. “I-I’m not coming out! Nope! I-if I am going for that I will do that on my terms!” Twilight said with an air of finality, raining in her thoughts. Spike let out a tired groan and started walking towards the door. “Fine. I guess it’s time to get out the big guns.” About half an hour later Twilight’s friends were standing gathered in front of the basement door, notably lacking Spike who had been given a few bits to go buy ice-cream by a sympathetic Rarity. Each of them casting worried glances to each other. “Now Twi” Applejack addressed her, the first one to speak up, her word picked as carefully as the bluntly honest mare could manage. “You’re being mighty silly right now. It ain’t any different from what every mare goes through. Ya could even join in Rarity and Fluttershy’s way of dealin’ with it. If ah didn’t have chores back at the farm to handle I would have been mighty tempted to join them myself!” “Why yes! That is an excellent idea Applejack! What dear Twilight needs is a nice relaxing two-week vacation away from everything, just like we did last year.” Rarity chimed in, excited at the prospect of a little more company. “Uhm… it did help me cope…” Fluttershy mumbled just loud enough to be heard through the basement door, however cheeks glowing so bright red in embarrassment they could be clearly seen through the same door. “Girls you don't understand. I can't come out. If I get a scent of any of you my unbridled lust will Doom Equestria!" Twilight protested through the door with passionate resolve. The poor mare sounded terrified by the mere thought of what she would do to a mare. Her mane ragged and dishevelled, black bags hanging around her eyes and coat a scruffy unbrushed mess. The worst thing from her point of view though, was that even in this state she wanted to go out, she wanted to find a whole collection of cute mares. To make that royal harem fantasy burning bright in her mind a reality! “I mean the things that have sprung up in my mind, even about all of you are improper and just… just wrong!” Pinkie Pie, in a display of her usual tact and charm, snorted with laughter as she presented Rainbow Dash with a hoof. “Told you she was into mares! You owe me twenty bits Dashie~” the pink mare cooed in satisfaction. It felt good to be right for once. “Oh, come on! I was sure she was asexual!” Dash exclaimed with a roll of her eyes. Crossing her hooves in mid-air she pouted, much to Pinkie’s amusement, once more reminded to not take on wagers against Pinkie Pie. “Now Twilight, don’t you think you are being a touch on the dramatic side right now?” Rarity asked. “I don-“ “Yeah that’s totally Rarity’s shtick!” Dash interrupted the fashionista, no doubt intentionally delivering the point far more bluntly than intended. She couldn’t help but give Rarity a cocky smirk in response to the venomous glare she got for the comment. “As I was saying before being so… rudely interrupted. We’ve been through that together before, when you were in Ponyville during your second month. Everything was fine then and it will be fine now, darling.” Twilight didn’t want to but if they kept this up she would have to explain and give away her new not so little secret. Her shame. That was perhaps the one thing she did not want to talk about with her friends, not because she didn’t trust them but just because it would be so incredibly awkward and embarrassing. “No, no, you really don’t understand, girls!” she blurted out in a nervous and obviously flustered tone. “Twi it’s not like you have a cock or anything. I mean I get it, you’re going to be horny and you hate the distraction from your egghead stuff. Just chill, maybe find a nice mare this time round, although I would wholeheartedly recommend a stallion, that is if you, you know, still like them? ‘Doom Equestria’ with you ‘unbound lust’ my flank,” she snorted out with hearty laughter. “You make it sound like the second coming of Discord or something.” Rainbow Dash laughing at her predicament, despite clearly meaning to comfort her, only made her worry boil over into annoyance at the repugnantly behaved pegasus. She didn’t even realise what she shouted through the door. She only became aware of her exact words as they echoed back to her off the walls “You feather brain, I have a cock…! cock...” Her eyes shot open wide and her cheeks burned painfully hot. That was it, she was doomed. Que the sadistic laughing from the cruel mistress known as fate. The silence was deafening for a long awkward moment. That is until Pinkie Pie let out a riotous roar of laughter. Applejack slowly approached the pink pony and was about to deliver a scathing retort about being considerate. She never got past “Now listen here, Pinkie-” before Pinkie launched into her rebuttal. “Is that everything? Is that really what you’re making a fuss about silly filly? I mean seriously it’s not like it’s impossible to miss,” the pink Pony said rolling her eyes a little. “Wait… you knew?” Twilight asked, both startled and amazed at the same time by Pinkie’s brazen acceptance. “Well duh, it’s hard not to!” “She is right Twilight, we… didn’t want to bring it up. It would have been quite rude to talk about your… not so little addition.” Rarity confirmed, in as polite a way as she could muster. Dash simply gaped at the group and looked carefully between all her friends. She was missing something. The look of comprehension on her face was perhaps the most amusing thing the group had seen that week at least. “Wait… she actually...” Rainbow sounded, for once in her life, speechless. “HOW DID I MISS THIS!? I mean fine I don’t look under the tails of other mares… often. But Twi having a cock? That's… that’s kind of awesome!” Twilight was ashamed to admit it but she found herself smirking a little at the suggestive tone Dash’s voice took. Biting her bottom lip for a moment she imagined the brash pegasus with an apple stuffed in her muzzle as she pressed her face first into the sheets, wipe her usual confident smirk off her face and replacing it with bewildered grin letting lose moan after lustful mo- She shook her head firmly to chase off that idea! Nope! Nope! Bad! “Now iffen ye please come out of that basement, sugarcube?” “No, no, no, no. You really don’t understand! I don’t think I can control myself if I do…” Twilight protested again, she was a little calmer, though the image of a presenting Rainbow Dash with tail held high in her mind wasn’t helping her calm down. “Twilight, you shouldn’t be ashamed of that. It’s completely natural.” Fluttershy who had been silent the entire time piped up, shockingly calm considering the topic. “It’s normal for a stallion err male uh, you know what I mean, to have these thoughts about females when season rolls around. There is nothing negative about it… ehm… it’s just instinct. You aren’t required to act on it… unless you and the mare wants to.” Fluttershy was so clinical in her words, almost casual even despite her small hesitations. “W-what? It’s normal biology.” The timid pegasus said a little defensively as all eyes of her friends seemed to be glued to her, grinning as if she had just shared the juiciest piece of gossip ever. “Darling you didn’t simply become a stallion, right? You have, ah both yes?” Rarity asked with a devilish smirk. She knew that the squeak that emanated from the other side of the door was confirmation enough long before Twilight spoke. “Yes, the transformation didn’t cause me to lose anything. Just gain some extra… appendages,” Twilight mumbled with an awkward quietness that would seem more at home coming from Fluttershy. “So, do you still feel the heat from your ‘mare parts’?” Another cute squeak from the alicorn confirmed everything Rarity needed to know. “Y-yes, there is an annoying little burning itch down there... the same as always. It never caused anything like I’m feeling now though. I’ve never fantasized about colts like I am for mares right now. I considered it a distraction,” Twilight explained with a heavy sigh. “That being said I have been having trouble concentrating at all. The moment I so much as pause when reading the material I am studying it just… I don’t even know; dirty thoughts seem to just appear out of nowhere!” Rarity regarded her with a curious hum. “That’s interesting Twilight. For me, it's a bit different: sometimes the fire’s so strong, it's a wonder I don’t just jump the first stallion I see. I am ashamed to admit that I’ve almost done it on multiple occasions. I fantasize about a circle of big, strong hunks filling my every needy orifice. But you’ll notice that I have never had a foal and I won’t until I am well and ready. I think the instincts just hit some ponies harder than others, but ultimately, it's my body and I am in control. If I can do it, then I know you can. You’re a much stronger pony than I am,” she said in a shockingly calm and well-mannered fashion, even as everypony on her side of the door was staring at her with shocked expressions. “Soooo, Twiiiiiiiiii. You said you have been thinking in that brainy head of yours about what it would be like to play in our plots?!?” Pinkie Pie asked, with her usually peppy tone of voice. Twilight froze wide eyed, before she let out a long unsteady sigh, banging her head to the door lightly. “It shames me to admit it, but yes. I have…” She wasn’t even allowed time to deliver her meticulously planned apology. “Oh goodie! For a second there I thought I was the only one who fantasized about shoving Rarity face first in a pillow and riding her marshmallowy flanks!” the peppy mare announced, to the blunt shock of everyone in the room. “Er-... Come again?” Twilight couldn’t believe her ears, even though she wasn’t exactly shocked that it was Pinkie who was the one to blurt out something so lewd and obscene. A part of Twilight had the sneaking suspicion that the pink mare enjoyed shocking others in creative and random ways. Pinkie Pie giggle-snorted bashfully for a moment. “Oh please, Twilight! I don’t really need to explain ‘Shy and Rarity do I? For classical standards of beauty, they are like, you know, it. When it comes to elegance and grace, they’re no less than super perfect tens! Maybe even elevens.” Her reply did nothing to allay the rest of the group, in particular Rarity and Fluttershy, of their shock. “Then there’s mares like Dashie and AJ. They’re so strong and powerful and they know it, and they know to make sure you know they know it. And I’m sure you’ve noticed how sleek and toned they are. I mean, come ON Twilight! You could break rocks on their rumps. Big ones. Like this big! Trust me I know a lot about breaking rocks. You remember where I grew up dontcha?” Twilight could only imagine the sizing Pinkie was gesturing but it didn't matter with all the emphasis she put on their flanks… their perfectly rounded, tight flanks. So much so that it sent a shudder of excitement down Twilight's spine imagining Pinkie Pie doing just that. She bit her bottom lip and shook her head to rid herself of the lewd thoughts. She hadn’t even considered those two before. Applejack was nice and masculine, while Rainbow Dash was lean and oh so flexible. She was already hard again. Not that Pinkie Pie gave her the chance to let it settle down, oh no the mare just continued her perverted parade! Pinkie Pie, ignored the four ponies blushing furiously behind her, mere window dressing to her tirade. “As for you Twilight, you’re the perfect sexy hot librarian. What sane or even craaaaazy pony says no to a smoking hot librarian? You could make me pay my ‘late fees’ anytime.” Twilight let out a sweet whine as the party mare purred out her praise. The image that Pinkie had provided her with would have overwhelmed her resolve not to break down the door and take up her offer, that is if she hadn’t simply broken Twilight’s mind down into a puddle of aroused hormones, body left to gawk at the door in sheer stunned disbelief. “Soooo.... do you have any fantasies about me!?” The question took her off guard so badly that her mouth was simply drifting open and closed without making a sound. She had no idea what to say to that. It took her a long moment of contemplation before she finally started her carefully worded reply. “Pinkie… the fact is that…” “Aw don’t worry Twilight. I was just being a silly-filly. I know I’m just the goofy party mare who never grew up. I’m know I'm not super-duper graceful or elegant or strong enough to crush rocks with my buns. No pony fantasizes about my flabby rump,” Pinkie Pie interrupted with a melancholic sigh before Twilight could even finish, the pink pony’s grin fading away and hair falling just a little straighter. “Don’t say stupid things like that, Pinkie!” Twilight shouted passionately, without realising she was shouting at her friend. “Your energy is infectious and your smile is so bright it lights up wherever you go. And your rump isn’t flabby. It’s pleasantly full, squeezable, spankable even. If anything, it makes you quite a bit more attractive! And let's not forget how ludicrously supple and stretchy the rest of you is!” Twilight paused for a moment before adding, “I, uh… I might have fantasised about it more than once… or twice.” Pinkie Pie’s grin returned with a vengeance, the blush on her cheeks hard to notice on her pink coat but she herself could definitely feel it. “T-thank you Twilight, that… that means a lot to me!” “Okay so since today seems to be awkward confessions Tuesday… or something like that,” Rainbow Dash piped up, the blush evident in her unsteady voice. “Twilight, you aren’t the first pony to lock themselves up for heat season. I’ve done it too.” “Like, you know how I want to join the Wonderbolts…” Rainbow Dash sighed deeply. “Well, with how impulsive I can be I doubted I could keep myself under control and stuff…” she said meekly, looking away as if that would in any way hide the blush on her cheeks from the others. Applejack smirked at the pegasus, cocking an eyebrow in amusement. “That’s mighty reflective of ya, Dash” “Wipe that smirk off your muzzle AJ. I can be intro- um...speculative too you know!” she huffed, crossing her forehooves. “Anyway, just before my first heat I got worried. I had heard all these stories about how young athletes had to drop their dreams just because they got pregnant before their careers really started and had to stop training and everything to raise their foal,” she explained with a deep sigh. “I mean… I am aware how I can get lost in the moment and not think about the consequences, even back then.” Landing on the ground the brash pegasus let out another sigh. “Just the thought of it happening to me scares me,” she finished, smiling a little as Rarity stepped up to her and wrapped a hoof around her side comfortingly. Beaming at Rarity she leaned in to share a companionable nuzzle. “So, as I imagine just like Twilight did, I decided it was better not to face temptation at all. I would have my dad lock me up and pass food under the door. The funny thing is... I lasted three days. I had to ask dad to let me out. Being in heat was nothing compared to the lack of freedom that not being able to get out there and fly did to me. I mean resisting those instincts is easy compared to resisting the urge to be up in the sky! Soaring through the clouds and letting the wind guide my moves...” The pegasus let out a loud startled squeak as Pinkie Pie abruptly tackled her and by extension Rarity to the ground, hugging them both super tight! “Oh Dashie, if you want I can totally help you get though this year!” The pegasus gawked a little at Pinkie Pie’s intimately delivered offer. Rolling her eyes and with a small smirk Applejack slowly approached the door, lowering her voice a notch as she addressed Twilight firmly. “Alright Twi, time to cut to the chase. That door is mighty flimsy, I think even Rarity could pull it off its hinges. Add to that, that this door here isn’t even near air tight. You have been smelling us the entire time. Do you feel like breaking through that door to have your way with us?” Whimpering softly Twilight looked down at her hooves in shame. “I… kind of do,” she admitted fearfully. “Then, why don’t you?” Twilight blinked. She had to shake her head as that annoying voice in the back of her mind named instinct enthusiastically agreed with Applejack. Why wasn’t she breaking down the door and rutting the burly farmer into the ground? “B-because forcing a pony to have my foal would be wrong!” she protested. Applejack nodded, she knew it happened even though Twilight couldn’t see it through the door. “Okay. What if I wanted a foal?” “A-Applejack!?” Twilight gasped out in shock. Her wings snapping out with a loud audible pomf, mostly in surprise but that corner of her mind pushed all the harder with the comment behind it. “I’m not saying I want a foal right now, I’m asking ‘what if I did?’” Applejack asked with a low chuckle. Letting out a low thoughtful hum Twilight contemplated what Applejack had just said. It made sense if she was being honest. “Honesty Applejack, I don’t quite know. I mean having a foal is a large commitment and would forever change our relationship. I’m unsure if I am or will ever be ready for that.” Applejack grew a victorious smirk. “Well there you go, Twi. You seem to be thinking straight as far as I can tell.” There was a certain satisfaction to Applejack's voice. Letting out a long-suffering sigh Twilight enveloped the lock of the door and undid it with an audible click that captured the attention of her friends. Peeking her head out and looking just a fair bit embarrassed she mumbled, “Y-you’re right I am being silly, I mean how bad could it be … me. In a town, full of mares in season.” Her cheeks were lit up a shade of crimson as she admitted her folly. “Exactly, now how’s about we go get us some breakfast?” Applejack suggested, the cheer of agreement from the group was near deafening, especially after being stuck in a quiet cellar for so long. As they all approached the door to head to their favourite cafe Fluttershy approached Twilight alone. “Ehm… If you want you could come talk to me about, well, things,” she offered with a small cute blush. “To any of us really. It would ehm… probably help, getting things off your shoulders and help avoid overreactions like this.” The buttery coated pegasus smiled both bashfully and encouragingly at Twilight. It amazed Twilight every time she saw that smile, she wondered just how she managed it. “I think I would like that Fluttershy,” Twilight replied with a steady nod. She smiled warmly at her friend while mentally the alicorn was screaming at herself ‘don’t look at her flank’ over and over again as she followed Fluttershy out of the door and into the bright early morning light. Mulling over Fluttershy’s words she came to a simple conclusion she should have come to much sooner. They are her friends. Her best friends that bordered on sisters their bond was so strong. If anypony could help her overcome the way she over thought and panicked as a result of such stress it would be her friends. Smiling with satisfaction in the knowledge that she could go to them for help she trotted up to the other girls, and wrapped her forehooves around Pinkie and Applejack’s necks with a happy giggle. Everything was going to be just fine!