To Break a Mirror

by Materious17

First published

After receiving a letter, Boulder has to either save himself, or save the world in which he loves.


Boulder has been living in the slums of Manehatten with his new identity and family. It's been a year and a half since the catastrophe in Canterlot and he can't face himself anymore. After receiving an unexpected letter, will he step up to take control to end the reign of Mr. Break, or will his mind be forever shattered.

Chapter 1

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"Hey! Where did my apples go? Where is that thief?!"

The poorest of the poor live here, as do I now. The darkened slums of Manehatten doesn't even get enough recognition from the political head to fix the street lamps. Homeless ponies from all around the city aggregate here, huddled around trash fires for warmth and carrying the rags of broken their broken selves. I discreetly wandered off with my lunch, hoping to find a quiet place to eat my only meal. My body consists of scars from a more youthful past. Evidence that I could once feel something but the memories have all been lost. All I have anymore is the satisfaction that I'm who I want to be. I've succeeded in wiping my past clean and starting anew. It took a lot more running then I was ready for but I am a new pony now. I am Slate.

I've lived in these slums for as long as I could remember, everything before seems empty, like a blank fabric is draped over it. Trying to remember only gave me headaches. Besides, I don't even want to remember, how could my life been better than where I am now? I'm married to the most beautiful pony I have ever laid eyes upon, and needless to say, I believe Jade feels the same way. Her mane is so gorgeous, and long enough to just meet the floor she trots along. Her light mint green coat is complimented by the green of her mane, as dark as her namesake. I met her shortly after I settled in Manehatten and we instantly hit it off. I think she told me that she was an archeologist when we met, but we live in scraps of food so obviously neither of us has gotten any work in a while. Getting married was as much of a financial solution to our problems as it was a romantic interest.

Unfortunately the state of emergency Manehatten has alarmed is withholding a lot of privileged money that would be ours since we were wed. All of the city's surplus is going to help the citizens of Canterlot since a disastrous earthquake struck a year and a half ago. All of the money that Jade and I would have be privileged with is now in transit to rebuilding Equestria's capitol. I understand the cause is right, but the methods are flawed. The ponies of Manehatten, especially the ones in the same situation we are in are in desperate need of that welfare as well. I would do what I can to help our neighbors, but I need to be financially stable to even get out of the slums, find a place to work and then help them. It's hard to help others when you can't help yourself. Besides, they don't need to use all of the surplus, I heard a billionaire philanthropist has donated a lot of money to the rebuilding of that society.

"Slate honey? Come on inside you are going to catch something if you stay out in that cold." Oh right, I was so hungry I forgot that we couldn't even afford suitable jackets for the winter.

"Right away dear, I brought home some food from the market."

"How could you afford this many apples?" I never told her I was a thief, it seemed easier to just say the ponies of the market are nicer than you think.

"A friend of mine owed a favor and chipped in to help us out." I could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't satisfied. I think she caught on to me a long time ago.

"Oh, right, of course. We got some mail in today."

"Anything in the shape of a fatty marriage check?"

"No, sorry Slate, the local paper said the humanitarian efforts in Canterlot were to be extended another fiscal year." This news broke my heart.

"We can't live another year like this! Damn it damn it damn it damn it!" My hoof slammed into the concrete floor. It's frustrating knowing you have done everything in your power to help fix a problem but nothing seems to be sticking.

"Honey calm down you are going to get another one of your migraines." I took a deep sigh and firmly placed my flank on the floor.

"Jade, we can't do this for another year, the store keeps' are catching on the me. You know, it might be easier for us to live in prison then it is out here." At least in prison they get food.

"Don't' talk that way, we will find a way out of this. Even though we didn't get our welfare check, you did get a letter." A letter? No one sends me a letter, no one even knows I exist.

"From who?"

"Well, there is a letter from a pony named Pebble. Seems to live out in Baltimare, by the way he is writing it almost seems like you could be a relative."

"A relative? I thought I didn't have a family. You think he can send us some money?" Well hello Mr. Pebble, you just became my new best friend.

"... but there is another letter from a pony but the name is anonymous, it was shipped from Tromp Tower though. I haven't gotten around to reading this one yet."

"Let me see that." I snatch the letter from her hoof. I'm too desperate to find a way out of this situation than to be polite.

"Um, sorry." But it doesn't mean I still won't be polite. She is the mare of my dreams after all.

Dear Mr. Slate
It's been a long time since we last spoke, I have granted you an audience with Tromp Tower's prestigious owner Mr. Break. We are glad to see you are alive and well after last year's fiasco and are wishing to discuss a new proposal with you.
The audience will consist of a formal party hosted by Mr. Break himself. You will be provided transport as well as the proper attire and food for the entire event. You are allowed to bring a plus one as a guest of yours. A transport will be arriving shortly to take you and your plus one to the Tromp Tower's dining floor.
We hope you enjoy your trip and are pleased to have finally found you.

A visit and meeting with a multi-billionaire? Why me though? and what was this about glad to see me alive and finally finding me? My memories from my past may be better than I thought.

"Slate what did it say? Why is there a limo parked on the street?"

"Were getting in it apparently. This letter is an invitation to a Tromp Tower formal dinner party."

"A... a... a dinner party? But why us? Oh who cares a DINNER PARTY?! Oh dear Celestia would do I wear."

"Calm down, our attire is being provided for us... it seems like Mr. Break wants to see me, something about last year being a disaster and finally finding me. I don't know what it means but maybe if Mr. Break sees the situation were in he may be inclined to help us out. It's worth a shot."

Jade was already half way out the door heading to the limousine parked across from them. I don't even think she is wondering about all of this nonsense that came with the letter. She's always been the one to snap me out of my deep thinking tendency. Can't believe I fell in love with the first mare I came across since I moved here. She is my only friend and now my wife. Huh, the letter from Pebble says to meet him later this week. If things with Mr. Break so as well as I hope, I won't need to see this guy at all. The only family I have now is Jade and that's all I need or want.

"I'll be right out!" I stumbled out of the door. My excitement knocked over a picture of Jade and I from a stool in our one room hut of a home. I heard the sound of glass cracking but I paid no attention to it. My mission now was to just get as much money from Mr. Break as I could, no matter the cost. The broken glass scattered across the floor as I hopped in the limousine with the mare I'm spending the rest of my life with. The picture of Jade and I from when we first met, now fractured, broken on the floor, our smiling faces separated by an endless sea of cracks and joints within the frame.

Chapter 2

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"Ah Dr. Boulder! You're alive! But I thought you were killed over a year ago! This is remarkable!"

I looked at the strange well dressed pony who was the first to greet me as I walked into the front door of Tromp Tower.

"I'm sorry you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Slate, this is my wife Jade, we were invited here for a dinner party."

"Oh right, Mr. Slate, my apologies. The resemblance is uncanny though, carry on with your evening."

That was the second strangest thing to happen to me in my life. The strangest is the one memory I have from before I lived in Manehattan, I was in a small town and I was greeted by a grey pegasus with the weirdest look. Glad I don't live there.

"Honey, do you know a Dr. Boulder?" If I am to look similar to some pony I've never met before, might as well see if Jade has heard about him.

"Well I've never met the pony but I hear he was a famous pony that was presumed dead after the Canterlot earthquake. Mr. Break himself hosted a memorial service for him. But it was later discovered by Mr. Break himself that he was a conspiring enemy of the state and possibly his fault for the earthquake in the first place. His reputation is larger since he died than it was when he lived." Isn't that the truth.

"Great, so I look like a dead pony. Even in my best I'm just a walking corpse."

"Don't say things like that dear, just try to have a good time, see if you can find Mr. Break."

Throughout the evening I was greeted with a mixed emotion of surprise and disgust. I wonder how closely I resemble this Dr. Boulder character to make ponies think I'm actually him. It's starting to irritate me though, I didn't come to this dinner party to be ridiculed and rejected by the rich folk, I was invited by Mr. Break and it's about damn time I meet with him.

"Mr. Slate, Mr. Break is expecting you, take the elevator, Juiz will assist you in finding his office." Finally somepony who knows that I am not some Boulder fellow. "My name is Alfred, I'm glad to see that you are well."

"Thank you Alfred. Wait, you are the one that sent me the invitation? What do you mean by finally found me? Why are people calling me Boulder?"

"All in good time sir, please, you don't want to keep Mr. Break waiting."

As much as I hated being kept in the dark, he was right. Talking to Mr. Break was my first priority, who cares if other ponies think I'm some dead guy. I hope Jade is enjoying herself here, I'd hate to think people are hating her as much as they do me. She is my world and I don't want her life to be ruined by being affiliated with the pony that looks like a bad guy. These high class ponies are hysterical.

"Hello Mr. Slate." Woah who is that talking to me? Her voice, almost sounds like a woman over a speaker phone.

"Um, hello? Whom am I speaking to?"

"My apologies Mr. Slate, I am Juiz the elevator operator." I peered inside the elevator to find it empty.

"Where are you Juiz?"

"My apologies again Mr. Slate, I have forgotten that you are not familiar with this tower's artificial intelligence systems. I am the elevator operator, as well as the elevator itself. I also control other key functions of this facility and you may access me at any of the terminals located on each floor."

"Artificial what now? Never mind, Um... Juiz? I need to see Mr. Break. Can you take me to him?"

"Of course Mr. Slate, please step inside the elevator and wait patiently."

I had no idea something like this existed. Nowhere in all of my travels and memories do I recall something called an artificial intelligence. It's probably just some pony sitting behind a desk with camera's looking at every location. Yeah, I'll just tell myself that. The elevator rose quickly indicated by the rapid ascent in numerals as we hit each consecutive floor. Finally stopping on the top floor, the elevator doors open again."

"Thank you, I hope you enjoy your time in Tromp Tower."

"Uh, thank you Juiz..." It bothered me that I could hear her voice but never see the pony which made it.

"Um actually, Juiz? Before you go? Do I resemble a Dr. Boulder do you?"

"My apologies Mr. Slate, I'm afraid I don't know what you look like, nor do I know what Dr. Boulder looks like either, I was programmed after his mysterious disappearance in Canterlot. You would like an additional inquiry?"

"No, that's it for my questions, thank you again." The hallway before me was long and mostly empty. Only a small door at the end of the corridor and I am to assume that is Mr. Break's office.

I knocked as I entered the office which was a lot larger on the inside than the hallway portrayed. The entire back wall was a beautiful view of the Manehattan skyline. The pony sitting in a plush leather chair stood to meet my presence, and I could notice a tear forming in his eye.

"It is you, it's been a long time hasn't it."

"I'm sorry I don't know what you are talking about. My name is Slate and you invited me to this dinner party, which I am grateful for the food and the clothes and the general hospitality..." The food was tasteless, these clothes are way to warm and uncomfortable and everypony I meet besides Alfred and Juiz hates me."But why am I here?"

"Oh dear, it pains me to hear you say those words. I was hoping after you met Alfred and saw the crowd of your adoring public that your memories would have been unblanketed so to speak. Dr. Boulder, with or without your memory I am here to make you an offer you cannot refuse."

"What are you talking about, I am not Dr. Boulder, that pony died a year and a half ago along with his dead quest of unmasking the geology of Equestria." What is this inside my head, how do I know Dr. Boulder was a geologist? Why are these memories of travelling to the Ghastly Gorge and a place called Ponyville popping into my head? I am not Dr. Boulder, I am Slate, then why do I have these memories of his life?

"My my my, it seems you do remember something Doctor. I wonder what's going through that large head of yours right now. As the thoughts and memories of your past life flood back in there, destroying all you knew about your own reality."

I could hear Mr. Break chuckling but the migraine is too strong to take notice to what he is talking about. I stumble around his office, trying to ease the pain with a hoof pressing against my head. I stumble over to his desk as he just looks out his window to the Manehattan horizon. The pain is too much to bear. I look at a mirror on his desk, only to notice the thing is broken. Shattered into fragments, missing pieces all held together by a polished wooden frame. I see the distorted face staring back at me, as we both hold our heads in agony as I fell to the floor.

"I'm... Boulder."

"Oh good you are awake, I understand what you are going through right now but let's get down to business."

"You... are Mr. Break. You are the man who tried to kill me. You destroyed Canterlot!"

"You destroyed Canterlot Boulder, I'm simply rebuilding it in my image. The public despises you as a terrorist, a greedy nobody that would do anything for a buck."

"You are wrong, the public is wrong. I tried to warn them that the caves were not safe. I saw the signs of faulting, but I was too late."

"Your inadequacy killed countless numbers of ponies that day, but I didn't ask you here to lament over your own failings. I'm here to offer you your end of the bargain."

"I don't want your damn money! You ruined my life!"

"I see you are not open to negotiation, I was afraid of this. Actually no I was looking forward to this. There is no money for you Boulder, there has never been any money for you, but since you are yourself again I need to shut you up for good like I did your friend a year and a half ago.

"I will stop at nothing to make sure you get your just deserts. Wait, what did you do?" The memories are still flooding back to me, all of the lies I told myself and others, context for the day I was in Ponyville, my expeditions to Ghastly Gorge, my first friend Jad... Fluttershy.

"Where is Fluttershy..." Oh my Celestia Fluttershy, how could I have forgotten the kindest pony I know, and her sweet smile.

"Oh don't you worry your little head off, at least I'm not going to lay a hoof on your precious wife, Jade. Or is she that precious to you, after all you two would have never gotten together if it wasn't for what I've done. Or is it Fluttershy that means nothing to you now, either way this is a fun game were playing."

"Where is Fluttershy!"

"I can see you are in no mood for fun, very well." Mr. Break pressed an inconspicuously large red button on his desk as the floor opened up from underneath me. I should have guessed he would do a trap door trick but my rage spilled over as I fell into the darkness.

I hit a concrete floor with a large thud as a cloud of dust shot into the air from my landing. The room smelt rotten, and it was barely lit, just enough to see. The walls were oppressive and the cage I seemed to be in didn't help. I looked around my prison to find any hope of escape or even just another pony to talk to. I hear a gasp of air on the other side of the dank room and make out a pegasus outline in chains. It is hard to make out the colors but the figure looked feminine. I could tell she was looking back at me, but there was nothing we could do to get out of this situation. Just then she spoke, her voice was as soft as a kitten but I could tell she was in pain.



Chapter 3

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"This is all my fault!" Anger swelled in me as my famished dying friend just hung on the wall. Shackles around her hoofs and clamps on her wings, her soft yellow body was beaten and bruised. Covered in lacerations, it wasn't an easy sight. This is all my fault, I ran away from my problems yet again. I abandoned my friend a year and a half ago and she has had to suffer for my crimes all that time.

"Don't blame yourself Boulder."

"No Fluttershy! I have to! I have to blame myself for once in my entire life! This is... this is just atrocious. I'm a terrible pony... I don't deserve anything..." My words choked out of my mouth as it swelled. The first tears I could remember shedding in a very long time rolled down my cheeks. It started as a small quiver but after glancing at her necrotic features, my crying echoed throughout the dungeon. Only to be joined by a harmonizing weeping from Fluttershy.

"We *sniffle*... we need to get out of here." I didn't feel any better after my water fountains dried up. I can't even promise that our escape is possible, but I can't gather myself to even appear strong enough to make such a claim.

"I... I don't know how to escape... I don't know how long I've been locked up here." I didn't want to tell her, but I had no choice in the matter.

"It's been 18 months..." I wanted to faint, my head felt dizzy from dehydration and the fall didn't make it easier on my limbs. I abandoned her for over a year, not only that, I lived that entire time in complete ignorance. I am Boulder, and I am going to work my best to make sure Slate pays for my sins. I will never go back to that life. I will never go back to... Jade.

"Ei-ei-ei-eighteen months? Oh no! What about my animals I care for, what about my friends in Ponyville?!" Honestly, I couldn't say why her friends didn't find it suspicious for her to be completely absent for such a long period of time. Of all of the stories I've heard about her friends, particularly that Raindow Dash fella' they seem to be loyal to the end.

"I'm sure they are doing their best to find and rescue you. It's like you say, they won't ever give up on their friends." I hope I wasn't just lying through my teeth. It would be nice to see them just break down this wall, take us home and live happily merry after, but if it's been this long something just doesn't add up.

"Dinner time!" A strange loud voice came from the outside of the barred door. A large, scratch that, very large pony barged his way into our cell with a tray full of mush.

"Well then, I see we got a new piece of meat down here, don't you worry your little head off, you can eat tomorrow." The muscle-pony trotted over to the chained pegasus and prepared to shove the tray in her snout.

"Don't touch her! At least let her eat like a pony and not some object you can abuse!" I wanted to scream that louder than I did but my throat would have none of it.

"Hah! This one is never getting unchained, too dangerous to just let her loose in her cell. If you want to feed her fine, I'm sick of this job anyways." He drops the tray on the floor, scattering a large portion of the edible paste around.

"What do you mean dangerous? Fluttershy couldn't hurt a fly." He must have been joking with me, though this whole scenario has been absolute crazy from the beginning.

"Tell that to the guard she put in a wheelchair during her first week here. That girl has got a serious temper problem. At least it's your problem for tonight." Fluttershy is a threat? I think my mind just imploded within itself. The guard slammed the heavy steel door on his way out, leaving me to scoop up the paste back onto the tray.

"Here Fluttershy, you need this food a lot more than I do, if I dare say this is food. You look absolutely famished."

"Thank you, and I'm sorry... sorry for..."

"Sorry for what?"

"Sorry for hurting that guard's friend."

"Oh don't be sorry, he probably had it coming. In fact I'm just kind of impressed. I never knew you were so strong. Considering you have survived 18 months down here you must be incredibly strong willed." Maybe I could use her Flutter-Hulk to get us out of this dump. She needs to regain her strength though before we can do anything rash. As I hoof fed my best friend, my eyes recovered their ability to produce tears. I cried into the stew uncontrollably. My tears made it taste surprisingly better with the added salt.

"I'm going to see what I can do with your shackles. I have a plan for escape." I didn't but I was working on one. Better to have half of a plan and improvise than to not have one at all. Improvising is what I do best in my work anyways.

"There's a lot of commotion outside, I can hear it. This is my only chance to make a lot of noise. Fluttershy, this may hurt a bit." Or a lot, but using make shift tools out of the cracked floor pieces and metal dinner tray isn't going to be child's play. Without even thinking I swiftly strike the shackle around her forelimb with my heavy hammering object. The loud clang noise was too high pitched to echo very far and was drowned out by the ruckus a guard is having with another prisoner. Fluttershy's scream of pain however, was not.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy, but I can unfasten this bolt with a few more good hits on it. Here..." I reached down and picked up a wooden spoon. "bite down on this, bite hard it will help with the pain."

I commenced with the hammering after getting a deep look of determination from Fluttershy's gaze. Each hit I could see reverberate in her face as the pain increased and the spoon was cracking under her bite strength. I didn't like it any more than she didn't but with each strike I could wedge the fastening bolt out just a little farther.

"Just one... more... strike!" The metal on metal high pitched clang was interrupted by the thick steel sliding bolt crashing to the ground, creating a longer lasting ring that was dampened with the stomp of my hoof. The shackle looked still attached however, and the pain on Fluttershy's face was too much for me to bear striking it once more. Our progress was halted by the arrival of the guard again.

"You keep it down in there, lights out!" Those words of command triggered the whole place to go pitch dark. Uncontrollably I huddle against Fluttershy without even being able to see her only a few inches away from me. My plan was cut short by our mandatory curfew.

"Fluttershy? I'm going to try to free your hoof from the shackle, I'm going to need your help though since I don't know where your hoof is exactly." I placed my hoof just above where my head pressed against her body and slowly worked my way caressing her soft fur. Fluttershy didn't speak, but she tried to move her body in such a way to direct my hoof around it like a map. It wasn't long before my hoof met hers but the short journey was the closest I have ever been to her physically. The shackle was held together by nothing more than residual attraction, from it being clamped together for so long and it easily came undone.

"I got it off. You can move your left front hoof now. But listen, I'm going to need to put it back on so the guards don't suspect anything amiss." Before I could effortlessly slip the unlockable chains back around her limb, I felt the soft touch of it along my cheek.

"Please don't, not yet." Was all she told me as I held her hoof tight with my own in the darkness.

"G'night Fluttershy, I promise we will make it out of here together." I slipped away from her graceful touch and slipped the shackle back on with her prompt. I couldn't sleep, I lied there at the base of her imprisonment and waited for the darkness to bring forth the light.

Chapter 4

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"I'm sorry Boulder, I just can't do it." I finished undoing the last of her shackles once the lights came back on for morning drills.

"You have to Fluttershy! I can't take down that guard myself, this was just one of many reasons why I unshackled you."

"So you could use me as a weapon?" Well, yeah but I should probably say her comfort and wellbeing were priorities as well.

"It's them or us." I quickly slip back on her undone restraints to give the guards a sense of safety when they come in to feed us. The sounds of doors moving down the passageway indicated that the breakfast crew was on their way. In a few short minutes, we'll ambush 'em, get out of this cell, and make a run for it. It isn't a bullet proof plan, but it's all I got.

"Alright Fluttershy, I'll be sleeping in this corner, you know what to do." Why I decided to not watch was beyond me.

Probably the notion of Fluttershy having a raging temper was off-putting to me. In my stillness I could hear Fluttershy weeping softly, I just hoped they were tears of joy. Our cell door slammed open with the same muscle bulging pony from the night before. His metal tray full of the mush stew they expect us to call breakfast let alone food.

"Breakfast is served. Damn it prisoner wake up before I beat you awake." He was probably staring right at me so to avoid confrontation I rolled over and rubbed my eyes open. I should have figured my sleeping ambush wouldn't have had any success to begin with.

"What's wrong prisoner, didn't get your beauty sleep? And you, what's with the water works, here's your bucking food." The guard approached the deceptively locked up pegasus, readying the tray of goop to force feed her.

"I'm so sorry!" Fluttershy continued crying. I wasn't sure if she was genuinely sorry for what was about to take place, or if she was the greatest actress ever.

"Sorry about what?

"She's sorry for this." I quickly strike the back of his neck with my makeshift hammer from last night. I wasn't sure what was going to happen next, but I really hoped he would just fall over unconscious or something. He stood firm.

"Thanks kid, I had a crick in my neck all week." I dropped the tool in total shock. This pony is going to turn around and just break me in two and there's nothing I can do about it. He turned with a smirk on his face. Dropping the food tray he quickly reached to grab me and I was squeezed harder than the feeling of being crushed underneath a large boulder.

"How dare you! Get your hooves off of my friend!" The next scene was but a blur to me. I was heavily disorientated from the grappling but before my eyes was a horrific sight. My first friend from my memories, sat there staring deeply into the eyes of the guard. Her stare was piercing straight into his very soul and I was dropped almost immediately. I saw her mouth move but I couldn't hear what she was saying.

I get up slowly only to witness the guard now lying on the ground, sucking his hoof like a foal. Fluttershy just stood there, panting heavily. I rushed over to embrace her silky smooth fur and I never wanted to let go.

"Come on now, we don't have much time." I ended the hug what I felt was prematurely but I had a point. We ran out into the hallway only to be greeted by a single door other than our own.

"Well, looks like this is the only way." I'm honestly baffled, I thought there would have been other cells here, at least that's what it sounded like earlier. I just hope we find our way out of this maze. We crack the door open and bright sunlight filled the entire room. I was forced to squint just to bear the pain of how ridiculously bright it was.

Letting my eyes adjust, we appeared to be on the streets of Manehattan. In a section of the slums, not too far from my old hut.

"Wait, how did we end up here?" The door shut behind us. Reopening it showed the contents of a storage closet and nothing more, no guard, no cells, no shackles. I look over to Fluttershy who appeared to be in writhing pain holding her eyes. I forgot she hasn't seen the light of day in over a year and her beautifly blue-green eyes couldn't take the brightness anymore.

"It's ok Fluttershy..." I rubbed her back to try to calm her senses. "Were finally free."

"I see you Boulder."

"That's good Fluttershy, I know your eyes have lost a lot of their ability from living in such a dark room for so long. I don't know how we got here, but surprisingly enough were just a block away from my place. We can stay there for the time being until we figure out what to do next." Was that door magic? Was Mr. Break just playing some practical joke? Putting us so close yet so far from safety, his sense of humor is sickening if true.

I guided her down the streets of the poor, only to be further reminded of my poor life choices I made that resulted in me living in this dump. We can't stay here for long, Mr. Break is bound to be looking for us, and he knows where we live now. We came up on my little one room hut of a home to find the place more of a wreck than usual. Since I was gone, it looks like a few thieves got in and had themselves a party.

"Hmm, no one is here."

"Do you share this with someone?"

"Yeah, her name is Jade. She is my wife." Jade is my wife, then why didn't I sound happy when I said that? It's almost like the time we spent together hasn't been real for me. She loves a pony named Slate, a pony who I wish to never show his face again.

"You got married?!" I should have expected this reaction, I didn't even invite her to the reception. I didn't invite anyone, Slate did all of the work.

"Well, I guess I did. Anyways, we can't stay here Fluttershy. Mr. Break knows of this place, we need to get a few supplies and run away." I had no idea where we would head, anywhere but here.

"We could head to Ponyville. I'm sure my friends would be super happy to hear from us."

"No! I mean, not yet. We can't go back there, Mr. Break knows more about you than even I do, your home isn't any safer than mine." I look to the floor and make out the broken picture frame from earlier yesterday. On the stool it fell from was the mail I got that day, two letters to be specific.

"We may not be able to go back home yet, but I think I know where we can go instead." I pick up the letter from a pony named Pebble who lives in Baltimare. "I think I may have family in Baltimare, we should at least check it out."

"I thought you said your family died years ago?"

"Look, I don't know who this pony, and over the last two years I've been even debating my own past and childhood. Nothing seems to add up with my history and I think this pony may have the answers I'm looking for." I don't know why I got overly sensitive to the topic of my late parents, it definitely wasn't something to yell at Fluttershy about. The situation was tense and all I could do is tell Fluttershy bad news after more bad news. She looked devastated when I explained why we couldn't go back to Ponyville. I want to go back almost as much as she does but doing so would only put that entire town in jeopardy. Who knows what Mr. Break is up to now?

"I'm sorry Fluttershy, if it makes you feel better you can write a letter to your friends. Just don't tell them where we are headed. They won't be able to respond in this predicament but it may put their hearts and minds at ease to know you are safe. If they find us, Mr. Break can also find us." In the letter was a pair of train tickets for the next ride down to Baltimare.

"Well, it looks like we're leaving immediately. Here's an apple to hold you over, it's a little ripe, from the market over a day ago but it's got to be better than that slush you lived on for the last 18 months." I think she stopped talking to me on purpose, or maybe because she rarely had anything to say. I hope it was the latter. We made our way to the train station and boarded the next outgoing to Baltimare. I had no idea what we would find but at least I can keep Fluttershy safe.

Chapter 5

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"Will you please just talk to me?" The silence of the train ride was unsettling. Fluttershy still won't say a word to me. She is obviously mad at me but I'm clueless as to what. Was it something I said, was the apple comment too far? I've tried apologizing, but I think she was waiting for me to figure out what I'm even apologizing about.

"Next stop, Baltimare Main Square 16:34." Great, I've spent the last three hours sitting next to my best friend who has completely shunned me. I'm getting nowhere in trying to figure this out... oh Celestia it just came to me. I'm despicable. That was actually easier than I thought it was going to be, now to ready up my apology and have smooth sailing from here on out.

"Look, Fluttershy. I'm sorry that I'm not the most considerate pony in the world. I've tried my best to change since I've known you, but old habits are hard to break. I just wish..."

"You think I'm upset about that?" Well crap, I thought I nailed that. Now that I think about it, she has been pretty tolerable about my behavior so that was probably something she didn't much care for. At least she spoke to me though.

"I'm upset that I don't get to see my friends, I'm upset that I'm forced to run away with the very pony that has put me through such pain. You want to know why I'm in pain? You ran away, you ran from the citizens of Canterlot, you ran from yourself, you ran away from me! Don't get me started on the fact that for 18 months while I was being tortured for your crimes, you were living a life with your new wife who I refuse to say the name of. For the last few hours you have been digging through your confused mind trying to meaninglessly apologize for something that can't be changed and I think that is what hurts me the most."

I have no idea what to say. She was correct on all of her points. I know what I did and I wasn't proud of any of them. I want to say that that part of myself is long gone, that Slate is dead and I am a completely different pony with actual values and a grasp on the meaning of friendship. I want to say that, but I can't. It will only make things even worse to just lie right now.

"Thank you." That was all that I could say. Fighting with her is never something I want to do but pretending like I was just ignoring her was definitely off the table.

"Now stopping at Baltimare Main Square 16:39."

"That's our stop. Listen, I need to tell you something before we meet the sender of this letter. He thinks I'm his older brother. When I got my cutie mark I was an only child, having this brother means my parents have to be alive." I'm not sure how that would console her, but that thought has been what's kept me going.

Even though she is mad at least she knows we need to stick together we she follows me out the train doors. The main square of Baltimare is full of ponies but not as smothering as Manehattan's. Amidst the crowds I noticed a smaller grey foal with a main cut similar to mine with a sign that says "Slate". I waved at him hoping he would drop the sign before Fluttershy caught eye of it, I wished that plan went off without a hitch. Sighing, I walk over to greet the younger fellow, the least I can do is tell him my real name.

"Ohai Slate." That definitely wasn't the greeting I was expecting. His accent seems foreign but it feels homey, maybe I've just been in Manehatten for too long."

"Uh, are you Pebble?" If he was Pebble I have a story to tell him, if not better to keep a low profile in the public eye.

"Yessums, now listen bro, I'm not sure what you are doing running around with a obviously beaten and famished pegasus but I'm not here to judge. I'm here to take you home." Ok this kid is a little unbearable, brother or not I'm not going to listen to this any longer.

"Okay, 'bro' I'm sorry to tell you this but I think you wasted your time, I don't have a home in Baltimare. I don't have a little brother and it's a very long story to explain why she is with me."

"Our mum always told me you had no intentions on coming home. But she was obviously wrong, otherwise you wouldn't have even showed up." What did he just say? Rage... building.

"My mother is dead how dare you try to mock her."

"Woah woah woah hang on bro she isn't dead. Pop's alive and kicking as well. They told me that you ran away to find yourself in geology. I had no idea you were angry enough to consider them dead for all these years."

"I don't know what you are trying to do but I don't need to stand here and be criticized by a kid. I'm getting the next train out of this hell hole, c'mon Fluttershy."

"Wait Boulder, I think he is telling the truth." Damn it Fluttershy, I did not her to side with this inconsiderate foal. I especially didn't care for the fact that she used my real name.

"Ah so you are Dr. Boulder, listen bro, I didn't want to come off as mean or nothin' I'm just so excited to finally meet you. At least let me tell them that you even still exist, some proof would be nice but I understand if you don't want anything to do with us." Why am I even mad, this is the greatest news of my life and my own pointless self deception is keeping it away. Of course I want to see my parents again.

"*Sigh* Yes I am Boulder. Not Dr. Boulder not Boulder PhD, I'm just Boulder. I've done some terrible things in my life and I can't just keep running from them. I want to talk to my parents."

"Super! Awesome! Let's go. Actually quick question, how did your parents die? Well not actually die but if your memory?" Again with the insensitivity, I can already tell his foal was my little brother so I might as well indulge a younger me.

"They died in a rockslide when I was your age. I received my cutie mark that day." I can't believe that they are still alive, that memory of mine is so vivid. I couldn't have just fabricated something like that, maybe this is what my reflection has been trying to tell me.

"Strange, they told me you ran away around that same time." I shouldn't have told him when, probably try to see if he has been bluffing this entire time, too late now.

"Whatever, maybe I like the idea of them being dead. Makes my life a whole lot easier, I don't have to visit them you know."

"Oh c'mon you gotta! I'm sorry, I won't ask no more questions about your past, I just know they will be more than happy to see you again."

The home of my parents looked completely uncared for. The outside was a wreck with weeds and chipped paint and I doubt the inside was any nicer. We didn't talk at all on the way here, winding our way through the downtown hustle of Baltimare, but Fluttershy stopped scowling at me whenever our eyes met. I told her so long ago about how I got my cutie mark but to hear it may have just all been a fabrication of my mind might have her curiosity peaked as well. Or she is so angry that she is incapable of expressing it on her face.

I wonder what my parents are going to be like, I remember when my mother used to help me go out and collect rocks. Nothing was every special about them but I had the urge to just collect and sort everyone I found. I also remember my father who would drop me off at school every morning and conveniently we would get back home at the same time giving me a piggy-back ride to make me feel tall like a stallion. I hope those are memories that I truly have.

Pebble opened the screeching door and what I saw was a war zone. Tables flipped on their sides, stashes of food with large buckets of metal scraps in hardly hidden locations. The finish on the walls was shredded and the carpet was torn all around us. This is not what I was expecting, or at least definitely not what I remember as a foal. Pebble shouted a greeting into the seemingly abandoned house and Fluttershy looked over to me with an ounce of fear in her eyes.

A shadow of a figure came out of a back room and I escorted Fluttershy behind me and backed up slowly. The grey pony, much larger than Pebble and I, and with a very scruffy mane cut and facial hair that screamed for a shave, stepped into view. The tension built until I believe he recognized me. I have always remembered his last words to me before I thought he perished but now those have been replaced with what was about to be said. I'm finally home.

"Damn it Peb! Get that terrorist and his pet out of my house this instant!"

Or so I thought.