> Sit, Roll Over, Gimme A Kiss > by Arian Blaze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Watcha Got There? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Order number… 137!" Pinkie Pie called out, poking her pink plush face over the cash register. "I got a lemon drizzle cake just for you, Noteworthy; made with extra love, and extra sugar!" she giggled a whisper. A sea-blue-coated stallion rose from his seat and slowly trotted over to the counter, a gleeful grin parting his lips. He turned his head away from Pinkie just for a moment as his muzzle reached into his saddle-bag and pulled out a little sack of bits. He placed the sack onto the counter then looked back up at the pearl pink pony. "Thanks, Pinkie Pie, how much do I owe you?" Pinkie tapped her hoof on a few buttons on the cash register and a little bar popped up; she looked back at Noteworthy and read, "That'll be four bits, please." Noteworthy pulled out four bit as requested, and hoofed them over to Pinkie Pie. "Thankies," she smiled. "I hope you enjoy it." "No, thank you, Pinkie Pie. You make some of the best treats I have ever tasted!" Noteworthy chirped happily before trotting out of Sugarcube Corner. "Happy to help." She smiled as the stallion walked out of sight. Sighing loudly, she faceplanted the table top, beads of sweat rolling down her cheeks. "Whew… you're getting old, Pinkie girl." She looked up to see ponies tucking into their cakes and hay burgers. A soft grumble passed through the little mare's tummy, followed by a squeak of embarrassment. "Oh, Pinkie, honey," said an elderly voice, poking her head out of the back room. "You've done such a wonderful job today! Why don't you take the rest of the day off?" "You sure, Mrs Cake? I couldn't do that to you. Not with Mr Cake watching Pound and Pumpkin." "Phsh," Mrs Cake scoffed, "with all you've done? I have hardly any treats left with all you've sold!" She gestured a hoof to a few near-deserted goodie shelves. Pinkie scratched the back of her head, her cheeks tingled softly with embarrassment.  "Heh, guess I got a little carried away, huh?" "Not at all, dear. You run along and enjoy the rest of the afternoon off." Mrs Cake pointed to the door with a shooing hoof. "But—" "No butts, little one; they're for sitting on." She paused for a moment then smiled softly. "Tell you what. How about you deliver Spike's batch of blue sapphire cupcakes over to Twilight's castle? I was going to send Carrot, but you could probably do with spending time with your friends. I can't remember the last time you left this place!" Pinkie sat on her soft, squishy rump, pondering for a moment. She then nodded and sprung to her hooves. "Okie dokie, Mrs Cake! You can count on me!" Her tail stretched to logic defying length before pulling out a white cardboard box from the kitchen, with a blue ribbon holding the package together. She pecked the middle-aged mare on the cheek before skipping over the counter and out of Sugarcube Corner. "And don't go licking off any of the frosting like you did last time!" Mrs Cake shouted, poking her head out of the window. Pinkie gasped in astonishment, holding a hoof to her mouth. "What kind of mare do you think I am?!" she exclaimed, scrunching her nose. "All those cupcakes will be in the same state when they left that very kitchen! K, love you, bye!" She trotted down the street. The blue mare chuckled, rolling her eyes and walked back into the bakery to discover two little foals rolling around on the floor, covered head to hoof in flour. She faced-hoofed and sighed. "Mmm," Pinkie cheered as she wiped blue frosting from her lips, "that was deeelicious!" The little pink pony clambered up the steps to Twilight's castle, and pounded loudly on the crystal door, yelling out a long, solid, "TWILIIIIGHT!" As she waited in silence, she looked at the empty box of what were cupcakes above her flank. D’oh, you dumb horse, she cursed to herself. A small baby Dragon opened the oversized door and looked up. "Oh, hey there, Pinkie Pie. Are those my cupcakes?" He pointed a claw to the box, "I've been waiting forever for them." "Uhhh, no?" "No?" Spike quirked an eyebrow. "Um, no," Pinkie sweated," I mean… it's… happy empty box day, Spike!" Pinkie quickly shoved the light box into the purple dragons hands as she skipped over him, and zipped down the long, shiny hallway. Spiked looked into the box only to see tiny blue crumbs covering the box. He groaned, dumping the empty package on the floor and closed the door behind him. "Woohoo!" Pinkie exclaimed, skidding along the crystallized floor, as though it were an ice rink. She came to a sudden halt when she saw a lavender alicorn in her study, muzzle deep in a book, to no surprise. Time for a little scare, she snickered to herself. Pinkie slithered onto her belly like a serpent in the grass. She weaved in and out of the bookshelves where she reached Twilight behind her seat. The little pony smirked then squealed as she began her pounce on her prey, to then have her attack terminated by a pink aura of magic. "Gotcha!" Twilight exclaimed. "Wha? How did you—" "Ooh, you were just the pony I was looking for, Pinkie Pie…" the purple mare cooed in a drowsy voice. She looked Pinkie in the eyes, her own heavy with what looked like bags hanging from bags, whilst her mane more tangled than a hay bale. "You okay, Twilight? You're looking a little… blergh." Pinkie Pie mimicked a deceased horse she had once seen from one of Spike's Trotting Dead comics, with her eyes fading to a soft grey. "I finally did it. I've finally cracked how to make all animals obedient." "Uh, like control ponies? Don't tell me you turning into crae-crae Starlight, girl," Pinkie said with concern in her voice. "Hmm? Oh, no, no." Twilight shook her head, releasing Pinkie from her magic, sending her plummeting to the ground with a thud. "But I did take some elements from her spell, and altered it quite drastically. It's taken two sleepless nights, but it's ready." Pinkie grunted and sat up, rubbing her sore flank. "Sooo, what does that mean? Are we gonna get a load of animals turning into discorded monsters, spreading chaos and chocolate everywhere? Ooh, the last bit sounds fun!" "Pinkie, no. It's much more simple. A lot of ponies in Ponyville, or a matter of fact, Equestria struggle to train their pets to behave, and it can cost the ponies hundreds of bits to send them to training classes. That's why I propose that you, Pinkie Pie, try my latest invention. I mean, you have as much energy as a two month old puppy!" "Heh, that's all awesome, Twilight, but I think you might be getting a little ahead of yourself." Pinkie backed up a little nervously. The alicorn scrounged under her desk and whispered a quiet, "aha," unaware to Pinkie's remark. She got back up and turned back around, a crooked, forced smile spreading across her cheeks. The aura around her horn had once again returned, this time holding a circular object behind her back. She walked up to Pinkie, looking down on her. Pinkie pursed her lips together and cowered in worry. "Twilight?" "Guess what, Pinkie." The pink pony tilted her head and before she was given the chance to speak, she felt a click next to her body. She peered down and saw a black collar around her neck. "You're now my first test subject. Now, puppy," Twilight grinned, "sit." Pinkie froze up, feeling a tingling sensation throughout her body. The collar around her neck glowed a soft yellow, and with that, Pinkie sat down. "Hey, I didn't do that!" "Of course you did… well, I made you do it." Twilight chortled. "But," Pinkie scratched the collar with her hind hoof, tilting her head to the side, practically mimicking Applejack's pet Winona, "why don't you use Spike? He's more of a pet than the rest of us, annnnd didn't you say he turned into a dog when you went through that weird magical mirror back in Canterlot?" "That is true, yes, but one: Spike is not my pet, and two… my last experiment might have caused an argument where he didn't talk to me for two weeks. I trapped him in a room filled with dragonsneeze plants to see how the body would defend itself. I'm not allowed to experiment on him anymore." "Oookay, well maybe you cou—" "Lay down," Twilight ordered. Yet again, the collar beamed yellow around the pony's neck, and right on cue, Pinkie Pie lay on the cold crystal floor. "That's a good puppy! Now, you have to do as I say, or no treats," she smirked. Pinkie felt unable to move, she looked down at her neck, still continuing to glow. She looked up at Twilight, breathing out a sigh of defeat. "Alright, I will. I mean, it could be fun." The pony gleamed, regaining her happiness. Twilight trotted excitedly in one spot. "Great! Oh, and one more thing. You will refer to me as Mistress." "Huh?" Pinkie questioned, her mouth slightly agape. "It's important. Anyway," Twilight shook her head as she changed the subject, "puppy, shake." Pinkie raised her right hoof out to Twilight as per her order, where she returned the shake with her own hoof. "Very good, puppy!" Pinkie's tail, as if a puppy had taken over her small body, thumped vigorously on the floor in excitement. She knew what she was doing felt strange, but it somehow felt right. And for sure, she knew she wanted Twilight to be happy. "Thank you, Mistress," she cooed. Twilight softly bit her bottom lip, giving a long thought about what her next order might be. Aha, I've got it, she thought to herself. "Puppy, kiss me," she gestured a hoof to her cheek. The collar glowed bright, blinding Twilight for a moment, distracting her long enough to feel a full force push her down onto her back. Pinkie locked lips with the alicorn, catching the unsuspecting pony off-guard. Her lips felt warm, yet soft. This kiss did not feel forced, despite the collar controlling Pinkie, it felt passionate. Pinkie slowly pulled away, her baby-blue eyes half-lidded, stared deep into Twilight's, who was still looking at her with shock. "How was that, Mistress?" "I…" Twilight struggled to find the right words to muster up." I was only expecting a lick on the cheek. Pinkie's cheeks turned a deep shade of red. She quickly backed away from Twilight in embarrassment. Looking to the floor, she sighed. "I'm sorry, it's the collar… it just felt right." She glanced up and smiled sheepishly. The alicorn sat back up. "Oh, I'm not complaining." She wafted a hoof. "I was just surprised. In fact, I rather liked it." She began to feel something warm in her nether region. "You know what, this has given me an idea. Follow me, puppy." She gestured her wing to a set of staircase leading to her bedroom. Pinkie gulped then nodded, following behind Twilight. Both ponies made their way up what felt like miles of stairs. As they grew ever closer, Pinkie could smell a sweetness in the air, like an new unwrapped piece of bubblegum. She hungrily licked her lips, unsure of where this delicious smell was coming from. "Here we are, puppy!" Twilight exclaimed. "You just wait here while I go fetch something." She trotted over to her dresser, pulling out the bottom drawer, then began to rummage inside. Dammit, where is that leash? Twilight huffed to herself. Pinkie Pie shuffled from hoof to hoof, growing more impatient. She had to do something, anything. She looked over at Twilight, the front half of her body buried deep into what seemed like a bottomless pit. She flapped her tail in frustration, giving Pinkie a few second glance at the pony's damp marehood. "Come on, where are you?!" Twilight grunted quietly. "Is it too much to ask to get over here? All I want is a kiss on my—AHH!" She looked back to see Pinkie muzzle-deep in her thick rump. "Pinkie!" Mmm, so that's where that sweet bubblegum scent came from, Pinkie sighed internally. She pressed her face harder against Twilight's pussy and inhaled deeply. "Pinkie Pie!" Twilight yelled in a flustered state. "Huh?" the young mare lifted her face up, the tip of her muzzle covered in Twilight's sweet secretions. "Sorry, I was just doing what the collar told me to." Pinkie blushed. "Shit, did I say that out loud?" Twilight cursed to herself. "Yep, and you just did again!" Pinkie giggled. The alicorn rolled her eyes and rose to her feet. She didn't expect things to move so fast, but there was no way in Equestria she was going to stop now. She walked over to her bed and placed her forelegs onto the mattress. As she moved her tail to the side, exposing her full, soft lower lavender lips, she nodded her head, calling Pinkie over to her. "You want another taste, my little puppy?" "Yes, Mistress, I'd love to." She nodded eagerly. Pinkie cantered quickly across the room. She inched her muzzle closer and closer to Twilight's dripping wet pussy, that was practically begging to be licked. She took in a deep breath, inhaling the sweet yet musky aroma coming from her juicy entrance. Pinkie's warm breath was becoming all too much for Twilight, and she wanted Pinkie now. Extending her wing out, Twilight pushed hard onto the back of Pinkie Pie's head, driving the unsuspecting mare's tongue deep into her hot crotch. She groaned out lovingly in pleasure, mouthing quietly, "good puppy." Shocked only for a moment, Pinkie peered up, her tongue still in place, and giggled at Twilight's thirst for her. She went back down and pressed her thick muscle deeper into the walls of Twilight's pussy. Every ridge and crevice had nowhere to hide. She began to swirl her tongue in a clockwork motion, changing the direction every time Twilight let out a little squeak. Twilight bit into the bedsheets, muffling every gasp and grunt as Pinkie Pie massaged her clit with her lips. With every suckle, Twilight shuddered in bliss. It was surprising yet amazing how fantastic Pinkie was at this. Had she done this before? Pinkie rolled Twilight's clit between her tongue and teeth, giving the occasional nip to earn a few extra moans. She mounted her hooves onto Twilight's flank, caressing both cutie marks, spreading both cheeks apart as she ate the delicious alicorn out. "I'm going to… cum, puppy," Twilight panted heavily. Her vaginal walls beginning to constrict around the pink pony's tongue, drawing ever closer to her orgasm. Pinkie smiled against Twilight's pussy lips, flicking her tongue left and right inside of the clenching walls. She peered up, noticing Twilight dark purple puckered anus and thought of a devious idea. With all her might, Pinkie pulled her head back hard, pushing back Twilight's wing, removing her tongue from the juicy marehood. She pressed her hoof forcefully onto Twilight's clit, causing her to cry out in both pain and joy. In this distraction, both Twilight's pussy and arse gaped wide open, to which Pinkie Pie cheered, "Gotcha!" before thrusting her head forward, driving her tongue deep into the narrowing pucker. "Oh fuck!" Twilight groaned out, unable to hold back any longer. She reached her climax, sending a tidal wave of cum gushing out of her spasming cunt onto Pinkie's hoof and neck. Her body shook violently as Pinkie vigorously lapped up every last drop of the sweet nectar seeping from her that she could reach with her tongue. It would be awfully rude to waste any, of course. Pinkie stood back and smiled at her achievement, planting one final kiss on the mare's twitching clit. Twilight's body grew weak and lifeless. She flopped onto her side, panting heavily. Hundreds of thoughts raced through her head about what just happened. Fuck, that was amazing… the way she… how she… wow. Pinkie carefully climbed onto the bed, then lay down next to the exhausted horse. She leaned forward and softly kissed the bridge of Twilight's muzzle, before whispering, "I love you, Mistress," to which Twilight returned the favour with a loving kiss on the lips. "That's a good puppy," Twilight sighed as she rested a hoof on Pinkie cheeks, pulling her mouth away slowly. She nestled her face into the fur on Pinkie's neck, softly breathing in the aroma of sweat mixed with her own cum; it was wonderful. As both ponies embraced each lovingly, they began to drifting off into slumber, wanting this moment to last forever. "Wakey wakey, my precious puppy," a voice whispered quietly. "I've got a rather big surprise for you!" Pinkie Pie groaned, still drowsy from her long nap. She squinted her eyes in caution of there being a bright, yet there was nothing; it was total darkness. "Twilight," she murmured sluggishly, "is that you?" She tried to sit up, but to no avail; she couldn't. Tugging all fours legs, she felt something tighten around each one. It didn't feel painful or heavy like chains; more like a soft silk… Was she tied to the bed? A pink aura surrounded Pinkie's gaze, uncovering the darkness that hid her eyes. As her eyes began to adjust to the light, a purple figure stood in her view. She blinked a few times before all was clear. "Hi puppy," smiled Twilight, standing halfway over the little earth pony. "Oh, hi Mistress!" Pinkie beamed happily, now safe from worry that she had been filly-napped. "Why am I all tied up?" Twilight stepped closer, her muzzle near touching Pinkie's and giggled half-heartedly. "Oh, puppy, you didn't think we were done, now did you?" Pinkie stared at her Mistress confused for a second, before looking down to see a bright glowing object pressing just outside of her pussy. "What… the fuck…?" Twilight reached back, caressing her thick horsecock strap-on back and forth. She smirked at Pinkie. "You ready, slave?" "Shit." Pinkie Pie gulped. END OF CHAPTER ONE!