> What Are Friends For? > by MassDriver > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Best of Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a friend of Big Mac, the first thing you have to get used to is the silence and the monosyllabic responses. It really bothers some people, and it even rubbed Shining Armor the wrong way at first. If Twilight hadn't casually mentioned her brother's history with tabletop roleplaying - a topic that had opened the stoic farmpony's conversational floodgates – they likely never would have been friends at all. But they'd become close since that introduction. For Shining Armor, every visit to Ponyville was more than just a trip to see his little sister. It was a chance to hang out with his best bud. At least, when Big Mac could find the time. Shining Armor wasn't sure he'd ever met a harder-working pony than Big Mac - and since the former captain of Canterlot's royal guard greeted Shining in the mirror every morning, that was saying a lot. The Apple Family farm demanded a lot from Big Mac, and it took a lot to get him away from it. And it took even more to get Big Mac on a train to the Crystal Empire. Shining Armor had personally hired three farmhands to take Big Mac's place on the farm while he was away, and Applejack had still expressed skepticism that three normal ponies would be able to do the work of one Big Mac. But his family had collectively reckoned that they'd be okay without him for a week, so he'd taken the long train ride, been escorted to the palace by the crystal guard, and was now getting situated in a bedroom that was almost as big as his entire house. Standing in the doorway to the bedroom, Shining couldn't help but grin. He knew it was tacky to flaunt his wealth, but he couldn't resist the opportunity to expose the humble, soft-spoken farmpony to the absurd excess that castle life afforded him. "Gosh," said Big Mac, running his fingers along the top of a tall brass bedpost, "Y'all didn't have to roll out the red carpet fer me, Shining. I ain't ungrateful, but... I don't need anything fancy." "Nonsense!" said Shining, slapping Big Mac on the back jovially. His body, solid as a brick wall, absorbed the slap without moving - but then his shoulders relaxed. "When I stay with you, I always get the best hospitality your family can offer. I can't give you anything as good as Granny Smith's home cooking, but what I can give you is an opulent place to sleep." Big Mac chuckled. "Well, when you put it that way, I s'pose a little fancy livin' won't kill me." "That's the spirit!" said Shining Armor. "Now come on, I've waited forever to give you the grand tour." --- "...And that's... pretty much every room in the east wing!" said Shining Armor. "Oh! I almost forgot, the royal bedroom! It's right down..." Shining paused, as the phrase "royal bedroom" caused something in his mind to click into place. "Cadance!" he exclaimed, as if just remembering the name. "Big Mac, you've never met my wife!" "Nope," said Big Mac, matter-of-fact as always. It was true - Cadance had come to Ponyville before, but there had never been occasion to introduce her to Big Mac. "Well, this is the perfect time!" said Shining. He led Big Mac down a curving hallway, where they stopped in front of a pair of double doors. The doors were opaque blue crystal, etched with representations of the prince and princess. Shining Armor raised his hand and knocked, then he called out Cadance's name, raising his voice slightly so as to be heard through the door. Cadance responded with a desperate whimper, which rose into a high pitched cry before shattering into a series of broken gasps. Big Mac's bright red complexion didn't show a blush easily, but in that moment it was plain to see. Big Mac had never heard what Cadance sounded like in the throes of orgasmic bliss, but the farmpony knew what he was hearing. Mac wasn't one to brag, but you don't lug around a stallionhood like his without leaning what a four-alarm female orgasm sounds like. “Sounds like it might not be the perfect time,” said Big Mac. “Uh, yeah,” said Shining, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “Look, I can have the chefs whip you up something while I help Cadance get... presentable. If you've never had crystal apples, you-” He stopped, jerking backwards as the door to the bedroom opened wide. “Shining!” gasped Cadance, red-faced, with a sheen of sweat on her forehead. She wore a shimmering pink bathrobe, secured by a hastily knotted strip of fabric. “Oh, thank Celestia you're here,” she said. She walked through the doorway, taking no notice of Big Mac, and took hold of Shining Armor's shoulders. “Darling, dear, sweetheart,” she said, huffing with desperate breaths. “My heat came on early and I need that lovely, wonderful husband cock.” Her hand groped his crotch roughly, making him yelp as her fingers squeezed his balls. “Cadance, that's...” he shot a nervous look at Big Mac, who could only shrug. “Could I have just a minute before I help you out with that?” “No,” said Cadance, leaning into Shining Armor's body. She raised her leg to rub her thigh against her husbands'. “This alicorn cunt is too fucking hot and wet to wait for one fucking minute. You are going to fuck me stupid, you handsome beast.” Her hand stroked his thickening shaft through his pants, excitedly working it into hardness. “Cadance,” said Shining Armor, squirming in his wife's grip, “We have a guest...” A flash of panic hit Cadance's face, and she whipped her head around, looking for their guest. Her expression changed to one of intrigue as she saw Big Mac; her gaze traced its way from his handsome face to his powerful arms and down to the crotch of his bluejeans, where his growing shaft was creating a visible bulge. “Oh,” said Cadance. “I'd forgotten you invited your friend Big Macintosh to stay with us, Shiny,” said Cadance. The desperate lust was gone from her voice, as she released her husband and turned to face Big Mac. “Big Macintosh,” she said, her tone proper and formal, “I welcome you to the Crystal Empire.” “Gosh, thanks,” said Big Mac. He shifted his legs, trying to hide his erection, but he knew it was hopeless – that thing just got too gosh-darn big to be easily concealed. “I can't thank y'all enough for openin' up yer home to me.” “Oh, I think you can,” said Cadance, lust flooding back into her voice. “You see, Big Mac, alicorn heat is a powerful thing. If my dear husband Shining Armor tried to satisfy it on his own... why, he'd be busy 'til morning.” She stepped towards him and hooked a finger under the waistband on his jeans, tugging them slightly. “And he'd have no time for his honored guest. But if the two of you were to do it together,” she said, leaning towards him, giving the taller stallion a lovely angle on her cleavage, “We'd be done much quicker, and the two of you would get to spend some time together.” “Yer Highness,” said Big Mac, sweat beading on his forehead, “If yer askin' what I think yer-” “I'm asking you to fuck me,” Cadance cut in impatiently. “I need cock, as much as I can get, and I want you and Shiny to fuck me.” Big Mac looked over at Shining Armor, expecting to see a look of shock – but the prince seemed entirely unsurprised by the princess' offer. “Uh, Shining?” said Big Mac, “Is this, uh...” “It's fine with me,” said Shining. “It's not the evening I had planned, but it should be a hell of a lot of fun. Wanna help me fuck my wife, Big Mac?” Big Mac's body relaxed. “Yeah,” he said. “I really do.” Cadance lead the stallions into the bedchamber, and before Shining had even closed the door behind them, her robe was falling to the floor, revealing her smooth pink back and her thick ass, laying bare her crystal heart cutie mark. Big Mac stared, watching juice drip from her exposed marehood down her rosy thighs - and his gaze went further down, admiring the shape of her ankles and her small, delicate toes. She turned around, looking at Big Mac with a hungry grin, and Big Mac's gaze lingered on her round, firm tits, with nipples the color of red wine. "I see your jaw is practically on the floor, Big Macintosh," said Cadance, "But you cannot possibly be hornier than I am right now, and I want something nice to look at too. Would you strip for me?" "Uh, all right,"said Big Mac. He began to fumble with the top button of his shirt, and a blush rose again on his face. "You're a shy one, aren't you," observed Cadance. "But you have nothing to be bashful about. I'm dying to see the physique of a hardworking farmpony... not to mention the cock you're hiding away." "Yeah, Big Mac," said Shining Armor, who was already fully undressed, his fourteen-inch, jet-black cock rigid and upright. He didn't have the thick, powerful arms of Big Mac, nor quite the abdominal definition, but he was an impressive physical specimen, especially for a unicorn. Lean, powerful muscle wound around his limbs, attesting to hard-earned strength. "Show my wife your dick." Big Mac followed the royal order, slipping his jeans down his legs. His green boxer shorts bulged obscenely with the outline of his cock, the fabric stretched taut over the flared tip. Slowly, he pulled it away from his body, revealing the thick shaft - black, like Shining Armor's, and even longer at a full fifteen inches. "Oh, magnificent," said Cadance. "What a gift." "Honestly, Cadance," said Shining Armor, "What would your subjects think if they knew their princess was a hopeless, drooling cock-slut?" Big Mac recoiled at the harsh words, but Shining raised his hand. "Relax," he said. "This is how we do things." "You bet it is," said Cadance. As Big Mac unfastened the remaining buttons of his shirt, Cadance knelt and took his cock in both hands, holding it under her nose and breathing in its scent. "Mmm," she moaned. "What a stallion." She pressed her face against the ebony shaft, filling her nostrils with its masculine musk, growing drunk off the heady scent. Big Mac felt wet warmth on his shaft as Cadance's open mouth began to drool onto his member. "Look at you," said Shining Armor, shaking his head disdainfully as he stepped closer. "I married a beautiful, intelligent, strong-willed princess, and when I bring my friend to meet her, she's turned into a cock-sniffing slut, groping for the biggest, blackest cock she can get her hands on." He placed his hand on the crown of her head and pressed down, pushing her nose into the engorged shaft of Big Mac's cock. "Is his musk melting your brain, Cadance? Do you even remember your name, or are you just lost in a cock-sniffing fever dream?" Cadance only moaned in response. "What a slut," said Shining. He moved his hand from Cadance's head to her shoulder and firmly pulled her away from Big Mac's cock, eliciting a pitiful whimper from the princess as her toy was taken away. "Big Mac," said Shining. "I'm sorry you had to see her like this. If we're going to bring her down from this heat, we're going to have to show her who's boss. So... what do you want to do to her?" Big Mac gulped. "Me?" "Yes, you," said Shining. "You're our guest. My wife has offered herself up to you, so... how do you want her?" Big Mac couldn't quite find his voice. His eyes darted involuntarily towards Cadance's feet, the soft pale bottoms of them upturned as she kneeled on the floor, the small pink toes curled upward... "Come on," said Shining Armor, giving a comforting smile to Big Macintosh. "This is how Cadance and I have our fun. Just let us know what you want, and you'll get it." "W-well," said Big Mac, "I reckon I wouldn't mind... gettin' a little closer to her feet." "Ooh!" Cadance piped up. "That's something new." She stood up, plopped her bare ass onto the wide pink bed, and extended her legs, lifting her feet over the edge of the bed. Her toes wiggled invitingly, and she beckoned Big Mac closer. "Look at them," she said, "Soft and pink, fresh from the shower..." Big Macintosh dropped to his knees and pressed his face against the soles of Cadance's feet, rubbing his cheek against the silky flesh and softly stroking his dick with both hands. He'd never felt a sole this soft before, never seen toes so neatly pedicured. Cadance's beautiful body got the royal treatment from her servants, from head to toe - although no one had ever taken as much notice of her toes as Big Mac did now. He put his lips around Cadance's big toe, eliciting a giggle from the alicorn - but her amusement turned to arousal as Big Mac began to suck on her toes, bringing more of them into his mouth, running his tongue over and between them. "You make that look pretty good," said Shining Armor. "But I've got a different approach in mind. If I could get you to scooch over...?" Big Mac shifted his body to the side, keeping the toes of Cadance's left foot in his mouth, and watched as the thick black shaft of Shining Armor's cock entered the space that his head just vacated. The wide tip pushed its way between Cadance's feet and began to thrust in and out, using the inner curve of her feet as a cocksleeve. Big Mac had never been this close to another stallion's dick before, but there was something hot about having another stallion so close to him, making love to the same woman's body. His hand stroked faster at his own cock, and he felt a tingle rising in his shaft. He'd come soon at this rate - it would be humiliating to climax so early in a three-way, but he couldn't help himself. Cadance's foot was so soft, her toes so perfectly small and round. He'd never had anything like it. Meanwhile, Cadance worked her fingers into her pussy, squelching deep into the wet folds. She'd never had expected her feet to be an erogenous zone, but the feeling of Big Mac's tongue caressing her toes and her soles, and the smooth motion of her husband's cock between her feet... maybe it was just the heat making her oversensitive, but it was driving her wild. Down at her feet, Big Mac whimpered and grunted. He took his hands off his cock, trying to stop himself from coming, but he had already passed the point of no return. A twitch shot through the long, dark shaft, and his cock jumped, shooting a thick rope of hot, white cum over the hanging edge of the bedspread. He gripped his cock again, aiming it down at the crystal tile, shooting a thick puddle of stallion cream onto the floor. "Sorry, y'all," he muttered. "I've gone and shot my wad already." "Mmm, don't worry about it," said Shining Armor, still happily footfucking his wife. "You're still good to go." "Yer a flatterer, Shining," said Big Mac, slumping as his cock released the last of his climax onto the floor. "But I ain't got that kind of stamina." Shining laughed out loud, and Cadance joined in. "Alicorn heat is a powerful thing," said Shining. "Not just for her... but for everyone around her. Until she's satisfied, her magic will ensure that every male in the vicinity is constantly ready to go. So... do you really feel like you're out of stamina?" Big Mac considered the question. He didn't feel the way he normally did after an orgasm. His cock didn't have the familiar oversensitive sensation when he touched it. In fact... he felt ready to go again. "Nnnnope." "Yeah, you're still good," said Shining Armor. His hips bucked faster and faster, the fat black shaft sliding rapidly between the silky skin of Cadance's feet. "You were right, buddy," he grunted, between sharp, huffing breaths, "My wife has some sexy fuckin' feet..." He pulled out and gripped the base of his cock, aiming the flared tip at the soles of Cadance's feet, and shot a thick splatter of jizz across them. He continued to glaze his wife's feet with each successive shot, until his entire wad was thickly dripping from her soles and ankles. "Ooh, that was fun," said Cadance, sitting up on the bed, her hand still at work in he pussy. “But it is fucking torture to have those two luscious cocks all the way down at my feet. I'm gonna need those things inside me.” Shining Armor let out an exaggerated sigh. “Oh, Cadance,” he said, shaking his head. “Once again you let your heat turn you into a dirty, shameless slut. Moaning for cock, gagging for it.” He turned to Big Mac, waving his arm theatrically in Cadance's direction. “You see what I have to deal with, Big Macintosh? You'd be doing me such a big favor by fucking my wife's slutty, dripping pussy.” Shining turned to Cadance. “How would you like that, dear?” he asked. “I know you've noticed that Big Mac's cock is even bigger than mine. A cock-crazed trollop like yourself would love to get stretched by a monster like that, wouldn't you?” “Oh, Celestia, yes,” Cadance moaned, squirming on the bed. “Give me your fat, hard cocks, both of you... thick, black, veiny, full of hot, sticky cum...” “All right then,” said Shining Armor. “Get on all fours, my love.” Big Mac drew a long breath as he took in the sight of Cadance's body in motion. Her limbs were graceful, catlike as she repositioned herself, turning her body over so that her ass was in the air. He could see her dripping pink cunt, ready and waiting, and above that the tight, cute little pucker of her asshole. He stepped closer, cock in hand, bringing the tip closer and closer to the glistening lips of the alicorn's marehood. Shining Armor crawled onto the bed and came face to face with his wife. He teased her and talked down to her when the heat drove her wild, but that was all an act. He loved the beastly slut his wife became, loved the magic that kept his cock hard and his balls full until she was satisfied. He could kiss her, devour her with his lips and tongue - but there would be time for tenderness later. Cadance needed to be fucked - but first, she needed a little more teasing. “Oh, Big Mac,” said Shining, “I know you want to stick that long black cock into my wife, but it's still important to remind the needy little slut of her place. Don't give her what she wants quite yet.” “Shiny, no...” begged Cadance, staring into her husband's eyes. “Please, I need cock so bad...” “You see?” said Shining. “So entitled. This slut thinks she's a princess or something. Follow my lead, Big Mac.” Shining Armor slid his cock underneath Cadance's chin, and she raised her head, nuzzling her face against his white, sculpted chest. His cock penetrated her cleavage, and Cadance moved her elbows together, pressing her soft, hanging tits together to form a tight enclosure for her husband to fuck. Big Mac stood behind her, his face almost level with the bright pink peach of Cadance's ass. He decided to “follow Shining Armor's lead” by sticking his own cock between her thighs, and he was rewarded with a firm, loving embrace by Cadance's legs. Her thighs were soft, but there was a core of muscle inside, and being squeezed by them was wonderful. Big Mac began to slide his ebony rod in and out of her soft pink thighs, quickly finding himself lubricated by the steady stream of pussy juice from Cadance's overflowing marehood. She was practically gushing now – the teasing had built up a tremendous reservoir of sexual energy, waiting to be expressed, released – and only a little could leak through. But when the dam burst, it was going to be extraordinary. With the ample moisture provided by Cadance's dripping cunt, Big Mac slid himself easily in and out of the tight space between Cadance's thighs. Right away he felt the fire build up in his loins again, as if he hadn't just cum a minute and a half ago. Shining Armor didn't have that sort of lubrication to work with, but he did have his wife's beautiful face to look down into and her gorgeous, plush tits to fuck. “Darling,” he said, “Your breasts are perfect.” “No,” said Cadance, her face flushed and her hair matted by sweat, “My cunt is perfect, my ass and my mouth are perfect. Please, please just put a cock inside me, anywhere...” Big Mac chose that moment to withdraw his dick from Cadance's thighs and, after giving himself a moment to cool down, tucked his shaft into Cadance's ass cheeks. The princess moaned “Yes, yes, please...” as she anticipated the feeling of Big Macintosh's thick black cockhead pressing against her tight hole, pushing slowly inward, opening her up... but the feeling didn't come. Instead, just a rhythmic, fluid-slicked friction between her cheeks as Big Mac hotdogged her. The sensation was tantalizingly close to her ass and her pussy, making both holes cry out to be filled. Her pucker twiched, and her pussy leaked honey in greater volumes, dripping down her trembling things and darkening the pink bedsheets. “Oh, Cadance dear,” said Shining Armor, “Your tits have got me real close. Your husband's got a big hot load for you.” “Yes,” gasped Cadance. “In me, inside me, please, I'm begging you...” “Of course,” said Shining, withdrawing his cock from his wife's tits. He positioned the twitching member in front of her face, and her eyes went wide and her mouth watered as she watched a gleaming drop of pre sparkling at the tip. Cock was all she could see, all she could think about, everything else was driven out her mind by the love of cock, cock, cock- And so when Shining Armor thrust roughly into her open mouth, ramming his tip past her tongue and down into her throat, she could only moan in bliss. Yes, her lips were stretched uncomfortably by the width of her husband's shaft. Yes, her throat was a little too narrow to comfortably accommodate the ebony girth of Shiny's meat. But a little discomfort was a small price to pay, because now, at last, she had cock. Inside of her, where she so desperately needed it. She ran her tongue along the underside of her husband's massive horsecock, massaging the medial ring with lustful strokes. Shining Armor's whole body shuddered as he plunged his cock into Cadance's warm, tight throat. It was uniquely wet and tight, its walls straining against his cock in a way that a pussy wouldn't. Cock-hungry as she was, her throat wasn't meant to take a thick shaft, and it pushed back, fighting against the intruder. He couldn't fuck her like this for long – soon she would remember her gag reflex, and her eyes would start streaming with tears. But for a moment – long enough to get himself off – he could fuck this tight, hungry hole. Cadance bucked her body back and forth. Her body went forward, and Shiny's cock went deeper into her throat. Her body went backward, and Big Mac's cock drove deep between her butt cheeks, grazing her asshole. It wasn't enough, not nearly enough, but she would take all the cock she could get. Her mouth was clogged with luscious dark meat, so she begged silently, prayed to be penetrated by Big Mac. And her prayers were answered. Big Mac came, splattering his load across Cadance's back. And a second later, he parted Cadance's pussy lips, confident that the magic of her alicorn heat would instantly make him ready for another round. The flare of his cock shoved its way through her folds, and in an instant, Big Mac was in paradise. Maybe it was more alicorn magic, making his cock feel like it was wrapped in warm sunlight, sweet honey, and tight, soft silk. Or maybe he was just horny as hell and Cadance had a tight, wet pussy. And to Cadance, Big Mac's cock seemed every bit as magical. Hard as steel, its surface crisscrossed with veins that stroked the walls of her love canal. It filled her, and filled her deeper, and then the medial ring passed her lips and she knew there was more, so much more glorious cock to come. She moaned, her voice muffled by her throatful of dick, as her pussy was glorified by the blessed entry of Big Mac's mighty shaft. Shining Armor came, jizzing thickly down Cadance's throat, straight down into her belly. Then he pulled back, and Cadance, thinking clearly for just an instant, drew a fast, deep breath while her airways were clear. And then the next gout of cum burst from the twitching tip of Shining's cock, filling Cadance's mouth with thick cream. Cadance already loved the taste of her husband's cum, but it had never tasted as good as it did right at that moment. She would have overturned a banquet table just to taste the smallest drop on the tip of Shiny's cock – and she was getting mouthful after mouthful, swallowing every ounce she could. Her brain was ablaze with stimulation, struggling to make sense of everything she was feeling and tasting. Her body was close to overloading, and her pussy pulsed with anticipation. Big Mac grunted as Cadance's pussy squeezed his cock, milking at the girthy shaft. He grasped her ass, sinking his thick, strong fingers into her cutie marks, and thrust his hips with greater power. The pussy of an alicorn was astonishingly strong, and it tried to pull him close and hold in his cock. It was greedy, yearning for his load, hungry for thick white love to satisfy its raging heat. Most stallions wouldn't have the strength to pull back; they would be held in place, helpless, while the undulating muscles of the alicorn cunt worked them towards release. But Big Mac was stronger than most stallions. He was strong enough to pull back, and thrust back in, fucking the tight walls as Cadance's pussy spasmed faster and harder around him. His balls pulled tight, and his cock twitched, and he felt climax rising in his shaft. He didn't want to cum inside the princess (but no, of course he did, he wanted to breed her tight pussy with his hot, potent cum), but he risked a couple more thrusts as his release crept inch by inch up his shaft, threatening to burst at any moment. His persistence paid off; Cadance gulped down her last swallow of Shining Armor's cum, and then a stream of profanity fell from her cum-splattered lips, rising in pitch and volume as her body shook involuntarily. Her pussy throbbed, the shockwave reverberating through her body like an earthquake, and finally, she came. Big Mac pulled out, not a second too soon, and he slid his cock underneath her tummy, letting it spit its load onto the underside of her hanging, wobbling tits. His cum clung to her chest and dripped thickly from her breasts, and Big Mac slid back slightly, aiming the last few ropes of cum at her smooth pink tummy. With cum still drying on her feet and her back, much of her body was glazed in stallion seed. “All right,” gasped Shining Armor, looking past Cadance's cumming, quivering body, “Let's finish her off. She's coming, but it'll take more than this for her to be satisfied.” He laid his hand on Cadance's flushed cheek. “Cadance, darling, shall we?” Cadance, her body still wracked by climax, mounted Shining Armor as he lay his body down on the bed. She was still quaking, her her core was still throbbing, but she maneuvered her gushing pussy lips onto Shining's proud ebony scepter. Shining rolled his hips lazily as Cadance began to ride him, bobbing her ass up and down right in front of Big Mac's eyes. He watched her bounce on her husband's cock for a while, entranced by the rhythmic motion of her perfect pink bottom and the sight of Shining Armor's slick cock sliding in and out of her. But once he'd had his fill of looking, he didn't need to be told what to do. Inside the crack of that ass was Cadance's pretty pink asshole, tight and clean and unclaimed. He spread his fingers across the soft cheeks of her ass and pulled them apart, exposing the quivering pucker. Cadance, feeling him spread her cheeks, moaned in approval. She was still coming – still in the midst of a climax that only an alicorn was capable of experiencing – but through gasping breaths, she managed to say, “Fuck... yes... Big Macintosh... you beast, you stallion... split my ass open with that luscious meat!” Big Mac prodded the flare of his cock against Cadance's entrance, and of course it resisted. It didn't help that it was a moving target, either – although Cadance slowed the pace of her movement as she felt Big Mac's horsecock part her cheeks. Big Mac steadied his tip on her butthole, circling it slighty, lubing it up with the pussy juice that still coated his dick. This seemed to do the trick – perhaps due to magic, or perhaps because Cadance's asshole just really wanted to get filled by stallion meat. Her hole slowly opened, surrounding his flare and allowing him entrance. Cadance's asshole tightened around him, making progress slow. Her ass was still moving, but gradually, bouncing on Shining Armor's cock with long, slow strokes. Big Mac grunted as he pushed himself in, Cadance's tightness making him intensely aware of the length and girth of his shaft. He didn't want to hurt Cadance – although he wasn't even sure if he could hurt her, if she was the same sort of pony as Princess Celestia or Princess Luna – so he went inch by inch, bucking his hips forward, his firm ass driving forward with each careful thrust. After several such thrusts, Big Mac's medial ring bumped against Cadance's anal ring. Cadance whimpered at the sensation, hugging her body, smushing her breasts beneath her folded arms. “Oh fuck,” she gasped, “How can you be so big?” “Ain't yer place to ask why,” said Big Mac, rolling his hips to shift his rod inside of her. “You just need to take this hard stallion meat...” he bucked his hips, and Cadance whined, but his ring didn't penetrate her. “in yer ass,” he continued, bucking again. “Like a good little cock-addicted slut!” Another orgasmic throb resonated through her body, and her asshole opened up, accepting Big Mac's medial ring and more. He stumbled forward slightly, not getting the resistance he expected from Cadance's back passage, and found himself sinking balls-deep inside her. The pulses that still wracked Cadance's body were causing her ass to seize and release now, and Big Mac stood motionless for a moment, feeling her walls grip and release his cock. Once he got accustomed to the rhythm of her climaxing body, Big Mac began to move his cock in and out, timing his thrusts with the throbbing of the muscles surrounding his shaft. Once he'd worked himself into a rhythm, Cadance began to bounce on Shining Armor's cock in earnest again, following the rhythm of her body. That rhythm grew faster and stronger within her, each muscle seeming to pulse with it, every atom of her body lit up with pleasure. Shining Armor, all this time, was lying face-up on the bed, gently moving his hips as his wife rode his cock. This was generally how things ended when it was just Cadance and Shining, working through the princess' heat. The magic of her heat gave him unlimited sexual stamina, but it was only Cadance that got the boundless energy and ravenous sexual appetite. Lying back and letting his horny, cock-crazed wife do all the work was a joy – there was nothing to do but lay back and watch that dripping princess pussy slide up and down his thick black horsecock. And today it was even better – he got to watch Big Macintosh, the very image of masculine perfection, fucking his wife from behind, his handsome features twisted in concentration, sweat dripping down his flawless pecs. What a scene. Plus, the shy farmpony had actually managed to do a decent bit of dirty-talking back there. Shining felt the pulses of Cadance's pussy muscles come faster, signaling the breaking of the dam. Just a little more, and she would reach an apex of pleasure reserved for alicorns. Just a little more, and the heat would subside. Fluid gushed from her pussy, pouring over his shaft, his balls, his belly, coating them in warm, musky moisture. His balls tightened, his cock throbbed, and cum rose through his shaft, traveling upwards along all fourteen of his ebony inches. “Cadance!” he grunted, “I'm gonna cum!” “Yes – yes,” whimpered Cadance. “Both of you, please, fill me up-” Her cunt gripped his cock and rippled with movement, holding him inside of her and bringing him far past the point of no return. With a jolt that shook his prone, passive body, Shining Armor came, shooting a thick, virile load deep in his wife's needy, cum-starved pussy. Despite multiple previous orgasms, this load felt bigger than the others; his balls felt swollen with jizz, as if his wife's alicorn heat had forced them to produce a load worthy of a princess. Cadance felt her husband's warmth fill her, and her body took in all the cum it could, begging to be bred by her handsome, strong stallion. And at the same moment, Big Mac's strong hands dug into her asscheeks and he, too, burst inside her, filling her rear with hot, thick stallion seed. The inrush of liquid love from two handsome, virile stallions filled her with gentle, tingling warmth, and her demanding alicorn heat began to disperse. The heat wouldn't permit her to truly climax until she had been properly filled with cock and cum – and now the heat released its grip on her body, letting the throbbing pulse in her pussy reach its peak. A strangled cry erupted from her throat, and she let her body fall forward, all the tension in her muscles releasing at once. Shining Armor's cum overflowed from her pussy, spilling onto his crotch and puddling on the bedsheets as it dripped down his white thighs. Cadance's overstuffed ass began to leak with cum as well, dripping Big Mac's seed down her thighs in thick white rivulets. Slowly, weak-kneed, Big Mac pulled himself out from Cadance's ass, his exit accompanied by a wet pop. Cadance let her body fell sideways, sliding herself off of Shining Armor's softening cock and settling onto the soft pink bed. Big Macintosh steadied himself on the edge of the bed, feeling suddenly fatigued as the vigor-sustaining magic abandoned him. He lowered himself slowly to his knees and kneeled on the crystal tile floor – and then felt the sole of Shining Armor's foot gently prod his shoulder. “Come on, Big Mac,” said Shining, lying flat, “Come and join us on the bed.” “Oh, uh, sure,” said Big Mac, clambering onto the bed and lying beside Princess Cadance. “I just didn't wanna assume, y'know.” “You helped me through a sudden and powerful onset of alicorn heat,” said Cadance, reaching an arm in his direction to run her fingers along his abs. “The least I can do is offer to share my bed.” “Well, thanks fer, uh... I mean, it weren't...” Big Mac paused, gathering his thoughts. “What I mean to say is, I'm happy I could be... part of this.” “I'm happy about it too,” said Cadance. Her hand reached down and gently gripped Big Mac's cock, which was soft now, but still awe-inspiringly long and thick. “'Happy' is an understatement. You're a natural at satisfying my alicorn heat, Big Macintosh... and I'm sure you'll be even better at it next time.” “Next time?” asked Big Mac guilelessly. “Why not?” said Shining Armor. “There's nothing I like more than spending time with my beautiful wife and my best friend... and the Crystal Empire would be in your debt.” Big Mac smiled. Abandoning the farm, even for a week, had been a stressful decision – but now he was discovering a purpose just as fulfilling as the one his cutie mark dictated. A friend, a lover, a reliever of heat.