> Dragon Heat > by Oldtakufanboy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dragon Heat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beautiful day around Ponyville, as bird's chirp, ponies talking to one another, and sweet smells of sweetness from Sugarcube corner. Speaking of Sugarcube corner, I'm on my way over there to get a cupcake for my friend Spikette. Spikette is the first dragon I ever met in person since I first arrived here in Equestria three years ago. Yep, that's right, I'm not a pony or any other creature from Equestria. I am a twenty-one-year-old human that has somehow gotten here by something. It was a shock when I first came here; I was place in a dungeon until I met Twilight, her friends, and even Spikette. I told them my situation and that I meant no harm to any pony. Twilight interviewed me more until she could gain my trust. When I was let into society, ponies stared at me like an oddity, but that phase has stopped when I was known all over Equestria as the first human to ever live in Equestria and to become a citizen. I became friends with many, especially Spikette. Spikette was shy at first, but we then got along as I told her about my life and then listening to her story about how she became Twilight's assistant. I find that funny; back where I'm from, I was an orphan and was taken in by a man who made me his assistant at his shoe shop. I can still remember the times we laugh, we fought, and how I treat him like he was my father. When he died at the age of seventy-nine, I was so depressed that I nearly wanted to give up on life. When I got to Equestria however, my mind has been cleared away of depression. Every pony that knew me are kind and will always be there at my aid, especially Spikette. Since Spikette became my friend, we hang around Twilight's castle or even sit on a hill outside of Ponyville to see Celestia's sun go down. I feel as though our friendship is becoming more than that and is becoming more... romantic. I want to tell her that since we hang around a lot, I wonder if she'd like to be my special someone. Back on Earth, I never had the chance to talk to a girl, but with Spikette, I feel like we could make a cute couple. Today is a special day because today is the day Spikette and I became friends. To celebrate, I want to give her a cupcake with a little of crystals because a little birdie told me that dragons love crystals to eat. I push the doors aside, as Pinkie Pie rushes up to me with that same old smile on her face. "Hey there, Benny!" she says child-like, as I walk into the establishment. "What's shaking?" "I'm here to get my order," I replied. "Oh! That's right! Wait a sec!" She zooms away and then back again in a split second holding onto a large purple box that says, 'To Spikette, from Ben'. "Here ya go," she says, as I grab ahold of the box. "Thanks, Pinkie," I said with a smile back at her. "What's the occasion?" "Well, you see, I'm in love with Spikette." Pinkie Pie gasps loudly, making me flinch. "Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!" she says, as she jumps up and down with excitement. "Sssh! Pinkie!" I say with embarrassment. "Don't go telling the girls about this. I'll explain it to all of you guys soon, okay?" "I promise," she says, holding a hand up. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." "Thanks, Pinks." I said, as I make my way out of the establishment and towards Twilight's castle. As I arrive at Twilight's castle, I give the front door three echoing knocks. "Hey! It's me, Ben!" I shout. "Let me in!" The doors slowly open, as I walk into the castle and made my way towards the stairs, where oddly, Spikette sits there looking frustrated. "Um... Spikette?" I say, getting Spikette's attention. "Is there something wrong?" "Oh! B-Ben! You're back? Already?" "What do you mean by already? I told you yesterday that I'll be here around noon. What's up? You look upset." "Oh? Me? Upset? Nah! I'm fine. I feel great." She stands up and stretches her scaly arms. "Okay, well, I want to give you something," I said, as I walk up to her. "R-really?" she says, as she gets up to her feet and takes a few steps back. "Why are you walking away from me?" "Huh? N-no I'm not," she says, as she continues walking backwards up the stairs till she reaches to the top. "Stop walking away from me, Spikette," I said, as I stop half-way up the stairs. "I stopped already! Happy?!" she says with anger in her tone. "Whoa! What's wrong? there's clearly something bothering you, Spikette. Tell me!" "I... I have to go to my room and... get some sleep. Yeah! I'm feeling grouchy because I didn't sleep well last night." She rushes to the stairs on her right until I couldn't see her. "Spikette!" I called out. "Please tell me what's wrong!" I quickly make it up to the stairs and look up towards the stairs Spikette took. At the top of the stairs is a door that is closed shut. "What's up with her?" I say to myself. "I come to give her a crystal cupcake and she's suddenly scared of me? What the hell?" "What's going on?" said a familiar voice from behind. I turn around and look up towards the other stairs on the opposite side to where Spike's room is. It's none other than Twilight, coming out of her room and down the stairs towards me. She wears a light-blue shirt, short-shorts, and has a bit of bags under her eyes. "Twilight," I said, as I walk up to her. "Something's up with Spikette. She seems afraid of me somehow and has went up into her room. What's going on?" "I've been upstairs looking up why she's acting the way she is today, which is running me ragged. She's been in her room most of the day and she barely talks to me." "Is she upset?" "It's not that," she says, as she walks to the stairs and sits down on a step. "What is it?" I ask, as I sit beside her with the box on my lap. "She's... in heat." "Wh-what?!" I said with surprise. "That's why she-" "Ssssshhhhhh! Keep it down. Don't want her hearing from up there." "S-sorry, but care to explain?" "Well, there's a point in a dragon's life where they go into heat," she explains. "She seems to be embarrassed to talk about it and decides to stay away from you because of it." "Just yesterday, she was talking to me normally like she usually does and now, she's just shy because she's in heat?" "That's it." "So what do I do?" "There is a way to stopping this." "And?" "Ben, there's no other way of saying this, but you need to have sex with her." "Y-you s-s-sure?" "Ben, you and Spikette have been friends for three years now and I notice that you two are becoming more than friends. You know it too." "I know this is serious, but I don't want to have sex with her until I admit my feelings to her. I can't just go up to her and say, 'hey Spikette, it's been three years since we've been friends. Want to fuck?' It just doesn't work like that, Twi." "I'm sorry this bums you, but you two need to make love or things will go worse." "Worse? Like how bad?" "If a dragon doesn't have intercourse for the next three days in heat, they'll go to their loved one and rape them. There are even times when the one getting raped dies." "Holy hell, mama gazelle," I said, as my hands began to tremble. "I'm sorry to put you in this situation," says Twilight, as she puts a hand on my left shoulder. "But you need to do this." "It's either make love to her or be raped with a possibility of dying?" "Yep." "This is a lot to take in, Twi. I don't know what will happen. She may hate me and we'll never be friends after." "Don't worry, Ben. You are doing something good for both her and yourself. Perhaps you can tell her your feelings for her." "Okay then," I said, as I get up and turn towards Spike's door with the box in my right arm. "I'll do it." I walk away, before Twilight grabs me by the left hand. I look back at her, as she gives me a smile. "Be gentle with her, okay?" "I'm not going to go all rough," I reply. "Unless she wants it that way." "Go," she says, as she let's go on my hand. "I'll route for you, lover boy." "Sh-shut up," I said with a chuckle. She giggles, as she walks back upstairs to her room. I walk up the stairs toward Spike's door. As I make it to the door, I give it a few knocks. "Spikette. I need to come in." "Go away! I don't want you in here!" shouted Spikette from the other side. "Twilight told me you are going in a situation." "And?" "She says that... you are in heat." "What?! She told you?!" "Why couldn't you tell me? I'm your best friend and friends don't hide things from other friends. Are you my friend?" "Y-yeah." "Then please let me in for my sake." Footsteps come up to the door, until the door unlocks. The door opens, showing a nervous looking Spikette. "C-c-come in," she says, as I walk in. I look around and notice a few claw marks at the crystal-like floor, her ruffled up bed, and a picture with us on a small desk looking as it was sprayed by water. "I'm sorry that you are feeling this way, Spikette," I say, as Spikette closes the door behind us. "I couldn't tell you, because I feel... embarrassed." "And I get that, but if something is bothering you and you don't want to talk about it to anyone, why not tell me? Do you not trust me?" "I d-do, but-" "Spikette," I said, as I take a seat on her bed. "Do you have trust issues?" "But I-" "It's a yes or no question." "No." "Then why not trust me?" "Because I don't want to tell you these urges make me go crazy over you. Ever since I became in heat, all I think about is you and I making love. I masturbate to you and I even shove-" "Okay! Too much detail. I understand. I never knew that dragons could go into heat. The women where I'm from don't go into heat, but it's normal for a woman to masturbate to a guy she likes. If you give too much details about the guy you like, you'll creep him out." "D-did I creep you out?" "You surprised me, but I'll let it slip." "Okay good," she says, as she pats her scaly chest. "Spike, I too have been having feelings about you." "Y-you have?" "I come by to give you something for the past three years we've been friends." I take the box and place it on my lap. I pull the top open, as she moves closer to get a look to what is in the box. Her mouth opens wide, her eyes sparkle, and a gasp escapes her throat as she looks down onto the cupcake. The cupcake has light pink frosting with green jewels on top that glint like stars. "Happy three-year friendship anniversary," I said, as she takes the box and continues to look down onto the cupcake. A tear goes down her cheek, as she looks back at me, then back at the cupcake, then finally back at me. "Y-you... you gave me this?" "I wanted today to be special, but because of how you are acting, I feel like I ruined everything." "N-no! You haven't, Ben. You... you made my day perfect." I smile, as she puts the box on her desk before looking back at me with sniffle. "I know we've been friends for a while, Spikette, but I can't hold it in anymore," I say before breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly. "I'm... in love with you." A blush appears on her scaly cheeks, as her tail goes stiff. "Wh-what?" "I love you, Spikette. You are the best dragon a man like me could ever have." She looks away from me and fidgets with her fingers, along with her tail swaying back and forth. "Well... I love you too," she says, as she looks into my eyes. "You are such a sweet guy." I walk up to Spikette and plant my lips onto hers. She wraps her arms around my neck, as she pushes my head back a little. I slip my tongue into her mouth, as she does the same. Her tongue feels like a snake; slithering its way around my mouth and nearly touching my uvula. My tongue couldn't go as far as hers, but I don't care; all that matters is that we admit our love for one another. I pull my lips away from hers, as her tongue slides out and lands onto her chest scales. A little of saliva comes down the corner of my mouth, before I licked it off. "Wow, Spikette," I said with amazement. "You have quite a long tongue." "Wha abouth lon tonguths?" she asks with her tongue still sticking out. "I find it sexy." She brings her tongue back into her mouth as her cheeks look ever so redder. "You are such a tease," she says. "I'm not teasing you. You do have a sexy tongue." Her eyes give me a dreamy look, along with a smile that crosses her lips. "Would you like to see what else this tongue is capable of doing?" She looks down to my pants and starts to unbutton them. "You mean?" "Yep," she says with her breath heating up near my groin. "I want to see it. A human penis." "No need to get all crazy," I said, as she unzips my pants and brings both pants and boxers down to the floor. In front of her is my limp member. She looks at it and gives the head a lick, making me tilt my head back a little. "So this is what it looks like" she asks. "It's different compared to a stallions." "Hm. Let me wake him up." Her tongue gives the tip of my member a few flicks before it begins to get erect. When it does, it bumps her nose, making her give out a little gasp. "Wow! Now it's awake," she says before opening her mouth wide and putting it inside her mouth. I moan, as her tongue coils around it within her mouth, as it moves from tip to the base over and over. "My! G-God," I stutter with pleasure. "S-Spikette! Your t-tongue. It feels s-so g-good." She looks up to me with a wink before closing her eyes to continue her work. She now moves her mouth, as the tip of my member feels her wet cheeks. From my member to the hairs on my head, I felt such pleasure I never had felt in ever. "This is amazing," I said. "Spikette, I have never felt anything so god in my life." She picks up the pace, as I began to feel it, the buildup of cum. I grip onto the fins on the side of her head, as I thrust into her mouth and feeling my member close to her throat. "I'm gonna c-cum!" I shout until my load shoots out and goes down her windpipe. I release her from my grip and landed backwards onto the ruffled bed. I bring my head up, as I see her swallowing my cum. She looks over to me and crawls on top of me. "Your cum tastes delicious, Ben," she says, as she licks a corner of her mouth. "You are really beautiful dragon, Spikette," I say, as I brush my left hand against her right cheek. "And you are a handsome human, Ben," she says, giving me a kiss on my forehead. "You still up for one more round." "Anything for my horny dragoness," I reply, making her give out a giggle. "I want you to fuck me and fuck me good," she says, as she brings her lower lips close to my member, making her give out a light moan. She brings her pussy above my member and slowly allows my member to slide in, feeling its warm embrace. The two of us moan, as she brings it back up and slowly back down. "My G-God, Spikette," I said, as Spikette looks down at me with a little of saliva going down the corner of her mouth. "Your pussy feels good." "Just shut up and fuck me," she says, as she slaps her scaly behind onto my member, making me look up to the ceiling. The sound of flesh and scales can be heard across the room, along with moans and heavily feminine breathing as Spikette continues to jump up and down my member. I look over to her scaly breasts, wondering what they feel like. I take both my hands and plant them firmly onto her breasts, feeling scales and then feeling something poking in the middle of my palms. I remove them to see her nipples poking out of her skin. "Dragons have nipples?" I ask with surprise. "Yes! We! Do!" she says, as she jumps up and down quickly. I use my fingers and give them a pinch, making her tilt her head back with her tongue sliding out. "Oh! My! Celestia!" she shouts. "I'm about! To cum!" I too began to feel it, as I start to the thrusting. "I'm about to cum, too!" I shout, as I thrusted hard into her pussy, as little of her fluids leak onto my hips. The two of us give out a loud moan before our fluids began to mix one another. She falls on top of me, as the two of us breathe heavily. "Oh! My God," I said, as I look into to Spike's eyes on my left. "Feel a lot better now?" "I feel so much better," she replies. "I love you, Spikette." She gives me a kiss. "I love you, too." "How about later tonight, we go out for dinner?" "I'd love that." She gives out a yawn, before her lids closed and give out a little snore. "Uh... Spikette?" I said, as I move around, trying to get up. "Spikette? Can you get up?" No response; she was out. I sigh and look up to the ceiling. "At least I won't have to worry about her raping me."