> Part-Time Seduction > by Desavlos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Pretty Little Things" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia Melody closed her cello case with a snap and brushed her bow's resin dust off her last good dress. She really did need to get some washing done, but the laundromat cost cash which could be spent on food, or tuition. She cringed internally at the thought. "'ere ya go, Octavia." A burly man with a saxophone on his back tapped Octavia on the shoulder and dropped a modest wad of bills onto her instrument case. "Your cut." Octavia looked at the bills indignantly. "Thirty bucks? Are you serious, Neon? You know my dad cut me off: I've got bills to pay." Neon raised his hands defensively. "Hey, we've got our own problems to deal with." He gestured at the bar. "Owner said he'd stand us a drink if we wanted one though. The rest of us are taking it to go; got places to be. You want I should get you a can too?" Octavia sighed. "No, I'll stay. You might have places to be but I certainly don't." Neon raised his hands again as if to divest himself of responsibility. "Ok then, see you for practice this weekend then." "Yes, see you there." Octavia waved him off distractedly and wondered if she could convince her landlord for the third time that she'd have his rent by the end of the week. She wasn't a heavy drinker, but it was becoming a more and more attractive career path. Hefting her cello over one shoulder, she walked tiredly over to the bar and sat herself down on a stool. The club wasn't a bad place really; she and the rest of the band had had gigs here before, even if she had to admit that they'd always seemed to pay more when she hadn't needed the money. A fight with her dad the previous month (something about how a unicorn could have played the cello well enough not to need to pay for tuition) had cut off her family's payments to the Royal Canterlot College of Music, and ever since she'd been desperately trying to scrape the cash together to eat, sleep and learn at the same time. It was exhausting. Octavia watched a sound tech taking down the club's audio equipment from over by the raised dais. There would no doubt be a DJ on next, and probably for the rest of the night; it was getting late, and the hardcore clubbers would soon be in to grace the dance-floor with their bumping, grinding and whatever other verbs suited their fancy. One upon a time Octavia would have found that worth investigating. Now she just knew that she could't afford the wristband. With a nod of instruction from Octavia, the bartender poured her a glass of red wine and she took a sip, more out of habit than any true interest. It wasn't terrible, but she'd probably have finished it even if it was. Free was free. Until this evening, Octavia's knee-length burgundy number had been the last washed dress in her closet. Now her closet was more or less empty; its former contents were piled in a washing basket by the door of her diminutive flat with little chance of cleaning in the near future. She'd have to survive off half-clean t-shirts for a while. It was like her roommate from freshman year all over again. Someone tapped Octavia on the shoulder and she turned. Inexplicably, it was her roommate from freshman year. Octavia jumped. "V-Vinyl Scratch?" She spluttered. Vinyl nodded, laughing. She didn't look nearly as scrappy as she had last time Octavia had seen her: gone was the stained T-shirt and jeans, replaced with a simple but fashionable short black dress. A pair of luminous club wristbands hung off her wrist, perhaps a nod to the old Vinyl, or maybe she simply hadn't changed as much as Octavia thought. "Long time no see, Tavi. Nice gig: good to see you kept at it." Vinyl Scratch flicked her azure hair out of her eyes and waved at the bartender, who immediately began to pour a glass of scotch. Octavia smirked, cynically. "I suppose so. Thought I have to say it isn't all I'd hoped." "No?" Vinyl looked intrigued. She'd left college behind after a year to pursue Celestia-knows-what kind of career, but judging from the new dress and sparkling earrings it had worked out a good deal better financially than Octavia's. "I always had you pegged for an orchestral type, Tavi. Not really my scene, I'm a party filly, but you were good at it." "Hmm," Octavia grumbled. "Maybe one day, but believe it or not I'm still studying and dad won't talk to me anymore, let alone keep me in school. I need the cash." Octavia sipped the slightly sharp wine and winced. She took back what she thought about it before; it was bad. "Oh you do, do you?" Vinyl's voice had taken on an oddly discomforting tone. She sat down on the next bar stool, twirling her long legs to face Octavia. "Stand up, turn around." Octavia looked at her, puzzled. "Why?" "Just do it, filly. Trust me." Slowly, not really knowing why, Octaiva slid off her barstool and walked a small circle on the linoleum, black heels not quite digging into the floor. Vinyl looked her up and down unashamedly a she did so and Octavia began to blush. "What do you want, Vinyl?" Octavia demanded, uncomfortably. Vinyl ignored her, nodding silently to herself as Octavia rapidly sat back down, legs crossed. "Yes..." She managed, finally. "Just maybe." "What?" "How about we get out of here? I've got an idea that you might like to be a part of and this isn't really the most invigorating of atmospheres." The bartender shot Vinyl a glance for that one, which she ignored. "How about 'Lights' down the road?" "Don't be ridiculous, Vinyl. I can't afford that place." Octavia looked across the deserted dance floor. "I can't even afford to stay here." Vinyl smirked. "It's on me, filly." Octavia balked. "That's one of the most exclusive clubs in Canterlot! How can you possibly get in?" She paused at how rude that sounded, but quickly pressed on. "I just mean it's so expensive, and you're a college dropout! It's not like I've ever seen you working anywhere and you said yourself that you're partying all the time!" It didn't really sound less rude that way, but Vinyl didn't seem to mind. "Filly," Vinyl threw a look back over her shoulder as she slid of her barstool and sashayed towards the exit. "I'm always working." Octavia was in a bind. She hadn't seen Vinyl in years and hadn't had all that much in common when they had known each other: it was ludicrous to trust her. Then again, it was only a club. The best club in Canterlot. And Vinyl was paying. Octavia slid off her barstool and dusted her dress off. Maybe Vinyl would take pity on her and adopt her out of the kindness of her heart. Octavia chuckled at the thought. Then, slowly, followed Vinyl through the crowd and out of the door. ----<<<<>>>>---- Lights lived up to its namesake. There was a crystal chandelier in the centre of the club, casting multicoloured light across an already packed and partying dancefloor. The night was just beginning, but already the club looked full to bursting and there was a line outside stretching around the corner of the block. Vinyl had ignored the line on the way in and so had Octaiva, though she'd felt guilty about it. Somehow, the bouncers hadn't had a problem with this: Vinyl had been let in instantly and, after Vinyl had nodded at Octavia, so had she. Vinyl had led them both to the bar and sat down. It had been a matter of moments before two cocktail glasses full of glowing blue liquid had been placed in front of them. Octavia barely registered the glasses, she was too busy taking in Light's sheer pulsating prismatic decadence. She took her phone out to capture the lights but Vinyl stopped her with a hand on her arm. "You there, filly?" She asked. "No flash you know, they get very upset about that." "Whu-? Oh- Yes!" Octavia had to raise her voice to be heard over the music. "Good!" Vinyl replied, smiling. Vinyl slid her one of the blue electric blue cocktails across the granite worktop. "Settle in, you get used to it eventually." "Eventually?!" Octavia boggled. "You can't come here often! I mean these cocktails cost more than my daily salary!" "Oh yea, most nights." Vinyl affirmed, casually. "Sometimes I'm busy at some garden party or other but usually I find the time." The words, "garden party" seemed to send Octavia into a dream. She had heard such tales: the class, the sophistication, the men. Not interests she would ever had associated with Vinyl in the past. And yet here Vinyl was: wearing a designer dress and drinking a $40 cocktail in the most exclusive club in Canterlot. Octavia shook herself from her rapture: she had to know. "But how can you afford any of this? I mean you say you're always working but, well, who pays you?" Octavia asked exasperatedly. "I mean, did the-" Blast, what music had she done in school again? Hip-hot? Trance? Dance? "Electronic music work out?" Vinyl suppressed a chuckle behind an elegantly manicured hand, "Oh, Celestia, no. I mean, don't get me wrong, I was good at it, but every kid and their neighbour thinks they're a DJ these days; there's no future in it." Octaiva leaned forwards, "So what is there a future in then?" Vinyl raised a perfect eyebrow, "You want in?" "Is that so bad?" Octavia hissed, glancing left and right as if the very suggestion was taboo. "I can barely make ends meet over here and you're sliding between parties like you run the place!" Octavia shook her head. "You never answered me: What do you do?" Vinyl chuckled slightly and took another sip from her cocktail. "You're sure you want to know?" "Yes!" "Well," Vinyl's eyes glinted dangerously as she leaned in close, whispering just audible over the sounds of the club. "Say someone here has a little too much to drink, someone important I mean. Maybe their eyes start wandering where they shouldn't." Vinyl grinned conspiratorially. "Maybe they leave a little early. Maybe they take a pretty young thing with them." Octavia's mouth was a perfect 'O'. She listened on in stunned silence. "Perhaps they had a little help in meeting their new friend, help from someone who knows everyone, speaks to everyone, sees everything." Vinyl nodded discreetly to her purse, still grinning devilishly. "Well a hotel key card and a camera is all someone like that would need to take a few... indiscreet photographs." Octavia gasped. "You-" Vinyl covered Octavia's mouth lightly with one hand. "This does rather rely on other people not knowing about it, you know." Her impish grin morphed back into a sociably acceptable smile as she pulled away from Octavia. "But you're welcome to... take part." Vinyl winked. "You've got the body for it." Octavia stared. "You mean..?" "I always need more, how did I put it? 'Pretty Young Things'." "No, absolutely not." Octavia moved to pick up her phone from the counter but Vinyl caught her hand. "There's no shame in it you know." Vinyl began, sternly. "It's not like you're selling your body for sex; we're not tempting saints here: this is about justice. Believe me, I know what these people are capable of when left to their own devices. All this is is a... redistribution of wealth." The conviction in Vinyl's eyes was startling. "How hard did you work to get where you are? Who do you think downsized the Royal Orchestra? It wasn't people like me." The anger that welled up inside Octavia surprised her. How dare they take away what she had earned? "Trust me," Vinyl continued. "Nobody loses here that doesn't deserve it." Octavia's eyes fell on her burgundy dress. Her last good dress. Vinyl's impishness must be contagious. She smirked; she could use the money. "Ok," she began. "How much?" > "Sure You Don't Need Some Practice?" [Vinyl x Octavia] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl and Octavia had savored a few drinks before leaving the still energetic club. Vinyl had been eager to explain her plans and didn't want to do so somewhere where anyone else might hear. The light rain falling outside the club began to damped Vinyl's dress but did nothing to wash away her spirit as she led Octavia through the Canterlot night and into a brightly lit apartment building. Octavia looked around in awe as she entered, raindrops still dripping slowly down her face and off her chin. The lobby shone lavishly, all granite and mahogany and brass, but Vinyl quickly ushered her up the gently winding staircase, somehow walking effortlessly in her six-inch heels. "This place is amazing!" Octavia exclaimed, running her hands over the brass handrail as she ascended. "How in Equestria-" "Can I afford this?" Vinyl interrupted, looking back over her shoulder with a cynical smile. "Oh." Octavia blushed. "Right. I guess that still hasn't quite sunk in yet." "Ha!" Vinyl laughed. "You'd be surprised how quickly you get used to it." Vinyl stopped on the third floor and pulled a key out of her bra to unlock a door. Vinyl pushed the door open smoothly and walked in, but Octavia hesitated on the doorstep. Some part of her brain was still nervous; what would happen if she did Vinyl's job badly? What would happen if she did it well? She forced the thoughts down. Vinyl was right: these people were no saints, and she could use the cash. Octavia stepped across the threshold. Clearly, cash was not in short supply. Vinyl's apartment reminded Octavia of her parents' house back in Trottingham. She'd stepped into a living room done up in polished stone and wood, immaculately clean and glowing in warm and welcoming hues. A full-body window ran along one wall, showing off the golden lights of the city below which sparkled in the rain. Never in a million years would Octavia have associated the scene with Vinyl Scratch; the messy, carefree DJ from college with two t-shirts and no hairbrush and yet here Vinyl was, sashaying elegantly across the room like a perfect aristocrat. It was surreal. "I'm glad I found you today, Tavi." Vinyl began. "I'd been looking for a... partner for ages, and I'd hoped to have one before the Royal Gallery Garden Party tomorrow." Octavia looked puzzled. "Why? What happens at that?" "That," Vinyl continued, "is where Fancy Pants will be for the evening." Octavia's jaw dropped. "Fancy Pants?! You can't mean Lord Fancy Pants? He's the richest man in Canterlot! He practically owns the Princesses!" "He runs the selection board for the Canterlot Orchestra." Octavia winced. "I know." Vinyl leaned against a bookcase. "You're missing the point, Tavi. This is about more than just money. Do you honestly think he'd turn you down for any role once you know what you'll know after tomorrow?" Vinyl winked. "If you know what I mean." Octavia didn't follow at first, but eventually gave a start. "Really?" She asked, wide eyes glittering with the possibilities. "You think that would work?" Vinyl waved a hand at the lavishly decorated room. "Hasn't failed yet." Octavia blushed. "I quite like the sound of that..." "Good. Sit yourself down and we can go over the plan for tomorrow night." Octavia fell down into a chair and winced as the wet fabric of her dress pressed up against her skin. Not for the first time, she wished she'd brought an umbrella. "Vinyl." She began, turning. "Have you got a to-" Vinyl was naked, dress crumpled on the floor as she shook raindrops out of her hair. Octavia's eyes widened and she squeaked, turning away with a blush. Surprised, Vinyl turned around, still taking off her bra. "What's wrong, Tavi?" "Nothing!" Octavia desperately tried not to look back from where she was sitting as she heard feet walking up behind her, but she jumped again as a pair of smooth alabaster arms were wrapped around her shoulders and dropped a warm bra onto her lap. "Oh..." Vinyl purred, playfully. "Like what you see?" "No!" Octavia yelled, still blushing. "W- I mean, you're pretty but-" Vinyl rested her chin on Octavia's shoulder and moved one finger past her cheek to cover her lips. "When was the last time you were with someone, Tavi?" Octavia's blush intensified as she felt Vinyl's bear breasts pushing into her back. "Wh- What sort of question is that?" "Well, I'm about to hire you to have sex with a very rich married man in an effort to blackmail him out of a significant proportion of his fortune: it'll need to be convincing. Sure you're up for it?" Vinyl's tone was matter-of-fact, but one forefinger was making little circles on Octavia's collarbone and it was only adding to her distraction. "It's not something you forget!" she stammered. Vinyl's finger slowly spiraled its way lower. Celestia, she was soft. "Sure you don't need some practice?" Despite herself, Octavia turned to face Vinyl. "What's that supposed to-" Vinyl's lips met her as she turned and Octavia jumped, not quite losing contact. A thousand thoughts clammed for room in her head but they were overruled by a years old wisp of memory which floated to the surface. I always did think she looked cute in those t-shirts. Slowly and carefully, Octavia returned the pressure of the kiss. The lingering cocktail on Vinyl's mouth tasted like sugar and strawberries. As soon as she felt Octavia pushing back, Vinyl parted her lips and pressed her tongue forwards, stifling Octavia's gasp as she explored her mouth. Octavia could feel Vinyl's warm breasts pressing into her through her wet dress and shivered as Vinyl's hands, now on her back, ran up through her hair and pulled her head forward. Octavia stood up and quickly found herself being pushed back. Vinyl guided her backwards through the apartment without once breaking lip contact, raising her knee up to waist height to kick open a door once Octavia backed into it. Octavia squeaked when the door opened, suddenly falling backwards into the darkened room only to be caught by a cushioned surface as the bed rose up to meet her. Vinyl swung her hips forwards slowly, smiling like a lion watching an unsuspecting gazelle. Octavia felt like prey: her heart was racing and she was beginning to sweat; but the adrenaline felt like lightning in her veins and as Vinyl climbed atop her on the bed Octavia grabbed her by the neck and pulled their lips back together. Her dress was riding up around her legs as Vinyl's hands explored ever more daringly but Octavia didn't stop her: it had been too long; she needed this. Octavia grabbed at Vinyl's breasts and was rewarded with a quick gasp and renewed exploration from Vinyl's hands. One hand found its way behind Octavia's back and pulled at the zip on her dress, loosening it. Vinyl eagerly pulled it down over Octavia's legs, revealing a pair of lacy black undergarments. Even in the darkness, Octavia blushed. Vinyl nodded at the lingerie, "Well I didn't expect you to be quite that keen." she teased. "Hey! I was running out of clothes." Vinyl grinned. "Good timing." "You like it?" Octavia asked, hesitantly. Vinyl pushed her face down towards Octavia, pushing Octavia's hands together at the top of the bed and leaning in close. "Hmm..." Vinyl breathed. "Not enough to leave it on." Vinyl dropped her head slowly, once again kissing Octavia as her hand reached behind Octavia's back and unhooked the black bra. Octavia resisted the reflex to cover herself and instead pushed Vinyl's back down, collapsing the other girl on top of her. Octavia relaxed her legs as Vinyl's spread them apart and moaned as Vinyl's soft breasts pressed into her own, bra thrown onto the carpet. "V-Vinyl-" Octavia breathed as Vinyl's hands roamed over her chest. "I- I've never." Vinyl pushed herself up on her hands, suspending herself over the other girl with a disbelieving expression. "You've never had sex before?" "I have!" Octavia replied, quickly. "Just... Not with... You know." "A girl?" Vinyl's horned glowed faintly in the darkness, illuminating a smirk. "Well let me show you how it's done." Octavia nodded slowly and tried to relax. Every touch of Vinyl's hands on her bare skin made her shiver with delight and she tried to respond in kind but had no idea if she was doing it properly. Octavia moaned gently as Vinyl squeezed her breasts and Vinyl's head disappeared from view. "Vinyl? What are you- Ah!" Octavia gasped as a hand stroked up her bare legs between her thighs and over her panties, pushing down gently as it went. Octavia's hands grabbed onto Vinyl's shoulders in shock and she felt Vinyl tense up. "N- no! Keep going, please." Octavia managed, breath labored. Her hands relaxed on Vinyl's shoulders and Vinyl once again stroked her hand over Octavia's panties, lingering around her clit and sending shots of electricity up her spine. The glow of Vinyl's horn lit up her curves as she sat up and turned her magic on Octavia's panties, pulling them down and over her legs with a grin and dropping them onto the floor. "There we go." Vinyl announced, grinning. "I guess you are enjoying this." Despite everything, Octavia blushed, but her embarrassment was cut short by a gasp when a tendril of blue magic roamed over her chest and nipped at her teat. Octavia arched her back, pushing her head into the bed and distractedly moving one hand down between her legs out of habit. Before it could reach her pussy it met a mass of unfamiliar hair and Octavia had a fraction of a second to be confused before Vinyl's tongue ran up her slit and she cried out in pleasure, hand gripping Vinyl's hair and forcing her down harder. The unicorn seemed nothing but encouraged, pushing her tongue deeper and renewing her magical attack on Octavia's tits. Octavia writhed as the wet, muscular organ explored her pussy, lapping up her stream of juices. She clamped her second hand down on Vinyl's head and rubbed the base of her horn gently, eliciting a muffled gasp from the unicorn. "Yes, Vinyl!" Octavia moaned, legs bucking slightly as the unicorn's tongue slipped ever so slightly into her entrance. She wrapped her fingers around Vinyl's horn and stroked it firmly from base to tip, causing a few sparks to leap from the tip and spatter a few drops of ectoplasm over her belly. Octaiva had heard of what could be done to a unicorn's horn, but as an earth pony raised in high society to unicorn parents the only fucks she'd even been able to get get had been from horny young noblemen who where willing to take the social risk of fucking an earth pony if she looked good in a cocktail dress. They'd never lasted more than sixty seconds and left her with a sticky, unsatisfied feeling before climbing out the window to avoid notice. Octavia moaned again as the warm liquid from Vinyl's horn soaked into her fur. This was nothing like that. Blue light flickered in the darkness as Vinyl's sparking grew in speed and force. Octavia tipped her head back and opened her mouth, tongue lolling out in ecstasy. "Cum for me!" She demanded. Vinyl's tongue plunged furiously into and out of her hole and Octavia could feel the pressure building inside her. It felt like a wall of heat between her legs was rapidly breaking down and she pumped desperately on Vinyl's horn as more sparks spattered her tits and she screamed. "I'm cumming!" A wave of pressure rushed through her body and gushed out of her pussy, coating Vinyl's face in sticky juice as the other girl came too. Cum filled Vinyl's mouth as she cried out, blue fireworks flying violently out of her horn and coating Octaiva from hair to belly in warm, sticky ectoplasm which tingled on her skin as the magical tentacle still massaging her tits rubbed it into her fur. Octavia's back finally relaxed down onto the bed and she gasped for air, savouring the unique flavour of Vinyl's magical residue on her tongue before she swallowed it. The last thing she felt before she passed out was Vinyl's head resting exhaustedly on her belly, blue light finally winking out. > "Think You Can Handle It?" [Vinyl x Octavia] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia had only even woken up in two different beds. When she'd been younger, though in truth it had only been a few years ago, she'd woken up every day to the same floral wallpaper and lilac bedsheets. Often she'd been woken up by a servant ringing a bell outside her door, and had had to wrap her pillow around her ears and roll over to block the sound out. More recently, she would've quite appreciated anypony at all caring when she got up. The bed in her current flat was lumpy and cold and, despite the lack of curtains, the merge grey light that marched in through a single, dirty window wasn't enough to wake her up in the morning. This bed was neither of those beds and, owing to a combination of inexperience with new beds and the distant aftereffects of the most intense orgasm she'd ever had in her life, it took her a whole six seconds to remember where she was. This room was nothing like her flat: the bed was soft and warm and, in her first six seconds of conscience, Octavia rolled her head lazily to look around. There was a lot of red: dark red wallpaper, a shaggy crimson carpet, and matching drapes which glowed with a soft golden light as the sun filtered lazily into the room as if it had all the time in the world. An ornate wooden cabinet bore the only off colour decorations to be seen: a vase full of white roses, each perfectly in flower, filling the room with the scent of summer. That much observation took six seconds. After that, Octavia's eyes widened abruptly. She sat up suddenly, blushing. She was lying on top of the covers, rather than underneath them, and was still naked. As she moved, she could feel various sticky patches matting her fur and she grimaced; she had no idea how long ectoplasm took to wash out. Vinyl was nowhere to be seen. Reluctantly, Octavia slid off the luxurious bedcovers and sunk her toes into the carpet. Her joints aches and her blush continued to intensify as more and more memories of the night before returned to her. The memory of what she'd agreed to do later that day caused a particular stir. She groaned slightly. "Celestia, what have I gotten myself into?" An open door at one end of the bedroom revealed a small but lavishly appointed bathroom and, feeling squeamishly at the sticky patches stretching from her belly to her hair, Octavia decided that Vinyl could wait, wherever she was. Half an hour later a cloud of steam stepped out of the bathroom and shone briefly in the sunlight before Octavia waved it away and wrapped herself in the towel that she had used to dry her hair. She was about ninety percent sure that she'd gotten all of the ectoplasm off, but the stuff in her hair had stuck like nobody's business. The ectoplasm wasn't the only thing that was gone: the burgundy dress and lacy underwear that had been so rapidly discarded last night was nowhere to be seen. Octavia frowned. The towel would have to do for now. Octavia sniffed the air. As the steam from the bathroom left the air the scent of floral shampoo was being replaced by something... unique. It wasn't necessarily an unpleasant smell; it was just unexpected, like finding out that your next door neighbour collected vintage porn magazines: it was certainly something you could hold a conversation about, whether you wanted to or not. It was a bit like fresh popcorn and chocolate, with a hint of... bacon? Cautiously, Octavia opened the bedroom door and looked into the hallway. It was empty, but the smell was stronger out here and the unmistakable sizzling of oil trickled down the corridor. Vinyl Scratch looked away from the spitting frying pan she was tending when Octavia peered into the living room's kitchen annex. "Morning sleepy!" she beamed. "What in Equestria is that smell?" Octavia asked. It had become unreasonably strong once she had reached the kitchen and was no less confusing. "Breakfast!" Vinyl replied, ambiguously. Octavia grumbled half-heatedly at the unicorn's cheerfulness and slid onto a stool beside the polished stone table in the centre of the kitchen: she'd never had much of a head for mornings and it seemed somehow unfair that Vinyl could spend just as long in clubs as she did and be this chipper before four-pm. "There's coffee in the pot if you want some." Ah. That might explain it. "Any tea?" Octavia suggested, adjusting her towel as it threatened to fall away from her. Vinyl turned from her pan again with one eyebrow raised. "I thought you'd given up on all that hoity-toity stuff?" Octavia looked defensive. "It's just a drink!" she complained. "I happen to like it." Vinyl rolled her eyes conspicuously and turned back to Celestia-knows-what she was cooking. "There's a pot of leaves in the right-hand cupboard." She said, gesturing with her free hand. "Help yourself." Octavia slid off the stool and began to rummage, one hand still holding her towel up. "Oh, err, Vinyl?" she began. "Yes?" "Where in Equestria are my clothes?" Octavia deadpanned. "Oh yea," Vinyl began. "I put them in the wash. They were filthy." Octavia blinked. "What am I supposed to..." Vinyl turned her head, expectant. "You know... wear?" Vinyl looked puzzled. "Are you going somewhere? I thought you'd be hanging around here until tonight." The two looked at each other in mutual confusion until Octavia realized that, with the exception of her cooking apron, Vinyl was completely naked. "Err." Octavia began. Vinyl twigged at about the same time. "Wait, you wear clothes at home?" she asked, puzzled. "Of course!" Octavia exclaimed. "Who doesn't?!" Vinyl grinned. "Well me for one." She cocked her head. "You're still so fancy, Octy. Lighten up!" She grinned, "You know Fancy Pants could ask for all sorts of kinky things right?" Octavia blushed. "I... Hadn't really thought about that." "Think you can handle it?" "I'm not at stuck up as you think, Scratch! You'd be surprised." "Oh?" Vinyl looked curious. She flicked the heat off on the stove and sashayed forwards. "How, exactly, would I be?" Octavia realized the hole she had dug for herself. "I- er-" she began, flustered "I've had plenty of st- er..." Vinyl paused and looked at her, expectantly. Octavia groaned. "Cock. Cock, Vinyl. There. I told you that I'm not fancy." Vinyl grinned. "Prove it." Octavia just looked confused. "What? How, exactly? You don't-" Octavia froze. Vinyl's horn was glowing softly; she'd untied her apron from around her neck to show off her perfect curves, but more surprisingly she had created a pale blue cock which protruded from between her legs as if she'd been born with it. Octavia licked her lips unconsciously; it was at least ten inches long and already rock hard. Vinyl must have noticed her staring, because she chuckled. "I've known this spell for a while; it's more use than you might think." Octavia was still starting, hypnotized. At some point she'd dropped her towel; her breasts were heaving slightly as she breathed and she could feel herself growing wet. Some small unaffected part of her complained that she had just showered. It was ignored. "I..." Vinyl looked at her expectantly again. "I..." "Yes?" "I want it." Vinyl grinned. "Better! Maybe you won't have any trouble with- Oh hey!" Octavia stepped forwards quickly and wrapped her arms around Vinyl's neck. Before Vinyl could react there was a tongue running across her lips and demanding entry, which she quickly granted, thrusting back with her own tongue and running her hands up and down Octavia's perfectly smooth back. Octavia moaned into Vinyl's mouth and stood up on tiptoes, letting the pale blue cock slide between her thighs like a saddle. She broke the kiss and gasped as Vinyl's cock pressed into her pussy and she coated it in cum. "Now, Vinyl." she moaned. "I- It's so hard." Wordlessly, Vinyl wrapped her arms under Octavia's thighs and lifted her up. Octavia's tits pressed into Vinyl's neck and she leaned down to kiss them, making Octavia moan again. The tip of Vinyl's cock pressed against Octavia's pussy and Vinyl could feel the other girl tense up in anticipation. Vinyl eyed her with undisguised lust. "Are you're sure you can handle it?" she breathed. Octavia thrust her hands up into Vinyl's electric blue hair and met her eyes with a euphoric gaze. "Just fuck me already!" Vinyl relaxed her arms and Octavia sank down suddenly onto her cock, every muscle tensing up as the throbbing blue shaft speared her and pressed up against her diaphragm. She wanted to scream but she could barely breathe and she had to pull herself up with her shaking arms wrapped back around Vinyl's neck before she could either gasp or think. Vinyl's eyes were closed and teeth gritted, every twitch and spasm of Octavia's pussy squeezing her cock and filling her with pleasure. A second thrust expelled the air from Octavia's lungs again and Vinyl could feel Octavia cum running down her shaft onto her legs. Vinyl ungritted her teeth carried a speechless Octavia across the room, finally collapsing onto the scarlet couch where Octavia fell forwards and pressed her breasts into Vinyl's face, breathing again when Vinyl's cock slid most of the way out of her and the bulge which had been pressing out of her stomach receded. "V- Vinyl." she managed, still gasping for breath. "I've- never had one- this big." Vinyl smirked: Octavia's pussy was perfect and she was closer to blowing her load than she would have liked to admit. "Well you'd better get used to it; everyone says that Fancy Pants is just as big." Octavia's eyes widened further. "You can't be serious!" "Yep. And it isn't just your pussy he's going to want." Vinyl lifted a finger to Octavia's mouth and ran it over her lips, meaningfully. Octavia hesitated slightly, but quickly unfolded herself from on top of Vinyl and sank down onto the thick shag rug, hands running over Vinyl's body and playing with her tits, now beaded with warm sweat, as she did so. Octavia eventually settled onto her knees in front of the couch and ran her hands over Vinyl's thighs, eyes meeting the monstrous blue cock in front of her. Despite her nerves, she licked her lips in anticipation. Vinyl reached a hand down and began to toy with Octavia's hair. The thick charcoal strands were still slightly damp from the shower, or maybe that was sweat, and Vinyl watched eagerly as Octavia leaned her head forwards and began to run her tongue over the throbbing cock. She could only just reach the tip from where she was kneeling, and Vinyl quickly sat up to bring the head of her cock into easier reach and to press it forwards into the other girl's eager throat. Octavia gagged, but quickly recovered, running her tongue over the tip repeatedly and tasting the first drops of sickly sweet ectoplasm that were beading there. She moved a hand up and down Vinyl's length, firming stroking the rock hard shaft as her other hand moved unconsciously down between her legs and began to gracelessly mash at her clit. Vinyl could feel the rough tongue running over her and clenched her jaw again, trying to resist the inevitable surge of ecstacy. Then Octavia lifted her hand up from her pussy, flicked a stray lock of hair away from her violet eyes, and winked. Vinyl gasped and pushed down hard on Octavia's head, forcing the hug cock down her throat and making Octavia shudder with shock and pleasure as her eyes rolled back into her head. Without warning a torrent of ectoplasm shot from Vinyl's cock and coated the inside of Octavia's throat. The pure carnal shock made Octavia shudder as her own orgasm wracked her body and cum soaked her thighs. Vinyl didn't let up, more and more thick cum filling Octavia's throat and belly until it began to bulge. Octavia had never felt so completely satisfied, but the cum kept shooting into her in waves until she could no longer swallow and her head flew backwards in a torrent of electric blue ectoplasm which coated her face and mane and dripped from her exhausted lips onto her breasts. As the searing-white ecstasy began to fade, Octavia's head fell down onto Vinyl's belly and the unicorn's spell finally dispersed, ethereal blue appendage fading away to nothing. Vinyl wiped some goo off her belly with a finger and licked it curiously. "Hmm. Blueberries this time." She smirked. "It's just as well you didn't have any breakfast." Octavia looked up at her dazedly, still recovering from the most intense orgasm of her life. "I guess I need another shower." she managed. Vinyl agreed. They both did. > "Choker Counts" [Vinyl x Shining] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia hadn't woken up until two. Now she'd showered (twice) and it was already five. Luckily, by the time she stepped out of her second shower she was feeling slightly less bloated than she had felt going in. Octavia dried herself off but didn't bother with a towel: it was an effort to hold on and Vinyl was hardly going to mind at this stage (or, apparently, at any stage). Feeling suitably refreshed, Octavia stepped back out of the bathroom and padded softly back into the living room, bare feet making next-to no noise on the floorboards. Vinyl was already there, sitting at the counter and eating a bowl of something warm and sickly sweet, hair still wet from her shower. Something still smelled... Strange. "What is that, Vinyl? Is that breakfast?" "Pan fried chocolate flakes," Vinyl said, not looking up. "Kinda more like dinner now." She paused, looking thoughtful. "Guess it was more like lunch before. Meh." Octavia looked at her with a mixture of disgust, disdain and a little bit of intrigue. "Eww..." "Hey! Vinyl looked up meaningfully. "Don't knock it-" She paused, then suddenly burst into laughter. Octavia blushed, "What?" she demanded. "Did I miss some somewhere?" She began to comb through her hair with her fingers but she'd gone over it thoroughly in the shower (there had been a lot to go over) and had thought that she had gotten everything out. Vinyl put a hand to her mouth in an attempt not to spit fried cereal and milk all over the kitchen counter. "I- I can't believe you believed me!" she managed. Octavia noticed for the first time that Vinyl was wearing a white crop-top, black choker and denim shorts. The Machiavellian jigsaw began to assemble itself, and she jumped. "Vinyl! Why would you do that?!" Octavia's arms folded around her chest to hide her breasts but they just bulged around the edges. Vinyl laughed even harder, banging her fist on the table and coughing as a bit of cereal lodged in her throat. "It-" *cough* "It was too funny!" Vinyl choked out between coughs. "I never thought you'd actually fall for it! You're so gullible!" Octavia stormed over to the couch and picked up a blanket, wrapping it around her like a towel and holding it with one hand. "Where are my clothes?" she demanded, still smoldering as Vinyl tried to recover from her fit. Vinyl sighed with sadistic happiness. "They really are in the wash. I've lain you out some stuff for tonight on the dressing table over there." She motioned vaguely across the living room. "Which reminds me; you'll have to leave fairly soon to get to the garden party." Octavia hesitantly dropped her modesty-blanket and walked over to Vinyl's dressing table. There was an open-backed charcoal-black dress over the chair and matching white pairs of thigh-high socks and elbow-high gloves on top of it. On the desk sat two black platform shoes, a pair of lacy black underwear (of course) and a small earring box. Curious, Octavia opened the box. "Studs? Wouldn't something fancier be more appropriate? White silver and diamonds would match the gloves nicely." Vinyl raised an eyebrow. "Sometimes I forget how fancy you are." "I'm not fancy!" Vinyl chuckled. "Yes you are, but that's not the point. The earrings are bugged; I'll turn them on once ya get to the party and I can record any... Words Fancy Pants might say while he's-" "Making love-" "Bonking you." Vinyl grinned. "Blackmail earrings." Octavia deadpanned. "You really are a pro at this aren't you?" "Yep! They're only studs because most guys won't bother to take them off before they get down t'business. Long ones can get in the way." Octavia began to slip on the clothes. "Wait, does this mean that you're not coming to the party?" "Well duh. I'm blackmailing half of the guest list! Can't very well show my face can I?" "Ah. Fair enough." Octavia slipped on the thigh socks and Vinyl whistled appreciatively. "Wow. We are gonna make so much money." Octavia shot her a look and Vinyl raised her hands defensively. "Yes! I know, you're only in this to get back at Fancy Pants. Does that mean you can't enjoy the money too?" As Octavia was putting the earrings in Vinyl slipped her phone from the pocket of her shorts and tapped at the screen. Octavia jumped when the earrings 'pinged' at her. "Say something." said Vinyl. "Hello?" The other girl held the phone up to her ears and gave a thumbs up. "Good." Vinyl tapped her phone and turned off the link. "I'll call you a taxi to Fancy's place; I've got your invitation here too." Octavia looked startled. "Wait, already? You haven't even told me what to say! What do I do?" Vinyl held out a gold-trimmed card and smirked. "Octavia: he's a rich, stressed out, middle-aged business tycoon who just divorced by his second wife but couldn't afford to cheat on her in case she took even more of his cash. He's probably resisting the urge to fuck every woman there and you're half the age and twice the cup-size of the next most attractive option. 'Good evening, Mr Fancy Pants' ought'a do it." Octavia still looked nervous but she took the invitation off Vinyl and after a moment's thought slipped it into the hem of a sock. "Ok then... What about the cash?" Vinyl rolled her eyes. "I thought this wasn't about the money?" she jabbed, playfully. "It's not! I still want it though." "Yea yea, don't worry about it. You can come and get it from me tomorrow." Octavia nodded. "Ok then. Wish me luck I guess." Vinyl smiled. "Car's waiting. I'll follow your earrings to whatever hotel you wind up at." Vinyl watched the other girl leave appreciatively; she cut a damn good figure in that dress. About half an hour after she had left there was a knock on her door. Vinyl was playing candy crush, and didn't bother to look up. "It's open, Shining." A tall man with a long black coat and blue scarf opened the door and wandered in. He threw his scarf over a hatstand and sat down at the table next to Vinyl. She still didn't look up from her phone. "You're shit at that game." he said, casually. "Yea, yea. Laugh it up." "I have to admit, Vinyl. I didn't think you'd be able to pull this one off." Vinyl raised an eyebrow. "After Fleur? Piece of cake." "Oh?" Vinyl looked at the man and grinned. "She's a very sexually repressed mare." "You didn't." He deadpanned. "Yep." "What? With the-" "Yep." Vinyl grinned proudly. The man just rolled his eyes. "As long as it doesn't slow her down tonight." "Oh it won't. Believe me." ----<<<<>>>>---- Octavia felt out of practice in the platform shoes: she used to wear this kind of thing all the time but even before her parents cut her off there hadn't been much call for inconveniently high shoes at The Academy. She made her way unsteadily down the stairs and into the waiting taxi. "Royal Gallery Garden Party?" asked the driver. "Yes, please." The car pulled out onto the street and Octavia ran her hand through her hair nervously. It was almost six o'clock and it was beginning to go dark: the faint orange twilight turning the streets of Canterlot into a single amber scene. The outside world streaked past in a warm blur but Octavia wasn't paying attention: the Royal Gallery Garden Party was an exclusive event but not quite so exclusive that the Princesses would be in attendance themselves. That left a load of stuffy nobles and not much else. Fancy Pants was a patron, as he was of so many things, so it made sense that he would have an invitation, but they weren't exactly for sale down in market square. How did Vinyl get her hands on one? Octavia put it down to blackmail and was jolted back to reality by the stopping taxi. "There we go, miss." The driver stepped out of the taxi and opened the door for her. Octavia panicked. "I- I just realized that I don't have any money on me. I'm-" "Oh that's all right miss!" The driver interrupted. "It's all paid for." Octavia started, but quickly stepped out of the taxi and tried once again to balance on her unfamiliar shoes. "Oh. Well, thank you then." He tipped his hat. "You're very welcome, miss. Have a nice night." Octavia thought that that was unlikely to happen, but didn't say so. Once she was balanced on the cobbles she took in her surroundings. Of course the Royal Gallery Garden Party was held in the Royal Gardens; some part of her hand been aware of that. Still, she hadn't really thought about it until now. The Gardens were lit up beautifully and the lighting would only improve as the sun set further: fairy lights in every colour filled the trees and bushes of the garden and glowed on roses and tulips which lined every path and alcove. The rest of the garden was either bathed in one of a handful of spotlights or the same golden twilight as the rest of the city. The spotlights were lighting tables and counters which looked from a distance like they were laden with food and drink. Reluctantly, Octavia resigned herself to stick to the food; Vinyl probably wouldn't appreciate her getting drunk and chatting to the guards about the how profitable extortion was these days. Octavia slipped her invitation out of a sock and handed it to the guard on the gate. His expression didn't change at all, but after a brief examination he handed over a small silver ring and stepped aside. Octavia's expression was blank. "Er- What's this?" she asked. The guard remained stoic. "Re-entry pass, miss." "Oh! Yes. Ok, thank you." Octavia walked past him hurriedly and slipped the ring onto one finger. Part of her thought that Vinyl had picked her for this job because of her family's reputation, but this was a bit beyond even her. She must have been slightly late: the garden was already almost full and a few of the more reckless attendees were clearly already a few drinks deep into their evenings. Octavia picked up a canapé and glanced about for Fancy Pants. He was nowhere to be seen, but it was a big garden. She supposed that she'd better find him before Vinyl's warning came true and he was caught dry-humping any particularly curvy statues. She popped a cube of cheese into her mouth and began to navigate her way through the crowd. She could feel her confidence returning: perhaps she was more at home than she had thought. "I don't know if you're listening, Vinyl, but I'm in." ----<<<<>>>>---- Vinyl wasn't listening. She and Shining Armour were sitting on cushions on opposite sides of a glass coffee table in Vinyl's living room. Playing cards were scattered over the table and several items of clothing, mostly Vinyl's, were lying around them on the carpet. "Choker counts." She said. "Oh come on." Shining Armour exclaimed. "Choker does not count! If it's kinky then it doesn't count." "Too late!" Vinyl unclipped the aforementioned black choker from her neck and spun it around her finger. "Besides," she smirked, "everything's kinky if you want it to be." Shining rolled his eyes and picked up the playing cards on the table as Vinyl tossed the choker onto the carpet. "You're running out of extra pieces." Vinyl flashed a predatory grin over the table. She'd always enjoyed poker, strip poker doubly so, but she'd never been much good. Not that she really cared; she was down to her bra and panties but somehow Shining Armour, missing only a shirt, looked more uncomfortable with the situation than she did. "Bra in." Shining raised an eyebrow. "You haven't even seen your cards yet." Vinyl didn't respond. Instead, she leant forwards over the coffee table and unclipped her bra. Her breasts relaxed when the strap came undone and swung seductively over the glass. Shining dropped a hand of cards onto the table under Vinyl's breasts and tried not to stare. Then the girl tossed her bra over one shoulder and brought her legs up to kneel on the table. "I fold." Vinyl pounced forwards and knocked Shining onto his back, some guard instinct surged forwards as his muscles tensed up, but vanished just as quickly once his lips locked with Vinyl's and she began to run her hands over his muscular chest. Eventually, Vinyl broke the kiss and sat up, still pinning Shining to the carpet with her thighs. "So you like chokers huh?" she teased. "That's hardly strange you know." Shining replied. Vinyl mock-pouted. "But I only have one piece of clothing left! I can't put the choker back on." Shining rolled his eyes again. "You can have one of mine if you'd like." "Ooh..." Vinyl purred. "I like that idea." A cyan glimmer wrapped itself around Shining's trousers and began to dexterously undo every buckle and button, sliding them off and tossing them onto the floor. At the same time the discarded black choker flew back across the room and into Vinyl's grip. Shining ran his hands up and down Vinyl's body as she put put the accessory back on. Finally she adjusted the choker and eyed him seductively. "How do I look?" "Like an excellent fuck." Vinyl grinned. "I try." Shining's hands ran up to her shoulder-blades and pulled her down on top of him. A surprised squeak turned into a moan as her bulging breasts pressed into his pecs and their lips locked again, tongues running into and out of each others' mouths. Vinyl's hands explored Shining's chest for a few moments until a flicker of magic pulled at his last remaining item of clothing and his underwear joined his trousers on the carpet. As soon as he was naked Vinyl felt his hot, rigid cock pressing into her panties and let out a moan; it'd been too long since she'd had cock, and nothing she'd ever been able to do to herself, however elaborate, ever felt quite the same as the real thing. One of Shining's hands squeezed her ass and she moaned again. Still, she thought, she could have some other fun first. Vinyl broke the kiss again and slid backwards off Shining slowly. He watched her for a moment, but quickly realized what was going on and leant backwards, levitating in another cushion as a pillow. His hands ran through Vinyl's hair as she propped herself up on her elbows and began to kiss at his cock. "Celestia, Vinyl. I thought you said you fucked Octavia earlier?" Vinyl hummed on his cock and delighted in the little shiver it produced. "Yea... It's not the same." Vinyl lay as if she was completely relaxed: feet in the air, tits just grazing the carpet. She locked eyes with Shining and ran her tongue up the length of his cock, kissing the top and winking. "What about you?" she asked. "I thought you were married now." Shining groaned. "Don't remind me." "What?" Vinyl looked innocent. "Is she not as good as me?" "Let's just say she only uses me when she needs me." Vinyl looked genuinely surprised, but didn't let it interrupt her tongue. "Oh? I thought she was the Princess of, ya know, love. Shining scoffed. "Yea, sure. She needed a bodyguard and a husband and I was the best candidate for the j- ah!" He gasped as Vinyl suddenly took his length into her mouth and swirled around it with her tongue. "Yes, Vinyl!" Shining's hands dug into Vinyl's hair and forced her further down onto his cock, but she'd been expecting it and the shaft slid into her throat effortlessly, making Shining gasp again. "V- Vinyl," he stuttered. "I'm gonna-" Vinyl pulled her head up sharply and Shining's cock flew out of her mouth with a pop. Immediately, her cyan aura surrounded his balls and Shining clenched his teeth in irritation as the immense pressure in his crotch faded to a dull ache. "Wh- What did you do?!" Vinyl fixed her hair casually with one hand and smirked at him. "We're not done here yet." Vinyl sat back up on her knees and slid forwards over Shining's still rock-hard cock. Another flicker of cyan pulled her panties down over her legs and dropped them onto Shining's face. Her arousal filled his nostrils and his cock twitched again, blue glow around his balls briefly intensifying as he gasped. "Tut tut," Vinyl admonished him, "not yet." Shining shook the panties off his head and Vinyl watched with amusement as sweat began to bead on his forehead and she ran her fingers over his guardsman's body. "Shame. Your wife doesn't know what she's missing." Vinyl rocked back and forwards, breasts swaying hypnotically as Shining's cock pressed into her wet slid. She shivered with pleasure. Frustrated, Shining grabbed her ass and tried to push her down onto his cock but a bright flare from her horn threw his hands back to the carpet and pinned them there. She brought one hand up to her mouth in mock astonishment. "My my, Shiny. We are in a hurry aren't we?" Vinyl didn't let up the slow rocking, and Shining's balls felt like they were going to burst. Vinyl probed at his abs, tense with frustration, and bit her lip. "Fine, I guess you've had enough." Slowly, tortuously, she pushed herself up off Shining and knelt above him imperiously. "Beg." "W- What?" Shining stuttered. Vinyl stared back, predatory gaze unflinching. "You heard me." "P- Please, Vinyl." "Please what?" she demanded. Shining looked helpless. He tried to move his arms but they were still held to the floor. "Please, do it. Ride me!" Vinyl laughed and pressed down suddenly ramming Shining's cock into her like a spear. She gasped as the solid rod immediately filled her and pressed up against her inner walls. Shining groaned: Vinyl's hot pussy walls were clamping down furiously on his dick but he still couldn't cum. Vinyl's cum began to leak out of her pussy and mix with the sweat soaking his fur. Vinyl bounced on his cock furiously, squeaking with pleasure every time it forced itself back into her and rubbing at her bouncing tits with one free hand. She could feel her own orgasm building and she rushed towards it urgently. She was a fraction from the edge when she remembered a critical detail: there's nothing like cumming to break one's concentration, but it was too late. A final thrust down onto Shining's cock pushed her over and she came, wetness gushing out around the cock in her cunt as she screamed. With a fizzle of magic the restraints holding down Shining's arms broke and immediately he shot up and slammed her back down onto the table. Any pain was lost in the ecstasy and she just barely managed to focus on Shining's face as he loomed over her, one of Vinyl's thighs held up in each hand, and grinned. "You're done for you fucking tease." Vinyl couldn't have resisted if she'd wanted to. Shining pressed her back down onto the glass table and thrust vigorously into her dripping cunt. Vinyl's tongue lolled out of her mouth as a second orgasm hit her and every thrust of Shining's dick made her cry out and her tits wobble. Shining could feel his own orgasm building quickly and groaned as the blue magic around his balls finally fizzled and died. "Fucking finally," he breathed, still thrusting relentlessly. "you deserve this!" With a grunt Shining hilted himself inside Vinyl and a white-hot orgasm shot through his body as he shot a torrent of cum into her pussy. Vinyl came again as the first jet of seed painted her insides white and her hands grasped longingly at Shining's crotch as if trying to push him further into her with every wave of cum. Shining breathed heavily and stared down at Vinyl's shaking body as his orgasm ended and Vinyl's overfilled pussy began to leak his seed onto the sweat-soaked glass. After a few moments Shining pulled his softening dick out of Vinyl and a second wave of cum dribbled out and onto the table. Shining was still holding her legs in the air and he slapped her ass before he dropped them onto the cushion on the floor. Vinyl groaned wordlessly and Shining walked around to her head and looked down on her: her choker had rubbed a patch of her neck red with all the movement and every inch of her was soaked with sweat. "Clean it up would you?" Shining demanded, and Vinyl wordlessly extended her tongue to lick the cum from Shining's dick. There was no way he was going to be hard again for a week after that, but something about watching Vinyl lick his cock clean was satisfying for all sorts of reasons. Finally, he pulled away and ran a hand over her body. "I need a shower. Shan't be long." Vinyl watched him go, still trying to focus enough for words. After a few minutes she peeled herself off the glass and chuckled to herself. "Not quite what was planned, but I'm not complaining." > "Not Just Looking" [Octavia x Fancy Pants x Beauty Brass] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia brushed aside the other guests with a practiced ease that she hadn't even known that she'd had until she'd needed it. They were mostly greying, middle-aged businessmen and their wives, with the occasional aging bachelor or sour-faced but wealthy widow. Nobody she had any interest in talking to, in other words. Octavia slipped out of the throng of bodies and onto a gravel path lit by a row of lampposts. Fancy Pants was nowhere to be seen, but he couldn't have gone far. There was a second, smaller crowd clustered around a granite fountain at the far end of the alleyway of light. Octavia smoothed out her dress and took a step forwards when a hand grabbed her wrist. "Octavia! I haven't seen you in ages!" Octavia spun around, startled. "Beauty Brass? What are you doing here?" A grin began to spread across Octavia's face but was suddenly killed off. Beauty Brass lived up to her name: a figure hugging strapless white dress over a pale blue and immaculate coat with curly, chestnut brown hair cut into an endearingly tomboy-ish bush above silver earrings and a matching sapphire necklace. She was the only other young woman Octavia had seen. She was competition. Beauty laughed melodically, rose-pink eyes fluttering attractively. "Oh, this and that..." She leaned in and whispered. "There's a lot of unmarried money here you know." Octavia resisted the urge to grit her teeth. "Yes. I know." Beauty's eyes widened slightly. "Is that why you're here? Octavia! I never took you for the type." "Hey! You know I never got around with father hovering over my shoulder; is it so bad that I'd want some tail?" Beauty raised an eyebrow. "Tail?" "Urgh. Fine. Cash." Octavia bit her lip nervously, but decided to go for broke. "Look. You can have anyone you want except Fancy Pants." Beauty smirked and leaned in, curious. "Oh? Why's that?" "I- er... I feel a deep emotional connection to-" "To his money?" "...Yes?" "Yea right. Try again, Octavia." Octavia looked flustered. "Never you mind! Just leave Fancy Pants alone alright?" Beauty paused, then whispered. "Have you heard about his cock too?" "What?!" Octavia recoiled. "No- I mean, yes, but- Look, that's not important!" Beauty giggled. "Maybe not for you. I want some of that meat." "I thought this was about money!" "What?" Beauty taunted her. "Just because I want some sugar means I can't enjoy something savory?" Octavia glared at the other girl. "You can't have him." "Oh?" Beauty leaned forwards again and a pair of warm lips grazed Octavia's cheek sensually. Beauty whispered. "Stop me." Octavia stood paralyzed as Beauty spun on one heel and sashayed down the gravel path towards the smaller crowd. After a moment, Octavia shook herself and followed her: if she wanted a fight, she had one. ----<<<<>>>>---- Fancy Pants should have been bored. He wasn't: he almost never was, not if he had anything to say about it, but the party was objectively boring: boring venue (he'd been a dozen times), boring people (he'd owned all of the important ones), boring little squabbles and boring little lives. He bit into a shrimp and chorizo canape; at least the food wasn't bad. Five minutes ago he'd plugged one of the spouts in the fountain behind him with his handkerchief. He glanced at his watch; it must be about time now. Fancy Pants frowned thoughtfully, then took one step backwards and turned around to face the couple he had just stepped in front of. "Oh, Mr Cogworthy, I'm so sorry. I didn't notice you there." Fancy Pants' voice oozed sincerity in a way that only a expert liar's could. The unicorn he had blocked looked slightly flustered, but recovered quickly. "Oh, that's quite al-" With a sudden pop, the fountain nozzle unclogged itself and sent a spray of water out into the crowd. Fancy Pants took a half step backwards and tried to act shocked when the sudden shower soaked Mrs Cogworthy, who had been hanging on her husband's fountain-side arm and who yelped in fright when the freezing cold water hit her. Fancy Pants took a fresh handkerchief out of his pocket. "Oh my!" He exclaimed. "Dear Mrs Cogworthy, what a frightful accident! Please, take this." The handkerchief was perfectly folded and clean. It wasn't much of a towel, but that didn't matter. Fancy Pants read Mrs Cogworthy's expression as she eyed the square: some shock still, yes, but she was also looking at the gold edge. Ah, there it was: envy. Fancy Pants grinned internally; anything that upset his business rival's wives upset his business rivals, and anything that upset his business rivals was, well, just good business. The damp Mrs Cogworthy took the handkerchief with a muttered thanks and began to fail to dry herself off as she and her damp husband slunk away. Fancy Pants was never bored if he could help it. "Oh, Lord Fancy Pants! It's been too long!" Fancy Pants turned to look for the voice and saw Beauty Brass' busty figure swaying its way towards him tailed closely by the monochrome vision that was Octavia. He definitely wasn't bored now. ----<<<<>>>>---- Octavia struggled to look ladylike, rushing to keep up with Beauty Brass as the other girl took strides into the crowd around the fountain. Octavia slid past a slightly wet couple, who were bickering as they walked towards the exit, and caught up with Beauty at the same time her eyes fell on Fancy Pants. "Miss Brass. How do you do?" Fancy said. "I hope you're enjoying the gardens." Beauty ran a hand back through her curly hair and smiled. "They're not bad I suppose... I was really hoping for a little fun, though." Fancy's expression showed nothing, but his eyes flickered briefly to the slowly retreating Mr and Mrs Cogworthy. "I prefer to make my own fun." Beauty took a half step closer. "Me too." She purred. Fancy smirked. "Lord Fancy Pants! How do you do?" Octavia slid herself quickly into the narrowing gap between Beauty and Fancy and ran her arm up around Fancy's neck. "It's so good to see you!" Fancy's eyebrows rose by a fraction, but he didn't pull back. "Octavia Melody; fancy seeing you here." Octavia detached herself from Fancy's neck and slid smoothly onto one arm. "You were saying how you liked to make your own fun, Fancy?" Beauty glanced at her irately and hooked herself onto the other arm. "Yes Fancy, do go on." Fancy glanced vaguely at the crowd and began to stroll leisurely towards the edge of the garden with smirk. Octavia leaned her head backwards and peered over Fancy's shoulders to meet Beauty's gaze. I'll do it. You know I will. She mouthed. Beauty glared back. Try me. I'll take it all. Beauty grinned. Good luck. Octavia turned away and stuck her chin up stubbornly. She'd gotten rid of all of the competition bar one; now all she needed was to get rid of Beauty Brass. Wait. Why? Octavia frowned. It didn't actually matter if Beauty was involved, right? She stole a glance at Beauty's rack. Octavia certainly wasn't complaining. On second thought this was perfect! What could be more scandalous than a one girl? Two! Octavia smirked. Fancy led the two girls out through a gate and flashed a golden signet ring at the guard, who stepped aside. "I hope you two girls know what you're getting into here." Fancy said as they crossed the street. Beauty got in first "I do, Fancy, but-" "I think we both know what we're doing." Octavia smiled devilishly and winked at Beauty, who looked confused. "We both came for this right?" Beauty looked surprised by her bluntness. Fancy just looked amused. Beauty chuckled. "I suppose you're not wrong..." "Excellent." Fancy smiled. "We're nearly there." Fancy had lead them down various brightly lit streets and stopped at an old and ornate building which glowed from inside with lamplight and the sound of laughter. The two girls looked at it in wonder as Fancy began to walk them towards the entrance and held the door open. Abruptly, Octavia remembered her earrings. "Wow..." she breathed. "What is this place?" Fancy smiled. "It's the Royal Platinum Hotel." The name meant nothing to Octavia, but she tapped on her earring subconsciously. I hope you got that, Vinyl. Beauty stepped gracefully past Fancy and lightly brushed his chest with one hand, smiling playfully. Octavia followed her and Fancy let the door swing shut behind them. The inside of the Royal Platinum Hotel was even more ornate than the outside: the building was clearly ancient, and old wooden floorboards creaked warmly as Fancy led the two girls across the red-carpeted entrance hall and past a receptionist who very pointedly didn't glance at any of them. The hallways were all uniquely decorated and gorgeous. Octavia found herself genuinely wanting to stop and look around, the sheer style driving the butterflies from her stomach, but there was no time. She snapped back to reality when Beauty stopped abruptly and Octavia just barely avoided walking into her. She eyed the other girl's curves; she might be nervous, but there was plenty to look forward to as well. Beauty turned a little to catch Octavia's wandering gaze. "You know, as long as we're doing this, you don't have to just look." Octavia blushed slightly, but leaned forwards and kissed Beauty's cheek, one hand running gradually down her back. "I look forward to not just looking..." Fancy had stopped in the hallway and pulled a key on a chain from around his neck to unlock the solid-looking wooden door on his left. It swung open with a slight creak and he stepped back to let the girls in. The inside of the room was even more opulently decorated than the lobby: a neatly made-up four poster bed dominated the center of the floor, crimson sheets and fabric curtains dying the whole scene a sinful red. The furniture's wood was a rich chocolate: cherry, or perhaps something exotic, and the whole scene was lit in a golden half-light from a single glowing bedside candle-lamp. Fancy stepped inside after the girls and closed the ancient door with a gentle click. "Can I get either of you a drink?" He asked, casually. Octavia clenched her fists. This was it. She could taste the revenge. There was just one last task to do, and though it wasn't necessarily going to be unpleasant she was still nervous. "No thanks," she replied, spinning suddenly and reaching up on tip-toes to lock lips with Fancy Pants. He seemed surprised, but quickly returned the kiss and began to walk his hands around Octavia's back as hers looped around his neck to keep her upright. Beauty Brass looked on in amusement, then smirked and stepped up behind Octavia, slipping the other girl's dress off her shoulders and eliciting a gasp from within the kiss as the black dress began to slip down her sides and expose her bare breasts. Beauty raised an eyebrow. "I see you were hoping that it wasn't cold tonight?" Octavia was too busy to reply. She pressed her breasts into Fancy's chest and ran one gloved hand through his hair and up his horn, eliciting a gasp from Fancy who squeezed her ass as Beauty pulled the last of Octavia's dress down to the floor. Fancy's firm grip pulled her legs up from the floor and walked over to the bed, sitting her down on top of him as he lay back on the velvety blankets. Octavia began to kiss him again, but he quickly forced her head down to his waist and she turned her attention to his belt. Beauty slid onto the bed from the side and took over the kiss, stripping off layers of tuxedo from Fancy as she did so. Fancy took a grip of her dress and pulled it, snapping both her dress's zip and bra strap without apparent effort and letting her voluptuous breasts flop free. She squeaked in surprise, but recovered, pressing the soft mounds up against his bare, rock-hard chest and moaning in satisfaction. Octavia tugged at Fancy's trousers and they slid away, but she gasped when his enormous member came free and smacked her in the face, two orange-sized orbs flopping down onto the bed sheets. The musk filled her nose and she moaned happily, panties already soaked. He was bigger than Vinyl. Octavia began to kiss playfully at the cock, watching intently as Fancy played with Beauty's breasts, teasing squeaks and moans out of the other girl. She ran her tongue up and down Fancy's shaft before wrapping her mouth around the head and getting a grunt in return. She hummed in satisfaction, but her eyes shot open wide when she felt Fancy's hand on the back of her head and she could only brace for a moment before he forced her down hard and filled her throat. Fancy grunted again as her throat locked down on his cock, and he held her down even as her hands tried desperately to push her back up and free her throat. Octavia's eyes watered as she tried desperately to free herself far enough to breathe. Still, she could feel the tip of his cock pressing against her stomach and her pussy juice began to run down her thighs. Fancy eventually began to let up his grip and Octavia desperately pulled her head upwards towards the air, but before she could gasp Fancy had rammed her head back down again, iron grip on her head never giving room for her to struggle as his foot-long spear forced her throat open again and her eyes began to loose focus. Slowly, her hand motioned weakened and her vision blurred. Drool and precum seeped from her mouth and lubricated the foot of cock in her throat. She could see Beauty climb atop Fancy's chest in front of her, pussy dripping onto his abs, when Fancy grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her head up on his cock only to piston it back down again. Fancy was grunting with every thrust; hand motions becoming more and more violent and erratic. Suddenly, he cried out and held her ragdoll head down. Octavia's vision began to go black, and in the back of her mind she reminded herself of the revenge she would get when Vinyl arrived. The last thing she felt before she passed out was an urgent throbbing in her throat and a torrent of warm, sticky cum which flooded into her stomach. ----<<<<>>>>---- Shining put down his phone and stood up from the couch. "Well, looks like you did it again: Fancy says they've both been fucked silly." He said. "I'll never figure out how you manage." Vinyl had been sitting next to him and didn't bother to get up, just tossing more popcorn into her mouth as some terrible old film or other played on the widescreen in front of her. "Oh, it's not so hard. She was an old roommate, down on money and out for revenge." Shining looked puzzled. "Wait, she needed money? Why didn't Fancy just ask her about all this directly? Why would he pay your extortionate rates?" "Because she wanted revenge too." Vinyl looked up at him with a grin. "Octavia would never have agreed to all this for just money, at least not with the guy who messed up her orchestral career." "I see." Shining looked concerned. "And you don't think she'll be a little disappointed when she discovers that you've played her, sold her body to the guy she hates most, and skipped town?" Vinyl tossed more popcorn into her mouth. "Meh. Your boss pays pretty good. I'll lie low in Manehatten for a while, maybe go clubbing." "I'm beginning to think you get paid more than me." "Oh you'd better believe it." Vinyl grinned. Shining rolled his eyes. "Whatever, at least I don't get hunted down by the Saddle Arabian secret police." "Hey! That was a one time thing!" Vinyl complained. "How was I meant to know that their princess would hold such a grudge? Besides," she mused, "you had a pretty good solution." "I would not call deposing a government to cover up your indiscretions a 'good solution'." "Your boss's indiscretions." "Pfft. Whatever." Shining walked over to the coat rack and lifted off his jacket. It was late, and he needed a rest. Vinyl chewed loudly on some popcorn. "I'll need that money soon yea?" "Only the boss can move money out of the account. He'll transfer it in the morning, I'm sure." "He better" Vinyl grumbled. "I've gotta train ta catch." Shining opened the door and looked back over his shoulder. "Call me when you come back to Canterlot; Fancy can always use your... services." Vinyl grinned. It was a shame she never get to fuck Octavia again, and a small part of her was sad to lose what had almost been a friend, but that part could be ignored: there was plenty of liquor, and girls, in Manehatten. It had been a good week.