> A Tight Squeeze > by Shamrock95 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Tight Squeeze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sweet Celestia," Snow Strider gasped, as he burst in through the front door of his home, his mane and fur soaked through by the raging rainstorm outside. "Is that the love of my life?" a voice called from further inside the house. Snow grinned delightedly—he'd been waiting to hear that voice all day. "It sure is," he called back, shaking his head to get the water out of his mane. "Soaked like a drowned rat, but still breathing." The sound of heavy, shuffling hoofsteps, accompanied by wheezing, laboured breaths, was heard. In the kitchen door frame appeared the love and joy of Snow Strider's life—a changeling named Thorax. It had been about a month since Snow and Thorax had officially become an item, and Thorax had only grown larger since then, feeding off of his coltfriend's love whenever he could. Before, Thorax had merely been fat. Now, he had plowed off the edge into morbid obesity. His reserves of fat were so vast that he had swollen to near blob-size, his neck completely lost amid a collection of three chins, with a spherical face peering out from among them. His legs had ballooned to the size of plump holiday hams, with his leg holes now completely swollen shut with fat. Behind him, a rear end the size of a small car wobbled and bounced ceaselessly with whatever slight movement he made. Not that he made many movements if he could help it. Thorax's lifestyle these days was a strictly sedentary one. Snow ensured that he was kept pampered and well-fed to the best of his ability. "Oh, baby!" Thorax exclaimed, eyes wide with concern as he looked at Snow. "Oh dear Faust, you're soaking wet!" "Ah, it's nothing," Snow said, before a towel was levitated over to him in a changeling-green aura. He smirked and shook his head. "Thorax, you're worse than my mother." "Hey, when you keep me this well-fed, the least I can do is make sure you don't catch your death of cold," Thorax replied, smiling as he briskly towel-dried Snow's mane off, before stepping forward and pulling him into an embrace. Snow moaned as he felt his hooves wrap around Thorax's thick neck. "Celestia, I've missed you all day," he murmured, as he nuzzled his coltfriend's plump cheek. "Same here," Thorax sighed, giving Snow a kiss on the lips. "And I've missed that sweet, sweet love of yours." "Are you ever not hungry?" Snow asked, chuckling. "It's not my fault your love is so darn irresistible!" Thorax grinned. "What changeling wouldn't get as big as a cow living with somepony like you?" "And what changeling would look as damn sexy as you do with it?" Snow purred, reaching behind and giving Thorax's colossal rear end a firm slap. He bit his lip as he sent great waves rippling through it, while Thorax let out a gasp and blushed deeply. "Do you feel big and handsome?" Snow whispered into his ear. "Oh, yeah..." Thorax nodded. "Good," Snow smiled. "Because I'm gonna keep you nice and round." He was about to continue, when he noticed something odd about the hard layer of chitin covering Thorax's back and sides. Small hairline cracks had begun to form in it, some longer and wider than others. "Thorax?" he asked, a note of worry in his voice. "What happened to your chitin? It's all cracked!" "Oh yeah," Thorax said, wincing. "I'm due to shed it any day now." "Wait... shed it?" Snow repeated. "Yup," Thorax nodded. "When we changelings outgrow our chitin, it falls off. And given how big I've been getting..." "Tight squeeze?" Snow guessed. Wheezing, Thorax nodded again. "Very tight. Feels like it's gonna give any moment." "'Give any moment', eh?" Snow's eyes widened, before he gave Thorax a smile. "Maybe we could... speed up the process?" Thorax looked confused for a moment, before his own eyes widened as the penny dropped. He gave Snow a smile of his own. "Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" "Oh yeah," Snow grinned. "You, me. Bedroom. Now." The bed creaked and groaned, bowing underneath Thorax's enormous bulk as he heaved himself onto it... with a little help from Snow, of course. With a good push on his part, Thorax managed to get onto the bed, gasping from the exertion. "So," he wheezed. "What's the... ugh... the plan?" "The plan," Snow replied, clambering onto the bed alongside him, "is that I am gonna kiss you and cuddle you and give you all the love you can stomach, until that chitin of yours just pops right off." He gave Thorax a tickle under his chins. "I hope you're hungry, babe." "Oh, I am," Thorax grinned, his eyes half-lidded from lust. "I hope you can give me a proper meal." "When have I not?" Snow mumbled. "Alright, enough talking..." Placing both front hooves on either side of Thorax's head as he straddled his huge gut, Snow leaned forward and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. Thorax's forked tongue danced with his as they probed each other's mouths, running tongues along teeth, emitting soft moans as they locked lips and embraced each other. Before long, a familiar pink aura began to be drawn from Snow's body into Thorax's horn, the massive changeling letting out a stifled moan of pleasure as he did so. This sort of love, carnal love, was some of the purest a changeling could hope to acquire, and it was simply intoxicating for Thorax. He felt his eyes roll back as every neuron of his body began firing off pleasure signals, and excess calories began to find their way to his flabby frame. Slowly, he began to expand as he and Snow continued to make out, pushing his chitin to the limit. Their passionate makeout session was interrupted by a cracking noise, as some of the cracks in Thorax's chitin began to widen. Snow's eyes shot open as he watched a small flake of chitin break away and fall onto the bed, revealing a blob of dark teal flesh oozing out of the hole it had once covered. "Whoa," he said, blinking. "Does... does that hurt?" "No..." Thorax said, smiling. "It actually feels great. It's such a relief to get that horrible, tight feeling off of you. Come on, we can't stop now." "Oh, can't we?" Snow smiled, as more love was drawn from him. As Thorax continued to feed, Snow decided to take the initiative. His tongue shot out and licked the tip of Thorax's horn. "Oh!" Thorax gasped. "Oh, you saucy little..." He moaned, a low, deep moan that continued as his lover ran his tongue all up and down the length of his horn. Thorax continued to glut himself all the while, flesh peeping out from ever-widening cracks in his confining chitin. More cracks were heard as more and more chitin flaked and fell off, Thorax gasping in pleasure and relief as more of his fat was allowed to breathe once more. "Man, it's cracking like an eggshell," Snow grinned, poking at a bulge of baby-soft back fat as he did so. "We almost there?" "Almost," Thorax mumbled, sounding very full indeed. "One more good glut oughta do it... but I'm so darned full..." "You sure?" Snow whispered, as he nibbled on Thorax's ear, eliciting another moan from him. "You can't fit even one more bite in there?" "I..." Thorax mumbled. "Come on, babe," Snow said sultrily. "I want you to eat every... last..." His head moved down to Thorax's swollen, love-glowing gut, feeling the warmth and heat radiating off of it. "...bite!" He leaned forward and planted a deep kiss on Thorax's soft, sensitive belly flesh. With a great cracking, shattering noise, Thorax cried out as he burst free of his chitin for good, sending fragments flying across the room and the bed. What was left was a very soft-looking, flabby, teal-coloured changeling, panting from relief and exertion. "Oh, that feels gooooooooood," he moaned, smiling widely. "Oh, thank you Faust, I can breathe again." "How long until your chitin grows back?" Snow asked. "About a week or so," Thorax replied. "Until then... you've got all this soft, sensitive fat to play with." He winked and blew Snow a kiss. Snow beamed wider than ever before. This just got better and better... END