> Shaken Not Stirred > by Dying light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Drunk love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Looking Glass. One of the finest bars Equestria has ever seen, now all yours. Right in the center of Ponyville it stood proudly amongst the variety of shops and homes beside it. When you first got the place, it was a bit of a wreck. Old rusted pipes that had completely corroded in places, a battered bar that had seen better days, not to mention the glass all over the place from the shattered windows. Salvageable is the word you used when you bought it a few months ago, now it was the most popular bar in Ponyville. But from the look of the place today, you wouldn't think that. It was dead. A lazy Sunday afternoon had rolled in and most ponies had stayed at home. This much was clear to you. You were used to quiet days, Mondays were usually quiet, the odd few people coming in as a stop off from work, but this place was lifeless. In the corner by the windows were Strikeout, a grey earth pony and Blocked Lane, a yellow pegasus, two stallions who were both very adamant about bowling, more than once their arguments have had them thrown out, more often than not by Sturdy Shield, the retired royal guard who spends every other day here. As you were observing the two bowlers, you were interrupted by a large red stallion approaching, carrying 3 big wooden barrels in both his hands. "Been busy?" the stallion asked sarcastically, placing the barrels down next to the bar, "Nnnope," you replied back, reaching into the cashier and extracting many bits. Handing him the bits you continued, "Applejack out of town Big Mac, she usually makes the deliveries?" "Eeeeeyup," was the only response you got from him as he turned to leave, having other errands to run. "Make sure Cheerilee can walk in the morning this time!" you yelled after him. You weren't sure how many other ponies heard you, but you know Mac definitely did. His cheeks flushed a bright pink while he increased his pace, you knew he'd make you pay for that, but the moment was too good to pass, so you could live with it. Big Mac was a quiet one. He'd developed a bit of a reputation amongst Ponyvilles residents for his short responses, and a reputation amongst the mares for his large 'responses'; at least that's what Rainbow told you. None the less, Mac was probably your first real friend in Ponyville. You met him shortly after arriving here, as the friendship police led by one Twilight Sparkle decided you needed to meet some of the residents. Sweet Apple Acres was a quaint little farm on the edge of Ponyville, which is where you met Mac, and the two of you hit it off from there. The hours passed by and customers came and went, until it was just you and a certain mare left in the establishment. A plum coloured mare you knew all too well. A mare notorious not only for her drinking habits, but also for being one of the best connoisseurs of fine wines and ciders from here to the Badlands. Berry Punch. She taught you everything you know about Equestrian mixology. She had guided you through the ups and downs of bartending from the day after you met her, having drunk her under the table the previous night. From then on the two of you have been close, not in a romantic sense, but in a teacher and student sense. Throughout the year you knew her the two of you went from master and apprentice to friends, which made a lot of the resident of Ponyville wonder if there was something between you two. More than once ponies had asked if it was more but sadly you always gave the same response, 'Just friends'. The mare certainly had her charms though. She was smart, honest and caring. You had even met her daughter, Pinchy, when you went to her house for lessons in management, and she was the most hyperactive and adorable filly you'd ever met. "I must say," Berry said away from you, interrupting your train of thought, "this certainly has been a quiet day, I could almost hear your internal monologuing." She then waved an empty cocktail glass in your face, to which you gave a confused face. "Suprise me," was the only answer you got. You took the glass, a small grin on your face. You knew what she was doing, your knowledge of earth based cocktails had made this place quite popular, and she wanted something that was not on the regular menu. You turned around to the under bar and got to work. "Cranberry juice, raspberry juice, amaretto and bourbon," you said to no one in particular. Turning back around, you placed the concoction in front of her. "Berry, I present to you the Big Mac." She looked between you and the glass, her face very slowly contorting to a smile. "Seriously?" she sniggered. "Is it because it's red, like a certain stallion we know." She ogled the drink before smelling it, recoiling slightly at its strong smell. "No," you answered, partly laughing as well, "it's because it kicks like a mule." Berry began to drink, which quickly became an attempt to down it. After a few seconds, she slammed the glass down, which earned a strained look from you. She licked her lips, and smiled slightly. "Not bad, certainly has a pleasant aftertaste, I'd say I've taught you quite well." she said, "but don't get ahead of yourself, you have a while yet before you're on my level." She leaned forward slightly, her ample breasts pushing against the counter top. Her eyes were staring into yours as the taller mare leaned over you, "now be a good boy and make me another." You were blushing furiously, Berry has never done anything like that before to you. Regaining your composure, you turned to the pumps, red still present on your face. You poured Berry some cider, whilst doing the same for yourself. The two of you idly chatted for quite some time, the darkness of the outside world slowly seeping in through the window. Looking at the clock above the door, you saw that it was 10:30. "I think I'll close early tonight," you thought to yourself with a smile. > A new kind of cocktail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know Anon," a slightly tipsy berry said as she drank away half her glass of cider, "you never did tell me how you eneded up in Equestria." The mare was sat alone across from you, a small collection of empty glasses forming in front of her. Leaning against the bar, you replied. "There's not much to tell really, I woke up to a violent rumbling, fell out my bed, landed on a concrete floor and when I stood up, I was assaulted by 5 guys and brought before a princess. So yeah, an average Friday for me." The little monologue caused berry to laugh, which caused you to blush. Berry's chest bounced with each little giggle, the massive melons being the central focus of your vision. Her giggle fit had brought to your attention just how gorgeous this mare was. She was a good foot taller than you, but most equestrians were anyway. Her body was gifted in its proportions. Though equestrian bra sizes eluded you, those massive mammaries had to be the equivalent of G-cups on earth, the fabric prison of Berry's velvet red dress smushing them together, torturing you further. Breaking your eyes away from her chest, your gaze landed southwards, locked on her rear. Constricted by a small black miniskirt, the supple mounds of flesh made the bar stool they sat on look tiny in comparison. 'How did I never see this after all the years I've known her,' you thought to yourself. Unfortunately, your lingering didn't go unnoticed. "Like what you see?" Berry said, looking at you with a sultry gaze. Having been caught staring, you quickly diverted your attention to the empty glasses Berry had finished with and how much they needed a good cleaning. "I wasn't staring, I was just concerned you were going to fall off the stool 'is all," you said nervously, trying to divert the conversation. "Sure you were," she said with a knowing grin. Standing up the mare waved her hand, "Anyway, move over, I've got something special I want to show you". Curious to where this was going, you moved over to let her in, until she decided to squeeze past you to get to the far end of the bar. Berry took her time doing it as well, making sure to glide her well shaped butt along every part of your crotch. Oh how that glorious ass begged to be released from its tight fabric prison. But alas, Berry was a married mare, and a mother, whatever chance you had with her has long gone. She had always been a massive flirt, but she was not unfaithful by any means. You remember the time you first started working for her, back when she ran her own bar. She told you the story of some guy who walked in off the street. He offered her quite the hefty amount of bits to spend the night with her, so she offered him the option if leaving in a cab or in a coffin. 2 years later they were married. "Anon where's the rum, you know, the nice one?" you were pulled from you daydream once again by Berry, who had taken the liberty of helping herself to your private reserves. "Under the bar, next to the am......" you trailed off, all thought leaving you. There, right in front of you, was Berry. She had bent over, ass fully in the air, two mounds of glorious perfection. "Praise the sun," you said to yourself. "Never mind, found it!" Berry's' voice emerged from the bottom of the bar. Your mind returned to you as Berry shot back up, her immaculate breasts carrying the momentum, jiggling wildly. The item Berry had retrieved was probably the most valuable item you owned, most nobles in Canterlot would call you mean names for an item of such worth, you assumed at least, you've never heard a pony death threat. Berry eyed the bottle in question with a look of pure excitement, like a foal getting it's cutie mark. "Moonrise dark rum," she said to herself, hugging the bottle tightly. "Maybe I should just drink you now all to myself, you'd like that wouldn't you," she whispered quietly to it, stroking the side gently. She began to unscrew the cap "Come on, open up for mama," Before the mare got anymore sexual with the alcohol, you snatched it from her grip, the mare grasping for the bottle as it left her. "Please don't Berry," you said in a pleading tone, fighting off the mare who was mauling over you, eyes set on the bottle. "This was a 'welcome to Equestria' gift from Luna, I only open it on really special occasions," Berry slowly stopped her assault, noticing how you were starting to redden due to having her massive melons pressed against your face. You pulled back quickly, turning away so to hide your very obvious blush, before Berry pulled you straight back into the pillowy mounds. She rubbed your head, cooing softly. "You're so easy to tease sometimes, you know that right," she said in a motherly tone. "Anyway, enough playing around, go sit over there and wait for me," she pointed to one of the tables in the middle of the room. Curiously, you obliged the request and moved to the table without hesitation. "And no peeking!" came Berry from behind the bar, busy with whatever she was making. It felt weird to be served drinks in your own bar, actually it felt weird to be sitting this side of the bar. The room looked completely different from this angle. You were either cleaning or collecting glasses whenever you were over here, so you never really took much notice. The happy hums of Berry were the only sound heard, powerful enough to drown out the ticking of the clock above the door, yet gentle enough to will a baby to sleep. She was a wonderful mare through and through. "It's done!" came Berry's voice once more. Happily, the mare bounced over to you, beverage in hand. God that gait was enough to stir something in anyone. The way her hips swayed so sexually, it was almost mesmerising. Berry set the drink down in front of you, as you regained your composure. The drink in question was a deep ocean blue, with a small orange hue at the bottom. It smelt a little like apricot much to your liking. "Well?" Berry said. "What are you waiting for, drink it already?" That last bit sounded almost desperate. Picking up the glass you took a small sip, allowing just enough luiquid in to assess it. It was good. You quickly turned the sip into a gulp, followed by several more. Unbeknownst to you, Berry's smile turned into a smug grin as she watched you down the last of the drink. Placing the glass down she spoke up. "So how was it?" "Good," you replied. "Really good, probably the best drink i've ever had." Berry picked up the empty glass, admiring it in the light. "I know," she said smugly. "I really have outdone myself woth this one, anyway, you sit and relax, i'm gonna' go clean up." Not one to turn down free help, you sat idly watching Berry go back to the bar. Once again the behind of Berry had caught your full attention, not that anyone would blame you, her ass was perfect after all. The way it bounced with each step she took, oh those poor cheeks, compressed by that miniskirt, begging for freedom. When you first got here, these kinds of thoughts would be far from your mind, but right now all you could think about was Berrys bangable behind. "It looks really tight in there" came Berrys voice. "They certainly do..." you trailed off in agreement. Wait, What!?. "No that's not what i...whoa!!" Berry had returned from the bar during your deep thoughts and taken the oppourtunity to tackle you to the ground. While you would certainly not argue being smushed by her frankly superb set of hooters, you would however not like Berry to witness your shockingly hard member currently restricted by its fabric prison. "Oppsies," Berry began. "Looks like I may have had a bit too much to drink," She sat upright, still on your chest. "You wouldn't leave a poor, defenceless mare all by herself when she's over the limit would you." Berry got very close to your face, close enough that her big beautiful lilac eyes were all you could see. Slowly you felt one of her hands glide itself over your groin, stroking your member through the fabrics as a small moan escaped your lips. "How about I stay here tonight and you keep me company?" she asked with a sultry gaze. "Berry, you're married, we can't..." you were cut off mid sentence as Berry placed her finger on your lips. "Shhhhhh," she whispered softly. Slowly she undid the zipper of your pants. "Now then, let's have some fun." > Shaken and Stirred > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Berry sat atop your chest, her sultry gaze locked deep in your eyes. She slowly leant forward, giving you a full view of her cleavage, your body heating up further at the whole display. Before you could react, she pulled you up and stole your lips with a kiss, her tongue and yours quickly finding themselves in a battle for dominance, a battle you very quickly lost. You knew this was wrong on so many levels, but for some reason, you just couldn't stop her, it's as if your body simply refused and your will to resist her was diminishing rapidly. You tried to pull away, only for Berry to push herself deeper. Her tongue exploring every crevice of your mouth. Eventually, the kiss was broken by the biological need to breathe, the heavy panting coming from you signalled Berry to give you a moments recovery as a small trail of saliva still connected your mouths. Berry slowly cupped her hands around your cheeks, the lager mare forcing you to look into her deep lilac eyes as she locked lips with you once more. As your tongues danced together once more, Berry slowly moved her hands to the back of her dress. The sounds of unzipping could be heard as Berry's heaving chest was exposed to the cold air of the bar. You could feel her nipples lightly poking your chest as her breasts smushed against you, the mare still engrossed in thoroughly exploring your lips. You soon felt your right hand being guided towards Berry's soft, left breast. Without thought, you grasped the supple flesh, her much larger size overflowing within your grasp. You were hesitant, your heart accelerating rapidly. "I have to stop, now!" you thought to yourself. "She's my best friend, my teacher, so why can't I stop." Mustering what remained of your will you released your hand, letting her boob bounce freely once more. Two hands clasped straight back onto your wrists, pulling them onto Berry's chest. "I know you've been staring at them all night," Berry said. "you naughty boy," her tone was becoming more seductive by the second. Berry pulled you into her chest, quickly smothering you. Leaning into your ear, she whispered seductively. "And naughty boys need to be punished." Whatever berry was trying to achieve with that it worked, your member was threatening to burst through your pants at this point. And Berry's huge ass pressed against it certainly didn't help, she was practically sitting on you at this point. Your temperature was rising by the second and it was becoming harder and harder to keep focus. "What the hell did Berry put in that drink?!" you ask yourself. As Berry suffocated you with her breasts, you felt her wiggle her hips, brushing herself against the tent in your pants. "Oh," she said surprised. Releasing your head, she moved down your body, her head lingering over your heavily constricted member. "Did I wake someone up?" she began to pull down your jeans, averting her full attention to them. "Good!" she said with a smile before ripping them off, exposing your member to the warmth of the bar. Wasting no time, Berry dived at her prize, her mouth hungry for you. You gasped as her muzzle clamped down on your member. The wave of pleasure forcing your hips to buck, seeking more. The rush you felt nearly pushed you over the edge there and then, but suddenly Berry stopped, your balls throbbing, begging for her to continue. Releasing you with a small *pop* Berry smiled, her chest once again moving into view. The sight of her fantastic fun-bags bouncing once again caused your dick to pulse painfully. As a devious smile worked its way onto Berry's face, she gave your dick one last teasing lick. She quickly moved to straddle you, only this time facing away. Before you realised what was going on, you once again felt the warmth of berried mouth firmly around you. However, the mares larger frame kept you pinned firmly to the floor as your dick was mercilessly assaulted by waves of pleasure from Berry's' skilled tongue. As her plump full lips left a barrage of kisses up and along your shaft. You always knew Berry had a dominant personality, but you didn't expect that to apply to the bedroom, as her firm yet gentle grasp kept you pinned to the floor. Subtlety she moved her nether region over you, her bubbly butt now bared over your face. Berry briefly looked over her shoulders at you a lust filled dominant gaze on her face. "I've seen you stare at my big fat ass nearly every day I've known you, so how about you and it get nice and personal.” She teased, blowing a kiss as she swayed and bounced her rump in front of your face. Between the pheromones and whatever Berry had put in that drink, you no longer had any self-control. You found yourself reaching forward, your mind focused on worshipping that big, beautiful rear. Clasping her cheeks with your hands, her fat moulded around them as you proceeded to grope the wondrous orbs. “Go on, play with it all you want” Berry moaned. You didn't hesitate to meld and warp her perfect cheeks; those glorious mounds demanding to be played with. Unconsciously, you spread her cheeks apart and what appeared before you was her poor, dripping pussy that was commanding you to make friends with it. Berry pushed herself further towards you. "I assume you like my ass?" Berry said saucily. You playfully grope her ass harder in response causing her to yelp slightly. "Oh!, I'll take that as a yes," she smiled coyly at you. "so why don't you have a taste of it!" she yelled at you in a seductive manner. Without warning Berry bared the full force of her much bigger frame against you, slamming her ass down on top of you, straddling your face. Wasting no time, you did as you were ordered, your tongue darting for the mare in front of you. The way Berry tasted; it was like freshly picked summer fruits. You couldn't get enough of it. Taking a few more licks around her, you felt her quiver as a small moan escaped Berry's mouth. You decided to go in a little deeper. Inhaling her scent once more, you dove your tongue straight into her dripping folds until it couldn’t go any deeper. This sudden action caused berry to push her ass even harder against you, her thighs slowly grinding against your face. The gasps and heated moans from Berry caused you to continue serving her starved pussy, making sure to lick every crack and crevice deep within her folds. "Ohh....Ah.....Ahhhhahhhhhh!" The pleasured moans from Berry soon turned to cries of ecstasy as she reached her orgasm from your continued assault. Her folds overflowing with her juices as she came on your face. Berry slumped on top of you, her face landing near you painfully hard member. You didn't say anything, your mind still hazy from all that had just happened. Slowly, Berry got up, her eyes not leaving your member. She reached out her hand and grazed the very tip, causing it twitch and you to inhale sharply. Berry's vacant expression very quickly turned, a dominant smile appearing on her face. Without warning or care, she started pumping you hard, the action causing you to cry out in pleasure. Berry's hand felt like velvet against your sensitive member, her fingers dancing as she continued to shake out her prize. Berry increased her pace as her other hand started to massage your swollen balls. She groped and toyed with your jewels, squeezing them painfully as if trying to coax your sperm out of their home. Berry said nothing, your moans were all the encouragement she needed to keep going faster and faster. The much larger mare seemed content to keep you trapped beneath her, unable to do anything as she jacked you helplessly. Her big jiggly ass right in front of your face, taunting you, but unable to be touched, your arms trapped under her thighs. Suddenly her pace increased further and she tugged harder and harder. "Fuuuck...Berry....…Aaaaauuuuuuugh!" was all you could muster as your back arched, your internal floodgates opening. Your orgasm came tearing out faster than anything you'd seen before. A jet stream of white exploded out of your cock. Berry's hands ceasing their assault as thick ropes of cum coated every part of her face. The orgasm continued for a few seconds, each shot forcing your dick to twitch and spasm, your hips jolting into the air before dying down, leaving you panting breathlessly beneath the magenta mare. Silence followed, the only sound being the shallow breaths of your post-orgasm state. Slowly berry sat up and turned to once again face you. You came alright. You came a lot. And the large deposit of cum now between Berry's tits was a good sign that that had just happened. Berry took a finger and wiped some of you off of her cheek, her eyes locked onto yours. Slowly, she raised her finger to her muzzle, eyeing the substance before licking it clean. The action caused your dick to stand straight back up, slamming onto the back of berry's ass. The soft flesh cushioning the impact. Her eyes lit up in surprise as her mouth formed a small "o". However, her expression soon darkened into one of pure desire as she grabbed your head and pulled you towards her, the desire and need in her voice made you even harder. "BUCK ME!" Wasting no time, you pushed berry off, your loins begging for release once more. Pushing her to the floor, you grabbed her fat thighs, pulling your goal towards you. "Oh wow," Berry said stunned, your sudden lust overpowering her. "where did this come frooooooohhhhhh!!" she moaned as you pushed yourself as far as you could physically go into her dripping pussy. Her folds quivered around you as she cried out in pleasure. You grabbed berry's wrists, restricting her movements as you began to thrust into her, your lust filled haze being driven further by berry's scent. Berry began forcing you to pick up the pace I, wanting every bit of you inside her. “Y-ahh…you’re so b-big," She yelled out in between breaths "ohhhh...buck me, buck me like the dirty mare I am!” Berry's moans continued to drive you as her fat ass slammed down to meet your pelvis. A small pain was beginning to amount around your groin, the mare's size taking its toll on your body, but your need and desire; the years of denying yourself that you wanted this, was forcing you to carry on. You were going to destroy this mare, even if it kills you. Feeling both Berry's and your own peak coming you slammed yourself into her tight cunt once more, gritting your teeth as you did so, and immediately after, you felt berry constrict around your dick. “Ohhhh…ooohhhh…Celestia, I'm cummingggggg!.” Berry moaned, staining the floor of the bar as you both came together, her pussy milking your dick for all the seed it had. Slowly, you slid out of berry, releasing her wrists as she collapsed. The mare uttering the last of her strength to roll onto her back to meet your eyes. Her eyes, however, were not me with the same look of content she bore. Yours were the eyes of a predator, ready to pounce on its prey. Hurriedly, you dragged her ass towards you, your dick already at attention. Whatever Berry had put in that drink, she was going to reap what she sowed. "W..wait a minute Anon, I'm not ready foraaaaaaahhhhhh!!" not giving the mare pause for thought, you dove straight into your prize, burying yourself deep into her supple ass. “Holy shit…” Berry breathed out, adrenaline coursing through her veins and arteries. Her ass clenched around your member, massaging it further as you thrust into her hard without mercy. Berry's breasts bounced idly as your thrusts continued, your pace ever increasing, determined to bring the mare beneath you to a blistering orgasm. "Ahhhh....ohhhh.....b..buck meeeeeEEEEEE!" Berry screeched as you slapped her ass, causing the mounds of flesh to jiggle wildly, only increasing the pleasure you felt. Grabbing her tits, she began to play with her nipples, desperately trying to push herself to orgasm. Minutes passed; moans and grunts echoing through the bar. Berry's eyes had already rolled into the back of her head as her tongue dangled just outside her mouth, her mind already broken by the intense pleasure. Once more; pressure began to build up. Seizing her moment, Berry grabbed you and pulled you close, your lips locking as you both reached your peak. Your orgasms came as a cloud of white exploded from you, building up within Berrys' cushiony ass, the excess leaking onto the floor of the bar. As the orgasm died down, your hazed mind began to clear. Your lust filled frenzy finally stated as your member fell limply out of Berrys' stained behind. Relinquishing the kiss, Berry pulled away. Her eyes half-lidded with a dopey, content smile on her face. She said nothing, instead deciding to pull you into a tight embrace, her frame encasing yours in a velvet duvet of magenta. Her pillowy breasts living up to their description as your head was nestled between them. Exhausted, you both collapsed onto the stained wood floor of the bar; providing an oversized mattress for the two of you. Your mind wandered around in its drunk state as you lay there, softly held by your best friend. Yeah, you just fucked your her. Yeah, she has a husband who will probably be your end. Yeah, tonight is gonna be a bitch to clean up. But that's future yous' problem. Right now you're just fine here, with Berry sleeping contently at your side. You heard a sniffle as she snuggled against you, pulling you tightly towards her. “I Loved you… she whispered as a small tear rolled down her cheek. > A hangover you probably deserve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You awoke to the crisp cool air of morning, your head throbbing as light invaded your vision from the windows around the bar. Slowly, your eyes adjusted to the overwhelming light, and you began to dizzily stand up, staggering a few times as you did so. You looked around the bar, gauging how you ended up on the floor of the bar. The sight that greeted you was not so welcoming. It was a mess. Small stains were dotted around the room and along the floor, several glasses had been shattered and you swear you could see claw marks on the floor. "Just what the fuck happened last night?" you thought to yourself. Slowly the previous events that had transpired began to come back to you. You remembered closing the bar, going to clean up when...... "BERRY!!!!" Quickly coming to your senses, you battled the pain in your head and set about finding the mare in question. Begining your search in the back, where your kitchen was. Racing inside you saw hat the room was empty, nothing more than a small cup of coffee brewed on the side, which has since gone cold. Whether she had brewed it for you or herself, it was a clear indication that she had been in here at some point, and the state she was in, she couldn't have long woken up. Once again your head throbbed, forcing you to massage it with one of your hands. You looked again at the coffee, the creme starting to separate on the top. You've had worse. You let Berry drug you after all. Downing the liquid, you resumed your search deciding to try upstairs. Darting up the stairs, you began to approach your own bedroom, the door slightly ajar. You remember locking it before opening up yesterday evening, so you'd bet your wine stocks she was in there. Slowly approaching the room, you began to think. What would you say to her anyway? Hello? No that's a stupid idea. You just fucked her for Christ's sake. You okay? No that sounds like I didn't enjoy it, maybe.... *sob* You heard a sound from behind the door. Leaning closer you listened through the gap. And what you heard nearly broke your heart. She was crying. Your Berry Punch. Your best friend in Equestria; was crying. Without hesitation, you started towards her determined to cease her sorrowful tears. As you reached her, however, her trembling frame shied away, tucking her head into her body. The tears continued, Berry still refusing to acknowledge you. Every sob causing you further anguish. Why weren' you helping her? The human she knew wouldn't sit there, his friend in tears, and do nothing. Your resolve found; you grabbed Berry's shoulder, forcing her to look at you. However as soon as you did, she tried her hardest to look away, her head dropping the floor, the waterworks in her eyes still operating. Your grip tightening and your temper waning, you raised your voice, piercing her sensitive pony ears. "Berry Punch!" you ordered. "Look at me this instant!" Slowly, her bloodshot eyes opened and focused directly on you. Their once beautiful radiance had vanished to be replaced by sorrow and pain. It hurt you to see her like this. Were you to blame? Does she feel like she betrayed Gold Grafter? Should...should you have stopped her when you could have? Suddenly, Berry pulled you close, resting her head on your shoulder. Her cries now reduced to small sniffles. You were surprised at the sudden movement but still returned the hug, rubbing your hands gently through her main. "He left me," she croaked, her voice hoarse. "What?" you internally yelled, your gears slowly grinding to a halt. Pulling away from the hug, you stood up, eyes locked firmly on Berry as she sighed, clearly regretting what she just said. "What was that?" you ordered knowing full well what she had said. Your voice cold, void of any emotion. Sensing your slowly growing rage, Berry complied. Her eyes slowly started to well up again as she elaborated. "Gold left me, he just walked in, took the business and ran," she explained. "Then yesterday I got a message from the bank telling me I had a week to move out the house and that 'Berry's blast cider' was no longer my legal business." Berry's voice had gone from upset to fully hysterical, tears forming small puddles on the bed beneath her. "And to make matters worse Pinchy keeps asking me when daddy is going to come home; how can I tell a five-year-old her dads decided to cut us out of his life." "I just..." her voice had quietened down again as she spoke through small sobs. "I just don't get why, he had no reason to leave; he wasn't having an affair, I wasn't cheating. So why?" She looked up at you, her eyes on the verge of exploding into a sea of tears. "We were just about to expand the business, we were going to live our dream." she continued, slumping back onto the bed. "Instead I don't have a home, a job and I spent the last of my bits in some cheap ass bar!" She then threw her arms above her head, her body stretched out across the bed. "Mother of the year fillies and gentlecolts." With that phrase, she resumed her tears. You stood there, trying to process the information you had just been given. You've known Gold Grafter for a long time, almost as long as you'd known Berry. They were very happy together. He had no reason to leave her, let alone cut Pinchy out of his life. Why would he take the house, leave her destitute, he loved her. You knew that better than anyone. While all this new information still didn't add up, one thing was clear to you. No magic in Equestria will fix what you do to Gold when you next see him. Looking down at Berry, you nearly began crying yourself. A mare as wonderful as her shouldn't suffer through something like this. You needed to do something for her. That's when you remembered. A small smile crept onto your face. You needed a barmaid. "Berry," you said, finally breaking yourself out of thought. "Work for me," you said sternly. Looking down at the sombre mare, you saw her ears perk up. Her crying died down as she responded. "Huh?" she said, picking herself up to face you. Smiling warmly at her, you continued. "Work for me Berry, I'll give you a place to stay, good food and I'm even looking forward to taking care of pinchy when you need some time for yourself." You offered her a hand to help her off the bed. Berry's eyes went wide, however, hers did not meet yours. "Anon, i.....i...." you didn't give her chance to finish, grabbing her hand holding it warmly. "Berry, when I first arrived in Equestria you gave me everything to help me stand on my own two feet, I won't let you fall off yours now. Come work for me Berry, please." You slowly looked to the floor, before returning your gaze to her. "It hurts me when I see you like this," Berry sat still for a few seconds, her eyes slowly starting to fill with tears once more. But this was different, these weren't tears of sadness, these were ones of hope, of happiness. This time Berry took your hand, pulling you into a tight embrace as she locked you in. Her tears flooded down your back and legs as you gently patted her head. "Thank you....." Berry whispered. The bar was busier than usual tonight, the once faint sounds of idle chatter replaced by the howls and laughter of ponies and gryphons alike. You'd become quite popular these past few weeks, due in no small part to the imaginative mind of a certain business partner ( and nothing else) you were acquainted with. Who also happened to be serving people in the room beneath you. "Can we pway again tomowwow, pwese?" a small filly asked, tucking herself into the bed you sat on. Smiling down at her adorable form, you stroked her mane as she let out a small giggle. "Of course Pinchy, we'll go to the park the second you come home from school, the three of us," you replied. "You pwomise," she pleaded, looking up at you with adorable puppy eyes, holding out her pinky finger. Understanding the gesture, you locked your own pinky finger with hers. "Yeah, I promise," Pulling the duvet over her, you kissed the top of her head affectionately before heading for the door. "Goodnight Daddy," she whispered. The words digging deep into your heart. Smiling, you turned the light off. "Goodnight Pinchy," you said before shutting the door and heading downstairs. The bar was still busy, with many ponies sharing stories at tables or dancing horribly on the new disco floor you had built. Either way, it was nice. Everyone looked happy. But nowhere near as happy as Berry looked. She was smiling wider than you had seen her smile in a long time, and that smile grew even bigger when she saw you approach. "How's my favourite employee doing?" you asked her, moving behind the bar to rest on the counter. "Not too bad, though I guess there's this one guy I work with who can be a real ass sometimes" she responded playfully. Laughing you playfully groped Berrys' behind, which was amplified greatly by the frilly maid outfit she had decided to wear. "I don't think anyone can be more of an 'ass' than you Berry," you replied lustily. Berry's cheeks flushed as she batted your hand away. However, she soon found herself rubbing her hand along your thighs. "I think we'll have to have a 'sit down' on this matter, don't you think so, boss?" she said hungrily. Berry began to grind her hips into you, her attention now away from the patrons and set solely on you. It wasn't until you heard a glass shatter that you looked back. Nearly the entire bar was looking at you with mixed expressions. Some were of disgust, some were of jealousy while most were of general confusion. The room was silent until it was broken by an old grey stallion halfway on his way out. "Just buck already!" he yelled out. The entire bar descended into laughter, with you and Berry stood there, deep blushes on your faces. you both looked at each other, before laughing yourselves. After a while, the laughter had died down and people had gone back to their drinks. You were off duty now, sitting at the bar with Big Mac who arrived sometime after the fiasco. You were telling him the story of how you ended up in Ponyville, until Berry leant over the bar, her melons dangling in front of you. "Well then, what can I get you, Boss?" Berry giggled, leaning back again so she could see your flushed face. "I'll take a Maretini" you smiled "Shaken, not stirred."